Indigenous Peoples' Food Systems and Well-Being
Chapter 11 The Nuxalk Food and Nutrition Program for Health revisited v nanCy J. turnEr 1 v WilFred r. talliO 2 v sanDy BurgEss 2, 3 v HarriEt V. KuHnlEin 3 Indigenous Peoples’ food systems & well-being 177 British Columbia Bella Coola Vancouver Canada Figure 11.1 NUXALK Nation Bella Coola, British Columbia Data from ESRI Global GIS, 2006. Walter Hitschfield Geographic Information Centre, McGill University Library. 1 school of Environmental studies, university of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada 4 2 Centre for indigenous nuxalk nation, peoples’ nutrition Indigenous Peoples, food systems, Bella Coola, and Environment (CinE) Key words > British Columbia, Canada and school of Dietetics traditional food, Nuxalk Nation, British Columbia, and Human nutrition, intervention 3 mcgill university, (retired) salmon arm, montreal, Quebec, British Columbia, Canada Canada Photographic section >> XXII 178 Indigenous Peoples’ food systems & well-being | Case studies | nuxalk “They came out in droves!” Rose Hans, in recollection of the feasts for youth that were part of the Nuxalk Food and Nutrition Program, as remembered in 2006 abstract Introduction the original diet of the nuxalk nation incorporated a range of nutritious fish and seafood, game and various plant foods, he Nuxalk Food and Nutrition including greens, berries and root vegetables. However, early Program was conceived in the research underlying the nuxalk Food and nutrition program demonstrated a dramatic shift in diet during the twentieth early 1980s and began officially in century, with less use of traditional food and greater reliance 1983. It was a collaborative research on processed and less healthy food, combined with a more project involving the Nuxalk1 Nation sedentary lifestyle.
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