Norwegian Journal of Entomology
Norwegian Journal of Entomology Volume 49 No. 2 • 2002 Published by the Norwegian Entomological Society Oslo and Stavanger NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY A continuation ofFauna Norvegica Serie B (1979-1998), Norwegian Journal ofEntomology (1975-1978) and Norsk entomologisk Tidsskrift (1921-1974). Published by The Norwegian Entomological Society (Norsk ento mologisk forening). Norwegian Journal ofEntomologypublishes original papers and reviews on taxonomy, faunistics, zoogeography, general and applied ecology ofinsects and related terrestrial arthropods. Short communications, e.g. one or two printed pages, are also considered. Manuscripts should be sent to the editor. Editor Lauritz Semme, Department ofBiology, University ofOslo, P.O.Box 1050 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway. E mail: Editorial secretary Lars Ove Hansen, Zoological Museum, University of Oslo, P.O.Box 1172, Blindern, N-0318 Oslo. E-mail: Editorial board Ame C. Nilssen, Tromse John O. Solem, Trondheim Uta Greve Jensen, Bergen Knut Rognes, Stavanger Ame Fjellberg, Tjeme Membership and subscription. Requests about membership should be sent to the secretary: Jan A. Stenlekk, P.O. Box 386, NO-4002 Stavanger, Norway ( Annual membership fees for The Norwegian Ento mological Society are as follows: NOK 200 (juniors NOK 100) for members with addresses in Norway, NOK 250 for members in Denmark, Finland and Sweden, NOK 300 for members outside Fennoscandia and Denmark. Members ofThe Norwegian Entomological Society receive Norwegian Journal ofEntomology and Insekt-Nytt free. Institutional and non-member subscription: NOK 250 in Fennoscandia and Denmark, NOK 300 elsewhere. Subscription and membership fees should be transferred in NOK directly to the account of The Norwegian Entomo logical Society, attn.: Egil Michaelsen, Kurlandvn.
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