Teaching Under China's Market Economy: Five Case Studies
Study onChinacover7/02/1218:00Page1 978-92-95089-85-3 (PDF) 978-92-95089-84-6 (Paperback) theglobe. and territoriesaround touniversityin173countries pre-school andeducationworkersfrom teachers, professors than 30 million more Education Internationalisthe globalunionfederationrepresenting www.ei-ie.org Education International TEACHING UNDER CHINA’S MARKET ECONOMY: FIVE CASE STUDIES Education International January 2012 QUALITY PUBLICSER Teaching under China’s Market underChina’s Teaching AND RESOURCESFOR GLOBAL CORPORATE Economy: FiveCaseStudies TAXATION TAXATION VICES Study on China 8/02/12 11:46 Page 1 Education International Teaching under China’s Market Economy: Five Case Studies Principal Investigator Dr. Shibao Guo, University of Calgary Co-Principal Investigator Dr. Yan Guo, University of Calgary Co-Investigators Dr. Gulbahar Beckett, University of Cincinnati Dr. Qing Li, University of Calgary Dr. Linyuan Guo, University of Prince Edward Island January 2012 Study on China 8/02/12 11:46 Page 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank the following individuals who provided research assistance for this project: Jianmin Chang, Mo Chen, Chen Li, Angyue Liu, Weiwei Sun, Yao Xiao, Lorin Yochim, Yan Zhang, and Juanjuan Zhao. Funding from Education International is also acknowledged with appreciation. Contact Information Shibao Guo, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education University of Calgary - 2500 University Dr. NW Calgary, AB T2N 1N4 Canada Tel: 403-220-8275 - Fax: 402-282-8479 - Email: guos@ucalgary.ca Study on China 8/02/12 12:17 Page 3 TEACHING UNDER CHINA’S MARKET ECONOMY: FIVE CASE STUDIES FOREWORD Education International 27th Executive Board, meeting in Brussels on 25–27 October 2006, endorsed a set of recommendations on EI and China, among them to undertake a study on the situation of teachers and education in selected areas of China.
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