The Griff January 2010.Qxp
The Griff The Magazine of the Royal Air Force Police Association R “Lest we forget” JANUARY 2010 This Issue! Regular Features Special Articles Letters to the Editor p.6 One of our aircraft went missing! p.4 Welcome to New Members p.19 St. Clement Danes Celebrations p.10 Last Post p.22 NI Army Dog Memorial p.12 Bygone Days & Years p.24 Silk Stocking & Spitfires p.20 Walk Down Memory Lane p.26 A Perfect Partnership: final part p.21 Views expressed in The Griff are those of the Editor and individual contributors and do not necessarily represent RAFPA policy. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any person, at any time, by any method, without the express permission of the Editor or originator in writing. Page 2 2010 The Griff Page 3 2010 Who’s Who in the RAF Police Association - 2010 Hon. President Hon. Vice PresidPresidentent Air Cdre. Steven Abbott C.B.E Gp. Capt. JohnG. D. W.Horscroft Whitmell, M.Phil., BA, RAF, ACoS FP, AO RAF Police MA,MA Ed,MSc, BA, BSc, PM Provost(RAF). Marshal (RAF ) Life Vice Presidents: Steve Cattell, E Mail Neil Rusling, E Mail David Wardell, E Mail Elected Officers Chairman: Brian G. Flinn Vice Chairman: Alan Millership (J.P) 11, Beverley Way 38 Pennine Road, Thorne, Doncaster, Cepen Park South, Chippenham South Yorkshire DN8 5RU Wilts., SN14 0XS Tel. No. 01405 818159 Tel. No. 01249 460318 Mob: 07849 468366 E.Mail: E.Mail: Treasurer: Tony Lake Secretary: David Wardell 24 Trendlewood Park, Stapleton, 40, South Western Crescent Bristol BS16 1TE Poole, Dorset, BH14 8RR Tel: 0117 965 2302 Tel/Fax 01202 747176 E Mail: E Mail: Voluntary Posts RAFPA Archivist: John Curtis Editor The Griff: Mitch O'Neill 28 Tennyson Avenue, Gedling, 11, Florentine Way, Waterlooville, Nottingham, NG4 3HJ Hampshire, PO7 8JY Tel.No.
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