GOVERNMENT .or INDIA MINISTRY. OF' COMMUNICATIONS, CIVIL AVIATION DEPARTMENT TO , AIRCRAF/T- ,OWNERS AND' GR.OU'NIl ENGINEERS ,,~ , ,19aO-1948 (.D53.2. " . Ji~ '. ~~!, ~7-:-11~H) 053.2 H9 liT ~ M1NAGEB 01' PU'BLICIATlOlllS, Dm.m~ I:fblA 045563 {ANAalJl, ,GQVERNMElIIT 01' INDJ,\ PILIISS, NBW DIIl.IU" ImlI&. ~ ,'f .J 1939 ,,-,Or. ~ -f I ~rie. R,. 1/'l- ':t 1r~. 'd. DhananJ8yarao Gadgll Llbrar:; 111111111111 11111 11111 11111 11111 1111 lill __ ~~E-PUN~~O~~63J. ,- GOVERNMENT OF INDIA NOTICES TO AIRCRAFT OWNERS AND GROUND ENGINEERS. 1930-1948. ~ (1) The following Notices to Aircraft Owners and Ground En gineers issued during the years 1930·1948 remain in force on the .:JIst December 1948 and are reprinted herein with amendments inoor porated in certain cases:- 1930 • Nos. 4, 5; 17 and 29. 1932 • Nos. 10, 18, and 35. 1936 • Nos. 4,.5 and 54. 1937 •• Nos. 9 and 24. 1938 • Nos. 7 and 18. 1939 • Nos. 11 and 30. 1940 • Nos. 1 and 5. 1941 • No. 10. 1943 • No.6. 1944 • No.1. 1946 • Nos. 4, 11, 13 and 14. 1947 • Nos. 2,5,8,10,12,13,14.15,16,11,18, 19,20,23,24. 25, ~6, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38 and 39. 1948 ~ Nos. 3,4,6,7 and 8. (2) All Notices issued during the years 1930·1948 other than those listed above should be regarded as cancelled. It is pointen out that the cancellation of Notices issued to draw attention t() regulations, eto .• in nO' way affects the regulations in question.
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