Irish Educational Studies, Volume 10, 1991. INSTITUTION Educational Studies Association of Irelard, Dublin

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Irish Educational Studies, Volume 10, 1991. INSTITUTION Educational Studies Association of Irelard, Dublin DOCUMENT RESUME ED 339 652 SO 021 580 AUTHOR Hogan, Padraig, Ed. TITLE Irish Educational Studies, Volume 10, 1991. INSTITUTION Educational Studies Association of Irelard, Dublin. REPORT NO ISSN-0332-3315 PUB DATE 91 NOTE 299p. PUB TYPE Collected Works - Serials (022) JOURNAL CIT Irish Educational Studies; v10 Spr 1991 EDRS PRICE MF01/PC12 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Classroom Research; Curriculum Development; Educational History; Educational Policy; *Educational Research; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Higaer Education; Outcomes of Education; Preschool Education; Religious Education; Sex Bias; Staff Developnent; Student Educational Ot;jectives; Teacher Education; Teaching Methods IDENTIFIERS *Ileland ABSTRACT Articles on a wide range of issuei concerning the education system of Iraland are presented. The articles include: "Presidential Address to the ESAI Annual Conference, Thomond College, Limerick, March 1990" (J. Wilson); "Introduction to BOB--A Problem Solving Package" (L. Caul; L. Greenwoo); "Coping with Impersonal Orientations in Staff Development Designs" (M. Barry); "Teaching Higr,er Levels of Thinking in Elementary Geometry" (K. Gentile); "Gender Issues in Classroom Dyn&mics! The Need fo,- Research at .Second Level" (J. Hanafin); "How Shall StafDevelopment Programmes be Evaluated?" (J. Gentile); "AsI_ects of Play in the Junior Infant Classroom" (M. Horgan); "Girls and Science: Equality in School or Society? (A case for macro and micro analysis)" (N. O'Conaill); "The I.N.T.C., the Bishops and the Clash on School Funding (1945-1954)" (N. Ward); "The Limits of Thaternalism in Educational Relations" (K. Williams); "Second Level Mathematics Curricula: The Republic cf Ireland in International Perspective" (E. Oldham); "The Educational Dimension of Vocational Rehabilitation" (P. Davies); "The Teaching of Senior-Cycle Religion: An Irish Perspective" (G. Bourke); "Giris into Technology: Tssues Arising from the Evaluation of a Curriculum Development Frcject" (3. Gleeson); "Government Policy, The Church of Ireland and The Teaching of Irish 1540-1950" (V. Jones); "Reconceptualizina the Post-primary Curriculum: A Grid-matrix for the Design and Evaluation of a Core Curriculum" (J. McKernan); "Sport and Education: The Case for a Non-competitive Approach" (R. O'Donnchadha); "Values Development as Content for the Curriculum" (R. Houghton); "Ideological Conflict and Historical Interpretation: The Problem of History in Irish Primary Education c1900-1930" (A. S. MacShamhrain); "Part-time Mature Students in Hiaher Education: A Cast Study" (M. Morrissey and D. Irvine); "How General Ability Interacts with Instructional Methods tc Produce Different Learning Outcomes" (B. Surgrue; B. &amide); and "Integrating Equal Opportunitiesin tne Curriculum of Teacher Education 1988-1991: ,,,net Programme Dissemination Phase" (S. Drudy and others). (DB) U S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office ni Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOrRCES INFORMATION CENTE R (ERICI his document ha$ been reproduced as reCerved ttOm the person or organization *originating it r Minor changes have been made to improve teprOduCtiOn Quality Porn S 01 view or opinions Staled in this docu men! do nOI neCegailtily represent othciai OE 141 positron or pow). "PERMISSION TO REPRODU HIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY \ L.7 TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOUrICES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)" CY' BEST Y AVAILABLE 2 IRISH EDUCATIONAL STUDIES Vol. 10 Spring, 1991 Editorial Board Dr. Pildraig Hogan, General Editor, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth. Mr. Don Herron, Business Editor, St. John Bosco National School, Dublin. Professor John Contahan, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth. Dr. Gerry Gaden, University College, Dublin. Dr. John Harbison, Strantnills Co!lege, Belfast. Dr. Jim McKernan, University College, Dublin. An tUas. Padraig 6 Beolláin, Roinn Cig4e, An Roinn Oideachais, Corcaigh. Dr. Denis O'Sullivan, University College, Cork. Dr. John Wilson, former Director, NI. Council for Educational Research. Dr. Kevin Williams, Mater Dei Institute, Dublin. (Secretary to Board). Published by the Educational Studies Association of Ireland, Curnam. Léinn Oideachais na hEireann, Mayhooth, 1991. Copyright vested in contdbutors. Contents Notes on Contributors iv Editor's Preface vi Dr John Wilson Presidential Address to the ESAI AnnualConference, Thomond College, Limerick, March1990 1 Leslie Caul and Introduction to Bob A problem solving package Lillian Greenwood 9 Michael Barry Coping with Impersonal Orientationsin Staff Development Designs 18 Kay Johnson GentileTeaching Higher Levels of Thinkingin Elementary Geometry 27 Joan lianafin Gender Issues in Classroom DynamicsThe Need for Research at Second Level 42 J . Ronald Gentile How Shall Staff DevelopmentProgrammes Be Evaluated? 55 Mary Anne Ilorgan Aspects of Play in the Junior InfantClassroom 67 Neil O Conaill Girls and ScienceEquality in School or Society? (A Case for Macro and MicroAnalysis) 82 Noel Ward The 1.N.T.O., The Bishops and theClash on School Funding (1945-1954) 96 Kevin Williams The Limits of Paternalism inEducational Relations 110 Elizabeth Oldham Second Level Mathematics Curricula: The Republic of Ireland in InternationalPersretive 122 Peter Davies The Educational Dimensionof Vocational Rehabilitation 139 4 ifi Geraldine Bourke The Teaching of Senior-Cycle Religion : An Irish Perspective 151 Jim Gleeson Girls into Technology : Issues arising from the Evaluation of A Curriculum Development Project 163 Valerie Jones Government Policy, The Church of Ireland and the Teaching of Irish 1940-1950 177 Jim McKernan Reconceptualizing the Post-Primary Currkulum : A Grid-Matrix for the Design and Evaluation of a Core Curriculum 188 Reamonn6DonnchadhaSport and Education : The Case for a Non-Competitive Approach 205 Raymond W. HoughtonValues Development as Content for the Curriculum 217 A.S. MacShamhrdin Ideologkal Conflict and Historical Interpretation : The Problem of History in Irish Primary Education el:00-1930 229 Marie Morrissey andPart-timeMature Students in Higher r.ducat ion : Dec lan G. Irvine A Case Study 244 Brenda Sugrue and How General Ability Interacts with Instructional Bridie Barnicle Methods to Produce Different Learning Outcomes 258 Sheelagh Drudy, Integrating Equal Opportunitiesin theCurriculum Hugh Gash. of leacher Education 1988-1991 : Tenet Kathleen Lynch, Programme Dissemination Phase 271 Pcidraig6LdimhIn, Richard Moles, Claire Lane. Mairin Ganly, Cynthia Fogarty, Grdinne O'Flynn, Arthur Dunne. iv Notes on Contributors Dr. John Wilson is immediate Past-President of the E.S.A.I.He was Director of the Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research until his retirement last year. Leslie Caul, M.A. is a lecturer in Education at Stranmills College, Belfast. Lillian Greenwood is a researcher in Education at the University of Ulster, Jordanstown. Dr. Michael Barry, is Assistant Professor, College of Education, University of West Florida, U.S.A. Dr. K. Johnson Gentile, is a member of the Education Faculty at the State University of New York, Buffalo. Joan Flanafin, M.Ed. is a post-primary teacher in Limerick and lectures part-time in Thomond College. Dr. J. Ron Gentile, is a member of the Education Faculty at the State University of New York, Buffalo. Mary Anne Horgan, M.Ed is a primary teacher in Cork. Noel Ward, M.A. is a primary teacher in Tallaght.Ile is a member of the leachers Study Group Research Project and a member of the Executive of the I.N.T.0 Dr. Kevin Williams. Secretary of the E.S.A.I. is a lecturer in Education at Mater Dei Institute, Dublin. Elizabeth Oldham, M.I.itt. is a Lecturer in Education at Trinity College, Dublin. Mr. Peter Davies, is Director of the REHAB National Training College, Sandymount, Dublin. Geraldine Bourke, M.Ed. is a post-primary teacher in Limerick. Jim Gleesen, M.A. is a lecturer in Thomond College, Limerick and was Director of Curriculum Development Projects at the Curriculum Development Centre Shannon. Valerie Jones, M.Ed. is a part-time lecturer at Church of Ireland College of Education, Dublin. / Dr. Jim McKernan, former Editor of Irish Educational Studies,is a lecturer in Education at University College, Dublin. Réamonn 6 Donnchadha, M.Ed. is a primary school Principal in Ark low. Dr. Raymond Houghton, is a Research Professor at Trinity College, Dublin. Ailbhe Mac Shamhráin, M.Ed. is a primary teacher in Belcamp College, Dublin and a Doctoral student in Medieval History at Trinity College, Dublin. Marie Morrissey, M.Ed. is a member of the administration staff at University College, Galway and is involved in research in education on a pal t-time basis. Dr. Dec lan Irvine, is Acting Head of the Education Department, University College, Galway. Dr. Brenda Sugrue, is a training consultant.She also lectures part-time in Educational Psychology at the University of Southern California, U.S.A. Bridie Barnicle, M.Ed. is a lecturer in Education at Thomond College, Limerick. 7 vi Editor's Preface A few years ago, the Editorial Board and the Executive Committee of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland reviewed the editorial policy for this journal.1\vo broad alternatives were considered.On the one hand. the number of articles might be curtailed, the journal might havea more strictly academic character and be aimed more directly at the international community of scholars in education. On the other hand, the journal might seekto include a wider range of perspectives from teachers, research students and others, whose enduring interests in a variety of educational concerns
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