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I IRISH MEDIUM EDUCATION IRISH MEDIUM EDUCATION: COGNITIVE SKILLS, LINGUISTIC SKILLS, AND ATTITUDES TOWARDS IRISH. IVAN ANTHONY KENNEDY PhD COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND LIFELONG LEARNING, BANGOR UNIVERSITY 2012 i In memory of Tony. No one speaks English, and everything's broken, and my Stacys are soaking wet. ~Tom Waits, Tom Traubert's Blues ii There’s a ghost of another language shadow-dancing under my words. A phantom tongue that unravels like liquor, inspires like song. ~Sharanya Manivannann, First Language Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another. ~G.K. Chesterton iii Acknowledgements First, and foremost, I thank my supervisor, Dr. Enlli Thomas, for all the guidance over the years. Thank you Enlli for all your constructive and friendly support and for helping me to find and embark upon the right paths throughout this project. Your immense diligence, encouragement, and support went beyond measure and I will be forever grateful for the opportunities that you gave me. From start to finish, working with you on this project was an absolute pleasure. I also thank An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta & Gaelscolaíochta for their financial support in funding this project which made its undertaking possible. Thank you Pól Ó Cainin and Muireann Ní Mhóráin for your help. I thank Siân Wyn Lloyd-Williams for all the moral and academic support throughout the project. Your input is truly valued, helped to keep me grounded, and made the project more fun and less stressful than it might otherwise have been. Additionally, I thank Dave Lane for his expertise in creating the Flanker tasks and the Sustained Attention to Response Task computer programs, Gwyn Lewis and Jean Ware for academic assistance and feedback, Beth Lye and Mirain Rhys for scoring children’s written tests, and Raymond Byrne and Ross Byrne for helping to create and pilot the Irish vocabulary tests. Your help is truly appreciated. Also, I thank the principals and teachers for their consenting to my conducting research in their school, and for their time and efforts in helping me to succeed in my endeavours. Additionally, many thanks go to the school receptionists who were exceptionally helpful in the negotiation stages with the principals, recruitment stages with the parents, and data collection stages with the children. I benefitted so very much from your help. iv Finally, thanks to all the parents for their consenting to their children’s participation in this study and for their sharing of their thoughts about the Irish language in Ireland today. Of course huge thanks go to the children themselves, all of whom embraced the project with the utmost willingness, eagerness, and honesty. Their commitment made the data collection so much fun and the project itself possible. Thank you all so very much. v Author’s Declaration This work has not previously been accepted in substance for any degree and is not being concurrently submitted in candidature for any degree. Signed………………………………………………(candidate) Date…………………………………………………. STATEMENT 1 This thesis is the result of my own investigations, except where otherwise stated. Other sources are acknowledged by footnotes giving explicit references. A bibliography is appended. Signed………………………………………………(candidate) Date…………………………………………………. STATEMENT 2 I hereby give consent for my thesis, if accepted, to be available for photocopying and for inter-library loan, and for the title and summary to be made available to outside organisations. Signed………………………………………………(candidate) Date…………………………………………………. vi Contents Table of Contents LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................... XIV LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................... XV LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS .................................................................................... XIX ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... 1 OUTLINE .................................................................................................................................. 2 CHAPTER 1 .............................................................................................................................. 5 THE IRISH LANGUAGE .............................................................................................................. 5 HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF THE IRISH LANGUAGE .................................................................................... 5 CURRENT STATUS OF THE IRISH LANGUAGE .............................................................................................. 8 QUESTIONS RELATING TO IRISH LANGUAGE USE ...................................................................................... 10 SURVIVAL STORY OF THE IRISH LANGUAGE ............................................................................................. 16 SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................................... 20 CHAPTER 2 ............................................................................................................................ 22 IRISH EDUCATION AND BILINGUALISM................................................................................... 22 BILINGUAL EDUCATION: GLOBALLY ....................................................................................................... 23 Maintenance/heritage language education. .......................................................................... 23 Immersion education. .............................................................................................................. 24 Mainstream with L2 education. ............................................................................................... 25 BILINGUAL EDUCATION: THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND ................................................................................. 26 HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF IRISH MEDIUM EDUCATION .......................................................................... 28 CURRENT STATUS OF IRISH MEDIUM EDUCATION .................................................................................... 30 IRISH LANGUAGE ABILITIES OF CHILDREN IN IRISH MEDIUM, ENGLISH MEDIUM, AND GAELTACHTAÍ SCHOOLS .... 33 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ABILITIES OF CHILDREN IN IRISH MEDIUM, ENGLISH MEDIUM, AND GAELTACHTAÍ SCHOOLS 36 METALINGUISTIC AWARENESS ............................................................................................................. 39 DISADVANTAGES OF BILINGUALISM ...................................................................................................... 43 SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................................... 45 CHAPTER 3 ............................................................................................................................ 47 ATTITUDES AND USE .............................................................................................................. 47 ATTITUDES TOWARDS THE IRISH LANGUAGE ........................................................................................... 47 ATTITUDES TOWARDS IRISH MEDIUM EDUCATION ................................................................................... 51 ATTITUDES TOWARDS IRISH IN ENGLISH MEDIUM EDUCATION ................................................................... 52 ATTITUDES OF IRISH MEDIUM AND ENGLISH MEDIUM CHILDREN (AND PARENTS) TOWARDS THE IRISH LANGUAGE ......................................................................................................................................... 54 SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................................... 56 CHAPTER 4 ............................................................................................................................ 59 EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING ...................................................................................................... 59 HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF THE EFFECTS OF BILINGUALISM ..................................................................... 60 vii Contents Camp of perceived negative effects. ....................................................................................... 60 Camp of perceived neutral effects. .......................................................................................... 62 Camp of perceived positive effects. ......................................................................................... 62 EFFECTS OF BILINGUALISM: CURRENT TRENDS ........................................................................................ 64 NON-TARGET LANGUAGE INTERFERENCE ............................................................................................... 67 EXECUTIVE FUNCTION ........................................................................................................................ 69 EXECUTIVE FUNCTION DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................... 71 THEORIES OF EXECUTIVE FUNCTION DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................. 72 Inhibitory control. ...................................................................................................................
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