Regular Meeting of the School Board Eisenhower Community Center Boardroom August 17, 2021 — 7 p.m. ORDER OF BUSINESS I. CALL TO ORDER II. OPEN AGENDA A. Public Comment on Agenda Items The Hopkins School Board believes that hearing from our community members is crucial for implementing Vision 2031. If you wish to contact the Board via email instead of publicly commenting at a meeting, please use School-
[email protected]. Public comment will be received both in person and through voicemail. Voicemail: If you wish to record a public comment to be played during the next School Board meeting, please call 952-988-4191 to hear a message with instructions from the Board Chair and to leave your public comment as a voicemail. Indicate at the beginning of the voicemail the agenda item you are commenting on, or if your comment is related to a topic not on the agenda. Please leave your message before 4:00 p.m. on the day of the School Board meeting in order to have your voicemail played during the public comment portion of the meeting. In Person: Please fill out a public comment card (located in the back of the Board Room) and hand it to the Board Chair before the meeting begins. Indicate on the card which agenda item you will be commenting on, or if you will be speaking on a topic that is not on the agenda. The Board Chair will invite you to the table to give your comment at the appropriate time. The Board will host two public comment periods per meeting.