Textbooks and Monographs
Appendix A Textbooks and Monographs Beighton P (1993) McKusick's heritable disorders of connective tissue, 5th edn. CV Mosby, St Louis, MO Beighton P (1988) Inherited disorders of the skeleton, 2nd edn. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh Beighton P, Cremin BJ (1980) Sclerosing bone dysplasias. Springer, Berlin Beighton P, Grahame R, Bird H (1999) Hypermobility of joints, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin Buyse ML (ed) (1990) Birth defects encyclopaedia. Blackwell Scientific, Cam bridge, MA Connor JM (1983) Soft tissue ossification. Springer, Berlin Cremin BJ, Beighton P (1978) Bone dysplasias in infancy. A radiological atlas. Springer, Berlin Donnai D, Winter RM (1995) Congenital malformation syndromes. Chapman & Hall, London Gorlin RJ, Cohen MM, Levin LS (1990) Syndromes of the head and neck, 3rd edn. McGraw-Hill, New York Horan F, Beighton P (1982) Orthopaedic problems in inherited skeletal disorders. Springer, Berlin Jones KL (1997) Smith's recognisable patterns of human malformation, 5th edn. WB Saunders, Philadelphia, P A 234 Gamut Index of Skeletal Dysplasias Kaufman JH (ed) (1973) Intrinsic diseases of bone. Progress in Pediatric Radiology, vol 4. Karger, Basel Maroteaux P (1979) Bone diseases of children. Lippincott, Philadelphia, PA McKusick VA (1998) Mendelian inheritance in man, 12th edn. Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, MA Mueller RF, Young ID (1998) Emery's elements of medical genetics. Harcourt Brace, London Papadatos CJ, Bartsocas CS (eds) (1982) Skeletal dysplasias. Progress in clinical and biological research, vol 104. Alan R Liss, New York Poznanski AK (1974) The hand in radiologic diagnosis. WB Saunders, Philadelphia, PA Royce PM, Steinmann B (1993) Connective tissue and its heritable disorders. Wiley-Liss, New York Spranger JW, Langer LO, Wiedemann HR (1974) Bone dysplasias.
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