Adaptations of Hebrew Script -Mala Enciklopedija Prosvetq I978 [Small Prosveta Encyclopedia]
726 PART X: USE AND ADAPTATION OF SCRIPTS Series Minor 8) The Hague: Mouton SECTION 6I Ly&in, V. I t952. Drevnepermskij jazyk [The Old Pemic language] Moscow: Izdalel'slvo Aka- demii Nauk SSSR ry6r. Komi-russkij sLovar' [Komi-Russian diclionary] Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe Izda- tel'slvo Inostrannyx i Nacional'nyx Slovuej. Adaptations of Hebrew Script -MaLa Enciklopedija Prosvetq I978 [Small Prosveta encycloPedia]. Belgrade. Moll, T. A,, & P. I InEnlikdj t951. Cukotsko-russkij sLovaf [Chukchee-Russian dicrionary] Len- BENJAMIN HARY ingrad: Gosudtrstvemoe udebno-pedagogideskoe izdatel'stvo Ministerstva Prosveldenija RSFSR Poppe, Nicholas. 1963 Tatqr Manual (Indima Universily Publications, Uralic atrd Altaic Series 25) Mouton Bloomington: Indiana University; The Hague: "lagguages" rgjo. Mongolian lnnguage Handbook.Washington, D C.: Center for Applied Linguistics Jewish or ethnolects HerbertH Papet(Intema- Rastorgueva,V.S. 1963.A ShortSketchofTajikGrammar, fans anded It is probably impossible to offer a purely linguistic definition of a Jewish "language," tional Joumal ofAmerican Linguisticr 29, no part 2) Bloominglon: Indiana University; The - 4, as it is difficult to find many cornmon linguistic criteria that can apply to Judeo- Hague: Moulon. (Russiu orig 'Kratkij oderk grammatiki lad;ikskogo jzyka," in M. V. Rax- Arabic, Judeo-Spanish, and Yiddish, for example. Consequently, a sociolinguistic imi & L V Uspenskaja, eds,Tadiikskurusstj slovar' lTajik-Russian dictionary], Moscow: Gosudustvennoe Izdatel'stvo Inostrmyx i Nacional'tryx SIovarej, r954 ) definition with a more suitable term, such as ethnolect, is in order. An ethnolect is an Sjoberg, Andr€e P. t963. Uzbek StructuraL Grammar (Indiana University Publications, Uralic and independent linguistic entity with its own history and development that refers to a lan- Altaic Series r8).
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