Florizel Von Reuter
‘ and PROGRESS Of SPIRITUALISM, RELÎGI ON and REFORM. Entered as Second Class Matter. March 15th, 1929, at the Post Office at Boston, Mass., U.3.A., under the Act of March 3rd, 1879 (Sec. 397, P.L. and R.). No. 2238 —V ol. X L III. Friday, Oct. 17, 1930. Price T wopence. MARYLEBONE SPIRITUALIST ASSOCIATION LTD., WIMBLEDON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH QUEEN’S HALL, Langham Place, W.1. (Accepting the Leadership of Jesus Christ), Public W orship : Sundays at 6-30. 136, H artitkld R oad, W imbledon, S .W .1 9 . SUNDAY, Oct. 19th, at 6-30, Sunday, Oct. 10th. a t 11. Mrs. A. F. HOLLOWAY, Address, Spirit Descriptions and Messages. Mu. ERNEST L1UNT, A ddress. A t 6-30. M r . ERNEST W. BEARD, Mbs. ESTA CASSEL, C lairvoyance . Address, Spirit Descriptions and Messages. AT HEADQUARTER3: W ednesday, Oct. 22nd. a t 7 -3 0 , M r s . J. R. YORKE, Marylebone House, 42, Russell Square, W.C.1. Addresses, Spirit Descriptions and Messages. II k a l i no (No Charge) : Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, MEETINGS for PSYCHOMETRY and CLAIRVOYANCE. 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesdays, 3 to 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 20th, at 3, Psychom etry, Mrs. F. K ingstone Monday, Oct. 20th, at 7-30, Clairvoy’ce, Mrs. E. R oberts North London Spiritualist Association, Thursday, Oct. 23rd, at 7-30, Clairvoyance, Mr. Austin (Limited by Guarantee), friday, Oct. 24th, at 7-30, Clairvoyance, Mr. G . Botham: Hornsey R oad, N.19 (one minute Hornsey Rd. L.M.S. Stn.) LECTURES. Sunday, Oct.
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