Direct-Voice a Magazine Devoted to the Direct Voice and Other Phases of Psychic Phenomena
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THE DIRECT-VOICE A MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE DIRECT VOICE AND OTHER PHASES OF PSYCHIC PHENOMENA MAN IS MORE THAN HIS BODY, By Sir Oliver Lodge. PHYSICAL PHENOMENA UNDER TEST CONDI TIONS, By the Editor. PERSONS WITH A SIXTH SENSE, By Willy K. Jaschke, Ph.D. WHY I BELIEVE IN SPIRITUALISM, By Will Goldston. A SOUTH SEA ISLAND CONTROL, By Owen R. Washburn. 22 5 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. $1.50 A YEAR 1 5 f A COPY No. 6 OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1930 ym iwi The Cosmic Dawn A Magazine Devoted to fT ,HE Unseen Forces of the Universe POSITIVE DEVELOPMENT will help any honest seeker after A Source of Vital Information. Truth. I offer YOU a genuine Awaken the Slumbering Forces Course of Scientific Study based on Within! 20 years’ personal experience, on a FREE-WILL BASIS. ALL that there Change Failure Into Success. is worth knowing about Science and Attain Power, Prosperity and Happiness. Religion is offered you. Published Monthly by MR. JOHN HARBORNE OUR BROTHERHOOD 38x, Queens Road, Aston, Dept. AC Birmingham-England 233 S o u t h B r o a d w a y Los Angeles, Calif. $3.00 per year. Sample copy FREE. Send for our free boo\, “OUR BROTHERHOOD” IF YOU CANNOT GET RESULTS WITH PLANCHETTE OR THE OUIJA BOARD, TRY THE ADDITOR Used by Mr. Florizel von Reuter (see his article in last issue), and other noted Psychics and Investigatois. It collects and concentrates your psychic force. Very simple and can be used by anyone. Only a few sets just received from Germany, $3.00 a set, postage 23c. The SUNSHINE PUBLISHING COMPANY, 225 Fifth Avenue, New York THE DIRECT VOICE A Magazine Devoted to tRe Direct Voice and Other Phases of Psychic Phenomena 225 Fifth Avenue, New York E d ito ria l O ffice: R oom 1123 VOL. I, Number 6 October^November, 1930 Price U. S. A. & Canada: 15c. Subscription: $1.50 G re at Britain & Colonies: 6s. 6d. Abroad: $2.00 NOTES pparently there are known to people in earth life states of being, locali their opinions, if they are ties for residence, in really the persons they claim to A the spirit world, which receive,be, settles nothing. In the same each of them, people whose way the question of reincarna state of development corre tion may be no nearer a sollu- spond most closely to each of tion because one set of spirits these realms. Because of this affirm and others do not know. each medium may receive in Probably spirits know no more formation from one or several on the subject, have no way of of these realms; each may knowing, than we know. honestly give what honest There appears to be two spirits report and yet the re great bodies of thought in this ports from different mediums world and in spirit realms; one, and from mediums having dif mostly Oriental, on both sides ferent controls at different mo of death, affirming, the other, ments, may conflict. A friend mostly Western, saying it is of mine is sure there is no God unproved. My own observa who has benevolence toward tions incline me to think that mankind, because spirits pur Oriental spirits, unaccom porting to be Confucius and panied by Western spirits, that Thomas Paine told him so. As is by people of the white race neither of those spirits have, while on earth, do not do effi presumably, any more infor cient thinking. Philosophy, in mation on that subject than is the Oriental mind, crowds the 161 scientific spirit into compara are to be most effective, tive inactivity. 1 have known through Western minds. instances where a group sitting The resisting power of the successfully under control of people who do not accept the American Indians and white truth that spirits communicate people in the spirit world, have is largely due to a refusal to secured only promises, vague stop, look or listen. This is generalizations and meditative due to mental indolence, to a remarks not meaning much, superstitious fear that “God after Oriental spirits gained did not intend us to meddle in unlimited control. Hearing a such things” a view fostered recent lecture in one of the halls by leaders of religious cere at Dartmouth College by that monies to cover their own ig very sincere and able medium, norance, and to a fear that Mr! William Dudley Pelley, I spiritualism may reveal events was reminded of this danger. in the individual life of which He naturally, possibly cor the man refusing to investigate rectly, gives full credit as is ashamed. The mental indol authentic statements of abso ence will be cured in this life lute truth to the things told or later by pain resulting from him by Asiatic spirits com ignorance. That God did not municating at times by psychic intend us to know such things voices in languages very is denied by the fact that Christ ancient, including early Sans and his friends showed such krit. These words, phoneti things to thousands of people cally recorded by a stenogra and taught the gifts of God in pher and translated by a the psychic realm to disciples learned university professor, so that they could heal, speak convey information as to ori with tongues and “receive in gins and destinies. But these that same hour” what they messages have the Oriental should say while in danger. characteristics to such an ex The world has yet to learn the tent that they failed to interest truth that things held sacredly the audience at Dartmouth private by an individual will, College, as far as I could judge. if revelation would make for Spiritual truths for America evil, never be told by spirits to must be discerned by spirits of any one but the individual our race and presented, if they himself. CONTENTS Ma n I s M ore T h a n H is B ody, Sir Oliver Lodge 103 P ersons W it h A S ix th Se n s e , Dr. Willy Jaschke 108 Medium s I H ave K n o w n , Florizel von Reuter 11 a W hy I B elieve in S piritualism , Will Goldston ISO P ow erful S p ir it s , Maina L. Tafe 182 A S outh S ea I sland Control, 0. It. Washburn 18o P hy sica l P h e n o m e n a U nder T est Co n d itio n s, Editor ......................................................................... L etters to t h e E ditor 192 THAN HIS BODY M y Sir Oliver Lodge (Editor's Note: Our general policy is to publish only original articles, and this rule will be departed from only on special occasions, when the importance of the article or the standing of the writer justify it. On the present occa sion both these reasons operate. Not only is Sir Oliver Lodge one of the foremost men of science, but he is an outstanding figure in psychic research and all he has to say thereon is worthy of the careful attention of everyone interested in this vital subject. This article originally appeared in the Oc tober number of “BEYOND,” published in London, England.) UR m aterial bodies wear out and have to O be left behind; no material objects are perma nent, they always decay sonner or later, but the soul of a thing is not in the material presentation. The material side of a picture is canvas and pigment, nothing else would be detected by a microscope; but to such an ex amination there is no “picture,” the “soul” or meaning — the reality—has evaporated when the material object is contem plated in that analytical man ner. So it is with our bodies; dissected, they are muscle and manifestation, but it is a deadly blood-vessel and nerves — a mistake to identify thought and wonderful mechanism; but no personality with any assem such examination can detect blage of atoms. The brain is the soul or mind. a pulpy mass of matter, mys teriously contrived so as to re Mind and Mechanism act to thought, to receive and transmit impressions; but the Mind utilizes and dominates brain does not think, it does not matter; it uses it for purposes plan, nor see, nor hear. Only of demonstration and achieve the mind does these mental ment, employs it as a vehicle of things, the brain is its instru- ment. Without it, and its ner The faculty of interpretation vous and muscular coordina is amazing. By certain ingen tion, we should be powerless ious devices we have just learnt to move matter, and therefore how to interpret ether waves powerless to speak or write or into harmony and sense. To convey our impressions or ex confuse our real existence with press our thoughts. the instrument is merely Our whole material body is stupid. an assemblage of atoms cun The very shape of the body ningly put together so as to depends on nothing material, it make a structure of wonderful does not depend on the nature ingenuity an beauty of adapta of the food supplied, as the tion; every part is allotted to shape of a crystal does: the its proper function, and we live same food could equally well here and now by the coopera have made a chicken or a pig. tion and harmonious working There is no personal identity in of the whole. That is how we the particles, or in their aggre live here on earth, and how we gation; the personal identity make ourselves known to others belongs to the soul, the vivify who are in like case.