Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1938-07-13

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1938-07-13 ...... t Tourney Open, Thunderltorm, Mississippi ValIey Tennis lOW A-Local thunderstorms to­ day or tonilhl., wllh generally fair Tournament OpeM TodaJ' tomorrow; not so warm tonilht, See Story Pare 3 and In central and west today. - -_t"'> J 0 • a Hornin, N • • • p • p • • FIVE CENTS The Auoclated Press IOWA Cl'l"Y, IOWA WEDNESDAY, JULY- 13, 1938 The Associated Press VOLUME XXXVII NUMBER- 332 s yeacs COun_ -;- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Jnlted • • • 11 his 'Hllam Hughes Hop$ to Moscow After Paris Acclaim Flier Reports IC. Ighter Confesses to Mattson I(idnaping City; Plane, Crew alpar_ cob of ~--------------------------------------------~I Condition O.K. w,. L., Propose New Sister, Officers Hold Will Spend $8,985, 157,600 City. Heads Toward Last ~ced.ed • • • • • • Radio Set-up Manto Check Expenditures Soaring to New Levels Stop in Siberia At a 9 at St. ' _I ____F_or_P_ea_c_et_im_e_R_ec_o_rd ____ For S. U. I. Top Speed of 210 :h will Slaying Story ~ , dea_ BULLETlN , WASHINGTON, July 12 (AP) grew worse. This made it neces­ Barry, Three-story Studio MOSCOW, July 13 (Wednes­ Authorities Report -President Roosevelt estimated sary to request additional appro­ day) (AP) - 1I0ward Hughes today that the administration's priations to provide work relief And New Equipment Peter's Confession Does Not Wall 1,500 mllcs out north of ody is ~pending program and other gov­ tor the unemployed and to la)' Planned for WSUI Lake Baikal, on hJs fllgbt from ,. Tally With All Facts ernment activities would cost out a program of federal public Omsk to Yakutsk at 8 a.m. (11 $8,985,157,600 In this fiscal year works which would not only aid Plans for the construction of a p.m. CST). and pile up a $3,984,887,600 defi­ TACOMA, Wash., July 12 (AP) lhe unemployed but would at the radiO studio building for station Maintaining an average speed cit. A man who State Pah'ol Chief same lime provided a needed WSUI, in addition to new trans­ of more than 200 miles an hour, William Cole said confessed the The president made public a stimulUS to business. The business mitting eqUipment, were announc­ be rcported by radlo be was trav­ Mattson kidnap-slaying of 1936, revision of his January budget recession will likQwlse affect our ed by university officials yesterday eUng at 11,600 feet. His top was held tonight by authorities estimates lor the year which be­ I'evenues (for the present fiscal following the approval of a $90,000 speed was 210 miles an hour. who rep01·ted the confession did gan July I, 1938. Saying the Jan­ year) and they will be materially project for expansion of radio ed­ Heading for Yakutsk, Hu.-hes not tally with all known facts in uary figures were based on a lower and our expenditures much \ ucation at the University of Iowa asked more precise data. on con­ the case. hope for a decided improvement greater than were expected seven by the legislative interim commit- ditions over mounta.ln ranges be­ The man, identified by Cole as m business, be added: months ago." tee. twcen there and Anadyrsk. This ok out Frank Olson, 32, arrested at "Busmess conditions not only The expenditures for this fiscal A new three-story studio, 32 by Is one of the most dangerous dis­ ras re. Ritzville, Wash., yesterday, was did not improve, but gradually year will set a peace-time record. 105 feet, is planned on the south tricts along his route, with prae­ y yes· held in a downtown hotel while side of the engineering building, &lcally no emergency landings where the station's Old Gold stu­ authorities checked his story in a. valla ble. famlly the death of Charles Mattson, 10, dios are located. In keeping with :trayed who was slain by his kidnaper. Iowa State Child Welfare the architectural design of the building the new studio will be NEW YORK, July 12 (AP)- ,t been R. C. Suran, agent in charge The Howard Hughes plane racing of the Seattle federal bureau of connected with the building. Division Gets $lO~OOO Grant Transmitter Obsolete I around the world reported by es tall, investigation office, hurried here radio relayed to fllght headquar- mous· to participate in the questioning The obsolete transmitter now in This radiophgto from Paris oceanic flight as he was greeted After his plane was refueled and ters tonight that it expected to n was of the man. He said he had "no From Legislative Committee use, will be replace by a new, comment" to make as he left modern transmitter. New trans­ "hows Howard Hughes, million­ by the airport commandant, M. repaired, Hughes left Le Bourget land at Yakutsk, Siberia, at 4:20 Seattle. mitting ectulpment and towers, aire sportsman and flier at Le Girardot, left, and United States with a spectacular take-off for a.m. (CST), 11 hours 43 minutes Cole said Oison's story involved State Board Asks located outside of the cUy to elim­ Bourget airport, near Paris, fol­ Ambassador William C. Bullltt, Moscow in a second lap of the after the takeoff at Omsk on the several other persons, but added r------·inate 'electrical interlerence, are lowing his record breaking trans- right. Hughes is in the center. round-the-world speed dash. fourth leg of the journey. it did not check in several de­ Emergency Funds Divorce also under consideration. The message came from Radio tails with known facts in the For Narcotic War Aapplication for a PWA grant Engineer Richard Stodart aboard kidnaping case. , Dabs' Mystery Man of $40,500 Is on file In Washington, the plane and was relayed by which will augment the $49,500 Kraschel States Board Should "For that reason," Cole said, DES MOINES, July 12 (AP) - Politics overseas telephone from B Russian "Olson is being questioned fur­ Not Disclosed approved by the interim 'commit­ official named Demchenko, in Iowa legislative interim committee tee. ther and is being held without members voted a $10,000 appropri­ Work Without Interference Indiana's Van Nuys Moscow. charge." ation to the state child welfare di­ LONDON, July 12 (AP)-Eng- WSUI began broadcasting In Demchenko, assigned by the The patrol chief said several vision today after a heated clash in ]jsh court custom is expected to 1919 as one of the nation's first Renom~nated Soviet government to assist tho persons mentioned by Cole had Which the angry farm delegation keep off the record the name of radio stations. The s~atlon is still Governor Says Peace flight through Russian territories, produced alibis covering the pe­ the "gentleman in London" :fig- using the same translIDtter .. ARBITRATOR days of 1933 were recalled. INDIANAPOLIS, July 12 (AP, said he had been in constant com­ riod of the kidnaping. One man The apropriation, which has a . t . 'al bl of Carl Menzer, WSUI director, Still Being ~aintained muhicatiOn with fhe plane by who was detained for investiga­ urmg m rna nmom trou ell pointed out that a similar trans- President Will Judge - Without a murmur of opposl­ $900 a month limitation, was pas­ Lhe former Barbara Hutton. mitter is on display in the Smith- Without Armed Agents radio since it left Omsk and that tion was released aft e r some sed by a five to three vote, with tiol1, a sweltering democratic state questioning. Count Court Haugwitz-Revent- onian institution at Washington, Chaco Fight Hughes told him the plane had Representatives Gustav Alesch, low, the Woolworth heiress' Dan- D. C., as a reUc. DES MOINES, Ia., J u 1 y 12 convention today renominated 1I0t changed course. Cole said Olson would be held Dewey Goode and Morgan J . Mc­ ish husband, prepared to take his Known all Progressive (AP)-Gov. Nelson G. Kraschel WASHINGTON, July 12 (AP) . Hughes said hi s party was fly­ "for several hours, perhaps all Enaney dissenting. P 'd t R It h d Sen. Fedenck Van Nuys, fIghting ~i6.e of the dispute into Bow street Even though WSUI has achieved late tonight jssued a statement - reSI en ooseve as agree ) ing at to,5 00 feet and 210 miles night" while investigation of the Alesch objected to what he to act as an arbitrator of the foe of some. new deal measures, case was condu eted. • police court tomorrow, but wheth· the reputation as one of the most concerning the May tag Washing per hour after the first 800 miles called the "efficiency" of the state Chaco peace dispute between Bo- ) who untU a week ago had plan­ (r Machine Co. controversy in of the 2,177 mi Ie fJigh t. Mrs. Mattson, reached on the social welfare board in sending he would take the stand to de- progressive educational stations on fend himself against a charge the air, its obsolete transmitter which he said the three~ma n ar­ livia and Paraguay and delegated) ned to wage an independent cam­ He requested weather informa­ telephone at 7 :25 p.m., said her seven persons as a "sales force" to family had had no notification that he had threatened his wife permits service to only a limited bitration board "should be per­ Ambassador Spruille Braden to aign f r -ele ron. tion which was to be forwarded convince the committee that the mitted to hear all evidence and represent him. pore C 1 an arrest had been made in the money should be alloted. was uncertain. area, Prof. Bruce E. Mahan, direct- The state department an _ Thus was completed a rap- priol' to the arrival at Yakutsk. case. Despite Mayfair's curiosity and or of the extension division and reach a decision without inter­ Ilounced today receipt of a tele- prochment-in which figured Paul Hughes reported "crew and ma­ She said hel' husband was "out Representative Leroy S.
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