Direct? Voice

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Direct? Voice THE DIRECT?VOICE A MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE DIRECT VOICE AND OTHER PHASES OF PSYCHIC PHENOMENA IN THIS ISSUE MEDIUMS I HAVE KNOWN, By Florizel von Reuter. ARTHUR FORD, By the Editor. EVIDENTIAL SLATE WRITING, By Owen R. Washburn. LIFE RUNS ON-NOT Ot)T, By Gertrude Tubby. ACCOUNT OF SEANCES WITH NINO PECORARO, By Hugh Munro. 225 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. $1.50AYEAR ~ 15¢ACOPY No. 5 SEPTf:l\1BER 1930 FREE EOOKS eA.ny book 111e1itioned or advertised in this magazine can be obtained on the following conditions- All you have to do is to send us one subscription for every 2 5 ¢ of the price. Thus, if the book is listed at $1.00, you send us four subscriptions and we will send you the book you select•••• GET YOUR FRIENDS TO HELP YOU ~-I I i IF you CANNOT GET RESULTS WJTH PLANCHETTE 1 OR THE OUIJA BOARD, TRY I THE ADDITOR Used by Mr. Florizcl von Reuter (see his article in last issue), and other noted Psychics an~ Investigators. It collects and concentrate~ your psychic force. Very sunple and can be used by anyone. Only a few sets just received from Germany, $3.00 a set, postage 2 5 c. The SUNSHINE PUBLISHING COMPANY, 225 Fifth Avenue, New York ~ -- - = - .J THE DJ[RECT VOJ[CE A Magazine Devoted to th.e Direct Voice and Ph.ases of Psych.ic Phenomena 225 lFiifth Avenue, New York lEditoda[ Office: Room 1123 VOJL. ][, Number 5 September, 1930 Price U. S. A. & Canada: 15c. Subscription: $1.50 Great Britain & Colonies: 6s. 6cl. Abroad: $2 .00 NOTES By Owen R.. Wash1bllll.lfn SPIRIT communication there is no identity of mind given to me when I was and matter, no dualism of sub­ A alone, recently, said: stance and spirit, nor is it nec­ ''Crandon was the first to rec­ ognize that spirit and matter essary to suppose that mind are inseparable, but you will was produced by matter or need to get Sir Oliver Lodge to matter DY mind, matter being, tell you the nature of the mat­ of course, simply a character­ ter." Then followed a remark istic of mind. Its infinite va­ to the effect that the new point riety through earthly things, noted by Crandon was that spirit realms and unseen forms while all matter has mind, all such as ether and electricity spirit has matter; also it is true is but a manifestation of ~ that no spirit is ever without characteristic of the same Uni­ the company of matter; that it versal Spirit that has, as other is a thought worth entertain­ qualities, such things as love ing that matter is a character­ wisdom and desire. If this b~ istic of the Universal Mind. true then the nearer we come Dr. L. R. G. Crandon has never to the perfect unity with the mentioned the subject to me, laws of material action and all so I do not know what he other action known which ac­ thinks, but the theory that mat­ cords with the purpose of that ter is a characteristic of in­ mind, the nearer we are to finite mind is worthy of cooperation with irresistible thought. If this be true, then power. 129 DR. HYSLOP TWENTY acy of lying and the idiots YEARS AGO never have courage to do that. My policy is, first, to silence Before me is a letter from my critics if I can not convert Dr. James H. Hyslop, written them. When I can do that the to me January 22, 1910, on the public will listen. That was stationery of the American So­ my only object in getting the ciety of Psychical Research, details. In my 'Journal' I have Section B, of · The American tried to give the more popular Institute for Scientific Re­ and abbreviated account of search, New York. In it I find facts, but in the 'Proceedings', the following, which I copy, where it is probably that your except that I leave out the full record would come, it is quite name of a man he mentions. different. I am dealing there He says : with the problem entirely for "I think you misunderstand the scientific man. our point of view here in re­ "I quite understand my dif­ ~ard to details. I am not try­ ficulties with the public. I am m~ to interest the popular between two fires. If I satisfy !11-md, at all. I am trying to the public the scientific man jam things down the throats of goes about and says I a~1 not our stupid, bigoted scientists. scientific. Then the public fol­ The fact that yo u have had lows M--, who is nothing psychic experiences would give but a born fool. If I satisfy them a chance to at least try the scientific man, on the other to discredit your testimony, hand, the public gets indiffer­ but, if I can have corroborative ent · so I have a pretty hard 1:tatements on the part of other task of it, between the devil people that certain facts have and the deep sea. occurred, then their only "Very sincerely yours, chance is to charge a conspir- "J. H. HYSLOP." CONTENTS Pctge NOTES. Owen R. Washburn ........... 129 MEDIUMS I HAVE KNOWN. F. von Reuter............ 131 SOME 20TH CENTURY MEDIUMS. Arthur Ford .... 136 ANSCIENT SHE-MAIA . ... ..... ..... ... ..... 140 EVIDENTIAL SLATE WRITING. Owen R. Washburn 141 LIFE RUNS ON-NOT OUT. Gertrude Tubby .............. ... 145 AN INVESTIGATOR'S EXPERIENCE WITH NINO PECORARO. Hugh Munro . ... .. .. ... ... .. 149 CONVERSING IN DIFFERENT TONGUES. Maina Tafe .. 152 SCOFFING SPIRIT SURVIVAL. Edwin Bowers ····· 154 REAL MEDIUMS & PSYCHIC INVESTIGATORS. V. May Cottrell . 157 130 - MEDIUMS I HAVE KNOWN AND EXPERIMENTED WITH B y Fforizd von Reuter P ARTil. TranceeiM ediums amll Clairvo y ants T has always seemed to me for good measure, in any sense I that, for evidential value, convince me of the actual pres­ go o d t rance-mediumship ence of any entity foreign to should be awarded the palm. the sub-consciousness of the It is far easier to control the medium. For though I r efuse genuineness of t rance-medium­ to accept the sub-conscious or ship than almost any other the divided ego theory as the form of psychic phenomenon. only logical explanation for Any experienced psychic-re­ phenomena of this variety, yet searcher should be ab 1 e to I also realize that it would be determine in one s i t t i n g futile to underestimate t he with a trance - medi um (un­ tricks man's subliminal self less he be u n f o r t u n a t e may be capable of. To dismiss enough to draw a complete the theory of divided person­ blank, which r are 1 y hap­ ality, or multiple personality, pens with a r eliable medium) in every case and unquestion­ whether the psychic in quest ion ingly accept the spiritualistic has genuine power, whereas in hypotheses is neither logical the case of the "direct voice," nor scientifically and intellect­ owing to the necessity for ually sound. complete darkness and the I have, however, occasionally usual lack of control, a series listened to t rance-speeches of sittings or intimate personal which in wealth of expression knowledge of the medium is and beauty of thought, as well often essential before one can as knowledge, certainly seem form a definite opinion upon to point to an intelligence above this infinitely more impressive that of the instrument, as in and spectacular form of psychic the case of the Milan medium phenomena. To be sure, I per­ Bice Valbonesi, a simple w ork ~ sonally attach no evidential ing woman of almost the peas­ value to the long-winded ad­ ant class, who in trance delivers dresses and lectures many lectures of which she herself trance-mediums indulge in, nor can have little or no knowledge. do the presumably spirit-per­ Wh e th er the controlling sonalities who are supposed t o identities were, in truth, in deliver the said speeches, per­ these cases Camille Flamma­ sonalities which r ange from rion and Leo Tolstoy, as stated negro-children and fishermen is a question which cannot b ~ to bishops, ·with a sprinkling positively affirmed or nega­ of Egyptian priests and Bud­ tived. Certainly the odds would dhistic philosophers thrown in seem to be in favor of genuine- 131 ness and against impersona­ members of their family and tion. I also once heard a names of friends or relatives, a nineteen year old German it _is c?mparatively easy, by ap­ girl deliver a trance-address phcat10n of the rule two and which in dignity and beauty of two equal four, to ascertain conception would have done whether there was any possi­ credit to an aged professor. It bility of the medium having should be added, however, that acquired his knowledge the young lady was the daugh­ through normal means. If, ter of a school-teacher, a well­ for example, a medium says to read and learned man, so that me "Your aunt is here, her his child may concievably have name is Flora, you always inherited much of his knowl­ called her Wowo," I instantly edge subconsciously which in know that, provided the me­ no ways lessens the genuine­ dium does not know who I a?n ness of the phenomenon, but this is purely genuine psychic diminishes the spiritualistic information. If I were to have probability to some extent. I been introduced to the medium ~ear the reader may ere this, previously to the sitting or the m the course of perusing my said medium were to have been opinions, have gathered the expecting my visit, such details impression that I am what (which are openly stated in some persons term "a hard­ my book) would now (since its boiled egg." This may, to some publication) be valueless from extent be true, for I do indeed an evidential point of view, as believe in subjecting every the medium might have con­ phenomenon to the microscopic ceivably have read up on the and acid test.
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