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PDF, JSE 34:4, Winter 2020 JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION A Publication of the Society for Scientific Exploration (ISSN 0892-3310) published quarterly, and continuously since 1987 Editorial Office: [email protected] Manuscript Submission: http://journalofscientificexploration.org/index.php/jse/ Editor-in-Chief: Stephen E. Braude, University of Maryland Baltimore County Managing Editor: Kathleen E. Erickson, San Jose State University, California Assistant Managing Editor: Elissa Hoeger, Princeton, NJ Associate Editors Carlos S. Alvarado, Parapsychology Foundation, New York, New York Imants Barušs, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada Daryl Bem, Ph.D., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Robert Bobrow, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York Jeremy Drake, Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Massachusetts Michael Ibison, Institute for Advanced Studies, Austin, Texas Roger D. Nelson, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey Mark Rodeghier, Center for UFO Studies, Chicago, Illinois Harald Walach, Viadrina European University, Frankfurt, Germany Publications Committee Chair: Garret Moddel, University of Colorado Boulder Editorial Board Dr. Mikel Aickin, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ Dr. Steven J. Dick, U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, DC Dr. Peter Fenwick, Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK Dr. Alan Gauld, University of Nottingham, UK Prof. W. H. Jefferys, University of Texas, Austin, TX Dr. Wayne B. Jonas, Samueli Institute, Alexandria, VA Dr. Michael Levin, Tufts University, Boston, MA Dr. David C. Pieri, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA Prof. Juan Roederer, University of Alaska–Fairbanks, AK Prof. Peter A. Sturrock, Stanford University, CA Prof. N. C. Wickramasinghe, Churchill College, UK SUBSCRIPTIONS & PREVIOUS JOURNAL ISSUES: Order forms on back pages or at scientific- exploration.org. COPYRIGHT: Authors retain copyright. However, when an article has been submitted to the Journal of Scientific Exploration, the Journal holds first serial rights. Additionally, the Society has the right to post the published article and make it available via electronic and print subscription. The material must not appear anywhere else (including on an Internet web- site) until it has been published by the JSE (or rejected). After publication, authors may use the material as they wish but should make appropriate reference to the JSE: “Reprinted from “[title of article]”, Journal of Scientific Exploration, vol. [x], no. [xx], pp. [xx].” Society for Scientific Exploration—https://www.scientificexploration.org Journal of Scientific Exploration (ISSN 0892-3310), an open access, peer-reviewed journal, is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December by the Society for Scientific Exploration, P. O. Box 8012 Princeton, NJ 08543 USA. The Journal is free to everyone. Society Members may purchase print subscriptions for $60 per year. Library print subscriptions are $165 per year. JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION A Publication of the Society for Scientific Exploration AIMS AND SCOPE: The Journal of Scientific Exploration is an Open Access journal, which publishes material consistent with the Society’s mission: to provide a professional forum for critical discussion of topics that are for various reasons ignored or studied inadequately within mainstream science, and to promote improved understanding of social and intellectual factors that limit the scope of scientific inquiry. Topics of interest cover a wide spectrum, ranging from apparent anomalies in well-established disciplines to rogue phenomena that seem to belong to no established discipline, as well as philosophical issues about the connections among disciplines. The Journal publishes research articles, review articles, essays, commentaries, guest editorials, historical perspectives, obituaries, book reviews, and letters or commentaries pertaining to previously published material. The Journal of Scientific Exploration is a Platinum Open Access journal as of 2018 with a CC-BY-NC Creative Commons license, shared copyright journal: Platinum Open Access means there are no fees to readers and no fees to authors—neither page charges (APCs) nor open access fees. CC-BY-NC means Creative Commons open access license, with full attribution, no commercial use (except exerpts). Excerpts and reuse are allowed with no changes and with a full citation of the original work. An entire article cannot be resold. Shared copyright means the Society for Scientific Exploration shares copyright with its JSE authors. The Journal of Scientific Exploration is indexed in Scopus, Elsevier Abstracts, and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). https://doi.org/10.31275/20202039 for this whole issue PDF, JSE 34:4, Winter 2020. JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION A Publication of the Society for Scientific Exploration Volume 34, Number 4 2020 EDITORIAL 671 Scientific Certitude Stephen E. Braude RESEARCH ARTICLES 683 Using Virtual Reality to Test for David Vernon Telepathy: A Proof-of-Concept Study Thomas Sandford Eric Moyo 703 Dealing with the Experimenter Effect Dick J. Bierman Jacob J. Jolij COMMENTARY 710 Early Spiritualist Discussions About the Distortions of Mediumistic Communications Carlos S. Alvarado HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES 717 Early Psychical Research Reference Works: Remarks on Nandor Fodor's Encyclopaedia of Psychic Science Carlos S. Alvarado 755 Astrology and Science: A Precarious Relationship. Part 1: Historical Review of German Astrology in the 20th Century and Current Developments Gerhard Mayer ESSAY 792 Astrology and Science: A Precarious Relationship. Part 2: Consideration of Empirical Investigations on the Validity of Astrology Gerhard Mayer 670 Table of Contents JSE 34:4 BOOK REVIEWS 829 ESSAY REVIEW: For the Good of Your Health, Read This Book. Danger Within Us: America’s Untested, Unregulated Medical Device Industry and One Man’s Battle to Survive It by Jeanne Lenzer Henry Bauer 837 ESSAY REVIEW: Crackpot Claims Raise Important Issues. Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science by Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively; Plague: One Scientist's Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autism, and Other Diseases by Kent Heckenlively and Judy Mikovits Henry Bauer 849 ESSAY REVIEW: A History of the (Attempted) Institutionalization of Parapsychology. Okkultismus im Gehäuse. Institutionalisierun- gender Parapsychologie im 20. Jahrhundert im Internationalen Vergleich [Occultism in Housings. Institutionalizing Parapsychology in the 20th Century, an International Compari- son] edited by Anna Lux and Sylvia Paletschek Michael Nahm 854 The Decline of Magic: Britain in the Enlightenment by Michael Hunter Alan Gauld 875 Dangerous Pursuits: Mediumship, Mind, and Music by Stephen E. Braude Hoyt Edge SSE NEWS 882 Aspiring Explorers News 883 Bial Foundation Award 884 SSE Masthead 885 Index of Previous Articles in JSE 906 Gift Orders, Gift Memberships, Back Issues 907 Society Membership 908 Instructions for JSE Authors Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 671–682, 2020 0892-3310/20 EDITORIAL Scientific Certitude Stephen E. Braude https://doi.org/10.31275/20201971 Creative Commons License CC-BY-NC ’ve been both fascinated and distressed by the Iarguments raging over how best to respond to the covid-19 pandemic. In particular, I’ve been struck by the way people claim scientific authority for their confident assurances of what needs to be done. And I’m especially intrigued by the scorn they often lavish on those who hold differing views on what science is telling us. The heat generated by the resulting debates is strikingly similar to the heat generated by debates over the science connected with human-caused climate change. And in both cases, the disputants too often presuppose indefensibly naïve views about scientific authority and certitude, apparently unaware that even the allegedly most obvious logical truths lack the certainty attributed to scientific authority in these debates. As a rule, I dislike re-circulating my Editorials, but I think it’s time to resurrect one (modestly tweaked) from a few years ago (Braude, 2017), addressing precisely this issue. …………………………………… Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when he is called upon to act in accordance with the dictates of reason. —Oscar Wilde ’ve often noticed how debates within the SSE community sometimes Iparallel debates in the political arena, perhaps especially with respect to the passion they elicit and the intolerance and condescension sometimes lavished on members of the “opposition.” Occasionally, of course, the debates in the SSE are nearly indistinguishable from those 672 Editorial in the political arena—say, over the evidence for human-caused climate change. But what I find most striking is how the passion, intolerance, etc.—perhaps most often displayed by those defending whatever the “received” view happens to be—betrays either a surprising ignorance or else a seemingly convenient lapse of memory, one that probably wouldn’t appear in less emotionally charged contexts. What impassioned partisans tend to ignore or forget concerns (a) the tentative nature of both scientific pronouncements and knowledge claims generally (including matters ostensibly much more secure than those under debate), as well as (b) the extensive network of assumptions on which every knowledge claim rests. So I’d like to offer what I hope will be a perspective-enhancer, concerning how even our allegedly most secure and fundamental pieces
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