Comprehensive Bibliography
Bibliography This bibliography is a more comprehensive, supplementary listing of sources used in researching and writing No Higher Law: American Foreign Policy and the Western Hemisphere since 1776. It includes source material available in digital archives as well as published sources. Collections, Reference, Official Documents and Bibliographic Sources The American Presidency Project (University of California, Santa Barbara) Over 80,000 documents related to the Presidency, including presidential messages and papers; State of the Union Messages: American State Papers. Foreign Relations. 6 vols. Washington, D..C., 1832-1859. Annals of Congress. 42 vols. Washington, D.C.: Gales and Seaton, 1834-1856. Available on-line at: (Includes Register of Debates, 1824-37; the Congressional Globe, 1833-73); and part of the Congressional Record, 1873 - . Avalon Project. Yale University at A large collection of digital documents and supporting materials on Law, History, Economics, Politics, Diplomacy, and Government. Includes internal Links to: American Diplomacy; Major Treaties; The Inter-American System : Agreements, Conventions and Other Documents ; Cold War Diplomacy - Defense Treaties of the United States ; Selected Treaties Between the United States and Native Americans . Bartlett, Ruhl J. ed. The Record of American Diplomacy. 4th ed. New York: Knopf, 1964. Bauer, K. Jack. The New American State Papers. Naval Affairs. Wilmington, Del: Scholarly Resources, 1981. Beisner, Robert L. ed. American Foreign Relations Since 1600: A Guide to the Literature. 2 vols. 2nd ed. Santa Barbara, CA.: ABC-CLIO, 2003. Bemis, Samuel F.
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