WestminsterResearch http://www.westminster.ac.uk/westminsterresearch “Their Need Was Great”: Émigrés and Anglo-American Intelligence Operations in the Early Cold War Cacciatore, F. This is an electronic version of a PhD thesis awarded by the University of Westminster. © Mr Francesco Cacciatore, 2018. The WestminsterResearch online digital archive at the University of Westminster aims to make the research output of the University available to a wider audience. Copyright and Moral Rights remain with the authors and/or copyright owners. Whilst further distribution of specific materials from within this archive is forbidden, you may freely distribute the URL of WestminsterResearch: ((http://westminsterresearch.wmin.ac.uk/). In case of abuse or copyright appearing without permission e-mail
[email protected] “Their Need Was Great”: Émigrés and Anglo-American Intelligence Operations in the Early Cold War Francesco Alexander Cacciatore March 2018 A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the University of Westminster for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Abstract Covert action during the Cold War has been the subject of much historiography. This research, however, is based for the most part on primary sources, specifically on the records declassified in the United States in 2007 as a consequence of the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act. The majority of the historiography on this topic either predates or neglects these records. The study of covert operations inside the Iron Curtain during the early Cold War, sponsored by Western states using émigré agents, usually ends with the conclusion that these operations were a failure, both in operational terms and from the point of view of the intelligence gathered.