ASI18 011.Pdf
Title A Novelist and His Hero Author(s) Jukes, Geoffrey Citation Acta Slavica Iaponica, 18, 224-241 Issue Date 2001 Doc URL Type bulletin (article) Note Review Essay File Information ASI18_011.pdf Instructions for use Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP GEOFFREY JUKES Review Essay A NOVELIST AND HIS HERO GEOFFREY JUKES In 1994 a short documentary-historical novella, entitled “A General and His Army,” was published in two successive issues of the Russian literary magazine, Znamia.1 Its author, Georgii Nikolaevich Vladimov, had worked for “Novyi Mir” and “Literaturna- ia Gazeta” from the 1950s onwards, first as a literary critic and later as a prose writer, but for his human rights activities was obliged in 1983 to emigrate to West Germany, where he has lived ever since. He described the novella as the “journal variant,” imply- ing the existence of a longer version (which was in fact published in 1997, and will be discussed later). The novella won the 1995 Russian Booker Prize, and also aroused a considerable storm. Those who attacked it did so almost wholly on non-literary grounds, while those who praised it concentrated on its perceived literary qualities, but, like its attackers, also represented a particular ideological approach to it, rather than one based solely or primarily on literary criteria. VLADIMOV’S SCENARIO The action centres on the Red Army’s preparations to recapture Kiev in autumn of 1943. As in “War and Peace” or, given the author’s long residence in Germany, Hans- Helmut Kirst’s novel “Aufstand der Soldaten,” about the unsuccessful attempt to assas- sinate Hitler in July 1944, the characters and places are a mixture of the real and fiction- al.
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