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Vol. 120, No. 31 September 4, 2009 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Tel (800) 305-0217 • www.norway.com $1.50 per copy Online News Dateline Oslo Countdown to elections in Norway Ban Ki-Moon visits On Sept. 14, Norway Norwegian citizens UN Secretary-General Ban will cast their vote Ki-moon Monday praised Norway’s political and for the Storting and financial support to the United the Sámi Assembly Nations. His visit was to focus on climate issues and included a visit to Svalbard. Ban hailed Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e Norway as one of a handful of Norwegian American Weekly staff countries that have achieved a UN goal of allocating 0.7 As the campaign season percent of gross national swings into high gear in Norway, income to foreign aid. Before political analysts are calculating flying to Svalbard, Ban met how Norway’s political parties will with King Harald and laid a likely share power and form a new wreath at the grave of the first goverment after the election on UN secretary general, Trygve Sept. 14. Lie. (Monsters and Critics) According to a poll on Aug. 27, As many as 206,875 voters Congo prosecutor have already voted. In comparison, the 2005 election had 473,000 wants death penalty for voters who voted early, and many Photo: Office of the Prime Minister Norwegians municipalities report that adcance Jens Stoltenberg’s second government was appointed by King Harald V on Oct. 17, 2005. It is a majority government On Aug. 28, a military voting is popular this year. representing the Labor Party, the Socialist Left Party and the Center Party. From the left: Minister of Finance and leader of prosecutor in the Congo asked In June, 42 percent of those the Socialist Left Party, Kristin Halvorsen, Prime Minister and leader of the Labour Party, Jens Stoltenberg, and Minister a court to sentence to death of Transport and Communications and leader of the Center Party, Liv Signe Navarsete. Joshua French (27) and Tjostolv CONTINUES PAGE 12 Moland (28) on a charge for murder, espionage, conspiracy From Jamaica to Norway and armed robbery after their 25th annual USA Cup driver with a gunshot wound to Paul Erickson and Kris Bjerkness honored Norway welcomes his head. The two Norwegians both deny the accusations. James T. Heg, new According to reports, the two Deputy Chief of say they were in the process of setting up a private security Mission at the U.S. company in the region. They previously served in Norway’s Embassy in Oslo armed forces. The verdict is expected to be handed down Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e by the military court next U.S. Embassy in Norway week. (Reuters) James Heg arrived in Oslo in What’s inside? July 2009 and is the Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy. Mr. Photo:U.S. Embassy in Norway News 2-3 Heg is Chargé d’Affaires pending After several distinguished posts, James T. Heg is the new Deputy Chief the arrival of a new Ambassador in Business 4 of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Oslo, Sports 5 CONTINUES PAGE 13 Nowray Op-Ed 6-7 Pettersen finishes second in Taste of Norway Photo: Arne Morkemo 8 The class of graduate students from Norway on a sailboat in California. Safeway Classic Travels to Norway 9 Suzann Pettersen went Le s l e e La n e Ho y u m Roots & Connections 10 Rockford, Minn. from 11th place to Faith & Religion 11 second during three- Since Sons of Norway (SON) its 25 years. day tournament Arts & Entertainment 12 founded the USA Soccer Cup in Paul Erickson says the In Your Neighborhood 1985, it continues to pay tribute event literally evolved from a Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e 13 to individuals responsible for conversation with Ivar Sorensen Suzann Golf Norwegian Heritage its ongoing success. This year, when Erickson was the Sons of 14 Competing in her seventh Paul Erickson and Kris Bjerkness Norway fraternal director. Sorensen season on the LPGA Tour, Pettersen Education 15 received the prestigious Founders’ was seeking support from the SON finished in second place to M.J. Award. Each was involved in a to support a Minnesota youth Photo: Suzanngolf.com Hur of South Korea at the Safeway leadership position during the soccer team hoping to attend the Pettersen placed second at the $1 = NOK 6.01 Classic at the Pumpkin Ridge Safeway Classic in Portland, Ore. on updated 8/31/09 tournament’s formation and has Norway Cup in Oslo. “By the time continued to be involved through Aug. 30. CONTINUES PAGE 12 CONTINUES PAGE 5 2 No r g e - Uk e n s o m g i k k Nytt på Nett - Verdens øyne er rettet mot Oslo Momskutt vil slanke nordmenn Arkitekten bak det nye Munch-museet, sted for kunst og kultur. Kutt i momsen på frukt, grønt og fisk kan Juan Herreros, mener Norge er på ver- Prosjektet, som skal være 14 etasjer slanke de mest usunne med så mye som denskartet når det kommer til arkitektur, høyt, har fått mye kritikk særlig fra politisk fem kilo, melder Nationen.no. Det er melder ABC Nyheter. hold. Mange mener at bygget er for høyt og konklusjonen i en analyse av virkningen dominerende og har ønsket en ny arkitekt- av endringer i momsen på matvarer utført 26. august ble det nye Munch-museet vedtatt konkurranse. Både Herreros og LPO Arki- av professor Kyrre Rickertsen ved Univer- i Oslo bystyre med klart flertall. Dagen etter tekter understreker at det nettopp er høyden sitetet for miljø- og biovitenskap på Ås og møtte Juan Herreros pressen sammen med som vil gjøre museumsbygget ekstra fleksi- Geir Wæhler Gustavsen, forsker ved Norsk sine norske samarbeidspartnere i LPO arki- belt og brukervennlig. Institutt for landbruksøkonomisk forskn- tekter. Han mener at det nye museet sammen Kritiske røster har også pekt på at byg- ing. Dagligvarebransjen i Norge jubler og med Operaen for alvor vil sette Norge på get ikke er miljøvennlig nok. mener dette gir nye gode argumenter til verdenskartet når det kommer til arkitektur. kravet om kutt i momsen på frukt og grønt. - Hver eneste arkitekt i verden er nå English Synopsis: The City Council of I regjeringen krangles det om saken, men opptatt av hva som skjer i Norge. Dette er en Oslo has chosen the Lambda project, de- i det politiske landskapet er nå til og med unik mulighet til å profilere norsk arkitektur signed by Spanish Herroros Arquitectos, Fremskrittspartiet med på at det kan være i utlandet. Dersom man leser de store avisene as concept for further development of en god idé og differensiere momsen. i Europa, så er forventningene til det som the new Munch museum in Oslo. Some skjer med fjordbyen og Oslo, sa den kjente people think the structure is too tall and “Lambda” © Herreros Arquitectos Gravla feil person spanske arkitekten til ABC Nyheter. dominating, and they hope for a new ar- At Herreros vant den norske arkitekt- Alt gikk galt under en begravelse i Nes chitectural design competition. Others do konkurransen fikk bred dekning i blant an- norsk arkitektur i Europa. Herreros tror at kirke i Akershus forrige uke. Personen not think the building is environmentally net den store spanske avisen El Pais, noe prosjektet, som har fått tittelen “Lambda,” som skulle begraves, var ved en feil stedt friendly enough. arkitekten mener understreker interessen for vil være med på å gjøre Bjørvika til et unikt til hvile i en annen grav en uke tidligere. To timer før begravelsen skulle finne sted, fant begravelsesbyrået ut at personen var blitt lagt i en annen grav, skriver lokalav- Til Washington for å kreve JSF-kontrakter isen Raumnes. Regjeringen vil nå ha mer enn fagre løfter fra USA om JSF-kontrakter. – Det blir ikke Nordmenn flest er dialektvennlege kjøp av kampfly før dette er på plass, sier Tre av fire synes det er heilt greitt med statssekretær Espen Barth Eide. dialekt i NRK. Kvinner er meir opne for både dialektbruk og aksent enn menn. I forrige uke besøkte Barth Eide (Ap) sam- Dette går fram av ei ny undersøking om men med statssekretærer i Nærings- og NRK-språket. 83 prosent er heilt eller litt handelsdepartementet, Rikke Lind (Ap), og einige i ein påstand om at det er greitt at Thorbjørn Svendsgård i Forsvars- og Sik- programleiarane i distriktssendingar snak- kerhetsindustriens forening Washington for kar dialekt, medan talet for riksdekkjande å sikre avtaler for norsk industri i forbindelse sendingar er 76 prosent. Når det gjeld norsk med kampflykjøpet. Foto: Lockheed Martin med aksent, var det liten forskjell: 55 mot De hadde møter med Pentagon og Lock- Anbudet på 18 milliarder kroner for 48 fly er svært usikkert og bygger på flere forutsetninger. 53 prosent. heed Martin, Pratt & Whitney og GE Rolls- Royce. Stortinget vedtok i begynnelsen av støttet valget av F-35, sier Barth Eide foran – Budskapet er at selv om vi har valgt juni at det skal inngås forhandlinger om an- møtene i Washington. Satser bredt på India JSF/F 35, så er ingen fly kjøpt ennå. Nå skal skaffelse av nye kampfly, F 35 Joint Strike Kampflykjøpet er den største anskaffels- Regjeringen satser bredt for å øke sa- vi begynne de tøffe forhandlingene om in- Fighter fra Lockheed Martin. en til Forsvaret noensinne. Anbudet på 18 marbeidet med India og profilere norsk dustrideltakelse. De fagre løftene som har – Det er også første gang vi fra norsk side har milliarder kroner for 48 fly er svært usikkert teknologi og næringsliv. Den såkalte India- kommet så langt, skal gjøres om til konkrete møter på politisk nivå med Lockheed Martin og bygger på flere forutsetninger, blant annet strategien ble presentert i Oslo 28. august. kontraktsutkast, sier Espen Barth Eide til og de andre leverandørene etter at Stortinget dollarkursen, melder NTB. Regjeringen peker på at India blir en stadig NTB. viktigere aktør i verden. Politisk dialog, – Dette er en veldig viktig runde med English Synopsis: Last week, Espen Bart Eide (State Secretary at Norway’s Ministry of næringsliv og forskning er bare noen av møter, fordi det er første skikkelige, politiske Defense) together with Rikke Lind and Thorbjørn Svendsgård had meetings with Pen- områdene regjeringen vil satse på, melder gjennomgang av dette med Obama-adminis- tagon and Lockheed Martin, Pratt & Whitney and GE Rolls-Royce in Washington, D.C. NTB. trasjonen. Norway is in the middle of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) negotiations. Oslo nummer 5 Oslo toppet nylig en undersøkelse over verdens dyreste byer. På listen over Norsk sjantikor fra Stord til USA høyeste snittlønn kommer Oslo på femte Lørdag 12. september er Storm Weather plass. Tigerstaden taper lønnskampen mot Shanty Choir fra Stord i Hordaland invitert New York, Genève, Zürich og København. til å opptre i bryllup i Kennebunk i Maine, Undersøkelsen fra UBS sammenligner net- USA. tolønnen og kjøpekraften til innbyggerne i 73 byer over hele verden. Innbydelsen kom etter at et unge amerikan- ske brudeparet fant musikken deres på MyS- Vil tvinge elever til nynorsk pace og ble frelst, melder NTB. Frps nestleder Per Sandberg ønsker ikke Sjantikoret, som har seks sangere, vil valgfrihet for bokmål eller nynorsk, melder holde en håndfull konserter i New York og TV2 Nyheter. Han vil at norske skoleelever Maine i forkant av bryllupet, blant annet på bare skal ha obligatorisk undervisning indieklubbene Parkside Lounge, Rockwood i en målform, noe som vil bety at elever Music Hall og The Living Room. som bor i en nynorskkommune må bruke nynorsk hvis partiet kommer til makten. Storm Weather Shanty Choir ble startet I Norges Mållag blir forslaget møtt med i oktober 2000 av Håkon Vatle. Bakgrunnen skepsis. for musikken har han fra seilskipet “Statsraad Lehmkuhl,” der han hadde hatt hyre mange Photo: www.shantychoir.com sesonger. Storm Weather Shanty Choir fra Stord. Åpner for burkini i Oslo-badene Våren 2005 fullførte han også master- Ledelsen i de offentlige badene i Oslo har grad på sjantier ved Raulandsakademiet. English Synopsis: Storm Weather Shanty Choir, from Stord in Hordaland is coming to bestemt seg for å tillate bruk av heldekk- Siden starten har koret gitt ut fire CD-er og the United States for the first time. On Sept. 12, the group will play at a wedding in Ken- ende badedrakter, såkalte “burkiner,” som drevet en stadig mer hektisk konsertvirk- nebunkport, Maine. They received the invitation after an American couple heard their mange muslimske kvinner ønsker å bruke. somhet. music on MySpace, reports NTB. They will also hold concerts in New York City. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • SEPTEMBER 4, 2009 Ne w s 3 Norway and India: International group to evaluate This week on Norway.com Opportunities in diversity management of Norway’s Pension Fund Oslo allows “burqini” swimsuits in city pools Panel of experts to Oslo city authorities have specifically prepare a review of the authorized Muslim woman to use municipal swimming pools while wearing all-over On Aug. 28, a new Norwegian report on active management for “strategy for cooperation between Norway swimsuits, a local official told NRK radio and India” was launched by the Norwegian the global pension fund Friday. Government. “Some people say they need to cover With its strong economic growth over Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e up,” Jan Zander, responsible for sports and the last 20 years, the dynamic development Ministry of Finance recreation, said. “We think it is important of its democratic political system, and the that those who live in this city can bathe world’s second largest population, India has The Ministry of Finance has appointed and use the pools.” (NRK) become an increasingly important global an international group with specialist player. Its expansive services sector and expertise to evaluate the experience in active Global church body elects Norwegian English-speaking workforce are making the management of Norges Bank. Government Pension Fund in 2008, where Norwegian theologian and pastor Rev. Indian market interesting for many countries, The group consists of Professors Andew the Ministry stated that it will undertake an Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit (48), was elected 7th including for Norway. Ang (Columbia Business School), Stephen external review of the active management of general secretary of the World Council of Norway would like to strengthen bilateral Schaefer (London Business School), and the Government Pension Fund – Global.) Churches (WCC) on Aug. 27 during its and multilateral cooperation on international William N. Goetzmann (Yale School of The Ministry plans to publish the letter Central Committee meeting. Tveit will political issues with India, and strengthen Management). from Norges Bank and the reports from be the youngest general secretary since cooperation on climate, environmental and The Ministry has also asked Norges the expert group and Mercer, respectively, Willem A. Visser ‘t Hooft who had led the energy issues. Bank to prepare a more detailed plan for in December. The Ministry also plans to WCC while it was in process of formation Norway also wants to further develop active management with descriptions of arrange a seminar in January 2010, where and following its founding assembly 61 its cooperation on economic issues, promote the main strategies for achieving excess selected national and international experts years ago. (WCC) Norwegian business interests, foster closer returns. In addition, the consultancy firm will be asked to comment on the written economic ties and encourage greater Mercer has been commissioned to write a material that the Ministry has received. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs supports cod Ministry will present the Storting with more investment in India; and further develop the report on the use of active management and project cooperation on societal issues. active ownership efforts in other large funds information and an assessment of whether Norway’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Cooperation on research and higher internationally. or to what extent active management of the supports Norwegian-Russian cooperation education is to be strengthened and, together The background for this project is Government Pension Fund – Global ought to project at Bodø University College. with cultural cooperation, support efforts described in the Report to Storting no. be continued in the spring. (government.no) On Aug. 25, the Ministry of Foreign within the other priority areas in the strategy. 20 (2008-2009 on the management of the Affairs decided to allocate NOK 1.6 million (government.no) spread over three years to a project at Bodø University College. The purpose of the Tromsø to become “world capital” Fewer Norwegian project is to increase knowledge about the citizenships granted Northeast Arctic cod stock. (government. of polar research no) A total of 10,300 persons Erik Solheim, Minister of became naturalized in 2008, Norway jobless rate stable in August Environment, promises 150 almost 4,600 fewer than the Norway’s jobless rate stood at 3 year before percent in August, unchanged from the new jobs related to polar previous month, a report by Norway’s research Labor and Welfare Administration (NAV) Sp e c i a l Re p o r t said on Aug. 28. Sp e c i a l r e l e a s e Photo: Polarmilijøsenteret Statistics Norway The August rate matched economists Barents Observer The Polar Environmental Center in Tromsø. expectations. The jobless rate was 1.8 Minister Erik Solheim stressed that Centre. Among the organizations represented The number of naturalizations fell percent in the same month of the previous Tromsø will be made “the world’s capital on is the Norwegian Polar Institute. significantly from 2007 to 2008. A total of year. (nav.no) polar affairs.” Now the Institute of Marine Research, 4,600 fewer people were granted Norwegian The statement was made in an election Cicero (Center for International Climate citizenship in 2008 than in 2007, which was Norway joins ReCAAP campaign meeting, reports Barents Observer. and Environmental Research - Oslo) and the record year. Iraq and Somalia are the two Norway has become the 15th member The minister promised another 150 new job the National Veterinary Institute also intend countries that have been at the top for the of the Asian anti-piracy watchdog, Re- positions related to polar research in the to move into the premises of the Polar last four years, but 2008 was the first time CAAP. “Though Norway is located out- Arctic capital. Environmental Centre. that Somalis were the largest group of new side Asia, the state has intrinsic interests Tromsø has one of the world’s most ideal Solheim represents the Socialist Left Norwegian citizens. The total number of in combating piracy and armed robbery environments for Arctic research. In 1999, a Party. Elections in Norway are due on naturalizations since 1977 is 213,200, and against ships in Asia as a significant num- total of nine institutions joined forces with Sept. 14. more than 148,000 (70 percent) of those ber of Norwegian ships ply in Asia,” reads the establishment of the Polar Environmental naturalized have a non-European origin. a statement from ReCAAP. (fairplay.uk.co) Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly and get a free tee-shirt!

That’s right, from now until October 1st we’re offering new subscribers a free Norwegian flag tee-shirt. Just order the paper, request your size and we’ll send out your shirt the last week of October If you’re a current subscriber and you’d like a tee-shirt, they are avail- able for $15. Available in adult and children’s sizes. Call us toll-free at 1(800)305-2017 for more information. The most comprehensive news coverage of Norway and Scandinavian communites across the United States! Business • Politics • Sports • Arts • Entertainment • Events • Cooking $50 a year in the U.S. Travel • Heritage • Education • Religion • & More $70 a year in Canada $175 a year in Norway and

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $50 domestic; USD $70 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • SEPTEMBER 4, 2009 4 Bu s i n e s s Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: (August 31 09) Vinnere The new ambassador was there Navn Siste % Artumas Group 0,03 50,00 Barry B. White attends conference in Norsk Kr. 6.0018 Apptix 2,41 20,50 Teco Maritime 1,97 11,93 Washington, D.C. Dansk Kr. 5.1868 Questerre Energy Corp 9,79 6,99 Powel 15,00 5,26 Ra s m u s Fa l c k Svensk Kr. 7.115 Tapere Oslo, Norway Navn Siste % Canadian $ 1.0974 Scan. Clinical Nutrition 1,20 -23,08 Crew Gold Corp. 2,36 -19,18 In 1995, approximately 2,000 small Eidsiva 5,51 -12,54 business owners, corporate officers and Euro 0.697 FunCom 5,20 -12,46 employees went to Washington, D.C. for Camillo Eitzen & Co 7,00 -12,39 the “White House Conference on Small Business.” Obama’s nominated ambassador to Norway, Barry B. White, from Boston was there as a delegate. Russ Oberg, CLTC, CLU The conference was considered a success by nearly all of the participants. The national Independent Insurance Broker conference was the culmination of a dynamic Photo: U.S. Embassy Oslo Long-Term Health Care process that had been going on for the last 12 Barry B. White is the new U.S. ambassador to Serving individuals and corporations months when a series of state conferences was Norway. conducted. The result of these conferences Call me or visit my website: was a list of 431 recommendations based SMÅTINGET. Our Congress has the name www.obergltc.com on the most important issues facing small of Stortinget. Stor means large and små means small in Norwegian. The name of the (206)362-5913 business. The list of issues discussed 5650 24th Ave NW, Ste 603 Seattle, WA 98107-4155 included international trade, taxation, event therefore playing on both small and deregulation, technology, capital formation, the old Viking meeting place ting. In August health care and environmental policy. The the theme was “the job creators” and it was LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. task of the delegates was to consolidate the arranged for the 10th time. More than 600 issues into a cohesive action agenda for the owners and leaders of small companies and Sales and Service top 60 priorities for small business. The final politicians participated. recommendations were sent to Congress and The companies recommended ten issues. the President. The three most important ones were simple This inspired the Confederation and good regulations, flexible employment of Norwegian Enterprises to arrange and knowledgeable employees. Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK Business News & Notes phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 Will Th!nk move to Finland? countries like Iceland and Norway lead the As part of a restructuring plan, Norwegian electric way, each of which has over 40 percent of car manufacturer Th!nk may move to Finland their populations on the site. The batteries will “most likely” be Facebook’s top two traffic contributors [email protected] made by the American company EnerDel in are the United States (by a large margin) and 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 Indiana, but the “production of the car itself the , but in third is . will be moved to Finland,” VG writes. The Of the larger nations, Canada is on top, with development and design department will stay around 34.37 percent of its 33.6 million LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: citizens using Facebook. Certified Public Accountant in Norway for some time, but these activities Small businesses As of July 15, Facebook had a total of (206)789-5433 will also be moved, the newspaper reports. Individuals Think, which is considered as a pioneer 250 million users worldwide. (TechCrunch. 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance com) Seattle, WA 98119 in the electric vehicle industry, started producing the new generation Think city at its assembly plant in Aurskog, east of DNV launches the world’s first Oslo, last year. The company today employs class notation for offshore wind around 200 people. turbine installation units “New and current investors will inject millions of kroner to save Think,” the Market for wind turbine installation units is growing newspaper said, citing financial sources The market for wind turbine installation Why settle familiar with the situation. units is growing rapidly as the offshore wind for average? The company will not comment on the industry picks up pace. The classification newspaper, but on Twitter they state they of these units is based on DNV’s Offshore 2.15%3.25% a p y * vs. 1.63%2.47% a p y ** are “working to finalize capital increase and Service Specification DNV OSS-101 “Rules Allstate Bank National Average production restart.” (VG/ AFP) for Classification of Offshore Drilling and Support Units,” which was originally Allstate Bank offers a competitive 1-year CD rate that’s typically higher Norway and will developed for classifying drilling and than the national average. A CD is one of the smartest ways to save. It’s outperform Euro area production vessels used in the oil and gas simple, secure and easy to open. Call us today to open your account with Economists predict who will make fastest industry. Allstate Bank. It couldn’t be easier. recovery “Compared to traditional oil and Sweden and Norway will enjoy a faster gas units, these vessels have a different economic recovery than the euro area, Scott Peterson set of safety and technical issues and are boosting their currencies, as policy makers not normally designed for the hazards of Allstate Insurance Company raise interest rates earlier than the European the oil and gas industry. In addition to 1713 NW Market Street Central Bank, UBS AG economist Sunil increased requests from the industry, this Seattle, WA 98107 Kapadia said. has has motivated us to launch the new Bus (206) 783-2195 “These countries will be very early class notation,” says Henning Carlsen, the Fax (206) 783-9269 hiking rates,” Kapadia said in a telephone business development manager in DNV’s *Annual Percentage Yield (APY) quoted as of February 18, 2008, for a 1-year Certificate of Deposit (CD) and interview out of London yesterday. “We’re Offshore Classification unit. is effective through Februay 21, 2008. Minimum deposit $1,000. Rates are subject to change. very bullish on the Nordics and recent data “DNV has been involved in the wind Penalties will be imposed for early withdrawal. Deposits are FDIC insured up to $100,000 per depositor. have supported that view.” (Bloomberg.com) turbine installation unit market since 2003. In certain states, the referral of CDs to Allstate Bank is limited by state security laws to agents who are regis- tered securities representatives. Contact an Allstate Agency or Allstate Bank for further information. Allstate Norway is a Facebook Nation Today, we are in the forefront with new Agencies receive compensation for the referral of Allstate Bank CDs, which may vary depending projects in all the major home markets on the size and term of the certificates. Norway and Iceland lead the way with 40 percent of their populations on the website for offshore wind farms, and we expect a **Annual Percentage Yield (APY). National Index determined by Bankrate, Inc., N. Palm Beach, FL on Febru- significant increase in the coming years as ary 13, 2008. The Cupped Hands logo is a registered service mark and “Our Stand” is a service mark of Allstate Insurance Company.©2006 Allstate Insurance Company. In terms of Facebook users as a we see several new projects are in different percentage of a nation’s population, small stages of development,” he said. (DNV.com) SEPTEMBER 4, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Sp o r t s 5 Tippeligaen Tippe-league round 23 results Standings 8/29 Vålerenga 2-1 Molde Tippeligaen PLD PTS Vålerenga turn against Molde 8/30 Viking 2-2 Sandefjord 1. Rosenborg BK 21 51 2. Molde FK 23 44 8/30 Strømsgodset 3-1 Odd Grenland Kj e l l Ol a v St r ø m s l i 3. Odd Grenland 23 39 Trondheim, Norway 8/30 Ålesund 1-1 Bodø/Glimt 4. SK Brann 23 36 A change in the coaching staff for back in the Tippe-league as head coach for 8/30 Tromsø 2-0 Fredrikstad 5. Stabæk IF 21 33 Vålerenga, when the second head coach Tor Fredrikstad. The employment has been much 6. IK Start 23 32 8/30 Start 0-1 Brann Ole Skullerud decided to resign, seemed to discussed among the fans, but Nordlie saved 7. Viking FK 23 31 help after terrible letdowns for the Oslo club the first division club Kongsvinger from 8/31 Rosenborg 4-1 Lyn 8. Tromsø IL 22 29 lately. A tactical triumph for relegation last season and has led the club 9. 23 29 surprised the guests. Molde took the lead in among the top four so far this season. Tromsø 8/31 Lillestrøm 1-2 Stabæk 10. Vålerenga Fotball 23 28 the 19th minute by Biram Diouf. Only minutes was the opponent and denied later, Andresen benched the midfielder Zajik any points in his first appearance with a 11. Lillestrøm SK 22 26 and threw in a swift Harmeet Zing to restrain 2-0 victory at Alfheim in Tromsø. Tromsø To read more about Football in Europe visit: 12. Ålesunds FK 23 24 for Molde’s fast change over play. Vålerenga and the other remaining Norwegian club www.norway.com & 13. FK Bodø/Glimt 23 24 succeeded completely and got parity on a Stabæk were also knocked out of the Europa www.uefa.com 14. Strømsgodset IF 23 23 Luton Shelton effort six minutes before the League qualifying past week by the Spanish 15. Fredrikstad FK 23 22 break. Vålerenga continued their tactics in superiority AC Bilbao and Valencia. 16. FC Lyn Oslo 22 16 the second half and got their reward when Strømsgodset is the surprise of the round Jarl André Storbæk in the 71st minute met with a secure 3-1 victory against the form a Zing pass and rolled the ball in the empty team Odd. Odd had the chance to shorten net. the Molde lead, but messed up against the The colorful trainer Tom Nordlie is Drammen club. Get a FREE T-shirt! Women’s football: Cycling: Dahle Fesjå Sign up for a new subscription See for yourself or a friend, page 3 Norway - France 1-1 won Birkebeinerrittet and you will receive a free t-shirt! for UEFA No r w a y Po s t Additional shirts can be ordered details. Norway midfielder Anneli Giske This year’s for $15 per shirt. considered her team “lucky” to have sealed Birkebeinerrittet, themselves a place in the UEFA Women’s said to be the larg- Europ 2009 quarterfinals after sealing a 1-1 est cross coun- draw with France that booked their passage try race in the as one of the two best third-placed teams. world was held Lene Storløkken scored the crucial goal for this weekend. The Norway in Lahti, Finland on Aug. 30. women’s elite “We are very lucky to have qualified for class was won by the quarterfinals,” said Giske, whose team Norway’s Gunn- finished with one more point than , Rita Dahle Fesjå. the third-placed side in Group A. “We tried Swiss Andreas Ku- to win this game but France is a very good gler won the men’s Photo: canadiancycling.ca team. They had lots of possessions and elite class. Nearly have strong attacking players, so we’re very 20,000 participants were registered this year. satisfied with the draw.” The course is 94.6 km with start at Rena Norway must now wait to learn their and finish in Lillehammer. All entrants must opponents in the last eight, with Group A carry a backpack of at least 3.5 kg through- winners Finland and Group C rivals Sweden out the race. Dahle Fesjå’s winning time was and England their potential adversaries. 3:27.02, while Kugler came in with 3:02.05. Pettersen finishes... (…continued from page 1) playoff hole and what happened on the putt? SP: I don’t know how long it was, maybe Course near Portland, Ore. Suzann has now 15 feet, 12 feet. It was 12 feet probably. I just finished in the runner-up spot on the final pulled it a fraction. I saw I almost had that leaderboard eight times during her career, the same putt when we played the regular including three times in 2009. Pettersen round and it was just a poor putt. I mean, I slowly crept up the standings at this three-day can’t help that. event, finishing tied for 11th after day one, JT: Can you go over number 17, in the tied for fourth after day two, and then wound playoff, kind of your strategy there? up in second along with Michelle Redman. SP: I mean it’s a perfect number. I hit Pettersen, a five-time LPGA Tour winner, a perfect shot on my rescue, and I might as although unable to earn her sixth career win well hole it. Just a little bailout on the swing this week, was content with how she played and I actually got lucky that I actually had throughout the week. Her winnings totaled a chip, but on the wrong side. It’s hard to $136,476 for the tournament and now stand get close. And the putt again, I don’t know, at $882,310 for the year. it’s not really going to break. And it was a JASON TAYLOR: How was it out there good putt but it just didn’t break, so it’s today and having to go to a playoff? disappointing but this is what we work for, SUZANN PETTERSEN: I mean, I and I guess there’s next week. finished yesterday feeling I was a really low JT: Does it feel like it’s been a while one out there and I played really good today. since you hoisted a trophy? It was a blend of chances, made a lot of good SP: I’ve hoisted a lot of my own trophies putts, so I got a nice good streak there on in my head. All I can do is just keep plugging nine, 10, 11, 12, and just an unforced error on along. Today I played great. I played really, 15. Don’t even ask me what happened there. really good. I’m striking the ball great with But, I double-bogeyed on 15 and I still had a my irons, probably the best I’ve ever done good chance at it. But I had my chance on the this year. So that’s kind of nice. When you first playoff hole, just made a poor putt and feel like you’re hitting it great it’s nice to she made a great putt. score, and make some putts and next time JT: How long was the putt on the first I’ve just got to finish up myself.

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • SEPTEMBER 4, 2009 6 Op Ed Norwegian American WEEKLY Guest Editorial 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 with Consul Kim Nesselquist toll free: 1 (800) 305-0217 local:(206) 784-4617 fax: (206) 448-2033 email: [email protected] Publisher & Editor-In-Chief A thank you to the Jake Moe [email protected] WA Managing Editor Kennedys Tiffanie Davis [email protected] NY Managing Editor I went to bed last night with the news Berit Hessen [email protected] that Senator Edward Kennedy had died. (914) 337-4737 The news anchors remembered him as a Copy Editor & Subscriptions Manager great senator with many accomplishments Christy Olsen Field [email protected] that never reached what many would think (206) 441-3044 was his destiny—the Presidency of the Assistant Layout Editor United States. Harry Svenkerud [email protected] To me the news started a reflection Contributing Editors over my own relationship to the Kennedys. Anita Alan Carmel, Calif. As a seven-year-old boy living in Theodore Charles Tacoma, Wash. Eric Dregni Minneapolis, Minn. Norway, I remember the gray, sad faces Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway of the adults in Nesbyen on the news that Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway President Kennedy had been shot and Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. killed. I remember the pictures of the Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. three handsome Kennedy brothers whereof Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. one was already gone, the picture of little Nina Lichtenstein Hartford, Conn. John Jr. saluting his father’s casket as it Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, La. passed by him and Caroline. The news was Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. devastating, and the discussions and focus Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. David Moe Juneau, Alaska on Kennedy and the United States made Lisa Portelli Bradenten, Fla. a little boy very curious. I started reading Roman Scott Herre, Norway everything I could find about President John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Kennedy and his family—and I have to Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway admit that I still do. Julie Whipple Portland, Ore. For me, this was the start of an interest If you are interested in becoming a contributer contact Tiffanie Davis at (800)305-0217 or by email at [email protected]. for politics and public service that has been, and still is, a large part of my life. It also CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you started my fascination for America—a Photo: Cecil Stoughton, White House, in the John F. Kennedy Presidental Library and Museum, Boston. have a question or comment about news coverage fascination I still hold. Aug. 28, 1963: President Kennedy and his brothers, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly I remember l968 as my Kennedy reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for Senator Edward M. Kennedy. White House, outside Oval Office. style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right interest was renewed with Robert Kennedy’s not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor bid for the Presidency. New books came tried again, and when he in l985 he made with the rather attractive secretary. taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. out, and many articles were written in the • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and the choice not to be a candidate for the When we remember Senator Edward letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian newspapers and magazines in Norway. I Presidency, he made it clear that “the hunt Kennedy, and acknowledge his long and American Weekly, and our publication of those views is tried to read them all. The rest of my time for the Presidency in not my life, public effective political life, his dedication not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions was spent at school and on our neighborhood and complaints about the opinions expressed by the service is.” to public service, the strengths and paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor- soccer field. I will never forget when Mrs. In l980, as a young student at Pacific obvious weaknesses of the Senator from in-chief. • Norwegian American Weekly is published Oen came over to the fence by the soccer Lutheran University, I attended an interim Massachusetts, we also say goodbye to the weekly except the first week of the calendar year, field and told us that Robert Kennedy had the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks class in Washington, D.C. during Ronald last of three brothers and a legacy that has of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • been shot. We did not say much, just picked Reagan’s inauguration. One day was spent in had great influence on this country and its Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. up the ball and walked home. the U.S. Congress, and when it was time for people. On this day it is also important to NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription With the earlier assassination of Martin Cost: US$50 Domestic, US$70 to Canada, us to visit one of “our” home state senators, remember the many people from all over the US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. Luther King and the Soviet army’s invasion my friend Andreas and I did not hesitate— world that got the inspiration to learn more of Czechoslovakia in August, it was not we walked over to Senator Kennedy’s about politics, public service and the United SINCE 1889: Formerly Norway Times & easy to be a 12-year-old. We understood Western Viking & Washington Posten. . . office. He was not there, and we did not get States of America because of the Kennedy the seriousness in these tragic events, to see him. But, we had a great conversation brothers. I was one of them. Even though I Comprising and I remember vividly how scared I was Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis- with a man that knew everything about did not always share the Kennedy’s political thinking that my father maybe would have Kennedy and his policies. We were sure views, I am very grateful for everything I Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona and to go to war. Skandinaven we had met someone very important from learned from them. Senator Kennedy – rest In less than five years we only had Ted his office, and we were happy with that. in peace. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Kennedy left. As many other people did, I As we spent the rest of the day at Capitol took it for granted that he would become Hill we were surprised at meeting the same -Kim Nesselquist President one day. He challenged President man we talked to in Kennedy’s office in Carter for the democratic nomination in Editor’s Note: This article was written Aug. Proud to bring you the the elevator. We got a good laugh when we l979 and carried the fight all the way to the finally figured out that he was actually an 26, the day after Senator Edward Kennedy’s Norwegian American Weekly Convention—where he had to acknowledge passing. To learn more about the elevator attendant that had just happened Norwegian American Foundation visit: defeat to the sitting President. He never to stop by Senator Kennedy’s office to flirt http://noram.norway.com SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle

SEPTEMBER 4, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Op Ed 7 Letters to the Editor: Do you have something to say? Send your letters to: Jake Moe, Editor-In-Chief • [email protected] • 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115

Dear Norwegian American Weekly, any contacts at all for Olympic tickets? Dear Editor, Appreciate very much your reply. Some guy in Norway is attempting to Thanks a lot! collect a million hand-created giraffes for his Web site, OneMillionGiraffes.com. The 4. september Med vennlig hilsen/best regards, guy started it as a dare with his friend to col- Edmund J Oen Arden Hills MN Sølvi lect one million giraffes by 2011. His friend Egil L Myrseth Edmonds WA Oslo, Norway doesn’t think he can do it, but so far he has John Mahlum Seattle WA collected over 206,000 giraffes. I thought 5. september Dear Sølvi, you would be interested in this effort. Some Gunnar Engen Plano TX Thanks for contacting us here at the Nor- of the creativity with the giraffes is very in- Helen H Sande SD wegian American Weekly. We are receiving teresting. Nels J Greva Los Angeles CA many requests such as yours here at the of- Love the Weekly! Harry Solheim Seattle WA Shelby and Svein Gilje fice, as we are just a couple of hours south of Bert T Taule Portland OR where the Olympic Games are held. Take care, Mardelle (Hoston) Gaboury Meridian CA I just wanted to say thanks to you at the Although we would love to be hold- Tim Hunter 6. september Weekly for the nice photo of Svein and my- ing several hundred tickets to the Olympic Seattle, Wash. Hazel Tover Longview WA self in the Roots and Connections section in Games to be made available to our friends in Carl M Martinson Crookston MN the Aug. 21 issue, and spell out his accom- Norway (and here in the United States), that Sigurd Hansen Big Timber MT plishments! Our entire family was surprised unfortunately isn’t the case. 8. september and very delighted. There are two main challenges to attend- Bjorg Christiansen Aberdeen WA I will clip it this out and post it on our ing the Olympics this year – first, the lodging Mrs Oscar E Nelson Iola WI bulletin board! at the ski resort, Whistler/Blackcomb, where Mrs A O Leslie Astoria OR the alpine and cross country events will be Herman B Olson Seattle WA Thanks so much! held is very limited and quite expensive. Ragna (Barikmo) Nelson Iola WI Shelby Gilje In past major events in Vancouver, Brit- E Vike Patterson CA Seattle, Wash. ish Columbia and Whistler, we have had luck James T Pedersen Elmwood Park IL securing lodging at the temporary bed and Alfa Jackson Burlington WA breakfasts that are open during the events. 9. september Dear Shelby, This is a great option because you get a Evelyn Arnstdatter-Olsen Brown It was our honor to feature you and chance to meet the locals and develop friend- Arcadia MI Svein in the Weekly. On behalf of the entire ships that you might not develop staying in Leif Holmes Stanwood WA Emma Paasche Norwegian American community, we thank one of the hotels. Secondly, getting a hold Santa Rosa CA The Web site for onemilliongiraffes.com is run by JulieAnn Herset Kila MT you for all that you and Svein have done over of the premier tickets for the alpine and cross a Norwegian man who seeks to collect one million Gunvor Ronhovde Tacoma WA the years. country events will be a challenge in itself. giraffes by 2011. To send in your own giraffe, visit Our best advice is to procure as many www.onemilliongiraffes.com! 10. september Olufine Veland All the best, tickets as you can from the Norwegian Everett WA Halvor Hinderlie Sveio Norway Editor Olympic Committee. You may also get in- Hilmar K Waage Laurel MT formation on availability of tickets by check- Thanks Tim, Allen Hammon Seattle WA ing out the Web site, www.vancouver2010. We checked out this fellow’s Web site Alfred Hagen Auburn WA Dear Editor, com or calling (800) 842-5387 for informa- and we are amazed that someone would have John E Johansen Alta CA Greetings to the Norwegian American tion from their staff. A selection of tickets that much time on their hands to coordinate Weekly from Oslo! will be released during the fall, and there is a the collection of one million giraffes. In talk- I am contacting you regarding the Olym- good chance that additional alpine and cross ing with the staff here at the office, we are Want to see your birthday in the Norwegian American Weekly? pic Games in Vancouver 2010. As we are ar- country tickets may be available at that time. considering starting a website titled “One- Give us a call at (800) 305-0217. ranging the visit to Whistler for 3 groups of Good luck with your effort – and, if you are MillionKrumkake.com” – only we wouldn’t Birthday listings are free, but must be 12 persons for an important client in Oslo, flying into Seattle before traveling up to the want to have just the artwork designed on a submitted one month in advance. Norway, we are looking for a supplier for Olympic Games, please stop by our Norwe- website, we would want all the krumkake tickets to alpine and cross country. The Nor- gian American Weekly office and introduce shipped to our office!!!! wegian supplier of tickets has a very limited yourselves. The coffee is always on and you If we go through with this, will you stop number of tickets and we do not know if we are most graciously welcome! by and help us eat a million krumkake? can rely on getting any tickets at all from Proud to bring you the them. Our client is one of the sponsors for All the best, Thanks for the note, Norwegian American Weekly the The Norwegian Olympic and Paraolym- Editor Editor pic Committee and Confederation of Sports To learn more about the (NIF) and it is essential for them to bring Norwegian American Foundation visit: their VIP guests to the arenas. Do you have http://noram.norway.com Han Ola Og Han Per


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Jarlsberg Ginger Pear Waffle and Peanut Butter Roll-Ups Phone: (718) 748-1874 Fax: (718) 833-7519 Peanut butter and cheese cereal roll-ups Breakfast Quesadilla ORDIC E-mail: [email protected] www.nordicdeli.com Spread Jarlsberg slice with some peanut In lightly oiled skillet, scramble 2 eggs DELICACIES 6909 3rd Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 butter and roll up; press top and bottom into (using one or both yolks). Add diced tomato, Place your order today! crushed cereal. Serve with apple, pear or scallion, handful of baby spinach or arugula other favorite fruit. and 1 tablespoon Boursin cheese. Roll up in tortilla. Tasty Morning Toast Scandinavian S’mores Toast waffles, cinnamon raisin bread or Using 2 Scandinaivan style crispbreads, English muffin. Spread about 2 teaspoons spread peanut butter (mixed with a bit of apple butter or fig jam on each half and top honey) on each. Layer one crispbread with with a few thin slices cooked pear (optional); thin slices of banana (or apple). Top with sprinkle with pecans. Place ½ slice Jarlsberg a thin slice Jarlsberg or Gjetost, touch of cheese on each muffin half and run under marshmallow fluff and finish with other slice broiler to melt. of crispbead. Wrap in foil and warm slightly Vary the ingredients on the toast: use in oven. Summer Sale! cooked crisp bacon and cooked tender 30% off all sweaters apples; top with Jarlsberg and broil until melted. Or, butter slice of bread and smear Photo, recipes, and tips courtesy with mustard; top with slice of cooked lean of the Burrell Group. Call toll-free at (877) 784-7020 ham or Canadian bacon, a pineapple slice and www.scanspecialties.com slice of Jarlsberg. Broil until cheese melts. SEPTEMBER 4, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Tr a v e l s t o No r w a y 9 Retracing brave footsteps The Norwegian American Foundation’s Ambassadors Circle explores the history of the Norwegian Resistance during World War II

Th e o d o r e Ch a r l e s Tacoma, Wash. Part Four believe some emergency had driven them After long hours of touring, the all from their ports in Oslo and neighboring Norwegian American Foundation, as well towns. We dined on fresh shrimp and as nearly 70 other guests, boarded the 19th delicious seafood chowder that was brought century two-masted fishing boat SS Adella. on deck by the gallon. When walking from The boat is owned by Ambassadors Circle one end of the ship to the other, it was nearly member Terje Mikalsen, passed down to him impossible not to run into dignitaries ranging from his uncle who utilized it for hauling from Vice President Walter Mondale, to lumber. The cruise was part of celebrating a President Lønning of the Storting. Large Norwegian tradition, where flotillas of small bonfires, another Norwegian tradition, dotted and large water craft alike head out into Oslo the coastline in front of houses and sod- fjord to celebrate Midsummer night. Droves roofed cabins. We docked at midnight when of boats passed us on our way in after several the afterglow of the sun was still just licking hours on the fjord, so many that I began to the tops of the buildings.

The SS Adella carried upwards of 100 people the night it departed from Oslo harbor. It was originally constructed as a fishing vessel in the 1890s, changing occupations several times until coming into the hands of Terje Mikalsen, whose uncle used it for hauling timber.

All photos by Theodore Charles. Terje Mikalsen addresses his guests from the stern of the SS Adella. He illustrated the ship’s many uses through its lifetime as well as discussing the difficulties he had restoring her to her present condition. To his left can be seen Ellen S. Ewald, Consul Kim Nesselquist, and Vice President Walter Mondale.

Denver-based attorney David Robbins enjoys a glass of wine on the bow of the SS Adella during its Midsummer night voyage. People from all walks of life could be spotted on deck, from President Inge Lønning of the Storting, to graduates from St. Olaf College in Minnesota.

The guests aboard the SS Adella dined on bread, shrimp, and gallons of delicious seafood chowder that was consumed down to the last ladle full. So much food was eaten by the many people were aboard, that all were happily sated.

President Loren Anderson of Pacific Lutheran University, his wife MaryAnn Anderson, and United States Vice President Walter Mondale depart from the Hotel Continental for the Norwegian Parliament. From the front doors of the hotel, the Parliament can be seen only several blocks away.

The guests prepare to board the S.S. Adella for her voyage into Oslofjord. The Adella arrived on the Guests aboard the SS Adella crowd the deck as the voyage gets underway. The voyage lasted several Oslo docks a little before dinnertime underneath the shadow of Akershus Fortress. hours and ventured past waterfront homes that reminded many of those in the San Juan Islands of Washington state. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • SEPTEMBER 4, 2009 10 Ro o t s a n d Co nn e c t i o n s Norwegian American Weekly NETT-NØTT 2 Photos of the Week av Jan-Tore Stien 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 5. 6. 7.

8. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12.

13. 14.


15. 16. 17. 18.

19. 13. 20.

21. 43. 22.

15. 23. 24.

25. 26. 27. 28.

17. 18. All photos from the Norwegian American Weekly archive. 29. 30. Norwegian seamen in German POW camp in North Africa, 1942. 21.

31. 32.

VANNRETT: LODDRETT: 1. Edelsten 2. Fag 5. Tydelig 3. Egen 11. Matt 4. Sinn 12. Hete 6. Vilter 13. Fisk 7. Håndverker 14. Gjennomført 8. Bitter 15. Krypdyr 9. Mislykkes 18. Særskilt 10. Sport 21. Styrte 16. Konkurrere 22. Svik 17. Forsvarer 25. Sending 19. Forslukne 27. Pantelåner 20. Lære 29. Mat 23. Voldsom Left: Gunner Sverre E. Karlsen. Right: Three brothers, British Royal Navy, Royal Norwegian Navy, 30. Blomst 24. Hovestad United States Army. 31. Farge 26. Taus 32. Oval figur 28. Sirkel What did you pay for that? $2.81 USD $2.99 USD The NAME Game is the median price for is the median price for SEPTEMBER 4: Ida, Idar traditionally a holiday for hte martyr of Gallia a kilogram of green grapes a pound of green grapes The name Ida is German. The origin is Regine, who died in the year 250. Rose is in Norway. in the U.S. not quite clear, but it could be an abbreviated an English version of the Latin rosa - rose. form of names with the first syllable Id- Variations include Rosalia, Italian; Rosalie, The masculine name Idar which has Rosita, Spanish diminutive. become popular in Norway in later years, has its origin in hte Old German id - dåd/deed SEPTEMBER 8: Alma, Allan as well as hari, which in turn comes from Alma derives from the Latin almus - the Old Norse harjar - kriger, stridsmann/ nærende, god/nourishing, good. In addition to warrior. the female name, it is used in connection with Did you know? the university: alma mater - nærende mor/ Ole and Random facts about Norway SEPTEMBER 5: Brede, Brian nourishing mother. Brede is of undetermined origin. The masculine name Allan (Alan) is Norwegian women won the right to Lena Probable theories of the origin include that originally Celtic, and may have a connection vote in 1913. the name came from the Frisian Islands and a to the people’s name alaner, or it may stem version, Breide, was later used in Denmark. from Alum meaning harmony. The teacher caught a VÆRMELDINGEN There may be a connection to the Old Norse Printed August 28 breidr - bred/wide. It would come from the SEPTEMBER 9: Trygve, Tyra daydreaming Little Ole German brite - britisk/British. The Latin Trygve comes from the Old Norse version is Bredo. Brian is Irish and most Tryggvi den trygge/the secure, fryktesløse/ off guard in history class likely comes from bre - høyde, kolle/height, fearless. peak. The feminine name is a Latin form of the Danish Thyre. when she suddenly asked, SEPTEMBER 6: Siv, Sollaug The meaning is uncertain; it could be a “Ole, what happened when Sollaug is a more recent version of the combination of the god’s name Tor and vig Old Norse Svanlaug, which is composed of strid/strife, or ve helligdom/sacred, temple. Hannibal crossed the Alps Svanr (swan) and laug (wed to or promised). Almost identical versions are Svanlaug, SEPTEMBER 10: Tord, Tor with a hundred elephants?” Svomraug and Svallaug - seldom used today. Tor is a more recent version of Tord, Siv derives from the Old Norse Sif but is in any case connected to the name of Ole said, “He got a (kinship, relationship or related). We find Sif the god, which is dervied from the Proto- in mythology as the god Tor’s wife. Scandinavian thunrar - den som tordner/he mountain range that never who thunders. Variations of the name include: SEPTEMBER 7: Regine, Rose Torry, Tore and Tove. Regine comes from the Latin word forgets.” regina—dronning/queen. This day is

SEPTEMBER 4, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Fa i t h a n d Re l i g i o n 11 In honor and memory of Just a minute Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Send a brief memoriam to [email protected]. Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, brought back to life Dagfinn Gunnarshaug after being previously printed in the Norway Times. 1933- 2009 Self-Esteem After a brave and lengthy battle against cancer, Dagfinn Gunnarshaug died in his Westlake Village “Don’t let anyone look down on you an attitude of self-degradation is interpreted home on July 18, surrounded by his family. because you are young” (1 Timothy 4:12). as piety and humility. It is not. The pain of Scores of leaders of the Norwegian-American Young Timothy seemed to have a such an attitude turns inward and leads to community, as well as representatives of the Norwegian tendency to become discouraged and self-contempt because of lack of courage. Foreign Ministry, paid their respects to Dagfinn at a depressed. He had problems with his self- It is also an open invitation to unscrupulous memorial service Aug. 2 at Westlake Village Lutheran esteem and allowed people to abuse him. people in search of a victim. Church, in Westlake Village, Calif. Paul says, “Don’t let anyone look down At other times, individuals may be He was honorary Vice Consul of Norway in on you”—don’t let anyone downgrade your so strong in their self-assertion that they Los Angeles since his appointment in 2001, and was worth as a human being. become dictators to their fellowmen. President of the Norwegian-American Chamber of A person with a healthy mental attitude That happens in marriage, on the job, in Commerce of Southern California for close to 15 years. is considerate to his fellowmen, but he also the church. Nothing will thrive and grow He also served as Vice-president of the Scandinavian considers himself a person of value. He will around self-righteous people. It is an art to American Cultural and Historical Foundation board not habitually take abuse from other people. find the right balance. of directors, Dag was, indeed, active throughout the He is neither a dictator nor a “doormat.” God’s forgiveness and assurance of Norwegian and Norwegian-American community. In the life of Jesus, and also of Paul, His fatherly care will give us inner securty Born in Haugesund, his father was an electrical engineer, and his grandfather had a small we find many situations where they and a healthy self-respect so that we neither boat and shipped herring to many ports. After attending the University of Minnesota, Dagfinn defended their own dignity and refused look down on others, or give into people returned to Norway and started working in shipping. He came to New York in 1968 to start to be scorned. To swallow an insult is not with a powerful super-ego. a shipping company, and moved to California 25 years ago where he built his business into a always the solution. To “turn the other “Fear not for I am with you. Be not 27-ship operation. In 1983, he sold his shipping business and started Norscan Trading Group, cheek” is certainly a noble gesture, but it dismayed for I am your God” (Isaiah consulting in ocean shipping as well as export-import, trading several Scandinavian items has to serve a definite purpose. Sometimes 41:10). which are marketed all over the world. Dagfinn was a pillar of the Norwegian-American community in Southern California where he tirelessly worked to promote business and cultural/student exchanges. As Vice- Consul, he was always ready to assist Norwegians in need. When an organization asked him to speak or to assist, he never refused. He always tried to find ways to fund programs and events that benefitted Norway. As a person of immense optimism and can-do spirit, Dag will Kong Olav V’s kirke be greatly missed by all who knew him. Sjømannskirken The family requests that, in lieu of flowers, donations in Dagfinn’s memory be given to The Norwegian Church in New York the Scandinavian American Cultural and Historical Foundation (SACHF). Donations may 317 East 52nd Street (Betw. 1st & 2nd Aves.) be mailed to Scandinavian American Cultural and Historical Foundation, 60 W. Olsen Road, New York, NY 10022 - Phone: 1-212-319-0370 Thousand Oaks, CA 91360. By Judith Gariel Vinje and Inger Tallaksen [email protected] - www.kjerka.com Åpningstider: man - tors: 12-19, fre - søn: 12-17

Takk for alt, Gudstjenester: Dagfinn Gunnarshaug! gudstjeneste og søndagsskole: Hver søndag kl. 11 med kirkekaffe Washington DC: Hver 2. sønd. i måneden kl. 15 (sept.- juni) Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 7730 Bradley Blvd (7 Locks Rd. og Bradley Blvd.) Bethesda, MD S i d e b y S i d e Philadelphia: Hver 3. sønd. i måneden kl. 16 (feb-april og okt-des) ved “Gloria Dei” - Old Swedes Church, Delaware Avenue / Christian Street Bible Study familiegudstjeneste : 4. oktober, kl. 14.00 (verksted for barna fra kl 13.) What’s Happening: Markus 1 Mark 1 Oppstart av faste aktiviteter høsten 2009 6 Klærne til Johannes var vevd av kamelhår, 6 John wore clothing made of camel’s hair, Business Lunch: We offer a delicious “smorgossbord”, a Norwegian og han gikk med et lærbelte. Gresshopper with a leather belt around his waist, and he “hot meal” & dessert. Only $22! Next date: September 16, Noon - 2 p.m. og vill honning var maten han spiste. ate locusts and wild honey. LunsjSuppe: 30. September fra kl. 12-14 serverer vi nydelig varm suppe Ung i New York: 6. september blir det grilling på takterrassen kl. 18 7 Her er et eksempel på hvordan han 7 And this was his message: “After me will Småbarnstreff: 3. september kl. 10.30 forkynte “Det kommer snart en som er mye come one more powerful than I, the thongs større enn jeg, så mye større at jeg ikke of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop Nattklubb: 17. september kl. 19.00 engang er verdig til å være slaven hans. down and untie. “Team Hanne” in Concert: Hanne Krogh and a 20 member chorus will sing during the 8 Jeg døper dere med vann, men han skal 8 I baptize you with water, but he will Church Service on September 13, at 11 am. The døpe dere med Guds Hellige Ånd!” baptize you with the Holy Spirit” choir will also hold a mini concert at 12:30 pm. 9 Så en dag kom Jesus fra Nasaret i 9 At that time Jesus came from Nazareth The choir won “Det store Korslaget” (a program Galilea, og han ble døpt av Johannes i elven in Galilee and was baptized by John in the series on Norwegian TV2 last spring) Jordan. Jordan. Trygve Lie Gallery: www.trygveliegallery.com 10 I samme, øyeblikk som Jesus kom opp 10 As Jesus was coming up out of the water, av vannet, så han himlene åpne, og den he saw heaven being torn open the the Spirit "Kaleidoscope" by Harald Schioldborg Jr.: Hellige Ånd kom ned over ham som en due. descending on him like a dove. Until 4 years ago Schioldborg’s professional life revolved around shipping and 11 En røst fra himmelen sa: “Du er min 11 And a voice came from heaven: “You are international transport. Today he is by many considered to be one of Norway’s elskede Sønn, du er min glede.” my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” most promising contemporary artists. His paintings vary in expressions, depend- ing on choice of material and size – but ultimately colors and light is the main emphasis. On display until Sept. 16. New exhibition to open in October.

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • SEPTEMBER 4, 2009 12 Ar t s a n d En t e r t a i n m e n t Oslo Chamber Choir tours Minnesota Panel discussion on Norwegian The Edvard Grieg Society of Norway House to architecture in Washington, D.C. present the Oslo Chamber Choir of Norway 2009 On Sept.16, the Royal Norwegian Embassy will be co- Minnesota Concert Tour. Featuring Håkon Daniel hosting a panel on Norwegian architecture with the Nystedt, Conductor and soloists, Bjørn Sigurd Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Glorvigen and Liv Ulvik Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e Royal Norwegian Embassy Featuring three acclaimed architects, Dykers has been commissioned to complete Peter MacKeith, Craig Dykers and Einar various installation art projects in public Jarmund, this debate will offer interesting spaces, many of these focused on the notion insights into the differences between of context, nature and human nature. Norwegian and U.S. architecture, and Einar Jarmund established his firm highlight what sets Norwegian architecture Jarmund/Vigsnæs AS in 1995. He established apart from international trends. his first individual practice in Seattle, and Peter MacKeith, Associate Dean with has given lectures both in Europe and in Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts, the US since 1989. He received his MA in Washington University in St. Louis, has Architecture at the University of Washington written several articles on Norwegian in Seattle in 1989, and has been a visiting architecture, and has through his travels professor at the University of Arizona, as to Norway he has acquired a wealth of well as Washington University in St. Louis, knowledge on how Norwegian architecture Mo. fits in with, as well as challenges, other trends The debate will be moderated by in contemporary architecture. He has also Susan Piedmont-Palladino, Professor of written a series of articles for Arcitectural Architecture at Virginia Tech and curator Record featuring Norwegian architecture. with the National Building Museum in Craig Dykers, currently with renowned Washington, D.C. Norwegian architecture firm Snøhetta, This free event will take place on has been a member of the Norwegian Sept. 16, 5:30 p.m., at Crough Center, Architecture Association (NAL), the Catholic University, 620 Michigan Ave, NE American Institute of Architects (AIA), and Washington, D.C. is a Fellow in the Royal Society of Arts in For further information, please call England. He has lectured extensively in (202) 319-5188. Europe, Asia and the Americas. In addition,

Countdown to… appear to agree on several issues, there (…continued from page 1) remain many potential power struggles between them. Frp is much larger asked said prime minister Jens Stoltenberg than Høyre, but Solberg is expected to (Labor) was doing a good job. Now, 47 demand the prime minister’s job, for percent of the population are of the same example, which Jensen clearly believes opinion, according to the latest poll from would belong to her. It’s also unclear Synovate, a global market research company. whether they’d get support from the other Stoltenberg’s average rating since he became non-socialist parties like the Liberals prime minister in 2005 has been 36 percent. (Venstre) or the Christian Democrats. However, just two weeks before the Those two parties may actually throw election, one out of every four voters has yet their support behind socialist parties to decide which party to vote for. instead, mostly because they think an Eighteen percent of those asked said Frp-Høyre government would be too they would decide during the last week conservative for their liking. before the election. Seven percent said they 4. The Conservatives, the Christian would decide on election day. Democrats and the Liberals manage to Aftenposten, Norway’s leading Photos courtesy of the Oslo Chamber Choir form a more center-leaning non-socialist newspaper, has laid out the seven different This year the Oslo Chamber Choir celebrates its 25th anniversary. The choir was founded in 1984 by government like the one that ruled from scenarios for the upcoming elections. Grete Pedersen. 2001 to 2005. This could only happen if Labor loses badly at the polls and these 1. Labor (Arbeiderpartiet), the Socialist three parties pick up Labor votes. Right Left (SV) and the Center Party (Sp) Li n d a Pe d e rs e n now, public opinion polls suggest these performing different genres of music at a continue their left-center coalition for Special to Norwegian American Weekly three parties combined only command high artistic level. The choir holds a unique another four years, if they collectively position, both nationally and internationally, around 25 percent of the vote. For the kick-off of its 2009-10 season, win a majority of the vote. That would because of their innovative work with the likely mean that Labor’s Jens Stoltenberg 5. The Progress Party rules alone. This the Edvard Grieg Society of Norway House traditional Norwegian vocal music. Award- would continue as prime minister, party, Norway’s most conservative, will present the Oslo Chamber Choir in a winning conductor, Håkon Daniel Nystedt, SV’s Kristin Halvorsen as Finance currently ranks as the country’s second- Minnesota concert tour. Performances will grandson of renowned Norwegian conductor/ Minister and Sp’s Liv Signe Navarsete largest but probably still couldn’t get be held in Moorhead at Concordia College, composer, Knute Nystedt, also acts as artistic as Transportation Minister or in some enough seats in Parliament to give it in Minneapolis at Augsburg College, in St. director. In 2005, the choir was invited to other cabinet post. Labor’s Jonas Gahr any real power on its own. Its chances of Cloud at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, in the World Symposium on Choral Music in Støre may continue as Foreign Minister, forming a minority government are seen even though he’s likely to win a seat in as lower than Labor’s chances of ruling Northfield at St. Olaf College, and a private Kyoto, Japan, where it performed several Parliament. alone. mini-concert at Transatlantic Science Week successful Norwegian folk music concerts. 2009. This tour is sponsored in part by the Since then, the Oslo Chamber Choir has 2. Labor rules alone. That could happen 6. The Conservatives rule alone. Not Royal Norwegian Embassy in Washington, performed in Denmark (2006), Minnesota if Labor, currently Norway’s largest probable because the party has performed D.C. USA (2007), Italy (2008) and Japan (2008). party in public opinion polls, either poorly in recent public opinion polls, does extremely well at the polls or if with less than 15 percent of the vote. The Oslo Chamber Choir was founded The Twin Cities concert will begin at in 1984 and has established itself as one of the non-socialist (borgerlig) parties 7. The Christian Democrats, the Liberals 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 26, at Hoversten win a majority or fail to form their own the leading choirs in Norway recognized Chapel located on the campus of Augsburg and the Center Party form a centrist for its high quality, versatility, and ability to government. Some political analysts non-socialist government. Not probable, College. think this is a highly probable scenario. combine and switch between different genres Tickets for the Twin Cities performance because they also have performed 3. The Progress Party (Frp) and the poorly in public opinion polls and seem of music. This series is focused on Norwegian are $20 (general seating) in advance, $25 at Conservatives (Høyre) win a majority, unlikely to get enough votes to warrant folk music. In 2009, The Oslo Chamber Choir the door. Group, student, and senior discounts th or the non-socialist parties as a whole even a minority government. Together celebrates its 25 anniversary. It was founded available. Call (800) 838-3006 to purchase by Grete Pedersen and has established itself do, and come to terms on a government they have less than 20 percent of the tickets. For all other information, call (877) vote. as one of the leading choirs in Norway, platform. Even though Frp Leader Siv 247-7439 or go to www.norwayhouse.net. Jensen and Høyre’s leader Erna Solberg Campaigning continues in full swing. SEPTEMBER 4, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY In Yo u r Ne i g h b o r h o o d 13 From Jamaica to … (…continued from page 1) e Scandinavian Hour Oslo, and also acts as Chargé in the absence of the Ambassador. Celebrating over 40 years on the air Before coming to Oslo, Mr. Heg was Deputy Chief of Mission and later Chargé KKNW - 1150 AM d’Affaires in Kingston, Jamaica, from Saturdays 9:00 - 10:00 am August 2006 to June 2009. Previous to his position in Jamaica, Heg served as Minister Streaming live on the internet at: Counselor for Economic Affairs in Mexico www.1150kknw.com City from August 2004 to May 2006. Prior to that, he served for four years in the State Department in Washington, D.C., Sons of Norway Building, B-20 the last two as Deputy Director for Economic Norway Art 1455 W. Lake Street Affairs, Office of European Union and Photo: Wikipedia (612) 339-7829 Minneapolis, MN 55408 Regional Affairs in the Bureau for European Heg is the great-great-grandson of Colonel Hans www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] Affairs. From August 1996 to July 1998, he Christian Heg, a Norwegian immigrant to the was Deputy Director, Office of Brazilian and United States of America who served as a colonel By appointment please Southern Cone Affairs, Bureau of Western and brigade commander in the Union Army during Hemisphere Affairs. Other postings include the American Civil War. Proud to bring you the Deputy Political Counselor in Ankara, Heg graduated from Rice University Norwegian American Weekly Turkey; Finance and Investment Advisor (Houston, Texas) in 1973 with a BA degree at the U.S. Mission to the OECD in Paris; in Economics and Political Science. He Economic/Commercial Officer in Managua, received an MA in Economics from the Full Service Agency With Experienced Nicaragua; and Economic Officer/Vice University of Washington (Seattle, Wash.) Norwegian Speaking Consultants! Get a FREE T-shirt! Consul in Caracas, Venezuela. in 1976. He speaks Spanish, French and Our daily specials and regularly updated information will help you make wise travel Heg is married and is a resident of Turkish. Mr. Heg has been in the U.S. decisions in a constantly changing world! See Foreign Service since 1979. Chelan, Wash. He is a great-great grandson Specials to Scandinavia Kevin M. Johnson preceeded James T. of Colonel Hans Christian Heg, who Europe & the Caribbean page 3 emigrated from Norway to Wisconsin, Heg as Deputy Chief of Mission, serving in 1840. Colonel Heg led a regiment of under former Ambassador Benson K. Call us for details! for Scandinavian troops on the Union side in the Whitney. On July 17, Johnson headed to Verrazano TraVel & leisure American Civil War, and was killed in action Canada to assume the position as Consul 1 (718) 979-6641 details. at Chickamauga, Ga., in September 1863. General in Toronto. [email protected] [email protected]

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Discount Car Rentals in Norway We work exclusively with HERTZ 1.800.870.7688 Scandinavian owned & operated Photo: Leslee Lane Hoyum Kris Bjerkness, award recipient; Linda Nelson, acting fraternal director, Sons of Norway; Paul Erickson, award recipient; Ingeborg and Ivar Sorensen, 1988 Founders’ Award recipients.

25th Annual … the United States, kicked it off. Now the Category/Period 1 week 2 weeks 4 weeks (…continued from page 1) tournament attracts 850 to 1,000 teams from A - Ford Ka 2492 4634 8512 around the world. B - Ford Fiesta 8652 Ivar left my office we decided to organize a 2534 4704 Interest in the USA Cup and the C - Ford Focus similar competition in Minnesota, the USA 2800 5208 9548 potential for other national and international E - VW Passat 3283 6104 11200 Cup,” chuckled Erickson. sporting events did not go unnoticed by J - Ford Mondeo Automatic 4137 7686 14112 “Actually, this was an unusual concept the State of Minnesota, which used state in the early 1980s,” said Erickson, “since funds to build the National Sports Center. N - Volvo V70 Wagon 4494 8344 15316 soccer was not exactly a ‘hot’ sport in the It includes 52 soccer fields, as well as other *All prices are in Norwegian Kroner, rates include unlimited km’s, liability insurance & VAT tax Midwest. However, we were a ‘hotbed’ of venues for a variety of sports. The facility’s Please see www.VikiNgCaRClub.Com Norwegians. We were determined to make ongoing support, however, is provided by a for a complete listing of vehicles & rates the USA Cup the nation’s largest youth non-profit corporation, the National Sports soccer tournament, which it is. Center Foundation. 108 N. Main St., Cranbury, NJ 08512 • [email protected] “Back in ‘85, Kris Bjerkness was an Currently, Erickson is the executive intern at Sons of Norway and was invaluable director of the Minnesota Amateur Sports to all of us in making the tournament work,” Commission, St. Paul, Minn., and Bjerkness SeaMates Consolidation Service, Inc. continued Erickson. “Along with many is the executive director of the National SON volunteers, we relied on the Ekeberg- Sports Center, Blaine, Minn., where the Ocean Freight Consolidators for Household Goods, Bekkelaget soccer experts with their vast USA Cup is played. Today’s major USA Personal Effects and Commercial Cargo experience through the Norway Cup matches, Cup sponsor is The Schwan Food Company, to Scandinavia and other Worldwide Destinations most of which are played at Ekeberg. Their which is headquartered in Marshall, Minn. assistance was significant in our planning For more information, visit online at 316 Main Street, East Rutherford, New Jersey 07073 efforts.” www.usacup.com. Tel: 1-800-541-4538 • Fax: 1-201-460-7229 In 1985, the USA Cup was born. Sixty- five teams, including 11 Norwegian teams www.seamates.com and teams from Germany, Mexico and Contact Sig Samuelsen: [email protected] NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • SEPTEMBER 4, 2009 14 No r w e g i a n He r i t a g e “Sacred Symbols, Ceremonial Cloth” Rønningen Ramblings New exhibition opens at Vesterheim with Heidi Håvan Grosch

Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his home country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is experiencing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us in on the good, the bad and the unexpected!

Nasjonalt senter for skriveopplæring og skriveforskning (Skrivesenteret) (The Norwegian Center for Writing Education and Research)

Images courtesy of Vesterheim. A new exhibition at Vesterheim explores the history of and meaning behind cloth. Left: Bride Belt Cloth. Right: Basket Cloth.

Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e Dr. Kathleen Stokker will present “The Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum Fabric of Life: Textiles and the Rites of Passage” on Dec. 23 at 2 p.m. also in the Vesterheim Norwegian-American Amdal-Odland Heritage Center. Museum presents the exhibition “Sacred “Sacred Symbols, Ceremonial Cloth” is Photos: Heidi Håvan Grosch Symbols, Ceremonial Cloth,” curated by made possible by a grant from Humanities Iowa and the National Endowment for the 10:30 a.m. A couple hundred people sit jobs, to write reports or fill out applications. artist and respected art historian Mary Kelly Humanities, and by the following sponsors: in the silence of a midmorning coffee stupor, One speaker pointed out that something of Hilton Head, S.C. The exhibition will be The Royal Norwegian Embassy, Kate listening to a five-piece string ensemble. often doesn’t become fact until it’s written on view in Vesterheim Main Building from Nelson Ratenborg with matching funds from 2:00 p.m… we relax after a lunch of shoptalk, down, and then people believe it’s true, Sept.18 through Feb. 21, 2010. Everyone is Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, John and lounging in the stadium-style auditorium even if it’s not. That’s a lot of power. The invited to a sneak preview on Sept. 17, from Veronna Capone, Paul and Carol Hasvold, T. to listen to the improvisational stylings of Writing Center wants to give people the 5-7 p.m., with free admission all day as part Eileen Russell, Carol O. and Darold Johnson, a well-known regional guitar player. A tools to become better writers, so they can of “Free Thursdays,” sponsored by Decorah and Jane Y. and John Connett. 15-minute opera appetizer, delivered by a communicate clearly what it is they want to Bank & Trust Company. The exhibition is presented in connection young soprano, preceded our salmon at the say. The exhibition will highlight many with the fourth Conference on Norwegian evening festival meal. It was truly a day The Internet, computers and SMS symbols that have come down from ancient Woven Textiles, hosted by Vesterheim of celebration… and a bit unlike any other (telephone text messages) have changed times and explore how they were used in Norwegian-American Museum and Luther conference I’ve attended. writing into a different kind of social family rituals in Norway through the 19th College Sept. 25-27. The conference will On Friday, Aug. 21, NTNU (the interaction than in days of old. Gone are century. include Norwegian and American speakers, Norwegian University of Science and letters written on lightly scented stationary “The objects in the exhibition are special exhibitions, study group displays, Technology) and HIST (Høgskolen i Sør- to a new beau. Gone are the calling cards, primarily from Vesterheim’s collection and pre- and post-conference classes, and more. Trøndelag) celebrated the opening of the placed on a silver tray in the drawing room we are very excited to have eight textiles The conference is sponsored by grants from new Nasjonalt Senter for Skriveopplæring when the ladies come to call (ok, that was coming from Norway,” said Laurann the American-Scandinavian Foundation’s og Skriveforskning (the Norwegian Center mostly in the movies). Complete sentences Gilbertson, the museum’s textile curator. Wigeland Fund and the Decorah Hotel/ for Writing Education and Research) are being replaced by text message shorthand “Telemark Museum in Skien, Norway, Motel Committee: B&B on Broadway, with congratulations from politicians, and instead of gathering at the local drug store is graciously loaning five embroidered Bluffs Inn, Country Inn, Dee Dee’s Bed presentations by local and international for a soda (or more recently the corner coffee ceremonial cloths for the exhibition, and and Breakfast, The Depot Outlet, The Dug educators and researchers, and much prater shop), friends are meeting on MySpace, three more embroideries, careful copies of Road Inn, Hotel Winneshiek, Heartland Inn, (chitchat) among professional colleagues. Twitter and Facebook (internet networking old textiles, are coming from members of a Montgomery Mansion, and Super 8 Motel. The center will be housed on the HIST sites). That kind of writing reflects the way needlework guild in Sauherad, Telemark,” Contact Vesterheim for information about campus in Trondheim. young people put words together, and the Gilbertson continued. conference registration. So what is a National Writing Center? Skrivesenter (Writing Center) wants to Kari Bjercke, Collection Manager at Vesterheim uses the story of Norwegian- One of the presenters took that question to create timely resources for teachers to use. Telemark Museum, is bringing the textiles Americans to explore aspects of identity and her 2nd graders: I’m proud that the Norwegian and will be on hand at the sneak preview culture common to everyone. The museum • It’s a place to store letters. government acknowledges the power and on Sept. 17 to greet visitors and answer cares for over 24,000 artifacts, among which • You can buy letters there, or use them importance of the written word. I’m thrilled questions. are some of the most outstanding examples like money. that NTNU and HIST dedicated staff and Four themes in the exhibition explain of decorative and folk art to be seen in this • They have a machine where you can resources to make this possible. Everybody and demonstrate the functions of the symbols country. Founded in 1877, Vesterheim is the write what you want and be rich needs writing, and the National Center for used on textiles and other objects: symbols of oldest and most comprehensive museum • It’s a letter playground Writing Education and Research is a gift to the sun that were thought to bring good luck, in the United States dedicated to a single the Norwegian educational system (and to good harvests, and holiness; symbols that immigrant group. This national treasure The new center will be those things, in me!). were part of traditional wedding celebrations includes a main complex of 16 historic a manner of speaking, because they want it Hurra! and promoted fertility of the bride and groom; buildings in downtown Decorah, and an to be a resource for teachers; a place where For more information go to the following symbols that guarded houses and barns, as immigrant farmstead and prairie church just letters (and words) have value. sites (in Norwegian): www.skriving.no or well as the humans and animals inside; and outside the city. The opening of the National Writing www.skriveskenteret.no. the symbols that linked the earth and sky From May 1-Oct. 31, Vesterheim is open Center comes at an appropriate time (and and linked people to the spirit world, to its daily, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., with hours extended until not just because I moved to Norway). deities, and to the land beyond death. 8:00 p.m. on Thursdays. From Nov. 1-April The government has recently shifted its Each theme will include a scene with 30, Vesterheim is open Tuesday through educational standards to stipulate that every furniture and enlarged historic photographs Sunday 10 a.m.-4 p.m., extended until 8 p.m. subject has a writing component. Therefore to demonstrate symbols and textiles in use at on Thursdays and is closed Monday. For there will be more of a focus on writing in birth, marriage, and death. more information on the museum’s exhibits, subjects like math, science, and sociology, There are two lectures planned in activities, and membership opportunities, and not just the typical language arts. connection with the exhibition. On Nov. consult Vesterheim’s website at vesterheim. That makes sense since writing is 15 at 2 p.m. in the Amdal-Odland Heritage org, call (563) 382-9681, or write Vesterheim all around us. It’s a part of everyday life Center, Pamela J. Davis will present “A Norwegian-American Museum, 523 W. whether making out a shopping list, trying Mystical Journey of Symbols and Fiber Art,” Water St., P.O. Box 379, Decorah, IA, to put together a child’s toy or figuring out about the use of symbols in her own tapestry 52101-0379. the signs on the highway. We need it in our weaving. SEPTEMBER 4, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Ed uc a t i o n 15 Half of young women persue Events on Norway.com higher education in Norway

For more information on these and other events visit us at: Approximately 50 percent of women ages 25 to www.norway.com/calendar.asp 29 have attained a post-secondary education Does your organization have an event coming up? Would you like to have it added to our events calendar? Send an email to Christy at [email protected] or give us a call at 1(800) 305-0217. California formation call (612)332-3338. Scandinavian Consulate Soccer Cup September 20 Pennsylvania San Francisco, Calif. Bernt Balchen Scandinavian Craft It’s time for the annual Scandinavian Fair Consulate Soccer Cup between Norway, September 12 Denmark, Sweden and Finland. All are Rowland, Pa. encouraged to attend and help cheer your Join in the fun at the 7th annual Bernt team and meet lots of other Scandina- Balchen Scandinavian Craft Fair from vians. Bring a picnic and snack, drinks 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.! The fair features great will be provided by Spaten beers. Hall handmade items, Scandinavian vendors, Middle School synthetic field in Larkspur bakery, imported foods, gift items, cultur- from 1 to 4 p.m. For questions or inquiries al and craft demonstrations, music, lunch, contact Jesper Lundbaek, e-mail: mvfc2@ snacks and much more. Located at the pacbell.net Central Vol Fire Hall on Westcolang Rd off Rt 590, Rowland, PA, 18457. IOWA Conference of Norwegian Woven New York Textiles Fall Fair at Norwegian Christian September 25-27 Home Decorah, Iowa September 26 Photo: Hanne Olsen/Innovation Norway This is the fourth textile conference ini- Brooklyn, N.Y. In Norway, five percent more women completed post-secondary studies in 2008 than in 2000. tiated by the Norwegian Textile Guild, From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., enjoy Norwegian which was formed in 1994 with the aim of food (waffles, lapskaus, pea soup) Norwe- studying Norwegian weaving techniques, gian gifts and food items for sale, large Sp e c i a l Re p o r t In the OECD’s publication “Education translating key publications from Norwe- flea market and vendors children’s activi- Statistics Norway at Glance 2008” almost 21 percent of the gian to English, and registering traditional ties (face painting, balloons, games), food population in Norway aged 25 to 64 years had textiles in private collections. For full service and daily raffle drawings are from The proportion of the population aged 16 attained less than upper secondary education, schedules and registration costs, please 10 a.m. through 4 p.m. Grand prize raffle and over who have attained a post-secondary and 33 percent attained a post-secondary visit www.vesterheim.org, or call (563) drawing will be at 4:30 p.m. For more in- education continues to grow. In 2008, almost education in 2006. Iceland is the only Nordic 382-9681. formation please contact Maria Lorenzo 27 percent of the population in Norway had country to have a higher proportion of the at (718) 306-5645. completed an education at the post-secondary population with less than upper secondary Illinois level of education— an increase by five education. Denmark and Finland both have 30th Annual Scandinavian Day Festival South Dakota percentage points since 2000. The proportion larger proportions of the population with a September 13 7th Annual Opdalslag Heritage holding a post-secondary education is post-secondary level of education; 36 and South Elgin, Ill. Festival expected to further increase in the future, 35 percent respectively. Sweden and Iceland The 30th Annual Scandinavian Day Fes- September 12-13 as there is a growing trend for more young have smaller proportions with a tertiary people to attain a post-secondary education – tival at Vasa Park will be from 9 a.m. to Centerville, S.D. education than Norway; 31 and 30 percent females in particular. The female proportion 5 p.m. featuring traditional food, crafts, The 7th Opdalslag Heritage Festival will respectively. achieving a higher education among 25 to games, gifts and entertainment. Adults be at Scandia Lutheran Church. For more 29-year-olds reached 50 percent for the first $10.00, Children 12 and under free. For Information, please contact Pauline Strait, time in 2008. The male proportion was close In Comparison information, call (847) 695-6720 or visit via phone at (605) 983-5488 or e-mail: to 32 percent. The highest proportion with the website www.vasaparkil.com. [email protected]. a post-secondary education among men is 33 percent of women ages 25-29 in the United States attained a bachelor’s Minnesota Washington in the 30 to 39-year-old age group, where approximately 35 percent have attained this degree or higher level of Romerikslag Stevne Oleanna Fashion Show level of education. September 16-19 September 12 education in 2007. Up to 2001, a higher proportion of men Willmar, Minn. Gig Harbor, Wash. than women had attained an education at the The annual stevne for Romerikslag will be The creative design team behind the post-secondary level. Since 2001, a larger In 1987, only 17 percent of women held Sept. 16-19 at the Willmar Holiday award-winning Oleana of Norway will proportion of women than men have attained achieved this level of education. Inn and Conference Center. Romerikslag visit Washington for the first time in more a post-secondary education. members have roots or present day ties to than a decade. Committed to both beauti- the area that surrounds Oslo, Norway. The In 2007, 26 percent of men in the same ful design and “Fair Made” principles, the At least one out of five have a higher stevne will be a rich combination of pre- age range attained a bachelor’s degree team will preview Oleana’s Fall collection education in all counties sentations, films, music, and traditional in a fashion show staged in Chalet in the In Hedmark and Oppland, 20 percent of or higher. Norwegian foods. For reservations and Woods’ lovely 13-acre garden setting. In the population have attained a post-secondary registration, contact Evelyn Krigsvold at addition to the fashion show, the event education, and they are the two counties with Stats from the U.S. Census Bureau. (715) 835-8718 or Linda Curtiss at (715) (1-4 p.m.) will also include a wine & the lowest proportions. At the other end of 839-7876 or [email protected]. cheese reception. Tickets to the event are the scale, Oslo has the highest proportion, The OECD will publish “Education at $25 and are advance purchase. Visit www. with 43 percent, followed by Akershus Transatlantic Science Week Glance 2009” on Sept. 8. higher proportion chaletinthewoods.com for information. where almost 32 percent have attained an September 27-30 of women than men have attained a tertiary education at this level. In all counties, a Ski-For-Light Fundraiser level of education. Minneapolis, Minn. higher proportion of women than men have The Transatlantic Science Week provides September 19 attained a tertiary level of education. Note from Statistics Norway: People with an a meeting place for partnerships in re- Seattle, Wash. unknown level of education were excluded search, innovation and higher education. Puget Sound Ski-For-Light invites you to Less than 30 percent have less than upper when calculating proporations for the Research frontiers are international, and their annual dinner and dance fundraiser secondary education population’s level of education. The number collaborative networks are essential in on Sept. 19th! The Happy Half Hour be- As the proportion of the population of people with an uknown education is by far finding solutions in our global fight for gins at 6 p.m. with music by a great band aged 16 who have attained post-secondary larger in Oslo than in other counties. A large survival. Theme of Science Week 2009: (featuring accordians!), and dinner begins education is increasing, the proportion with proportion of people with an unknown level To survive on this planet, science and in- at 6:30 p.m., with more dancing after din- less than upper secondary education has of education were immigrants. novation are necessary tools. For more in- ner. Call (206) 362-0629 for more info. fallen below 30 percent for the first time. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • SEPTEMBER 4, 2009 Venner.Make the most of your time – fl y smoothly and comfortably to your friends and family. By the way, “Venner” means friends in Norwegian. Check out all our timetables and destinations at fl ysas.com/us. Welcome onboard!

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