Report No. IAEA - R - 4169-F


Development of a personal computer-based state system of accounting for/and control of nuclear materials.


1985-07-01 1986-06-30


Dr. Markov, A.


Committee on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Dept, of Nuclear Safety Computer Centre of the Dept. of Nuclear Safety and Safeguards Sofia, Bulgaria


DATE September 1986 L_ . i :i ; V


Department of Nuclear Safety and Safeguards

Research Contract No 4169/RB


of a Personal Computer Based

State System


Accounting -for and Control of

Nuclear Materials CSSAC)

Final Report

Time period covered: 01.07.85 - 3O.O9.B6

Chief Scientific Investigator: Dr. A. Markov

Sofia, September 1986 TABLE OF CONTENTS


I. Beneral 3

II. Description of research carried out 6

III. Results obtained 15

IV. Conclusions drown 17 I. General

1. Introduction

This document, is prepared as a -final report on Research

Project NO. 4.169/RP "State System o-f Accounting -for and Control of nuclear materials

Purposes, Bulgaria. It covers the fifteen months progress on the project, namely from July 1985 to September 19S6.

During the stated period of time the major efforts were directed towards the fallowing items:

- Definition of Requirements;

- Establishment of Hardware Configuration;

- Acquisition of Software;

- Creation of Algorithm and Programming;

- Test of the System with Control Examples;

- Creation of a SSAC System Documentation.

A brief introduction to these items is given below. ?.. Definition of Requirements

The current reporting obligations as pertaining to the

INFCIRC/153 from State Authority to the IAEA is based on th» harclcopy . As a consequence the data have to b» manually re-entered at the JAHA into the ISIS data base, followed by add i t. i (.mal time-consuming error checks as well as quality control.

A PC based SSAC not only may improve reporting, but may as well contribute to:

- Saving of time and additional manual efforts;

- Reduction of transcription errors;

- Allow the State Authority to use it for its own

national accounting system.

In future the SSAC may be expanded in different ways to suit the particular needs of any State Authority reporting under the same requirements. Now, in this Project, a base level is aimed at an efficient interface between the State level and the Agency with an IBM PC, taken as a suitable computer for the needs of a

Member State with small-scale nuclear activity. The results could be offered cost—free to any Member States as an inexpensive solution to meet their reporting requirements. 2.1 Design specification

The computer system, which was determined to accomplish the

given requirements i & reposed to be an IBM PC in the frame work of this project. The project is expected to answer questions about:

- Minimum amount of operative and external memory;

- Abilities for short and long term data storage;

- Physical data carrier for data transport -from the State

to the IAEA, which will meet the needs of both sides


- Data format on the physical carrier;

- Data security.

These questions are in direct connection with the planned implementation. The IBM PC will be used to concentrate the storage and retrieval of data. Reports will be computer—compiled with minimum of manual interference using the database created. II. Description of research carried out

1. Introduction

The Personal Computer Based State System of Accounting for

and] of Nuclear Materials (PC SSAC) , developed under

Research Contract No 4169/RB aims at a computerized data

processing at State level to enter and save safeguards reports, and

to record these reports on a physical carrier - diskette, in order

to be transmitted to the IAEA for further direct processing in the

Department of Safeguards ISIS. The system is built on an IBM PC.

Within the framework of the national SSAC, the system to be

developed is a component of the full SSAC, i.e. the State level

SSAC as described in STR-166.

During the reporting period a progress was made in the following project areas:

- Definition of Requirements;

- Establishment of Hardware Configuration;

- Acquisition of Software;

- Introduction with the Personal Computer Technique and


- Configuration and Software Selection;

- Programming; - Test and Adjustment o-f the System;

Conf iguring u-f Lhe System;

Creating of a Documentation with the following Chapters:

a) i'iii i i.le to Applications ~ a topic in which are discussed

the probable application -fields o-f SSftC and the methods and

ways to achieve the Safeguards goals.

b) Operator's Guide - application where it is shown how to

maintain the system and how to use its functional

capabilities.This guide is oriented directly to a particular

user in an understandable -form.

c) Programmer's Guide - gives a description of the system on

source module level. It is addressed to professionals, who

should deal with the system adaptation to some other

possible conditions and requirements.

2. Definition of Requirements

The Personal Computer Based SSAC aims at computerization of the State level Safeguards functions. The system has to be applicable to any Member State with small-scale nuclear activity, which is currently reporting on a hardcopy formats and whose amount of data to be reported does not warrant a large computer system.

This will enable the Safeguards Information Treatment Division to reduce manual efforts for entering data into the ISIS data base. data base. At the same time it is expected to decrease the

•frequency o-f transcr i pLicm errors.

An additional benefit of a PC based system is its much lower cost as compared to that of large computer centers. To this contributes the portability of the PC based systems which may be of a particular interest to the developing countries.

Since the project aims at the State Level SSAC only (as described in STR—166) it must be regarded as a major component o-f the SSAC.

2.1 System Structure and Interconnections between Components

The system is physically located at the State Authority. Other components o-f the -full SSAC may be located at the Facility. The input to the system consists of data which the -facilities supply to the State Authority to generate the reports to the IAEA. The output from the system includes the following reportss

— Physical Inventory Lists;

— Material Balance Reports;

— Inventory Change Reports.

— Concise Notes The data is stored in the system either on diskettes or on

hard disk (see Safeguards Report Editor,State Level SSAC 1.0 -

"User Manual").

The output is -formatted and copied onto a physical carrier

suitable -for mailing to the IAEA. The currently -foreseen magnetic

medium is a 5 1/4 diskette. The format of the records complies with the current Code 10. At the same time a printout may be generated for filing. During the trial a second may be mailed to the IAEA along with the diskettes.

From a functional point of view the system is built of the following components:

— Input processing;

- Output processing.

The input data are received from the facilities, as it is required by the regulations established. The data is currently typed-in on the PC keyboard with a full set of control software the Safeguards Report Editor, State Level SSAC 1.0. Each file record corresponds to one report line.

Using the tool of default header and entry line it is possible to decrease the quantity of the input information.

In fact the system works with files in sequential access. 10 The system is alike to a te>:t editor with output on a magnetic disk and printer. A special part of the Editor's program converts the file structure from a sequential to random accuse. and prepares the diskette for transmission to


2.2 External Constraints

Due to the specifics of the computer technique, some constraints are imposed on the input to and the output from the system. The input forms are filled by a responsible officer at the

State Authority, using the data from the facilities, where the it originates. The forms suit the computer input data entry requirements. This is not an additional difficulty since the forms used are as recommended by Code 10 and in STR—165.

The output files are in ASCII format (PC DOS input files) on the physical carrier (diskette) so that they can be read into the

IAEA Information System by means of standard PC DOS.

The physical carrier proposed is a 5 1/4 inch 360 Kb diskette, double sided, double density. It must be pre-formatted on the IBM

PC with the standard formatting procedure. 11 2.3 Data life-span (retention period) in the System

Under current agreement INFCIRC/153 it is necessary for the

State Authority to maintain the safeguards data -five years aiter thu country's responsibility for the nuclear materials expired. I li.?nc:Ks the data life-span in the system depends on the type o-f tlie f ai: i. I i ti

For a NPS with F'WR type reactors, as is the case in Bulgaria,the life-span is estimated at 15 years. The preliminary data volume in the system after 15 years of operation amounts is estimated to

12 Mb approximately.

3. Design Specifications

3.1 Flow Evaluation

During the reporting period more then 120 reports with at least 10000 entry lines were sent to the IAEA. Minor errors were detected- only, e.g. missing "COUNTRY CODE", some wrong letters in the "Material Description Code" column or other matters of minor importance which are quite visible and were corrected by the SGIT.

The average input rate was 1400-1500 report lines per month

(112000 - 120000 bytes per month).

3.2 Software Functions

The • software operates in the style of fool-proof, user-friendly turn-on-key system. That means that the computer operator is not requested to possess special knowledge in the computer field. The software -functions are developed on the "menu" basis.

The menu is a set ai options with a short description., shown at

any step during thß input", or output operations,

Tht; ruftwcire is developed using the IBM PC Disk Operating

System (PC DUG), thrc UîM PC BASIC .Interpreter and IBM PC Basic

Compiler (see Safeguards Report Editor, State Level SSAC 1.0 -

"User Manual").

3.3 Data Security Measures

For a 15 year long data-retention period special measures have to be taken to preserve the information. These may include:

- Periodic backup of all diskettes;

- Archiving printout copies for re-input and data

recovery in case of damaged diskettes;

- Computer service routines to ensure the readability of the

diskettes and their compatibility with the disk drives.

3.4 Minimum and Optimum Hardware Configuration

For the normal operations of the State Level SSAC the hardware configuration must include at least the following:

- IBM PC with at least 256 K memory installed;

- One double-sided 5 1/4 inch diskette drive and adaptor; - One personal computer color display and adaptor;

- Printer and interface.

This minimum hardware ensures the operation oí the system

but entail-'i additional difficulties as lower speed due to permanent

diskettes interchange. The following configuration is recommended

for better efficiency and is considered an optimum:

- IBM PC with 256 K memory installed;

- Two double-sided S 1/4 inch diskette drives and adaptor

or one double-sided 5 1/4 inch diskette drive and adaptor

and one 10 MB hard disk and adaptor;

- One personal computer color display and adaptor;

- Printer and interface.

There is no special need -for an arithmetic co-processor since

the software developed does not per-form -float point arithmetic operations, but its presence does not inter-fere with the


3.5 Software Requirements

It was expected that the system would be built with minimum recurring to high-level programming languages by utilizing the

•following commercial program products: 14 - IBM PC (PC DOS), version 2.0 or


- IBM PC BASIC Interpreter and IBM PC Basic Compiler. ft Th(:> -f une Li uns of the SSAC are implemented within thi programming capabilities of the IBM PC DOS . 15 III. Results Obtained

1. Status o-f Implementation and next Steps Planned

1.1 Present Status of Hardware Configuration

During the reporting period two IBM PC were acquired in the following configuration:

- IBM PC with 640 Kb installed memory;

- RBB color/graphics monitor and adaptor;

- Two 5 1/4 inch double—side disk drives and adaptor;

- Dot-matri« printer and interface;

- Hard disk and adaptor.

The IBM PC's were installed and tested. The staff acquired the basic skills to handle them.

1.2 Present Status of Software Acquired

The IBM PC's were delivered with PC DOS version 2.10, IBM PC

BASIC Interpreter and IBM PC BASIC Compiler. The staff is already using DOS and is in the process of a full scale utilization of the

BASIC packages. Some official efforts were conducted to send ICR, PIL *nd MBR reports to the IAEA on diskettes. The files were composed by means of the IBM PC DOS only. The results were estimated «s successful. The reports sent on diskettes were successfully read by the Department of Safeguards at the IAEA. 17 IV. Conclusions drawn

1. The evaluation of the work thus far yields:

- A significant improvement of the accounting for and

control o-f Lhe work at the -facility;

- A decreased error rate during the preparation and

compilation of the reports;

- Increasing the reliability of the information in th»


- Improving the timeliness of the reports to the IAEA.

Furthermore, it is expected that these reports sre now being processed at the IAEA with reduced manpower.

2. Views of system development in the post-contract period

Future system expansion could be expected in two general directions:

Expansion of the system towards a facility-based SSAC component with expected inspector functions and efficiency improvement.

An expansion towards facility-based SSAC may contribute to the inspectors efficiency. With specially designed programs the 18 data base can be checked and differences listed. The inspector may have its own diskettes with checking programs, which started on the IBM PC at the Facility can scroll all the data base,, extract and check the records needed. The potential exists to connected directly an inspector's -field computer for retrieving and process.! ng of data to this system.

3. System Portability

The planned system portability is ensured by the two major features:

- The hardware is based on world wide recognized industrial

standards - the IBM PC, together with its operational

system IBM PC DOS. The program portability is based on

this operational system. In this way, any computer compatible

with this standard on hardware level could run the program


- The utilized commercial software consists of original

professional products. The software developed

Report Editor, State Level SSAC 1.0) is delivered as

object and source files on the distribution diskette. The

IBM PC BASIC Compiler was used to prepare the compact

executable object module of the Editor's program. That

guarantees the operation of the execution module under

IBM PC DOS. It is expected that future versions', of the

IBM PC will directly permit the execution of the object

module. If it is necessary a programmer may use the

"Programmer's Guide" (Safeguards Report Editor, State Level i9 SSAC 1.0, "User Guide", Chapter 3) to adapt the software with minimal efforts to trim it to future new environment.

Hence the developed SSAC practically will be portable on the two levais, i.e. the J!BM PC hardware level and the commercial IBM PC DOS and BASIC software package level.

4. Summary

An original system for automatic input, control and output is created. The system uses the wide-spread standard IBM PC configuration and a high level IBM PC BASIC Compiler. Data is input manually only once and is output in the CODE-10 -format. This make easy later data shipping to the IAEA on a diskette media and process it there without additional manual efforts. The system does not consider the quality of the input data. The quality must be a care of the responsible officer at the State Authority,, who delivers the data for computer treatment and for long-term keeping (archiving).

The software developed is actually an editor with complete set of functions to edit ICR, PIL, MBR and Concise Note reports.No special qualification is necessary to be acquired by the operative staff at the State Authority and the technical maintenance of the system is easy.

Using the default parameters in the header and line entry when typing reports, the manually input information is minimized.-The 20 use of the functional keys makes the operator's efforts easier. The

output information is recorded on disks and may be saved there

during the retention period, thus replacing the printed archive.

Reports can be printed only if necessary. The established data

format oi- the disk-hold reports is as pertained to Code 10 and is

directly compatible with the diskette input at the IAEA. Some

extension of the system could be made in the direction towards the

facility level which may contribute to the efficiency of the


The User Manual of the developed Safeguards Report Editor,


Department of Nuclear Safety and Safeguards



User manual

by Velian G. Veleff

Prepared for the International Atomic Energy Agency

under research Contract No 4169/RB

Sofia, September 1986 TABUE OF CONTENTS



CHAPTER 1. Guide ta applications 6 Introduction 6 How to apply the Editor 7 Hardware and software requirements 8 Data life-span (retention period) 10 in the System Data Security Measures 10 System Portability - 10 System management 11 Connecting the Editor to other 13 computer systems

CHAPTER 2. Operator's guide 14 Introduction 14 How to install the Editor IS How to start the Editor 18 Main menu options 19 Disk menu options 21 Report identifiers 22 How to edit a report 23 How to print a report 26 How to prepare a report for 26 transmission to the IAEA How to archive a report 27 Default lines tool 28 CHAPTER 3. Programmer's guide 29

Introduction 29

Program description 29

Program logics 32

Compiling and linking 34

Testing 35

APPENDIX. Lists and listings 36

Diskettes directories 36

Lists o-f the symbolic -files 38

Source code listing 52

Examples o-f printed reports 66 PREFACE

TIúrs document is prepared as a part of the -final report on Research Project NO. 4169/RB, "State System of Accounting for and Control of Nuclear Materials (SSAC)", between the International M:amic F.nprcjy Agency, Vienna and the Committee an Use of Atomic E noryy for Peaceful. Purposes, Bulgaria. It describes the Safeguards Rnpcirt l.:,.di tor, State Level SSAC 1.0 - - -ogram for IBM PC, which is developed as a result of the Contract. The program permits to enter data for the reports submitted to the IAEA from the State Authority. Once the data is entered in the PC, it can be edited, error corrected, printed, archived and stored on diskette, which to be shipped to the IAEA instead of the usual typed forms. In this way during the process of reporting to the IAEA, which starts at the Member State and finishes in the Agency ISIS data base, data is entered manually only once.

The Safeguards Editor is designed to be helpful tool to every Member Stats» (with small-scale nuclear activity) in its reporting. It improves reporting, and as well contributes to: - Saving of time and additional manual efforts; - Reduction of transcription errors; - Allow the State Authority to incorporate it in its own national accounting system as an interface with the IAEA.

Thus User manual is designed to describe three different viewpoints at the Safeguards Report Editor. First of all is how to apply the program. Chapter 1 is expected to answer this question. It describes the abilities of the Safeguards Report Editor, its place in the National SSAC, the IBM PC hardware configuration and software requirements, the working place organization etc.

Chapter 2 describes how to use the program. It is directed to the IBM PC operator and is a guide to install and start the Editor, to use the keyboard, printer and disks, to prepare archive diskettes, to prepare and archive reports.

Since ' a programmer's activity in a Member State may be» an improvement of the Editor for the specific needs of the State Authority, a detailed description of the program itself is given in Chapter 3. The Editor is programmed in IBM PC BASIC and, having in mind the possibility quoted, the author has tried to use the most common program organization, without "programmer's tricks". Thus, a college is welcome to revise the Editor, remarks and questions are accepted thankfully, help is offered at any tim«. A listing of the program source codes is given in the Appendix.

The Safeguards Report Editor, State Level SSAC 1.0 is offered cost-free to any Member Statte as an inexpensive solution to meet its reporting requirements. Any mistakes, programming bugs or remarks to improving the performance of the Editor and documentation, are kindly requested at the following addresss Committee on Use of Atomic Energy -for P n A c (-> f i .11 Purposes Dept. of Nuclear Safety and Safeguards Sofia, Bulgaria,

talcos the obligation to support the program *nd documentât)on cost-free. CHAPTER 1. GUIDE TD APPLICATIONS


lin-: Safeyuarcl«s Report Editor - State Level SSAC 1.0 is a protu um, flo!»itinr?cl for IBM PC, which computerises the process of prtiparmy roport(:> of tvpe ICR (Inventory Change Report), MBR (Material Balance Report), PIL (Physical Inventory List) and Concise Notes. Usually these reports are written manually on a •form, then typed, error checked and corrected and the hardcopy is later shipped to the IAEA, in accordance with the reporting obligation oí any Member State as pertaining to the INFCIRC/133. By the aid o-f the Editor these tasks can be done using the abilities o-f the IBM PC. They include initial keyboard data entry, screen editing, saving reports on disk thus -forming archive, printing reports in the -format prescribed (Fig. 1). Finally, reports can be recorded on a physical carrier - diskette, in order to be shipped to the IAEA -for further direct processing in the Department o-f Safeguards ISIS. So the Editor also enables the Sa-feguards Information Treatment Division (IAEA) to reduce manual efforts for entering data into the ISIS data base:

-> Archive on diskette or hard disk

Keyboard SG Editor • —> Printout entry

-> Diskette for shipping to the IAEA

Fig. 1. Report processing

The benefits of the application of that techniques are obvious and may be systematized as follows: Compact working place, including archive on disks; Diminished manual operations; Faster retrieval of reports; Printing reports only when necessary; Reporting on diskettes, which saves additional typing in the IAEA; Low cost/benefit ratio due to the use of personal computer and cost-free software.

20 All these features are directed to improve accounting systems both on national and international level.

Haw to apply the Editor

The Editor can be applied in any Member State with small- scale nuclear activity, which usually reports on a hardcopy -formats and whose amount of report data docs not warrant a large computer system.

From a system point of view, the Safeguards Report Editor is a component of the State level SSAC as described in STR-166 (Fig. 2). It automates the working place of a professional typist who is obliged to type reports, matching exactly the source forms, composed by a responsible officer, in accordance with the regulations of the State Authority. The same officer may organize the ways of identifying reports, error check feedback,. archiva structure and its supporting. He is who issues orders to record reports on diskette, and ships it to the IAEA Department of Safeguards.

Officer in charge with SG

report reports on diskette for IAEA •forms printouts , 3 Typist

SQ Editor c >{ ArchivAn « on —L_disk

Fig. 2. Safeguards Report Editor application in a SSAC

The professional typist is responsible for the quality of all operations, in accordance with the regulations issued for the working place. He is who receives the report forms, enters data in the PC, corrects errors, archives reports, periodically checks the 8

archive and deletes reports which have passed their life «pan in the SSAC. To -ful-fill his duty the professional typist uses only the Personal computer and the Safeguards Report Editor.

The working p.I. ace may be situated either at the State level, or at V.IK? Facility lisvel. That depends only on the decision of the State Authority. It looks preferable to -fit the automation in the established structure instead of revising the structure specially for th/il' purpose.

Hardware and software requirements

To apply the Safeguards Report Editor - State Level SSAC 1.0 an IBM PC or IBM PC/XT personal computer is needed with the following minimal configuration: - 256 K memory; - one disk drive; - color monitor and adaptor; - printer (132 characters per line).

Although this configuration is sufficient to run or adapt the Editor, it seems better to use somewhat larger configuration for easier operation: - 256 K memory; - two disk drives ar one disk drive and one hard diskj - color monitor and adaptor; - printer (132 characters per line).

The advantages of the larger configuration are essential when archiving or during retrieval of reports. In fact, the Editor as program takes a small amount of memory, about 50 K. At starting, the program is loaded once into the PC memory and resides there all the time. However, during execution the program reads and writes data from and to the disk intensively. It is more convenient to have separate disk drives as 'input and output devices since some operations demand two different disks to be prsent simultaniously.

If a hard disk configuration ic used the Safeguards Report Editor program and the archive may reside an it. The system is more compact and is in disposition at any time. The disk drive is used only to record reports on diskettes in order to be shipped .to the IAEA.

If a two disk drive configuration is available the Editor may use them as separate disk input and output devices. Retrieving of reports from the archive may only demand diskette interchange on the input drive.

In case of one disk configuration, the drive is the only device for both disk input and output. Then any preparatory disk operation (formatting, diskette copying etc.) will imply diskettes interchange, in addition to the Editor's functions. In all o-f the cited con-figurations the execution speed o-f the Editor's programs i5 equal, since it operates in the computer memory. Difficulties arise only for the PC operator, who has to interchange diskettes at PC DOS prompts i-f the minimal con-figuration is in use.

Thern is no need for an arithmetic co-processor since no -float point operations art? included, neither it will improve the periormancR of the Editor. Still its presence may be implied by other 11)1*1 PH ti y 7¡t em software, which has to be taken into account.

The Snff.)cji..u\rr:lc.-. Report. Editor is distributed on one diskette which con Lains al] program and auxiliary files, but no PC DOB •files. It cannot be directly started . An executable diskette has to be prepared. Special programs sire designed (which resides also on the distribution diskette) which install the Editor on an executable diskette or on hard disk. The installation is an operation performed only once and after that the Editor may be run -from the new diskette/hard disk any time.

To run the Safeguards Report Editor the PC DOS standard operating system for IBM PC is needed. Its version may be 2.0 or higher. The Editor is a program written in Basic language. It is distributed as a compiled and linked executable module. The IBM PC disk operating system is sufficient to run this module.

If a programmer has to adapt the Editor for a specific request in a particular Member State, then the IBM PC Basic Interpreter and IBM PC Basic Compiler are requested in addition. The distribution diskette contains the source code of the Editor. It can be edited with any symbolic editor, but it seems preferable to edit it with the Basic Interpreter because it permits simple testing. When the Editor is run under the Basic Interpreter, the performance is a bit slowly, but it can be easily traced and the source codes corrected. Finally, the program source codes has to be compiled to increase the speed and simplicity o-f execution. For detailed description of the editing, testing, compiling and linking refer to IBM PC "Basic" and IBM PC "Basic Compiler System" (Personal Computer Hardware Reference Library)

To operate with the Safeguards Report Editor a minimum knowledge -about computers is expected. It can be achieved from the standard handbooks for IBM PC "Guide to operations" and IBM PC "Disk operating system" (IBM Personal Computer Hardware Reference Library). 10

D*t* life-span (retention period) in the System

Under current TNFniRC/153-type agreement it is necessary for the Statt? Authority to maintain the safeguards data five ye*»** after Lhf? country's responsibility for the nuclear materials expired. Honre, the data life-span in the system depends on the type nf thp> facilities under the jurisdiction of the State Author i I/. Tor a NPB with PWR type reactors, as is the case in Bulgaria, tliR .life-span is estimated at 15 years. The preliminary estimate of data volume in the systom after 15 years of operation amounts to 12 Mb approK i mately.

Data Security Measures

For a 15 year long data-retention period special measures have to be taken to preserve the information. These may include: - Periodic backup of all diskettes/hard disk; - Archiving printout copies for re-input and data recovery in case of damaged diskettes; - Standard computer service routines to ensure the readability of the diskettes and their compatibility with the disk drives.

System Portability

The system portability is ensured by the two major features:

- The hardware is based on world wide recognized industrial standards - the IBM PC, together with its standard operating system PC DOS. The program portability is based on this operating system. In this way, any computer compatible with this standard on hardware level could run the program system;

The Basic language has no standard yet. Hence the source code of the Editor may not be portable to other computers than IBM PC. The case is somewhat different with the execution module of the Editor. Even if the rapid development of computer technique brings the personal computer to a new level of hardware, the late experience furnishes the belief If

that such program products will be upward compatible. At least it will be possible to transfer data in a -fixed -format to the new hardware. The Editor is designed to store all data in the standard ASCII data -format, arranged according to Code 10.

Hence an SSAC using the Sa-feguards Report Editor will be practically portable on the two levels, i.e. the PC hardware level and the npwrating system level adapting upward compatibility. In case oí an onUirely new hardware and software established in the •future 15 vt'are, there still remains the ability to transfer the archive to this new onvj runment.

System management

According to Code 10, report forms and coding of every report is unique. This feature is mapped in the Safeguards Report Editor report identifying. The reports of one type (e.g. ICR) have imperative identifying prefix among the following: - ICR for Inventory Change Report; - MBR for Material Balance Report; - PIL for Physical Inventory List; - CSN for Concise Note.

Different reports of one type are marked with additional four symbols - digits and/or upper case letters (e.g. ICR145C) . The Editor ignores any other identifiers.

Once a report is entered, it can be retrieved only by its identifier. It seems logical to code the arbitrary four digits of the identifier with the report number, since this number must also be unique. This is not a constraint - any other coding of these four digits is acceptable.

Operating with the Editor three types of diskettes are used« - SSAC diskette, which is prepared during installation and contains the program and auxiliaries; - carrier diskette, which is designated to ship onto reports to the IAEA; - archive diskettes, which contain the reports.

In case of a hard disk installation only carrier diskettes «re used, since the Editor system and the archive resides on the hard disk.

The Editor is started from the SSAC diskette. During the process of typing and error correcting of a report, it seems suitable, to store the report on the SSAC diskette. When the report is ready, with no errors, it has to be archived and recorded on the carrier diskette and be shipped to the IAEA. A hardcopy can be printed, if necessary, using the print option of the Editor.

An archiving system may inquire that each archive diskette contains reports of one type, originating from one material balance area. Then, any archive diskette has to be labeled in * proper way. The label may include the identifier of the material balance area, typ« of the report, report numbers and date etc., data I.IVTVI is unique for the content of the diskette. Periodically the archive diskettes have to be checked and eventually rfi--wri tt.r?n for safety.

After a report is; archived, it can be deleted from the SSAC diskette to free space for future report editing. This operation is left to be done with the PC DOS functions in order to seem different and exclusive to the PC operator. That improve« the reliability.

If a hard disk is available, it can be used as space for the Editor itself, for the currently edited report and -for the archive. In such a case the report identifier must code the material balance area, which for is the report. The report is automatically archived and no special operations are necessary. A rule to support the archive has to be issued, as for example periodic printout of the hard disk directory , sorted in types of reports and in material balance areas. This operations are also left to be fulfilled with the PC DOS functions .

The hard disk also has to be backuped periodically , -for safety.

When the life span of a particular report has run out it can be deleted from the archive. This procedure has to be under the control of the responsible officer in the State Authority.

An estimation of the volume of diskette or hard disk in disposition for report saving may be derived approximately, using DISK VOLUME (in bytes)/(REPORT AVERAGE NUMBER OF LINES * 82)

For ^example a 362 K diskette may hold about 70 reports with 65 lines in average. 13

Connecting the Editor to other computer system*

Sine:» t.htí SaffiaufiriJs report editor is a program written in Basic i I may be revised by a programmer and be connected to other cuinf'utBr syïîtems. The source codes of the program mrm included in the distribution diskette.

' are several ways to connect the Editor to other Thay may be.» classified as: - internal, proyram connection; - connection to programs in other computer.

Internal program connection is the case when another program system -for IBM PC is in use already, and its -functions *rm of interest to be added to the Safeguards Report Editor. The link may be done on the input data level. For example, if a data base exists, partly holding report data, a retrieval mediating program may be created to input data into the Editor. The latter then is used to add lacking data manually and further to process the report. The mediating program may be of type 'pre-processor', fetching data item by item, for example. The Editor may be expanded, even other functions included. It is quite possible to incorporate the entire algorithm of other programs .

Connecting the Safeguards Report Editor to ot^er computers is the case when the IBM PC is either planned to be an intelligent terminal to a bigger host computer, or is the host itself, receiving data from other terminals. The link in this case may be established on both input and output data level. An interface program has to be designed, controlling the RS 232 port of the IBM PC, to handle the link between the host and the terminal(s). ( This is easily programmed in Basic.) Then the case reduces to the former one of internal program connection.

However, any changes in the source codes and functions of the Editor must be done by a trained programmer. CHAPTER 2. OPERATOR'S GUIDE


IIK: K..H; aguarda Rraport Editor is designed to help editing and State levnl Sa-feguard Reports, which are sent to the International Atomic finer g y Agency. The reports in scope *reii — Inventory change reports; - Material balance reports; - Physical inventory lists; — Concise notes.

Further on a detailed description of how to operate with the Editor is described. Since the program is dedicated to IBM PC (or PC/XT) -for better understanding it seems advisory to be •familiar with the IBM PC supporting documents "Guide to operations" and "Disk operating system" (IBM Personal Computer Hardware Reference Library).

The -files of the Editor have to be installed -from the distribution diskette to prepare an executable copy. This must be the -first operation, then the Editor may be run.

A brie-f description o-f how to operate with the Editor is at disposition as a file on the distribution diskette and may be used as help. It can be displayed on the screen of the PC or printed. The file name is README.DOC and after installation also resides on the SSAC diskette/hard disk. How to install the Editor

Thi» Safeguards Report Editor - State Level SSAC 1.0 i* distributed on one 5 1/4 diskettes in the -format of IBM I*C (PC/xn PC DOS. Its label is:

Safeguards Report Editor 1.0 - Distribution diskette.

Check the contant of the distribution diskette for integrity. Start the computer with DOS, place the diskette in drive At and at DOS prompt A> type


Compare the directory displayed with that shown in Appendix. If there Are differences refer to the Distributor.

The Safeguards Report Editor cannot be started from the distribution diskette. It must be installed on your computer. The minimal hardware you need is 256 K memory, color display, 132 column printer and at least one disk drive. Better performance is achieved if two disk drives are available or one disk drive and hard disk. You do not need a co-processor, but if present it docs not interfere.

The installation depends on the configuration you have. If no hard disk is available, the Editor will be installed on a diskette. Otherwise an installation on the hard disk is preferable. These two operations differs a little and Are described separately.

Installation on diskette

1. Start the computer with DOS diskette in drive A:

2.-Type at DOS prompt A>


This command invokes formatting of a diskette and writing on the DOS system files. When prompted from the command, place a new diskette in drive B: (if your PC has only one drive, interchange diskettes) and press a key. Formatting starts and upon its end the quality of the result is displayed on the screen. I" too many bad places »re found on the diskette, try the operation with another one. Otherwise exit the format command.

3. At DOS prompt A> place the distribution diskette in drive A: and type


This command invokes the special diskette installation program. Fallow the explanation displayed on the screen. During the Default Xines tool

process the number o-f -files copied on the diskette is shown on the screen. If one disk drive is available interchange diskette» when prompted, remembering that the distribution diskette is referred as in drive A: and thß new diskette as in drive B:. When the installation finishes label the new diskette as SSAC. Thi« name is further un used to refer to the diskette with installed Safeguards Report Editor.

Chock thß integrity of the SSAC diskette, fit DOS prompt > place» Ihn SîjflO diskette? in drives A: and type

Compare the displayed directory with that shown in Appendix. If some differences are found, refer to the Distributor. Before any other operation with the SSAC diskette, make work copies of it. This can be done in the following way: X. Place the SSAC diskette in drive A: and press Alt-Ctrl- to restart DOS from the new diskette. After a while a greeting appears on the screen, displaying the SSAC diskette options. 2. Press Ctrl-Broak to exit to DOS. 3. At DOS prompt A> type DOUBLE This command invokes the special copy program which formats a diskette and after that copies all the files of the SSAC diskette on it. When prompted place the DOS diskette in drive B: to load and run the FORMAT program. It asks for the diskette that will be formatted. Place the diskette which will hold the copy in drive B: and press ENTER key. When formatting finishes,it displays the amount of memory available. If too many bad places are found, try the operation on another diskette. If not, then exit formatting. Then copying starts displaying the number- of files Which are copied. The Job terminates at DOS prompt >. Remove the new diskette and do not forget to label it as work copy. Check that the copy is correct. 4. Place the original diskette in a safe place and use it only as original to prepare work diskettes. The SSAC diskette is ready now and The Safeguards Report Editor may be started.

Installation on a hard disk It is advisory to install the Safeguards Report Editor in a separate subdirectory on the hard disk. That makes possible to hold all the archive on it. If ths Editor is installed in the root directory a limited number of reports can be saved there. So, first prspare a new subdirectory using th« "make directory" command. For example, start DOS and at prompt C> enter MKDIR SG This will create a subdirectory named SG. Next the installation may begin. The name SG will be used for the subdirectory further on.

1. At DOS prompt C> enter the new subdirectory typing


Now the SG subdirectory is the current directory.

2. Place the distribution diskette in drive A: and change the default disk drive typing


3 At DOS prompt A> start the hard disk installation program typing


Follow the explanation displayed on the screen. If O.K., then press a key and start the installation. The number of files copied are shown on the screen. Upon exit the installation is ready. Check the integrit'y of the installed files. Make current directory again SG typing


Then type . Compare the displayed directory with that shown in Appendix. If there are differences refer to the Distributor.

If you want to make the Editor autostarting an AUTOEXEC.BAT file have to be created in the root directory of disk C:. Use any symbolic editor to create it, EDLIN for example. This file may have any other commands, but to autostart the Safeguards Report Editor the last two lines must be



Once written in the root directory, the file AUTOEXEC.BAT, which is a batch program, is executed any time the DOS is started from the hard disk. So the Editor will be automatically started. How to start th» Editor

You can start the Safeguards Report Editor either from disk driv» or from a hard disk, depending on the type of installation.

If you have a diskette installation , placé the SSAC diskette in drive As and turn on the power, If th» power is on already, press Alt-Ctrl-Del keys.

If you want to start the Editor from a hard disk and have no AUTOEXEC.BAT file prepared to autostart the Editor, make first the current directory that of the installed Editor. For example

1. Press Alt-Ctrl-Del to start DOC from drive C:

2. Type


Then at DOS prompt > type


If you have prepared an AUTOEXEC.BAT file in the root directory of drive C: the above shown operations arts not necessary.

Any time you start the PC in this way a greeting of the Safeguards Report Editor will appear on the screen: SSAC Safeguards Report Editor 1.0 You can read instructions if You type README If You want to copy SSAC on a diskette type DOUBLE If You want to prepare an archive diskette type ARCHIV Next the SSAC will be loaded PAUSE .. (Press Ctrl-Break keys to exit to DOS)

You see, the proposal gives you options to read brief instructions how to use the Editor, to copy the SSAC files into another diskette, to prepare an archive diskette, where to store reports, to the start the Editor or to exit to DOS.

Unless you want to start the Editor you have to exit to DOS in order to run the.other options. Tf you have chosen to exit to DOS press Ctrl-Break keys and terminate the batch job. Do not forget that any command you type -for DOS must be entered with the Enter (Return) key.

To start the Editor press any key, as prompted. After a whil» the Safeguards Report Editor's Main menu appears on the screen.

You are not forced to restart, ths PC with Alt-Ctrl-Del keys always. If DOS is already loaded and the prompt > is on the screen (providing th» default drive and subdirectory are correct) start th» Editor typing


This same procedure you may apply to restart the Editor after execution o-f the options proposed.

Main menu options

The Main menu appears on the '-screen in two cases - when th« Editor starts, and after any option is completed.

Safeguards Report Editor

State Level SSAC 1.0

Main menu

1 Create new Report 2 Edit old Report 3 Print Report 4 Prepare Report -for transmission 5 Edit de-fault header and line 6 Disk drives ta files Menu 7 Exit the Editor


Input disk drives A Output disk drive:A

To select an option type its number. If you choose options 1..5 you will be asked for the Report identifier. This is the way to relocate a report. Option 6 chosen switches screens to ths Disk menu. Option 7 returns to DOS.

For better understanding the following definitions describe the terms used:

A new report is a report that is not stored either on thi input, nor on the output disk. An old report is a report that is already stored on disk, Te •dit it the report must reside on the input disk.

Input disk drive is the drive shown with letter on the menu. It can be changed (A..P) via Disk menu. It is the device where from an old report is read to be later edited, printed or recorded on * diskette to be transmitted to the IAEA. 20

Output disk drive is the drive shown with letter on the menu. It can be changed (A..P) via Disk menu. It i* the device where on a report is stored after editing or when recorded on a diskette to be shipped to the IAEA,

r>ys;'..Kn> disk is the* device where from the Editor i« started, and the SSAC diskette programs reside. It may be disk drive or h*rd disk and rannot be changed once the Editor is loaded. It is used to save da-fault line« and auxiliary files for the Editor.

To «vu a report means to write it on the output disk. If the input and output c I i -r. I •: drives coincides an aid report is updated during the saving operation. If a r«p«rt has been edited and is not saved, the editing is lost and the report is not updated.

To print a report means to read it from the input disk drive and to print it on the printer in the prescribed form.

To prepare report for transmission means to read it from the input disk drive and to record it on a diskette in the output disk drive, which will later be shipped to the IAEA. The diskette must be formatted, you may use the ARCHIV program for that purpose. The file recorded on it cannot be used as input in the Editor.

To archive a report means to save it for a long time. The report must remain unchanged once archived. The operations permitted are print and edit without save (look through).

Default header and line are auxiliary tools in the editing process. Every report has one header line and up to 99 line entries. If a new line (header or line entry) is introduced in * report, the default is proposed to be edited. Using this tool shortens usually repeating items in report.

Disk directory is the list of report files on a diskette/hard disk.

Report file is the record of a report, stored on disk. It is relocated with its identifier and extension. The extension of the internal (archive) files is .INT, of the external (transmit) files is . XMT .

The report identifier is composed from an abbreviation of the report type (ICR, MBR, PIL, CSN) and up to four uppercase letters or/and digits (A..Z,O..9).

During some operations messages appear on the last row of the screen. These messages warn to wait, show the process, display the result of the process or ask for intervention. They state clear what is to be, or must be done and here they will not be commented.

34 the PC, corrects errors, archives reports, periodically checks thi


Disk menu options

The:? Disk inr?nu siipears ran the screen i-f Option ¿> is chosen •from the Main menu. Upon execution of its options 1..4 the Disk menu re-appears. If Option S is chosen, screens are switched and Main incinu appears again.

Safeguards Report Editor

State Level SSAC 1.0

Disk menu

1 Select input disk drive (A..P) 2 Select output disk drive (A..P) 3 List input disk drive directory 4 List output disk drive directory 5 Return to Main menu


Input disk drive:A Output disk drive:A

To select an option press its number.

Input and output disk drives may be selected separately. Any time you press number key 1 or 2 next disk is chosen -from A to P. You can see that shown on the screen. Next after disk P selected Mill be disk A again. When you exit Disk menu the selected disk drives are stored and will appear as defaults next time you start the Editor.

The drive directory list is shown by type of reports (ICR, MBR, PIL and CSN -for Concise notes). If you want to list the content of a diskette, place the diskette in a chosen disk drive and select the proper list option. Note, you can list only the internal type report files (extension .INT). In other words, thw« may be other files on the diskette/hard disk, but they *rm not shown. If you want to see them all, exit the Editor and UM DOS command DIR at DOS prompt >. operation (-formatting, diskette copying etc.) will imply diskettes interchange, in addition to the Editor's -functions.

T "22

Report identifiers

A report exists in th«s Safeguards Report Editor system only i-f a report file with a proper identifier is saved on disk. The identifier is attached to the report when it is created as new. Then, any attempt to find the report asks for its identifier. Two reportr. with "ñame identifiers on one? and the same disk ar« not permitted «IIKI the Editor rejects the request.

The report identifier consist of 4 to 7 digits. The first three digits are fixed and show the type of the report; ICR for Inventory change report; MBR for Material balance report; PIL for Physical inventory list; CSN for Concise note.

Pay attention when coding. You cannot edit a PIL report with a MBR identifier, for example. These are two different reports and the Editor takes by default the requisites and distribution for the report, coded in the identifier.

The other 1 to 4 digits may be any combination with upper case letters and the digits from 0 to 9. For example


are valid identifiers, and


»re not valid identifiers and will be rejected by the Editor.

When options 1 to 4 are chosen from the Main menu a prompt appears asking for the report identifier. It has to be entered from the keyboard. You may use the alphanumeric keys to enter symbols. You can edit the identifier also with the special keys:

Key Function

DEL Deletes the symbol above the cursor INS Toggle insert mode - all typed symbols are inserted Bks (Backstep) deletes the symbol left of the cursor (Right arrow) moves the cursor right (Left arrow) moves the cursor left.

To enter the identifier press Enter key. If it is not á proper code, the Editor beeps and leaves you to correct it.

In case you want to escape the operation and choose another option press ESC. 2.5

If you want to edit the de-fault lines (Option 5, Main minu), the Editor asks -for the report TYPE identi-fier - the abbreviation •for the report type ICR, MBR, PIL or CSN. Three symbols are permitted only, and they must be among the shown abbreviations.

How to edit a report

Select proper disk drives -first, via Disk menu, Look at the list of reports on the selected disk drives.

Choose Option 1 for a new report or Option 2 -for an old report. Then, enter the identifier. For a new report th» identifier must not coincide with one existing on the output disk drive. For an old one, it must exist on the input disk drive, and may exist on the output one (i-f it does, it may be overwritten).

A while after you enter the identifier the Line Edit Screen appears. In the left upper corner you see the identifier, in the right one the line number is shown. (The header line, is marked with HEAD). Down left the number of lines read for an old report are written. Down right the special keys »re showns

Key Function

F9 Inserts a default line, after the shown line FIO Deletes the shown line Alt-Q Ends editing.

The screen shows all the items of the line for the specified report. To the right of the text a field is shown, which has to be filled with the proper data. Defaults are shown for a new line, the existing data - for an old one. The cursor is at th« first field.

Now press the TAB key several times. You see the cursor jumping from field to field. Keep on pressing TAB. The cursor moves around, field by field, from the last one to the first. Pressing Shift-TAB reverses the movement.

Now press the Right arrow key (->). The cursor moves right one step. At the end of the current field it jumps to the next one. If you press the Left arrow key (<-) the cursor moves left one step. You can move around all fields with these keys, step by step.

Choose a field and a position in it. Type any symbol from the alphanumeric keyboard. Move left one step and press DEL key. 24

The symbol is deleted. You can delete the symbol above the cursor with the DEL key. Type two symbols. Press the Backspace key. The symbol to the left of the cursor is erased.

Press the INS key. The cursor changes to a small square. That mfiHns "Jnsort mode". Any symbols typed in Insert mode »re inserted at Lht? position of the cursor. Try it. If you press the INS key «iiiain, or if the cursor passes to the next -field, the Insert morir! chanyes to normal >

Now L-.ypt-> any l.e::t. until the -field is full. The cursor automatically .jumps to I:he neüt field, and from the last to the •first field.

Using the alphanumeric keyboard and the speci~" lit keys you can edit the line shown at the screen. You can fill the field partially, then jump to the next field, jump over a default data that matches the data that must stay in the field. When the line is ready to be remembered, press Enter key. You enter the line in the report. The next line appears on the screen. If the line was the header, next will be an Entry line. It has a different distribution by fields, corresponding to the type of the document. You can edit it the same way, then enter it. Try that on several lines. Remember that you can enter a line wherever the cursor is, e.g. you have to fill the line to the last data in the form you have been given to type, but you can jump over the matching defaults. (Spaces can also be defaults, don't they, if nothing is to be filled in the particular field.) Misprints and errors can be easily corrected before entering the line.

Two things are surely useful. The Line entry number is automatically fetched and the column 80 number as well. You better jump over them.

Now press the Upward arrow key. The previous line comes back. Press the Downward arrow key. Next line comes on the screen. You can go back and forth line by line with these keys, select a line and edit it. The editing will be remembered if you press the Enter key. Try it. Select an existing line, type something and go back and forth one line. The new text is lost.

It appears now, that the problem is how to select a line, or better say, to cast a look at the whole document and find if something is wrong. Press the ESC key. Screen is switched to the Code 10 Screen.

The Code 10 Screen shows the same report in another format. Each line has 80 symbols and represents the separate fields on the Line Edit Screen without spaces between them. This is just what Code 10 prescribes.

The cursor stays at the line which was just shown at the Line Edit Screen. You cannot move the cursor inside the line, neither you can edit any item in it. But you can select a line moving the cursor up and down. Press again the ESC key and the selected line appears in the Line Edit Screen. You can edit it now, knowing the meaning of all fields.

Switch again to Code 10 Screen. Move inside the report lines. Press the F9 key (down left, in the special keyboard). A new line is inserted after the selected line, and all the lines are suitable, to store the report" on"he r.port i. ready, with no errors, lt îï'

renumbered. Do it again until the screen -fills. You se«, the screen scrolls down. To edit a document with more then 23 lin»* would bo a tiresome task, if the lines are selected step by step. Using the PgUp and PgDn keys moves the report up *nd down by XT. 1ines.

Se leset: again a line and press the FiO key. The lin« i* deleted and the rest are renumbered. All the lines can be deleted e :•: c e p L. the h a « d e r. Thy 1-9 and FIO lírjys may be used in both Line Edit and Code 10 Screens. That is all about editing. When the report is ready to be saved press Alt-Q. This stands for "End o-f Edit". The Editor asks to save the report i-f at least one symbol is changed in it. Con-firm with Y, otherwise the editing is lost.

An empty new report is not saved. An unchanged report may be saved in order to be added to the archive, for example.

Here is a scope over the edit keys:

Key Function

TAB Jumps the cursor to next field Shift-TAB Jumps the cursor to the previous field Right arrow Moves the cursor right one space Left arrow Moves the cursor left one space Up arrow Moves the cursor up one line Down arrow Moves the cursor down one line PgUp Scrolls the report 12 lines up PgDn Scrolls the report 12 lines down DEL Deletes the symbol above the cursor Backspace Erases the symbol left of the cursor INS Toggles Insert mode F9 Inserts one line after the selected FIO Deletes one line (the selected) ESC Switches Line Edit and Code 10 Screens Alt-Q Ends edit - next is Save report 26

How to print a report

Select, nropw input tllsk drive -first. Look at the list oí reparts on the selected disk drive. Turn on the printer and -feed it with paper.

i-i Option 3 of the Main menu. Enter the report i dent i fi ur. an uld report can be printed. After a while the rep or I: |'> r :i. n I: b RÇJ i n s.

Reports are printed in accordance with the specific forms for the report type:

Report Form

ICR R.01.1/c FIL- R.02/C MER R.03 CSN

Reports are printed by pages. Each page has a header part and maximum 35 lines. Each page is numerated. On the last'page a message is printed, showing the number of lines and pages printed.

Examples are shown in Appendix.

How to prepare a report for transmission to -the IAEA

A formatted diskette is requested. It can be prepared with the ARCHIV program (SSAC Safeguards Report Editor 1.0).If you have none, start the IBM PC and run the ARCHIV program. It formats diskettes in PC DOS standard. Then start again the Safeguards Report Editor.

Select proper disk drives first via Disk menu. Look at the list of reports to be sure that the report is on the input disk drive. The output disk drive must be A: or B: and must be different from the input one. The diskette prepared for transmission must be placed there .(If your installation is a diskette one and you have only one disk drive, then wait to be prompted to place the diskette in the drive.)

Select Option 4 from the Main menu. Enter the report identifier. The report will be read into the Editor, then recorded on the special diskette. Then it may be shipped to the IAEA. Remember, you cannot read back the report from this diskette. 27

How to archive a report

A r»»port is archived after it is sent to IAEA. To archive means to <7-wn h he report on a diskette/hard disk, and later be used to tv> rr-vu.l only.

If a tJiskfite .'\e-t:h¡. vi? is preferred, an archive diskette must be initially formatted in PC HUB standard, labeled and used exclusively for archiving. You can format it with the ARCHIV program

Select the proper archive diskette. Select also the diskette with the report. Start the Safeguards Report Editor. Select th« proper drives. Place the input diskette in the» input disk drive, and the archive diskette in the output disk drive. Choose Option 2 (Edit old Report). Enter the report identifier. Up to here the operations are as for editing an old report. The Line Edit Screen appears. Do not edit the report - exit edit and save the report. The report is recorded on the archive diskette.

Remove the archive diskette from the drive and place it into the archive box. Do not keep other diskettes there, you can easily make a mistake.

To save place in your work copy of the SSAC Safeguards Report Editor 1.0 you have to delete from it the report just archived. Do not postpone this operation, do it immediately.

Exit the Editor. Place the work diskette in the system disk drive. Type at DOS prompt >


Enter the command. That is all. An exampli


will delete the report PIL136.

If you have a hard disk, there is no need to archiva. Simply do not use the report otherwise but for read operations.

To support the archive some rules must be obeyed. Periodically read the archive diskettes. Enter the reports in th* Editor and save them again on another diskette. That ensures you that the information will not be damaged. 28

In case of a hard disk, dump the whole hard disk once monthly, for example.

Remember that the «rchive must last several years!

Default lines tool

To «ycli t th(t> dcsfault lines choosR choose Option 5 -from the Main menu. Enter the report type identifier (ICR, MBR, PIL or CSN). After a while the Line Edit Screen appears with the dor-fault header loaded. Press ESC and look at the Code 10 Screen. There arc? two lines only. First is the default header, the second the default line for line entry. Press ESC again and edit them. When ready, press Alt-Q to end edit. The default lines will b» saved automatically on the SSftC diskette- It is useful to place in the default header the country code, facility code and the report period and number. In this way you can save this data on the SSftC diskette. After some experience to use the Editor is acquired you can find the best way to use this tool yourself.

Warning! Do not edit the column 80 number. It is used always, and it identifies the type of the report line at the IAEA. This command invokes the special diskette installation program. Follow the explanation displayed on ths screen. During th«



i'l !<_• ür.i-f eguards Report Editor State Level SSAC 1.0 is a progr-m wn ttm in BASIC -for (BM PC (PC/XT). Its aim is to i;;e the rtspori:inrj to IAEA, including: - Initial report typing; - Error correction; - Report printing; - Report recording on diskette to be shipped to the IAEA; - Report archiving .

The program system is distributed on one diskette in PC DOS •format. The source codes of the Editor's programs ar» included inthe distribution diskette. Listing o-f the source codes is shown in Appendi:;.

Here, in this Chapter, the program is described together with its auxiliaries. The description is aimed to experienced programmers, acquainted with tht= IBM PC DOS, IBM PC BASIC Interpreter and IBM PC BASIC Compiler, in order to help if any modifications of the Editor have to be performed to meet a specific need of a particular Member State.

Program description

The Safeguards Report Editor - State Level SSAC 1.0 resides in source codes as an ASCII file on the distribution diskette. The file is named


The file can be edited with any ASCII symbolic editor able to handle 256 symbols in a line. A suitable editor may be the IBM PC BASIC Interpreter, because of its properties for testing the program and to correct the errors. If you want to edit the source codes, copy the source fila on a separate diskette, for safety.

To meet the speed requirements, the Editor is not executed under the IBM PC BASIC Interpreter. It is compiled and linked. The execution module resides also on the distribution diskette. The file is named

SSAC.EXE directory" command. For example, start DOS and at prompt C> enter



The Editor cannot be executed -from the distribution diskette. To make an execution copy it must bf? installed (see also Chapter 2. Operator's guide). In the process of installation some auxiliary •files are renamed and a new -file is created with the name SSAC.DEF which dnR'3 not (.••«int. ori the i but i on diskette. Check the distribution (SŒD1TD1S01 ) and exécutable diskette

SSAC.DEF - Default disk drives description -file, ASCII ICR.RES MBR.RES — Screen distribution description files, ASCII PIL.RES CSN.RES

ICR.PTR MBR.PTR Printed form's header description files, ASCII PIL.PTR CSN.PTR

During execution the Editor uses as data the ASCII sequential files with extensions .RES, .PTR and .DEF. They must reside on the same diskette/hard disk as SSAC.EXE. After the Editor is installed some more files are present which have auxiliary functions: AUTOEXEC.BAT - Autostarting batch program for the SSAC.EXE ARCHIV.BAT - Batch program formatting a new diskette D0UBLE.BAT - Batch program copying the Editor system README.EXE - Paginating program, displaying the help file README.DOC - Help file with short description.

Listings of these files are also included in Appendix. The program README.EXE is written in BASIC, but is included as an executable module, compiled and linked.

Two other type of files are produced and used when the Editor is executed - the .INT and . XMT files. They have composite names of 4 to 7 digits, the fist three corresponding to the report type (ICR, MBR, PIL and CSN) and the rest four identifying * report of that type.

The .INT ASCII sequential files hold the report data and .XMT ASCII direct access files are output to diskettes that *rm shipped to the IAEA instead of the usual paper hardcopy format.

The following flow-chart shows the role of the ASCII auxiliary files and the output files. Displaplay ] I < -jFil« .RESj Fil« .INT

Keyhonrcl U— — >-| SSAC.EXE 1

U -pile .PTR| .XMTI ¿ | Printer ]

Flow-chart o-f the rol« o-f th» auxiliary files in the Editor. 32

Program logics

Thi- program Safeguards Report Editor 1.0 is designed without any programmer's tricks as using POKE or CALL statements. It is written in IHM PC BASIC not using any exotic abilities. Since the Editior i i--. of a screen type, screen text commands and functions art? used (f.fjl'íl XM, COLOR, LOCATE', WIDTH). A variety of input-output command;- and functions are? also used in conjunction with the keyboard input, scrtíf-jn output and file management. An specific error handler is also i incorporated using ON ERROR statement and RESUME and RESUME n. There are parts of the program, located as subprograms with different exit points, hence RETURN n statement is also used as well as GOSUB n. Enumeration analysis is programmed by the statement ON i GOTO nl,n2,.. . Errors are sound marked with BEEP, as well as PRINT CHR*<7). The symbol analysis is coded with variables rather than ASCII decimal number for better understanding. The program deals with three types of variables - integer, string and logical - and simple integer arithmetic, string and logic operations and functions. That is why an arithmetic co-processor cannot contribute to execution speed even if supported by the IBM PC BASIC interpreter and compiler.

The program is structured, each separate part having its own purpose. At the beginning, an initiating section (100 — ISO) defines global variables arrays , sets initial values, clears text screens and activates the error handler. This part is executed once at start. I iStar:t 1 I Initiation! **

i * 1 I Main menu J 1 —>-j Transm. report I- >•

—>-|Edit default 1 >

>-|Disk menu 1 >•

Program flow-chart of th« Editor

At line ISO the program switches to the Main menu section <2000 - 2330). There the main menu is displayed, option number is input and analysed switching to separate sections. Options 1..4 are switched throuc.ih a common section (2530 - 2630), which enters the rRport identifier and tests the existence of the report, using the error handler.

Option 5 of the Main menu switches to the edit default lines section (2060 - 7900). There the default lines «re prepared to b« edit, A -fl.-Aii is fired to mark the return in the »dit section and can I ml i ••• |i'->«-.«*c;cl l:o the edit section.

Op'1 Loii 6 th.> Hain nmnu runs the Disk menu section (2250 - 2520) . It i <•; di d almost f?qui\l. ly as the Main menu handler using te«t screen 3. Report printing is relocated in section 2640 - 2B00. Th« file of type .PTR for the specified report is read, then the header part of the form is printed adding the variables of the report. After this operation the line entries are printed in the form, their actual places inside the row taken from the distribution data (file of type .RES). The output on a diskette for transmission to the IAEA is done in section 2810 - 2850. ft direct access file of type .XMT is opened on the output disk drive, and the data buffer (BUFF*) i« written in it. Most significant section of the program, hence slightly complicated., is the actual edit section (200 - 1800). It deals with two screens (0 and 1) simultaneously and reads the keyboard. This part of the program is almost independent as subprogram, but is not designed in that style. It is entered with COTO 2Ó0 and recirculate until Alt-Q key is read, then exits via exit edit module (1730 - 1800) where the report saving on disk is organized.

The actual editing starts after the following internal conventions: - distribution data file (xxx.RES) is read in the buffers; - old report data is read in BUFF* array, and last line number is updated (NBUFM); if the report is a new one NBUFM is set to zero; this is performed by the disk input Subroutine (1550 - 1630).

The section uses the variables NBUF for current line number (zero is the header line of the report) and NRSC1 for current screen row number. Current screen distribution data and texts *rm loaded intoSC(i,j) and TEXT*(j), i=0..5, J-O..N, the current values handled by the Line Screen distribution switch subroutine (1650 -1950). The distribution data are coded as follows (se* aleo Appendix,for the .RES files list):

47 34

Inde;-: Meaning

O Row on screen .1. Column un I.he screen for the text Numbrar of symbols in the text Number of symbols in the entry -field Pi'-.p I .\reiiwni. in the buffer BUFF» as in Codi 10 Posit: i tin in the printed form

The value N is r«ad from thu .RES file for each report type and represents the number of items in the header line or in lin* entry.

The edit section first displays the distributed data on the Line Edit screen (screen 0) or change them (header — line) if necessary. Then in a cyclic way reads a symbol from the keyboard and interprets it. For that purpose separate small sections are designed, clearly commented in the program source codes (see Appendix). Due to the incorporated switch of the screens from Line Edit to Code 10, all operations with line as a whole are performed on bath screens 0 «nd 1.

Some parts of the program are IBM PC configuration dependant. At line 160 input and output disk drives default are read from the file 5SAC.DEF, created during installation. At lines 2440 - 2450 the printer is fixed to LPT1: and is supposed to be able to print 132 character per line. Some difficulties arise if a single configuration is used. To overpass them before any file opening the cursor is located at the left upper corner of the screen. In a single disk drive configuration during this operation a prompt is displayed to interchange diskettes. It is, thus, shown at a defined place on the screen and does not interfere with the rest. After the OPEN statement the prompt is cleared from the screen.

Compiling and linking

The program has to be compiled to acquire execution speed. Best results are found if the compilation is done with option for BASCOM.LIB library: BASCOM SSAC;/X/O

Option /X permits compiling the ON ERROR , RESUME Cn3 and RETURN CnD statements. Option /0 forces BASCOM.LIB library linking, thus forming a compact execution module.

To link the object module use the standard IBM PC LINK module: LINK SSAC;

48 35

The resulting execution module is SSAC.EXE. For more details about compiling and linking re-fer to IBM PC "Basic Compiler System" and IBM PC "Disk Operating System" (Personal Computer Hardware Reference; I ibrary).

To run th« rww module SSAC.EXE copy it on a SSAC diskette, thus ropl fu'.inci the? foisting one, and start the Editor, as described in Chiipi.i-M '•-, Operator's guide. Advisory is to prepare a SSAC diskei I:P i ni.tí!.i, 1 ing the Editor on a diskette even if you have a harn di si:, corrí içiurali on Vo avoid esventual break of the running SSAC.


The program can be tested in two different ways. If it is executed under BASIC Interpreter, it runs slowly but permits quick editing. The edit process is faster. It is the preferable way while some corrections are performed.

The real test includes speed also. Then the program must be compiled and linked., the execution module be run.

The test includes all functions described in the Operator's guide, Chapter 2.

For more details about editing and run of a program under BASIC Interpreter refer to IBM PC "BASIC" (Personal Computer Hardware Reference Library). 3í

APPENDIX. Lists and listings

Diskette directories

The date and the time o-f recording are don't mind.

Directory of the; distribution diskette

DJ r (:\. 1 ofr v A: \ Vnl umt> i n ririvra A is SGEDITDtfiOl ARCHIV HAT 8-15-H6 U:54p AUTO DAT 3 18 8-09-86 1:04p CSNP DOC 1407 5-24-86 3:06p CSNR DOC 640 8-07-86 10:39p DOUBLE BAT 746 8-15-86 11 i 56p ICRP DOC 2729 5-18-86 lux 52a ICRR DOC 1384 6-01-86 6:31a INSTALD BAT 1374 8-17-86 12:04p INSTALH BAT 819 8-15-86 11:58p MBRP DOC 1866 5-20-86 11i46p MBRR DOC 1027 6-01-86 6 s 37a PILP DOC 2094 5-20-86 10:44p PILR DOC 1134 6-01-86 6: 39a README DOC 8340 8-15-86 10:2Bp README EXE 19440 8-14-86 5:42a SSAC BAB 245 12 8-17-86 10:30a SSAC EXE 49444 8-17-86 11:46a SSACD EXE 17817 8-09-86 11120a SSACH EXE 17817 8-09-86 11:21a 19 File(s) 198656 bytes •free

Directory oí a diskette installation Directory o-f A:\ Volume in drive A is SSAC ARCHIV BAT 557 8-15-86 11:54p AUTOEXEC BAT 318 8-09-86 l:O4p COMMAND COM 22042 8-14-84 8:00a CSN PTR 1407 5-24-86 3:06p CSN RES 640 8-07-86 10:39p DOUBLE BAT 746 8-15-86 11:56a ICR PTR 2729 5-18-86 10:52a ICR RES 1384 6-01-86 6:31a MBR PTR 1866 5-20-B6 11:46p MBR RES 1027 6-01-86 6:37a PIL PTR 2094 5-20-86 10i44p PIL RES 1134 6-01-86 6:39a README DOC 8340 8-15-86 10:28p README EXE 19440 Q—• 14""86 5:42a SSAC DEF 128 8-17-86 12:53p SSAC EXE 49444 8-17-86 11:46« 16i Fil« (s) 201728 bytes •frmm the alphanumeric keyboard. Move left on« step and pri DEL key.


Directory o-f a hard disk installation Directory of C:\SSAOi Volume in drive? C is SSACHftRDOl

8-14-86 12s57p m m 8-14-86 12:57p ARCHIV BAT 557 8-15-86 ll:54p CBN PTR 1407 5-24-86 3:06p CSN RtS 640 8-07-86 10:39p TC:R PTR 27:: LUI PT Key laown lETt, in me »pitiii ntyooirai, t new line is inserted after the selected line, »nd »11 the line« an


Lists o-f the symbolic -Files

The -files of type .RES hold the data for the Line Editing Screen rli str i but i. on. Thnv have two parts - one for the header line *nd on i ; for tho line entry of the report. Each part begins with line counter (counting from zero) and the default line enclosed in Bii-::.. Their text is shown below.


7,"BS BG -BG- 1" 6, 1,13, 2, 1,3, 30,"Country code:" 6,31,14, 4, 5, 4, 30,"Facility code:" 6,6o", 9, 4, 9, 6, 30,"MBA code:" 9,13,42, 6,13, 3,102,"Beginning date of period covered (YYMMDD)i" 11,13,42, 6,19, 3,116,"Ending date of period covered


7,"BG BG -BG- £>" 6, 1,13, 2, 1, 3, 29,"Country code:" 6,31,14, 4, 5, 4, 29,"Facility code:" 6,60, 9, 4, 9, 6, 29,"MBA code:" 39

9,13,42, 6,13, 3, 65,"Beginning date of period covered (YYMMDD):" 11,13,42, 6,19, 3, 79,"Ending date of period covered (YYMMDD)i" 14,13,23, 3,25, 6,-49, "Number o-f line entries:" 16,13,14, 4,70, 4, 51,"Report number:" is! 13, 13. USO, 0, 8Í.J, "Col . 80:" 11,1," 7" 7, 1,13, 5, "Entry number:" 7,20,I", i , ••'•, 10, "Conti nuation:" /, 4 O, .1. I.,4, IB, .17, "Entry name:" 10, 1, tí, 1,3/, 79, " F1 Kinon t : " 1 10,28,15, 8,30, ;•••_••:!; "I l(.!ii)'.ínt weight: 10,58, 6, 2,46, 45, 11 Un its s" 12, 1,42, 8,48, 52, "Fissile isotope weight (uranium only) (g)i' 12,58,13, 1,56; 65, 'Isotope codes" IS, 1)13, 1,73, 69, "Concise notei" 17, 1,30, 4,74, 74, 'Correction to - report numbers" 17,40,29, 2,78, 83, 'Correction to - entry number:" 20, 1, B, 1,80, 87, 'Col. 80s"


6,"B5 BG -BG- 4" 6, 1,13, 2, 1, 3, 30,"Country codes" 6,31,14, 4, 5, 4, 30,"Facility code:" 6,60, 9, 4, 9, 6, 30,"MBA codes" 11,13,42, 6,13, 3, 55, "Date o-f Physical Inventory taken (YYMMDD) s " 14,13,23, 3,25, 6,-52,"Number oí line entries:" 16.13.14, 4,70, 4, 55,"Report number:" 18,13, 8, 1,80, 0, 99,"Col. 80:" 15,1," 5" 4, 1,13, 2, 1, 4,"Entry numbers" 4,20,13, 1, 3, 9,"Continuations" 4,40, 9, 1,20, 12,"KMP Codes" 7, 1,21, 8,21, 16,"Name/number of batchs" 7,40,25, 4,29, 27, "Number o-f items in batchs" 9, 1,21, 4,33, 34,"Material description:" 13, 1, 8, 1,37, 40,"Element:" 13.28.15, 8,38, 44,"Element weight:" 13,58, 6, 2,46, 54,"Units:" 15, 1,42, 8,48, 60,"Fissile isotope weight (uranium only) (g):' 15,58,13, 1,56, 73,"Isotope code:" 17, 1,18, 1,72, 77,"Measurement basis:" 19, 1,13, 1,73, 81,"Concise note:" 21, 1,30, 4,74, 86,"Correction to — report number:" 21,40,29, 2,78, 93,"Correction to - entry number:" 23, 1, B, 1,80, 9B,"Col. B0:" 40


5, "HiG DG -B6-

6, 2,13, 2, 1, 3, 30,"Country code:" 6,25,26, 4, 3, 3, A/,"Attached to report numbers" 6,60, P, 6, 7, Z, 80, "Ei«Les " », S1.,, I '1, '!1,1/, J. ••,, 4, :?.O30, , ""("IR I- *<::A: icode ] i t ys code:" 10, 6. S, I,00, 0, V9,"Col. 80:" 12,0,"C 5, 1,10, i, 1, 2,"Col. No 1:" 7, 1,28, 4, 2, 6,"Material Balance Area (NBA):' 9, 1,26, 4~, 6, 15, "Attached to Report number:" 11, 1,27, 2,10,23,"Entry number in the Report:" 14', 1, 5,68,12,29, "Text:" 16, 1,11 i 1,80,98,"Col. No 80:" o Ü -H gj T T ri- ra •O OH 0 -h 3- T m INVENTORY CHAN6E REPORT IICR) FOR« R.Ol.Wc n- rt -h 0 3"^- n 13 II H COUNTRY: I PEBOID COVERED BY REPORT: froi to m m FACILITY! ! REPORT No. ~ T in 13 s* ni •-•0 0 MATERIAL BALANCE AREA: Page No. of pages I SIGNATURE O T •+• D rt rt i ¡ L 'SI + •< HOD ¡CI NBA/COUNTRY D ! ACCOUNTANCY DATA ! 0 CORRECTION 1 ñ JT ¡D iOl HE N S INI I A S I ! TO 1 rt • • C -i TJ ¡T! BATE OF NC NAHE OR NUMBER T C u S 1 I :< -i -I T V H OF E R 1 E N 0 1 S rt 3" 7¡ ENTRY IN!INVENTORY Y E A NUMBER OF ITEMS R I 1 L * HEIGHT OF T I E m FRON TO P N N IN I P 1 E NEIHGT OF T FISSILE 0 1 O 3" •* a<, o^ No. ¡A! CHAN6E ET B BATCH BATCH AT 1 K ISOTOPES P I N REPORT ENTRY ri- T a IT! OE L I 1 E ELEMENT Kg C 1 0 ~ H- lu îi rt ¡II R 0 1 N (URANIUM ONLY) 0 ! T No. No. D" 3" !O! Y N 1 T g Cg) D ! E -h •- m •-• (D IN! E : •-• rt !"======s±======SSS xsssr o ai === «1 Si x rt rt i- O) ai o !••• -h m in 3" rt- 0 3 3" £ ID ID ¡a -o er m m m a T "-• 3 o a a> £ c 3 • s rg 3 fi- 3- TJ m w. a 3 ID ft T •n MATERIAL BALANCE REPORT (MBR) FOR« R.03 1—» (D



M T\



The files o-f type .BAT are batch program* with auxilliary •functions. They must be ewecuted at PC DOS prompt > either -from drive A: or -from hard disk C;

File AUTOEXEC.BAT (SSAC) - Autostarting the Editor -from a diskette. echo of-f echo SSAC Safeguards Report Editor 1.0 echo You can read instructions if You type README echo If You want to copy this diskette type DOUBLE echo If You want to prepare an archive diskette type ARCHIV echo Next the Editor will be started PAUSE ..

File ARCHIV.BAT (SSAC) - Prepares a new diskette for archiving.

echo off echo SSAC Safeguards Report Editor 1.0 echo ARCHIV program (Start it from drive A or C, not B) echo echo Formats an archive diskette for system SSAC 1.0 echo Warning. All information of the new diskette will be destroyed, echo PAUSE ... (Press Ctrl-Break if You want to stop here) echo Place a DOS diskette in drive B: echo (If Your PC has only ONE disk drive, wait to be prompted for echo drive B:) B:FORMAT B: echo Do not forget to label the new diskettes, echo If You like to start the Editor type SSAC. echo on (2000 - 2330). There the main menu is displayed, option number is


File DOUBLE.BAT (SSAC) - Copies the Editor's system on a new diskette. echo off echo Sa-f(aguardo Report Editor 1.0 tacho DOUBLE program (Start it from drive ft or C, not B) echo . echo Makes an entire; copy of the SYSTEM SSAC diskette. echo . rachu Warning. All information on the new diskette will bt destroyed. pause ... (Preas Ctrl—Break if You want to stop here) echo Place a DOS diskette in drive B: echa (If Your PC has only ONE disk drive, wait to be prompted for echo drive B:) pause BsFORMAT B:/S echo Do not forget to label the new diskettes. COPY DOUBLE.BAT B: COPY ARCHIV.BAT B: COPY README.EXE B: COPY README.DOC B: COPY AUTOEXEC.BAT B: COPY ICR.« B: COPY MBR.* B: COPY PIL.* B: COPY CSN.* B: COPY SSAC.EXE Bs COPY SSAC.DEF B: echo State level SSAC 1.0 is copied, echo on

File README.EXE (SSAC) - Types the help file on the screen by pages. The program is in BASIC and is compiled and linked. 1 CLOSE;KEY OFF: FOR 1 = 1 TO 10sKEY I,""sNEXTsCLS 10 OPEN "A:README.DOC" FOR INPUT AS #1 20 E*="":1F EOF(l) THEN CLOSE #1:END ELSE LINE INPUT #i,E* 30 IF MID*(E*,1,1)OCHR*(37) THEN PRINT MID* (E*5 1,70) s SOTO 20 40 LOCATE 23,1,1:PRINT USINS "&";"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"; 50 E*=INKEY*:IF E*="" THEN 50 ELSE CLS:GOTO 20 47

File README.DDC (SSAC) - Help file

Safeguards Report Editor

State level SSAC 1.0

RUI" |H.i('if:.'!

Ttu» S;\f peinareis Ropnrt Editor is designed to help editing Inventory chany« reports Physical inventory lists


The Editor is a program, residing on one diskette -for IBM PC. It can be executed on any computar of typ* IBM PC or PC/XT under PC DOS operating system, version 2.0 or higher. The minimum hardware consists in 256 K memory and at least one floppy disk drive (5 1/4 inch). Optimal operation can be obtained if two floppy disk drives ara available or one floppy disk drive and one hard disk. The better performance comes after an easier way to save and manage reports on disk.

Short description:

By the aid of the Editor a report to IAEA of type ICR, MBR, PIL and their Concise note* may be edited, visually checked and the errors be corrected, then saved on disk, printed or stored on a diskette which to be shipped to the IAEA instead of printed reports. In addition the Editor's disk functions make passible to list the disk directory and look for a specific report or to copy a report from one disk to another in order to archive it.

The Editor system is distributed on one diskette an has to be installed before starting. Installation may be done on a diskette or on a hard disk. To start installation run one of the following batch programs:

INSTALD for installation on diskette, or

INSTALH for installation on hard disk.

The SSAC diskette starts automatically the Editor. Place the diskette in drive A and press Alt-Ctrl-Del. After a while the Main menu comes on the screen. Remember, the SSAC diskette must reside in drive A: all the time.

For batter understanding the following definitions describe the terms used:

A new report is a report that is not stored either on the input nor on the output disk.

An old report is a report that is already stored on disk. ' To edit it the disk must be in the input disk drive.

A1 48

Input disk drive is the drive that is used to read an old report be-fore editing.

Output disk drive is the drive that is used to save the edited report. It may hi; UIIQ same as the input disk drive. Do-faults are two lines the header line of the report and the line entry of the; ropori.. By default these lines may hold any i n For mati on. Thin information will appear on any new line in & i"(.!|j(ji-t. The? Editor permits this information to be edited. It i '.:• Li i» ö futool l for constant entries as "Country code", "Facility coda" isle. in the header or for "Date of inventory change" in a group of line entries, for example. The defaults are held unchanged until edited again. They can be edited ONLY BEFORE (not during) editing a report.

To save a report means to write it on the output disk. If a report is not saved, it is lost if it is a new one, or remains unchanged on the input disk, if it is an old one. If input and OLitpLit disks coincides saving a report updates the existing one.' It is advisory to use coinciding input and output disk drives when editing a report to remove errors in order not to hold a report with errors in the SSAC . Different input and output disks is advisory to use when archiving reports.

To prepare a report for transmission means to «tore the report on a diskette, which will later be shipped to the IAEA as media. The diskette must be formatted with the program ARCHIV (SSAC diskette). One report may be prepared for transmission more than once. When saved on disk the new one overwrites the old one. Before using this option place the special diskette in the output disk drive. The latter must be different from the input one. In case of one diskette drive configuration with no hard disk, wait to be prompted to put the diskette in the slot. .

Input and output disk drives can be selected separately among disks A, B, C...,P. The content of any diskette in the input or output disk drive can be separately listed. The list is grouped for the different reports ICR, MBR, PIL or their Concise notes.


When started the SSAC Editor displays a Main menu. Any option from the menu can be chosen separately. Upon the end of the task chosen the Main menu is displayed again. To stop working with th« Editor use "Exit Editor" option.

A secondary "Disk menu" option permits to toggle input and output disk drives and to list reports in diskette directory by report types. Upon exit to the Main menu any changes of the selected drives are recorded and become defaults. If a report is to be edited, printed or prepared for transmission the Editor asks for its identifier. The report identifier must be unique - two different reports must not have equal identifiers. The identifier itself consists of 4 to 7 digits. The first 3 show the type of the report (ICR, MBR, PIL or CSN for Concise note). The other 4 »re used to differentiate reports. The type of the report in the identifier is fixed to the shown above, and at least one more digit (letter or numeric

62 49

symbol) is imperative to be used. No spaces are permitted. If th« identifier entered is not correct the Editor beeps and doe» not accept it. To edit the identifier Backspace, In*, Del and arrow kreys can be used to delete previous symbol, insert symbol, desletR current symbol or to move left or right on« step. To return to the Main menu use ESC key - th« chosen option is lost« When Edit options are chosen, the report with th« specified i dontifier is tested for existence and th« program sets thfi edit mode. The Line Editing Screen displays all items in the header lines or th« entry line of the report. Using th« alphanumeric keys the text of the report line can be entered. Th« cursor automatically jumps to the next item. If the entry in a field is shorter then the field then using TAB key moves the cursor to the next field. Shift-TAB is used to jump the cursor backward by fields. From the last field the cursor jumps to the first on«. To insert a symbol use INS key. To delete the previous symbol us« the Backspace key. To delete the current symbol use DEL key. To move the cursor right or left use the right or left arrow. To enter a line use the ENTER (RETURN) key. If a previous or next line have to be edited use the upward or downward arrows. With the PgUp and PgDn keys 12 lines up or down are scrolled. If ESC key is pressed the Line Editing Screen is switched to the Code 10 Screen and the report is shown without distribution in fields. The distribution on the new screen is in Code 10' format. The cursor shows the line which has been edited. To select another line for editing move the cursor up or down using upward - downward arrows or PgUp - PgDn keys. Use ESC key again to return to Lin« Editing Screen. 'The loaded line will be the line selected at th« Code 10 Screen. To insert or delete lines use the function keys F9 and FIO. The header cannot be either inserted, nor deleted. The entry lines are automatically renumbered. These operations are available in both screens. To exit editing use Alt-Q keys. Then a question to save report will appear. Answering yes with "Y" will save the report. Answering no with "N" will loose the editing and if the report is an old one it remains unchanged. The same rules are in operation if Defaults &re edited. The only difference is that upon exit editing the default lines for the specified type of report are ALWAYS stored on the SSAC diskette. 50

File INSTALD.BAT (DISTRIBUTION) - Batch program to install the Editor on diskette. Note, some -files are renamed during installation. echo off echo Safeguards Report Editor i.O E?cho Diskette Installation Program (start it -from drive Ai ) echo . Echo This program installs the Editor on a formatted cli. nUette. echo The diskette must be prepared with FQRMAT/S command

File SSACD.EXE (DISTRIBUTION) - Forms an installation -fil» SSAC.DEF with the? disk drives. The program is in BASIC and is compiled and linked. 11 10 DBKI*=="ri":Drli:n3¡="B :GPEN "B: SSAC. DEF"FOR OUTPUT AS ttJ:PRJNT ttljDSKI*! PRINT #1,DSKO*sCLOSE #1:END

Filra JNSTALH.BAT (DISTRIBUTION) - Batch program to install the Editor on hard disk. Note, some -files are renamed during i .1. >ali un. Brno off echo Safeguards Report Editor 1.0 echo Hard Disk Installation Program echo . echo This program installs the Editor on Hard Disk echo The Editor is installed in the current Ci disk subdirectory echo If You have not chosen the right subdirectory, echo press Ctrl-Break and change directory using CD command (PC DOS), pause echo Wait. The Editor's -files are transferred... copy ssac.ewe c: copy icrr.doc c:icr.res copy icrp.doc c:icr.ptr copy mbrr.doc c:nibr.res copy mbrp.doc c;mbr.ptr copy pilr.doc c:pil.res copy pilp.doc c:pil.ptr copy csnr.doc c:csn.res copy csnp.doc cscsn.ptr copy readme.e«e c: copy readme.doc c: copy archiv.bat c: ssach echo NOM the Editor is ready on Hard Disk, echo To start it type SSAC. echo Refer to User Suide to prepare AUTOEXEC.BAT echo on

File SSACH.EXE (DISTRIBUTION) - Forms an installation file SSAC.DEF with the default disk drives. The program is in BASIC and is compiled and linked. 10 DSKI**"C":DSKO*="C":OPEN "C:SSAC.DEF"FOR OUTPUT AS #1:PRINT HI,DSKI«:PRINT #1,DSKO*: CLOSE «liEND 52

Saure« code listing'


10 20 ' * Bul ciar i an Committee on the» Use o-f Atomic Energy -for Peaceful Purposes * 30 '* 40 '* Safeguards Report Editor 50 '* State Level SSAC 1.0 * 60 '* * 70 '* September 1986 * 80 '* * 90 '**************************************************************** 91 9 92 V 93 Jt ****** INITIAL VALUES 94 9 SC , TEXT* CURRENT DISTRIBUTION DATA & TEXTS 95 5 SCH, TEXTH* HEADER DISTRIBUTION DATA Zt TEXTS 96 > SCL, TEXTL* LINE DISTRIBUTION DATA it TEXTS 97 7 NBUFMX NUMBER OF LINES AD MAXIMUM 98 9 BUFF* REPORT DATA LINE BUFFER 99 9 100 CLOSE:DEFINT A-Z: DIM SC(5,20),TEXT*(20),SCH(6,10),TEXH*<10),SCL(5,20), TEXL*(20),BUFF*(99):DN ERROR BOTO 1320: OPEN "SCRN:" FOR OUTPUT AS #2 110 NBUFMX=99 120 KEY OFF:FOR 1=1 TO 10:KEY I,"":NEXT 130 ESC*=CHR*(27):BSK*=CHR*(8):CRK*=CHR*(13):SPK*=CHR*(32>: TABK*=CHR*(9):ZK*=CHR*(127):BEL*=CHR*(7)iC*-SPACE*(80) 140 F9*=CHR*(67):F10*=CHR*(68):INSK*=CHR*(82)tDELK*-CHR*(83): STABK*«CHR*(15):CUR*«CHR*(77):CUL*»CHR*(75):CUU*-CHR»(72)« CUD*«CHR*(80):PGU*-CHR*(73):PGD*»CHR*(81):SAV*-CHR*(16) 150 CHE*="A-abort R-retry ?":MES*-SPACE*(39) 154 ' 155 ' ****** DEFAULT DISK DRIVES (STORED IN FILE SSAC.DEF) 156 ' DSKI* INPUT DISK DRIVE 157 ' DSKO* OUTPUT DISK DRIVE 158 ' DSKD* SYSTEM DISK DRIVE 159 ' 53



410 B*=INKEY*:IF B*="" THEN 410 ELSE IF LEN(B*)>1 THEN B*=MID*=SPK* AND B*< = ZK* THEN 690 ELSE IF B*«TABK* THEN 720 ELSE IF BÍ.-BSIÍ.* THEN 620 ELSE IF B*=CRK* THEN 760 ELSE IF B*=ESC* THEN 540 ELSE BEEP:GOTO 410 430 IF B*=JNSK* THEN 590 ELSE IF B*=STABK* THEN 840 ELSI- IF B*r>DELI<* THEN 640 ELSE IF B*=CUL* THEN 740 EL SI?: If" K(*r=cUR'.ti THEN 670 ELSE IF B*=SAV* THEN 1730 Ei.'àYi IF D*=CHR*(48> THEN STOP 440 IF B*-F9* THEN L 1.40 f-.LSE IF B*=F10* THEN 1240 ELSE IF BSu-CUUtt THEN 890 ELSE IF B*=CUD* THEN 960 ELSE IF B**PSU* THEN 980 ELSE IF B**PGD* THEN 1030 ELSE BEEPsGOTO 410 450 ****** KEYS HANDLING 460 Alphanumeric keys CR for enter line TAB for skip to next field 470 ' ESC switch screen INS insert symbol s-TAB for rever** TAB 480 ' Bsp backspace F9 insert line FIO delete line 490 ' Arrows to move left,right one space, up and down on* lin« 500 ' PgUP, PgDn move 12 lines up or down 510 ' Alt-Q exit edit Alt-B stop while edit Ctrl-Break brs*k 520 530 '***ESC*#* 540 ESCF=NOT ESCF:AAS«i-AASiVS«i-V6iIF NOT ESCF THEN NRQWS=NROW:NCOLS«POS 1 THEN B*=MID* (B*, 2, 1) t.GOTO 570 ELSE IF B*=*ESC* THEN 540 ELSE PRINT BEL*;:GOTO 560 570 IF B*=F9* THEN 1140 ELSE IF B*=F10* THEN 1240 ELSE IF B*=CUU* THEN 890 ELSE IF B*=CUD* THEN 960 ELSE IF B*=PGU* THEN 980 ELSE IF B4-PGD* THEN 1030 ELSE IF B*=SAV* THEN 1730 ELSE PRINT #2,CHR*(7>5iGQTO 560 580 '***INS*** 590 INSF=NOT INSF:

IF INSF THEN LOCATE NR0W,,l,4,7 ELSE LOCATE NR0W,,l,7>7 600 GOTO 410 610 '»»»BACK STEP*** 620 IF J«l THEN PRINT #2,BEL*:GOTO 400 ELSE J-J-liIP-IP-liLOCATE NROW,NCOL+J-1,0 630 '««»DEL*** 640 NCD=POS(D): PRINT #2, LOCATE NROW,NCD,01ND-NUM-Ji IF ND-0 THEN MID*(BUF»,IP,1)-" " : PRINT #2," " ELSE MID*(BUF*,IP,ND+1)='MÍD*(BUF*,IP+1,ND)+" "i PRINT #2,MID*(BUF*,IP,ND+1); 55

650 LOCATE NROW, IMCOL+J -1, 1 : SOTO 410 660 '***->*** 670 IP=IP+1:J=J+1: IF J<«NUM THEN LOCATE NROW,NCÜL+J-1,1¡GOTO 410 ELSE 1 = 1 + 1 s IF I>N THEN 380 ELSE 390 680 >**# PRINT SYMBOL normal, insert mode **# 690 IF NOT (NSF OR NUI1-J=0 THEN MID*«B*: PR 1NÏ If2,133. ; : GOTO 700 ELBE MIDMBUF*, I P, NUM-J+l ) =B*+MID* N THEN 380 ELSE 390 710 '***TAB*** 720 1=1+1:IF I>N THEN 380 ELSE 390 730 740 J=J-llIP=IP-l! IF J=0 THEN 840 ELSE LOCATE NROW,NCOL+J-1,1( GOTO 410 750 '***CR*** 760 DUFF* < NBUF > =BUF*:EDF=1 s CCR=CSRLIN:CCP=POS< D > :NBUF-NBUF+11 IF NBUF>NBUFM THEN NBUFM=NBUF-1 770 SCREEN 0,1,l,VSsCOLOR 14,1,0 780 LOCATE NRSC1, 1,0: PRINT USING "«("sMID* (BUF*, 1,80) j : NRSC1=CSRLIN: IF NRSC1>23 AND NBUF<«NBUFMX AND NBUF>NBUFM THEN PRINT USING "&";BUFF*(NBUF) ji:NRSCl«CSRLIN 790 IF NRSC1>23 AND NBUF<=NBUFM THEN NRSC1=23 . 800 IF NBUF<=NBUFMX THEN 330 810 COLOR 11,0,0:SCREEN 0,1,AAS,VS:LOCATE 25,1,1: PRINT USING "&":"Last row ("+STR*(NBUF-l>+">! Press any key. 11 ; : PCL=POS =INKEY*:IF E*="" THEN 820 ELSE GOSUB 1090:COLOR 14,4,0:LOCATE CCR,CCP,1:GOTO 870 830 '***STAB*** 840 1 = 1-1: IF KO THEN I=N 8S0 INSF=O:GOTO 390 860 BEEP 870 IF ESCF THEN 410 ELSE 560 880 '***CURS UP*** 890 IF NBUF-0 THEN 860 ELSE NBUF-NBUF-l 900 NRSC1«NRSC1~1:IF NRSCl>0 THEN 330 ELSE GOTO 980 910 920 NRSC1*1: LOCATE 1,1,0: SCREEN 0, 1, 1, 0: COLOR 14,-l,0i GOSUB 1110iNN*NBUFM-NBUF:IF NN>22 THEN NN«22 930 FOR J«NBUF TO NBUF+NN:PRINT USING "&";BUFF*(J)5 s NEXT: SCREEN 0,1,0,0:COLOR 14,4,0:RETURN 940 950 •***CURS DN*** 960 IF NBUF+1>NBUFM THEN Gl60 ELSE NBUF=NBUF+1:NRSCl»NRSCl+li IF NRSCK24 THEN 330 ELSE 1030 970 ' ***PCi UP*** 980 IF IMBUF=NRSCi-~l ÜR (NBUF>NBUFM AND NBUF-NRSCi-2) THEN 860 SLUV. IF NPUF>NBUFM THEN NBUF=NBUFMsNRSCl»NRSCl-l 990 NBUFS--NBUF: IF NBUF-NRBC1-J. 1.<0 THEN NBUF=0 El..BE NBUF=NBUF-NRSC1-11 1000 GQSUB 920 1010 NRSC1 =NBLJFS-NBUF+1 s IF NRSC1>23 THEN NBUF-NBUF+22: NRSCl=*23iG0T0 330 ELSE NBUF-NBUFSiGQTO 330 1020 '***PG DN*** 1030 NBMAX-NBUF-NRSC1+23: IF NBMAX->NBUFM THENiGOTO 860 1040 NBUFS=>NBUF:NBUF=NBMAX-10:IF NBUF+22>NBUFM THEN NBUF-NBUFM-22 1050 GDSUB 920 1060 NRSCi=NBUFS-NBUF+l: IF NBUF>NBUFS THEN NRSCl-liGOTO 330 ELSE NBUF-NBUFSîGOTO 330 1070 '****** MESSAGES AT LINE 25 HANDLING 1080 COLOR 11,0,0: LOCATE 25,1,0:PRINT #2,USING "V ; SPACE*; : LOCATE 25,1,1:PRINT #2,USING ".V;"Wait ... Disk file transfer "j s PCL=POS(D):RETURN 1090 COLOR ,0,0: LOCATE 25,1,1:PRINT #2,USING "&";SPACE»(PCD;:RETURN 1100 GOSUB 1090:LOCATE 25, 1, 1 :ER*=STR* (NBUFM+1)+•• Lines read. M: PRINT USING "&";ER*;:PCL=POS(D): RETURN 1110 CLS:LOCATE 25,42: PRINT USING "&"s"F9_InsLin F10_DelLin Alt-Q End Edit1 LOCATE 1,1:RETURN 1120 GOSUB 1090:LOCATE 25,1,1s PRINT USING "?<";" "+STR* (NBUFM+1 )+" Lines written. PCL=POS(D): RETURN 1130 '***INS LINE*** 1140 IF NBUFM=NBUFMX OR NBUF>NBUFM THEN 860 ELSE EDF-1: IF NBUF-NBUFM THEN 1220 1150 INLF=NBUF+1 :GOSUB 1700: LOCATE ,,0: FOR J«NBUFM TO NBUF+1 STEP -1 1160 IF GDEFC-1 THEN BUFF*(J+l)-RIGHT*(STR*(J+l>,2)+RIGHT*(BUFF*(J),78) ELSE BUFF4(J+1)*BUFF*(J) 1170 NEXT 1180 NBUFM-NBUFM+1:IF GDEFC-1 THEN BUFF*(NBUF+1)*RIGHT*(STR*(NBUF+1),2 > +RIGHT*(GDEC*,78) ELSE BUFF*(NBUF+1)=GDEC* 37

1190 IF NRSC1=>23 THEN 760 ELBE NBUF=NBUF+1. ; BUF$=BUFF* (NBUF) : NRSC1=NRSC1+1: NN=NBUF-NRSCl+23:IF NN>NBUFM THEN NN-NBUFM 1200 SCREEN 0, 1, 1, VS; COI .OR 1.4, 1, 0: LOCATE NRSC1,1,0: FOR .-)=NBUF TO NN:PRiNT USING "&"; BUFF*(J)$:NEXT 1210 BOTO 350 1220 NBUF«NRUI--i-l:IF NRSC1>=24 THEN 330 ELSE NRSC1-NRSC1+1:GOTO 330 1230 'Si*DUI. LINE*** 1210 ÍF NbUI-M<-0 OR Nl'iUF'=O THEN 860 ELSE IF NBUF>NBUFM THEN 890 ELSE EDF=1:LOCATE , ,0s IF NBUF=NBUFM THEN NBUF=NBUF-1 :NRSC1=NRSC1-1: GOTO 1270 ELSE INLF=NBUF:GOSUB 1700: FOR J-NBUF TO NBUFM-1 1250 IF GDEFC-0 THEN BUFF*(J)»BUFF*(J+l) ELSE BUFF*( J )"RIGHT*(STR* ,2)+RIGHT* NBUFM THEN NN=NBUFM 1280 SCREEN 0.1,1,VS:COLOR 14,1,0:LOCATE NRSC1,1,0s FOR J=NBUF TO NNs PRINT USING "!<" ; BUFF* (J) % I NEXT: IF NBUF-NRSC1+23>NBUFM THEN PRINT USING "&"jC*j 1290 INLF-NBUF:G03UB 1700:GOTO 330 1300 IF NBUF=O AND NRSCl=i THEN BUF*-BUFF*(NBUF)INN«OIGOTO 1280 ELSE GOSUB 990¡GOTO 330 1309 1310 '****** ERROR HANDLING 1311 1320 DROW=CSRLIN:DCOL=POS(D): LOCATE 25,1 1330 IF ERRO53 THEN BEEP ELSE 1390 1340 IF ERR=24 THEN 1360 ELSE IF ERR=27 THEN 1370 ELSE IF ERR=51 THEN 1380 ELSE IF ERR=62 THEN 1630 ELSE IF ERR=58 THEN 1420 ELSE IF ERR-61 THEN 1430 ELSE IF ERR=64 THEN 1440 ELSE IF ERR=76 THEN 1460 1330 IF ERR=67 THEN 1450 ELSE IF ERR=68 THEN 1460 ELSE IF ERR-70 THEN 1470 ELSE IF ERR-71 THEN 1480 ELSE IF ERR-72 THEN 1490 ELSE IF ERR-57 THEN 1500 ELSE ER*»"Error"+STR*(ERR)+" in 1in«"+STR»(ERL)I PRINT USING "¡k";ER*5 lEND 1360 ER*»"D»vice timeout. ": GOTO 1510 1370 ER*»"Print»r not ready. "ÍGOTO 1510 1380 ER*«"S*feguards Editor is damaged on the system disk. Us« another system disk!"s COLOR 32,4,1: CLS:PRINT ER*jtCLEAR:END 58

1390 IF ERL=2590 THEN ER*="Report "+FLNAM*+" does not exists on disk "+DSKI*+":. ": PRINT USTNG "S<";ERÍ+BEL*;?PCL=P0S0 OR EWL--2740 OR ERR=160 THEN RESUME 1630 1410 IF F.RI„=2490 THF.N LOCATE 2,1,0: PR J M I " No files of type "+MID$ (E$, 3,3) +" *r« -found on drivs "+n«'.lil *+":":RKSU11E 2500 ' ' ' iru;r trur 1420 RlitiUMt. 1430 ER*= "Disk -f ul .1.. Change ! "¡GOTO 1510 1440 ER*="Bad report identifier! "+FLNAM*: PRINT USING "&";ER*5iRESUME 2030 1450 ER*="Too many reports. ":GOTQ 1510 1460 ER$="Device unavailable. ":GOTO 1510 1470 ER*="Disk Write Protect. "-.GOTO 1510 1480 ER$="Disk not ready.' ":GOTO 1510 1490 ER$="Bad diskette. "¡GOTO 1510 1500 ER*="Device I/O errar "¡GOTO 1510 1510 PRINT USING "?(";ER*;¡LOCATE 25,21,1 : PRINT USING "&";CHE*5 1520 E*=INKEY*:IF E*="" THEN 1520 ELSE IF LEN(E*)>1 THEN BEEP! BOTO 1520 ELSE IF E»="r" OR E*="R" THEN GOSUB 1530: LOCATE DROW.DCOL:RESUME ELSE IF E*="a" OR E*="A" THEN DM=O:LOCATE 1,1,0: PRINT #2," ":RESUME 170 ELSE BEEP:GOTO 1520 1530 LOCATE 25,1 : PRINT USING"&"; MES*; : RETURN 1540 ' ************ SUBROUTINE DISK INPUT ************** 1541 1542 ' INPUTS DISTRIBUTION DATA FILES XXX.RES 1543 ' REPORT INTERNAL DATA FILE XXXnnnn.INT 1544 1550 FLRES*=DSKD*+":"+MID*(FLNAM*,1,3)+".RES" 1560 LOCATE 1,1,0:OPEN FLRES* FOR INPUT AS #1:GOSUB 2632:GOSUB 1080 1570 INPUT #1,NHED,GDFH$: FOR 1=0 TO NHED: IF EOFU) THEN 1630 ELSE INPUT #l,SCH(0,I),SCH ; : NEXT;HEDF=O:RETURN 16S0 SCREEN 0,1,O,VSsCOLOR 11,0,0sGOSUB 1690sN»NLINs FOR 1=0 TO NsFOR J=0 TO 4sSC

1740 IF NBUFM<0 THEN PRINT USING "V;"No Tev:t to save! Exit. ";:BEEP:PCL=P0R="N" ÙR li*="n" THEN PRINT USING "&" $E*$ :GOTQ 1800 ELSt:. DR£P:l:¡0T0 17A0 1770 PRINT USING "Si";" Save? " ; :PCD=PQS(D> +1 :GOTO 1760 17B0 FOR 1=0 TO 500:NEXT 1790 60SUB 1080: LOCATE 1,1,0: OPEN DSKO*+":"+FLNÁM*+".INT" FOR OUTPUT AS iillSOSUB 2632l FOR I«0 TO NBUFM:PRINT #1,MID*(BUFF*(I)» 1,80)iNEXT: CLOSE #1:GOSUB 1120:GOTO 2030 1800 FOR I»=0 TO 500: NEXT: GOTO 2030 1810 '******#* REPORT IDENTIFIER ENTRY SUBROUTINE ********* 1811 1812 IJM IS ENTRY MAX SYMBOLS IN THE REPORT IDENTIFIER 1813 1820 IJ=l! IJ*=SPACE* 1 THEN E*=MID*(E*,2,1): GOTO 1870 1B60 IF E*>=SPK* AND E*<= ZK* THEN V=ASC(E*)s IF V>96 AND V<123 THEN E*=CHR*(V-32): GOTO 1880 ELSE 1880 ELSE IF E*=BSK* THEN 1900 ELSE IF E*==CRK* THEN RETURN ELSE IF E*=ESC* THEN RETURN 2030 ELSE BEEP:GOTO 1840 1870 IF E*=INSK* THEN 1930 ELSE IF E*=DELK* THEN 1910 ELSE IF E*=CUL» THEN 1950 ELSE IF E*=CUR* THEN 1960 ELSE BEEP:SOTO 1840 1880 IF NOT IJI THEN MID*(IJ*,IJ,1)=E*:PRINT #2,E*j:G0T0 1890 ELSE MID*(IJ«,IJ,IJM-IJ+1)=E*+MID*(IJ*,IJ,IJM-IJ)i LOCATE.IJR,,O:PRINT #2,MID*(IJ*,IJ,IJM-IJ+1): LOCATE IJR,ÍJC+IJ,1 1890 IJ=IJ+1:IF IJ<=IJM THEN 1840 ELSE IJ»1:IJI»O: LOCATE IJR,UC, Í,7,7JG0T0 1840 1900 IF IJ=1 THEN BEEP:GOTO 1830 ELSE IJ=IJ-1¡LOCATE ,P0S

1920 LOCATE ,IJC+IJ-l,1:GOTO 1840 1930 IJI= NOT IJIsIF IJI THEN LOCATE ,,1,4,7 ELSE LOCATE ,,1,7,7 1940 BOTO 1B40 1950 If l..l~l THEN BEUPsGOTU 1840 ELSr IJ = IJ-1s LOCATE ,POS(D>-1íGOTO 1840 1960 IF £.']•••*.'IM THEN BEEP: GOTO 1840 r.:i. ni1 i a ••= T ,:I+I : LOCATE , POS < D >+I I GOTO I 840 1970 ' 1900 ' 1990 '******** MAIN SCREEN - MAIN MENU HANDLING ********* 2000 2010 VS=3:SCREEN 0,1,3,3:COLOR 11,0,0s WIDTH 80sCLS:SOTO 2040 2020 GOTO 2180 2030 SCREEN 0,1,2,VSsCOLOR 11,0,0:LOCATE 23,63,0! PRINT #2," "¡iBOTO 2180 2040 SCREEN 0,1,2,3s COLOR 11,0,0»WIDTH 80sCLS 2050 LOCATE 4,28,OsPRINT #2,"Safeguards Report Editor" 2060 LOCATE 6,30:PRINT #2,"State Level SSAC 1.0" 2070 LOCATE 9,35s PRINT #2,"Main menu" 2080 LOCATE 11,28iPRINT #2,"1 Create new Report" 2090 LOCATE 12,28sPRINT #2,"2 Edit old Report" 2100 LOCATE 13,28iPRINT #2,"3 Print Report" 2110 LOCATE 14,28:PRINT *2, "4 Prepare Report for tr*n«mi.s«ion" 2120 LOCATE 15,28sPRINT #2,"5 Edit default header and line" 2130 LOCATE 16,28sPRINT #2,"6 Disk drives & files Menu" 2140 LOCATE 1?,28:PRINT #2,"7 Exit the Editor" 2150 LOCATE 21,20: PRINT #2,"Input disk drives Output disk drives " 2160 LOCATE 25,1,0:PRINT USING "&":SPACE*<79); 2170 LOCATE 19,10sPRINT #2,"SELECT OPTION NUMBER 1..7 = " 2180 VS=2sSCREEN 0,1,2,VSsCOLOR 14,0,0 2190 LOCATE 21,37,0:PRINT USING "&";DSKI*;s LOCATE 21, 58,0: PRINT USING "i<";DSKO*; 2200 LOCATE 19,37:PRINT USING "&";" ";s LOCATE 19,37,1 2210 E*=INKEY*: IF E*="" THEN 2210 ELSE IF LEN(E*)>1 OR NOT >47 AND ASC

2240 CLEAR:COLOR 14,1,1:FOR 1=0 TO 3sSCREEN ,,I,VS:CLSiNEXTs SCREEN „,0,0:PRINT "End Safeguards Report Editor":END 2243 2244 2245 "******** SECOND SCREEN - DISK MENU HANDLING *****#*** 2246 2250 SCRW" M n,i, :::;, Vfi : COLOR 1.1, 0, O : DDD=O : II- DM-1 THIiN 2360 ELSE DM=1 2260 LOCATE 4, 28,0: PRINT W.I, "Sa-f eguardr--, Rpport Editor" 2270 LOCATE 6,30:PRINT #2,"State Level SSAC 1.0" 2280 LOCATE 9,35:PRINT #2,"Disk menu" 2290 LOCATE 11,25:PRINT #2,"1 Select input disk drive (A..P)" 2300 LOCATE 12,25:PRINT #2,"2 Select output disk drive " 2310 LOCATE 13,25:PRINT #2,"3 List input disk directory" 2320 LOCATE 14,25:PRINT #2,"4 List output disk directory" 2330 LOCATE 15,25:PRINT #2,"5 Return to Main menu" 2340 2350 LOCATE 21,20: PRINT #2,"Input disk drive: Output disk drive: 2360 LOCATE 21,37,0: PRINT USING "V?" "5: LOCATE 2 i, 58, O: PR I NT USING "ii";" " ; 2370 SCREEN 0,l,3,3:C0L0R 14,0,0 2380 LOCATE 21,37,0:PRINT USING "fc"jDSKI*j1 LOCATE 21, 58,0: PRINT USING "!«"5DSK0*; 2390 LOCATE 19,37:PRINT USING "&";'' ";:LOCATE 19,37,1 2400 E*=INKEY«: IF E*="" THEN 2400 ELSE IF LEN(E*)>1 OR NOT (ASC47 AND ASC THEN 2420 ELSE LOCATE ,,0:OPD=VAL: PRINT #2,E* 2410 ON OPD GOTO 2430,2440,2460,2470,2452 2420 BEEP:GOTO 2390 2425 '******* INPUT it OUTPUT DISK DRIVES SETTING 2430 DSKL*=DSKI*:GOSUB 2450:DSKI*=DSKL»: DDD=1:GOTO 2380 2440 DSKL$=DSKO*:GOSUB 2450:DSKO*=DSKL*:DDD-1: GOTO 2380 2450 IF DSKL*="P" THEN DSKL*="A": RETURN ELSE DSKL*=CHR* ( ASC ( DSKL* ) +1 ) : RETURN 2452 IF DDD=O THEN 2180 ELSE DDD-O:LOCATE 1,1,0: OPEN DSKD*+":SSAC.DEF" FOR OUTPUT AS #1« PRINT *l,DSKI*sPRINT #1,DSKO*: CLOSE #1:GOSUB 2632:GOTO 2180 2455 '******* INPUT Ϋ OUTPUT DISK DRIVES DIRECTORY LIST 2460 COLOR 11,0,0:CLS:DM=O:DSKL«=DSKI*:1=0:GOSUB 2480sG0T0 2260 2470 COLOR 11,0,0: CLS:DM=O:DSKL*=DSKO$: 1=0: GOSUB 24B0:G0T0 2260 63

2480 LOCATE ,,0s1=1+1: IF 1=1 THEN E*=DSKL*+":ICR????.INT" ELSE IF 1=2 THEN E*=DSKL*+"sMBR????.INT" ELSE IF 1=3 THEN E*=DSKL*+":PIL????.INT" ELSE E*=DSKL*+":CSN????.INT" 2490 PRINT "*** FILES ON DRIVE "+DSKL*:FILES E* 2500 LOCATE 25, 1., 1: IF K4 THEM l'KïNV USING "&";"Press any key to continue with Directory lisl "; ELSE PRINT UB1NB "«<"; "Press any key to return to Disk menu "5 2510 GOSUB 2520:IF 1=4 THEN RETURN ELSE 2480 2520 E*=INKEY*:IF E*="" THEN 2520 ELSE CLS:RETURN 2525 ' 2526 '*****#* REPORT IDENTIFIER ENTRY 2527 ' 2530 LOCATE 23,9,0:COLOR 11,0,0: PRINT USING ".V; "Report identifier UCRnnnn MBRnnnnn PILnnnn CSNnnnn): ";: IJM=7:G0SUB 2540:GOTO 2570 2540 LOCATE 23,63,1:GOSUB 1820:C0L0R 11,0,0: I = INSTR(1,IJ*," ")-1 :FLNAM*=MID*(IJS,1,1) 2550 IF I<3 THEN 2560 ELSE REPT*=MID*(FLNAM*,1,3)1 IF REPT*="ICR" OR REPT*»"PIL" OR REPT*="MBR" OR REPT*«"CSN" THEN RETURN 2560 BEEP: LOCATE 23, 71: PRINT USING "&" ;"?'•;: GOTO 2540 2564 ' 2565 '******* CHECK FOR EXISTING OF REPORTS 2566 ' 2570 ON OP GOTO 2580,2590,2590 2572 IF DSKO*<"C" AND DSK0*ODSKI* AND DSK0*ODSKD* THEN 2590 2573 LOCATE 25,1,1: PRINT USING "î<"; "Select a proper output disk drive!";! PCL=POS < D): BEEP: GOTO 2030 2580 LOCATE 1,1,0: OPEN DSKO*+":"+FLNAM*+".INT" FOR INPUT AS #1:CLOSE #1: GQSUB 2632:LOCATE 25,1,0:COLOR 11,0,0: PRINT USING "&";"Report "+FLNAM*+" exists alredy on disk II +DSKO*+ " : " 5 : PCL=POS ( D ) : BEEP : GOTO 2030 2590 LOCATE. 1,1,0: OPEN DSKI*+":"+FLNAM*+".INT" FOR INPUT AS #1:CLOSE #1: GOSUB 2632:SUF*=".INT": IF 0P=3 THEN 2630 ELSE IF 0P=4 THEN SUF*«".XMT" 2600 LOCATE 1,1,0s OPEN DSKO*+":"+FLNAM*+SUF* FOR INPUT AS #1:CLOSE #1: GOSUB 2632 2610 ER*="Report "+FLNAM*+" is prepared already on di»k "+DSKO»+"i . Continue ?

2620 E*=INKEY»; IF E*="" THEN 2670 ELBE IF LEN(E*)>1 THEN BEEP:BOTO 2620 ELSE IF E*="Y" OR r£*="y" THEN PRINT USING "&" s E»; :GOTO 2630 ELSE IF E;*="N" OR E*="n" THEN PRINT USING "tt"\ E*j :60T0 2010 ELSE BEEP-.GOTO 2620 2630 GOSUU 2632:B0SUB 1.550: ON OP GOTO 200,200,2640,2810 2632 LOUftït 2,l,0!PRÏNT SPACE*(60): PRINT SPACE»<60)i RETURN 2634 2635 '*«*.#* PRINT REPORT 2636 2637 ' IF PRINTER NEEDS TO BE SET TO 132 COLUMNS USE NEXT STATEMENT 2638 ' (STAR - RADIX 15i) 2639 2640 REM WIDTH "LPT1:", 132: LPRINT CHR* (15) +CHR»U2) 2650 WIDTH "LPT1:",132 2660 LOCATE 25,1,1: PRINT #2,USING "!<";"Wait ... Report is printed.";:PCL»POSLE*MAXDK THEN LE-LE+1 2700 J=1:GDSUB 2740 2710 E*=SPACE*(RMXR):BUF*=BUFF*(NBUF)s FOR JJ=O TO NLINx MID* ,SCL<3,JJ))*MID*(BUF*,ISCH4,J0),SCL(3,0J>)IN EXT: LPRINT E*:NBUF=NBUF+l! IF NBUF>NBUFM THEN 2720 ELSE J-J+líIF .X-MAXDK THEN 2710 ELSE LB=LB+1:LPRINT CHR*(12);:GOTO 2700 2720 LPRINT CHR*(13)+CHR*(10)+"End o-f report "+FLNAMÍ+". Printed"+STR*(NBUFM)+" lines on"+STR»(LE)+" pagas."+CHR»(12)j 2730 GOSUB 1090:LOCATE 25,1,1 :E*="Report "+FLNAM*+" printed" +STR*(NBUFM)+" 1ines.":PRINT #2,USING "fc"jE*j:PCL-POS(D)i FOR .1=1 TO 1000:NEXT:GOTO 2030 2735 '*** FILE XXX.PTR HOLDS THE HEAD OF THE PRINTED REPORT 2740 LOCATE 1,1,0:OPEN FLPTR* FOR INPUT AS »lsBOSUB 2632 2750 LB*="":LB*=STR*(LB) : IF LEN(LB*)=2 THEN L.">*-H "+LB* 2760 LE*="":LE*=STR*(LE):IF LEN(LE*)«2 THEN LE* '+LE* 2770 NOLI = 1!BUF«=BUFF* <0) 2780 IF EOF(l) THEN CLOSE #1:RETURN ELSE LINE INPUT #1,E» 2790 FOR 1=0 TO NHED: IF N0LI-SCH(5,I) THEN IF SCH(6,I)>0 THEN MID*(E*,SCH(6,I),SCH(3,1))-MID*(BUF*,SCH(4,1),SCH(3,1)) ELSE MID*(E*,-SCH(6,I),3)=LEFT*(LB*,3): MID»(E»,-SCH(6,1)+9,3)» LEFT»(LE*,3) 2800 NEXT I s LPRINT E*:NOLI»NOLI+UGOTO 2780 2804 2805 '****** PREPARE REPORT FOR TRANSMISSION 2806 2807 FILE XXXnnnn.XMT XS A RANDOM ACCESS ONE 2808 2810 REM nriLOR 11,0,0sLOCATE 25,1,1:PRINT USING "&"?"W»it ...";:LOCATE 1,1,0:OPEN DSKOÍ+":"+FLNAM*+".XMT" FOR OUTPUT AS •II- i. 2870 REM FOR t=0 TO IMBUFM:PRINT ttl,MID*(BUFF* »GDFL*iNBUFMX-11NBUFM-11GOTO 200 2870 NBUFMX=99:GDFH*=BUFF*(0):GDFL*-BUFF*<1) 2880 LOCATE 1,1,0: OPEN FLRES* FOR OUTPUT AS #1:GOSUB 2632iG0SUB 10B0 2890 WRITE #1,NHED,GDFH*:FOR 1=0 TO NHEDs WRITE #1,SCH(O,I),SCH(1,1),SCH(2,I),SCH(3,1),SCH(4,1), SCH(5,1),SCH(6,I),TEXH*(I): NEXT 2900 WRITE #1,NLIN,GDFL,GDFL*: FOR I=*0 TO NLINl WRITE #1,SCL(0,1),SCL(1,1),SCL(2,1),SCL(3,1),SCL(4,1), SCL(5,I),TEXL*(I):NEXT:CL0SE #1:GOSÙB 1090 2910 LOCATE 25,1,0: PRINT USING "î<"; "Defaults are stored on disk";: PCL=POS(D):GOTO 2030 2921 '****** END OF SAFEGUARDS REPORT EDITOR 1.0 ****** 66

Examples o-f printed reports



i i K C !C! HBA/COUNTRY K D ACCOUNTANCY DATA E 0 CORRECTION !O! HE A N I y i ini I H A S I S C TO !T! DATE OF NC NAHE OR NUHBER T C U S U I ¡I! T V H P OF Eli E N 0 R S NTRY!NI INVENTORY Y E A f NUMBER OF ITEMS R I L I HEIGHT OF T • E ; !U! FROH TO PNN IN I P r NEIHGT OF T FISSILE 0 ! No. I A! CHANGE ET G C BATCH BATCH A T H ISOTOPES P B N REPORT ENTRY IT! 0 E 0 L I E ELEMENT Kg C A 0 1 II! R D 0 N / (URANIUH ONLY) 0 S T No. No. 101 Y E N y 9 (g) D I E N E - ¡ ! ^ •* » •* " * ^ Ä J» * * » «S • XXX XXXXatXX ^»^a^ .ai| 1 860417 BG-C zz-x SF 3 12400582 1 B02G E 117117.7 G 981.6 fi H X 1234 12 2 2 C P 971 G 2 3 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12400583 1 BQ2G E 116950.2 G 980.2 G K 2 4 C P 970 G 2 5 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12400584 1 BB2G E 116942.3 G 983.9 fiH 2 6 C P 968 G 2 7 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401210 1 BB2G E 116141.4 G 971.6 G H 2 8 C P 964 6 2 9 860417 Bu'L ZZ-X SF 3 12401211 1 BB2G E 116751.5 G 884.1 G n 2 10 C P 1014 G 2 11 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401212 1 BB2G E 116141 G 881.4 E H 2 12 C P 1008 G 2 13 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401213 1 BB2G E 118056.3 G 993.3 fiH 2 14 C P 977 G 2 15 860417 B6-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401215 1 BB2G E 117337.5 G 981.6 E H 2 16 C P 974 G 2 17 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401216 1 BB2G E 116443.6 G 976 G M 2 IB C P 965 G 2 19 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401217 1 BB2G E 116865.6 6 886.9 G H 2 20 C P 1014 G 2 21 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401221 1 BB2G E 116553.4 G 882.6 fiH 2 22 C P 1012 G 2 23 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401222 1 SB2G E 117133.1 G 887 fiH 2 24 C P 1017 6 2 25 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401223 1 BB26 E 117170 G 980.2 fiH 2 26 C P 972 G 2 27 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401224 1 BB2G E 116593.7 6 977.Î G H 2 28 C P 967 G 2 29 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401225 1 BB2G E 117777.3 G 991 G M 2 30 C P 974 6 2 31 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401227 1 BB2G E 117079.7 G 957 G H 2 32 C P 983 G 2 33 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401228 1 BB2G E 116391.3 G 973.7 G H 2 34 C P 966 G 2 35 BÍ04I7 B6-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401229 I B02G E 117144.4 G 1027.8 G n 2 400 NR0WS=NR0W:NC0LS»NC0L:G0T0 550


V CHfiljEE REPOST (ICR) FORM R.OI.I/c =::2==::====s=::==s==::==::=::=====sr==x=::=x=::rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxsxxsxxxxxxxxxxx COUNTRY: f'5 PEROID COVERED BY REPORT: fro. B60409 to B60417 FACILITY: Ef-C- REPORT No. 144

MATERIAL BALANCE «-.£." Page No. 2 of 3 pages ! SIGNATURE

:c «BA/COUHTRY i: ; D I ACCOUNTANCY DATA ! CORRECTION ' :o¡ M E t :N I A S : i : TO IT: DATE OF NC NAHE OR NUMBER T C U s : ¡¡¡ T VH I p : OF , ER I E u o : ENTRY IN¡INVENTORY Y EA ' NUMBER OF ITEMS, R I 1 L I HEIGHT OF T ! 1 ;u1 FROM TO pNN : IN ! I P : EHEIHGT OF T FISSILE o : No. ¡A! CHANGE ETG 1 c : BATCH BATCH! A T : H ISOTOPES p : REPORT ENTRY I IT1 0E : o ; i L I : E ELEHENT Kg c : ¡1 R D ! 0 : N (URANIUM ONLY) 0 Í No. No. ! ¡0 Y E : N : T g ig) D : ¡N E : s : ======ss=s=xr j xxx! XSXSXXS =ss=s!x !======XI ¡ ======.5X1 xxxxr! ======;=====;===!== : : ======.' ======:xz¡xxc¡ 36 C P 949 G 37 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401230 1 BQ2G E 115822.7 G 1016.2 G 38 C P 938 G 39 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401232 1 BB2G E 115956.6 G 893.1 G 40 C P 1000 G 41 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401236 1 B02G E 116955.6 G 923.5 G 42 C P 997 G 43 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401238 1 B326 E 116436.6 G 883.6 G 44 C P 1010 G 45 360417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401267 1 BQ2G E 116161.6 G 908.8 G 46 C P 995 G 47 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401268 1 BD2G E 116632.4 G 9B1.3 G 48 C P 965 G 49 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401270 1 BQ2G E 116614.2 6 953.2 G 50 C P 979 G 51 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401271 1 BD2G E 116B62.8 G 922.7 G 52 C P 996 G 53 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401272 1 BQ2G E 117368.6 G 926.7 * G 54 C P 1001 G 55 860417 B6-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401273 1 B02B E 116762.2 G 976.8 G 56 C P 969 G 57 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401274 1 BQ2G E 116957.2 G 1026.2 6 58 C P 947 G 59 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401277 1 BQ2G E 115916 G 906.8 G 60 C P 993 G 61 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401278 1 BB2G E 116351.9 6 896.1 S 62 C P 1003 G 63 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401279 1 B02G E 116245.5 6 895.3 G 64 C P 1002 G 65 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401280 1 BQ2G E 115713 6 878.1 G 66 C P 1004 G 67 860417 B6-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401281 1 BB2G E 116355.9 G 910.3 G 68 C P 996 6 69 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401282 1 BB2G E 116705.2 G 921.5 E 70 C P 995 G PRINT #2,MID*(BUF*!,IP,ND+1);


WVF.ÜTORV V,' REPORT HCR) FDRH R.Ol.Wc =3Ï3335SSSSSSÏSSS: ======r ======r ======L- = = = = = S = : = = : = = S ======S==S5==SSSS======S=?SSZSXSHZCXSXC«XXXX»BS»»SSXSXXS»E«CK»BBBSC COUNTRY-. PERDiD COVERED BY REPORT: {rot 86040V to 840417 FACILITY: REPORT No. 144

HATERIfiL BALANCE Paoe lio. 3 of 3 pages ! SIGNATURE ===:===r=rssr=r=s=i=====rssxsxxxszsxx:

ICI NBA/COUNTRY 0 ACCOUNTANCY DATA CORRECTION IOÍ HE INI I A S TO ¡Tí DATE OF NC NAHE OR ¡NUMBER! TC III T V H OF E R ÉNTRYINIINVENTORY Y E A NUMBER OF ITENS R I HEIGHT OF FROH TO P N N IN I P HEIHST OF! FISSILE No. IAÍ CHANGE E TG BATCH BATCH A T ISOTOPES REPORT ¡ENTRY! IT! OE L I ELEMENT Ill 0 (URANIUN ONLY) No. No. 101 N (g) I !NI S =«==•===! ====S=S=i:r|sx=! = ;======S5XXI= ÏS= X=S J SXXXXX3S ¡ XXXSX { X 71 860417 BG-C ll-l 5F 3 12401283 1 BQ2G E 116787, 4 G G 72 C P 968 6 978.9 n 73 860417 BG-C ZZ-X SF 1 BQ2G E 116325 G 3 12401284 G H 74 C P 942 G 1020.6 75 860417 BG-C ll-l SF 1 4 G 3 12401285 BB2G E 116686 G H 76 C P 965 G 982.4 77 860417 SF 1 BG-C 1Ï-X 3 12401286 8B2G E 116131 3 G G H 78 C P 961 G 977.7 79 860417 SF 1 BS-C ll-l 3 12401287 BB26 E 116634,5 G G H 80 C P 979 G 953.4 f.l 860417 BG-C IM SF 3 12401289 1 BO2G E 116469 7 G & n 1)2 C P 966 6 976.2 83 840417 B6-C ZZ-X SF 3 12401290 1 BB26 E 116723 2 6 982.7 G H 84 C P 966 6 85 860417 BG-C ZZ-X. SF 3 12401292 1 BQ2G E 114177 9 6 894.8 6 H 86 C P 1002 G 87 860417 SF 1 E BG-C ZZ-X 3 12401293 BB2G 116155 9 6 G H 88 C P 990 G 917.2 89 860417 SF 1 B6-C ZZ-X 3 12401295 BQ2G E 116334, 2 G G H 90 C P 1009 G 882.8 91 860417 SF 1 B6-C ZZ-X 3 12401296 BQ2G 117207, 7 G G M 92 C 973 G 980.5 93 860417 SF 1 B6-C ZZ-X 3 12401297 B02G 116559, 8 6 G H 94 C 947 G 975.1 95 860417 SF 1 BG-C ZZ-X' 3 12401298 BQ26 115629, 9 G G H 96 C 1003 G 877,5 97 98 99 id of repart ICR144. Printed 99 lines on 3 pages. SCREEN 0,1,0,0:COLOR 14,4,0:RETURN



NATERIAL BALANCE AREA: I'6-C Page lio. 1 oí i pages ! SIGNATURE:

1 1 1 1 ACCOUNTANCY DATA CORRECTION 10! IN! I TO ¡T! U S II! E N D , ENTRY INI ENTRY NAHE I I HEIGHT QF T ! !U! E NEIHGT OF T FISSILE D No. !A! N ISOTOPES P 1 REPORT ENTRY I IT! E ELEMENT Kg C Ill N (URAMUH ONLY) 0 ' No. No. mi T 9 ig) D IN! E ! szz ======¡=¡======£=!=:=:: 1 PB E 65468183 & 1795524 6 X 1234 12 7 2 C E 99999999 G 2100809 G 7 3 RD E 26732794 G 802013 G 7 4 LN E 1059500 6 593515 G 7 5 SO E 252S4839 G 2146577 G 7 6 BA E 85086638 G 1797407 G 7 7 C E 99999999 G 2092767 G 7 B PE E B5B8663B G 1797407 6 7 9 C E 99999999 G 2092767 G 7 10 PB P 737646 G 7 11 NP P 248430 G 7 12 LN P 4B31 G 7 13 SO P 236704 G 7 14 BA P 744541 7 15 PE P ' 744541 G 7

¿nil of report MBR1. Printed 15 lines on 1 pages. 70

;i.L INVENTORY LISTING (PILI FORH R.02/C ======ssasa======-•=•=:•«= COUNTRY! : •• DATE 841051 FACILITY; K-i> r.EPORI tio 43

MATERIAL BALANCEftRtfi: i'-<: Paw Ha. i oí 1 pages j SIGNATURE: ! -~z -- _ -- •- ¡1 D ACCOUNTANCY DATA E 0 CORRECTION HE A N ¡N: H A S I S C TO IT! . ! NAME OR NUMBER TC U 5 U 1 OF E R E N 0 R S III P T ENTRY IN! . I NIKS'-R OF ITErtS R I L I HEIGHT OF E IN I P E IHE1HGT OF T FISSILE 0 No. I A! C I BATCH BATCH A T H ISOTOPES p B N REPORT ENTRY IT! O L 1 E ! ELEMENT Kg c A 0 II! D 0 N (URANIUM ONLY) 0 S T No. No. 10! E T 9 Ig) D I E IN! E S ======¡ = '===! ======{======:==!======ssxxx 1 A LKA-0100 BUIF E 41947B G 12584 G N 2 A LKA-0101 BUIF E 422405 G 12672 G N 3 A LKA-0102 L BUIF E 414041 G 124221 G N 4 A LKA-0103 BUIF E 414459 G 12434 G N 5 A LKA-0104 L BUIF E 421987 6 12660 G N 6 A LKA-0105 BUIF E 421548 G 12647 G N 7 A LKA-0106 BUIF E 421151 G 12635 G N 8 A LKA-0107 BUIF E 414877 G 12446 G N nd of report PILI. Printed 8 lines on 1 pages. 71

r o ;i c ; s t n u i E



C BBC- 1234 12 This is test Concise note, prepared for dtionstration.

of report CSN1. Printed 1 lines on 1 pages.