Customized Book List Computer
ABC Springer Customized Book List Computer FRANKFURT BUCHMESSE 2007 Computer 1 N. Abdennahder, University of Applied Sciences, Solothurn, J. Abonyi, Pannon University, Hungary; B. Feil, Pannon University, P. Abrahamsson, VTT Technical Research Center, Finland; N. Bad- Switzerland; F. Kordon, Université Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, Hungary doo, University of Hertfordshire, UK; T. Margaria, University of France (Eds.) Postdam, Germany; R. Messnarz, ISCN, Austria (Eds.) Cluster Analysis for Data Mining Reliable Software Technologies - and System Identification Software Process Improvement Ada-Europe 2007 14th European Conference, EuroSPI 2007, Potsdam, Germany, September 26-28, 2007, Proceedings 12th Ada-Europe Intenational Conference on Reliable Soft- ware Technologies, Geneva, Switzerland, June 25-29, 2007, This book presents new approaches to data mining Proceedings and system identification. Algorithmsthat can be used for the clustering of data have been overviewed. This book constitutes the refereed proceeding of the New techniques andtools are presented for the clus- 14th European Software Process Improvement Con- This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the tering, classification, regression and visualization of- ference, EuroSPI 2007, held in Potsdam, Germany, in 12th International Conference on Reliable Software complex datasets. Special attention is given to the September 2007. The 18 revised full papers present- Technologies, Ada-Europe 2007, held in Geneva, analysis of historical process data,tailored algorithms ed together with an introductory paper were careful- Switzerland, in June 2007. The 18 revised full papers are presented for the data driven modeling of dy- ly reviewed and selected from 60 submissions. The presented were carefully reviewed and selected from namical systems,determining the model order of papers are organized in topical sections on enforce- numerous submissions.
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