No. 16 The House Of Cinema Newsletter Iranian Alliance of Motion Picture Guilds April 2011

Survey of Significant Cinematic Events in in 1389 REPORT Images of Cinema in the Iranian Calendar Year 1389 (March 21, 2010 – March 20, 2011)

Although cinema presents images of social realities and events and sometimes acts as a pictorial almanac, it also participates actively in the course of events. The Iranian cinema experienced a lot of ups and downs and faced difficulties as in the past years. Naturally this survey can not incorporate all of those events and only a number of typical and most controversial happenings will be included here. To get a better view of the events we could divide them in three groups: screening and production, organizational and cinematic relationships and festivals. In the end of course we will have cinematic programs, departed film artists and the last Seyed Mohsen program at the House of Cinema in the past year. Hashemi

A.Screening and production

trade council of screening: “The prived many people of the chance of 4. Poupak and Mash Masha’allah, Increase in the Screening Ca- A-1. high number of screenings and the seeing them. These drawbacks were Farzad Motamen, 1.680 billion pacity and Trade Council of Screen- single screening of some films -re removed in the first version of the tomans ing sult form the operation of the trade regulations prepared by the House 5. St. Petersburg, Behrouz Afkha- Apart from the number of films council of screening.” He also re- of Cinema which were notified to mi, 1.170 billon tomans produced during a year, one of marked: “Film screening will be the director-general of the supervi- the criteria for evaluating the cin- much better next year.” sion and evaluation. All the same Over 500 million tomans ematic operation in a country is the But at the beginning of the cur- Sajjadpour managed to enforce his screening capacity. The number of rent year and after the announce- views despite objections by the trade 1. Settling Accounts, Tahmineh films produced and screened were ment of the screening regulations guilds and created the new screen- Milani, 933 million tomans planned to be increased during the by the Trade Council of Screening, ing council under the control of the 2. In Color Purple, Ebrahim Hata- year. According to contradictory Sajjadpour had said: “Ultimately newly-established producers guild mikia, 920 million tomans available statistics, the number of the deputy minister for cinemato- (which was created with the sup- 3. Milk and Honey, Arash Moay- produced films increased to 90, graphic affairs plans to form a port of the government) and thus erian, 920 million tomans while 60 films were screened. It council of screening. But until that the council of screening was moved 4. Dog Day Afternoon, Mostafa should be noted that in 1384 (2005) is done, film screening will have to out of the control of the House of Kiani, 850 million tomans film production reached the record be managed with the use of the ex- Cinema, and this completed the 5. Good Morning Love, Asghar number of 112 films, while most isting regulations. The new group range of restriction of the rightful Naimi, 844 million tomans producers were unhappy with the of experts at the office of the deputy functions of the House of Cinema 6. The Age Forty, Akireza Raisian, screening situation. For instance, minister has much more extensive of which it had been deprived. 840 million tomans while 12 films were screened in plans.” 7. Democracy in Broad Daylight, the cinemas simultaneously, some Concerning the distribution of films Ali Atshani, 802 million tomans of them, which were experimental among the various groups of movie A-2. According to the reports of 8. The Red Light, Yaghoub Ghaf- films, had only a single screening. theaters, he had said: “The program the media at the end of the year 89, fari, 785 million tomans The situation led to the coining of for the past year was not entirely 16 films were in the shooting stage 9. Seven Minutes to the Autumn, the term “film burning” which ex- satisfactory. In fact the trade coun- and 34 projects were in post pro- Alireza Amini, 760 million to- pressed unhappiness with the situ- cil of screening should be respon- duction. mans ation. sible for questions regarding the Statistics for the box office receipt 10. Gold and Copper, Homayoun The director-general of the screen- number of screened films. We tried of films demonstrate that the- Ira As’adian, 620 million tomans ing and evaluation attributed the not to interfere with the decisions nian cinema was still plagued by 11. A Small Mistake, Mohsen problem of the film screening to the made by the council.” financial crisis and except for one Damadi, 534 million tomans trade council of screening (which The summer of 2010 began with film, The Kingdom of Solomon, 12. Playing Stubborn, Seyed Me- was controlled by the House of Cin- the screening of films like Democ- which earned more than 3 billion hdi Borghei, 530 million tomans ema). It is worth mentioning that racy in Broad Daylight, The Girls, tomans thanks to widespread TV 13. Big Trouble, Mehdi Goles- the screening ad evaluation depart- Marriage at Extra Time and Milk advertisement and the great length taneh, 525 million tomans ment had a representative in the and Honey, while the director- of its screening period, other films council and a number of changes general of screening and evaluation could not reach even the 2 billion Over 300 million tomans in film screenings were carried out announced he would be taking over tomans target. with his oral orders. This vexed the the task of assigning films to movie 1.The Killer, Reza Karimi, 445 managing director of the House of theaters. This led to protest by film- million tomans Cinema who in September wrote A-3. Box office receipts of films: makers and at the House of Cinema 2.Teheran, Tehran, Dariush Meh- to chairman and members of the and the Deputy for cinematograph- rjui, Mehdi Karampour, 440 mil- council, reminding them that rep- Over one billion tomans ic affairs Javad Shamaqdari an- lion tomans resentative of the screening and nounced the project would be post- 3.Those Better Than Us, Mehr- evaluation department had no right 1.The Kingdom of Solomon, poned until favorable conditions dad Farid, 430 million tomans of vote, and that the head of the Shahriar Bahrani, 3.166 billion were created. The objections to the 4.Nothing, Abodlreza Kahani, screening and evaluation depart- tomans screening of films in 2010 were the 420 million tomans ment should demand such changes 2. The Extremists, Jahangir Jah- selection of films without regard 5.A pocket Full of Money, Qodra- in writing. But Alireza Sajjadpour, angiri, 1.892 billion tomans for diversity of contents, the simul- tollah Solh Mirzai, 420 million director-general of the screening 3. Son of Adam, Daughter of Eve, taneous presence of one actress in tomans and evaluation department kept Rambod Javan, 1,700 billion to- five screened films and the single 6.Marriage at Extra Time, Saeed criticizing the performance of the mans séance screening of films which de- Soheili, 400 million tomans 7. The Distance, Kamran Qadak- Yousefi, 130 million tomans Masoud Atyabi, 40 million to- fields. This has led, for instance, to chian, 400 million tomans 7. Ungrateful, Hassan Hedayat, mans at least temporary ban of a number 8. Aal, Bahram Bahramian, 385 113 million tomans 2. Third Floor, Bizhan Mirbaqeri, of films. Another instance is the million tomans 8. The Pea-Size, Jalal Fatemi, 110 36 million tomans damage received by the sunset to million tomans 3. And the Blue Sky, Ghazaleh dawn scheme, meaning extra film Over 200 million tomans 9. Around the expressway, Sia- Soltani, 35 million tomans screening during late hours and vash Asadi, 101 million tomans 4. Very Close Encounter, Esmail until dawn at the month of Rama- 1. Karat 14, , 260 10. The Awakening of the Dreams, Mihandoust, 35 million tomans zan, which had been quite success- million tomans Mohammad Ali Bashe-Ahangar, 5. Untimely Cock, Hossein ful in the previous year. In 2010 the 2. The Death Carnaval, Habibol- 100 million tomans Qasemi , 30 million tomans scheme was not successful as con- lah Kasesaz, 260 million tomans 6. Wind in the Prairie, Khosro tradictory comments from some 3. Whatever God Wills, Navid Mi- Over 50 million tomans Masumi, 28 million tomans organizations made it impossible handoust, 260 million tomans 1. The Remembrance, Nader 7. Non-Profit Police Station, for movie theaters to make prepa- 4. Hot Chocolate, Hamed Kolah- Tariqat, 90 million tomans Yadollah Samadi, 22 million to- rations for the scheme. dari, 260 million tomans 2. The Doll, Ebrahim Vahidza- mans Lengthening the screening period 5. The Penalty, Hassan Fathi, 235 deh, 84 million tomans 8. Afternoon of the Tenth Day, of some films during the summer million tomans 3. The Other Person, Mehdi Rah- Mojtaba Raie, 20 million tomans led to decrease in box office receipts 6. Please Do Not Disturb, Mohsen mani, 70 million tomans during Ramazan in September. Abdolvahab, 225 million tomans 4. Daddy’s Bones, Seyed Mehdi Also, movie going habit among peo- Rezazadeh Fakhar, 70 million to- A-4. The latest movie by the re- ple has dwindled due to the effect of Over 100 million tomans mans nowned Iranian filmmaker -Ab digital entertainment, satellite TV 5. Secret of Taran Plain, Hatef bas Kiarostami, Certified Copy, in channels as well as the inhomoge- 1. The Insider, Ahmad Kavery, Alimardani, 69 million tomans which the director returns to a nar- neous geographical distribution of 171 million tomans 6. Serial Dreams, Pouran Dara- rative film style, has been screened movie theaters. The House of Cin- 2. The Shy Bridegroom, Arash khshandeh, 62 million tomans in numerous countries and has ema tries to reduce the effect of the Moayerian, 170 million tomans 7. Roaming in the Mist, Bahram been acclaimed at festivals around above factors by arranging “red car- 3. Aunt Bug, Nadereh Torka- Tavakoli, 58 million tomans the globe. pet” premiere of films at movie the- mani, 166 million tomans 8. Friday Afternoon, Mona Zandi aters which are open to the general 4. The Girls, Qasem Jafari, 160 Haqiqi, 56 million tomans A-5. Sunset to Dawn Scheme public, and in which the filmmakers million tomans One of the challenges faced by and stars are invited. This scheme 5. Anahita, Azizollah Hamidne- Over 20 million tomans the Iranian cinema is created by also met objections by some of the zhad, 146 million tomans the interference of organizations authorities and had therefore to be 6. The Stoker, Mohsen Amir 1. Morning of the Seventh Day, that are not related to the cultural abandoned.

B.Organization and Cinematic Relationships

The issues discussed and decisions The first session of the high council The most important event in the proclaimed objectives of the guilds. made at the managerial level are of cinema was held in the presence film trade guild in the year 2010 was The sessions were held with repre- much more important than the of the President, minister of culture the election at the House of Cinema sentatives from 24 guilds and with number or quality of films produced and Islamic guidance, Esfandiar and the appointment of the board the mediatory presence of Zinat during a year in shaping the future Rahim Mashai, Javad Shamaq- of directors. Mohammad Mehdi Reza, Mohammad Reza Moini, Tou- of this art-industry. This section dari, Davoud Mirbaqeri, Ahmad Asgarpour was elected as managing raj Mansouri and Mir Tahmasb. covers the most important events Najafi, Jamal Shourjeh, Mohsen director of the House of Cinema for that are related to film industry Ali Akbari, Shahriar Bahrani, and a second term. Farhad Towhidi was management and issues related to Masoud Dehnamaki – without any elected as chairman of the board of B-4. Change in Film Directors interests of the film trade guilds. invitation to the representative of directors and speaker, while Amir Center the film trade guilds. Esbati was chosen as deputy chair- The change in the film directors cen- man. Merila Zarei, Ebrahim Mokh- ter was the second notable event of B-1. Publication of Booklet of the Towhidi, chairman of the board of tari, Mohammad Sarir, Mohammad the year. Alireza Raisian, who had Government’s film Policies directors of the House of Cinema, Reza Moini and Touraj Mansouri functioned as manager of the cen- In the beginning of the year the evaluated the first session of the along with Towhidi and Esbati are ter for years, was replaced by Sirus deputy for cinematographic affairs high council of cinema as an impor- members of the board of directors Alvand in about a week before the announced at a press conference tant event that could have positive of the House of Cinema. Sirus Al- new election. Soon, however, some with filmmakers the main policies outcomes for the Iranian cinema, vand and Morteza Razzaq Karimi of the new members, including of his office in three chapters: fun- but he was not satisfied with the are proxy members, and Mehdi Saeed Soheili, damentals, approaches and meth- composition of the council. Khadem and Keivan Kasirian are, and Mehdi Karampour, resigned ods. Later, and after objections were Towhidi believed filmmakers who respectively, the inspector and and thus the future of the center raised by filmmakers, the deputy’s are included in the council should proxy inspector. was wrapped in a halo of ambigu- office announced that soon changes have sufficient filmmaking and The result of the election and the ity. would be effected and the final ver- managerial experience and an in- general assembly of the House of sion would be published. depth understanding of the needs Cinema met with official objec- B-5. Program of the New Board of of the Iranian cinema. tion, while film trade guilds were in Directors of the House of Cinema B-2. Formation of the High Coun- He criticized the high council of agreement. It should be mentioned The new board of directors of the cil of Cinema cinema on that account and said: that the society of production man- House of Cinema announced the The trend for the elimination of the “We were not informed about the agers and movie theater managers three issues of determining and film trade guilds in decision- mak session. But the high council of cin- boycott the election, while the film strengthening of House of Cine- ing continued as representatives ema is a valuable asset and disre- directors center participated after ma’s financial resources, follow-up from the House of Cinema were not gard for it could lead to losses for long debates among themselves. of the job security, and reforming included in the council of film pro- the entire film industry. We have a Months before the election of the the structure of the trade guilds as duction license. lot to say in this connection, and as board of directors of the House of its priorities for the next two years. The most important event at the of- the minister of culture and Islamic Cinema, the deputy minister of cul- Since the appointment of Javad ficial level of management was the guidance as well as his deputy for ture had said that they would an- Shamaqdari as deputy for cinemato- formation of the high council of cinematographic affairs have an- nounce the mode of the ministry’s graphic affairs there has been much cinema after a 12-month delay. Ac- nounced that the composition of relation with the House of Cinema controversy regarding the financial cording to official statements, the the council could be altered, we and its financial issues after the issues between the office of the dep- council will deal with the overall hope that in the future session peo- election. And Asgarpour had an- uty and House of Cinema. Shamaq- problems of film industry. Issues ple who have had over two decades nounced twice that he would resign dari and his staff have tried to bring such as the provision of technical of theoretical and managerial expe- if the budget for the House of Cin- the House of Cinema under their facilities, construction of movie rience will be invited.” ema was paid. control, while the House of Cinema theaters, job security and retire- Film trade guilds had held bi-week- tried to preserve its position as an ly sessions since two months before ment of filmmakers and the cre- B-3. House of Cinema Elections independent entity arising from the ation of a cinema organization were the election to reach consensus on wishes of the trade guilds. After the and the appointment of the 12th a composition of the board of direc- emphasized at the initial session of Board of Directors gradual elimination of the repre- the council. tors that would be in line with the sentatives of the film trade guilds in decision making bodies, Shamaq- ward with donations, and by the when they are out of work. Thus the sided correspondence with film au- dari began to restrict the financial end of the year 310 people offered a house of cinema decided to present thorities, reached the conclusion resources of the House of Cinema total of 1,682 million tomans. Maz- clear definitions of the factors- in that they should contact higher in the attempt to force the House of iar Miri, the secretary of the groups volved which are related to invest- government authorities. Cinema to give in to the ministry. announced that the program of vol- ment, screening and production in- In spite of all these problems, and untary aids will be followed in the frastructure as well as training and the official authorities’ negative at- When the House of Cinema’s allo- new year on a much wider scale. legal rules which are controlled by titude toward Mohammad Mehdi cated budget and credits for 2009 the executive branch of the govern- Asgarpour, the House of Cinema is were not provided and no budget- ment.” supported by its members and the ary and financial agreements were B-7. Deputy Minister’s Broken Also at an interview Asgarpour said: results of the recent election and reached for 2010, the House of Promise “One of the great problems faced the appointment of Asgarpour for Cinema faced a 500 million toman by artists, including filmmakers is a second term is proof of their ap- debt resulting from the expenses A surprising event in this connec- the lack of clear understanding of proval of the policies and actions for organizing the feast of cinema, tion was the announcement by the job security by the executive man- of the board of directors and the members’ insurances, arranging deputy minister concerning the pay- agers. Unfortunately, this is often managing director of the House of training workshops and attending ment of 100 million tomans to the mixed with political issues. I have Cinema. international events. House of Cinema: He said: “I have often said that I would be ready to At the latest press conference, given instructions for the payment discuss this with cultural managers Towhidi said: “We face a 500 mil- of the House of Cinema’s expenses so that we could reach an agree- B-9. Filmmakers’ Law Suits lion toman debt of which 200 is up to 100 million tomans.” Talking ment. I should also mention that Apart from their professional and related to the feast of cinema. 306 to IRNA news agency, he praised we have certain laws in this connec- guild problems, filmmakers faced million were paid in the previous the House of Cinema’s recent ini- tion which have been disregarded, legal problems during 2010. The year, and for the 2010 the deputy tiative. “I have often announced including the law for the establish- most important were the detain- minister had agreed with an 800 that nonpayment to the House of ment of a work insurance fund and ment of and Rasouof million budget of which only 306 Cinema results from legal restric- the trade guild system which are on charges of making propaganda million were provided. This has tions. Our friends at the House of part of the Fourth Development against the government, and the dealt a heavy blow to the job se- Cinema have not yet cleared these Plan and have remained neglected complaint the House of Cinema curity scheme and the insurance restrictions and it has been agreed and have at times been negated. had lodged against Farajollah Sa- of filmmakers. Unfortunately we that a joint committee should study lahshour’s insult of filmmakers. had to integrate the insurance for these problems.” Jamal Khandan Koucheki, attorney filmmakers with insurance in other However, three weeks after the B-8. Film Guild Screening Coun- for the House of Cinema specified: fields and we had to pay a 80 mil- above announcement the house cil and Related Problems “Tehran court branch No. 1057 sen- lion toman fine for cancelling our of Cinema informed that they had The formation of guild screening tenced Mr. Salahshour to payment insurance with the previous com- sent documents for the expenses council without the participation of of 4000 tomans cash fine, a verdict pany.” of the salaries of the staff for three the House of Cinema created with which was confirmed by a higher months, insurance, and current ex- official managers and a new body of court after appeal. The fine for li- penses, amounting to 100 million film producers deprived the House bel is 5000 tomans, but the court, B-6. Work Group for Provision tomans to the deputy minister’s of Cinema of its last chance to have taking into account the possibility and Expansion of the House of Cin- office, but received a negative reply an active presence in decision mak- of involuntary error, reduced it to ema’s Financial Resources that the money could not be paid as ing concerning the film guilds. 4000 tomans.” accounts for the previous year had From the day Abdolhossein Barzi- It should be pointed out that an- After the approval and announce- been closed. deh left the session of the council of other law suit against Salahshour ment of the two-year program of the B-7. Organization of the Cinematic issuing film production license in for plagiarism is being processed. board of directors of the film trade System and Job security protest to the policies of the new The plaintiff is Shahaboddin Ta- guilds, the first part of which was re- The law for the formation of the or- official cinema executives, no one heri, writer of the two-volume lated to strengthening the financial ganization of cinematic system and imagined that this would serve as a screenplay “The Truthful Joseph”, resources of the House of Cinema, support for the rights of the film- beginning for the long term elimi- who complained that Salahshour, the managing director asked Merila makers has yet to be approved. The nation of the guilds. writer and director of the TV series Zarei, Mehdi Fakhimzadeh, Reza issue had been broached at a ses- Barzideh was critical of the policies “Prophet Joseph” based the script Mir Karimi, Manouchehr Shahsa- sion of the heads and inspectors of followed by official authorities and for the series on his book. The court vari and Maziar Miri to form a work the film trade guilds in April 2010. they in turn were too impatient to has assigned a 3-member group led group for designing and expansion During the session, attended by wait for another representative to by Abbas Babouyehi to investigate of the House of Cinema’s financial representatives from all film guilds, be introduced by the House of Cin- the case. resources. Mohammad Mehdi Asgarpour, ema and appointed a replacement In reply to a question concerning The first measure undertaken by managing director of the House of for Barzideh from among officials the court verdict for Salahshour, the group was to send a call for vol- Cinema presented a report on the who were in line with them. Farhad Towhidi remarked: “The untary financial assistance by film- activities of the previous year and Stopping the payment of the House fact that Salahshour has been con- makers to their respective guilds. emphasized the need for upgrading of Cinema’s budget was another victed is much more important than The reason for the measure was the position of the House of Cine- step in reducing its power, and lat- the amount of the fine. We thank explained thus: “The budget for the ma through the formation of the or- er the official authorities refrained the court for their decision for it House of Cinema was provided by ganization of Cinematic system. It from taking part in the feast of cin- demonstrates irresponsible com- the ministry of culture and Islamic should be noted that as a first step ema organized by the House of Cin- ment and libel against real or legal guidance in accordance with an ap- cinematic system cards has been is- ema, and even the minister of cul- persons will not go unpunished.” proved bill by the cabinet. The an- sued for 3100 permanent members ture and Islamic guidance made the Concerning Jafar Panahi’s case nual budget was determined and as a preliminary step for the real- feast the target of severe criticism. Rahim Moshaie, chief of the Presi- was paid on monthly basis. Since ization of the group contract for the Thus cinema was attacked not only dent’s office said: “I have already January 2010 the ministry stopped engagement of legal and clear pro- from outside but also from people said that the government and the the payment, and this faced the fessional transactions among the who should support it. President are not in agreement House of Cinema with great finan- filmmakers and government bodies The trend continued when the rep- with the verdict of the judicial au- cial difficulties so much so that it and centers. resentative from the House of Cine- thorities. We don’t like it that Pana- could not pay the salary of 16 staff On the basis of a survey of the needs ma was not invited to the high coun- hi has been deprived of the right to members.” of 23 guilds, the priorities are: 1- job cil of cinema, and finally the guild work for a lengthy period. We think The measure was met with great security, 2- insurance for jobless- screening council was formed, con- one should not get involved in such enthusiasm, and within days 44 ness and housing, 3- training and trary to the screening regulations cases.” filmmakers, including Rasoul Sadr professional activities. for the year 2011 prepared by the The chairman of the board of direc- Ameli, Mohammad Hossein Latifi, The approval of the bill for the law House of Cinema’s representative, tors of the House of Cinema talked , , Sa- of organization for cinematic sys- at the quarters of the newly estab- about his visit with Mr. Mashai in man Moqaddam, Fereshteh Sadr tem will allow for support of film- lished union of film producers, and connection with the cases of Panahi Erfai, Bahram Dehqani, Zhila makers’ copy rights, economic re- thus the House of Cinema did not and Rasoulof and said: “Mr. Mashai Ipakchi, Mahboubeh Honarian, lationship of the guilds with film have the slightest chance to have promised that there would soon be Parviz Shokri, Mohammad Ateb- projects and government bodies any effect in the decision making. very good news. The President is bai, Mehrdad Mirkiai, Hassan Bah- and centers. Meanwhile the House of Cinema following up the cases, and gener- ramzadeh, Hassan Hassandoust, The managing director of the house was totally dependent on its mem- ally we believe these types of harsh Masoud Behnam, Mostafa Kherqeh of cinema explained the problem bers who included prominent film- verdicts create concern among Poush, Parviz Shahbazi, arrived in regarding a clear understanding makers and provided assistance people who care for the system. Be- the House of Cinema and offered of the concept of job security. “It and financial contributions. The sides they could be used for adverse their donations. is usually thought that job secu- directors of the House of Cinema, propaganda about our country in Later other filmmakers came for- rity means people should be paid who obtained no result from a one- the world. For that reason we have sent a letter signed by 12 prominent Farabi Cinema Foundation and the creation of value added in the artists in the realm of cinema to the City Cinema Institute provided no cinematic productions or services. 4.Job security Through Increase in head of the judiciary and have re- assistance in spite of prior prom- 1.1.Arranging training workshops Production Capacities quested an appointment. ises. A total of 11 cinematogra- to upgrade filmmakers’ knowl- 4-1. Imparting a sense of secu- Jafar Panahi is now free on bail, phers traveled to France to attend edge of the latest technological rity to the filmmaking profession but he is not permitted to engage a short-term training workshop of advances, making the participa- (by clarifying legal relationships, in filmmaking. He was selected as digital cinematography and the use tion in the workshops mandatory defining permissible fields and a jury member at the latest Berlin of the blue screen. The workshop, for professional promotion. avoiding personal interpretations International Film Festival which which was organized by the French 1.2.Promoting the compiling and of regulations). he could not attend. However, he cinema organization at the Lumiere translation of books for indirect 4-2. Devising ways and means for participated in the festivities the Institute, was of great interest for transmission of technical know- expansion and upgrading produc- House of Cinema arranged in honor the participant cinematographers. how. tion infrastructure ( supporting of and Mohammad 1.3.Dispatching filmmakers to construction of cinematographic Ali Talebi for their successes at the countries with advanced film in- studios, upgrading the equip- Berlin Festival. B-11. Publication of the Book dustry for participation in short- ment for lighting, camera move- ‘Experiences of Other Nations’ term training programs. ments, cranes and encouraging their acquisition by the private B-9. Rahim Mashai’s Visit with During 2010 the House of Cinema 2.Ensuring job security through in- sector). Film Guild Representatives published the book “Experiences of creasing film screening capacity. 4-3. Providing the required legal Other Nations” compiled by Seyed 2-1. Increasing film screening ca- infrastructure for the participa- Generally film industry’s relations Mohsen Hashemi and with a pref- pacity by encouraging the private tion of other institutes and or- with the political realm became ace by Mohammad Mehdi Asgar- sector to invest on the construc- ganizations that use government much more prominent in the past pour. tion of screening halls. budget in production of films in year and acquired new dimen- “Experiences of Other Nations” in- 2-2. Clarifying screening and dis- line with their general objectives. sions. One of the most important cludes translations of 10 legal docu- tribution information (through events was the visit of Esfandiar ments used in drawing up the copy online sale of movie tickets). 5. Job Security Through Maintain- Rahim Mashai, the highly influen- rights of cinematic productions, 2-3. Requiring the National TV ing and Increasing Demand for tial chief of the President’s office, to cinematic contracts and an essay channels to purchase and air a Cinematic Productions and Ser- the House of Cinema on January 11, of comparative study of cinema in certain number of domestic fea- vices 2011. Mashai met with members of France and Iran. ture and documentary films for 5-1. Standardization of cinematic the board of directors of the House In the preface Asgarpour writes: a specified number of imported productions and services to main- of Cinema, several active guild “Experiences of Other Nations is a products (through preparation of tain their quality level. members and an economic man- collection of documents and rules bill of laws to be approved by the 5-2. arranging reductions and ager from the private sector who used by other nations in the field Islamic Consultative Assembly). providing subsidies for the ad- had expressed the wish to invest in of filmmaking. Human experiences 2-4. Offering facilities for access vertisement and dissemination cultural fields and had arranged the and knowledge, very much like art, to home screening network with of information on cinematic pro- visit. transcend geographical boundaries, guarantees for acquisition, in- ductions and services. although they are influenced by it. cluding pre-production purchase 5-3. Drawing up and executing The meeting began with the an- “The collection includes ten trans- by the deputy for cinematograph- policies for promoting demand nouncement of the formation of lations and an original essay, re- ic’s department with the increase for cinematic productions and the cultural-economic relation, and searched and translated by my in production quality. services. then several filmmakers explained executive deputy Seyed Mohsen 2-5. Promoting participation in 5-4. arranging premiere screen- problems. Mashai spoke about the Hashemi.” world economic area through ing of films in the presence of film subject of cultural management Asgarpour expressed the hope that covering marketing expenses, of- stars in movie theaters. and promised closer assistance and the book will be a useful guide for fering incentives to the private follow-up action. It is worth not- his colleagues and people engaged sector for their export programs, 6.Job Security Within the frame- ing that the deputy director of the in the international area of the and restricting Farabi Cinema work of Social Services supervision and screening depart- film industry. The book is in 238 Foundation’s monopoly of film 6-1. Increasing retirement in- ment joined the session without pages and has been published in foreign trade. surance from the minimum prior invitation and with obvious 500 copies. Nastaran Nourbakhsh 2-6. launching TV networks to (303,000 tomans) to at least reluctance, apparently just to alle- and Simon Simonian have done the air Iranian films and TV series twice that amount to be covered viate the concerns of the director of Persian translation of the selected in three languages (proposed by by the ministry and the filmmak- his department. articles. the House of Cinema to the Presi- ers on a 50-50 basis. Concerning the visit of Rahim dent’s office in several letters dur- 6-2. Providing joblessness insur- Mashai to the House of Cinema, ing 2009 and 2010). ance for filmmakers as specified Farhad Towhidi, chairman of the B-12. Job Security Scheme and the Cancelled Meeting in the law of the Fourth Develop- board of directors of the House of 3 - Job Security and Copyrights ment Plan, or aiding the project Cinema, explained: “With an eco- In March 2010, Asgarpour an- 3-1. Drawing up the bill of law for for the retirement fund of the film nomic package for the execution the copyrights of cinematic pro- trade guilds (subject of several of joint projects for the social wel- nounced at a press conference that the scheme of filmmakers’ job ductions and follow-up action for letters to the President’s office), fare of members of the House of its approval (specified in letters or requiring the organization of Cinema we are negotiating on the security would be the main objec- tive during the year. After a meet- to the President’s office and head the social welfare to provide in- subject of job creation. Some of the of the cultural committee of the surance coverage for filmmakers. participants in the meeting insisted ing with the board of directors of the House of Cinema in May, in Islamic Consultative Assembly). 6-3. Expanding the scope of life that official authorities, particularly 3-2. Pre-planning for the insur- and accident insurance for all the chief of the cultural committee which details of the scheme for job security and the software comple- ance system of the cinematic pro- people in the film industry. (Dur- of the government, Mr. Mashai, ductions, with the guarantee of ing the year the House of Cinema should be involved in the projects menting guild membership cards were expounded, deputy minister partial responsibility for losses provided insurance coverage for because of the significant roles they by the Ministry of culture and 2040 members.) could play in this connection, that for cinematographic affairs prom- ised his full support for the scheme. Islamic Guidance as a means of 6-4. Providing medical insurance government facilities should be encouraging insurance compa- (through conclusion of compli- used for the purpose. Less than a week later the director of the supervision and screening nies to engage in this type of in- mentary insurance contracts) announced the issuance of profes- surance. 6-5. Legal and financial support B-10. Cinematography Workshop sional cards for members of four 3-3. Relegating the evaluation for housing cooperative for mem- in France film trade guilds. and determining of the criteria bers of the film trade guilds One of the objectives of the House After the cancellation of the meeting for filmmakers and their works 6-6. Drawing up criteria for of Cinema’s programs is to acquaint on the criteria of job security, the to the film trade guilds (House awarding national medals with its member guilds with the latest House of Cinema prepared a book- of Cinema) through drawing up cash prizes for outstanding peo- international achievements in their let introducing the main criteria for clear and documented regula- ple in the film profession. specific fields of work. For this pur- job security in a sort of rough draft tions. pose the House of Cinema arranges for the attention of the authorities 3-4. According membership to 7.Job security through legal basis study trips for its members and for and the legislative bodies. representatives of the film trade for protection of people working in their meeting with their foreign guilds in committees and cen- the film industry counterparts. The study trip to the The required criteria enumerated ters responsible for determining 7-1. Drawing up regulations for French cinema organization (CNC) in the booklet are: policies or issuing licenses for the issuing cinematic system num- during 2010 was the most impor- production, and screening of cin- bers tant project of this type. Of course 1.Strengthening the manpower for ematic works. 7-2. Drawing up regulations for group work contracts cations stamped by the relevant tion of Documentary and ex- employing guilds are revised 7-3. Preparing methods for work guild and issues cinematic sys- perimental Cinema, etc. every six months, while infor- performance guarantee in profes- tem cards within 20 days. 3)Council for issuance of mation on the employing guilds sional institutes – legal authori- C.Producers are committed to screening license are revised every three months. ties and protection council give priority to members of the E.For this purpose it is neces- The information includes mem- 7-4. Preparing methods for work film trade guilds in employing sary for the applicants of pro- ber cinematic system number, performance guarantee in gov- work force for their production duction licenses to include in type of membership, and na- ernment offices as follows: projects. In case producers de- their application apart from tional code. Description of the methods of cide to employ people outside the presently anticipated pro- G.The department for supervi- performance in government of- the film trade guilds they are fessionals (producer, director, sion and evaluation will also fices: required to pay up to 30 per- screenwriter, production man- process applications with con- A.The House of Cinema mem- cent of the salary of an equiva- ager, cinematographer), other firmation of the membership ber societies, after verifying the lent guild member to the insur- professional people such as set or certificate of contribution of applicants general qualifica- ance fund for joblessness. designer, sound recorder, logis- aid to the trade fund for injured tions and their acceptance (as D.Enforcement guarantee. In- tics manager, assistant cinema- members. specified in the constitution of asmuch as the production pro- tographer, assistant director H.Also organizations subsid- the I.R.I. ) and verifying their cess in the Iranian cinema has and actors. iary to the donating facilities professional qualifications, will three points of contact with It is also possible to issue the and aids will use the informa- accept the applicants in the re- government institutions, the license in two stages – First a tion on the site to process ap- spective guilds and introduce three points could provide the provisional license based on the plications and thus protect job them to the bureau of the sec- executive bases for the execu- information presently filled in security. retariat of the job security sta- tion of job security scheme for the application forms, and then I.Filmmakers working on the tioned in the House of Cinema members of the trade guilds. a license for the start of the pro- post-production stages of the for the issuance of cinematic 1)Council for issuance of pro- duction activities after the oth- films, such editors, compos- system numbers. duction license er professionals involved in the ers, special effects will also B.The secretariat of the job se- 2)Organizations of the ministry project have been introduced. be considered on the basis of curity has so far issued cine- responsible for provision of fa- F.Site for comprehensive infor- guarantees by the producers matic system numbers for 2199 cilities (in cash, services or sup- mation on the film trade guilds or certificate of contribution of members attached to 23 guilds. plies) such as Farabi Cinema are prepared by the House of aid to the trade fund for injured The secretariat receives appli- Foundation, Center for Promo- Cinema. Information on non- members.


drew added applause from the Iranian nomination for the Foreign Sajjadpour said: “In view of the Fourteenth Feast of the Ira- C-1. audience. language Academy Awards, which anti-military occupation theme nian Cinema -“I am a member of the House this year aroused a lot of contro- of the film, which is a hot topic in Unlike the 13th edition of the feast, of Cinema.” The sentence was versy. the United States, it was felt that the 14th Feast of the Cinema was uttered by most filmmakers on The selection and announcement of “Adieu Baghdad” could have a very organized as a competitive event, the stage, to emphasize the im- the film “Adieu Baghdad” by the good chance. All the same we have including competition sections for portance of the House of Cinema general director of supervision and not neglected promotion for the short films, documentaries, ani- which had been ignored by gov- evaluation, without the presence of film, and after the film’s introduc- mations, and the grand feast of the ernment authorities. a selection committee, was another tion I informed our friends who are cinema in July. -The presence of Farhad Ayish of the unorthodox measures of the now in the United States to launch The closing ceremony of the feast and Maedeh Tahmasbi as pro- official authorities. Although the publicity for the film.” was held in Milad Tower with the gram directors of the ceremony film did not lack the qualifications Shamaqdari, deputy for cinemato- participation of a large number of imparted an exciting atmosphere to represent the Iranian cinema, graphic affairs who was in New filmmakers who talked of their pro- to the ceremony which had been the procedure for selection met York at the time, said: “The most fessional concerns, especially the lacking in the previous years with a lot of protests. “Adieu Bagh- important point is to arrange for issue of job security. Some of the when the program was led by dad” directed by Mehdi Naderi was the public screening of the film in interesting events of the ceremony professionals from the radio or announced just 8 days before the the United States. I have made all were as follows: TV. deadline. the arrangements and the film is -Instead of presenting a quan- -The short dramatic pieces per- In recent years the House of Cinema to be screened in December. I also titative report on the number of formed by Mehran Rajabi in vari- introduced its representatives to talked to members of the Academy films presented in the feast, Far- ous roles such as the municipality the international section of Farabi and it has been agreed that the film had Towhidi, the secretary of the workers, CD vendors, etc., which Cinema Foundation, who discussed should be dispatched after my re- feast read a letter written by a represented some of the film- the year’s top films with two rep- turn to Tehran.” filmmaker of half a century ago making problems including the resentatives from Farabi and the Shamaqdari also said that films to the then minister of culture. job security issue, was met with group picked the Iranian nomina- have to receive special license for Towhidi had found the letter enthusiastic reception. tion for the Oscars race. screening in international festi- among the bricks of a wall dur- -The timely screening of the vid- According to the rules of the Acad- vals.” This requirement ahs already ing the restoration operation of a eo-clips introducing the nomi- emy of Motion Pictures Sciences deprived the film “Nothing” from movie theater. nees, made the audience forget and Arts, films must be selected by participation in foreign festivals. -The remarks of Jahangir Kow- problems in this connection an organization or a committee of seri who had stepped on the stage which had occurred in previous film artists. The films must have to present the award for best spe- editions. had public screening in the coun- C-3. 29th Fajr International Film cial effects, surprised the audi- -Taraneh Alidousti, who had ap- try and must be introduced before Festival ence by his question about Far- peared on the stage to present August 13. The film print and pub- The 29th edition of Fajr Interna- had Towhidi: “I wonder why the the award for sound recording, licity materials must be dispatched tional Film Festival was held under organizing committee had ap- asked the organizers of the Feast before October 1. “Adieu Baghdad” circumstances when the Iranian pointed a secretary of such a stat- of cinema to invite in the coming had not gone on public screens, cinema faced a number of challeng- ure as the secretary?” The ques- editions even guild members who and thus a short public screening of es. The most important of these was tion was replied by filmmakers have not been nominated. about a week was arranged shortly the lack of coordination between who were present on the stage, -During his speech Mohammad before its introduction. the house of Cinema and the dep- but the real reply was provided Mehdi Asgarpour referred to the The director general of the supervi- uty minister’s office, the formation by the audience when they wel- cancelled meeting of filmmakers sion and evaluation of the ministry of the high council of cinema under comed Towhidi with a standing on the job security, and pointed of culture and Islamic guidance had conditions when a wide spectrum ovation when he was later called out that under the circumstanc- explained to ISNA news agency: of filmmakers had objections to the to the stage by Mohammad Me- es, the feast of cinema had been “There were films that could have composition of the council, and the hdi Asgarpour. made possible through the united caused controversy but might have launching of the union of the film - Asghar Farhadi who had stepped efforts of the guild members. better chances for the Oscar award. producers. These challenges were on the stage to receive the award Although I am convinced that the expected to create untoward events for best director, remembered awards for foreign language entries during the festival and this is what filmmakers such as Bahram C-2. Iranian nomination for the are highly influenced by politics. actually happened. Beizai and Amir Naderi who had Foreign language Oscars Nevertheless we have to take ad- Apart from all these challenges, been absent from the filmmaking One of the important annual event vantage of the opportunity to intro- there were other problems includ- scene for some time. His remarks in the country is the selection of the duce Iranian cinema to the world.” ing the great number of titles in the competition of the Iranian very few films were left out. best actor and best actress for the cinema, the creation of a Certain All the same three films by promi- ensemble cast of the film. Outlook section while there was nent filmmakers were prevented Farhadi had previously won the Sil- no clear definition for it, and the from screening in the festival for ver Bear prize for best director for composition of the juries. All these censorship problems. The films his film About Elly in 2009. problems turned this edition of the were “Paternal Home” by Kianoush festival which could have been one Ayyari, “Down the 8th Street” by Ceremony in Honor of the Me- of the most successful due to the Alireza Amini and “Living With dia great number of filmmakers who Eyes Shut” by Rasoul Sadr Ameli. had taken part, into one of the most On the last working day of the year controversial editions in the history The Closing Ceremony the House of Cinema arranged a of the festival. special program in honor of people It should be noted that the Iranian The atmosphere prevailing at the in the media to which journalists films in the festival this year pre- closing ceremony of the festival and other people working in the sented a wide variety, and films was quite different from what it media were invited. Kamran Male- with political themes were promi- used to be in the previous editions. ki said: “The program had been ar- nent. And it is also interesting that There were few well-known figures, ranged by the site of the House of films made by independent- film the minister of culture and Islamic Cinema to appreciate the work you maker reaped the greatest number guidance did not attend, while the have done to reflect the voice of the of the award, and this proved the chief of the President’s office was House of Cinema.” superiority of independent creation present. Mohammad Mehdi Asgarpour, to commissioned productions. Filmmakers who spoke at the feast managing director of the House of the Iranian cinema organized by of Cinema also said: “I hope this Controversies on the Jury the House of Cinema in September, ceremony will prove to be a suit- The composition of the jury mem- started their speech with the phrase able ending for the work you have bers in a festival is a clear indication “I am a member of the House of done in the field of cinema during of the view of its organizers. Ini- Cinema.” But no one expected a the year. We have had many ex- tially the jury members announced similar gesture at the closing cer- periences during the year some of by the festival included Abolqasem emony of Fajr Festival. However, which will improve our position, Talebi, film director, Ali Moalem the view proved to be wrong when while some of them have ushered a producer, Jahangir Almasi actor, Mehdi Hashemi who was awarded new era which demands great work Jaber Qasemali screenwriter, Ma- the Crystal Simorgh Prize for Best on our part.” jid Entezami composer, Dr. Hassan Actor, began his speech by thanking Asgarpour also said: “Scouting, Abbasi media strategic expert and his colleagues and then announced warning and offering suggestions Asadollah Niknezhad director. that he would contribute half of his are the three axes of work which we The presence of Niknezhad and Ab- cash prize to the House of Cinema. can perform in the House of Cin- basi in the jury did not last long, This was received with great ap- ema as an institution oriented to- since the easily available informa- plause by the audience. wards the public. tion in the internet sites revealed “To perform our tasks in the three their backgrounds, and one of them The Jury and the Awards axes of scouting, warning and offer- announced his resignation. The jury of the 29th Fajr Interna- ing suggestions we need your coop- Changing Screening Schedule tional Film Festival faced many eration to spread our message. On The 29th festival had the greatest criticisms for its decisions. In the behalf of the board of directors of number of changes in its screen- Iranian cinema competition the the House of Cinema and the film ing schedule and people who made jury awarded the following prizes: trade guilds I wish to thank all of advance reservations for the film The Crime directed by Masoud you, including those who have of- screenings were never sure what Kimiai, was awarded Crystal Simo- fered criticism of our actions.” film they were going to view. rgh prize of best film, while Asghar Farhadi received the prize for best Iranian Film Artists Departed Popular Votes director for Nader and Simin: a in 2010 The system of collecting popular Separation. The Iranian cinema lost a number votes also created problems. The The Crime also received prizes for of its artists in 2010, including Me- organizers, believing there were not best supporting actor (Hamed Be- hdi Danesh-Raftar, Reza Karamr- weak film among the competition hdad), Music (Karen Homayoun- ezai, Mahmoud Banafsheh-Khah, entries had presented the audience far), set and costume designs (Iraj Kioumars Malek Moti’ie, Hamideh only with the choices of good, very Raminfar) and sound mix (Es’haq Kheirabadi, Nemat Haqiqi, Tahereh good and excellent. But after a few Khanzadi and Ali Abolsedq). Sadat Hashemi, Ali Asghar Ojani, days they reached the conclusion Nader and Simin: a Separation Mohammad Reza Aalami, Aram that they should also include the also won prizes for best script (Far- Shahidi, Qorbanali Torabi, Mah- choice `weak’. hadi), best cinematography (Mah- moud Bahrami, Mohammad Baqer moud Kalari), best sound recording Ashtiani, Faramarz Farazmand, Political Films (Mahmoud Sammakbashi), and the Behnam Safari, Mahin Shahabi, There was yet another feature which audience prize for best film. Naser Esmailzadeh, Reza Khan- differentiated the festival this year In the competition of first films The dan, Manouchehr Haqani-Parast, from the previous editions. As had Red Journey by Hamid Farrokhne- Masoumeh Eskandari, Mohammad been programmed by the deputy zhad received best film prize, while Razdasht, Esmail Riahi, Mehdi Ari- minister the number of films deal- the diploma of honor for best direc- an-Nezhad, Hossein Baghi, Mohsen ing with political issues were much tor was awarded jointly to Farrokh- Yousefbeig, Abbas Amiri, and Meh- greater this year. nezhad and Amir Saqafi for Death ri Vadadian. May God grant them Is My Business. eternal piece! 50 Percent Increase in the Competition TV Program Seven C-4. Iranian Cinema Success at The launching of TV program seven The great number of films submit- Berlin Film Festival in May 2010 at late evening hours ted to the 29th Fajr International The success of Asghar Farhadi’s reflects the attention that is being Film festival encouraged the or- film at Berlin Film Festival raised paid to cinema and its sensitive is- ganizers of the event to announce once again the prestige of the Ira- sues. The program faced a number a 50 percent increase in the com- nian cinema on the international of criticisms including those relat- petition entries. After announcing scene. Nader and Simin: a Sepa- ed to the airing of images of Fari- the first 16 films, the number was ration, which barely missed being mah Farjami and Abolfazl Poora- subsequently increased to 33 titles. banned by the ministry of culture rab. Also the insulting criticism of Other films were included a Certain and Islamic guidance, won three a critic of the film Crime by Masoud The House of Cinema Outlook section, while some were unique prizes in Berlin. Kimiai aroused such intense criti- Newsletter presented out-of- Competition and The international jury of the Berlin cism that the critic in question had festival headed by Isabella Rosse- finally there was the section for the to bid farewell to the program. [email protected] first films. Altogether the festival lini, awarded the Golden Bear prize 23 Semnan St., South Bahar Ave., Tehran 1561737511, Iran. screened 95 local films, thus only of best film to Farhadi’s film. The film also won Silver Bear prizes for Telefax: (98 21) 77 52 12 65