No. 16 The House Of Cinema Newsletter Iranian Alliance of Motion Picture Guilds April 2011 Survey of Significant Cinematic Events in Iran in 1389 REPORT Images of Cinema in the Iranian Calendar Year 1389 (March 21, 2010 – March 20, 2011) Although cinema presents images of social realities and events and sometimes acts as a pictorial almanac, it also participates actively in the course of events. The Iranian cinema experienced a lot of ups and downs and faced difficulties as in the past years. Naturally this survey can not incorporate all of those events and only a number of typical and most controversial happenings will be included here. To get a better view of the events we could divide them in three groups: screening and production, organizational and cinematic relationships and festivals. In the end of course we will have cinematic programs, departed film artists and the last Seyed Mohsen program at the House of Cinema in the past year. Hashemi A.Screening and production trade council of screening: “The prived many people of the chance of 4. Poupak and Mash Masha’allah, Increase in the Screening Ca- A-1. high number of screenings and the seeing them. These drawbacks were Farzad Motamen, 1.680 billion pacity and Trade Council of Screen- single screening of some films re- removed in the first version of the tomans ing sult form the operation of the trade regulations prepared by the House 5. St. Petersburg, Behrouz Afkha- Apart from the number of films council of screening.” He also re- of Cinema which were notified to mi, 1.170 billon tomans produced during a year, one of marked: “Film screening will be the director-general of the supervi- the criteria for evaluating the cin- much better next year.” sion and evaluation. All the same Over 500 million tomans ematic operation in a country is the But at the beginning of the cur- Sajjadpour managed to enforce his screening capacity. The number of rent year and after the announce- views despite objections by the trade 1. Settling Accounts, Tahmineh films produced and screened were ment of the screening regulations guilds and created the new screen- Milani, 933 million tomans planned to be increased during the by the Trade Council of Screening, ing council under the control of the 2. In Color Purple, Ebrahim Hata- year. According to contradictory Sajjadpour had said: “Ultimately newly-established producers guild mikia, 920 million tomans available statistics, the number of the deputy minister for cinemato- (which was created with the sup- 3. Milk and Honey, Arash Moay- produced films increased to 90, graphic affairs plans to form a port of the government) and thus erian, 920 million tomans while 60 films were screened. It council of screening. But until that the council of screening was moved 4. Dog Day Afternoon, Mostafa should be noted that in 1384 (2005) is done, film screening will have to out of the control of the House of Kiani, 850 million tomans film production reached the record be managed with the use of the ex- Cinema, and this completed the 5. Good Morning Love, Asghar number of 112 films, while most isting regulations. The new group range of restriction of the rightful Naimi, 844 million tomans producers were unhappy with the of experts at the office of the deputy functions of the House of Cinema 6. The Age Forty, Akireza Raisian, screening situation. For instance, minister has much more extensive of which it had been deprived. 840 million tomans while 12 films were screened in plans.” 7. Democracy in Broad Daylight, the cinemas simultaneously, some Concerning the distribution of films Ali Atshani, 802 million tomans of them, which were experimental among the various groups of movie A-2. According to the reports of 8. The Red Light, Yaghoub Ghaf- films, had only a single screening. theaters, he had said: “The program the media at the end of the year 89, fari, 785 million tomans The situation led to the coining of for the past year was not entirely 16 films were in the shooting stage 9. Seven Minutes to the Autumn, the term “film burning” which ex- satisfactory. In fact the trade coun- and 34 projects were in post pro- Alireza Amini, 760 million to- pressed unhappiness with the situ- cil of screening should be respon- duction. mans ation. sible for questions regarding the Statistics for the box office receipt 10. Gold and Copper, Homayoun The director-general of the screen- number of screened films. We tried of films demonstrate that the Ira- As’adian, 620 million tomans ing and evaluation attributed the not to interfere with the decisions nian cinema was still plagued by 11. A Small Mistake, Mohsen problem of the film screening to the made by the council.” financial crisis and except for one Damadi, 534 million tomans trade council of screening (which The summer of 2010 began with film, The Kingdom of Solomon, 12. Playing Stubborn, Seyed Me- was controlled by the House of Cin- the screening of films like Democ- which earned more than 3 billion hdi Borghei, 530 million tomans ema). It is worth mentioning that racy in Broad Daylight, The Girls, tomans thanks to widespread TV 13. Big Trouble, Mehdi Goles- the screening ad evaluation depart- Marriage at Extra Time and Milk advertisement and the great length taneh, 525 million tomans ment had a representative in the and Honey, while the director- of its screening period, other films council and a number of changes general of screening and evaluation could not reach even the 2 billion Over 300 million tomans in film screenings were carried out announced he would be taking over tomans target. with his oral orders. This vexed the the task of assigning films to movie 1.The Killer, Reza Karimi, 445 managing director of the House of theaters. This led to protest by film- million tomans Cinema who in September wrote A-3. Box office receipts of films: makers and at the House of Cinema 2.Teheran, Tehran, Dariush Meh- to chairman and members of the and the Deputy for cinematograph- rjui, Mehdi Karampour, 440 mil- council, reminding them that rep- Over one billion tomans ic affairs Javad Shamaqdari an- lion tomans resentative of the screening and nounced the project would be post- 3.Those Better Than Us, Mehr- evaluation department had no right 1.The Kingdom of Solomon, poned until favorable conditions dad Farid, 430 million tomans of vote, and that the head of the Shahriar Bahrani, 3.166 billion were created. The objections to the 4.Nothing, Abodlreza Kahani, screening and evaluation depart- tomans screening of films in 2010 were the 420 million tomans ment should demand such changes 2. The Extremists, Jahangir Jah- selection of films without regard 5.A pocket Full of Money, Qodra- in writing. But Alireza Sajjadpour, angiri, 1.892 billion tomans for diversity of contents, the simul- tollah Solh Mirzai, 420 million director-general of the screening 3. Son of Adam, Daughter of Eve, taneous presence of one actress in tomans and evaluation department kept Rambod Javan, 1,700 billion to- five screened films and the single 6.Marriage at Extra Time, Saeed criticizing the performance of the mans séance screening of films which de- Soheili, 400 million tomans 7. The Distance, Kamran Qadak- Yousefi, 130 million tomans Masoud Atyabi, 40 million to- fields. This has led, for instance, to chian, 400 million tomans 7. Ungrateful, Hassan Hedayat, mans at least temporary ban of a number 8. Aal, Bahram Bahramian, 385 113 million tomans 2. Third Floor, Bizhan Mirbaqeri, of films. Another instance is the million tomans 8. The Pea-Size, Jalal Fatemi, 110 36 million tomans damage received by the sunset to million tomans 3. And the Blue Sky, Ghazaleh dawn scheme, meaning extra film Over 200 million tomans 9. Around the expressway, Sia- Soltani, 35 million tomans screening during late hours and vash Asadi, 101 million tomans 4. Very Close Encounter, Esmail until dawn at the month of Rama- 1. Karat 14, Parviz Shahbazi, 260 10. The Awakening of the Dreams, Mihandoust, 35 million tomans zan, which had been quite success- million tomans Mohammad Ali Bashe-Ahangar, 5. Untimely Cock, Hossein ful in the previous year. In 2010 the 2. The Death Carnaval, Habibol- 100 million tomans Qasemi Jami, 30 million tomans scheme was not successful as con- lah Kasesaz, 260 million tomans 6. Wind in the Prairie, Khosro tradictory comments from some 3. Whatever God Wills, Navid Mi- Over 50 million tomans Masumi, 28 million tomans organizations made it impossible handoust, 260 million tomans 1. The Remembrance, Nader 7. Non-Profit Police Station, for movie theaters to make prepa- 4. Hot Chocolate, Hamed Kolah- Tariqat, 90 million tomans Yadollah Samadi, 22 million to- rations for the scheme. dari, 260 million tomans 2. The Doll, Ebrahim Vahidza- mans Lengthening the screening period 5. The Penalty, Hassan Fathi, 235 deh, 84 million tomans 8. Afternoon of the Tenth Day, of some films during the summer million tomans 3. The Other Person, Mehdi Rah- Mojtaba Raie, 20 million tomans led to decrease in box office receipts 6. Please Do Not Disturb, Mohsen mani, 70 million tomans during Ramazan in September. Abdolvahab, 225 million tomans 4. Daddy’s Bones, Seyed Mehdi Also, movie going habit among peo- Rezazadeh Fakhar, 70 million to- A-4. The latest movie by the re- ple has dwindled due to the effect of Over 100 million tomans mans nowned Iranian filmmaker Ab- digital entertainment, satellite TV 5. Secret of Taran Plain, Hatef bas Kiarostami, Certified Copy, in channels as well as the inhomoge- 1. The Insider, Ahmad Kavery, Alimardani, 69 million tomans which the director returns to a nar- neous geographical distribution of 171 million tomans 6.
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