tow days since *U« to the two Oerman Fewer* * prepo¬ Lokmh, Feb. 7, ISM- ADDITIONAL FROM sition which them of tor Consols, after official hoon laal evening, closed at 90% HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS. EUROPE. deprived iwrj poemble ground a 01 lor monay. bntlhtlM. EDglMid offered to guarantee the fulfilment WAR IN SCHLESWIG-H0LSTE3N. Twelve guineas premium are belag paid on tba ship of the required ocedittoee, and to enbody Soman THE Kdtoburg from China to London. The bullion in tbe Bank of England baa incraaaad THE AFRICA AT BOSTON. principles, aa to the government of Scbleewlg- <381,0M. Hoisteln, is tbe protocol to bo signed by tbe elgaera of jimiciN nrrmrim Reported Decisive Battle Near the traaty of 1863. When, therefore, the troopeof the Baring quotea American securities inactive. United The Territorial Points Assaulted by the Germane. States flvetwentiee 03 a 63, Massachusetts Uvea 86. two Genua rowan paaaed tbe Ktder, tboaa govenunenta New York Central sbarss 70. Brandon, Miss. Details of the knew tbat all Uey had demanded bad bee* conceded, TBI PARIS BOriSI. Oohleswig- and not only conceded, but guaranteed, by a flnt nto Park, rob. «, 1864. wbtcb bad been tbe ehiaf adviaer of Tbe rentea opened od the Boarte to day at Ml. 83c. Holstein War. Power, Deoaaarh, Rantea cloeed at 661. of General Sherman's Forces and poese#sed tbe power of enforcing lto owe epinleaa THE LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Victory On i« then bo aald thai tbe war n which they ha** Ljvbrkkm., Feb. 6,1864. entered la other than ueeleea But with tbe Tbe Brokers' circular reports tbe sales of tbe week at Oyer Folk's Bebel Army. Official of the Battle eamagef to and to Report an and German heeled 31,000 bales, Including 4,600 speculators 6,000 tagonIan between the Dane by exporters. Tbe market opened irregular, with a partial of MlMundc. mutual alanghtor, wo ban little hoy* that moderate decline of ,<«d., closing firmer. The gales of Friday were oounaele will h* listened to by either aid*. 8,000 bales, including 2,000 to speculator and exporters, tbe market closing Arm at Tburxday's rates, wbtch are as TWELVE THOUSAND PRISONERS TAKEN, Tbe war baa already created a luapanalon of tbe ablp- follows:.Middling Orleans, 27)»d.; Mobiles, 27d.; Up¬ ping bnalneea between England and the Baltic. lands, 2d!^d. Tbe stock In port Is srtlmated at 271,000 The Parla correepondent of the London ton nya >. bales, of whlcb 34,000 are American. " MANCHESTER TRADE REPORT. Rebels Driven Back fren At a ball on tbe 3d inetant the Emperor Napoleon Tbe Manchester market Is firmer but quiet. Roddy's aald to a group of marabala and generate, ' It appeara LIVERPOOL BREADSTCFF8 MARKET. the Tennessee have tbe of cannon ahot* la tbe Prloea dull and tend downward. Wakafisld, Nash & Co. lifer, Imported ETacoatitn of the Danner- they begun exchange and North. Let them them n; It la Richardson, Spenoe k Co. report:.Flour steady but to. go on, gentlemen.let go dull. Wheat tending downward and partially 2d. a 4d. to.,tee., werk by the Danes. noaflair of oura. Our poliey should be non-intorTentIon.' " lower since Tuesday. Red Western 8s. 3d. a 9s. a 2d. Tboee wboni be addreaaed aeemed to agre* wltlt him. Red Soatbern 9s. 3d. a 9s. 0d. Corn flat and Id. lower. Mixed 30a. a 30s. Od. Huntsvillb, Ala., Feb. 20, 1864. LIVBRPOOL PROVIRION U ARKRT. It iB rumored hero that General Sherman haty 11PT10H OF TUB THEATRE 0F WAR. THE LATEST, Bigland, Atbya & Co. and Gordon, Bruce b Co. re¬ port:.Beef steady. Porlc Arm and Is. higher for East¬ had a fight with General Polk near Brandon, ern. Bacon quiet and tending downward. Butter quiet Reported Rvaeaatlon of the Daaa«w*rk and steady. Lard quiet and unchanged. Tallow heavy whipped him, and taken twelve thousand prison- and 8d. sains at 39s. a 41s. Od. and Bchleiwlg fey the Daaea. lower; era. NAPOLEON'S NON-INTERVENTION PLAN. Ixjudo*, Feb. T, 1864. LIVERPOOL PRODUCE MARKET. The evacuation of The Brokers'circular reports..Ashes steady. Sugar Official information from General Dodge wax re¬ Rchleewlg and the Dnnnewem quiet but closed firmer. Coffee quiet and stoady. Rice by the Danee la conflrtr.ed'. They an falling back on Inactive. Linseed nag a declining tendency. Linseed ceived at General I» was su and De¬ Corporation cent in consoia on tbo Oth was on likely reported opera¬ of the ftannewerk. walked forth to wltoess suem> the means o( turning our flauks. Daily attempts Monby Prometed-Rsfngeca and a at Delmonico's, the lor par barely supported lioncd Inside * in but it grand banquet preparations tions in Europe from day to day. A number of wounded men were have been nude to keepopou canal the guK: serters Coming Into Oar Camps, dec. toe Uh. Discount was unchanged. American securities the conflict. being veritabe work of as what was honoring the occasion have been very slight, and U Judging from tbe adrices to band it would appear as If brought into tbe town of ScUleswig from Bustorf. hii b> on . Sisyphus, MR. T. O. WILSON'S DESPATCH. vara very 11 it and drooping. that another attack would be cleared la the day wm fro/en over again id the night. A is therefore (eared that the anniversary will be but history were really about to repeat itself in ute new ..was expected .dden or has now set in, and the DsPARTSfixT or Wsrtsrx ViRniMii, Feb. 21, 1884. A despatch from Londou, of the 7tb Inst., says tbe ap¬ made on tbe place on the ttto of February; but a change temperature poorly commemorated this year. The military display campaign in Schleswlg-Holstsln. In these countries to soldier*. hardened by endurance to the oeid, hall the Major while In ooanHMSd of a portion In tbe case of tbe Alexandra was beard yester¬ our laiest reports, brought by the Africa Halifax, or and look tot- Yesterday Cole, is to be very small, only one regular militia regiment peal ship there not much of to 7tb instant do Bot Inform us of thaw as the harbinger spring, eagerly a Is, Indeed, choice fields of bar dated m Ix»doo the ol the tbaw of tbe Firat Maryland cavalry battalion..had skirmish as No day aaornlng before tbe Judge sitting in error. Sir Hugh the result or tbe Irst at Bustorf, now known ward to tbe corumeui einoot hostilities, h having yet signified Its Intention of parading. tie. Two or three main lines of road leading to engsgemsm the ioeou the will aoon break and tbe at Piedmont Fauquier county, with orders bavo b een issued Sandford for a Calms objected to the power of tbe Court of Exchequer as tbe battle of Bristorf. It was tbougbt lo England tbst continues Schley up Station, Mosby'a by Gep. general two or three principal towns are to bs lost or woo, bad tbe transmission fortiflc.tions will then be aa strong as ever. command. turn out of his division, and the regimental commanders ti tllow an appeal. The Attorney General replied ibal the Prussian cumtnan-Wr prevented In no to take the minor Into and then tbe contest is at an and. Almost sixteen of measagss froai the towu. THE WAR PLAN OF TIB ALLIES. Cols took seventeen them three have appeared to be burry toeCourt would give Judgment on tbe 8th as to whether years Ulegrapbic Major prisoner*, among their own hands, In the absence of Instruction* Imm head¬ since tbe Prnssians entered and look the THB TOWN or rMWIICtttiW. To enable our rea4ors to more clearly understand the officers. of real «hioh tony ssuM bear tbe esse or not. Schleswig, quarter*. The experience war service, towns of Schleswig and , just as they are now It WM tbat tbe Germans would attack this of the Austrian* and Prussians, as well as We lost about two Killed and two woandsd. most of our elty corps have had recently in Virginia and M In stated that the Alexandra case will be taken before srpeeted military plan has all reMsh tor Intent on them, a later the Ho|. oa Instant. Tbe town to to the of tbelr future movements on rebels are to hire bad killed a Pennsylvania, apparently (ieetroyod ton House of whatever tbe decision be ef tbe taking y*f 8chie*wlg place tbe 4th belongs Penmsrk facilitate tracing The reported five and mere which were Ww'nM us Lords, may stelnrrs attacked the Danes at Missunde aad tbat to the actual holiday displays. formerly to Rtokeoferde It lies twenty three mtlse west-southwest of 8ctaleswlg, tbamap, we may state lust previous larger number wounded. ho frequently and ssctoesly. The Seveety-flrst reglineal. feokequer Chamber*, it being tbe wiah of al) parties the river Bear so oa soil of tbe Prussian corps "18 -*BerUM5d ln th* w««rH>Hk: despatches awl is built om Kidor, He mouth, the invaaioo of the ik-hleswig army Wnen attacked d osby bad JuSt received a commission thwOld American Guard, in the time or Yesborgh ami hla tamtbe few lAifclrdtteult case settled by tbe jUgbeM North .lea. under tbe command of Marshal Wrangel and Prince brother officer*.la the single exceptkwto the nllMIn regl- ohali*"86 TUB tUVBB B1DCB Frederick Cbaries were concentrated in tbe triangle as lieutenant colonel, snd himself and men were at the ments which are not to turnout. l*el authority. With these Ibw remarks we town introductory proceed to motl rivers In lortned by Kiel, Reudsburg aod Neumunater (a time having a jollification spree over tbe food luck they the steamer Alabama, on tke 5th of January, waa fifty is one of the important Denmark. It takes on tbe line or the Railroad and distant THE CIVIC CELBBHATMB*, submit oar description of , situate Hatpburg believed would a*tsnd the of a de¬ ¦Mm south ef Rangoon, on tbe Aracan eoast, watching Ha rise in tbe Duchy of Hotatein, eight miles south of seventeen milea south-southeast or Kiel), with tbe bead, promotion. If money can muke It so. will be magnificent THB DCCBT OF SCHLESWIG, at the «rst named place. The troopa were ar¬ The officers we captured were taken in their good scription. Thousands of dollars have been expended ou toe rloe porta. Her poeltton was also threatening to Kiel. The flows to tbe German Ocean, keeping quarters fireworks, wnich. as win bo exhibited in the even¬ comprising within its limits the southern portion or tbe ranged In such a manner tbat the prtucipal masses clothes, they having put theoi on to make a "stunning" usual, ?easels at Calcutta. generally to tbe west, and paestug tbe town and fortress cloae to the of tbe Eider Be¬ ing at all tbo public squares of the city. We are informed peninsula of Jutland, being separated from the of and tbe fornnsa towu of VrederlckSU.lt In were quartered passagea appearance at the social and lOvlal of the that some of the will nr the kind i Liverpool Chamber of Commerce have been die- kingdom Rendsburg tween Neumunater, where tbe Austrian and l*rus*tan gathering pieces surpass any tiling of Jutland on tbe north the river. lu course lhe Klder H ninety tones IB leBrth Of the*e tbe Austrian under friend* urn! oiltrers anil men of tbo promoted major. yet xi-en in thin vicinity. At sunrise a national salute of proper by Kunge (orcea Joined, and P.endaburg, corps is now to tbe tbe alleged system nominally tranatsrriag seveuty miles are navigable Tbe river Eider opens a liarou de (irablent/ were concentrated, and «eut "There nothing report from Shenandoah will be flred at Madisoo square, and at noon Sobleawig is divided from Holsteln on tbe south by tbe communication between tbe Baltic Ken and uerman Uoueral valley as or movements in South Aassricao ships to tbe British flag! and by this evasion strong detachment* in observation on the lower Eider regards forty's position THE BI l.LS OF OLD TRINITY river Elder aU the great Holsteia canal On the east Ocean the tidal action being felt m it at Rendsburg Ibe