' ' M.1f *' THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 10,019. NEW YORK, MONDAf, FEBRUARY 22, 1864. PRICE THREE CENTS. tow days since *U« to the two Oerman Fewer* * prepo¬ Lokmh, Feb. 7, ISM- ADDITIONAL FROM sition which them of tor Consols, after official hoon laal evening, closed at 90% HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS. EUROPE. deprived iwrj poemble ground a 01 lor monay. bntlhtlM. EDglMid offered to guarantee the fulfilment WAR IN SCHLESWIG-H0LSTE3N. Twelve guineas premium are belag paid on tba ship of the required ocedittoee, and to enbody Soman THE Kdtoburg from China to London. The bullion in tbe Bank of England baa incraaaad THE AFRICA AT BOSTON. principles, aa to the government of Scbleewlg- <381,0M. Hoisteln, is tbe protocol to bo signed by tbe elgaera of jimiciN nrrmrim Reported Decisive Battle Near the traaty of 1863. When, therefore, the troopeof the Baring quotea American securities inactive. United The Territorial Points Assaulted by the Germane. States flvetwentiee 03 a 63, Massachusetts Uvea 86. two Genua rowan paaaed tbe Ktder, tboaa govenunenta New York Central sbarss 70. Brandon, Miss. Details of the knew tbat all Uey had demanded bad bee* conceded, TBI PARIS BOriSI. Oohleswig- and not only conceded, but guaranteed, by a flnt nto Park, rob. «, 1864. wbtcb bad been tbe ehiaf adviaer of Tbe rentea opened od the Boarte to day at Ml. 83c. Holstein War. Power, Deoaaarh, Rantea cloeed at 661. of General Sherman's Forces and poese#sed tbe power of enforcing lto owe epinleaa THE LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Victory On i« then bo aald thai tbe war n which they ha** Ljvbrkkm., Feb. 6,1864. entered la other than ueeleea But with tbe Tbe Brokers' circular reports tbe sales of tbe week at Oyer Folk's Bebel Army. Official of the Battle eamagef to and to Report an and German heeled 31,000 bales, Including 4,600 speculators 6,000 tagonIan between the Dane by exporters. Tbe market opened irregular, with a partial of MlMundc. mutual alanghtor, wo ban little hoy* that moderate decline of ,<«d., closing firmer. The gales of Friday were oounaele will h* listened to by either aid*. 8,000 bales, including 2,000 to speculator and exporters, tbe market closing Arm at Tburxday's rates, wbtch are as TWELVE THOUSAND PRISONERS TAKEN, Tbe war baa already created a luapanalon of tbe ablp- follows:.Middling Orleans, 27)»d.; Mobiles, 27d.; Up¬ ping bnalneea between England and the Baltic. lands, 2d!^d. Tbe stock In port Is srtlmated at 271,000 The Parla correepondent of the London ton nya >. bales, of whlcb 34,000 are American. " MANCHESTER TRADE REPORT. Rebels Driven Back fren At a ball on tbe 3d inetant the Emperor Napoleon Tbe Manchester market Is firmer but quiet. Roddy's aald to a group of marabala and generate, ' It appeara LIVERPOOL BREADSTCFF8 MARKET. the Tennessee have tbe of cannon ahot* la tbe Prloea dull and tend downward. Wakafisld, Nash & Co. lifer, Imported ETacoatitn of the Danner- they begun exchange and North. Let them them n; It la Richardson, Spenoe k Co. report:.Flour steady but to. go on, gentlemen.let go dull. Wheat tending downward and partially 2d. a 4d. to.,tee., werk by the Danes. noaflair of oura. Our poliey should be non-intorTentIon.' " lower since Tuesday. Red Western 8s. 3d. a 9s. a 2d. Tboee wboni be addreaaed aeemed to agre* wltlt him. Red Soatbern 9s. 3d. a 9s. 0d. Corn flat and Id. lower. Mixed 30a. a 30s. Od. Huntsvillb, Ala., Feb. 20, 1864. LIVBRPOOL PROVIRION U ARKRT. It iB rumored hero that General Sherman haty 11PT10H OF TUB THEATRE 0F WAR. THE LATEST, Bigland, Atbya & Co. and Gordon, Bruce b Co. re¬ port:.Beef steady. Porlc Arm and Is. higher for East¬ had a fight with General Polk near Brandon, ern. Bacon quiet and tending downward. Butter quiet Reported Rvaeaatlon of the Daaa«w*rk and steady. Lard quiet and unchanged. Tallow heavy whipped him, and taken twelve thousand prison- and 8d. sains at 39s. a 41s. Od. and Bchleiwlg fey the Daaea. lower; era. NAPOLEON'S NON-INTERVENTION PLAN. Ixjudo*, Feb. T, 1864. LIVERPOOL PRODUCE MARKET. The evacuation of The Brokers'circular reports..Ashes steady. Sugar Official information from General Dodge wax re¬ Rchleewlg and the Dnnnewem quiet but closed firmer. Coffee quiet and stoady. Rice by the Danee la conflrtr.ed'. They an falling back on Inactive. Linseed nag a declining tendency. Linseed ceived at General I<ogan's headquarters to-day THE ALEXANDRA CA8E. Flenburg. Tbe Germans are pursuing. cakes doll and downward. Linseed oil inactive. Sperm and whule oil.no sale*. sales. that the rebels, supposed to be Roddy's command, A Hamburg despatch of tbe morning of the Ith says . Spirits turpentine.no Rosin dull snd unchanged. Boult, English & Brandon re¬ to cross the Tennessee river at thre« No newa rrom tbe theatre of war had bom received. It port.Petroleum ouster; ssles of refined at Is. 10U. a attempted The Alabama Afloat Off Ran¬ waa believed that tbe Prussians prevent Ite traaamlaaioa. Is. 10,'»d., and crude at £17 a £17 9s. different ferries, bnt were driven back by General Severe fighting is supposed to be going on aa numben sent of to wrest from Den LONDON MARKETS. rapture of Mtssunde".eo ibat thM engagement «M n®t, coaditlon Europe Scblsswig circular reports breadstuff's and of wounded are taken to mark:. Muring'8 lulet steady. Dodge's troops. goon, India, conataotly being Rendiburg. 10 tar as yet known, decisive, aod tbe Iron buoyant at £H a £8 10s. for bath bars and rail*. works of tbe Dsnnewerk notwithstanding Ibe IianDh army at present ssrving behind the Dan Our loss was ft*, ft«., to. A Hamburg despatch of the afternoon of tbe 6tb gives really InUct, numerum to de:end It simul¬ Sugar dull anil Od a Is. lower, closing firmer. Coffee firm. very slight. tbe cudded advance of ibe Germans aewerk Is not sufliciontly Tea Rice dull and a report tbat tbe town of Schleswig bad been evacuated taneously along its entire extent. We are Informed in steady. unchanged. Spirit* tarpon- THB TOWN or BL'HTOItP. tbat in order to obviate tbts tine Rteady. Petroleum firm at £17 for orude and 2s. lor by the Danee and occupied by tbe Allies. Another des¬ from England refined. oil at £76. Cod oil The steamship Africa, from Liverpool at nine o'clock or raiiuriRv 3 awd the of Denmark bad a force in Sperm still declining: sales WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. patch says that tbis statement may be considered authen¬ m KITTU 4. uifUculty Kin# engaged tending downward: sales at £61. Linseed oil m Ike morning of tbe 8th, aod Queeostown on the 7th as It h laying down a line of railway, running inside the great steady. tic. Ihere is known as to the of hfis- Tbe Dani*b military position of BuMorr, or, to means or which his Tallow heavy at 41?. a 41s. 3d. lank., reached Halifax at dm o'clock on Saturday nothing capture '.bonier wall," and parallel it, by Celebration In tkli Cltjr an* Vicinity. morntof sundo. ¦polled by foreign traveller* In tbe duchies, Bristorf, is a eoldiers cau be moved to any point of the work which THE LATEST MARKETS. hat, and arrived at Boston early laat evening. Hm dates town about an mile south no menaced with a serious assault: the Danish re Liverpool. Feb. 8.P. M. Grand civic Banquet nt DelMonica's, pmall fortified standing English may Cotton is firmer: sales to afee brtega are tbree day* later Hum those already re aod ID of tbe gtmeiits hem* thus, as it were, reudered omnipresent day 8,000 bales, including Ac., die. THE DANISH DUCHIES. of tbe town of Schleawlg, rlgbt front great thnlr earthwork 3,000 to speculators and exporters; holdors demand an Danish detenseof ibeDsnuewerk at lis norihweetern extre- .long protection. advance. The ooe hundred and thirty secoad anniversary of an ad A lot'er written by a gentleman serving.behind the Dan Ike Africa baa Of passengers and In mitt Bustorf. or Bristorf. may in fact be termed to the Breadstuff's dull and the birth of George Washington, tbe soldier, the slates- ty-six $2,600 specie of the RWtr, an* vanced noet of the Daouewerk. as it bas been shown to aewerk on the 2!Hh of January four davs previous unchanged. Descrlptloa Towu, contains the Provisions quist and steady. man the occurs and will oona- tor Boston. be already IB tfcU war Ou tbe 2d of February toe Am battle or Missunde, following important and patriot, to-day, be Kortlfled Pisces i» Schltiwla and ||«|. Produce Victoria's Is said to Have caused the moat Bustorf at three o flock la ¦taiemoni stsady. memoratcd In all of the It be Qnssn speech inan army attacked which at b»t been as parts country, and, may ¦(.In, Ac. noon when endeavorins to force IU war to and'*.»[<**behind Iheasvsrlty of the cold, night batter disappointment in Denmark. as has caused much suffering added, In every quarter of the gjpbe, by some peculiar The following article, explanatory or the map or Ike tbe liiaonewwk. Here they were met by the Dane*in a high twenty degrees C., GENERAL KELLEY'S DEPARTMENT. All tbe English journals treat matters as very unde¬ itud severe continued until to the men (Danes), who mostly sleep upon straw, with¬ oeremoole* and festivities. It Is-to be roirretted, how¬ seat or war In tbe Danish duchies which is published id very spirited a>»<r. fighting but bear ever? with cided; but tbe majority of tbem have a paeiQc leaning.
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