A Welsh Classical Dictionary
A WELSH CLASSICAL DICTIONARY GADEON ap CYNAN. See Gadeon ab Eudaf Hen. GADEON ab EUDAF HEN. (330) Gadeon is probably the correct form of the name which appears in the tale of ‘The Dream of Macsen Wledig’ as Adeon ab Eudaf, brother of Cynan ab Eudaf. According to the tale, Adeon and Cynan followed Macsen to the continent and captured Rome for him. After that Macsen gave them permission to conquer lands for themselves, (see s.n. Cynan ab Eudaf), but Adeon returned to his own country (WM 187, 189-191, RM 88, 90-92). According to Jesus College MS.20 the wife of Coel Hen was the daughter of Gadeon ab Eudaf Hen (JC 7 in EWGT p.45), and this is probably correct although later versions make her the daughter of Gadeon (variously spelt) ap Cynan ab Eudaf, and she is given the name Ystradwel (variously spelt) (ByA §27a in EWGT p.90). Also in the various versions of the ancestry of Custennin ap Cynfor and Amlawdd Wledig we find Gadeon (variously spelt) ap Cynan ab Eudaf (JC 11, ByA §30b, 31, ByS §76 in EWGT pp.45, 93, 94, 65). Similarly in MG §5 in EWGT p.39, but Eudaf is misplaced. The various spellings show that the name was unfamiliar: Gadean, Gadvan, Gadiawn, Kadeaun, Cadvan, Kadien, Kadiawn. See EWGT passim. It seems probable that Gadeon ab Cynan is an error for Gadeon ab Eudaf, rather than to suppose two such persons (PCB). GAFRAN ab AEDDAN. He appears in Bonedd Gwŷr y Gogledd (§11 in EWGT p.73) as Gafran ab Aeddan Fradog ap Dyfnwal Hen.
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