GLORY TO OUR COMRADE ANTONIO CANEPA and to the partisans of the Volunteer Army for the Independence of !

NO to the hypocritical tricoloured Liberation Day and to the tainted May Day celebrations!

World War II (1939-1945). After the facts were cleaned out by the ideologies, our very own Memory was "purified", what is left of the second WORLD WAR is a lethal confrontation between competing Powers, which turned into the division of the World in two parts, of a divided Europe, a divided Germany, a divided Berlin. And in the long-lasting withdrawal of the old colonialist European Empires, that had "won" the war, triggering India's independence, and most of all the foundation of Mao's People's Republic of China.

In July 1943 - with Operation Husky - the "Allies" (supported by an efficient Resistance against Nazi- fascism) occupy Sicily. It was the beginning of the end of a Regime, but, as we will see, it was not what Partisans had fought for.

The 24th October 1943, beyond the temporary AMGOT (Allied Military Government for Occupied Territories), was also the birthdate of Washington's "SICILY REGION 1" in the Mediterranean, which remains like an "unsaid" under this sky that is populated by foreign planes, assassin drones, dysfunctional saints and a G7 on a tourist trip.

This Sicily is a fought-over island, played like a geopolitical card by , the real mafia capital, and its strategic relation with the AmeriKan friend. A treasure island reduced to Europe's poorhouse, with its habitants being forced to emigrate. An island made HOSTAGE that is drifting off course in the tempests of the 21st Century.


In the crucial 1940s one of the very few intellectuals who lucidly understood, that the essence of the Sicilian question is the problem of the unresolved self-determination of a people, was an already famous young scholar, who was among others a professor of History of International Relations and Treaties at Catania University. He was a cultured and very methodical 30-years old polyglot: Antonio Canepa.

In those days' Sicily that was revolting for its sacrosanct right to independence, the COMRADE ANTONIO CANEPA WAS A TRUE LEADER OF THE ANTI-FASCIST RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. First as the political-military leader of the murderous "Gruppo Etna", and later as the "Comandante TOLU' of Giustizia e Libertà" on a mission in the North. The COMRADE ANTONIO CANEPA WAS A TRUE LEADER OF THE SICILIAN ANTI-COLONIALIST

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT (as the Comandante Mario Turri of the EVIS - the Army for the Independence of Sicily).

He was assassinated in an ambush in Randazzo. It was the 17th of June 1945. His corpse was concealed under State Secret for a decade. To this day his memory is object of taints and miss-information.

The concealed truth about Antonio Canepa is the most outrageous scandal in Sicily's last 70 years. The EVIS was not an "army" thought to win a "war". The EVIS was an "armed political party" fighting for a more just peace, on the path of Sicily's socialist (R)evolution. The "military camp" of the EVIS in Cesarò, in Messina province, even had its own traffic sign set up!

The EVIS - beyond any reasonable doubt - IS THE CONTINUATION - also physical - of the ANTI-FASCIST RESISTANCE ON OUR ISLAND. THE REAL ONE. THE ONLY ONE that played a political-military role. Canepa's partisan network was deeply rooted within Catania University... and also counted on the trotskyist group "SICILIA ROSSA", that broke out of its clandestine existence on May Day 1945.

The EVIS - which was born and died with Canepa - never had any "relationship" with gangs and bandits. If anything, it clashed with organised crime. In one of those clashes the young Francesco Ilardi died. Ilardi was later buried at the Sanctuary of Catania, together with the Comandante and their comrades. The EVIS was predominantly formed by young students, artisans and farmers. They called themselves "comrades". Period.

In the chaos that reigned in those years, other groupings such as the gang around and Salvatore Ferreri had completely different political references -> During the Viterbo trial, , a member of Giuliani's outlaw band, mentioned the name of (politician for the Christian Democrat party, and father of today's Italian president ) as well as the OSS-CIA. He was later poisoned as part of OSS-CIA operation "GLADIO".

"CANEPA MUST DIE!". THIS DEMAND CAME FROM ROME. It came from within the "anti- fascist" CLN (National Liberation Committee). It was one of the many "showdowns" within the "partisan world", but the bullets came from the newly-founded GLADIO. In the chaos that arised during the post-war period in Sicily, the massacre of Randazzo on 17 June 1945 was the most cynical and politically criminal act - and the most concealed.

In the location "Contrada Murazzo Rutto" near Randazzo, at the foot of the Etna, on Sunday, the 17th June 1945, following the orders from the "anti-fascist" government in Rome, the following people were slaughtered in an ambush: comrade professor Antonio Canepa, founder of the Army for the Independence of Sicily, as well as the young EVIS- activists Carmelo Rosano and Giuseppe Lo Giudice. They were Sicilian partisans who had chosen to continue the battle for the liberation of the Sicilian people and its working class.

As for the executors, everything leads to the "reformed" SIM, the Italian secret intelligence service, which, following the Armistice of Cassibile on 8th September, had already incorporated nazi-fascist criminals such as Ettore Messana, already a "dirty war"- specialist in Slovenia, and other "patriots" from the Xa Mas (the 10th Assault Vehicle Flotilla) led by Junior Valerio Borghese. Borghese was on of the covert protagonists of Portella della Ginestra massacre, perpetrated against Sicilian civilians during May Day celebrations in 1947 in the town of Piana degli Albanesi. A COVER OPERATION carried out under the auspices of the OSS-CIA by the fake independentist flag of the Ferreri- Giualiano gang, who maybe did not even shoot on that tragic 1st of May 1947 (the ballistic report remains to be studied). Operation GLADIO was born!

The FAKE MYTHS against CANEPA and the EVIS are still being exhumed, like badly buried corpses without peace. The EVIS does have its MARTYRS. People like SALVATORE GIULIANO are certainly not part of it. During the post-war chaos the systematic Italian re-occupation of Sicily had to be legitimised, so the myth of the "War on Banditry" was born: the reputation of Sicilian independence activists had to be systematically destroyed by linking them to banditry - and of course - to the Mafia. A load of bullshit, reiterated for the last 70 years! A hypocritical and coarse way to taint their Memory.

Meanwhile, seemingly by force of habit: The deafening silence of the "institutions", but also of the ANPI (the National Association of Italian Partisans); the CLN (the National Liberation Committe); and all of the italian "partisanism", subjected and accomplice to a code of silence (it: omertà). The cowardice of the "academic world", and the denigrating attitude against Sicilians, that unites both the leftist historiographical ignorance and the visceral hate of the right-wing literature. Last but not least, the hypocrisy of the tri- coloured trade unions, that offend the Truth by staging every 10 years their "political picnics" at Portella.

The conquer of this Truth is owed to the Sicilian People, and sees the (INDEPENDENTIST) SICILIAN LEFT on the front row since decades, thanks to the prophetic path of TerraeLiberazione, bio-political heir of the trotskyist independentist group "SICILIA ROSSA" of 1945.

This HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL TRUTH has to be reconquered and defended every day from the FOGS, the MARSH, and the MINE FIELDS of the COLONIALIST SPECTACLE staged by the italianized Sicily.

In July 1943 - during Operation Husky - the "Allies" (sustained by an efficient Resistance against nazi-fascism) occupied Sicily. It marks the end of a Regime, but, as we shall see, it was not what the sicilian partisans around Comandante Canepa had fought for.

During WWII - this huge slaughterhouse in which the "crisis of 1929" is resolved - the 24th October 1943, beyond the temporary AMGOT, Washington's SICILY

REGION 1 in the Mediterranean was born. It pervades like a "non-said"... under a sky populated by foreign airplanes, murderous drones, dysfunctional saints, and the G7 on a tourist trip.

For the Sicilian People it's another PAST that does not pass. A past that cannot beunderstood by disregarding the TRUTH about CANEPA: the sicilian PARTISAN, the GREAT PROFESSOR of History of International Relations and Treaties, the geopolitical analyst who - despite the ongoing fascist Regime - studied Trotsky's works with method, and tried to apply them in Sicily in the most resounding fashion: the THEORY-PROGRAMME of the PERMANENT REVOLUTION within the historic-social conditions of an Island Nation that is being exploited and oppressed by a neocolonialist State.

The EVIS was the armed political party that legitimised - in the continuity of anti-fascist Resistance - the future of an INDEPENDENSTIST SICILIAN LEFT: independent on every ideological, policy, organisational and operational level.

Certainly, with his 100 young people, the guerilla- professor "Mario Turri" did not want to "wage war against ", he was not a fool. The EVIS was also not the armed force of the MIS (the Independence Movement of Sicily), whom Canepa knew very well. If anything, Canepa-Mario Turri offered an alternative to the defenseless MIS and had good relations with the League of Young Separatists (it: LGS, Lega Giovanile Separatista) led by Guglielmo Carcaci. The LGS was a practical channel for the LEGITIMATE DEFENSE of the INDEPENDENTIST YOUTH, that was persecuted and tormented by the beastly Italian police force of Salvatore Aldisio, Rome's High Commissioner for Sicily.

It should also be noted, that the post-war state apparatus - in Sicily more than anywhere else - remained manned by the same individuals who had been part of the fascist regime.

To sum it up: The ambush at Murazzo Rutto in Randazzo on 17th June 1945 -> looks like a STATE-SANCTIONED POLITICAL MASSACRE - ordered by the "shareholders" of the Roman CLN and realized by the operation "GLADIO" that was formed within the post-war chaos. It was perpetrated with a "preventive counter-revolutionary" logic.

As the "Cold War" was marching in, the illusions of partisanism were disappearing, and the same MENTAL FORCES - that by now had become structured - hit the 1947 MAY DAY Celebrations at Portella delle Ginestra. This history of Sicilian and socialist blood shed, is treated as a "non-said", ferociously hidden by the colonialist Spectacle of italianised Sicily.

As for the myth of the separatist bandit, it is nothing but a well constructed mediatic invention of the AmeriKan secret services. It was incorporated as the Vulgate of the colonial tricoloured Left, as Europe's partition between the USA and UdSSR unfolded within the paradoxes of the Cold War.

It has to be said, that in the mountains surrounding the little town of Montelepre (Salvatore Giuliano's birthplace) - in the most complete political irrelevance and quite identifiable at every moment - there was a little group of young men who became

trapped in a story that was larger than them. They remained excluded from the Amnesty that was given by the CLN government even to some of most known fascist criminals.

That colonialist bullshit about the "criminal and mafia-run Sicilian Separatism" acts like a "non-said", it has a background that has been ferociously hidden by the Colonial Spectacle of italianized Sicily: the MASSACRE OF RANDAZZO on 17th June 1945. This badmouthing continues to this day: The next episode will be staged by the State-run RAI: "Il Primo Maggio" (1st of May) -> Live from the colonialist-trade unionist Theatre of italianized Sicily! On the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the anti-sicilian massacre in Portella della Ginestra!

"The dominating ideology is always the ideology of the dominating class" (Karl Marx). And the (R)evolution of Sicily will not be a political picnic, nor a gala dinner.


The EVIS - without any reasonable doubt - is the (physical) Continuation of the anti- fascist Resistance of our Island. THE TRUE RESISTANCE! The elimination of Canepa was certainly due to his radical political and cultural choices, but also due the fame that eventually would have protected him in the first decades of the First Republic. In some way Canepa was a "cumbersome" figure: "CANEPA MUST DIE!"


In July 1943 the first phase of Operation Husky was an utter disaster. The "landing" in Sicily - which marks the turning point in WWII - risked to sink into the sea due to the heavy storm that welcomed the "liberating" Allies. But it became the most gigantic air- naval operation in the history of military until then. A new era began: the one that sees Humans taking the Skies and chasing away the Gods.

The Sicilian situation is well known to the "Allies": The Regime of "Il Duce" - as per his own admission - does not have any true "consent". And the partisan Resistance - directed by an elusive professor - has carried out a series of actions that were anything else than just symbolic.

The contested Island is briefly described with abnormal niceness in "Soldier's Guide to Sicily", an English-language guidebook that was distributed by the Allies command with 450,000 copies in preparation to Operation Husky: "Invaders and dominators have followed one another in all epochs... eventually the have dominated the island."

"Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean - it is more or less the size of Wales. But its importance depends from its (geographical) position... and from dozens of aviation camps... two-three hours away from Rome, four hours away from Milan... closer than we could ever get..."

"The Headquarter of the (German Luftwaffe) field marshal (Albert) Kesselring is located exactly in Sicily... Furthermore, (Sicily) offers to our fleet the bases of Syracuse, Augusta, Catania, , Trapani and Marsala..."

And: "Sicily is crucial: until now we had to sail around the entire Africa. We had to take our ships 12,000 miles around the Cape of Good Hope."

Thousands of Sicilian-Americans participated in the Operation Husky - and now appear pathetic, as much for the denial as for the overestimation of Cosa Nostra's role, an "ethnic armed party" born within the Sicilian Diaspora in the USA. Those who don't understand American society, and blindly animate historiographic "tifoserie", will never understand anything. Period.

Irrespective of that, Sicily is in a cyclical Revolt for its sacrosanct Independence.

1860 it was annexed by London for the little wannabe-reign of Piedmont, among the false garibaldinian Unity flag. Sicily is an exploited Colony, oppressed and repressed in all its attempts of economic and civil emancipation. Its social ascension is managed by the submissive function towards ROMafia, the corrupted Italian capital. Everything from careers to privileges for a restricted tri-coloured bourgeoisie, to the systematic repression towards the population by means of compulsory military service and mass-emigration, that function as regulators for the social metabolism.

The "fascist reformism" doesn't go beyond a faint and tardive attempt at landed reorganisation, with a (somehow in its own "sicilianist") rhetoric of an Island, "centre of the Empire". Meanwhile the "Empire" was combing through the mountainous villages on its much trumpeted "fight against the mafia".

By its own admission, the Regime never gained the consent of the Sicilians. its opposition was never the "backward, feudal, irredeemable" Sicily, (which by the way never existed), that was later also adopted in the tri-coloured Leftist and colonialist rhetoric, always subordinated and blind; selling itself to the "state capitalism" while constantly raving on about the "fight on feudalism" up until the 1970s!

The future belongs to those who manage to raise a critical and solidary look on the things of life and on the world. That world to which comrade Canepa looked at with extraordinary scientific ability, living his Life like a battle, and his Death like an adventure.

"Tomorrow's Sicily will be what we want it to be: pacific, laborious, rich, happy, without tyrants nor exploiters."

The Sicily that we want will know how to defend its own interest with firmness, building fraternal relations with all the people of the world. We are "Independentists", not "Separatists"; it's todays colonialized Sicily which is alienated from the world. Independence will make it "united" within the ranks of the free nations. But "woe betide anyone who betrays: The Past will be forgotten, not the Future." (Canepa, "La Sicilia ai Siciliani", Catania 1942)

@La Comunità Siciliana “TerraeLiberAzione”.

Text by Mario di Mauro Translation by Agostino Imondi


TerraeLiberAzione is registered under the Nr. 736/1988 in the Press Registry at the Court of Catania. Publisher: Eduardo Zarelli (the one who "lends" his signature, to oppose the absurd norms that undermine the freedom of press) Editor: Mario S. Di Mauro


At just 30 years of age, Antonio Canepa was already a brilliant scholar of Geopolitics and professor of International Right. He was very methodical and exhaustive on the subject he thought; communicative but at the same time reserved in managing his relations; secure of himself; always courteous; he became sociable and often jokey for brief moments when interacting with single persons: informative but never revealing, he let people speak out... A game of mirrors of which he controlled every single reflection.

On the street he used to often walk alone, confident and distinct: a 30 years old man of vertical intelligence, polyglot and author of specialised studies, as well as geopolitical reflections on the Great British Game "seen by Moscow", a profound connoisseur of the dynamics that tormented soviet- era Russia... A man who was capable of anything! His RESISTANCE was also lived like a Private Matter, an existential challenge against himself. "He had everything" and he risked it everyday: for an idea of Liberty, agitated but still calculated.

In Berlin they used to call him "Herr Professor". In London he was a "Swiss" phantom with a fake passport "made in Catania", fabricated by his "comrade Eugenio". Eugenio D'Arrigo was an artist and chiseller, who was also a skilled counterfeiter and who later stood on trial for having printed "money for the poor", during the so-called Ciulla- trial.

The professor travelled a lot, thanks to his academic title and an enormous net of relations which saw him being put under scientific scrutiny even by the elitist periodicals of the SS in Berlin, for the envy of the pluralist academic fascism which he derided with sophisticated philological rigour.

During his travels through a Europe that was on its way to imploding, our Professor did not only disseminate cryptic ideas, but also children. In Florence he had one with Clelia Rosati, in which he was very much in love with. "Comrade Clelia", the future partisan commander and Icon of the Tuscan Resistance: They called their baby Antonio Canepa Junior (in the 1980s Junior was elected Deputy for the Italian Socialist Party in Liguria. He was a troubled and desperate socialist, he died of an overdose at Montecitorio. Somebody told me, Bettino Craxi cried for him the entire night).

"Comandante Turri", as Canepa was also called, "played cards" (it: giocare carte) - very likely - as Jean Soredan did... It is certain however, that in the partisan Resistance movement in Abruzzo, on the Majella mountain, he became "Comandante Tolù", and that in Sicily he was already known as commander Mario Turri since Winter 1940.

A hieroglyphic wrapped up in mystery? No! A REAL PARTISAN, veteran, since the failed "demonstrative" anti-fascist coup of San Marino in 1933, where he was arrested and

locked up in a mental asylum. He managed to get out with the help of friends and influential relatives (also in the Vatican). His intelligence did the rest, starting him a professional university career, which will see him - before his arrival at Catania University - first in Palermo (where he started a cryptic Research Facility on Eastern Studies, which among other things will enable him to develop his knowledge of the Soviet realities).

This intelligence of his wandered at least a decade, accompanied and chased by a lucid and tranquil apprehension. One moment roaming through the loud University corridors and dwellings full of useless books about the bourgeois intolerance against the "regime"; the next moment wandering through the industrious neighbourhoods that were breeding working-class anger, ending up on the agricultural paths around the Etna that lose themselves in between dried lava and broom trees, given back the Peace of Time, the time that idle flows through the impotence of every-day life. Animated by a radical idea of Liberty, he built his own Time living out his love for "difficult" women and passion for the most difficult sciences: the political sciences. (...)

Catania, Winter of 1940. In total secrecy, the young Professor created the "Gruppo Etna" (Etna-Group) of the Sicilian RESISTANCE against the Italian nazi-fascism and colonialism. The many members of the Etna-Group operated autonomously, but were connected by Canepa-Turri in the network "Giustizia e Libertà" (Justice and Freedom), which was supported by London. Canepa was indeed well known across the Channel, but he was not a "English agent" (we even consulted the "British Archives": he was a known referee, but not on a staffing level).

His work was very methodical, very matured and concealed, prudent and selective, as sophisticated as concrete. At the beginning of 1942 - within the Etna-Group - there were about a hundred persons, jointed within a network of units made up of 3-4 individuals, which hardly ever knew the other ones. We know that about a dozen young activists (machine)-typed and retyped on carbon paper a political document titled: "20 years of fascist misgovernment". It was a Chapter of "LA SICILIA AI SICILIANI!" (en: Sicily for the Sicilians), the political manifesto of FASE 2 which had already been conceived by the elusive "Mario Turri", who was a wanted person by the OVRA, the fascist secret police of the .

Within the Resistance against the "Regime", the EVIS was about to be born. EVIS: The Volunteer Army for the Independence of Sicily.

Beside professor Matteo Gaudioso and professor Petroncelli - who would later become Rector of Catania University following the nomination by the AMGOT (and Canepa's support) - nearly nobody knew the real identity of "Mario Turri".

Nearly nobody, but he is an UNTOUCHABLE -> from the Vatican to Berlin, from London to Rome. He moves around "Middle-earth", so to speak, without leaving any trace: He speaks to everybody, listens, and is listened to. What he says or does not says, and why he says it, remains a mystery.

He is about to organize the Etna-Group - which is not a cultural association of oneiric conspirators. Beside his "comrade Eugenio" (D'Arrigo) - the master chiseller, already on trial because "we printed money for the poor" - who counterfeited documents for real persons, there were also miners who were experts in explosives, as well as farmers and hunters who had a deep knowledge of the territory. There is also the young "comrade corporal" Carmelo Rosano, the future vice-commander of the EVIS (...) The light of his eyes.

We arrive to the eve of Operation Husky (an Inferno that lasted 38 days: 10 July-17 August 1943) - which would change the outcome of WWII. The Etna-Group destroys the German aviation that is positioned at Gerbini, in the Plain of Catania. On the 7th July they also sabotage the armed train called "Gruppo Mondiale N° 4" in Catania's rail station. Another military train is derailed at Ramondetta (near Messina). But those were not the only "railway actions" - (War is war: About its most devastating action, even if completely legitimate, we prefer not to speak to this day; nor do we make any allowance to the terroristic bombardments of the "Allies"). We need the TRUTH. The complete truth.

In the night of the 9th to the 10th of July 1943 the crucial military defense post in Augusta was "neutralised" by the patriotic commandoes of Professor Canepa, maybe with the help of the partisans from Lentini (a regional summit for the Resistance was held secretly, profiting from the confusion of the Festivities during Sant'Alfio's Day).

On 4th August 1943 - arriving in Catania following the crucial battle at the Simeto river (fought at the Primosole Bridge in Sferro-Gerbini) - the British are looking for one person only: professor Canepa. They find him near the villa of professor Petroncelli, at Piazza Borgo.

The convince him to take over the commando of the Resistance on the Maiella mountain, in Abruzzo. Later he moved to Florence, partaking at the insurrection and founding a newspaper as well as a little "Labour party". He was then arrested and sentenced - although soft and quite formal, but politically clear - by an Allied Military Tribunal, at the insistence of the CLN (National Liberation Committee). He doesn't care about it.

We reach October 1944. He returns to Sicily and transforms the Etna-Group into the EVIS, launching the publication of the newspaper "SICILIA INDIPENDENTE".

The EVIS was NOT the "armed branch" of the MIS (Sicilian Independence Movement) - beside in a couple of encrypted little communiqués mentioned as part of a reciprocate "exploitation". The EVIS was an "armed party", whose real strategy was maybe only known to Canepa and to the brilliant "comrade corporal Carmelo" Rosano. (...)

Within the euro-mediterranean scenario of the devastating global crisis of the 1940s, the Guerilla-Professor's attempt was - although premature, but certainly prophetic - to install a social and anti-colonialist liberation force. Canepa did not place any hopes that the League of Nations would solve the Sicilian question. Let's not forget, that Canepa was a specialist of International Right in Europe.

The EVIS was NOT an "army" aiming to win a "war". The EVIS was an "armed party" aiming to win a more just peace on the path towards the Socialist re-evolution of Sicilian realties. The "military camp" of the EVIS, in Cesarò, even had its own traffic signs!

The EVIS was - beyond any reasonable doubt - the CONTINUATION - also physical - of the ANTI-FASCIST RESISTANCE of the Island. The real one.

Canepa's partisan network was deeply rooted in Catania University... and also counted the trotskyist group "SICILIA ROSSA", which came out of its clandestine existence on the 1st May 1945. It's the Sicilian Social-Communist Party - Sicilia Rossa: animated by Natale Turco, who as soon as he was expelled from the NATO-friendly FNS (Sicilian National Front) became the Great Wise Man of the foundation TerraeLiberAzione -> which itself was born earlier through a publication by Democrazia Proletaria, on anti-colonialist positions. (red.)

Its useful to remember that from the beginning of 1944 the activities of political parties became legalised and free - exept for the Independentists, who were subjected to ferocious repressions on every level. These repressions included kidnapping of its leaders, the closure of headquarters and newspapers, and intimidations, even to the mothers of the young independence activists. So therefore the EVIS - which was an armed party - was also a refuge for the LEGITIMATE DEFENSE of the young Independentists.

"CANEPA MUST DIE!" Those words came from Rome. From the "anti-fascist" CLN (National Liberation Committee). The killing was touted as one of the many "showdowns" within the "partisan world", but the bullets came from the newly-born GLADIO: the clandestine stay-behind operation by the NATO. During the chaos of the early post-war years - in Sicily - the Massacre of Murazzu Ruttu in Randazzo on 17th June 1945 was the most cynical and politically criminal act ... and the most covered-up.

The EVIS never had ANY "relationship" with bands and bandits. It was primarely formed by young students, artisans and farmers. If anything they had clashes with banditry. In one of those clashes the young Francesco Ilardi was killed. He is now buried at memorial monument in Catania, together with the Comandante and his comrades.

In any case, the EVIS - which was born and died with Canepa and Rosano - did not and could not have had any relationship with the band of Ferreri-Giiuliano. So much so that the EVIS didn't even ever have an operational base anywhere in Western Sicily. NEVER. NONE. PERIOD.

In the chaos of those years, the political contact persons of the Ferreri-Giuliano gang were others. -> (during the Viterbo-trials, Gaspare Pisciotta, a companion and cousin of Salvatore Giuliano, mentioned the name of Bernardo Mattarella and of the OSS, the predecessor of the CIA. He was eventually poisoned - another political killing stamped GLADIO.


During the course of WW2, this huge slaughterhouse in which the "Crisis of 1929" is resolved - the 24th October 1943, beyond the temporary AMGOT (Allied Military Government for Occupied Territories), Washington's "SICILY REGION 1" sees the light of the day in the Mediterranean. It endures like a "non-said"... under a a sky populated by foreign planes, murderous drones and non-functional saints. For the Sicilian People it's another PAST that does not pass. A past that cannot be understood by disregarding the TRUTH about CANEPA: the Sicilian PARTISAN, the GREAT PROFESSOR of History of International Relations and Treaties, the geopolitical analyst who - despite the ongoing fascist Regime - studied Trotsky's works with method, and tried to apply them in Sicily in

the most resounding fashion: the THEORY-PROGRAMME of the PERMANENT REVOLUTION within the historic-social conditions of an Island Nation that is being exploited and oppressed by a neo-colonialist State.

The EVIS was the armed political party that legitimised - in the continuity of anti-fascist Resistance - the future of an INDEPENDENSTIST SICILIAN LEFT: independent on every ideological, policy, organisational and operational level. In any case, the EVIS was born and died with Canepa and Rosano. After it there was more: Concetto Gallo's generous GRIS (Revolutionary Youth for Sicily's Independence), which stood out in December 1945 in the battle at Monte San Mauro (Caltagirone) against the ITALIAN ARMY, speeding up the "granting" of the Autonomist Statute. Up until the successive chaos resulting in wrong accusations of brigrantism, leading to an EXECUTION PLATOON by Operation GLADIO (and that Canepa would have confronted with a rifle in his hands!). Concetto Gallo was elected by the constitutional assembly of the MIS: He is a father of the Republic! Anything but "separatist-bandit-mafiosi", how they are branded by a tri- coloured historiography, drugged by little academics, politically wicked and culturally coward.

Certainly, with his 100 or so youngsters, the Guerilla-Professor "Mario Turri" did not want to wage war against Italy. He was not a fool. The EVIS was also not the "military wing" of the MIS, which Canepa knew well. If anything, Canepa-"Mario Turri" offered - as an alternative to the wimpy MIS and in good relations with the Jouvenile Separatist League of Carcaci - a practical channel of LEGITIMATE DEFENSE of Sicily's independentist youth, which was persecuted and tormented by the beastly police force of "Commissario" Aldisio from the corrupted Italian capital Rome ("RoMafia").

On 11th February 1944, the Sicilian government was transferred from AMGOT to "Southern Kingdom", guided by the (Pietro) Badoglio government. The Civil High Commissioner for Sicily was formally established with the Royal Decree Law N° 91 signed 18th March 1944.

The fascist policing in Sicily had only changed uniform and mandate. Now there was the weak CLN, the one by and his "Giustizia e Libertà", the same of partisan Canepa: how things turn in life... and death! The same CLN with which he maintained diplomatic relations, de-facto confirmed by the tactical non-support of the "NON-SI- PARTE!"-revolt of December 1944, which saw the insurgence of young Sicilians against the "call to the Front": "neither adhering, nor sabotage!". And so in April 1945 "Mario Turri" did not endorse (as he was a specialist in International Relations!) - the illusory hopes that Finocchiario Aprile put on the San Francisco Conference (UNCIO), to which the MIS sent a generic Memorandum for Sicily's Independence. That conference, held by the winners of WW2, produced at the end of June the United Nations Charta. For the record: Canepa was killed a few days earlier.

It's a page to write, and we are writing it: Unfortunately, with the blood of the MARTYRS of RANDAZZO.

Not even Finocchiaro Aprile, leader of the MIS, wanted to remember them less than one month after the killings, when during an interview by a big Italian newspaper, on a question about the EVIS he comments with as a "problem, anyway of a few extremists...", without even a hint on the massacre of Randazzo and professor Canepa's killing. There were many opportunities in which he could have remembered Canepa's sacrifice without over-exposing himself beyond reasonable prudence. At an already launched secret stipulation with Rome (Sicily's "special statute" as an autonomous region), following his arrest and confinement in Ponza. He was scared, nothing more: he was gentleman, an honest liberal freemason, later elected to the Costituent Assembly - did what he could do: he was a father of the Republic and contributed not only to the

"concession" of the autonomy statute, but also on imposing the regionalist model on the newly formed Italian state. He even declined a seat as life-time senator! Period.

The elimination of Canepa was certainly due to his radical political and cultural choices, but also to the later fame and popularity that he and his ideas would have enjoyed in the first decades of the new republic. He was a "cumbersome" figure, in some sense he "had to be killed". His killing - officially he died from bleeding in hospital after hours of agony - and later the concealment of his tomb under an Official State Secrets Act for an entire decade, was convenient for may people. Even so that the EVIS, as a political party, was born and died with Canepa and Rosano on the 17th June 1945. Anything but bandits!

As for Canepa, it's indicative that he did not actually die at on the road "Contrada Murazzo Ruttu" in Randazzo, but that he was assassinated in hospital: There was no autopsy. The corpses of the other EVIS members were concealed in anonymous tombs under a Secret of State act for nearly a decade. Later they were transferred to the memorial monument at "Viale degli Uomini Illustri" at the monumental cemetery of Catania's Parco Maestranza.

This is the place where we remember them every year on 17th June. Roll call! PRESENT! Antonio Canepa was 37 years old. Carmelo Rosano, 22 years. Giuseppe Lo Giudice, 18. And the comrade Francesco Ilardi, 19 years old, killed one month later in the woods of the Caronìe mountain range, during a gunfight with some bandits who were robbing farmers while passing

themselves off as EVIS fighters. The tainting (sicilian: Mascariata) had begun. At Monte Soro. And it continues to this day.

@25 April 2017. Mario Di Mauro-Founder of TerraeLiberAzione. Translation: May 2017, by Agostino Imondi.


TerraeLiberAzione is registered under the Nr. 736/1988 in the Press Registry at the Court of Catania. Publisher: Eduardo Zarelli (the one who "lends" his signature, to oppose the absurd norms that undermine the freedom of press) Editor: Mario S. Di Mauro


The main problem we had to face on the decisive field of HISTORICAL RESEARCH during TerraeLiberAzione's 3 decades long path, was without a doubt the COLONIAL FALSIFICATION of the SICILIAN REALITY in all its contests. Of its present and its past, even of its own geography! Our "past that doesn't pass", our peripheral "remote island" - as if we were on Galapagos!

Completely secondary, but not irrelevant, is the problematic connected to the reliability of the oral or written sources - that many times were produced after decades-long silence - which we able to acquire. We therefore don't speak about "falsification", but of mechanisms related to the functioning of the brain, and not only that... The scientific methodology of historical research measures itself from its beginnings with the issue of FALSE MEMORIES that have been produced by protagonists or witnesses of historical FACTS: by either playing up or belittling, but also by taking out of context - this is typical of the "individual brain". In short, the term "FALSE MEMORIES" it is to be intended as the (substantially unconscious) creation of more or less invented or distorted memories, as in the case of puzzling together real fragments of memory. A number of psychotherapeutic studies that specialize on the research on infantile sexual abuse has even defined the "False Memory Syndrome" (FMS), but this is not out topic now.

During the course of our thirty-year work - especially on the 1940s in Sicily, for which we had the chance to meet many witnesses and protagonists - the problem has presented itself a variety of times, and it has always been dealt with methodically and with rigorous discernment. As well as with PATIENCE, always with affection. Thanks to this patiently practiced method we had the chance to acquire precious information - often verified and utilized in our works; sometimes just regarded as plausible and therefore taken somehow into account; and in some cases completely discarded for being False MEMORIES.

It goes without saying that the HISTORICAL RESEARCH, even more in our secular SCHOOL of DIALECTIC REALISM, locates the FACTS in CONTESTS and DYNAMICS which almost always escaped from the CONSCIENCE of their very same "protagonists and witnesses". False MEMORIES produced by protagonists or witnesses of historical FACTS constitute a further complication of the scientific work. The CRITICAL METHOD, generally knows how to affront them: with humility and rigour.

Many years ago we were told: "How can it be? This thing was written by such-and-such, that thing was said by such-and-such, who were there in that moment..." Yes, but they wrote and told those things AFTER 30 YEARS. And "in that moment" they understood little about what they certainly were doing or seeing! What could all those hundreds of thousands of young Sicilian and South-Italian boys understand, who were sent to the front line, to the slaughter, in the fogs of World War I, to claim those "terre irredente" (engl.: unredeemed lands) during the Italian irredentism? And what could they understand afterwards?

To make it clear: there is an entire record of cases and the risk of Fale MEMORIES doesn't spare anybody. If HISTORY is Life's Teacher, its False MEMORIES can also teach us something. Or at least one thing: To strictly self-monitoring oneself. It's an antibody, a vaccine, a resource for Life and for the Struggle. To our new comrades and companions who are adhering to the path of TerraeLiberAzione: keep it in good MEMORY. The real one.

The (r)evolutionary conScience of the SICILIANU NOVU (New Sicilian) will certainly win over the planned historical falsifications that nourish the COLONIALIST SPECTACLE. But s/he must also pay attention to the underhand-falsifications, the ones produced in good faith within the abysses of the unconsciousness. The (r)evolutionary conScience must vaccinate itself against all illusions, against all ideologies, and all blind fideism... which, on a larger scale, are the result of a FALSIFIED Memory and False Memories.

@La Comunità Siciliana “TerraeLiberAzione”.

Text by Mario di Mauro Translation by Agostino Imondi


TerraeLiberAzione is registered under the Nr. 736/1988 in the Press Registry at the Court of Catania. Publisher: Eduardo Zarelli (the one who "lends" his signature, to oppose the absurd norms that undermine the freedom of press) Editor: Mario S. Di Mauro


Some additions in regards to Salvatore Giuliano (Montelepre 1922 - Castelvetrano 1950).

A long time has passed since the journalist Michael Stern coined the term "King of the Bandits" on that epoch's most prestigious magazine in the world - Life - on 23 February 1948. A long time has passed since that 5 July 1950 on which Turiddu Giulianu was officially "disposed of", even though "the only sure thing is that he's dead". We have dealt with this issue many times over the last 2 decades, we are old friends of the family Giuliano-Sciortino... if we return on this topic it's because on this year 2016 the Segreto di Stato (state secret) about Salvatore Giuliano's life and death expires. Well known are the two voluminous files locked at the Ministry of Interior as well as many other documents guarded at the Ministry of Defence. We'll pretend we're clueless about what else there is to hide...

The evidence for example, that in the spring of 1958 the leader of the Palermo-branch of Democrazia Cristiana met with Salvatore Giuliano offering to pardon him (or at least a way to leave the country, maybe to Brazil in the vast estate of a former Sicilian prince). The minister of the interior - another Sicilian - was informed about these negotiations taking place. The politician who met Giuliano was Bernardo Mattarella - father of Sergio Mattarella, Italy's current president. The minister of the interior was . The prince was from the Aliata family. This is only one of the pages from the "criminal romance" of a Greek Tragedy that is covered under the thick fogs of the Colonialist Spectacle which hides and taints everything.

We demand that the President of the Republic and the Minister of the Interior publish the entire classified information. Nothing more.

At the same time we invite the director of the Enciclopedia Treccani to reopen the entry on "Giuliano" on at least one point: "EVIS - Esercito Volontario per l'Indipendenza Siciliana, clandestine military formation adhering to the MIS (Movimento per l'Indipendenza della Sicilia), active from 1944 to 1946. Among his most known representatives were the jurist Antonio Canepa (1908-45) and the bandit Salvatore Giuliano."

The EVIS was born and died with professor Canepa (17 June 1945) and never had any relationship of any kind with Giuliano's "Band of Montelepre". The rest does not interest us, in reality we know it. We will send a dossier to the friend Massimo Bray - director of the Istituto Treccani. In reality, the figure of professor Canepa - partisan leader and very refined European intellectual - is the target of the most scary red herring in Sicily's history of the 1900s.

@La Comunità Siciliana “TerraeLiberAzione”. Text by Mario di Mauro Translation by Agostino Imondi


TerraeLiberAzione is registered under the Nr. 736/1988 in the Press Registry at the Court of Catania. Publisher: Eduardo Zarelli (the one who "lends" his signature, to oppose the absurd norms that undermine the freedom of press) Editor: Mario S. Di Mauro