Published by the Ukrainian National Association, Inc., celebrating its 125th anniversary

Vol. LXXXVII No. 34 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2019 $2.00 British investigators: More evidence Leaders of and Israel meet found of Russian role in the Donbas in Kyiv, seeking to bolster bilateral ties RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service An EHRAC news release to announce the hiring said, “29 members of a Ukrainian A London-based digital forensics agency volunteer battalion were… surrounded and says it has gathered an enormous body of taken captive by Russian armed forces, and evidence that Russia’s military was transferred into the hands of ‘separatists,’ “ deployed in the August-September 2014 during the battle. fighting around Ilovaisk, in eastern Ukraine, The Guardian reported that 25 of the in which Ukrainian forces were defeated by volunteers were members of the Donbas combined Russian and separatist troops. battalion, whose members were predomi- Forensic Architecture used “machine nantly from the easternmost regions of learning and computer vision” to amass Luhansk and Donetsk when it was formed. “the most comprehensive collection of evi- The Ukrainian prisoners were subse- dence for the presence of Russian military quently “verbally and physically abused, personnel and hardware throughout the stripped of their belongings and… put to battlefield,” its project website states. forced labor” for several months during Russia has denied involvement in the their captivity, the news release alleges. Donbas conflict that erupted in April 2014 The evidence of Russian military pres- and has killed more than 13,000 people. ence in the fighting around Ilovaisk will be After annexing Ukraine’s Crimean peninsu- used in their case and signifies the first la earlier in 2014, Moscow has rejected time “that EHRAC has relied on such inno- Presidential Office of Ukraine allegations of leading, fighting beside, train- vative techniques to substantiate our argu- ing, and supplying “separatists” in eastern Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin ments,” the human rights group said. Netanyahu before the start of their official meetings. Ukraine. Forensic Architecture said it found “evi- The group was hired by the British- dence of almost 300 Russian military vehi- by Bohdan Nahaylo two countries’ “long-standing historical ties.” based European Human Rights Advocacy cles around the Ukrainian towns of Ilovaisk “Our nations have together experienced Center (EHRAC) in September 2018 to and Luhansk.” KYIV – During Israeli Prime Minister all the tragedies of recent history – the assist with litigation against Russia by It used a machine-learning classifier to Benjamin Netanyahu’s official visit to Holodomor and the Holocaust, the second Ukrainian volunteer fighters at the analyze 2,500 hours of video frame by Ukraine on August 19-20, which is being world war, the totalitarian Soviet regime,” European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), hailed as “historic” by both sides, Ukraine’s Mr. Zelenskyy stated. The Guardian reported on August 18. (Continued on page 16) President Volodymyr Zelenskyy cited the Mr. Netanyahu, who cited “the excellent relationship between the two countries,” called for stronger ties between Israel and Ukraine, emphasizing, “We can seize the future separately, but we can do it better UCCA: Russia does not belong in the G-7 together.” Mr. Netanyahu’s two-day visit was NEW YORK – Responding to a question posed by a journalist At the same time, the G-7 countries issued the Hague indeed historic, as it was the first visit by an about whether Russia should be reinstated in the Group of Declaration, which unequivocally tied Russia’s expulsion from Israeli prime minister in 20 years, but it Seven, the world’s largest advanced economies, President the G-7 to its actions in Ukraine: “We condemn the illegal refer- also responded to pressing current chal- Donald Trump said that “it’s much more appropriate to have endum held in Crimea in violation of Ukraine’s Constitution. We lenges. The visit helped clear the air by Russia in [the G-7. …I could certainly see it being the G-8 again. also strongly condemn Russia’s illegal attempt to annex Crimea addressing some issues and downplaying And if somebody would make that motion, I would certainly be in contravention of international law and specific international other contentious ones, while at the same disposed to think about it very favorably.” obligations. We do not recognize either… Today, we reaffirm time bolstering existing ties and looking The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), the that Russia’s actions will have significant consequences.” ahead to future cooperation in various representative organization for over 1.5 million Americans of Since that declaration, Russia has only increased its trans- spheres. Ukrainian descent, reacted by saying that President Trump gressions, while continuing to undermine democracy in It was also the latest test for Ukraine’s “gave the wrong answer.” The president’s comment had come Europe, the UCCA pointed out. new president as to his projection of the on August 20, while he sat alongside President Klaus Iohannis “To be clear, it would not be ‘more appropriate to have country’s interests and his understanding of Romania in the Oval Office. Russia in’ the G-7,” stated UCCA President Andriy Futey. “Until of how to move forward. Mr. Zelenskyy In a statement released on August 21, the UCCA strongly the Russian Federation ceases its actions in Ukraine and commented on his Facebook page that he’d denounced the suggestion that Russia be allowed back into the removes itself from all internationally recognized Ukrainian met with an Israeli leader “in whom I sense G-7. territory, Russia must remain suspended from membership in a reliable partner and friend of Ukraine.” The UCCA had denounced similar proposals made by the group of the world’s largest advanced economies, as its Ukrainian-Israeli relations, Mr. President Trump in 2018, which were met with rejection by the actions in Ukraine contravene the principles and values on Zelenskyy elaborated, are entering “a new leaders of , Canada, the United Kingdom and France at which the G-7 operates.” phase.” The bilateral free trade agreement the 2018 G-7 summit, as well as by Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.), The UCCA release argued: “The United States, as the bastion signed in January has already been Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) and Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) among other of democracy in the free world, and the president, as its execu- endorsed by the Ukrainian Parliament, and leaders in Congress. tive, must take the lead in promoting international norms, it awaits ratification by the Knesset. New A UCCA release noted: “In proposing this change in United defending basic human rights and freedoms, and charting a bilateral agreements were signed during States policy, President Trump either disregarded, or was course of geopolitical stability. The president could start by vis- Mr. Netanyahu’s visit in the areas of educa- unaware, that in 2014 the G-7 canceled its planned summit in iting Ukraine in the coming months, and see first-hand why tion, culture and sports, and there are pros- the Russian city of Sochi, following Russia’s invasion of Russia does not belong in the G-7.” pects for cooperation in the agriculture Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula – the first forced annexation sector and economic relations, as memo- Europe had seen since the second world war.” Source: UCCA (Continued on page 16) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2019 No. 34


Ukraine sets its sights on the Arctic: Putin, Macron discuss peace prospects president announced in June that he planned to host Mr. Putin “in order to Russian President Vladimir Putin and his explore all the forms of cooperation on key A viable prospect, or wishful thinking? French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, topics of destabilization or conflict, without strained military cooperation (RIA Novosti, have discussed efforts to advance negotia- naiveti but without closing the door.” The by Alla Hurska tions to curb the conflict between Ukrainian Eurasia Daily Monitor April 9, 2019). Russian president’s visit to southern France In April 2015, diplomatic friction forces and Moscow-backed separatists in comes days before Mr. Macron and other Ukraine’s ambassador to Norway, reached a new high when Russia’s Deputy eastern Ukraine. Mr. Macron, who held talks world leaders are set to gather in the south- Vyacheslav Yatsiuk, on June 12 visited the Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin (despite a with Mr. Putin at the Palace of Versailles western city of Biarritz on August 24-26 for Svalbard archipelago, where he stated that sanctions ban on entering Norway) visited near in 2017, this time hosted him at a Group of Seven (G-7) summit. France holds his country “may become an Arctic player” Svalbard. The scandal-prone Russian politi- his summer retreat at Bregancon Fort, near the presidency of the G-7 this year. The (, July 5), even though Kyiv is cian declared that the Arctic is a “Russian the village of Bormes-les-Mimosas. The grouping also includes Britain, Canada, not currently directly involved in the Mecca” and questioned Norway’s sover- talks lasted two and a half hours and Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States. region’s affairs. In 2017, Ukrainian Prime eignty over the Arctic island chain. In many touched upon the Syrian conflict, the situa- Russia was part of what was called the G-8, Minister Volodymyr Groysman, on an offi- ways, the situation began to resemble the tion in Libya, the Iran nuclear deal and but it was thrown out following its seizure of cial trip to Canada, articulated Kyiv’s deter- October 2003 Russian-Ukrainian dispute “prospects” for a four-way summit on the Crimea. At Bregancon Fort, Mr. Putin said over Ukraine’s Tuzla Island in the Kerch mination to cooperate with Ottawa in the crisis in Ukraine. The Russian president that Russia “would not refuse” working Arctic (Izvestia, July 5). And now, it appears, Strait (, April 20, 2015). voiced support for the Normandy format for within the previous G-8 format, adding, “Any the Ukrainian government is trying to fos- Furthermore, the first deputy chair of the negotiations aimed at putting an end to the contacts with our partners, in any format, ter bilateral ties with Norway to make its State Duma Committee on Foreign Affairs, Ukrainian conflict and involving France, presence in the Arctic more visible Leonid Kalashnikov, in commenting on Mr. are useful.” But Mr. Macron insisted that Germany, Ukraine and Russia, though no Russia’s return to the G-8 and “fully normal- (, July 5). Rogozin’s 2015 trip to the archipelago, pro- date for further talks was set, Kremlin The representatives of Ukraine and vocatively stated, “Russia in the Arctic ized relations” with the European Union, spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on which has imposed sanctions on Russia for Norway discussed Arctic regional coopera- should not be accountable to anyone, and August 20. “The leaders compared their tion – concerned mainly with research, cli- Svalbard is a free economic and political its actions in Ukraine, “requires a solution to stances on key aspects of bilateral and glob- mate change and satellite technology – dur- zone” (, April 20, 2015). the Ukraine question.” (RFE/RL, with report- al agendas. That includes Ukraine. The pos- ing Ambassador Yatsiuk’s tours of the Unsurprisingly, Ukraine’s recent declara- ing by AFP, Reuters, DPA and TASS) tion of its Arctic ambitions did not go unno- sibility of organizing a Normandy-format Norwegian Polar Institute and the German FM: Direct, open dialogue needed Ny-Ålesund Research Station. Ukraine’s ticed in Russia, and its media space explod- summit was discussed in an expert and quite detailed way,” Mr. Peskov said. The diplomat also visited the Incoherent Scatter ed in outrage. For example, the special rep- German Foreign Affairs Minister Heiko Macron-Putin meeting comes after Radar System in Svalbard. The facility, con- resentative of the president of the Russian Mass acknowledged having “principally dif- Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy nected to the European Incoherent Scatter Federation on international cooperation in ferent positions with Russia on many earlier this month urged his Russian coun- Scientific Association (EISCAT), was nota- the Arctic and Antarctic regions, Hero of issues” on August 21 before departing for terpart​ to help halt the conflict in eastern bly built with the contribution of Ukrainian the Soviet Union Artur Chilingarov (known Moscow to meet with Russian Foreign scientists. During his trip to the polar for his provocative gestures in the High Ukraine, where fighting between govern- Affairs Minister Sergei Lavrov. He also urged islands, Ambassador Yatsiuk noted that North), told RIA Novosti that Ukraine will ment forces and Russian-backed militants Moscow to play a constructive role in reviv- Norwegian-Ukrainian ties are tightening in not become an Arctic power, because “it has killed more than 13,000 people since ing peace efforts for Ukraine. “We have hope has irreversibly lost her technological capa- the political, economic as well as cultural April 2014. Insisting that peace can be for the light at the end of the tunnel when it spheres (, June 16). bilities [Arctic aviation and naval fleet]” returned to Ukraine only by way of diplo- comes to issues of ceasefire, disengagement Currently, Ukraine’s presence in the (RIA Novosti, July 5, 2019). macy, Mr. Zelenskyy has also called for a of forces and implementation of the Minsk Arctic is limited to approximately 400 Meanwhile, Alexander Pilyasov, a profes- new round of talks within the Normandy agreements,” Mr. Mass said in regard- Ukrainian miners working in the village of sor of economics and head of the Center for format for negotiations aimed at putting an ing a ceasefire that hasn’t fully taken hold. Barentsburg (where they make up around Northern and Arctic Economies, believes end to the war. “President Zelenskyy has 60 percent of the local population). These that it will be extremely difficult for “Now all sides need to demonstrate readi- made offers to which – it seems to us – ness for dialogue and action, or people will workers are employed by the Russian Ukraine to earn the right to be present and President Putin should respond in an state-owned coal extraction company to conduct economic activity in Svalbard. continue to die in this conflict.” To resolve encouraging way,” the AFP news agency the issue, “we need direct and open dia- Arktikugol (, June 16). Specifically, he argued, “Ukraine closed her quoted a French official as saying on condi- Arctic ambitions” by selling the only ice- logue,” he added. Ukrainian President have a long-standing tradition tion of anonymity. Mr. Zelenskyy’s election of working in Svalbard: in the 1980s, the class research vessel built at the Kherson Volodymyr Zelenskyy earlier this month in April “gives us some room to maneuver,” number of newcomers from the Ukrainian Shipyard (1993) to China; and now the only called for a new round of talks within the the official added. Kremlin foreign-policy Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR) exceeded opportunity for Ukraine to become an Normandy Format that includes Ukraine, the Norwegians themselves (Birdinflight. “Arctic player” is to collaborate on aide Yury Ushakov said that the dialogue Russia, Germany, and France. The last com, August 22, 2016). Presently, the rela- Norwegian or Russian projects. Moreover, between Moscow and Paris had “intensi- Normandy meeting took place in Berlin on tively low salaries paid by Arktikugol in “Ukraine has neither geographical condi- fied” in recent months and that Mr. Putin’s October 19, 2016. Ministers Lavrov and Barentsburg (between $600 and $1,400 tions nor economic potential to be able to visit to France was the “logical continuation” per month) are more attractive for increase transit flows and develop infra- of his contacts with Mr. Macron. The French (Continued on page 12) Ukrainians than for Russian laborers structure through investments in Arctic (, accessed August 2, 2019). projects.” Finally, he added that, to be legiti- Barentsburg is the only remaining per- mately considered an Arctic power, it is manent Russian settlement on the Svalbard essential to first apply for observer status FOUNDED 1933 archipelago. While the mining industry is to the Arctic Council, which cannot be The Ukrainian Weekly losing its former profitability, Moscow accomplished without Russia’s assent An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., (Ekonomika Segodnya, July 5). views its presence there primarily from a a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. geopolitical angle. The 1920 Svalbard Despite visible pessimism, Ukraine has Yearly subscription rate: $90; for UNA members — $80. Treaty prohibits the creation of military already made some progress in increasing Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. bases on the archipelago, but the shores on its presence in the region. On April 18, (ISSN — 0273-9348) the northern outskirts of the Barents Sea Ukrainian military pilots and a Ukrainian are of great geostrategic importance. The Il-76MD military transport aircraft The Weekly: UNA: current militarization of the Arctic (see returned from a joint Ukrainian-Danish Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 Eurasia Daily Monitor, October 30, 2017; operation, Northern Falcon 2019. Within June 18, 2018; September 12, 2018; May the scope of the exercise, Ukrainian mili- Postmaster, send address changes to: 14, 2019) adds to the importance of tary pilots spent more than 100 hours in The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz Svalbard in the event of regional military the polar sky, 44 flights were made from 2200 Route 10 Editor: Matthew Dubas escalation. Indeed, control over Svalbard the United States’ Thule Air Base to the P.O. Box 280 secures dominance over the Barents Sea – Danish polar station Nord, and more than Parsippany, NJ 07054 e-mail: [email protected] the main route of Russian nuclear subma- 600 tons of fuel and almost 20 tons of other rines and ships based on the Kola goods were transported. The participating The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: Peninsula – making Barentsburg an indis- personnel performed their tasks under pensable maritime gateway to the Russian particularly challenging conditions: with The Ukrainian Weekly, August 25, 2019, No. 34, Vol. LXXXVII High North (The Barents Observer, temperatures as low as -50 degrees Celsius Copyright © 2019 The Ukrainian Weekly September 4, 2018). (-58 degrees Fahrenheit), wind speeds of Russia intensified its presence in 15-20 meters per second (34-45 miles per hour), and without ground-based radio Svalbard in 2008 (Sergeydolya.livejournal. ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA com, September 7, 2015), which seemingly navigation equipment or spare airfields did not affect Russian-Norwegian relations (, April 18). Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 and advertising manager fax: (973) 644-9510 at the time. After 2014 (with Russia’s Ukraine is also involved in projects in e-mail: [email protected] aggression against Ukraine), however, the the Antarctic region (notably, the Ukrainian Subscription Department (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 political dialogue between the two neigh- e-mail: [email protected] boring Arctic countries suffered, which also (Continued on page 7) No. 34 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2019 3

NEWS ANALYSIS Notorious Ukrainian Berkut commander gets second crack at protesters – in Moscow

by Mark Krutov and Robert Coalson The June 12 demonstration was met “The Berkut attacked us while we were was in the process of being seized by RFE/RL with a particularly harsh response from sitting peacefully under the independence Russia. He later traveled on to Russia. OMON forces, who were seen beating dem- monument,” he said. “Some people were Although it is not known whether Mr. Sergei Kusyuk is wanted in both Kyiv onstrators with rubber truncheons seem- sleeping; others were chatting. And sud- Kusyuk took Russian citizenship, many of and Moscow, but in two very different ways. ingly at random. In all, more than 1,600 denly, they attacked. People immediately the Berkut officers did. In May 2014, Ukraine has issued an international people were detained in Moscow, St. raised their arms in surrender, but they Russian Internal Affairs Minister Vladimir arrest warrant for the former Berkut riot- Petersburg and other cities across Russia. were beating even those who were lying on Kolokoltsev administered the citizenship police commander in connection with the the ground, beating people until they were oath to 10 former Berkut officers and wel- Sparking Maidan lethal suppression of the 2013-2014 Euro- unconscious. There is video in which a comed them into the Russian police force. Maidan protests. Yet in Moscow, Mr. Kusyuk In Ukraine, Mr. Kusyuk is a notorious Berkut officer is heard yelling, ‘On your “I am sure you will not only become is now a colonel in the Russian Internal personality. On December 28, 2014, the knees, bastard!’ ” good workers,” he said at the time, “but Affairs Ministry’s OMON force and was Ukrainian government issued an interna- Mr. Kusyuk is also accused of organizing faithful comrades as well. After the well- seen on August 3 overseeing the arrests of tional arrest warrant for Mr. Kusyuk, who a provocation the following day, December known events in Ukraine, our country demonstrators calling for fair municipal served as the commander of Berkut riot 1, 2013. He allegedly ordered a man in a promised to help and support officers of elections in the capital. police in Kyiv during the administration of bulldozer to drive into a police line outside the special forces who found themselves in An RFE/RL Russian Service correspon- Moscow-friendly President Viktor the Presidential Administration building in exile from their homeland. We invited them dent covering the arrests of protesters and Yanukovych, accusing him of “participation an apparent attempt to smear the protest- to continue their service in the ranks of the passersby on Moscow’s Novy Arbat on in the mass murder of activists in the cen- ers as dangerously violent. Russian Internal Affairs Ministry.” August 3 filmed Mr. Kusyuk managing the ter of Kyiv.” Earlier, in November 2012, activists with Also in May 2014, Ukrainian Parliament operation, commanding a group of more Mr. Kusyuk had been accused of ordering the Democratic Alliance political party National Deputy Hennadiy Moskal alleged than a dozen masked and helmeted OMON police to beat demonstrators on Indepen­ attempted to hold a demonstration as then- that Mr. Kusyuk may have transported with troops. dence Square – Maidan Nezalezh­nosty in Prime Minister Mykola Azarov was ceremo- him to Crimea the sniper rifles used by Protesters and witnesses maintain that, Ukrainian – on the night of November 30, niously opening a new Kyiv subway station. Berkut officers to shoot demonstrators on while some of those detained by Mr. 2013. That brutal incident led to a massive The demonstrators were brutally attacked February 18-20. Kusyuk’s men had participated in a peace- increase in the number of demonstrators in by a group of thugs in plainclothes, people According to Mr. Moskal, Mr. Kosyuk had ful, unsanctioned demonstration on the the center of the city, energizing the protests who a year later would come to be known already been working for the Russian nearby Stary Arbat pedestrian street, many that eventually prompted Mr. Yanukovych as “titushky.” The activists alleged that the Internal Affairs Ministry “for a long time.” others simply happened to be walking in to flee the country for Russia at the end of group was commanded by Mr. Kusyuk, who the busy Moscow shopping district. February 2014. was also in plainclothes. Written by Robert Coalson based on It was not the first time that Mr. Kusyuk In an interview with Ukraine’s Vesti radio On February 18-20, 2014, 77 protesters reporting by Mark Krutov of RFE/RL’s has been spotted cracking down on demon- in December 2013, Mr. Kusyuk denied were killed in clashes between demonstra- Russian Service. strators in Moscow. On June 12, 2017, jour- ordering troops to beat the demonstrators, tors and police, many of them shot by Copyright 2019, RFE/RL Inc. Reprinted nalists saw him performing a similar role saying that Ukrainian law gave police the police snipers. In all, 106 people were killed with the permission of Radio Free Europe/ during a demonstration called by Aleksei right to use “special measures” on their own – including 13 police officers – during the Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW, Navalny to protest corruption under judgment if they feel they are in danger. Euro-Maidan protests. Washington DC 20036; (see President Vladimir Putin. In the 2017 vid- In the same Vesti story, an unidentified Around that time, Mr. Kusyuk was one of eos, OMON troops can be heard addressing protester gave quite a different account of an estimated 70 Berkut officers who fled to commander-gets-second-crack-at-protest- Mr. Kusyuk as “comrade colonel.” the events of that night. the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea, which ers--in-moscow/30107804.html).

Zelenskyy, Bartholomew agree FOR THE RECORD: not to interfere in Church in Ukraine Black Ribbon Day 2019 The following statement was released the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact lives on in by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress on Putin’s Russia – which wages wars of August 20. aggression against neighboring states, tries to redraw the boundaries of Europe On August 23, Canadians commemo- through force, and seeks to distort history rate Black Ribbon Day, the National Day and whitewash the crimes of the Soviet of Remembrance for the Victims of Union. We must recall the lessons of his- Communism and Nazism in Europe. tory to ensure that the crimes of Nazism Established through a unanimous res- and Communism are never repeated.” olution of Canada’s Parliament in 2009, The Central and Eastern European Black Ribbon Day coincides with the Council (CEEC), which represents the anniversary of the signing of the infa- interests of 4 million Canadians of mous Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact between Central and Eastern European heritage, Nazi Germany and the Communist Soviet is organizing a series of events to com- Union. memorate Black Ribbon Day. This year, we mark the 80th anniver- “The families of millions of Canadians sary of the signature of the Molotov- fled Soviet and Nazi terror in the 1940s Ribbentrop Pact, which divided Europe and 1950s, arriving in Canada as refu- between the 20th century’s monstrous gees,” stated Marcus Kolga, president of totalitarian regimes of Hitler’s Germany the CEEC. “The trauma that they endured and Stalin’s Soviet Union. at the hands of the Nazi and Soviet Official Website of the ( Soon after the Pact was signed, the regimes is passed along through genera- Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew hosts a meeting with President Volodymyr two regimes jointly invaded and dis- tions; it is critically important that we Zelenskyy of Ukraine at the Phanar during a working visit to Turkey. membered Poland, starting World War II. never forget the terror inflicted on the Millions of men, women and children millions of victims by these two authori- PARSIPPANY, N.J. – President Volodymyr Constantinople [Istanbul], as we gave you were murdered, imprisoned and subject- tarian regimes, fascist and communist.” Zelenskyy met with Ecumenical Patriarch baptism 1,031 years ago, so now we have ed to dreadful brutality by the Nazi and The UCC expresses its gratitude to the Bartholomew at the Phanar in Istanbul on given independence, the ability of your Soviet regimes. Central and Eastern European Council August 8 while the president was on a Church to carry out its work independently On Black Ribbon Day, we honor the for their strong support of the people of working visit to Turkey. and unaffected by any outside intervention. memory of millions of innocent victims Ukraine as they defend their country Mr. Zelenskyy and Patriarch Bartholo­mew Constantinople will not interfere with the of Nazi Germany and the Communist against Russian aggression. held a private meeting for more than one internal affairs of the Church in Ukraine. Soviet Union. May the Memory of the On September 12, 2019, the Black hour. She is completely independent and auto- Ribbon Day Conference will be held at the Patriarch Bartholomew, in his official cephalous. From here, from Constanti­ “On Black Ribbon Day, we pay tribute University of Toronto Isabel Babel greeting stated: “Your visit comes after the nople, from the Phanar, she will only have a Victimsto the memory Be Eternal. of Вічнаяso many Пам’ять. millions of Theater. Russian pro-democracy and publication and promulgation of the Tomos high protection and our continued prayers people who suffered under the tyranny of human rights leader Garry Kasparov will of Autocephaly for the newly established for the success of her work.” Nazi Germany and the Communist Soviet deliver the event’s keynote speech. (More Orthodox Church in Ukraine which, we “We send the blessing and love of the Union,” stated Alexandra Chyczij [presi- information on the event is available request, will always have your high protec- Mother Church of Constantinople, in the dent of the Ukrainian Canadian here: tion and your support for the world that Congress]. “Today, the despotic specter of soviet-pact-80-tickets-66946658257.) has already begun in Ukraine. We from (Continued on page 16) 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2019 No. 34 No. 34 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2019 5

UNA CELEBRATES 125 YEARS: A snapshot from history, 2011

On Тuesday, August 23, 2011, employees of the Ukrainian National Association’s Home Office in Parsippany, N.J., took a little time out of their work day to celebrate the 20th anniver- sary of the re-establishment of Ukraine’s independence. Seen on the right are members of the UNA staff along with staffers of the UNA’s two newspapers, Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly, who gathered to honor their ancestral homeland with a toast. With the employees are two UNA execu- tive officers, President Stefan Kaczaraj and National Secretary Christine Kozak. The celebration came a day early since Ukrainian Independence Day, August 24, is an official holiday (and a day off for employees) at the UNA.

A photo archive of UNA history has been launched on the UNA website. It is a work in progress that will be expanded and refined. To take a look, go to years-old/. Roma Hadzewycz 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2019 No. 34

WINDOW ON EURASIA The Ukrainian Weekly Keep the G-7 as the G-7 U.S. non-recognition of Russia’s This past week, President Donald Trump caused quite a stir when he suggested that Russia should be readmitted to the Group of Seven. “I think it’s much more annexation of Crimea one year on appropriate to have Russia in,” Mr. Trump told reporters in the Oval Office. “I could by Paul Goble The core text of the Connolly proposal certainly see it being the G-8 again.” He added, “If somebody would make that says: “It is the policy of the United States motion, I would certainly be disposed to think about it very favorably.” A year ago, on July 25, 2018, U.S. not to recognize the Russian Federation’s Thankfully, the reaction to his August 20 comments was not supportive. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo issued claims of sovereignty over Crimea, its air- The first international response we saw reported in the media came from the Crimea Declaration, which referred to space, or its territorial waters.” And it French President Emmanuel Macron, who said: “I think to say that without any the Welles Declaration in 1940 regarding requires that “no federal department or conditions Russia can return to the table would be signing off the weakness of the the Soviet occupation of the Baltic states and agency may take any action or extend any G-7.” He underscored, “It would be a strategic error for us and the consecration of reaffirmed “the bedrock international prin- assistance that implies recognition of the this age of impunity,” and he went on to say that “The indispensable precondition is ciple shared by democratic states that no Russian Federation’s claim of sovereignty that a solution is found concerning Ukraine.” country can change the borders of another over Crimea, its airspace, or its territorial waters” ( German Chancellor Angela Merkel weighed in, saying there had not been “suffi- by force” ( The declaration specified that the United FA00/20190307/109048/BILLS-116-ANS cient progress” on the Ukraine issue and therefore she is against readmitting States “rejects Russia’s attempted annexation toHR596-A000374-Amdt-ANStoHR596. Russia. Speaking at a news conference alongside her, British Prime Minister Boris of Crimea and pledges to maintain this policy pdf). Johnson elaborated: “…given what happened in Salisbury in Wiltshire, given the use until Ukraine’s territorial integrity is This is, of course, a proposal. It has been of chemical weapons on British soil, given the continuing instability, civil war, the restored” and underscored that “through its passed by the committee and the House, war in Ukraine, given Russia’s provocations, not just in Ukraine but many other actions, Russia has acted in a manner unwor- but not yet by the Senate. Moreover, the places, I must say I am very much with Chancellor Merkel in thinking that the case thy of a great nation and has chosen to iso- amendment contains the standard national has yet to be made out for Russia to return to the G-7.” late itself from the international community.” security waver that the president “may Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy posted on Facebook: “Since March In discussing this at a hearing of the U.S. waive” the provisions of the law “on a case- 2014, when Russia was suspended from the G-8 nothing has changed. The Senate’s Committee on Foreign Relations, by-case basis if the president determines Ukrainian Crimea is still occupied, the Ukrainian Donbas is still suffering from the Secretary Pompeo said there will be “no that it is vital to the national security inter- war. Returning Ukraine’s occupied Crimea, cessation of hostilities in the Donbas relief” from sanctions imposed by the ests of the United States to do so.” and releasing over 100 political prisoners and Ukrainian sailors that Kremlin cur- United States after the attempted annexa- That is troubling. But more significant rently holds would signal the world that Russia can be allowed back to its place at tion “until Russia returns control of the perhaps are two things this language does the top table of global diplomacy.” Crimean peninsula to Ukraine” – a position not include: on the one hand, it does not Here in the U.S., the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America was crystal clear that if maintained would be far tougher specify that Crimea is part of Ukraine and in its response. “Russia does not belong in the G-7” was the headline on its official than Baltic non-recognition policy. that Ukrainian sovereignty over it must be statement. “Until the Russian Federation ceases its actions in Ukraine, and removes But precisely because it is tougher, it is restored if the reasons for the act are to be itself from all internationally recognized Ukrainian territory, Russia must remain entirely possible that it will be harder to vitiated; and on the other, it does not speci- suspended from membership in the group of the world’s largest advanced econo- sustain, both because there will be pressure fy exactly what measures anyone in the mies, as its actions in Ukraine contravene the principles and values on which the to end the sanctions for other reasons that government might take that would “imply G-7 operates,” UCCA President Andriy Futey emphasized. some will insist are more important than recognition” of Russia’s asserted claim. Readers will recall that Russia was expelled from the group of the world’s lead- this principle and because the new policy The first gap could allow the possible ing industrialized countries, then known as the G-8, precisely because it invaded lacks, for understandable reasons, many of creation of a Russian client state in Crimea, and then annexed Ukraine’s Crimea. And, as we all know, Russia next proceeded to the features of its Baltic predecessor. separate from the Russian Federation but foment, supply and direct a “separatist” movement in Ukraine’s eastern regions. Mr. Consequently, it is important on this first not part of Ukraine either, the kind of Macron put it this way: “The divorce was enacted when Ukraine was invaded.” anniversary of the U.S. Crimea Declaration “unrecognized” entity that Moscow has sought to promote elsewhere in the former Also worth remembering is that this is not the first time President Trump called to welcome this restatement of a principle Soviet space to weaken its neighbors. for Russia’s readmission to the group. In June 2018, he said: “Whether you like it or but also to express concern that it lacks And the second allows government agen- not, and it may not be politically correct, but we have a world to run… They should many of the features of U.S. non-recogni- tion policy regarding the Baltic countries cies on their own to determine what they let Russia come back in.” and indeed contains loopholes that will have to do to meet the requirements of The idea was wrong then, and it’s still wrong today. It would be a travesty of jus- Moscow might exploit. the act. Some are obvious, such as a near tice if Russia were allowed back into the circle of the world’s major players as long In March, Gerald Connolly, a Democrat certain ban on showing Crimea as part of as it continues on its aggressive and destructive course whose goal is nothing less on the U.S. House of Representatives Russia on U.S. government-issued maps, but than upending the international order. President Macron, who is presiding at this Foreign Affairs Committee, introduced an others on investment, especially if U.S. firms weekend’s annual G-7 summit in Biarritz, France, is on record as saying that his aim amendment that would give more content use foreign daughter entities to do so. is to reinforce multilateralism and international support for the rule of law. If that is to the Crimea Declaration and make How a more fully elaborated U.S. non- indeed the case, the G-7 must remain the G-7. American non-recognition of Russian recognition policy with regard to Russian aggression there more similar to U.S. non- claims about the annexation of Crimea recognition of the Soviet occupation of might work can best be seen by an exami- Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. nation of past American policies on border The author of these lines and many oth- changes and of its non-recognition policy Aug. Turning the pages back... ers have pressed for such a measure since regarding the occupation of Estonia, Latvia shortly after Mr. Putin’s Anschluss (ameri- and Lithuania. Since at least 1932, it will be recalled, the Twenty-eight years ago, in the days following Ukraine’s decla- United States has maintained as a matter of ration of independence from the Soviet Union on August 24, sadors-review/spring-2014/crimea-a-new- 28 9-11-for-the-united-states, windowoneur- principle that it will not recognize changes 1991, Ukraine’s Parliament reached a temporary economic and in international borders achieved by the use 1991 military agreement with a delegation of leaders of the Russian of force unless or until they are sanctioned Parliament during their impromptu official visit to Kyiv on eurasia-west-needs-non.html, and windo- 07/win- by international agreement. That doctrine August 28-29. was enunciated by Henry L. Stimson, the A joint communiqué was signed by Ukrainian Supreme Soviet Chairman Leonid dow-on-eurasia-west-must-adopt.html). Consequently, we can only welcome this U.S. secretary of state at the time, in Kravchuk and Russian Federation Vice-President Alexander Rutskoy in response to a response to Japan’s seizure of China’s statement by Russian President Boris Yeltsin, who questioned the current borders of development, even though the resolution has not yet been passed. But it is critically Manchuria province and subsequent cre- republics that declared independence following the failed Communist coup. important that everyone understands both ation of the puppet state of Manchukuo. “Because there are rumors that Ukraine and Russia will quarrel,” said Mr. Rutskoy, “our what this latest legal initiative will mean The most forceful expression of the main purpose in Kyiv is to stabilize our mutual relationship and to negotiate a program and what is positive and negative implica- Stimson Doctrine was U.S. non-recognition during this transitional period that union structures no longer govern the state.” tions may be for Ukraine, Crimea, and the policy regarding the Soviet seizure of The two sides agreed “to make joint efforts to prevent the uncontrolled disintegration future of U.S.-Russian relations. Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in 1940 of the union state, to create a temporary structure for building up individual states, sub- under the terms of the secret protocols of jects of the former union,” and to maintain the functioning the of the economy. All the Paul Goble is a long-time specialist on the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact between Adolph Hitler and . “subjects of the former union” would be invited to help prepare a new economic agree- ethnic and religious questions in Eurasia On July 23, 1940, U.S. Undersecretary of ment on a horizontal basis, and the creation of a collective security system during the who has served in various capacities in the State Sumner Wells declared that the Baltic transitional period. No unilateral decisions on military and strategic issues would be U.S. State Department, the Central countries had been “deliberately annihilat- made, particularly in regard to nuclear weapons. Another point of the agreement was the Intelligence Agency and the International parties’ affirmation of the articles of the bilateral agreement between Ukraine and Russia ed by one of their more powerful neigh- Broadcasting Bureau, as well as at the Voice bors” and that the U.S. would continue to of November 19, 1990, regarding mutual respect for one another’s territorial integrity. of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Also, the leaders pledged to continue to uphold the USSR’s obligations as delineated stand by its principle in their defense Liberty and the Carnegie Endowment for “because of the conviction of the American in various international agreements, particularly those concerning arms control, and International Peace. The article above is Ukraine and Russia agreed to exchange representatives to maintain constant communi- people that unless the doctrine in which reprinted with permission from his blog these principles are inherent once again cation. called “Window on Eurasia” (http://windo- (Continued on page 18) (Continued on page 19) No. 34 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2019 7

COMMENTARY Corruption and courts matter, Remembering 1939

by Lubomyr Luciuk their heroism: “The gratitude of every but universities are key home in our island, in our Empire and by Marta Farion of student achievements, including the lack Not many remember what happened indeed throughout the world, except in the of transparent criteria for assessment, and today, 80 years ago. Worse, we live in a abodes of the guilty, goes out to the British Before his sojourn into politics, Ukraine’s no system to evaluate academic competi- world populated by scores of propagan- airmen who, undaunted by odds, unwea- new president played a teacher on television tion or for punishment of violation of aca- dists doing their darnedest to pretend ried in their constant challenge and mortal who accidentally gets elected president. Once demic ethics or illegal acts. nothing much did. These shills are more danger, are turning the tide of the world he became the real president, Volodymyr Thanks to the efforts of reformers, many than duplicitous. They are dangerous. For war by their prowess and their devotion. Zelenskyy sent his new deputies to a one- changes have been implemented, but much they are trying to rewrite the history of Never in the field of human conflict was so week crash course to “get educated” and more needs to be done, especially in the World War II, to obfuscate not just the dates much owed by so many to so few.” learn about strategy, public policy, legislation area of government financial controls that on which the war began, and ended, but to By October 1940, 23 Canadians had and their responsibility as lawmakers. dictate limitations over administration, confound us about who the villains were. been killed in the skies over England, This step and, ironically, his choice to play management, academic autonomy, student Eighty years ago, on August 23, 1939, the including RCAF Squadron No. 501’s Pilot the role of a teacher in his past life as an actor, and faculty allotments, and even the Soviet Union allied itself with Nazi Germany Officer D. A. Hewitt. Hailing from St. John, may be coincidental, but it also might signal approval of university rectors (presidents). under the terms of the Molotov-Ribbentrop New Brunswick, he was Canada’s first casu- that Mr. Zelenskyy recognizes the indis- For Western readers, it’s hard to image how Pact. The second world war began on alty, just 20 years old when shot down over pensable role education plays. (It doesn’t much control Kyiv has over the university September 1, 1939, as Adolph Hitler and Dorset on July 12, 1940, a lad with no hurt that his father is a professor either.) system. It proscribes the number of seats in Joseph Stalin dismembered Poland. known grave. And then there was Pilot Mr. Zelenskyy’s early statements and each discipline and, even at private univer- This pact succored the German war effort, Officer C. R. Bonseigneur from Gull Lake, priorities have focused on economic sities, bureaucrats get a say in the alloca- undercutting Britain’s blockade. A million Saskatchewan, who fell on September 3, growth and the need to root out corrup- tion of scholarships even though they had tons of cereals, half a million tons of wheat, 1940, and Sub-Lieutenant J. C. Carpenter of tion. Both are important messages for zero role in raising the funds. 900,000 tons of oil, 100,000 tons of cotton, Toronto, killed in action on September 8, Ukraine, but the new president hasn’t said To be sure, there are remarkable excep- 500,000 tons of phosphates, 1 million tons of 1940. anything about education. Without reform- tions with excellent results, such as the soybeans and other matériel, were shipped On August 25, 1940, the Royal Air Force ing higher education, Ukraine will never National University of Kyiv Mohyla to the Nazis by the Soviets during the pact’s retaliated with its first bombing raid on achieve the five to seven percent growth Academy, and the private universities first year. And, after Nazi Germany signed a Berlin. Two Canadians were among the target Mr. Zelenskyy has set. Ukrainian Catholic University and Kyiv Tripartite Pact with Imperial Japan and crews serving on the 95 aircraft striking Quality education is essential for innova- School of Economics. And there are admira- Benito Mussolini’s fascist Italy, in September the Third Reich – Kingston’s own Flight tion, initiatives and competitiveness that ble programs at various universities, but 1940, the Soviets considered joining a “con- Lieutenant D. L. England (No. 61 Squadron) have a direct bearing on economic and the system produces an illusion of progress and Flying Officer M.M. Fleming from national security. Human capital is a coun- tinental bloc” opposed to Britain and the by keeping the real problems out of sight. United States. The scheme collapsed only in Ottawa, serving with No. 58 Squadron. As try’s greatest asset, but this universally When the new Parliament opens at the accepted truism has not been recognized as November 1940, after it became clear in these men fought, and many would die, end of August, Mr. Zelenskyy and his new Berlin just how far Moscow hoped to none of them spoke of a “Great Patriotic a national policy in Ukraine, where rem- party would be wise to include education nants of the Soviet legacy still haunt the extend Soviet influence in Europe. Hitler’s War.” Should we pretend otherwise? Or for- reform at the top of their priorities. For ensuing invasion of Stalin’s domains began get how, while France and the Low educational system. starters, it unites all of Ukraine and will With hope for a better future diminished, on June 22, 1941. Countries were overrun by Hitler’s hordes, have the support of the great majority of That is the date the Soviets, and contem- and the doors to hell opened at Auschwitz, Ukrainians are leaving in large numbers and the population, especially those who elect- seeking better opportunities abroad. An porary Russian apologists, want us to think Stalin was helping Hitler? ed Mr. Zelenskyy and his party to the of when they speak about a “Great Patriotic No fair-minded person denies the Soviet obvious example of a successful policy that Verkhovna Rada. A policy to revamp the recognizes the role that talent and education War.” Proponents of this bowdlerized ver- Union eventually played a major role in educational system will be the basis for sion of history apparently hope we shall helping defeat the Nazis. Most Soviet civilian plays in a country’s economic and national Ukraine’s renewal. It will drive competitive- forget how, as of September 10, 1939, losses occurred in Ukraine and Belarus, giv- security is in Poland. With an average of 4.2 ness, create economic opportunities and Canada committed to securing vital supply ing the lie to claims about there being “27 percent annual growth over the last 25 have a direct impact on slowing the exodus lines for our embattled British ally. million Russian war dead,” since most of years, Poland has become the seventh larg- of young people abroad. During what would become the war’s them were not Russians. Certainly all who est economy in the European Union and is Halyna Yanchenko, a newly elected nation- longest-running campaign, the Battle of the suffered under Nazi oppression deserve to the European growth champion. al deputy from the Servant of the People Atlantic, the Germans countered Canadian be hallowed. But we must not forget the Poland has been strategic and aggres- Party and a graduate of the National efforts by deploying deadly submarine Soviet Union was not our ally when World sive: it invited talented Ukrainian students University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy, com- “wolf packs.” To take one example: Convoy War II began. On that date Stalin stood with to attend its universities on full scholar- mented after the election: “What people don’t SC-7, comprising 35 merchant ships and six Hitler, and that means, simply put, the ships. This policy will result in at least understand is that we are making Ukrainian escorts, set sail on October 18, 1940, from Soviets were ranked against us. 50,000 students from Ukraine in Poland’s history. Absolutely everything is possible.” Sydney, Nova Scotia, bound for Liverpool. As Canadians we honor those who stood universities in 2020. Poland’s gain is Her comment captures the mood in Twenty of those merchant ships were sunk in defense of liberty from the day the war Ukraine’s loss. Ukraine today. President Zelenskyy told during a three-day battle, with some 140 began and those who fought to its end, May What must be done to make Ukraine’s Novoe Vremya that he wants to make histo- 8, 1945. But, as we do so, we must never universities internationally competitive? ry. To do so, he and his team must make sailors losing their lives. Overall, the Royal Legislative changes are needed. Ukraine’s educational system internation- Canadian Navy lost nearly 2,000 sailors forget that Moscow’s men not only fueled Ukraine’s law on higher education has been ally competitive. Everything is possible. and 33 ships, the Royal Canadian Air Force the second world war but joined our side at the center of disputes between pro- more than 900 aircrew, and the Merchant only after the holocaust they had stoked Western and pro-Russian political forces in Marta Farion is a long-time advocate of Navy nearly 1,600 Canadians and began to burn their empire down. Let us every government since independence. In education reform in Ukraine. Ms. Farion, an Newfoundlanders and some 70 ships. not forget that, at least not today. reality, it is a struggle for control by the old attorney and president of the Kyiv-Mohyla And when, in mid-summer 1940, the guard to keep the status quo and the bene- Foundation of America, taught in the Battle of Britain raged, Canadian pilots rose Lubomyr Luciuk is a professor of political fits they received from political appoint- Chicago Public School system before law up to fight the foe. Prime Minister Winston geography at the Royal Military College of ments and financial allotments. school. The commentary above appeared on Churchill’s words, spoken in the House of Canada, which is located in Kingston, Corruption in universities is universally the Atlantic Council’s Ukraine Alert blog on Commons, August 20, 1940, still evoke Ontario. well-known in Ukraine. It degrades the August 13 (https://www.atlanticcouncil. quality of education and certification of org/blogs/ukrainealert/corruption-and- degrees. There are abuses related to admis- courts-matter-but-universities-are-key). It is LETTER TO THE EDITOR sions, bribery, plagiarism, cribbing, use of reprinted here with permission from both ghost writing and inadequate assessment the author and the Atlantic Council. phases of the event. Reading the article truly afforded me a wonderful insight into Article about Marchuk this unique cultural exhibit. It made me standing in the Arctic remains shaky. was beautifully written wish that I had been there witnessing this Ukraine sets... However, Russia’s immediate reaction high- historic visit. lighted visible signs of concern in Moscow Dear Editor: Thank you also to The Ukrainian Weekly (Continued from page 2) Editor-in-Chief Roma Hadzewycz for con- toward such a prospect. At the same time, Thank you to Oryna Hrushetsky, mem- sistently providing readers with a varied research station Academician Vernadsky), to give more credibility to these Ukrainian ber of the Ukrainian National Museum’s menu of interesting articles on a kaleido- where it is gaining valuable experience plans, the support (political and technical) executive board, for a beautifully written scope of Ukrainian community issues, geo- working in harsh climactic conditions. of Canada, Denmark, Norway and other article “Chicago revels in the genius of political analysis of experts, news from Incidentally, on March 26, the 24th Western Arctic states will be instrumental. Ivan Marchuk” (August 11). Ms. Ukraine and about Ukraine, and notewor- Ukrainian expedition (with the first female Hrushetsky’s recounting of the art exhibit The article above is reprinted from thy news from around the world. group member in 20 years) arrived in Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from and meeting with Ukrainian artist Ivan Antarctica (, July 5). its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, Marchuk very aptly and with anticipation Vera M. Andryczyk For now, Ukraine’s bid to expand its leads the reader through the various Jeffersonville, Pa. 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2019 No. 34 No. 34 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2019 9

INTERVIEW: Ukraine’s Ambassador to the U.S. Valeriy Chaly

by Yaroslav Dolgopol large number of Russian attacks – both Ukrinform against Ukraine and against the Ukrainian Embassy in the United States. These are the provocations of the so-called “Russian PART I media outlets” – Sputnik, RT, as well as per- WASHINGTON – The American foreign pol- sonal attacks on the ambassador. I was sur- icy direction has remained the most important prised that this is possible in America, but one to Ukraine in recent years amid Russian it really is the case. aggression and the conduct of the necessary Personal attacks? What do you mean? reforms. During this time, the United States allocated more than $3 billion in aid to Initially, these were attempts to picket Ukraine, provided lethal weapons, imposed the Embassy, but they were quickly stopped. sanctions on Russia and treated heavily Then there were cyberattacks, attempts to wounded Ukrainian soldiers. And this is far use fraudulent schemes, and later calls by from a complete list. Bilateral relations have so-called prankers on all my contacts with gained intensity that was not seen before. governors I met and mayors of cities with Washington has a positive vision of fur- lies and attempts to stop our successes. I am ther engagement with the new government not talking about attempts to illegally pro- in Ukraine. The preparations for a meeting Volodymyr Tarasov, Ukrinform mote plans to exchange Crimea for the end of the war, counter the imposition of sanc- between Presidents Volodymyr Zelenskyy Ambassador Valeriy Chaly and Donald Trump are under way. At the tions against Russian aggression, informa- same time, the appointment of a new Oleksandr Kosolapov, as well as a lot of mented before, for example, in agriculture, tion attacks. Eventually, after failed Ukrainian ambassador to the United States other guys. Now they are helping those space, but also great potential for the attempts, they decided to take revenge and is being prepared. Ukrinform discussed these wounded in Ukraine to find their place in future. First and foremost, the issue con- included Ukraine’s ambassador to the issues with Ukraine’s Ambassador to the society. This was and remains an important cerns the energy sector – the involvement United States in the Russian sanctions list. I United States Valeriy Chaly, who will shortly task for us. Oleksandr Popruzhenko is cur- of American companies to supply nuclear see this as a kind of distinction for our diplo- complete his tenure in the U.S. capital. rently recovering after eye surgery, and we fuel to Ukraine, the storage of spent nuclear matic success in the United States. The interview was released by Ukrinform are hoping for a miracle. fuel and strengthening the security of ener- The Holodomor was one of the issues on July 30. Is it a warrior with injured eyes who gy infrastructure. This is a promising multi- the prankers worked on, wasn’t it? billion-dollar project on the construction of You have been working as Ukraine’s participated in the Marine Corps Yes, it was. These actions intensified small nuclear reactors in Ukraine. ambassador to the United States for the Marathon? when we began to promote the idea of rec- In general, much work was done in the past four years, at a difficult time when ognizing the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Yes, it’s him. Unfortunately, Sashko can- area of trade, investment, joint projects, and war is ongoing in our country. What was Ukraine as genocide. Now I can already not see yet, but last fall he ran a full mara- increased volumes of Ukrainian exports. the most difficult thing? What achieve- reveal some of the nuances – how the plan thon distance. And when the accompanying Ukrainian exports to the United States have ments would you highlight? sportsman could not withstand his pace and we developed worked. increased by 2.6 times since 2016, amount- Here, where we are now talking [at The period of work that fell upon me to had to stop, an American “intercepted” our ing to over $1.1 billion at the end of 2018. Ukraine’s Embassy in Washington], I met represent Ukraine in America was really soldier and they ran to the finish. We found The potential is obviously much larger, with the leaders of the Ukrainian World special for our country. Support from our this American athlete, invited him to the despite a large geographical distance Congress (UWC) and the leaders of partners was needed to fulfill our main pri- Embassy, and expressed gratitude to him. It between our countries. The export struc- Ukrainian organizations from different coun- ority in countering Russian aggression and is a sign of a completely new unity, human ture has changed dramatically. IT sector tries. I found out why it couldn’t be done. I ensuring the territorial integrity and sover- contacts between Americans and Ukrainians. supplies have actually equalized with the was told how this had happened during pre- eignty of Ukraine. Amid the asymmetry of If we talk about gains, I felt that our traditional supply of steel, iron and chemi- vious attempts and what had stopped it. the military potentials of Ukraine and countries have become closer, obviously cal industry products. With experience in the think tank, I Russia, it would be hard to hold positions because we have common threats. People In addition to commodity turnover, an approached this issue comprehensively without such international support, first in Ukraine and America have also become equally important direction is an increase and built a project scheme for two years in and foremost, from the United States. closer. The merit of this belongs to our in investments. We did a lot to open the advance. Therefore, Washington’s political sup- Ukrainian Americans. possibility of American investment in the The idea was, first and foremost, to port, the signals coming from here, are This helped the Embassy work more defense industry of Ukraine. It was not easy explain the importance of this issue to our always expected in Ukraine. I felt it especial- actively regarding the expansion of political to establish credibility so that Americans partners from Jewish organizations in the ly when I was in the Joint Operations Area in support. For four years, I alone had more could begin to think about the joint produc- U.S., from other diasporas. You know that at August last year in Avdiyivka. There are high than 250 meetings with congressmen and tion of weapons. This is a very sensitive one time there was a wary attitude towards expectations among our officers, soldiers, senators. I’m not talking about meeting with topic, but it is a real next step in our strate- recognizing the Holodomor as genocide volunteers who are now in the defense of partners of our delegation members, visits of gic partnership. and bringing this tragedy to the level with Ukraine’s security and Europe as a whole. government officials and civil society repre- the Holocaust of the Jews. We are very One of our main efforts in this direction What weapons are in question? sentatives, and there were about several hun- grateful that Jewish organizations in the is to increase the country’s defense capabil- I will not reveal the specifications of dred of them. Therefore, for example, almost U.S. supported our idea following explana- ity. We can really talk about achievements weapons, but it should be understood that the entire U.S. Congress knows what is hap- tions of the extent of the tragedy and in the here. When I arrived in the U.S. in 2015, such a stage can become a reality only pening in Ukraine and supports Ukraine on context of the attack first by the dictator- getting lethal weapons looked like a very because we have already passed the path of a bipartisan basis. This is a unique case in ship of the Soviet Union and then by Russia difficult prospect. Over the past few years, America when a foreign country unites all military and technical cooperation, includ- against the people of Ukraine. we have been able to get the decision on political blocs. Both Republicans, ing the supply and procurement of various In addition, we understood that the providing Ukraine with weapons, training Democrats in the Senate and the House of types of weapons, including lethal weapons. main difficulty [in recognizing the our troops, providing other assistance. This Represent­atives, and the White House have In order to make this way, it was neces- Holodomor as genocide] would be in support was constantly growing, both from actually united on the issue of Ukraine. sary to take important steps, for example, Congress. Because there is a difficult proce- the Pentagon and the State Department. Particular attention should be paid to to open the possibility of direct arms pur- dure there. If the Senate had enough sup- Since 2015, we have seen an increase in aid the signing by U.S. Secretary of State [Mike chases by the Ministry of Defense abroad, port from several co-sponsors of this bill, by over $50 million annually. But this is not Pompeo] of the Crimea Declaration, which primarily in the U.S. Why do I say “primari- then the House of Representatives needed done automatically. This is constant, persis- calls a spade a spade and contains clear ly”? Over the past four years, 92 percent of at least 25 co-sponsors, and among them, tent and complex work. messages in support of Ukraine. It can also all the assistance received came to Ukraine there should have been 10 members of the In total, the United States has provided be called one of the most important from the United States. Committee on Foreign Affairs. I remember Ukraine with more than $3 billion over the achievements over this period. These This happened thanks to the trust in that when this issue came to the level of the past four years, including assistance to achievements were the result of consistent Ukraine, which was missing back in 2015, House of Representatives, very serious reform the field of security and defense, and effective work not only by the Embassy as well as the amendments to the Ukrainian opposition from Russia started. A Russian anti-corruption and judicial reform, and but, of course, by the Ukrainian authorities, legislation which now reform this field. We Foreign Ministry spokesperson then improving the efficiency of public adminis- our friends and the Ukrainian community expect a large project on the purchase of declared that it was unacceptable and tration. The emphasis has recently been in the United States. lethal defensive weapons to be implement- active pressure from all sides began. placed on energy sector reform. In addition, ed this year. Now I can reveal some of our technologi- cyberthreats are a new challenge. This year, Many bilateral meetings and events in Ukraine is now a strategic partner of the the field of business and investment cal developments. In order to divert our we expect the approval of a total amount of United States in the field of security and attention and reorient the opposition of U.S. assistance of over $700 million to meet have been held over the past few years. defense, and respective tools of such inter- What has changed in this area? opponents, we decided to work in all states these challenges and carry out reforms. action are already operating independently at the same time. These were joint efforts of Another priority is to help our wounded The development of economic opportu- of the political processes in Ukraine and the diplomats from the Embassy in people who were undergoing rehabilitation nities of Ukraine through cooperation with United States. Washington, Consulates General in Chicago, here in the United States. These are the true the United States is another priority, an I would like to single out an area that I San Francisco and New York, as well as heroes of Ukraine. Among them are Ihor area where we have real achievements. call the restoration of historical truth. I can Hordiichuk, Vadym Svyrydenko, and These are not only projects that we imple- say that in recent years there has been a (Continued on page 19) 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2019 No. 34 No. 34 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2019 11


The Ukrainian Combat Board of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen. Lonhyn Cehelsky (standing) is third from right. Lonhyn Cehelsky’s Austrian Parliament identification card. Dr. Lonhyn Cehelsky, a key leader in Ukraine’s independence movement

by Marusia Kvit-Flynn Ukrainian Combat Board. It was the only Ukrainian unit in the Austrian Army. In early September, with the arrival of The year 2019 marks the 100th anniversary of the historic Russian troops, the council moved to , where it was unification of the Western Ukrainian National Republic with renamed the General Ukrainian Council. the Ukrainian National Republic. The author and presenter The end of empires of the Act of Union was Dr. Lonhyn Cehelsky. Marusia Kvit- Flynn, a relative of Cehelsky (he was her grandmother’s On June 28, 1914, Archduke Ferdinand, heir to the brother), writes about this political leader and the historic Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife, Duchess Sophie, events in which he played a key role. were assassinated by a member of a Serbian nationalist organization in the city of Sarajevo. The Austro-Hungarian Lonhyn Cehelsky, a lawyer, journalist and political lead- government retaliated against Serbia with the backing of er, was one of the architects of Ukraine’s independence Germany. Serbia, on the other hand, was backed by Russia, leading to the historic moment of January 22, 1919, on St. Britain and France, referred to as the Allied Powers or Sophia Square in Kyiv, when the Ukrainian National Entente. By early August, had begun. As early Republic and the Western Ukrainian National Republic as spring of 1918, it became clear that -Hungary proclaimed their union. and Germany would not prevail in the conflict. He came from a very patriotic family descended from a In Russia, the revolutionaries overthrew the imperial long line of priests on both sides of his family. Lonhyn’s government in March of 1917. In November, they placed father was Father Mychajlo Cehelsky, and his mother was the Bolsheviks in power, and more than 300 years of rule Anizia Dzerowycz. His father was pastor in Kamianka- by the Romanov dynasty ended. Strumylova for 70 years. Lonhyn Cehelsky was born on August 29, 1875, in Self- determination in Ukraine Kamianka Strumylova (today Kamianka-Buzka). He was In the spring of 1918, as Austria-Hungary was losing the the oldest of six children. In 1894 he entered law school at war, and other nations of the former University, after which he completed his doctorate in empire fought for full autonomy as separate states. The international law. Seen in 1918 (from left) are: Ivan Bobersky, Mykhailo Supreme Ukrainian Council was formed in Lviv and it He was very active in the student movement, and in 1899 Voloshyn and Lonhyn Cehelsky. released manifestos regarding (Halychyna) and the organized a student gathering in Lviv. In 1901 he organized creation of a separate country. student speeches at the university, and in 1902 he helped On October 18, 1918, the Ukrainian National Rada was organize the agrarian strike in Halychyna. During 1899- activist in the Jewish Zionist movement. After Gibel’s death officially formed under the leadership of Levytsky. Cehelsky 1902 he joined a youth organization called Moloda Ukraina chosenin 1909, to Cehelsky be the assistant replaced delegate him in Parliamentto Dr. М. Gibel, and a wasknown re- was the author of the Rada’s manifesto and became its state (Young Ukraine) and became the editor of its newsletter. elected in 1911. secretary for internal affairs. was During a student congress in Lviv on July 14, 1900, he gave a While in the Austrian Parliament, Cehelsky became the elected president of the new Western Ukrainian National speech in which he presented the idea of independence and secretary of the Ukrainian parliamentary representation. In Republic (known by its Ukrainian-based acronym as unity of Ukrainians in Halychyna and Ukrainians in Russia- 1913 he organized an all Slavic conference to push for ZUNR). ruled central and eastern Ukraine. This was one of the first reforms and more freedoms for the Slavic countries within On November 1, 1918, at 3:30 a.m., Ukrainian officers of times a call for the independence of Ukraine was made. the Austro-Hungarian Empire. That same year he was elect- the Austrian army under the direction of Petro Bubela car- ed to the Galician Diet. In 1914, during the war, Cehelsky Political life and the Austrian Parliament ried out a takeover of Lviv. The city came under the control moved with his family to Vienna, where he worked on a par- of the Ukrainian soldiers serving in Austrian units in Lviv. Upon completion of his law degree at the University in liamentary committee that provided help to refugees. Dmytro Vitovsky, a company commander with the Lviv, Cehelsky received a position as a legal assistant at the He became a member of the Supreme Ukrainian Council, Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, was present during the takeover, Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He also was an editor of which was president. It was a coordinating but his men did not arrive until November 3, although at the newspapers Svoboda and Dilo in Lviv, and later at center for the protection of Ukrainian-Austro-Hungarian ZUNR had ordered them to come before the takeover. On Ukrayinske Slovo. interests. On August 4, 1914, the council decided to create a the morning of November 1, the leaders of the newly At the general meeting of the Austrian Parliament in Ukrainian military organization of volunteers called the 1908, Cehelsky joined a coalition with the Zionists; he was Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, which was supervised by the (Continued on page 14)

Lonhyn Cehelsky (facing the camera in the grey suit) holds the Act of Union that he At Kyiv’s St. Sophia Square on January 22, 1919, when the Act of Union was pro- would be reading. claimed with thousands in attendance. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2019 No. 34

peer’ principle, is based on international NEWSBRIEFS best practices. Most of the team will consist of veterans. Right now there are almost 40 (Continued from page 2) professionals, and we are continuing to Mass spoke about Ukraine as recently as last engage people.” The project is non-govern- TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL Walter Honcharyk (973) 292-9800 x3040 month at the Petersburg Dialogue, a two-day mental, however, the Ministry of Health and or e-mail [email protected] bilateral civil society forum that was held in Ministry of Veterans Affairs are coordinat- the German town of Konigswinter, near ing with Lifeline Ukraine. The project is SERVICES PROFESSIONALS Bonn, Deutsche Welle reported. (RFE/RL, supported by the British Embassy in based on reporting by DPA, Deutsche Welle Ukraine and the private sector. The idea for and TASS) establishing the hotline came from Ukraine’s Acting Minister of Health Ulana Volker: Russian propaganda hinders peace Suprun. Dr. Suprun stated, “When, following The U.S. special envoy for Ukraine nego- the Maidan and the return from the front of tiations, Kurt Volker, says Russian propa- the first veterans, the lack of proper psycho- ganda is making it a challenge to solve the logical support for them became particular- conflict in the east of the country. Speaking ly noticeable, the first step was, with the to RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service in support of the U.S. Embassy, to teach and Washington, Ambassador Volker said train our psychologists, psychiatrists, social Moscow’s denial of responsibility for its workers and priests in the U.S. In time we role in the battle between Russian-backed realized that we can’t do this unless people МАРІЯ ДРИЧ militants and Ukrainian forces in the east- come to them – if there is an anonymous Ліцензований Продавець way to speak to someone – this will be more Страхування Життя ern part of the country “makes it much effective. We thought that many people МАRІA DRICH harder for the international community to Licensed Life Insurance Agent insist that Russia actually fulfill its obliga- would hesitate to trust a hotline that is run Ukrainian National Assn., Inc. tions” under the Minsk peace agreements by the state, and it’s better to establish a non-governmental organization that will 2200 Route 10, Parsippany, NJ 07054 signed in 2014 and 2015 that were aimed take this on. Our task is to create a network Tel.: 973-292-9800 ext. 3035 at resolving the conflict. “To the extent that of professionals who can help.” (Ukrainian e-mail: [email protected] Russia tries to confuse the issue and deny what they’re doing, it complicates the effort Canadian Congress Daily Briefing) to actually solve the problems,” he said. Nine die, 10 injured in Odesa hotel fire OPPORTUNITIES Some 13,000 people have been killed and 1.5 million more have been internally dis- Authorities in the southern Ukrainian city placed in the smoldering conflict over the of Odesa say nine people were killed and 10 Earn extra income! past five years, according to estimates by others injured by a fire that broke out at a The Ukrainian Weekly is looking the United Nations. “It is not a case of some budget hotel during the early morning for advertising sales agents. indigenous separatist conflict. It is Russia hours of August 17. Police initially reported For additional information contact actually doing this. I think getting that nar- eight dead but raised the death toll after Walter Honcharyk, Advertising Manager, rative right and understood [to the] wider finding another body inside one of the The Ukrainian Weekly, 973-292-9800, ext 3040. public is essential if we’re actually ever rooms of the Tokyo Star Hotel. Police say going to get the problem addressed the more than 100 people were evacuated from way it should be,” Mr. Volker said. (RFE/ the building, adding that they have launched RL’s Ukrainian Service) criminal proceedings into the fire. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy wrote on HOUSE FOR SALE: Trump for Russia’s return to G-8 Facebook that he was taking the investiga- 5521 Route 23C, Jewett, NY U.S. President Donald Trump said he is tion under his personal control. Mr. near the Ukrainian Catholic Church at Hunter Mtn. in favor of letting Russia back into the Zelenskyy said that “those personally exclusive Group of Seven (G-7) advanced responsible for the fire will answer” for their 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, bi level with wrap around economies when the United States hosts actions – including the owner of the “so- porch. Hot tub and mountain views. The house is in the event next year. His remarks came called hotel.” He wrote on Facebook: “I will before a meeting with Romanian President personally monitor that the punishment is very good condition with essential furniture. $250,000. Klaus Iohannis on August 20 in Washington in line with the law and justice.” Odesa’s and four days before he arrives at this Oblast State Administration declared August Contact Romana Rainey, 518-589-1024. year’s G-7 summit in the southern French 18 as a day of mourning to commemorate resort town of Biarritz. “I could certainly” those who died. (RFE/RL, based on report- No agents, pls. support that, he told reporters at the White ing by Reuters, AP, AFP, DPA and TASS) House. “It’s much more appropriate to have Court OKs probe of Poroshenko, Klimkin Russia in. It should be the G-8, because a lot of the things we talk about have to do with A court in Kyiv has ordered Ukraine’s Russia.” Mr. Trump noted, “if somebody National Anti-Corruption Bureau to launch would make that motion, I would certainly a probe against former President Petro be disposed to think about it very favor- Poroshenko and former Foreign Affairs ably,” regarding the inclusion of Russia in Minister Pavlo Klimkin on charges of abuse the group. Russia was expelled from the old of power. Ukraine’s registry for court deci- G-8 format in 2014 after invading and then sions placed the August 15 ruling of Kyiv’s annexing Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula. U.S. Solomyanka District Court on its website intelligence agencies also say Moscow on August 21, saying that the ruling cannot interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential be appealed. It is not clear what charges election. Russian President Vladimir Putin Messrs. Poroshenko and Klimkin are facing. has also been accused of ordering the mur- According to the court ruling, the case was ders of opponents at home and abroad, initiated by an unidentified individual. In including in Britain and elsewhere in recent weeks, the former president was Europe, allegations that he denies. questioned twice as a witness by the State However, Mr. Trump said Russia was eject- Bureau for Investigations in a tax evasion ed from the exclusive club of nations case. Mr. Poroshenko lost his re-election bid because former President Barack Obama in April to Volodymyr Zelenskyy. A day KULINSKI MEMORIALS had been “outsmarted” by Mr. Putin. Mr. after Mr. Zelenskyy’s inauguration in May, 809 SOUTH MAIN STREET • MANVILLE, NJ 08835 Trump has in the past blamed his prede- Andriy Portnov, a former deputy head in cessor for “letting” Russia take over Crimea. the administration of ex-Ukrainian TEL. 908-722-3130 FAX 908-253-0027 (RFE/RL, with reporting by DPA and AFP) President , returned to TOLL FREE 800-458-5467 Ukraine from self-imposed exile abroad [email protected] A psychological support hotline for veterans and filed several lawsuits against Mr. • Serving Ukrainian families for over 60 years On August 23, the psychological support Poroshenko, accusing him of economic • Over 40 granite colors to choose from hotline for veterans Lifeline Ukraine was to crimes and illegal attempts to retain power, • Custom etchings be launched, the Ukraine Crisis Media among other things. A billionaire confec- Center reported. The hotline is based on tioner, Mr. Poroshenko and his party suc- • House appointments available the Australian model of Lifeline Australia, cessfully ran on a pro-European, anti-Rus- • Serving the tri-state area which was founded in 1963. Paul Niland, sian ticket in July parliamentary elections, • 5 minutes from South Bound Brook, NJ founder of Lifeline Ukraine, stated: “This winning 25 seats. (RFE/RL, with reporting structure, which will work on a ‘peer to by UNIAN and Ukrayinska Pravda) No. 34 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2019 13 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2019 No. 34

Dr. Lonhyn Cehelsky... The Act of Union It was now the will of the people to unite (Continued from page 11) all of Ukraine into one single nation. The Ukrainian National Rada of ZUNR instructed formed Western Ukrainian National its State Secretariat to prepare the neces- Republic (ZUNR), proclaimed, “We fell sary measures for the unification of all asleep in Austria, and woke up in our Ukrainian lands into a single state. On Ukrainian nation.” Cehelsky took an active December 1, 1918, in the town of Fastiv, one part in those historic events of November 1. hour south of Kyiv, representatives of the Meanwhile, in Kyiv in early March of Ukrainian National Republic and the 1917, a political and cultural body called the Western Ukrainian National Republic met at Central Rada was formed with Mykhailo the train station inside a train car where the Hrushevsky at the helm. These young UNR Directory handled their affairs, and socialist revolutionaries created a General signed a pre-accession agreement joining Secretariat, an autonomous government of the two Ukrainian states into one state. The Ukraine, headed by Volodymyr signatories from UNR were Vynnychenko, Vynnychenko. By July, Russia’s Provisional Opanas Andrievsky, Andrii Makarenko, Government in St. Petersburg had recog- and Fedir Shvets. Dmytro nized the Central Rada as the regional gov- Levytsky and Cehelsky signed for the ZUNR. ernment of Ukraine. After the Bolshevik It was decided that the proclamation of coup in St. Petersburg, the Central Rada pro- Lonhyn Cehelsky reunited with family in 1949. the Act of Union would take place on claimed the Ukrainian National Republic in January 22, 1919, at noon, on St. Sofia that this was a historic blunder. He believed resigned as ambassador. Soon afterwards, federal union with Russia. The Bolsheviks, that to have western Ukraine, even without at the Council of Ambassadors of the Allied however, had planned a coup in Kyiv as well, Square in Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital. Together with Lev Bachynsky, Cehelsky was sent Lviv, and be recognized by the Allies would Powers in Paris, on March 15, 1923, the but it failed. The Central Rada then had no have ensured its sovereignty. eastern borders of Poland were decided. choice but to declare complete indepen- from Halychyna to Kyiv to participate in the historic unification ceremony and to pre- On May 16, the Poles took over Lutsk, The council recognized the sovereignty of dence from Russia, and on January 25, capital of the Volyn region. Petrushevych Poland over and western 1918, it issued its Fourth Universal, which pare the legislative process for the new government. The author and presenter of and his government made their way to Volyn; Bukovyna went to Romania; and proclaimed the Ukrainian National Republic Vienna, where they established a govern- Uzhhorod to Czechoslovakia. For Cehelsky, as an independent and sovereign state. the Act of Union was Cehelsky. He was subsequently appointed as ment-in-exile until the Allies gave Galicia to a return to his native Ukraine was out of Unfortunately, the Rada had no troops Poland in March 1923. the question. He was blacklisted by the with which to defend that independence director of the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs for the Western Province of the UNR (as the In Kyiv, on the other hand, Vynnychenko new Polish government in Galicia. and on February 9, 1918, in the town of did not last long as the president of the territory that was part of the ZUNR came to Brest-Litovsk, the Central Rada signed a Directory. By early May 1919, his pro-Bol- Unfaltering fortitude peace treaty with the Central Powers, i.e., be called) and simultaneously as deputy shevik sympathies led to the election of In Washington, Cehelsky suddenly found Germany, Austria-Hungary and their allies, foreign affairs minister of the UNR. Petliura, the Directory’s commander-in- himself alone, with no work or income. In for their protection. By March 2, they drove Untimely defeat chief of the army, who led the Directory Ukraine, he had left behind his wife and two the Bolsheviks out of Kyiv. In exchange, with dictatorial powers. In June, however, Ukraine offered the Central Powers what Tragically, as we know, the new young sons. He soon found a position as a the Poles entered into peace talks with the teacher of Ukrainian studies at a Protestant they needed most – agricultural products, Ukrainian government did not last long. In Soviets and abandoned Petliura. Petliura especially Ukrainian grain. western Ukraine, as predicted, the Poles seminary in Bloomfield, N.J. Next, he found and the Directory sought refuge in Poland his way to New York, where he edited the By late April 1918, however, the Germans immediately reacted to ZUNR’s declaration and from there in Paris, where they led dissolved the Rada, distrusting its socialist of independence with warfare. Ukrainian paper Ukrayinskyi Visnyk. their government-in-exile. The war for Afterwards, he moved to Philadelphia, government just days after the Rada agreed To resolve the Ukrainian-Polish conflict, independence was over. to supply 1 million tons of grain. The coup the Allies sent French Gen. Joseph where he became the editor of the they engineered brought Gen. Pavlo Barthelemy at the end of January 1919. His Governing in exile Ukrainian paper Shliakh (The Way) and in Skoropadsky to power as a hetman and dic- first proposal to ZUNR was to give Lviv and In 1920, Petrushevych appointed 1943 became the editor of the Ukrainian tator, limited only by the German and the naphta-rich regions of Galicia Cehelsky as the first ambassador to the Catholic newspaper America, remaining in Austrian command. The socialist leaders, (Halychyna) to the Poles. Petrushevych United States. Cehelsky left on March 15, that role until his death in 1950. however, refused to cooperate with the het- refused, since naphta was their lifeblood, 1920, and arrived in Washington on April In 1940, Cehelsky became one of the man and rose against him. The war ended on its most important resource. Barthelemy’s 10, 1920. His task was to gain support from founders of Ukrainian Congress Committee November 11, 1918. The Central Powers and second proposal was to leave the naphta to the U.S. government for the recognition of of America, and in 1944 one of the found- the Allies signed an armistice. On November the Ukrainians, but to give Lviv to Poland. the Western Ukrainian National Republic. It ers of the United Ukrainian American Relief 14, 1918, the Directory of the Ukrainian Again, the majority of ZUNR voted against. soon became evident, however, that Committee. National Republic, chaired by Vynnychenko, It was at this point that Cehelsky resigned Petrushevych’s political views differed * * * took over authority once again. as minister on February 13, 1919. He felt from Cehelsky’s. Cehelsky, therefore, Dr. Lonhyn Cehelsky was tireless. He dedicated all his time and effort to promote the Ukrainian cause. He is the only repre- sentative of the Western Ukrainian Philadelphia community remembers Act of Union of 1919 National Republic who left behind mem- oirs about the events that transpired lead- ing to the November 1 Act (1918) and the Act of Union (1919). His memoirs were published in a book called “From Legends to the Truth” in 1960. A second edition was published in Lviv in 2003. In 1949, Cehelsky was reunited with his son Yurij, with his wife, Veronica, and two granddaughters, Anizia and Olha, after they had emigrated to the U.S. from the dis- placed persons camp in Landeck, Austria, after World War II. Unfortunately, Cehelsky’s wife, Olha, died at the camp. The reunion was short-lived, however. On December 13, 1950, Cehelsky suddenly died in his office in Philadelphia. Immediately after Cehelsky’s death, his apartment, which he rented from the con- vent, was ransacked. A group of men who claimed to be from the staff of America, confiscated all of his documents, books and archives. They also took his notebook, which included his most recent memoirs. It PHILADELPHIA – Dr. Lonhyn Cehelsky was honored earlier this year when Ukraine’s Ambassador Valery Chaly and his wife, Ludmila Mazuka, took part in a commemorative event marking the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Act of Union in Kyiv, turned out that these men were not who at St. Sophia Square, on January 22, 1919. The commemoration on January 20 was organized by the Ukrainian Congress they claimed to be. The valuable docu- Committee of America and the Society of Veterans of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. The official ceremony started at St. Mary’s ments from Cehelsky’s assignment as Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery, where Ambassador Chaly laid flowers at the tomb or the unknown soldier of the Ukrainian ambassador from ZUNR in the 1920s were National Republic. He then laid flowers at the grave of Dr. Cehelsky, Ukraine’s first ambassador to the U.S., and the author and never recovered. presenter of the Act of Union. Bishop Andrij Rabij and clergy from Ukrainian churches held a panakhyda requiem service. After Cehelsky was buried at St. Mary’s the service, Ambassador Chaly spoke, as did Eugene Luciw, head of the Philadelphia chapter of the UCCA. Maria Kvit-Flynn, Ukrainian Catholic cemetery in Philadelphia. representing the family of Dr. Lonhyn Cehelsky, concluded the ceremony at the cemetery. Afterwards, the community proceed- On January 20 of this year Ukraine’s Ambassador to the U.S. Valeriy Chaly came ed to the Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Center in Jenkintown, Pa., for a commemorative concert and reception. th – Marusia Kvit-Flynn to honor him on the 100 anniversary of the Act of Union. (See side bar on the left.) No. 34 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2019 15

79 Ukrainians laced up skates in 2018-2019 Twenty-one Ukrainians saw action in the National No. 1, MATTHEW TKACHUK, Calgary – Goal-scoring, Hockey League during the 2018-2019 season. Six of them defensive efficiency, setting up linemates and maturity all also dressed in games for their American Hockey League up, penalty minutes down. He personifies today’s NHL affiliates, in addition to another 27 Ukrainian AHL skaters. power forward – is a sniper, stands tall in the gritty areas, A total of 30 Ukes were found on ECHL rosters, while the defends teammates and thinks the game on a high level. A Southern Pro Hockey League had 12 players of Ukrainian future Flames captain without doubt. In 80 games notched descent. When taking into account players who played in 34 goals, added 43 assists for 77 points with a +14 and 62 more than one professional league, the grand total of penalty minutes. Ukrainian pro hockey players in 2018-2019 was 79. No. 2, ADAM PELECH, N.Y. Islanders – Chipped in with a Breaking down the 79 by position, two were goalten- few points (5-16-21), but major contribution was as shut ders, 26 were defensemen and 51 played forward. down defender versus opponent’s top line. Had top plus/ Here is a recap of the 2018-2019 hockey season, minus among Ukie defensemen with a +22. One of league’s Ukrainian style. Fifteen NHL stars are rated by their perfor- most underrated players in the past season. mances from 1-15, with ratings based on games played, No. 3, BRADY TKACHUK, Ottawa – On a most dysfunc- point production, defensive plus/minus, team contribution, tional team beset with controversies and roster purge, this leadership qualities and team performance. Included are rookie was one of few bright spots for Ukrainian owner some notable Ukrainian performers in the AHL and ECHL, Eugene Melnyk. In 71 GP, Brady tallied 22G with 23A and where one finds aspiring young prospects and career 75PIM. Some experts say he may have more talent than Colton Parayko minor leaguers. older brother Matthew. No. 4, COLTON PARAYKO, St. Louis – Offset disappoint- ing first half with strong finish as did Blues squad, going from worst team in NHL to playing for the Stanley Cup. Only 10-18-28 points, but +20 saw him earn top-four blue- line spot. Has developed a reputation for booming shots on net and booming hits on opposing forwards. No. 5, TRAVIS ZAJAC, New Jersey – Enjoyed notable comeback campaign, finally returning to full health and putting up decent numbers (19-27-46) with limited sup- port crew. Dressed in 80 games, but epitomized porous Devils defense with a -25 +/-. No. 6, TYLER BOZAK, St. Louis – Free agent signee anchored third forward line and provided great leadership for new coach Craig Berube’s mid-year turnaround. Quality faceoff guy and adequate checker who was not expected to do it all like he was in his recent Toronto days. Stat line: 72GP, 13G, 25A, 38 points. No. 7, NOLAN PATRICK, Philadelphia – Sophomore campaign had him finally back to 100 percent health. Devan Dubnyk Experienced inconsistent season along with his Flyers club. Scored 31 points with 13 goals and a net -8. More will be Jamie Oleksiak expected of him in his third year. All-Star/Vezina Trophy considerations. A few more key No. 8, GREG PATERYN, Minnesota – The Hockey News saves equals a few more wins, equals a playoff spot for the named him as Wild’s unsung hero for 2018-2019. Free Wild. Last line of defense takes the hit here. agent signee did his part to stabilize an often-injured No. 15, KYLE BRODZIAK, Edmonton – Experienced vet- defense corps. Stay-at-home defender (7 points) seems to eran was to provide leadership and a defensive presence have found himself an NHL home with three-year contract. on third or fourth forward line. Oilers took major steps No. 9, TAYLOR FEDUN, Dallas – Journeyman minor backward in 2018-2019, on and off the ice. In 70GP, leaguer finally got his chance in the “bigs” when the Stars’ Brodziak tallied 6-3-9 with a -14. New G.M. and coach injuries on defense forced them to trade with Buffalo, mean new approach. where Fedun couldn’t even get on the ice in Rochester The top Ukrainian scorer in the AHL was Adam (AHL). In 54 games he managed 11 points (4G) and was Helewka (65-21-29-50-22), who started the year with +2. Dressed in most of playoff games. Tucson (Ari.) and ended with Milwaukee (Nash.). The No. 10, BRETT KULAK, Montreal – Another case of Predators see prospect potential, inking him to a two-way career AHLer getting opportunity with new club only to deal for 2019-2020. Speaking of prospects, Dmytro show he belongs. Modern analytics prove his worth: no Timashov (72-14-35-49-52) has dropped on Toronto’s list, other Canadiens defender was on the ice for more shot but could be an emergency forward fill-in down the road. attempts per 60 minutes of even-strength ice time than Tampa Bay’s next homegrown scorer may be Taylor Kulak. And, no other Canadiens defender was on the ice for Raddysh (70-18-28-46-34), a second-round draft pick a fewer shot attempts against per 60 minutes of even- few years ago who is progressing nicely in Syracuse. Jayce Kyle Brodziak strength ice time than Brett Kulak. In 57GP he notched Hawryluk tore it up in Springfield (Mass.) at a point-per- 6-11-17 with a +12. game clip (31-8-24-32-64) before earning a permanent call- No. 11, JAMIE OLEKSIAK, Dallas – Started season with up to Florida. He more than held his own with the Panthers, Penguins only to return to his original organization tallying 7-5-12 in 42 NHL contests. because of injuries on defense. Twelve points and a +5 It is still too soon to write off high draft picks Zach equal production expected from a No. 6 or No. 7 defender. Senyshyn (66-14-10-24-20) and Curtis Lazar (57-20-21- He stands out from most due to his mammoth size and 41-47). The former is a year away from possibly making toughness. the Bruins, while the latter has new hope with Calgary No. 12, MARK PYSYK, Florida – Not going to score after being seriously mishandled in Ottawa when he was much (1-10-11 points), but will give you solid play in front rushed into full-time duty as a 19-year-old. of his net. His -1 rating actually quite respectable for an Right wing Adam Pleskach enjoyed a career year with underperforming Panthers team. Let’s see what 2019- Tulsa, garnering first team All-Star status with his 72-38- 2020 brings. 37-75-74 stat line, good for second top scorer in the ECHL. No. 13, JAKOB CHYCHRUN, Arizona – Youngster still The 30-year-old captain finished his sixth season with the learning the trade while seemingly always banged up on a Oilers. team showing signs of playoff potential. Big guy should be Twenty-three-year-old Dylan Sadowy scored at a point- more aggressive (28PIM) and look to engage more from per-game pace with Toledo (43-23-23-46-48) that got him blueline. Club gave him long-term commitment so he a call-up to Grand Rapids of the AHL. San Jose’s third-round should grow with Coyotes. selction in 2014, Sadowy never signed with the Sharks and No. 14, DEVAN DUBNYK, Minnesota – Goalie’s statistics was dealt to Detroit for a No. 3 pick. tell the tale: 67GP, 31 wins, 28 losses, 2.54 goals against, Matthew Tkachuk .913 save percent. And only two shutouts are far cry from Ihor Stelmach may be reached at [email protected]. 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2019 No. 34

liamentary ad hoc committee afterwards in almost all countries where Jews live, and British investigators... said that up to 1,000 Ukrainian soldiers Leaders... even where they do not live. But in may have been killed in the battle. It Ukraine, it is much less than in Russia or in (Continued from page 1) (Continued from page 1) blamed the military leadership, mainly ex- Europe.” frame on YouTube as well as other open- Defense Minister Valeriy Heletey and Chief randa of understanding in those spheres Mr. Netanyahu, who as prime minister source material, including findings by of the General Staff Viktor Muzhenko, for were signed by the two parties. of Israel had visited Ukraine in 1999, was British online investigators Bellingcat. organizing a poor defense and making mis- Agreement was apparently reached on taken by Mr. Zelenskyy to pay his respects Forensic Architecture refined the classifi- calculated decisions. resolving the issue of Israel’s refusal to at Babyn Yar, the killing field outside of er to focus on tanks, in particular the 2012 Both officers defended their actions and issue visas to many visiting Ukrainians. Kyiv where in September 1941 tens of model of Russia’s modified T-72B3 tank. laid the blame on what they called insubor- “We are talking about numerous refusals thousands of Jews and others were execut- At the time of the battle of Ilovaisk, this dinate volunteer battalion units during the for Ukrainian citizens to enter Israel. We ed by the Nazis as part of the Holocaust. tank was used exclusively by the Russian fighting. have agreed to finally solve this problem. “For humanity, Babyn Yar is a warning Army and was never exported to Ukraine. The battlefield loss forced then-Presi- Citizens of both states should take advan- sign,” he said. “For Jews, it is an eternal The digital investigator identified col- dent to the negotiating tage of a visa-free regime, and thousands imperative – we will always defend our- umns of Russian military vehicles entering table in Minsk, Belarus, to hastily reach a of Ukrainian citizens should not be selves, by ourselves, against any enemy.” Ukraine’s Donetsk region in late August ceasefire agreement with Russian President detained at the border,” President Mr. Zelenskyy spoke at Babyn Yar of 2014, including several sightings of the Vladimir Putin in talks that were mediated Zelenskyy said at a joint briefing with “this terrifying and tragic page of the com- T-72B3 tank ahead of the battle. by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Prime Minister Netanyahu. mon past of the Ukrainian and Jewish Their entry, including a simultaneous then-President Francois Hollande of France. According to Ukraine’s State Border nations.” He noted that German occupation thrust into the Luhansk region in the north- Approximately 4,000 applications have Guard Service, since the beginning of 2019, troops carried out mass executions and east, was preceded that summer by cross- been filed with the ECHR related to the 2,700 Ukrainians were denied entry to that, having killed all the Jews they could border shelling from Russia that decimated Donbas conflict and the annexation of Israel, while 716 Israelis were denied find, the Nazis began to kill the others – Ukrainian border-guard outposts and mili- Crimea, many of which have been lodged access to Ukraine. war prisoners, Roma and Ukrainians who against both Russia and Ukraine. tary units stationed near the border, Another sensitive issue was that of were fighting for their country. “According The volunteer fighters in Ilovaisk are according to findings by Bellingcat and the Ukrainian pensions for some 8,000 to various sources, during the Nazi occupa- Ukrainian military. also suing Ukraine at the court for alleged Ukrainian seniors in Israel who immigrat- tion from 70,000 to 200,000 people were Russia denies shelling Ukraine from its “negligent planning of a military operation,” ed after the country gained independence killed in Babyn Yar,” the president said. side of the border. The Guardian reported. from the Soviet Union in 1991. Mr. Not all observers pointed out, as Herb Ukraine currently doesn’t control more The ECHR will first preside over inter- Netanyahu mentioned that Mr. Zelensky Keinon reported in The Jerusalem Post on than 400 kilometers of its eastern border state cases lodged by Ukraine against said he would propose in the Verkhovna August 20, that that “Netanyahu’s state with Russia. Russia before ruling on individual cases Rada the ratification of a pension agree- visit began” that day “with a visit to the Ukraine’s military said that 366 soldiers related to the war. ment. monument to the Holodomor – the famine were killed in the fighting around Ilovaisk, Significantly, Mr. Zelenskyy said Ukraine not counting fighters from volunteer battal- With reporting by The Guardian. in the Soviet Ukraine in 1932-1933 during wanted to take into account Israel’s experi- which millions starved to death. Zelensky, ions, and that an additional 158 combat- Copyright 2019, RFE/RL Inc. Reprinted ence in the areas of security and defense. ants went missing. with the permission of Radio Free Europe/ during his statement, asked Netanyahu to “As a state, we have a lot to learn from recognize the Holodomor as a genocide.” Many of the losses came after the Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW, Israel,” he stressed. But the Ukrainian pres- Washington DC 20036; (see The Times of Israel reported that Mr. Ukrainian units were surrounded and then ident, being aware of Israel’s balancing act Netanyahu “placed a small wheat basket at attacked when they tried to retreat during between Russia and the United States, was research-group-says-more-evidence-found- a monument in Kyiv for the victims of the a confusing ceasefire that had been bro- cautious and tactful. He thanked Israeli for of-russian-role-in-donbas-conflict/30116 Holodomor on Monday [August 20] in a kered with Russian officers. its continued support of Ukraine’s territo- Preliminary findings by a Ukrainian par- 665.html). short ceremony that all foreign dignitaries rial integrity and as regards the war in the visiting Ukraine are asked to partake in.” Donbas and the annexation of Crimea. But Prime Minister Netanyahu met not only he did not press further. ment would be signed by both leaders dur- with President Zelenskyy, but also with the Thus, Mr. Zelenskyy did not raise the outgoing Ukrainian prime minister, Zelenskyy... ing the visit. BBC Ukrainian reported that issue of Mr. Netanyahu’s possible role as a members of the president’s delegation Volodymyr Groysman, whom Mr. (Continued from page 3) mediator between Moscow and Kyiv, as Zelenskyy has opted not to retain. The two declined to sign a document that was pre- had been suggested in some news media pared at the Phanar in coordination with prime ministers seemed pleased and person of your dear Excellency, to the before the visit. According to The Times of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. upbeat in the official photos of their meet- whole pious Ukrainian people,” the patri- Israel, the Israeli prime minister, who is Typically, such an agreement would have ing. arch added. close to both the American and Russian an ecological theme, and it remained According to the Ukrainian Cabinet of President Zelenskyy expressed his plea- presidents, said he was not averse to help- unclear why the prepared agreement was Ministers, during the first half of 2019, sure in the visit to the Ecumenical ing out, but that, “Currently, however, con- not signed. trade turnover between Ukraine and Israel Patriarchate and for the honor of meeting ditions are not ripe for concrete discus- with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. Following the meeting, Mr. Zelenskyy exceeded $445 million. The key export sions about Israeli involvement as Russia Also in attendance were Metropolitan did not meet with journalists who gathered items are cereals, oils, metals and wood, and Ukraine are currently not engaged in Emmanuel of France, Metropolitan at the Patriarchate. and the opening of a full free trade zone serious peace talks.” Amphilichios of Adrianopolis, “We spoke about all the disturbing will facilitate, among other things, agricul- Nor did Mr. Zelenskyy fall for the highly Archimandrite Joakim of the Holy and things. I am very glad that we enjoy such tural exports from Ukraine to Israel. politically charged topic of moving Sacred Synod, Deacon Gregorios and strong support here not only at the political Israel has invested more than $50 mil- Ukraine’s Embassy to Jerusalem. Instead, Archimandrite Michael, exarch of the level,” Mr. Zelenskyy said before leaving the Mr. Netanyahu himself announced that the lion in the Ukrainian economy, and the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Kyiv. Patriarcahte, as reported by Ukrinform. Ukrainian side had agreed to open a hi- bilateral free trade agreement should The large presidential delegation includ- An official brief press release from the tech and investment office in Jerusalem, “open up new opportunities for effective ed Ukraine’s Ambassador to Turkey Andrii Office of the President of Ukraine stated realization of the existing potential in trade Sybiga, Consul General in Ankara that Patriarch Bartholomew supports and that Israel would open a similar bureau in Kyiv. and investment cooperation, especially in Oleksandr Gaman, Vadym Prystaiko, depu- Ukraine’s sovereignty and Mr. Zelenskyy the sphere of IT and new technologies,” the ty head of the Presidential Office, and thanked him for his support. “Government The fact that an Israeli prime minister was visiting a country where, for the Ukrainian government’s website noted. Andrii Yermak, advisor to the president. should not interfere in Church matters, and Mr. Keinon of The Jerusalem Post also Patriarch Bartholomew introduced the I defend the independence of the Church,” moment, both the president and the prime minister are of Jewish origin was not reported that the prime minister’s official holy hierarchs present, and Mr. Zelenskyy stated the press release. trip “got off to a clumsy start when his Patriarch Bartholomew in a statement ignored by Ukrainian, Israeli and interna- introduced members of his staff. The meet- wife, Sara, who was unfamiliar with the said: “Constantinople will not interfere in tional commentators. One Ukrainian ing continued with a luncheon held in the ‘korovai’ ceremony, was caught on camera the internal matters of the Orthodox observer, Anastasia Herasymchuk, even Patriarchal Refectory, followed by a tour of dropping a piece of bread that her hus- the Patriarchal Cathedral of St. George led Church in Ukraine, as it is absolutely inde- suggested that Mr. Netanyahu wanted to band handed to her after he was ceremoni- by Archimandrite Michael, who explained pendent and autocephalous. From here – in visit Ukraine while this was still the situa- ously given the morsel by women in tradi- its history and the sacred relics kept there. Constantinople, the Phanar – the OCU is the tion in order to secure votes from the siz- tional dress who greeted them when they As noted by BBC Ukrainian, the meeting sole highest authority and we offer our able number of Ukrainian Jewish emi- landed at Boryspil International Airport” was initiated by President Zelenskyy and continued prayers for the success of its grants to Israel in Israel’s parliamentary was seen as an affirmation of the good rela- mission.” elections on September 17. on the evening of August 18. tions between Ukraine and the Ecumenical “Your visit comes after the creation of Commenting on the broader context, The Post’s story went on to say: “Some Patriarchate. the new Orthodox Church in Ukraine, and the chief rabbi of Ukraine and Kyiv, Moshe in the Israeli media highlighted the inci- Patriarch Bartholomew reaffirmed his we ask that it always has your highest pro- Reuven Azman, said on August 16: “The dent and reported that the prime minis- support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity tection, as well as strengthen you in this Ukrainian people have become a mature ter’s wife had thrown the bread to the and sovereignty. matter as it has already strengthened for people, they are tolerant, they are difficult ground. This was then picked up by some Mr. Zelenskyy thanked the patriarch for the Ukrainian people.” to outwit. It’s not easy even to fool them in the Ukrainian media as a sign of disre- his support, saying, “Our common value is Mr. Zelenskyy, as reported by the with propaganda.” spect. Netanyahu dismissed this as ‘com- human life. This is the main thing for me, Patriarchal press service, commented that Alluding to the recent presidential elec- plete nonsense’ and told reporters that he especially now, when I became the presi- his visit with Patriarch Bartholomew was tion in Ukraine, the chief rabbi added: “We raised the issue with the head of the dent of Ukraine. The authorities shouldn’t an honor and a joyous meeting. can see it even just from recent events, Ukrainian President’s Office, whom he interfere in church affairs. I will defend the there is no need to prove… Today, when I quoted as saying, ‘it was clear that there independence of the Church.” Sources: BBC Ukrainian, www.archons. am asked about the level of anti-Semitism was no intention of Mrs. Netanyahu to However, it was expected that an agree- org, and Ukrinform. in Ukraine, I say that anti-Semitism exists show disrespect to Ukraine.’ ” No. 34 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2019 17

The Ukrainian American Business and Professionals Association

sends greetings to the Ukrainian people on the occasion of the 28th Anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine.

Peace, health, prosperity!» 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2019 No. 34

cils; amnesty was declared for all political Наукове Товариство ім. Шевченка Turning... prisoners; CPU activities were suspended, assets frozen pending an investigation into (Continued from page 6) в Америці possible collaboration with the coup plot- More than 10,000 people gathered out- ters and a committee was set up to investi- вітає українську громаду з side the Parliament building in Kyiv chant- gate such activity; and a committee was ed “independence” and “Ukraine without founded for the creation of the Ministry of Днем Незалежности Moscow,” while the negotiations dragged Defense of Ukraine. on for nearly 12 hours. The crowd booed On August 26, the City Executive Відстоювання незалежности, демократичних цінностей Leningrad Mayor Anatoly Sobchak when he Committee of Kyiv voted to remove all the і територіяльної цілісности України - залишається нашою said, “whoever said being independent and monuments of Communist heroes from all спільною метою. Ми переживаємо перехід і відновлення, being together were contradictory?” public places, including the Lenin monument усвідомлюючи, що окрім героїчних зусиль українських During those early days of indepen- on October Revolution Square, which was військових, сьогодні також вкрай потрібні культурні та dence, the presidium of Ukraine’s renamed Independence Square, as was the інтелектуальні зусилля, які піднесуть на належний рівень Parliament passed a number of resolutions metro station located underneath the square. і забезпечать життєздатність української науки і культури. and decrees. Communist Party of Ukraine Source: “Ukraine, Russia sign interim (CPU) property was nationalized and hand- bilateral pact,” by Chrystyna Lapychak, The Shevchenko Scienti c Society, Inc. ed over to the Parliament and local coun- Ukrainian Weekly, September 1, 1991. 63 4th Ave., New York, NY 10003-5200 Tel.: 212-254-5130 Fax: 212-254-5239 Email: [email protected] Visit our archive online: No. 34 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2019 19

August 26 Ukrainian Independence Day flag-raising ceremony, September 7 Ukrainian Festival, St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Binghamton, NY Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Binghamton Kenmore, NY Church, 716-873-5011 or [email protected] City Hall, 607-798-9148 or [email protected] September 7 Northwest Ukrainian International Festival, Consulate August 28 through Art exhibit, “Remainder Remains,” by Elizabeth Bellevue, WA of Ukraine, Crossroads Park, 425-209-2909 or September 29 Alexander and Tatiana Flis, Fountain Street Gallery, [email protected] Boston 617-292-4900 September 7 Golf tournament, Ottawa Ukrainian Golf Association, August 30 through 74th annual Conference of Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Ottawa St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Shrine, The September 1 Convention, First Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Church, Meadows Golf and Country Club, 613-599-4791 Philadelphia September 7-8 Baltimore Ukrainian Festival, Baltimore Ukrainian Festival August 30 through Labor Day Weekend Zdvyh, Ukrainian American Baltimore Committee, St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church, September 2 Youth Association camp, or 410-967-0501 Ellenville, NY or 845-647-7230 September 7-8 Ukrainian Village Fest, Ss. Volodymyr and Olha August 30 through Labor Day Family Fest, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Chicago Ukrainian Catholic Church, 630-777-6564 September 2 the U.S.A., All Saints Camp, 412-390-8261 or Emlenton, PA [email protected] September 8 Harvest of the Past Food Festival, Ukrainian Cultural August 31 Labor Day Swim Competition, Ukrainian Sports Tofield, AB Heritage Village, Kerhonkson, NY Federation of the U.S.A. and Canada, Soyuzivka Heritage Center, or [email protected] September 8 52nd Connecticut State Ukrainian Day Festival, Stamford, CT St. Basil Seminary grounds, 203-269-5909 or August 31 Tennis tournament, Ukrainian Sports Federation of the Kerhonkson, NY U.S.A. and Canada, Soyuzivka Heritage Center, or September 13-15 Bloor West Village Toronto Ukrainian Festival, Bloor Toronto West, September 1 Labor Day Picnic, Ukrainian Homestead, Lehighton, PA or 610-377-4621 September 13 Art exhibit, “Petro Smetana. Aftereffect: Paintings through October 6 and Still Lifes,” Ukrainian Institute of America, September 5 Dave Mysak Kovbasa Klassic Golf Tournament, Ukrainian New York 212-288-8660 or Saskatoon, SK Canadian Professionals and Businesspersons Association (Saskatoon), Moon Lake Golf and Country Club, September 14 Twin Cities Ukrainian Heritage Festival, Ukrainian [email protected] Minneapolis American Community Center,

September 6 Pyrohy Supper, Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church Prince Albert, SK Auditorium, 306-764-2423 Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions September 6-8 Montreal Ukrainian Festival, Ukrainian Youth Center, from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors Montreal Parc Beaubien, and as space allows. Please send e-mail to [email protected].

straint on what Washington wanted to do After my meetings with state governors U.S. non-recognition... with Moscow. Ukraine’s... who adopted the respective proclamations, That track record in fact raises two bots immediately started to enter their (Continued from page 6) (Continued from page 9) important questions that many may not accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and the governs the relations between nations, the want to ask: On the one hand, other than American Ukrainians and Ukrainian orga- flow of criticism began. There were also rule of reason, of justice and of law – in maps and investments, what can the U.S. nizations in the U.S. and our friends from calls from prankers who introduced them- other words, the basis of modern civiliza- actually do to give content to a non-recogni- other diasporas. We sought the adoption of selves as Ukraine’s ambassador to the U.S. tion itself – cannot be preserved.” tion policy given that Crimea, unlike proclamations in every state for recogniz- and said that we met with you and asked to That declaration was given content by a Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, is not a state ing the Holodomor as genocide. In all, 23 cancel their decision. As a result, I believe policy that the United States followed until on its own? Developments over the last states have done so today. At the same time, that through joint actions, together with 1991 when Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania year have not provided an answer. importantly, each state thus signaled to its the Ukrainian authorities, with Ukrainian escaped from Soviet occupation and recov- And on the other, could a U.S. non-recog- congressmen and senators about support organizations in the U.S., we were able to ered their de facto independence. It was a nition policy, however important as a for our initiative. achieve our goals. policy that included the maintenance of ties restatement of American principles, be at with the diplomatic representatives of the some point used as a justification for soft- pre-1940 Baltic governments, a ban on the ening or even eliminating the sanctions The Executive Committee production of any map by the U.S. govern- regime against Moscow over Crimea that of the Ukrainian National Association ment showing the Baltic states as legiti- the U.S. and other Western governments mately part of the USSR, and restrictions on have pledged to maintain until Moscow announces that its travel to them by senior U.S. officials. withdraws? NEW JERSEY DISTRICT At the same time, it is important to That is unlikely, but even the risk is an remember what such policies did not important sign that as welcome as this FALL ORGANIZING MEETING mean. Neither the Stimson Doctrine nor move is for all those who care about will be held on Baltic Non-Recognition Policy called for Crimea, Ukraine and international law, it is American military action to liberate occu- not a panacea. The struggle must continue. Monday, September 16, 2019, at 10:00 a.m. pied territories, although both provided One can only hope that once adopted, such enormous encouragement to the peoples of an American law will inspire those commit- at the UNA HOME OFFICE these occupied areas that they would at ted to this fight to remain so. 2200 Route 10, Parsippany, NJ 07054 some point once again be free and thus One year after the promulgation of the Obligated to attend the organizing meeting reflected the principles and values of the Crimean Declaration, U.S. policy regarding are District Committee Offi cers, Convention Delegates American people. Russia’s forcible annexation of the and two delegates from the following Branches: Nor did the American non-recognition Ukrainian peninsula is both tougher than policy prevent Washington from cooperating its Baltic predecessor given the sanctions 25, 27, 37, 42, 70, 76, 133, 134, 142, 155, 171, 234, 269, 287, 353, 372 with Moscow on other issues. Indeed, this regime and weaker because it lacks many policy remained in place even as relations of the specific features that made the main- All UNA members are welcome as guests at the meeting. between the U.S. and the USSR warmed and tenance of that policy for 50 years possible. MEETING WILL BE ATTENDED BY: cooled, and official expression of this policy That is something the Crimean Tatars waxed and waned along with that. understand all too well – see Eskender Members of the UNA Excetutive Committee There is no question that U.S. non-recog- Bariiev’s analysis at nition policy played a key role in the recov- analytics/157-eskender-bariiev-first-anni- DISTRICT COMMITTEE ery of the de facto independence of Estonia, versary-since-the-release-of-crimean-dec- Oksana Stanko, District Chairperson Latvia and Lithuania in 1991. But the policy laration-what-it-means-and-what-to- George Stanko, Secretary by itself was neither the magic bullet that expect. It is something everyone else con- Walter Honcharyk, Treasurer achieved that on its own nor a serious con- cerned needs to keep in mind as well. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2019 No. 34


September 4 Friday-Sunday, September 13-15 NEWARK, N.J.: St. John’s Ukrainian SILVER SPRING, Md.: Bring your family and Preschool will re-open with Ukrainian- friends to the 17th annual Ukrainian Festival language Montessori sessions each week- of the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Area, on day morning from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. the grounds of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Extended hours from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Cathedral, 15100 New Hampshire Ave., Silver are available to serve working parents. Spring, MD 20905. Hours are: Friday, early Minimum age is 2 years 6 months in bird dinner and happy hour, 5-8 p.m.; September. We emphasize respect for the Saturday, 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; and Sunday, 11 a.m. child, individualized learning, and pro- to dusk. Admission and parking are free. motion of the child’s independence. For Featured will be wonderful Ukrainian artists more information call Olenka and dancers, crafts, children’s activities, deli- Makarushka-Kolodiy, 973-763-1797. cious Ukrainian food and a Kozak beer garden. Visit our website at For more information visit www. oronka/.

PREVIEW OF EVENTS GUIDELINES Preview of Events is a listing of Ukrainian community events open to the public. It is a ser- vice provided at minimal cost ($20 per listing) by The Ukrainian Weekly to the Ukrainian community. To have an event listed in Preview of Events please send information, in English, written in Preview format, i.e., in a brief paragraph of several sentences that includes the date, place, type of event, sponsor, admission, full names of persons and/or organizations involved, and a phone number and/or e-mail address to be published for readers who may require additional information. Items must be no more than 100 words long. Preview items must be received no later than one week before the desired date of pub- lication (i.e., they must be received by 9 am Monday morning). Please include payment for each time the item is to appear and indicate date(s) of issue(s) in which the item is to be published. Also, senders are asked to include the phone number of a person who may be contacted by The Weekly during daytime hours, as well as their complete mailing address. Information should be sent to [email protected]. When e-mailing, please do not send items as attachments – simply type the text into the body of the e-mail message. Preview items and payments may be mailed to: Preview of Events, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054.

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