
,;,fCEPTED ,Mii 2mB' I'S ~ In El' D.1Ild SEP 1 4 1995

ACTIVE INGREDIENT Oluron (3-[3,4-dichloroPhenylj-l,l-d melhylurea) . l 80 QOo INERT INGREDIENTS .. __ 2Q,Cc:'') TOTAL. 100 OC 0

- I --I I KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN I I WARNING - AVISO Si uS:,=lrl no '::,'(1'I~-_'r~(i,~ it! ·-'tl(l!;,-'L!, tHj'; liJfl d d i qtllr;ri ~'c1r(l qlJ': s~~ Ii:] expllqu.:, iJ !;,~: .. .,(j .:'r-: ,j-'1 ~i:,' (It "/".'_J '-1', ri . .'t Iw,~"'r'->:,;r,' I ir-::':, L~!J._-i, find "';JriV' }fI-' Ir,) i':(pi,llr1 It ~'! 1" ; 1!1 ',-],-;Llil) STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT 1 I IF ON SKIN \/id:,h ': .. ,:it! pl;','I1!Y ()f :,I)dr cJr1(j I./irlt:-'f C.,t rn0'j1C,11 ;llfs:>nirnn If I[flt:ltlon r"-'-~ ,1,1,

IF IN EYES rlfJ:,fl ,' ... Itl) p~>'llll ()f "\',1:"'( (;.,1 ((:I->(j,:',ll dQ,,'ntlon If lrrILlt,I,'n P'-'f':-: ,I,;

GRIFFIN CORPORATION Specimen Label PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESllC ANIMALS WARNING AVISO ~~ (·..· Irf!t",~,on ~kry I!lltillC nose. 'HOdl and 5~,n A..,o,d hrealhrng dust Of splay mrst A..,o,d contact with ~kin. eyes and Cl()thlf"!g PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT ptiCill()r~ and othf~r h,~n(jlf"r<., must Wf'.H long· slee~,'e ~.hrrt ,11)(1 lonq f,;rrli~ Waterprool gloves Protective eyewear Shoes plus socks ;card dothing or other absorbent matenals thaI ha..,e, been drenched or heavily contaminated wIth thIS proouct's concentrate. Do flot reuse them FoJlow manulacturer s Iructlons lor cleanlngJ malntalnrng prE. ;! no such instructions lor washables, use detergent and hot waler. Keep and wash PPE separalely from other laundry USER SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS Jsers should: _ Wash hands belore eating, drinking. r.hewi~g gu~~~.~ng lo~a~_",__ u~,"_·n~g,-,-the-,-~'O_i_'._t_. ______J ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS nol apply directly to water. or to areas where sur1ace ..• ... ater is present. or to inlenidal areas below the mean high water mark 00 not contaminate water wben disposing equipment washwaters. Cover or Incorporate SP!lts. DIRECTIONS FOR USE 50 a ..,iotation 01 Federal law 10 use Ihis product In a manner inconsislent wtth its labeling. Do not apply this product in a way Ihal will contact WOrkers or other persons, ,er directly Of through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during applicaHon. For any requirements specific 10 your Stale Of 1 ribe. consull the agency respon· Ie for pesticide regulahon. ex 80DF herbicide should be used only in accordance with recommendations on this label, or in separate published Griffin recommendaltons. ffin will not be responsible for losses or damages resulling Irom use of this product in any manner not specifically recommended by Griffin. User assumes all risk associated h $u('''' _1'n-recommended use. ~ ,thiS prMl'd in S'lG b a Warp! 6S 10 d. eetl) gr lbeg §I;';I itt expose .. 0' kc's 0. OILer ~e:so"s. llie died DeIllQ II 8ated Iliosl be ,sated b, bliP' MealaO PCiSOI\:JoI AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS ~ Ise Ihls product only In accordance With !IS labelmg and with the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170 ThiS Standard contarns requrrements for the protecttofl f agrtcultural workers on farms. lore_!s. nurseries and g'eer,houses, and handlers of agncultural pesticides It contains reqUIrements for IralOlOg, decontamlOatlon. ollflcallon. and emergency aSSistance. 11 also contair.s speCifiC InstTuchons and exceptions pertaining to the statements on this label about personal protective eqUIpment I :>pE) and restricted-entry interval. The requirements In tillS box only apply to uses 01 thiS product that are covered by the Worilef ProtectIon S!andard. )0 nol enter or allow worker entry Into treated areas dUrlr'1g the rest'rUed entry mterval (REI) 0112 hours I 'PE required for eany entry 10 treated areas Plat is p€fmrned under th\' Worker Protection Standa~d and that involves contac: wl!h 3"lyth!ns; that has Deen treated, such s plants, soil. or water. IS I - Coveralls - Waterprool gloves I - protective eyewear - Shoes plus socks


he re"U"emeoiS ,0 ".s b0' "il,I,·'o uses~,?,~p~o~u~~:t:r~n~ ~~,~t~';-co~~!~,e~J:3~r~~~o~;a~c~~o' '~":,,1:"'" re"',c'des 40 CFR pa" 170 ",II he WPS appl,es ..... :ll.'n !hl$ [yoduCI rs L.'~,.,c to proc"ce 2c"CJlIural plants on farms. foresls. nurSI?rres, or greenhousf's lon· ClOp weed curllrol IS no~ .... lt~l~ t~e 5CC';:J<: of I'H: -.\'D·~er ProteCl'on S:andafd. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL TORAGE: Slo't:' prCl~uct ,rl 0"9,r:<11 ((\~l:i::,r,t-' onl') ,e .....'i\ !rom other pestiCides. (prtlhzer. iO('C or I(,t'd RODUCT DISPOSAL: Do no! c.(l~ita!1\'r12~t ....

ON1. <...R DISPOSAl. Cz·,I'I;..>le1L+i t'fT1:)~) 029 ntc Z::j);:JII:~:'(lrl equlrrnenl Then dI5(:)OS(' 01 em;Jly Las; 1'1 a sanitary Iz::r"j~lll. 0' ,'.':' ~(' 3:',)',. (If, II .)!I(ll't-t'd ~y statE- a~c ,cal dw\hor;t'f'S. by' ~urr':ng 11 t,,,r,'1('d, s:a) oul 0: Sr1"1(J"E' GENERAL INFORMATION ~x 800F ~erb'c!se IS a disrerS,b1f' qranule 'e. ~)p r~1 'lC! In water and appil!?d as a spray fO' seleel' .. 'e ,,('n,fol o! w('r:d~ ,f) ce"a,"l c ~~$ ,'1110 'or nonselective wee(~ cor,!fr,1 Ilon·crop:anc; arpprne'lt 'lonll2mmable and nonl,lolatile ex Boor may l'€ appl,ed Ie <,1):1 p',or 10 {;f1'{;~yt'n(e 0' weens 10 control susceptible wf'ed seerlllfl']s for an extended pf"IOd or ",-,,,_ :he d(;gee oj control arId Gural'or! ~Hect woll 'JJ'y wllh the amount or chemIca' Clopl'ed SC)I! )tu'e. ra,nfall and oth£" condljl ...lrlS SQils hlqh In c!;JV or or9"'""[ m~t:.·, ~f'aI!Irf' h'9her dosayes lha~ soli Ie,w la'y Dr -J'gilnl( matter lor f'qul"ijlent hP-ft),C.'OP ;:,,'r~('If':I"'''(P Mf)I~~u'e IS If'qtJlfed 10 ;)ctlvale the he'~)r(lde, op,t r!~<;IJI\s or(Uf I~ ral~I'(iI'; ;(H "p"n'~lf'f Ifrlg3110n) occurs wln'"n lee~" "I apr,l,cat'()fl ~)o. 80])f- dPpllcd tH.. 'f~HP f'me'c·-'''(f' of c:(,~, d 1(' \""','1..", ·s a~ e1lpc"w' plocCdurf' tleCaUSf' slisc prl1hl p Wf,,-.(j~, ,I'" {CH1:r(IIi('1 ,r; ,'"'" .. ::;.,Iy I,IIJiner,ltlle 'Spc'ctl,nc:: SLlQ(' ~>I:~"'l' y (,()'110("(' .,.,.'ttl 111(' (lOP \',,11" '-:j·"l'<1t)I(· m() <;~,,'P '-,~'''c-;, [1,[(,:,: HOOF r(,n\lnup"-. 10 ('(,nlrol w(,P(":s fo' <;nmp l,m",;I<; \',(' no; :".;-('r .,'f·' '_,"',)+,'C'" :',- ,~- ... " .: ,n ·"~,,d'c;i"1 r'u,n~~,s_ 9'r'OQn,ry .... ,.('t~ CiJrl!'Gi [!"!(f'O,! "~'II""("Ii('(j_ th"';p In::,i,)o(' (-LJ',I\," ;~I 1 ;''')S!P'Tlt:';.l(''l('' tl(","Cnl( "~,:-.I,, ;i,,')n ~ FUr,r n',ly a!'·,' t,'.' cl'''iJ k"',r',,: f'f',P '> ~ ""." .-.' ""f,' w,!r, f.lle 2!~'['I'('d ilnd f'flv,,(,n'T"'"l',,1 (""(~"'I' tH •. : ""-.]1". ',i'CW'" l'" ',ljC,UI[";~ ..... f'Pc!<:, qrn ... ;;. ref. '1 -~,' , ,': c, ( • . r- (\' 'i ;"'" :"~C"'(lil ,,! " ~'lIr!"':;t"l I" I!,,' .,; '.,\ !v-.~I'" ",-"r,' ,1"";,,,' -'1,1\ • (-Ife, ~', C.' l)" '.'~ ,:',(ll

. , IlCt[ If rn;lV (,I' ., ...... ; .'" ,,·,,· ... ,':/·,1 p')!,I' .. ·._"C,'~;( ,i"flr'(,-Jh,n (,()f1\.li_' r,l uo,' ft-)I,;l(l" .lr+l~/'" Irl;l! ""ill' play'" rn''';' p',",! t>r . ."" ., ~ "'1 'rl' tr11lrlWt'tQ rr(,,,<. "rtt( t\l'~". ~ if·'·I'~\ ,,!,''" ::, :'" II,,' ,,"'I ',i') 1,r;.'''' ,1"':'''' ;:'1,",,",' ;,:,,'-1,',';' ,-,1 ,It'.,',,, ~"jf~,l'l;;', ['1:1":1'''<, r,I'I"~>f'r ,"', ,;1' '-'~" """, , ~" , :1',' (J'".,,", "'el( a(',J") (tlr,."" 1','1 ;',.1' [""lC"'_'" ;",l', nf·''-;~c...... li" ;:', c,',r1 '-'''t;l''l tr~-f' pl;;f\I,r1r",

." I , ~. "1 ' ,Jri,1( ';, ,t ~ ;", t'f' ""f ~ ',,, ".;. , r, i' (1".'olt,I''''" ';j (',it (''',ld!)I,'

, '~ , [., r!,. J'.," " . ~,q'(dll I',! ,"'rol .... II,,,, \1"<" ',1',· ,', (:"l!: "~I [1 , (,·,1- , I". I,'. I. ,., '" i''''' " ,( " , 0<1 t , : ,,' r 1'" I .,,' , ~'" -r , r ' ' (I'

!"'_ "ii, T "., . 'I)HftdH ",. ' T'.'., HI! ! , ,

',' I' '" ;'! '" ", I' ",.; I .. ,' , ! '" .f, I"'''' ". [If) I ,,' " : ', .. ,'. i" '",,' 'J" ·.d,I" [,I.. r)" '" I ',.I" "'i Ii., ' ,', , ," . , • r' . !"', I' J" '~ ','!' . ',,,! .'. . ,", 'f, ttl" ", ,,"', ""." J." ,,:~ ; " ''I' " ,f '. "'1". ' SELECTIVE USE IN CROPS Preemergcnce herbH:,

Partial conlrol 1 Lbl acre 4 Lbsf acre 8 to 10 lbsfacre Annual mormngglory HorsenetUe Cocklebur Ouackgrass Guineagrass Prickly sid a (teaweed) Maidencane Sesbania Sicklepod

APPLICATION DIRECTIONS Other Are.s Wh.,. AUalfl aecome. Winter Dormant; AERIAL APPLICATION: For allalla. asparagus. bartey (winter). cotton (preplan! or Use 1.5 (0 3 Ibs. per acre (1,5 to 21bs. per acre East of AppalachIan Mou.1talnS). Apply In pr&emergern:9 only). grass seed cropS, pineapple, sugarcane and wheat (winter), applica· March or early April. but belore spring growth begins tion may be made by arrcraft al510 10 gallons of water per acre. Avoid overlappmg 01 spray swath and allold apphcahorr under COl'\dlhons where excessive drift may occur, Where land APPLE is bedded, make application parallel to rows Use Dire. eOOF alone. or apply as a tank mixture with Sinbar HerblcrOe GROUND APPUCA nON: Use a ooom power sprayer property calibrated to a r;:onSlanl speed Direx 800F Alone: and rale 01 delivery. Openings In screen should be, 50 mesh or larger. Continuous agltahon Use only under trees established in the orchard lor alle .. s! 1 year, Do not treat lIar,ehes in the spray tank IS required 10 Keep the malenal In suspenSion. Agitate by mechanical or grafted on lull-dwarf rool stocks, Apply 4 Ibs. per acre In Ihe spnng from March through hydraulic means. It by. pass or return line IS used. !I should termmate at bonom 01 tank, 10 May. In the lar west apply 4 ths. per acre to small weeds less than 2 inches in h.i~ht or ) rmnimize foaming, AVOId overlapPIng and shut oH spray booms while starting, turning, slowing diameter under dormanltrees. Alternatively. treatments 10 small weeds may be applied at Of stopping or In,ury 10 crop may result. 2 Ibs. per acre postharvesl followed by 2 Ibs. per acre prior 10 bud break. PREEMERGENCE: Use 25 to 40 gallons per acre and spray pressure 01 30 to 40 psi. Georgia: POSTEMERGENCE: For postememence apphcatlon. use suffICient volume (minimum of 25 Apply 2 to 3 Ibs, pe~ acre In the spflng, Repeat application in the fall but do not use more gallons per acre) rOf thorOUl;h co ... ~rage of weed fOliage. Use spray pressure of 20 to 25 than 4 lbs. per acra per year, Add a surfactant at 1 pint per 20 gallons spray mll:ture to im· P501 to keep spray drift to a mlmmum Q,rel( 800F at recommended rates. controls seedlrng prove contrOl of small, emerged -Needs annual ..... e(!ds Such as annual mornlngglory, barnyardgrass (watergrass). crabgrass. crowfOOI. Oiru eOOF plus Sin bar' goosegrass, Pigweed and purslane Addtl!on 01 a suriactan1to the spray (wMere recommend· Use only under trees estaOlishea In the orcnard for at least 2 years ed) ,ncreases contact enacts of O,r'!!x 800F. Best resulls are obtained on succulent weeds .Apply either in the spring or alter harvest In the fall oefore weeds emerge or OUfing early growing under conditions of high humidity and temperatures 01 70"F or hIgher'llg slage of weed growtt'i SPRAY PREPARATION' M,x proper amount 01 Ol~e~ aoOF ,nto necessary volume of water RATE PER ACRE Where use of a suriactant 's recommended, drlute W1th 10 parts of water and add as last 1 to 2 % Marl!! Than 2% Ingredient to nearly full tank: Organic Matter Organic Matter REPLANTING: Unlo'!SS omer.... lse drrected, not r~plant treated areas to any crop Within D,rex BOOF Sinbar Dir •• 80DF Sinbar 2 years after last applicat,on as '''Iury to subsequent crops may result "S~o~;'c.cT~.~,~'u~,~e,--__ -.---I.J;li"JA._C!L~_~ __ -.J..b'"LAs..rf! ____L~!:.L~~~ ~~$,I Acre RATES: All rates of Ollex 500F are erpressed broadcast rales, for band treatment use as Sandy loam 0 0 1 5 -+ 1 5 proportionately less For e~ample, use '/, of me tlroadcast rate when treating a 14" tlano where row spac:r'~ IS oJ?" Wh€re :) '3ng<:! of d()sa~es :$ given. use the low'.:'r rate on coarse loam. s,lt , 5 te)l.tured $C,ls low In clay or organIc matter and tMe h'gher rate on the 1[I'e te~lur'.:'d solis loam. Silt 20 20 h'gh In c!ay or organ,c ma::e Fuf pos:errlergence a;JOI:catlcn, use :he low~r rale on sma!:er Cay loam. w,,"E>-ds a'"'c n°,,'! ",'-;i~r '~:~ c" 13'~e' w"ecs cla'f 2 -J 20 20 20 SOIL LIMITAT!ONS: Cr<:Q InlurllT1dy r~SUI~ f'c'TI 'allure to oOserve me 101l0wlnc; Where croo IS grown unCe' ~l'''OW Ir',ga:lon or ..rnd€! ra,sed· Oelm flood Irr'~2:I0'1 ':rees .:; Unless c:he~I' . '~'rec~~ co not 'JSE' on sand, loamy s ..'\nd or gravetly SOils or e~posed suO­ Inches to 6 Inches aoove ... 'aterllne), apply only as a band tre31ment Do net treal trees ~lan!eC scots. nor on Pt", J'S -Nt'e',," Qr::JanLC mat,er ,s less than 0 5Jto, nor on allaita. apples ar.,chci<.e In me bonom of Irrrlal,on furlOws., Ilor trees grown uncer Ila\ flood or bas,n IIr,gallon, as If"· b;:l.r1ey (winter). b"r.'T1udagrass past"re, c,trus. cotton, grapes, oats, oloves. capaya,>. peacnes. Jury to trees May result W ..... e'e co~plele ..... eed control to har.. est 's des:r('(j, DCCll:0nal .... eer: ~ears. 50'c;rum, sugarcd"e wa:nuts and winter WN~at where organiC rna!:;:!f IS less :h2fl cont'ol measures milV ~e re":J:fp.c durrng ~he grOWing 5e3".-:n t 10. ncr on t;luetl.,r·.es ::;,r:~5'cot "e!c"I, ::aneD€rrieS Goose:JerrL€s 'T'3C3Camla n'J:S and ~poermlnt wnere olc;a"lc r:'Idt:er ,5 :ess than 2°'0 ARTICHOKE ) Prp.p.rnefGenct:' w<)._'~j c )nl'C; ",·jl t)e rr'GUCf?G on "\Iqtl organiC matter sods suen as oe,1t or Cal,lorn,a' mucic. Apply 2 10 4 lOS per acre .n 'ale ial' 0r early Wlntl'r after me las: ';'.JI! vd!lon A~oly ::J~'cr'? FIELO CROPS (See Soil limitations): A gOOd seedbed must bl! prepared before weeds germ,nate Of to e,..,erglng seedlings Orrect spray 10 (.o"er the area ~€'tween in€' ro-,,,s preemergence use 01 Q'rex gOOF as crop In!ury tr,ay result II apphcat,on IS made 10 ground and Gt the base of artlcl10ke ptanls, keepmg contact with crop plan!,; al a rr,II~lmur:t which ,s c'nddy or ·-o ..... C'ac·roC 'ro~ul!,~g In 'rr~'r)perly plaf'1ted seed Planr seet1 10 deDln spe-:;f'ed Unie5~ Olnef'N'se rj"8C1M, Ihe surface of the SOil should nol De cultivated or d!sturb­ ASPARAGUS e-<::! ;]Hef 3pplocat'<'<' 01 ~,,~. ;<00"- lnd 8,:>10'''' e'n€rgence of tt1e crop as .... eed control may Apply :IS a nand or broadc<,sl treatment Do ,''101 apply to young plan!') ~ur'ng :he '11<;1 be reducelc:de, a shallow ':UI:",3',on ('01ar, ~oe pr'?!er'edj ~hould be made after ernergence 01 crops whole wl!ecs are sfT1ali e<,ough :0 be cont'olled l·.y mechanIcal m,!ans posed roots. as severe ;n)ury may result P~eefTlergence weed conlrol wilt ~e ro?duc!!C or SOilS WII." greater than 5~" ';'gaf'lf. manel FRUIT ANO NUT CROPS (See 50,1 lImllatlons)' Ijnless otherNlse d,rect""J, make a Song'e Established Ptantlngs:,on per ~"ilf ~5 a ~".,c:ed Spray, avo,(!lng :::cnlacl of foliage and !rult W,ttl spray or On light sandy salls and othp.' ~o.IS low In clay or organ,c ,...alter. apply 1 ~o 21bs per acto' ~,,~: Co "01 ::;'a.:,," 'I,fl:',~',~" '1 :rea:8<:': ,)fc~ar~'.; Y'';i'1IiP'S Orr SOilS hIgh In CiaI' or orqanlc ma:l€l, use 2 to 4 ibs per acre 1 .... 0 a;cl,,:ai ons :Tlay IJ'! used The hrst!On shOUld 8<> made belore weeds DeCO'11e "statl',sred tlul nn ed'H~' than oJ #lfe€IIS betorr,,! sp",a' erne'9enf.e and no la\E" Ihan !h", early Cut~,ng ~1~';nlj II ""."'I~'" are controlle'j Into the cutting pefloo Dy cultural practices, app;lcatlon may be del,jye(j 'Jr':" RECOMMENDED USES I,.,..,rned,ately after the tast cu;l,yal'On A s~cond appl'C"a~;()n, do net IO'xc'?e<1 }lrJS P':" ,lC',," >.:'~r app1lcall'-'n I" W"·'~'."';::I" !",:".1!~'~ '~:C:::I apply il Single tr,,"iltm~ni ,)1 4 :bs DAr :d:i'sr'.,~ 'v ' lea' 'J' mor'.:' Dc nel JPply!o 5ee.-jl;n(~ ,1lLli1a nor'O .]!I,li~,l ';(:r,nq. InCOfparal10f1 o! !Me chemIC')! ,II lh~ lOP t :0 2 Inthe~ 01 <.0'; <;uQ<;I,l\.le 'or 'a(_~ 'Jrd·j5 rTl'~'u'"'" -,:1 !lC-"! 'c; J;(d,Jd jr'C.,r S:'('S:; 'rOfll ril"ease, Irs.~(· ;afTI,!(~p C;~,;j;I('w 01 ra," 10 aclll1a\e :hf'3 hert)'C:Jj~' '''<:! c.,nt'" 11,,'" c,','" 1'; ., ',".11 " '" h,lr:l ~'ilrs) .1lk.11' spolS, nor 10 !Ir),)rj,,.,j 1".;(;" ;1" ('('ll .", Nf'wly Planled Crown'! - San Jo;,qUln Delta, C"lllornl;'l M.l'<'.l ';,nqle trealfT1",nl ·;1;' '0 ,1 t; ;:'f".H ri> "P ';,).15 hlQ'1 n ,: "1 ',' -, ';.1'1 ( '7'd: ';'". Arlzolla, Nf>vad.1 In" lo ...... r t,1tf:' or. '.illy 1(1.1'11<' 'l~,r: r~ .. o"qh"" 'iliP on ,,'' " ,,:,,;1 ..)1 '. '",,.,~,,,,'r 1,1111.1 ,j',H 1 it'. ,''''.11 r'l ".1,1, ," 1.11 r """'.,, jt'." ,'!' 1 "... .", ~(,cc',)C',r ,"o' -;,~'rl :"r''',If1I, /'111 !wtOIP ',' ",th :J,''l'W; "1 .~", ,.,,-,. -.', " ',I, .• ' 'I Itc", ",,,,,\,',, r) H!'v"'V',fj,w,nlj I'!'" F"r"p-;I",·",I'~ BANANA and PLANTAIN l;'pl', ':"1,',,, ""'" ',,- "',I.'" .,-,>1':",; 'H :-.'" ')I"" .",:,I~,II·,!""t I;' ", IIp,, ,n "~'(j»' ", [1,.1c("·""i ~~.., Pt"nTinq~' ,,"lr'CI I .>c.. · .:" ~ "'~ .... '" "- "~l".,~"r1 :'i ,It·, '.'''1, U"," ";,Jl)~ ... II~' ,] ~Wt.1:)I~, 1."1.1(' I " , , "1,,,1 ,II', "11,11 ..... "''': , .1 t,., I 'i ' ..,', I ,I,·. ,)0 ., .1' ',' 1'1 I" 1 L.I" ~"" l : I. i ~ ,•. i, ,., , ~"'I~'" ,!,' .",.,'", "": ',,' "I ~ ~,,,I',r,,'''' ·,I",',,:i "lI ',001 1r.:,·, I'lon ()! 1)1'''' ~('l-'. "> ';I'h~"'",- I'" ""l .I,'P'Y If! 10"',,, ,,,II ", :v'" '~., [,I,wl" 'l ·n,]!'" .11 ,,1.11 ")I' I I!'. ,,' f! r·C',I', .. : ,11",1' ..•. 1'1 '", ,,,,)1.1,,1,": :0 ,If'l "'r Ih" , y" I' ,I,. [~!"hli'ih .. d Pta'lITnq'i !"I'" '.1'.1 1;'[' F '" ,,,;nn!'01 ,,}I .)nnual<, .• roc) 1", 'n~. II '11 r .. ,,,nnl.11<, ",u,-h .1, ~""rr,,~;t',' lc.~ I""~';""'~ " l' ~ ",.--.(1 'l1J·np"'lr;t<;<; ;tpr,ly )'.1 i) ,n.; ;>o>r I' '(l Ohl~ ';lld.wt"n! 11."'-,11' r,r'.I( T,,' ,-',I.\I,t·; ... .,r, '.;" 1., , \f c'r,'" 'I r,t· ... "''-'-''1·'" jI.' ,J"ly 1 I;] .',p,.v·" -;hf)t'~y II'e' <>fnl'-'''lP'''' I> ,)1 n";~:,lrr' n'MI> re' ,j"'1 .lS InjlJfy m~y '''~'Jlt \r"lh",,, :;:r", d"n"'p ..... " .. ,) 'l'O ..... lh IS >1'.",... .", f .. ",,,V<> .... '.'d 'i'" ...... ,' ',.I ,,,,"",,, r ... ' •• ,.0, ~, .. ,~ I', r.,; '(> ,1 ('(h .. " n '''''',hl kl,·, '.,' .... ,'. t",',,,,, ,1[l"III,;tI'on II ,10r": 11 ,," '; -·['1.'-1 "I F) ",I'o\( ,nt.,r,.. ;t'~ ," '>''<'''' ".",!_ "',." 1<1,,"0, r)r",]on W')<;h""lt'Hl "I I) !h-; f)1 n,r", R0['r ,"" l' .,' !~'·I),I'~' ,1',: :-',I"'''-I.n 12 ..,-,,_r· hc, I , ". , ., .,' t 1 "'; ; '" It , , I.,"'''''' I" ,11,1 ,',<, 1 I',~ c:,p, \<' '" 1I,'r" In' 1,1 1'1", '" 1111 ~'''' rr.'~ ~. "t,: ,!," ·r.·" ''' .. 1 ~),,' ""lh'" /lYf'l Y OVER TOP Of- COHN Do not r~pl.lnl h) dr1y crop .... ,lh,n \ 'ilf ,·.,'l'pl (Olton. '.\1' n BARLEY and gra"l SOtgllUrTl may ~ planted t/1e ~pr!l"l!J lollowmg treatment (Winter) Preemergen(:e - Ark.nus, I,..oui!, Mississippi and Tennes$ee Weslern Oregon and Western Wash.ngton: Make a slI"Igle appl.catlOn 01 0 67 10 1 Ib per acre as ~ broadcast Or hand lreatmenl altef planting but belOl'e com emerges Plant corn al leasl 1,5 Incl'les deep Do not rep'ant treafed for (1nU plolnted barley, ma ... e oJ '>In'.}'"" application 01 1 5 to 21bs pf'1 ,Kra as ,>oon 3.s. pO')'i" to crop5 ol~r than corn 01' collon withtn 4 months lollowlng band trealment ,H'!d I) ble <.lIter pial Img blll betore emerQtlnr:e 01 barley Do flot replant lfe,lIt'(j areas to any nop mon.hs lol/ bi',l.l1fCdst lreatment as crop Inlury may resu'T w,!/),n I I'~.H ,1""" lasl apphcatlon J'j; InJllry to subseqllt!nl crop 111.1'1 r>',;ult BERMUDAGRASS PASTURE COTTON Dur!l"l9 a $ln916 crop 5;)a:son do not 9J1ceed the following amolJOt 01 (lrfOl BOor per .KTf' (Newly Sprigged) as Inlury 10 subsequent cfoj)$ may result- 1 It'_ on loamy sand, I 5 'bS ()n 5.Jndy loam. 2 Apply 1 to Jibs "her planllng and before emergence 01 bermlJdagrass Of w~cjs Allerrlatl've­ Ibs. on clay loam; and 2 7$ lbs, on clay Iy, tor COI1[(OI 01 emerged annual weeds up to 4 Inches In heIght, apply 0 5 loIn Ib per Inlury may occur il Dffel 800F IS used 11"1 conjunchon with SOil applied organic phospt1ate acre With surlaClanl II berrr'ludagra:!.s has emtH96'd .11 lime of Iraalmanl, ternporary bum pesliCIdes 01 8)tPOSed pial'll p.vls may occur Do, not allow livestock to graze Iruati'd cotton. ,l)lanl sPrigs (stolons) 2 Inches deep In a well-prepared seedbed. Do nOf treat areas where Preplant • Arizona and c.litomia: sprigs ar" planted leSS than 2 .nche' deep as crop Injury may result Do nol graze or teed Use Oirel 800F a)One or appty as a separate operation !ollowing preplant broadcast tleat· toliage Irorn Ireated areas to livestock MIt'un 70 days after application ment with Tnlin 01 Olntr tnfluralln products (incorporated according 10 1irecllons on the tnlturahn prodUCllabel), Appty Difu 800F as a spray aher beds are termed. pre­ BIRDSFOOT TREFOIL Irrigated and final seedbeds prtpared, P,iO( to planting, drag -oH the tops 01 the beds and plant in moist soil not ,reattd With DireJl. 800F. Treate:ct soil IS returned to the bed after plan­ (Lotus) ting when irriQal10n furrows ate reformed after cotton has emerged. II more Ihan 2IurrowIr'IQ' West.ern Oregon: oul operations are performed prior to fay-by. or deep furrows are made early. weed control Treat only stands established for at least 1 year. Do not apply to seedling tfelol' as inlury may be reduced 11"1 the furrow bollom' may resull Make a single application at 2 Ibs. per acre when treloll IS dormant (October 15 to 08'(ember 15). Do not replant treated areas to any crop within 1 year after applicatIOn Oir•• 80DF Alon. (P, as injury to sUMequent crops may result. 1 to 2,5 Ibs. pet' acT •. DlrelC 800F follOwing Trilln 0' other .,i"urllin products: BLUEBERRY,CANEBERRY, GOOSEBERRY RATE/ACRE Use only to fields ..... 11. except <:!pphcat,cn r";',ay be "'Jce a:ly :,rl1e sdlY clay loam and cia'f of the ye2( ....,~ .. -"!' <;;:r'~~:er i)r ~10Od .rrJ9dlion Cdrl t>e t.rned:o JCl'Vdle :~,2 herbcde Est.~CI,.:.h­ PC ;J€"enr.• at ",~"cs 'IOGurre other speCial control procprlur€S SillY c.ay M'd c:ay Arizona (e)(cepl Y~ma area) and California (e)tce-pt Imperial and Coachella I/<;!leys) 00 nOT use 0'1 S3rxj ,)r SO':S h :~ If'SS 'r~~~1 1 ~'~ or',lanlC rr.a!:»r .15 :t()C nvV ~'SC': Ap~ly 3 'Q 4 its 0,.,1 acre Shonty "t:pr the grove has D-een la,d UD r. ','1,11 !olm {non. :lilac;e Dlfex eOOF follOwll"lg Trilln or other tritiuralll"l products (preplant) r p'OGr.1rt~. n d:~ 'a I 0r .:>arty ..... ,nter AiternJllve1y JOPly 2 'bs pt'r Jcr", ,,., :::-'ctODt'r 'iT .'H)vembe Appiy Tfllm or other :,lfk.'alin ,:lroducs :r!or :0 planlrnq ,1S (I brOddcas: C' ~af1d "f>dtme1' dnd -eD'>!! d: :1"''2 ;a~p rilte ,n March Or Apr:! SuDseC;uen: anfl!..": :;;crl ..:.l·:("n~, of 2 :0 3 Incorporzl!e accorCH'g :0 :he c:.rec~loG<; cn :r-.e Trllill or otne' Irl!tur",·,n 1;;:::>:'1 .... 5 ~ S€~arJie Itls pw acre ..... 1. L:sualiy give ader;u.1Tp. wefld conlrol operation apply D,re, .,OOF as a oane :Ied.!ment (14 to 20 w'de) J~er piantmg, 0 .... ; Florida - Us..- sI"'ly a<, a Oilnd apt:'IICJIIOn Do not u<;fI 'TrllnW :0 T-UN before conon ~me'9A<; U':'t> :1":", Icllo .... ,r.g :)roaccasl r ·".lrl ~ 2 :os per 'reared acre pee Hw; Clf"10lJ" :orre<;oc'1<::s :0 9 6 Triltn or 10::. oj ,jluron, ;he active ,ngredlent .n Dlrex 80DF other Irlf!uralin Soil Texture Th!'! rn,ix;rnum alio'nable use rate lor dn.:rOrl 's 9 6 Ibs per Irqated J(''O ON yl'ar 'r1r."I)S'''~ ~ __ 2..!.Odu~ ______O~~)( _~~p_F 01 all ()IIJ1!)n krrnvla~lons used wlthl(1 one year l0,jmy sand Ridge Areas· Except Highland Co. (hlgh'y permeatlh> S0i1~1 S,lrldy 10al1'1 IC.Hn 00 'lot use mere :han -i It-; per IreatAd acre ·n any ')nR .~rp'" .1" sill loam 5.11 Of') nol ,1,,)ply t'T10r'2 :han g 'bs per !re 01 '!llIfO" 'i_ s,lt. clay Ica'-­ Ti,1 acre ,n .J1l"! ur,e appLe.}:. ApPly 0(11,. dS d rj,rec:ed spra!:o cov~, """~(1 :()1,,19':! AtJlus; .,,)1:"'" 'il ·","·m,l~ Co.,!;:!l! C8~:"n !":I\f~S Cf (': .. r~dy re'j"l~ D,) ."101 ,1,-,pl',' -:'(;-.~ ·r·.ln "i :t,<; p'_'r !Ieal,'(j ,'10" "I" 'i'> or Th'; ,H'·Cur,· · .... ·.~'('.rl(~~ ',,) 1 H d ..... ,:,., :;r',lV '-" cd' r _011'(Y 'r:'; r;,t '~"J'('." .~" _!'.' .. ~ ,,.c;,,:{;,(-'r·1 ,n D'ri'~ flf)l)f- DO NOT SPRAY OVER TOP OF COHON PLANTS Th'O! rna •• f"'IJ·11 I" "'l~"e .J~p ';)1" 10. 11'l,'on ,<, \ 9 ·L". ",.·t :r<;'.II,·,j ).'" ~'\o" .'·dr [\c-' ,s",,' Early Sf'.1son d .l,1 ,~·lJ«.'''· . '.' ,,"'s 1~'-'<1 "'''-''IP '}f',' y"'.l! ALlply 'Nn"TI «1"(:" " 1: ,·.le.: ') n("'~' 'I! "01 ..... I:~." ...... l'.'(~; .I'" c.: .1,' ;'." "'1 I' h ['J ',.-I !.'•• - l' r:., "ot ""(,,,,\17 I" I">S ,r' ...... q 1 _\~r.:" JS ,1 ~,lno1lt".r::T:'·r't Ii 'e; ",.r.,., I'· < t ... ,\ ,Ii'>'-'·- • ('r''' m,ly b~ "1.1'1.' I rl~'·"~PI~ r'u",rto RlCll ·.·.1~" I ,;,n.-;'", " (" ,t j 'n f1 't,~ poo>! If Ii\ -,' ",;'1,," I" ,'" ,le '.' ',-}~I.:"' •• ,'~ ~)y 'f.lcT.lnl I!'" ;,pn .. r,l"! • '," "r"!", 'dl'" D.l "";/!',,q' ... C; ,1;!P'y 1"'( ,~t,,'n '" 1-,')".11 ··rr',· 'd.n" Wef'd Problprn .,'1' t".,,, "q "0"",;, .1~'pl'{ ... ".>n ,.."r'"", ;·'" )',. ,1','<1 ".",-"r".: (Up to lIM.hp, T,1lt) A.", T '!x a~, -~, (,Iy .' 'I~ ,1 't"' . ",' • 1f'''II,,1 N'"'' ~'. I j.,p I '"" I" ;'." .1, -P , " ','1 ,'I "P'.I '" " • ".· .. ·!I'n<,: Ir·"-;h".1 .... P···~S ','-' ~"I.l t •.., "'''1, .',1:'" ,1".',1' ..... j'" "nl I,·j·,,;!·.• ·, ':.' ," (')"1",1 01 ~p..·'JI" I, ,'<"""''',11 ".1~~ ',ij'-" 1<; ",r" '.I·r>' " I', I"': .•. "',,,i .. j '.) \', :'" CORN (,' .... h"" .... ""(1 ,_?' W'n ... :;,,,~.,, S·~II.(;"': ,;i"';<; ,., I" r"'jl: I'. J .r' ".", 'J";(lOj,(,m rTl"Thyl'If'.' ,11 ,1 !f' IO! -;M,\ I'J \~'~ ,1'·"'v')T(1,,·; ,,' I'q,,'v.II,.,·!', i' 1t .. ,.", ·;"1', 'T",'",<> (Field) If [),;M,\ '", II<'P'~ (~{l '1"t 1;1,"1' 1",., '.r',:· ,,'1)11' p.-,~,tpm .. rrj<'n<:" Lltp S'>cl,>on (( .1y hy) I, ",", ~.'", ,> ,I ." ': '.> ,~"i.- !'., '1 ,J! "i ~. ~"'r ,I(rp.n, (,,"t '11.11,(,,0 ""!~I'" .r1 (,"'"''';''' ·,I",("",-.()I" f.-:lply 1 '0 1 1 ,~. (' :'1.' tr, ,".'>.., l'-"·.I ,,'1,1 «lht""",ll w"''''"" ':'1"." I: S "c:' ,~.,,'I Itlpl', 1 Ib P'" l( '" ,.,:" '., .. t." :'1 '~ ·1 '; 1'. ,. ,,,- ' •• Tl I'",'" "if 11'.1'-1 ,'1, "'''. 'r'r ,'r- 1'-- / > ,,' I d 'lP"'"'' I' ... '''~' "":'. :,'.,,: 1: .. ,e: .'.') , .. :"'. r'''lr, Ir'oI ...... 1'" 1 r I{ ) ~J( ); , ,1'.1' 1'·' . " ...... c' • cotlon, best weti'd (,onlrol ,S olJIaone(j If necessary to rework. SOIl be/Oft' replantlflq. U~ stlallow CullJ'W.l· Use only undttr trees established "' tM orchard tOf at Ipast 1 year Apply"l 5 10 5 lb$ per tlon such as,ng. do not rellsl nor move soli mto the oflgmal drill area Planl see-d at acre. preferably betor" weoos emerge. il weeds ha",e emerged. add surlactant least 1 Inch deep Do no. lelleat lield With a second preplant Of preemefl,~enC;tt application 01 herOK:lde during tha same crop year dS Inlury to crop may result PEACH SUBSEQUENT CROPS Dlrex 80DF may be applied alone or as a tank mix With 5mbar Band preemergence or poslemergence Direx 800F Al()ne; Use Ollly under tr ..~ eliilablished In the orchard for al le8s1 3 years. Apply 2 to 5 lOS. per 2 Any 4 months a"er last application. crop acre 11'1 the early spring belore weeds emerge Of dunng the eafly seedling stage oj weed Band preamsrgenes plus po$,emergence or Broadcast preemelgence I preplanl· or Broad· Qrowth, 00 no! appty WlttM 3 months Of harvest; in the Far WesI.. do nollpply WIthin 8 months casl preemergence plus band poslemergeoct'. 01 haNes!. Conan, soybeans. COfn Of orain sorghums (not SOfgoS or lorage sorghums nor grass Georgi.: On tr", established for at leasl 2 years, apply 2 to Jibs. per acre in the spring sorohuma) the next sprmg Do nol rt (Mer,on loam. s,1! 30lbs 1 75 !bs 1 75 Ibs DllJegras~) and orchaldgras~ doply 2 to 4 Ibs per acre ~elween OCIOD",r 1 and Novembpr , 3 In rip-Ids wi"",ere as,., res.Clues halle dc<.umula!ed Irom burning S:I.)W, use J 10 4 ibs per Ciay loam. .lea spread (Jrob'.Jrned chart::;r straw w,th a harrow or chopoel b1'!fore appl'carlon If p",'en clay 40 Ibs 20lbs 20lbs [1laf lI€t"'otgrass (Holcus ~a('lalus) IS a prOblem. use 4 II::S, per acre F0r best results apply Use only under Irees established ,n Ihe gro"'e tor at least 3 years, and on Salls ""Ith as soon as po'>slble after fall ra,ns Slar! fs:ac,ilshed "'eeds beyond 2:0 .. leaf ,>Iage should at Ip,as: 05% orG,lfllC matte' PO remo",ed Ol,or to :foalment •• Use .:>nfy under !lee~ established ,n the grlJ",e lor l\leasl 1 y,,'ogle broadCast spfay at rhe rare pmm,flt Do no: aOj:'ly '0 newly planted less than t year nljr 10 ernerqed pepper mint aoo; In· 0125 to J 'bs OP' ,KrP' A,"L"Y or weed .. lury m Cd 'fT'm .. dl,,~ply JIll" pi,lf1'lng MACADAMIA NUT bul pf,or to 'NeP.(j ':'>fT1,"lqPllcP ;:')r ''1100n crop l.S'l ·llb~ ')~r M'':; ,~f1,,' 1'.-jl·'''~I.nq ,11.1[11, ~"r, Ha""dll rOf plal't crop onrv .1 <;f., IJPd MId ih,f(~ ~ro,,,lC.l<,1 01 :I'tefspact'! '\'(."'(.l~I(;r. ·:',1'1' ~'\' m,I,"'" p'or :0 JTlfero?nll,ll:OI1 <11 Ihl' 1,11f;) ,)1 2 Ibs O'lr .1"I'! ,1! If'le("~als n! n,.'1 Ip~". 'h.H' .' ITHW'i'·, U·,,· ,,)fll,,, unr.,·, ',,,(>\ ".:'1,~' '."""J ,rt :I',"! ,'r "'.Jr'1 rCr ,1' ,1';1'. r ·'f·» ,".Ir ·~;)(JI'r' ,II " II) ., !Il,; IIdfJIIIO"",1(~~ as nep(!prj 10 Inlpr<.p,l(ft .-wly TI<.'IHI '2 ,"" H;'A Im'TlP'" ,""', ,1",-., •. ", ,,~,! "Inl(>, !t;ly :"d",p ..".""1<. ,..... '.,;" If "'''''';\ I',}'J(' '''r,,'''; It;') pl'r dere Dn n,,1 ,l,;ply .'1'1I;f<) Itldn ') :J"ld1 <;~}r,~y~ flTl,1"rr\!'fl 1? l~'~ ,W' .to '''I ..,f")1 "'1 \,1<.1 c,',,-I.F:'~r'~ ~"·"",I' I', n,·,·', ,Vp,I'. tTl,l. i\p T"I·lnlp,j :0 p'nf>ar~Io' ()f ~.I;li,l" .If"· 1 yPc11 ,111'" ',1',; ,l,'pll"I' L'rl OATS Puerto RICO it ~PI,ly it!:," (:() Iltd "'lndI11 ·""d~.··J oil".!, .,) --j"Y ~"'V .... ·~rl,ro ~n" "',V ,1t'.~r '.1".1 ,1"p"', .. 1'''lfl ~"'("'IU'I 'r; Ap"ly 1 is to 6 2S ,t,., ,-,er aC:A ,IS tHO.-'lfJc.1'.1 !W!i)'" 'lr IfTlm ..r:.('~ AfJDI,r-ClI'00 ,(1nll,)ls .... ".,<1<; ".1:'" l~ "':"'''<>1) "":.11,11'.1 rtl{1r '1.nqq lo'y, ,lIfr<,I;l"" "r~Jt";r 1';·; !1).lad 'lno','",r,''''' 1.'.11 ,'.11'" I,m I''': '''~'.''';'1'" Ordt Ptanle-d Sprrnq Oat, Idaho, E3'lll"rrl O'''qor1. E"..,I{'rn Wa~h'ngton U·;I> ,n ,1rp,lS .... "f"" .I~'" t';" l"f'u,ll r:;,01.1'1 ,,~, t"":'. 1,; n .. ,"1>"; ',~.l.'" a ~"";I" lPvir(,HIr)n "f \ :1) 1 5 'tlS p,>' 1, 'It ,1",'1 ;>1,11" "f] <>,tl"' .. " ~,.r", .. 'jr 1""1 ".11'; ",,.,,.,,;., ~",! ..",·!',n f; ~c""-. REO CLOVER ;:I,·I;lnII1'9 !If''>! 'e;(JI1~ ,lin 'J<,'Mlly ,"t,,-",1 ..... ,.,' ,I( ,.j,(,):·"r'o I" 11'., '., 1'" ,1 .... ""i<.; ,11'p, W{',It:-tn I)'~on ;;1.l,'r'IHl "~'DI·i t.'·'{1f~ ... ,.,":; I'" J .f" 1"1,'" '0') I I'·' '.', '.\11 Uakp.;t ')Inqle ;",~ .1:·1)" ')1 ..' :~;'. ;",or.-'lf ,,> e)fl "',ll .. tllvl '0,,1 I"yl" -,',1'"";', l\ 'P,l',! ,) rrr)!'Ir'~ Drill Plantpd Wrnte, Ollts arod Mllfure w!Ih Ppa, r)f V"t ()o,m.HI! !1')T11 Of Inn"l '5 To ['f'( ."1',"'1 1~, D'J (lG! ,1(,,), r '" ,;,.,,,:1 WII~hln9lon "rl r",,1 (lOY,:!' 00 1)01 rO"['I,~fll rll'.1!o>(l "'''.1 In ,l"V (r ..... p .... '/t"ro """, ,".11 1~'''' ',1<,; !;·ph' 1" M.l;'" .1 '.,nqiR a,)('I'(a'''~'' (:' 1 ') Te) 7 It)" ;f".1< '.' r, ",;n "<, ,)()<.<"t.ltl ,11~"1 pi,jnt'fl'l tH,( ;fI);,!!mOlflt Will (crrlol .H"'""II ,., ...... 1., ;'J(h .1" !."'I,"qf,l<',) . 11,("~"''',.o1 na ...... ;. ••. Hd ',il·.I,1 r"""~ '1fTH>rr~i'r('1 01 (np C"· p I"<.c,,,,, ry~ra~o; an,! "~"Jf>tr;'.l·.S C"/'Itroil Plallu and Mldwesl: SORGHUM tht,t I 10 :2 Ihs per ~((e (Grain) Nonhea!Jl: Use I 0 to I .s ttl~ pt·, ,Jcrtj SoulhweSlelfl Siales: Apply 0 25 10 a 51bs per au., plus sur/aclanl Apply as ,It dU8CIt'{j pos!emergenL~ ~P' ;tnd broadie3ved ..... eeds un to 4 ,nClles. rail .... Il00'n TREE PLANTINGS Iht:! i!; ...... m 1,11t: ,:, OJSQd. d. se-ond apphcallon mily be made " need",,) D.) not e ... ceeJ 0 'S Colorado, Montana, Nebraska. North Dakota. South Oakola. Wyoming: lb. per .~Cf~ 'frenl(f)8nl 01 Wl ~s und&r drought stress is usuC'lIy Inettecflv!;, Use only under estilblished plarlllngs 1 year or older of American elm. C;Jra~ana. Gotton· Do not repl,:lnl trealed areas te, CfOpS other than cotton 01 COfn within 4 montns lallowlng wOOd. Douglas fir. green ash. honeysuckle, PO/'lderosa p,ne. reclcedaf. RUSSian olive and band lIeatfT'!H'I\ and 6 monrns fOllowing t)roadcast treatment as Injury may result S,benan elm. Use "25105 Ibs. per acre. Apply as a band 4 ft. wide In Ihe Iree row (2 ft on each Side of row). For 8l!ample. t oz. Dlfelt 80DF treats 135 ft of tree row (2 M. on each SUGARCANE Side 01 row) al the rate 01 5 'bs. pef acre Apply as a directed spray in early spring before wHOS emergo and belo(e tr"5 leal out. Do nol apply to toliage Ollre&5. not ut'ldftr IrMS To prevef'll po$slbl4J crop Injury on (MtW cane vaflf'"ties, test toleranc' to Dlrel! SODF prior growing in low areas as inlury mil'l result. to adoption as field praCtlCB. 00 not treal sugarcane growing on thInly covered sub- SOIls or rocky areas as crop Injury may resull. Temporary CMJoroslS ollha crop may result trom application OVEtt" emerged canl!. To mlf"llmlze chlOrOSIS, use directed poslel"l"\6(gence sprc1ys. Pr.. •• Florida: For hu;h organic soils. apply 2 10 -4 Ibs. per acre as a broadcast or band spray pIlOr 10 weed NON-CROP WEED CONTROL emergence ane' plantmg or after harvesting plant crop (lOr raloon crop) Direx 800F is an effective herOIC ide lor the control 01 many weeds. The de-gree 01 contrOl Postemergence - florida: and dl,lfation of eHeeI Will vary with amount of chemical applied. soli texture, rainlaU and Make one Of fWD. appllcallons 012 Ibs per acre as needed by directed spray inter· row AUer· other conditions. Direl! SOOF may Off used as a preemerger'ICe treatment at .\lny time of year na!ively. for panlcurT' contrOl. make up 10 3 apphcallons of 05 to 1 Ibs. per acre plus surfac· eltCept when ground is Irozen, provided adequate moisture is Supplied by rainfall or artifiCial lanl as a a rected spray after cane has emerged but before panicum eltceeels 2 Inches In means to a~!lvate the herbicide. Best results are obtained If apphcatlon 1$ made to Ihe 50.1 hetghl. MiLSI nozzles 10 spray beneath cane plants and between rows 10 cover weed lohage applied shOrtly before weed growth begins. If dense growth ;s present, r9mO\le tops and and to minm ite contact of cane leaves With spray or dflft. 00 not apply more tl'lan 6 Ibs. spray the ground total ~ acr. between planting (or ratoo(ling) and harvest. Increased contact actIVIty on eslablished weeds may be obtained USlnq. a non· ionic suriac' Hawaii and Pl.lerto Rico: tanl. Apply as a drenching spray 10 actively growing weeds during warm weath., when dai­ Apply 4 to 8 Ibs. pet' acre as a broadCast spray prior fa weed emergence after planting or ly temperature will el!ceed 70" F atter harvesting plant crop (lor ratoon crop). second and application .ot to lbs. A U"!ltd 2 4 Use a filled - boom POWElf sprayer properly calibraled 10 insure a constant rate of applica­ per acre may be made as a !;lroadcasl spray over emerged cane or by dlrec!&<.! spray tio(l. Mix propffl am<:'-unt of Olrel! 800F into volume of wafer necessary to obtain uniform Inler-row. cO'olerage. "surfactant IS used. dilute with 10 parts of waler and add as last ingredie"t to If wMds are emerg~. add.a surfactant and apply as a directed SptJy 00 NOT SPRAY nearly full lank. Direw: eOOF musl be kept in suspenSoion at all times. Agitate by mechanical OVER THE TOP OF CANE or hydrauliC means in the spray tan.k. II bypass or return line is lISed. it s.hould tElfmi(lale 00 not apply more than 3 treatments nor. more than 10 lbs. PUe-fIO Rico or 12 Ibs. HawaII at bOttom of tank to mlnuTlize foamu'g. Use 50 mesh screen or larger. ) tolal;>ar aCre- ber""een planll!lg (or rafoonlng) and harvest. Trealed areas may be replanted General Weeds CC"ntrol: to sugarcane or p.neapple one year atter last application To control mosl annual weeds for an extende'j peflod of lime on /'Ion -cropland such as !,lllli· lou/siaM: ty. I'Ilghway. pipeline and railroad right of ways. petroleum tank farms. lumberyards. stQ(age Use on plant cane s."eded on lallowed ground. Make a Single applicalion 01 3 to 3 75 Ibs. areas. industrial plant sites. around farm bUildings and Similar areas apply 5 to 15 Ib!. per per acre at either of the follOWing times· Al,;guSlthrough OctOber - Treat a 2 fool band over acre to control mOSI annual weeds irf.ludlng the (OW at1er piantlO9 of cane. bul before weeds or cane emerge Spflng treatment January throu 10110wln£ 00 :'ot :.Jse on sar~(j Grasses 5 10 8 Lbs I acre 0' ieamy sand sods. nor on gra .... elly or sandy learns low "1 or.;ar,c m,1!'t~f ..... 'Ih less :t:c1n Barny·arcgras'·. Crc:~a(';(il.:';'; S"fnlhf1r~ :oh"songr3SS 10")e organ.c marter Do nC"1 oJse on thinly CO"8ret~ sub· scol are]~ (CI.;;." ~ncbsl 0') r)01 :I",al (Wa·e'gras··" Pe;::oerqr,YJ ', Vf!I"eI9fd5S .... hl';'

3cro..,r~ 'I'herf.; a\lP'(,~(jq Jnnual ralill,l,t '510 t:-:. 16 InChes lollc· ... ,ng 1.1<1 ;;1 ma.';! a Slng,,~ ;10) WARRANTY STATEMENT pl'Cill!on of I '0 1 51b5 pf'r ,l·.:'e Whf>fl ':'Jfl,(.:en: fTH IS:l.Jrp '" .~·',ldilt~l., ..'J 'W"T',na~F' ..... h .... l: C'~·IFFI~. "',H~d"JS 'l""a! :~l'S "l")<.~ur.t ("'111,)('''-> ',) ~~ •• ,·n"f""1I(.1! .. ;{.',,(. ,pl,,;n fin !l1I1 1.-l~· .. 1 s~."J ~;;Oly ~1 ..:I<)r~ S()d !''''':_'', clnG W"'''~', 1''' " " .. !"~"''; . III ";'(·'.1..1·~" ·,iT." T~.Jn M,;, '1 :~t'I"'(!f oII"~ ". '~>.]SOll.1~"., 1·1 !()' U'lrp"~"'" ;,~ ,'" ';LJ,.h 1.11'",1 \;1\1 ...... hP" Lls.~d·n .1'.VI' r m,~y (,,:vl'> ~'00r r,o';"lt5 ~ i'1(f! .... ,~~ I~H.' .j,r"', I,,·''''', U"l(~"r "Cfmal ~he US.l r:r.ndll.()n5 It 'S .rPPOs~ t·}le ~O "1"..,.,,",1:" ~~OTE· If tall pl.1nte-;j ..... heJ: ',111., 10 qFJW 'j.,'. :() ...n·:", io:,! ." J.~.,,:{'." """"l' . ',loS .r:h,·r"n:ly ,',-J:1.,:I!\·': -N':r' cJ5" nl If''r, pr·)np,)<; <1' C!f:er fail 1'''Jlmer)l. only fIeld', "",11",,1 hpl('r~ ~.jl'v",,"r '" ~ ., "I'", "':' ...... ,; '., .• " ; Nr" 1: d "r'I".·""':1,"':< "', '-',1, ·e.c,,,:t ~,.,., III· .••. j! "'J,.h tolC· " •.1'i •.,,,.,Ih," ('''''~. ";:lflW; "h'?,11 ;.'"iOlJ1f",,: ,1;::,.1 I .1' ,I 'I'·, !!.'" .j.,,,~, "''l.~'''! ;':'C·.-. ",-; 'IC' ')I_,c''''H i> ()f ,)!"'" '~dl"'· I", .)' .1-.> n·,lrr·." d .1·'" Y 'rp],r.i1;(\" ,1'1 ··,1 ..... !"""Ch .11" .()]. rj.'p:!1 ()1.1·O i) f'Cht'S 2'" I :n pl,ln!If"'J Dn c,ul ,. "".,' I". ': , ••• ,., I cy.'J I: .,1·".1 t."'y' .. 't"1 'i"·· """101 ;1 (;!'I~ i iI, II' ,,,., r,I'.,' '.;r,I.1 C;;;:f ;·lrJ ~"·',l~ I" !t" ,:,)r';'''li;f'''~I .. 1 ';u"r"~ 'r-e '".. 1.11<) crop i.!,H "r .f1j1I'Y 'r) 'i'" 'rnrc '1"':'"{ "",,,1' ';C-'''.. ,1 ~f ""~ ""'1 1.1·' .1.;'··; ,,>' .. i: '''I ''' .. 'T] 'h" .;'.1' 't'.I1·'· '''i .'~ :h <, ... ' .du,.1 ,\11 ,>(J(.n rIS~S "t>.:llt :-1 .. ,1';S'Irr·"il 'N m" :~IJ"'" CHII I I~J '.1,)" ~ ; ~.n N,\I1r,,\~< 1:1 r; C1F Mf;l Oregon and WashlOgton We'll 01 Case.Hi,. R;:tnge C f.-.ME ,\f1It Ii '{ 0,·1 r i T'J[ ',., ~ l)H" PAfH t(t I{ AH ,'\;Hf·n'::·f 'K1J"~ J\.i,j"l' nH't P £ ( ·.'1~,· oj ,;:,,(:;I'~ JUOIo(.~i.'.11;1 '):02 ·1,,> , .... I("! 15 ', .. " " 1S ,'(","~ ... ·,)I·,; .... ,nlj ~Ia,,~ rq k .'n( ';;, ClP IMPt 1[[1 ·,V.,\PP,UJ! if '(Cr"T ,\ ; ",~,\;f .) "Hn,,": II .... h •• ,ll ~nrl .... "....-js 1"11"'" "''''''''C:P'' . .lDrly h.oI,,,,, wO'.'j'. 1'" 1 '1""\ 1 rr: • S '.111 ,li'"".ll·',.·, :.;:"Oy ,1.'.1.'1)( rplxH.. r", :·1 p"", ."'"r.. ~ pJ",", ~"~"""·f".i ,I'. ,~ .. ' I ..... ~ 'Cw.,.· '.. , r I·.~ .1 (:.1°,.-.1.:'>

K..lnsa<;. OW:dhom., and Te(a., r 'f] nO!! ll"~ nn <;,lnt! :)r S-,r'c'v Ir·.1m '.1).10; 1)';1) 1 [} :>"'~. "" <·iI H"~ .. I~ I'T] c,C·I~ .t·· ' 1 =;:o? :t,., PP' .1("" .'In r .1. ~!.1y 1".11" ""~ ':.1 .. r.,'·' .,'·i'. Olht'r Are,,"· ',A.]I