U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 09/14/1995

U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 09/14/1995

Griffin ,;,fCEPTED ,Mii 2mB' I'S ~ In El' A Letter D.1Ild SEP 1 4 1995 ACTIVE INGREDIENT Oluron (3-[3,4-dichloroPhenylj-l,l-d melhylurea) . l 80 QOo INERT INGREDIENTS .. __ 2Q,Cc:'') TOTAL. 100 OC 0 - I --I I KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN I I WARNING - AVISO Si uS:,=lrl no '::,'(1'I~-_'r~(i,~ it! ·-'tl(l!;,-'L!, tHj'; liJfl d d i qtllr;ri ~'c1r(l qlJ': s~~ Ii:] expllqu.:, iJ !;,~: .. .,(j .:'r-: ,j-'1 ~i:,' (It "/".'_J '-1', ri . .'t Iw,~"'r'->:,;r,' I ir-::':, L~!J._-i, find "';JriV' }fI-' Ir,) i':(pi,llr1 It ~'! 1" ; 1!1 ',-],-;Llil) STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT 1 I IF ON SKIN \/id:,h ': .. ,:it! pl;','I1!Y ()f :,I)dr cJr1(j I./irlt:-'f C.,t rn0'j1C,11 ;llfs:>nirnn If I[flt:ltlon r"-'-~ ,1,1, IF IN EYES rlfJ:,fl ,' ... Itl) p~>'llll ()f "\',1:"'( (;.,1 ((:I->(j,:',ll dQ,,'ntlon If lrrILlt,I,'n P'-'f':-: ,I,; GRIFFIN CORPORATION Specimen Label PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESllC ANIMALS WARNING AVISO u~e~ (·YI..· Irf!t",~,on ~kry I!lltillC nose. O'HOdl and 5~,n A..,o,d hrealhrng dust Of splay mrst A..,o,d contact with ~kin. eyes and Cl()thlf"!g PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT ptiCill()r~ and othf~r h,~n(jlf"r<., must Wf'.H long· slee~,'e ~.hrrt ,11)(1 lonq f,;rrli~ Waterprool gloves Protective eyewear Shoes plus socks ;card dothing or other absorbent matenals thaI ha..,e, been drenched or heavily contaminated wIth thIS proouct's concentrate. Do flot reuse them FoJlow manulacturer s Iructlons lor cleanlngJ malntalnrng prE. ;! no such instructions lor washables, use detergent and hot waler. Keep and wash PPE separalely from other laundry USER SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS Jsers should: _ Wash hands belore eating, drinking. r.hewi~g gu~~~.~ng lo~a~_",__ u~,"_·n~g,-,-the-,-~'O_i_'._t_. ____________ J ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS nol apply directly to water. or to areas where sur1ace ..• ... ater is present. or to inlenidal areas below the mean high water mark 00 not contaminate water wben disposing equipment washwaters. Cover or Incorporate SP!lts. DIRECTIONS FOR USE 50 a ..,iotation 01 Federal law 10 use Ihis product In a manner inconsislent wtth its labeling. Do not apply this product in a way Ihal will contact WOrkers or other persons, ,er directly Of through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during applicaHon. For any requirements specific 10 your Stale Of 1 ribe. consull the agency respon· Ie for pesticide regulahon. ex 80DF herbicide should be used only in accordance with recommendations on this label, or in separate published Griffin recommendaltons. ffin will not be responsible for losses or damages resulling Irom use of this product in any manner not specifically recommended by Griffin. User assumes all risk associated h $u('''' _1'n-recommended use. ~ ,thiS prMl'd in S'lG b a Warp! 6S 10 d. eetl) gr lbeg §I;';I itt expose .. 0' kc's 0. OILer ~e:so"s. llie died DeIllQ II 8ated Iliosl be ,sated b, bliP' MealaO PCiSOI\:JoI AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS ~ Ise Ihls product only In accordance With !IS labelmg and with the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170 ThiS Standard contarns requrrements for the protecttofl f agrtcultural workers on farms. lore_!s. nurseries and g'eer,houses, and handlers of agncultural pesticides It contains reqUIrements for IralOlOg, decontamlOatlon. ollflcallon. and emergency aSSistance. 11 also contair.s speCifiC InstTuchons and exceptions pertaining to the statements on this label about personal protective eqUIpment I :>pE) and restricted-entry interval. The requirements In tillS box only apply to uses 01 thiS product that are covered by the Worilef ProtectIon S!andard. )0 nol enter or allow worker entry Into treated areas dUrlr'1g the rest'rUed entry mterval (REI) 0112 hours I 'PE required for eany entry 10 treated areas Plat is p€fmrned under th\' Worker Protection Standa~d and that involves contac: wl!h 3"lyth!ns; that has Deen treated, such s plants, soil. or water. IS I - Coveralls - Waterprool gloves I - protective eyewear - Shoes plus socks ---------- -- ------- - -_._---- -- he re"U"emeoiS ,0 ".s b0' "il,I,·'o uses~,?,~p~o~u~~:t:r~n~ ~~,~t~';-co~~!~,e~J:3~r~~~o~;a~c~~o' '~":,,1:"'" re"',c'des 40 CFR pa" 170 ",II he WPS appl,es ..... :ll.'n !hl$ [yoduCI rs L.'~,.,c to proc"ce 2c"CJlIural plants on farms. foresls. nurSI?rres, or greenhousf's lon· ClOp weed curllrol IS no~ .... lt~l~ t~e 5CC';:J<: of I'H: -.\'D·~er ProteCl'on S:andafd. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL TORAGE: Slo't:' prCl~uct ,rl 0"9,r:<11 ((\~l:i::,r,t-' onl') ,e .....'i\ !rom other pestiCides. (prtlhzer. iO('C or I(,t'd RODUCT DISPOSAL: Do no! c.(l~ita!1\'r12~t .... <J:l". ,,_,:!,:: v ~f'ed by storage or d'sposal Wastes r,~~,ullrng from ttle tc~,,:o (,! tr;,~ ;::'~"':;wcl 'n,-,,' be t.l,spc'~pd o! (\11 Sift· or ! ?on pvPd .... 3S1~' Q's"c<;al !::;.,'_-,!,Iy ON1. <...R DISPOSAl. Cz·,I'I;..>le1L+i t'fT1:)~) 029 ntc Z::j);:JII:~:'(lrl equlrrnenl Then dI5(:)OS(' 01 em;Jly Las; 1'1 a sanitary Iz::r"j~lll. 0' ,'.':' ~(' 3:',)',. (If, II .)!I(ll't-t'd ~y statE- a~c ,cal dw\hor;t'f'S. by' ~urr':ng 11 t,,,r,'1('d, s:a) oul 0: Sr1"1(J"E' GENERAL INFORMATION ~x 800F ~erb'c!se IS a disrerS,b1f' qranule 'e. ~)p r~1 'lC! In water and appil!?d as a spray fO' seleel' .. 'e ,,('n,fol o! w('r:d~ ,f) ce"a,"l c ~~$ ,'1110 'or nonselective wee(~ cor,!fr,1 Ilon·crop:anc; arp<lS 11,~ nOllr.o'rU5lVe Ie.: eqv>prne'lt 'lonll2mmable and nonl,lolatile ex Boor may l'€ appl,ed Ie <,1):1 p',or 10 {;f1'{;~yt'n(e 0' weens 10 control susceptible wf'ed seerlllfl']s for an extended pf"IOd or ",-,,,_ :he d(;gee oj control arId Gural'or! ~Hect woll 'JJ'y wllh the amount or chemIca' Clopl'ed SC)I! te)tu'e. ra,nfall and oth£" condljl ...lrlS SQils hlqh In c!;JV or or9"'""[ m~t:.·, ~f'aI!Irf' h'9her dosayes lha~ soli Ie,w la'y Dr -J'gilnl( matter lor f'qul"ijlent hP-ft),C.'OP ;:,,'r~('If':I"'''(P Mf)I~~u'e IS If'qtJlfed 10 ;)ctlvale the he'~)r(lde, op,t r!~<;IJI\s or(Uf I~ ral~I'(iI'; ;(H "p"n'~lf'f Ifrlg3110n) occurs wln'"n lee~" "I apr,l,cat'()fl ~)o. 80])f- dPpllcd tH.. 'f~HP f'me'c·-'''(f' of c:(,~, d 1(' \""','1..", ·s a~ e1lpc"w' plocCdurf' tleCaUSf' slisc prl1hl p Wf,,-.(j~, ,I'" {CH1:r(IIi('1 ,r; ,'"'" .. ::;.,Iy I,IIJiner,ltlle 'Spc'ctl,nc:: SLlQ(' ~>I:~"'l' y (,()'110("(' .,.,.'ttl 111(' (lOP \',,11" '-:j·"l'<1t)I(· m() <;~,,'P '-,~'''c-;, [1,[(,:,: HOOF r(,n\lnup"-. 10 ('(,nlrol w(,P(":s fo' <;nmp l,m",;I<; \',(' no; :".;-('r<l('<, :1f'!\P' .l:Jll~ \0 n"'lpf':il S~e, Itj '(1 ~h'rjj'n(J<; ["'G," 1'-' :)! ... ,,~ l~"c ,,:J~ 1'1;> .,'f·' '_,"',)+,'C'" :',- ,~- ... " .: ,n ·"~,,d'c;i"1 r'u,n~~,s_ 9'r'OQn,ry .... ,.('t~ CiJrl!'Gi [!"!(f'O,! "~'II""("Ii('(j_ th"';p In::,i,)o(' (-LJ',I\," ;~I 1 ;''')S!P'Tlt:';.l(''l('' tl(","Cnl( "~,:-.I,, ;i,,')n ~ FUr,r n',ly a!'·,' t,'.' cl'''iJ k"',r',,: f'f',P '> ~ ""." .-.' ""f,' w,!r, f.lle 2!~'['I'('d ilnd f'flv,,(,n'T"'"l',,1 (""(~"'I' tH •. : ""-.]1". ',i'CW'" l'" ',ljC,UI[";~ ..... f'Pc!<:, qrn ... ;;. ref. '1 -~,' , ,': c, ( • . r- (\' 'i ;"'" :"~C"'(lil ,,! " ~'lIr!"':;t"l I" I!,,' .,; '.,\ !v-.~I'" ",-"r,' ,1"";,,,' -'1,1\ • (-Ife, ~', C.' l)" '.'~ ,:',(ll . , IlCt[ If rn;lV (,I' ., ......; .'" ,,·,,· ... ,':/·,1 p')!,I' .. ·._"C,'~;( ,i"flr'(,-Jh,n (,()f1\.li_' r,l uo,' ft-)I,;l(l" .lr+l~/'" Irl;l! ""ill' play'" rn''';' p',",! t>r . ."" ., ~ "'1 'rl' tr11lrlWt'tQ rr(,,,<. "rtt( t\l'~". ~ if·'·I'~\ ,,!,''" ::, :'" II,,' ,,"'I ',i') 1,r;.'''' ,1"':'''' ;:'1,",,",' ;,:,,'-1,',';' ,-,1 ,It'.,',,, ~"jf~,l'l;;', ['1:1":1'''<, r,I'I"~>f'r ,"', ,;1' '-'~" """, , ~" , :1',' (J'".,,", "'el( a(',J") (tlr,."" 1','1 ;',.1' [""lC"'_'" ;",l', nf·''-;~c...... li" ;:', c,',r1 '-'''t;l''l tr~-f' pl;;f\I,r1r", ." I , ~. "1 ' ,Jri,1( ';, ,t ~ ;", t'f' ""f ~ ',,, ".;. , r, i' (1".'olt,I''''" ';j (',it (''',ld!)I,' , '~ , [., r!,. J'.," " . ~,q'(dll I',! ,"'rol .... II,,,, \1"<" ',1',· ,', (:"l!: "~I [1 , (,·,1- , I". I,'. I. ,., '" i''''' " ,( " , 0<1 t , : ,,' r 1'" I .,,' , ~'" -r , r ' ' (I' !"'_ "ii, T "., . 'I)HftdH ",. ' T'.'., HI! ! , , ',' I' '" ;'! '" ", I' ",.; I .. ,' , ! '" .f, I"'''' ". [If) I ,,' " : ', .. ,'. i" '",,' 'J" ·.d,I" [,I.. r)" '" I ',.I" "'i Ii., ' ,', , ," . , • r' . !"', I' J" '~ ','!' . ',,,! .'. ,", 'f, ttl" ", ,,"', ""." J." ,,:~ ; " ''I' " ,f '. "'1". ' SELECTIVE USE IN CROPS Preemergcnce herbH:,<l~ selt'ctlvt~ly CUlllruh ,\rHlll,11 wp.t~ds Sl;,'h as ~"-.. !9_~_~bfa~!e 1 ~ to? lb~L~~.f:' 2 to 6 lbsfacre Barnyar(1 gr,'ss (wat~~rqr~hS) ArnSlnckl,1 (~,rJdler'eck) Kllclwel Ayer .. tum JOhI1S0f1gra:;~ (seedling) Rice gr.1S~ Crabyr,1~5 Annu,]1 bluegrass Pennycress Annual lovegra~~ Ku(h,.l Sandbur Lamb5quarh"~' Ar)n\Jal SWP.I:'I vernalgras5 Rattari fescue Annual ryegrass Kyllinger (K"lImgal Sp,lnlsh nec(11~s • Pigweed Annua! grUUfldCherry Red sprJl1gletop Anr1ual smartweelJ Marigold Vclvetleaf IbultonWl't'O) Purslane Annual mornrngglory Shepherdspurse Annual SQwthrstte Mexican clover Wild radlst) Ragweed ':hlckwe6'd Tansymustard Corn Speedwell Orchardgr;j$s Cor.., spurry Velvelgrass Daytlower Peppergrass Dogtennel Wild buckwheat Flora's paintbru5h P,neappleweed Foxt.'!11 Wild lettuce Hawksbeard Pokeweed Gromwell Wild muslard Horseweed Rabbit tobacco Partial conlrol 1 Lbl acre 4 Lbsf acre 8 to 10 lbsfacre Annual mormngglory HorsenetUe Cocklebur Ouackgrass Guineagrass Prickly sid a (teaweed) Maidencane Sesbania Sicklepod APPLICATION DIRECTIONS Other Are.s Wh.,.

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