iianrlrpstpr Eapnittg Uprald W b LfNESDAT, SJE'Pl'EMBEJl 18, 1841 Spend and Lend Your Savings in War Bonds! Pih«huret^MQ^ .z. Dtpartmint Male’ s Self Serve Average Dally Circulation For tk« Montti Of Angnto, 1942 ThiVWeather ForeoM t ^ D; a. Weataier THURSDAY SPECIALS Our Annual. September 7,530 Cttnoine Cub« Sttaks Mcfiiber of the Audit Mahtly eooler tonight. Campbelt’s ' ' Native HEALTH MARKET B n w u of OIrcalatloBa Veal Catleta or Chops m-oz r.o Manchester— City of Villofte Charm Tomato Juice 23c HI-HAT s p e c ia l s r Freshly Chopped Hamburg ncle Sara’s We offer a limited amoonfc Chop Suey ib. 19c VOL. LXL, NO. 808 (OaMtSed ■g OB P ag. 12f MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) fRICE THREE CENTS of 4 to 5>poand Pork Botts. Macaroni s

1 - V* X' / .1 fy KAIfCHESTER EVENINQ HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24:^1^ ■\ , f C K * MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.^, T O U R SD A T , SEPTEMfiER 24, 1 9 ^ P A t j i m i r X raid wardens, scouts, policemen, Don’t Neglect Slipping Get-TogetKier Held remen, plumbers ohd fraternal loreVo a jVeed to Know After Thev Told It to the Marhies Maloney Raps Quota Passed oi'gqnizationa Join in searching Lot of Angles Votin^Hours Need for Metal Scrap dlatnbtsi were offered. "Let every­ FALSE TEETH Bv Teachers’ Club News of Our Do £al»« teeth drop, slip or w»bbU By Simsbury body whbi.4S not afraid to get his when you talk. eat. lauch or tnaM et We Fight C ^ s e oJ S u it Draft Chaos hands dirty get in'the scrap,one Don't be annoyed and embarraaeed In This Stolen Car Case speaker declared. by such bandicapf. KASTEKTU. an Called ‘Truly Critical’ Boy Scouts elkaliad ~^on*acid)‘ pow.der to The Manchester Temchers’ Club The drive In ConnecUef^ is In sprinkle on your platea. keep* falee ; Ml wtiat m t T iaUUon. h* found the cur with th« State C. olr>\C. to Start held its first fall get-together last Political Parties 'Fighl Says Disparity in Town Is '50 Per Cent three phases. It wlU^be publicized' teeth more flrinly eetl Given oonfl> through Sept. 30. From OcL 1 to dent feeling of neettrity and added )g tfM o«M«ttdn OontUble Iwya inaid* it. A ihort tlm a uftcr- evening at Highland Park, when Troop 18 mann, and second class first aiu Ahead of Goal ebatM O ald ot Bolton would ward* two young: f*llow* c«^ie to Program of ilfluration Over jRuling of Secre­ Country Has Stoppe«l Cincinnati Scrap Drive ministration of Act Is 9, service crews will locate sources I’omfort. No ffuminy, Kooey. paety a pot-luck picnic supper vvas serv­ (Blohard Bsriter, 8)— Re-' "Washington, Sept. 24—(JPi— oath. A game of chain tag was ing to local 'Con lltions, will taky to N Cincinnati, Se(>t. 24—(jP)— Senator Maloney (D., Conn.) has meeting* headed by Simsbury reports that place Oct. 10 to 17. |la#< tar^■aaplelotv « can and after aUble Pirie showed up and found ptisedxP'^K''*"' ^ drive home in 'a buffet. The menu included publicans and Deinocrata .gre en­ Years for Junk Now. played. The Scouts then went to AU Cub Scouts and den leaders la-aBOiiic .Tiieaday night called , no car. — .... 1 1 Ihg people of this state "the need hot casserole dishes, salads, cold Hamilton county (Cincinnati) called the attention ot Brig. Gen. its scrap metal campaign has al­ I ^ S mUbc Last night ConsUble Pirie, in I ... gaging in a legal battle^ iierhapa concedes that Nebraska did a Hershey to a “wride disparity in their patrol corners Tm U were ^f Pack No. 2 are.reminded of the |T*3ook’i Oarage at Manchester cuts, rolls, relishes, coffee and By Gareth Muchmure passed. A game of Uon Hunt waa first fall meeting to be held this ready exceeded its original quota Blind Man’* pog Stolen |*"Skwi aod^had the vehiote towed company With the attendant at the , for und^rstanjling of the lib- fruit. to be followed by a politl^&l fight, , marvelous job in collecting the administration of the Selec­ played, after which the Scouts filling station toured the country-j erty for which we fight is being New York, Sept. 24—iff’)—: The KM pounds of scrap metal per Friday, Sept. 25, at 7 o’clock, at by 50 per cent, the Newspapers’ > ' V laatato Vw yard of the filling sta The picnic gave an opportunity on the question of whether ]^olIlng tive Service Act," which he said were dismissed at 9:00. This Sat­ United Metal Scrap Drive in Con- Adnarently it was out of | aide looking for the car and the j advanced by Xhe Connecticut places may open before 6 a. m. person in three weelu, but the "is creating a state of chaos and the Second Congregational cburctf. Lynn, Mass.-^/P)—Arthur J. ^ japper^nuy ^ driven it off earlier for teachers, from the various need for metal scrap today waa; urday there will be a hike. All hcctiouL waa given fresh iihpetus DOOOWNERS—TryNew (Hiamber of Comiitbrce. schools to meet th'e ne'w teachers and close after 6 p. m. on electlofix., described as “truly critical'' ■ by , local folk want you to read; confusion which will not long be Mip^e, 55, who is totally blind, re­ this: Scouts are asked to b* a t the Troop 47 Tuesday afternoon as salvage M agitex lubblae. *• __ "j^fter. the oar had been towed ' in the day. . - ,N . in the aj'atcm, who were- guests day. steel nieii who said this country ■ jLOlerated." ' church at 8:30. chairmen from more than a score ported to police 'recently that Workmen at the etatiOn clatni Adoption of the program is ex­ Their scrap campaign; has G. Zanin, 8<-rilie someone stole hl^ collie dog which IfrcB. Constable Pirie found, it is al- pected to^ake place ne^eAt Thurs-“ of the club. HTje town of Greenwich, control­ had stopped living .on its metal In a. letter to the director of the Before Uie meeting which began of towns gathered at the Hartford \BLITZ FLIAS Im gagad, th a t the ear had been atolen. that the value ,of the car, plus Arrangements were In charge led by Republicana, with Attorney "fat" and now must dip back 40- yielded 380 pounds per .capita!^ Selective Service system. Senator had been trained to . guide him tires, would not exceed more than day at a joiiit meetingg of the The explanation Is that Cin­ Pack 4 at 7:15 some of the scouts enjoy­ club to complete organization fot Use-Mogitsx BubbI* Shampoo.-Rub . latt/oAtng up the rightful owner and of the social committee, of which General Fk^nsils A. Pallottl en­ years for steel and iron junk. Maloney said: '1 the collectionlto be taken from through the streets. .Muise said he $,50. It was, according X® their Chamber's Am«t;^lcan demobcacy dei cinnati and Hamilton county WIIHaot Norris, acrfiie ed a good ganie of football. The was unable to leave his home on, wip4 off, no tub, no rinsing. Re­ •ppriaing him of the fact that the Misa Ruth Nyman Is chairman. couraging the move, has asked the The statements dame as this na- "I am also consciojur of the rap­ meeting opened ' with the custom­ OcL 10 to 17. iM f ^ eiele l had been recovered, he I story, a 1934 or 193S Pontiac- committee and board of directOta Superior Court of Fairfield county started their drive nine The'q^ting of Pack 4 open^ without the dog, which vanished moves fl*bs, lie*, tick* on cootoel. to be held here. , ‘ tton's newspapersv-more than months ago. idly evolving requirements of our ary Scout .Oath and Law. After "Urging careful • organization of Cleons, dtodoriz**, b«outl(l*s ooot. back to Cook's Station b u t' Mean while, Cons cable Pirie is on for a cieclaratory judgment In a 1,600 have pledged their .help — military forces, -f suggest that at 6:30-§rifh the Pledge to tlie while his . owner was In a down­ IrufBbM. car had vanished. the lookout for the thieves who Dr. Alonzo Grace. «ate com­ Harold W. Nichdis, chair­ that the .scouts were dismissed to committee .personnel, . John E. Safe, convenient, effective. Coeti only pen- challenge of a recent ruling by assumed leadership in the drive td these changes \n themselves indi­ Flag wh^h''Woa followed by In­ their patrol corners. Then Ray Ellsworth, Simsbury chairman. town store. nic. on oppllcotlon. At D*pt. 5 Drug Stores Barly in the morning when the .stole the car from the thieves who missioner of education and chalr- Annual Carnival Mrs. Chase Going Woodhouse, sec­ man of the county's Scrap- mafr-, of a special sub-committee collect the scrap lying around Drive committee reported cate that a comprehensive recon­ spection Tor nbatnsss. Mercer took a few liewcomers to ouUined the basic setup employed ilitendsiitsttendanta openeaopened uiethe siauuustetion. juoijust‘d stole the. car from the orij^inai retary of state. - American homes, farms, factories sideration of the basis and method The game then flayed was the I the north of the regular filling i owner. which^drafted the program, in his 236,885,341 pounds of sqrsp the troop aside to pass them on there which has rosultte in a col­ J Of Country Club Mrs. Woodhoupe, .without con­ and buildings. for calling family men into the "Elephant RoU” 1m . by FiWik their tenderfoot tests.' Also some lection of 160 tons, an increase of introductory remarks on, the pro­ sulting Attorney General Pailotti, iron and metal were turned In. "Many millions of tons of iron S;iicceBs of the local cam­ armed forces is immediately fiec- Wilson. '''v vcjmts practiced on Morae Code 55 tons over It* original quota. gram says. One of our furidamcntal cited Section S90 of the General and steel scrap must be collected errors is to assume that total war paign was attributed by Nlch- After a den period oi'^wenty (Sel»d(rig and receiving). Later the Enthusiasm ha* run so high, he The Manchester Country club's Statutes as authorizing any town if the tremendous tonnage of steel of* to "tremendous publicity” minutes another game was ^ayed scouta "Aent Into the gym to- en­ declared, that the committee has is military livnature. ’ or city by ordnance to advance or • needed in the n.atlon's war efforts jU-Boat Yards N. y. Stocks annual carnival and outing which given to it by newapapertKifi called the "Verbal Message." S \ joy a feW’'games, One waa a race raised its quota to .200 tons and ; Battle of Concepta extend the customary voting , are to be produced," said Eugene "advertising, editorially and Themeetlng closed with the 4n which wooden dumbella were hopes to achieve this by .Saturday He then points out that "total wae rained out last Sunday will be hours, the voting period to cover R. Grace, president of- Bethlehem in their news-columns.” " rolled the length of . the gym w'ith the closing day of the drive". held this coming Sunday, Chair­ jt maximum of 12 hours, for the Pack yell, the Cub Prayer and ^ AtFlensburg Air Reduction .... ---- war Includes .the battle 'of con­ Steel Corporation. '. Newspapers publish a cou­ Grand HowL sticlu.i Then there was a race in Opened by Francis S. Murphy, Allis Chal ilfg ...... cepts and ideals concerning the man Eskil Buckland announced to- primary purpose of making it Steel men estimated they would pon on which householders which the acouts went the length general manager of 1Tie Hartford state and the individual. ' \V’e day. easier for factory workers to need to pile up .at-least 17 million Am Airlines . : ...... ran register the location and Troop 98 of the gym running on hands and Times, the meeting heard speak­ EAST HARTFORD Raid Targets Am Can ...... have only to look at the records Members of the club in carnival vote. Hartford and New London tons ot scrap bet.veen now and approximate amount of any feet. Then the scouts lined up and ers emphasize the importance pf Telephoiw 8-4115 Am Rad St S ...... of a totalitarian state ..to know coetumee will' play Scotch four­ have already voted to Tteep their- Jan. 1, when war production is ex­ known pile of w aste material. '.V William Barcla.v, .Scribe dues were collected. Scout Hodge (irovlding adequate transportation Am Smelt ...... what'-ln.stltutions itere- used and somes beginning about two o'clock polls open'until 9 p. m., but Re­ pected to reach its peak. Monthly A Boy S c o u t-iponspred The weekly meeting w-as called received his tenderfoot award. facflMJes in removing accumulated X (Continued from Page One) Am T * T ...... ;... what motives controlled In the i A United States Marin; (center, sl^irtless) gives drderii to Japanese lafadrers who were held, on in the afternoon. Following the publican leaders of Greenwich In­ consumption of scrap ftow is run­ drive, planned for one week to order a t 7:1.5 with the Scorut The mealing closed with the scrap. Suggestions that siitrictent I . « preparation for'world revolution. ; Guadalcanal Island in the Solomon I.sland group to build an airj.ort and other Installations. They were playing there will be a dinner in sist on a court ratling to test the ning at about 4 million tons, the only, started five weeks agb Oath and Law. Dues were collect­ Scoutmaster's Benediction, J) manpower to .handle collections be Am Tob B ...... the Country club. ' > Ifcidwhe]n WUhelmshaven was bla.sted. Am Wat Wk.s ...... "The need for an Understand- captured when the Marines stormed the island.' Here they are behind a barbed-wire fence. This scene validity of Woodhouse's ruling, . greatest in history'’but still not "‘and is still continuing.” said ed, and attendance was recorded. rpcruited from college*, fraternal S^Othither'fam iliar targets in that Am A’i.'cose ...... ing of the liberty- ifor which we i is from s newsreel. \ and this city will be represented ■ enough. Nichols, "because we haven’t Short patrol meetings were held Troop 126 organizations, s'^hools and civilian r^ySrea Include Bremen, Brenierha- Anaconda ...... fight is evident to many," he as- ■---- ^ " ' ' ------:------by the corporation counsel's office , "The recovery of scrap is so been able to stop it," for fifteen minutes. A* Is cu.s- (Parker Vetrano, Scribe) defense groups were rflet^with en­ l^ven, Hamburg and Emden. when all parties appear before Armour 111 ;...... J. serts. That this knowledge si* • ra - I l-ion of parity. President Roosevelt j what like, the Reed-Tydings pro- vital," said Ralph H. Watson, vice tomary, the rest of the meeting The weekly meeting of TVoop thusiasm. |c r Flensburg is a Baltic port in ' may be shared by all in our state, J^ o lllS IO n n e tw e C ll Superior Court Judge Frank P. president of the United States was Spent in studying first aid and 1.36 has been postponed to 6:00 Location of available scrap was Atchison ...... 11ms expressed "unalterable" op- . posal 174 to 128 on a teller vote., Quotations McEvoy in Bridgeport, Friday, at ]the Prussian province- of Schle- Atl Refin ...... the program is proposed" I.position to such 4\move. "'and his .1 Final pasaage of the measure was Steel corporation, "that every far­ signaling. Thursday evening at the Emanuel seen as an important prior step .fii 1g-Holsteln, near the Danish Steps to Be Taken 11:30 a. m. to set a hearing data., mer and every householder has a Salvage Stage Tenderfoot tests were completed Lutheran church. All members collection and suggestion* that air Aviation C orp -----.... lieulcnan'is in Congress have by a vote of 284 to 98. This hap-^ so that a decision may be available •frontier. Baldwin Ct ...... T he program, drayert up. by the Soloiis. Presidents heavy responsibility for the coun by Robert Wpod and Kenneth Her- are urged to. be present. sought to split farm hi^ support pened shortly after leaders had Smoke was so heavy many men before the October 5 town elec­ try's production of guns,. tanks, . . A Berlin broadcast said the Brit-;. B A G ...... ; . sub-committee which also.includes of the amendment with" a.-xcompro- abruptly adjourned the Senate to passed out. .1 passed out twice. tions. Richard J. Stanley and F. W, Orr ships and ahells.” Long Passed l*[Rsh "made Isolated nuisance raids Bendix ...... Feai*e .An Asso­ ■ht doWn.” C\Dml Inv Tr . — ...... community in the vicinity of the j As.serting that not merely a tucky. Senators Brown tD., Mich.), ' erats and ^yen Republicans, many We have taken the heaviest and Ucket. are preparing to charge in way of regulation, the basic sta­ More T h a n Half Concen- workers, waitre.sscs, elevator op- Coral Solv ...... college or university, and cli-domestic question. ’was involved, of them frdm farm state* ' and most difficult steps on the road newspaper drive, worried that ciated Press stAff riwn, who tute should be changed. ^ ■ erators’ and eva;n a.* page girls, Oatman Bomber Destroyed vy'agner tU., N. 5’.). Tydings ID., the campaign, if fhe Woodhouse Bight of Im'ge piles of scrap In Comwlth Edis ...... malted In the spring with a gen- byt the i.-sue of national Unity, Md.), O'Mahoney iD.l Wyo.), Tail £ome of whoni said they were In­ to winning: this vt-ar. ruling is upset, that the Republl- returned from Uennsny in Situation Not (V>nt*>mp(ated t r a t e d in Two P laces 5 As a trend of the Umes hotel On the home front, a German Cons Aire ...... eral conference in Hartford. Brown-said he-had expended every clined to’vard support of the —Lieut,-Gen. WllUam 8. Knnd- junk yards or elsewhere might June, tells of Hitler's. fraatlc 'The very fact that the Army iK., Ohio) ,-nd Reed )R.. Kas.).' cans fought ah attempt to make It give the impression Qiat scrap was ,, . « s'l I • men' point to the Roosevelt hotel imber was deatre^ed off the east Cons Edls ...... 1. State record-s. it La said, show effort in an attempt to reach a Reed and Tydings had prepared amendment. sen. Army prodiietton chief. easier for factory workers to vote. search for metals). may 'be considering an increase of ISUSIlieSS Is ixOOfl in in New Orleans which recently t of'England during the night.. plentiful, pointed out: Cons Oil - ...... -there .. are 150,000 aliens in Connec­ compromise on which Congress, the.cuniproniise proposal, which Adminisl.ation lieu|enants were its forces over a period of a single Civilian Iln^tplrips • “dver^iaed for men elevator op- •/' An authoritative statement said Cont Oil Del ...... '.... ticut. Only a small portion of the pre.sidcnt arid t'he country said to feel,, however.'ttjat if they With the coming o‘f peace Uie Those piles, even though im- p. By Ernest O. Fischer year to numbers approaching 10.- AilVllian IlU bieiries. , erators over 65 years of age, got ihofftas said was revised only ' shipped to the mills for a while, la Docs not rot dresses or men'f |dprlh«re w as-slight, enemy activity Cont Can ...... this group ha.a been inducted into could agree. slightly-when_____ it was______offered at____ the could wean some of the Tarm bloc airplane will become more and Dallas. Texas, Sept. 24.—(Ji— 000,000 or more men indicates to them, was pleased with them. th u o ; Docs not irncAte ikin. er a district of 'Northeast Eng- Corn Prod ...... citizenship snd it is proposed that "I do not believe we have been meeting by administration leaders. 1 members away from the Thomas- more a factor in disrupting pres­ Murder Victim mean only that the industry knows me that a situation has now arisen By Janie* Marlow and 2a N ow iuungrodry. Can be used ent world route* and in the social where they are, will take them in Collection of scrap all over Ameri­ ' land but added damage was alight Del L * Wn ...... la campaign hi undertaken to en- successful.'' he .s^hI. os th? crowd­ The House action in paesing the proposal with the >Rged.- Which w.is not fully, contemplated George 2ielke HoDHwiioes Not Good Lamk light after shAving. 'and only one person was reported Du Pont ...... antl-inflalion bili yesterday w ith ' Tydlngs compromise, they co'yld and cultural revolution we are now as soon as transpertatlpn facili­ ca reminds those of us who have when the Selective Service Act S. fnsttntlf t|toPSperspirAtionfar ' couri'ge naturalizalion.v, _ ed Senate listened intently. v^tnesslng. Identified Today ties allow, and can count ahead on New' York, ' Sept. 24 — (Wide ^UUed. Eastman Kod ...... He related he not.only had ap­ an amendment identical to that | ‘^e anti-inflation . meaeufe. been in, Germany that Hitler'* was originally enacted," said Ma­ World)- When Uncle Sam turns Spokane, Wa.ah. — — Merle I to 3 dayt. Prevenu odor^ Authorities permitted the dls- Elec Auto - L ...... Hatch from an almost certain veto. - ■ —Dr. John H. Garland, We*tern how ' much scrap Is known to be hunt for metals long ago' passed loney's letter. Sommers, 7, tah’t see why big 4a A white, grets;rleit, ‘ ■ pealed to Senators to reach some Nipoposed by Thomas and Reserve University geographer. available; innkeeper, he really spreads- him­ suinlesi vinishing cr»m. Icloaure today that Rye was the Erie RR .'ct ...... compromise, but had conferred in 'the Senate was credited with I -r*,"**^ Increase Idvlng. Cost the junk-salvaglng stage. The letter has been placed In self. folks think horseshoes are good, on the British southeast coast Hartford, Sept. 24— (Jh —The Grace gave this twofold cause Sa Awirded Approv^Seal of Gen Elec ...... with House leaders .seeking' the stifling the determination of I1 The gove.-nment * Oflic* of Price The Ouigro.ssional Record togeth­ The governmept, wasting neith­ luck. In fact, he can't .see. But he^ American Instijuteof Laiinder« SWEATERS _jere a lone German raider bomb- Gen Foods ...... '...... Local Stocks Administration has estittiated that It Is up to US to see that no ricUm found strangled to* death of the shortage: There street cleaners even sal­ er with Hershey’s reply to ' an FEATURED AT same end. and had "tried to per­ farm bloc members in the latter deed of purs deprives our fighting- on a farm In West Hartford today vage bolts and nut* which drop er time nor labor on new buildings, escaped with fiothing worse than' in^ for being hft^leu to ig'.'ad a motion picture theater ‘Tuea- Gen Mot ...... -...... body to force the-same proposal as passed by the House the legis­ "Less scrap is available from earlier recommendation . from has taken over on a rental basis some black eyes. A colt kicked suade the 'chief executive to reach lation would incease tlis cost of men of a tingle khell, a tingle tool, was. Identified as Mrs. Winnie normal sources, due to diversion from vehicles. ,day afternoon.' Five persons, In- Goodyear T * R ...... a solution that would be accept- into the bill there now,... Maloney that steps be taken to more than 250 hotels as schools him. hidlng one theater employe, were Int Harv ...... Furnished by Putnam and Co. living by $3,000,000,000 to $3.- I lingile part, t tingle tank. gun. Thomas. 72, "of Hartford. of steel from.-’pMce-time manu­ Bentove Bells From Church Bible^o Congre.^a, the adm inistra­ See* No Veto ahip or plane". Identification, according to Cap­ remove uncertainty from the and barrack.* for service men., ^ l l e d . Int Mer Mar ...... 6 Centrat Row, Hart ford 500 000,000 a yea.". factures, and greater consumption American nationals Interned at minds of family men concerning That number is only a fraction Arrid i s t h e Insurance tion and the American people. Thomas told reporters he did Althofjgh Demotratic Leader —.Arthur J. Felerten, UAW In­ tain Vincent B. Hurlbut, was made of scrap Is occurring because of Bad, Nauheim saw workmen re­ 7o kflievt $4.98 Int Nick ..: ...... by a grandson. Eulson Klllegrew, their prospects of inductiqrr. of. this country's. 15.500 hotels, V e i l i n g d e o d o . a n Int Paper ...... Bid Asked Mill Have Done Disservice not believe the president would Ba'ik.ey of Kentucky and others ternational fepreiaentative. the retiord production of the steel move several large bells from the Aflrery of Toii31 w adt a whole ■wardrobe of these hand- veto the-measure if;-the parity who lived with hts grandmother. Senator Maloney. .said hc re­ each with more than 25 rooms. faahioned .tlip-ons and cardigans of 1007r pur* Direct Hit Scored lot T A T ...... Aetna Casualty ... ; 123 128 "If we shall by. our action here apparently were pinning high ipdii.stry on war work.” church across the kt'Vet from the But more than half the hotels . 49', 5 1 ', force a head-on collision between chsnge were made. Each time a mothritt -turna a Other relatives also Identified the mains "unpqrsuadcd that a longer 3 9 ^ a Jar imported wools In W'onderful shade*. -Johns - Man ...... Aetna F i r e ...... hopes on the Reed-Tj-dings amend­ Thew signiflevtt figure* were hotel tn which the reoalriates were period of adVance notice to family into which the militar>' has moved On Axis Vessel, Aetna Life ...... 29 the executive and legislative pow­ "It the farmers are knocked out ment. Senator Wa'gner' (D-NY), wheel in' unnecetaary driving it it w’oman’s clothing and personal ef­ held. *V A!m in 10^ 8 Jones *A Lau ...... • 27 t turn of the wheel agtlnit our fects, Captain Hurlbut said. ' r ‘‘r~J' ehow what scrap means men subjected to call cannot be are concentrated in just two Remember: Our East H a z a r d Store Is Open- EreiY* jJ Cairo, Sept. 24 i,p. British Kennecott ...... Automobile ...... 36 38 ers of the American government', of this change in parity and indue-' one of the authors of the aiiti-in- to production of steel—It I* made American churchgoers heard the places: more than 100 in Miami IC—4 H—Mfcfiipff torpedo-carrying aircraft were . 26 28 trial w'^es and profits continue to flntion measure, said he feared it aoldieft. . i ■ Mrs. Thomas, whose body was arranged." Friday and .Soturday Ex-ening Til 9,O’clock. Ligg A My B ...... Conn. General :... We will have done a great dis­ found Tuesday with a man's belt with roughly 50 per cent iron ore j)aat6r' read a circular letter from beach and more than 25 in Atlan­ •credited officially todajj with scor­ Hartford Fire . . 8 8 ', 9 0 ', service to the war effort," he de­ go up/"T am afraid of the etiect would not satisfy the farm bloc —Preaidsnt’t rubber Investtgat- the Ministry o^ the Interior say­ He commented that "the flexL j u t R in Lockheed Aire ...... tng committee. Bernard M. Ba­ bound tightly around her neck, ■ and 50 per crtit scrap—and what bUity which arises from-a determi­ tic City. So far only one, the Sut­ UOau U n itJ . lACVt. MOM BOOT* ing a direct hit on an Axis veasel Loew's ...... Hartford Strh. Boil 41 • 45 clared. on tood production." Thomas said. members. lark of it can do: ing that congregations throughout ton, Has been taken over in New The tarni bloc's effort to change ruch, chairman. . w-a* first reported missing Satur* nation to have an Army'of 10,000.. Ipff the coast of Greece in contlnu- Mont -Ward ...... National Fire . . .56 58 . Brown .said he had'the highest day night a t 8:30 by "Theodore This country's mills last year the Reich were being asked . to York. •dng attacks on .Marshal Erwin Phoenix 81's 8 3 ', respei-4 for the head of the Ameri­ the basis of parity has an iippi^- 000 or mqre men seems to me to Nash - Kelv ...... It la an unfortunate fact pf war Thomas, another grandson, who turned o u t'83,000,000 ton* of steel: sacrifice bells for war purposes. make such advance, notice even, Note Usefulness as Hospital* . tiRommel'a overseas supply line, • Nat Bisc ...... Travelers ...... 400 420 can Farm Bureau federatioTT and tant bearing on tlie proposed grant this year they will prodiice 85 mil­ We were told that the metal was I that he 'thought* the head of the broad autfiority to President Toiiigbt's Program that to prevent destruction of told H artford polt'ce that she hqd more feasible than at the present Hotel men *ay the army addU $> A communique announcing Nat Cash .Reg ...... I'tlbllr' 1 tilitte* . many It la often neceaaa.-y to visit been gone since 7 o'clock that eve­ lion tons which are 5.000.000 tons needed for the manufacture of tinnally has made a detailed check g^ccess also reported a slight In-' Conn. LL and Pow . 26 29. National Grange was "a patriotic Hoo&evelt to stabilize. prices, time." x N a t Dairy ..-...... hardship on a few.- ning. le.'vi than they are equipped to pro­ bushings in alrplane-ciigins bear^ .Asks For ('woperation on hotels in various parts of the creue ia enemy air activity over Nqt Distill...... Conn. Pow...... 28 30 gentleman, wages and salaries . dt Sept. IS At Hall of Heroes The next day, according to De­ duce since the.v have facilities for Ings. country, particularly New "York, levels, so far as practical. . —Bex Stout, chalrmaa of the The Senator asked Director Her­ the Egy-ptian battlefront yester- N T. Central Hartford EL Lt. , . 4 0 ', 42'., I "But we should not turn • the Wlrters* War Board. puty Chief Thomas J. HlVkey, of 90.000.000 tons. Next ..year they SUtues Go Into Furnaces to note their possible usefulness as but said the R. A. F. came Hartford Gas ... , 2,3 26 •! leadership of the legislative branch The situation shaped up ' like will have faciliUes for 92,000,000 &Ietal fences, many of them shey for cooperation apd sugges­ Nor Am Co ...... ; the Hartford police, another tions "to find appropriate correc­ hospitals. ^through the day without any Northern Pac ...... ,S. N. E Tel Co. .. 107 112 ' of the government over to these this: Stanley Backus, chairman of en- , I venture that less accidents oc- grandson also reported the wom­ tons. ^ artistic products of w rought iron,, The rental baaia (a often deter­ Siosses. Packard ...... Unit. Ilium. Shs. . . .36 .38 gentlemen." Brown declared, i. An unofficial poll showed 40 an's disappearance. ^ Watson said: razed by hack-saw and blow-torch, tives both in regulation and .in the mined on the averkgie of * hotel's tertainmeht at, the "Hall of — ,I cur from careless and reckless basic statute as soon as possible." *■ Ehccept for night patrpl activity Pan Am Airw ...... ; Western Ma.ss ... 16 IS I "They are not hired by the Ameri­ of the 96 senators committed to driving by women than by men. Deputy Chief Hickey said the "We did not make or collect All had suffered the same fate. Hun­ eariiiiigs over the past 5 years. •the land front remained quiet, the Param P iet . .-x-...... IndiiHtrlal can ^ople. They arc hired hi" the support the principle of an upward Heroes stand In Center Park,, _ j S d g f John B. Klag, Ohio woman's relatives said she left the scrap which waa consumed dreds of statues from public parka hlaioney concluded with the Not all hotels are as completely bulletin said. Patino .Min .... x...... Acme Wire ...... 16', . IS ', interests ; they serve." i parity devision, with 22 against. 19 ■ today that tonight's program | lyrist home purportedly to go to Unlon- last year. The Bureau of Mines and sqdarea throughout Germany, statement, "my concern for the cleared out as the Stevens in Chi­ Firm Uarand Rifle Penn Rft''. AlTi. H.irilware 21 23 Referring to President Roa»e- undecided, eight decliningng to com- "'iH be furnished by Pappy How-,,' ville to vnait a friend, but investi­ reports 2,746,000 tons less scrap well as In Pans and other oc­ family men of the country 1* not cago, the world's largest, from P* Gen. Sir. Harold Alexander. Pep.sl - Cola Arrow H .& H cm. .3 4', 3 6 ', ard and His Radio Gang. Pappy I think that it I* the duty of gation, disclosed she never arrived, on hand at the end of 1941 than cupied cities, went into the fur­ based upo'n their reluctance as in­ which the Army moved to storage ▼Britain's Middle East commander, Phelps Dodge ... Billings & S[>encer. . 2 ', 3 ', sible to the people is the represen- W on't Accept Compromise Howard comes back by req^eM .of every young man to get into the at her destination. at the beginning. To this extent dividuals to give full service to Little Bit Helps! U alive of all the people of The naces. mure than 1,000 vanloads of fur­ ■became the first -member of hi* Phil Pet ' ...... Bristol Bra.ss . 3 8 ', 41'-, I 2. Senator Thomas iDl, Okla.), his many friends hprex. Gaat week battle. , A certificate by Medical Ex-. we were living on our fat in IMl. Busts of Bismarck, the iron their country or to 'avoid in any niture, including: Colt's Pat. Eire ... 63 66 ■ United States. ' J co-author of the amendment, de­ Pappy made a big hit at the War —Mrs. cisra Hubbard, mother amlner John T. Winters listed'the This year we are making more way the hazards of that service. farces today to fire the United Pub Sve NJ ___. , ____ I .’ "I think we .should pHU.se," he chancellor, escaped the Fuehrer's 3,500 beds; the same number of aliStates' Garand rifle and the first Pullman ...... Eagle Lock .... 1.3 15 clared that he and others of simi­ Bond stand. He, will begin his of five service men. death as "murder due to strangu­ steel than last year. The scrap be­ "They constitute j the bulwark I laid, "before we’ reject a measure show at eigpt o'clock.. salvage crews. m attresses;''5,000 banquet hall '■ 5 Mto make a test drive of a General R^idio ...... Fafnlr 'Beariii’ s . . lOO. 110 lar view* could not accept a com­ lation.” ing collected will have to be more of the nation. But tney must not chairs; 3,000 upholstered chairs; The production of ne'w coaches hat H art and Coolev . 100 110' 1 he asked. US to pass." promise proposed ' by Senators ' Last.night at the stand Art Me-j Experts are dangerous only to than the normal flow.' be made the victims of administra­ 8.Grant tank repaired In American P^puhllc Stl . ...; ...... I To Stand b.v Aniendhiriit 4,000 lugcage stands; 1,500 bar­ .^workahopa in the desert.- Rey Tob B ...... Hendey Mach., cm. . - 6 8 • Reed ) R., Kan.) and "Tydings iD., Kay's ofehestra .furnished the en- the degree that the public con- Timber U provided by two great "It must be remembered that It tive "confusion or of unnecessarily rels Of china and glass; 200 boxes been drastically curtailed. Neverthe­ 27 Senator Thomas )D-Okla) said iMd.). terta(nment. The local organira eiders them infallible. classes of trees, conifers, the soft waa produced in the form of new Guslotly of Dog arbitrary action." The tank iUelf was a first—the Savage Arms .. ^ ______Land'r* Fr A Ok . "25 all members present at a meeting; „ , __ ,, .. x. j of silverware. ^flrst out of the newly-completed Sears .Ro'eb . . . ; ...... New Brit. M. com , . 36 38 tion waa well received by the —David tBrown, msgaflne' writ­ woods, and dicotyledons, the hard­ steel perhaps IS to 40 years ago. less . . . America must be kept on with leaderti i t farm organizations' ,3', ^ a k ^crowd gathered around the stand. woods, if That job required more than 80 ^•bops built by American forces. Shell Un ...... North and Judd . . 36 38 had agreed to stand by an amend- be quoted by name, said , er. Fifteen year* ago the country pro­ Sought by Wife men working 12 hours a night for , 8 10 duced 45 million tone of steel in­ In Alexander, accompanied by Maj. jSocony -. Vac ...... Peck. Stow A Wtl ment sponsored by him snd Sens- I " ’•f , : Key West Getting 13 nights. wheels for the duration. We'll do our ■fGen.- Rutaell W. Maxwell, com- Sou Pac ...... Russell 51fg. Co. i . 21 23 tor Hatch (D-NM). which would compromise, which would gots. About that tonnage of scrap Dev-lde* To Leave Chandelier* *^mander of American forces in this South Ry ,, Scovllle ...... 23'-, 25', increase the )evel of parity prices disturb the present hiasls for, w as used in 1941. Forty years ago it produced ,15 million tons, one- Chicago. Sept. 24—VF)—For the Mess tables , and benches were part of the job belter with your help: j ••theater, w’bs inspecting .a vast new Std Brands ...... Sllex' Co...... 10 12 by about 12 per cent by including computii^ parity, but would direct , Fresh Water Now spread in the ball room where Stanley Work* ... . 4 0 ', 42', third the amount of scrap used custody of "Kiddo,” a black cook ! American ordnamce ‘depot and Std Gas A El ...... ailxfarm labpr costs as a factor. President RoofleveUr to take jnto i er spaniel, a young wife traveled service men sit imder the elabo­ ptraining center which' la almost Std Oil C a l ...... do., pfd...... 28 . The House adopted a ajmilar , account farm later costs in modi- , last year. Torrtngton . 26 28 "It will be seen at a glance that l.SOU miles to plead her. motion, rate chandeliers which the Army "•completed. ■ Std Oll'Ind ...... W ndm ent yesteniay. in passing .P*','".to correct incident to'her divorce petition. In Key We*t. Pia., Sept. 24 .T>— decided to let alone^slnca s.they Save Tour Own Rubber Std o n N J ...... Veedifr - R o o t----- . 3 6 ', 3 9 ', a meaaure authorizing and direct- ^ gross inequities. _ , . ... ! not enough scrap will normally Fresh water at the rate of 1,.500,‘* " New York Banks 4. This same source said that If : come upon the market to provide Superior court yesterday. were out of the way. Texas Co ...... ing President Roosevelt to stsb- Mrs. Ruth .SchiUer, 21. of 8L 000 gallons a day is now being The military clears out a hotel’s Walk when you reasonably can ^British Attack Several Timken Roll. B ...... B ank'of N. Y. 285 305 tlize prices.- wages a n d ‘salarie.s .at the parity revision were included ^ Mail Your Classified fbr the peak production that we pumped from the mainland to Key Petersburg, Fla., told Judge Jos­ Un Carbide ...... Bankers Trust '. .. . 3 7 ', 3 9 ', Ih any. bill sent to the White House. , are expecting this year and n^t. furnishings completely, or partly, Localities in Sicily Sept 15 levels, so far as practical. eph A. Ssbath she and ber hus­ West, heretofore dependent on depending upon the use to which Double up with a neighbor Union Pac ...... fkntral- Hanover . . 7 7 ', ■■>*)', Administration leaders . had President Roosevelt would veto it , We will be forced to depend upon rain water caught in cisterns. * Rome (From Italian Broad- Cha*^ ...... 26', 28', and could be expected then, to take > the scrap that la accumulating band were separated a year ago the building is puL Tiers of bunlts. j”'eaats). Sept. 24---(^>—The Italian 1-nit A ir L ...... r . . x- sought to split the farm b(oc apart after being married for one year. So far only the Army and Navy Unit Airc ...... Chemical ...... 37- 39 in the Senate by offering an the Initiative lji fixing farm prices, over the years. are getting the w'ater. When it be­ are set up in Uie room* of hotels I ^communique acknowledged today Two months before the separation, used ,as barracks. U nit.C orp ...... City...... 25 2 7 '. amendment which would leave to i as he thresteried * x » to ..xdo x if . Congress "Much of it is in small quanti­ comes available to civilians soon When Ton Ride The Ruses I **that British air raiders had a-t- Itnit Gas Imp ...... Continental . >,... . 10', ’ 12'i. the president the determination of “*o "o* before Oct. 1. ties and heretofore has not been they got. "Kiddo.” the present supply will be* doubled. Costly items or those which are ■tacked several localities on the 5. There was a possibility that Ads to The Herald SebiUer's father, in court to useless in a military establish­ UiS. Rubber ...... Corn Exchange . . 3 3 ', 3 5 ', When Increased costs were not re- worth while collecting. The ton­ _The Water is pumped 134 miles Have yoiff exact fare ready south coast of, Sicily, machine-. Fir»t National ^.. .1180 1230 . j_f1ected by the price ceilings. The administration forces might -aban­ nage of steel that will be made plead bis son's case, aaid, "My son from Florid* City, a few miles ment—like paintings <;or bare,—are ! gugunning the to-.\-n of Trapani and US Steel ...... '...... Warner Br Piet ___ Guaranty Trust ., . 238 218 president had cxprea.sed "Unalter­ don the legislation altogether, let­ will depend entirely upon the ex­ loves 'Kiddo' .ss much u she does." south of Miami, through the removed to storage. Buy more tokens at one time •lithe nearby Island of Colomhala.] West .Union- ...... x Irving Trust ...... 10 12 . . able opposition to recomputing ting the President use his present Somewhere, in or around Manchester, there is someone who tent of this collectton." “I can't offer to cut 'Kiddo' in world's longest aqueduct not de­ Hotel employe^ go out when the and bombing the highway between M anhattan ...,. . 15', wartime powers as he said, he two, so Ell cut the year,” ruled pending on gravity. Army or Navy/movea in, for they Gela and Licata. West El A Mfg ...... I t ': the basis of parity. S Woolworth ...... : Maniifact. Tr...... 3 3 ', 35'jr ■'The compromise doesn't mean would in his -recent you-do-tt-or-1.- Judge Sabatb, allowing Mrs. Schil The 111Ine was made possible by almost always take over the es­ Move away from the entr^ce doori ^ One of the British raiaer* was, Elec Bond, A .'’h iCurbi. N. y. Trust ...... 6 9 ', 7 1', anything." 'Thomls Ibid reporters. will message. wants what you have to sell or has for sale something you ar« Jobless CTaiiiis_ ler the dog’s custody for the next a provislof) of $2,250,000 from sential functions of (he place— . -«pprted shot down by anti-air- Public National .. . 27 29 "We want.to write this thing di- Hail House ArtioB SIX* months snd SchiUer. to have Navy - funds to supplement $1,- like cooking—with their own men, ’Avoid the rush hours fite over Porto Kmpedocle Title Guarantee .. - 2 ', ' 3 '. rectlv into the law." Hailing the House action and anxious to purchase... I , him the next half year. He ordered 7.50.000 put up by the Florida Keys even to running the elevators. J^jThe raids caused'one fatality and Biiyg Beautiful U, S. T rust ...... 1020 . 1070 Fear .About Adminlatrallon predicting victory for the parity Show Sharp Drop the arrangements to be followed Aqueduct corhmisison. Expanding Hotel employes apt to be re­ n Bin* other ca.suajtjes. the bulletin '■ Senator Russell iD., Ga. i .^id amendment- In the Senate, the throughout the dog’s Ufa. service needs at the new Navy tained in their Jobs are the 'aald. i ' I the compromise proposal In it.self leaders' of four national farm or­ base lent force to the long stnig- LET'S ALL COOPERATE! " Ptanea .Vtt>M-k C«n\uy Hartford, Sept. 24—New unem­ maintenance men and a few engi­ xSatlerlee Estate waa not 'SO bad. but there was ganizations declared In a state­ gle for the proJecL neers. The Italian* also reported that Ho§pital Notes ment that "should the President Get Together Via Classifieds ployment claims showed a. drop some fear among agriculture com­ from 9163 to 4J427. reduction St ^ign Petition Hotel Stair Retained ! iliBritish torpedo-carrying planes mittee members about its admin­ veto the present legislation he •rihad attacked as Axis convoy in. I Mr- and Mrs. Earle Segur', of must accept rgapontlblUty for the | more than 29 Mr cent Employ When the Women Appointed for THE Watertown, this state, have pur­ istration. J ment Security Director James J Daughter Bom Volunteer Emergency Service MUie Mediterranean, but said two of ; Admitted yeiterday-_ John Hed- Democratic Leader Barkley, of future food and fibre supply of the Rates: 11 cents a line per one insertion, 9' cents a line per three Oh Poll Taxes ■•the planes ware destroyed by fire chased the beautiful, estate for­ nation." Graham announced today. The (Waves) took , over- a Massa- iund. 25 Server street; James Kentucky,______said before_____ the commit- amount of money paid out In chuoetts hotel, however, the.'itaff l^from escorting veetels. and the merly owned by Hugh Salterlee, Phelps, East Hartford: Mrs. Nellie | tee voted that If the farm group 'the farm leaders, Albert Goss of To Missing Flier EXACT FARE Maconvoy contlsuad its oourse. New York lawyer. ■ Mrs. Segur is the National Grange, Cdward insertions, 7 cents a line per six insertions. benefits also showsd a decUns of of employe* waa retained. Gergler, Mansfield Depot. Louis i did n'ot accept the compromise. Washington, Sept. 34 — OP) — One notable outright purchaae' (The Italiari announcement fall- the tormer Mri. Ruth Tiffany Forgette, 28 Summer street. O'Neal of the American Farm Bu­ more than 19 per pent. ed to say whether any .losses were Cheney, qf this town. The estate the issue would be fought out on reau Federation, H. E. Babcock of Sharpest drops were noted In Seventeen New KngUnd represen­ of a hotel was made in San F>an- Discharged yesterday — Miss the floor of the Senate. Danielson. New Haven, New Lon­ tatives signed a petition to dis­ Los Angeles. Sept. 34— t/F) — cisco when the Treasury Depart­ Cinflicted on the cpnvov. The report known as "Marlee" consists .of 1 ', Doris Cervini, 85 Durkin street; the National Council of Farmer “Gee. I wish Bill could be here.** OfOt the attack, however, bore' out acres of spacious lain-ns and gar­ Three members of the Senate Qxiperatives. and Charles W. Write advertisement on this Form, placing one word In each space. Count flvs don snd Torrtngton districts; the charge the Rules committee from ment bought the 27-story Empire John Priest. Wapping; Mias Ber-' farm bloc abruptly left a meeting only increases were reported at oonsideraUon at a bill to repeal said a pretty, auburn-haired young for $1,860,000. $1,a British commumque from Cairo dens and overlooks the Taft tha McNeill. 330 Center street;, with admlnl.-tration leaders today Holman of the National Coopera­ mother as she cuddled her new­ 1 ^flaying that BriUeh torpedo planes School golf eourse. Its 'll-roora tive Milk Producers Fediration. average words to each line. Mail with Check — Money Order or Stamps. Bristol, ThompaonvUle and Willt- IwU taxes and bring tha measure Even before the last guests had Edwin Kazuki. 119 Florence: and Senator Thomas )D. Okla.) m » tic . before the House. born iMbyi daughter closer, "but moved out government workmen I had acored a direct hit on an Axis residence is of English Normandy street: Mrs Alfred Lisk and in- i.announced he and others of like summed up their attitude toward ru never give- up hope." I — veaeel off Greece.) style and is constructed of tapes­ the compromis* efforts as follows: That this downward trend would The petitkm received the re­ started. remodeling ' the building fant daughtet-. 76 Foley street; views would not compromise a continue seemed evident to Mr. quired 318 signatures to bring The mother is Mrs. Rachel Lynn, Ob the Egyptian front, the com- try brick. It was built 10 vean Mrs. Arthur tCiasman and mfant "Agrleulture has mads its' last 25, of West Los Angeles. "Bill” la converting It into offices for over­ tuiuque said, there was only ago for Mr. Satterlse. proposal to increase the level of compromise with hunger, W* ars Graham, on the baaia of the fact about such action. A. flowing Federal agencies. daughter, 31 >.3 .Charter Oak farm parity prices in the anti-in­ th a t an estim ated 2400 fewer New Englanders who signed Seennd LieuL William O. Lynn, Biaor artiltccjr and patrol aeUvIty. street; Earl Carter, 38 Strong solidly behind the Thomas farm la­ first United States Army Air Hotel* Doing Qood Baeinees flation bill. bor amendment, and leave to those workers ware actively filing bene­ were: The nation’s civilian hotels are I street; Thomas Moore. 3.33 Center * 1 Forces pilot to-be reported miss­ Seen ritv'Tax "I am not in any position to ac*-vho would defeat it the responsl- fit clalma at the end of the month Maine: James C. Oliver (B). ing over Europe in world war H, doing a good busineos in spite of ,|b«eeB lr Omum eS .Aocldeal street. cept any compronuse," Thomas - ^ J than at the beginning. New Hampjdilre: Arthur B. ' Admitted today—Douglas Paul. bUity of fef sodlng the Ui nation." and her husband since Dec. 12. travel restrictions which have told reporters as he walked out I'liuiiias and tils co-sponsor. Sen­ Further cuts are expected from Jenka (R)^ Foster Stearns (R). made conventions dwindle. The 27 Madison street; Alexander at the conference room. She announced yesterday the 1 aa Philadelphia—(ifV-Marioo Ana- Nut CliaiijrcHl ator Hatch (O-NM), proposed to the Intensive analysis of the * Massachusetts: Charles R. f^ - birth of the child, whose father is reason: There is a steady flow of II. eg Saltebury, Mil, Md his Armstrong, 4S Purnell place. '' He said administration leaders "availsbiUty for work", of all peo- son (R): A rthur B. Healey (D); Discharged today—Glenn Beck­ move the parity level up at least either dead in action or a prisoner people busy on war errands, sol­ |i^~Hether-ln-law he wanted to take were drafting a compromlae pro­ 12 ptr cant by adding tte cost of ' pie now filing unemployment Joseph E. Casey (D); Thomas H. diers and sailors, and parents vle- (CeattBarA frooi Fag* One) with. 23 Hudson street; Mrs. Ethel posal which would direct Presi­ of wrar. The young pilot was re­ ^ "aamethlng for Mom" u a all farm labor to the Itams now . ■ ‘ - clr.inui, which is now being con- Eliot (D):*Thomias J. Lane (D); ported missing July -1 after a tting their eons at nearby training ‘ og hlB week-end in Phlla- SonslkseB. 33 Walker street; dent Roosevelt to take into ac­ used in oomputlng parity, such as Tr.-.ctcd by the Unemployment D«- Elditb N. Rogers (R). Increase in ti^ Ux was needed to Frank Romaaeck. 8<7 West Mld- sweep over Nazm>ccupied Holland centers. Me «l>qttod a beet at candy count the cost at all farm labor in iatarsst. taxes and fnigbt I artment. Preliminary studies 'Connecticut: Lucien J. Macipra Hotel men say probably half of •upply the reserve fun* for the (Us Tump)k*x fixing prices on agricultural pred- with a flight of low level bombers. paymeat eg beaeflU, since, he said. d u rg as. liave indicated that many of these (D); Herman Pt Kopplemsnn (D); They were married In Sacra­ the approximately 500J)00 persona teto Bw atraat. was hit hy ucta. applicants for baneflta ars so rs- James A.'Shanley (D); William J. it-now Includes an-amount six The first successful flight AbnpMF Adjswa BMals mento, Callf„ tHb night Lieuten­ employed in hotels now are worn *y ear and araund up in a Thomas.' with Senstor Hatch The House wrote a similar Btrictlng their availability by re- Fitzgerald (D); Leroy D. Downs en beeaiW at the military drain time* greater than the anticipated acroBs the A tlantic was made, in (D. N. M.i. has presented an ant LNmn was graduated from 1 wtili Wad and kg laeara- benefit paymenu for the next live formula into its bill by a standing fveing to work certain hours, (D); Joseph E. Talbot iR). M ether field, and only s few on male help, ^ • ltl9 by the U. S. Navy flying 1 amsBiamsBdment which would include refusing to amrk In any but baal klC-A. '• "F vote of 103 to JOO ysstsrday and Rhode Islsad: John E. Fogarty {months later he was -sent over- Women have replaced men In U a m tuHMd • fie lobs. (D); Aime J. Focaad (DL laaas. . maajr botela as roofs eladn, ettoa >- N . V Ing the coming year. When a is, like all resistance, keyed and, ■ if 1.1111 ■ ! 1,1 II ' ...... X-' " ' — ...... k. town ha* a good tax collector and .spurreiK^jy self interest—is huge HEALTH AND DIET • SERIAL STORY Second Front good tax payment* they produce No one dares .say how far Hitler Washington in Wartime ADVICE FIRST NATIONAL Citnrttto surpluses. These surpluses should might have gone in othe^ direc­ By Jack Stinnett News From Manebester’s Neighbors Threat Made .utomatlcally reduce the tax rate, tions if he had not attaclled Rus- OF BRIGHTNESS GONE > rUBLIBHED BT THE Enmlshed by the, McCoy sla. No one dares e^m ate what Hrsitb Service r MBRAT^D PRINTING! CO., iINC. the department of estimated Washington With the back-tp- • indicate the dilemma faced by COPYKISHT. 1043, SUPEB-M/IBKET 5 It B lH tll Street 'TecelMs, therefore, it should be a the consequences,,' Would have schooldiool m niagniflcen< heroic thing it has threatens to outstrip the crisis of serve.- ' - Chapter XXV atari at 8:16 and will be g variety uateCoastBl Areas. Pobllahed Every Evenlns Except and reasonable, to produce a . re­ have a right to despise me for war production. Once the bins are Mrs. John H. Steele I917-1S. ■ _ The causes, of course, are the Minus and Antrum Trouble Dr, Frazier and. Miss Bech came Lewis H. Chapman shqw. Everyone ts welqotne.. Mr*. W. W. Grant Snndaya and Holldaye.. Entered at duction of at "7*" Ijeen. that.” Regular meeting pf the Grange built they will bs kept filled by 1178-8, Rockville iRIIIIOSH ptbe Poet Office at Mancheeter. In those years. 12.’5,000 Inex- heavy demands of the armed out of room 721 together, walked 98, Rockville 7394, Manchester tax rate. X, Tpfs is not to saVi however Her voice was gettifig weaker. will be held 'Thursday evening, regular deposits and will be London, Sept. 24- -i/P) Declar­ *'Conn.. aa Second Claea Mall Matter. perienoed teachers were .niahed forces and the heavy drawing, pow- The sinus cavities -are hollow into Uie chArt room. He made a ing that the united Nations are The third facto'X.^determlning Uiat Ru.ssia’s contribution to our notation/m 721'a chart and she "I was frightened, I couldn't stand Nov. 1. The lecturer, June L/>omis, emptied by regular collections. SUB.SCRIPTION RATES into the breach, but the ranks Still er of bigger salaries in war indus- spaces within the bones of the it without Martin, that's why I Henry Whitney, master of Wap­ Vasco Biz, local sfilvage chairman Mrs. Marguerite DuFore of preparing for an otlensive against were 50.000 short of re'quirements. tries. took it/from him and hung it on la planning, a' surprise program. 9mST NATIONAL ITORiS neks yeu ■One Tear by Mall ...... 89.00 the tax rate, the grand list, can;, side' in thi.s war cannot be and- married. I tried to pretend when— ping Grange, and Mrs. Dora Eaton has reported that persons are Buckland was a recent guest of Germany which will be launched LPer Kpnth by Mail ...... I 75 skull. These spaces give the, skull its prefer hook. Benjaipiti and Albert Bundy of h «p l«c«l apple prewers. flUV NAT ~ will not be repaid. There must Dr. Benjamin W. Frazier, USOE ------when my husband held me in his League Plans without warning, the British radio BIncIa Copy ...... ■■■■!„ ?? not be calculated now. iVls. ^ a greater lightness than would ou look tired,” ht said. Springfield, Vt., are working; for of Bennington, N. H., were mar­ making raids on the scrap piles, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph APPLiS . . Thay'r* plentiful Delivered One Tear ...... 89.00 specialist in teacher training, says The Office of Education wasn’t arms, that it was Martin holding appealed anew t0"the French peo­ ever, almost certain to be aV^east ■come a day when Britain and the that the educational crisis ahead . caujght napping when the states be possible if the cavities were -of Candace had been only days on John' Kingsbury. / store on ' Wllllngton avenue and DuKori, in Tolland. a paad value lea. V ^ N me. 1 tried to pretend it waa his ried at the Wapping parsonage by warns that further thefts of scrap ple last night to cooperate'^ by M E M B E R O F is even worse than' that. began to scream for help The Of- slightly favorable. / N United States perform the attack solid bone. They also add reson-/ case but It seemed like years. Meet Monday Rev. H. Marshall Budd last Tues­ Mrs. Alida Lewis quietly cele­ evacuating French .coastal areas. TH E ASSOCIATED PRESS In May, 1941, u OF end of the neict fiscal ybitr. udes to present considerlktion of' Tlonda reports that elementary a continuation of the same niu- can't go on in this vi^totis way any In the Superior Court Room. ^The Phelps. The refreshments werC sor, and Francis Maribn Bristow CTharlei C. Talcott has returned taining our g6al—which . nothing , CIRCULATIONS. looking statea are: recall retired willing herself to die! I've tried street, has returned home from 19 the fact that, while Ru.saia^ en-' schools in 13 counties, high cous^membrane which llnes^thc in- two speaxera ot the evening, itoo- of 86 Gillftt street. Hartford, were from a recent trip to Oradel, N. J., less than the annihilation of Hit­ instructors atilTmentally and phy­ bringing in the baby, to her and she longer. There's -sometlitag you apple pie, cheese and coffee. Th* Bennuda where he was employed NATIVI COOKINO—VIT A-C Tht Herald Frinti•Intlnuf^ Company, schools in 19. will be short of * sitTe of the nasal chamber. The FigeoD, ueniocratlc State granted a marriage license Tues; where he was a guest of Mr. and lerite Germany —this offensive will We Abdicated First , gaged, in fighting *a-military bat­ sically cornpetent; drop tht bars just shudders'and turns her head have to know. .Right now.” , next meeting will be at the home for several months on a govern­ Ine.. aaaumet no flUnghcla , cial re*pon»i- teachers before January. Ken­ against .’^rpoiaUon Counsel, Will give a take place October 3 In the Little ’’Peter, do you think she knows? lend of her strength. ' ‘I don’t be­ was stationed at Camp Shelby, church will hold a food sale tomor­ "No one wllT be warned In ad­ the mucous membrane may swell Federated Church School.. ' 6 25 This is urifogttinate, even tragi?. n this .fall. South Carolina ready have done this); an d^ ffer Report on the coming Congiesa Church Around the Corner. The measure, face to face with a up sufficltintly so as th close the Who I am, I mean? About me— lieve Martin Corby ever loved you. Miss., has been transferred to row afternoon at 3 at Hanley’s vance of the attacks or the point CALIfORNIA SHDLESS Thurtdsy, September 24 ost more than 50 per cent of refresher courses for ^former Certainly he never sent you any from liie viewpomts ol the two bride-elect la a daughter of Mr. Many of the watchers # v<\atlonaI agriculture teachers. teachers who are w1Hlng/to help and Mrs. Horace Vibert of South served two hours at a time weekly GRAPES ill's a;lTfuB.sion of .disagreement. drainage. , “No,” Peter said. ”I’m sure she message the night he— he died. I major political paiLiea. me Mrs. Henry Douda, who ia clerk Mrs. Forrest Bsicher as chairman. when the moment comes to call The Tax Rate tative systeiq of government. ' Thos!v,are just samples of what the war effort by refuming to told you that, a-ell, because I knew C'Oi importance ol .Congreasicaial of tire rationing, is having a vaca­ Windsor, Mr. Bristow Is s son of during the summer months at the ,/ vted, even more obviously, ^ is going tnu They do not, however, ■ their desks. ' /The sinus cavities usually be­ doesn’t. What gave you that idea? Mr. and Mrs. Frsneis M. Bristow Mr. and Mrs.. Daniel Greene of Tolland Observation post have left for the cooperation o f the French VIT l.-G .US When the President asked Con­ come inflamed after a cold, when Has she been talking at all?” you loved him, you yourself were elections at this time la ot intisrest tion this week and Mrs..Fred Ty­ people as a whole we will keep our main factors determine to ail voters, and the speakers w1U of Kanssis Cbty, Mo. ’ ILgh street were guests at a sur­ town for the winter leaving many PRUNES f»sH gress to remove the special favo^ Joscow comments to the effect the. inflammation of ' the nose "Not a word. It’s just that— hurt, .perhaps dying, and I'thought ler is substituting for her. prise party Sunday in honor of promise to let you know in time.” I waa making bis going easier for discuss the dutieh ot (Jongress witn in ln g Gove, who recently re­ watchers who had a helper during the town’s tax rate. One is appro­ itism shown the farm blpc^n that the United States anitn ^ IBrit- t Z l spreads to the inside ot a sinus or well, she hates having me around. Miss Edith Krivanec, daughter their 25th wedding anniversary at The announcer recalled that a you—” particular emphasis upon the of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Krivanec turned from China, has gone td the two-hour period alone to keep VIT A-C lUS priations. Another is f estimated the present 110 per cent ofparity ■!Mn this antrum. Inasmuch as an inflam­ I'm sure of it, and yet she won’t •San Diego. California. the home of their son and daugh­ series of warnings had been broad­ SWEET POTATOES ed mucous membrane throws off She fought for a tone, firm, rea­ calibre of the men who must be of East'Wiliihgton, is staying with the watch. ! income. Anoteer is the grand list. war, in Moscow hints that w-e let me out of her sight. It seems WUliam Foster resigned his ter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. James Certified accountants from out cast to the French In. the last six VIUOW RUTABAflA minimum for farm prices, he was Conn^eticut a greatly increased secretion of to me tOj.be a fofm of self-torture, sonable. that would carry convic­ elected l< .make certain that these her sister at Central Village and Greene of Stafford Hollow. Sev­ months to “prevent as far as hu­ On the appropriations side of Majiliattan tion to the sick girl. "His last mes­ ^ duties are adequately performed. position as steward of Wapping of town are this week looking over V|T C US not only the chiefc^xecutive. He ought to declare w ^ ' on Finland mucous, you will see how impor­ as thouglFshe wants to punish her­ attending high school there. enty-five relatives and, friends at­ manly possible the i^ less shed­ TURNIPS py George Tucker sage was to me,” she said. ”It was The voting public is cordially in­ Grange, Tuesday evening on ac­ the town books. the new town budget, we have ex­ wrms voicing agitational need. while Russia contibuea. at peace tant it is that proper drainage be self for something. She makes me Frank Vonasek, former foreman tended the party, presenting Mr. ding of French blood, - that hla engagement to you had vited to attend the meeting, which of the cutting department of' the count of working nights, and can- Miss' Janet Anderson of Tolland, pressed the hope that the select-' with Japan. This diplomatic war maintained just at this tiipe. In feel she’s wearing me as a halr- not'attend the meetings. and- Mrs. GreepA with a purse of "By following our advice.” he U9 1 VIT A-C PECK 'TesterdajfT in the House, the Yankee New York—Sherman Billlngs- addition .to the rnucous which Is been all wrong. ■ promises to be a most interesting Parizek pearl button mill, is now money. Refreshments were served left, Thursday for Chicago where POTATOES BMn and the town meeting can is being waged by Moscow, not by \ Bhtrt.” Two registered Holsteln-Frieslsn she will study at the University ssdd, "you will contribute . to the ^ farm’bhSifl was able to convert this W , a soft-spoken, hard-boiled, discharged, pus may also folrm and Peter said gruffly, "I don’t think The blue eyes were wide opeiy working at the Pratt and Whit­ and a large wedding cake made by success of present and future op­ work toward a reduction us. It is Jieing ' waged, perhaps, By A. H. O. ^ ^buie-eyed*’ ex-grocer’s clerk from now, in horror, as -though Canda ', i^eague members will hold their cows owned by A. B. Wilson of of Chicago School of Social Ser­ NATIVI VIT l-C US ^ denlMd f(for a surrender of its own this accumulated material may it will be for much longer, though. ney plant In Eaat Hartford. Main street. South Windsor, have Mrs. Albert , Kihl, a friend of the erations that form the prelude to propriations which will produce OklahoroA -Is the sole oivner of then be retanied within the aipus was the patient and mad. "W^iat business meeting at'7:30 preceding Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wocho- couple, was cut and served. Resi­ vice Administration, for the com- CABBAGE ^ WSpecial l a l privilegepi into a new an d' for the ^utilitarian purjiose of I’m sticking around this afternoon. just completed records entitling ing year. . full-scale action which has been Induction trf'one and . a'half i ^ l i Back of the unusual form and the- world’s most famous night­ or antrum, due to the closure of are you saying? Who—whp the open meeting. murka gave a party for Lawrence dents here for over 30 years, the so long awaited.” higher special privilege. Ih'stead spurring us to the immediate I have a feeling you'll be needing ■you?” Joint committees have been ap­ them to s second rlace in the state Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spicer, of LM. NATIVI VIT A C ,ICHS content of the Republican .state club—the Stork :■ the opening. The pain so frequent­ me—” Amidon and Joseph Fliegel Friday couple were married September Ml the tax rate^ The- net ajipro* of abandoning 110 per cent of opening of a second front, no f o have the most famous estab­ ly found in sinus trouble is the re­ Candace said c le a r ly /^ ’m the pointed by the Vernon Defense ten months division the Hol- South Wlllirigto'n, were callers at CELERY platform this year, and responsi­ night, who have enlisted in the steln-Rriesian Association.- an­ 18, 1917 in St. Edward's church prlatlon f o r ' thV Park street parity, it moved forward to claim njAtter what the cost or the prac­ ble for ■ whatever appeal it may lishment of this kind means that sult of this accumulation, and is girl Mhrtin was e p g a g ^ to when epuncU and HWnley Uobosz Post Navy. Each .one was presented here by the late Rev. F^lix J. the homes of Tolland friends Wed­ Doesn't Need Help Of Beer NATIVI produced because the mucous in­ Candace was sitting at the win­ he met you.” / No. 14, American Legion to maky nounces. nesday. VIT A-K HDS feridge, which is not^Tikely to be 11.2 per cent of parity. ' Its action ticability of it. But it is also be- have among voters who are c/ih- more people' must think about it, a fine pen and pencil set. Mr. O'Neill then pastor. Mr. Greene Is duce pressure against the bode. dow, trjing to read, when she T*he girl cried wil^y. "It isn’t plans for an Honor RoU to be Coach S. Greer's Ellsworth High a member of the local fire depart­ Mrs. Norma Anderson, who la CAULIFLOWER aonstructed for the deration of .... ; tinually looking for something en; talk aboiit it. and spend their Amidon left Sunday and Mr. Flie­ soccer team opened its season Seattle—14*1 - Seattle lilies brave threatens to add five per cent to ing waged from distrust and »us- i different from poli- money in it. than any other. In Sinusitis, or inflammation of a thought she heard the girl call. She true! You’re m a l^ g this up. It erected in the center. The com­ ment, past commander Of the Vet­ employed in Hartford, is enjoying been assured they can be l>eaut'ifui the war, represents a iicedleaa stepped quickly to the bedside. gel will leave in a few days. Tuesd.-^.' afternoon by defeating the living, costs of all Americans. piciop which reflects either a tics as usual, ther^ is a heartening that field of ’’class'’ restaurants tlnus,. may occur in .both an acute couldn't be tru e / 'That message, mittee from the Defense Council Miss Ruth (Jhaffee, teacher of erans of Foreign Wars, having her annual vacation at her Tol­ and productive without Indulging half min on the tax- rat*. \And and a chronic form. The acute at­ "Yes, Mrs. Eustis?” you couldn’t l ^ e made that up, indudea Mrs. H. J. Regan, Fire Newington High school 5 to 0. served for 19 months In World land home. Today, in the Senate, the main Communist or an Oriental inabiti- story. where people of the social, theat­ the' primary grades at Hall Me­ Coach Hug^ S. Greer has announc­ in beer. In reply to a tavern oper­ ttters ahould be a close reexafnl- — H I* a story, believe.it or not, rical and sporting worlds congre­ tack may cure itself by spontan­ The girl’s eyes weren’t open, but you coiM n’y have known my Chief william Conraily and Claude War I in France and is'employed Mr. and Mrs. O org e Seiverts, ator who reported she had pro­ hope la one of "compromise.’’ A ty bo understand and trust us As morial school, was ill Friday and ed the remainder of the schedule who have been living in Tolland ;jWtlon of sU routine budget items' of a little-idealisifi. a little sin­ gate, including Tw-enty-One, the eous recovery which takes place the lids were fluttering, ano her name- , A. Mills. The committee from the Mrs. Ridgeway substituted. as a mechanic at Warren Woolen duced the second crop of blooms VTNEGAR compromise,’’ in me.’ l•rNAT■A..^»^TU|»a i Can to dr»^ce, that he could help in the G. A. R. hall at 7:30 o’clock. assembly entertainment from two of the year and-.lt’s never had a quire approximately a mill less Sherman Billingsley is a man much discomfort aa the acute dis- To Enter I nlverslty , away; Wednesday. Oct. 21-, Bloom­ Haigh of Strafford; James Green tomato MUn u• ot cept it instead of veto it. On thla have not yet learned to speak the tively small group of Republican Eustis,” she commanded sharply artln (0brby In his career. That’s to three consisting of an amateur field. home, Tuesday, Oct. 27, Ellington drink, a chew of tobacco or a CEUTO tn I7e Ml the budget. 'When the town's who has been to some big towns 'order, although In' these chronic whvjdartin left me for yb\i." Eleven Tolland County boys and of Stafford' Hollow; Mrs. Walter point, it is to be hoped that no same language. Churchill openly legislators. And it's all Indica- and; heard him some big talk. He "You don’t have to wander in th radio program. Flowers, vege­ Manchester, tentative, home; smoke.” debt burden comes down, aa It cases, there generally occur acute y ^ o u 'n lying!’-’ the girl gasped. girls who have been or stiU are Hare of Stafford Springs; Daniel, O. F. Berr' compromise be effected; that/ the admitted it. Perhaps we should tion that It d^sn t take too many , born in the Will Rogers coun­ flare-ups from time to time. In the way. It's time you thought of mj tables and summer collections will Thursday, Oct. 29. Glastonbury, Audrey, Betty and Edward G r e e ^ Tel. 493-3, BockvUIn has, th* tax rate should go down. people, providing they are united j Oklahoma. He murders ing some effort to get well.” .♦'You’re a fiend! You're doing this 4-H Qub members entered the be exhibited. away: Friday. Nov. 6, Shuffleld PMSH M W MOLAND DMSSIO President veto and proceed, by too. Perhaps, if Russia can't talk sarne’ way aa repeated colds may to torment me. because you hate University of Connecticut this all at home: and one granddatign- It is recognised that there are by one general Purp^f. to pro- ; King’s English. He is mar- finillly lead to chronic catarrh, ao 'Lhe girl looked up at her b ^ Robert Moore of Springfield, Academy, away. 4 TO 4 I hla own straightforward, non-po­ our language, we can talk hers. seechingly. "I've been wunin^ to me—” week with the class of 1946. These Mass., was home Tuesday night Wapping Grange No. 30 sponsor­ and emergency conditions this year | Hed to>^e.^Donheny. a police repeated attacks of aC'ute sinusitis ” I’m not,” Candace denied gent­ young people represent over 34 ‘ *Mr. and Mrs. Michael Xf^Gill- AIR CORPS RATE! litical action against all' phases of Perhaps we ahould accuse the system of politics. may eventually lead to chronic ask you.” she begged, never and Wednesday. ed Boosters’. Night Tuesday eve­ cuddy of Philadelphia guests '^Irs John Lanz of Jomoka avenue POUND wiilch force temporary Uicreaaea I captain 8 daughter and a former ly. "I .don't hate you. If I did, Td years of work In 4-H club*. The Inflation, to provide the proper Russian armies in Siberia of be­ This little group ol Kepubll- Ziegfeld show girl, and they alriua trouble. \ told rnc.^Did he—did Ij^^say .-vny- Ernest Bottomley of Wllllman ning at the Wapping Community at the home of theiq da(ighter Mrs. was tendered a farewell surprise' AVMAOI thing else?” let you go on thinking this thing, new stUdenU are as follows: I...T in many appropriations. But thla contrast to the traitorous abdica­ ran legislators, as our readers have two daughters, 6 and 16. i|n fact, 8inus^.^roubIe is one of tic was covering his route in town House. Olcott K. King, (Commis­ FOWL ing bystanders. Perhaps wc P r o s p ^ party at the home of hla brother, with liiemorles may already wrecking your life and all the hap* Shirley Avery, Somers; Mar­ sioner ■ of Agriculture was the fact should bs a stimulus toward Billingsley used to live in . Cali-, the large family o f catarrhal trou­ ’’W ho?” Candarir^dem.anded. As garet Brundage, Storrs; Constance today (Thursday). Edward Z, ZuraW. son of Mr. ' ^ ^ MISH N. 8. DlliSSIO—4 te 4Vi IB AVW A M tion of Congress. should call, as we have not dons^ 'have Intern'd. Is the same group bles and the systemic treatment ia plness you could ha'fe for the sake Jerry. Parizek. manager of the and, Mrs. John Zuraw of'the West J” hn H. Lanz Tliesday night. - - V emergency economy In other as- fornia. Once he worked in Oma-' though she didii'/know, as though of a dead man Who never loved you. Dlmmock. Storrs; Priscila Dree- speaker. The Lecturers o f . the In this action of Congress, (or Russia to declare war on oui- previously referred to In this the same as that used for over­ every nerve U/Tier body wasn’t Daleville pearl button mill which Grange. Mrs! WUliam Foster, had Stafford road^^^raduate in the Howard has enlisted in the U. 8. 90R pecta of th* budget It is impor­ ha. Toledo and West Virginia. In who wasn’t really capable of lov­ aen. Mansfield Center; Nell E mournful and disillualoning as It enemy, Japan. ^ roliinin. It organized itself after Detroit he became a grocer’s coming catarrh. waiting to jump at the sound of his is now closed, is finance officer arranged a program which includ­ June cla.ss of^tafford High school - Marine Corps and leaves here next KOASTINa tant both for the present and the the last session hf the Legisla­ It will be found that the beat ing anyone but himself.” She her­ Goodrich. West Wllllngton, Thom­ has entered.-AVentworth Institute, . , i.u . ______CHICKENS is, it is the people themeelves who But it would be hard for us to clerk. name on th iw lips. . . . self wss realizii^ that, definitely as W. Graham. Jr., South Coven­ of the fourth district department ed "An old-fasiitoned singing ture, ronvlneed hy many things way to preverit sinusitis is to .’■'Why, /ffartin,” the girl whis- school" and there was' also a new Boston ^ i T)'*'"***.'’ morning with some young MPANNI iPIIINO QUALITY — lOPr IMMT 8MAT future, to keep total expenditures share the primary blame. We are When he came to New York he and finally, at last. ” No, I’m really try; Shirley Kahon, Vernon; Ruth of the Connecticut American Le­ bs so unreasonable about. Russia's that there should be a steady maintain good resistance. The one ' artln, of course.” gion which tncliides Tolland and railroad movie called "A Great Mr. an/Mrs Salvatore D’Amico ' “j,*. now paying the heavy and terrible operated a chain of drug stores in whose resistance is high will not greatful to- you. Because you’' # Lampe. Mansfield Depot; Esther of Funlace avenue are the parents presented him with a military set contribution to this war. We and eonslstont set of minds ac­ the Bronx before he oecame a Candace found her.seU struggling Windham counties covering thir­ Railroad at Work.” Ih e second factor whith deter- tually at work, on the task of only escape the colds which >-itre made me see what a foot I'ye been, Maiu, Storrs; ( Merriiyh Palmer, of t>vin sonrf born ' Sunday at the and refreshments were served LAAAB LEGS price for too long a neglect of qur know Rusais.^ in the field, is do­ real estate dealer and built Bill­ WjUrA swimming nausea. Tbia waa too. Storrs, Cynthia Reiser, Rockville. teen American Legion Posts. He A son wa's born at St. Fraiteis A son was bom Saturday at the minca the tax rate is that of esti- preparing the Repuldirnn party passed around by.his frieild#^ and is also first vice commander of hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Jobrison Memorial hospital. -Mrs. ■ONID AND ROLUO » oilfIMD selections for national legislative ing a magnificent job —something ingsley Terrace, which is very associates but will at ^ 'e same w ^ t had tired her more than any- ’T ve let Martin polron my .life. False Alarm D’Amico is the former Rita Gil- Rockville C\ty hospital to Mr. and auited income. On the record, it for bigger and better public much in evidence today, and .also Ing else, the fear of some ref­ Earl Post, No. 52, of Mans­ Ellis of East Windsor HiU, Mon­ office. vastly better than any one service. lime, escape sinus trotible. Those With me it doesn’t matter there’s The Rockville Fire Department 'nian.^daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Otto Kaschwitz. '^PSEL OFF!” com*! ordtr, a number of warehouses and erence to Martin. She grasped the field and South Coventry. day morning. / seems that our selectmen are con­ In tbc voting yesterday; 105 We first called It a reform rules which increase the generi only myself to hurt. But with you was calleif out Wednesday aftef Alexander Gilman of Furnace Private Irwin Goodwin of Fort • whtii tht squadron tifthta Kata thought could be her beat—all garages, one of which is shame­ headrail of the bed for support. Joseph Elmore and Ed'A'in Butri- and bar Chocolatt Chunk Coekitt. LAAAB FORES “H * firmed pesalmlita when it comes group, and it objected, which may resistance are as follows:'-eat si there’s more than that, much more, b. noon about 3:45 for a false alarm a%*enue. Jackson, N. C., it spending a Democrats and 99 Republicans Russia could fairly be asked to do. lessly named the Sherman' garage, "Mrs. Eustis,” she said reason­ ham were appointed a com i^ tee ' Eata'a tht corpa* fatoritt cook bt- have beerf the first authentic tii>r aibly and be sure to include plen­ You have a husband whom you from Box 21 at the corner of week's furlough with hit mother. cauat aha uats Rumford Baking SMOKED TONGUES - 31. to their annual consideration of voted for the special farm bloc .There's no barrier of language or after himself. ty of veg^bles in your diet/avoid ably, trying to distraint the sick have a baby son you’ve brought Brooklyn and Market streets. Recruit Civilians to plan a service honor rpn (or Mrs. Lillie Goodwin and his uncle, off on the fact'-that it meant to the South Windsor chiir'ly''^If an Powder . . akj-hifh in fa?or with W E RESERVt THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES the ^ u * side of the ledger. grab. Against It were 111 Demo­ philosophy which keeps us from "Liquor- was the big Item In constipation: obtain ^ fic ie n t mind, ’’you’re not talking sensibly. intq the world. And unless you'rs Scout Meeting \ Henry; Gates of Main street, good cooks for otor SO yaart. Try accomplish, something. At ' any You’re married, your husband's honor roll is set up, il wn\ be the 30 Are Pregeiit In 1941, for instance, calculat­ crats and 52 . Republicans. 'N o one rate, it held regular meetings' drug store's in those, days, (pro­ rest :v^xercise . every da^^taking promised to love and honor; you Troop No. 14, Boy Scouts will A society for the Young People Kuaftford.JFIlEC^ Patriotic pampblatof knowing that, and from making hibition),” recalls Sherman. 'The a bfisk walk if you* oin not ob-' name is Harvey. You have a.sweet as selfish as Martin, you'll get well hold a meeting this evening at For Signaldorps first in rown. altbough/the Amer­ sugarlaas'racipaa! ConaarTO for tic- party is to blame. Our failure to through the last fall and winter, of the community is being organiz­ ing recelpta other than taxes, that^ realization the keystone ol prescription business Invariably tain any other kind/'of exercise; baby in the nursefy downstairs—” and. try to make up to them for their headquarters on Vernon sv- ican Legion will d isco s t''ment Service office at 414 A marriage Ubease was granted ceipts for the year totaled 9326,- in the face of bloc pressures Is a natural function for it to pre­ ging all that I way. ” 1 know that. won't be wanting me around after uniforms as a start will be made ■ .Miss. Avis E. Palmer, daughter wish may join. sia, the suspicious, try to develop natural sunlignt, then try to ob­ I know you don’t want to tell me, this. I’ll send Dr. Frazier to you in painting the Interior of their Capitol avenue will be the scene to Lawrence/ll Snyder and Miss 31947, or a surplus of 960,748.07 to blame. Congress abdicates in pare and ^ubmi|t to this conven; One day two of Billingsley’s qf Mr. and Mr*. Waljace I. Palmer, SAUD DRESSING 'KX' t ;32' » 2 1 < a like faith in us, and in the day former pals from Oklahoma blew tain your qyMta o f ultra violet by too; you don’t want to talk about now. If you're doubtful about all slubbouse. tomorrow. Sept. 25 and Sat., SepL Marilyn C./Musayntki of South ,our hour of need because the. tion a sample ' platform, which exp'osing m body to an ultra vio­ erer the selectmen’s estimate. when we shall be waging the into town with an idea of opening Martin to me becapse you despiae this, if you don’t belleVa ms, you BsMlor'Luther l^ g u e 26, of an unprecedented demon­ Windsor. of 368 Keeney street, was honor­ i ^ l e Oausee Black Eye would itself be a demonstration let lam»( Those who are fortu­ stration of Government aigehey In 1942, the selectmen eatimst- American people abdicated, a long of the kind o f ' ideals and princi­ a restaurant where you could buy me. I don’t blame you. I’ve been might ask him If it’s true. Ha The Senior Luther LAkgue of the ed with a miscellaneous shower '' .. ------"c main battle against Hitler?'Can't nate effough to obtain plenty of cooperation when uniformed rep­ Welser. Idaho A. D. Roda- ed receipts other than taxes at time ago, from their own respon­ ples it believed the party should a drink or two. The name for unfaithful to Martin. To have had knows. And—good luck,” she'fla- Firet Lutheran church' will • hold last night at the home of Mrs. dP- iMCEWFSK there be sotpe understanding in sunabfne of either the natural or Martin’s love and then just be­ Ished gently. a meeting this everiing at eight resentatives of the U. 8. Army baugh of San Francisco ha# s C A K E ftO U ? 9870,096.77, Actual receipts total- sibility for sending something follow in all act.*!. In preparation such a, {(lace waa speakeasy. 'They .rtificial variety, usually have Hilda Keeney, 612 Keeney street. Moscow, as well as in America? cause he was—waa called away, to (To Be Concluded) o’clock at the church. Uignal Corps recruiting- represen­ Stafford Springs About 30 relatives and friends at­ nfw story about how' he got that Iw M ITi better than run of the mine politi­ for this step, the members pf the had a little dough, but being new hy sinuses, white those de­ tatives will join with Civil Service I hiv/ lAVOtn* 11 ed 9488,466.94, or a surplus of Some recognition of the fact group interchanged ideas on pros­ to the town they wanted Billings­ tended from Glastonbury and ..this shiner. And he has the eagle to rived of sunlight are pron(t to de­ Commission experts from 10:30 a. John O. Netto prove it. Rodabaugh and hi#' wife || 992,870.17 over the selectmen’s cians to Congress. They are what pective platforms, and they found ley to go In with them. The; town. . _ ' i 1 WMSI P*At . 1 N pi H e that Russia, now the center of the velop sinus troubls m. until 9:00 p, m. in interview­ 473. fltnfford were driving through Wlnqemuc- sstimat*. we selected; they are just as good one idea ilominant among thsiti- gave him a third of ths busings Those desiring mors Information consideration, for the remedy ia The hostess was assisted by Mrs. WHEAT CIRlAl mc *2 struggle, owes her present exist­ simple and I think effective. ing telephone and radio men be­ Irene Lockwood and Mrs. Mabel cs, Nev., - when the large golden m m c a k e h o u r In 1941, receipts from taxes to­ as the amount of thought and selves—(the revolutionary idea just to keep them company, xluid are welcome to send for Dr, Mc­ North Coventry ence to the fact that ^Britain Open Forum W. J. tween the ages of 16 arid 70 for Keeney. TTie decorations were in bird attacked the automobile rind [ WHItI V**’ __ • Ot e . that an' honest political platform thus the first (there hav^been Coy’s special artielf. on Sinus A campaign to inise 92,000 .for — , 3* taled 930,078.47 more than the se­ conscientious obligation to ' the job's as civilian employees Or en­ the patriotic colors. The bride un­ crashed through the windshield— i P I l A Y stood. In 1940? "And of^he fact wpuldn’t'try to lure the voters by three) Stork club' was born. Trouble. Write to McCoy Health On next Monday night the town listed specialists in the Signal the purchase ot new equipment CORN FLAKES 2 1 lectmen calculated. proper standards of a democracy a wide variety of specific prom­ wrapped her numerous 'lovely and in Rodabaugh's face. The that the United Statea with every The first Stork opened its doors Service in care of this newspaper No Coffee of Coventry will have a practice Con)Six and for maintenance of thb Staf-; which went Into their selection. ises that could never be gt^ran- 'They threaten, plea and even pray Fewer Seek State Jobe, gifts from s wishing well decorat­ Rodabaugh. brought the bird In 1942, receipts from taxes to- speed and power at its disposal, is at 132 West 58th street and did a and enclose a large, self-addressed blackout and field test. There-will 'The sfieplal mission of A m y xnd fordville volunteer fire department,' teed. envelope . and 10 cents in stamps To the grocer It’s the aame each ed in red, white and . blue. along. The casualties- Roda- kaled 951,472.02 more than the No Congressman from Con­ fair., business until the govern­ Jefferson City, MO- — f>Pi — Be be two audible alarms. The yel­ (Jivll Service experts is' operating ia being coriducted by the mem­ baugb. one black eye. The eagle, moving Inevitably toward the day Meanwhile, being no "reform” ment stepped in with an old law and the article will be returned to day, - A buffet luncheon was served •electmen calculated. necticut voted on the wrrong sld.oue 3 -.21 Russia has-now? How about som;'^bershlp. on the Resolutions com­ Question: Mrs. R. B., of Niagara nounced competitive examinations to Warrant Officer Gilmer Brooks which the tax rate was baaed by Where was the man, in the Con­ The S^ork then moved to 51 for 11 classifications of jobs at utes later, the red signal will be phone, and radio, men between 16 covered by the department. Chief Johnson, Jr., of Laredo. Texas, CLOVIR MAID two-way tolerance, between - at mittee of the approaching conven­ Falls, writes; , ” What causes the The poor street beggar who used U A M B V • ot 4 n O 1 990,921.54, a sum which repre­ necticut delegation, to atand up Eaat 51st street. Billingsley’s two salaries ranging up to 9155. a announced by five short blasts on and 70 for war service appolnt- Frsd Finw and Lieutenant. Wil­ with', the Anti-Aircraft unit in this I FANCT ANO POtt ' JAI I A * JAt | < lies? tion. partnert, meanwhile, so the. story heart to skip a beat and Is it a to ask sirens and whistles. All lights i.ienta in the U. S. Army Signfil liam E. (Jlark arc directing the sen t^ well over two mills on ths and make a real fight against this slrous matter? Would you please month. SO' far 1.000 persons hsvs ares. The ceremony will take place Bringing their idesi Into the goes, became homesick and fled Now finds his begging quite a applied for the tests. Last ^ear aa iqust be blficked out on red alg- Corps and because of the urgency drlve^ Because of the existing con­ at the South Methodist church on tax rate. betrayal, of Congressional duty? Resolutions committee, they bark to Oklahoma, leaving Bill­ answer this question In your col­ "’task of the demand the^ usual physical EVANGELINE MILK 3 ..°, 25 umn: s(xin?” . examination for only two jobs nahaOne .long blast on sirens and ditions, the department decided October 9. , Altogether, in 1942, total re­ The answer was that there was found that the committee’s ingsley the business, which he For housewives now have taken brought 3,(k)0 applications. ' w-blAles will Indicate "All Clear.” requirements'havi?‘ been waived. not to botd’-its annual carnival this Miss Keeney’s associates in the Plans to Curb chairman. Dr. James L. -Mc- Aqswer: A heart that skips s from .him At the same time,, the first step in DOUGHNUTS PLAIN OR SUCARiD 002 ^ 3' ceipts exceeded the estimate on no real fight on the right aide paid for. . One of the partners beat may be quite normal from- an This Item it publUihed at the^ re­ year, depending on the campaign office of the Connecticut (Jeneral Conaughy o f Wesleyan, alwaya could not stand women who paint­ The one. great pleasure he found quest of C hief Air Raid Warden the enlistment process will be un­ to meet the financial needs, ‘the anywhere yesterday. It was, ap­ organic viewpoint, and the cause ’D>c principle of the pneumatic Life Insurance company recently which the 22 mill tax rate was a mile or so above the aiwrage ed their faces and wore eccentric ' in bumming. ^ Malcolm. dertaken by recruiting officers for Fire Department recently purchas­ te'ndered her a personal shower. CAKE FLOUR ‘A S ' parently, the farm bloc's turn- for Black Market may therefore be only functional. tire waa patented in England in IsN O SH EEN 23 based by 9114.342.19, again a sum politician, and perhapa particu­ clothes. The sight ) of these Mr, and-Mrs,. Michssl Hsberern' those men qualified for specisUsts ed a new 2(4 ton truck and s por­ another Slice of special privilege. larly free In his . opinion Howver. the best plan ia to have They too walk around, ttielr anpa 1845 and in 1847 in the United jobs in th* Signal Corps. which represented substantially damosels In the club every night an examination so that the actual States. ■ , * are the parents o f s baby boy table pump, -which cari be carried since his own immediate fnture increa.sed his loneliness for the In hand to most sections, where the fir* MUENSTER CHEESE ^29 o\.r f>vo mills on the tax ^ate. Those who did not dare vijt'e for Canberra, Australia, Sept. 24 cause may be determined. A per­ born ■ recently at the Manchester 25th Aiiniver8ar>: waa leading him away from cow Country. son suffering from an organic And, plea with the grocer, to un­ Memorial hospital. truck cannot reach. The money Tbaitks to this surplus income, this new alice of special privilege, politics, had come to the meet­ —dP' Minimum penalties of three disease of the heart may live for derstand Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKin­ Rules Daily Bath will be used to equip the truck and BAKERS VANILU fXTIACt thanks to economy in spending, who for sectional or other reasons months imprisonment for individu­ ing with ideas Strikingly aimi- While Billingsley had the Stork The plight in svhich they find purchaec other -apparatus. Of ^ alter Olsons GERBER'S many years, providing the doctor’s ney of Norwich spent the week­ STIAENfO fciTC-v-tN J25 n the town ended ^ the 1941 fiscal had no great personal political in­ als and 950,000 fines for compan­ lar to their own. at this location an Incident oc- ,instructions are carried out ■themselves end with their parents, Mr. and Donald K. Anderson former WAX PAPER CHAtM lOLi Without any coffee upon their year with a CMh balance of 9106.- terest in it, nevertheless stood by ies are proposed in a bill introduc­ From that moment w’hat! curred that altered his entire out­ WUai can Mrs. William McKinney. They at­ Is Not Dangerous principal o f the High School in • A yF M d t seemed, to most political .observ­ shelves. Kesar Falls, Me., arrived this week CHO^fO ^ ^ me 5e 896.00, and it has ended the »1942 fatalistically and resigned. Some ed in the Australian Parliament look on show business. Texas Question: J. B. J., of Hunting- tended a family dinner party Sun­ Mr, and Mrs. Walter Oionn of DAINTY JELL o. n;or today to curb "black market” ers, an impossible attempt at re­ Guinan, sthe loud, gaudy ’’Hello ton. W. Va.. writes: "The lower Gordon Andrew. to assume hie new 'duties as prin­ day they may w^aht some special day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 37 Huntington street werW given jRRIMFppd Worcesttrshirfl Sauce' ’.no. fiacal year with a cash balance of dealings. form, became almost automatic. Sucker” kid came in and intro­ part of my stomach gave me some Ell Carver of Rockville. Hartford, Sept. 24—The'delicate cipal of Stafford High School. Mr. C H A u m m 8117,361.07. privilege themselves, and then All goods involvril in transac­ Dr. McConaiighy himself took the duced Billingsley to a Broadway pain, especially when in bed. I had .Danger At the Green Tuesday evening. Sept. 29. Is question of whether or not a daily and Mrs. Andernon with their a surprise dinner party it their Had the tax rates in these two they won't want their fellow club tions resulting in convictions task of preparing the final docu­ columnist whose name waa Wal­ an X-ray taken and it shows noth­ To the Editor: the date for the.benefit entertain­ bath is such a hardship os to daughter ar* making their home home Tuesday evening, September a U B WOMAB TRY W A tH flUPN’ 9 DRIED BEANS and PEAS members to fight tMt hard against would be forfeited to the crown ment harmonizing our reform ter Winchell. ' Shortly thereafter ing wrong although I have a ner­ A serious condition has long ex­ NATIONALDIPINSir, ment and damce at the Lakeside justify one resigning from a job with Mrs. Lewis McLaughlin on- 22. in honor of their 25th wedding years been leried with the advan­ under 'the proposed measure, group’s views with his own, the vous stomach and low blood pres­ Highland Terrace. 9IVIRAL VARItTIIS them. WInchell wrrote in hla column, ite d at the Manchester Green. Casino to earn money for the was not oonsider^ sufficisnt annlveraao’- tage of “hindsight” , as contrast- whlck would be retroactive to Feb­ document wentf Wrough the con­ ”T7ie Stork club is the New York- sure. I have been taking vitamin The sharp curve has been the 1942 budget ckmpalgn of the cause by Unemployment Commis­ A committee -to eUmulatc the Over 30 relative* and friends ..*d with the selectmen's cautious This is ths kind of Congress we ruary. vention as esuiily 'as if it bad con­ est place in town.” Billingsley B complex with an iron prepara­ plRST, you can gt! « « //—and Community Hoqiltal In Wllllman- sioner Curtiss ‘^om psoa ot New ■crap metal drive here baa been were present, including Mr. and p a l m o u v i cause and scene of numerous traf­ ^ ureUl What hat that to and pessimistic foresight, the tax have because we let the politi­ tained a million vote-seeking recalls- that next night the place tion for the low blood pressure fic accidents, all serloua and sev­ tlc. This Is being sponsored by Haven, in a case just reported by appirinted to cooperate with the Mr*. Harry Gustofsoo who were FBI Raids 87 Home* promises, and its refreshing but it makes my stomach worse. do with National Defense? A the bridat attendants when Mr. SOAP 3A‘."slO. rate in each year could aafely cians nominate it and then we wan overrun with people who had eral fatal. Many of Manchester’s great deal. Today, a natinn’s the people o f this town. Commit­ the State Labor Department Stafford Salvage committee under I novelty won newspaper headlines authentic Florida sun tans. It Why is this? If I-take plain vita­ worse accidents havr been repeat­ tee on arrangements is composed Monthly Bulletin. the chairman ship o f Vasco Bis. and Mrs. Olson were married by CRACKIO on WHOU have been two nulls lower. voted for it. ^'And, with the ex­ min B there Is little pain, but It firU defense is Health. Your Wethersfield. Sept. 24—ts other dates. Ilk# that of Clare Luce, the homes of 37 (Ssrmsn and Italian very smffTl group of people meet-- got It. this situation. M year first move is toward Mrs. Walter Keller, Mrs Mery to take a bath every day due to committee for salvage, with (hsr- eran ehureh for moro than 20 BREADS CHO the Mayo Clinic in and service. loth spntversary celebration and will be held at the Grange hall. It ditloD, he was unable to folio..- I'l.' for scrap which will be placed at Olson responded .with hearty 9*ya»Mit in the' paM two years to McCoy Health Serrice In care


wer* reported to have repulsed Positions Torn • Nazi attacks and destroyed eight Four Persons Germans Wreck Workers To Lead Parley tanks. ‘t Dinner Guest Here Need Is Great Apple Picking Starts Friday at the Circle Architect Will From Nazis'' Grip "Sixteen Germain planes were Soviet Tanks Daily Radio Programs Part Time brought ilown by anti-aircraft gun­ Die in Wreck fire and machine-gun and rifle For Dressings Eastern Wwc Time Real Problem Run for Seat (Conttnuod From Page One) tire." the communique said. 111 Maryland (Continued From Page One) BmploTment Di> nnlly. Red Star said, Ru.ssinn A Stoi-kholm m essa ge to The dajf that Nazi submarines had W om en W anted ^ Every Part-Time W orkers Nec­ Socialists Pick Mansell fighter.9 armed with explosive.s I.oii ..11 luily Expi-c.ss said , Ger­ sunk three destroyers, an auxili­ lor Says W hite Col- blew up the structure with the man troop liuins Were moving (Continued from Page One) ary cruiser and five transports in , Wednesday to Woi*k War Warning Is Ignored essary to Get in the To Opi^ose Mrs. Luce Germans in.side. an attack on an Allied convoy be­ Men to Be Used. north through Norway and a new the Red Cross. German nttack.s were declared offen.sive- was expected to be boiind from Wa.shingftoi. to Cum­ tween Spitsbergen and Iceland. Year’s Bum per Crop. And- DotoTis in Fourth; ------I to have -led only to n ver.ses on (aun'ched thi.s fall against, Mur­ berland, Md., and was struck (Neither the reported'attack on ' \ During Radio Bfankouts Sord, Sept. 34—f/P)—An In- lour other scctor.s of the far-flung mansk. Russia's ■ Arctic port of again. ~ the convoy nor the German claims Dr. Eu^aj^ Davis, chairman of By John Chandler, President Bridgeport. Sept. 24—(Ah-s-The front, in the Sinyavino area on the I.o<-oniotlve Overturned kinpftlgn to reg'ifiter entry for United States and Brit­ of losses inflicted were crmiirmed the Vblunte'^ Special Services New York and New England ScKialist party, whose strength in river;, at Voronezh: .south­ ish munitions. , Passenger and freight cars aqd by any other source. Previous New York. Sept. 24.— (Wide ' th* singer will be Carol Bruct and ^ .Apple Institute , ... y'OlZ/P C AR __ collar. worker* for poMlWe committee and Mf>tJ Marjorie Bld- not Hlldegarde, as had been an­ Connecticut is centered in Fair- west of Novoj-ossisk; and in -the The Times-of London s^id edi­ the big Diesel loi-pmotive of the German claims of Allied .ship sink- Workl)—Although listeners have Th* problem confronting the b>Umc work hi war Induitries Mozilok. region of the central Cau- redge of the local Red Cross head­ nounced. field county, put forward David torially that Moscow might be A'mbassador, which overturned, ingavon the Arctic supply route been advised not to use their- tele­ New England apple Industry at r o u R r / M E I r o o R e r e r g v , j be launched goon the Xlnlt- ca.sii.s. were left smashed in the wreck. have been termed "grossly exag­ quarters visited the .Aiflericah Le- Mansell, an architect from Old con.sidercd safe' for another sea­ gion home on Leonard strict yes­ phones in radio blankouta during Harvest time, 1942; is not unlike Btate* Employment Service Kejtulse S«-vpraI \ttiM-ki* son ail'd that fhe German Army Baltimore, and Ohio officials said gerated'! hy the British.) Topic* tonight: NBC, 8— Fanny Greenwich, 'today as the opponent terday, and expressed pleasure, at Brice, Frank Morgan; 8 30—Al­ the emergency ^situation caused . Soviet troops repulsed severiii was "doomed to the hardships and many of the 18 persons nii.ssing in Bound for Soviet Russia air radio alerts, that apparently by the 1M8 hurricane. The hurri­ of Mrs. Glare Boothe Luce and Iw'ilUam G. Ennis, state director the rear Pullman of the Clev^ilarid the setup and the cooperation the didn't apply at all when New York drich Family! 9— Bob Oosby Rep. Leroy D^ Downs in the on/aum/tnoDsm/i^ attacks oveinight in the Stalin-i aftritidn of another winter in the The announcement said the Con­ committee is receiving. cane emergency was met by a 7 USES in makipg this announce^ grad area and- tMin.sled to more expre.^s may he dead or inj.iircd. area transmitters were ordered in­ Hour; 10—Rudy . Valle# and 'Ned Fourth district congressional elec­ Russian snows." Seventeen persona in Jhe car just voy. described as British, was It wg* the first day that the wonderful spirit of cooperation in DO A U yOl/R SH0PP//VG 1 Hit, aaid that the first meeting than 1.3,00.0 the roll of invaders bound from Soviet Russia 'to Brit­ to silence in the midst of an sve- Sparks; 10:30—March of' Time! New England, which moved the tion. . plan the drive will be held at killed in tiie last four day.s, the ahead of it were aeCounted for work of making surgical dreralngs ning's broadcasting this week. CBS, 7 30— Maudie’s Diary; 8— Mansell was ^nominated last //V £ ?/v / EASy sropf \ ■ ■ "anil the injured among them were ish and American ports and "con­ for our armed forces was carried blown-down crop quickly and sav­ Ic Service's office here this aft- llu.s.sia'n.s said. Rt’tiK Dony Rombing sisted of a larger number pro­ Network key and other stations Folk Songs of United Nations; 9— ed the day. The apple industry is night in one of a'series of Social­ Inoon. '."One .Soviet, tank unit hn.s dis­ hosjiitalized.” on. The Red Cross national bend- rsported thsy experienced one of Major Bowes Amateurs; 9:30— ist convention* held here. Riilgarian Cities . . Witnesses .said only one car of tecting vessels than transport quarterr recently 'received from hoping for the same sort o f co­ I He explained that the undci tak- lodged the Germans from .fortilied ve.ssels." thebr moat active switchboard Stage Door Canteen, Col 'Stoop- operation this year. Mrs. Luce, the playwright and ' will be experimental in na- positions, destroying .six tanks Moscow, Sept. 24. iJPi An offi- the two passenger trams remained the War Department the 'addi­ ' periods in a long tim*. calls^coffi- nagle and others; 10—U, S. Navy wife of Henry Luce, the magazine Next To Manchester Herald <-ial denial, that Russian planes on the.track. Long lengths of pipe The Germans •».lso reported their tional request for a stock of 26 Crop Larger Than Last. Year and fpr the time being, at and several true k.s and killing 600 submarines had .sunk 13 Allied ing In so fast they hardly' opuld Program: lO.-lS-r-Wing Comman­ ' The ovjrall 1942 commercial publisher, has already received the 717 .MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER, CO.NN. tmv. Will be confined to^ HarUord. R(»hop G. B. OMiam have been bombing Bulgarian hauled hy the-freight were tossed Former Governor Raymond 'E. million dressings. The local quota be handled. Many of them seemed der Hall on "Pre-RAF Training.'" Republican nomipstion, while Germans," tfie mid-day commiHd- over a lengthy area, miieh of it merchant ships totaling 75.0(X) crop of all varieties of apples will , Froo Parking l.ot Rear of Store. "Although local manufacturers que announced. . ^ \ ritiea w.-is made public today Baldwin today definitely accepted for August and September is a to be 'from listeners who had • BLU, 7—Easy Aces: 7:30— Earl Down* la unopposed for renomi- amashed like match sticks. tons and a corvette in attacks on large one, and it is hoped Man­ run well over 8,000,000 bushels, GROCERY PRICES EFE'ECTIVE ,\T > not admit the , need at pres- flishnp G Bromley Oxn^m. ViuN ■'Men of one .Soviet lElitel unit -through Tass. Soviet news agency. ■Allied supply lines in the Atlantic, the invitation of the Young Re­ tuned in - during the 45-minute WrlBhtson 'Concert; SiSO-—New nstton at the forthcoming Demo-, The Cleveland night express to chester will be able to complete It compared with 6,800,000 fn 1941. erstie district convention. ht,” Mr. Ennis a.sherted, "we he­ .itftniiing leader of the Methodist' rtestroy* and Fairic Knowles in Refers to JoU !6randal ave |the handwriting on the wall thhet? mortar batteries and killed. Caribbean. ner dance -»in American Legion couldn't get any program. "Farm Price Control": 9:30—Kay -cent more than lost year; Bald­ At t-he Corner, 961 .Main Street, East Haftford I Icates the fact that a great J the Boston area, ..flead* the Xor- ago a\groiip of Soviet . aircraft from Dleltersnn, about 35 miles hall next, Wednesday night Gen­ ing carried'out by Red Cross chap­ Gregory ,La Cava’* Universal comedy production, "Lady in r Jam" The Socialists nominated City 160) G'Germajis. northwest of Washington, to re­ The text of the communique: . In going off, the stations made Kyser Band; 10;15— Toram ^Dor- wins double, of more. lYhIch"opens Friday for three days at the Circle theater. ny-bank clerks, insurance pe.o- wich District conference at the Nortnw^t of Stalingrad So­ dropped bombs on some Bulgarian eral Chairman Harold Maher ters throughout the country. As Police Commissioner Harold J. '.^w --rr;■ r - v . ■ ■.-v-o-., -'.s' pair an air pump on its engine. "In hard fighting lasting for the regular announcement that sey Show.. \ The picking problem is the No. and newspaper workers may Bntith Methodist rhurch tomor­ viet troops inflicted a opiin- populated places." Tass said. •\stated today that because of an­ soon as completed the dreasings MB[S, 8—SinfonletU; 8;30-^t Morris as candidate for county days against a particularly strong will be shipped direct to Anaw they were shutting down on order 1 war-year headache. Labor short- operating turret lathes and row. ter-blow on the, Germans. One ;:Ta.*s has h^n authorized to deny PhNigha Into B«*r other engagement that evening Pay* To Be Ignorant, Quiz: 9:30— sheriff , and the basis of his cam­ defensive force, our U-boats sank base*. of the Army Interceptor Com­ are has made it necessary to turn paign was revealed by City Clerk : .4 1 ■/ aww rew machlnea in the not too dis- Bishop Oxnam. .a native of rali- unit, by a vigorous'ftltack. dislodg- this as a lie'-ftibricated with clear­ .lust after the train began mov­ three destroyers. an auxiliary Governor Baldwin will have to mand, adding the precaution about (Chateau Hogan; 10— New Ray­ to inexperienced help. Oillege and fomia. was. president of DePauw ly provocative piirpose." leave the party here by eight .la Very Important Fred Schwarzkopf, who in propos­ Ipture." -etl the Germans froni'a^ populated ing. railroad headquarters said in cruiser and five. transports total­ telephoning, but without further mond Clapper serie* replacing high school students, part-time Only One in Thousand ing Morris’ .name, referred to the j "The purpose of. Ihi* registra- University. Greenea-stle, Indiana, place. The Germans lefUriyer 2.50 describimk the crash, the Ambas­ ing 50,000 tons. o'clock. Consequently the dinner The visitors at the workrooms yesterday stressed the importance explanatipn. This left many a Rayrndn^ Gram Swing. pickers from offices and factories •i'unsayory county' Jail scandal." on it to find out the available before being cleofed to the Epis­ dead on "the field. We . c»ij>tured Bujgaria and R u ^ a still main­ sador, fast express from Detroit • ‘T w o other ships were badly at the Legion hall will be served liatensr in a quandary inasmuch as What to expect Friday; NBC, and every other possible source of copacy of the'Methodist church in tain ilinlbmatic relatlo'h|i‘ although of this branch of'w ar work. They It was’ discovered recently that npower from-thts 'source," he three guns, two mortars and four, to Washington, ploughed into the darhaged by torpedo hits. at 6:15 in.stead.|Of eight o'clock as outside of the statfon silence there 12:15 p. m.^35(ord and Mutic; 4:30 apple pickers have been utilized. several prisoners .in th* Jail had Jared. "VtTien we. get the 1936.-Me has been the resident of machine-guns. sBulg^ria Is a member of the Axis. noted on the tickets for the affair. expressed gratification that sO' rear of the train. 14 Other Ships Sunk many responded to the appeal for was no general alarm. —Lorenzo JoneSi 8 Stern's Orchardlsta h$ve been working Escapes Malnutrition been released before expiration of eta we will then be in a position the Boston area' since 1939. "In another sector several ep- .Sd>^r her armies have not been Cars ..Jiuckled and overturned. NBC expect* to have its first Sports. CBS, 3:3()'-^|lusalan-Am*r- day and night to get the harvest their terms. ‘ ^ approach local mamifacturera A merpber of the Methodist ntnorig... the satelite troops Hitler "(ifher U-boats sank 13 enemy assistance. Through this paper emy attfteks were repulsed and The Deisel engine on the Ambassa-. ships and a corv'ette totaling 75,- broadcast from Alaska since Pearl ican Music. Festiva!>. 4:30— Kay in. Hot weather further compli­ Nominated for state senators nth a concrete propoeitlon.” Commission on Army and Navy about 700 Germans were killed." , has called into his war with m s - they extend an invitation to any dor overturned and caught fire, 000 tons sailing alone or in convoy woman in Manchester .or vicinity Harbor on Saturday evening in a Kyser War Bond ProgrSn)^; 6:30— cated the harvesting problem. Survey in Pennsylvania Concealed Bridges wer* Audubon J. Secor, 21st dis­ Form a Labor Pool Chaplains, Bishop Oxnam several Other details were supplied by sla. •" ns'did a baggage car on the same in the Atlantic, off Africa and in About Town IS-minute program from an Army Frank Parker's Singers. .BLU, . Shortage Of Storage trict; Albert E. Eccles, 22nd dis­ months ago saw his own son.. the midnight communique. The reports that planes, pre­ to come to the Legion home on FRESM ROASTIME I At the employment, service of- train. Freight cars jumped the the Caribbean sea. Another ship Wednesday of each week, at what­ air base. It will consist primarily 1:45— Vincent - Lopez OrcheIrcheStni; Normally, a large percentage of Includes Both Adults ... , , Aifaeks trict; and James Tail, 23rd dis­ 'jc It was explained that recently Philip Oxnam. a nilnustcr in New Red Sta* said the German com­ sumably Ru.ssian.' , had bombed track. Smoke poured .from the ■was. damaged by torpedo hit*. of music by a 14-ptece dance band 3—Prescott Presents: 4— our McIntosh and the biggest part trict. City nominees for state rep­ mand was trying to supplement ! populated parts of -fetilgaria were Mrs. Arinie Atkinson has re­ ever hour most convenient to them And Children; . Not AUaCKS group of bank and .insurance England, sworn . Into the United wreckage. "During the past four da)-* the between W and|4:30. The work Is mad* up at musicians formerly Matinee. MBS, 12:80—School War oTthe BsIdwiniNgb into storage, resentative were William F. Nell 4*TO 5 tB. IB States Army ns chaplain. its siege forces with a new column. I circulated early last week by Axis turned from Asbiiry Park, N. J., npidyees formed a "labor pool” J. E. McChirdy of Pittsburgh, a enemy has lost 19 ships tofHling and Webster Lake, Mass., where pleasant, the restrictions are not with nstlonally-known orchestras Bond Drive, Mrs. Roosevelt, Sec. f^ -orderly marketing. This year, and. George W. Murgatroyd. Bishop Oxnam Is a member of 'The direction of this advance was sources through their usual prop­ Aware of Actual Illness ''Mayor Jasper McLevy'of Bridge­ id offered to devote part-time mechanic on the wrecked engine, 125,000 tons as well as three de­ loo severe, and members of the ....W h e n AI Jolson- return* to Morgenthau, Dr. Studebsker; 8— available space for storing apples . not specified. aganda outlets. she spent the summer. Mrs. Atkin­ New York. Sept. 24- (/Ti Rus- i work Jn local Indiwtry. Some the Carnegie Foundation Commi.s- said "I was in the rear of the stroyers and a corvette.” son plans to make her home in committee and instructors who broadcasting via CBS Octobsr 6 Mutual Goes Calling. has b e e b "^ a tly reduced because port was renominated for gover­ sion of'^Miislc. He was a delegate Force Invader* To Withdraw The Berlin radio broadca.at what By Howard W. Blakeslee .sian ingenuity in the use of. con­ nor for the eighth time at the So- them were placed in war pro- Diesel when the crash came. The Manchester and la at present' with have been attending couraes themr of government requirement for to the World Conference' of Faith Bombers, fighter planes, heavy . it purported to be a Bulgarian Wide World Science Editor cealed bridges for retreat and cialiat state convention her* las.t ucing plants .and are reported to tritio buckled and windows broke, her sister-in-law, Mrs. Rachel selves will explain the regulation# storage epacejqr war needs. This turk^ and Order held in Edinburgh in -artillery and tanks were reported e^m unique saying ca.sijalties had Extent of Yugonlav counter-attack in the battle of the week-end. J performing' satisfactory labor. I picked myself Up and crawled Hopper of Center street,- or government specifications. 1080 1380 means that an ''unusually heavy State College, Penn., Sept. 24— Don Bend draws plaintive com­ |The labor shortage In this'state 4937. He is the author of many employed by the Red Army in the : been caused in the bombing of out a window to look for the supply of apples nUuit b# moved FOWL Z'o” u33 Resistance Admitted t ------r , Only one person "in a thousand ment from II Oiomale D'ltalla of Fanc;S#rbcted O R * books, two of recent significance, counter-attacks northwest of Stal- I Bulgarian towns. Similar re- K ilocy cles WURC K ilocycles right off; Baldixiiis, '-which are ^ already acute. It Was .saldi others. I saw Bowman and Mc­ The executive Committee of the escape* malnutrition—that la the Rome. Loses Hospital Off Truck Genume Spi'og '-B U M I expected to become critical over “The Ethical Ideas of Jesus in a in^;ad. The threat against the I ports were relayed In dispatches Clelland (the engineer, and flre- New York. Sept. 24— (yP) — A marketed later, must bb' stored, Ctlanaing World," and "By This Nazi flank as well as the heavy from Vichy. Berlin broadcast Cont.aining the Women's Federation of the C ^ ter conclusion of a survey published "The Soviets," said the newspa­ I 'next few months when the mani,and they \vcre all right. We Coneregalional church will have a Father of Opera Thursdsy, SepL 34 Thursday, 9«p t 24 and there will be vcr>’ littlS^etor- per: in a dispatch broadcast today Philadelphia (Ab—John Michel. IAMB LEGS forces will exert a "terrific Sign Conquer.". He is a brilliant direct pros.suFc was credited with I Later German broadcasts quot- taeit admission ;of the extent .of age room for McIntosh. '-v today by the Ellen H. Rlrhards In­ tried to get other meh out of the patriot resistance in old-5'ugosla- meeting this evening at 7:30. P. M. P.M. by the Berlin radio, "built several Red Cross executive, made this ’’ on manpower. speaker and prearher, and will ad. forcing the ihvaders to withdraw. ! oil, dispatches said to have come liaggag'e car, but the w’recked 3:00—The Story of Mary Marlin. 3:00—David Harum Th# early-aeason abundahe^ ^ stitute at the Penn.sylvania State Red Star said that both ' the via declared today that in two Singer Is Dead dozen bridges across tkat river appeal; '.'Will the party who LAMB.FORES- - -2 1 . On Part Time Banl* dress the conference at the South from Bulgaria that the Bulgarian freight started to bum arid the 3:15—Mb Perkins. 3:15—News McIntosh gives a real opportunity 'toRege. fa n c y y o u n g city and Volga river traffic were weeks'ending Sept. 8 Axis occupa­ The Ladies Aid society of (the Donl which were, however, found a 12-bed emergency hospi­ I Because of these conditions Methodist chiireh tomorrow at government had protested formal­ fire spread to the baggage car. 3:30— Pepper Young’s Family. 3:20—St. Louis Matinee to our New England consumers'' The siim-ey took Six years, and completely invisible to Italian tal in North Philadelphia yester­ PLUMP, NATIVE 4:15 in the afternoon and be pres­ under continuous air raids. It re­ ly to the Russian ambassador tion forces killed 3.000 persons and the Buckingham Congregational is onY-.qf the most thorough ever employers are beginning to There wasn't anything we could 3:45— 'The Right To Happiness. 3:30—Studio Matinee The quality is excellent. The re­ ground troops and also to the Air day kindly return it- to the Red, ducks regular or 9 Q * ent at the evening mtiss meeting ported that a barge withdrawing against the bombings. captured 4,000 more in the ‘moun­ church announce a card party for New, Haven, Sept. 24..—i/pi— made. Itjncluded .Iroth adults and an interest in using white do. We could see parts of bodies tainous Bosnia district. tomorrow evening at elcht o'cioclc' 4:00—Backstage Wife. 3:55—War Jobs You d a n Have — tail prie'es of apples t. make them Force becau.se they were laid Cross?" Michel explained that a SKINLESS LB beginning at 7:1.5. refugees was smashed. Charles Kullman, 79. of New Ha­ 4:15—Stella Dallas. one of the beet food values on the Children. TVie ^report .is made in bUar workers on « part-time in the baggage car." in the church vestry. Bridge, whist Paul Kerins about s foot and a half below the cabinet maker, who built th* in­ fbivhkforts At the evening meeting Dean Tlie Volga riiw flotilla was .said The German broadcast referred ven, father of Metropolitan Opera 4:30— Lorenzo Jones. market. Families will do well to the' college's Y-homistry leaflet.' by In anticipation bf the and setback will be play^ and 4:00-^New*' water's surface. " terior of the 20 b^f 30-foot canvas Robert McCutchaii of DePauw. by Izvestia to be, waging a furi­ Cerrnans Sow Mines Two Union Officials Hurt to the patriots only as brigands, Tenor Charlea. Kullman, J r. .died 4:45—Young Widow Brown. buy apples by the box and keep Dr. Pauline BeeVv Mack, director ! when there'will be active de­ refreshments served by the com­ today of bronchial pneumonia in 4:15—A ftenoon Melodies Moving .lip or wlthdrswiaf'. the emergency, station, was delivering University will conduct an In­ ous fight, convoying ships, -protert- Two of those injured and taken vagabonds, bandits and criminals. 5:00— When A Girl Marries. 4:45— War News them in a cool place— the beat pf the institute, anther associates. ads for such workers, the em- Along Norway Coast It gave no clue to the fate of those mittee in charge. the New Haven hospital where Rus.stans waded knee-deep across it when - he lost .th* whole thing nent service Is' preparing to spirational hymn-sing, arid Bishop ing Russian column^\withih the to the Frederick, Md., hospital 5:15—Portia Faces Life. 4:55— Natir>nal News possible solution to the storage Both Classea Below Best Rating London. Sept. 24 - iA5— Norwe­ captured. he had been under treatment for these bridges by night. The dis­ off his truck. ave a force recruit^ of suffi- Ralph S. Cushman of St. Paul, range of its guns. s\)ie<;ping up were believed to be Viricent D. 6:30—Program from New York. 6:00—Ad Liner-Musical Co­ problem.. This is the year to can 'The study covered 2?H1 Penn­ plane-laid niities and even sending gian sources said toila.v that the Sweeney of Pittsburgh, public re­ "Mopping up operations were Trolley' Operator^urt a week. 6 :00—News. sylvanians. Just two rated nigh in patch said the trick was discov­ lent size to meet the demands of Minn., will give'the 'address. . operative apples and apple sauce, especially ered when ,a Russian soldier pur­ SWORDFISN landing parties ashore. Germans wore ■ hastening the in­ lations director of the United Steel successfully continued last week," In addition to.his son, Kullman 6:15— History In The Headlines all tests. The others were deflcle^it. ' stallation of anti-aircraft batter­ 5:35— Youth Center Program right now. with supplies heavj’ sued by Italian infantrv’men es- Marinefi supported by the fire of Workers, and Phil Curran, member the broadcast said, indicating .{hat ■ New Haven. Sept. 24 - ijh—A is survived by a daughter and -two with Professor Andre Schen-; and prices favorable. the poor worse off than the riclK ‘ I The anq>toyment service also ies and sowing thou.sand.s of mines 5:45—Ben Bernie Mped by striding across one of the NAiBocK n u m Hie poedbiltty that,the na- two gunboats captured an Axis- of the union!s legal staff. Union even the death and pnpturc rff 7.^ trolley operator was .seriously in­ grandchildren. ker. 6 :(X)— News Apples have been designated a but both classes below'- the best f ' occupied settlement, the news­ along the^ Norw-eglan const in a officlklsfsaTd " th7y ‘ b^Tded" 000 Yugoslavs had not broken the 6:80-:,8trietly Sports. sfwin* OYSTERS manpowar commission jured and traffic held up for sev­ Plans.for the funeral were await­ 6:05—War Commentary "Victory Food Special” bv the U. rating. K “ eh delicious p.« Obituary paper reported. One iRptilla unit widespread tightening of anti-ki- Washington-bound washington-bound train this resistance to Nazi rule. eral hours at a busy New Haven ing the arrival of the sing.er from 6:45—Lowell Tiiomas. commenta­ 6:15— To Be Announced, Department of Agriculture. Only eight were free of . tooth * :i*ep Into the elate and take vasion defenses. , to Re HiioceM* c r u s t s as does Was credited with extermination momina at Pittsburgh. Thf Berlin announcer apparent­ dowfff.own street today when a 10- Rio de Janeiro wh^re he has been tor. 6:30^Frazier Hunt:—News 11 branches of the trade' are co­ decay, a trouble generally ascrib­ Bi^Hikfaat its eoliar workers out of their At Narvik, the far northeni At- T:00— Fred Waring In Pleasure of two battalions of Germans and Ambulances and fire englne.s ly sought to minimize the scope of wheel truck owned by the Burgess on a professional tour. 6:45—The World 'Today o p e r in g fully. . ed p'artly to deficient diets. The Jobe and place them in Rumanians in two weeks of action. lantic port. Informant.s said, the Express Company of Pittsfield. Time. New Orlesihs^ Sept. 24 — plants. The service feels from nearby towns rushed to the the resistance by saying: "Ap.irt Ktiilman was a resident of New 7:00— Amos 'n' Andy It remains, now Jfor the New majority we’re deficient not . just Red Army m.en striking anew Germans have set up machine- scene, and one flremari said fire from. Insignificant loeal ' cla'shes Ma.ss., overturned after colliding Haven for 75 ycarst coming here 7:16!—News of th# World. Englanrpublic to eat -and use in one nutrition test, but in -Sev­ The so-called' ^ g w Orleans mil­ , If a vohintary plan for using D e a t h s guns and light'artillery'in every 7:30— Corns On And Dance. 7:15—Glenn Miller against., the assaidl arid .stipply fighters were hampered by lack of and .sabotage attempts which were with a trolley' car. from Frankfort, Gern^any, where more of tlUs fine native fruit. eral. In fact the survey indicates lion dollar brealcfaat” scheduled I ebllar woikers In war Indua- house, and cannori in the, center 7:55—"This U Everybody's War”., 7130—51audie's Diary for Friday morningXwith. a $1,- ITS HAKVUT WRRK AT AAM columns moving upon Stalingrart water. He described the wreck as detected in time and prevented, ail William Anderson, trolley op­ he was bom. IJe -was an expert New England apples are right that if on^ diet deficiency exists, FIAKO fei operating satisfactorily Honnik Sonnlkwn of the town. 8:00—Maxwell House Coffee Time. 8:00— Ted Husing—30 min. play 000 war bond as a m ^ . ticket — from the porthwe.st -m ade some "a terrible scene." is quiet in Bosnia." erator. was in a ho.spttal with a in leather, products. here-^they db qp,t require use of other essentials are likely to be jIDDI CO bbativi McIntosh v anoh action by the federal In the death of Sonnlk Sonnik- headway" and wiped out' more 8:30—"The Aldrich Family". ' 8:30— Death Valley Show has gotten pleasantly out Of hand. PIE CRVST A ho.spltal train with ijoctors fractured leg and other injuries. 8-55.—Cecil Brown. New* the country's transportation facil­ low. HTrLkO AVicioRriBooo 9 will be unnecessary. sen. of 26 Wadsworth street. Man­ than 2,000 German -oITlcers . and T he\A xis oiier-ran 1.060.377 The truck was driven by William 9:00—Kraft Music Hall. There ' were ,.tinany long-time Subscriptions, the local war'bqnd mSS* [ V tf BMdM tlie plan a success, the and niirse.s aped to Dickerson "rom The larvae of the Hessian fly ■ 9,;00—Klajor Bowes ities for long haUj.any. at­ the Safety Bureau of the Inter­ Starting Friday, and continuing iron intake. Many were low in Five of the patients are from state Commerce Commission. 8.:i5—World News Roundup. *7:55—New* - CAULIFLOWER lie gastronomicnl sacrifice that daughter, Mrs. CThri.stine S. Mc­ tacking a numericajly superior the Airport Homes housing devel­ 8:80—Women's Radio Bazaar with Saturday and Sunday, for a three Vitamin A ratings. m m IhitUed a 214 pound woman into a Veigh. who, lived at home. Also force,- "captured .several German The first injured were taken to fl:00—News of the World days' engaRement. are these fam­ opment and five from the Charter Frederick, Md., about 18 miles Nan Clarke. 8:15— Shoppers Special — Music. "The.se findings." said the re­ yoman's Auxiliary Army Corps three.,' giandi hi'.dren, and one blockhouses and annihilated Wi Oak settlement. 'Their ages run NEWS 8:56— Program Parade. ous stage and screen stars.-all ap­ port, "are considered significant PASCAL CELERY kAfv, !2 bom 29* aiform was revealed today when great grandchild. Hitlerites." north. Others W’ere rushed to Ha­ time X pearing in person: Frank Fay. frdnv^.l to 21, with children, as BiOO—-Musical Souvenir*. 8-30—News in suggesting conditions which |rs. June pvelyn Perrotelli. 23, Funeral .s»'i-vii-ea will be held . Among reports of the Stalin­ ii.siiai. the greater number of vic­ gerstown, 45 miles northwest, and America's No. 1 comedian, star of an emergency hospital at the state 9:15—Treaaury Star Parade, 8:35-'-Shoppers Special — con­ may be expected to prevail in oth­ NATIVE CABBASE .Z t . I1 «10* 27 West street. Westport, tip- from his late home. 26 Wadsworth grad street fighting was-a declara­ tims. ' , , B;30—Aunt Jenny’s Real Life stage, screen and-radio; Una Mer­ er.states, many of them less pros­ TEA! ■ the scales at the recruiting of- street. Saturday afternoon, at2:30 tion that a single. Soviet detach- penal farm near Hagerstown was tinued kel, your favorite' screen come­ This time.'hqu’ever, the doctors Stories. 9:00— Presb News perous than Pennsylvania," JUICY ORANGES isiiaa. doz33^ |c« here at 162, 52 pounds lighter | o'clock. Rev. W. Ralph Wardi Jr., ‘tnent, had repelled a dozen plane- made ready to receive stlU others. dienne; Anne Nagel, movieland's were ready, thanksto the'dlscoyer- to Your 9:45—Music While You Work. 9’15—Radio Reader In .one city where, depression when she was-rejected in pastor of the .South Methodist supported attacks by German in­ les of the, Australlkiv^nurse Sister Nine Injured persons were ad­ 10:00—Beta Johnaon. lovely singing star and Betty mitted to the Frederick hospitaL 9:30—Treasury Star Parade had been acute, 6ne child out of ae. church, -will,, officiate. Interment fantry and armored units, strew- Kenny, who has been teaching her 10:15—Bachelor’a Children. Kean, dancing star of stage and every three examined gave evl- J Mrs. Perrotyii. who was sworn will be in the Ea.st cemetery. ing the area before their ramparts method at Minneapolis undf-r the 10:30—Help MaU. 9:45—Hymns of All Churches screen. Also included in the show 10 :(K)—Valiant Lady disnee of having had rickets, the |to the. WAAC's today, was de- Friend.s are reqifest<-d tp refrain with dead and the hulks of 42 auspipes of the University o f Min- 10:45—Young Dr. Malone. are the Murtah Sisters, sensa­ tanks. List of Persons. SOLDIER! 10:1!^—Stories America Loves under - nutrition bone trouble. Ibed by Lieutenant Hazel L. from sending flowers. nespla. 11:00—Road of Life. tional comedy trio; Clarence Css- Twenty-five per cent had gingivi­ RELAXATION RECHARGES cKee as a woman with ‘an tin- KTBO—Amanda of Honeymoon "In another sector, in three Staff nurses from the Municipal Reported injured , ^ 11:15—Vic and Sade. kill, writer of "Minnie the Mooch- tis,' inflammation of the gums iial amount of patriotism, dt-ter- da.vs, about 2.000 Germ.m officers hospital were sent there this sum­ 11:30— Against the Storm- Hill 1 Memorial Sla.ss Dickerson, Md., Sept. 24—(JP) — Do you write to your soldier? 10:45—Fletcher Wiley er"; Eddie Parks, Fraiik Fay s which is a forerunner of scurvy lination and even heroism. She and men have been wiped out. 44 mer to learn her art of massage Following is the list of persons re­ 11:45—David Harum. iid that when rejected. .Mrs. Bei- A yc.ar'.s anniversarv mass will 11:00—Clara Lu-N-Em radio ■ stooge, and others. TTie and due to lack of Vitamm C. be , celebi-ateil in St. James'.s tanks crippled or damaged and 18 which prevents the dreaded ported' injured in the train wreck Of course you do! But you 12:00—UtUe Show. musical portion of the bill Is pro­ More than half had iron and pro- ptelii immediately went on a do t guns, 30 motor-vehicles, six mor­ wasting of muscles and tissues. l2:15—Lundheonatres. I I : IS— Second Husband CIVILIAN MANPOWER today at Dickerson, Mdi. nd by Augu.«t' 11 had lost siifli- cliurch tomorrow morning at 7:30 11:30—Bright Horizon* . vided by John Kirby and his fam­ telq deficiences, which resulted in ■ for .the late- Domenico Mfnlcucci. tar batteries and 39 machine-gun Now these nurses are_ bringing At Frederick, Md., City hospi­ 12:45— Here Comes.The Band. ous swing band. lent poundage to qualify. nests demolished in intensive can't write every day. Here’s. 11145—Aunt Jenny's Stories anemia. cures, which Welfare Superintend­ tal: 1:00—News. There are two midnight stag'e .Qnly 7.1 per cent of these chll- MOPiaOl NOTH NMPIOViO QUAUH 'T h e daughter (rf Mr. and Mrs. fighting by Infantry and artillery," ent William J. Ryan describes as 1:15— Marjorie Mills Hour. 12:00—Kate Smith Speaks Dhert Kling oY^Westport, Mrs. V. D. Sweeney, Pittsburgh, be­ BomethinR else you can do, P.M. and screen shows this week-end. dreh had good Vitamin A ratings. the communique said. "mart’eloua" to'four gdris'and 16 lieved tq be public relations direc­ 1:45—Cedric Foster, commentator. OF WOM Arm MCHATIQN errotelli nJtk., been''.^mployed for .\rniy Is Blamed .Silence Enemy Battnrie* boys. 3:00—Medley Time— Hal Kolb, or­ 12:15—Big ^Sister one Friday midnight, and the other Below Levels Recommended he past seven mpnths''ut Rem in g- tor of tte Unlted^Steel Workers. though. Send him a subscrip­ on Sunday midnight. The shows In all communities, regardless ■"Especislly,” he Ssv^ “ when the men .Shellfire of the Volga-river flo- The National Foiundation for the Phil Curran, PUtaburgh, believ­ ganist. 12:30—Romance of Helen Tre'nt [m^Dupoiit-iiCo.. Bridgeport. .Slie tiila was* declared to have anni­ 12:45—Our Gal Sunday Frid'ay are continuous . through of economic status, the average hivs dons whst I esU oonitructive ace For (loiifiisioii Cure of Infantile Paralysis, is co­ ed to be a meinber of the United tion 4o The Manchester Evo^ 3:15—Concert Matinee.- 2*1. 111 return to her home to await hilated, at least two battalions .of operating With the hospital, offlclala 3:45—Day Ilreame with . BUd 1 :(K)-—News -midnight, and you may come any- diets of the children were far Iw- resting. B'y that 1 mean going out and c a ^ to report at Fort Des Steel Workers legal staff. tinte. On Sunday, the doors for the low the dally Intake levels recom­ German and Rumanian soldiers In providing funds and material ■ John Straub, Pittsburgh. ning Herald—that’s the best Rainey. 1:05—The Inside Pag* doing something,different—breaking loines, Iowa, . lor training as a and silenced eight enemy artillery for the Kenny treatment. . 'the 3:55— News.’. • 1:15—Woman in Whit* midnight show open at 12:01 a. mended by the National Research P e a c h e s ivate. , ' Bo.stnn. .Rept 24 -P)-Blaming Thomas Roger*. Pittsburgh. m. GouncU for protein, vitamins and routine—getting a c^ng* of scene. batteries and three mortar bat­ contagious.^,period ends in three 1:30—Vic and Skd* , SLiab the At m y'tor the confusion and teries. Richard Marriott,. Warrington, . way to keep him in touch As usual, there are late stage minerals. The adult diets were no One of the best pep-pri^ucen I know bread iSal8S0ressis«-’V|-3^. weeks, Mr. Ryan pointed out. but Vt. ^ 1 —;The Goldbergs |[NRlCHtO !.uk of Mnt'"rmity in-'the sound-, The Russians said ,,heavy5,,,, mroaosinroads shows Saturday ana Sunday, 10 better, than the children's. is s one-ds)r vacation in Krw Yo|k— treatment must be continued for 'Vincent K. Smith, Cleveland. with home. It’a a littl* Prophecy Conies 2:00— Young Dr. Malone , (Biker'sBiker’ s . ji, Irig .d .sir,-n.s and the blacking'out | wem'mk7e“ \Tprim Germkri^riiate^^^^^ some time afterward. 2:15:^oyi:* Jordan — Girl In- p. m. -at the air-conditioned State Most of^the people in the study ctpeciall'y when it’s Spebt at The larg e irresil IliishaiMl metropolitan Boston last night ' as ivell as manpower by the coiih-' Theodore Sproull, Warren. Ohio. were not aware of any actual lli- Mrs. John Van Hamersveld, thing to do, but think tome Theater. Hartford. Commodore." , \ m LB ■ -I '*■'* 4:pon the approach of iinlile,ntitled ter.-attacks northwest of Stalin- Triie Too Quickly 2:30—W* Love and Learn' ness due to food deficiencies. 2 so ri [•‘In M iin ler airi raft, ttji’ Mas-iachusetts Ihib-I grad and captured equipment .In- CleveJaJid. LOAF . 2:45—-Life'Can Be Beautiful •The bdrderlins deficiencies.” Wifldex W,‘TDOWS lot • OAC I Safety fommittee today form- j eluded'.11 field guns, 1.3 rnachfne- Glerkg Have Pool Exteht of their injiirie* was not what it will mean to him! said the report, "are nevertheless pKOs..a‘t ul-'U'i (i a-set of rule.s of it.s own. giins. four trench mortars and a disclosed immediately! Kansas (3ty, Kas.-rHiP)—"Gsso- Former Boxer serious becatise prolonged defici­ M ISEL c u k e Isilvjr Diet Act NOW! TNEATK-GOWO NOVlOH NHM * sniRIIUTION C A A t 5 * Hcr i i f. .rth, .said J. W. Farley wireless station. Treated at scene; lln* rationing will put us out of encies, small though they may be. ’ Ansnnia, O. 1. 21 -T- State' •On Coal Grates Harry E. Bealey, Washington, " 'fairy. — , S s a s tot 4QC executive direLtor of the commit­ Determined Russian resistance businsia," Norbert Zarda, ssivlc* Maneuvers Add Guilty of Slaying build up into major disorders in "Wc get a kick out of teeiag our UClPt ' o a olice inve.stigatmg the death lust cuts.' Steward on Cleveland ex­ station opsrator for 14-years, was pring of a woman whose tijody, tee, an autlibfe signal will -be In the Mozdok region of the cen­ later years. As science applies plays befora all the bright lina* „ IVOrY Soap ee souniie.1 on the yellow, or the first tral Caucasus,forced the Germans press. telling the station owner recently. nly yesterday, was idvniifieji as Boston— —Sidelights on the To Scrap Piles new and more‘refined methods for havt become common property— loRTEO DOMUTS warning givim by the Army that to break off an assault and re­ There wae quite a commotion Bridgeport. Sept. 24 'Jb--His detecting the obscure signs of de­ hat of Mrs. -(.levelanfl- Backus, a treat with a loss of five tanks, 24 let's-retum- to -the-old- fashioned Juet then. All at opce he discov­ it gives us something tu talk about GuesUvorySoap ■egro. .today arrested her husband unidentlheii aircraft have been de­ THE plea of self-defense rejected, ficiencies. it becomes apparent trucks and about 200 men, it was fireplace sjtuation . . . ered that he was already out of when we go home. BuUtbeii, evsry-^ ' 'nd-another woman on a morals tected, to mobilize air raid pre­ Public Reception James XJaginelli, 29.. of Bridge­ that under-nutrition in some de­ caution forces. After fli'mdown, said. ' ^ • A man walked into the hard­ buelneea Headquaticra Third Array, port. one-time professional boxer, tiling we do in New York provides CaiRPY Soap 3caA»2U Jiarge. ware section of a department store gree is almo.st uhiveraal." individually controlled street lights A series of thrusts by four Ger­ Ah automobile out of contco) Somewhere in Louisians, Sept. 24 began a nine-month Jail term to­ inleretiing inemorias—that's why ^ Mia. Backus' body-was discover- an4 said he wanted to buy a coal­ For Capt. Watson —(0 )—^Thlrd Army maneuvers sYe pMoASTHASoap 2 c-«a Would be at once extinguished. man infantry -regiments and 75 ripped away the piers which sup- day following his conviction.on a we like if ad." _ early this month in de.cp un- tanka against Russian positions in burning'grate for his fireplace to portsd his driveway canopy, bringing children of a small coun­ On the., second (blue) signal, HERALD manslaughter charge in connec­ 8 rgrowth. Her skull was fractur-. conserve on oil. given when the' direction of the the Voronezh area was reported knocksd loos* two gasMlna pumps, try school a knowledge eg military tion with the death of a former Urges Watching luTaSoap and ahe had suffered other in- beaten back oy Soviet troops and - "Twenty-three,," cried the derk. affairs and nt the sam* Urn* add-- large Q Q i approaching craft has been more Hartford, Sept. 24.—(A5-^A pub­ ssttlng on* aflrt, and ripped out New Roehelle, N. Y.. resident af­ , ..■jfc J larle* leading police to- express “What d'ya mean — twenty- aircraft lic reception in honor of CaptaliT air Unea, slgna and other ihlscel- Ing to th* nntion’s aiernp pile. ter a street-corner fight. PKG f c d i ' . a soar WSAV. 3 .^ll» 2 3 ‘ definitely ascertained, all - street three bucks?” moaned the custom­ Arms in Combat nw beUef that she bad been slsin, All Attacks^ Repulned Harold F..Wataon, West Hartford RATES: laneoua equipment. Th* teacher, bombarded with William HowiesonT .27. a fellow NOTH COMfOtT SMALL Q l.; lights must go out—to be followed er. OVCKAGC • iScol ’ : Sh* disappeared on April 33, promptly' by private lights, but "All attacks were repulsed," It Army flier ■who piloted an Army rPrierlties prevent replacements. pleas for pupils to be allowed to worker o t Maginelll's at the Rem­ Was announced. "Fourteen enemy "No," grinned the clerk, ■•‘we " A IIAI TttAT AT TNI COMMOOOM days after her husband had with traffic continuing under bomber over Tokyo last April, will watch th* soldiers, solved the ington Anns Company, suffered a Bridgeport, Sept. 34— lAb—En­ vsd from South Carolina to tanks were crippled or burned out have a pool here every day on the One M onth . . 75 Cento problem by telling them they could dimmed headlights. Failure to be held In the ballroom of the Hart, fractured skull in th* tussle last gineers and production men'were "W t lika that fading of owning tha world bar, leaving their three chil- and more than 1,500 men were nutnber of folks wholl be looking ford Club at 8 p. m. Monday, Fran­ have tim* o ff for scrap donations. St.'icrty Fresh receive a yellow would ' mean for those crates which w# Just Boy Hit on HeHcl May 6 and died in a local hospital urged today by Lawrene* J. Hart­ you get when you stay .: The Combiodore. behind. Luciua Terrell of wiped, out Four German planes cis 8 . Murphy, gsneral manager o f Six Months . . , $4.50 The scrap pil* and th* bojrs’ on- Jun* 10. jirompt blackout upon the blue were shot down by anti-aircraft can't get. The clerk who comes nett, director of -ofdruince for the Big rooms, the beat of service! And -it pro­ MEL-O-BIT CHEESE - her employer, told police signal. the Hartford TBnssi. announce to­ knowledge of things military, the The prosecution told the court Australian Ministry of Munitions, fire.” the nearest the actual number gets Bv Elevator teacher reported, are both pro­ ■VMEEION-WHITE 2 LB - t ^ g that time that ahe had recelv- The third (red) alarm, as here­ day. yesterday that the. two men had to go. directly to the battlefield to vide* all thrv* things w here you want it moat EGGS The Germans not only were.un-' the dough. We had about 300 gressing satisfactorily. ~ *• COLORED ’ LOAF 9 I aaveral anonymous and threat- tofore, would halt all but emeis Mr. Murphy was appointed by an argument In the factory and determine how well their war ma­ —within minutes ol aVeiything New York R U L u r Q O f J n if lettera. able to gain in an attack upon So­ calls yesterday." Mayor Thomas J, Spellacy and ixTsA vhINI. IIIISU lUUo gency traffic and send all persons viet lines on the Black sea coast THE HERALD: V /v Kansas CflW. Sept. 33—0P>—Wil­ left the building to aSttl* their teriel etuod up under combat. uffers tha visilur.” rVoday State Trooper* Edward to cover. Town Manager Rodney L.’ Loomis liam Vogt, 12, made a grocery de­ OivM Prisoa Twin differencea ’• Speaking to members of two lo­ Aged Cbeote l* * s i z i - D o z O Q a and cail CkrUoa of the of the Caucasus below Novoros- Get* Money- for Cheese of West Hartford to make ar- lOM lOOIRS All WITN NIVATI IAIN 37 The approheh o4 the aircraft,' sisk, but were pressed back by a t encloae Ple«8« Mnd a subscription to: livery to the el^th floor of an Maginelli, saying he struck cal engineering clubs last night AMCRICAN. WHITE t COIOIICO l h**r*nks took Backus rangssmenta for a public testi­ Waterbury, Sept 24— kP)— Mich­ later identified u friendly, ulti­ counter-attack, a communique Nashua, N.. H. yty—A woman rpartment hotel'and pulled the Howleson in seif-defenss, told Su­ Hartnett said that in Austrklis THf apartmeot formerly oc- mately brought a somewhat stag­ monial to the first Hartford man RANK AND NAME ...... FJ to bring the freight ele'vator. ael Daddona, 43, of Waterbury. perior Court Judge Kennbth psrsonal observation on the war B en leR *s m said. More than 300 Germans were walked into a Nashua market. to s ee action on the home grounds pSIdtS hie wife and also arrest- gered blackout of the 41 cities and declared wiped out "othing happened. t.os sentenced from two years and Wynne that the ex>New Yorker front* ^ a * found "invaluable ts a S SI fa m old woman. Loan ordered a half a pound of cheese, ^ th*. enemy across the Pacific, ADDRESS AT CAMP ...... '« stuck his head into the shaft eight mdetha to five yaors in town* in the metropolitan area— Almost 1,200 miles ti^the north. and walked off with $75 In easlyfFormer Mayor WalUr E. Batter- "always wantofi to be boss" snmt0mnUf, .with their population o f 1,7.50,(K)0. Red Army men who have dug in to s«* if tha slsvntor was oomiiig rtnoo by Superior Court Judge eentinusUy "taqsad"' him. Refus­ bolaaoa at th* wsspont most aasd> OmmODORE 'The clerk . placed the cheese in a aon is vice chairman •oaiiC Jadge Albsrt fr. after a bloody advance against STATE ...... I * • • • • I I • • • • 4 >••(»•••• I up. •' Sehn Rufus Booth yaaterday on a ing to recegnla* tha sslf-defenos sA on ths firing: line. bag similar to that In which the Mayor Spellacy. Mr. I>ooml* and It wasn’t It was coming down, charge of manslaughter In connec­ 'NRW YORK’S RRST LOCATRR NOTRl*' I h M Hm pair ai defaqlt Every time a JA-inch Euh is the Germans still threatening counter rash was kept, and then, plea. Judge Wynne said that both "W e have the advantage of bav­ I eenttMi^snaMaiang Ihs Captain Watson will be called on and bopped him on the head. tion with the fatal stabbing of men had been “ itching for ai fight" MASTIN tWfCNY, fmWaof •red. 130 pounds o t nitrogen to r*- Leningrad's flank in the Sinya- unwittingly, handed tba woman for remsrko. The public is iiv- i in" the fi’vhtln" neTby where » e ^ I Hospital attendants described Frank Caruso, 40, during a (rireet and that th* fatal blow was can watch oui weapons in ac­ vmo a n a oh* tba Volkhov linr tbs mooeji^ vlUd. ‘ tSs.tmiuttm as save a, . RfGMT AT GRAND CFNTRAL AND AIRUNfS TERMINALS fight lost Juna g. "struck M th* beat o f goeeZoa." tion." h* added. AilvfirliMi ia X | | 9 ' \ ' ■S,- lANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER Z4, 1343

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER,-gONN. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1942 PAGE EL^VEH m ...... — Brooklyn Still s to ope in X. MO. t THURSDAY, .^SEPTEMBER 24 'X Compiled, by Students of M anche^^ High School Miss Helen Estes, Faculty Adviser J ------Marking Schedule World Staff GRIDIRON GOBS TAKE OFF E<1 Geer Writes S. C. Members Boss of World Neyv Policies Plan 5 Caines alienee Reigns Old La^ry French I Sock & Buskin , Following are the dates for Editor-In-Chief: Eleanor To Mrs. D^Aiiiieo bi-weekly failure reports, quar­ Struff. Holds Meeting ter exams, and the order of Are Elected Are Explained Assistant Editor: Howard For Football exams: Major. Over Brooklyn; Tiirhs In Year’s ."Yes, tlds'is Eddy Geer and still 1st Quarter: Bi-Weekly Fail­ I ' . Boys' Sports Editor: . Nor­ ure Lists: Sept. 21, Oct. S, Oct. ^A n n u al Three Act Play in good-^'shape and health," began Home Rooms Elect Rep- Changes Are 'Made in M. man Pratt. Eight Letternien Will a thr^e-page letter from Ed Geer. 19, Nov. 2; Quarter Exams: Girls' Sports Eldltor: Flor­ Nov. 9. 10. 12, 13; Order of resenlalives to M. H. S. H. S. Due to Nation's ence Pallein. ■ Return fur Shortened Will Be Presented in U/fmtT M. H. S. student, as he' MacPhail Quite wrote about his experiences in the Exams: 3, 2, 1. 4. Governing Body. War*Tinie Restrictions Legion of Honor: Wanda ' Pigskin Seasdiii. Best Mound Jo] November This Yeari armed forces to Mrs. Dorothy 2nd Quarter: Bi-Weekly Fail­ Kosinski, George Williams. D'Amico, science teacher. ure Lists: Nov. 30, Dec. 14, Column Etlitors: Mary John­ Jan. 11. Jan. 25; Quarter E x -' ',‘To unify all'organizations un­ "This is the third time in fifty son, Jerry Sapienza.. Coach Tom' Kelly announced Sock and Buskin held the tirsl ■ The horror of the war has ap- Colorful4 President Gels ams: Jan. 25. 26. ‘27, 28; Order der one control; to aid In shaping years that M. H..S. has been in Exchange 'Editor: Ruthmary that Manchester High will have a Uconns Open Capi. Cameron ^ i aceting of the year this morning parenliv impressed itself upon Commission in Army him, for he writes: "Thl.s war to­ of EXams; 2, 1, 4. 3. school policies: to foster school session during a war; during the WirtallaX. • ' five-game schedule starting with I 1 Tvr ■ ” Bums Anj pduring the activity period, in the day is something terrible. I even 3rd Quarter: Bi-Wcekly Fail­ spirit; to support the.activities of Librarian;. Eleanor Carlson. Meriden at the Silver City, Octo­ Higher as cards Toj ure Lists: Feb. 8. March 8. the school; to pnivide a means of Spanlah-Amcrican W ar when M. Photographic: Bob Blssell. ber 5. The West Side oval will be As Major; Handed in On Saturday To Lead Navy ama room, ih order to vote for wish it was over, so I could be H., S. was but five years old. and ■ chalrhnen of the various com- March 22, April 5; Quarter Ex­ affording participatlcm in the_ re­ Reporters, '43; Peggy Noo­ fixed up in order that th e' F^ed pbj back home again." now during the present w*ar," said Resignation and Says /’X ¥¥ 1 rta • Reds; Yankees"* -A ams: Aprtl 6, 7,- 8, 9; Order of sponsibilities and privileges of a nan, Don Porterfield, Lorraine and. White can play three home I mlH*ce to decide on the pro- Though ho -is no longer in the Principal Edson M. Bailey during Bonham, Misses ^ u ] fSeamlfor the .coming year. Exams: 1,’ 4, 3. 2.- ■,» - democracy; to further in all ways Hansen, . Bob Kurland, Margery games. He Is Through With At Maryland Un Hard 1 rip States, military censorship kept the first assembly of this year in I It was announced there that the • 4th Quarter: Bi-Weekly'Fail­ the best interest of the school” ; Sheridan, Don Stldhani; '44: A fte f the Meriden contest, Mid­ him fn>m telling where he is loca­ the Manchester High School Audi­ dletown will come here fpr a game '* ------Out Yesterdav. I annual thre^act play will be pre- ure Lists: April 19, May' 10, these-are the purposes of the Stu-' Eleanor Carlson, Lois ClSrK. Baseball Forever. ted. They are "Playing . lots of* torium on Wednesday. on October 12. East Hartford will laented earlier this year than last May 24, June 7; Quarter Ex­ dent Council to which each home­ Jean Chitjian. Teresa Buckley, This Year's Grid Squad basketball and softball to keep up C h e s te ^ Robinson, assistant oppose M. H. S. at the local grid­ Heavy, Fast Team Starts ' — In November rdtJjer than,in De- ams: Seniors. June 3, 4, 7 ,^ ; room elected a representative on Barbara Hess, Bernard Karlin, By Jiidson Bailey . By Jiidann Bafley morale here." He also took up pFincipqi; then spoke of observa­ iron on .the 26th; The Kollyites fill Faces Stormy Season A I* .Sports W riter ■^-MHiber. If things nm smoothly, Under classmen, June 14, 14,. last Monday. '' Mary Sullivan, John Tournaud; 1942 Season Against boxing there, and he has already tio n o f rules and consideration fok* out the remaining games of the New York. Sept. 24—(^’i- Help I y iM Page plans to begin rehear- .16. 16; Order of Exams: 4, 3. The council, under the direction '45r Joan Apurton; Mary Ann Wanted; One experienced baseball In 65 years the national leag won his first eight .bouts. "1 gues.s ot>€rs In connection with the traf- season In November, one at Bris­ Experienced’^ Eleven; On Gridiron; Green Ua In about two.weeks, 2. 1. of Mrs. Marguerite Campbell; Balch, ■ Carol Hansen. Marjorie executive witli colorful personality the oldest baseball organixatio ■you know why I won so ma|vy light, riding on'bicycles, pupils tol the Znd and the closing con­ Another announcement is ^hat In the "Order of Exams:" I. holds importance as the agent Kloppenburg, Joseph Kuezyn- capable of taking charge front­ Players Need Help. fights, because I was alwa.vs walking on the sidewalks, moving test here against West Hartford Fred Mohr on Squad. in the world, has had only one sea f there probably will be. no contest English; II, Mathematics, Art. through which the students are al­ ,ski, Billy Noren. running .baseball club and keeping fighting in school, and only lost to from class to class in the build­ on Nov. 9. October 19 is an open son in which winning 100,| I play this year unless’ the trans- Mechanic Drawing, Home lowed to practice the democratic Working under "Ellie” Struff Typists: El.* MacPhail. is "It can't happen here- again. a year. the St. Louis Cardinals are mak] cil. will use good judgment in two weeks, during which time ing preparations to face the N# I been hoping to enter the festival keep you from knowing. Shaw.'Deguitis- and C. Curtis are after all the weeks o f rumors La.st season Connecticut had a Minus nine of last year's start­ making decisions to the home­ these discussion' will take plqce. York Yankees in the world aerie ^ again this. year. . , •Planes are the futiire. In this W t haye some hews of the old the only returning startere but about his joining the Army, did good team and bad luck. When ers, already riddled by 'injuries to room, will at all times work for It was also announced during opening .next Wednesday. ^ Under the tutelage-of vice- war," writes Ed In propfies^ing grads - they're really on the ball. Carson, Alvord, Douglas, R. Cur­ not formally- resign until last, a team drops a co(iple Of doss key players and striking out under the beat Interests of the school the assembly that. In a short time, Sport Yarns The Dodgers rejiched the 10 ' Pnsident Joan Todd, the club the course of the war from tlie Pleased— Take Rocco Fiano, for instance—. tis and 'Vendrillo saw much action night. ones it usually means that the op­ a new coach. Navy's football and the student body." t’ * school hours will be changed. victory'mark last year on the laal ■ pbrns to hold a picnic negt Wed- also. Shaw, an end, and second- The task of severing bis conneor position was just a shade, better, strategists are laboring overtim'e. soldier's point of viiew.— • Those elected were, as follows: he's managing a farm and taking - Did you go out for either ten­ day of the season. It was the oc| L neaday, provided that the present The school will cominence at a la­ string center, Tom Gorman show­ tion with the Dodgers was attend­ but when you lose -five the way Pessimistic Comdr. John E. (Bil- "W e just got back from five To Meet You! From the Main Bullding-31M night course in Radio Engineer­ nis or ftellj hockey this past Tues­ casion for a lot of whoop-la ^ cold snap snaps. weeks' maneuvers aiftd I feel pret­ ter hour and have a' shorter lunch ed much promise last year. ' ed to at a special meeting of the the Huskies did a , year , ago— lick) Whelchcl, inheriting only six ■lames Britton, representative: ing _at Hlllyer. That's a tough hour. This will allow the students day? If you did, well and good, cause the .Dodgers, in all theil : With the conclusion of the main ty tired anjl dirty. It's quite a life. By Kuthmary WIrtalla Manchester's team “ has the Dodgers' Directors, who accepted three by a single touchdown and experienced players from his Robert Alvord, alternate: 28M schechile. And we. Were “beefing’’ more working hours as well as but if you didn't remebber that Pre-Flight Aviation Flying Schools years in the senior circuit, nave| Ibpsineas meeting a play, directed We get plenty- of rain here besides promise o f being a better than with regret and said no successor two by a lone point—it seems that predecessor. Marine Corps Lieut. Roy 'Turklfigton-R, Joan Todd-A:. last week about Homework! (W e saving fuel and electricity for de­ you still have a chance to do so. had won that many games befo 't a d .produced by President Doug- sunshine.” Most of the schools have suffer­ average squad with a hea\*y line had been decided upbn. bad luck must have reared its Col. Emory E. (Sw*ede) Larson, 27M Johrt Dougan-R, Irene Dowd- still are!) Sotne of the class of '42 fense. Mi.ss Cole is taking field hockey, But winning a hundred this ye Phelpa, was presented to the His final word Is that, though ed a loss of teachers due to the returning. The main question is Afterward MacPhail disclosed ugly bead aomewhere. The sea-^ won't say much about the future(. A; 26M Ralph, Scudteri-R, Elin came back to visit before leaving Theqe Will be some curtailment and Miss McRae, tennis. If it so the backfield which lost the only .didn't ;ncan a thing. iciub. In "Tw o Crooks and a there la much he can't tell us, he world situation oT today. for U-Conp. Among them were that he Mpected to be . commia- son's sixth loss—out of eight Draw Cream of Pro and College Teams "Prospects? We have no pros­ French Perfect :.Lady," M ra Simms-Vane, played Person-A: 25M Clarence Luplert- in sports activities this year. Ath­ happens that there are enough steady performer of last year's would like, to have as many people Ginhy Whttham, Frank Zimmer­ sionfd in the Field Artillery Sun­ games—was as legitimate as , a pects. We've just got nine wallop­ Brooklyn bagged No. 100 [ by Shirley Shipman, old. pars;^ R, Ellen- Magnuson-A: 24M letics and clubs will be contimieci good players (no offense please), backs in Fred Mohr. "Red" Degui­ as possible write him. He cau­ To New Haven High school the man, Gloria Sapienza, Eris Porter­ day, the day . the major league National Bank, a 52-7 thumping ing football games that must be terday aa old Lefty Larry 1 Ijrsed, outwits the two crooks. Mil, George Hunt-Tl, Barbara Johnson- as long as they add something to a tourna'men-t' for advanced play­ tis and Reggie Curtis may be By Barira Brajamln • pros a4 Geprgia. Jim Pools, New tions, however, that due to the- following courses for war duty field and Johnny Tedford. The lat­ season closes, although the fact by Rutgers. played.” marked up one of the finest pitchl [js r the Hawk and .Lucille his ac- A; 23M Janet Brown-R, Arline the war effprt. ers will begin. able to plug up the graduation fact that he is extremely busy, he have been added; aeronautics^ phy­ ter' is taking a new two-year that hts beloved Bums are.cloae to Expeci Better Year Cards Can See Navy has turned ita land-based ^'.^"5®*, auu Heisliel Ram- Although Navy opens Saturday ing performances of all times. Hi fsompUce, who were portrayed by Benaon-A: 22M Eleanor Carlson- A nation-wide salvage is being losses in the backfield. being squeezed out of the Na­ sey. Philadelphia Eagles, are the Olmsted Plays may not be.able to answer all let­ sical training on a larger scale course in tlie College of Agricul­ Now Connecticut has a good aviation against tlie forces .of against a versatile and-powerful pitched a one-hitter, and a ainglJ I James Britton and Wlngred Pent- R, Joseph Conti-A: 19M Richard organized and M. H. S. will prob­ John Tournaud, 44 tional League pennant had no ends. Bill Davis, Chicago Card­ ters. and nursing aid. ture. Swimming club, (remember It many of the performers who went collegiate footballl, and early William and Mary, Whelchel fig­ by Nick Etten that got past ahort| I land, respectively. In the ensuing G.audino-R, Inez Gado-A; 18M ably help in it, but Wiia will be de­ bearingwn his action. inals. Edward Parks. Washington ■' D. 8. Dorothy Prentic? Is at the Hartr was organized Iqst year). The capr through the hard luck 1941 sea­ Pennant Flag reconaisance indicatea that the 111 Net Finals ures there'll be new faces lb the sfop Peewee Reese riot only ke I action, the old lady is able to Richard Jagoutz-R, Barbara Hue- cided upon at the Student Council MacPhail, who was a (Captain in dlplqma-aeekera are going to be Redskins, and Allie White, Eagles, Diner: "Say, waiter, you've ford Secretarial School, while tain Gladys Wilson announced World to Publish son plus a fairly sizeable fiock of Middies' starting lineup every time the veteran southpW from a I plaea the two crocks one against A; 1?M June Mildner-R, Johnston Meeting as probably will the idea the First World War and took share the tackles, Frank Filchok, got you sleeve in iiny soup!" Tom Ferguson is not taking a P. Wednesday that requirements and freshmen and sophomores upon unmercifully strafed and dive- they go to the post. i hitter but also from a perfa I the other so that they not only fail McKee-A; 15M Douglas Phelps-R, of' having a booth for selling war part in the effort of a handful of bombed by the Gridiron Gpba. nfosKins.Re'dskina. Darrelluarreii Tully, iTiiiy, uDetroit eirou n i* y ' r* y • game. The laughing boy Walter: "That.'s quite’ all right, G. course at M. H. S„ he is work­ tryouts for her respective club will whom it counts for a better"show­ "Losing tw*o classes by last • lo get her Jewels, but,are appre-' Hi-Y to Sponsor Betty Nic,hols-A; 14M Alice bonds and stamps. Christma.s L, of H. Next W'eek the A. E. F. to kidnap the Kaiser If They Win Next Two Four Navy Pre-Flight Schools and Billy Patter9on, Chica- rarlilTIPn 1r raVOr<*cI in walked a man, never let any sir. It's an old coat and can't be ing at the Aetna Life and going be held sponer than we think, won­ ing this year. year’s graduations. we just flMnded by the police; the inspcc- Schmidt-R, Philip Sheridan-A; packages and boxes to be sent to after the Armistice, has been — Iowa. North Carolina, Georgia go Bears, lead the backs. get to first base expect Etten, hurt." to Hllyer nighta to get enough der when this is ? Games Nothing, j^iinis haven't any veteran material ^tor was. played by James Elliot 13M Pat Vendrillo-R. Alexa Tour- the men in the service will be done strlvmg to return to uniform ever . They’ll be given, the acid test and St. Man.’’s have launched , 1-mportant aimon-piurea names Title Match Sunriay al was erased in a double play, Salvage Drives —---- 1— math for the Coast Guard. The Legionr of 'Honor, one of Saturday . .at College Park. Md,, worth talking about," he asserted, ' and bis assistant, Gamity, was In the "Sentinel'' there was an naud-A.- . again this year if " the Student sines ths United States became in­ n Do About It. ' their football destroyers. are Enrie Blandin, Tulane's AIK altogether pitched to the : A t the Buckland plant of Pratt the "W orld’s" most popular fea­ when they face a much superior High School Courts. "Navy will draw heavily upon re­ I portraybd by David Galligan. editorial telling the students to 26F Jean Whitehouse. \’lara Council approves. A new ruling has been passed volved In this war. Playing officers — men w'ho America tackle; Ed Kirchem of . 27 batters. & Whitney are many of the class tures will begin in the next issue. University of Maryland squad. serves throughout the year. The 1 At the next meeting another conserve their text books as the Wood: 25F Rosalind Turkington. Conservation of the school build­ stating that all girls must have It was with tears in his eyes last were hand-picked by Lieut. iTuIane) at guards; and Ken This remarkable outiqg iplay, not as yet chosen, is sched- The representatives of the Hi-Y Earl Tedford; 24F.Douglas Straw, of '42. Mildred Tiirek, called at M. ing. books, and paper will help win Nominations for those to be Actually, they're not counting on ly Charles Dunkley The finals of the town,. tennis reserves w*ho look good will be the Dodgers a 6-0 'rtiumpk replacement of books is exceeding­ two gym classes each week (no. night that be said bis farewell. Comdr. Tom Hamilton to train the center, promoted swiftly." i’W M to be presented to the . club who attended the Annual Hl-Y David Tiffany; 23F Willianr Mili- H. S. and told ua that she is an the war. so everyone was urged to honored were' held in senior horn* winning that; one. but the rest of St. Lfiuis, Mo., Sept. 2-1 .-Pi — . Bob Foxx. Tennessee wifigback. tournament will be played this the Phils, but It didn’t save Officer's Training Conference In ly difficult refcardiesa of price re­ doubt you've already heard about "I’m pot flguHng on coming cadet flyers are the backbone of " ' ~ ’ tad er the Hartford, Nocman Pratt, Harold sulting from paper and man-power It.) if you pass the awimm'(ng hack to baseball," be. said. "I've the Pre-Flight squads. Rosters Sunday, Sept. 27, at 1:30 at the tlinaiiim. Basil Nodden. It- is Carlson, Anne BeVchler; 21F Gil-liAndrews and June HoUister are Tbe final vote will determine the Huskies’ class. .sound like a combination of an (Clcmson) and -Orban Sanders Capt. Alan Cameron, LSrSon's furious National League Wilson, Ronald. Carlson, and Don shortages. W'e could heed the aariie teat, which consists of diving or resigned my connection with the Cardinals tdl^ay are 24 hours clos­ High school courts. The finalists i Iwpad that this production will bert Sass, Marilyn Savory; 18F in the office there, and that Joe which of the 300 students in the The loss from last year's squad AlLAmerican team of a few years (Texas) are other backfield main­ swasnbuckling fullback of 1941, la fight because the Cardinals Porterfield, found out .what the advicj^ right in M.H.S. n'est-ce jumping into deep water and Dodgers and from now on it's up er to hitting the jackpot the Na­ Mi with the same succesa as Jean Paquette, Bill Norert: 17F ■Thompson and Ward Kirkwood senior class' will appear in the moat keenly felt by Head Coach back and a crack professional stays. this' year will be Gordon Parliman figured to be even better at tail­ triumphed in a night game i club could-do beet to aid in the pas 7 M.H.S. Has New swimming the length Of the pool, to somebody else. The Directors at anjoyed by "Two Crooks and Earl Modean, Ray MacAlpine: are in the factory; column. J. Orleans Christian is Bob Harris, tional League ^anipionship, their squad. . ’ and R. S. Olm.rted. Parliman is back this year, ahouldering mOst Cincinnati, 4-2. war in which our country is now you can take an advanced course haven't decided on a successor. A small girl at the zoo asked 16F Donald Kennedy. June La- All of which sounds pretty good in qwimming or take another gyin The column which was institut­ They’re going to interview appli­ the jutfior from New Britain who first since 1934. slightly favored over his opponent of the sailors' offenaive burden if This rinade R possible D. SUdbam 'M. engaged. to us. Singing Program ed by John Hamilton <’40 will be coujd almost drop a punt on a as he reached the finals with ea-^ie. he shakes his injury jinx. Chal- Cardinals to clinch the The H i-Y is nbt a local organi­ why the giraffe had such a long Shay; 15F Richard Hubbard. period. Isn't it nice to have a cants. They may make some Even illness or a replacement In Bierman Picks I’p * ■> George Krfnehl; 14F Amerigo written this year by Wanda Kosin­ handkerchief placed at any spot on In his openln’g match he defeated lengga may come from stocky toddy if they win again i sation. It has groups of loyal neck. choice? 8hese swimming testa changes in the urganiza^n. I the lineup failed to c ^ c k or stop Where He Left Off Coaeh Likes - We have some more to add to ski and George Williams. Students he field. He’s out for the squad, E. S. Kingsbury (6-1) and (6-0). Johnny Beckett; Jeff Davia and a Reds and the Dodgers loaa to workers spread ail throughout the "W ell, you see," said the keeper Gentilcore. Rita' Hadden; 13F have been conducted this past Uon't know. From- now ^ 1', these amaiing Cardinals, who last Ueut. Col. Beimie Biermari, the gravely, "the giraffe’s head is so the list of those serving our coun­ chosen must be in the upper quar­ out;" . but a leg injury has not responded night, registered their M3rd vic­ Then he took the measure of Rus­ pepperpot plebe passer from Lon­ Boston Brayea. ) Pupils Go to Camp United States so one can see what Lloyd Davidson, Nancy Eldridge; G, Albert Pearson. M. H. S. mu­ week, and probably will be con- Minnesota Marine, has the situa­ far from his b<^y that a long heck try. A1 Watts has departed for the ter of the class and must have to treatment and it is doubtful tory o f the campaign to raual the sell Johnson by a similar sCore and oke, Ark., Harold Hamberg. Mtuley Wlaa such a group could accomplish if 12F James Chipps, Grace Brown; sic director, a'sked the whole high cluiie4 next week. Incidentally, .dacPhail was. interrupted by'^ian tion w*ell in hand at Iowa. His Bill Dudley ia absolutely necessary.” IIF George Ambulas, Lilliqn Arm y Air Force. Let's all give him school to come to the auditorium been outstanding in some extra inquiry os to whether he Urf^ght that he can play. New York Giants’ mark of^r 1912, luiz. then defeated Rosario Sapienza in The Cardinals .earn# ti they got Into the swing of things. that advanced swimming course Cadets opened with a 62-0 blitz ot HilUs Hume and'Wayne Nelson, last night to down ths With State Guard on Wednesday Sept. 16. at differ­ curricular activity or have. done I Ciiange was needed in the Dod- Four Veterans Bark The league record, howevvW, la the semi-firials (6-3) and (7-5). Collecting scrap metal, papers, Benoit. three cheers and our blessings. includes fancy diving, new strokes, Kan.sas' landlubbers. up from last year's top-notch scored both their runs la tha Diner: "This soup's very thin, ent periods to learn -about the something for the school. ^.crs' . lineup— whether yh e would Four lettermen guards ai-e A1 held by the (Chicago Cubs ata t \ l6 In Olmsted's march to the finals rubber, and selling war bonds and 28B Doris Wiganowski, Pris­ And those of you who have some etc. \ * Bierman has such capable Steelers' Star Back Out- plebe squad, are handling fullback Inning on a walk, an error, a ' w aiter.". part music will play^ in the cimilng Elections will be held again iiiake one if he were slaying—and Pinsky, Roger Olmstead, Charlie in 1906. he w*on over Paul Correnti by the stamps are not such- trifling jobs cilla Wade; 26B John Rivoaa, Nor­ news of boys in the service, don't backfiirld operatives as Ensigns chores but neither has d,eveIoped pitch and a single. A fter Four High school stodenU. Ed- Waiter;. "Yes, air. The manager ma Prentice; 25B John ijoriconi. forget to tell us. school year. ' ---- about mid-years. lie replied emphatically:. Molloy and Georgie Ostrom. .The Behind the superb two-hit pitch*v [ shines Whizzer White score of (6-3) and (6-0). Tlien he Cameron's finesse' at line-smash­ as one' might, imaglnq. I f everyone Left, right, left, right. Right Forest Evashevski (Michigan) frame Cincinnati made only ^ word McCann, Roy Thompson, likes) the people to admire the .de­ Marion McFarland; 24B Charles Talking to some of the new Mr. Pearson told everyone that K; 8. "Yes! You bet-j^ur life some latter, who hails from Ansonia, ing of rookie righthander. J o h n n y ^ jlm ‘" " ‘Lang4 defeated Earl Bisi»eYx(6-2) and ing. who is not in the armed . forces sign on the plate," since this country is at war it about face—that's what one did was late reporting for practice, Beazley. a maii’cloua 23 year old O f 1941. (6-1). In the semi-finalSkhe edged hit—a total of two for tha l Bob Hermann, and Warren Hub- Kelehan, Evelyn LaChance: 23B pupils at our school, we've heard changes are zieeded." htirst ( Ohio State); Bbb Swisher Heated duels for line berths off Rookie Johnny Beaalay aa would pitch in as these boys are would help to back up the school's in gym classes this past week. but the coaches didn't blame him youngster, the Cardinals smother­ Francis Dclla-Fera bv thescore- of btad wore among the ranka of the Jean .Finnegan. Phyllis Firato; the opinion that we are very un­ No one cmila guess on whom (Northwestern'- and Chicago are in progress at every position attained hie 20th triumph at going to do, there would be little Don’t forget— Buy war stamps morale if everyone would sing Marching and exercises made up Courtesy Program after they heard about all the ed the Cincinnati Reds. .4 to 2. and (6-3) (1-6) and (6-3‘), local state guard companies when doiibt a,i to who is going to win 22B Peter Cordera, Jeanne Char- friendly and hard tiKget acquaint­ the-new msmtle of Brooklyn lead- Bears); George Paskvan and Pittsburgh, Sept. 24 (A»i *— but guard A rt Knox, center Dick season. and bonds. songs of the good ■ old-fashioned most of the period— the marching erahlp ^ h t faU. Both BiU Terry trouble he had with a seconij-hand tear into them again today, dog­ tlMjr want to Camp Buck in this war. tier;'21B Daria Accomero, Evelyn ed with. Now that*:does not seem Ed Jankowski (Wisconsin arid Youthful Bill Dudley is off to Fedon and tackle Buzz Schnurr, - St. Louie. smacked Dacliy kind. On Wednesday anyone who feet In tune' with the chatter of and Bftach Rickey, fqrm execu- liiotoroycle which he used as gedly determined to triumph and Cobalt, Friday, September 11, to The H i-Y groups are planning Boulais. to be the right way for. us to act, Given by Freshies Green Bay Packers); Johnny such a brilliant start in pro foot­ veterans, seem firmly entrenched. ters for nine safeties, thXM wishes can harmonize in the as­ happy voices. Thinking it over, Uvra/^ the New York Giants and transportation back to Connecti­ sweep on to the championship. If (Rudy guerrilla tactics. to sponsor many campaigns E. S. does it? A fter all they arc our Michelosen (Pittsburgh) and Al Hcc’kev Momils P ro ^ b le starters on the flanks them by Stan Mualal, and sembly. - maybe some members of the St/Liouis cardinals, respectively, cut from his- summer Forest the (Cardinals win the next two of ball that he’s already called better These boya were Instructed in throughout the various schools and Unique Maps Are classmates. Now, what do.you say, Cotipee (Iow a). are .lack Laboon and Bob Wilcox, handily with three runs to Mr. Pearson started everyone year's graduating class may turn A committee.of five girls chosen liave been mentioned, as have Ranger’s Job in the west. the remaining three games,- they than Pitt.sburgh's 194J Rhodc.s tha uae of sub-machine guns, shot­ communities in the United States all of us. the next time we see an Cadets Bill Schatzer i North with Bill Strong and George third and another in the aevant singing "The Mariner’s Hymn”, out to be either WAACs or from one of Mrs. Loomis's Fresh­ 'various lieutenants in MacPhail's The tackles are'nuineroiis—and can't miae regardlesa of - what Scholar Flash "Whizzer" W hite- D is c i i s s aii8 guns, 30-30'a, Springfield irifles, this year and with a little co­ unfamiliar face In the halls, let’s Central College) and George B nw n pressing them hard. This reduced the CanUnala'I Used bv Students I.iatiii I riaisses "I've Been Working on the Rail^ WAVES. Who knows? man classes presented an interest­ , present organization. heavy. Johnny Greenwood and Brooklyn “does. They've regained hut Bill draw*ls. " I ’ve jes been, H hand-grenades, and Molotov cock- operation from the 'adtilts as well have a smile readyJ Benson (Minnesota) and Avia­ Ed S^Ksig and Johnny Glltcrist binatjon to any two St. Louie rqad” . and "Manchester Alma ing program on topics of courtesy There also was doubt as to 206-pound Ken Maikkula held the their lead of 2 '- games. lucky." >10 tails, an invention of the present as from the students, they could Mater." , ' tion Machinist Mate Bus Merles* i ar* battling for .the right guard tories, or Dodger defeats, or I. The Molotov cocktail con- -ir W ill be seeing you next week, in their class Friday. whether Manager Leo Durocher job.s last year and are picking up The 20-year-old backt drafted fhi' do their country a great service. The progress o f Hitler in his Enjoy .Lib. Period And for those who hav4~ been Mr. Pearson said that try-outs (Iow a) -are capable ramblers. Toronto. Sept. 24—fJ’, . TJic N a­ post while plebes Ben Chase and o f each, to take the world ol sists of a bottle of kergeene and a same time, same paper. Phyllis Karlin gave a monologue would remain as the field leader, where they left off. If they get from the University of Virginia, — D. P. various campaigns thrdugh Eu­ asking about Mike Quish: from will start for pupils who wish to Four cadets and three, officers, tional Hookey League r ^ n s a Joe Drumm hope to snare tackle to the banks' of the Miraisoippi fo ilf fuse. 'When thrown against a tank,' on how a girl should not act when^ regardless of winnnig or losing the tired, there's Bob Volght, 205-^ has played only tw*o games for the the first time since 1934. rope have been minutely drawn on all reports he seems to be pro­ be in the pholr. Tryouts will be make up the starting line with two-day meeting today with four jobs before Warren Moritgomery r» the bottle breaks, and the fuel is with a boy, Delphin Mannlt^ ^ pennant this year. It w as under- pound “ re.shman who was an All- Sports Roundup Pittsburgh Steelers, ■ yet Walt though-the Dodgers remained 2 1-1 white maps by students !of Miss Twenty-three members of Miss gressing very well. He'd like to held during seventh period. Tues­ Bookkeeping Popalar Cadets Judd Ringer (Minnesota) subjects expected to come up for i Italted from the fus*. The heat Janice Miller, and Joyce StraugJm .^stood he has applied for a Navy State lineman at New London Kiesling. vet.eran coach, com­ returns from the hospital. games 'behind the' lead by wlnnl"'^ Catherine Putnam's modem his Doris Kibbe's Latin I classes en­ hear from his friends whenever day through Friday, September 22 enacted introductions the ^ight and Matt Bolger (Notre Dame) at serious consideration. They are Whelchel emphasizes that these ' generated will force iitt^j^one out commlasion. Bulkeley High; Art Miller, a By Hugh Fullerton, Jr. ment^: yesterday, they can do no bet Paint & Powfler tory classes. Th«*e .maps have joyed a free reading period in the possible. Visits are most welcome: to 25. For anyone who likes, to Bookkeeping seems to be a pop­ and wrong ways, with tlwolasg as ends;' Cadet Bill Kolens (Tllinoi's) the playing schedule, ' draft(ng MacPhail entered the big leagues freshman ehd last year; Joe De­ Wide World Sports Cflluninist ' "H e’s the best back we've ever policies to comply, with new. inter­ players are the "best o f’ the lot" than fie' if St. Louis wins- one of the tank. been found invaluable qs every librarj*. Monday, as a reward for for information on how to get to sing or \\*ho has a good voice, the ular subject this year. Not only an audience correcting the wrong and' Ensign Charley Schultz (Min­ Instructive movies were shown from the Oolumbus club of the laney, Allan Hubin and Pete An- New York, Sept. 24—On behalf had.'.’ but hastens to add that none are its remaining three games. river, important boundary and superior work during their first the iioapital, see his sibter, Rose- choir offers training. are Mrs. Warren's classes very types. Mary Ann Pajsianos, con­ nesota and Green Bay), at tackles; national regulations for . profes­ outdoors at night. Tear gas To Hold TrvoiUs of Weal coa.st fans. Col. Russ And co-owner Xrt Rooney standouts. He'll venture only , that While the National Lea_ town can be drawn in, and erased one and one-half weeks o f school. (nary, nicknamed "M idge" in 24F. Irene Illing, '46 large, but, also, many upper­ cluding the program“ S. J. Apurton - wholeyxiasa. and Mary;^ Oct 3, Virginia: 10. This closed the. Yanks’ hom6 The Instructors during these McGuire and Miss Isabel Worth ca. She first saw them in Trinity ' M. A. B. He came to the Dodgers in 1938 Barks Inexprrinired officially . . . And he’s done it 1,4 Lieut.-t?omdr. Jimmy Crow­ Chicago—(Aa—Jamea A. Boyle, face a season that may be iinpro, phln Manning, William Milikowr from the ordinary routine. Pnn«JU*(h: 17, Yale: 24. Georgia season and left them with only onq maneuvers were commissioned o f­ Introduced faculty advisers, to the College in Hartford and promptly Factories, stores, shops, private when the club was held in hock by There's not so much experience tlhnes this year and 26 times in all ley. the Fordijam sonambulist, has Sr., went shopping for his son, a fitable after losing a number of ski. James Miller, John Pallein,. This is purely voluntary, of Alumnus Enters St. Michael’s players through enli.stment.s. they, Teeiu 31. Notre Dame'; Nov. 7. game, at- Boston Sunday, to ph ficers who bad just completed a ways of Paint and Powder. Ques­ procured some for her own use homes and industrial buildings New Books .Added the Brooklyn'Trust Corhpany and aniong the backfield, candldai'es," since April, 1940 : . . Welre still a 53-man squad and a 13-game gunner' on a dive-bomber in the course In guerrilla tactics at Con- tionnaires were filled out in which Jean Robinson; 'Jack 3innamon, course. We should have some fun. may be discussed more than the Penn-sylvanla, 14, CWumbia; 28. before they enter the world aerie Many teaehers find that they are all display servide flags honoilng Donald McCann, class of '42. paid off practically all its debts. but Ray- ScusSel' and eo-captain inclined, to rate Hacgg'.s running Ttchedule at North Carolina. Ex­ Solomon islands. He carried a let-, students told why they wished to M, L, Williams. Carolyn Wood- The period will be turned over to other subjects. Armv, • next Wednesday. . cord. Vass. more practical than the usual map those of their number who have arrived at St. Michael's C?oUe^. The School Library has, now re­ He was so successful that the Dl- Johnny Toffolon probably will at varlouAdifficult distances above cept for tackle and center depth, ter from hia 20 year old boy w*ho One of the boys said that the become members 'of this organiza­ houae, John Calvert, June Lashay, ua to do as we please. (Anything' They make the study of a given entered the service of' their coun- Donald wrote to Mr. Bailey/^ re­ ceived many very interesting, rectors elevated him from general take care of„the halfback jobs Connie's coriaiatency at one • feat it is a typical Crowley-povwrhouse. asked hiiri—not for sox. chocolate food was good, but he ate under a tion and the name of their former Jean Wiley, Doria Accornero, John within reason, of course.) area easier fo r a student, as by,' cently, stating that mos^^'of the new books. Among the more well mana|ger to President and last between them, Sciissel doing the . ... However, we agree that VVar- Crowley has ’ Len. Eshmont cake, or ciigarettea. "H e told me to nest of hpmet.s that' especially en­ dramatic teacher. Albea, Maybelle Cowles. Faith , According to the figures which drawing in the details, a pupil be­ We of M. H. 8. are equally boys are taking Bachelor of known are “Berlin Diary.” "It year gave him a new five-year con­ brunt of the running, passing and merdrfm is in line for the Sullivan. ( Fordham 1. Art Jones i Rich­ buy him a 10-incb hunting knife," joyed cooked turkey. Those people whose question­ McCielland, Doris Mitchell, M. were counted at the end of the comes more intimate with his proud of th e. members of our Science pre-medical epdrses. Some Can’t Happen Here," and ' "M y tract that would have paid him kicking with sophomore Len Amt- Memorial -Award, which he almost mond), Hovey Seymour (Yale), Boyle said. Boyle added the letter naires are approved by the drama­ Naaaiff andJBosallnd Wilson. day, 1,631 pupils have agreed to subject. Such maps may eventu­ faculty,- Mrj Gatchell, Mr. Lynch, are taking Bachelor.bf Philoaophy Friend Flicks" which was given .$75,000’ a year. sen his first string substitute. won last year . . He’s a stand­ Frank Zazuta (Akron) and Bill didn't specify for what purpose the ■oil New Sales Class tic teacher will become members M. K. devote one study period on Wed­ ally have a very definite place in Mr. Alibrio and Mr. Stevens, who courses, and onlj;.-''6ne out of the to 4he library as a gift from last The quarterbimk .will be a new out among American athletes and Oark. a star' on the 1934 Naval knife was to be used, but Ire had a Just Arrived .of Paint and Powder. nesday to this new evperlment. the school program. have left their positions to go for- entire Freshmah' clams is taking year's Library Club. man and among the candidates is there’s no question about hia quali­ Academy team, ip the backfield. good idea. ' ■ "Time is the E.ssence." this quo- _ The people who are not approv­ • E. Carlson. Books at Library GOOD wrard to defend thel0 lights to an A.B. . M. H. Albert, N^ Jorgensen, Jr., son of fying as a sportsman, leader, etc. Vince Dennery (FordHam and * tation is one of the many that ed may join the club through try­ Our sympathy to “ Big Jack" Major League . . the Secretary will cast'one teach free people In a free coun­ the university president. A fresh­ New York Giants). Bob King Lrat lioraee Trarale - I adorn . the blackiioards in ' Mr. outs which'will be held. Among the new books at the Li­ Turkington and "Do'n" McCabe, affirmative vote. 3 Trailer Loads DUrusslaa HeM tai History try- man, Jorgensen was an outstand­ (Furman) and-Charlea Boudrean • W right’s Second Year Saiesman- The officers of Paint and Powder brary this year is a two-volume both of whom graduated last June. Obviously it would .be impossi­ ^ Leaders ing player at. Choate school. So (Fordham) head the ends. Steve Portland. Ore.—(iP)-^Nancy La- I ship class. This class, thc’Hrst will soon meet with Miss Worth dictionary which was given to the "Don” broke his arm and Jack ble. for ua to honor all M. H. S. W hy are, there a number of afraid ia he that, if he wins a Grunt and Grota Hudacejc and Don Etrerinan (Ford­ Toufette lost her driver’s licenae' one to be taught in Manchester and Miss McGuire to outline the Library, by Miss Casey. There is a injured his leg In football practice graduates who are in the armed in ih% • • Taking an idea, maybe, from the iVo Certificate -races today, while at one time we . By The Assodated Prem place on the team. I t . will be at­ ham ) are the tackles. Jan Koyd in Seaside, Ore., a year ago. Yes­ High, has |>roved verj'. successful activities -for the coming year. complete set of the Murfc and Mu­ at the University of ponn. '| forces: there are other stars for much-maligned pro raoslers. Lieut. were ail one race? This was the NationjU League tributed to hia father's influence (T em ^ e). C?harlfs Fierce, (Fonl- terday it cariie home ia an enve­ in several other high schools in —J. Apurton. sicians Dictionary which will be them in oiher places, but our Dave Bartelma has introduced ham) and John Economoa (Penn question which captivated the inr Batting !— Loitfbardi, B o s t o n , that he la working twdee aa hard lope postmarked "Somewhere in Is Needed A the country*. very popular among the many mu­ , Quill Oub Meets teachers are really deserving of blindfolded wrrestUng at the Iowa State) hold dowm the guards. An­ terest of Jesse Stevens’ Ancient .329; Reiser, Brooklyn. .318. as any othar candidate on the Austrajta." Sergt. Paul 8. Yala lu With the textbooks, "Selling to sic students. This set of diction­ .. - t . - ■ being represented on an M. H. Nav.y pre-flight achool . . . The other former Ram, Joa Kovach, is Start New Paper History class recently. aries was presented to our Labrary Runs— Ott, New York, 112; squad. formerly of Portland, wrote he Today's Customer.*-,’’ and "Intro- The class discussed everything, A meeting of Quill Club will be S. service flag. Slaughter, St. Louis. 88. toachea claim it not only develops tha canter. had found It while trudging In and Get ily duction to Modern Retailing" -cs by the Mary Cheney Library. The held in room 3F Tuesday morning Let’s what we can do about ‘Other backfield candidates in­ balance and skill but baa its carry­ Lois Clark '44. a member of.H. leading from the .structure of the Runs batted in — Mize, NevV clude WiUt and Tony Tro^anowskl, through Australian bush country. At a.guide, the tlas,<, composed of It pCOnsumer Economics classes will during Activity Period at*» which i t over in military values to hand-to- North OaroUna Braneti S.'-World; bas been elected Editor- homes to the slant of the eyes York, 107; Camilll, Brooklyn, 101. Miss LaTmirett* doesn't know Size N O W ! four' boys and one girl, seriously ■ be very interested to know that time the club will be glad to wel­ E. 8. sophomore brpthers from Bridge­ hand encounterf at night . . . We la Loaded With Proa in-Ciiief of an unusual newspaper was finally decided from the Hits—Slaughter, St.'Louia, 184; how it got to. Australia. She'a glad study the finer points of modern a'li the back Lssuea of Consumers’ come new members. TryouU are port, each of wrbom weighs 190. also hear soldiera in Texas arc Ueut. Ftoy Wolf, formerly project undertaken by the 'Young tere.stlng ' dlacusslon that all peo­ Digest have been added to the Li4 Nicholson, Chicago, 172. Then there are Bob Boland and to have It back, only—the license ssleamsny.hip. It has been' planned ples are blood-related. Long ago not required. Nat Versus Bra trying out blindfolded boxing . . . North Carolina, has plenty expired in 1941. Here Is your chance to eel those much neeJed tires. .And People's Group of the Second Con­ brary. There is also a set of 12 Doubles— Marion, St. Loulq! 3§. Ward Frtacis, each sophomores; by Mr. Wright tliut rath of these white people were one race; they During the meetings abort Next, we suppose, will be practice you do not have to produce a certificate to buy what you gregational church, which last Natural History Encvclopedias Triples—Slaiighter, St. Louis, Pete MeSberry, who..won a letter second-year students shall gain, started to move to other parts of stories, poems and essays compoa- Ben Hstrthorne, who conducted 17; Nicholson, Chicago, II. in mud-wreatling fo r landing par- Sunday, started a paper which will which will be very useful to sci­ an early morning radio program at end last year but ia handicap­ require. We would, sueeest that you act at once since the practical salesmanablp experience the earth. A s the centuries passed, ed by members are first s.ubmltted Home nins—Ott, New York. 28, tieii but we hope they'll draw the by obtaining jotvi in several of the be sent to the soldiers and shut- ence and biology students. to and read by MJsa Marion Casey, before his recent induction, into the ped . by lack of weight; Pierce line at a commlsaion for Rosie the demand is running heavy. There Is a heap of mileage in ins of the parish. the wanderers became adapted to Among the new pleasure read­ Mize, New York, and OsmllU, Matichester stores. During their the climate, soil and physical fea­ faculty adviser. Then they are Army, "has been credited, by some Brooklyn, 25. Brundage, another letterman, and Raaaling Bear. Major League Standings anv of theito tires. ' The new-sjiapjr, a mimeograph­ ing books are "M y Friend Flicks." member of Mias Isabel Worth's these freshmen, Sam Imptombato, •mployment. the store manager tures. • read before the club and opinions Stolen bases— Reiser, Brooklyn, T R l CK TIRES ed sheet, will come out monthly "Berlin Diary," and " It Can Hap­ Keith Johnooo, Bob Chriatino, w ill fill out questionnaires re- Thus, the freshmen Ancient and criticisms are given on the Junior English classes with much 17: Fernandee, Boston, 15. Todajr’a Ooeat Star i. .10x5 gtading the atndenta ability bo and will contain a report of the pen Here." work. Pupils Interested in ersaUve more than his ackno>wledged ac- Nick Antlgnani. Charlie Reveilli, Deak Morse, St. Johnabury (V t.) activities of the church with per­ History class gained a knowledge C. Hansen. Pitching— Krist. S t Louis, 18-8; The Following Sizes Are Available 32x6 mUL that shall prove valuable to them. writing should take advantage of compUshmenta. lA a recent teat, thoae football start of 1941— in the Anny and the Navy and French. Brooklyn, 14-4. Fred Mohr and BUI HaU, . ^ Caledoniafi'-Racord: "1942 will be haps a humoroua column and a taken, after studying certain fa­ After Maryland, Connecticut remembered aa the year when pro­ 8 PIT — A. C. 'U . John Pallein '46. this opportunity. the Ma.rin.^ Corps. American League Yeetorday’e Reeulte Standlnga correspondence column by the sol­ Maks Barsmetce _ B . Hess. '44 mous short stories, Including "The _p]Bys-aeven teams it met last year duction was very good at the 4..SO-21 7.00- 20 5.25- 19 • 32x6 diers. - They’re pla>jng football again this fall, but there’s a differ­ Batting— Williams, Boston, .857;- National Natlenal Paplls WrHa Lmcas Minister's Black Veil” by Na­ Pesky, Boston, .332. —Coaat Guard Academy, Maasa- Brooklyn Navy Yard and very . Brooklyn 6, Philadelphia 0. -5.25-21 4.75-19 10 Ply The pap'Ua of George Potter- thaniel Hawthorne, pupils were chusetts^ State. Wesleyan. Maine, poor at Ebbetta field. 5.50-18 Vialt Ubraiy ence. For i^s only a sideline to their bigger job— the most Runs— Williams, Boston. 141; St. Louis 4, Cincinnati 2; -i St. Louis .., ton's science classes in 24B have Springfield, Mlddlebury and Rhode 4.50-20 5.00- 19 34x7 Mrf “Bud" Wrdeo, '42. former Musieitl Proverb Applied Mrs. Erna Loomis, freshman asked "Which' writer always add­ important game of their careers. DiMaggio, NeigYork,4 121. (Only gamea scheduled.) Brooklyn - .. 6.00-18 recently made a study of the at­ Island State. Bacovarad PunoMes 5.00-20 .1.50-19 6.50- 20 I Itaooi World member, and English teacher has been receiving In order to become acquainted ed a mohU’ to his short stories?” Yes, football is different this year. And here’s football Runs batted m—Williams. Bos­ American New York ., mosphere and Ita composition. a Risking whatever reputation We 7.00-18 7(00-20 m f t (Ba Amtaoan Legion "Music While You W ork" is not a lot of mail lately from her fresh­ with Oje school library, the mem­ One student answered blithely, ton, 137; DlMaggln, New York, New York 4, Washington J. Cincinnati 5.2.1-20 6.50-19 story that’s different, too— fast, exciting, amusing, romantic, gained last week, here's how this ^ WMad tte High School only s proverb, but in the Man­ man eiasaea. The pupils have They have constructed with the bers ef Miss OMtello's freshman "Ban, Hawthorns.” n o. (Only game scheduled.) ■ Chicago . «..i0-20 7.00- 19 8.25- 16 7.50- 20 use o f thirty-two hollow* glass and geared to the trapo of 19iSL ' Oips To Become Scrap dept, tees some of this week's grid ■ •n a a Wadnaaday iiocm. Bud chester High School A rt Depart­ been writing her abm t Uiem- science classes have, been doing ” L.C. Hits — Pesky. Boston, 204; . Today's Oamee Pittsburgh li taklBg tbs accelerated rods tad mercury, a barometer, to library- reports on topics mention- ganoes: Friday— Temple over ment it ia a practical application aelves. ' Spence. Washington. 203. Evanston, III.— (IP)— The lOfi -kwr- National Boston .... 500 PASSENGER AND TRUCK USED TUBES a i Harvard Unl- of this old a ^ g e . ^ c h period Families, pets, sports, hobbies, study more fully, asmoapheric e l in the first chapter o f their N a a e ConuBltVM Georgetown,' and Georgia over Boston at Rrqoklyn. Philadelphia ...... 40 105 Read The New* Serial Story Doubles— CUft, .St. Lbuls, 89; Ing cups Mrs. Shockley has Jacksonville Naval Air station; flrst music is tuned in on 'the radio in movies, -radio programs, travels, preasurss and tta degreea of text. They chose their own aub- r ’ ’ e'rglo, Boston. 37. Cincinnati at St. Louis. nMdqaftrtem so year, change. They have studied j the jecta, some o f which were: yellow A new cntertatnmrtit commit- hr her honne were rewards for Saturday: The Four N avy pre- .the rlass-ruom. Miss Henderson, and smbitiema are only a few of •’-i-'les — Spence, Washington. I V,. n? tennis matches bver a pe- Philadelphia at New York (2). American for MMt week tu re­ composition o f sir and the pnnei- fever. Aristotle, and other early tee was chosen 'at the last meet- Beginning Saturday, Sept. 26 in 1 flight schools over Harvard, Penn, (Only games scheduled.) the art instiuctur. believes that the subjecls the freahnicn wrote : DlMaggid, New York, and : r'o-l of IS years, but she is going W SEALLEAK U. 8. ts aathrupuiogy soft musu helps to create the about In their general eum ups of ples of oxygen,, along with other scientists. Later, the reports were ing of the "W orld." They are: Northwestern and Oregon, W il­ American New York ’ '.th. Cleveland. - IS- ■ I f*' ■*<'t rid of them—her contrihu- ...... 103 Sm Is' Battsriar **-,*hght diversion needed while| themselves. gasses that go to make up the at- read ia class. I Howard Major, Lorraine Hansen, liam and Mary over Navy, Ford- Chicago at Cleveland (2). .ome runs— wllliama, Boatoo, ' tlon,to the defense scrap drive. In- Boston ...... 92 Pmetaree CW ChiVtiM and BUI Norca. iHattr^ralrr Euruhtfl BSeraUi barn over Purdua, Notre Dame (Only games scheduled.) St. Louis •,,•••••••82 Henrup Brothers 33; Laaba, S t Ixmla. 17. I -'I in the trophies is the.first A^fonRI^r over Wlscanfein,’ Southern Cali­ Southern Aasorlatioii Cleveland Stolen bases Casa, Waahing- one Mrs. Shockley won arhan she ,',7S fornia over. Tulane, Tqxta Aggies (Final Playoff) Detroit ___ 73 . SUPER TIRE SCTVICE CO. ten. 44;‘ Vernon, Waablngton, 23. •■ears old and another for AUTO w- -10 over Louisiana State . . . Our Nashville 11. Little Rock '5. (Chicago ---- .63 SS--^.434 Pitching—Bonham, New York, winning the girl’s national singles gueaa ia that Georgia and W .' A SUPPLIES 94 Hudson St., Hartford 81-«: Bonw]L New Tark. U-4, (Nashville wine playoff four | Washington ____;..62 89 .411 tlUa tm Ftoiladalehta lx ISU. ,U. hava faoMa.|g(waaa to m m ). Philadatptoa H 99 j u r fPJ*- 1 . / . c. ••


SfANCTTESTER E\"EN’TNT, HERALD. MANCHESTER. COMN. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 24, l!>4l ' t w e l v e MICKEY FINN Accepted! z: LANK LEUiNAKO Sense and Nonsense WELL, BOVS, 1 OUESSj GEE, JOHNNY GOSH,commissioner ;! IM A G IN E ■— AND t AM LOOKING \ T-THEN OUR THE 0 0 0 0 N EW S — WE SURE — YOU MEAN p^SO, MICKEY FORWARD TO APPLICATIONS VOUVE BEEN WRITING HOPE rr iS THESE l e t t e r s / — I RECEIVED CONGRATULATING TO ATTEND THE October Breezes . . A n op­ During the reesnt sugar ration­ A young brida wallkad Into a FOR. HAS ARRIVECH-y GOOD N E W ^ ARE PRO M / o n e ALSO. IN WHICH YOU PERSONALLY F.B.I. NATIONAL timist Is z wom^ni: who thinks ing registration a llfUe old lady drug etore and approached the THE COMMISSIONER everything is for the best— find appeared at one of the elementary clerk timidly: • JOHN EDGAR J HE THPiNKEO THE FOR YOUR SPLENDID ACADEMY HAVE WANTS TO SEE you/ HOOVER— /DEPARTMENT FOR she is the beet. . . . WThen a Schools: Bride—Xhs baby tonic you ad WORK WHEN YOU BEEN ACCEPTED? woman hSs a man eating out of Registrar—Are you unmarried? vertise. Does It really make •^JdiMSELF?/* OUR COOPERATION ARRIVE IN , her hand. It saves a let of dish­ Little Old Lady— Good gracious babies .'Mggsr and stronger?' IN ROUNDING UP THOSE WASHINGTON/ washing . . . In these days a no! I’ve n(Bl|r even been married. Repairing: 23 43 TVanted— To Buy 5S Druggist—Ws aeU a lot of It SABOTEURS/ Lost and Found 1 Automobiles for Sale 4 Articles for Sale Farms and Lai>am d ^ for o r Sale 71 sailor has to be inlghty quick In and we've never had a complaint. s J*/** ^ Submits Ride. order to steal a kiss from a UBO The soldier had kicked so mupb Bride (after a moment)—Well, Manchester FOUI^D—BICY(3UE. Owner may FOR .SALE LI.NCOL.N Zephyr PIA.NO TU N IN G "'and repairing. QUICK SALE- COMBINED gas FARM—VERNON, 48 ACRES, 30 Player pifino specialty. John W AN TE D — GOOD hard coal stove hostess without her becoming an about the food that the captain of n i take a botUe. have aame by pTfivinp owner­ • deluxe .sedqn. Late motlel. Excel­ hot wateib-heater with 10 gallon tillable, 3 Lroscco aheda for 8 1-2 ETening Herald ^ Cockerham, 28 Bigelow street. boiler, Uno copper revolving ven­ to heat large kennel. Call 3723. accomplice to the larcency . . . the companycslled him to the In five minutas she 'Wka back In ship^ *n^ pa.ving for adv. Write lent . condition. Dual heater. acres, tool "shed, bam, coop for Tel: 4219. tilator, ■ oil burning hot Water -Sharing Plan It has always bebn a mystery to orderly room about it. the drug store. 8ha got the drug Radio, fog light . $.500 rash. In­ 250 l a ^ g hens, 8 room home, me how salesgirls can smell a led Advertisements Box'L, Herald. heater. 9 piece walnut dining Officer— Did you Join the army gist in a comer and whlapsfed: 92f quire ? r Proctor Road between Imprwements. near bus, good piece of ribbon and tell how long at (tz ZTcrag* word* lo a une 'WA.N'TKD r o TU.N'E. repair and room auite, woman's dark skin­ Rooms Without Board 59 fremtage. Price $6,500. Call 3677 to serve the country or .to com­ __ Bumbar* and abbraviztlona FOUND—BIRD DOG. Owner may .5 and 7 p m . It Is . ... When a woman’s repu­ plain about the sand in your soup? Brida— T forgot to ask ydu about regulate your piano or player ned raccoon coat, size 18 to 20. 'ter 6 p. m. Group Organized in this baby tonic. Who takas 1 ^ [•boat at a word and compound have .tame by oallinj? at 31S piano. Tel. Manche,«iler 5052. NICE ROOM FOR one or Iwo, tation is being diecussed. she no Boldlsr— I joined to ssrve my aa two worda Ulnlmum cost Biirkland street. Biickland and. worn 2 seasons only. . Rex gas next to bath. Private family. 1, ms or my husband ? / ^rtea of thraa llnea 469 Defense Plants in longer hfis one. country— not to eat It. paying for this adv. 19.36 PONTIAC, radio and heater water heater and piping. Tele­ block from town., 10 Chestnj 4aa rataa par day for transient phone 7132. Houses for Sale 72 Good tires. Phone 3728. street. Telephone 2-0275. This State. A man was strolling down the Often the hardeit thing-to tees Help Wanted— Female 35 Tomorrow the sun may be shin* ■ . A-. VsctlT* March IT. IOT7 FOUND— A F U LL grown Rnpliah FOR S A LE — SlODERN 6 room street holding a large dog by the is the facts, .* 1 > Cash Cbarftr Better. Owner inquire al S21 .Main PO.NTIAC 2. DOOR sedan. 1936. Ing, although it is cloudy today. WO.MKN .MAKE BIG Profits- up FOR R E N T F U R N I S H ^ room, house, sunporch, steam heat, 3 leash, when'he met a friend. Tlw OUT OUR WAY cutlva Days...I 7 ctsi 8 ctt street radiio. 49000 mile.s Goq.l tire*. For Building Materials 17 near bath -room, lady/{n-eferred. -H artford, Sept. 24 The State ■ BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE’ WITH MAJOR HOOPLS anaacutlT* Days... f ctsill cts quick sale, $200 nsanoa. 1.5'5 ■ to 100 ,,,ercent on quick-scIllng ■ minutes walk from Hartford bus Office of Price Administration an- - X converastlon soon' turned to the A bachelor is a man who never JUiolrtn# on the bright side has ay ...... Ill ctsllJ ct* Guild Embo.a.sed I’briatmn.s card.*. Telephone 2-0133. merits of .the dog Oak street. S E E 'u s before you order your line. Call 7185, nounced today it has submitted makes the same mistake once. ncven-Jlurt' anybody's ayes. HECK’S ONE I DQNT WELL, rrS ONLV\ J1 ordara for Irregular insertions .50 for $1.00 with :istomer.s name storm .windows, we can fiimiah plans to Public Utilities Commis­ Owner—Yes. that bird detects ah / GOOD OH, VAVNS, DOORMAN— FAP.^? IN F E R N A L [ll ha charged at the one time rate Announcements bird* a mile away. W E’RE SURE KNOW N A TU R A L IN ■lal rates for long term e»ery Imprinted Free. 9 other assort­ . all a^es, two glass and four glass, Boarders Wanted 59-A sioner Joseph P. O'Connell, head EVENING, MRS. FiFl DOTES ON A VJHlFF J A C K A L S .' I Suburban tor Sale 75 \ aovertlslng gicen upon request MADAM WILLIAMS—Palm read­ Auto Accessories— Tires 6 ments. Sell on sight. No sales ex­ also combination screen and of the Connecticut War Transpor­ Friend i noticing the dog sniff­ TO F IN D A WHY PEOPLE THAT ©iLTMUG/ CRISP e v e n in g o x o in e /- ' poking FUN a t ' ing nervously I Indeed. That 'dog F U N N Y B u s i n e s s rSda ordered before the third or er. and adviser, located at her perience .leeessary. For free sam­ storm doors, lat the building ma­ ROOM A N D ^ U A L IT Y meals for NOllTH COVENTTIY-^TWO fami­ tation Conservation Committee, PILE O’ JUNK p e o p l e ANVTHING THEY EGAD/ TAKING eOT X HAVE AN ENGAGE­ .THE 308 t h a t ! day will be charged only for ples write to The Card Guild, acts a.s if a bird were under his ^a actual number of times the ad same place, at 532 Ann street. NEED NEW BRAKES? Ford. terial d^artm ent). Phone 5161, .girls only; at reasonable prices. ly house, 4 rooms and bath each, for organization of ride-sharing i 1M-’ ’THM’ SPOTS SEEM TO >VANT TO GET. LITTLE P\Pl MENT AT THE RITZ,60 WILL MEDDUNO ^ jharad. charging at tha rats earn- Hartford. 25 years experienced Chevrolet, Plymouth rellned with llOCK. West, 32nd street: New Montgomary W’ard a Co.. Man­ LaundMf privileges One miniitc groups in 469 defense plants In nose, snd jhere isn’t a bird near. stone . fireplaces, electricity, 2 The owner wa.s perplexed. Pee­ 100 BEAUTIFUL PIC K TH E 'RiP OF, THEY OUT FOR A YOU TAKE t h e d o g g ie FOR^ ‘ e R 0THER-4N - > but no allowance or refund* can reader. If not .aatistled. mon^y re­ the best. Comax brake lining York CHty. [ , chester'. from/biis line. CenhiM. Call 3408 acres land.- Alao 3 acre building the State. ^ Mdde on siz time ad* stopped ing •another man near them he ap­ N O T TO HAVE MOST W A N T IT TO A WALK ? — HERE'S A LAW HAS FOUND funded. Hours from 10:30 to 9:30 $8.95. w ill call for your car and oryi4 Arch atreet. Y<)ung Wo- lot with brook. On U. S. 44. Tele­ Simullaneously. Chester B style, copy and typography with door sedan, excellent condition, obligatipris for our estimate. W e Apt. E. 3rd floor. , mittee, he already has formulated A certain- Jllm etar and his wife - - r-gulstlons enforced by the publish- guarantee all work, and wip ape Three in family, $12 weekly. and tires. 17 Gerard street. Household Goods 51 a, detailed plan for establishment, W'ere seated- In a secluded corrter and thty reserve the right to still able to qii81NG HOURS—Classified ads sedan. 1932 Chrysler sedan, good our prices. Write or IPhone Bur­ enee not necessary. Apply in per­ Of Brand New Furnllur* wtarkers. Bowles added. her huaband in no uncertain terms. b* published same day must t.e WANTED TO RENT—Tenement tires. 11 Main street.. ton Insulating Co.. 180 North Ox­ son at Davis Bakery, .521 Main, R e n b 'U p h a ^ ’s plan divides Conrterti- Unnoticed by her. a party of \ G Icalved by If o'cloch noon Satur- of 4 or 5 rooms, in or near Man­ Offered for ^ya la SO. ford Street. Hartford. Conn. Tel. street. A QUALITY HOME into fen'districts, each incnid- friends approached-within earshot FOR SAL&- 1941 PLY.MOUTH 32-4515 or Manchester 3309 eve­ You Will Be Proud To Own chester. Call 8-4509,. East Haft- g from eight to 110 factories. Hartford. Sept. 24— In a dri . Just as she delivered herself of [Telephone Youi Want Ada deluxe 2 door sedan, radio and nings. CHRISTM AS c a r d s : SpecUcu- f o r f Ray W. Hill. One to ten volunteer workers will thia: ftp* accepi«d over ttit tut*- heater. Call at 26 West Middle lari money-making line! l/iwest to achieve full compliance with — $189 WANTED BY YOUNG married rate in each district as organ- W ife— You mean skunk! Of all «t tb« CHAHUK RATb ci^co Turnpike between 6 and 8.. KOI EXPERT SEW ING machine, price personals. Stationery. Sen­ Rent Control Law in Conn at a eofiYcnamce to advar* $.37.80 Deposit—$3 Weekly couple, unfurnished apartment or of ride-sharing committees, the rotten, slimy snakes. I think and vacuum cleaner repairs, parts sational values: Top profits! Send Never Used le volunteers will be select­ you are the worst. You're just a but tha CASH RATfcIS'wiIl bt 1940'FORD DELUXE tudor.- heat­ flat. Call 2-0704. Chester Bowles. Statt OPA (pud FULL PAYMENT It supplies, call Manchester 2-0495. name for samples. , Wallace ed by the chairmen of O'ConrieU's er and radio, excellent motor, Includes: LIV IN G ROOM. Urge Director, today cautioned opera­ Jow-dowm. .sn.ea t. cheap skate !,,- jj4 At tba butlnatt offtct on. or oa- L. B. Ashland, 30 yearf with Brown. 225 Fifth Ave.. Dept. sub-comnnttees, already active Her Husband i noticing tho'peo- good tires, $590. 1939 Ford de­ sofa, club chair. lamp, smoker, cof­ WANTED—2 OR 3 ROOM fur­ tors of hotel*, rooming houses. tba aavanth day foUowint tha The Singer Sewing, Machine Co. 11504,' New Y'ork. throughout the State In handling ple who had just arrtvefil— , Vaa. •t tnaaftlon of aacb ad otharwiaa luxe tudor, good condition fee table, end table, footstool, wall nished apartment, by' professional to,urist camps, and similar housing 5 Eldridge stre>t, Manchester, transportation pimblems that have dear. And what else dk! you say ' I ' ' 5 ID* , , |a CHARGE RATE arUf ba collaet- throughout. Good •tires, $490. Cole rack, scatter rug,^mirror; BED­ couple, by Oct; 15th or Nov. 1st. accommodations to display notices No raaponatblltty for arrora tn Conn. ROOM, dresser, chest and bed, Centrally located. Write Box O, of rental rates in all rooms that arisen with the m(lux of defense to him? ^ ^iopbonad ada will be aaaumed and Motors— 4164. j' Help Wanted— Male 36 iolr Aoeuraey cannot ba vuaran* boudoir lamps, fiheets.'pillows, bou­ Herald. ■. are rented or offered for rent, workers. ( Doe.sn't he dcji^twe a medal for $ FOR SALE MODEL A Ford doir chair; 5 pc. DINETTE, dishes, “ Residents of hotels and room­ Carrying-.Upham's otg^ization': tort?) • ' __ tifij' Kt'nM Ulrutci. Building— Contracting 14 s t a t e o f CONNECTICUT WANTED—5 OR 6 ROOMS, rea­ al plan, the volunteers, after set­ ■‘Y to ata w ». F6T Of* THE CLEANUP OURHOTES- Index of Clas8ifi(.xtioni' pickup, fine rubber and rnndi- PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT silverware and In addition to mil ing houses have complained to the ^ ----- ______^ 9wtGFii these Items a beautiful useful gift sonable. Reply T. F. Meagher.- ting up ride-sharing committees tlon. Telephone 3759. FOR YOUR REMODELING or EXAMINi^'nON NOTICES Connecticut Offue of Price Ad­ The Florida beach and Ult blue T , tbs ...... A given absolutely free with the pur­ Colonial Beacon Oil Company. ministration that their landlords in every defense factory in ihMr _ _amanta R repair job call Wm. Kanehl, con­ POSITIONS: Radio Dispatcher, sky looked inviting to tha . air chase of the al^ve furniture. Hartford. Conn. do not have signs displayed In .district, will provide the comrnu) *Tninkly, dear, don’t you think you’re a bit .optimifilie?’' yrlagas C tractor. .519 Center atreet. Tele­ No. '385; .$1200-$1740: Industrial corpti recruit on leave from tha re- ba ...... ‘..-.a.. D their rooms, showing legal rental tee members with OPA regula­ BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Good for Her BY EDGAR MARTIN inspector. No. 386. $1800-$3000. W AN TE D 'TO RENT five or 6 piacemeht training center at of Thanks ...... E PROTECT phone, 7773. rates for one or more persons, by tions governing the certification of Idamorlam S' A P P L IC A T IO N FOR.MS and de­ ALBERT'S. 268 SO. M A IN ST. room flat or house. In nice condi­ Miami Beach, but venturing out to the day, week jr month," Bowles automobiles for supplemental gas. SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH and Vound ■••.•••*•••••• i WITH INSURANCE tailed information may be obtain- WATERBURY—PHONE 4-3144 tion and good location, middle an'im he thought to' maka aure It \ HE.'l 'l OL'^O A BONJO, banoemnata 7 Train, bus or car expenses refund­ pointed out. tire recaps and Grade 2 tires. . waa aafe. to he Inquired of a na­ Moving— Trucking- ^ ed at the Personnel Department, aged couple with high school P'LE.A^'E. r ----- ala -*• • • V S See ed on purchase of this merchan­ "The rent regulations speciflcal- "When the ride-sharing com­ tive: BUY A WAR BONiO Awlomobllea Storage 2U ' State Capitol. Hartford, or at daughter. Bank references. Tel. mittees begin to func^n." Bowles CAN) OO TO HE.\J? — V30 bbtaa for Salt ...... * McKfSNET BROTHERS dise. • . , ty require every landlord of a •Aviator—You ar* sure there are AKO 0»tT YOOO FORTONJE. local ofllcea of the U. S. Employ­ 6623. hotel and rooming house or similar declared, "they wljl fhake it easier TOLD — FREE MPTTtKi THEY ARE. Fnlomobllaa for Ezchanga . . . . b 806 Mmin St., Manchester, Cnnn. ment Service finr Connecticut. noXUlgators here? bto Aoeasaortaa—Tires ...... *. Telephone 8060 or 7432 THE AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co. HOSPITAL BEDS FOR SALE or housing accommodation to display for workers, living s distance Nej^o . (grinning broadly) — MAOAM (SAZO J ate Repairing—Painting . . . . .7 local and long u.itance moving. CLOSI.NG DATE for filing appli­ rent, fullv adjustable. Rates rea- in each room rented or offered for from publlc^trknsportatlon routes, gte Bchoela ...... T-A. cations for both positions is Nossuh.NAin't no, 'gatnra hyah. -•btp by Truck ...... I . Peturn load system, furniture rent,,a card or sign plainly stat­ to obtain the gasoline and nibber Reassurett the Recruit atarte? •For Hlr* ...... V storage. Dial 6260. October 8, 1942: ?er4'i59'^'' ‘"’'"’"'‘'■'•iBritaiirs Reels ing the maximum rent or'rents for necessary to carry them to and ' O ' CT-rS DATE OF EXAMINATIONS: for out. As theNyater lapped about ___ _ arvtca—Storage .» . 10 all'term s of occupancy and all from their Job*. ! his cheat, he caPgd back; otereyelaa—Bleyclas 11 both positions, between October FOR SALE- DETROIT Star gas I Seen as E neiiiv numbers of occupants,” Bowles "Under the ride-sharing plan, \ rgntad Autos—Motorcyclas ... It 23 19, 1942 and October 31. 1942. stove, good, condition. Phone I Aviator — Whalxmakas you so and Pswfesaloaal fleabieea Repairing emphasized. * any worker who can show his locsl, sure there aren't anySiUigstors ? aass Sanrlcct Offered . .... IS Glendon A. Scoborla 5017. I ' "Failure to comply with this OPA W ar Price and Rationing ------^------I Negro— Dey got too ihqeh sense. sbold Barvteee Ottered ....IS -A MOWERS SHARPENED, repair­ Personnel Director. regulation constitutes a violation Board a'certification from his fac­ olntraetlng ...... le USED FURNITURE Birdseye Cheltenham, England. Sept. 24 De sharks dims skeersr mm all \ ed. shear grinding, key fitting. and subjects the landlord to the tory committee will receive pre­ away..' foraarlaa ...... 1 WANTED—AN EXTRA man. 35- maple dresser base and mirror. —<;Pi—Lady Astor fold an ' audi­ penalties provided In the Law. We Dlraotara ...... Id NEW ■ duplicating, vacuum cleaners etc. $15; two matching aide chairs, ence here yesterday that Russia's ferred attention, because the board 60 years of age for outside work, lumblng—Roofing .. IT realize that the vast majority- of will then knpw he is doing his part overhauled. Braithwalte. 52 pearl also one for factory work. Apply $2.00 each. 4 pc. golden oak bed­ great enemy in Britain is the Brit­ ■...... H landlords have made every effort in conserving gas and rubber hv -Oraasmaklngda...... It street.’ in 'person at the Employment room: bed, dresser base and mir­ ish Communist. to fulfill their responsibilities un sharing hia car with fellow work HOLD EVERYTHINO _ ___eking—Storage .. SO Office of The J..B. Williams Com- ror, night table and chair. $20; "1. Would not mind sitting on ..Faaaingar garviea .....SO-A SAWS OF A L L KINDS filed, aet. der the law. However. If hotel pany, Glastonbury. Conn. 5, pc dinette group. Ivory deco­ the platform with a Russian Com­ ers.” -Papering ...... SI HOUSE and repaired, cord wood saws munist," the American-bom mem­ and rooming house operators do During the organizational pe- rated, extension table and . 4 sbaI Sarvloaa ...... S2 gummed, power and hand lawn not clearly understand their obli­ od, the volunteer organizers v ...... S3 O IL burner serv­ chairs, $24; 6 pc. golden oak din­ ber' of ParHament said, "but I _ -Oyalng—Cleaning .. 34 mowers overhauled, and sharp­ would -not be ‘seen desd with a gations with regard to displaying report progress and problems ha -k ice man for steady job., GonJl pay. ing room’- buffet, round table, 4 notices of, rental rates, they are Oeoda and Sarvlca ...... 13 ened. Stored all winter, no extra overtime.'Phone Hartford 7-4252. British Communist.” , , • lo the sub-committee of O’Con- Bnalnaas Sarvlca . I< charge. Axes, knivqs. shears etc. chairs, $20; gold damgsk barrel urged to get in touch u6th their nell's Transportation Conservation^ ' Edeeetlewal For Sale chair, $10; 3 pc. mohair living defense-rental area office.. These sharpened. Capitol Grinding Co.. Committee with whom Upham and Claasas ...... 17 room suite, $50; Empire style sofa notices should nave been 'posted taatnetlons ...... ts 631 Lydall street. Tel. 7958. will be In dally contact. WASH T t^ B S Safe for the Moment BY ROT CRANB Cape Cod design. Four Help Wanted— Male or with mahogany arms and frame, immediately after the regulations y MMgfaiC ...tt-A Before Upham's services were ^iMiaaC—DramAtlc ...... 3* ■- Female 37 $50; Chesterfield sofa in denim. Easy Sewing went into effect on July 1, 1942." rooms, 2 unfinished on the donated temporarily to the OPA. MEANWHILE: flMtall Tnatnirtlrni ...... >0 $50, Watkins brothers. Inc., 17 Bowles added. OUl.VOO 66 CAPB DBTBCriON. BOTIT- BUT THAT WILL NOT BE NECE5SARV. AM AMERICAN MEDIUM pOMBEfi W A N TE D MEN and women to he successfully engineered ride- aeadal ^ second floor. Open stair­ D ie maximum legal iVnt for 16 BEC0 6 THE NAZIS LOOK FOR THE OBERLEUTNAHt WKS SHOT DOWN HALF A KILOMETER SOUTH OF >OU. W6 HAWS ___ -Vortgagaa ... '11 pick ^p(jtat.oes. Tr-ansportatlon 'Oak street. *■ sharing ■ groups ill Hartford ■Hrihaas Opportunltlas ...... *7 way to the second floor. rooms in hotels, rooming bouses, f l a x e s : AM^ICAW UNIFORM. IF THEY BBTOPM WEBEL,PR150MCAMR CAPTURED MOT ONE PARACHUTIST, furnished. Donald J. GranL Tele­ FOR SALE PIANO, alao house- among insurance companies and ■ , >iSB*T b* Loan ...... tl rented trailers, etc.. Is the highest r e p o r t iN 6 :a o u ic k ■alp n d SHwatlaw* phone 3144. hold_ furniture. Inquire at 36 department Stores. WAS THAT FOR ATHOBOU<5H SEARCH, ALAS, 1 OUT TH RC f* h it l e r t Wanted! rent at which the dwelling unit SEARCH h a s b e e n lain Wanted—Female ...'.j.. . . AS Hardwood floors, fire­ Griawold street. was rented or offered for rent dur­ "The aim behind this state-wida A CLOSE F E A R YOU DO N O T F A R E SO W ELL, I Jalp Wanted—Ual* ...... to WANTED PART TIME workers plan." Bowles said, "is to educate o u e i MADE FOR Am EMEMV Wlanman Wanted ...... - -M-a place, steam heat. All Truck Driver and at- the Manchester Y M C. A. ing the 30 days preceding April 1, litalp Wmntad-i-llal* or Famal* 17 FOR SALE-3 PIECE living m i . the worker In the necessity of FLYER WHO LAMDCPPy at* Wanted ...... 17-A Crane plumbing and heat­ ^ry's and girls clubs-^crafts, gym­ room set. in perfect condition, consening gasoline and tires and H e l p e r . nasium, basketball. Write giving If the room- was not rented or PARACHUTE, WITHOUT jiiuAiOBi Wanted—Famal* ... I I ing. Large lot on good very reaironable. Call 2-0311. offered for ,rent during the 30-dS.y in easing the transportation prob­ ^ItnatloBi Wanted—Mala to qualifications to Rev. F. E. Rey­ lem bound to confront him unless SUCCfSS.lFpEGlCED, ploymant Agencies ...... *0 street (McKee street, op­ nolds, Chairman. 106 Henry St. FOR S A LE --TW O Sideboards, 2 period ending on April 1. 1941, but iJtn Sleets—Patw—Panltry— Apply in Peraon. was offered for rent at a later ride-sharing is firmly established A MORE THOROUGH , Iron beds with springs. ’2 dining Vablcla* posite the Dougherty Lot-.) date, the maximum legal refit is soon." ■ * SEARCH AMP COMPtfTE MM^^-Rlrda^—Pate tl ' room tables, 3 burtaus and other dv* Su «k—Vahiclat ...... tt the highest rent paid during the 30 CHECK OP FfilSONEW Manehealer Lum ber Does—Birds— Pets - 141, articles. Tel. 861^. Would Prefer DHTerent Contents |C*oultry and Suppllaa ...... 41 Must be seen to he ap- days after the room was first' o f­ W*S iw*sv*a*ssav*it. aw T. *«. sie. u s *«t i WILL BE STARTED Fantad —Pata— Poult/y—Stock 44 REDBO.NE (JOONHOUNP pup- fered for rent Far Sal*—Mlseallanaon* ]preciated. See & F u e l C o . FOR SALE—GREEN and cream I immediately pies. Registered. Champion hunt-, Glenwood kitchen range, gas and | Complaints regarding failure by L ob ■ Angeles— ^-The tlnited^ Lftlelaa For Sal* ..... 44 States Hydrographic Office re-"' •'You come out for exerdie^T^id the first biu flop we th a n k .* r SHE AND h e r r a t s a r e DUE pvieardar* Wanted ...... 4*-A PK6 VOURS SHOULDN’T BE pneantry Board-Reaorta...... *4 FOR S A LE —QUEEN A N N oak OFEENV^ MONKiV- /^^.iD O fTT ’ LEFT TQ RUM LOOSE, SO FOE EXTERMINATION.,. AN? >illot*ls— Restaurant* ...... 41 Flower Potholden AH peritons liable by law to pay 2-Family 12-Room House, WANTEr dining table, top 45x54, extends B0ftN e f5.IS E E fB V MEBBE I ’M DOING WRONG l ’M .COMIM' T ’ DO TM ’ Jtalitsd—Room*—Board ...... 47 Real Estate For Rea't taxes In tha off Spruce street. Good re­ to 8 feet Telephone 4698. GUM.rrSAGOODlMlNd JOB.'NOW GIT/ f ” tvartm*nta. Flat*. Tenement* «l IN L C tT IN ’ YOU LIV^, iZualncs* Location* for Rent .. 44 EIGHTH SCHOOL AND pairs and goodebuy! AT 3 ONCE SOT— . l-c. t iouae* Foi Kent ...... ' 44 UTILITIES DISTRICT uburban Foi Rent ...... 4* of Manchester are hereby notified- Price .16300. Machinery and Tools 52 umtaer Home* For R e n t...... 47 that on Qct. 1 I shall havs a rate CARMEN 1 - ^|raBt*

HE SURE did/AND YtoU ^ E D RYDER They’ee NM Licked Yet BY FRBD HARMAN It la sound sconomy to make NOT EXACn.Y -----BUT 1 DIO I n o u r TTVk r o p e r i o d c l a s s your own underwear. In these WHAT DID VA UNEARTH A RVMARKAdLE PM ENO M fiNO N / w e’ll DISC09 S the matter. CANT FIWO TUAT W 0 « 0 times particularly! This pattern F IN D o u r . FURTVIB*. AND I CAN IN A SBNTfNCE AND IlG-iCVISti VIE lJ U S T O N ’T RE-D Rd>ot The pattern number and sise to The inches accoaa^tbe design la tha Manchester Evening Herald^ 106 Mancheater Evening Herald, To- same but you reversq the colors ao Seventh Avenue, New^Yqrk ,C!it' day’a Pattern Service, 106 7th that you have a ^ r ! They’re Enclose 1 cent postage for-ez ~ Avenue, New York, N. Y. crocheted 5 fistoto. SEb itaa la t m paatap To PR -.rx-

OuT Task Is Not Done ’Til the Allies Have Won—Buy Bonds 1T *m m • F O O R T IE K ' iJIatuftrsur lEttmins Hmtllt ^URSDAt, SEPTEMBER M,

Sunday will be Rally Day at the structor of the Confirm ation' Average Daily Circulation Class; Norm a V. Johnson, «n - ' ■ The Weather South Methodist church school, Two Are Hurt Manchester Special Service For the Moath of Angost, 1648 and every member of the school is rollment secretary, Edith John­ Forecast of U. 8. Weather Bureau son, corresponding secre^fy; Eva About Town urged to be present _at th'e 9:30 a. Date Book W . Johnson, superintendent of the 7,530 m. aession.:... , In Auto Crash W iUBeH eld Cradle Roll Department; Louise X, Somewhat colder with frost in Tonight Johnson, treasurer: William N or- Member the Audit plarea of the Interior to- Mr. Md Mra. Ckorg* Bear of M r, and Mrs. William P. Kinne. Pappy Howard an<| His Gang en, assistant to the enrollment Bureau of Clrcnlatlona nlghL J $ 'W M m atrMt bave r«cMved of 221‘Adams street, have received at Hall of Heroes. - Center Park, seerctary; . 'Vivian Anderson and wora e t ttM birth of a new grande word from their son, William, who Ix»cal Residents in Hart­ St. Miohaprs Day to at 8. Xjarion Johnson, nursery depart- MancheUer— A City^of Village,Charm A w «b te r, Clhrolyn Ann Smith, is in the Army Air corps in Louis­ ford Hospitals as Re­ Friday, Koptember 85 . OhservefI at Emuniiel ni^t; Marion Modean and Lor- bom yortordoy oftemoon »t' the iana that he has been assigned to Norwich District Conference at raine'^Iiller, beginners’ depart­ im taa. Hose., hospital, to Rev. school to study as an ain>iane (Cloeeifled Adverttalug ou Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONH*. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1942 (SIXTEEN PAGES) sult of Areident. South Methmlist church. fhi Next Siiiiilav. ment ' Chambers, superin­ V O L .L X I„ NO. 304 c e n t s ■od ICn. Stephen H. Smith of mechanic. In civilian life he was PRICE THREE ! tendent ofxthe. Prim ary Depart­ Boot Brolntree, Mass. jMrs. Smith a mechanic for the Connecticut First Fall meeting of Senior James G. Haseett, of 214 Cen­ club of St. M ary's Girls’ clbb at ,A St. Michael's Day service will ment; Mrs. Titter Peterson, Ar- « M the former Mias Svei>'n Beer Company. 'V this town. ter street, Mario Fava, of ^ r i s h House, at 8. be conducted at .Emanuel Luther­ llne Benson, Lols.Gu8taf8on, Ruth an church, Church street., next Kjellson, primary^ department; Wells' and 'Spruce streets, are pa­ Retreat ceremony by Ambu­ Search for More Bodies In Wreck Where Six Died Sunday, according to an anhouhee- Florence Pearson, ' Jqhn taking. Mrs. Leslie. Vaughn of Owning lance Transportation Unit, Center tients at Hartford hospitals as .^le ment made today by>Kev. T. A. Nipponese Declare ^ Grace Benson, junior oepartment; ■trect who has beien con^d to Local Assessors Park, at 6:15. Gii.stafson, pastor. X Mrs. William Orr and ^Merbert her bed for the past we«k.da show­ result of an atcldent on; .Silver -Monthly meeting'of the Man­ St. Michael's Day, the- Rev. Gus­ Bengston, intermediate depart-, ing a little Improvement Lane road in En-sf Hartford Tues­ chester First Aid. Association at Cleaning Up \^ork tafson explained, is a festival in ment, and G. AH>ert • Pearwin, day morning. Both, are employed t*e Trade school. ' iltalhrdny, Septxmbw 86 the church w a r on which the place Bible Department Substitute Naval Forces Now The Women's Lea^nie of the as carpenters and were on their of children-fn the KInkdom of God . ■ X ■ ■« Field Day program. Troop 8: teachers on the staff include H ar­ 'Second ^ngregationm church has wyih but a week *o go, the as­ way to work o«i Construction receives/Special emphasis. It is a riet .Franzen, Mrs. Carl' Earn and' X, aet the date of Friday. October 23. Girl Scouts, at Highland Park, sessors are securing from the work being done on the plant of time for 1each congregation to take Mrs. Olof Erlandson. E ffo r t s A r F a ilu r e ; 2:30 p ni. • ' (6 for "Ye Old Trading Post.’’ the •steps tq redouble its efforts in building inspector the list of per­ the United Aircraft in Fa.st H art­ Sunday, .SeplenAer 87 Active in Atlantic novel features of which the mem­ Christianristia'n education, as well aa a ford'. The accident occurred at Joint outing of Red Men Tribes bers are at present working out. mits so far granted this month. time forieyery adult to realize that ALICE COFttAN 7:30 in the morning at the sharp from Manchester. Rockville and They have discovered that as yet neither God nor man can do, much (Rnown As Qoeen Alice) curve near the Silver Lane pickle East Hartford, at Villa Louisa. Assert Submarine Has The Townsend club will have a no permits have becsf written up factory. with a person whose heart and SPIRITUAL MEUIUM • .Monday, September 88 ' X , mind are no longer open , and eager May Reduce X tn M o r e brief meeting tomorrow evening for the 114 houses that are to be Seventh Danghter of a Seveath Soh A sand truck was being driven Banquet, Mothers' club at the. ^Called at German at eight o'clock sharp at the home erected by Alexander Jarvis.' Mr. as thnae of a little child. Bom With a VeU. towards Manchester. 'They were lA 6:30. o f . Tbonias Sheridan of North Jarvis was given .the necessary going west. The truck seemed ’ to •This service Is a part of the spe­ Readings Dally, Inclndln^ Sunday, Pick Up Naval Base and Again Tiienday, September 89 cial emphasis being 'given >to. Food Taking Nazis Report Xa|»lure Malh Street. A card party' will papers to sturt work In order to suddenly turn to the left and Mr. B A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appoint­ Vour Red Arh^r'Flanking AJ Joint meeting of all local Serv­ Christian' education during Par­ Set Sail for Strate­ follow with prires for the winners get underway before the new\nile Haa-sett, who was driving applie41 m ent In the Service of the Peo­ Phone High School ice clubs as a Ladies' Night. ish Education Month in the A ug- Of . Additional forti­ and refreahmenta. on lot aises was piit Into force by his brakes. The wheels locked and ple for SO Tears. tacks T1ii*qw'8 Nazis o| Wednesday, .September SO ustana Synod. Plans have been an­ gic Waters’ ; Parallel the .zoning commission. he was thrown from his car out too Church Street, Hartford, Cdna. Much Labor fied PoiiitK in ^ Banquet, Young Republican nounced for Rally Day in the Phone '6-0008 Defen.sivie ian Noi Several of thPBe-hoiises are well into the side of the cab of the To Operations o f Nazis X Pupils Get I(p Private Raymond J. Kriotoff, Club, at American Legion Home. Sunday school and reorganization DIAL along and should go into the list truck. The car went-.out of con­ ter Fighting in Stal­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul M- Ameriran Legion Home, 10 to of all classes. western Rim >i| St$ Xristofr of 1S3. School street who as partly completed by October 1. trol and Fava wosYalso thrown J i Products Having Little There are also .3.'* permits. for 4 30 p. m.—-Work on Red Cross To Install Officers ’ Tokyo (From Japanese, ingrad Streets; Beat . was Inducted in the Army service out. Both were biully'injured and Make yonr house clean­ War Part ingraft; Russians R< houses that have been granted to surgical, dressings. A standing in-. ■A special feature of the Sunday Broadcasts), Sept. ‘25.—''^dW ird R. Botnar .(JP) — Democratic Leader the armed forces. tegic operations in close coopera­ Fighters Again On the Don front above Stalin­ Escort Ships (Cootlnued oa Page Tw elv«) street will leave tomorrotk morn­ THE TEA ROOM tion sidth the Axis Navies. W ashjng^n. Sept. 25 — (45 — Barkley . (Kentuck.v) said to­ Announces the Re-Opening of the Would Be Preceiled by grad, the high command said, Ital­ ing to' enter' the United States NOTICE “ No Wines No Liquo’rs — Just Good Food” ' "Ohe Japanese subnsarlne Lieut. Gen. JoriaUiah • M. W ain- day that an effort to compro- ian troop fighting with the Ger­ Army. He will be guest of hon­ As Coupon Stamps Must Women’s Friday Evening Cla.ss ^ operating ki the Atlantic recently Hit Japanese wright and an estimated 6,000 mi-ie the fight over farm par- More Generalized and mans frustrated several Russian ^ '^•dding and Farewell or this evening at the Lithuanian Ix'gally. B e , 'Giiarantced 883 Main Street Opposite St. J a m e ^ Church called at a certain German Naval Destroyer Somali and other American dWemlcrs of i ity prices in the administra­ Drantic Moves If attempts to cross the river. Soviet Hall on. Oolway atreet at a party for Dellverico.., VOICE. DICTION AND THE ALLIED SPEECH ARTS base and again set sail for stra­ attack.s southeast of. Ijike Ilmen Bataan and Corregldor >^re re­ tion’s anti-inflation bill rap­ IVliiiesweeper Leda Are Flash es ! Parties For Soldiers in his honor. \ He la married and / ■ tegic waters. on the Kalinin front also were re­ Eighteen Weeks Beginning October 9,1942 At 7:30 R.-M. Supply Lines ported today to be war captives of Direct .Action Taken. (Late Balletins ot tiw (45 W lf*)] has one child. Betiveen Oct. 1st "Operations of the Japanese idly was gaining support in ported repulsed'. Sunk' on Homeward the Philippines. Owr Specialty. McLagan has been a member At The Manchester Y. 51. C, A. • Navy~ln the Atlantic with the Ger­ .x! "German and allied troopa in and Oct. 15th A partial list of about 200 pris--^ the Senate. Talking to re­ Washington, SepL 36— (45— Uae- rsMU a Sandwich To a McaiV of the Manchester Fire Depart­ DANCE man Navy, which are parallel to porters at the start of the fifth the central and northern aectora of Voyage from Ruktda. Registrations Cktee September 26 — Telephone .3160 Bombing Fonnationii oners, compiled from Information W ar Minister Ketilg’ns ment for a nurabeC of years'and a German Naval operation in the of debate. Barkley said that of a giant govemmeni purchasing th^ eastern-front succesafully con­ ONLY ESSENTI.AL AND furnished by some of the small London, Sept. 85— (45— 4 A. PAGANI & SONS d t recent years has been employed TOMORROW NIGHT Indian ocean; ore highly signifi- tinued their attacks." the high London. Sept. 2.5-(45— The Brit­ E.MERGEiNCy DEUVER- f Private Instruction Resumed At I f you’re the type whq Attack Enemy Shi{>* number of persons permitted to "ninny senators" who previously Organization to create ip effect a HourreK said today they had at ope of the w ar Industries In Friday, Sept. 25th 'cant os they represent joint had been backing ah amendment command added, but gave no de- TeL 5790 lEH WILL BE M.ADE 22 Cambridge Street 721 .Main Street leave Manila, also coritained tire single market far tprth products ish lost the destroyer Somali and reived reports of thn resignat this section. - The party will start can’t stand injeripr Japanese-Axls Naval operations ping. Shore Installa- taila concerning these operations. 'Manchester Hartford FRIDAY SPECIALS: names of four other American and by Senators Thomas (D., Okla.I. wias reported today to be one pos­ the minesweeper Leda in r convoy of (ien. Kanily Bartha, Hung at 7 o'clock sharp. DURING THAT PERIOD qualityx- Eat at The against the snti-Axis powers.". and Hatch (D. N. M.), to revise MASONIC, SWORDFISH tion$ on Three Islands. Filipino Arm y general officers. sible ifemilt ,if President Roosevelt homeward bound from Rus()ia war minister, and they lot On Lenox Kerosene. Fate In Doubt Sinre Surrender the basis of parity upward . had ted the developniVnt as a prot Tea Room. The meats LOBSTER SHRIMP after getting "the great majority" TEMPLE Range.and Fuel Oils. British Say Feat , General Wainwright, commander informed him they would vote for decides on direct action to stabi­ against German demands for I we serve are of the SCALLOPS CLA5IS Oenerar MacArthur's Head­ of the Philippine forces after Gen. a sub.stitute proppsal directing lize prices and wages. * Davis Orders of the laden merenantmen through trisips on the eastern front. 9 t o l same high quality BLUE POINT OYSTERS Not Difficult quarters, Australia. Sept. 35.— (45 Douglas MacArthur was ordered President Roosevelt to lift farm 'It probably would,be one of the to Soviet northern ports, the A d ­ Vtlmos NagJ, reported oa price, ceilings where they did nqt- PINEHURSt FISH \ m 6 m u m e n t DispUY aw W o r k s h o p a i b r o o k ly j n s * CHERRYSTONE CLAMS ' London, Sept. 35.—(45— British — Allied fighter planes continued to Australia, was taken with the miralty disclosed today in a com­ tha's suecessor, was said to be FRANKIE, VAI/S you’d serve at home. reflect to producers the increased later steps, informed persons said, N aval observers declared today fall of Corregidor on May 6. His Piihlicity Cut plete accxiunt of the sCa struggle professional soldier without Fillets of OYSTERS ...... pint 49c .\nd Other Fresh Sea Food their devastating attacks on Jap­ costs of labor and other Items. and would be preceded by more ORCHESTRA UbbeyOilCo. they could not confirm reports fate and that of more than 60,000 in the Arctic o<;ean.. . cal background and ther^or Haddock Solid pack. S A C O M P LE T E A N D f r a n k DISCUSSION anese communication lines in New from Tokyo that a Japanese sub- others last reported on Bataan Would Avold^Oiahge.Jn Method generalized’and leas drastic moves. Against the ' Allied losses, the probably iiioro amenable tb Sole Opened Chowder Formerly First:of all. If the program un­ Admission ...... 44c ...with Leonard M. Crouch, regarding a Guinea yesterday while .bombing The latter amendment would Direrts Elimination of Admiralty announced that 4p Ger­ (iennan demands. Some of t$ Flounder CLAMS ...... pint 39c formations blasted enemy ship­ (Coatinned on Page Twelve) avoid any change in the method derstood td have been outlined for man plqnes Were blasted from the sources said Bertha’s action , Tax Incladed.' The Valvoline Oil Co. r monument, will result..ln a cemetery memo­ lOmflaaed ou Pago SIX) Hatihut Fancy,' Fresh ping and shore' installations In of computing parity. ‘ President him were followed, the President Unnecessary Informa­ sky. two U-txiats were destroyed might b<< ronstrbed as reprenealj rial of proper deeign and stone. Mr. Crouch would allocate the, nation's sup­ SWORDFISH RED SALM ON N ew Britain, Timor oiid the Solo­ Roosevelt has saicT that he was tion from Agencies. and four others damaged seriously ing waning confidence oh Tejephoiie 3492 carves the inscription hhhself, supervisee mon islands. General MacArthur's "unalterably opposed" to chang­ plies of whatever com nodlties during the inw'ard and outward \1clory. I- Haddock Piece or slice. details of erection. Military Rules headquarters announced today. Seek Identity ing this standard. were to be brought under control, passages of the convoy by .anti­ T Hutii containing . stores and "M any senators who have been with a reque.st to the primary Washington. Sept. 2.5—(45— E l­ aircraft fire arid carrier-borne Tanker Beals Off Sub T equipment were; left in flames, a committed to vote for the Thomaa markets to, buy within certain mer Davis, director of war tnfor- N aval planes. Halifax, N. H.. Sept. 85— <4 PihehursL Meat Deparfmeht French Tsland communique said, by a strong O f 12 Bodies amendment have indicated to me price Umita and to sell within a maitiqp, today ordered government Turns To'.Fight 'l#<>nirward North .\tluntir gun buttle In whic| force of Allied fighters which that the compromise proposal ia specified markup to the aecondary agencies to eliminate "unneces­ "The task of the escorting ships For Friday and Saturday We Offer:, i a tanker armed with a deck Have a Gpod Time—s-Enjoy^ Cood Food! strafed the airdrome^ at Kokoda, more workable and more aatis- marketa. The wholesalers and re­ sary information." was by no means complete” when lieut off a siirfured submarine af Pot Roa.sts ROAST PORK advance base for the Japanese factory:” Barkley said, adding; tailers 'would be under pri^e regu-- In the first of a aeries of orders the goods had been delivered to ter being torpedoed ' was dlsclo British Act in Madagas- At 20 Persons cutting down government publi­ column attempting to push across "It docs not have the vice of re­ lattons already in effect. Riissia, the Admiralty related, an d' todu.i when the Imdy.qf the on.^ Rib Roa.sfs Native Turkeys s h e cations and mailihg lists. Davis Rejrmander'a Restaurant i$ southeaateiin New Britain toward writing'the parity foniiufa." W'oiild Carry Much Weight the commodore of the convoy | caMiulty,'"a luemlier of the tank Steaks Roasters Fowl Ducks cfir to ^Insure Law Now Believed , Killed made mandatory for the dur.ation Port Moresby. ' However. Thomaa told reporters • The actual- force of this initial "turned his force to tight' the j er's crew, was brought here (o| “ For Those Who Want the Best” the recent elimination of 239 items Daisy Hams Broilers and Fryers And Order’ for Area. Another formation bombed a In Railroad Wreck. he thought the cnpipromise wa-i order—rChich might spe,clfy areas homeward bound convoy from huriiil. The tanker, badly dan .35-37 Oak Street Telephone 3922 and the curtadment of 284. He j bridge near^Walropi, over which "a meaninglcM juihlde of words'* of di.stributlon for sopne products Russia back through 'areas In i aged and down hy the stern Iron It would be well to resen'e Turkeys, Ducks, Roast Pork, and would insist on a^vote flrst on so as to equalize purchasing op­ also set'up machinery for further DINE AND DANCE TONIGHT! London, Sept. 25— (45— British Dickerson, Me.. Sept. 25 (4>)— a torpedo hit on her port sid (Continued on Page Two) the amendment he and Hatch of- portunities—might be. no more reductions. and cook^ Hams. Most other Items will he in plentiful Time To Plant forces have placed Uadsrgascaf Railroad officials and state police (Continued on Page Two) stood otf the I'-lmut for. sevCrs ' Delicious Baked Virginia Ham fered. , ^ than .that of a request, but as a Within the next few days. DaCis supply. today^sought to identify 12 bodies hours and then m an u g^ to. re Half Broilers Veal Scallopine' Roast Bee^ under ratlltary'rule to "Insure law There were reports that.,' in- presidential request In. wartime it said, he will appoint members of removed from the charrwl and port. (The identity of the tanke lo and-order and provide for admin­ order to avoib a prior vote on th'e an Inter-Agency Publications FOR FRIDAY ^DINNER WE Sl’GGEST FRESH FISH Steaks Oysters Clams On the Half Shell twisted wreckage of three tyains would car"ry considerable weight! anil of the port she reached wer istration pending establishment of Thomas-Hatch proposal, the ad- A simUhr metHod was used in fix- committee to give the "appropri­ OR... ' " And Other Good Things To Eat a friendly regime,'V;, the Foreign Fugitive Held whose collision was believed to ate officers of the departments, CatuHliaii Red not. disclo'cil. The seaman's VINTAGE WINES — LIQUORS AND BEERS, ave cost the lives of at least 20 was hniught in hy another Hhip,)| Freshly Chopped Soup Bones Office news department declared (Osntlnued oa Fogs Mx) (Coattamed oa Page Twelve) and agencies-an opportunity to today. - ersoDS. appear before it to help arrive at Ground Beef ..... v.:...... Ih. .36c Pork Chops As Kidnaper t Leader Held Demand Wiige Increa.^ Gain A Y eai^ Growth The .sovereignty of France, how­ Wreck crews worked through­ final -judgments on additional in­ Old Fashioned Sliced Veal Chops ever, remains unaffected and 'the out the night to pull apart the last formational materials, whiCh -may Chicago,. Sept. ■ 8.'v Meat Loaf ,1b. .39c French flag* will continue to fly pieces of the Pullman car In which be discontinued or curtailed. road muliugeiiient and over the island, the department Giptured by FBI qu. most of the victims: died, when fir4 Forces in India Are Doing Many Aetlvltle* Still Necessary Buck ami 12 . .Others sources which dis-lined to Ite qua Fresh. Genuine, .Selected B^id. followed the crash of two pas.sen- "Manyxinforuiational activities : teil reported toilaj that 1.5 broth HApe to Gain Cocqieratloa. Street in 'West Vir­ ger trains and a fast freight. Rail­ conducted iiv peice-tinie are, ndne- Surrender; Party De­ erlioods ot non-operating employe CALVES' LIVER i lb. 39c ,, It added that the British hope ginia Town Today. road officials said they still had the-less still nCc.essary to the func­ hud notified the carriers of ' to gain t(ie administrative coop­ not accounted for eight persons. Christmas Worrying Early tioning of a war economy; and you clared Illegal in 1910. iminds for a 'iO-cent an hour w agl Sliced liacnn ' - Bacon Squares EVERGREENS eration of representatives of the Engineer Held Rmponslble may be sure that any recommen­ increase, with a riiinimuro of 7f Williamson. W. Vo,. 8«pt. 35— dation made by this committee for Toronto, Sept. 25 - .4*i - Tim Small Sausage Canadian Bacon . Vichy regime. "A man who had been identified New Delhi, India. Sept. $5 (45 •girl friends If they: get the jade rents an hour, and a closed shop Greater Emphasis Is Being Placed on Small numbera of French and '(45—A fugitive who liidnaped the previously by Baltimore and Ohio curtailment of seri’ices W i l l be: Buck, general secretary ol the Tlio sources said ruHroad oper wife of a prison official in. making — Exactly three months before bracelets we sent wi(,ti Treasury made with this factor in mind," ! 50 Varieties native troopa, pertiaps as many os railroad officials as the engineer ChrLstmas. to be sure their Christ­ due bills for $1.5 each atlached." Canadian Comnninist party, and tors emplo.ving nienibers of So far A" possible, all week-end specials are the aaihe, ‘ • A , his escape with a companion ten Davis said. ! 12 others who had been sought 3,000 men, who still are under or- of one of the passenger trains mas worrying is neither too little In another vein, the pajier con­ hnithethiMHls were being serve^ Conserration of Tkres Than Ever. days ago from the Federal re­ Today's regulation ha.s four with him since the party was de­ Friday And Saturday. Buy sugar Friday, if convenient, ders from the Vichy governor- meanwhile was charged with nor'too late, the Yanks in this tains greetings to the 'teoops from with notiees of tho demands > formatory at CaUIUcothe, O., was parts: clared illegal in Canada ‘ surren­ (and please have the stamp biMik ready for the driver.) general, Armond Annet, have manslaughter. part of the world aimed a broad­ LieuL Gen. Joseph W_. Stilwell, their exesiitlvo offices throughoi^ FOR THIS WORK X , captured this morning by F B I The first makes binding, for the dered tod.ay to Royal . Canadian withdrawn (o the southern port of -Magistrate William D. Clark of side at Washington today with the chief of staff of Allied forces in the nation today. The non-opecal^ Please buy as many staples Friday as you can. $2.00 Shade, Fruit and Ornamental Trees agents on a Williamson street. duration, all discontinuance and .Mounted. Police. IS AVAIL^LE! Whed Aligiunent On Your Car the Island but the British were Montgomery county asserted that charge: "Treasury Department ■ (China, who wrote: Ing brotherhoods, unions of orders delivered Monday through Friday. . . $3.00 orders hopeful they would aubmlt with­ The F B I identified the fugitive Maryland State Police Sergeant curtailment of publications and The Communist party and sev­ sonnel such as clerks, telegrap Murders Santa Claus." "1 know, what you all want— other informational mat'erials Saturday. Let 'P$ Go Over Tour Work out further fighting, a mllitoiy as . Jack H. Triplett. Jr., 20, of John J. Cassidy had..sworn out a some action - and I'm doing my- eral other organizations in the ers and signalmen, represent naor Those words were splashed in made by agencies between July 1, oommentator said. Conma, Letcher county, Ky. He warrant charging that- Raymond best to make It come out that dominion were declared illegal ,tha.n.900,000 workers. Scott Towels, 3 for 29c; $1.15 dmeti. now Wi. K«oit And Sec How Much Stock WiU Flowering Shrubs— Hedging big type across five columns In the 1941 and'Sept. 2.5, 1942. It A Very Impcrtant Part Flate of Defenderm Not Told has been placed In the Logan jail. Rufus McClelland, of Baltimore, way." hfay l'5. 1940. and Buck since had • 6 • Tismie, 99c dozen, second issue of tbe C BI Roundup, The second provides for the In­ Be ReqniMd. Reports reaching London did hot Abducted Wife Of Clerk "did feloniously kill" J. M. Gilhart. Uniforms Made hi India been liable tq arrest under a w ar­ Croatian Leaders .Vrrested FREE LAN D SC APIN G AD VICE — Free expert advice soldier newspaper of American ter-Agency Publications commit­ faidlcote whether the laland's .de­ Triplett and William 0>te. 17, of flrst victim to be identified. The CBI Roundup announced rant held by the Mounties. If they arc not right tires will wear very fast. troops In the (China-Burms-India tee to recommend by Nov. 1 fu r­ lamdon,’ Sept. 85 — (45 — will be given on what, when and how to plant. Juat fenders who yielded at the capital WiUlmantlc, Omm., alxlueted the Clark said he would hold a hear­ .that American uniforms now are His whereabouts had been un­ Now, mmw tkan ever before, area. ther curtailments or modification.s. Vladimir .Mueek and five oti bring a sketch of your grounds ahowing existing treea. and eleewhere were simply dis- wife of Chief Clerk R. W . Mirier ing on the technical charge of being manufactured in India to known to the authorities since the PINEHURST VEGETABLES The main story reported that a The third abolishes all general leaders of tho Croatian home owners arc urged to in* Let i$s check them on onr special machine and srmM~iDid dsmobilised or treated and fled tbe prison In her car Sept. manslaughter on Oct. 16. and that save vital shipping space. beginning of the war. SWEET POTATOES Celery plants and buildings. We do landscape work. recent radio message, from the mailing lists built up of requests Hiding Ptace Kepf Secret imrty have been arrested at Z oa capUvea. 16. Oote was captured shortly meantime McClelland had been The idea was conceived by MaJ. $ pounds t.Sc 6c pound sutate their lionses aa mneh as War Department says the troops for “all relesses and-or publica­ Buck said he . had staye'd with­ grob upon their refusal to enlT Spinach Repatriation was offered VlcHy after Mrs. Meier grabbed the held under $3,000 bond. ■Gen. R. A. Wheeler of Washing­ make any necessary repairs. D IR E C n O N J ^ F o r people living West of the Connecti­ may send (Christmas packages tions." Departments and agencies in Canada since h’e Went into hid­ rate with the .Vxls, Vugoslmv Becker’s Tomatoes p o ^ b le to help eonaerve heat forces whiclT' yielded In Syria, It steering wheel and turned tbe auto IVsstbonnd Track Opened ton, D. C„ head of the Service of erniiient sourres in laindon M cut River, drive out Burnside Avenue, which is *4 mile The westbound track along Ihla home if they w.ish— but there will wall be permitted to establish new ing, but he would not tell where he Cucumbers which means aavinc fad . was recalled, but there was noth­ into a curb at Ashland, Ky„ forc­ Supply, and executed by two tex­ ed today. .Ymong those r e ^ r BEETS OR CARROTS, t bchs. ISc North of Church Comers, East Hartford. At Manches­ main line of the B. O. was open­ be no exemption from customs lists based on roquesta for specifl. had been. ing to show Whether a similar pot- ing tbe pair to flee on foot. tk tile experts in the Arm y— Lieut. arrested were Party \ Ice P r^ 4 F A N C Y EGG P L A N T ..10c to 19c. Green Beans MOTOR TUNE UP WORK TALVES GROUND ed at 8:30 a. m., and workmen still duties. pqhlicstions only. He and the others appeared In ter Green continue East for of a mile to Lake Street icy hod been adopted in Madagso- Oote Is being held at Ashland W. Ai Thomason of Charlotte. N. K'oshutle. a former govern Cauliflower were cutting away with acetylehe Huvering Like Evil Oenle The fourth prohibits tbe sending a body at the law office of J. L. GREEN PEPPERS ...... ,2 for 5c W R H A V E and follow our signs to the farm. car. and Federal charges of kidnaping C„ knd Sergt. 1^’illiam J. Gilmore minister named Smolyan BRAKES RBLINED torches at t)ie log-jam of 'wreck­ An editorial page cartoon shows of news releases by telegraph Cohen who went with them to the Country Kist Peas... .8 earns $1,00 Green Giant Peas The military oommentator, vriio have been Died against both. of Central Falls, R. I. former member of Pa iHpCK WOOL IN BATTS, ROLLS AND BULK age on the east track. The Pull­ a U. 8. Customs man hovering , An all-American hospital for without the authority of OWl. Mounted Police headquarters. 5 cans 90c must remain anonymous, empha­ named Pernar. Information man car,' a Diesel locomotive, liks an evil genie over a ship American forces ifbw is operating O W I for some time has been Some members of trie group HaRwood Touiatoes...... oe of 24 e8n8,.$3.25 sized that the Britlzh reached Ts- ■'Trcasnnr Balanct tag London indicated that thn freight cars and steel pipe carried ploughing through tbe ocean jrith in N ew Delhi, the newspaper re­ making a study of the flow of gov­ were identified as Stewart Smith, Wark Do m Bgr First ChsB Nsehaaies. nanarive swiftly considering the rests resulted when Macek refu by'the freight were wedged to­ (Christmas gifts while a soldier ported. ernmental releases. During this a former “pronto alderman; Sam road dbstructloa and the desire of Waslilngtoo, Sept. 35.—(45— to accede to lequesta bjr gether In the deep out where the glowers on this side of the water. The tnatltuUon is under Hie di­ time any agencies could Voluntar­ Carr, ChimriUlnist party organiza­ the forces to avoid killing French­ Tbs )iosltk>n at ths Trsosury Sspt. Pavelle, chief at states mmi WILSON’S Nurseries crash occurred. ^ A poem pleads: "N o .duty on our rection of Maj. Allan- McLellon, a ily abolish publicatiana not direct­ tional secretary; James Litterick man. Thsre' w as no word liere 33: The bodies removed' from the booty.” formelr country doctor froia Cas­ ly connected with the war. Overall of Winniheg, former member of Geo. Alexander Loehr, P.i nchu T jt G/vcen/.^nc. whether the roed demolitions v-ere G . £ . W ilU s and S o n , Inc. Manchester Motor Sales Lake Street Manchester, Conn, RsceipU. $108,741,177.86; ex­ wreckage were so badly burned And sn article headed “Please. par. Wyo., w'hio is preparing to curtailment ;by some non-war the^ Manitoba Legislature. an3 new commander la the Bi ■ ' 302 MAIN STREET eontinued by Mte French south of penditures. $228,606,278.47; net take a |iqat la Favette’s gs Coal, Lnmber, M aaoi^ Supplies, Paint Robert Schaller, Prop. Mr. Morgenthau" says; accommodate upwards of 100 pa- agencies ran as high oq 40 per ' BL OCK FROM ST A ,7 ARMORY OPFN DAVT.ir-HT UNTIL DARK ihotanca. $3,716.665,$10.78, am F oas T«v*4 "It will look sort of ssUg Is sur Uenta. leesK, Davis said. (Caottoasil aa Fags Twaiva), ■neat. 2 Main Street TeL 5i25 Alanchester >12 WEST CENTER STREET TEL. 41.34