iianrlrpstpr Eapnittg Uprald W b LfNESDAT, SJE'Pl'EMBEJl 18, 1841 Spend and Lend Your Savings in War Bonds! Pih«huret^MQ^ .z. Dtpartmint Male’ s Self Serve Average Dally Circulation For tk« Montti Of Angnto, 1942 ThiVWeather ForeoM t ^ D; a. Weataier THURSDAY SPECIALS Our Annual. September 7,530 Cttnoine Cub« Sttaks Mcfiiber of the Audit Mahtly eooler tonight. Campbelt’s ' ' Native HEALTH MARKET B n w u of OIrcalatloBa Veal Catleta or Chops m-oz r.o Manchester— City of Villofte Charm Tomato Juice 23c HI-HAT s p e c ia l s r Freshly Chopped Hamburg ncle Sara’s We offer a limited amoonfc Chop Suey ib. 19c VOL. LXL, NO. 808 (OaMtSed ■g OB P ag. 12f MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) fRICE THREE CENTS of 4 to 5>poand Pork Botts. Macaroni s <w. Pkg. 5c ■iaiilar to a pork shoulder Potato Salad , lb. 19c hot with lees waste - - and CarnatioB Chicken Pies ea. 25c Rib or Loin Pork Roast. A Mr. P. B. Clark, has just returned from New York with a Willkie Lands in Chilly Moscow id aopply of center Pork Milk 3 cans 29c Delicious food— ready prepared. Save > ■' ■ . - time— save wear. Collision Between Sops. brand new collectiot^of all the wanted furs. Priced espe­ Reds Te^ Positions irebler Fresh Northern Oysters Are In .Again! Singer Snaps, 2 lbs. 29c Clams Include Chowders, Steamers and cially for this event. Buy now and save for the duration. Solons, President M cIn t o s h ' Cherrystones. Many furs we will he unable to get later on. Our advice is Froi^^rip of Nazis; APPLES Fresh Tomatoes, 4 lbs. 19c , See Our Display Of ^^Bbes** are a srood buy buy now. ^ Feared by Brown rirntj low with first cla&s ■'r('*>h FRESH SEA FOOD drops aiv7^ a basket — 6 Fish for Frying, Broiling, Baking or Boil­ lbs. for 25c; end Fancy 3reen Peppersm-qt B*kt. 79c ing Should ^ On Yoiir Meal Planning List. S™.tor Say. Dl.pute l o u i s - C o n n Grade Hand-Picked McIn­ tosh, 99e and $ l ^ a bas­ May Have to Be Re- , ^r»ww solved by Supreme Rt I/I ket, 4 lbs. 25c. \ **Unmatchable Value** Stalingrad Defendc * CouH;. Speaks After ^ (.rpFn Stamps Given TIk COftH “ c ^ : r . A S Willkie Will Recapture Settlfenu CAUUFLOWKR Compfomise on Par- mJ G m VO u GCI t ie to t7c <«ck. With Cash Sales • MANCHISTI^ Co MM* Jh Battle for Stalin- NorthMest of City? W s expect to have Fellow Hollander Blend ity Prices Rejected. ------ Tell Feeling Oecs, Becker’s Native Spinach, > grafl; Luftwaffe Heav­ Slay More Than 7,2( m * Ftaey Carrots aad Beets Stimson^ ^Shocked* Over flNss Becker which are a food Bulletin! ily Boinhs Supply j Reds Show Invaders in Dramatit has at S haaelws for ISe. Advertise In The Herald->*-lt Pars Mink or Sable Washington, Sept.' 24.— j Arrangements for Title Lines -jraml Railways ------ Resurgenee of Boll (A*)— Senator Brown (D., ' Boutt Starts Person­ East and ^ esl of Yo Give Story of Groic- Defensive and Offei Mich.), asserted today that al Investigation Today. President Roosevelt has am­ Lower Volg^ River. ing Disappointment si'A'e Power; Boats Hell ple powers to act on his own! Over Failure to'Estab-- initiative to ' reduce farm Washington, Sept. 24— —Sec- Berlin (From German Moscow, Sept. 24.' Northern Back retarj’ of War Stimson said today prices. Broadca.st.s), Sept. 24.—</P) lish Second Front. Red Army men of Stalins he was'“shocked" over srrange- — The German high com­ have torn a group of fortifle ments for the Joe Louis-Billy Conn Washington, Sept. 24.— mand said today that “ dur­ Moscow, Sept. 24—i/Pi—Wendell positions, from the Ger SLIP C O V E R S WE championship prize flght and had (JP)— Senator Brown (D., ing the course of strong So­ Im W4llkle said today he would start^ a personal investigation. grip, '-recaptured a sett Mich.), told the Senate to­ ‘I didn't know of the details un­ viet counter-attacks from take back to Washington from ment northwest of the cit day he feared (Congress and til this morning,*’ Stimson told hlS Overcoats were strictly In order when Wendell Willkie. pewrtmal representative of Preudent the northern direction 34 So­ Soviet Russia a story of grriwing and slain more than 7,200 press conference. “I’ve been shock­ Roosevelt, landed In Moscoiy. from the U. S. Arm y'A ir Transport ("ptrimand plane, shown in the nack- N ABLE fb OBTAIN the president were heading ground. Among those at the airport to meet him -<vere F. F ^Ip^(»chkov, tin light coati protocol dir viet tanks were destroyed” disappointment and dissatisfac­ vadet^ in a dramatic resv ed at the situation. in the Battle for Stalingrad. tion over the failure of the United for a “collision” that, “ Gkxl "I am making a personal inves­ rector, and Konstantin Oiim.'’.n.-:ky, (extreme right! former So t ambassador to the United States. gence of both defensive forbid,” might have to be I This was partial confirmation by States and Britain to establish a offensive power, the Russiana tigation which I hope to complete the Germans of Rusaian reports second front. settl^ by the third branch within 48 hours.” today. Communiques of the that Re<l Army defenders' of the "I feel it and you mlist," said Implied that there was not a of goVemmeht, the Supreme D w liim to Slate Details Volga city, in a resurgence of of­ Willkie. The war secretarj-'s announce­ gle new breach in Russisn Court.. Taking the floor immedi­ Soil Admits fensive power, have assaulted the He preiiented Joseph Stalin a within the streets of the sn ately after 13 Senate Agriculture ment was prompted by a question Bard Warns Nation large, thick an<t. square envelope whether he would comment on the Nazis from the north where the tied Volga river city. The committee membera had voted to besiegers' supply • and communica­ containing a personal message mans were reported again "bu reject an admihistration-spdneor- proposed Oct. 12 fight at the from President Roosevelt at a Yankeit stadium in New York be­ Axe^laying tion lines might be severed. The riedly bringing up reinfor ed compromlee in the controversy Is communique devoted ' only three conference with the Soviet prem­ ments'' by plane to flU over farm parity price provisions tween Sergeant Louis, the heavy­ ow Losing W ar ier in the Kremlin last night. weight champion.' and Corporal brief, non-committal sentences to ranks.- o t the anti-inflation bill, BroN^nt the Stalingrad battle.) Getting Cooler Treatment Help Red ArtillerTraMU told bis colleagues: Conn. He declined to state what O f Parents To foreigners who have been 'ietails "shocked" him. “Street fighting in ■ Stalingrad The Red Navy's Volga Fears Dlsonlty and Discord Americans Should YoilV PerSOllS is continuing with undiminisbed working here since the Washing- gunboats (lelped Red Army “ I believe the Congress and the When original sanction for the t6n- London - Moscow agreements fight was given on .Sept. 8. the ..ome to (srips with bitterness,” the communique said. ler>’men, machine-gunners president are headed for a colli­ St. Louis Electrician Re­ “The Luftwaffe again heavily on the war were announced Jufie riflemen mow down the invi And **Tax Included'* sion, . I am fearful at this War Department announcement 11 it has been no secret that Indi- said that the entire net proceeds lates. Details of BrntaT Reality of Danger; bombed the supply lines of the So­ by the thousands. time when unity la the need in the Die ill Wreck viets and the railway lines east Official reports of midnight conduct of the government today Crime, Result of Quar­ Reviews Weaknesses. and west of the lower 'Volga.” (Continued on Page Two) mid-day listed 115 ' addiUo that we are going to have criti­ (ConHimed oo Page Two) Soft, vcivetrlikd skins, fashioned in the accepted models. ^ ! s in an Deeper inroads in the mountain­ tanks and more-than 48 field , cism, disunity and discord be­ rel Over Finances. In Maryland ous northwest Caucasus and along as wrecked or captured In tween the legislative and the ex- New York. Sept. 24,-^/P) exceptional value. Shop early! Only a limited number. — Ralph A. ’•Sard, assistant the valley of the Tetck river also actions of the bitter, montheoh ecutiv. branches of the govern­ St. Louis, Sept, 24.—( ^ —After were reported by the communique. U-Boat Yards battle. ment. Civilian Meat hours of questioning, Robert Nash, secretary of the Navy, said Two Passenger Trains It said the Air Force bombed the Rnssisna were declared do “ God forbid that this should Russian Black sea Naval port of ly holding their positions in 27-year-old St. Louis'electridsn, today , the nation should come happen," he continued, -“But- It is to grips with the reality of And Freight Crash To­ Tuapse, goal of a column moving At Flensi>ur«j caded streets and smoking entirely possible that, this dispute Supply to Be today confessed, said Police Cspt. its danger by understanding south from Novorossisk, setting a imder shot shells and bombs may have to be resolved in the Leonard Murphy, to the axe stay­ day; Toll May Possi­ big freighter afire there. the fact that Stalingrad, never thiid branch of our government.'' that “ we are losing the war” ing of hla father and mother, dur­ bly Reach 23 Total. The Russians were aaid still to Raid Targets fortress, city, still hdd out In Brown alluded to the demand of Curbed Soon instead o f “ whistling in a be attacking northwest of Voron­ 31st day of Its siege was ^ ing a quarrel over his finaheial the congressional farm bloc that graveyard to keep from fac­ ezh.
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