KRISHNA THE MANAGEMENT GURU NARAYANA 18th AMA Week Inspirations from Lord Krishna 05.09.2010 Day of Transcendence Mamata –AMA Centre for Indian Wisdom for Management i SPONSORSHIP COURTESY Excel Crop Care Limited La Opala-RG Limited Mumbai Kolkata Krishna — The Management Guru Narayana (
[email protected]) March 2011 Published by Ahmedabad Management Association Core-AMA Management House • Torrent-AMA Management Centre ATIRA Campus, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Marg Ahmedabad 380 015, INDIA Phone: +91 79 2630 8601 • Fax: +91 79 2630 8606 Email:
[email protected] • Website: Printed by N.K. Printers, Rakhial, Ahmedabad 380 023 ii Dedicated with reverence to Guruji Shri Vidya Prakasha Ananda Giri Swamiji whose Gita Makarnadam opened flood gates of consciousness iii Gratitude and admiration to the visionary and the missionary of Management Week Programmes of Ahmedabad Management Association Shri Mukeshbhai Patel and Shri. K.K. Nair because of whose programme on “Inspirations from Lord Krishna” this book has come into its soulful existence iv From the President, AMA It gives immense pleasure in bringing out the book "Krishna - The Management Guru”, authored by none other than erudite Shri G. Narayana, whom we all endearingly address as Guruji. Till recently the Bhagavad Gita was regarded as a symbol of Indian spiritualism. Now, however, it is being realized that Lord Krishna's expositions enshrined in the 18 chapters of the Gita offer a holistic approach to resolve any type of conflict or conflicting interests that managers encounter every day. Simple and yet evocative, Guruji has brought home the fact that the Gita, though written thousands of years ago, is an outline of management principles to achieve mental equilibrium and to overcome any crisis situation.