Rock Valley College Board of Trustees Community College District No. 511 February 22, 2011 Regular Meeting at 5:15 p.m. WTC 117/119/121

Regular Meeting Agenda

A. Call to Order B. Roll Call C. Adjourn to Closed Session to discuss pending litigation, hiring and retention of specific employees, collective bargaining matters, and Closed Session contractual matters. Following Closed Session, the Board may take action regarding employee hiring and retention. D. Reconvene Open Session E. Possible Action Items as a Result of Closed Session F. Minutes: January 11, 2011; January 25, 2011 G. Communications and Petitions 1. Notice to Bargain from Fraternal Order of Police H. Recognition of Visitors 1. Dr. Julie Hernandez – Faculty of the Year Winner 2. Newly Tenured Faculty I. General Presentations 1. Adjunct Faculty Institute – Susan Busenbark and Faculty J. Reports 1. Vital Signs a. Payroll, Healthcare Costs, Cash, JCSM (Jacobs Center for Science & Math) b. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Report c. Data Brief: 10th Day Census Report and Student Profile Report 2. President’s Report a. BR #6761 – Claims Sheet #664 (Check Register) (Checks over $10,000) b. BR #6762 – Purchase Report #642 c. BR #6763 – Personnel Report #632 d. BR #6764 – Acceptance of Notice to Bargain from Fraternal Order of Police e. BR #6765 – Memo of Understanding With RVC Faculty Association f. BR #6766 – Approve Probationary Period Extension for Non-Tenured Faculty Member 3. Attorney’s Report 4. ICCTA Report 5. Student Trustee Report 6. Board Committee Reports K. Unfinished Business L. New Business M. Trustee Comments N. President’s Comments 1. Accolades 2. Announcements from President’s Leadership Team


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O. Adjourn to Closed Session to discuss pending litigation, hiring and retention of specific employees, collective bargaining matters, and Closed Session contractual matters. Following Closed Session, the Board may take action regarding employee hiring and retention. P. Reconvene Open Session Q. Possible Action Items as a Result of Closed Session R. Date of Next Meeting: March 8, 2011: Committee Meeting, 5:15 p.m. WTC 141/142; March 22, 2011: Study Session at 5:15 p.m. in WTC 141/142; Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., WTC 117/119/121 S. Adjourn

Katherine M. Kelley, Board Chair

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Committee as a Whole Meeting

The Committee as a Whole meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 511, Winnebago, Boone, DeKalb, McHenry, Ogle, and Stephenson Counties, , convened in room 141 of the Woodward Technology Center (WTC) on the main campus on Tuesday, January 11, 2011 at 5:20 p.m. Chairperson Katherine Kelley called the meeting to order.

Roll Call

The following members of the Board were present:

Mr. Mike Olson Ms. Katherine Kelley Mr. Randy Schaefer Mr. Ted Biondo Ms. Marrisa Mora, student trustee

The following members of the Board were absent: Mr. Ken Nelson, Dr. Stephanie Raach, Rev. K. Edward Copeland.

Also in attendance: Dr. Jack Becherer, President; Dr. Diane Nyhammer, Provost/Chief Academic Officer; Ms. Amy Diaz, Associate Vice President of Student Development; Ms. Ann Kerwitz, Assistant to the President; Mr. Mike Mastroianni, Associate Vice President of Outreach and Planning; Mr. Sam Overton, Jr., Vice President of Administrative Services; Mr. Greg Wear, Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs; Ms. Susan Busenbark, Dean of Academic Development and Instructional Support; Ms. Jessica Jones, Managing Director of Human Resources; Ms. Pamela Owens, Executive Director of the Foundation and College Advancement.

Dr. Jack Becherer announced that Representative Don Manzullo and Senator Mark Kirk will hold a town hall meeting at the Stenstrom Center on January 22 from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.

Dr. Becherer also indicated that he has asked Chair Kelley to appoint a trustee to the Human Resources Committee to temporarily replace Mr. Ken Nelson, who is taking a leave of absence. Following discussion, Trustee Ted Biondo volunteered to serve on the Board HR Committee during the time that Mr. Nelson is unable to attend.

Dr. Becherer distributed the January healthcare costs spreadsheet for review.

Adjourn to Closed Session

At 5:20 p.m., on a motion by Mr. Randy Schaefer, seconded by Mr. Mike Olson, and unanimous roll call vote, the meeting was adjourned to closed session for the purpose of discussing 1) collective bargaining matters and salary deliberations pursuant to Section 2 (c) (2) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act and 2) appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees or legal counsel pursuant to Section 2 (c) (1) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act.

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Reconvene Open Session

At 8:12 p.m., on a motion by Mr. Mike Olson, seconded by Mr. Randy Schaefer, and unanimous roll call vote, the meeting was reconvened to open session.

Possible Action Items as a Result of Closed Session

No action was taken during closed session.

Next Meeting

The next regular meeting will be held January 25, 2011 with a study session at 5:15 p.m. in Woodward Technology Center (WTC) 141/142 on the main campus. The regular meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. in WTC 117/119/121.


There being no further business to come before the Board, at 8:12 p.m. a motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Randy Schaefer, seconded by Mr. Mike Olson. The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote.

Submitted by Ann Kerwitz

Mr. Michael D. Olson, Secretary Ms. Katherine M. Kelley, Chair

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Study Session

The Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 511, Winnebago, Boone, DeKalb, McHenry, Ogle, and Stephenson Counties, Illinois, convened in the Woodward Technology Center (WTC) room 141/142 on the main campus on Tuesday, January 25, 2011 at 5:20 p.m. Chairperson Katherine Kelley called the meeting to order.

Roll Call

The following members of the Board were present:

Mr. Mike Olson Ms. Katherine Kelley Mr. Randy Schaefer Mr. Ted Biondo Dr. Stephanie Raach Ms. Marrisa Mora, student trustee

The following Board members were absent: Mr. Ken Nelson, Rev. K. Edward Copeland.

Also in attendance: Dr. Jack Becherer, President; Dr. Diane Nyhammer, Provost/Chief Academic Officer; Ms. Amy Diaz, Associate Vice President of Student Development; Ms. Ann Kerwitz, Assistant to the President; Mr. Mike Mastroianni, Associate Vice President of Outreach and Planning; Mr. Greg Wear, Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs; Mr. Sam Overton Jr., Vice President Administrative Services; Ms. Susan Busenbark, Dean of Academic Development and Instructional Support; Ms. Jessica Jones, Managing Director of Human Resources; Ms. Pamela Owens, Executive Director of the Foundation and College Advancement.

Trustees and members of the Leadership Team introduced themselves to Ms. Mary Tuite, trustee candidate, who also attended the meeting.

Dr. Jack Becherer explained that the study session would be devoted to an open forum for trustees to discuss their topics of choice.

Board Human Resources Committee Dr. Stephanie Raach offered to join the Board Human Resources Committee as a temporary substitute for Mr. Ken Nelson. Since Trustee Biondo had already volunteered for that position at a prior meeting, Trustee Raach agreed to act as a substitute for Mr. Biondo in the event he’s unable to attend an HR Committee meeting. In addition, Trustee Mike Olson agreed to substitute for Rev. K. Edward Copeland in the event he is unable to attend an HR Committee meeting.

Legislation Dr. Jack Becherer updated trustees on proposed legislation to re-designate state funds for the Arts Instructional Center (AIC) and Classroom Buildings I and II. The House bill to make necessary revisions to existing bills died on the Senate floor, so it’s very likely a bill similar to the one proposed in 2010 will be re-introduced when the new Illinois General Assembly reconvenes.

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Arts Instructional Center Mr. Greg Wear explained suggested changes to the design of the Arts Instructional Center (AIC) as reviewed recently by the AIC Committee. In response to trustees’ questions concerning sufficient parking for students and Starlight Theatre patrons, Mr. Wear and Dr. Becherer confirmed that the parking issue has not been resolved and will need to be revisited. Mr. Wear added that the passing period between classes has been extended to 15 minutes, thereby allowing more time for students to walk from building to building.

In response to a question by Trustee Stephanie Raach regarding anticipated additional capacity for general education classes in the AIC and Jacobs Center for Science and Math (JCSM), Mr. Wear explained that math classes will fill the JCSM from morning to night, and although he did not have exact numbers, he estimated approximately 200 seats in general education classes will be available in the AIC.

Dr. Becherer added that the Board will have the opportunity to review the final design of the AIC and will give final approval.

Programming Dr. Jack Becherer indicated that Mr. Greg Wear, Mr. Rich Gocken and he are working with a local company to develop an engineering program similar to the Golden Eagles Manufacturing (GEM) plan with Woodward.

Meeting with RVC Foundation Representatives Dr. Jack Becherer explained that Dr. Stephanie Raach, Mr. Ted Biondo and he met with Mr. Bob Stenstrom, Mr. Brian Helm and Ms. Pam Owens of the RVC Foundation earlier in the day to ensure that the two groups are working together and their goals and actions are aligned. Ms. Owens added that the Foundation will submit a report to the Board of Trustees twice a year updating them on Foundation activities. Dr. Stephanie Raach added that members of both boards are encouraged to make a donation to the JCSM and AIC fundraising efforts.


On a motion by Mr. Ted Biondo, seconded by Mr. Mike Olson, and unanimous voice vote, the meeting recessed at 6:00 p.m.

Regular Meeting

At 6:10 p.m., Chair Katherine Kelley called the regular meeting of the Rock Valley College Board of Trustees to order in WTC room 117-121.

Roll Call

Mr. Mike Olson Ms. Katherine Kelley Mr. Randy Schaefer Mr. Ted Biondo Dr. Stephanie Raach Ms. Marrisa Mora, student trustee

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The following Board members were absent: Mr. Ken Nelson, Rev. K. Edward Copeland.

Also in attendance: Dr. Jack Becherer, President; Dr. Diane Nyhammer, Provost/Chief Academic Officer; Ms. Amy Diaz, Associate Vice President of Student Development; Ms. Ann Kerwitz, Assistant to the President; Mr. Mike Mastroianni, Associate Vice President of Outreach and Planning; Mr. Greg Wear, Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs; Mr. Sam Overton, Vice President Administrative Services; Ms. Susan Busenbark, Dean of Academic Development and Instructional Support; Ms. Jessica Jones, Managing Director of Human Resources; Ms. Pamela Owens, Executive Director of the Foundation and College Advancement; College Attorney Peter Kostantacos.


On a motion by Mr. Ted Biondo, seconded by Mr. Mike Olson, the minutes of the December 7, 2010 meeting were approved by unanimous voice vote.

On a motion by Mr. Mike Olson, seconded by Ms. Marrisa Mora, the minutes of the December 14, 2010 meeting were approved by unanimous voice vote.

Communications and Petitions

Dr. Jack Becherer read into the record the Notice to Bargain received from the Rock Valley College Faculty Association, Local 6211, IFT/AFT, AFL-CIO.

Recognition of Visitors

Dr. Jack Becherer announced that Ms. Julie Hernandez, Faculty of the Year winner, and Ms. Sandy Yu, the Foundation Holiday Card Award winner, were unable to attend the meeting. Dr. Becherer introduced Ms. Erin Rabon, winner of the President’s Holiday Card Award, and thanked her for creating such an exceptional design. Ms. Pam Owens, executive director of the Foundation, presented Ms. Rabon a stipend for her efforts.

General Presentations

Dr. Diane Nyhammer introduced Associate Professor. Kathleen Almy, noting that the outstanding work of Ms. Almy and her math department colleagues on redesign of the College’s developmental math program has been recognized on both state and national levels.

Associate Professor Almy reviewed the developmental math program in 2007 and explained the various steps taken to redesign the curriculum through mandatory testing and placement, accurate advising, class alignment, standardized instruction, and multiple course delivery options (face-to-face, online, computer assisted). As a result of the redesign work, pass rates have increased dramatically and student complaints are minimal.

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Reports Vital Signs

Mr. Sam Overton explained the 2nd Quarter Financial Report for the period ending December 2010. Due to reduced Equalized Assessed Valuation (EAV) as much as two percent, a surplus is not expected. However, Mr. Overton does expect to end the fiscal year with a balanced budget.

Vital signs for payroll, healthcare costs, cash, JCSM (Jacobs Center for Science and Math), and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) were accepted as presented.

Mr. Mike Mastroianni explained how the College-wide Initiatives report for CY11 is related to the Calendar Year report that was presented at the October 2010 meeting. Dr. Diane Nyhammer added that self-study planning for the next Higher Learning Commission (HLC) visit will begin in the fall of 2011. In relation to that effort, the College hopes to have an HLC representative participate in the all-staff fall conference scheduled in September.

At 6:45 p.m., Trustee Rev. K. Edward Copeland entered the meeting.

Trustee Ted Biondo asked for an update on creation of a strategic plan for Information Technology. Dr. Diane Nyhammer indicated that a rough draft has been completed and is being refined with the assistance of the CampusWorks consultant. In response to a question from Trustee Raach, Dr. Nyhammer added that the plan does not include changes to the Quarry, as it does not directly service students, which is the plan’s primary focus. Dr. Becherer added that a full presentation of the proposed IT plan will be presented to the Board of Trustees in April or May.

Ms. Nancy Chamberlain, director of communications, indicated that the quarterly Media Coverage Report is showing clear trends and helps with target marketing. She added that she is working closely with Ms. Cathy Bayer of the to keep the community informed of College activities.

Ms. Lisa Mehlig, executive director of institutional research, Associate Professor Sharon Cooper and Ms. Heather Snider, institutional research and effectiveness specialist, presented an overview of the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) on Assessment of Student Learning-Course Level Assessment. Efforts in FY11 have focused on improving course assessment across the College by increasing the documentation of assessment activity and assessment results. This documentation is being archived centrally into the TracDat system to support faculty in decision making by increasing their access to timely assessment data. Next steps include meetings with academic chairs to assist with further submissions and continue the five-year course assessment schedule.

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President’s Reports

BR #6754 – Claim Sheet #663

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the claims sheet from Datatel® dated December 30, 2010, totaling $3,476,179.75.

Listing of Checks over $10,000:

$ 16,116.00 City Rockford $ 14,352.18 Fridh $ 10,247.52 Rockford Register Star $ 55,593.90 Bank America $ 19,205.00 National Safety Council $ 14,748.68 ATI Assessment Technologies $ 58,250.37 Constellation New Energy $ 12,111.56 Larson Larson Builders $ 13,200.00 National Safety Council $ 18,780.77 Riverview Printing $ 41,136.50 Saavedra Gehlhausen $ 2,004,511.93 Sjostrom Sons $ 11,999.60 Sun Life Financial $ 56,980.90 Aidex $ 34,791.25 CDW Government $ 16,116.00 City Rockford $ 14,040.00 College Board $ 11,636.76 Constellation New Energy $ 13,537.19 Constellation New Energy $ 15,093.60 Constellation New Energy - Gas Div $ 14,352.18 Fridh $ 77,788.72 HMO Illinois $ 32,412.55 KIMCO $ 46,346.75 Liberty Mutual Group $ 10,833.33 Management Resource Group LTD $ 15,679.00 Motorola $ 10,153.28 Penske Truck Leasing $ 12,085.97 Sun Life Financial

$ 2,672,101.49 TOTAL

BR #6754 Claims Sheet #663 was approved by unanimous roll call vote on a motion by Mr. Mike Olson, seconded by Mr. Ted Biondo.

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BR #6755 – Purchase Report #641

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the marked items for purchase.

$ 12,000.00 A. Workplace, Rockford, IL $ 14,925.00 B. CollegeNET Inc, Portland, OR $ 27,520.00 C. Sars Software Products, Mill Valley, CA $ 73,294.00 D. Saavedra Gehlhausen, Rockford, IL $ 11,200.00 E. Addendum to Purchase Order B5624, Hill Consulting Group, Rockford, IL $ 0.00 F. Addendum to Purchase Order B5401, Sjostrom and Sons, Rockford, IL $ 138,939.00 TOTAL

Item E: Mr. Mike Mastroianni explained the need for additional counselors for self- employment training and business planning as required by the state of Illinois, adding that the program is designed to be cost-neutral.

On a motion by Mr. Mike Olson, seconded by Mr. Ted Biondo, and unanimous roll call vote, the amended Board Report #6749 was approved.

BR #6756 – Personnel Report #631 It is recommended that the Board of Trustees acknowledge the items of personnel as presented. The report was acknowledged and entered into the record.

BR #6757– Proposed FY 2012 Tuition Increase In order to maintain the current quality learning environment for students, it is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the following tuition and universal fee per credit hour rates beginning with summer 2011 sessions.

Existing Increase New Tuition $71.00 $12.00 $83.00 Tech Fee 6.00 1.00 7.00 Student Activity Fee 3.00 0.00 3.00 Total $80.00 $13.00 $93.00

Mr. Randy Schaefer made a motion to approve the tuition increase as presented, seconded by Ms. Marissa Mora. Discussion followed. Although trustees were not pleased with the circumstances that require a tuition increase, they voiced their support for continuing current instructional-based initiatives that will contribute to an enriched learning environment that meets the needs of both students and the community. Board Report #6757 was approved by majority roll call vote. Mr. Ted Biondo, Rev. K. Edward Copeland, Mr. Mike Olson, Dr. Stephanie Raach, Mr. Randy Schaefer and Ms. Marissa Mora voted yes. Ms. Katherine Kelley voted no.

BR #6758– ICCB Project Status Report It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) Project Status Report and the Statement of Final Completion of State and Locally Funded Projects.

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On a motion by Mr. Randy Schaefer, seconded by Mr. Mike Olson, Board Report #6758 was approved by unanimous roll call vote.

BR #6759 – Facilities Master Plan (FMP) Update It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the changes to the Facilities Master Plan as updated January 2011 for Rock Valley College, allowing for communications of those updates to the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB). On a motion by Mr. Ted Biondo, seconded by Mr. Mike Olson, Board Report #6759 was approved by unanimous voice vote.

BR #6760 – Acceptance of Notice to Bargain From RVC Faculty Association It is recommended that the Board of Trustees accept the Notice to Bargain from the Rock Valley College Faculty Association, Local 6211, IFT-AFT and commence bargaining for a successor Agreement on or before March 1, 2011 according to terms of the Agreement. On a motion by Mr. Ted Biondo, seconded by Mr. Mike Olson, and unanimous voice vote, Board Report #6760 was approved.

Attorney’s Report

AR #277 – Resolution Directing a Tax Abatement Resolution College Attorney Peter Kostantacos reviewed the tax abatement request from DI Properties. Although the company had requested a 10-year term, the Board Finance and Facilities Committee recommended a 5-year tax abatement term. On a motion by Mr. Ted Biondo, seconded by Mr. Mike Olson and majority roll call vote, AR #277 was approved. Mr. Ted Biondo, Rev. K. Edward Copeland, Ms. Katherine Kelley, Dr. Stephanie Raach, Mr. Randy Schaefer and Ms. Marissa Mora voted yes. Mr. Mike Olson voted no. Mr. Jason Waters of DI Properties, who was in the audience, thanked the Board for its consideration and commented that the company expects to break ground very soon.

AR #278 – Resolution Regarding Closed Session Meeting Minutes and Verbatim Recordings On a motion by Mr. Randy Schaefer, seconded by Mr. Mike Olson, AR #277 was approved by unanimous roll call vote.

ICCTA Report

There was no ICCTA report.

Student Trustee Report

Ms. Marrisa Mora reviewed January’s student activities which featured Spring Welcome Week, the Civil Rights Movement Celebration and the Model United Nations public session. Artwork by Maya Simmons will be on display in the Educational Resource Center until February 21.

Board Committee Reports

There were no Board Committee reports.

Unfinished Business

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There was no unfinished business. New Business

There was no new business.

Trustee Comments

There were no comments from trustees.

President’s Comments


Trustees received information in their meeting packets recognizing the fine work of RVC athletes both on the courts and in the community. Mr. Brian Hanson, facilities scheduler, was also recognized for winning first prize in the John Ness Beck Foundation Choral Composition Competition, one of the most prestigious competitions in the choral field.

Announcements from President’s Leadership Team

President Jack Becherer complimented RVC faculty and staff for their excellent presentations at the Faculty Staff Development Day held January 14.

Dr. Diane Nyhammer added that some faculty, staff and administrators also led sessions at the Adjunct Faculty Staff Development Day held Saturday, January 15. Also, representatives of the Higher Learning Commission will be on campus February 21-22 for the online degree accreditation focus visit and may wish to meet with trustees.

Mr. Sam Overton announced that a water main break occurred recently near the Physical Education Center (PEC), and last month at the boiler house. Equipment for the Jacobs Center for Science and Math will appear on the February Purchase Report.

Ms. Susan Busenbark announced that 110 adjunct faculty members attended the Adjunct Faculty Staff Development Day on January 15. On January 19, Ms. Busenbark participated in a panel discussion as part of the Staff Development Day at Triton Community College in River Grove, IL. In addition, nearly 1,100 high school juniors have been successfully tested as part of the Student Success Grant.

Ms. Amy Diaz presented the Enrollment Report, noting that credit hours for the spring semester are down 1.4 percent and headcount is down 1.1 percent from last year. She explained that the downward trend may be due to recent registration process changes (ending open registration before the first day of classes, a sound practice for promoting student success that is based in research) and the possible impact of changes to the schedule matrix. Enrollment at the Learning and Opportunity Center continues to grow and it is expected to reach the 70 percent goal. In response to a question from Trustee Raach, Ms. Diaz indicated that she and Dr. Nyhammer are discussing plans to review and update the Strategic Enrollment Management Plan.

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Ms. Pam Owens announced that the College has been invited to post a blog on the Rockford Register Star’s Web site.

Adjourn to Closed Session

On a motion by Mr. Randy Schaefer, seconded by Mr. Mike Olson, and unanimous roll call vote, the meeting was adjourned to closed session at 8:10 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees or legal counsel, pursuant to Section 2 (c) (1) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act:

Reconvene Open Session

The meeting reconvened at 9:35 p.m. No action was taken during closed session.

Possible Action Items as a Result of Closed Session

No action was taken during closed session.

Next Meeting

The next regular meeting will be held February 22, 2011 beginning with a study session at 5:15 p.m. in Woodward Technology Center (WTC) 141/142 on the main campus. The regular meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. in WTC 117/119/121.


There being no further business to come before the Board, at 9:35 p.m. a motion to adjourn was made by Ms. Marrisa Mora, seconded by Dr. Stephanie Raach. The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote.

Submitted by Ann Kerwitz

Mr. Michael D. Olson, Secretary Ms. Katherine M. Kelley, Chair

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Rock Valley College Dollars by Payroll Year-To-Date








- 07/15 07/31 08/15 08/31 09/15 09/30 10/15 10/31 11/15 11/30 12/15 12/31 01/15 01/31 02/15 02/28 03/15 03/31 04/15 04/30 05/15 05/31 06/15 06/30

FY 09 Paid - Year to Date 1,153,806 2,303,605 3,251,173 4,322,044 5,371,326 6,524,344 7,723,047 8,902,819 10,087,783 11,257,102 12,425,488 13,539,158 14,583,823 16,032,268 17,193,194 18,359,644 19,707,646 20,885,373 22,081,118 23,282,225 24,715,630 25,725,716 26,880,503 28,278,615

FY 10 Paid - Year to Date 1,220,699 2,429,315 3,497,014 4,665,613 5,853,054 7,060,155 8,300,010 9,531,379 10,769,673 11,988,864 13,221,227 14,419,567 15,541,103 17,153,581 18,377,722 19,612,834 21,087,352 22,355,815 23,653,768 24,923,508 26,452,737 27,620,806 28,833,966 30,115,009

FY 11 Budget Year to Date 1,303,010 2,606,021 3,909,031 5,212,041 6,515,051 7,818,062 9,121,072 10,424,082 11,727,092 13,030,103 14,333,113 15,636,123 16,939,133 18,242,144 19,545,154 20,848,164 22,151,174 23,454,185 24,757,195 26,060,205 27,363,215 28,666,226 29,969,236 31,272,246

FY 11 Paid - Year to Date 1,279,403 2,560,941 3,809,324 5,061,741 6,324,096 7,611,073 8,931,653 10,238,347 11,556,426 12,879,269 14,211,981 15,511,512 16,680,388 18,321,191

\\vmsrvfileshares\common\ADSFIS\Payroll\Vital Signs\ 1/31/2011 Page 1 Vital Signs-Payroll.xlsx\Payroll YTD Rock Valley College Dollars by Payroll










800,000 07/15 07/31 08/15 08/31 09/15 09/30 10/15 10/31 11/15 11/30 12/15 12/31 01/15 01/31 02/15 02/28 03/15 03/31 04/15 04/30 05/15 05/31 06/15 06/30

FY 09 Paid by Pay Date 1,153,806 1,149,799 947,568 1,070,871 1,049,282 1,153,018 1,198,703 1,179,772 1,184,964 1,169,318 1,168,386 1,113,670 1,044,665 1,448,446 1,160,926 1,166,450 1,348,002 1,177,726 1,195,745 1,201,107 1,433,406 1,010,086 1,154,787 1,398,111

FY 10 Paid by Pay Date 1,220,699 1,208,615 1,067,699 1,168,599 1,187,441 1,207,101 1,239,854 1,231,369 1,238,295 1,219,191 1,232,363 1,198,341 1,121,536 1,612,478 1,224,141 1,235,111 1,474,519 1,268,463 1,297,953 1,269,740 1,529,230 1,168,068 1,213,161 1,281,043

FY 11 Budget Straight Line 1,303,010 1,303,010 1,303,010 1,303,010 1,303,010 1,303,010 1,303,010 1,303,010 1,303,010 1,303,010 1,303,010 1,303,010 1,303,010 1,303,010 1,303,010 1,303,010 1,303,010 1,303,010 1,303,010 1,303,010 1,303,010 1,303,010 1,303,010 1,303,010

FY 11 Paid by Pay Date 1,279,403 1,281,539 1,248,382 1,252,417 1,262,356 1,286,977 1,320,579 1,306,694 1,318,079 1,322,843 1,332,711 1,299,531 1,168,876 1,640,803

\\vmsrvfileshares\common\ADSFIS\Payroll\Vital Signs\ 1/31/2011 Page 2 Vital Signs-Payroll.xlsx\Payroll by Pay Date Rock Valley College Vital Signs-Payroll (Dollars) Reviewed by: Sam Overton, 01/31/2011 Explanation of major increases in Dollars by Payroll FY 10 01/31/2010 100% of Fall Overload $406,243; Spring Overload estimated at $455,254 01/31/2010 Begin Adjunct & Community/Continuing Ed Instructor pay in increase in payroll and check count 03/15/2010 50% Spring Overload $225,912, remainder due 05/15 05/15/2010 50% Spring Overload $223,693 05/31/2010 Check count is higher than previous years' due to Adjunct pay extending over 9 pay periods (Datatel Assignment Contracts) 06/15/2010 Summer I $152,265 06/30/2010 25% Summer II $193,353; Summer II pay will extend through 08/15 FY 11 07/01/2010 Payroll calculated FY 11 ESP/PSA Across the Board = $285k plus Merit = $119k; Faculty increases = $449k plus $8k for lane completion. 07/15/2010 25% Summer II $187,005 07/31/2010 25% Summer II, 50% Summer III total $220,210 08/15/2010 25% Summer II, 50% Summer III total $218,864 08/31/2010 Faculty Salary increases; begin Adjunct pay for Fall semester 09/15/2010 Begin Community/Continuing Ed Instructor pay 10/15/2010 FOP retro pay included 01/31/2011 100% of Fall Overload $410,338; Spring Overload estimated at $444,808

Payroll Dollars (Cash Basis) Tracking similar to previous years

Conclusion: Currently OVER budget, before Student Worker accrual another $40k Budgeted Positions Growth - FY07 = 464; FY08 = 476; FY09 = 485; FY10 = 494; FY11 = 512

Jan-09 FY 09 YTD is exceeding FY 08 YTD by 7%; FY 09 YTD is 100% of straight line budget, with ($30k) deficit Jun-09 FY 09 YTD is exceeding FY 08 YTD by 7%; FY 09 YTD is 103% of straight line budget, with ($805k) deficit

Jan-10 FY 10 YTD is exceeding FY 09 YTD by 7%; FY 09 YTD is 98% of straight line budget, with $231k positive variance Jun-10 FY 10 YTD is exceeding FY 09 YTD by 6%; FY 09 YTD is 101% of straight line budget, with ($247k) deficit

Sep-10 FY 11 YTD is exceeding FY 10 YTD by 8%; FY 11 YTD is 97% of straight line budget, with $207k positive variance for Overloads Oct-10 FY 11 YTD is exceeding FY 10 YTD by 7%; FY 11 YTD is 98% of straight line budget, with $186k positive variance for Overloads Nov-10 FY 11 YTD is exceeding FY 10 YTD by 7%; FY 11 YTD is 99% of straight line budget, with $151k positive variance for Overloads Dec-10 FY 11 YTD is exceeding FY 10 YTD by 8%; FY 11 YTD is 99% of straight line budget, with $82k positive variance for Overloads Jan-11 FY 11 YTD is exceeding FY 10 YTD by 7%; FY 11 YTD is 100% of straight line budget, with ($79k) NEGATIVE variance for Overloads

\\vmsrvfileshares\common\ADSFIS\Payroll\Vital Signs\ 1/31/2011 Page 3 Vital Signs-Payroll.xlsx\Payroll Conclusion Rock Valley College Check Count by Payroll






200 07/15 07/31 08/15 08/31 09/15 09/30 10/15 10/31 11/15 11/30 12/15 12/31 01/15 01/31 02/15 02/28 03/15 03/31 04/15 04/30 05/15 05/31 06/15 06/30 By Payroll - FY2009 753 751 564 657 769 898 944 933 946 918 903 809 664 693 891 926 926 936 948 940 956 709 706 800 By Payroll - FY2010 779 763 697 816 897 956 982 965 981 951 948 862 714 869 945 1,009 1,013 1,027 1,043 1,026 1,028 939 773 816 By Payroll - FY2011 813 790 750 862 939 1,010 1,032 1,036 1,045 1,030 1,039 951 701 766 Budgeted Positions 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 Adjusted Distinct Checks 468 460 425 520 425 494 487 490 513 482 495 472 570 463 Adjusted Check Count 474 468 459 483 490 498 498 500 507 506 508 508 500 506

\\vmsrvfileshares\common\ADSFIS\Payroll\Vital Signs\ 1/31/2011 Page 4 Vital Signs-Payroll.xlsx\Check Count Rock Valley College Health Care Costs - Year-To-Date








- Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun FY 07 Act 440,930 964,559 1,412,070 2,071,165 2,508,089 2,905,518 3,410,728 3,863,711 4,198,529 4,591,400 5,286,402 5,457,017 FY 08 Act 702,878 1,157,312 1,462,190 1,909,017 2,376,510 2,821,580 3,302,172 3,484,458 3,896,464 4,426,799 4,996,966 5,347,926 FY 09 Act 448,984 938,875 1,401,768 1,778,189 2,144,089 2,500,149 3,072,770 3,455,652 3,815,356 4,477,276 5,311,878 5,905,315 FY 10 Act 624,092 1,375,488 1,844,685 2,450,483 3,013,847 3,512,016 4,079,529 4,434,896 4,905,393 4,925,880 5,710,983 6,094,648 FY 11 Bdgt 549,199 1,098,398 1,647,597 2,196,796 2,745,995 3,295,194 3,844,392 4,393,591 4,942,790 5,491,989 6,041,188 6,590,387 FY 11 Act 569,967 1,193,369 1,968,648 2,482,764 3,113,655 3,756,053 4,500,259 R:\Reports\Board\Vital Signs\ 2/10/2011 Page 1 FY11 Benefits-Monthly Health Care Costs.xls\By Year Rock Valley College Health Care Costs by Month










- Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun FY 07 Act 440,930 523,630 447,511 659,095 436,924 397,430 505,210 452,983 334,818 392,870 695,002 170,615 FY 08 Act 702,878 454,435 304,877 446,827 467,493 445,070 480,592 182,286 412,006 530,334 570,167 350,960 FY 09 Act 448,984 489,891 462,893 376,421 365,900 356,059 572,621 382,882 359,704 661,921 834,602 593,437 FY 10 Act 624,092 751,396 469,197 605,798 563,364 498,169 567,512 355,367 470,497 20,487 785,103 383,665 FY 11 Bdgt 549,199 549,199 549,199 549,199 549,199 549,199 549,199 549,199 549,199 549,199 549,199 549,199 FY 11 Act 569,967 623,402 775,279 514,116 630,891 642,398 744,206

R:\Reports\Board\Vital Signs\ 2/10/2011 Page 2 FY11 Benefits-Monthly Health Care Costs.xls\By Month ROCK VALLEY COLLEGE Vital Signs - Health Care Costs / Benefits Updated by Barb Woodsmall, HR, 2-09-11 Reviewed by Sam Overton, Admin, 02/10/2011

Health Care costs represent 87% or $6,590,387 of the $7,538,777 Total Benefits Expenditure Other Benefits include Life Insurance, Employer FICA, Grant SURS, Tuition Waivers & Reimbursements,

Sabbatical, Wellness, Moving Expenses

These are the Health Care costs ONLY. In FY 11, we aggressive budgeted health costs to balance the budget.

Conclusion: Current month is above target, YTD trend ($656k) above budget

June 2008 is below straight line budget, YTD Actual is below both the YTD Budget and below FY 07 YTD Actual

June ne 2009 isis aboabove e thethe straightstraight lineline bu dgetdget, YTD ActActua all isis belobelow thethe YTD Bu dgetdget, but t aboabove e FY 0707 & 08 YTD ActActua all

June 2010 is below the straight line budget, YTD Actual is above the YTD Budget,

July 2010 is above the straight line budget, YTD Actual is above the YTD Budget, August 2010 is above the straight line budget, YTD Actual is above the YTD Budget, September 2010 is above the straight line budget, YTD Actual is above the YTD Budget, October 2010 is below the straight line budget, YTD Actual is above the YTD Budget, November 2010 is above the straight line budget, YTD Actual is above the YTD Budget, December 2010 is above the straight line budget, YTD Actual is above the YTD Budget, January 2011 is above the straight line budget, YTD Actual is above the YTD Budget,

R:\Reports\Board\Vital Signs\ 2/10/2011 Page 3 FY11 Benefits-Monthly Health Care Costs.xls\Conclusion Rock Valley College Cash Graphs Prepared by: Sandra Arbisi, 2/11/2011 Approved by:Cynthia Haggard, Reviewed by Sam Overton, 02/11/2011 Included are the Cash Graphs: Operating Investments are the "rainy-day" savings at PMA; target is approximately 90 days (25%) operating budget (bars) Cash are the money market and checking balances to pay operating expenses (lines) Capital Investments are the Bond proceeds at PMA; to be expended for capital projects (bars) Cash are the property tax levies to pay Bond principal & interest & Life Safety projects (lines)

We have reviewed the amount transferred from Checking to Savings over the last serveral years and realized that the investment earnings at PMA were reinvested by PMA, therefore creating an excess transfer from Checking to Savings. There is still excess investment earnings above the FY 08 Surplus, therefore no FY 08 transfer is needed.

Audited Surplus Earnings at PMA Amount Transferred (Over) allocated FY 05 1,478,471 167,057 1,500,000 FY 06 2,082,493 237,701 2,000,000 FY 07 424,812 575,056 500,000 FY 08 1,142,232 706,819 - FY 09 537,093 339,126 - FY 10 33,051 78,920 - Totals 5,698,152 2,104,679 4,000,000 (406,527)

Conclusion: LOWER but acceptable Cash Balance; Acceptable Investment Balances

Operarting Cash Balances are at acceptable levels The State of Illinois has remitted all of the FY 10 payments (through June 2010) but only the July 2010 payment in FY 11

Operating Investments at $13.7 million are 23% of the $58.6 million Operating Budget and are tracking as expected but with very low interest earnings

Capital Cash Balances will decrease with Bond principal & interest payments.

Capital Investment Balances will decrease as approved capital project expenditures are paid

\\Vmsrvfileshares\common\ADSFIS\Sam\ Cash Flow11.xlsx 2/11/2011 Page 1 Conclusion Operating Funds Net Investments & Cash $20,000,000










$0 July August September October November December January February March April May June FY 08 Operating Investments 12,156,736 12,169,453 12,178,422 12,810,521 12,889,232 12,981,815 12,999,592 13,010,593 13,173,111 13,208,045 13,213,419 13,325,672 FY 09 Operating Investments 13,338,516 13,356,126 13,374,504 13,412,250 13,433,325 13,460,406 13,487,318 13,530,590 13,585,940 13,633,731 13,647,919 13,664,798 FY 10 Operating Investments 13,684,849 13,700,117 13,703,865 13,707,203 13,711,565 13,717,639 13,725,285 13,735,894 13,739,584 13,740,299 13,741,005 13,743,718 FY 11 Operating Investments 13,747,903 13,754,444 13,756,725 13,762,230 13,762,487 13,762,074 13,766,569 FY 08 Operating Cash 4,036,672 5,008,208 8,866,585 9,751,041 7,326,205 6,172,054 6,014,495 2,982,378 3,097,224 1,451,696 1,031,479 5,598,320 FY 09 Operating Cash 4,243,676 6,260,449 9,029,213 10,301,098 8,153,774 8,375,383 7,806,504 2,723,805 2,261,907 1,461,701 2,363,805 3,689,816 FY 10 Operating Cash 6,298,681 5,035,339 12,043,179 8,916,074 6,429,738 5,266,111 3,787,881 2,970,827 2,272,879 1,403,680 1,732,190 6,419,112 FY 11 Operating Cash 7,174,558 7,423,583 13,813,002 7,728,196 7,836,295 4,808,376 3,162,205

2/11/2011 Page 2 Cash Flow11.xlsx/Operating Capital Funds Net Investments & Cash









$- July August September October November December January February March April May June FY 08 Capital Investments 6,927,031 6,883,125 6,925,887 6,879,956 7,154,512 7,231,902 16,871,540 16,819,271 16,833,928 16,768,557 16,342,749 16,210,199 FY 09 Capital Investments 15,887,068 15,514,205 15,553,742 14,137,971 14,153,373 13,525,871 12,836,524 12,376,095 11,886,347 11,920,447 10,231,559 9,231,660 FY 10 Capital Investments 8,016,915 6,721,719 4,861,968 34,824,770 32,457,768 32,527,265 30,509,770 30,513,340 29,820,797 29,707,526 28,998,626 27,820,106 FY 11 Capital Investments 27,821,934 24,796,150 22,578,038 32,542,972 30,629,479 26,237,623 24,582,060 FY 08 Capital Cash 5,536,509 5,710,115 8,776,485 8,742,374 8,861,757 4,544,687 4,485,370 4,472,678 3,911,330 3,701,431 4,862,961 5,917,944 FY 09 Capital Cash 6,477,192 6,387,866 8,273,029 9,819,024 9,691,390 3,798,849 4,237,102 4,639,575 3,885,065 223,781 223,781 7,345,767 FY 10 Capital Cash 5,658,825 6,825,638 10,142,518 9,244,758 11,012,535 4,600,967 6,069,504 5,540,129 4,725,610 3,778,638 4,556,034 9,002,836 FY 11 Capital Cash 5,974,936 7,663,838 10,797,121 11,693,795 9,042,155 5,313,045 5,498,846

2/11/2011 Page 3 Cash Flow11.xlsx/Capital

30,000,000 JCSM Expenditures vs. Estimates






‐ FY 09 FY 10 M‐10 A‐10 M‐10 J‐10 J‐10 A‐10 S‐10 O‐10 N‐10 D‐10 J‐11 F‐11 M‐11 A‐11 M‐11 J‐11 J‐11 A‐11

Estimated Expenditures Actual To Date Expenditures

\\Rvccluster\rvc_dfs_root\DataDocuments\Facilties\JCSM\4‐Financials\1‐Actuals\ JCSM Estimate vs Actual.xlsxJCSM Expenditure Graph 2/8/2011 JCSM Summary of Change Orders:

Original Construction Contingency 1,000,000.00 Additional Allowances included in construction 78,000.00 Total Constuction Contingency & Allowances 1,078,000.00

Description Dollars % total Unsuitable Soils 352,778.27 42%

Geothermal & Testing 150,440.49 18%

Boiler House/CLI/CLII ‐ Electrical 200,817.36 24%

Additional Tree Removal 12,960.00 2%

Addition Turn Lane 18,082.98 2%

Additional Storm Inlets 11,782.05 1%

Construction Incentives 25,000.00 3%

771,861.15 92%

Other Misc Change Orders 67,607.53 8%

Total Change Orders to Date 839,468.68 100%

Remaining Contingency & Allowances 238,531.32 February 08, 2011

Karl J. Jacobs Center for Science and Math - Milestones and expectations:

Jul/Aug ’10 Geothermal drilling, structural steel, exterior framing ground level creek side, start 1st & 2nd then ground level concrete flooring, connecting road and Parking Lot #6 curb and gutter, additional creek clean-up (tree removal)

Aug. 5th ’10 JCSM final structural steel signing and lunch celebration with contractors

Oct. 7th ’10 Lunch celebration with JCSM Planning Team & Contractors

Sep/Oct ’10 Connecting Geothermal wells to HVAC, continue steel studs and electrical conduit, HVAC ductwork, add glass to exterior window frames, start exterior siding, complete creek tree removal, roofing and roof drains complete, Parking Lot #6 binder asphalt layer completed,

Nov ’10 Connect electrical to Boiler House (Thanksgiving), grade rain gardens, landscaping and winter cover, stone façade, winterize exterior, complete roofing/parapets, install east stairs, hang drywall, electrical conduits, HVAC & ductwork,

Dec ’10 Building enclosure Incentive by 12/03, HVAC Air Handlers delivered 12/23, drywall, mud & tape, Decision on Fall 2011 class locations – Good to Go!

Jan. 27th ’11 Presentation to JCSM Planning Team, Leadership, selected staff and guests, including guided tours starting at the connection link with CLI

Jan ’11 CLI connection, drywall continues, electrical power distribution panels,

Feb ’11 HVAC Chilled Beam installation, Begin elevators, Restroom plumbing fixtures, Primer paint and 1st finish paint, begin ceiling grid, Order furniture & IT equipment

Mar ’11 Lab cabinetry installation, lights, hard flooring installed, start planning for move

Apr ’11 Lab fume hoods installation, acoustical ceiling tile, final paint, install IT/Smart rooms, carpeting

May-Aug ‘11 Parking Lot 3 to JCSM creek enhancements

May ‘11 Substantial completion Incentive by 05/15, begin moving Offices, Lab Tech spaces, install signage, artwork

August ‘11 Start of Fall Classes

Sept ‘11 Final Landscaping

Board of Trustees FOIA Report January 15 – February 15, 2011

Date FOIA # Requestor Request Result Received 12/10/2010 124- Public Access PAC has advised Pursuing administrative review appeal Counselor, that RVC may want in Cook County Circuit Court Illinois to reconsider which (filed 1/11/2011). Attorney exemption it claims. General’s Awaiting advice from Office counsel. 01/11/2011 131 Nancy Certified payrolls Documents provided Garbrecht, submitted by 01/19/2011. Indiana- Mechanic, Inc., for Illinois-Iowa the Karl J. Jacobs Foundation Center for Science & for Fair Math. Contracting 01/24/2011 132 Nathan Hoff RVC Police Case Advised of intent to deny; PAC No 11-0012 to make a ruling. 01/26/2011 133 Bill Pysson FOIA reports to the Documents provided on Board of Trustees 02/01/2011. from November and December 2010, and copies of six items related to FOIA requests, responses, and rulings related to FOIA #124. 02/09/2011 134 LexisNexis Police reports related to a theft/burglary in April 2010 for insurance claim.

Data Brief

10th Day Census Enrollment (Spring) Board of Trustees Meeting, February 22, 2011


Data to inform this report have been captured and submitted to the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB). Tenth day census enrollment identifies the number of students officially enrolled in credit courses at the College as of the end of regular registration of the spring term1. It is intended to provide a “snapshot” or point in time view of spring enrollment. At the College, data to inform this report are captured on the 10th “class” day from the first day of classes.2


Figure 1 and Table 1 indicate the unduplicated headcount and full-time equivalents (FTE) reflected in the 10th day census of spring enrollment across the most recent five years.

Figure 1: RVC Multi-year Spring 10th Day Census Enrollment – Headcount and FTE3

10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011

Unduplicated Headcount Full-time Equivalents

1 Tenth day census enrollment is based on unduplicated headcount of Arts, Sciences, Career Education, Adult Education, and Vocational Skills courses in Community/Continuing Professional Education. 2 To make data comparable within the College and across the State, parameters for defining 10th day are articulated by ICCB. The Spring 2011 capture of these data is consistent with the definition of 10th day provided. Similar data captured in previous years has varied. To help determine degree of comparability, class start dates and 10th day census dates are provided. 3For the purpose of this report, Full-time Equivalent (FTE) is based on 15 credit hours per term.

Page 1 of 2 Office of Institutional Research

Table 1 also includes credit hours, as well as annual changes and the five-year multi- year change, provided in terms of percentage increase.

Table 1: RVC Multi-year Spring 10th Day Census Enrollment FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 (Spring 2007) (Spring 2008) (Spring 2009) (Spring 2010) (Spring 2011) Unduplicated Headcount 7,788 7,524 8,387 9,172 8,842 (Annual Percentage Increase) (+2.83) (-3.39) (+11.47) (+9.36) (-3.60) (5-year Percentage Increase) (+13.53) Credit Hours 67,594.00 67,636.00 73,343.00 83,232.00 82,380.50 (Annual Percentage Increase) (-1.23) (+0.06) (+8.44) (+13.48) (-1.02) (5-year Percentage Increase) (+21.88)

FTE4 4,506.27 4,509.07 4,889.53 5,548.80 5,492.03 (Annual Percentage Increase) (-1.23) (+0.06) (+8.44) (+13.48) (-1.02) (5-year Percentage Increase) (+21.88) 1st Day of Class 1/17/2007 1/14/2008 1/10/2009 1/9/2010 1/15/2011 Census Day (10th Day) 1/31/2007 1/30/2008 2/10/2009 2/4/2010 1/27/2011

Data in Table 1 indicate the following: · After two years of growth, spring headcount decreased by 3.6% from FY10 to FY11. Despite this decrease over the last year, spring headcount has grown by 13.53% over a five-year period. · Credit hours and FTE (based on 15 credit hours per term) also decreased by 1.02% from FY10 to FY11. However, across the five-year period, both credit hours and FTE have increased 21.88%.


Unduplicated headcount, credit hours, and FTE all decreased slightly from Spring 2010 to Spring 2011. However, the College has seen overall growth in all three figures since Spring 2007. In the most recent fiscal year, credit hours and FTE decreased at a lower rate than unduplicated headcount. This suggests that while fewer students may have enrolled at the College this spring, those students enrolled registered for a higher number of credit hours.

4For the purpose of this report, Full-time Equivalent (FTE) is based on 15 credit hours per term.

Page 2 of 2 Office of Institutional Research


Student Profile

Arts, Sciences, & Career Education (ASCE) – 20116L

Office of Institutional Research

February 22, 2011


This report is intended to provide information describing students enrolled at Rock Valley College (RVC) in the Spring 2011L1 term. The report is divided into two sections – a Quick Facts page and a Profile Summary. The Quick Facts page provides a one page visual brief of multiyear comparison and term data. The profile summary is designed to address the following questions in more detail: 1. Who is currently attending RVC? 2. Who are the students attending RVC for the first time?

Data to inform this Student Profile report are captured with compliance submissions made to the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB), specifically A1 (Annual Enrollment) and E1 (10th Day Census Enrollment for Spring) submissions. Student profile data pull Arts, Science, and Career Education (ASCE) credit students from these more general submissions and are used to develop this student profile report.


Quick Facts 3 Profile Summary Current RVC Student 4 Table 1: Spring 2011L Overall Student and First-time Student 4 Enrollment Count by Demographic Characteristics Table 2: Overall Spring 2011L Enrollment Count (and Percentage) by 5 Enrollment Status Table 3: Overall Spring 2011L Enrollment by Student Level Classification 6 First-time RVC Student 6 Table 4: Multi-year Comparison of Average Age – Overall and First-time Students (Spring L Terms) 6

1 L term data reflects students enrolled in Arts, Sciences, and Career Education (ASCE) credit courses.

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2 Student Profile – Spring 2011 (20116L) Unduplicated Head Count 8,547 Multiyear Comparisons of Key Demographics Average Student Age Gender (% of population) 100 30 26.7 26.5 26.8 25.9 25.2 25 80 57.9 56.2 20 60 54.3 43.8 45.7 15 42.1 40 10 20 5 42.7 43.8 57.3 56.2 0 0 Average Age Male Female

Minority Enrollment First-time Student Enrollment (% of population) (% of credit pursuing population) 100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40 24.3 18.8 21.0 21.9 22.4 11.9 13.3 20 20 9.9 7.9 6.2 0 0 Minority Enrollment First-time Student Enrollment

Full-time/Part-time Student Enrollment3 (% of population) 100

80 Spring 2007 55.8 56.9 57.8 54.9 55.7 60 Spring 2008 44.2 43.1 42.2 45.1 44.3 40 Spring 2009 20 Spring 2010

0 Spring 2011 Full-time Part-time

2 Data represent students enrolled in Arts, Sciences, and Career Education (ASCE) credit courses. 3 Full-time students are those enrolled within a given term for 12 or more credit hours; part-time students are enrolled in less than 12 credit hours.

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Data from Quick Facts and tables within this Current (Spring 2011L) RVC Student section indicate that the majority of Table 1 summarizes the age, gender, and students enrolled in Spring 2011L classes race/ethnicity composition of the overall are: group of students enrolled. In addition, the · Traditional, highest degree earned by students in this · Female, overall group is provided, as well as their · White, residency status. · In-district, · Continuing students, and · Enrolled part time. Table 1: Spring 2010L Overall Student and First- time Student Enrollment Count by Demographic Characteristics Full-Time Part-Time Total Percent of Students Students Headcount Total Demographics Overall 1st Overall 1st Overall 1st Overall 1st Time Time Time Time Age Traditional 2,619 138 2,389 262 5,008 400 58.6 75.2 (24/under) Non-traditional (25+) 1,165 38 2,374 94 3,539 132 41.4 24.8

Gender Male 1,735 90 2,018 153 3,753 243 43.9 45.7 Female 2,049 86 2,745 203 4,794 289 56.1 54.3

Race/ Asian/Pacific 108 * 149 * 257 * 3.0 1.7 Ethnicity Islander American Indian * 0 36 * 57 * 0.7 0.4 Black Non-Hispanic 381 * 551 38 932 51 10.9 9.6 Hispanic 338 * 478 34 816 53 9.6 10.0 Native Hawaiian/Pac * 0 * 0 * 0 0.1 0.0 Islander White Non-Hispanic 2,898 141 3,510 270 6,408 411 75.0 77.3

Highest College—Bachelors 36 0 166 0 202 0 2.4 0.0 Degree degree/More Earned College—Less than 180 * 594 23 774 29 9.1 5.5 Bachelors degree High School/GED 3,336 159 3,520 188 6,856 347 80.2 65.2 None 213 * 453 143 666 152 7.8 28.6 Other * * 30 * 49 * 0.6 0.8

Page 4 of 6 Office of Institutional Research

Table 1: Spring 2011L Overall Student and First-time Student Enrollment Count by Demographic Characteristics (cont.) Full-Time Part-Time Total Percent of Students Students Headcount Total Demographics Overall 1st Overall 1st Overall 1st Overall 1st Time Time Time Time Residency In-district 3,744 175 4,664 348 8,408 523 98.4 98.3 Status Out-of-district, * 0 37 0 40 0 0.5 0.0 employed in-district Out-of-state, * 0 * 0 * 0 0.1 0.0 employed in-district Reciprocal * 0 42 * 65 * 0.8 0.9 Agreements Out-of-district * * * * * * 0.2 0.6 Out-of-state 0 0 * * * * 0.1 0.2 Source: Student Profile AAG Reports based on A1/E1 submission to ICCB *Groups with less than 30 members are not reported.

Table 2 provides information about the enrollment status of the overall student group for Spring 2011. These data suggest that a majority of the students currently enrolled at the College are continuing or returning students.

Table 2: Overall Spring 2011L Enrollment Count (and Percentage) by Enrollment Status Total Headcount Enrollment Status 2008 2009 2010 2011 New 1st Time in College 651 789 486 379 (9.0) (10.1) (5.7) (4.5) New Transfer 208 252 196 153 (2.9) (3.2) (2.3) (1.8) Continuing 5,358 5,620 6,558 6,645 (73.9) (71.8) (76.4) (79.6) Returning 1,036 1,168 1,344 1,168 (14.3) (14.9) (15.7) (14.0) Students with Degree _ _ _ 202 beyond Associates† (2.4) TOTAL 7,253 7,829 8,584 8,547 Source: Student Profile AAG Reports based on A1/E1 submission to ICCB †Category added to compliance reporting in FY11.

Table 3 provides information about the class level of students currently enrolled at the College. These data suggest that a majority of the students (52.1%) are classified as freshmen, having completed fewer than 30 semester hours of college credits and not currently enrolled in high school. Approximately 26% are classified as sophomores, having completed between 30 and 60 semester hours of college credits or having a previous degree and pursuing an associate’s degree.

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Table 3 Overall Spring 2011L Enrollment by Student Level Classification Overall Total % of Total Student Level Classification Full-Time Part-Time High School Students 122 288 410 4.8 Freshmen 2,052 2,402 4,454 52.1 Sophomores 1,155 1,034 2,189 25.6 Unclassified* 455 1,039 1,494 17.5 TOTAL 3,784 4,763 8,547 100% Source: Student Profile AAG Reports based on A1/E1 submission to ICCB * This category includes students enrolled in Associate in General Studies (AGS, ALS or PCS 1.1).

First-time Students Data from Quick Facts and tables within this section First-time students are students whose indicate that the majority of first-time students first semester of enrollment at RVC is enrolled in Spring 2011 L classes are: Spring 2011. This includes students · Traditional, new to higher education, as well as · Female, students who have transferred from · White, · In-district, and other institutions of higher education. · Part-time students.

First-time student enrollment for the Spring 2011L term is 532. Of these 532 students, 33.1% are classified as full-time students and 66.9% are classified as part-time students.

Table 1 shows demographic characteristics of the overall group of students enrolled as compared to those of the first-time students within that overall group. These data indicate the following comparisons: · The majority of both overall student group and first-time students are traditional age. However, the percentage of traditional age students in the first-time student group is noticeably larger (75.2%) than that of the overall group (58.6%). Similarly, as indicated in Table 4, the average age of students in the first-time student group continues to be noticeably lower than that of the overall group (23.1 compared to 26.8 years). · The gender gap is lower for the first-time student group (8.6 percentage points) as compared to that of the overall group (12.2 percentage points). · The distribution of minority/majority enrollment is comparable among the two groups. Both groups demonstrate the majority of students are white (75.0% of overall group, 77.3% of first-time student group).

Table 4: Multi-year Comparison of Average Age – Overall and First-time Students (Spring L Terms) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Overall 26.7 25.9 25.2 26.5 26.8 First Time 24.5 22.9 23.5 23.7 23.1 Source: Student Profile AAG Reports based on A1/E1 submission to ICCB

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ROCK VALLEY COLLEGE Board Report #6761 February 22, 2011

Claims Sheet #664

Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the following claims sheets, from Datatel®, dated January 31, 2011. The total is $2,931,133.09.

______Jack Becherer, Ed.D. President


Board Approval: ______Secretary, Board of Trustees

RECEIVEÐ Feb. .y 0L 201"1 ACCOUÀTTS PAYABL ,{ECK REGISTER 08 :10 Period 0L/0L/20LL - 0t/3t/20Lt FEB I O 2r/II Bank Code: LP Alpine Àccountss Payable Gl, Accounc No: 01--00000-LL279 PRESDENT8 OFF'CE Check Check Check Vendor Voucher Voucher POIBPO Voucher Cash Disc Check Number DaEe SEatus ID Payee Name ID DaEe Number Amount Amount Amount 06508s6 01/06/1.r. void 03?8906 A Bet,t,er Choice Calering 06s0857 01/06/11 Outst 030s91L Àccess2Go rnc V0255831 t2/3L/L0 80005452 s96.23 s96.23

596.23 596.23

0650858 0L,/06,/11. Outst 0403780 Amir J. ÀL Khatíb v02ss869 0L/o4/!L 64.25 64.25 68.2s 68.25

06s08s9 01/06/1L OuÈsE 0396844 Yasser iI. AL Khat,ib v02ss870 oLl04/LL 62.50 62.50 62.50 62.50

06s0860 0Ll06lLl. ouÈsÈ 0427024 American Counseling Asso v02ss820 oLl03lLt P002sr.93 375.00 3?5.00 3?5.00 375.00

065086L 01/06,/L1 OuEst, 0302873 ÀnixEer Inc v02ss638 L2/2L/LO 80005s8r. 282.29 282.29 282.29 282.29 0650862 01,/06/11 Oursr 0347552 Avis RenE a Car SysLem I v02s6000 L2/3L/L0 1s6.0r- 1s6 .01

L56.0r. 1s6 .01

0650863 01/06,/1L oursr 0292357 Baker & Taylor v0255838 L2/3L/L0 80005543 277 .84 277.84 v025s939 12/3L/Lo 80005543 51.09 51 .09 v0255840 L2/3L/tO 80005543 729.44 729.44 v0255841 L2/3L/Lo 80005543 55.39 s5.39 v0255942 t2/3L/ro 80005543 L25.26 L25.26 v0255843 t2/3L/L0 80005543 29.82 29.92 v0255844 1.2/3L/L0 80005543 88.53 88.53 v0255845 L2/3L/Lo 80005543 93.32 93.32

L,450 .69 L , 450 .69

0650864 01/06/11 Oursr 0058483 Diana L. Barthelrnan vo2ss876 !2/3L/LO 98 .00 98.00

98 .00 98.00

0650865 0Ll06,/LL OuCsL 0058483 Diana L. Barchelman vo2s5970 t2/3t/LO 84.49 84.49 84.49 84.49

o6so866 0Ll06l1-1 Our.sC 0355534 David R. Bauman v02ss977 L2/3L/r0 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00

06s086? 01/06/11 ouEsr 0189046 Gordon L. BLaisdell v0256001 t2/3L/LO 8000s?3r. 3,420 .OO 3, 420.00 Feb iy 01 2011 ACCOIJNTS PAYABI ÄECK REGISTER 08 : l-0 Period 0t/0L/20L1 - 0t/3L/20rt Bank Code: LP ALpine Accounts Payable GL ÀccounE No: 01-0000O-L]-279

Check Check check vendor Voucher Voucher PO/BPO Voucher Cash Disc Check Number Date Status ID Payee Name ID DaEe Number AmounE ÀmounE Amount,

v02s6003 L2/3r/t0 8000s73L 1., 800. 00 r-, 800 . 00 s,220.00 5,220.00 0650868 01/06/11 OursE O4L4542 Anita I. Bravo v02ss979 0r/0s/tL 1,347.56 t,34'7.56 7,34?.56 L,347.56

0650869 0Ll06,/LL oucsc 0L39892 Denise D. Brown v02ss824 J.2/3t/to 80005525 120.00 r.20.00

r.20.00 l_20.00

0650870 01/06/11 oursr 0249599 C D w Government Inc v02s5525 1-2/20/t0 P0025273 44.26 44.26 v0255526 12/20/t0 P0025245 300.68 300.68 v0255527 L2/20/rO P002527L 3s.61 35.61 v0255528 12/20/t0 P0025279 41, 820 .00 4r., 820.00 v02ss663 t-2/22/10 80005460 31 .20 3L.20 v0255850 L2/31/r0 P0025279 9, 3r-8 . 00 9,3L8.00 v025585i. t2 / 3t/ ro P002 53 06 346.05 346.05

5L, 895. 80 51, 895.80

06s08?l- 0Ll06/LL ourst 0077009 Suanne M. Carmichael v02ss877 0t/oL/rl 24.OO 24.OO

24.OO 24.00

o6so872 0r./06/1r. ouLsr 0077009 Suanne M. CarmichaeL v02ss879 0t/04/tt 16 .00 16 .00

16 .00 16.00 0650873 01,/06/lL Outst 0077009 Suanne M. Carmíchael v02ss880 0]-/04/11 31.50 31.50 3r..50 31.50

06508?4 01,/06/11 0077009 Suanne M. Carmichael v02ss881 ot/o{ltt 24.O0 24.00 24.00 24.00

06s087s 0Ll06/Lr. oursL 0077009 Suanne M. Carmichael v02ss884 o'J"/04/L). L6 .00 16.00

16 .00 16.00

06s0876 oLl06/11 Oucst 029850L Bernard Carroll v02ss599 0r/ú/n 105 .00 105.00

105 .00 10s.00 0650a77 01,/06/11 ouEst 029899L Nancy A. Chamberlain v02ss980 12/3r/10 80.00 80.00

80.00 80. 00 Feb. .y 01 2011 ACCOIJNTS PAYABL JECK REGISTER 08: L0 Period or/orl2oLl; - 0L/37/2OL]- Bank Code: LP Àlpine Accounts Payable GL ÀccounL No: 0L-00000-LL279

Check Check Check vendor Voucher Voucher PO/BPO voucher Cash Disc Check Nurnber Date SEaLus ID Payee Name ID Dete Number Àmount Amount ÀmounL 0650878 0Ll06/LL OubsE 0382290 Comcast. Spotlighc vo2s60o4 L2/ 3L/ L0 80005804 s00 .00 500. 00 v02s600s L2/ 3L/ t0 8000s804 500 .00 500. 00

L, 000 .00 L, 000 . 00 06508?9 0r./06/11 oursr 0295844 Concord Custom Cleaners v0255539 L2/20/L0 80005668 s0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00

0650880 0L/06/r-r- oursr 03LO222 Const.elLation New Energy v0256006 L2/3L/L0 80005552 967.83 967.83

967 .83 967 .83

0650881 0r./06/l-l- ouLsu O3LO222 ConstellaEíon New Energy v0256007 L2/3L/L0 80005552 t,143 .32 L,t43.32 1,t43.32 L,L43.32

0650882 0Ll06,/lL OutsE 0098870 Tiana iI. Cooper v02ss9L0 L2/3L/t0 76.00 76.00 76.00 76.00

0650883 01,/06/11 Outst OL2298O Greg A. Cote vo256o25 L2/3L/L0 80005638 I,2?5.O0 L,2'75.00

L,275,OO 1, 275 . 00

06s0884 01/06/l"L outst 0298033 Curriculum Publications v0255624 L2/21/ LO POO25269 924.OO 924.OO

924.O0 924.OO 065088s 01./06/r-i- ouEst O4L7253 Jacqui Davenport v0256008 0L/06/LL 210.00 2r-0.00 2L0.00 2L0.00 06s0886 01/06/11 oursr 02"tLL03 Shirley iI. DeBenederro V02560L1 L2/3L/L0 80005622 250.00 250.00 v0256013 L2/3L/ LO 8000s622 325.00 325.00

5?5.00 575.00

0650887 01/06,/lL Out,st 0L'12'736 John E. DiGiacomo v02ss981 L2/3]-/L0 329.29 329.29

329 -29 329.29

0650888 01/06/11 ouLsc 0368987 Douglas iI. Dobbins v02ss885 L2/3L/L0 53 .50 53 .50

53 .50 53. s0

0650e89 01,/06/11 Oursr 0063266 Suzanne Y. Dooley v02ss886 0r/o4lrt 91. s0 91.50

91.50 9L. 50 Feb -'y 0L 2011 ACCOIJNTS PAYABT ¡{ECK REGISTER 08:10 Period 0r/0L/20]-L - 0t/3L/20rr Bank Code: LP A1pine AccounEs Payable GL AccounE No: 0l--0000O-1"1,279

Check Check Check Vendor Voucher voucher PO,/BPO voucher Cash Disc Check Nurnber DaEe Status ID Payee Name ID Date Nurnber Àmounc Àmount Amount 0650890 0l-,/06/L1 o'J-462L4 lrving .t. DroughL v02ss968 L2/3L/L0 159.00 t-59 .00 L59.00 159. 00 0650891 0ll06/l-L OuLst 0422303 Ed Van Vleet Inc v02s60L4 L2/3t/r0 8000s?33 2r.0.00 210.00

210. 00 2r.0 .00

0650892 0L,/06/L1 OutsC 0338s50 ESPN v02s60L6 0t/06/tr 26.00 26.OO

26.O0 26 .00

06s0893 0Ll06/LL outst 041l-6L4 Dan Fisher v02s60L8 0t/06lLr 10s.00 105.00 i-0s.00 105.00

0650894 0L/06,/LL oucst 0372965 Heather H. Frankfort vo2ss887 L2/3t/tO 38 .8L 38.81

38 .81 38 .81

06s0895 01/06/11 OuEsr O28972L FursL SLaffing vo256020 t2/3t/r0 80005493 L67 .20 167.20

L67 .20 L67 .20

0650896 01./06/11 outst 0425182 H. WilLiam Girling vo2s444, OL/0L/).L 360.00 360.00 360.00 360.00

065089? 0Ll06/L1 outst 0425782 H. William Girling vo254443 OIlOL/tt 315.00 31 5.00 3r.s.00 315.00 0650898 0L,/06,/L1 out,sr 0390824 David 'J. Goodacre v0255888 L2/3L|LO 22.sO 22.50 22.50 22.s0

0650899 0L,/06/L1 OutsÈ 0289'727 GreaE Lakes Clay & Suppl VO255499 L2/2O/10 8000s5L6 s32 . s0 532.50

532 .50 532.50 06s0900 01/06/L1 outst 0283967 creater Rockford Airport v0255899 0L/05/tt R0005640 2,870.OO 2,870.OO 2,8?0.00 2, 870 .00

06s0901 01/06/L1 oursr. O4L2765 Greensource V0254L60 OL/OI/II 19.95 19.95

L9. 95 1.9.95

0650902 01/06/11 OursE 0223668 Linden M. Griesbach V0255889 oT/o*/Ll 31.50 31.50 31.50 3r..50 Feb :y OI 20LL ACCOUNTS PÀYABL rIECK REGISTER 08:1.0 Period O1/OL/20u- - 0r/3L/20Lt Bank Code: LP Àlpine ÀccounÈs Payable GL Account No: 0L-0000O-LL279

Check Check Check Vendor Voucher Voucher POIBPO Voucher Cash Disc Check Number Date Status ID Payee Name ID Dat,e Nuwiber AmounE Amount Àmount,

0650903 0L,/06/Ll" OuLst 0223668 Linden M. Griesbach v02ss890 L2/3L/LO t8 .00 L8 .00 18.00 18.00 0650904 01/06/11 Outst. 0324634 Rich crube v025544L OL/OL/LL 105.00 105.00 r"05.00 L05.00 0650905 0Ll06lLL ouLsL 042'1893 Tony Gurdak v02ss442 oLlo1/LL r.0s.00 r.05.00

105.00 105 .00

0650906 01/06/L1 out,st 0296944 Gypsum Supply v025s389 t2/L7/L0 P002535L 393.00 393 .00

393 .00 393 .00

065090? 01106/r.L oursr 0289135 Harder Corp v025s189 L2/L'/LO PO02443s r_, l-60 . 60 1. L60.60

r., r.60 . 60 r, L60 . 60

06s0908 01/06/L1 our,sr. 0427888 Rob Heidlauf v02ss448 ollor/LL r.05 .00 L0s.00

r.05.00 r.05 .00

0650909 0L/06/11 0391696 Hendrícks Commercial v02ss866 oLlo4/LL 80005634 r., 000.00 L, 000 .00

r., 000 .00 L, 000 . 00

06509r.0 0r./06/LL oursE 0319629 Herit.age-Crystal Clean, v02ss8L7 L2/23/LO 80005577 463.42 463.42

463 .42 463.42

0650911 0Ll06/LL outst 041-2508 Hill Consulting croup v02ss856 L2/3L/LO 8000s624 1, 559 . 50 1, 559 . 50

L, 559 . 50 L, 559 . 50

0650912 0L,/06/LL Oursr, 0L5202L Patricia H. Holden v0238071 06/09/LO 25.00 25.00 2s.00 25.00

0650913 01/06/LL OuEsE Ol52O2l Patricia H. Holden vo23o246 02/0t/LO l-? .50 l_7.50 17.50 17.50

06s0914 01,/06,/U Oursr 0L52O2l Patricia H. Holden vo222272 LO/3r/09 69 .30 69.30

69.30 69 .30

0650915 01/06,/11 oL5202I Pâtricia ll. Holden vo235799 04/OLl10 31.50 31. s0 Feb -'y 01 201-1 ACCOT'NTS PAYÀBL .{ECK REGISTER 08:10 Period ot/0t/20Ll" - oL/3I/2OLL Bank Code: LP A1pine Accounts Payable GL Account No: 01-00000-1L279 Check Check Check Vendor Voucher voucher PolBPo voucher Cash Disc Check NuÍrber Dat,e Status ID Payee Name ID Date Number ÀmounE AmounE. Àmount 31.50 3r..50

0650916 0Ll06/11 Oucst OL52O2L Patricia H. Ho1den v0236766 0s/ot/LO 28 .00 28 .00

28.00 28 .00

0650917 01/06/11 OULSE 0428209 Holy Trinity Church v02ss810 otloLlLL 100. 00 L00. 00 L00.00 r.00.00

0650918 0Ll06/r.r. oursr 036'1205 Mark HorEon v02554s0 0L/0L/LL r.05.00 r.05 .00 10s.00 105.00

44 0650919 01,/06/LL outst O2572L6 Lewis E. Houston, 'JR v02ss89r. 0t/04/tt .50 44.50 44.50 44.50

0650920 01/06/r.L Oursr o29't299 tEÊE v02ss9s5 otlos/Lt L8L .00 r.81.00 L8L.00 r-8r-.00

o6s092L 01"/06/11 OuEsr 0293L47 IL Àssoc Chiefs of Polic v0255433 OIl OL/LL 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00

06s0922 01/06/11 OUESE 0L6474L Leann B. Ippolit,o vo2ss779 a2/23/L0 28.L3 28. L3 28.L3 28.L3 0650923 01/06lLL ouEse 0289802 John Deere Landscapes / vo25525o t2/L6/L0 po02s342 2,293.80 2,293.80 v0255251 12/ L6/ L0 POO25342 396 .90 396 .90

2,690 .7O 2,690 .70

0650924 01,/06/LL OutsE Q362226 Ms. Tiffany C. .fohnson VO255649 L2/2L/L0 500.00 500.00

500.00 500. 00

0650925 0Ll06/1l OuEst 0427894 Jack Jost v02ss4sr.0J./0L/rr 10s. 00 105. 00 10s.00 i.0s.00

06s0926 01,/06/r.1 Oursr. 0295827 KarI Schoeníng & sons rn v0255605 L2/2L/IO P0025369 1, 528 . 50 L, 528 .50

L,528.sO L, 528 . 50

0650927 01,/06/11 oursr 0308724 HolIí M. Kearns vo246295 OL/0s/LL 176.00 176.00 176.00 t"?6.00 Feb. -'y 01 20Ll ACCOI,I}TTS PAYABT .{ECK REGTSTER 08:10 Period 0L/0t/2OtL - 0t/3L/20tr Bank Code: LP Alpine Accouncs Payable GL Àccounc No: 0L-0000O-L1279

Check Check Check Vendor Voucher voucher POIBPO Voucher Cash Disc Check Nunber DaLe SEaLus ID Payee Name ID DaE.e Numlf,er Amount AmounE Amount.

0650928 01,/06/11 OUESE 0308724 Holli M. Kearns v02484L8 0L/Os/tt 1?6.00 176 .00

t ?6.00 176 .00

0650929 01,/06/LL Oucst 04L3L73 Kerry Kelley v025s4s2 ÙLlotlLL 105.00 105. 00

105.00 r0s. 00 0650930 01/06/r-l- 026681-4 Michael S. Kelley v02ss998 oLl06/LL 26.85 26.85 26.85 26.85

0650931 01,/06lL1 outssL 0002601- Diane R. KoenÍg vo2ss892 0L/04/LL 1_83 . s0 L83 .50

r.83 .50 183.50

0650932 0L,/06/l.L OuEst 0002601 Diane R. Koenig v02ss893 L2/3t/LO L09.00 r.09. 00

1 09.00 109.00 0650933 0Ll06/11 out,st, 0289801 KosE.ant,acos Law Firm, P. vo2s49Ù2 LL/30/L0 80005492 I,422 .50 I,422 .50 I,422.50 L,422.5O

0650934 01/06,/L1 0289855 La voz Latina vo2s6o23 L2/31/LO P0025389 600. 00 600.00

600. 00 600.00

06s0935 01/06,/11 outsc 0362382 Mr. Lee Langusch vo2ss939 L2/3t/LO 80005714 536 .50 536. 50

536 .50 536.50 0650936 01/06/lL outst 03Ll.65L Fritz Larsen v02ss4s4 0L/oL/LL 10s.00 r.05.00

10s .00 L05.00 065093? 01,/06,/Lr- outsE 042241,2 Lahrrence NaEionaLease v02ss006 L2/L3/t0 80005794 LL,207.24 LI ,207.24 rL,207 .24 LL,207 .24

06s0938 01,/06/11 oursr 0367L74 Lou Leuzzí v02554ss 07/oLlrr 105 .00 105. 00

105 .00 r.05. 00

06s0939 01/06,/11 ouEst 0422329 Lewis Paper vo255L92 L2/t5/L0 80005739 661 .13 661. r-3

661 .13 661. 13

06s0940 01/06/11 OursE 0297298 Lifescape's Senior EXPO v0255950 0L/O'/LI t ?5.00 L?5.00 175.00 1?5.00 Feb. -'y 01 20LL ACCOT'ÀITS PAYABL IECK REGTSTER 08: L0 Period 0]-/0L/20ú - 0r/3L/20Lt Bank Code: LP Alpine Àccouncs Payable GL AccounL No: 01-0000o-IL279

Check Check Check Vendor voucher Voucher POIBPO voucher Cash Disc Check Number Date Status ID Payee Name TD DäEe Number Amount AmounE Amount

0650941 01/06,/11 Outst 0426098 Mr. Mark W. Lindhe vo255644 12/2t/tO 500. 00 500.00

s00. 00 500 .00

0650942 01/06/LL OuEsE 0289806 Lindscrom Travel v0255483 0L/Or/tr P0025307 322.80 322.AO 322.80 322.80

06s0943 0Ll06/11 ouE,sr. 0289806 Lindstrom Travel vo2557L6 12 /22 / L0 POO25325 764.80 ?64.80 764.80 764.80

0650944 0Ll06/1"1 OULSL 0052275 Pet,er W. IrOnshray v02ss083 0L/Ùt/LL 3L5.00 315.00 315.00 315.00

0650945 01/06/11 OO52275 Pecer Vt. L,onsway v02ss084 0L/orl\t 360.00 360 .00 360.00 360.00 0650946 01/06/11 OutsE 0129459 Larry D. Lott. v02554s6 0t/or/rt 100. o0 100.00 100.00 100.00 065094? 01/06/11 outsE 0289872 Lo$re's Home Improvement. VO255462 !2/17/I0 80005700 42.74 42.74 v02ss906 12/3r/L0 8000s700 34.59 34.59 v0255907 t2/3!/L0 80005700 1 .48 1.48

78 .81 78.81

0650948 01,/06/11 outsE. 0386230 Bernard G. Luecke v02ss894 oL/oLlLt 84.OO 84 .00

84 .00 84.00

0650949 01/06/L1 outst 0296670 MacmiLlan SubscrípEions v02ss96L ot/oslLL 289. 00 289. 00 289.00 289.00

0650950 oL,/06,/LL outsL 0002607 Christ.opher J. Mann v02s59s9 0L/05/LL 29.9s 29.9s

29 -95 29.95

0650951 01/06/11 ouEst 0049235 Dan R. Manning vo2s54s? or/or/LL 100. o0 r00.00

100. 00 100.00

0650952 0Ll06,/11 Outst 0293L49 Marrioet San AnEonio Riv v0253948 0r/Or/n P0025149 r, o22 .73 r,o22.73

r, o22 .73 r , o22 .'?3 Feb -'y 01" 2011 ACCOUNTS PÀYÀBI .{ECK REGISTER 08:L0 Period 0!/0]./20rL - o1/3L/20LL Bank Code: LP Àlpine Àccounts Payâble GL ÀccounL No: 01-0000O-LL279

Check Check Check Vendor Voucher voucher PO/BPO Voucher Cash Disc Check Number Date StaLus ID Payee Name ID DaEe Nuûiber AmounC Amount. Amount

0650953 01/06,/11 OutsE 0267025 LaShun D. Mcchee v02ss78s t2/23/L0 1? .80 1?.80

L7 .80 17.80

0650954 01/06,/11 Outsr 0398324 Thomas E. Mccowan v02ss4s9 0L/ÙL/LL r.0s .00 105. 00

L05 .00 r.05. 00

0650955 0L,/06/LL ouEsc 03977OO McKendree Universit.y vo2ss9l4 oL/os/Lt 275.O0 275.00

275 .00 275.O0

06s0956 01/06/11 Oursr O2O927O Lori L. McKinney v02ss89s L2/3L/LO 10.00 r.0.00

r.0. 00 L0. 00

0650957 01,/06/1.1. our,sr, 0289878 Mid City Office Products v0255859 J.2/3L/L0 80005618 7, 101. ?0 7 ,LOL.70

7,LO]-.70 7 ,LoL.70

0650958 0Ll06,/lL OutsE 0300457 Midwest Mail$rorks Inc v02ss999 L2/3L/LO 8000s461 33 .15 33 .15

33.L5 33 .15

06509s9 0L/06/Lr. oursE 0409001 Midhrest Tape v02ss592 L2/2L/tO 8000s4s0 43 .63 43.63

43 .63 43.63

0650960 0Ll06,/11 0063722 Jennifer Lynn Morgan v02ss91s L2/3L/IO L1 .00 r.1.00 11.00 i.L.00

065096L 0l-l06,/l"l- outst. 0368998 Rob Munson v02ss460 oLloLlLL 105.00 r.0s. 00

105 .00 L05. 00

0650962 01,/06/11 outst 0289879 NAPA Auto PATTS-MPEC v0255984 a2/3L/L0 80005670 61 .23 6]-.23 v02 s s98 5 12/3L/L0 80005670 5.55 5.55 v0255986 L2/3L/Lo 8000s670 L4 .84 L4.84 v02 55987 t2/3L/L0 B0005670 r.9.33 L9.33 v02 5 s 988 \2/3t/to 80005670 63.96 63.96 v02 5 5 989 L2/3L/to 8000s670 3.30- -3.30

161 .61 161 .61

0650963 oLl06/lL outst 0289879 NAPA Aut.o PâTTS-MPEC vo255992 L2/3t/rO 8000s6?? 8.56 8.56 v0255993 L2/3L/tO 800056?7 L2.28 12.28 v02ss995 12/3L/LO B00056?? 23.L6 23.L6 v02ss997 12/3t/r0 80005677 0.88- -0.88

43.'l-2 43.L2 Feb. -.y 0L 2011 ACCOUNTS PÀYABL IECK REGISTER 08:10 Period orlÙrl2ort - oL/3L/207L Bank Code: LP A1pine ÀccounEs Payable GL AccounE No: 01-0000O-L1279

Check Check Check vendor Voucher Voucher PO/BPO vôucher Cash Disc check Number Date SLaEus ïD Payee Name ]D Date Nurnber Amounc Amount. Àmounl:

0650964 01/06/1.L OuEsE 0L25636 Teresa A. Olson vo255947 12/3L/LO 91 .95 9t_.95

91 .95 91 .95

o6s096s 01/06111 Oursr 0320705 Jeff OE.Eerby v025s4s8 0r/ú/Lr L05 .00 r.0s.00

L05.00 10s. 00

0650966 0Ll06,/LL Ouesc O32O735 P F Pet,cibone & Co v02ss480 L2/2O/LO 49.45 49.45 49.45 49.45

065096? 01,/06/1r. OuEsr 0l-47358 Cara R. Pafterson v02ss808 L2/23/LO 3 .00 3.00

3 .00 3.00

0650968 0r./06/r-L OursE 0111888 Ray w. Pendzinski v02ss860 |2/3L/LO 80005637 L,2'75.00 1,275.00

L,275.00 I,2?5 .OO

0650969 0Ll06/11 OuEsr 0396379 Penske Truck Leasing Co v02ss908 t2/3L/LO 80005716 r., L93 . 81 1, 193.81

1, L93 . 81 1, r.93 .81 06509?0 01./06/11 outst 0390630 Patsríck Peyer v02s5983 L2/3L/L0 450.00 4s0.00 450.00 4s0.00

0650971 01/06,/11 outst, O255L'17 Deloris 1,. Pitkin v02ss958 oL/os/n 57.50 57.50

57 .50 5? .50

06509'12 01,/06/11 outst o428208 The Polish Museum of Ame V0255809 0L/OL/II 336 .00 336 .00

336 .00 336.00

06s0973 01/06/Ll" ouEsr, 0368416 Ms. Àmanda L. Ponte v02ss8s2 t2/3L/L0 10.00 10.00

10 .00 10.00

06509?4 01/06/11 ourst 0277696 Carrie M. v02ss978 or/0s/\L 55 .70 55. ?0 55.70 55.70 06509?s 01,/06/11 Ourst 0390408 Reliance SEandard AEtn: vo2s582s 0L/ æ ln 80005568 3, 152 .11 3,152.11

3, 152 .11 3 , L52 .tt

o6s097 6 0r./06/1r. oursr 0094646 Bruce À. Roberts v02s60L9 12/3t/to 55 .75 55. ?5 Febi y 01 20L1 ACCOUNTS PAYABI,. .ECK REGISTER O8:10 Period 0r/oLl2o]t - 0r/3L/20LL Bank Code: LP A1pine Accounts Payable GL AccounE No: 0L-00000-),I279

Check Check Check Vendor Voucher Voucher POIBPO Voucher Cash Disc Check Number DaE.e St.atus ID Payee Name TD Dat,e Number Anìount Amount AmounE 55.?5 55.75

0650977 0Ll06/lL OuEsL 0094646 Bruce À. RoberEs vo25s934 L2/il./L0 69 .00 69.00

69 .00 69.00 0650978 01/06/1L 0316524 Rock valley ColLege Foun v0255468 t2/20/L0 25.00 2s.00

25.00 25. 00

0650979 01/06/11 OuLsr O29O029 Rockford Mass Transit, Di v02ss994 0L/ 06/ LL P002s338 3,?40.00 3, 740.00

3,740.00 3, ?40.00

0650980 01/06,/11 Oursr 0345L94 Richard E. Ross v02s6oo2 0r/06/rL 28 .00 28.00

28 .00 28 .00

0650981 0L,/06/11 OuE,sr 0427777 Saint Bernadette Senior vo255479 t2/20/LO 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00

0650982 01,/06/11 Ouest 0072009 Pamela Schallhorn vo2s59s2 L2/3t/L0 35.00 35. 00

3s .00 35.00

0650983 01,/06/11 Oursr O0?2OO9 Pamela Schallhorn vo2ss969 t2/31/LO 50. o0 50. o0 50.00 50.00 06s0984 01/06lU void 0295l.89 Sjostrom & Sons fnc

0650985 0Ll06,/LL our.sE. 0040250 Lydia À. SlaEer v025289L t0/3L/LO 204 .00 204 .00

204.00 204 .00

0650986 01/06/11 OULSE 0084496 Cheryl A. Smith v0255546 L2/20/rO 40.98 40.98 40.98 40.98

0650987 0Ll06/1L our,sL 0421-879 Julian D. Springer v02ssL36 0r/os/1.t 136.00 136 .00 r-36.00 136.00 0650988 01/06/11 void 0427553 Szalas Polish Restaurant. 0650989 01,/06111 ouLsr O26'Ì7OL Maureen C. Taylor V0255937 1"2/31/).0 38.s0 38.50

38. s0 38.50 Feb:. y 0L 20LL ÀCCOI,'NTS PÀYABL. .ECK REGTSTER L2 08:10 Period 0L/0L/20]-1 - oL/3]-/20LL Bank Code: LP Alpine AccounEs Payable GL AccounE No: 01-0o00o-LL279

Check Check Check Vendor voucher Voucher POIBPO voucher Cash Disc Check Nurnber Date SLatus ID Payee Name ID DaEe Numlcer ÀmounL. Àmount Àmount 0650990 01/06/LL outst 0424278 Miss Britcany E. ThieJ.en v0256026 L2/31-/I0 500. 00 500. 00

500. 00 s00. 00

065O991 0L,/06/11 Outsr O3797'13 ScoEt Tierney v025s634 0t/ot/tL r.05. 00 r.0s.00

105.00 105 .00

0650992 01,/06/11 ouLsL 042?890 Chuck Valle v02ss6ss or/oL/Lr 105 .00 105. O0

r.05 .00 105.00

0650993 0Ll06/11 ouE,st 0412975 Bob Vaugh v02ss6s8 orlorlLL r.0s.00 r.0s.00 r.0s.00 L05.00 0650994 01/06,/11 outsE 0116837 Randall S. VermetE v02ss664 0L/oL/rL L00.00 L00.00 L00.00 L00.00

0650995 01,/06/Ll. OULSE 0317878 Mary L. vûalcers v025s666 L2/22/L0 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00

0650996 01/06lLL outsL 03L7878 Mary L. WaÌt,ers v02ss668 t2/22/LO L2 .00 12 .00

12 .00 12 .00

065099? 01,/06,/11 oursr. 031-78?8 Mary L. WaLcers v02ss6?0 t2/22/to 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00

06s0998 0L/06/11 Out,st, 0424653 Mr. Mat,t,hew T. Ward vo2s6o27 L2/3L/1O 500. 00 s00.00 500.00 s00.00

06s0999 01,/06/l.L OuEsr, 0054744 Eddie B. l,fhittington v02ss680 12/22/LO 37.00 37.OO

37 .00 37.00

0651000 01/06/11 ouEst oos4744 Eddíe B. Whircingcon v02ss684 t2/22/LO 25.00 25.00

25. 00 25.00

0651001 01/06/11 outst 00s4744 Eddie B. lvhitt ington v02ss938 L2/3L/LO 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 0651002 01/06/11 Outst 0090545 Granada wi I I iams vo255697 72/22/L0 35.00 35.00

35.00 35. O0 Febi y 0i- 201-1 ACCOUNTS PAYÀBL. .ECK REGTSTER P¿ 13 O8 : l-0 Period or/orlzoLL - oLl3L/2OLL Bank Code: LP Àlpine Account,s Payable GL Account. No: 0L-0000O-LL279

Check Check Check Vendor Voucher Voucher PO,/BPo Voucher Cash Disc Check Number Date Status ID Payee Name ID DaE.e Number Àmount AmounE Àmour]8.

0651003 01/06/Li. OutsE. 0090545 Granada williams v02ss688 L2/22/L0 42.50 42 .50 42.50 42.50 065L004 0Ll06/LL OutsL 0090545 Granada v{ÍlLiams v02ss690 L2/22/L0 35.00 35.00 35.00 3s.00

065100s 01/06/11 OuEsr 0378906 A BeLter Choice CaLering V02558L9 L2/3L/L0 P002s3r.r. 3, 03s.00 3,035.00 3, 03s.00 3, 035.00

0651"006 01/06/1L OuEsr. O2a9A72 Lorrüe's llome ImprovemenL v0254598 t!/30/Lo 8000s?00 6L.67 6L.6?

6L.67 6L .6"Ì

0651007 01/10/11 Our,sr 0427553 Szalas Polish RestaurânE VO255996 oLl06/n Poo2s266 L, 098 . 00 1, 098 . 00

L, 098 . 00 1, 098 . 00

0651008 01/13/11 Outst 02895274T&T v02s5828 L2/3L/rO 80005481 61.91 6L.9L 61.91 6L.91

0651009 01,/13111 OutssC 0289527 A T&T vo2s5829 LZ/3L|LO 80005481 33.59 33. s9

33. s9 33.s9

065L01"0 01/13/11 Outst 02895214T&T v02ss830 t2/3L/LO 800054 I I 16.15 t6.75 ]-6.15 L6.75

0651011 01,/13/11 ouEsr 02895274T6.7 v02s6L81 L2/3r/LO 80005 5 98 L59.25 L59.25 L59.25 r59.25

0551012 0LlL3lL1 OuLsr 028952"t AT&T v0256404 0L/L3/Lt 80005481 6, 594 . 55 6, 594 . 55

6, s94 . ss 6 ,594 .55

06510r-3 01/13/11 OursE 0289527 AT&T vo2s6407 oL/L3/tr 800054 8 1 33.58 33.58

33. s8 33.58

0651014 01,/13/lL Oursr O3O2'754 AAHPERD v02s639s oL/L2/rL r.3s.00 135.00

135.00 1"35.00

06510L5 01,/13/11 oursr 041.?10? Accelerated Rehabilirar.i v0256032 L2/3L/L0 80005800 8, 333 .33 8, 333 . 33 Febi y 01 20J.1 ACCOI,JITTS PAYABL. .ECK REGISTER 08 ;10 Period aL/oL/2o!1 - oL/3t/2OLr Bank Code: LP Alpine Àccounts Payable GL Account No; 01-00000-).L279

Check Check Check Vendor Voucher voucher POIBPO Voucher Cash Disc Check Number DaEe Scatus ID Payee Name ÏD DaEe Number AmoLrnt AmounE Àmount

8, 333 . 33 8, 333 .33 06510L6 01,/13/LL Outsc 0372887 Mr. Jon P. Akins v02564t6 0L/t3/)-')" 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 065L01? 0r-l13l1L void 042855'7 Alpha Card

o6sr.0L8 01/13/11 ouEsE 0296423 Alpine Kiwanis Club vo2s62t2 oL/to/tL P0025385 8? .50 87. 50

87.50 8? .50

0651019 0Lll-3llL ouesL 04246?7 Àmerican Àcademy of Pedi V0255834 L2/3L/t0 PO024986 64.95 64.95 64.95 64.95

06s1020 01/13,/11 ouEsr 0305324 American StudenE, List, L v02s603s L2/3L/10 P0025309 801 .78 801 .78 801 .78 801.78

065L021- 01,/L3lLL Ouust 0302873 Anixter Inc v02ss836 L2/3r/rO 80005s81 r52.55 L52 .55 ).52.55 Ls2.55

o6sto22 01,/13/11 ouEsr 0312388 ÀSr Modulex v02ss837 t2/3L/Lo BOAO5142 L9L.L2 t9L.L2 L9L.t2 t9t.t2

0651023 01,/L31L1 OuEsr 0330843 ASC vo256220 ,r/LL/Lt 174.09 t74.O9 ]-'74.09 L74.09

o65LO24 0L,/L3/L1 ouEst 02926498&HPhotoVideo v02s6038 L2/3tlto P002 53 L 9 34.95 34.95

34 .95 34 .95

06sr.025 0Llr3l11 outst 0292357 Baker & Taylor v02s6040 L2/30/L0 8000s543 39. ?0 39.?O vo2s6o42 t2/3t/LO 80005543 55.39 55.39 v02s604s ]',2/30/LO 80005543 948.37 948.37 v02s6046 L2/3L/L0 80005543 L, 433 .67 L , 433 .67 2,477.L3 2,477 .L3

o65LO26 01/13/r-L Outst 0298L97 Bank of Àmericâ v02s6222 OL/LL|LL 80005625 42,706 .73 42,706.73 42,706.73 42,706.73

06sLo27 01/13,/1r. OursE 0333919 The Bank of New York vo2s64o3 or/13/rt 374.50 374.50 374.50 3'ì4.50 Feb, y 01 2011 ACCOU}TTS PAYABL. .ECK REGISTER 08:10 Period 0L/0l/2orr - otl3]-/20L1 Bank Code: LP Aì.pine Accounr.s Payable GL ÀccounE No: 01-00000-J.L279

Check Check check Vendor Voucher voucher POIBPO Voucher Cash Disc Check Nunlcer DaLe St.atus ID Payee Name ID DaE,e Nurnber Àmount Amount Àmount

065L028 01/L3l11 OUESE 0289535 BatEeries Plus v02s60sr. t2 / 3r/ ro Booo5429 37.L4 37.L4 37.L4 37.r4

0651029 0L/13/11 OuEst 0369266 Boone & Winnebago CounEi v0255823 L2/3L/LO 25.00 25 .00

25.00 2s. 00 0651030 0L,/13l1.1 ouLsE 00s8049 The Estate of Paul 'J. Bu v02563o9 oI/I2/tl 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00

065103L 01/13/LL ouEst OL9L027 Ms. Carolyn M. Bush v02s6223 0r/LL/tL 280.00 280 .00 280.00 280.00

0651032 01,/L3l11 OucsE 0289599 C D w Government. Inc vo2s6L8? L2/3t/LO PO025246 2,s99.OO 2 , s99 .00 2,599.OO 2,599.00

06sL033 01/r.3/r.L ouEsE 0091537 Jeffrey W. Carr v025640L oL/L3/Lt 225.OO 22s.00

225.OO 225.00

065L034 01,/L3/LL ouÈst 0428873 CFRE InternaEional vo2s6392 OLlL2/tt 360.00 360.00

360 .00 360. 00

0651-035 01/r.3/11 OuEsr 0289614 City of Rockford v0256247 Ùr/LLltt 800054?0 ]-8.72 ]-8.72 L8.72 L8.72

0651036 0L/l-3l1L outsE, 0289674 Cit,y of Rockford vo2s6248 OrlLLltt 800054?0 L92.26 192.26

L92 -26 L92.26

065L03? 01,/13l11 0289614 CiE.y of Rockford vo2s6249 0r/Lt/tt 80005470 L2.L8 12 .18 L2.L8 1.2.L8

065L038 0Ll1"3/1"1. outsE 0289674 CiEy of Rockford vo2562s0 or/tr/rr 800054 7 0 24.94 24.94

24.94 24 .94

0651-039 01/1.3/1"1" oucsE 0289614 CíEy of Rockford vo2s62sL 01"/LL/tr 80005470 42.L6 42.L6 42.t6 42.L6

065L040 01/13/11 outsE 028961a city of Rockford vo2s62s2 oL/tt/Lr BOOO5470 2s.t3 25. r"3 25.13 25.13 Febr t OL 2OLL ACCOIJNTS PAYABI,. ECK REGISTER 08 :10 Period or/o1/2otr - ot/3L/20LL Bank Code: LP ÀLpine Accounts Payable GL ÀccounL No: 0L-00000-IL279

Check Check Check vendor Voucher Voucher PO/BPO voucher Cash Disc Check Number DaEe StaLus ID Payee Name TD DaLe Nuriber Àmount Amount AmounU

0651041 0tl13lL1 OUESC 0289674 CiCy of Rockford v02s62s3 ,t/n/LL 80005470 9.32 9.32 9.32 9.32

065LO42 01/13/rr. Outsc 0289674 Ciey of Rockford vo2s62s4 0L/ Lr/ LL 8000s470 28.L4 28.r4 2A.t4 28.t4

065L043 or-lr"3/LL ouEsE 0289674 Cit.y of Rockford v02s62ss oLlLL|LL 800054?0 302 .03 302 .03

302.03 302. 03 0651044 oL/13/LL oursr 0289674 City of Rockford v02s62s6 0L/LLlLt 80005470 242.32 242.32 242.32 242.32

0651.045 0r./r.3/11 02896?4 Cit.y of Rockford v02s62s7 ÙL/tL/tL 80005470 r59.74 L59.74 L59.74 L59.74 0651046 01/13111 outsc 0289674 City of Rockford vo2s626' 0L/LL/Lt 80005470 268.60 268.60

268 .60 268.60

0651047 01/13/11 ouEsts 0289674 City of Rockford vo2s6262 OI|LL|L! 800054?0 141.34 141.34 L4L.34 L4L.34

0651048 01/13/1i- outsE 0289674 Cicy of Rockford vo2s6263 0t/t!/tr 80005470 93 .0s 93 .05

93 .05 93 .0s

0651049 01"/13/11 Ourse 0289674 City of Rockford v02s626s otlLL/LL 8000s470 64.29 64.29 64.29 64.29 0651050 01/r.3/r-1 0289674 City of Rockford v0256266 0L/LL/Lt 800054?0 420.88 420.88

420 .88 420.48

0651051 01/13/11 outst 0289674 City of Rockford v0256261 Or/]-t/\L 80005470 93 .0s 93 .05

93 .0s 93 .05

0651052 or./13/LL OuEsL 02896"14 City of Rockford vo2s6268 OLlLL/LL 800054 70 84 .99 84.99 84.99 84.99

0651053 01./r.3,/r1 OUESC 02896'74 City of Rockford vo2s6269 0L/tL/LL 80005470 54.86 54.86 Febr y 01 2011 ACCOIJNTS PAYABL. ECK REGISTER L? 08 :10 Period 0L/0L/20LL - 0]-/37/20LL Bank Code: LP Àlpine ÀccounEs Payable GL AccounE No; 01-00000-1L279 Check Check Check Vendor voucher Voucher PolBPO voucher Cash Disc Check Number Date StsaEus ID Payee Name ID DaEe Nuhber Àmount AnìounE Anìount

54 .86 54 .86

0651054 01/13/LL Oucst O2a9674 Ciuy of Rockford vo2s6270 01"/ tL / Lr 800054?0 337.65 337.65 337.65 337 -65

0651055 0Ll13/L1 OutsE 0289674 City of Rockford v0256273 0L/ rL/ rL 80005470 3r..68 31.68

3r. .68 31.68

06510s6 01/13/11 OuEst. 02896'74 City of Rockford vo2s6275 OL/LL/ LL 80005470 608.45 608 .45

608 .45 608.45

065los7 0Ll13/LL OutsE 0289674 City of Rockford vo2s6278 ÙLILL/LL 800054?0 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29

06510s8 01/13/LL ouEsE 0289614 City of Rockford vo25628t OLlL]./ LL 8000s470 6L.43 61 .43 6L.43 61 .43

0651059 01/L3,/lL outsE 02896?4 CiÈy of Rockford vo2s6284 0L/LL/ LL 800054?0 9.98 9.98

9 .98 9.98

065L060 o1lL3,/11 OuEst 0289674 City of Rockford v0256302 0t/ )J / rt 80005470 24.29 24.29 24.29 24.29

065106L 01/13/]-1. Oursr 02896'75 Clark SecuriEy Products vo2s6L88 t2/3L/L0 80005530 351.88 35r. .88 351.88 3sr..88

o65LO62 01/13/LL Ouest. 0384473 Comcast v02s608r. J.2/31/ t0 8000s483 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.9s

0651063 0Ll1.3/11 Outst 0384473 Comcast v02s6083 ].,2/3L/LO 8000s482 6,450 . 00 6,450.00

6, 450 . 00 6,450.00

0651064 01/13/L1 OuEst 0384473 Comcast v0256088 12/3L/10 80005483 204.97 204.9'7 204.97 204.97

0651065 01/L3l11 OuLsc 03844'13 ComcâsE, v0256089 12/30/r0 8000s483 260.Lt 260. r1

260.LL 260. 11 Febr )/ 01 20LL ÀCCOI'NÎS PÀYABI,I .ECK REGISTER Pa 08:10 Period 0L/otl2otr - 0r/3L/2oLr Bank Code: LP Alpine Accounts Payable cL Àccount No: 01-00000-L].279 Check Check Check Vendor voucher Voucher POIBPO Voucher Cash Disc Check Nurnber DaEe SEaLus ID Payee Name ID Date Number Àmount ÀmÕunt Amount 0651066 O1l13/LL OuEsÈ O3LO222 ConsEellarion New Energy VO256099 LT/3L/LO 80005552 59 ,574 .7)- 59 ,574 .7L 59,574.7L 59,574.7L

0651067 01/13/L1 OUESE 0098870 Tiana .L Cooper v02s610s 0L/o7lLL 35 .00 3s.00 3s.00 35.00

0651068 0Ll13/11 OutsE O287LOL Sean R. copeland v02s63r.6 0r/L2/rL 9L0.00 910 .00

9r.0 .00 910.00

065L069 0L,/13/11 outst 042247 0 Coronado Performing Arcs v025363'? rL/!5/L0 P0025023 300 .00 300.00 300.00 300.00

0651070 0Ll13/11 ouEst 0LL'7682 DaE.atel Inc vo256324 O1/ L2 ltL P0O25276 10, 740.00 10,740.00 10, 740.00 r_0,740.00

06s1071 01/L3,/11 Void O2525L6 David R. Dillavou 065Lo'ì2 0L/13111 outst O4O4225 Ms. Shannon T. Doyle v02s6333 OLlL2lLL 840.00 840.00 840.00 840.00

0651073 01/13,/11 outsL 0304879 Dr Stillrracer Company v0256160 12/3t/r0 80005540 38.50 38.50 38.50 38 .50

065LO74 01/L3/11 Outst 03L3000 Eugene Duncanson vo2s6L62 L2/3L/LO 69.95 69.95 69.9s 69 .9s

065L0?5 01/L3lLL ouEse 038442L Famous Dave's v02s6L89 L2/3t/Lo P0024559 1, 064 .9L L, 064 .9L

r, 064 .91 I , 064 .9L

o65LO76 01/13,/11 outsE 0289720 Fisher Scientific v0256375 oL/t2/LL 8000563 L 73.98 73.98 v0256377 ot/L2/tL 8000s63 1 3, 386 .11 3,386.tL v02s6388 or/L2/tL 8000 s63 r. 94.66 94.66 v02s6389 otlL2/r! 8000 56 3 r. t4.37 t4.37 v02s6393 0L/t2/LL 8000563i. r20.40 r20.40 v0256394 0L/t2/LL B0 00563 L 1,4 .37 L4.37

3, ?03. 89 3,703.89

06510?8 01/13/tl oucsl: o42I257 FronLi er Communicalions v0256'J-94 12/3L/t0 8000s4 88 621. L0 62]-LO

621.10 621 . L0 Febr y 01 20L1. ACCOUNTS PAYABI,T .ECK REGISTER L9 08:10 Period 0r/or/2orl - o1/3L/20rr Bank Code: LP ALpine AccounEs Payable cL AccounL No: 0L-0000O-IL279 Check Check Check Vendor Voucher Voucher pOlBpO Voucher Cash Disc Check Number DaEe Status ID Payee Name ID DaEe Number Amount Àmount AmounE 06sL0?9 oLlL3/11 void O2897L8 Full- Compass Systems LEd 80005488 065L080 01,/13,/lL OuEst 03?2223 Harland Technology Servi v02562t4 oL/LL/lL POO25402 693 .00 693 .00 693 .00 693.00

065L08L 01,/13/i-L outst. 0194518 Janet R' Holmgren vo256406 0r/13/LL 370 .85 370.8s 370.85 3?0.85

0651082 01/13/11 OuEst 028976? Home DepoE vo2s4770 L2/O8/L0 8O00s689 44.L"? 44.L7 44.L7 44.I7

0651083 o1l13/11 ouEsc 036L644 Jayne À. HueEtsl v02s6030 t2/3L/L0 300.00 300.00 v02s6031 72/3t/L0 22s.OO 22s.00 s25.00 s2s.00

0651084 01/13/11 OuEst 0295852 Kelley !{illiamson Compan vo2ss799 L2/23/L0 80005586 202.98 202.98 202.98 202.98

065108s 01/13/11 Outst 031L025 EmiLy Kelps v02ss800 12/23/L0 80005809 1, 680 .00 L, 680 . 00

L, 680 . 00 L, 680 . 00

0651086 01/13111 OutsE 0321958 Kitzmans Ltd. vo2s61s0 0L/o7lLL P0025257 L96.32 L96.32 L96.32 L96.32

o6st o8? oL,/13/lL Outst. 0289855 La Voz Latina vo2s6052 r2/3L/L0 500.00 s00.00 500.00 500 .00

0651088 0L,/13/11 OuEst, O4O9752 Lamps and Screens online v0255882 0L/04/LL POO2528L L,623 .56 L , 623 .56 vo2s62L9 oLltL/ tL P002528L 5, 11"0 . 50 5, 1-10. 50

6,734.06 6 ,134 .06

0651089 01/13,/Ll. OuE,st O4224L2 Lar^rrence NaEionalease v02561-48 L2/3]-/LO 80005794 7 ,392 . OO 7,392.00

7 ,392.OO ? ,392.00

0651090 orl1.3/11 outst 0422329 Ler{¡is Paper v0255865 t2/3LlrO 8000s739 L,I37.79 )", L37 .79 L,L37.79 I,I37.79

065t 09l 01,/r3l11 Outst. 0413868 LexisNexis Screening v0256166 12/3t/lO Boo0s645 2,94L.2r 2 ,94L.2L 2,94L.2L 2,94r .2L Febr I OL 2OlI ACCOU}TTS PAYABI,I ,ECK REGTSTER 08:1.0 Period or/or/zoLL - orl3t/20Lr Bank Code: LP Alpine Account,s Payable GL AccounE No: 0L-00000-LL2'79 Check Check Check Vendor voucher Voucher PolBPo Voucher Cash Disc Check Number Date Statsus ID Payee Name TD DaE.e Number Àmount ÀmounE Amount

0651092 01/13/11 Out,st 0289806 LindsErom Travel vo2560L? 0L/ O6lrL P0025360 270.40 270.40 270.40 2'10.40

0651093 0L/13/11 OULSL 031.L458 Management Resource Grou v0256429 OL/OL/11 80005743 10, 833 . 33 10, 833 .33

L0, 833 . 33 l_0, 833 .33

0651094 01/L3lLL out,st 0389814 Mr. Aaron E. Mccray vo2562L5 0L/tt/rt 280. 00 280.00 280.00 280.00

o6sr.o95 01,/13/11 Oubst 028987? MidwesE Library Service vo2ss9L2 0L/Ù'/LL 80005447 39 .02 39.02 39.02 39.02

0651096 01/L3,/11 outst 0381-?88 Ms. TrÍanna D. Moore v02s62]-6 ïLlnln 280.00 280.00 280.00 280.00

065r.09? 01-lL3l11 Outst 0422284 David R. Morgan v0256L96 L2/3L/L0 8000s732 2, 500.00 2, 500.00 2, s00 .00 2, s00 .00

0651098 0L/13/11 OutsL 0289881 Nicholson Hardrrare v02ss378 L2/L7/ro P0025258 s09 .73 509 . ?3 v02ss811 L2/23/L0 P0025258 45.99 45.99 55s.72 555.12

o6sl-099 01,/13/11 Oursr 0289883 NICOR Gas v02s6L69 L2/3L/to 80005495 585 .96 585.96 585.96 s8s.96

0651100 0r-lr-31LL Outst 0289883 NICOR Gas vo2s6L7L t2/3L/rO 80005495 787 .95 787 .95 787 .95 ?87.95

0651101 01/l-3lLL outst 0298332 Paper Recovery Service c vo2ss900 L2/3L/t0 80005454 155 .00 1 55 .00 15s.00 155.00

0651102 01/13/11 0295488 Mr. Zack M. Pearson vo2562L7 Ot/ttltr 420 .00 420.00

420 . OO 420. 00

06sr.L03 01/13/11 ouLsE 0396379 Penske Truck Leasing co V0255909 01/05/II P00251-51- 4, 500 .00 4, 500.00

4 , 500. 00 4, 500. 00 Feb. .y 0L 201-1 ACCOI'NTS PAYABL IECK REGISTER 2L 08:10 Period oL/ot/2oLr - ot/3t/2orr Bank Code: LP AJ.pine AccounEs Payable GL AccounE No: 01-0000O-LL279 Check Check Check Vendor Voucher Voucher POIBPO voucher Cash Disc Check Number Dace sEatus ID Payee Name TD DaEe Number Àmount AmounE AmounU

065L1"04 0L/L3/11 ouBst 0400360 PercepEive sofcware vo2ss8L2 L2/23/LO 8000s705 L68 . ?5 1 68 .75 r.68 .75 168 .75

0651105 oLl13/LL Oucsc 0303259 Power SysEems Inc. vo25s902 12/3t/LO POO25322 24L.60 241.60 24L.60 24L.60

0651106 01,/13/11 OuEst 0295075 Pro Com Systems v025s904 L2/3L/L0 P0024772 4, 660. 00 4,660.OO 4, 660.00 4, 660.00

O65L1o7 oL,/l3/LL ouEst 0289927 Professional Engraving v02ss682 L2/22/tO POO2s32t L5.25 L5.25 v02ss903 oLl05/LL P0025332 L4 .85 t_4 .85

30. 10 30.10

o6sr.r.08 01/13/lL outst 0338569 Quality Mats vo255926 12 / 3t/ LO 80005497 141.85 L41.85 v02s5930 L2/3r/LO 8000s497 L4l-.85 141.85 v0255933 1"2 / 3t/!O 80005497 150 .07 150.07 v0255935 L2/3L/L0 80005497 L50.07 150.07 v02ss936 L2/3t/LO 8000s497 150.0? 150.07 '733.9L 733.9L

0651109 01/L3,/11 Outst 0293795 R J Ga1la Company Inc vo2s63LL oLl L2 /tL P0025321 r., 6L5.00- -1,615.00 vo2563l2 OL/ L2 / LL POO25327 L,253.00- -r.,253.00 v02s6313 Ot/ t2 / LL P0025327 7 ,I25.OO 7,L25.00

4,257 .00 4,257 .OO

06511L0 0L/13,/11 OuLsÈ 0302374 RandalL Industries Inc v02s6os6 oL/o7lLL 52L.90 52L.90 v02s605? oll01lLL 369.96 369.96 89L.86 89r..86

06511r.L 0Ll13/LL outst 0342322 Rock River Disposal Serv V0254495 t]-/30/LO 80005502 4?3.20 473.20 473.20 473.20

}65LLL2 01/13/11 outst 0427182 Rock River Service Compa V0255379 t2/17 /to BOOO5797 24.75 24.75 v02 553 80 t2/t7 /t0 80005797 24.15 24.75 v0255381 12/).7 lto 80005797 ?5.00 75 .00 v0255382 12/L7 /L0 80005797 24.75 24.75 v02 55383 L2/t7 /L0 80005797 75 .00 75.00 v02 55384 12/L7 lto 80005797 75.00 ?5. 00 v0255385 L2/r7/tO 80005797 ?5. 00 75.00 v025s386 12/r7 /Lo 80005?97 24.75 24.75 v02 55388 L2/t7 /LO 80005797 75. OO 75. 00

474.OO 474 . OO Feb. .y 01 2011. ACCOI'NTS PÀYABL ,TECK REGISTER 22 08:10 Períod or/oa/zott - or/3L/20Lt Bank Code: LP Alpine Àccounts Payable GL AccounE No: 0L-00000-LL219 Check Check Check Vendor Voucher voucher Po/BPo Voucher Cash Disc Check Nurnber Date Status fD Payee Name ID Daue Nurnber AmounE Amount Àmount

065L113 O1l13,/11 OuEsE 02946'?4 Rock River Warer Reclama v0256070 oL/o7/LI 80005504 38. 00 38 .00 38.00 38 .00

065r.r.l-4 01/L3/11 Outst. 0052693 Rock Valley College vo256,72 L2/3L/L0 931.40 931.40 93L.40 931.40

o65LL15 01/13,/11 outsb 0289926 Rock Valley Culligan vo2s6076 !2/3t/LO 80005593 r.08 .90 L08.90 108.90 r.08 .90

0651116 0L/L3llL OuLsE 0345040 Rockford CharEer Coach L vo2s6L00 L2/3L/L0 PO024736 645.00 645.00 vo2s6L0L t2/3L/10 PO024735 845.00 84s.00 v02s6L02 L2/3L/L0 PO025272 2, 350.00 2,3s0.00 v02s63L8 oLlL2/r1 PO024?37 675.00 67s.00

4, 515.00 4, 51 5. 00

0651LL7 0L,/L3/LL OuEst. 0338001 Rockford Dance Company vo2s6tr2 )-2/3!/LO P00253 57 L,2L6.OO 1, 2L6 . 00

L,2L6.OO 1, 2L6 . 00

06s1L18 01/13/lL outsE 0290026 Rockford Ind Welding vo25s236 t2lLslLO 8000s639 72.98 72.98 v0256L64 L2/31/rO 80005501 108.20 108.20

L8r..18 r.8L. r.8

o65t 1L9 01,/L3l11 Outst 0290030 Rockford Regist,er Star vo2s6332 OL/L2/LL 78.00 78.00 78.00 78.00

0651120 01,/L3llL OutsL 0290030 Rockford RegisLer SÈar vo256334 0r/t2/rr ?8 .00 78.00 78.00 78.00

0651121 01/13,/11 ouEsE 0290030 Rockford Register vo2s6326 OL|L2|L! P002s386 786 .00 786 .00 786.00 ?86.00

o65LI22 01/L3l11 Outst 0290030 Rockford Registser Star v0256336 Or/L2/r! 800054 34 4,487 .58 4 , 487 .58 4,487 .58 4,487 .58

o65LL23 oLl13111 Outsc 0306614 Ron Carlson ElecEric v0256338 Ot/L2/Lr 80005562 6,687 .54 6,687.54 v02s634r.0r/L2/Lt 80005562 L,?9't .45 L,797.45 8,484.99 I,484 .99 Febr -y 01 201L ACCOUÌ,ITS PAYABL .{ECK REGISTER 0B ; 1.0 Period 0l/07/20rr - 0t/3r/20l.7 Bank Code¡ LP Alpine AccounE.s Payable GL Account No: 0L-0000O-LL279 Check Check Check vendor voucher Voucher Po/BPo Voucher Cash Disc Check Number DaEe Status ID Payee Name ID Date Number Amount ÀmounE Amount

o65LL24 oLlL3,/L1 Outst 0428615 RSVP vo2s6344 OLl12/1"L L5.00 l-5. o0 L5.00 15. 00

0651125 oLl13/LL OuEst. oo7o754 Mary J. Rudzinski vo2s6341 OL|L2/L! r-0.59 r.0.59 10.59 r-0.59

065]-]26 01/L3l1.1 OUESE 03?6488 Rush Power Systems LLC vo254L43 L1-/23/L0 80005563 5, 145.00 6,r.45.00 6,L45.00 6, 145.00

o6sLL27 01/13/11 Outsts 0289955 Safety - Kleen Systems I v02s4948 LL/30/L0 80005438 L68.00 r.68. 00 vo2s4949 Lt/30/L0 8000s438 167.00 16? .00 33s.00 33s.00

0651L28 O1lL3,/lL Outst 0205435 Maria O. SaLazar v02s64Ls oLlL3lrL 1, 549 . 98 L ,549 .98

1, 549 . 98 1, 549 . 98

0651129 0L/13/11 outst 0289956 Sam's club Direct v02s49s1 LL/30/L0 8000s686 41 .83 4L.83 vo2s49s2 ttl30/L0 80005686 1s0. 36 1s0.36 L92.L9 L92.L9

0651130 01-,/13/LL ouEsE 0002642 William R. Samuelson vo2s64L8 OtlL3/LL 15.05 r.5.05 15. 05 15. 05

0651131 01,/13111 ouEsE 0428L90 Schelde NorEh Àmerica vo2s6423 OLlL3/tL 178 .00 178.00 178 .00 178 .00

0651132 01,/L3l11 Ouest 0361660 PauLa L. schmoldt vo2s6422 OLlL3/LL 58.00 58.00 s8.00 58.00

0651133 01,/L3l11- oucst 042oaL4 Schneider EIectric vo2s4964 LL/30/tO 80005584 375.00 375 .00 vo2s496s Lt/30/to 80005584 187.50 187.50 562.50 562.50

0651134 01/1"3/11 Outst 030590? SimplexGrinnell LP vo254994 L2/Lo/a0 8000s44 0 530.00 530.00 v0254996 L2/Lo/L0 8000544 0 46s.00 46s.00 vo254997 L2/rO/Lo 80005440 1,380.00 r., 380 . 00 v02s4998 L2/Lo/Lo 8000544 0 L,749.00 l-,?49.00 vo2s4999 t2/L0/to 8000544 0 10, L53 . 00 10, 153 . 00 v0255000 L2/LO/LO 80005440 517.00 517 .00

14 ,194 . OO L4,794 . OO Feb¡ -y 01" 20L1 ACCOI,'NTS PÀYABL {ECK REGISTER OB : 1-0 Period or/oL/2077 - orl3]-/2ü:" Bank Code: LP Àlpine ÀccounEs Payable GL Àccount No: 01-0000O-LL279

Check Check Check Vendor voucher voucher POIBPO Voucher Cash Disc Check Number DâEe Sf,atus ID Payee Name TD Date Nurnber Amount ÀmounE Amount

0651-135 0Ll13l11 outst 03063i.4 SmarEPracBice v02sss3s L2/2o/Lo 8000s479 r., 504 .39 L, 504 .39

1, 504 .39 1,504.39

o65LL36 01/13,/LL oucsE 0292658 Smith oil corporaEion v02sss3? 12/20lto 80005684 t-, 065.45 1, 065 .45 v02sss42 12/20/L0 80005684 551-. 12 551. L2 v02sss43 12/20/tO 80005684 r,049 .57 t, o49 .57 v02ss544 J.2/20/L0 80005684 r., 910.65 1, 910.65 v02sss4s r2/2o/L0 80005684 1, 631. 51 L, 63L.5L

6, 208.30 6,208.30

065LL3? 01/13,/11 ouEse 0290036 Snap on Tools v02sss49 t2/2o/Lo 8000s69s 25.75 25.75 25.75 25.75

0651138 0r"/L311.1 OULSE 030125? Source 4 v02ssss2 L2/2o/Lo 8000s6L0 ?65.2L 765.2L 765.2L 765.2L 0651139 0L/13/11 Oursr 042L879 .Tulian D. Springer v0255137 Or/12/It 136.00 136 .00

r.36. 00 136.00

0651140 01/13l1r. Oursr 0410491 St. Charles Lanes v02ss913 or/oslLL 275.OO 215.OO

275.OO 275.OO

065114L 0L,/L3,/11 Oursr 0348?33 SwaE PesL Control v0255s88 t2/21/L0 8000544 5 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00

o65rt42 01/13/11 Our,st 0366218 UniversiE,y of South Caro v02s6228 01"/LL/Lr P0025377 525. 00 525.00 v0256229 ot/rr/tr P0025377 525.00 525.00 vo256230 ú/LL/LL P0025377 525.00 525. 00 vo25623t ot/LL/LL P0025377 525.00 525. 00 v0256233 ü./LL/LL PO025377 525.00 525.00 vo256234 01-/ LI/LL PO025377 525.00 s25.00 v0256236 oL / t7/ rr PO025377 525.00 525.00 v025623? û/ü-/lL PO02537'ì s2s.00 525.00 4, 200.00 4, 200.00

0651143 01/L3l11 Outst. 0309405 UZ Engineered Products VO255654 ).2/22/1,0 80005650 297 .37 297.37

297 .37 29? .37

065L144 01,/13/11 ouLsc 0290068 Van Ga1der Bus Company V0255657 12/22lLO P0025131 804.00 804 .00

804 .00 804.00 Febi -'y 01 2011 ACCOI'NÎS PÀYABL .{ECK REGISTER 0B: L0 Period 0I/0r/2oL1 - oL/3L/2Orr Bank code: LP À1pine AccounEs Payable GL AccounL, Nor 01-00000-).1219

Check Check Check Vendor voucher Voucher POIBPO voucher Cash Disc Check Number Dace StaÈus ID Payee Name ID Date Nuñber Amount Àmount AmounE

0651145 01,/13/11 OucsE, O4286LL Amy vùeglarz vo256426 OL|\3|LL 105. 00 L05.00 105.00 r.0s.00

0651L46 ,r/r3/LL oursE o39O342 World Inst,ruceor Trainin VO255707 L2/22/LO POO25249 3, L92 . 00 3, t-92 .00 3,L92.OO 3, L92.00

o65Lt47 01/13,/11 Ourst 0295035 WTVO-1"7 vo25639't OtlL3/Lt 80005805 2, 800.00 2, 800.00 v02s6398 0L/L3/LI B0005805 1, 950 . 00 1, 950 . 00 vo2s6399 OL/L3/tL 80005805 700.00 ?00.00 v02s6400 0L/t3lt\ 8000s80s L, 550 .00 1_, 550.00

7, 000 . 00 7, 000 . 00

0651148 Or/t3lLt OUESE 0295554 Xerox CorporaEion vo2ss7o9 r2/22/L0 80005487 25r.79 25L.79 25L.79 25L.79

0651149 0r./14l11 Outst 0287683 Alpine Bank v02s6363 OLlL4/LL 200. 00 200.00 200.00 200.00 06sL150 0]-/r4/Ll Outsc 0287693 American Funds Service C v0256356 0r/L4/LL 4,413 .05 4,4L3.O5

4,4L3 .05 4,4L3 . 0s

06sr.1sr- 01/14lr.r. Outst 0287700 Horace Mann Life Insuran V0256361 or/L4/tL 2,93s.83 2,935.43

2 ,93s .83 2,93s.83

0651152 oLl14lLL ouEsE 0308253 IL FederaEion of Teacher V0256357 0L/L4/LL 4 , 948 .64 4 , 948 .64

4 ,948 .64 4 , 948 .64

06511.s3 0l-lr.4/LL ouEsE 0309s?4 IL Fraternal Order v02s63s8 ollL4/LL 190.00 r.90.00

190. 00 190.00

0651154 ol-lL4llL ouEsE 0287706 Mass Mutual PaymenE Serv vo2s6362 OL/L4|IL 2s0.00 250.00

2s0. o0 2s0. 00

06s1155 0Ll14,/LL OuEst 0287687 RVC Foundation3o-86320-5 v02s63s9 otlL4/Ll 454 .96 454.96

454 .96 454.96

0651156 0i,/L4,/11 Outst, 0287688 SEaEe UniversiEies ReEir vo2s636o oL/J.4/LL 920.46 920.46 vo2s6364 OL/L4/Lt 5 ,76r.64 5,76L.6A Febr -y 0L 20tl ACCOUNTS PAYABL. IECK REGISTER 08:L0 Period 0I/0]-/201:- - 0r/3L/2OtL Bank Code: LP ÀIpine AccounEs Payable GL Accounc No: 0L-00000-LL279

Check Check Check Vendor voucher voucher PolBPO voucher Cash Disc Check Number Date SLatus ID Payee Name ID Date NuÍ¡ber AmounE Àmount Amount.

v02s636s or/L4/Lt 10, ?88 . 00 L0, 788 . 00 vo2s6366 OLlL4/17 80.20 80.20 v02s6361 O|lt4/tt t28.42 L28.42 v02s6368 OtlL4/Lr 3,2?4.33 3,274.33 v02s6369 Ot/L4/).L 86 , O54 .L4 86, 054 . L4

1.07,OO7.23 107,OO7.23

0651157 oj./L4,/LL Outse O2877I9 TIAA-CREF v02s6370 0L/L4/rL 3,433 .33 3, 433 .33 3,433 .33 3,433.33

0651158 01/L4lLL outssts 0287689 UniEed V{ay - Rock River v025637L ÙL/L4/LL 793.97 793.97 793.97 793.97

0651159 0LlL4,/LL OuEsc O28'l'722 Vanguard Group v02s6373 OL|L4|L! 6, 382 .33 6 , 382 .33

6 ,382 .33 6 , 382 .33

0651160 01/14111 our,sE, 0287723 Variable Annuiey r,ife rn v0256372 0L/L4/tL 8, 0?1. 66 8, 071.66

I , O7r .66 8, 0?r..66

065116r. 01/14111 Outst, 0287723 Variable Ànnuity Life rn v02s63s5 oLltA/LL 9, 308 .2s 9,308.25 9,304.25 9,308.25

0651162 01/14,/11 Outst O35624L Weight, Wauchers N.À. vo2s6374 OL/L4/tL 260. 00 260. OO 260.00 260 .00

0651163 01,/L4lLL ouLsE 0419175 Blitt, and Gaines PC v0256489 0t/L4/Lt L63.44 )-63.44

163.44 L63 .44

0651164 0r./L4l11 our,sr 03"12092 Capíca1 One Bank vo2s6492 Ot/L4/1"\ 43 .19 43.t9

43 .19 43.1"9

0651r-6s 01/14111 Oursr 0295773 Clerk of t.he Superior co v0256486 0r/14/).1 L23.63 723 .63

]-23 .63 r23 .63

0651166 01/14111 outst 0368831 Freedman Anselmo Lindber vO25649O OL/L4 / Ll r-38.54 138. s4 138.54 138.54

0651167 01/14111 OuLsr O2897J-8 Full Compass SysEems Lr.d v02s648s or/14/Lr Poo2s292 336 .8s 336. Bs 336.8s 336.85 Feb -'y 0L 20LI ACCOUNTS PAYABT .{ECK REGTSTER 08:L0 Period 0r/0r/2011 - 0r/3r/20tt Bank Code: LP Àlpine Accounus Payable GL Accou¡lt- No: 01-00000-LL279 Check Check Check Vendor voucher voucher PO/BPO voucher Cash Disc Check Number Date status ID Payee Name ID Date Number Amounf AmounE Amounc

0651168 OLlL4l11 OuEsE O4OL842 Missouri Dept of Higher V0256488 OllL{/tt 278.97 2'78.9't 278.97 278.97

06sL169 01/14lLL outst 028988L Nicholson Hardware v025s918 L2/3L/t0 POO2s2sg 4L6.77 416.7"? 4L6.7'.1 4t6.77

0651170 0L,/l-4111 OuLst o29OL82 State Disbursemenc Unit vo2s6487 OL/L{ltt 189. s9 L89.59 189. s9 L89.59

06s117L 01/14111 Outsts 0422427 United StudenE Aid Funds vo2s649L oLlL4ltL L42.80 L42.80 r42.80 t42.80

06511?2 0l-,/L8/lL Ouest o290O29 Rockford Mass Transit Di V0256584 OLlL8/LL POO2'422 4, 070.00 4, 070.00 4, 070.00 4, 070.00

06511"73 01/19,/11 Outst, 02092Lt Pamela J. scantlin vo2s66r6 0L/ L8 lLt B000ss03 r,5L2 .75 !,5!2.'75 r,5t2.75 L,5L2.75

o6sJ,L74 01/20lL1 outsE 0304053 ÀBC Supply Co v02s6800 0L/20/LL P0025358 465.20 46s.20 465.20 465.20

o65r.L?5 0Ll20lL1 ouEst 03?8906 À Better Choice CaEering VO256770 0L/20/LL POO2'449 92s.00 925.OO 925.00 925.00

o6sLL76 01/20111 Outst o4L7Lo'? Accelerated RehabiliEaEi V0256517 0L/L4/lL 8000s800 8.333.00 8, 333 .00 8,333.00 8, 333 . 00

o65LL77 0Ll20lLL ouEsu 0394206 ADV Lawn & Landscape v02s6033 L2/3L/L0 80005465 2,540.O0 2, 540.00 2,5.r0.00 2. s40.00

o6sl.1?8 01/20l1r. oucsc 0372887 Mr. Jon P. Akins vo2s6sLs 0t/L4/1"t 30.00 30.00 v02s6516 0t/L4/Lt 30.00 30. 00 vo2s6637 OL|LS/LL 30.00 30. 00 v02s6638 OLlL8/Lt 30 .00 30.00

120. 00 120.O0

14 .31 O6s1L?9 01/20111 OUESE 0295867 Akzo Nobel PainE.s LLC vo2s6r82 |2/3L/LO P002s396 14 .31 L4 .31 14.31 Febr- -y 0L 2011 ACCOUI\MS PÀYÀBL" .ECK REGISTER 0B: L0 Period or/or/2ott - 01./31/20Lt

Bank Code: LP Alpine ÀccounE.s PayabJ-e GL AccounL No: 0l--00000-LL279 Check Check check vendor voucher voucher PO,/BPO Voucher Cash Disc Check Number Date Status TD Payee Name ID Date Number Amount AmounE ÀmounL

0651180 01/201L1 outst 0429034 Allen Chapel À¡rlE Church v0256640 Ol/Lg/Ll 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00

o65Ll-81 01,/20lLL ouEst 0322856 American Chemical Socieg vO256520 0L/L4/tt 188.00 188.00 vo25652L oL/L4/tL 20.00 20.oo 208.00 208 .00

o65LL82 0i-,/20l11 OUESE 0289615 Aramark Uniform Services vO256456 OLlL4/LL 80005466 94 .00 94.00 v02 564 58 ollL4/Lt 800054 66 L31. s0 13L.50 v02s6459 oL/L4/LL 80005466 487 .75 487.75 vo25646r oL/).4/LL 80005549 92.2L 92.2r vo256544 oL/L8/LL 800056s2 41.50 41.50 vo256546 0L/L8/tL 80005652 9.00 9.00 855.96 855.96

0651183 Ol-l20l11 Void 0LL5L10 Rhonda K. Arends 800056s2

0651184 OL,/20l11" OuEst 031-2388 ÀSI - Modulex vo2ss83s 12/3tlLo BOOO5742 415.00 415.00 4Ls.00 415.00

0651185 01,/2011.1 0295853 Automatsic Fire Syseems v0256060 |2/3L/LO 80005550 1,914.00 1, 914 . 00

1, 9L4 . 00 L, 914 . 00

0651186 OL,/2oll.L Out,st 0292357 Baker & Taylor v02s6039 12/3L/LO 8000s543 r.0.46 10.46 v02s6041 L2/31/L0 80005543 100.85 100.85 v02s6044 12/3r/t0 80005s4 3 2L2.45 2L2.45 vo2s6o47 12/3L/LO 80005543 51. L3 5L. 13 vo2s6464 otlt4/LL 80005543 286.72 286.72 661.6L 661 .61

06s1187 01,/20111 OuLsu 0333089 Jack .r. Becherer vo2s6452 0L/L4/LL 45.29 45.29 v02s6453 0r/L4/LL 101. 50 101.50 L46.79 L46.79

0651188 01/20l11 outsE 031344L Daryl R. Bickford v0256780 Or/20/Ll 2s.50 25.50 25.50 25.50

0651189 01,/20,/rl_ outst. 0220968 Pauline Box v02s6804 0r/20/Lr 52.84 52.44 52.84 52.84 Feb- -y 0L 20LL ACCOUNTS PAYABL .IECK REGISTER 29 0B : l-0 Perlod 0r/Ùt/2ott - 0L/3L/20r). Bank Code: LP Alpine AccounE.s Payable GL AccounL, No: 0L-00000-11279 Check Check Check Vendor Voucher Voucher POIBPO Voucher Cash Disc Check Number DaCe SEacus ID Payee Name ID DaEe Number Àmount ÀmounE Amount 0651190 OL/2O/LL Voíd OI39892 Denise D. Brourn 0651191 0L,/20/L1 OuEst 033?6L? Bud Weiser MoÈors fnc v0256054 L2/3L/LO 80005641 266.04 266.08 266.O8 266.08

o65Lt92 01,/20,/LL OuEst 0289599 C D li¡ Government lnc v02s606s L2/3t/L0 P002 534 3 52.48 52.48 v02s6090 L2/3t/LO P002s345 84.54 84.54

L3't.02 t3'1 .O2

0651193 0L,/20/11" Outst O424Os6 Tim Cahill v02s6763 0t/L9/LL P002 5451 894 .55 894 . s5

894 . s5 894 . s5

0651194 01/20lLL OuÈsE 0383950 Campus Works Inc v02s663s oL/tg/Lt 8000575L 4 ,666 .67 4,666.67

4,666 .67 4 , 666 .67

0651195 01/201L1 OuEst, 0383950 Campus !'¡orks Inc v02s6636 0L/L8/LL 80005751 4,666 .67 4,666.61 4,666 .67 4,666.67

065L196 01",/20111 outst 009153? ,Jeffrey W. Carr v02s6s18 0L/L4/LL r-00.00 100.00

L00 .00 100.00

065L19? 01,/20111 ouËst 0355497 Cengage Learning v0249393 09/30/L0 43 .00- -43.00 vo249394 09/30/LO 43.00- -43 .00 v02s6790 0L/20ltL P0025372 2,r32.82 2,132.82

2 , 046 .82 2 ,046,82 0651198 01/20ll-1 Outst 0326480 Center for SíghL and Hea v025607L L2/3L/LO 8000574? 960.00 960.00 960.00 960.00

0651199 01/20111 outst 0418275 Jeremy E. Chamberlain v02s6806 oL/20/Lt 331 .89 33r. .89 331.89 331.89

06sr.200 01/20lLL ouEst 0124583 Sharon R. Charles v0256778 0t/20/LL 1,7 . 50 t ?.50

17.50 L? .50

0651201 Or/2O/Lt Voíd 02896?4 City of Rockford 065L2o2 01/20111 outst 02A9662 Com Ed v02s6s13 0t/ L8/ LL 800055s3 423 .45 423.45

423 .45 423 .45 Febr. .y 0L 20L1 ACCOUNTS PAYABI,L .ECK REGISTER 08: l-0 Period 0t/or/20:-1 - oL/31/2011. Bank Code: LP ÀIpine Accouncs Payable GL Account No: 0l--00000-LL279 Check Check Check vendor Voucher voucher PO/BPO Voucher Cash Disc Check Number Date status ID Payee Name ID Date Nurnber ÀmounE Amount Amount 0651203 01/20l1L outsc, 0384473 comcâsE v02s608s 12/ 3t/L0 Booos627 ro9.22 to9.22 ro9.22 ro9.22

0651204 01/20llL Outst 0384473 Comcasts v0256673 OL/r9lLr 80005483 49.85 49.85 49.85 49.85

0651205 0L,/20lL1 Out,sE 03844?3 ComcasE v02s6?8s oL/2Ù/Lr 80005483 89 .95 89.9s 89.9s 89.95

o6sl2o6 01/20111 Outst O38229O Comcase SpotlighE v02s6080 L2/3L/t0 80005804 s00.00 500.00 500.00 500.00

o6sL2O7 01/20111 outst 0295838 Comforu Suites v0256'764 Orla9/lL P0025413 2,239 .80 2,239.80 2,239 .80 2,239.80

0651208 0Ll20,/lL 0295844 Concord CusEom Cleaners v02s6096 12/30/LO 80005532 110 .25 110.25 110.2s 110.25

0651209 0i-l20l1L 0385509 Constellation New Energy v0256676 OLlt9/LL 8000s554 28,1r"t .60 28,7L7 .60 28,?r? .60 28,7L7 .60

0651210 0L/20l1L outst 03128L1 Audra M. Cooke vo2566'79 OL/t9/tr 266.OO 266.OO 266.00 266.O0

o65r-2L1 0L/20111 OuLst 03128LL Àudra M. Cooke v02s6803 0L/20/n" r-40.00 L40.00 140.00 r.40.00

O65L2l2 01,/20lLL Outst 0380?80 Craftsman Books vo256r49 L2/3L/10 P002534 9 296.s8 296.s8 296.58 296.58

o65l-213 0L,/20,/11 outsu 0289672 Cumulus BroadcasEing v02s6l.s4 t2/3L/r0 80005757 400.00 400.00 v02s6Lss 12/3rlLO 80005757 785 .00 785.00 v02561s6 L2/3L/LO 80005?5? L,200.00 1, 200.00

2, 38s .00 2, 385 .00

O6'L2L4 01/2011L OuLst oo6to12 Kacy Dabbs vo2s67a7 jrl2o/LL 15.30 15.30 15.30 15 .30 Febr y 0l- 20LL ACCOUNTS PÀYABL. .ECK REGISÎER 31 0B :10 Period 0t/01./20]-1 - 0r/3t/20r]. Bank Code: LP A1pine Account,s Payable GL Account No: 01-00000-I).279

Check Check Check Vendor voucher Voucher PO,/BPO voucher Cash Disc Check Number Date StaEus ID Payee Name ID Date Number ÀmounÈ Àmount Àmount 065l-2L5 O1l20,/LL Outst 0002546 lJynnettse M. Danzl-Tauer VO25679L OL/20/tL 36.00 36 .00

36. 00 36.00

o65r2L6 01 ,/20,/L1 OUESE 0002546 l4mnett,e M. Danzl-Tauer V0256793 OI/2O/LL 18 .00 .l_8.00 18.00 18 .00

o65L2t1 01/20111 ouesr OIL7682 Datatel Inc v02s659s oLlt8 /tL POO25276 to,234.50 L0, 234 . 50

L0, 234 . 50 L0,234.50

0651218 0Ll20l11 Outst 0293331 DenEsply North Àmerica v02s61s9 t2/3L/10 P0025304 L,079.60 L,079 .60

L, 079 .60 r., 079. 60 o65L2l9 0l_/20,/LL outsE 0289729 Des Plaines Office Eguip v0256).e0 L2/3L/L0 P0024514 95.00 95.00 95.00 95.00

065!220 01,/20,/l-L Ougsu 0002662 Amy Suzanne Diaz vo256779 OL|2OlLL 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 o65L22t 01/20lLL outst 0002662 Àmy Suzanne Diaz vo2s68L2 0r/20/rL 65.20 6s.20 65.20 65.20

o65L222 0r./20l11 OuEst O4O9O?8 Mr. Donald R. Dillavou vo256523 ÙL/L9/LL 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00

065L223 01/20lr.r. OuEsÈ 0368987 Douglas J. Dobbins vo2s68L4 0t/20/tL 60.50 60.50

60. s0 60. 50

o65L224 01,/20,/lL Ouest 030953? Richard Dowling v02s6682 0L/L9/LL 750. 00 ?50.00

750. 00 750.00

065L225 01/20111 Outst 0428533 Easton Chemical vo2s6484 OL/14/rL 4'76.90 476.90 476.90 4'76.90

o65L226 01,/20111 oursE 0422375 Eigerlab v02s6t74 L2/3t/LO P0025378 4 , 000 .00 4, 000.00

4, 000 .00 4, 000.00

o65a227 01,/20,/11 oursE 0385956 IITVO v02s6L76 1,2/3L/L0 80005802 700.00 700.00

700. 00 ?00. oo Febr / 0L 20LL ACCOUNTS PAYABI,. .ECK REGISTER 08: L0 Period ol/or/2orr - ot/3r/2ü"t Ba¡rk Code: LP Àlpine Accounes Payable GL AccounE No3 0L-00000-IL2"l9

Check Check Check Vendor . Voucher voucher POIBPO voucher Cash Disc Check Number DaEe Scacus ID Payee Name ID Date Number Àmount Amount Amount

065t228 O1l20lLL OuEsÈ 0296505 Facts on File Inc vo2s639o oL/L2/rL L87 .46 r87.46 L87 .46 ra? .46

065!229 0l-,/20l11 out,sE 01?3533 Barbara A. Ferry v02s6496 0t/14/Lt 28.98 24.94 28.94 28.98

0651-230 01,/20111 OutsE 0L05030 Steven L. Fransen vo2s6799 ÙL/2O/LL 25.00 25.00 25.00 2s.00

o6sL231 0Ll20llL ouEst 0382984 Garda CL Great Lakes Inc v02s6r.53 otl07/tL 80005453 89.86 89.86 89.86 89.86

065]-232 01/20111 outst 0296087 General. Binding Corp vo2s619L 0L/L0/L\ B0005436 1,429.O4 r,429 .04 L,429.04 t,429.O4

065L233 OLl20l11 Outst 0396195 Mr. Richard À. Gessert v02s6644 0L/L9/1"L 50.00 50.00 s0.00 50.00

0651234 01/20,/11 OuEst O39O824 David iI. Goodacre vo2s645L 0L/L4lLL 25.t! 25.11 25.TL 25.1L

0651235 0r./20l11 Outst o39o824 Ðavid iI. Goodacre v0256479 OL/L4/11 L2.49 12 .49 L2.49 t2.49

o6s].236 0L/20llL OuEst 0L54524 Roger L. Gray v02s6s88 0L/L8/LL r.00.00 100.00 100.00 r-00.00

0651237 01/20111 OuEst 029L977 ilessica M. Guzman v02s6786 OL/20/Lt 42.00 42.00 42 .00 42.OO

0651238 01"/20,/LL outst 0057483 SLephanie M. Hamblock vo2s6796 OL|2O/rt 13 .09 13 .09 L3.09 13 .09

0651239 0Ll20,/L1 outsE 0289735 Harder Corp vo2s5a96 12/23/LO 80005475 487.62 487.62 vo2ss897 L2/3L/L0 80005475 L57.7L L57.7L

645 .33 645.33 Febru Y 0l- 201f ACCOIJNTS PAYABLL .ECK REG]STER 33 0B: L0 Period ot/ol/2o]-L - or/3t/201L Bank Code: LP Alpine Accounc.s Payable cL Account No: 01.-0000O-).1279 Check Check Check Vendor voucher Voucher POIBPO Voucher Cash Disc Check Number Date StsaEus ID Payee Name ID Date Number Àmount. AmounL Àmount 0651240 OLl20111 OuEsE. O3L9629 Heritage-CrysLal C1ean, v0255463 L2/L? /L0 80005681 257 .35 251 .35 25'?.35 25? .35

o65L24t 0L120/11- OuEsL OL52O2L Patricia H. Holden vo2s6788 OLl20/Lr 31".50 31.50 31. 50 31.50

O65L242 O1l2olLl" OutsE. Ol52o2t PaEricia H. Holden v02s6789 0L/20/n" 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00

065L243 01/20111 OutsE o4L?595 HP Encerprise Services, v02ss8ss oL/ o4ltt 80005523 609.89 609.89 609.89 609.89

065t244 01,/20lL1 Outse 038816? IKON Office Solutions v02ss364 t2/L7 /r0 80005619 23 ,690 .49 23,690,89 v0256s24 OLl 18 / Lr 800056l.9 10,920.00 r.0, 920 . 00 34, 6r.0.89 34, 610.89

065L245 01/20111 Outst O3L2745 J.Vû. Pepper & Son, rnc. v025591L OL/OslLI 8000s515 70 .69 70.69 70.69 70.69

065]'246 01,/20111 0310904 .]ULïE, Inc. v0256408 Or/ OLlt! 80005589 LL.25 LL.25 v0256410 Otl13/tL 80005589 229.OO 229.OO 240.25 240.25

065L247 o1l20llL outst o3o8724 Holli M. Kearns v02s6822 0L/20/L1. 32.00 32 .00 32 .00 32 .00

0651248 01/20111 OuEst O3O8724 Holli M. Kearns vo24629t OLltglLt 176.00 r-76.00 L?6.O0 L76.00

o65L249 01/20111 Outst 0308724 Holli M. Kearns vo246294 OL/1"9/t). 1?6.00 r-76.00

l,?6 . o0 l"?6 .00

o6sL250 0r./20l11 Outst: 0369080 Chris A. Kramer v02s6792 Or/2O/L\ 450. 00 450 . O0 vo256194 0L/2O/Lr 450. O0 450.00

900. 00 900. 00

0651251 01,/20,/11 Outst: 0403211, Labyrinth Learning v02s6ss4 0]-/L8/Lr 96.36 96.36 96,36 96 .36 Febr .y 01 20LL ÀCCOI'NTS PAYABL. ¡ECK REGÏSÎER 0B : l-0 Period 0t/or/2o1I - 0L/3]./2OtL Bank Code: LP Alpine AccounEs Payable GL AccounE No: 0L-0000O-L1279 Check Check Check Vendor Voucher Voucher POIBPO voucher Cash Disc Check Number DaEe staEus rD Payee Name ]D Date Nurnber ÀmounE Arnount Àmount o65L252 0Ll20,/r1 outst o3L7802 Paul À. Laprade v02s68l-s oL/20/rt 1, 840. 00 1-, 840. 00

1, 840. 00 r., 840 . 00

065L253 01/20llL OuEst 0426720 Lift !'lorks, Inc' vo256ss6 0L/t8/t! P0025409 780. 00 780.00 v02s6ss8 oL/t-8/).L P0025409 1l-7. 00 117. 00

89? .00 897 .00

O65t2s4 01/20llL OuEsE 0332356 Lincoln Trail Libraries v02s6186 L2/3L/L0 80005432 9.24 9.24 9.24 9.24

0651255 01/20111 OUESE 0l-39535 Pat.È.i J. r,inden v02s6776 0L/20/t\ 3L.50 3L.50 31. 50 3L.50

O65L256 01,/20,/11 Outst 0386230 Bernard G. Luecke v02s6784 OL/20/LL L25.00 125.00 125.00 L25.00

065L25'7 0L,/20l11 ouesE O429O95 Michael Malczewski v02s6781 OL|2O/Lt 305.00 305. O0 30s. 00 30s. 00

065L258 0Ll20l11 Outse 0373956 Maveríck Media of Rockfo V0256565 OL/18/LL POO25443 31s .00 31s.00 31s.00 31s.00

o6st259 01/20111 OUESE 0267025 LaShun D. Mcchee vo2568}2 Otl20/tr 130.00 130.00

130 .00 130.00

0651260 or./2olLL OL77534 Lisa M. Wernsman-Mehlig v02s6808 0L/20/LL 24.OO 24.OO

24.OO 24.OO

065r,261 0r./20l11 OUESE 0329610 Midhtest Environmental v0256828 0)"/2O /LL P0025232 8, 000.00 8, 000.00 8, 000.00 8, 000.00

065t262 01/20lLL outst O2954L6 Morgan Building Maintena v02ss8?8 oL/04/LL 80005494 3 ,878 .70 3 ,878.70 3,878.70 3, 8?8 .70

o6sr263 01/20111 OUESC 0289883 NICOR Gas v02ss81s t2 /23 lto 80005495 443.L7 443.L7 443.r7 443.L1

0651264 01/20,/11 Outst 0289883 NICOR Gas v02ss8r.6 L2/23/tO 8000549s 933 .04 933 . 04 35 Febr" -y 01 20LL ÀCCOI'NTS PAYABI,L ^ECK REGTSTER 08: L0 Period ot./or/20L]. - oL/3a/207r Bank Code; LP Àlpine Accouncs Payable GL Accoune No: 01-00000-1L279 Check Check Check Vendor voucher voucher POlBPO voucher Cash Disc check Number DaEe Status ID Payee Name TD Date Nuûìber AlfþunE Amount Amount 933 .04 933.04

0651265 0r"/20l11 Oursr, 0289883 NICOR Gas v02559?2 L2/3L/\O 8000s495 642 .66 642.66 642.66 642 .66

o65L266 01/2ollL OuEst 0289883 NrCOR Gas vo2ss973 L2/ 3L/ LO 8000s495 339 .81 339 .81 339.81 339.81

o65L267 0L,/20l11 out,st 0289883 NrCOR Gas vo25597 4 L2/3L/t0 8000s495 L,3L2.64 L,3L2.64 L,3L2 -64 L,3L2.64

0651268 0r./20111 Outst 0289883 NICOR Gas vo256L"t2 t2 / 3L/ r0 8000s49s 737.4'1 737.47 737 .4'ì 737.47

065]-,269 01,/2o,/LL outssr. 0289883 NrCOR Gas vo2s6L7s 12/ 3t/ LO 80005495 2 , 453 .63 2 ,4s3 .63

2 , 453 .63 2,453 .63

o65L27O o1l20l11 ouEsE 0379L31 Nissan Forklift corp v0256744 OL/ L9 ltL P0025430 2, 160.00 2, L60 . 00 vo2s6745 OL|L9 lrL P0025430 75 .00- -75.00 2, 085.00 2, 08s.00 06sL21r 01/20111 Outst 035L4?5 North Àmerícan Sal.E Co. v025624L OIl LL/ Lt 8000s811 2I7.56 2t7.56 v0256568 OL/L8/Lt B000s8LL 5,928 .06 s,928.06 v02565?0 0L/L8ltL 8000s811 L,796.80 L,796.80 vo2s6s7 t oL / L8 / tr 8000s811 L,843.52 L,843.52 9,785.94 9,785.94

o65L272 0Ll20lLL ouest 0383951 Jean C. Nzeyimana v02s6773 OL|2O/11 45.50 45.50 45.50 45.50

065L273 0Ll20llL oursr 0404825 MisE.y D. Opat v02s6810 ot/2olLt 57 .00 5?.00

57 .00 57.00

O65L274 01/20lLL OuEst O4O4825 Misty D. Opat v02s6809 0L/20/LL 231 .29 23L.29 23r.29 23t.29

o6sL215 01,/20111 outst O4O4825 Miscy D. Opat v02s6811 OL|2O/tL 80.00 80 .00

80. 00 80. oo Pa_ 36 Febr. -y 0L 201L i ACCOUNTS PÀYABLL .ECK REGISTER 0B:1O Períod oL/0t/2OL]- - 01/31 /20rr Bank Code: LP Àlpine Accountss Payable GL Account No: 0L-00000-)'1219 Check Check Check vendor Voucher voucher PO/BPO voucher Cash Disc Check Number Date Status ID Payee Name ID Date NuÍiber Àmount Àmount Amount O65L276 01/20111 OuEst oo4487'1 Dah¡n M ousley vo2s67'74 OL/2O|L! 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50

065L277 01/20111 OutsE 0424794 Pamela K. Owens vo2s677s 0L/20/LL r.9.40 19.40 L9.40 r.9.40

065L278 0r./20lLL outst 0363913 Gerilynn À. Perkins v02s680L ot/20/Lt 47 .50 47 .50 47.50 47.50

0651279 01/20llL outst 0363523 Perspeccives, Ltd. vo255478 OtlOr/Lr 80005587 82s .00 82s .00 82s.00 825.00

0651280 0Ll20,/l,L Outst 0390630 Patrick Peyer vo256777 0L/20/tt 35.00 35.00 35.00 3s .00

06sr.281 0r.,/20lLl- outst 0292285 Physicíans lrnmediate Car v0256328 0L/L2/Lt 8000s458 1"05.00 r-05.00 vo2s6329 ÙL/L2/L! 80005458 L2'7.OO 127.OO v02s6331 0L/t2/Lt 8000s458 105.00 105 .00

337 .00 337.00

o6sL282 01/20111 outst o424L93 Pitney Bowes Global v02s590s oLlosllL 80005654 345.00 345.00 345.00 345 .00

06sr.283 01/20111 ouEst O2949L4 Pockec Nurse vo2ssg72 0L/oA/lL PO025286 48.05 48 .05 vo2ss8?s otl04/rL PO025284 r,2]-5 .72 t,2t5.72 vo2s602L 0!/06/LL PO0252g4 52.64 52.64

r., 316 .41 1, 316 .4L

o65L284 0L,/20l11 OutsE 0325110 Quiana S. Preston vo2s6646 O7/L9/rL 21 .00 2A.OO 21.00 2r".00

0651285 01,/20111 OuLst 0396034 Pure Flo H2o v0256645 0L/t9/LL 80005548 24.56 24.56 24.56 24.56

o65L286 01,/2011L outse 0342322 Rock River Disposal Serv v0256067 OL/07/Lt 80005s02 2,1tL.1.3 2,1LL.L3 2,1tr.r3 2,?L],..L3

065128'? 0Ll20l1r ouEsb 0290026 Rockford Ind l{elding v02s6113 L2/3L/L0 80005501 68.13 68.13 v02s616s t2/3r/to 80005501 46.08 46 .08 Febr .y 0l- 201L ACCOUNTS PAYABL. ¡ECK REGISTER Pa 31 0B ; l-0 Period 0L/ot/2o!r - 0t/3L/20]-L Bank Code: LP ÀIpine Accountss Payable GL AccounC No: 01-0000O-LL279 Check Check Check vendor Voucher voucher POlBPo Voucher Cash Disc Check Number Dat,e Status ID Payee Name ID Date Number Àmount Amount Amounts v0256168 L2/3L/L0 80005501 53 .43 53 .43 L67.64 L67.64

0651288 0L/20,/L1 outsE. 031-3275 Saavedra Gehlhausen v02 s62 00 12/3L/L0 8O005225 26,s60.29 26 ,560 .29 v0256203 12 / 3L/ 3"0 80005803 2,934 .80 2,934.80 v025620s t2/3L/L0 80005803 t-, Lt-0 . 90 r., L10 . 90 vo256206 t2/3r/10 80005803 L01 .20 10L.20 v0256207 L2/T"/Lo 80005437 996.00 996 .00 v02s639r. oL/L2/LL 8000s803 5, 361 .30 s, 36L .30 v0256396 or/L2/LL P0025330 L, 090 .20 L, 090 .20

38, 1"54.69 38, L54 . 69

065]-289 01/20,/1i. ouEsE 0289956 Sam's CIub DirecE v0254955 |Z|LO/Lo 800055L9 36.62 36.62 36.62 36.62

0651290 01/20111 Outst 03111L2 Schnucks MarkeLs Inc vo2s64s4 otlt4/tL P002532 0 L47.97 L47.97 vo256457 0r/14/\L P002 5318 86.75 46.75 234.72 234.72

o65L29L 01,/20l11 Outst 0373226 Scott HealEh & safeEy vo25649'7 OrlL4/tL PO025277 14 ,620 .78 14,620.78 t4 ,620 .78 14,620.78

O65L292 01,/20111 outst O4L2428 Louis E ScotÈ v02s6772 0L/20lLL 80005729 875.00 87s.00 875.00 8?5. 00

0651293 0L/20lLL OuLsr. O3LO631 Security BuiÌders supply v02564'75 ÙL|LA|LL P0025161 1., 990.00 1, 990 . 00

r., 990.00 1, 990 . 00

O65t294 O1l20l11 OuEst O3L4667 ilanna L. Shwaiko v02s6s00 orl]-4/tt 82.97 82.97 82.91 82.97

0651295 oL,/20l11 ouIsE 035675'Ì sikich LLP v02s6s03 0L/14/rr 8000s4s6 2, 000 .00 2, 000. 00

2, 000.00 2, 000 . 00

O65L296 Ol,/20l1r Outsc 0295L89 Sjostrom & Sons Inc v0240244 06/ 30 lLO B000530s 6, 000.00 6, 000.00 v0256208 L2/3r/r0 8000s401 L,625 ,281.3L L,625,28r,.31-

r,63r,281.31 r_, 631, 28L . 31

O65L291 0L,/20l11 OUESE 0290034 Skyward Promotions v0256s30 oLla8 lLL POO2529O L47.47 t47.47 L47.47 ).47 .47 Febr. -y 01 20LL ; ACCOU}TTS PÀYABL^ ¡ECK REGISTER 08 :1-0 Period 01/oL/2oLt - oL/3L/2OLL Bank Code: t,P Àlpine Accounus Payable GL AccounL No: 0L-0000O-LL279 Check Check Check Vendor voucher voucher POIBPO voucher Cash Disc Check Number Dace Status ID Payee Name ID Date Nurnber Amounf Amounf AmounE

065\298 OLl20llL OutsE 0347494 Snap-On IndusErial vo2s6s39 jL|L9/LL PO025282 382 .50 382 .50 vo2s6s40 oLlt8/Lt PO025282 304 . s0 304 . s0

687 .00 687 .00

o6st299 0Ll20llL outst, O42L879 JuIían D. Springer vo2s6ss7 ,L.L9/LL 23.9L 23.9). 23.9t 23.9L

0651300 0l-l20111 Outst, O42L879 ilulian D. Springer v02s6ss9 oLlL8/rL 38 .34 38 .34 38.34 38.34

06513oL 01/20111 outst o29oo52 Stone !{freel Inc vo2s662Ù OLlLe/Lt 80005694 r.00.00- -100.00 v02s6622 ,LlLe/Lt 80005694 41.81 41.81 v02s6623 OL/L8/LL 80005694 66.15 66. r.5 v02s6624 0L/!8/rL 80005694 35.64 35 .64

43 .60 43 .60

0651302 01,/20111 Outst O4O6L87 Mr. Johnathan D. StouE vO2568I? OL/2ï/L! 120.00 120.00 120 .00 120.00

0651303 01,/20111 outst o4L4787 Swim-N-More vo256629 OL/L9/LL 450 .00 4s0.00

450. 00 450.00

0651304 0Ll20l11 OUCSC 032586L T Shirtz Etc v0256630 oL/L8/LL PO025382 60.00 60.00 vo256632 oLlL8/LL 80005?72 304.35 304.35 v0256652 o1-/Le /LL 80005772 415.75 4L5.75 v02 56653 0L/L9/tt BOOOS"t'72 r.06.00 106 .00 v02 56659 0L/t9/tL BOOO5172 153 .00 1"53 .00 v02s6680 oL/Le/tL 8O005772 373 .50 3?3 .50

L , 4L2 .60 L,4t2.60

065L306 OLl20l11 OuEsE 0320779 Taylor & Francis v02s6681 0r/L9/Lt P0025367 864 .00 864 .00 864 .00 864 .00

065l-30? 01,/20111 Ou¿st 0327433 Terracon ConsuLEanEs rnc v02s6684 0L/L9ltr PO025202 2,9s0.o0 2, 950.00 2,950.OO 2, 950.00

0651"308 0L/20lr"1 oursE 0337489 Ms. Àmphone Thammavong v0256686 OI/L9/L\ 300.00 300 .00 300.00 300.00 Febr y 0L 2011' ACCOT'NTS PÀYABL jECK REGISTER 39 0B: L0 Period Ot/OI/2Ot). - oL/31/201L

Bank Code: LP Alpine AccounEs Payable GL AccounL No; 01-00000-I)-279

Check Check.Check Vendor Voucher Voucher PO,/BPO Vôucher cash Disc Check Number Date stacus ID Payee Name ID Date Number A¡nounE Amount Amount

065L309 0Ll20,/LL ouEsE 0296367 Thayer Lighting Inc v0256689 Otl]-9/tr P0025398 61 5.00 6l_5.00 v02s6691 0L/]-9/rL P0025398 266.O0 266 . OO 881.00 88L.00

o65L3L0 0L,/20lL1 out,sc 0357596 Tru-Temf) Mechanical Inc vo256693 ol/L9lrr P0025397 L90.00 r90.00 190.00 190.00

06513r.1 0L/20lLr- oursr 0321?08 U S Bank vo2s669s or/L9/rt 3s0.00 3s0. 00 350.00 3s0.00

065L312 0i-,/20lLL ouust O32L7OA U S Bank v02s6696 OLl19/Lt L?5 .00 175.00

175 .00 175.00

0651313 0L/2011-1 Oursr 0076107 Darrell E. Ulven v0256698 0t/19/Lt 43.34 43.34 43.34 43.34

0651314 01/20,/L1 Outst O274440 UniversiEy of Michigan v0256756 OL/L9/II 455.00 455.00 45s.00 455.00

06s1315 01/20111 outst O429O92 US Deparfment of the Tre V0256819 Or/20/1I 151.00 t-51.00

151- .00 1sr. .00

06513r-6 0Ll20lu ouEsc O429O92 US Department of the Tre v02568L8 ÙL/2O/L\ 596 .80 s96 .80

596 .80 s96 .80

06s13r.? 01/20l1r. Oursr 0422684 USA Laser Irnaging v025s088 12/1,3/10 80005746 8LL.95 811.95 v02s676L Ot/L9/rL P0025394 r-98 .00 198 .00

1, 009 . 95 1, 009 .95

06513L8 01/20,/L1 oursE 0309405 UZ Engineered ProducE.s v0256766 0t/19/r\ 80005650 9L.'17 9r.'?'l vo2s6767 Or/ L9/Lr 130005650 466.53 ,ir!13 .53 ss8.30 ss8 .30

O65L3L9 01/20lL1 outsE. 0402405 Ms. Litesa E. lla11ace v0256807 OL/2O/n i-55.00 r.s5.00 1s5.00 Ls5 .00

0651320 01/20,/11 OursE 0090545 Granada 9lilliams v0256813 01"/20/r1 5 .50 5.50 5.50 5.50 Febr y 0l- 20LL: ÀCCOIJNTS PAYABI,. JECK REGISTER 08: i-0 Period orloL/2o'Lr - or/3)-/2oLL !ìank Code: LP ALpine ÀccounEs Payable GL Account No¡ 01-0000O-]-1279 Check Check Check Vendor voucher voucher POIBPO voucher Cash Ðisc Check Number Dat.e sEatus ID Payee Name ID DaCe Number Amount, Amount AmounE

065L321 01,/20111 outst 0097743 Christopher À. Richardso v0256957 ÙL|2O.LL 150. OO r.s0.00 150.00 Lso.00

O65L322 01/2LlLL OuLsE 0001-502 OakEon Cornnunity CoIIege VO257II6 or/2L/LL 20 .00 20.00 v02571L7 ot/2t/Lt 20.00 20.00 v025?LL9 oL/2L/tr 20.00 20. 00 vo257120 0L/2L/tL 20.00 20.00 v0257L22 oL/2L/rL 20.00 20.00 v0257126 oL/2L/tL 20. 00 20.00

r.20. 00 120 .00

065L323 Ot/27lLL OvEsE 02895274T&T v02s73L8 oL/24/t! 80005481 r.6. 95 t6.95 r.6.95 L6.95

0651324 OL/27/LL OvtsL 0429L95 Àcademic Careers Online vo25?320 0r/24/tL 195.00 L95 .00 19s.00 195.00

o65t325 0L/27lLr OvLst- 0283437 Ross E Aden v02s7627 Or/26/tt t ,0L6.77 L, OL6.77 L, 016 .77 t, oL6 .77

o6sL326 0r/27lLt OruLgL 0372887 Mr. Jon P. Akins vo2s7s83 oL/26/LL 30.00 30.00 30.00 30 .00

065t327 Ot/27lLL OvLsE O4O4766 Alibris v02s6034 L2/3L/LO 80005448 240.40 240.40 vo2s6442 01/L3lLt 80005448 47 .85 47.85 v025677r 0L/20/tt 80005448 175.80 L75.80

464 .05 464.05

065L328 oll2"t /rt ov|st O2923O9 Amazon fnc v0257324 0L/24/LL 8000s54 s 75.75 75.75 75.75 73.75

06sL329 0Ll2?/11 ouLsc o324876 Amer Àssoc ¡ìespiraLory C v0257s8s 0L/26/Lt 110.00 r-r-0.00

r-1,0 .00 1L0.00

065L330 OLl27/LL OtLsL o296239 Àmer Soc Engineering Edu V025732'7 0L/24/LL ?9.00 79 .00 ?9.00 79.00

06s1331 01/2?/11 outst o29373L American Assn of Comm Co v0257648 OL/26/LL P0025481 6, 540.00 6, 540.00

6,540.00 6, 540 . 00 Febr y 01 20LL' ACCOUNTS PAYABI,, iECK REGTSTER 0B:L0 Period OLlO!/2OLt - orl3t/20LL Bank Code: LP Alpine AccounEs Payable GL Account No: 01-00000-]^]-279 Check Check Check Vendor Voucher Voucher POlBPo voucher Cash Disc Check Number DaEe SEatus ID Payee Name ID Date NuÍìber Arnount Amount AmounE 0651332 01/2?,/LL OuEst 0293279 Anaconda sporEs v02s7630 0r/26/LL 8000576? l_, 000. 95 1, 000 .9s v02s7632 Ot/26/tt 80005767 t,624.OO L,624.OO vo2s163s ot/26/LL 8000s766 L,L19.O7 1,r79.07 3,804.02 3,804.02

0651334 01/2?/L1 Outst 0347444 Anderson Toyota vo257343 OL/24/Lt 80005676 L6L.86 L61 .86 v02s1344 OLl24/ü" 800056?6 30.00- -30.00 13L.86 L31.86

0651335 01,/27,/L1 Outst o3o28'73 Anixter Inc v02564O9 0L/L3lLL 80005581 338.l_7 338 . r.7 v02s64LL oL/L3lLt 8000s581 259.07 259.07 v02s64L3 0L/L3ltt 8000558r. l-6 .70 16.70 vo2s6"?69 Or/t9lLL 80005581 't3.6L 73.6L 687.55 687. 55

06s1336 OL/27/LL OvEsE 0099976 Donna I. Ankney vo257347 OL|2A/LL 30 .00 30.00 30.00 30.00

0651337 Ot/27/IL OruEgE 03]-2967 APICS - Rock Va1ley ChaP v02s7336 OL/24/LL P002s461 1L0.00 LL0.00 vo2s7339 OL/24/LL POO25466 355.00 355.00

465. O0 465.00

0651338 0L/2'7 /tt ovLsL 042L33L APICS Group Testing vo2s7ss9 otl2slLL P002 s480 I,450.00 r_,450.00 1, 450 .00 L,450 . 00

0651339 01/27111 OUESE O2O92AL PauI A. Àrco vo2s7s97 or/26/al POO25499 600 .00 600. 00 600.00 600 .00

0651340 0l-,/2?,/11 outsts o4r-r_134 ÀSCA v02s?3ss oL/24/LL P0025341 95.00 95.00 v0257358 OA/24/LL P0025341- 95.00 95.00

190. 00 190.00

0651341 01./27 /rr ouLsE 0049651 Linda M. Auman v02s76oL oL/26/LL 7L.45 7L.45 7L.45 7t.45

065:-342 0t/2?/11 OuEst 0332450 Auslin Mechanical Sales v02s622l OLILL/LL 80005467 264.89 264.89 264.89 264.49

p002 0651343 Oa/2'1 / II ouLs'¿ 03397e4 Badger Popcorn & Concess v0257483 OL/2'/LL 5156 141.05 141 .05 L41.05 141.05 -- Feb. -'Y 01 20LL .: : I ÀCCOIJNTS PAYABT .IECK REGISTER 42 O8;10 . Period 0t/0L/20J-]- - 0t/3L/20r:- Bank Code: LP Alpine Accouncs Payable GL Accounc No: 01-00000-Lt279

Check Check.Check . Vendor '. .. voucher voucher Po,/BPo voucher Cash Disc Check Nurnber Date Status ID Payee Name ID Date Nurnber Amount Amount Amount

O65L344 oL/27/)-1- ottLsL 0292357 Baker & Taylor v0256550 OLltg/tL 8000554 3 106 .53 106.53 v0256ss2 oL/L8/LL 8000554 3 93L .49 93)" .49 vo2s6ss3 orlrglLt B000554 3 1,006.?9 L,006.79

2, O44 .8t 2, O44 .8L

06sL345 OL/2?/LL OuEsE 0238345 Sharon w. Ballard v02s?s03 oL/2s/LL 2L7.20 2L7.20 2L7.20 2t7.20

0651346 O!/2'7 /Lr OluE9E 0378700 Ms. Kaitlyn M. Bart.en vo25764L Ot/26/tr P002s364 6,400.00 6,400.00

6,400. o0 6, 400 . 00

0651347 01/27/LL OucsL 0394579 Bemes Inc v0256455 0L/L4/LL P002s008 3A4.54 384.54

384 .54 384 .54

06sL348 0L/27/LL OuLst 0277967 Berg Industries Inc vo2s7649 OL/26/LL r.06 .40 106 .40 L06.40 106 .40

0651349 OLl27/tt OuBst. 0322377 Biofit Engineered Produc vo257397 OL/24/LL P0025380 "t7.09 77.09

7"1 .09 77.09

06513s0 OLl27/tr OtuEgL 0L36068 Michael G. Blaisdell vo2s?sss oL/2s/LL 1. 000. 00 1, 000 . 00

1., 000.00 1, 000 . 00

06sr.35r. 0L/27 /Lt OruEgE 0289606 Bound Eo Seay Bound Book v02s74o2 oL/24/tt 80005544 22L.35 22L.35 v0257604 0t/26/Lt 80005544 55.85 55.85 277.20 277.20

O6sL352 0L/27 lLt O,rtsL 0]-39892 Denise D. Brown v02s6480 oLlt4/Lt 80005525 480 .00 480.00 480 .00 480. 00

06s1353 oll27/LL ovtsL 0397665 Ebony À. Brown vo2s1409 ÙL/24/LL r.60. 00 160.00 r.60. 00 160.00

06s13s4 OL/2?lLI OvtsE 0289599 C D l{ Governmenc. Inc v0256224 0L/Lr/LL 8000 54 59 20.18 20.18 vo2s6428 OLlL3/LL P0025400 ).22.94 t22.94 v0256430 OL(L3/LL P002 5363 54.'75 54.75 v02s6661 0L/L9/tL 80005460 45 .42 45 .42 243.29 243.29 Feb. -'y 0L 2011 ACCOI.JNTS PÀYABT JECK REGÏSTBR 43 OB : l-0 Period OI/OI|2OLL - OL/31 /20l.I Bank Code: LP ÀJ.pine Àccount.s Payable GL Àccount. No: 0L-0000O-11279 Check Check Check Vendor Voucher Voucher POIBPO Voucher Cash Disc Check Number Daee StaEus ID Payee Name ID Date Nurìber Àmounc Amounts Amount 06s1355 OL/27/Lr Void 0397145 Chris Caldwell 80005460 0651356 0L/27/Lr oùEsE 03?8560 Arnesa camo v025?588 0L/26/Lr 32 .42 32.42

32 .42 32.42

06513s7 OL/2?/rL Void 03530L2 Card Smart SysEems Inc

0651358 0L,/27,/LL out,sE 0091537 .Ieffrey W. Carr vo2s7s57 0L/2s/LL r.r"0.00 1t-0 . o0

r-r.0.00 1 10.00

0651359 0L/27 /LL OttEsE 0298501 Bernard Carroll v02s7ss8 oL/2slLL r-1-0.00 LLo.00 r.r.0. 00 110.00

06sL360 oL/27/Lt Ov|Lst- 042]-286 Carson-DeIÌosa publishin vo256795 OL|2O / Lr P0025353 60 .70 60.70 60.70 60.70

06s1361 OLl27/LL OúE9E 0326480 Center for SighE and Hea v025765L 0]-/26/LL 8000574? 360. O0 360.00 360.00 360.00

o65L362 OL/27/L! OvEsE 04LL8L8 central sbaEes Communica v025?504 0L/25/Ll 50 .00 s0.00 50.00 s0.00

0651363 oLl2?/LL ouEst 0289614 Cit,y of Rockford vo256482 0t/14/rt 8000579L 2, 550.00 2, 550.00

2, 550 .00 2, 550.00

0651364 OL/27/lL ouLst 0289674 City of Rockford v02s6s69 0r/L8/LL 80005470 30 .56 30.56 30. s6 30.56

0651365 01/27lLL outst 0289662 Com Ed vo251433 0|/24/rr 80005s53 4r.27 4]-.27 4L.27 4r.27

0651366 Ol/27/Lr OwLsE 0384473 Comcast vo257435 0r/24/n 8000s483 99.9s 99.9s 99.9s 99.95

065136? 0Ll27llL OutsE O38229O ComcasE Spot,light vo2576Ù5 Or/26/L7 80005790 880. 00 880 . O0 880 .00 880.00

0651368 0I/27/lr ouLsL O38229O Comcast Spotlight v02s7606 0t/26lLt 8000s804 500. 00 500 .00 s00.00 500.00 Feb -'y 0L 20LL' ACCOUNTS PAYABI .ìECK REGISTER 08:10 Period 0L/oLl2oL7 - ot/31./20LL Bank Code: LP Alpine ÀccounEs Payable GL Account No: 0L-00000-LL279

Check Check Check Vendor voucher voucher PO/BPO Voucher Cash Disc Check NuÍiber Date SEatus ID Payee Name ID Dat.e Number Àmount Amount' AmounE

0651369 OL/27/Lt OvEsE 03LO222 ConsEellacion Neur Energy V02575L6 OL/2,/L! 80005552 t2,992 .80 L2,992 .80

t2 ,992 .80 L2 ,992 .80 065L3?0 OL/27/Il ouLsL 0428640 Corvus Industries vo2s7s2o ÙL/2'/LL P0025468 L95.00 r-95.00

r.9s. 00 i.9s.00

065L371 OL/27/Lt OruEgE 0429344 Cosmos vo2s76s3 0L/27lLL 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 o65L372 0t/27lLL o\tsE 02896?0 Crimson Ridge FlorisL vo2s76lL 0L/26lLL P0025490 101.00 LoL.00

1 01 .00 101.00

0651373 oL/21/It oúEêE 0429230 Cristela AIonzo v02s7s94 0L/26/LL PO02s494 L, 700.00 l-, 700. 00

L, 700 .00 1, 700. 00

0651374 OL/27/L\ OvEsE 0289672 Cumulus BroadcasEing vo2s76l3 0L/26lLL 80005?57 480.00 480.00 480.00 480.00

0651375 OL/27lLL O\tst 0298033 Curriculum PublicaEions vo2s6s92 oL/Lg/LL P0025388 528.00 528.00 v02s6s93 orltg/LL P00254 03 92.40 92.40 620.40 620.40

06sL3?6 0L/27/l! OluEgE O2897OL Dan's Rubber St.amp & sig v02s6320 0L/t2/rL P00253s9 30.00 30.00

30 .00 30.00

065L377 0r/27 /tL o\t|sL 0063266 Suzanne Y. Dooley v02s?61"8 0L/26/tL 84 .00 84 .00

84 .00 84 .00

06513?8 0L/27/rt O]uE9E 029721? EnL,erprise Rent. À Car v0257643 0L/26 / Lt PO024963 39.42 39.42 39.82 39.42

06sL379 0L/2't / IL ouLsL 0289880 Exxon MobiL vo257s63 OL/2,/!L 8000563s r ,436 .?2 L,436 .72 v02s7s66 oLl 25/tL 8000s4?3 1,51?.51 L, 5L7.5L

2 ,954 .23 2,954.23

0651380 OL/27lr\ O]uE9E O233O92 Mimi Fagan vo25759r 0L/26/rL 24 .00 24.OO

24.OO 24.00 Feb. -'y 0L 20Ll ACCOUNTS PAYABI .{ECK REGISTER 08 : l-0 Period 01./0]-/201'J" - 07/3L/20rr Bank Code: LP Alpine Accounts Payable GL AccounL No: 0L-0000O-LL279

Check Check.Check vendor voucher voucher PO/BPO Voucher Cash Disc Check Number Date StâEus ID Payee Name ID Date Number Àmount. Àmount Amount,

065138L 0L,/2?/LL OuEst, 038442]- Famous Dave's vo25'? 573 0t / 25 / LL P002s4s2 266.83 266.83 vo2s7s7 4 0t / 25/ LL P00251_58 98.75 94.75

36s. s8 365 .58 0651382 oL/2't /J.L oL\Lst 0422205 ForesE CiEy Tennis CenEe V025?6L6 0t/26/LL P0025442 700 .00 700 .00 700.00 700.00

0651383 0r/27/LL OuLst O2897L6 FormstarL Inc v02s63s4 oL/L2/LL P0O25224 2, 556 . L8 2, 556 .l_8 2,556.L4 2,556.L8

0651384 Ot/27/L! OruEgE 0324001 Four Points by SheraEon V025630L OLILL/LL 987.90 987.90 947.90 98'?.90

0651385 OL/27 /L'J. oùEsL 0422222 Fridh Corporation vo2s76s2 oL/26/Lt 80005720 204.62 204.62 204.62 204.62

06sL386 0r/27 / 3"r Ov|LsL 0352948 General ÀSP v02558s3 OLl04/Lr 80005573 687 .50 687.50

68? .50 68?.50

065L387 01/27llL OuEst 04293L8 G.S.8.1. v02s761-4 0t/26/rt 435.00 435.00 435.00 435.00

06s1388 01/27/LL OvEsE 0390824 David J. Goodacre v0257448 0!/24ltL L.8'7 1.87 L.87 L.87

0651389 Or/2'7 / rr OutsE 0390438 Graham Piano Service, rn v02s7388 0r/24/LL P0025005 1, 500 . 00 L, 500 . 00

L, s00. 00 1", 500 . 00

0651390 0t/27/IT OtttsE 0301-509 Growth Dimensions v025?L76 0L/2I/tL P0025415 r., 500 . 00 r_, s00 . 00

1, 500 . 00 1, s00 . 00

0651"39r- 01.,/2'il11 Ouust 04L4752 Mr. l{ill"iam A. Halfacre, vO257319 Or/24/Lr s00 .00 500. 00 500.00 500.00

0651392 01/2?,/rl 0289735 Harder Corp vo2ss962 oL/ 05 /rL 800054?s 524 .00 524 .00 v025s963 OL/05/rL 8000s4?s L05.14 105. 14 629.14 629.I4 Feb. .y 0L 2oLL ÀCCOUNTS PAYÀBL TBCK REGISTER 08; L0 Period OIl0\/20r]- - 0t/31"/2O1"r Bank Code: LP Alpine Accountss Payable GL Accourlr. No: 0L-00000-LL279

Check Check -Check. Vendor l voucher voucher POIBPO Voucher Cash Disc Check Number Dat,e Stsatus ID Payee Name ID Date Nu¡nber ÀmounE AmounE AmounE 0651393 OL/27/It Outse 0372223 Harland Technology Servi V0257499 OL/25/L1 P0025458 908 .00 908 .00

908.00 908 .00

065L394 0L/27/Ll ouEst 0391696 Hendricks Commercial vo257662 0L/27 /Lt 80005634 1, 000 . 00 r-, 000 . 00

r., 000 . 00 t ,000.00

0651395 0L/27/Lt OvtsL 0289733 HMO rllinois rnc vo2s7s90 oL/26/LL Boo0ss70 77 , OO4 .L3 77 ,004 .t3

7'Ì , OO4 .L3 77 ,004 .L3

06sL396 ot/27/lI OttEsE 0323295 Rick Huffman v02s7607 ÙL/26/LL r.10.00 110. OO 110.00 1l_0. 00

0651397 0L/27/lL Ov|-sL 0294344 ICCHE v02s6s34 oLlL8/\t poo25496 200 . o0 200. o0 v0256536 oLl]-8/tL POO25496 200.00 200. 00 v0256537 oL/L8/tL POO25496 12s.00 125.00 v0256538 oLlL8/LL PO025496 L25.00 125. OO v0256542 otlL8/tL POO2s496 r_2s.00 r.25.00 v0256543 0L/L8/LL POO25496 L25 .00 125.00 v0256545 oL/L8/LL PO025496 l_25 .00 L25.00 vo256547 0L/L8/LL Þo025496 r25 .00 12s.00 v02 56548 oLlL8/tL P0025496 L25.00 L25.00 v0256549 oL/L8/tL P002 54 96 125.00 12s.00 v02 56551 oL/L8/tt P0025496 l-25.00 L25.00

L, 525 . 00 L, 525 . 00

0651398 0L/27/LI Oru.E9E 0297299 IEEE v02573L5 0L/24/t! 209 .00 209.00

209 .00 209. 00

o65r-399 OL/27 / LL OruE9E 03391-03 ILEETA vo2s73t2 0L/ZL/LL 45.00 45.00

45 .00 45.00

0651400 0L/27 /LL OtrEst 04291-64 rAPE v02s7282 OLl2L/tr 50. 00 50.00 50.00 s0.00 o6sL401 0L/27/Lr OvtsL 0]-64'74I Leann B. Ippolito vo2s7446 OL/24/Lt s2.93 52.93 52.93 52.93 0651402 OI/27 /lL O\tcsL O29?O2L John Wiley & Sons Inc v02s?600 oL/26/LL 207.OO 20't .o0 207.00 207.OO Feb- y 0L 20LL' ÀCCOI.JNTS PAYABL IECK REGISTER P. 08: L0 Period oL/Ot/20!L - ot/3r/2orr Bank Code: LP ALpine AccounLs Payable GL Account No¡ 0L-00000-I1279 Check Check .Check Vendor . .:.'- Voucher Voucher PO,/BPO voucher Cash Disc Check Number Date Status ID Payee Name ID Dãte Nufiiber Amount Àmount Amount 0651403 0Ll2?/11 OuE,sE 0213918 Ànn E. Johns vo257567 Otl2s/Lt 8000s433 2,460.00 2,460 .00

2 , 460 .00 2,460 . OO

065r.404 0L/27 /LL OluLgL 0397768 Kevin iloyce v02s7s87 0L/26/tL r.r.0. 00 r_L0.00 r.r.0.00 110 .00

06s1405 oL/27lLL OvEsE 0061513 Kristina R. KasEen v02s?3s9 0L/24/LL 540.00 540. 00 540.00 540.00

0651406 0r/27/1r Outsu 0088796 Dave H. Keaggy vo2s?625 Ot/26/tt 20.50 20. 50 20.50 20.50

06sL40? or/27/rt ouLsE 0088796 Dave H. Keaggy vo2s7626 0L/26/Lr 30. 50 30 .50 30.50 30.50

06sL408 oL/27/LL ovEsL 0308724 Holli M. Kearns vo2s7667 0L/2'? /Lr 176.00 176.00 L76 .00 176 .00

0651409 ot/27/Lt OvtsL o3o8724 HoLli M. Kearns v0246267 Ot/26/r1 L76.00 176.00 1.76.00 L?6 .00

0651410 ot/27/Lt ovtsE 0332495 KIMCO Corporation v0257434 0t/24/rr B000ss5? 32,4L2.55 32,4L2 .55 32,4t2 .55 32,4L2 .55

06514LL 0L,/27l11 OuÈst 0337051 David P. King v02s7608 0L/26/LL 110.00 r.r-0. o0 r.L0 .00 1r.0.00

o65L4t2 OL/27/Lt OuLs'¿ 0429229 L.E.G., Inc V02s7577 Ot/25/Lr P0025493 L, 500 . 00 r., s00 . 00

1, 500 . 00 l-, s00. 00

06s141"3 OL/27 /rt oúEst 0282592 Dr. Hsiao-Hung Lee v0257637 01/26/rt 855. r-? 855.l_7 855.17 855.17

0651414 01/2?/lL 0422329 Lewis Paper v025s964 OrlOslLL 80005739 200.00 200. oo 200.00 200.00

0651415 O1/27/LL OvEsE OL9O243 Tammy L. Lehtis vo2s7620 0L/26/Lr 6 .50 6 .50 6. s0 6. s0 Feb- Y 0L 20L1 : ' ÀCCOUNTS PAYÀBL IECK REGISTER 48 0B: L0 Period oL/oLl2or! - oLl3t/20LL Bank Code: LP Alpine Accounus Payable GL Account No: 01"-0000O-LL279 Check Check Check Vendor Voucher Voucher POIBPO voucher Cash Disc Check Number Date SEatsus ID PaYee Name ID Date Number Àmount AmounL Àmount

0651416 oL/27/LL Outst-' OL9O243 Tammy L. Leb,is vo25762| Or/26/tt 4 .00 4 .00

4 .00 4 .00

065L4L7 OL/27ltL OuEs|- 029638L Liebovich Sceel v02s683L Or/2OlLt 3 .10 3.L0

3 .1.0 3. r.0

0651418 OL/2'7 /tL OvEsE 0300448 LippincoLE williams & wi v0256305 0L/!2/LJ. 76.76 76.76 't6.76 16.76

0651419 0t/27/LL O1uE9C 0300448 LippÍncoEE Williams 6. 9ùi V0256307 jL|L2|LL 119.99 L7-9.99 LLg.99 L19 .99

o65L42O OL/27/tL OtuEgE 0300448 tippincott l{illiams & wi v02s6308 0!/L2/rL 41, .99 4L.99 4L.99 4]-.99

0651421 Or/27 /Lr Otttst 0300448 Líppincott WillÍams & wi v02s63Lo oa/r2ltt 42.90 42.90 42.90 42.90

o65t422 Or/27/Lt OvEsE 0090296 Lois C. Lundgren v0246006 oe/22/to 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00

o65L423 0L/27/rL OvtsE 0373956 Maverick Media of Rockfo vo256564 OL/t8lLL POO25443 L, 735 . 00 1, 735. 00 v0257634 0L/26 lLt P002549s 300.00 300.00

2. 035 .00 2, 035. 00

o65L424 ol/27lLt ouEsL 0L41008 Chriscine S. Maxson v02s7623 OL/26/LL 9.00 9.00

9 .00 9.00

0651425 OI/27/rL O:uE9E 0L4L008 Christ,ine s. Maxson vo2s7624 0L/26/LL 6 .00 6 .00 6.00 6.00

o6sL426 ot/27/LL ovtst 0334253 Mechanical Inc. vo256L97 L2/3L/LO BOOO5559 706.99 706.99 v02s6198 12/3L/tO 80005559 70 .63 70.63 vo2s7394 0t/24/lt B000sss9 6,24L.63 6 ,24L . 63 vo2s7396 0L/24/rL 800055s9 892.20 892.20 vo2s7ss4 oL/2s/!L 80005559 550.60 sso.60

I ,462 .0s 8,462 .05 Feb:. y 01 2011 ACCOUNTS PAYABL iECK REGISTER 49 0B :10 Period 0I/oI/2oLL - 07/3L/20rr Bank Code: LP Àlpine Accounts Payable GL Account No: 01-00000-LL279 Check Check Check Vendor voucher Voucher POlBPo voucher Cash Disc Check NuÍiber Date SEaLus ID Payee Name ID Date NuÍìber Amount AmounC Amount o65L421 ot/27/Ll ouLsi. oL?7534 Lisa Mehlig vo2s"?382 0L/24/Lt 60.04 60.04 60.04 60.04

065L428 Oll27/Ll OvtsE 02A98'?'7 MidwesE. Library service v0255916 o1/05/lr 8000544? 37 .08 37.08 v02566s8 0L/t9/tt 80005447 49.4L 49.4r vo25666s 0L/].9/LL 8000544 7 4't .34 47.34

133 .83 133 .83

o65L429 OL/27/Lt OuesE 0429089 Mike wiLliamson Music Pr v0256805 0L/20/LL P0025485 100.00 100.00 100.00 L00.00

065L430 01/27/LL O]uE9E 029266L Mi1ler Bradford & Risber v025734L OL/24/1"L 80005?52 3, 000.00 3, 000.00 3, 000 .00 3, 000 .00

0651"431 0Ll2?/11 Outst, 034L434 Milwaukee ArE Museum vo2576s9 0L/27/11 390.00 390.00 390.00 390.00

O65t432 Ot/27lIL OvEsE 0388255 Mobile Mini Inc v02ss8s4 otlo4lLt 80005541 109.73 109. ?3 109 .73 109. ?3

06sL433 O!/27/tL O:uEsE 0323305 Craig À. Morse v02s?s8e ÙL/26/LL 3-10.00 Ll_o.00 LL0.00 LL0.00

065l-434 OL/ 2't / Lt O\tEsE 030L622 NSTA v02s6768 OL|L9lLt ?5 .00 75.00 75.00 75.00

0651435 01. /27 / IL O\rEsE 0300010 NCMPR vo2s?346 0L/24/Lt P0025447 525.00 525.00 vo2s?3so oL/24/rr P002 544 5 600.00 600.00

r-, r.25 . 00 1, L25.00

06514 36 0Lil27llL 0292298 New Readers Press v0256465 0L/L4lLt P002 53 9 0 r.L9 .80 r.r.9 .80 v0256466 oLlL4/L\ P002 53 90 1r.9.80 r.r.9.80 v025646'ì oL/t4/LL P00253 90 L79.70 r?9.70 v0256468 0L/t4/lL P002 5390 L23.20 L23.20 v0256469 otlL4/LL P002 53 90 LL9 .80 119.80 v0256470 ot/L4/Lt P002 53 9 0 119 .80 r.r.9.80 v025647L oL/L4/Lt P002 5390 89.85 89.85 vo2s64'72 oLlL4/Lt P002 s390 LL9.80 r-19.80 v02564'73 0t/L4/tt P002 5390 89.85 89.85 v02564"74 oL/L4/Lt P0025390 71.88 7L.88

1, L53 .48 1, 153 .48 Feb: y 01 20Ll-'r ACCOIJNTS PAYABL iECK REGISTER 08:L0 Period oll0t/20]-t - 0a/3L/20rL Bank Code: LP Alpine AccounEs Payable GL Account. No: 01-00000-11279

check Check,:Check Vendor : Voucher Voucher Po/BPO Voucher Cash Disc Check Number Date Statsus ID Payee Name ÏD Date Number Àmôunt ÀmounE AmounE

o65L437 OL/27/Ll OuEsE 0404198 Norman C Dasenbrook, MS, VO257602 0r/26/17 s00.00 500.00 500 .00 500. 00

06s1438 oL/2"t /7L OvEsE 036ol-88 Northern lllinois cenLer v02576L2 OL/26/Lt 300. 00 300.00 300.00 300. 00

0651439 0r/27/lL OuLst' 0310623 Donald Olson v0251609 0L/26/rL 1.L0 .00 L10.00 r"r.0.00 r.r.0. 00

065L440 OL/27/LL O]uE9E 0423006 onone SofEware, Inc. v0256840 Ot/2OlrL PO024675 99.9s 99.9s 99.95 99.95

o65144L OL/27lLl OuEst 0424795 Oscar S$ran Countsry Ïnn v02s?410 oL/24/tr P0025029 540.00 540.00 540.00 540.00

o65t442 OL/27lLL OvEsE 0424794 Pamela K. Owens vo2s676s oLltglLt P0025482 l-, l_71 .86 1, 171. 86

L, 1 71 .86 L,L1L.86

06s1"443 0l/27 /tt ouLsE 0092996 Ed iL Pawelski v0257533 0L/25/\L 950 .00 9s0.00 9s0.00 9s0. 00

0651444 OL/2'7 /LL OvEsE 0304488 Pearson Education vo2s6322 OL/L2/!L P002 53?0 2,396 .8L 2,396.8L 2,396.81 2,396.8r

065144s Oll27/Lt OvEsE 0354606 Pediatric Nursing v02s6303 oL/LLlL\ 72.00 72.OO 72.00 72.O0

o65t446 0]-/27 lLr otrLsL 0396379 Penske Truck Leasing Co vo2s747Ù Ot/2slLt 80005?16 7,547.32- -7,54't.32 vo2s'?47r 0r/2s/r1- 80005?l-6 8,424 .60 I ,424 .60

871 .24 877.28

O65L44't 0L,/2?/L1 Outst 04L2O22 Roland Perez v02s?6L0 ot/26/LL r_1 0.00 1.L0.00 110.00 r.r.0.00

0651448 Or/27/Lt O]uL9E 0292285 Physicians ImmediaLe car v0256325 Ot/]-z/Lr 33 .00 33. 00

33 .00 33 .00 Feb. y 0L 20L1 ACCOUNTS PAYABL IECK REGISTER 0B:10 Period o:-/oL/zoLt - 0t/3L/20Lr Bank Code: LP Alpine Accountss Payable GL AccounE No: 01-00000-IL279 Check Check Check Vendor .:,-.-. Voucher voucher POIBPO voucher Cash Disc Check Number Dâte Stsatus ID Payee Name ID Date Number Amount Àmount Àmount 06il"449 O1l27l].L Outst oL92959 Pauf F. Pinzarrone vo2s73s7 or/24/rr 420.00 420.00 420.oo 420.00

0651450 Ot/2?/Lt OútsE 0429293 Dr. John R. PorEer vo25757A Ot/25/1r 500.00 s00 .00 s00. 00 500.00

O65L45l- 0Ll27lL1 outsE 0289925 PosEmaster vo257665 01-/27/LL 18s.00 L85.00 vo257666 0t/27/LL 585 .00 585 .00

7?0 .00 7?0.00

0651452 OL/27/Ll ouLsL 0002631 Martsin W Quirk v025736s 0r/24/t\ r.00.00 L00 .00 r-00.00 100.00

06s14s3 OL/27/lL OutsE 0275125 Mr. Garret A. RaPP v02s76s6 ot/27/tt 600.00 600.00 600.00 600 .00

0651454 Otl27/Lt OûE9E 0390408 Reliance Standard AtÈn: vo2s73s6 oL/24/tr 8000s568 3, 154 .30 3, 154 .30

3, 1 54 .30 3, 154 .30 r-75.00 0651455 OLl27 / LL O\tEsE 0373292 Reslife.Net, v02s6010 oL/06/Ll PO024857 r_75.00 175.00 1?5.00

06514s6 oL/27/LL outsL 0331852 Robbins, Schwartz, Nicho V02560L2 OI/06/11 8000547L 9, s28 . 83 9,s28 .83 9,528.83 9 , 528 .83

0651-45? 0Ll2?/L1 Outst 0396707 Karen M. Robertson vo2576s4 01./21/Lr 450.00 4s0.00 450.00 450.00

o6sL458 0L/27/LL OruLgE 0360360 Rochelle Prineing compan vo2s6022 oL/ 06/ LL P0025384 2,67L.24 2 ,67L.24 vo257362 0r/24 / Lt POO25462 L , 602 .49 r , 602 .49 4,273 .?3 4,2"ì3 .73

0651459 otl27/Lr ovEsi. 030l-l-50 Rock River Times Inc v02s1366 or/24 /LL B0O0s8l-2 478 .00 478 .00 v0257368 O'J./24/rL 80005912 478.00 478 .00 9s6 .00 9s6 .00

0651"460 0L/27 /LT Our.sE 0289926 Rock Valley Culligan vo2s6o74 0t/ o"t /!L 80005749 66.25 66.25 v02560?s 0]-/o7 / Lt B0O0s6L5 33 .30 33 .30 vo256079 0r / 07 / Ll 8000ss93 66.10 66 .10 52 Febi y 0L 20L1 ACCOIJNTS PÀYABI, ^ECK REGISTER 0B :10 Period o'J"/OI/20]-r. - orl3t/20rL Bank Code: LP Àlpine Àccounts Payable GL AccounL No: 01-00000-IL279 qheck Check Check Check vendor voucher voucher PolBPo Voucher Cash Disc Number Datse SEa¿us ID Payee Name ID Date Number Amount AmounE ÀmounE. 165 .65 L65.65

0651461 ot/27/LI OuEsE 0295062 Rockford Area Economic D v025?379 ot/24/\L P0025361 ?00.00 700.00 700.00 700. 00

065L462 ol/27/LL ovEsB 03086?3 Rockford College v02s?38s 0L/24lLL 472 .00 472.00 472.00 472.00

0651463 ol/27/LL ouLsE 03337?3 Rockford CounEry Club vo2s?4ot oLl24/LL 8000577L 50.00 50.00 vo2574O4 0L/24/Ll 8000577i. r,024 .76 1,024 .'76 t, o74.76 !,074.76

065L464 0L/27/Lt ouLst 0273068 Rockford Health SysEem vo2s7406 0t/24/tt POO25427 7, 6s0 .00 7, 650 . 00 7, 6s0.00 ?, 650 . 00

0651465 oL/27/LL o\rLsl 0290026 Rockford rnd welding v02sL1?0 LO/26lLO BO00 s63 9 L69.40 L69.40 vo2s6L6L oLlo7/tL 80005708 375.81 37s.81_ 545.2r s45.2t

o65L466 ot/27/tL ouEsB O29OO29 Rockford Mass Transit Di vo257407 0L/24/!l P002s3 8? 320.00 320.00 320.00 320.00

o65L467 01/27,/11 OutsE 0290030 Rockford Regiscer Scar v02s633s oLlL2lLt 800054 3 4 L,752 .20 r,752.20

L ,7 52 .20 L,752.20

065:468 OL/21/LL OuEsE 0290030 Rockford Register Stsar v02s74l2 OL/24/LL 8000s62 6 208.42 208.42 vo2s74L3 OL/24/IL 80005626 401.65 401.65 v025?422 0t/24/LL 80005626 200.02 200.02

81.0.09 8L0.09

o65L469 0L,/27lLL ouEsE 0070754 Mary J. Rudzinski vo2s'7438 OL/24/LL 37 .t6 37 .L6 37.L6 37.16

06s14?0 0L/27 /lL O\tLsE 0415L20 Rycom Technologies v0256348 OLlL2/LL PO025329 r., 300.00 1,300.00 r.,300.00 1, 300. 00

o65L47t ot/27/LL ouLsL 0289958 samco v025643s OL|L3lLt POO24718 386.77 346.77 386.'t7 386.77 Febl y 0l- 20LL' ACCOIJNTS PAYABL. .ECK REGISTER 53 0B: L0 Period 0t/01/zoIL - 0t/3r/20Lr Bank Code: f,P AJ.pine Accounts Payable cL AccounE No: 0L-0000O-IL279

Check Check Check Vendor '.'. Voucher Voucher PO/BPO voucher Cash Disc Check Number Date StaLus ID Payee Name ID Dace Number Amount ÀmounE. Amount

o65L472 0L,/2?/Ll- Outst, 0326424 Savage Ent.ertainment vo257472 Otl2slLt 302 . s0 302.50

302 . s0 302.50

065L473 oI/27/IL ovtst- o42o8l4 schneider ElecEric v02s6439 ot/r3/\t 80005584 125.00 125.00 vo2s644l 0L/t3/tL 80005584 49s.00 49s.00

620.OO 620. 00

o6sL474 0L/27/LL OUE9E 031L1-l-2 Schnucks Markets Inc vo2s7478 Ot/2s/LL P0025463 3Ll.00 3r.L.00 vo2s7479 0t/2s/LL P0025456 349.85 349.85 v02s7480 oL/2s/LL P0025432 1, 0L1. 50 1, oLL.50 vo2s7487 0t/2s/Lt P0025428 L, O24.00 L, O24.OO vo2s't488 ot/25/tL P0025428 l_09.00 109.00 2, 805.35 2, 80s.35

065t475 0L,/27lL1 Outst. O28996L Schumacher Elevator Co v02s6462 0t/L4/Lt 8000543 9 1, 310 . 08 r., 3L0.08

1, 310 . 08 L, 31"0 .08

o65L476 0L/27/LL Ovtst O292O32 Scope Shoppe v025649s Otlt4/LL 8000s62 9 2 , L37 .97 2 , L37 .97 2,137 .97 2,L37 .97

06sL4?7 OL/27/LL OruEgE OL39237 Kim A. SeÍmelroEh vo2s7so7 oL/2slLt 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00

06sL478 Orl27/lL OvLst O2992Lg Sesac Inc v0257508 OLl2slLt PO02 54 3 3 s96 .10 596.10

596 .10 s96. t_0 0651479 Or/27lLt OvLst 0313631 Sherwin-l{iL1Íams v02sTsLL oL/2slLL 4t.49 4L.49 41.49 4L.49

0651480 OL/27 /LI O\tEsE 0426264 Shoot a Way, Inc vo2s6498 0L/t4/LL P0025L20 5, 6r.L. 00 5, 6L1.00

5, 6L1.. 00 5, 6r_r_.00

0651481 0r/27/!t ovLsE 0429378 Maya Simmons v025?6ss 0t/27/Lt 2s0.00 2s0.00 250.00 250.00

0651482 OL/27/LL O\trsL 0369L88 Lemar Simpson vo2575L4 OL/2s/Lt Los.00 105.00

105.00 r-0s. o0

065t483 0l/27/LA OruEgE 0308599 Skyline Window Cleaning vo2s6s29 or/t8lLr 8000544 1 140. 00 140.00 Feb- y 0L 20Ll-' ACCOTJNTS PAYÀBL íECK REGTSTER 54 08 :10 Períod ot/ 0L/2O'LL - oL/3t/201"L Bank Code: LP Àlpine ÀccounEs Payable GL Àccounu No: 01-0000O-]-L279 Check Check.Check Vendor voucher Voucher PO/BPO Voucher Cash Dísc Check Number Dace SEatus IÐ Payee Name ID Date Nufiìber Amount Amount Àmount r.40.00 L40. 00

065L484 Ol/27 /Ll OttEsL 0292658 SmiE.h Oil Corporation vo256532 ÙL/L9/L! 80005684 L,739 .47 L,739.4'7 v0256s33 OL/L8/Lr 8000s684 299.0L 299.Ot 2,038 .48 2, O38.48

0651485 01/27llL Outst 0290036 Snap on Tools vo2s654L OL/ L8 / LL 8000569s 25."t5 25.75 25.75 25.75

0651486 OLl27/lr ouLsL 042t879 Julian D. Springer v02ss134 oL/26/LL 136.00 r.36. 00 136.00 L36 .00

o6sL487 OL/27lLL OUE9E 042L8"79 Julian D. Springer vo2ssL38 o1-/26/tL 136.00 136.00 136.00 L36.00

0651488 01/27lL1 outssE 0421879 ilulian D. Springer v02s?s31 OL/2'/!L 64.77 64.77 64.77 64.7?

065L489 OL/2'? / LL Ovtsi- O42L879 Julian D. Springer vo257s4r ïL/2s/tL 1 L0.36 LL0.36 L1.0.36 L10.36

06s1490 OLl2'? /Lt Ottr'sL O42I8'79 Julian D. Springer v02s767Ù OL/27/rL L36.00 L36. 00

r.36 .00 1 36.00

o65L49L OL/27lLl OruEgE O42L8'19 Julian D. Springer vo2s7672 0L/2?lLL 136 .00 136.00 L36.00 r.36.00

o6st492 oL/27lLL Out-st 0308??9 Scandguard v02s6s60 oLlLe/tL 800054 55 44.95 44.95 44.9s 44.95

o6sL493 Or/27/LI O\E9E o3o0388 SEaEe Fire Marshal vo2s6562 0]-/L8/n 8000544 2 l-40.00 140. 00

1.40 .00 r.40.00

o65L494 OLl27,/Ll OuLst 0002651 KenneEh J stein v02s7s45 0t/25/tL 654.66 654 .66 654 .66 6s4 .66

0651495 01,/2?/11 OutssE o29oÙ49 Steiner Electric v0255034 L2/t3/tO 8000544 3 52 .00 52. 00 v02s503s t2/L3/L0 8000544 3 2.72 2.72 v02ss036 L2/L3lLO 8000544 3 108 .00 r-08.00 Feb; y 0L 2011' ACCOT'NTS PAYABL. IECK REGTSTER 0B : l-0 Period oLlor/zolt - or/3r/20LL Bank Code: LP Alpine ÀccounEs Payable GL Àccoung No: 0L-00000-]-1279 Check Check:Check Vendor , :) ::. Voucher Voucher PO,/BPO voucher Cash Disc Check Number Dace Stacus ID Payee Name ID Date Number AmounE Àmount Amount vo2s6575 0r/t8 / rr Boo0s443 L62.84 L62.84 vo256s76 01/18/11 80005443 9.04 9.04 vo2s65'7't 0L/L8/ Lt 8000s443 6.45 6.45 vo256582 Ot/ t8 / rr 80005443 L, 56? . 85 L,s67 .85 v02s6s83 0t/L8/Lt 8000s443 50.82 s0 .82 L,959 .72 L,959.72

065L496 oL/27lll ovLsE 0300469 stericycle rnc v0256618 0L/t8/LL 80005444 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00

065L497 ol/27/lL out'si- 0354643 stillman Valley Nursery v02s66L9 0L/t8 ltt 80005647 s6s. 00 565.00 56s .00 565.00

065i.498 OL/27/ll oL\:'sL 0408?93 Sun Life Financial vo2s1549 OL/2s/ LL 80005569 LL,969.76 LL,969 .76 L]-,969.76 rr ,969 .76

065:.499 O1/2?/11 Outsc 0348?33 Swat PesE Control v0256627 OL/L9/IL 80005445 230.00 230.00 v0256628 Otlt8/tL 8000s445 L00.00 t-00. 00 330.00 330.00

06s150o aL/27/r1, ovLsi- 032586i- T shirez Etsc v02575s0 ol/25/LL P0005772 l_76 .50 176 .50 vo2s?551- oL/25 / LL P002s436 400.25 400.25 vo2575s2 01./25 / \L POO25436 44 .00 44 .00 620.15 620.75 316.00 06sls01- 0I/27 /tI OIuE9E 0320843 Iona Marsaa Teeguarden v0256683 0L/t9/LL P0025401 316 .00 316.00 3r.6 .00

06sl502 OL/27/tL ouEsL 035340? Terryberry ManufacEuring v025?553 OL/25/IL 80005572 L23.48 1.23.48 L23.48 t23.48

0651503 0L/2'7 /L'J- O:uL9Y 04L221'Ì Thrive Market Irruelligen V025?58I 0L/26/Lf 80005696 50 .00 s0.00 s0.00 50. 00

0651504 01,/2?/11 Outst 0292574 Tier Technologies Inc vo2s6692 oLla9/ra P0025235 ? ,442 . OO 7 ,442 .OO

7 ,442 . O0 7 ,442.OO

0651s05 oL/27/LL OvEsL 0222244 Mr. ileremy M. Toledo vo2s'7s82 0r/26/ll 1, 000 . 00 r., 000 .00

r., 000 . 00 1 , 000.00 Febi y 01 20L1 ÀCCOI'NTS PÀYABL ÍECK REGTSTER P. 56 0B:10 Period oL/ot/2oLr - 0L/3r/20rr Bank Code: LP Alpine Àccounts Payable GL Account No: 0L-00000-]-1279 Check Check'Check vendor -: Voucher Voucher POlBPO Voucher Cash Disc Check Number DaLe Status ID Payee Name ÏD Date Number Àmount Amount ÀmounE

0651506 OL/27/Il OluLgE O4226a4 USÀ Laser Imaging v0256?58 0r/19/rt 80005746 r-, 488 . 00 l_, 488 . 00 v02s6159 07 /t9 ltr 8000s478 72.OO 12.OO v02567 60 01/ L9 /tL 80005478 78 .00 78 .00 vo2s7639 0]-/26 / LL Poo2s49r. 88 .00 88.00

r ,726 . 00 L,726.00

065L50? oLl27/tL oulsL 0300933 Utrecht vo25?642 0r/26 / tt P00253L5 2 , 0L3 .49 2, OL3 .49

2 , Ot3 .49 2,OL3.49

0651509 0L/27/t\ OuLst oI6732L Mr. Daniel- K. van Barrig V025?015 0L/2I/LL s0.00 so.00 s0.00 50.00

06515L0 O)./27/1r Ovtsc 0290068 Van Galder Bus Company vo257658 0r/27/rr PO025429 2s0. 00 2s0.00 2s0.00 2s0 .00

06sL511 oL/2? /)"t ovLst 000265? Mr. Steven H. vee v02s?638 Ot/26/tL 15.00 15.00

1 5.00 15.00

0651512 01/27111 Outst 0286444 Verizon Wireless vo25702t 0L/21/LL 80005620 2,L80.52 2,]-80.52 2,L80.s2 2,L90 .52

0651513 oL/27/rr ouEsL 0314316 The Wall St ,JournaL vo257t47 0L/2L/t! r43.89 143 .89 143.89 L43 .89

065L514 0L/27/rL OúL9E 0308466 vùorkplace vo257L95 0r/2L/rL 8000s760 837 .38 837.38 837.38 83?.38

0651515 0L/27/Lt OutsL 030930L VùQRF Television Fox 39 v025"t253 ot/2L/LL 8000s808 1, 305 . 00 r.,305.00 v0257259 0L/2L/tt 8000s808 r., 235 .00 1, 235 .00 v0257266 0t/2L/tt 8000s8 08 1, 350.00 1, 350 .00 v0257274 ot/2L/tt 80005808 60.00 60.00 vo25732r oL/24/tL 80005808 r, 950.00 r", 950.00 v0257322 0L/24/LL 80005808 2, r"00.00 2, r.00.00 vo2s7323 0t/24/LL 80005808 r., 300.00 r., 3 00. 00 v0257325 oL/24/tt 8000s808 1.300.00 1, 300 . 00 vo2s?326 0L/24/tr 80005808 r., 950.00 1, 9s0 . 00

12, 550 . 00 1 2, 550.00

o6sL516 0L/27ltt ouEsL 02694s8 YWCA vo257657 0t/27/r1 60.00 60.00 60 .00 60.00 Feb- y 01 20LL ACCOT'NTS PAYABL IECK REGISTER P. 57 0B:L0 Period oL/ot/2o1t - orl3L/2OLL Bank Code: LP ÀLpine Àccouncs Payable GL AccounL No: 0L-00000-Ll2'19

Check Check Check Vendor Voucher voucher POIBPO Voucher cash Disc Check Number DaEe Stauus ID Payee Name ID Date Number Amount Àmôunt Àmount 065151? OL/27lLL O,,tEsL O27I442 YMCA of Rock River Valle V0257338 OL/24/Ll 150.00 150.00 150.00 r.s0.00

065L51-8 0t-,/27lLL OuEsL 0062426 Jennifer L. Zaluckyj vo2s?340 ú./24/LL 4L.54 4t.54 4L.54 4L.54

0651519 0r./31/11 0287683 Alpine Bank vo2s77t3 ÙL/3t/tL 200.00 200.00 200 .00 200.00

0651520 0Ll31/LL ouEsE 0287693 American Funds Service c v0257706 0t/3L/rt 4, 398 .05 4, 398 .05

4, 398 .05 4, 398.05

0651521 oLl3LlLl ouÈsE 0287700 Horace Mann tife Insuran vO2511Ll oL/3L/LL 2, 935.83 2,935.83

2,935 .83 2 , 935 .83

065L522 0L/31111 oucst 0308253 IL Federation of Teacher VO2577O7 0L/3r/tt 4,948.64 4,948 .64 4,948 .64 4,948 .64

0651s23 01/31/11 OutsE 0309574 IL Frat.ernal Order v02s77o8 oL/3t/LL 190.00 190.00 L90.00 190.00

065]-524 01,/31/lL Oucst 0287706 Mass Mut,ua1 Payment Serv Vo25?712 0L/3L/ll 2s0.00 250.00 250.00 250.00

0651525 01/31/L1 ouEst 0287687 RVC Foundation30-86320 -5 VO2'77O9 OL|3L|LL 504.96 504.96 504.96 so{.96

065]-526 0L,/31/11 outst, 0287688 scaÈe Universit.ies Retir V02577L0 or/3L/tL 439.00 439.00 v02577t4 oL/3t/tt 5 ,644 .33 5,644.33 v0257'tt5 oLl3t/Lt L4,748.86 t4,748 .86 v02577L6 OI/3L/LL 80 .20 80.20 v02577L? otl3L/LL L6L.67 16r.67 v02577L8 oL/3L/LL 2 , 592 .48 2,s92.48 v02577L9 OI/3L/LL L24,'ì22.L8 L24,722.L8

t4a ,388 .72 t48 ,388 .72

o65L527 01,/31/11 Outst O2871L9 TIÀÀ-CREF vo2s7720 0L/3L/Ll 3,433 .33 3,433 .33 3,433.33 3,433.33 Febi y OL 2OLL ACCOI'NTS PAYABf,. IBCK REGISTER 08:10 Period 07/o'J-/2o)-r - or/3r/20tt Bank Code: LP Àlpine AccounEs Payable GL ÀccounE No¡ 01-00000-LL279 Check Check'Check Vendor voucher voucher PolBPO voucher Cash Disc Check Nurnber Date SEatus ID Payee Name TD Date Number Amount ÀmounE Àmount 0651528 O1l31/LL Outst 0287689 UniEed Way - Rock River VO25772L Ot/3r/tr 693.9'? 693.97 693.97 693.97

065L529 01,/3Ll11 outst 0287722 Vanguard Group VO257723 O]-/3L/LI 6,382.33 6 , 382 .33

6,382.33 6 , 382 .33

0651530 01/31/LL outsL O287723 Variable Àr¡nuity Life In vO257722 O!/3L/LI 8, O7L.66 g, 07r-. 66

I,0'1L.66 a , o7L.66

06s1-531 0u3Ll11 outsts 0287723 Variable .Annuicy Life In v02s7?0s oLl3L/rL 9 , O58 .25 9, 058.25

9 , O58.25 9, 0s8 . 25 0651532 0i-l31/lL Outsts O35624L weight wacchers N.A. vo2s7724 0]-/3L|LL 260.OO 260. 00

260.OO 260.00

0651533 01/31/11 oucsE 02967Lo The Aequalis Inc vo257799 OL/3L|L! P0025102 3, 000.00 3, 000.00 3, 000.00 3, 000.00

0651534 01/3LlLL OutsE 04L9t75 BlitE and Gaínes PC vo2s78s2 oLl3LlLt 108.28 L08.28 r.08.28 L08.28

0651535 01,/3L,/L1 0372092 Capital One Bank vo2s7857 OLl3tltt 26.43 26 .43 26.43 26.43

06sr.536 0Ll31"/11 Outst, 0295773 Clerk of the Superior Co v02s?8s3 0t/3L/LL L23.63 t23.63 L23.63 r23.63

o6sr.53? 01/31/LL ouEsE 0368831 Freedman Anselmo Lindber v0257855 0L/3!/Lt 202.82 202.82 202.82 202.82

0651538 01,/3L,/LL Outst 040L842 Missouri DepE of Higher v025?850 OI/3L/L\ 398 .66 398.66 398.66 398 .66

0651539 01,/31,/1L ouÈst 03063L4 SmartPractice vo25r3L? t0 /27 / L0 8000s479 so3.22 503.22 503.22 503.22

06s1540 01/31/r.1 outst. O29ol82 StaEe Disbursement Unit v0257854 Ot/3t/r7 297.92 297.92

297 .92 297.92 Feb. y 01 201-1 ACCOUNTS PÀYABL {ECK REGISTER 0B : 1.0 Period 0L/o'J./2O\I - or/3r/20tr

Bank Code: LP Alpine AccounE.s Payable cL ÀccounE No; 0L-00000-II279 Check Check.Check Vendor Voucher Voucher POlBPo voucher Cash Disc Check Number Dat.e StsaLus ID Payee Name ]D Datse Number Amount Amount Amount

065L541 0l-l31/L1 outsr, 0422427 United Student. Aid Funds vo25'7856 OL/3L/tr 164.92 ].64 .92 L64.92 L64.92

065]-542 0L/3LlL1 0306314 SmartPracEice v02s2896 LLl 09 / rO Boo0s4?9 1,140.00 t , 1 40.00 1,140.00 1,1-40.00

2,93L,133.08 2.93L,r.33.08 Checks Over $10,000 issued between 1/1/11 and 1/31/11 Report Date: 2/4/2011 Page 1 of 2 Month: 01/2011 Check No Check Date Vendor Check Amount LP*0650870 1/6/2011 0289599 - C D W GOVERNMENT $51,895.80 Board Report #6749, Dated 12/14/2010, HP ProCurve Switches, Miscellaneous IT Harware and Software - Fund 01. LP*0650937 1/6/2011 0422412 - LAWRENCE NATIONALEASE $11,207.24 Board Report #6726, Dated 8/24/2010, Lease of Trucks for Truck Driver Training Program - Fund 01 (Partial Payment). LP*0651026 1/13/2011 0298197 - BANK AMERICA $42,706.73 Board Report #6712, Dated 6/22/2010, Purchase Card Usage, December 2010 - All Funds (Partial Payment). LP*0651066 1/13/2011 0310222 - CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY $59,574.71 Board Report #6712, Dated 6/22/2010, Electric Service, Main Campus, December 2010 - Fund 02 (Partial Payment). LP*0651070 1/13/2011 0117682 - DATATEL $10,740.00 Board Report #6749, Dated 12/14/2010, Ten Licenses for Application Server - Fund 01 (Partial Payment). LP*0651093 1/13/2011 0311458 - MANAGEMENT RESOURCE GROUP LTD $10,833.33 Board Report #6726, Dated 8/24/2010, Compensation of EIGERlab Director - Fund 05 (Partial Payment). LP*0651134 1/13/2011 0305907 - SIMPLEXGRINNELL LP $14,794.00 Board Report #6712, Dated 6/22/2010, Annual Fire Alarm Testing - Fund 02 (Partial Payment). LP*0651209 1/20/2011 0385509 - CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY - GAS DIV $28,717.60 Board Report #6712, Dated 6/22/2010, Natural Gas Service, Main Campus and SCCE, December 2010 - Fund 02 (Partial Payment). LP*0651217 1/20/2011 0117682 - DATATEL $10,234.50 Board Report #6749, Dated 12/14/2010, Additional Licenses for Application Server - Fund 01 (Final Payment). LP*0651244 1/20/2011 0388167 - IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS $34,610.89 Board Report #6712, Dated 6/22/2010, Copier Charges on 42, December 2010 and January 2011 - Fund 01 (Partial Payment). LP*0651288 1/20/2011 0313275 - SAAVEDRA GEHLHAUSEN $38,154.69 Board Report #6712, Dated 6/22/2010, Consultation for Salt Shed, JCSM and SC Terrace Replacement - Funds 02, 03 (Partial Payment). LP*0651291 1/20/2011 0373226 - SCOTT HEALTH SAFETY $14,620.78 Board Report #6749, Dated 12/14/2010, Self Contained Breathing Apparatus - Fund 06. LP*0651296 1/20/2011 0295189 - SJOSTROM SONS $1,631,281.31 Board Reports #6631 & #6693, Dated 7/28/2009 & 3/23/2010, Dam Replacment and Construction of JCSM - Fund 03 (Partial Payment). LP*0651369 1/27/2011 0310222 - CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY $12,992.80 Board Report #6712, Dated 6/22/2010, Electric Service, SCCE, January 2011 - Fund 02 (Partial Payment). Checks Over $10,000 issued between 1/1/11 and 1/31/11 Report Date: 2/4/2011 Page 2 of 2 Month: 01/2011 Check No Check Date Vendor Check Amount LP*0651395 1/27/2011 0289733 - HMO ILLINOIS $77,004.13 Board Report #6712, Dated 6/22/2010, February Premium, HMO Insurance - Fund 05 (Partial Payment). LP*0651410 1/27/2011 0332495 - KIMCO $32,412.55 Board Report #6712, Dated 6/22/2010, December Cleaning Services - Fund 02 (Partial Payment). LP*0651498 1/27/2011 0408793 - SUN LIFE FINANCIAL $11,969.76 Board Report #6712, Dated 6/22/2010, Supplemental Life Insurance, February Premium - Fund 05 (Partial Payment). LP*0651515 1/27/2011 0309301 - WQRF TELEVISION FOX 39 $12,550.00 Board Report #6712, Dated 6/22/2010, Advertising on WQRF-TV - Fund 01 (Partial Payment).

Between 1/1/11 and 1/31/11: 18 checks totaling $2,106,300.82 out of $2,931,133.08 or 71.86%

ROCK VALLEY COLLEGE Board Report # 6762 February 22, 2011 Purchase Report # 642

Recommendation: Board approval for items marked with asterisk:

A. Starlight Theatre Scenic Designer - (Auxiliary Enterprise Fund – Starlight 2011, Other Contractual Services)

Andrea Bechert, Chicago, IL 22,000.00*(1)

(1) This expenditure will be for a blanket PO for the scenic designer during the 2011 Starlight Season. RVC also pays United Scenic Artist for Bechert’s pension and health benefits of $3,740, which are paid directly to her union. Ms. Bechert has received the same payment since she started in 2008. Costs are covered by profits from the shows.

RVC did not bid due to the expertise of this person.

B. Printers for the Karl J Jacobs Center for Science and Math (JCSM) - (Operations & Maintenance-Restricted Fund – New Facilities, Science & Math Building)

CDW-G, Vernon Hills, IL 18,609.10*(2)

(2) Printers for JCSM support facilities expansion to provide for lab, faculty and administrative needs.

RVC did not bid due to special consortium pricing.

C. Caps and Gowns – (Education Fund – Records and Registration, Other Contractual Services)

Jostens Inc, Keystone, CO 16,559.10*(3)

(3) Caps and gowns for faculty and students for May graduation gowns with the potential of 410 possible students and 176 faculty. Included in the above price are diploma covers as well as student keepsake gowns.

The Commencement Planning Team has recommended purchasing the “keepsake” gowns for student graduates. The planning committee based their decision on the amount of professional staff time, student worker time, and Mail and Distribution staff time spent on collection and shipping of gowns back to Jostens, as well as the management of graduate traffic flow before, during, and after the ceremony. There was overwhelming positive feedback received from last year’s graduates with the keepsake gown program implementation last year.

RVC did not bid due to special consortium pricing.

ROCK VALLEY COLLEGE Board Report #6762 February 22, 2010 Purchase Report # 642/2

D. Furniture for JCSM- (Operations & Maintenance-Restricted Fund – New Facilities, Science & Math Building)

Target Commercial Interiors, Rockford, IL 592,280.48*(4)

(4) This purchase will furnish 64 offices, 15 general classrooms, an adjunct office, five conference rooms, 14 specialized labs/classrooms, soft seating areas and student spaces in the JCSM. The Steelcase component furniture is certified to LEED gold standards. It is certified to BIFMA sustainability standards. The furniture is also indoor air quality certified to SCSEC10.2-2007 which means that it conforms to emission standards. Steelcase utilizes cradle to cradle design which builds on the concept that when a product is at the end of its useful life, it can be reused or recycled to become a resource for a new product. USGBC has accepted and approved the first LEED point for furniture for the Rock Valley College JCSM project. Target will donate a classroom of furniture that could be utilized in this building or another as needed. The value of the donation is $14,376.00.

RVC does not bid due to the use of consortium pricing. RVC performed comparable pricing test utilizing a Herman Miller Furniture distributor, but due to differences in products was unable to equate value for value. The test pricing compared four office layouts, a general classroom and soft seating. Steelcase products are used through the college campus. Utilizing the same manufacturer allows RVC to exchange components as needed and to stock only one product line.

Herman Miller does embrace similar sustainable practices. RVC will continue to check that the consortium pricing is competitive and to the high standards that are in place.

ROCK VALLEY COLLEGE Board Report #6762 February 22, 2010 Purchase Report # 642/3

E. Redundant Internet Feed - (Operations & Maintenance Fund – IT Telecommunications, Telephone Service Charges)

T-6 Wireless Inc., Belvidere, IL 27,500.00*(5)

(5) This wireless Internet service adds to RVC’s current bandwidth in order to serve academics, students, and RVC activities. This is a true redundant path to the Internet which means if our current ISP (Internet Service Provider) goes down or fiber gets cut, this wireless ISP would still be functioning in order to provide access to the Internet for the College. The price reflects a one-time installation charge of $5,900 with a recurring annual fee $21,600. Install time is estimated within 60 days of approval. THIS IS A FY11 NON-BUDGETED OPERATING LINE ITEM.

Expanded use of the Internet by faculty and students has made purchasing additional bandwidth a necessity. The College has been reaching its maximum bandwidth on a regular basis this semester. When this happens, faculty and students using Eagle and Gmail (student email at RVC) are unable to use vital educational tools. On multiple occasions the College’s Internet provider has had problems, which prevents many activities in the classroom. The purchase of the redundant Internet feed will add bandwidth and provide a backup way to reach the Internet.

This purchase would have been necessary for the FY12 budget year. Increased use of learning tools, like Eagle, has made it necessary to move the purchase to this budget year.

RVC did not bid due to sole source for wireless offering.

ROCK VALLEY COLLEGE Board Report #6762 February 22, 2010 Purchase Report # 642/4

F. ProLiant Server for Security - (Operations & Maintenance Fund – Dept of Public Safety, Other Capital Outlay)

Sherlock Systems, Buffalo Grove, IL 13,445.00*(6) EDC Systems, LaFayette, CA 13,593.00 Entre Computer, Machesney Park, IL 14,295.36 Siruis Computer Solutions, Peoria, IL 14,499.32 En Pointe Technologies, Gardena, CA 15,113.94 Advotek, Inc, Downers Grove, IL 15,210.00 CDW-G, Vernon Hills, IL 16,491.00

(6) This purchase is for three servers. One is for JCSM. The others are to replace aging/end of life servers in SSB and SC. The video server for JCSM is an owner provided contractor installed item. The SSB and SC servers are 7 years old and have reached their end of life. Purchasing three servers allows RVC to take advantage of 1 % discount pricing.

G. HP ProCurve Identity - (Operations & Maintenance- Restricted Fund – New Facilities, Science & Math Building)

CDW-G, Vernon Hills, IL 18,999.00*(7) Telcom Innovations Group, Itasca, IL 19,366.13 Sherlock Systems, Buffalo Grove, IL 19,601.00 Netrix, Bannockburn, IL 20,800.00 Artemis Technology Itasca, IL 22,499.25

(7) This software for the HP switches will allow RVC system engineers to provide real- time management of the Rock Valley College network which includes traffic prioritization, rate limiting, policy-based network rights, automatic VLAN assignment, user-based access control, and enhanced security. This purchase is included in the JCSM Capital Project budget.

ROCK VALLEY COLLEGE Board Report # 6762 February 22, 2010 Purchase Report #642/5

H. Addendum To Purchase Order B5795 Facilities, Plant Operations and Maintenance (Operations & Maintenance Fund-Restricted – LS SCCE HVAC Phase II Abatement, Remodeling)

Colfax Corporation, Chicago, IL 5,900.00*(8)

Original Amount $ 36,900.00 Current Addendum $ 5,900.00

New Total $ 42,800.00

(8) During remediation, additional overspray of asbestos was exposed.

I. Addendum To Purchase Order B5563 Facilities, Plant Operations and Maintenance (Operations & Maintenance Fund – Boiler House, Maintenance Srvs PlantOpEquip)

Rush Power Systems, Kirkland, IL 7,360.00*(9)

Original Amount $ 6,145.00 Current Addendum $ 7,360.00

New Total $ 13,505.00

(9) The addendum is needed to cover the final invoice for work done on the co-gen engine coolant system.

J. Addendum to Purchase Order B5430 Traffic Safety (Auxiliary Enterprises Fund – Traffic Safety Program, Instructional Supplies General)

National Safety Council, Itasca, IL 10,000.00*(10)

Original Amount $ 100,000.00 Current Addendum $ 10,000.00

New Total $ 110,000.00

(10) The additional amount needed to cover estimated expenses for the remainder of this fiscal year. The National Safety Council had a 6% price increase as of January 1, 2011.

ROCK VALLEY COLLEGE Board Report # 6762 February 22, 2010 Purchase Report # 642/6


K. Addendum To Purchase Order B5765 Facilities, Plant Operations and Maintenance (Operations & Maintenance Fund-Restricted – LS SCCE HVAC Phase II Abatement, Remodeling - Prof Services)

Saavedra Gehlhausen, Rockford, IL 7,000.00*(11)

Original Amount $ 7,500.00 Current Addendum $ 7,000.00

New Total $ 14,500.00

(11) The addendum is needed to cover the additional architect/engineering work done for the SCCE Phase II HVAC. This project has been divided into multiple phases which required additional planning for each phase. The additional expenses also include costs for a mechanical consultant for inspection and questions.

L. Addendum To Purchase Order B5562 Facilities, Plant Operations and Maintenance (Operations & Maintenance Fund – many GL Accounts)

Ron Carlson Electric, Rockford, IL 14,151.09*(12)

Original Amount $ 86,844.85 Current Addendum $ 14,151.09

New Total $ 100,995.94

(12) Additional electrical projects which consisted of a Greenhouse, Graphics Arts Technology program at SCCE, the SCCE Parking lot lights, SCCE welding room, and electrical to install conduit and wiring for deicing equipment on Building F.

ROCK VALLEY COLLEGE Board Report # 6762 February 22, 2010 Purchase Report # 642/7

M. Addendum To Purchase Order B5401 Plant Operations/Maintenance - (Operations & Maintenance Fund-Restricted – New Facilities, Science & Math Building)

Sjostrom and Sons, Rockford, IL 0.00*(13)

Original Amount $ 23,492,408.00 Change Order Values $ 770,743.88 Addendum $ 0.00

(13) Sjostrom and Sons was awarded the JCSM Building bid with a $1,000,000 contingency plus $78,000 testing allowances. The testing allowances will be added as they are utilized. In September, a portion of testing allowances ($20,000) was utilized and transferred to the contingency, making the contingency $1,020,000. Below is a listing of the approved change orders.

New Change Order

Additional Temporary generators for Thanksgiving shutdown $ 20,466.00 F12 Track Lighting $ 3,105.00 Steel Pit Covers for new Switchgear $ 635.04 Light Cove Plywood $ 870.91 Lowering of Electric & Fiber Optic $ 1,941.84 Water Penetration Testing $ 4,320.00 Add Wall Phones $ 1,474.20 Elevator sprinkler valve shut off cabinet relocation $ 1,338.26 Hose Valve Cabinet $ 734.63 CL II Feeder Repairs $ 76,236.12

$ 111,122.00

Previous Contingency Balance $ 360,378.12 New Change Orders $ 111,122.00

Available Contingency Balance $ 249,256.12

Jack Becherer, Ed.D. President

Board Approval: ______Secretary, Board of Trustees

Rock Valley College Board Report #6763 February 22, 2011

Personnel Report #632

Recommendation: The Board of Trustees acknowledges the following personnel actions:


#Amanda Elyas (0352940), Transitions Coordinator, Adult Education and Literacy, grade 12, part-time without benefits (SURS), $19.08/hour, effective February 7, 2011, account #06-41259-51220 (vacancy due to restructured department).

#Rachel McNulty (0402166), Financial Aid Assistant, Financial Aid, grade 6, part-time without benefits (SURS), $12/hour, effective February 7, 2011, account #01-34000- 51620 (vacancy due to resignation).


Jennifer Wilkens (0274622), Transitions Coordinator, Adult Education and Literacy, effective February 28, 2011.


Karen Busser (0156282), Administrative Assistant III, Human Resource Services, effective January 28, 2011.

Valerie Jefferson (0065032), Coordinator, Transfer and University Center, Student Retention and Success, effective February 4, 2011.


Marlene Busher, (0251113), Sponsorship Coordinator, Financial Services, effective February 28, 2011.

Hazen Tuck, (0277404), Faculty, Business, CIS, Engineering effective May 31, 2011.

Mary Lynn Walters, (317878), Nursing Faculty, effective May 31, 2011.

Board Report 6763/2 PR #632 February 22, 2011


1. Alicia Goral (0187079), Nursing 2. Barbara Calvette (0095863), Nursing 3. Brent Eckert (0228818), Library 4. Elizabeth Kinney (0313172), Chemistry 5. Maria Figiel-Krueger (0190363), Library 6. Mark Adolphson (0100891), Aviation Maintenance Technology 7. Mary Flynn (0202899), Reading 8. Ronald Napper (0366506), Mathematics 9. Robert Schilf (0386955), Psychology 10. Sheryl Swanson (0139548), Nursing 11. Steve Thompson (0179271), Library 12. Takeisha Lambert (0312287), Education 13. Yiluo, Song (0387963), Library


Scott Goldy (0373364), Library


1. Daniel Bawinkel (0071613), Building Construction Technology 2. Ellen Storm (0178737), Nursing 3. Karen Robertson (0396707), Nursing 4. Kaye Eckstaine, Nursing (0258830) 5. Paul Gunsul (0404036), Mathematics 6. Rachel Moreno (0405978), Biology 7. Todd Morgan (0328570), Aviation Maintenance Technology


1. Anita Bravo (0414542, History 2. Daniel Blumlo (0414645), History 3. Elizabeth Hansen (E0418081), Chemistry 4. Jeremy Chamberlain (0418275), Mathematics 5. Joann Heck (0102089), Composition & Literature 6. Mathew Oakes (0411495), Composition & Literature 7. Michael Volz (0414228), Biology 8. Scott Fisher (0002559), Aviation Maintenance Technology

Board Report 6763/3 PR #632 February 22, 2011

I. REVISION, (Appointment) BR #6756, PR #631, ITEM A. Should read:

Christopher Garnhart, (0059918) Library Circulation Assistant, Library, grade 7, full time with benefits, $26,921, prorated for the balance of the fiscal year, effective January 27, 2011, account # 01-21000-51610 (vacancy due to termination.)

J. REVISION, ( Retirement) BR #6756, PR #631, ITEM E. Should read:

Mary Rhodes (0119557), Administrative Assistant III, Community Education, effective May 31, 2011.

Jack J. Becherer, Ed.D. President

# Biographical Sketch Attached.

Board Report 6763/4 PR #632 February 22, 2011


Amanda Elyas has a master’s of science degree in education along with several years experience as an adult education instructor both at Rock Valley College and Heartland Community and as a job developer for Rock Valley College Refugee Training program. Her teaching experience has also included instruction, curriculum development and presentation for the adult education’s newly developed transportation/distribution/ logistics bridge program, all of which are directly related to the required skill set for this position.

Rachel McNulty brings broad variety of experience to Rock Valley College. She has worked as a math and reading tutor, assisted in student testing, maintained student records and training for new employees. She has a bachelor’s degree in history and currently pursuing an accounting degree at Upper Iowa University.

Rock Valley College Board Report #6764 February 22, 2011

Acceptance of Notice to Bargain From the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council

Background: The Board of Trustees of Rock Valley College District No. 511 and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Labor Council entered into a Collective Bargaining Agreement on September 28, 2010.

According to the terms of the Agreement, the Illinois FOP Labor Council has notified Rock Valley College that it seeks to bargain a successor agreement to the one currently in place between the parties.

The FOP Labor Council has offered the date of February 28, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. for both parties to meet and establish ground rules for these negotiations. Subsequent meeting dates and times will be arranged during the initial meeting.

Recommendation: It is hereby recommended that the Rock Valley College Board of Trustees accept the Notice to Bargain from the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council and commence bargaining for a successor Agreement on or before March 1, 2011 according to terms of the Agreement.

Jack Becherer, Ed.D. President

Board Approval: ______Secretary, Board of Trustees


Approve Memorandum of Understanding With Rock Valley College Faculty Association

BACKGROUND: Discussions regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees or legal counsel have occurred during a closed session of the Rock Valley College Board of Trustees, pursuant to Section 2 (c) (1) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act.

RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the execution of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Board of Trustees of Rock Valley College and the Rock Valley College Faculty Association concerning the probationary faculty member based upon the terms reviewed in the Board’s closed session of this evening’s Board meeting.


Jack J. Becherer, Ed.D. President

Board Approval: ______Secretary, Board of Trustees


Approve Probationary Period Extension For Non-Tenured Faculty Member

BACKGROUND: Discussions regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees or legal counsel have occurred during a closed session of the Rock Valley College Board of Trustees, pursuant to Section 2 (c) (1) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act.

RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve a one-year extension of the probationary period for non-tenured faculty member, Scott Goldy, and approval of issuance of notice in accordance with Section 3B-2 of the Illinois Public Community College Act based upon the Board’s review and discussion in the closed session of this evening’s Board meeting.


Jack J. Becherer, Ed.D. President

Board Approval: ______Secretary, Board of Trustees



22 Engineering Week – College and Career Night – Student Center Atrium

25 Engineering Week – Bridge Building Competition – SCCE

26 Annual ICTM High School Math Competition – Main Campus


1. First Tuesday Lecture - Kanwal D. Prashar; March 1, 6pm Student Center Atrium “Though East is East, and West is West, together, the twains can do best”

2 First Annual Caskey Lecture – Sister Prejain – PEC 2 Annual High School Art Show and Reception – ERC/PAR 2 Winnebago and Boone County Engineers Training – WTC

3 Career Exploration Conference – Main Campus

3-5 Women’s History Month – Vagina Monologues

5 Career Exploration Conference – LOCN, Falcon, SCCE

10 Women’s History Month – Art and Fashion Show

11 PTK Induction Ceremony – PAR

14-18 Spring Break

16 Youth Groundwater Festival – Main Campus

17 Winnebago County Teen Summit – Main Campus

19 Science Olympiad – PEC

21-25 Spring Fling sponsored by CAB in SC

30 Winnebago and Boone County Contractor Training – WTC 30 Women’s History Month – Wellness Conference - SC


January 24,zÌtt

Susan Busenbark 5803 Chandler Dr. Rockford, lL 6LLL4

Dear Susan,

Thank you again for your fine contributions to our Faculty Workshop last week, both in terms of your comments as a panelist as well as for planning and conducting a breakout session. I felt that you said several things that were especially key for us to hear, and that reinforced our own efforts to support student success on our campus. Several faculty said that this was the best workshop they had attended, which speaks so well of the quality of your and the other panelists' comments.

I know this is an especially busy time of year to step away from your own responsibilities, but I do thank you again for doing so. lt was so helpful to hear about the good work you are all doing at RVC in the name of student success.

Have a great semester!

Vice President of Academic Affairs

Cc: Dr. Diane Nyham ^", ur/

:l()()l) i:itth Averìue :: River Grove, lL 60171 :: (708) 456..0300 :: Web E-mai l: tr¡[email protected]

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