Li Shanglong Tutor: Mario Paris a.y 2018/19

Politecnico di Milano

Politecnico di Milano School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering Master of Urban Planning

The relationship between walkability and street vitality.

An experimental explanation based on

Tutor : Mario Paris

Student Li Shanglong 919061

October 2019 Contents.

01. 06 A premise: Why Milan? 08 The age of cars. Bloom of vehicles worldwide 09 The pace of change. The vehicle booming of Milan 09 Catering or restricting? The answer to the booming of vehicles 10 Why Milan?—An interesting city 11 Milan—Shanghai the “neighbour” 12000km away

02. 12 Background 14 The research question 15 The importance of walking space. The cultural context 17 “Traffic Calming”A walkable street design for Milan

03. 24 Traffic Calming measures——Integrated answer 26 The definition of Traffic Calming 27 Discussing the model of Traffic Calming

04. 30 Case Studies:Spatial morphology analysis 32 Brera-Garibaldi project 34 Colonne di Lorenzo project 36 Via Fiori Chiari project 38 Corso Como 39 Via Abramo Lincoln

05. 41 Lessons learned——Things that a walkable street needs 43 Balance between chaotic and order 44 Have visible life 46 Be compact 47 Be unique and localization 48 Equality 49 Orientation and mystery 50 Design method—as the answer to the question 06. 51 Site selection. A representative sample —— 53 Site selection. Principles and barriers 56 The selection of corridor 57 Porta Romana——The Roman Gate: chosen gate 58 Why Porta Romana has been selected 59 The land use of Porta Romana 63 The definition of border for the site 65 SWOT analysis

07. 67 Research and interview of the site. Quantitive and morphology measure 69 Quantitive measure on walkability : SD—Semantic Differential method 70 The investigation survey 71 The outcome of walkability evaluation 72 Morphology measure on street vitality : experience interview method 75 The influence of walkability to street vitality

08. 77 An experimental explanation: Enhancing the walkability condition of the area 79 The design of masterplan 86 Steps by Steps — Future implements in phases 87 Phase 1 95 Phase 2 100 Phase 3 108 Vision 2030 109 Economic feasibility

09. 111 Conclusions 113 Conclusions: Make use of the gray space 118 Acknowledgments 119 Bibliography 01.

A premise: Why Milan? The chapter explains the reasons why the project is located in Milan. The primary motivation comes from the demand to manage the excess amount of vehicle ownings and its fast growth. The growing demands of walking environment in the face of that growth and the subsequent challenges regarding the development of automobiles are made possible by the development of Traffic Calming models.

The development of Milan these years are also emphasizing on the improvment of road safety and the improvment of walkability. Since 2001, several road safety measures have been implemented under the National Road Safety Plan for the period 2001 to 2010. At the local level the government financed the implementation of road safety interventions through specific implementation programs promoted by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. Classified as: strategic and road infrastructure measures, road safety campaigns and education, and road safety management measures.Starting from the results achieved in this period and based on the policy orientations on road safety of the European Commission , the national strategies and objectives have been revised and updated for the period 2011-2020 and defined in the so-called “National Road Safety Plan Horizon 2020” (referred below as PNSS Horizon 2020). The PNSS Horizon 2020 proposes a hierarchical system of targets with two levels, in order to take into account both the general road safety trend and the high risk categories of road users.

With such ambition of the revolution on traffic by Milan government, Milan can become a laboratory of forming a high walkability high vitality street. The improvment of street safety means the reviving of walking on the street. This provides us a good chance to study the walkability future of Milan. 1.1 The age of cars. Bloom of vehicles worldwide The map and graph shows the car amount world wide since 2015. There is still a rapid growth these years. Milan joins this global trend, so this is not an only case but shared the same problem world wide.

Fig.1 The growth speed of vehicles world wide

Fig.2. Vehicle amount worldwide 1.2 The pace of change. The vehicle booming of Milan One of the reasons why Milan

The growth of vehicle use in shares the same trend with the world wide. London In 1970 there were only about 12 million cars in Italy. This number became 40 million in 2010. Although the total number is not that high compares with other New York European cities, but considering that the number of citizens in Italy(63 million)this is really a big number. And if we emphasize on the city Milan, the area 183km² now Milan accomodates 700 thousand cars on the road. We must recognize the fact that Milan is struggled by the crowd of cars Milan has the biggest amount of now. Which provides us a chance to study cars average to the people on it.

1.3 Catering or restricting? The answer to the booming of vehicles

The rapid growth of vehicles finds two Measures and walking-oriented streets. answers across cities in the globe. One is Some of them has proved to be success. to provide more car ways and parking for automobiles to make car drivings easier on the streets. The other option is to limit car use in the city. Providing more public transport and encouraging people to walk or bicycles to transport. The first option has proved can only deteriorate the situation. Wider roads will only attracts more car flow and the speed of widening streets will never catch up with the speed car produces. Milan is now changing to the second option. Although most streets are now still The improvement on Traffic calming struggled by illegal parking. There has has taken place in Milan been some attempts of Traffic calming Sources: Self photograph 1.4 Why Milan?—An interesting city Besides rich historical wealth and the unique traffic environment of Milan, the most important reason for me to choose Milan is because she’s an interesting city. As the “economic capital” of Italy, she is famous for her richness and the flourish economy. As the junction among Italy; France; Germany; Switzerland she is famous for her inclusive and the library of different culture. As a city with most famous designers and architects she is known as “the capital of design”. It’s really fantastic to find a city with so many features together. Considering she is just a city with 183k ㎡ and 1.3 million residents it’s rather more unimaginable for her to get the same achievements as giants like London and Paris.

Milan, a name always connected with work and job opportunities. However when we walk on the streets, we will never really feel the pressing we experience in other international cities. People are enjoying the sunlight on the street; tasting typical Italian food. Musicians and artists are releasing their talents everywhere along the streets. Even people who are totally strangers before will greet you when passing by. The streets are full of energy and vitality. That’s why i call Milan an “interesting city”.

As an urban planner, it’s joyful having the chance to study a city which is interesting. To a city, an interesting atmosphere means his society is optimistic and growing healthily. My study theme is about walkability and street vitality. Only citizens in an interesting city are willing to go out walk on the street. Only an interesting city can be full of vitality. So, to be interesting is the basis of my work. Milan provides me the chance. It’s my honor to have the chance to study such an interesting city and i believe it there is huge wealth waiting for me to discover. 1.5 Milan—Shanghai the “neighbour” 12000km away There’s a saying that “Italy is the China in Europe.” Two countries do have a lot similarities but considering Milan and Shanghai they even share more commonalities. Just like Milan, Shanghai is also the second largest city in China and has the most developed economy. Shanghai also has a long and unique history different from other domestic cities. Two cities share the same position in their own countries at the mean time they are also facing the same challenges, like the problem of aging society; boom of vehicles; the recession of streets; etc. Besides the common interests, we also have some our exclusive problems. Studying from the books or videos are far from enough, only through actual experience can we have a clear view of the real Milan and Shanghai.

I was born and grew up in Shanghai China, and it’s my honor to have the experience to study in Milan. This is a precious opportunity for me to combine what i studied from Shanghai and knowledge in Milan together. When we make the comparison between the walkabliity and street vitality of Milan and Shanghai, we may get something new. These years, China has been studying on using green traffic and walking as a method to achieve city renaissance. Since Milan was a completely unfamiliar city to me before and where now i have a clearer impression, it’s a good chance for me to practice the experience of Shanghai on Milan. On the other hand, Europe is the cradle of Traffic Calming and Milan is a classic example of it. It will be really amazing for me if i can introduce some of experience in Milan back to China. That’s why i choose Milan, she provides me a chance to merge the knowledge from East and West together and gives me a chance to take practice.

Knowledge is born from communication and interflow. I would like to be a knowledge bridge between Milan and Shanghai.

Grazie. Part 2. Learning from Milan


Background The research question is “Can we improve the vitality of a street by increasing its walkability?” In the study of the city Milan. According to the following pages we discuss about the walkability issues in Milan, what a walkability street or block should be like, and why this walkability design model could be a tool to solve the problem of street vitality.

This introductory chapter will then focus on the key themes of the work, theoretical background and the role of planners in these contexts- culturally, engineering and economic- and how these factors lead to the general ambition for the project.

The introduction unpacks the issues to provide an understanding as to what led to the exploration of the walkability as a model and the testing of this model on the selected site in Milan. 2.1 The research question

Can a WALKABILITY DESIGN Be an effective tool For the current Street vitality issues in Milan? 2.2 The importance of walking space. The cultural context The context in which the work moves

In order to find a solution for the existing situation that the streets nowadays are becoming more and more unfriendly to Pedestrians, occuring in the Italian context, it is fundamental to consult some of the most influential texts that study the transversal theme of walking space starting from the general scale of the city and the society, going through the scale of neighborhood and arriving to the single unit. The design of the project has been influenced by different concepts and principles in these former research. Among these, Jan Ghel for his important influence on designing walkable cities make the reference on this project. Jane Jacobs as a reference offering exemple for the study. And Streets Patterns as an encyclopedia of the project.

When outdoor areas are of high quality, necessary activities take place with approximately the same frequency though they clearly tend to take a longer time, because the physical conditions are better. In addition, however, a wide range of optional activities will also occur because place and situation now invite people to stop, sit, eat, play, and so on

Fig.3. “Life between buildings” cover Life between buildings——Jan Ghel Since the functionism took dominance since 1930s. The material function of building structures received attention. However it neglects the activities of people and the communication in peoples’ daily which actually has big potentions. Such kind of utilitarian planning idea leads to the disappear of public space in the city. And the car-oriented traffic system causes out-door activities reduced even more. The mechanical and indifferent space design makes people less interest to walk for fun. Vitality are disappearing from the new built urban areas. To revive the urban vitality. Planners need to reform the functionim, especially on the public space. The enjoyable public space which our daily lives relied on should provide suitable condition for necessary outdoor/spontaneously/entertaining out-door activities. Especially providing suitable condition for social activities. “Planners and designers have come to believe “A good city structure itself which based on the that if they can only solve the problems of traffic, functional traffic system can not create an they will thereby have solved the major problem enjoyable city life. Through the combination of of cities.” street patterns and city structure, we are able to create a better place”

Fig.4. “The death and life of great american Fig.5. “Streets Patterns” cover cities” cover THE DEATH AND LIFE OF GREAT STREETS AND PATTERNS: AMERICAN CITIESS——Jane Jacobs THE STRUCTURE OF URBAN GEOMETRY ——Stephen Marshall

The book is a critique of 1950s urban The street which unites the traditional and planning policy, which it holds responsible modern urban forms is missing. Creating for the decline of many city neighborhoods effective public transport networks and in the United States. Going against the focusing on local facilities will create a modernist planning dogma of the era, it Sustainable Community. Urban design for proposes a newfound appreciation for residential streets needs to be integrated organic urban vibrancy in the United with main road layouts and public States. transport links if effective, joined-up planning is to be achieved. 2.3 “Traffic Calming” A walkable street design for Milan. Introduction at the development, structure and methodology for the proposal

“Calming Street” title of this work. This is not a new word but has been proposed for decades from Europe. The true meaning behind this word is the protection for rights of pedestrians from car flows. “Calming” means the quiet of vehicles. And achieving the target of reviving the street through this effort.

Framing the search field: Since WWII with the development of economy and technology there has been a rapid growth in the vehicle numbers in Europe. There are about 300 million vehicles on Europe’s roads, one for every two people. In Italy, this amount is 43 million and still accelerating increasing in the future.

Fig.6. Vehicle amount in Italy

But this also has negative impacts on urban planning field. Traffic capacity of the road is limited, more vehicles means less space for pedestrians and causes more risky for walking and bicycling. Due to the habit of disobeying traffic rules for some Italians it makes the street more dangerous for pedestrians. The high risk and unenjoyable walking experience makes people less willingness to walk outside which causes the decline of streets and finally will influence the economzy of entire city.

Fig.7.Traffic accident statistics in Italy Source: As an ancient country, many cities in Italy has hundreds of thousands years history like Milan and Rome. But their streets were designed for pedestrians at first and haven’t considered of the exist of vehicles. The continuously increasing number of vehicles will surely influence the original structure of city. The road must be widened/ the car park must be built even some buildings have to be removed. The walking experience for pedestrians pays for the improvment on vehicle uses. Looking at Milan, the city is facing great conflict on pedestrians and vehicles which we can feel everyday when we walking on the narrow walkways. Given that, on one side it is the fast increase of vehicles, on the other side is people’s basic needs to walk outside. Many of our communications are accidentally taken place while we walking on the street. That’s why many studies before all pointed out that we need to defend our waking rights, it also means defending the prosperous of our streets and our traditional communication with others. With this as a starting point, cities must provide enough enjoyable walking space to citizens. In other words turn from car-oriented into walking-oriented planning. Which can lead to two directions:Encouraging walking / Restricting driving. From this beginning, it’s now possible to explain why i choose Milan to be the laboratory of my approach to increase street vitality through walkability. Milan has the population of 1.35million and 700 thousand cars in total(more than one for two people) that compared with Shanghai (one car for 7 people) New York (one car for 2.2 people) London (one car for 3 people) is really high level considering Milan is even smaller scale than those cities above. So until now, Milan is facing greater problem of controlling vehicles and people in Milan need more than anyother citizens to improve their walking qualities. Such kind of problems happened before in Dutch/ Netherlands/French and got success through traffic calming measures. And by 2018 the city of Milan has just adopted its Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan after 3.5 years of preparation. The process involved several public consultations under the supervision of a Scientific Steering Committee. The SUMP is based on an appropriate Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and a Cost Benefit Analysis. The Plan aims at reshaping Milan’s overall mobility over the next 10 years, redefining the boundaries of the metropolitan city and serving large suburban areas. Measures such as traffic calming, traffic reduction and shared mobility are core elements of the city strategy to improve the vitality of the city and the feeling of citizens. For instance the new shared system “free floating”, operated by cars, bikes and scooters, is a fully integrated mobility system that supports both individual mobility and Local Public Transport, especially when allowing people to reach areas with a weak demand or uncovered by public transport and in a more comfortable way. Milan has increased its bike lane network from 128 km in 2011 to 200 km in 2015, the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan foresees a total of 453 km by 2024. Another project conceived by Milan to improve the mobility system is the developing and implementation of the so-called Mobility As A Service project (MaaS). MaaS Project objectives include socially inclusive and affordable access to mobility, fostering environmentally friendly mobility, supporting local transport offerings and introducing on-demand first/last mile services. The research question: The current situation of Milan is a unique background that architects and Urban Planners need to respond. There is thus the possibility for the role of planners to become socially active thinker of the life of community,which not a lonely player isolated by the design of the single object but with a major impact on the design of the city. This project intends to locate the planners in a theoretical framework that focuses on the development of constructive alternatives to the current pradigm and in doing so might inspire the government to insist upon alternative solutions that deal with the traffic problems in the city.

The planners thus proposes alternative words to that in which developers operate, offering cohesive solutions with a overview of the urban context and situation, public and socially oriented introducing new forms of transport organizations. This may improve the traffic situation and improve pedestrians’ walking feelings and may eventually influence the economy on good aspects.

So, here comes our research question: can the walkability really be a solution to the current vitality problem of streets?

The former practice in Europe elsewhere has shown success. But we need to know, is it going to get the same outcome in Milan? How far the walkability going to influence street vitality? And what can we do in practice?

The main targets: The aim of this proposition is to inspire an innovation, a positive change on the street design proposed by the planners that should be more engaged into the support of different walk-oriented models such as policy measures or infrastructure constructions and design methods. The main target of the proposal is to establish a clear relation between walkability and street vitality. Understanding how does the walkability influence vitality on the street and how much they influence each other. As well as using proper measures to quantilize the walkability and street vitality. The second target of the proposal lays in the desire to offer a design focus on walking-friendly and a prosperous street environment and working with the context. Given that it will be possible for us to improve the quality of street by designing with this reference.

The methodology: A methodology of study through a set of case studies through a comparative/descriptive approach has been applied to understand how to design a walk-oriented street. What kind of spaces and services are enjoyable to pedestrians, what kind of spaces and designs people need, what kind of planners devices? Secondly, what kind of planning solutions are more appropriate to limit the construction cost and maximize the quality of walking experience? This summarize of former cases provides the chance to understand the design necessity of walkable streets and to extrapolate the main lessons to apply. These lessons are also integrated by the reading of Life between buildings by Jan Ghel, book and research into the relation of people on the street and how their daily activities happen on the street. Ghel suggests that the most important part on street design is the outdoor activities which is necessary for people’s communication. Planners should emphasis on the relationship between street outdoor activities and the quality of its space while designing. From the integration of the case studies with Ghel research, he pointed out that the target of street is to provide a open communication platform for people’s public activities A good design with high quality outdoor experience will stimulate people to have more outdoor activities which provides more chance of communication and makes the city more vitality. So we need to consider the relationship between social activities and social relations based on different conditions of different areas. Ghel pointed out that substantial environment can influence citizens’ social status which provides more chance for people’s communication between each other. Thus making the social relations related with street environments. These lessons are the fundamental theoretical background to apply to the design process and they conclude the fist part of work which is focused on the intellectual work around the proposal and the studies too the complex reality in which planners must operate into account.

The design of the street: The second section of the work regards a demo pilot project which applies those lessons learned that inspired from the first section and to suggest a possible masterplan and design outcome for the design of Walking-oriented street in Milan. The starting point of the design proposal is the comparison of walking experience between Chinese and European commercial streets. The situation in China same with Europe, street activities take quite an important part in public urban activities in city life. As a result, the most authentic communications of citizens are able to find themselves in historical streets. However as the cities and streets step into modern era especially vehicle times, they expressed a fragile character facing the impact from modern traffic systems. Under these circumstances, traditional Chinese streets are quite easy to lose their previous dynamics, being separated into pieces and forced to change both dimension and scale. This leads to the overall decline of urban life in traditional but energetic way. Even though some cases are fortunate enough to escape from traffic hunting they are clearly make peripheral which will lead to decline as well due to lacking support of sufficient population. Some streets like Nanjing Road in Shanghai have transformed successfully into totally pedestrian commercial-oriented streets. However, these kinds of streets will obviously develop into an obstacle and then have bad effects on urban traffic system. In these cases like Xintiandi in Shanghai, we may easily observe the phenomenon of so-called complete replacement of function, even residents. Although these kinds of methods are thought to be a good way to reserve the previous street form, the fact that a complete lose in authenticity is without doubt. Seen from the other disciplines, old streets in China has already transformed to preservation of ordinary traditional streets most of which are residential streets. As a result, it’s impossible to achieve a complete replacement everywhere like those suceessful cases from the point of both theoretical and financial view. Under this situation the concept of traffic calming which aims at first to solely restrict vehicular behaviors then spare no effort to ensure streets` function as a vital place for urban life might have the potential of solving such issues. Situation of traffic calming concept in China As a matter of fact, the concept of traffic calming has already been introduced into China mainland. However after researching into some papers about traffic calming in historical streets in China we find the most frequently mentioned methods are all limited in to creating physical obstacles. Besides the principle and effects of these methods are always in a hollow state, which leads to a lack in resilience in real practice. More importantly, these kinds of strategies are seldom researched and utilized specially targeting at historical streets. As we know, the researches and practices on traffic calming in Europe have already moved to a new state which stems from human psychology and tries to educate instead of forcing people to observe some regulations. The research on this field is even rare in China

Theory study on traffic calming The concept of traffic calming first initials in Delft , Netherlands where in residential communities people are concerned that the introduction of vehicles might deteriorate the walkability and vitality of community roads. They united together to fight against the transform of engineering on community roads which takes the vehicle engineering movement into account in the first place even in residential region roads. The target simply aims just to enhance the safety of pedestrians on streets and seize back sufficient space for public life. As a result, a new concept of traffic is born in Woonerf Netherlands. We can get some basic ideas from the case study in Delft. The arterial roads in Woonerf take advantages of curved shape and the peripheral roads or those leading directly to residential house gates utilized T-shape quite often. Obviously, both methods provide the driver a feeling of uncertainty and unsecurity ahead which will enhance their attention and make their driving behavior more carefully. The investigation shows us that the usage of existing urban elements. For example, people in Netherlands usually use front yard as an extension of their private house and this kind of front yard is always enclosed by a wall which may be as high as the first floor. This kind of solid form may give the street facade a more complex and uncertain character to those trying to passing through. At the same time, the irregular shape of vegetation extending out from the yards will then add a more complex edge for drivers. All the elements discussed above make these streets an environment needed to be more careful when driving. While at the same time, the streets may be seen as being divided into several interconnecting parts and each part could be regarded as an extension of the front yards then. This encourages an extension of activities from private realm to semi-public and then to public area such as streets. Except from all these, we also see many physical obstruction used in the region. Elements like speed bump, partly shrinked road width and streetside parking could all be observed in the whole area. However, according to the investigation, local people seem not to be very interested in this idea. Some even complaint the easily being confused as a driver. The curved shape and T-shape connection make them feel every street is peripheral and closed at the end and this makes them always drive a much farther way in order to get out of the area. As talked above, even in Delft the practice of Woonerf is the only case. According to the interview to locals, streets in that area always make driver confused. Surely the speed and volume of vehicles is cut to a quite lower level, but this in fact has created an obstacle in traffic system as well when drivers are desperate and abandon usage of in-community roads. While at the same time, the concepts of active place and shared space have been brought in. There are two generations of traffic calming, in which the earlier one focusing on physical obstruction and limitation on speed and traffic volume while the present one paying more attention to compound tactics like behavior phsycology and shared space. Earlier method paid a lot of attention to traffic limitation strategy in order to cut down vehicle speed and traffic volume which may solve the problem of deterioration of safety and accessibility. According to the research taken by planners before, the physical obstruction methods have a great effect on traffic accident control, and they are highly efficient in cutting down noise and pollution, and even the vehicle collision possibility. Aside from all these, traffic calming also brings the development of regional economy and improvments of urban movement capacity according to some previous studies. Traditional traffic calming methods can be summed up and divided into four types: first, information type, such as a board marking clearly the speed limitation; second, suggestion type without physical coercion, such as a board marking residential region which calls drivers` attention; third, instruction type, like speed bumps, lifted pavement and diagonal division line; fourth, obstruction type like no entry methods. Although we’`ve already seen the benefits, traditional methods focus only on passive reaction to the outcome brought by automobiles and fail to create a much more active urban space. What is worse, there always exist side-effects like noise made by autos when they pass speed bumps, bad appearance of the marking board and slow reaction to the emergence. Next comes with the present traffic calming methods. The main point has transformed from passively limiting bad effects to positively creating a dynamic street achieving the harmonious between pedestrians and vehicles. These new methods will take advantages of theories from environmental psychology and behavior psychology such as men tend to focus tightly in a more complex, attractive and unsure environment. A series of new ideas such as shared space, mental speed bump, self-reading street and street scape are introduced into the area. They emphasize more on design instead of engineering. For example, they will use clear and continuous design languages to integrate the whole environment and give all the users visible and legible visual clues which will lead to an inclusive environment. The strategies include cancelling the sophisticated road marks, combining urban streets and squares together and introducing the landscape design acting as visual obstructions at the same time. Relative researches show these methods making themselves remarkable in enhancing road safety and strengthen urban vitality. After many years of development both in theory and practice, traffic calming in Europe has gone under different kinds of criticism and adjustments. During this time of periods, there are some new ideas and changes in traffic calming. Moreover, since urban design always presents its effects in a long time of periods, we can observe easily the effects of all the traffic calming strategies and management which have already keeps in a steady state. And these studies of traffic calming provide a precious base for this research. And traffic calming will be a strong technical support for walkability and street vitality.

Conclusions: In conclusion to this introduction text that tried to explain not only the geographical context but also the theoretical and political background from which the proposal gets into, we can walk back the beginning of this work”The relation between walkability and street vitality”. It’s well known that the responsibility of planners is the space quality of the design, and the focus of the design is the public realm and the individual. So commonly the entire design process and the analysis undertaken were all focus on the questions: What makes the street high walkability? What makes the street high vitality? How to establish the relationship between two of them? And last but not least, how to realize it? The design of the street is now oriented towards the need of vehicles, which the right of pedestrians are neglected. The design, through the Traffic Calming process, gives space back to the pedestrians. Well aware that no matter how the automobile develops, walking or biking will always be the most efficient way of transportation and the equaliest which be shared by all classes of the society. Walking itself is the human rights. 03.

Traffic Calming measures

Integrated answer The main body of this work is an integrated answer to the missing middle guide. The bloom of vehicles the decline of streets and the conflict between pedestrians and vehicles; three phenomenons strictly connected as explained in the previous chapters. An answer to these dilemmas is the model of the Traffic Calming, integrating the problem of walkability by offering a walking-oriented street through a low speed for vehicles but high density for men street design.

The proposed model of the Traffic Calming will be analysed in detail. The starting point is the definition and the basic assumption of its definition, the initial choices, how to organize it and the concept of equal road right. Moving forward, the chapter tries to examine how to start the walkability from a engineering perspective, giving a list of case studies of existing Traffic Calming models in Europe and China explaining how they improve the walking circumstances thus provide us a street with more vitality.

On the other hand, to start a real project is necessary to know the structure of Traffic Calming and chapter explains the model of it, proposing it as an ideal solution for Milan and then a list of successful Traffic Calming projects in Europe which could be ideal examples for the model. In addition, to offer a model as realistic as possible, the infrastructure engineering of Traffic Calming is outlined and a series of pragmatic details are proposed such as floor scape,urban furniture, public realms and so on. To conclude this section is a SWOT analysis of Traffic Calming. 3.1 The definition of Traffic Calming Guide lines of Traffic Calming as integrated answer

The Traffic Calming, which model will be •Vertical deflection here analysed in details, is a design model •Horizontal deflection which was found in found in the Uk in •Block or restrict access 1930s. Based on the idea that residential •Reducing speed limits near institutions areas should be protected from such as schools and hospitals through-traffic. Subsequently, it became •Vehicle activated sign valued for its ability to improve pedestrian •Embedded pavement flashing-light safety and reduce noise and air pollution systems from traffic. •Watchman, traffic calming system Looking at the different city backgrounds and traffic situation, this can be the INITIAL CHOICES answer to the dilemma of Milan and it •What are the Traffic Calming’s rationale gives an integrated answer to both the and objectives problem of traffic safety and street decline, •How will the Traffic Calming get organized because it encourages citizens to walk or •What is the Traffic Calming serve area and use public transport by engineering how big will it be measures and answers to the problem of •What structure will the StreetCalming use walkability through a detailed street •Who might be the partner of Traffic design. Calming This chapter tries to give an overview of the model of the model which in any case OBJECTIVES will be approximate given that, the work is Traffic Calming can be organized as a co-op more pertinent to the view of planning. with the aim of providing street that is permanently enjoyable for walking to DEFINITION: citizens and providing vitality to the street Traffic Calming is a design strategy that in the future. As a mixture target of provides walk-oriented streets, usually policy,engineering mixture. The Traffic set-up by a series of infrastructure builds Calming will both involved with the and detail designs. encouragement of walking and limitation to car drivings. The classic Traffic Calming in Europe include a series of measures including: Engineering measures, Policy measures and Enforcement and education measures.

In which can provide: •Narrowing traffic lanes 3.2 Discussing the model of Traffic Calming Guide lines of Traffic Calming as integrated answer

Introduction: How a Traffic Calming starts?

In this chapter, it has been analyzed how a Strategic collaboration and sponsorship are Traffic Calming measure can take off. The fundamental to the successful formation of most intricated part of the discourse is, Traffic Calming. indeed, where to find the initial capital to Every Traffic Calming usually finds support start the project. Taking as precedent example among individuals and institutions at the base of existing Traffic Calming measures, it’s level, governments at the local, regional, or possible to give an idea of how it can be state level, other not for profit organizations realized in Milan. and local business and banks. The inspiration for a new Traffic Calming usually comes from one of them, with the others recruited over time. Any of these supporters may play an important role in the launch, development and growth of a Traffic Calming

Neighborhood organization Many big Traffic Calming project grow from neighborhood block size area. A group of resident which is able to compensate for corporate or governmental opponents and other forms of institutional power. Almost all the success of Traffic Calming need the participation of neighborhood residents, local clergy and community organizers. Today, the impetus for many new Traffic Calming measures come from individuals and organizations of the neighborhood level. Starting a Traffic Calming from this type of organization has some advantages like first of all the grade of acceptance; Traffic Calming measures that come out of neighborhood organizing will be easier for citizens to accept it. In the eyes of many funders, public and private, the Traffic Calming measure which connect to a grassroots formation is the essential condition for financial support. The best way to ensure such legitimacy and future Community organizing funding maybe for a Traffic Calming project to The Street Calming should adopt a precise connect with the grassroots from the very strategy in order to organize itself and to start beginning. concretely. Under this organizing strategy, sponsors of the Street Calming start a Government sponsorship campaign of popular education with the Some of the greatest interest in the Traffic interested area. Individuals, churches, Calming model recent years has come from voluntary organizations, businesses, and government agencies, especially municipal banks are introduced to Traffic Calming, and level. Although some planning authorities some interested individuals can be recruited choose to leave the initiative and leadership to be the management member of Traffic of Traffic Calming project to local activists or Calming. This is a strategy which aim consists NGO. In most cases, the municipalities still in building a solid base of support for the play the dominant role in introducing concept Traffic Calming project. of Traffic Calming and in making it realize. So an organization of this type with solid Government sponsorship often comes with a roots will make Traffic Calming more commitment of favored access to the kinds of legitimate and worthy to receive funds in the development funds that a Traffic Calming will eyes of private foundations and public need if it’s to develop its projects and sustain agencies that maybe asked to invest in the its operations. Municipal staff, in cases where projects and operations of the new nonprofit. city government plays a leading role in A community organizing approach to start the starting Traffic Calming, have often served as Traffic Calming may also discover businesses the factor for a new Traffic Calming project, and individuals who are willing to fund the speeding the process of development. organization, particularly in its early days when organizational development is the Non for profit sponsorship highest priority. Nonprofit organizations can also contribute to Traffic Calming projects. Especially in places Where do the funds come from? with highly developed networks of Traffic Calming use different kinds of funds in community development corporations. supporting both their projects and their Nonprofit sponsorship of Traffic Calming has operations. taken different forms and different types of The funding required by a Traffic Calming formation. doesn’t differ from that required by any other nonprofit developer of affordable housing. Private employer sponsorship Funds are needed to start and to pay for Private employers have occasionally provided architectural design, site preparation, part of the impetus for the birth of a new infrastructure development and etc. Such Traffic Calming. They can provide a start-up funding can come from various sources, organization with valuable resources and a public and private. great credibility, to realize Traffic Calming in a For example Traffic Calming in Germany use short time. many sources of support for their operations. The private donations can be used to Many Traffic calming projects have received advantage many more public funding and support from government sources and the private financing for Street Calming projects. funds that they received have been distributed at the local level. Some Traffic Calming measures also receive funds from businesses, banks and foundations. Some have made fund raising from a base of members and individual donors.

Fig.8. Utrecht Steenweg has been a successful example for 53 years Source: 04.

Case Studies:Spatial morphology analysis The precedents - coming mostly from “Traffic Calming” (see the main bibliography) and partially from the Milan context - are explained here in detail. What has been analysed is not just engineer structure, but also a management measure to the traffic model. Thus, the analyis shows the planning relation to the engineering model and from this comes the question of what to design for a Traffic Calming . This approach is necessary given that the engineering structure is so relevant for the work and thus the design must respond to it directly. The precedents chosen as examples fr the design of Traffic Calming will be discussed in the following pages. Brera-Garibaldi project square is about 35 meters, depth about 10 INFO meters. Pedestrians in the same square can Location: Corso Garibaldi Year of construction: 2001 Status:The first Environment Island project in Italy

Corso Garibaldi, a pedestrian-oriented mixed use business street. Car way in the middle walking trails on two sides. The total length of the street is about 630 metres. The mid point of the street is 315 metres distance to the railway station on two sides and about 4 minutes walk, a bit longer than the best walking distance. The curve shape of the street interupts people’s sight and seperates the street into several parts in visual. The junctions divide the street into 5 parts in substantial, 120 meters between every two junctions on average. People can have direct visual contact so the distance they feel is a bit shorter than the reality. Passing-by, walking, shopping...various walking activities in different speeds happen on the street at the same time. It’s 3-5 width is close to the critical distance of the social distance and public distance.

Lots of parks and gray space are designed on the two sides of the street. Waiting, rest, communication, business... various kinds of social activities mostly happen in such kinds of space. 6 little squares are all in concave half-enclosed form. The junction area are set with some sun-umbrellas, tables, seats and green space to highlight the border of the square. People mostly choose to stay near the border, not only get the feeling of safety but also can observe the activities happening on the whole street. The average width of the morphological structure and data graph of

Corso Garibaldi clearly see others action and expressions even directly communicate each other forming 6 social circles with relations. The gray space can provide shelters in rainy days creating walkable conditions for bad weather conditions. Which have the function of passing and staying together. People can rest on the seat or gathering beside the pillar and street basic information figure the wall. The depth of cantilever is about 4.5 meters, a bit higher than the critical distance of public distance. Which can avoid meaningless visual contact at the mean time providing clear conversations.

street configuration data table The design of staying space like little square and cantilever enlarges the interface length of the street from 1260m to 1590m. 25% increase which means 4.5 minutes more on walking. Thus people will stay longer on the street and make the street more viable. The scenery infrastructures, pillars of the cantilever and design of interface and shops for the structures, they all disperse the monotonous feeling of walking, making the walking experience more comfortable as well as increasing the possibility of communications between pedestrians and the street. Colonne di Lorenzo project INFO Location:Colonne di Lorenzo

Stay space like colonnade and the square divide the space carefully. Enlarging the street

Colonne di Lorenzo, a completely car-pedestrian separated street. Car ways are separated with walkways by railings on two sides. East side close to the church. THe total length is about 180 meters about 2.5 minutes walk. Which is fit for walking. The junctions divide the street into three parts, 60 meters on average. People can have clear vision from one side to the other which stimulates their communication with people on the street.

Pedestrians’ activities mainly concentrate on the east street space. Including a colonnade ruin which overlap with the walkway and three front square of the church. The west colonnade ruin locates at the mid of the walking street. At the junction of the main square sets some lane chairs to enforce the border of colonnade space. People mostly stay at the seats and pillars at the border which neither influence others to pass nor be disturbed by others. The colonnade has a 10m width and 60m length. People can get exact morphological structure and data graph of feeling of the environment nearby and front. Colonne di Lorenzo Possess the passing capacity of lane space as well as the contain capacity of surface space. The three squares on the east form Centripetal force to pedestrians. The 30m width of the square just suitable for people’s communication needs. People establish their social circle inside the square to conduct the walking actions which are unnecessary. Interface from 180m to 150~330m, which means more than 2 minutes walking time. People need to stay longer in the street thus the interactive with the street increased by 80%. With some landscape design like trees/ stairs/ seats and sculptures, they enrich the detail of the street interface. Especially the feeling of space, shortening the distance of feeling and the spatial layering feeling from the shadow created by the sun and buildings. Via Fiori Chiari project INFO Location:Via Fiori Chiari

Via Fiori Chiari, an East-West direction pure sun-umbrella and seats. When they walk by commercial walking street. From the West to shop windows or restaurants there is an the East gradually becoming wider and a obvious slow down or pause. Especially turning at the middle. The total length of the obvious at the middle junction part. People street is about 265m, needs 4 minutes to pass wait ,decide ,greeting at the center. And they the entire street, which half minutes more communicate, photo, having meal at the than the fittest walking distance. Three street side. The restaurants at the mid junctions in total and the maximum distance junctions are special designed at the turning among them is 120m. The design of middle corner. The out-door restaurant space takes turning point and junctions make people feel half width of the walking path to enrich the a bit shorter than reality which fits for the function and form of the junctions. 120m and suitable walking distance.

The street is in shape of funnel: East wide 145 meters to the two sides of the street, this West narrow, a gradually change structure. distance enables pedestrians can see each The widest part 10m and the narrowest part other directly which forms visual attractions. only 1m(only can contain 2 people pass by at The curve walking streamline and the turning the same time) Gradually enlarging from the point stimulate people’s interest to the street. private distance to public distance. Due to the The average width of the street is about 2.5m. close large and far small perspective principle, Encouraging people to produce visual contact people’s feeling of walking also changes a lot and talking with each other. The out-door which forms a interesting walking experience. restaurants at the junction change the shape of the street like a pocket and the width of People mostly stay at the temporary the two sides are different. Which avoids the

morphological structure and data graph of Via Fiori Chiari risk of traffic jams. The out-door restaurants enrich the spatial appearance of the street and create a small scale space providing us an interesting street. The polyline streamline at the junction makes the street interface more variable. Pedestrians can stay longer in the street and have more possibilities to establish unnecessary connections to the street. morphological structure and data graph of the

Intersection of Via Fiori Chiari

street width table of Via Fiori Chiari Corso Como INFO Location:Corso Como

Corso Como, an South-North direction pure the middle scenery areas, the total length of commercial walking street. Which links the the street interface increases from 310m to city center road and the shopping mall. On 660m. The rich and interesting street the middle of the street is the scenery interface will stimulate the interact between infrastructure of landscape. The total length pedestrians and streets. Meanwhile, the of the street about 155 meters, takes 2.5 average heights of the street infrastructures is minuets to pass the entire street which is the about 3m which a bit shorter than the first fittest range for pedestrians. The middle point floor building. Rich details of the first floor of the street is about 80m to both ends. interface makes a more interesting street. People are capable to see the action of pedestrians at the end clearly, forming visual attractions to them.

At the middle area of the neat street interface are set a row of homogeneous landscape scenery infrastructures dividing the street space into 3 parts: walk path, scenery infrastructure area and walk path no.2. Besides the walk functions, there are also other activities like music shows on the street side, communicating, waiting, shopping. People can rest on the flowrbed in the scenery area or communicate with each other and also other unnecessary actions like this. These activities would improve the quality of the space to a large extent. The total width of the street is about 21m only available for some basic information change. The scenery area and two walk paths are all 7 meters width. The distance between peoples are shorten. Besides visual contacts, pedestrians also have deeper connections on talking communications which produce more interesting and more exciting experience for pedestrians. The relationship between people morphological structure and data can also be tighter. Due to the introduction of graph of Corso Como Via Abramo Lincoln INFO Location:Via Abramo Lincoln

Via Abramo Lincoln, a car-pedestrian green percentage of the street and provides a separated street locates at the residential shelter for pedestrians under the sun. area. Walkways are open to the public while Imagine this enjoyable walk environment: car ways are only available to the residents people walk in the shelter under the hot sun, living inside. Two sides of the street are right greeting their neighbors when pass their close to the courtyard. The total length of the courtyards. Also enjoy the beautiful scenery street is about 112m. Walk through it takes of their plants in the courtyard. The depth of about 2 minutes which just in the fit range for courtyards are about 4m. The total distance pedestrians. The 112m length of the street of two sides buildings is about 15m. With this enables people to get the total information of big range, peoples’ perception to structures the street from one end to the other. When is decreased a lot. Forms a transition from there is no car passing by, people mainly walk public space(road)- half private space on the 4.6m wide car-pedestrian separated (courtyard)- private space (house). This road in the center. Two walk paths for structure divides the big space into several temporarily dodging are 1.2m. Total width of small space. The relationship of the street is the street is about 7m this range provides a reunited into a more enjoyable range for good environment for people to communicate communications. with each other. Producing interesting interactions. Through the courtyards along the street, there forms a soft interface between road and Two sides of the homogeneous street are structures. The total length of it is 180m, symmetry neighborhood courtyards. The about 80% of the total street length. The various kinds of plants inside increase the height of the green wall between road and

morphological structure and data graph of Via Abramo Lincoln” Corso Como courtyard is 2m just enough to block pedestrians sight thus protect privacy for owners. Meanwhile it also enrich the colorfulness of the street. Providing a precious chance for people to communicate each other on the road while also improve the safety of the street. 05.

Lessons learned

Elements that a walkable street needs Jan Gehl in his book explains the research undertaken in order to understand the ways people use the streets where they live, pass and relax. He describes the methods and tools he uses to reconfigure cityshapes into the landscapes he believes they should be: cities for people. In his opinion, the basic item for a successful urban planning are the concepts of lively, safe ,sustainable and healthy. He identifies some main principles for a lively street: • Balance between chaotic and ordered • Have visible life • Be compact • Be unique and localization • Equality • Orientation and mystery A city should be first of all designed in the way that order and chaos are balanced in order to have enough complexity for the society. A city also should have visible life along the streets with enough shops, squares and daily activities. First floors should be open to the public without barriers providing facilities to pedestrians. And a walk-oriented design can promote an outdoor life for people that encourage them to walk in the public outdoor spaces and using more public transports.

Finally a viable city should also be compact and have high density public space for people to build their social network. And the city should be equal to all classes of citizens no matter their race, rich or poor and what emphasized in this paper, pedestrians and vehicles, they should have the same road right. 1.Balance between chaotic and order

EXCESSIVE CHAOS: Streets without any orders will make pedestrians puzzled and unfitable for walking.

EXCESSIVE ORDER: Streets with little change is lack of charm to pedestrians. People will feel boring walking inside.

BALANCED COMPLEXITY Order, balance and repetition are actually positive. With the combinition of changing some details. The streets can obtain the right variety. 2.Visible life

Streets with vitality: A city needs to be alive. A street will be positive and liveable when there are enough shops, activities and people using it.

A dead facade as contrast

Activities at groundfloor: Groundfloors need to be open to the public. With people using it for daily activities thus forming a vitality street. Upper floors are still remained for privacy. Life between buildings: The street needs a lot of public spaces like parks and green lands to provide outdoor activities for pedestrians.

The street should have various kinds of functions. In order for people to realize their daily activities on the street in a short walking distance.

Use of Public transports: Walking and cycling should be encouraged. And people should use more public transports instead of vehicles. 3. Be compact

Stop Suburbanization: The organization of suburb is not a positive style. Because it encourages vehicles. Facilities are too far away from living areas that people cant walk to their destinations

Squares for compact city: Public spaces like squares are essential to the street for it provides a place for people to gather. Thus encourage people to go out. So it should be close enough to be an extension of people’s homes.

Balance between roads and main streets: The ideal form is to have main streets with the combination of the network of little roads. 4.Be unique and Localization

Avoid duplicate: Streets shouldn’t be all the same. If people find there ‘s no change and symbol of this street they will be bored to the environment .

Variation: There should be appropriate change on the street while respect its original order. The balance between change and order will leave pedestrian better impression.

Be unique: Cities need to have strong characters that when people see this symbol they can relate it with the place immediately.

If there isn’t such a strong symbol of the street. At least the use of local materials should respect historical and social differences 5.Equality

Belong to everyone: The property divides the society into different classes. But at least every man is equal on the street. No matter rich or poor, male or female we all walking on the same road that’s the same right we all have

Vehicle-first: But it seems vehicles have more rights than pedestrians now. Most of the roads are occupied by automobiles.

Equal rights: Walk-ways, bus ways and cycle ways should have the same road rights compared with cars. We should put traffic efficiency and traffic capacity into consideration. 6.Orientation and mystery

People like to use plants and fences to protect their privacy. But sometimes excess privacy will be an obstacle to people’s communication.

Get lost can also be an experience: Back streets and small lanes sometimes make people feel interesting. People shouldn’t only walking on the main road. Those small lanes can provide us an interesting experience of fresh feelings. So the design of it is essential to walking experience. 7. Design method—as the answer to the question

From the analysis above, we can see there are 6 targets to be achieved for the goal of lively streets: • Balance between chaotic and ordered• Have visible life• Be compact• Be unique and localization• Equality• Orientation and mystery.

To achieve the target, I’m going to use design method to solve the problems above. Why using design methods? It’s because these questions above they are all essentially design problems. Bad design causes these questions. So only through design method can we link all these questions together. Truly many of them can also be solved through economic or politic measures. But only design is the direct solution to theses substantial questions.

That’s why I am going to use design method to be the core of this article. Through design method achieve the high walkabiity environment and finally reach high vitiality streets.

Design is the center of these factors and link them all together 06.

Site selection. A representative sample

—— Porta Romana The chapter describes the general considerations necessary to select an area where to build and develop a Traffic Calming community. A Traffic Calming society can be applied to many different sites and the project in the thesis is conceived in a way that it can be adjusted to different contexts. The sites chosen should have some features in order to guarantee a positive response to the application. First, the site should have big traffic flow, big enough to analysis the traffic status there and big enough to produce conflict between pedestrians and vehicles. There should be a future Master Plan aiming to change the situation there that in some parts we can follow it. The site should be close to the city center but not too closed to produce traffic jams or obstacles by tourists. Subsequently, in such a location, Traffic Calming should have a strategic position near economic attraction points as necessary to develop a walk-friendly public realm that encourages people to use green transport thus influence the street vitality there.

An interesting area to analyze and consider for the application of the project lays at Porta Romana which 2km to the Cathedral. It links the city center to Buozzi but not completely directly which just suits our needs. This area has lots of potentialities that still vacant lands which can be developed in the future to exploit to provide more energetic shops, stores or public space for pedestrians. Reducing the reliance on private vehicles and supporting the pedestrian dimension. A demographic analysis of the entire area is necessary to understand what are the best choices to adopt.

Another reason is the upcoming Winter Olympic Games to be held in Milan. Porta Romna is luckily to become the Olympics Village. This is a big chance and priceless background for the study. Under this opportunity, some change can be made in the near future. . 6.1 Site selection. Principles and barriers Principles to select the correct site where to build a Traffic Calming

A Traffic Calming needs to exist a site, a street vehicles and pedestrians exist together where to build the masterplan and urban design. The policy and infrastructure build for the realization of Traffic Calming is supposed to be based on the site, considering of the environment and the actual situation of the area. Can’t simply use the exist design directly. However the concept of the catalogue is unlimited in the way that is could be adjusted to different local context. While the site should present some strategic characteristics to guarantee an interesting response to the current situation and to generate an engagement of the community.


Existing parking areas Opposition from the Traffic demands Milan citizens are used to local people Many streets with large flow park along the road. Because Local natives of the of pedestrians are also the of the habit has been raised community should be the main road for cars. Limiting for decades. This is unlikely one who benefit from the the car use may means a bit to change in a short time change. But mostly it’s also traffic jam temporarily. The and difficult to be improved the local natives who oppose enlarge of public traffic isn’t for big developments. The the Traffic Calming measures. that fast and it needs large solution to it should be from They support the walking amounts of money. So it different aspects. Not only safety but they also believe may cause trouble in short engineering measures but that the limit to vehicles will term and be opposed by the also policy measures like influence the performance city government. some penalty to the of their shops. And most of violation or the education of them also have their own community to change the private cars, they don’t want habits of parking. to be restricted while they also want a safe environment for walking. Seven criteria of selection. Explanation of reasons and meaning

1. 2. 3. Close to the city center Public transport Public space

The site should be close to The Traffic Calming The site should have the the city center Duomo. It measures should try to possibility to enhance should be the extension of develop a pedestrian existing parks and provide walk areas from Duomo as oriented public realm new green spaces. It should well as the main car road embedding accessibilities be strategically located on a towards outside from Milan. through public transport, public space infrastructures. The site should have exist reducing travel costs and The public space conflict of pedestrians with boosting local viability. infrastructures are super vehicles. Thus having the Because of this, the site important to the walking environment for the project. should be located nearby an system as it is the network Meanwhile it can’t be also existing public transport hub of green spaces, open spaces, too close that the or there is going to be walk spaces and linkages pedestrians get completely someone developed in he among them, landscape and dominance. near future. Both ends of highly developed the area should have a infrastructures. metro station.

4. 5. 6. Infrastructures Urban Design Vitality

The site should present the The selection of the site The location of the site possibility to enhance should take the existing should be at the place where existing infrastructures or design of streets into can generate a community build new ones. Connections consideration. The design with its own characteristics and relationships with the should be enjoyable to and personality. The process environment and the pedestrians with high of producing personality is development of public open recognition. It should has its also the process to enhance spaces for the public realm. own symbol like landmarks vitality. So its better to The street furniture like or historical heritage. The choose the place where not chairs and bicycle ways block should be large, large fully developed and we can bicycle parkings should be enough with courts inside, enhance the vitality by considered in the also means not too high enhancing its characteristic. pre-existing condition of the density of inhabitants. Thus realize our targets. site 7. Olympics

The upcoming 2026 Winter Olympics in Milan is a mega event in the whole world. Porta Romana also lucky enough to have a chance to take part in. It will become the Olympics Village. Due to this opportunity, there will be a big demand of urban design change of the area. Walkability and street vitality of the area must be emphasized. Since there is a big demand of walkability change of the area. It provides a stubborn background for this study. 6.2 The selection of corridor —— Where to locate the site

The first Loop road surrounds the Duomo is based on the Medieval Walls. This main road depicts the range of the central pedestrian area of Milan. From this loop road radiates two main roads to outside Milan. On North-East is to Cologno Monzese. On South-East is to San Donato Milanese. Both roads connect Milan with surrounding cities. So they represents the vehicle flow of center Milan. As a result, this project is going to be located on one of them.

Considering North-East part of Milan is far more developed than South-East part of Milan. We can make little development on it. And the North-East part is much larger than South-East part. It means there will be more interventions on the influence of walking from Duomo than South-East Part. So South-East main road which heads toSan Donato Milanese is a better choice for us to research the walkability study. This project will be located on South-East main road which heads to San Donato Milanese.

The analyze of Milan Source: Self made 6.3 Porta Romana——The Roman Gate: chosen gate An area with historical sites connected by metro and railways to Duomo

Porta Romana (the Roman Gate) is a former city gate of Milan. In its present form, the gate dates back to the 16th century Spanish walls of Milan; its origins, anyway, can be traced further back to the Roman walls of the city, which had a corresponding the Roman Gate roughly in the same area. The name “Porta Romana” is used both to refer to the gate proper and to the surrounding district,, located south-east of the city centre. Porta Romana is located, about 2km south-east of the city centre. It is placed at the conjunction of several major streets, namely Corso Lodi to the south east, Viale Montenero to the north east, and Corso di Porta Romana which leads north west, towards the Duomo. The structure of the gate is inspired by Roman triumphal arches of the doric order. The area around the Porta Romana gate is one of the historic districts of Milan.

Porta Romana geo-localization

Porta Romana geo-localization Source: Self made 6.4 Why Porta Romana has been selected

Area Porta Romana presents itself as aperfect chice for this work. There were 3 former plan for it in history. The first one in 1889 aiming to prosperous on economy. The second one provided the city of desired capacity expansion in relation to its needs. Finally caused the transform of its state and the beginning of the expansion in Milan. The third plan of 1912 determined the present shape and size of Milan. Merely prescribed the rules of the road network and construction of the buildings. Since then it has been little change which totally suits the need of work with a stablized structure.

The work is based on the future development of which will be transformed into a commercial center in near future and bring huge vitality to Porta Romana. The existing metro station “Porta Romana”, “Lodi.Ti.B.B” and the ”Porta Romana” railway station are already good public transport attractions and bring huge traffic efficiency to the area. But this work will enhance it further by developing the linke between walk and public transports. The development of Morivione commercial center will be a catalyst for pedestrian attractions. Thanks to the close relationship to Duomo center, there are enough elements like private cars, public transports and pedestrians to be studied. For me to research the relationship between walkability and street vitality. The key priorities , a street with high walkability should have high recognition. People should be easy to think about it when want to go out. It should have clear symbols that people can think about the area whenever they see such symbols. Porta Romana is the place suits our needs. At the south-east corner of the Roman Walls and the old Romana gate ruin on the North-West corner. It’s a perfect place with ancient heritage. The conservation of streets that contribute to the local character of the area and protect heritage areas, the preservation of community and character of popular local shopping areas and the encouragement for the public communication areas. The railway at the south border provides a good choice for public transportation. 6.5 The land use of Porta Romana

Fig.9. Land use of Porta Romana Source:Contemporary City - Finalbooklet - PORTA ROMANA Fig.10.Data of Porta Romana Source:Contemporary City - Finalbooklet - PORTA ROMANA

Potentials Several unused facilities for social services with the possibility of reuse

Problems Piazza Trento is a dangerous place, especially at night. And the closure of the Caimi pool causes inconvenience to residents. Fig-11 The constitution of land use S Source:Contemporary City - Finalbooklet - PORTA ROMANA

Fig-12 The constitution of people

Source:Contempo rary City - Finalbooklet - PORTA ROMANA

The land use of Porta Romana is mainly housing with 85%. Commercial use and others together just 15% which a very low percentage. This presents that the vitality of Porta Romana is still at a low level.

6% of inhabitants of Porta Romana are kids and 10% are elders. With such a porportion of people who needs public transport and good walking environment. There is very strong demand of Traffic Calming here to decrease the threat of vehicles to them. Fig-13 problems and potentials of Porta Romana Source:Contemporary City - Finalbooklet - PORTA ROMANA 6.6 The definition of border for the site

Now we have decided area Porta Romana to be the site of the project. Whereas it’s still too large to be the site of a Traffic Calming project. So we have to define an exact border for it in order to design it in the next steps.

Fig-14 Land use analysis of Porta Romana Source:Contemporary City - Finalbooklet - PORTA ROMANA

From the landuse of Porta Romana, we can see that the area is divided into 3 parts according to land use. The left is fully developed with large proportion of public services which means we can make few improvements on it. The right one has huge proportions of pure residential land use only with very little commercial land use. This project is about the relation between walkability and street vitality, which means it needs enough proportion of commercial space to encourage people walk inside. So the right one also doesn’t fit our demands.

The middle area is mainly mixed land use. Pure residential use is very little in the area which means the walk environment is pretty good and has a foundation for future change. There are some abandoned areas in the field which is pretty important, because it can be changed into other functions in the design next step.

Thus we got the final range of the site : the area between via crema and via Lodovico Muratori. Along the road Coso Lodi and covering most of the mixed land use of Porta Romana and all abandoned building in the area. It’s a site with open outside walk environment and full possibility of future improvements.

Source: Self made 6.7 SWOT Analysis


Research and interview of the site

Quntitive and morphology measure Now we have determined the site and exact land border. So it’s time to take the next step : how is the walkability and street vitality of Porta Romana? What’s advantage and disadvantage of the area? What are the actions we can take on it?

This chapter is focused on the description and the analysis of Porta Romana. In the past it was mainly methodology measures to evaluate the walkability. This chapter is focused on using quantitive methods to evaluate the walkability. This research target is to establish the walkability evaluation system of Milan which basedon the WalkScore evaluation system. Meanwhile making quantitative evaluation to the vitality of streets. Making interviews on inhabitants of the area we may get their first hand opinion to the site.

However, only quantitive method is not enough. Design is not cold scores or numbers, it should be related with the actual environment. Quantitive and morphology will be combined to get the result suggesting what are the real problems and advantages of the site. What are the most related elements between walkability and street vitality. And the outcome will guide the design next step. 7.1 Quantitive measure on walkability : SD — Semantic Differential method

“SD analysis” — Semantic Differential method is raised by Charles E. Osgood in 1957. It’s a Psychological measurement method. Measuring the feeling of people to the street in quantitive measure. It describes the street elements through analysis in different levels. Describing blurry ideas into accurate scores which has very strong applicability already wide used in landscape design and indoor design. However, until now, there isn’t such research in street analysis. So i attempt to use this method as a scientific and comprehensive foundation to evaluate the street walkability. In order to guide the design next step.

Evaluation factor The evaluation factors of SD method are multiple groups of adjectives. Each group of adjectives is constituted by two contrary meaning words. One represents positive meaning and one represents negative meaning. This survey chooses 10 groups of adjectives to be the factors for evaluating street vitality: calm-lively; monotonous-colorful; low-high..... Each group of adjectives corresponds a neutral factor : lively degree; colors; green rate ...... Each evaluate factor is influenced by various aspects. For example: the lively degree is related with pedestrian flow on the street; walk speed and what they do and also related with business type; colors of the street; and public space.

Evaluation degree To get precisely result for the evaluation of the street. This interview sets 7 levels for the survey: very bad; bad; a bit bad; normal; a bit good ;good; very good. Each level corresponds different score: -3; -2 ;-1 ;0 ;1 ;2 ;3

Evaluation process First, let each interviewee give a score to each factor of the street to get his comprehensive score of the street. Then, summary all the surveys together to get an average score of the street and the performance of single factor. Finally, according to the outcome, drawing the SD evaluation line chart of the street. To get an intuitive result of the street. 7.2 The investigation survey

Investigation Survey On This Street

Sorry a lot for spending your time. This is a investigation survey on the reform of this street from Polimi. All the question in this survey will be used for our study and wont be used in commercial. All the options are just according to your personal feelings. Please sign in by your personal feelings. Thanks a lot

1. What do you think of the people activities on this street? Calm / Lively  Very calm calm a bit calm Normal A bit Lively Lively  Very Lively

2. What do you think of the colors on this street? Monotonous / Colorful  Very Monotonous Monotonous a bit Monotonous Normal A bit Colorful Colorful  Very Colorful

3. What do you think of the greening rate on this street? Low / High  Very Low  Low a bit Low Normal A bit High High  Very High

4. What do you think of the Infrastructure Facilities on this street? Bad / Good  Very Bad  Bad a bit Bad Normal A bit Good Good  Very Good

5. What do you think of the Street Scenery on this street? Ugly / Beautiful  Very Ugly  Ugly a bit Ugly Normal A bit Beautiful Beautiful  Very Beautiful

6. What do you think of the Street Brightness on this street? Dark / Bright  Very Dark  Dark a bit Dark Normal A bit Bright Bright  Very Bright

7. What do you think of the safety on this street? Dangerous / Safe  Very Dangerous  Dangerous a bit Dangerous Normal A bit Safe Safe  Very Safe

8. What do you think of the Cleanliness on this street? Dirty / Clean  Very Dirty  Dirty a bit Dirty Normal A bit Clean Clean  Very Clean

9. What do you think of the Tidiness on this street? Messy / Neat  Very Messy  Messy a bit Messy Normal A bit Neat Neat  Very Neat

10. What do you think of the Design of the buildings on this street? Ugly / Beautiful  Very Ugly  Ugly a bit Ugly Normal A bit Beautiful Beautiful  Very Beautiful 7.3 The outcome of walkability evaluation

According to the methods above, we got the out come of evaluation score of Porta Romana. From the bar chart we can see, 8 of 10 factors score are below 0 which means people hold negative attitude to the appearance of the road. It needs much improvement to get an enjoyable walk environment. Another thing need to notice is, most of factors their scores are floating around ±0 line, six are under ±0.5, only 2 are above ±1. It means neither the problems and advantages are very intense and people don’t have very unanimous opinion to the present street environment, positive and negative attitudes offset each other.

From the interview, we know there are three most serious problems of the street: lack of street vitality; not enough open space for the public and the street is not beautiful enough on pedestrians’ view. The design and the infrastructures construction of the street are in good condition but not good enough— all below +0.5 means they are just satisfy peoples’ need, nothing more.

Source: Self made

Conclusion In next steps, we will focus on improving street vitality; open space for public and promoting appearance of the street to improve the walkability of the street Porta Romana. 7.4 Morphology measure on street vitality : experience interview method

“Experience interview” a method raised by professor Huang Yi Ru in China. It’s common morphology method to interview people and get their opinion and view of the street. But this kind of traditional interview has limitations, considering people are asked in a hurry they can only give the opinion according to their memories. So it’s far from objective, most of them just simply saying “good” or “bad”, not really useful to the research.

“Experience interview” provides another method. We will follow the interviewees a distance in the area until they got the destination or reach the border. We will ask them to give real time opinion of their experience right now. We will record their words and photo the related pictures. Because it’s the real time experience they just come into mind, so it’s more objective and the words combined with pictures make people more easily to understand. Finally we will put those elements on the map they got the morphology outcome map of street vitality. Basic methods of the research

The goal is to precisely identify the conditions under which the phenomena described by the passers-by emerge, then get a clear view for the vitality of the street. In order to do this, we do following things: 1. Visited the research area 4 times, followed and interviewed 14 people. The ordinary descriptions provided by these people are what constitute the basic corpus for the analysis. 2. Reconstuct the route and show the important node with people’s feelings on the map. 3. Research of the physical condition of the area and get the conclusion.

The street vitality morphology map of Porta Romana Source: Self made

General impressions of the area and the possible causes As we analyzing the basic corpus from the interviews, we extract the words that people use to describe the ambience of the place and divide them into groups, and we find it interesting that people from different backgrounds may use opposite words when describing a same place. Here are the words that appears frequently:

Dirty, Safety, Open space Lively, Interesting, Variety Boring, Repetitive, Less Fun Part of Milan Beautiful, Recession, Traffic violation Commercial, Historical, Renovation

These words express people’s general impressions of the area. Not surprisingly, the most frequently used words are “Lack of open space” and “Lack of vitality”. Indeed, almost every interview even included these two words or similar expressions. The recurrence and redundancy of similar comments from different observers is proof of a certain perception community. But it’s worth mentioning that, different observers have entirely different opinion on this fact. For most of the locals we asked, they are troubled with the recession here. Many stores have closed for a long time. The street feels lack of vitality and unenjoyable to walk on. They blame this on lack of open space. “I’ve lived on this street for decades. Honestly speaking there isn’t much elements attractive.” “As a resident here. I feel there isn’t enough open space here. I find no reasons to walk on this street unless i must. The only square here just too small or too dirty.” “I usually bike to work. But there are too many vehicles on the street.Illegal parkings not only occupy bike road but also some walkways. My kids also need to walk to school everyday. I wish planners can change such situation to provide us a safe walk environment especially for kids.” Others, mostly nonnatives, hold different attitudes. But there’s one thing interesting that although many think the street is not beautiful. Lots of them give a positive attitude to the design of the street. It means the outlook and design of the buildings and landscape are actually good. It’s the management and mess street organize affect peoples’ impression. “… Today I'm searching ideas, I'm looking people, I think Milan is a good place … For me, it's a street of ideas, I like a lot to observe the behavior of people.”

An overseas student from Polimi also says, “It's not really a fantastic place for travelling. But to a foreign student like me, it’s still not bad. It shows us a real Milan, it’s a suitable place which neither too calm nor too crowded to me.”

Unlike Duomo area, pedestrians in Porta Romana are mainly local natives and employees working here. Very few tourists. In regard to the purpose of coming here are mainly compulsory transportation, the reason why Porta Romana is lack of vitality is pretty clear. It’s because there are too few outsiders coming here for shopping or sightseeing. As a result, the solution should be focused on reviving the stores here and construct more enjoyable open space for the public thus create the vitality street through enjoyable walkability design. As mentioned before, it’s a declining area. However, different part of the area still has its own characteristics, which gives people different feelings and experience during their walk. We could emphasize on some specific routes to promote the vitality of the whole area.

Fig.15. Vitality level of Milan Source: Andrea Gorrini, Stefania Bandini, Elderly Walkability Index through GIS: Towards Advanced AI-based Simulation Models .2019 7.5 The influence of walkability to street vitality

If we show the quantitive statistics of walkability and the morphology statistics of street vitality on the map. We will get two intuitive maps:

The quantitive walkability map of Porta Romana Source: Self made

The morphology street vitality map of Porta Romana Source: Self made The Bar chart shows the walkability degree while the blue color shows high vitality and red color represents low vitality. We can find out that most streets with high walkability are in blue which means they are with high vitality and streets with low walkability are mostly in red color.

The walkability and street vitality statistics of Porta Romana Source: Self made

As we can see, two maps are highly coincide. The street with high walkability in the area also has a high street vitality and streets with low walkability mostly have low street vitality. So we may get the conclusion that these two elements are directly associated.

Although there also also many other factors may influence the street vitality. However, from the analysis we can find out that other factors only influence the degree of the vitality but the walkability has the highest weight which strictly determines the street has the vitality or not.

Now we got the conclusion: The street vitality has a strong and direct influence on walkability. It’s an useful entry point for us to revive the street by improving the walkability of streets. Which we will discuss the implementation of it in the following paragra 08.

An experimental explanation:

Enhancing the walkability condition of the area This chapter starts with an analysis that focuses on the engineering and management of Traffic Calming measures. As a first step it has been necessary to identify what kind of public facilities and retail activities could be insert inside the project of Traffic Calming in Porta Romana. It became apparent that these activities contribute in different ways to the enjoyable walking space thanks to they become the constitution of material basis for Traffic Calming environment.

The chapter proceeds with the design of the masterplan, starting from some concept diagrams. After the masterplan drawing some other schemes has been developed in order to study boundaries, public facilities, green spaces and public pedestrian spaces designed for the project. Some sections axonometric views and plan views of public and green spaces show how the social life happens on the street. Finally from the perspective views it is possible to “walk” through streets and spaces to have an idea of what kind of walkable environment can stimulate the vitality of streets. 8.1 The design of the Masterplan Concept diagrams

Here comes to the masterplan of the site. The answer between walkability and street vitality is Traffic Calming. We will use Traffic Calming measures as the solution to the area which improves walkability then generates vitality. And the future master plan also provides us new opportunities to realize my desire. The concept diagrams explain the main design reasons of the design.

The main access to the site is the metro station on the north-west also directly link to Duomo and the railway station on south-east. There is also a secondary access on the north which links to the MilanPark and mainly car passing.

S Source: Self made

The green connections are one of the main themes of the project. WE manage to connect existing park with the public space of the area through a system of green belt. It forms the public and scenery system and encourage people to walk outside.

S Source: Self made .According to the master plan—”Scalo Romana PGT 2030”. San Luigi will be transformed into a commercial and shopping area in the future. Which may change the traffic flow of Porta Romana deeply. The newly established commercial zone will become an attraction point which diverts the traffic flow to Corso Lodi to San Luigi instead.

The 2026 Winter Olympic Games will be a precious chance of the area to become an enjoyable and walkable place. The Olympics Village locate here will be a huge opportunity.

S The car may keep the route to Corso Lodi as Source: Self made before. But pedestrians may choose the new route instead. Which becomes our chance to design a new walk-oriented street lead to San Luigi.

The branch roads follow the existing grid in different directions generating mistery. Where the main road crosses there is an explode of squares;public spaces where generate communications and those secondary roads are full of stores and facilities where daily life happens.

S Source: Self made

8.2 Steps by Steps — Future implements in phases

The core of the design which links Porta Romana with San Luigi by the economic engine of Scalo Romana will start around 2030 which is a long run. And the implements of Scalo Romana PGT 2030 will also take years to finish. It’s inefficient to take actions after everything in Scalo Romana is done. That’s why we need to divide the plan in phases thus to realize the design according to the degree of completion of PGT. Hope to make the design more feasible.

After enhancing the walkability of the area, Porta Romana will become a more enjoyable place with better street vitality. Porta Romana then will be ready to welcome the 2026 Olympics with better performance. Athletes living in the Olympics village here will have a better experience in Milan. The project is going to be realized in 3 steps — the second step to be realized in 5 - 10 years is enough for Porta Romana to be ready for the upcoming Olympics mega event. 8.2.1 Phase 1 Solve current problem of walkabilities Estimated duration = Year 1 - Year 4

By forging a private-public partnership, both the de Milano and Fondazione Cariplo ( and/or other partners in the private sector ) could release a ”call to action” that would mobilize local associations` to carry out temporary interventions ( tactical urbanism and community events ) in strategic areas of Porta Romana under the following themes:

Mobility and Walkability Livability & Urbanity Social Entrepreneurship

The end goal is to gradually transition from an automobile-dominated neighbourhood to a more pedestrian-oriented environment that is conducive to social cohesion. Certain sections of the illegal parking spaces along the road will be erased. Old factories or warehouse will be transformed into community park for all residents. Some of the big private community garden will be open to the public for exhibition use regularly after negotiation in order to provide more public space as well as promote communications among residents.

In conclusion, phase I will mainly use management measures and policy measures to solve existing problems. Such like adding street furniture and decorations to the surface. Engineering measures which will change the substantial environment directly or changing the property rights won’t be used in this stage. Phase 1 call-to-action for temporary actions

The targeret groups from the Municipality call-to-action are the associations from the Porta Romana, the schools, university students, social impact new business owners and any other group of citizens interested in a more participative role in the public space.

The approach in this phase is Tactical Urbanism, small and low-cost interventions in the public space that can be “pilots” of bigger interventions. They can be used to test the acceptance of a future transformation. In the call the places chosen are strategic to change the perceived image of Porta Romana, making it more livable - a place to stay, not anymore a transition space. Near the metro exit is a good starting point as it receives many visitors and commuters. Parklets (former parking transformed in staying areas for pedestrians) are also a common tool of T.U., easily applied as a way to raise awareness about what a place that currently was used for cars can be when used for pedestrians. The starting place for this type will be in front of the Roman Gate, announcing the future importance that this point will have in the future.

Reference: Parklet made with pallets by university students in João Pessoa, Brazil

Fig.16.Source: 724024077574484565/?auto login=true

Land mark:

PortaRomana: Roman gate metro station

Fig.17.Source: Google Earth Phase 1 Community gardens

The “Community Gardens” project represents an alternative and innovative way of recovering and managing abandoned public areas: their return to public use is the result of a collective activity. In the areas involved in the project, gardening and cultivation activities are carried out, to be lived as moments of encounter between generations, cultures, relationships between those who live in the neighborhood and want to voluntarily devote themselves to these activities. In Milan there are already some community gardens inside Parco Nord and near via Padova. Nearby our territory, currently Nosedo hosts some activities of Cascinet association that include agricultural activities. The suggested places are the existing parks, where today just individual activities take place, in the elementary school of the east to involve children and their parents that might not be so active in the community and in a series of vaccant warehouse and factories which have long been abandoned. They are all good place to be changed into community gardens. Those abandoned place used to be threat to the community, make people feel unsafe. It will be useful for the community if we can make use of them and change them into garden where people can enjoy the environment and work together.

Possible places for community gardens: existing parks, schools and abandoned factories

Products from Orti di Via Padova

Fig.18.Source: Phase 1

Pedestrian bridge

The urban redesign of Corso Lodi is one of the key actions scheduled under Phase II. Presently, the current spatial organization is bland and incapable of facilitating a variety of uses and activities.

This 800m stretch of public open space is envisioned to become a vibrant, multifunctional zone that will be able to host a range of community events, activities and mixed-uses.

After studying the present situation, we managed to identify 2 points of confluence of people (all of them, metro stations) spread across the length of Corso Lodi, namely: Fermata Porta Romana, and Lodi TIBB F.S.

Ironically, despite this former tramway being repurposed into a space for pedestrians with benches and bike lanes, it is simply regarded as a transition space and free parking area. As such, the planned transformation of Corso Lodi will include three different zones - each one thematized according to the ground-floor commercial use or areas surrounding it.

The future zones of Corso Lodi will be appropriated as follows: 1. music and entertainment 2. food and leisure 3. green walkway and leisure Both street lanes running parallel to the public open space will be leveled - specifically the section running in close proximity to residential areas . This traffic-calming measure will be applied to reduce vehicle-speeds and create a pedestrian-friendly zone by alerting drivers to the fact that this is a shared space with bikers and pedestrians. The requalified area is also imagined to offer attractive seating spaces, increased and better quality lighting, colourful shades, cylindrical planters and flflowing water features. Different urban furniture will also be deployed according to the varying uses of the space.

Reference: Place d’Youville in Montreal, Canada - a small green lung along the city’s waterfront acts as a place of exchange. Differ- ent uses (domestic, com- mercial, and institutional) blend together, giving way to allow different people to meet and talk.

Fig.19. Source: Before

After Before

After Phase 1 Metro Exit

A key location to start the Tactical Urbanism approach is the Metro Exit of Porta Romana. The floor will be painted to highlight the wasted space nearby. Flower vases will be added to create a better atmosphere and modify the perception of the place. Light furniture will be included to allow diferent confifigurations and estimullate people to stay longer, talk and wait. New wooden benches could be made by the company EBONY, currently based in the cultural center of Macao, they act hiring and training migrants to do woodwork and it is a possible partner on this fifirst call. The goal is to involve different actors and encourage collaboration by merging the ones with same interests. The fifirst two examples of tactical urbanism in Milan sponsored by the Municipality were in Piazza and Piazza Angilberto.

Fig.20.Source: https://www.radiolombardia. it/2018/10/01/inaugurata-la- nuova-piazza-angilberto-ii-al- corvetto/

Fig.21.Source: models/model-38282.html The metro station Before

The metro station After 8.2.2 Phase 2 Enhance the connection — Through Scalo Romana Estimated duration = Year 5 - Year 10

On the boundary of phase I , the problem of mobility got initial improvements. So we can work further. The junctions now lack of protection measures. Bike lanes and sidewalks should be expanded. These are all thing which going to be solved in Phase I. Engineering measures like bridges for pedestrians and change vacant stores into bike stores and parks will be the main theme of the phase. Private Mobility

Considering there is almost no bike lanes in Porta Romana yet. Building new bikelane system will be our priorities for traffic calming measures and establish relationship between walkability and street vitalities. To encourage low-emission mobility, the proposed mobility system will feature new bike paths and bus lanes.The public transportation system will be strengthened. Car-speeds will also be reduced with traffific-calming elements and sidewalk expansions inside the neighbourhood.

Studies show that traffific-calming policies help increase the quality of walkability and improve safety thanks to speed reductions and enlarged pedestrian space. Increased dependence on slow-mobility options such as biking and walking reduce air and noise pollution and benefifit citizens’ health. Speed reduction and decrease in traffific also help increase property value in the area. Enhance the border

The existing connection between San Luigi to Porta Romana is interrupted by Scalo Romana train station. It’s so close but people can’t go directly, also they have few reasons to do so. By 2030, there will be a transform in Scalo Romana from the train station to commercial center according to PGT. The connection between two regions then is sure to be enhanced. However, the north border of Scalo Romana is filled with high density traffic flow which is dangerous to pedestrians while the south border has long range barriers. As a result, a pedestrian- exclusive bridge will be a necessary solution.

Also ,the pedestrian itself can also be a place for people to gather and communicate. It’s not only a traffic tool but also provides people an opportunity to feel Scalo Romana from above. Pedestrian bridge

After design — also a communication place for citizens Street design in Phase I

Street design in Phase II 8.2.3 Phase 3 Make use of the gray space Estimated duration = Year 10- Year 12

Following the establishment of the pedestrian bridge and the revive of vaccant space, the area now is transformed into a public open space that offers flexibility and facilitates major changes, the project base continues to collect feedback from users of the space.

The former problem of connection has been solved however new problems emerge. The bridges produce some gray space to the area , very passive area, difficult to use and left people negative impressions prevent them to come.

The former tram roads in the middle of the street which now abandoned has become the car park of vehicles. How to make use of such space?

Porta Romana is featured by 2 areas with different vocation, given mainly by the context and the evolution of the spaces in the surroundings. After solving the questions above. Porta Romana is going to be an area with full vitality. Via Piacenza

Corso Lodi Phase 3 Corso Lodi

Corso Lodi completes its ongoing transformation, giving the maximum space to the pedestrian, and defining three main thematic areas:

- an arts and entertainment zone in the north, with the contribution of a plenty of artist studios that crowd the area; - a central sector focused on food theme, with restaurant from the world and temporary festivals that promote the international vocation of the context; - a southern part completed with a greenway with water features, a place to relax yourself with noise reduction cause of residential elevated presence.


On the basis of phase II, we will go further step for Crso Lodi, change it into a commnication place for citizens Street design in Phase II

After design — also a communication place for citizens Phase 3 Under the pdestrian bridg — Make use of the gray space

By Phase 2 of the project, there is going to be a new pedestrian bridge connecting San Luigi and Porta Romana. Certain parts adjacent to the street will be levelled as a measure to lower vehicle-speeds and create a more pedestrian-friendly zone.

To make use of the gray space under the pedestrian bridge, there will be a public space include seating spaces, an open gymnasium with sports equipment, ping-pong tables, picnic areas, spaces allocated for outdoor yoga and dance classes, etc.

The currently vandalized barriers will be blanketed with murals showcasing talents of local street-artists. Light features will also be strategically placed along the underside of the highway in order to provide pedestrians with a sense of safety and the confidence to cross/utilize the space in the evening, which is, at present, particularly notorious for crime.

The requalification of this area is inspired by Boston’s 8-acre park called the Underground at Ink Block.

Fig.23.Source: 17/1/9/14183876/freeway-u nderpass-park-public

Fig.24.Source: https://www.thebostoncalen art-gardner-museum-and-str eet-theory-present-urban-re naissance-alternative-visions- of-a-city-through-street-art-c reative-economy-and-comm unity Make use of the gray space — before

Make use of the gray space —after Corso Lodi before

Transformed into public space

8.3 Vision 2030

After the changes implemented gradually, the neighbourhood and the streets will gain more value. The proximity to the city center is a promissing factor for new investments in the district after the reform of new economy center in Scalo Romana. The presence of Old Roman Gate might enlarge the boundaries of the touristic area in Milan if the city can offer an attractive place. And it will be a strong support or landmark of the Porta Romana. Moreover, the inhabitants of Porta Romana will benefifit from the decreased presence of automobiles. Not only in terms of sustainability but also the money spent on gas and car maintenance will be go back to the local economy. 8.4 Economic Feasibility The economic feasibility is estimated according to the former design of Corso Lodi. Which may not perfect accurate but could be a kind of reference. 09.

Conclusions The conclusions discuss the results obtained from the application of the project and the whole research done to realize the thesis. Considering the current situation of traffic problems that occuring all around the world and the disappearing “walk right”. The model of Traffic Calming is here be introduced as a possible and concrete answer to the problem we are facing. We analyzed the results and the numbers derived from the design of the project and we compared it with the data of some other Traffic Calming areas in EU and China. A lot of positive features and opportunities derive from the application of the project that will contribute to enhance the quality of the area and the street life inside it. Together with the positives we took into account the possibility that the project can develop in a negative way and that its bad operation can lead to some process as car-oriented, isolation or lack of vitality/attractivity. The future result of the project as an integrated answer to the problem of the whole city. The street isn’t just a synonym as “road”. It’s something above. It’s not the place only for traffic but also place for people to communicate to know each other. Through high walkability the street vitality can be realized. Then through the traffic calming measures, the walkability can be realized 9.1 Conclusions Make use of the gray space

Introduction Milan is now facing problem of private vehicle booming. There are too many private cars in the city that parking place if far from enough. People have to park illegally or park beside the road and on old tram ways. As we saw from the second chapter, citizens in Milan almost have the highest rate of owning cars in the world. This causes huge quantity of safety problems. Build new parking areas can’t really solve the problem because it’s just another kind of encouragement to private cars. The speed of building can never catch on the speed of buying cars. So the real solution is to solve it from the origin — change peoples traffic habits from cars to walking and public transports.

For the application of these interventions there is a concrete model that can be strongly considered as a good solution. Considering the current situation of dilemma : this model is known as Traffic Calming, origined from Europe and has been widely spread all over the world got very impressive outcome. The Traffic Calming model can give an answer to the problem of vehicle booming. Changing the street from car-oriented into lively enjoyable street environment. Not only solve the problem of safety, but also provide for people to gather on the street, which so-called attractive streets. However, due to the different traffic situation and urban design foundation, we can’t directly move others successful experience elsewhere directly, need to take the real environment and situation into consider. While on the other hand. The successful experience in other countries or cities can still be a kind of reference. My study of Traffic Calming experience in China is used in my study of it and its great help.

A Traffic Calming community can bring some other benefits not only safety benefits. Since it can be cost effective and it produce extra economic values through reviving the street and encourage people to produce economic activities. This is a great stimulation to the economy of the area.

The introduction of Traffic Calming in a precise area can lead to the increase of the quality of public realm, green space, traffic conditions and street liveability, productivity and the general quality of daily urban life. Results The Traffic Calming measures designed for will be an enjoyable place for athletes. All the application of the project will influence an athletes worldwide will find Porta Romana a area of 1k ㎡ and 16675 inhabitants which place they can walk around freely just like great part of local families and couples. The their home. community is made up with 83.5% resident housing and a densty of 16629 people per k ㎡. A density that is considered a medium one.

The final outcome of the project will include two pedestrian bridges link San Luigi with Porta Romana. The design of the gray space under the bridge. Redevelopment of the abandoned tram ways in Via Corso Lodi, including some landscape design and a project of movable structure for citizens. The Traffic Calming measures on the junctions in Porta Romana. And a series of expansion sidewalks; build bike lanes. Besides improving walk conditions, public transport like bus lane will also be improved. We will increase the frequency of bus lanes in the area, some will even become 24/7 lanes. And new route will also be introduced.

The project is on the basis of the project Scalo Romana development which will be accomplished by 2030. So the project will be realized into 3 phases. By the complete of the project. Area Porta Romana will become a place be friendly to pedestrians and full of liveabliity. The economy atmosphere of Porta Romana will also rise to a new level. By 2026 the held of Olympic Games, there will be enough improvement on the street environment to suit the “Olympics Village”, it The research focuses on the study of some Calming system of the area. existing models of Traffic Calming Also, the parks existing now is going to be communities including some other projects renewed to be enjoyable for all citizens. The located outside Europe like in China. Those gray space under the bridge and the metro neighborhoods or communities have different station area also be changed into public space stories of origin, growth and development with sitting seats and furniture. and each of them obtained positive and The abandoned tram way in Via Corso Lodi effective results after years of practice. Since now will be transformed into public space for they provided possibilites to a lot of people to the neighborhood. use green traffic instead of private cars. This high number of successful streets shows little 3. Another relevant aspect is the presence of influence on Milan. And that’s why the a lot of public and green spaces that will importance of the model of Traffic Calmingin enhance the quality of people that really care Milan. Italy represents an opportunity to try about their outdoor living, so the new to solve the problem of the vehicle booming squares, public spaces, green connections and which is torturing this beautiful city. the park con become fundamental attractive points for all the future inhabitants of the 1. The new model of the Traffic Calming will area and of the city itself; the strategic offer to a great number of people a lot of position of the project can make it a real opportunities, as the possibilities to have a attractor in a context that needs a concrete flourishing street economy thanks to more solution to its crisis. people are going to the street. There produces more business opportunities. A 4. In order to reach a good level sustainability street with lively atmosphere will encourage and safety, following the principles of Jan merchants to open new stores on the street. Gehl (mentioned in the first chapter) the While the same time streets with hot project has been designed to favour a economy environment will stimulate people pedestrian way of life reducing the use of cars to go on the street also. This forms a virtuous and incentivizing the use of public transports cycle. after a strengthening of the infrastructures already present in the area. The whole area of 2. The public facilities and the retail activities Traffic Calming is pedestrian or bike friendly included in the project of the community will for the roads, where cars and buses can serve not only the community itself, but they transit and thanks to the presence of a service will attract people from adjacent regions like of car sharing the number of cars is drastically Corso Lodi and San Luigi more important, this reduced. will also enchance the relationship with the economy engine in the future — Scalo 5. The presence of alive streets, a vibrant life Romana even becoming an atttractive point at the groundfloors level and the general face of the whole city. The vaccant factories and to face orientation of the design will gurantee warehouses provide a good chance for us to the rise of strong and mixed social develop new public facilities on the basis of relationships between the inhabitants of the existing structures. The abandoned stores can community and the people living in the be transformed into rent-go bike stores. adjacent neighborhoods. These factors together make up the Traffic The insertion of such a number of facilities, public spaces and rules constitutes a pus if we compare the Traffic Calming that has been designed for this project and the former models already present before. These qualities together with the general design of the Traffic Calming represent really positive premises for a good development of Porta Romana itself, that can become a model to be followed in order to have the opportunity to change the current critical situation in Milan and to begin to solve th other problem regarding the vanishing street life. Problems Open Questions

The positive aspects and opportunities given Thinking about a possible future development by the Traffic Calming can be simultaneously of the model of Traffic Calming, that has been accompanied in the long term by some deeply studied theoretically, but that was not possible problems and weakness derived that popular used on the Milan territory from from a not well controlled development of the practical and concrete point of view, some the model. open themes and questions rise authomatically. 1. Indeed in the long term there is the possibility that the area can be subjected to a First of all, considering for example that the process of gentrification within the Traffic application of the model will be successful, Calming and in the surrounding areas. This in how the city of Milan will react to a large the future would lead to a return of vehicles. insertion and application of the model in its Without the careful and correct management urban fabric? of the street. The improved and decorated street may be recontrolled by the vehicles Will the problem of the uncontrolled growth again. Private cars may reoccupy the street to and the urban sprawl be stopped or slowed be their parking areas or drive on the bike down definitely? roads. Can the model be applied and readjusted in 2. The reverse process can on the other hand other contexts? lead to a general fail due to the bad operation of the community, that for some reasons can Milan context has its own specific and become not attractive for citizens, or to the particular identity, so we set up the project in offered services that can’t contribute in the a precise cultural and physical condition. right way to the maintainance of the Traffic Calming measures. This possible negative Since, as we have already seen in the thesis, development can cause a general the model of Traffic Calming has already been estrangement of the area that will lose its largely applied in other countries all over the character and its attraction factor as we can world, would it be possible for example to already see for the so called walk-oriented insert this type of organization in the Chinese communities. context and specifically in the city of Shanghai, that has another type of cultural context, another dimension and another level of traffic growth, but that has similar problems of private car booming and shrink of vitality.

All these questions and problems will be developed through future development of the research question. Acknowledgments

By Lishanglong

This moment, i would be sincerely thank to realized without their unselfish support. Professor Mario Paris, who provided me so much help on this project and on myself. His I also need to thank to those normal citizens support and brilliant advice and in Milan. They are so friendly and patient to encouragements improved the work and an unknown Chinese student which they made this paper possible. could actually refuse. They not only helped me with the questionare. But also kindly and In the process of this study, so many accidents deeply discussed the problem and situation of happened: can’t get enough data of Milan; the area now with me. They gave me another the process is far behind schedule; the design point of view to the site from unprofessional has huge weakpoints. It’s only through and local native perspectives. Thank them so Professor Mario’s effort which helped me to much, they are the representatives of Milan overcome those difficulties. spirit.

The most dangerous accidents happened half I am truly grateful to all these people who in month before the presentation. Due to the different, but always indispensable ways, bug on the Internet, i can’t register to the participated in my life during the realization final presentation. Once i thought everything of this study. was finished i couldn’t make it. It’s Professor Mario came to me ask me to keep trying and This paper of course won’t change the world, finally helped me to fix the problem. Again, but i hope it could provide tiny support or be words are not enough to express my a reference to traffic studies in future. gratitude.

I also need to thank to professor Zhuo Jian in China. He guided me to choose this topic and Thank you so much! provided me the chance to study abroad. His Li ShangLong advice; patience to share knowledge to me can never be forgotten.

I also need to thank to my classmates: Francessco; Laraine; Isadora. They voluntary took part in the project and helped me so much and shared so much advice and knowledge to me. Even it’s actually not their study and project. They showed me real friendship and kindness. This study can’t be Bibliography

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Image Credits 01. The growth speed of vehicles world wide. Source:

02. Vehicle amount worldwide

03. Jan Ghel. Life Between Buildings: Using Public Space . 2011. cover image

04. Jane Jacobs. The death and life of great American cities. 1961. cover image

05. Stephen Marshall. Streets and Patterns: The Structure of Urban Geometry. 2004. cover image

06. Vehicle amount in Italy. Source:

07. .Traffic accidents statistics in Italy.Source:

08. Utrecht Steenweg has been a successful example for 53 years. Source:

09. Land use of Porta Romana. Source: Contemporary City - Finalbooklet - PORTA ROMANA

10.Data of Porta Romana. Source: Contemporary City - Finalbooklet - PORTA ROMANA 11.The constitution of land use Source: Contemporary City - Finalbooklet - PORTA ROMANA

12.The constitution of people Source: Contemporary City - Finalbooklet - PORTA ROMANA

13.problems and potentials of Porta Romana Source: Contemporary City - Finalbooklet - PORTA ROMANA

14.Land use analysis of Porta Romana Source: Contemporary City - Finalbooklet - PORTA ROMANA

15. Vitality level of Milan Source: Andrea Gorrini, Stefania Bandini, Elderly Walkability Index through GIS: Towards Advanced AI-based Simulation Models .2019

16. Source: e

17. Source: Google Earth

18. Source:

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20.Source: zza-angilberto-ii-al-corvetto/

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23. Source: park-public

24. Source: m-and-street-theory-present-urban-renaissance-alternative-visions-of-a-cit y-through-street-art-creative-economy-and-community