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TANGENZIALE EAST SUSTAINABLE MEANS ALSO CONVERTING: INDUSTRIAL FORMS BECOME WITH RESIDENCIAL USES ABANDONED RESIDENCIAL DWELLINGS BECOME TEMPLES FOR NEW TYPES OF INDUSTRIAL // DESIGNING CREATIVITY Group 8 Laboratory Letizia Carini Fabrizio Ferrari U P D Ambra Galliano r o e Levin Prabhu b l s EMBEDDED BETWEEN HUGE INFRASTRUCTURES --> a i i --> small scale realities need to be improved Milan Border Line n c g i n e s Polytecnic of Milan A.A. 2010 - ‘11 Faculty of Architecture and Society Course of PUPT Professors: A.Balducci,A.Bruzzese, G.Rabaiotti Contributors: P.Cottino, G.Nardone, F.Santaniello Tutors: I.Giuliani, V.Inguaggiato, M.Righetti, F.Salvini TANGENZIALE EAST FRAMEWORK INDEX PART I PART II PART III MILANO “NO NAME’S Naming and densication “THE GREEN MILE” PART I Observing and Analysing PART III Strategical concept and projectual phase BORDERLINE LAND” --> TAV. 1 GENERAL OVERVIEW --> TAV. 8 CONDITION OF THINGS and OUR AIM --> TAV. 2 EXTRAORDINARY CITY (huge infrastructures and great functions) --> TAV. 9 SUSTAINABILITY: What does ecology mean? --> TAV. 3 ORDINARY CITY (analysis of situations and neighborhoods) --> TAV. 10 STRATEGICAL CONCEPT: THE GREEN MILE ANALYSIS PROBLEM DEFINITION STRATEGY/ACTIONS PROJECT --> TAV. 3a CATALOGUE OF SITUATION: Forlanini - Mecenate --> TAV. 11a INTERVENTION AREA: MONLUE’ - Objectives and strategies --> TAV. 3b CATALOGUE OF SITUATION: Ponte Lambro - Linate --> TAV. 11b INTERVENTION AREA: MALLUE’ - Project Analysis of ordinary and Lack of identity in border spaces On the base of observations The project takes --> TAV. 3c CATALOGUE OF SITUATION: Corvetto - Mazzini --> TAV. 12a INTERVENTION AREA: TALIEDO, TRECCA - Objectives and strategies extraordinary cities and empty lands in the and starting from the its structure from the axis --> TAV. 3d CATALOGUE OF SITUATION: Rogoredo - Santa Giulia --> TAV. 12b INTERVENTION AREA: ECHOESIVE NETWORK - Project (neighborhoods and infrastructures) contemporary “porous city” characteristics of the context of east tangenziale --> TAV. 3e CATALOGUE OF SITUATION: San Donato --> TAV. 13a INTERVENTION AREA: ECOMOSTRO - Objectives and strategies --> TAV. 13b INTERVENTION AREA: ECOHOTEL’ - Project --> TAV. 14a INTERVENTION AREA: SANTA GIULIA - Objectives and strategies --> TAV. 14b INTERVENTION AREA: SNAIL - Project --> TAV. 15a INTERVENTION AREA: SAN DONATO - Objectives and strategies ECOLOGICAL Going to tha Problem Denition: interpretation PART II --> TAV. 15b INTERVENTION AREA: ECOENERGY - Project ISSUE --> TAV. 16 ACTORS NETWORK --> TAV. 4 POTENTIALITIES AND WEAKNESSES --> TAV. 17 CONCLUSIONS --> TAV. 5 A WAY TO READ THE TERRITORY: territorial dynamics --> TAV. 18 BIBLIOGRAPHY --> TAV. 6 PROBLEM DEFINITION: “No name’s Land” --> TAV. 19 TABLE OF ECONOMIC FEASABILITY of PII Santa Giulia year 2005 SUSTAINABLE ENERGY NATURAL ENVIROMENT --> TAV. 7 TERRITORIAL CONCEPT: Naming and densication model --> TAV. 20 REFERENCES REUSE RECYCLE URBAN SHAPE OVERVIEW SOUTH-EAST 6 of MILAN 6 --> Tangle of infrastructures 5 5 MILAN CORE --> porous city 4 --> lack of identity --> presence of 4 M 3 many M abandoned M 3 spaces 2 M 1 Legenda: Ambiti di trasformazione - Milano: Ambiti di trasformazione periurbana Ambiti di trasformazione d’interesse Pubblico Generale Ambiti di trasformazione urbana Ambiti di trasformazione - San Donato Milanese: Ambiti di trasformazione di riqualicazione urbana MILANO Ambiti di trasformazione strategici sovralocali Ambiti di trasformazione strategici PESCHIERA Ambiti di trasformazione integrata BORROMEO Ambiti di trasformazione commerciale Ambiti di trasformazione terziari Ambiti di trasformazione ambientale SAN DONATO Ambiti di trasformazione vincolata (ricadenti nel PASM) MILANESE Ambiti di trasformazione - Peschiera Borromeo: Ambiti di trasformazione economica Ambiti di trasformazione residenziale SUSTAINABLE MEANS ALSO CONVERTING: INDUSTRIAL FORMS BECOME WITH RESIDENCIAL USES ABANDONED RESIDENCIAL DWELLINGS BECOME TEMPLES FOR NEW TYPES OF INDUSTRIAL // DESIGNING CREATIVITY EXTRAORDINARY CITY INFRASTRUCTURE GREAT FUNCTIONS forlanini IACP ortomercato la trecca LINATE airport C.A.M.M. taliedo ecomostro linate morsenchio-merezzate poste italiane headquarter santa giulia scalo rogoredo fs project ponte lambro q.re mazzini santa giulia realized corvetto redevelopment project 2.400 inhabitants rogoredo insediamenti abusivi M3 san donato via s.dionigi depuratore metanopoli di nosedo 3rd sector torri lombarde headquarters abbazia di chiaravalle sorigherio sovralocal functions poasco residencial revelopment projects healthcare centres historical centres opera ORDINARY CITY MILANO A core Q.RE FORLANINI LINATE A A PONTE LAMBRO TALIEDO B B B C ISSUE ISSUE Little village origin-- > E HUGE URBAN AXIS --> Isolation and slow Neighborhoods that compare rhythm of growth themeselves with infrastructure C ROGOREDO D S.Giulia ISSUE C overage centrality -- > E Necessity of a new sense CORVETTO of the re-development Q.re Mazzini D ISSUE Great infrastructure -- > From a limitation to D an opportunity E ISSUE METANOPOLI Urban fringe --> The border between the actual TORRI city and country areas LOMBARDE CATALOGUE OF SITUATIONS : FORLANINI - MECENATE HOW Q.RE FORLANINI AND MORSENCHIO CAN BE Q.re Forlanini VIALE FORLANINI OPENED TO THE CITY CORE AND LIVEABLE NEIGHBORHOODS? NIL , Forlanini Q.re Forlanini 7% 6% Children 0-5 5 > ab < 75 MILAN 87% eldery> 75 (core) FORLANINI PARK VIALE FORLANINI VIA MECENATE Popolation 862 Foreign 220 Q.re Forlanini Taliedo This district was realized in 60s. In origin it was composed by Trecca social housing but today there are dierent kind VIA MECENATE of residential. EMBEDDED BETWEEN HUGE Taliedo An important thing in this district is the presence Morsenchio of many INFRASTRUCTURES --> green areas semi-private. The composition and the presence onfrastruc- --> small scale realities need to be improved Morsenchio ture let seem Forlanini district enclosed on itself. Actually it seems protected from outside in order to improve liveability. In many cases ground oors of buildings are interested by dierent function and activities. Morsenchio HOW WE CAN REDEFINE THE BORDER LINE? NIL , Mecenate HOW WE CAN MENAGE EMPTY SPACES AND 17% 5% Children 0-5 BUILT SPACES? 5 > ab < 75 78% eldery> 75 Popolation 18712 SUSTAINABLE MEANS ALSO CONVERTING: Foreign 1844 Ortomercato Taliedo was in origin a rural district that, little by Cascina Monluè little began to become a part of the city of Milan. INDUSTRIAL FORMS BECOME WITH RESIDENCIAL USES CAMM This process started with the territorial expansion TALIEDO of Caproni’s factory related to aircraft supplies. ABANDONED RESIDENCIAL DWELLINGS BECOME TEMPLES FOR NEW At the beginning of 1900 larger part of LA TRECCA farmhouses of Taliedo was demolished in order to LA TRECCA build the “aerodromo” . TYPES OF INDUSTRIAL // DESIGNING CREATIVITY TALIEDO Taliedo district is quiet dierent by Forlanini CAMM district. Paradoxally the presence of wide green areas (more than in Forlanini) makes it rather dispersive. ROGOREDO Furthermore it seems isolated and we cannot see a stretch toward the core of the city of Milan cause of the dicult coexistence of residential, infrastructure and great functions (such as CAMM) located in the centre of situation we have consid- ered. CATALOGUE OF SITUATIONS : PONTE LAMBRO - LINATE Historical centres: Commercial activities, services and liveability spaces SOME DATA about PONTE LAMBRO INHABITANTS Ponte Lambro and Linate crossing the infrastructural border Commercial activities and with new sovralocal centralities services divides social INHABITANTS SOURCE YEAR housing neighbourhood source: Aler and historical core: 1920 500 Comune di Milano - neighbourhood market 1960 1000 Comune di Milano - church 1981 1750 ISTAT - library 1991 3640 ISTAT - civic centre 2002 3807 Comune di Milano IMMIGRANT ORIGINS IN PONTE LAMBRO “What should be lived and seen source: Comune di Milano as PONTE LAMBRO centre cannot make SANTA GIULIA PROJECT egypt 176 to be the joining point, morocco 108 DOES NOT AFFECT PONTE Via Vittorini and it just remains the zone in which LAMBRO DEVELOPMENT philippine 48 Via Parea peru 45 Via degli Umiliati two opposed ecuador 40 realities are faced.” senegal 35 source: total amount 687 Dossier Laboratorio AGE PERCENTAGES di Quartiere source: Comune di Milano Via Vittorini _ historical core project 0-4 years 6% “The historical core and the social housing EMBEDDED BETWEEN HUGE 5-14 years 11% neighbourhood have never been 15-19 yeas 5% integrated due to cultural dierences 20-39 years 33% and a lack of local habits and traditions INFRASTRUCTURES --> 40-59 years 25% of the historical core. 60-74 years 16% The justapposition is moreover 75+ years 5% “Milanesi” VS “Meridionali”with --> small scale realities need to be improved its own dierent means of legality ILLEGAL USE OF “ERP” DWELLINGS and everydaylife habits” Istituto Cardiologico Monzino ERP dwellings 3% sovralocal function completed in 1963 Via Rilke n°6-10 20% ERP dwelling Rising visibility + in recent years of healthcare the social housing expansion irregular sub-rent centres of Ponte Lambro has its own in the vertical growth towards empty historical core Productive spaces and small crafts activities in order to get of Ponte Lambro and unsafe brownelds Small craft activities 814 units) are diused throughout the district and they new ows inside has increased represent more than 20% of productive activities. Ponte Lambro a lot creating In the area, characterized by a specic eld of interest: perception of the border _ LINATE AIRPORT