Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas ISSN: 1981-8122 [email protected] Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi Brasil

Hay, Fred Race, culture, and : Charles Wagley and the of the African Diaspora in the Americas Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, vol. 9, núm. 3, septiembre -diciembre, 2014, pp. 695-705 Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi Belém, Brasil

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Race, culture, and history: Charles Wagley and the anthropology of the African Diaspora in the Americas Raça, cultura e história: Charles Wagley e a antropologia da diáspora africana nas Américas

red Ha ppalacian tate niversit. Boone, ort Carolina, 

Abstract: en came to te niversit o lorida in 19 1, as in ormed tat Carles a le as not acceptin ne raduate students.  ter m irst class it a le, e a reed to e m advisor and mentor and ecame te last student e accepted. ou  etter no n or is sensitive and pioneerin etno rap o indi enous and peasant populations and is in luential antropolo icalistorical overvie s o and atin merica, a le and is students contriutions to te stud o  ro- merican cultures and race relations in te mericas are considerale. mon te important concepts tat a le articulated ere social race, Plantation merica, and te amorpous and eal or anized local communit itout clear oundaries in space or memersip. a le uided m dissertation researc in Haiti. n it developed is concept  proposin cultural amorpousness as a total cultural stle  ollo in roeer o  rican iaspora cultures in te Plantation merican cultural spere a primar or anizin principle tat as proved to e an e ective adaptation to plantation and its successor societies.

Keywords   rican iaspora.  ro-merica. Plantation merica. ace relations.

Resumo: uando ce uei  niversidade da lrida, em 19 1, ui in ormado de ue Carles a le n o estava aceitando novos estudantes de ps- radua€ o. ps mina primeira aula com a le, ele concordou em ser meu orientador e me tornei o •ltimo estudante ue aceitou. pesar de ser mais conecido por sua sensível e pioneira etno ra ia das popula€‚es indí enas e camponesas, e por seus in luentes panoramas antropol icosistricos do Brasil e da mérica atina, s o considerƒveis as contriui€‚es de a le e de seus estudantes para o estudo das culturas a ro-americanas e das rela€‚es raciais nas méricas. Entre os importantes conceitos articulados por a le, est o os de ra€a social, Plantation merica e comunidades locais amor as e racamente or anizadas, sem limites claros no espa€o ou pertencimento. a le orientou mina pesuisa de doutorado no Haiti, na ual desenvolvi o seu conceito, propondo o de amor ismo cultural enuanto estilo cultural loal con orme roeer das culturas da diƒspora a ricana na es era cultural da Plantation America  um princípio or anizador undamental ue provou ser uma adapta€ o e etiva  plantation e s suas sociedades sucessoras.

Palavras-chave: iƒspora a ricana.  ro-mérica. Plantation merica. ela€‚es raciais.

H„, red …. ace, culture, and istor Carles a le and te antropolo  o te  rican iaspora in te mericas. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas , v. 9, n. 3, p. 695-705, set.-dez. 2014. †  ttpd‡.doi.or 10.159019 1- 1222014000300010. utor para correspondˆncia red …. Ha. ppalacian tate niversit.  Bo‡ 32026. Boone, C, . 2 60 -2026 a ‰Š eceido em 07122012 provado em 22072014

695 ace, culture, and istor Carles a le and te antropolo  o te  rican iaspora in te mericas

e ope tat multicultural understandin ill end, or CC and oter leadin civil ri ts or anizations o post- at least curtail, te divisiveness o as led to a orld ar merica. a les vie s a reed also it resur ence in te stud o race relations and etnicit. tose pro ressive scolars o te assimilationist scool ntropolo ,  its nature, as lon een concerned suc as is riend,  rican-merican sociolo ist and is it tese issues. †ne o te pioneers in te development niversit president, Carles . …onson. o te stud o race relations as te late Carles a le. e riots o te 1960s and te re-emer ence ou  etter no n or is sensitive and pioneerin o a militant lac nationalism ad a ma‰or and lastin etno rap o indi enous populations o te mazon impact on te scolarl discourse on race relations and and Guatemala and te mazonian peasant populations o  rican-merican culture. a les move a a rom a Brazil no n as caboclos 1, e and is students also made more naive assimilationist teor to one tat reco nizes si ni icant contriutions to te stud o  ro-merican te realit and even desirailit o multiculturalism is an cultures and race relations in te mericas. n a series o earl adoption,  a distin uised ite scolar, o a in luential antropolo icalistorical overvie s o Brazil position tat ould ind increasin support itin te and atin merica, a le articulated te concepts o estalisment academ over te ne‡t t o decades. social race, Plantation merica, and te amorpous n te 1930s and 1940s as a le ecame and eal or anized local communit itout clear increasin l involved in te stud o Brazilian national oundaries in space or memersip. culture, is interest in  ro-Brazil re . is is evident urin te course o is career, a les vie s in is discussion o  rican cultural in luences in is re ardin race relations evolved rom assimilationism to 194 social orces article, eionalism and cultural an acceptance o multiculturalism. is can e can e unit in Brazil ale, 194a , and is c apter on e‡plained in part  istorical can es in race relations Brazil in alp intons 1949 collection, Most o t e in te nited tates. a les earlier e‡periences in orld t e Peoples o rica, atin merica and t e Brazil ad iven im reason or opin tat race relations East toda ale, 1949 2. n t e latter or, ale else ere could also e more umane, cooperative and stated a t eme  ic remained central to is, and to sel -consciousl transculturative. at even in te nited is student s, or on race and race tates, a national culture ic incorporated, respected relations Misceenation alas taes place eteen and cerised aspects o te cultures o all its inaitants racial roups in aitin t e same reion, no matter o mi t evolve. is pilosop it ell it tat o te reat ma e t e antaonism eteen t em ale, ational ssociation or te dvancement o Colored 1949, p. 223 3.  is interest led to ne researc on People CP, outern Cristian eadersip Council ro-Brazil in t e Columia niversit-tate o Ba ia

1 ic ard Pace 1997 ,  o restudied Gurup suect o ales mazon on , as descried caboclo as a racist term. 2 ales earl statements on ro-Brazil and Brazilian race relations ere reatl inluenced  to istorical ors, ran annenaums lave and citizen t e ero in t e mericas 1946 and Gilerto reres Casa-Grande  enzala 193 . ale rote o t e latter translated  amuel Putnam as  e masters and t e slaves , t is a reat oo, one o t e reatest to appear in atin merica durin our centur... rere as ad t e courae, coupled it considerale erudition in t e social sciences, not to respect t e lines eteen t e various disciplines. His ield researc is ric and colorul and e as immersed imsel in t e material ale, 1946, p. 626-627 . n 1979,  ile epressin certain reservations aout  e masters and t e slaves rere, 1946 , ale reerred to it as rilliant and idiosncratic and rote t at More t an anone else, rere opened t e door to modern ant ropolo in Brazil ale, 1979, p. 7 . 3 Harris as more adamant t is time t at ron men stopped talin aout raciall preudiced seualit. n eneral,  en uman eins ave t e poer, t e opportunit and t e need, t e ill mate it memers o t e opposite se reardless o color or t e identit o randat er Harris, 1974 1964 , p. 6-69 .

696 Bol. Mus. Para. Emílio Goeldi. Cienc. Hum., Belém, v. 9, n. 3, p. 695-705, set.-dez. 2014

stud  ic commenced in 1950 under t e oint ace and class in rural Brazil ale , 1952a 5 direction o  ales de zevedo, uis . Costa Pinto and as pu lised in 1952 and included capters Harris, C arles ale ale et al ., 1950 . lred Métrau o Hutcinson and immerman on race relations in teir  e nited ations Educational, cientiic and Cultural Baian ieldor communities and one ale on race €ranization EC€ approac ed t e Columia- relations in te mazonian communit o  t Gurup. Ba ia proect aout t e possiilit o ocusin part o t e e Gurup researc ad een conducted earlier eteen researc on race relations.  us, t e Columia-Ba ia 1942 and 194, and as te asis or ale s etnorap proect ecame part o EC€s larer stud o race mazon on a stud o Man in te ropics 1953. n relations in Brazil 4.  e Columia-Ba ia proect as te concludin capter o ace and class, rom caste to conceived as a Brazilian version o t e roup researc class in ortern Brazil, ale summarizes te primar on reional culture as realized in •ulian teards Puerto indins o te Baian race relations researc. ican proect teard et al ., 1956 . ie t e Puerto ico ou tere ere di erences in te ideolo and researc , ale and is Columia raduate students oranization o race relations in eac communit tere ere piced representative communities rom t e dierent also similarities, te result o a common national istor . rural, ecoloical‚eploitation zones in t e state o Ba ia. e Portuuese colon o Brazil as oriinall a to caste  ree Columia niversit raduate students societ  te European caste and te indienous caste 6. o participated in t is p ase o t e Columia-Ba ia proect. te latter ere soon added imported  ricans. ntermediate n 1950-1951, Marvin Harris studied a communit in t e p sical t pes developed trou misceenation. ttempts mountain reion o Central Brazil, Harr Hutc inson did ere made to classi and la el all varieties and derees t e same or t e traditional suar cane plantation zone on o intermiture remnants o ic still eist in Brazil and te coast, and Ben immerman studied te impoverised ave een te su ect o intensive stud Marvin Harris, arid erto. s it te Puerto ico proect, tese ale s son-in-la Conrad €otta Harris, 1970 Harris student s communit studies served as teir doctoral and €otta, 1963 and oters. e caste s stem evolved dissertations. n to cases, versions o tese dissertations into a class s stem ere p sical, racial appearance as ere later pu lised Harris s on and Countr in onl one amon te criteria used to esta lis an individual s Brazil 1956 and Hutcinson s illae and Plantation class. •ter status indicators included ealt, occupation, i e in orteastern Brazil 1957. education and amil acround. ile te upper classes

4 u se‚uent pu lications rom te ƒEC• proect include . . Costa Pinto, • nero no io de „aneiro 1953 ales de zevedo, es élites de couleur dans une ville résilienne 1953 oer Bastide and lorestan ernandes Eds., ela…†es raciais entre pretos e rancos em o Paulo 1955 and ené i eiro, eliio e rela…†es raciais 1956. ccordin to oer Bastide, te Brazilian race relations researc proect as oriinall conceived o ƒEC• s ‡irector o te ‡ivision o te ocial ciences, Brazilian antropoloist rtur amos. Bastide re erred to ace and class in rural Brazil as te essential startin point or an understandin o te racial situation in Brazil Bastide, 1957, p. 497. 5 ale s article, ace relations in Brazil attitudes in te aclands ale , 1952 , is also ased on tis researc. 6 t sould e noted tat ale s use o te term caste is not te same as used or te speci ic situation in ndia ut rater te controversial adoption and eneric usae o te term to descri e race relations in te ƒnited tates. ntropoloist lo d arner and is students, includin t. Clair ‡rae and Horace . Ca ton autors o Blac Metropolis a stud o ero li e in a ortern Cit  ˆ1945‰, llison ‡avis, Burlei B. Gardner and Mar . Gardner ‡eep out a social antropolo o caste and class ˆ1941‰, and . lo d arner, Bu ord H. „uner, and alter . dams Color and uman nature ero personalit development in a ortern Cit  ˆ1941‰ as ell as ps coloist „on ‡ollard Caste and class in a outern on ˆ193‰ applied te term caste in teir anal sis o merican societ in te 1930s. Gunnar M rdal promoted tis use o te term in is in luential n merican dilemma te ero pro lem and modern democrac  pu lised in 1944, a or tat ale and Harris re erred to as a master ul stud  ale and Harris, 195, p. 119. e caste controvers as sometin o a tempest in a teapot a lot o noise over a non-issue.

697 ace, culture, and istor Carles a le and te antropolo  o te  rican iaspora in te mericas

ere predominantl Caucasian in appearance and te etno rapic material rom oter areas o te estern maorit o darer sinned people ere in te loer Hemispere in is 1959 paper, n te concept o social classes, man cases o dar sinned individuals improvin race in te mericas. n tis paper, a les point o vie teir class status and o ites sinin in te class ierarc is tat te a people are classiied in suc social races in a eisted. acial appearance as more important as criteria multi-racial societ tells us in itsel muc aout te relations o relative status or distinuisin levels in te upper classes eteen suc roups. More speciicall, te criteria or and o less importance as criteria or te loer classes. deinin social races dier rom re ion to re ion in te ereation as it as practiced in te ƒnited tates and mericas a le, 1965, p. 531-532 7. a le deined out  rica as virtuall unnon. tree social race re ions or te estern Hemispere is is not to sa tat racial preudice did not eist in and te are, in turn, caracterized  te primac o Brazil. t as pervasive ut o a milder variet tan ound in one o tree criteria ancestr, psical appearance and most ormer European colonies. ale s ear, epressed sociocultural status used or racial classiication. in is conclusion, as tat as Brazil accepted more and e nited tates stood apart rom te rest o more o estern industrial culture tat estern st le racism te mericas in main use o ancestr as te primar ould ecome more prevalent in Brazil. oda , in tose classiicator criteria. n te nited tates, ou ere Brazilian ur an areas most a ected modernization, eiter ite or lac. n individual as lac, re ardless tis does seem to e te case. ere as also een a o psical appearance or sociocultural status, i tere as concomitant rot in oranizations promotin lac an non iolo ical lin, no matter o distant in time or political and social solidarit and activism ascimento, enetics, to anoter lac person. t is tis use o ancestr 190 iola, 1990 inant, 1992. n recent ears, te as te primar classiicator criteria tat encoura ed te controvers surroundin ne attempts to create castes development o te caste-lie roups separated  a in Brazil as een addressed Marvin Harris and oters le islated se re ation, tat ave maredl dierent access e.., Harris et al ., 1993. s late as 1979, oever, ale to oods, education and ustice. elt e could still claim tat Brazilians ere proud o teir n ndo- merica, people ere classiied primaril racial democrac it its assimilation o people o di erent  teir social and cultural status. Psical appearance races and tolerance o penot pical di erences ale , and ancestr ere important onl to te small roup 1979, p. 1. aised in severel racist eastern eas in te o aristocratic amilies tat claimed pure European earl decades o te 20 t centur , ale ound com ort descent. or te maorit te distinction eteen ndian and ope in te Brazilian situation. t is no onder tat and mestizo as ased on cultural attriutes lan ua e, te reat Brazilian novelist, „ore mado 1971, ased costume, communit memersip and sel-identiication. is ent o miracles caracter, ames . evenson a n individual or communit o ac uired te trappin s o ort merican antropolo ist, and e pert and admirer mestizo culture as considered  oters mestizo. s in o ro-Baian culture on a le. te .., discrimination a ainst te minorit roup e isted a le caracterized te Brazilian racial situation in ndo- merica. nlie te .., moilit eteen in ace and class in rural Brazil as one o social race roups as possile. n te ears since a les deat rater tan iolo ical race. He elaorated tis concept it te perception o racial classiication and identit in te

7 e concepts o social race eld in ot ndo- merica and ro- merica can onl increase te ene lo rom one se ment o te population to anoter and te panmictic nature o total national populations a le, 1971, p. 36.

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.. as continued to evolve in uni uel ort merican as te societies and cultures, o ic te are ut one as Ha, 2001. aspect, can e a le, 1971, p. 37 9. Psical appearance as te principle means o a les stud o social race as e panded into classiin people in Brazil and te Cariean. n ot, a stud o merican minorities in eneral. n Minorities misce enation as most common and e cept or a small in te e orld si case studies 195•, a le and elite o claimed pure European descent as as te case Marvin Harris present teir  EC-commissioned or ndo- merica€ ancestr as not a classiicator concern. sntesis o te literature on te antropolo  o Elaorate scemes or classiin persons  penotpe minorities. e descrie and compare si case studies evolved, oever, tese tpes do not in temselves orm ndians in Brazil and Me ico, lacs in Martini ue and te social roups. e important social roups in te Cariean nited tates, renc Canadians and .. es 10 . and Brazil are socio-economic classes. s descried earlier n teir analsis o Martini ue and .. minorit- or te Baia race relations researc, social race as onl maorit relations, te autors descrie a post- one o several criteria  ic people ere assi ned class emancipation situation ere tose aspects o rican status. ere as, in tese areas, a tendenc to can e an culture ic survived slaver music, dance, reli ious individuals social race to it is or er class ranin . us a ric, cults, ollore did not inluence te course o events in ell-educated lac man ould someo e iter tan an sustantial a or determine te relations eteen is poor, uneducated roter o identical psical eatures •. e roes and ites a le and Harris, 195•, p. 269. a le concluded is paper  remindin us tat eir slave culture provided tem it little preparation none o tese racial classiications ad an enetic validit or en a in in te competitive stru le o te maorit and tat all suc racial terms ave ecome entan led it economic sstem. e could enter national lie onl social and cultural meanin and te remain as smols out as umle laorers or servants at te ottom o te o te past o slaver, peona e, and cultural dierences to social ierarc a le and Harris, 195•, p. 269. e pla ue a lar e se ment o our merican people a le, respective istories lacs in te .. and o .. and 1965, p. 543. n 1971, a le added te olloin advice Martini ue diver ed ater emancipation. n Martini ue it must e arned tat concepts o social race are not tere as a radual move toard social and iolo ical static€ te ave can ed radicall in te mericas since assimilation ile in te .. prolon ed violence, le al te earl colonial period and te ill can e in te uture se re ation and increased ostilit occurred eteen

• Brazilian antropolo ist and ormer a le student, Geor e ‚arur elieves tat tis particular oservation as ori inal to a le and tat it as a eautiul insi t into Brazilian culture Geor e de Cer ueira eite ‚arur, personal communication, 1992. 9 n ro- merica, en people o e ro penotpe ecome educated and ric i te do and enter into te middle class in lar er numers, social race ill ecome less important in te selection o marria e partners. s las a ainst mi ed marria es are aro ated in te nited tates and as people classed as e roes improve teir economic condition, ill te to caste-lie roups called  e ro and ite mere into one rid population r, ill te ideoloical position, no ta en  man ites and eroes ali e, tat eac roup sould maintain its social identit, lead to a ne empasis upon endoam and a reater eteroam o te population. e diversit and rid nature o te merican populations ill continue it increasin velocit ale, 1971, p. 37. 10 ut andes, o li e ale as a student o ot ranz Boas and ut Benedict, rote tat Minorities as a land readale tetoo . e conceded, oever, tat it as proal te irst on minorities to e issued as antropolo andes, 1959, p. 690. t is not clear at ales relationsip to andes as or at role e plaed, i an, in te discussion o er ieldor and eavior in Brazil. Hers ovits and rtur amos accused andes o certain improprieties and te controvers ad a neative impact on er career. ale did tell te autor tat ever time e sa Hers ovits, Hers ovits ould as im aout te current activities o tat oman as i ale ad some sort o responsiilit or er. ale suested tat tis mit ave een ecause te ad ot een Benedicts students and ad een active in Brazil at aout te same time. andes 1947 etnorap,  e Cit o omen, as ased on er researc, mostl in Baia, in 193 and 1939.

699 ace, culture, and istor Carles a le and te antropolo  o te  rican iaspora in te mericas

minorit and maorit roups. rouout Minorities in and  ro-merican cultures 12 . He descried at e ound as te e orld, Harris and ale etoll te positive a mani icent laorator o te comparative approac and a results o assimilation over tat o pluralism 11 . culture area in ic e could use te comparative metod n 1960, in response to M. G. mits paper ocial and to elp us uild a science o societ and culture ale, cultural pluralism, ale stated tat it a e eceptions 1957a, p. 12 13 . ale divided te estern Hemispere  countries li e rinidad it a lare sian population  te into tree cultural speres Euro-merica, ndo-merica concept o pluralism as not use ul or te Cariean. He and Plantation merica. Euro-merica covers te nortern accuses mit o inorin istor, o ailin to realize tat and soutern areas o te emispere and is predominantl te countries o te Cariean, li e Brazil and te nited Caucasoid etnicall and European culturall. tates, ad alread passed trou te plural societ stae ndo-merica, te reion rom Meico to nortern to tat o te state-societ it etnic minorities ale, Cile, alon te ndean Cordilleras, is populated  ndians 1960, p. 779. ale stated tat en te culturall distinct and mestizos and is te area in ic te merindian past roups ma in up a plural societ as contriuted te most to contemporar cultures 14 . e Plantation merican cultural spere etends spatiall rom lose teir cultural distinctiveness and are merel set o aout mida up te coast o Brazil into te Guianas, alon rom te oter sements o te population  smols te Cariean coast, trouout te Cariean itsel , and o roup unit,  di erences o socioeconomic status, or  penotpical appearance, te state-societ is into te nited tates. t is caracteristicall coastal€ not until no loner a plural societ, altou it is a state-societ te nineteent centur did te a o li e o te plantation containin minorit roups andor social classes ale, 1960, p. 779. culture spere penetrate ar into mainland interior, and ten onl in Brazil and te nited tates. is area as an n Plantation merica a cultural spere, ale environment ic is caracteristicall tropical ecept in te 1957a sntesized te literature on plantation societ, slaver soutern nited tates and loland ale, 1957a, p. 5.

11 ales 1957 article,  e situation o te ero in te nited tates ale, 1957, pulised in te nternational ocial cience Bulletin, is derived rom te Capter  e ero in te nited tates, in ale and Harris 1957. 12 Melville •. Hers ovits and E. ran lin razier, ose disareements are ell- non, areed, oever, tat  ro-merica as a more appropriate term tan Plantation merica. razier, in te ntroduction to Cariean studies a smposium uin, 1957 rote ince te oter culture speres are descried in etnic terms as Euro-merica and ndo-merica, te reader ma as  Plantation merica as not desinated  ero-merica. n tis area ‚ ic razier means te Cariean proper and not te entire area descried  aleƒ, te ero as een te cie etnic or racial roup and as een te main in luence in its culture. Moreover, even i one accepts te position tat mans adaptation to te tropics is cultural rater tan ioloical, te uture o te tropics, it appears, elons to te ero or non-European races razier, 1957, p. „. Hers ovits, in is paper  e aistorical approac to  roamerican studies a criti…ue, accused ale o inconsistencies in te classi ication o e orld cultures at is sini icant in tis re usal to consider an  rican component in te ormation o tese cultures is te demonstration it ives o o a mode o tin in tat derives rom a survival in our scienti ic metodolo can ecloud te processes o loical tout. Consider tese tree cateories in te road sense, to are istorical and cultural  Euro-merica, ndo-merica. e tird class, oever, violates a undamental principle in tat it si ts te asis o classi ication. ere te irst to cateories called uran or industrial, or eample, te classes ould lie on te same penomenoloical plane as te concept plantation Hers ovits, 1960, p. 562. ale areed it razier and Hers ovits criticisms aout te use o te term plantation rater tan an etnic indicator.  ale cose to use te term plantation oter tan tat it as a popular suect o discussion in social science circles at tat time is un non. t is interestin to note tat ot e ore ale, 1955 and a ter ale, 1971 te smposium in ic e proposed te term Plantation merica, ale ad used te term  ro-merica or tis cultural spere. ale con ided to te autor in 193, tat reardless o Hers ovits criticisms, e did not understand  Hers ovits ad laeled is or aistorical€ tat e ad alas considered is or istorical. 13 e metapor o te laorator as o ten used or te social scienti ic stud o  ro-merica. Hers ovits used te term re…uentl and it as even used in te popular press e.., Hers ovits, 1966€ Bilden, 1929. 14 ales involvement it te oundin o prorams in .. universities oes ac to te mid-1940s see ale, 194. n Plantation merica, ale outlined te area ic as to ecome  ro-merica.

700 Bol. Mus. Para. Emílio Goeldi. Cienc. Hum., Belém, v. 9, n. 3, p. 695-705, set.-dez. 2014

ale considered te olloin to e te asic itin tis larer culture spere. ‡et, our local eatures o te Plantation merica cultural spere 1 studies must e seen in relationsip to tis larer spere ic istoricall, and in te present, sares plantation sstem and monocrop ariculture€ 2 riid class certain asic institutions and cultural patterns 15 . lines€ 3 multi-racial composition€ 4 ea communit structures€ 5  ro-merican peasantr€ and 6 prevalence e olloin ear, ale eamined te literature o te matri ocal amil. n addition to tese primar on te local communit in te Cariean and descried it eatures, ale identi ied a numer o secondar in terms o te larer Plantation merica culture spere. caracteristics€ tere are a series o cultural caracteristics t te niversit o loridas int nnual Con erence common to Plantation merica ic derive o ten rom on te Cariean in 195, ale presented is little- similarities in environment, o ten rom te common non paper, ecent studies o Cariean local societies istorical ac round, and o ten rom te presence o suc ale, 1959.  sa little- non, in spite o te act a lare population o  rican oriin ale, 1957a, p. 9. tat Harris …uotes it in is landmar Patterns o race in ale proposed te olloin as te common te mericas 1974, ecause it as een oterise secondar caracteristics o Plantation merica 1 overloo ed. t even escaped inclusion in te 190s version similarit o ood crops€ 2 slas and urn orticulture€ 3 o ales complete curriculum vitae . local mar ets and omen mar eteers€ 4 commonalities n tis sort paper, ale sntesizes te in cuisine€ 5 asic eatures in musical patternin€ 6 etnorapic data ound in te availale communit studies  rican derived ol lore€ 7  ro-merican reliious done or te Cariean area. He remar s on te man cults€  a series o traditions and values ic include di erences eteen communities in te ormer Enlis, te special stereotpical roles o mamm, te lac renc, panis and †utc colonies. He also oserves uncle, te oun entleman and oters ale, tat certain …ualities are common to most Cariean 1957a, p. 9-11. is is, ale admits, an incomplete list local communities. ncluded amon tese sared traits ut it sould e enou to indicate tat e are dealin are te predominance o ea and unstale amilies and it a particular species, so to spea , o contemporar te amorpous and ea l oranized local communit societ ic as ta en orm in te e orld itout clear oundaries in space or memersip ale, 1957a, p. 11. ale, 1959, p. 19. ale interprets te amorpous n conclusion to tis essa, ale 1957a, p. 11 Cariean communit as te result o slaver and a oserves plantation econom ale, 1959, p. 199. ome o ales students ave eplored te concept o te t is, o course, a act tat tere are important amorpous  ro-merican communit in more dept. di erences eteen te soutern nited tates, ˆarur 1975 used te concept in is comparison o local te Cariean islands o panis, renc, †utc, and Enlis colonial ac rounds, and nortern communities in Brazil and te soutern nited tates.  Brazil. †etailed local studies are oviousl ound evidence or amorpousness as a primar oranizin necessar and ill provide te onl asis or understandin te distinctive societies and cultures principle o  ro-merican cultures Ha, 195 16 . Cultural

15 ale and Harris 1955 in teir article,  tpolo o atin merican sucultures, de ined to staes or te evolution o te plantation as settlement and social institution te engenho and usina tpes, ot ased on te development o suar cane plantations over time. 16 ee also red •. Ha, Cultural morpousness uman adaptation in Plantation merica, paper presented at te merican ntropoloical ssociation in te session ace, class and etnicit in comparative perspective te leac o Carles ale, an rancisco, 1992.

701 ace, culture, and istor Carles a le and te antropolo  o te  rican iaspora in te mericas amorpousness as proved to e an e ective adaptation 1971, p. 299-300, and oo ters eperimental nature o to plantation and its successor societies. societ on te out Carolina sea island t. Helena 1930. en  came to te niversit o lorida in 191, isted aove are ust a e o man eamples  as in ormed tat Carles ale as not acceptin availale illustratin o te presence o Cultural ne raduate students.  ter m irst class it ale, amorpousness trouout  ro-merica. Cultural e areed to e m advisor and mentor and  ecame amorpousness is suc a eneralized oranizin te last student e accepted. nder ales direction, principle o  ro-merican culture and societ tat it its  studied a communit in Haiti and discovered tat tis ell it tat rater amorpous construct tat ‰roeer amorpous …ualit permeated all aspects o communit li e. 1963, p. 152 called total-culture stle  revieed te elastic amil, ouseold and oter aspects o culture and societ in te villae o Plae-Boutou and ince uman culture cannot e oll concerned ound cultural amorpousness as te primar oranizin it values, avin also to adapt to social interpersonal relations and to realit survival principle o local societ and culture Ha, 195. Cultural situations, te totalit o a culture can scarcel e amorpousness  itsel a leac o plantation li e  allos considered outrit as a sort o epanded stle. But its contained stles, impinin on te rest o culture, or stailit or rapid cane as te circumstances demand. can in luence tis€ and all parts o a culture ill tend t as evolved as an individual and a roup adaptive strate to accommodate someat to one anoter€ so tat te ole ma come to e pervaded it a in  ro-merican cultures. tructures and orms appear common …ualit and to possess a airl i deree amorpous and ever-canin ut te var in accordance o conruence. or ant o a etter term  ave called tis te ole-culture or total-culture stle. it a deeper and o ten unconscious set o values at at Mintz and Price 1973 laeled, in spea in o  rican olloin ‰roeer,  proposed Cultural survivals, te rammatical level and tat scenrenner amorpousness as te total-culture stle o te  rican 1976 as descried as te Humanism o lac culture. †iaspora o te mericas. is caracteristic o amorpousness as een n te 1960s, ale taut a course on  ro-merican oserved  oters scenrenners open, dnamic antropolo at Columia niversit. He ave up te course caracter o amil in llinois 1976, p. 344, odmans onl a ter outside political activists interrupted classes in te loer-class value stretc in rinidad 1963, uensteins eda o campus activism toard te end o te decade 17 . permissiveness and replaceailit in aint „incent †urin is term as †irector o Columia niversits 197, Comitass occupational multiplicit in •amaica nstitute o atin merican tudies 1961-1969, te nstitute 1973, Harris re erential amiuit in te racial calculus o sponsored a numer o important researc proects in te Brazil 1970 or ales concept o social race 1959a, Cariean, includin tose o idne Green ield 1966 in eismans cultural and linuistic amiuit in ntiua Barados and Micael Horoitz 1967 in Martini…ue. 1970, ‰aren Brons  leile and si tin cosmoloies  ter movin to te niversit o lorida in 1971, o Haitian mar et omen 1992, p. 75, Bouruinons ale tried unsuccess ull to oranize a team o social receptivit o Haitian culture 1952, p. 31, ittens scientists to restud ndianola Mississippi. is site as adaptive moilit o lac s in Hispanic merica 1970, descried  †ollard in Caste and class in a outern Hers ovits socialized amivalence in Haitian personalit on 193 and  Poderma er in  ter reedom

17 ale suested to is colleaue and ormer student, lac antropoloist Elliot  inner, tat e ta e over te class on  ro-merican antropolo.  inner succeeded ale as ranz Boas Pro essor o ntropolo at Columia niversit.

702 Bol. Mus. Para. Emílio Goeldi. Cienc. Hum., Belém, v. 9, n. 3, p. 695-705, set.-dez. 2014 a cultural stud in te †eep out 1939. ale also minorit relations€ 2 te concept o social race€ 3 te oined it olon ‰imall in directin a team o raduate concept o Plantation merica€ 4 te description o te students in a stud o te e ects on scool interation on amorpous Cariean communit€ 5 a proression rom lac and ite communities in nort lorida. ale and an assimilationist ideal to a more pramatic acceptance o ‰imall 1974 summarized teir maor indins in ace multiculturalism and pluralism ile not ivin-up resistance and culture in scool and communit as to te evils o racism and classism on all ronts 1 € 6 and te 1 Bi-racial parallelism  e voluntar clusterin o trainin o several enerations o raduate students o students on te asis o racial identi ication is a persistent and ave carried on is or in te antropolo o te  rican universal penomenon ‰imall and ale, 1974, p. 10€ †iaspora, includin Marvin Harris, idne Green ield, 2 atural roupins at as een surprisin to us Maine Marolis, Harr Hutcinson, Micael Horoitz, ... as een te stri in contrast in oranization and oter †iana Bron, epard orman, Elliot  inner, and msel . aspects ic caracterize te in ormal roup pattern o n †ecemer 1992, at te merican ntropoloical lac s en compared to ites ‰imall and ale, ssociation annual meetin in an rancisco, tirteen o 1974, p. 12. ale and ‰imall ere especiall impressed ales ormer students participated in te session ace,  te lac roups di erent internal structurin, and teir class and etnicit in comparative perspective te leac  ar reater capacit to coalesce into larer units or divide o Carles ale, oranized  ormer ale students into smaller ones ‰imall and ale, 1974, p. 12. is icard Pace and idne Green ield 19 . e social meanins o description is in man as similar to ales earlier version etnicit and te realities o etnic relations ere empasized o te amorpous Cariean communit€  most o te spea ers. e discussants, leander Moore, 3 esidential-localit settin te pattern o eavior del ilverman and Marvin Harris eac made a call or te epected in te scool settin is, to a lare etent, a revival and continuation o ales or on etnicit and re lection o te cultural settin rom ic te came. race. Harris, in particular, empasized te urenc o tis e autors conclude teir stud  statin rom tis call and condemned tose in antropolo o ould perspective, desereation altou considered to e a victor avoid tese issues on te rounds tat antropolo lac s or advancin te cause o te lac s, turns out to e, in e ect, te ailit to eamine or descrie culture oectivel. Harris an imperialistic assault upon te in ased ol culture o lac s stated tat i antropolo adicates its responsiilit to strive and some ites ‰imall and ale, 1974, p. 16. us, or oectivit ten it ill lose its rit to eist as a discipline. e see ale movin aa rom a totall assimilationist ale and is students made reat proress toard te perspective to one tat is more pluralistic. description and appreciation o  ro-merica and its relation o recap, ales primar contriutions to  ro- to te oter speres o cultural in luence in te estern merican antropolo are 1 te development o a Hemispere. t is upon suc or tat a ull developed comparative antropolo o race relations and maorit- antropolo o te  rican †iaspora ill e ounded.

1 ale as ver muc in te BoasBenedict tradition o antiracism and anti-classism. He stated luntl in tis 1955 essa ace and class arriers in te mericas out o te varied racial and cultural ac rounds o te people o te mericas as arisen a stron impediment to tese ideals o e…ualit o opportunit or all men, namel racial preudice and discrimination. ut o distinctions eteen men ased on economic and social station at irt as arisen anoter arrier, namel limitation o opportunit due to socioeconomic class. ese to arriers to reedom in te larer sense ave een elt it di erent intensit and in distinct as in te di erent nations o te mericas, ut te are actors present since 1500 ic ave indered te ull realization o our merican ideal ale, 1955, p. 17. 19 e Cair as Elliot  inner. Papers ere iven  Conrad ‰otta , oert irle, idne Green ield, †iana Bron, Maine Marolis, Geore ˆarur  in absentia , ‰ennet Good, icard Pace, and red Ha.

703 ace, culture, and istor Carles a le and te antropolo  o te  rican iaspora in te mericas

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS H, Marvin. Town and country in Brazil . e ‡or Columia e autor ises to tan Bruce †ic , Marvin Harris, „al niversit Press, 1956. Maies i-Ha, icard Pace and Geore ˆarur or teir H, Marvin€ C   E, •osildet Gomes€  G, •osep€ comments on earlier versions o tis paper. B‡ E, Bran. o are te ites mposed census cateories and te racial demorap o Brazil. Social Forces , v. 72, n. 2, p. 451-462, 1993. H, Marvin€ ‰ ‰, Conrad. e structural sini icance REFERENCES o Brazilian racial cateories. Sociologia , v. 25, p. 203-209, 1963. M† , •ore. Tent of miracles . e ‡or l red . ‰nop , 1971. H‡, red •. Blac Gal in color, class, and cateor in loalized CHE BE E, •oce. Humanism is lac culture. n HE ‡, culture. American Anthropologist , v. 103, n. 1, p. 20-211, 2001. rancis Ed.. Ethnicity in the Americas . e Haue Mouton, 1976. p. 333-346. H‡, red •. The legacy of Plantation America ormation and rot o an Haitian communit. 195. esis †octorate in ocial B †E, oer. ace relations in Brazil. International Social ciences  niversit o lorida, Gainesville, 195. Science Bulletin , v. 9, n. 4, p. 495-512, 1957. HE‰ „ , Melville •. Life in a Haitian valley . e ‡or B†E , udier. Brazil, laorator o civilization. The Nation , v. ncor, 1971. 12, n. 3315, p. 71-74, 1929. HE‰ „ , Melville •. The New World Negro selected papers B GG , Eri a E. Class structure and acculturation in Haiti. in  roamerican studies. Edited  rances Hers ovits. Bloominton Ohio Journal of Science , v. 52, n. 6, p. 317-320, 1952. ndiana niversit Press, 1966. B  , ‰aren M. Haitian omen and reliious mar et s ills. HE‰ „ , Melville •. e aistorical approac to  ro-merican n   MEE  G, HE MEC  C   studies a criti…ue. American Anthropologist , v. 62, n. 4, p. 559- PH‡C  H P  G , 61., as „eas, 1992. Abstract... 56, 1960. as „eas , 1992. p. 75. H   ˆ, Micael M. Morne-Paysan peasant villae in C M , amros. ccupational multiplicit in rural •amaica. n Martini…ue. e ‡or Holt, ineart and inston, 1967. C M , amros€  E H, †avid Eds.. Work and family life est ndian perspectives. e ‡or ncor Boo s, 1973. p. 157-173. H CH  , Harr . Village and plantation life in Northeastern Brazil . eattle niversit o asinton Press, 1957. † †, •on. Caste and class in a Southern Town . e Haven ‡ale niversit Press, 193. ‰MB, olon .€ GE‡, Carles. Race and culture in school and community . asinton .. †epartment o Healt, Education  , •an. Race relations in Brazil a reassessment o te racial and el are, ice o Education, ational nstitute o Education, 1974. democrac tesis. merst niversit o Massacusetts, 1990. Proram in atin merican tudies, ccasional, Paper eries n. 24. ‰ EBE, . . Style and civilization . Ber ele niversit o Cali ornia Press, 1963. ˆE, E. ran lin. ntroduction. n B , „era Ed.. Caribbean studies a smposium. eattle niversit o asinton Press,  †E, ut. evie o Minorities in te e orld si 1957. p. „-„. case studies,  Carles ale and Marvin Harris. American Anthropologist , v. 61, n. 4, p. 690-692, 1959. E‡E, Gilerto. The masters and the slaves a stud in te development o Brazilian Civilization. e ‡or l red . ‰nop , 1946. M ˆ, idne .€ PCE, icard. An anthropological approach to the Afro-American Past a Cariean perspective . Piladelpia GEE E†, idne. English rustics in black skin a stud o nstitute or te tud o Human ssues, 1973. H ccasional modern amil orms in a pre-industrialized societ. e Haven, Papers in ocial Cane, n. 2. C Collee Š niversit Press, 1966. M‡†, Gunnar. An American dilemma te ero prolem and H, Marvin. Patterns of race in the Americas . e ‡or modern democrac. e ‡or Harper Š Bros, 1944. .. orton, 1974 ‚1964ƒ. CME , Elisa ar in. spects o  ro-Brazilian eperience. H, Marvin. e erential amiuit in te calculus o Brazilian Journal of Black Studies , v. 11, n. 2, p. 195-216, 190. racial identit. n H E , orman E.€ ˆE†, •on . Eds.. Afro-American Anthropology contemporar perspectives. e PCE, icard B. e mazon Caboclo ats in a name The ‡or ree Press, 1970. p. 75-6. Luso-Brazilian Review , v. 34, n. 2, p. 1-9, 1997.

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