Teutonic Mythology: Gods and Goddesses of the Northland
TTeeuuttoonniicc MMyytthhoollooggyy Gods and Goddesses of the Northland by Viktor Rydberg IN THREE VOLUMES Vol. II NORRŒNA SOCIETY LONDON - COPENHAGEN - STOCKHOLM - BERLIN - NEW YORK 1907 TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME II 53. Myth in Regard to the Lower World — 353 54. Myth Concerning Mimer’s Grove — 379 55. Mimer’s Grove and Regeneration of the World — 389 56. Gylfaginning’s Cosmography — 395 57. The Word Hel in Linguistic Usage — 406 58. The Word Hel in Vegtamskvida and in Vafthrudnersmal — 410 59. Border Mountain Between Hel and Nifelhel — 414 60. Description of Nifelhel — 426 61. Who the Inhabitants of Hel are — 440 62. The Classes of Beings in Hel — 445 63. The Kingdom of Death — 447 64. Valkyries, Psycho-messengers of Diseases — 457 65. The Way of Those who Fall by the Sword — 462 66. Risting with the Spear-point — 472 67. Loke’s Daughter, Hel — 476 68. Way to Hades Common to the Dead — 482 69. The Doom of the Dead — 485 70. Speech-Runes Ords Tírr Námæli — 490 71. The Looks of the Thingstead — 505 72. The Hades Drink — 514 73. The Hades Horn Embellished with Serpents — 521 74. The Lot of the Blessed — 528 75. Arrival at the Na-gates — 531 76. The Places of Punishment — 534 77. The Hall in Nastrands — 540 78. Loke’s Cave of Punishment — 552 79. The Great World-Mill — 565 80. The World-Mill — 568 81. The World-Mill makes the Constellations Revolve — 579 82. Origin of the Sacred Fire — 586 83. Mundilfore’s Identity with Lodur — 601 84. Nat, Mother of the Gods — 608 85.
Tomten A Christmas Poem by Viktor Rydberg INTRODUCTION The Christmas poem, Tomten, by Viktor Rydberg is one of the most popular ones in Finland and Sweden. I recall having to learn this in grade school; each student was assigned some verses so we could recite the full poem by heart in class. During Christmas it was often read in the radio. This text of the poem is shown in Swedish, English and Finnish. You can listen to the traditional recital in Swedish, see a movie in Swedish with English subtitles and listen to it in a song in Finnish. The pictures used here of Tomten are from “Tonttula” in the village of Larsmo in Finland, between Karleby and Jakobstad. I have included a relationship list showing how Viktor Rydberg is one of our distant cousins. Tomte From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A tomte, nisse or tomtenisse (Sweden) or tonttu (Finland) is a humanoid mythical creature of Scandinavian folklore. The tomte or nisse was believed to take care of a farmer's home and children and protect them from misfortune, in particular at night, when the housefolk were asleep. The tomte/nisse was often imagined as a small, elderly man (size varies from a few inches to about half the height of an adult man), often with a full beard; dressed in the everyday clothing of a farmer. The Swedish name tomte is derived from a place of residence and area of influence: the house lot or tomt. Nisse is the common name in Norwegian, Danish and the Scanian dialect in southernmost Sweden; it is a nickname for Nils, and its usage in folklore comes from expressions such as Nisse god dräng ("Nisse good lad", cf.
{PDF EPUB} Myth and Fiction in Early Norse Lands by Ursula Dronke Ursula Dronke Obituary
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Myth and Fiction in Early Norse Lands by Ursula Dronke Ursula Dronke obituary. Ursula Dronke, who has died aged 91, was an inspirational scholar and teacher of Old Norse literature, and a specialist in the sagas and poetry of medieval Iceland. In 1969, she published the first volume of her monumental edition of the Poetic Edda, a medieval anthology of the great Icelandic mythological and heroic poems. The second volume, published in 1997, includes her translation of the poem Völuspá, whose textual complexity and allusive obscurity are unparalleled. Völuspá is spoken by a mysterious prophetess, summoned, as it seems, by the god Odin, and she transmits, unwillingly, the arcane knowledge she alone knows: about the creation of the world (and a time even before that), and then about its end, Ragnarök, the great Norse apocalypse, which she describes in dramatic detail. Ursula, with endless patience, and after years of study, developed a confident understanding of the text's literary dynamic, with its interplay of mediumistic voices, and its sudden switches between past, present and future. For Old Norse scholars, Völuspá had been a challenge; Ursula restored it as a work of art. The third volume of the Poetic Edda went to press in Ursula's 90th year; the projected four volumes now remain incomplete. Nevertheless, this series has completely dominated Eddaic studies worldwide, with the sophistication of its literary analyses and the tremendous breadth of background knowledge brought to bear on the poetry. As Vigfússon reader in Old Icelandic literature and antiquities at Oxford University from 1976 to 1988, Ursula supervised many graduate students and I was privileged to be one of them; the vast majority have gone on to teach Old Norse-Icelandic at universities around the world.
Teutonic Mythology Vol. 1 By Viktor Rydberg Teutonic Mythology Vol. 1 I. INTRODUCTION. A. THE ANCIENT ARYANS. 1. THE WORDS GERMAN AND GERMANIC. Already at the beginning of the Christian era the name Germans was applied by the Romans and Gauls to the many clans of people whose main habitation was the extensive territory east of the Rhine, and north of the forest-clad Hercynian Mountains. That these clans constituted one race was evident to the Romans, for they all had a striking similarity in type of body; moreover, a closer acquaintance revealed that their numerous dialects were all variations of the same parent language, and finally, they resembled each other in customs, traditions, and religion. The characteristic features of the physical type of the Germans were light hair, blue eyes, light complexion, and tallness of stature as compared with the Romans. Even the saga-men, from whom the Roman historian Tacitus gathered the facts for his Germania—an invaluable work for the history of civilisation— knew that in the so-called Svevian Sea, north of the German continent, lay another important part of Germany, inhabited by Sviones, a people divided into several clans. Their kinsmen on the continent described them as rich in weapons and fleets, and in warriors on land and sea (Tac.,Germ., 44). This northern sea-girt portion of Germany is called Scandinavia—Scandeia by other writers of the Roman Empire; and there can be no doubt that this name referred to the peninsula which, as far back as historical monuments can be found, has been inhabited by the ancestors of the Swedes and the Norwegians.
Modern Reading Swedish Book Consumption During the Late Nineteenth Century
Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Department of Archaeology, History, Religious Studies and Theology Modern Reading Swedish Book Consumption during the Late Nineteenth Century Henning Hansen A dissertation for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor – December 2017 MODERN READING swedish book consumption during the late nineteenth century The past is a foreign country – L. P. Hartley iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS vi CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1 Reading and book consumption in the era of the Modern Breakthrough: Aims and research questions 3 The Modern Breakthrough in Scandinavia 5 Nineteenth-century readers 9 Sources, limitations, and methodology 13 Scope and limitations of the study 16 Source material 17 Social categorisation model 24 Genre classification and book title identification 27 The book and the reader: Theoretical approaches 29 Book history and the sociology of literature 29 The history of reading 32 Book consumption and the history of literature 35 Previous research 37 The Scandinavian Moment in World Literature 43 Structure 45 CHAPTER 2. THE SWEDISH BOOK MARKET AT THE END OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY 47 Socio-economic and demographic changes 47 Literacy rates in the 1800s 50 Manufacturing developments and structural changes to the book market 52 Selling and purchasing books 55 Borrowing books 62 iv CHAPTER 3. THE BOOKSHOP, THE PARISH LIBRARY, AND THE COMMERCIAL LENDING LIBRARY 65 The bookshop 66 Book culture in Gothenburg 66 Gumpert’s bookshop 69 Customers of Gumpert’s bookshop 74 The parish library 78 Book culture in Munka-Ljungby 78 Munka-Ljungby’s parish library 80 The members of the parish library 82 The commercial lending library 85 Book culture in Lund 85 J.