Tomten A Christmas Poem by Viktor Rydberg INTRODUCTION The Christmas poem, Tomten, by Viktor Rydberg is one of the most popular ones in Finland and Sweden. I recall having to learn this in grade school; each student was assigned some verses so we could recite the full poem by heart in class. During Christmas it was often read in the radio. This text of the poem is shown in Swedish, English and Finnish. You can listen to the traditional recital in Swedish, see a movie in Swedish with English subtitles and listen to it in a song in Finnish. The pictures used here of Tomten are from “Tonttula” in the village of Larsmo in Finland, between Karleby and Jakobstad. I have included a relationship list showing how Viktor Rydberg is one of our distant cousins. Tomte From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A tomte, nisse or tomtenisse (Sweden) or tonttu (Finland) is a humanoid mythical creature of Scandinavian folklore. The tomte or nisse was believed to take care of a farmer's home and children and protect them from misfortune, in particular at night, when the housefolk were asleep. The tomte/nisse was often imagined as a small, elderly man (size varies from a few inches to about half the height of an adult man), often with a full beard; dressed in the everyday clothing of a farmer. The Swedish name tomte is derived from a place of residence and area of influence: the house lot or tomt. Nisse is the common name in Norwegian, Danish and the Scanian dialect in southernmost Sweden; it is a nickname for Nils, and its usage in folklore comes from expressions such as Nisse god dräng ("Nisse good lad", cf. Robin Goodfellow). Lars Granholm Adamstown, MD 21710 December 2012 Viktor Rydberg Abraham Viktor Rydberg (December 18, 1828 – September 21, 1895) was a Swedish writer and a member of the Swedish Academy, 1877-1895. "Primarily a classical idealist", Viktor Rydberg has been described as "Sweden's last Romantic" and by 1859 was "generally regarded in the first rank of Swedish novelists." Rydberg in 1876 Viktor Rydberg was of humble parentage. One biographer notes that: "He had a hard struggle to satisfy the thirst for learning which was a leading passion of his life, but he finally attained distinction in several fields of scholarship." The son of a soldier turned prison guard, Johann Rydberg, and a midwife, Hedvig Düker. Viktor Rydberg had two brothers and three sisters. In 1834 his mother died during a cholera epidemic. Her death broke the spirit of his father, who yielded to hypochondria and alcoholism, contributing towards his loss of employment and the family's apartment, forcing authorities to board young Viktor out to a series of foster homes, one of which burnt down, further traumatizing the youth. Despite his economic status, Rydberg was recognized for his talents. From 1838 to 1847, Rydberg attended grammar school, and studied law at the University in Lund from 1851 to 1852. Due to financial reasons his university studies ended after one year, without a degree. Afterward, he took a job as a private tutor. In 1855, he was offered work at the Göteborgs Handels- och Sjöfartstidning, a newspaper in Göteborg, where he would remain employed for more than 20 years. It was during this time that his first novels saw print. He soon became a central figure of late Romanticism in Sweden, and Sweden's most famous living author. Throughout his adult life, Rydberg was active in politics. In 1859, he wrote a pamphlet on national defense, which inspired the "Sharpshooter's movement", a voluntary militia of some political importance during the 1860s. In 1870, he took a controversial pro-German stance during the Franco-Prussian War. Representing the traditional economic system of Sweden, from 1870 to 1872, Rydberg was a member of the Swedish Parliament as a supporter of the Peasant's Party. Rydberg grave in Gothenburg Original Swedish text Swedish traditional recital Movie about Tomten in Swedish with English subtitles English text Finnish song For information about the poster below and other Rydberg’s “Tomten” items see Finnish text .
Teutonic Mythology: Gods and Goddesses of the Northland
TTeeuuttoonniicc MMyytthhoollooggyy Gods and Goddesses of the Northland by Viktor Rydberg IN THREE VOLUMES Vol. II NORRŒNA SOCIETY LONDON - COPENHAGEN - STOCKHOLM - BERLIN - NEW YORK 1907 TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME II 53. Myth in Regard to the Lower World — 353 54. Myth Concerning Mimer’s Grove — 379 55. Mimer’s Grove and Regeneration of the World — 389 56. Gylfaginning’s Cosmography — 395 57. The Word Hel in Linguistic Usage — 406 58. The Word Hel in Vegtamskvida and in Vafthrudnersmal — 410 59. Border Mountain Between Hel and Nifelhel — 414 60. Description of Nifelhel — 426 61. Who the Inhabitants of Hel are — 440 62. The Classes of Beings in Hel — 445 63. The Kingdom of Death — 447 64. Valkyries, Psycho-messengers of Diseases — 457 65. The Way of Those who Fall by the Sword — 462 66. Risting with the Spear-point — 472 67. Loke’s Daughter, Hel — 476 68. Way to Hades Common to the Dead — 482 69. The Doom of the Dead — 485 70. Speech-Runes Ords Tírr Námæli — 490 71. The Looks of the Thingstead — 505 72. The Hades Drink — 514 73. The Hades Horn Embellished with Serpents — 521 74. The Lot of the Blessed — 528 75. Arrival at the Na-gates — 531 76. The Places of Punishment — 534 77. The Hall in Nastrands — 540 78. Loke’s Cave of Punishment — 552 79. The Great World-Mill — 565 80. The World-Mill — 568 81. The World-Mill makes the Constellations Revolve — 579 82. Origin of the Sacred Fire — 586 83. Mundilfore’s Identity with Lodur — 601 84. Nat, Mother of the Gods — 608 85.
Introduction Expelled Their Leaders and Every Known Member
THE ROSENBERGERS When Mats passed away, Tine Rasmussen’s views on As the ringing of the church bell grew louder, and the dealing with vaesen in an academic fashion prevailed, much to chanting of the black-robed priest grew more intense, the the dismay of the loyal Rosenbergers. Still, a few loyalists forest troll shut her eyes and tried to block the sound out. continued the work of Mats Rosenberg, seeking out and slaying Through teary eyes, she looked up towards the nun who had vaesen indiscriminately despite the Council’s order. her crossbow raised against her. “Please,” she said. “I have not hurt anyone here in the village. All I wanted was to find The Rosenbergers concluded that every time they killed a a friend.” nisse or hunted down a troll, more appeared elsewhere. As with “You ARE an abomination,” the priest spat at her. other vermin, there must be some way to take them down for “There is no room for you in the kingdom of God, OR in good. Therefore, Rosenberger scientists and academics actively this village.” searched for ways to exterminate the vaesen en masse. The nun fired. Their activities were eventually discovered, and the Order Introduction expelled their leaders and every known member. Some remained, their covers not blown, working in utmost The information on p. 82 of the Vaesen Core Book secrecy to continue their work as the Rosenbergers as about the Rosenbergers is not much, but piqued my the group tried to establish themselves as a separate interest and made me want to delve deeper into them as organization.
Biol. Rev. (2010), 85, pp. 55–110. 55 doi:10.1111/j.1469-185X.2009.00094.x The origin and early evolution of dinosaurs Max C. Langer1∗,MartinD.Ezcurra2, Jonathas S. Bittencourt1 and Fernando E. Novas2,3 1Departamento de Biologia, FFCLRP, Universidade de S˜ao Paulo; Av. Bandeirantes 3900, Ribeir˜ao Preto-SP, Brazil 2Laboratorio de Anatomia Comparada y Evoluci´on de los Vertebrados, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ‘‘Bernardino Rivadavia’’, Avda. Angel Gallardo 470, Cdad. de Buenos Aires, Argentina 3CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient´ıficas y T´ecnicas); Avda. Rivadavia 1917 - Cdad. de Buenos Aires, Argentina (Received 28 November 2008; revised 09 July 2009; accepted 14 July 2009) ABSTRACT The oldest unequivocal records of Dinosauria were unearthed from Late Triassic rocks (approximately 230 Ma) accumulated over extensional rift basins in southwestern Pangea. The better known of these are Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis, Pisanosaurus mertii, Eoraptor lunensis,andPanphagia protos from the Ischigualasto Formation, Argentina, and Staurikosaurus pricei and Saturnalia tupiniquim from the Santa Maria Formation, Brazil. No uncontroversial dinosaur body fossils are known from older strata, but the Middle Triassic origin of the lineage may be inferred from both the footprint record and its sister-group relation to Ladinian basal dinosauromorphs. These include the typical Marasuchus lilloensis, more basal forms such as Lagerpeton and Dromomeron, as well as silesaurids: a possibly monophyletic group composed of Mid-Late Triassic forms that may represent immediate sister taxa to dinosaurs. The first phylogenetic definition to fit the current understanding of Dinosauria as a node-based taxon solely composed of mutually exclusive Saurischia and Ornithischia was given as ‘‘all descendants of the most recent common ancestor of birds and Triceratops’’.
2012-2013 Carl Larsson: Sweden’S Most Beloved Artist
TheTomten Catalog 2012-2013 CARL LARSSON: SWEDEN’S MOST BELOVED ARTIST Carl Larsson Enclosure Cards This gift enclosure pack contains 10 cards and envelopes (5 each of 2 designs), Esbjörn Doing his Homework and Karin at the Window. Blank inside. Size: 2.25" x 3" $5.95/pkg. CRD 660 Carl Larsson Postcard Book Carl Larsson 2013 Calendar A collection of Swedish artist Carl Larsson rendered charming scenes postcards to keep of his home in cheerful watercolors that document his Carl Larsson Cards or send. Many of family’s idyllic country life. Size: 13" x 12" This card pack contains 8 cards (and 8 envelopes), two each of four these images were designs, featuring Carl Larsson’s colorful paintings of children. $13.99 CAL 406 originally published in Larsson’s 1899 book, A Home. Blank inside. Size: 4.63" x 6" $12.95/box CRD 650 30 postcards. Size: 4.81" x 6.88" $9.95 ABK 406 # 150 # 151 # 152 # 153 # 154 Carl Larsson Bookmarks Size: 2.31" x 8.5" $1.25 each Home Through the Carl Larsson NOV 150 Crayfishing NOV 153 Britta & Cat Paintings of Carl Larsson Coloring Book NOV 151 Wash House NOV 154 Karin & Kersti In the design and decoration of their This 48 page coloring book has 22 NOV 152 Karin at Window countryside home, Carl and Karin images to color, with color pictures Larsson created a style which influ- of the original paintings for reference. Published with the National Museum ences Swedish design to this day. This Carl Larsson Cards book celebrates the virtues of home of Stockholm.
{PDF EPUB} Myth and Fiction in Early Norse Lands by Ursula Dronke Ursula Dronke Obituary
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Myth and Fiction in Early Norse Lands by Ursula Dronke Ursula Dronke obituary. Ursula Dronke, who has died aged 91, was an inspirational scholar and teacher of Old Norse literature, and a specialist in the sagas and poetry of medieval Iceland. In 1969, she published the first volume of her monumental edition of the Poetic Edda, a medieval anthology of the great Icelandic mythological and heroic poems. The second volume, published in 1997, includes her translation of the poem Völuspá, whose textual complexity and allusive obscurity are unparalleled. Völuspá is spoken by a mysterious prophetess, summoned, as it seems, by the god Odin, and she transmits, unwillingly, the arcane knowledge she alone knows: about the creation of the world (and a time even before that), and then about its end, Ragnarök, the great Norse apocalypse, which she describes in dramatic detail. Ursula, with endless patience, and after years of study, developed a confident understanding of the text's literary dynamic, with its interplay of mediumistic voices, and its sudden switches between past, present and future. For Old Norse scholars, Völuspá had been a challenge; Ursula restored it as a work of art. The third volume of the Poetic Edda went to press in Ursula's 90th year; the projected four volumes now remain incomplete. Nevertheless, this series has completely dominated Eddaic studies worldwide, with the sophistication of its literary analyses and the tremendous breadth of background knowledge brought to bear on the poetry. As Vigfússon reader in Old Icelandic literature and antiquities at Oxford University from 1976 to 1988, Ursula supervised many graduate students and I was privileged to be one of them; the vast majority have gone on to teach Old Norse-Icelandic at universities around the world.
Discriminating on Genes These Negotiations Should Be Concluded Soon Vol 448 | Issue no. 7149 | 5 July 2007 Parallel worlds galore The 50th anniversary of an astonishing scientific hypothesis deserves celebration. So too do the truly astounding tales of a literary genre that anticipated it. rom the evidence of our cover, you could be forgiven for allow their players’ curiosity free expression while at the same time thinking that you are holding a copy of Nature from an alternate preparing them for a life in which every year brings novelties both Funiverse. And if that were the way your imagination took off, anticipated and unlooked for. Science fiction, too, provides a way of it would be doing just what our cover seeks to do — celebrating the exploring what is to come. Its main aim is not to foretell the future overlap between the world of science and the fables it inspires and — indeed, the great Ray Bradbury once “Science fiction feeds on. In particular, the ‘Astounding Tale’ of a plethora of alternate remarked that he wrote not to predict the universes is at the same time a well-worn theme of science fiction and future, but to prevent it. Yet even though does not tell us a valid, if speculative, way of understanding the ultimate implications it can be serious and frightening, it is not what the future will of Schrödinger’s wave equation. at heart a literature of warning, either. It bring, but helps us to The idea of a ‘many-worlds’ multiverse, introduced into physics is a literature of playfulness. Within the understand what the 50 years ago this month by Hugh Everett, neatly highlights the inter- constraint of telling human stories about future will feel like.” section between science and science fiction — which is why our cov- more-or-less human beings, it revels in erage of the anniversary spills from our News Features pages into our the possibility of expanded physical and intellectual horizons.