from Water Resources Department, Anantapurarnu. Vijayawada. Lr.No
GOVERNMINT OF ANDHRA PRADESH WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT . From To Sri B.Sudhakara Babu, M.Tech., The Engineer-In-Chief(Irrigation), Chief Engineer (Projects), Water Resources Department, Water Resources Department, Irrigation compound, Anantapurarnu. GovernerPet, Vijayawada. ENe Lr.No.CE(P) /HNSS /P-I/ATP/Dw lM-16 IDEE4lAEEs/ 18" Sir, Sub: Single Desk Policy - Filling of Common Application with the Nodal Agency of the state level single window clearance committee - forwarding of application of M/s Andhra Pradesh Aerospace & Defence Electronics Park Private Limited, Palaasamudram Village, Gorantla Mandal, Ananthaptramu District - Permission for drawl of 3500 KLD (I.4306 Cusces)water from Gollapalli Reservoir - Report Submitted - Regarding. Ref: 1) Govt. of A.P,Industries & Commerce(INF) Dept., G. O.Ms.N o.2O2; Dated: 06 . 12.2O 14. 2) 277 2,dt:-30.09.20 1 5. 3) Govt. of A.P,Industries & Commerce(P&! Dept., G.O.Ms.No.56; Dated:-26.O4.2OI7 . 4) Engineer-In-Chief(Irr),Vij ayawada, / DCE(GDS) / DEE2 I AEEI2 I CE(P) Antpr/ Misc, dt:-9.0 1.20 1 8. 5) Engineer-In- Chief(Irr),Vij ayawada, Lr.No.ENC(I)/EE/DEEI IAEE2/ IWS(AP Aerospace & Defence Ltd); Dt: 10.07.2OL8 communicated to the Superintending Engineer, HNSS C-II, Ananthapuramu vide t.o. Endt..No.CE(P)/ATP/HNSS P-II/ F.M- 16 / 468 ATP,DT;- L9.O7 .2OI8. 6) Superintending Engineer, HNSS circle No-II, Ananthapur€unu, Lr.No.SE/HNSS C2 / ATP IDBlTo/JTo2 lF.P.s3 (A)/363 CE, Dt:27.O7.2OI8.
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