Ibn AI-Qaddah Series D--Gujrati
,, .... ... •. ~·· . '·( ·-'';..:_,_,. , .......,.,'---"--_,_,.,,:-c,"',-f., :-;. ~. ---"'::---- . ·. , 1 · .. ·" ·· Series· t...:.;_royal ~vo ' ·dzi. , 1 · ~ • ·, The lsmaili Society Series A No. 9 --- - - - - I l. Rahattt'l-Aql, by Hamidu'd-din al-Kirmani. Arab.. text, ed. by Dr, M. Krunil Hussein and Dr. M. Hilmy, Cairo, 1952. pp. 10--46-438-10. ~with index). Rs. 18/40 sh. f,:· . ' ·'1 ' ."; t •,,,... ·:,, ~~. · -,·~ ' . " ... ~ .• t' ..... Ibn AI-Qaddah Series D--Gujrati. (The Alleged Founder of lsmailism) ~GYi(ldl. ~~~Lt ~{\:)J · ~d,'tlH ~. cfi. ~-1, ~~l SECOND REVISED EDITION of The Ismaili Society Series A No. 1 \ ~~h~ {\--t '{\{ m~~{\1 ~Ll~~~ ~~~~~ 't-o-o ~(> ' I ~~ H:¥\9 ~·!JttJ. <3C) DY t ~l'il~d ~lHlt o-'t~-o [\ 9-..--:s:.% ~;j, 't~'t~ ~{tJttJ. W. lvANCW \'15 ~'( (formerly Assistant Keeper, the Asiatic Museum of th·e Russian I 'l:lltllt ~~ lt~{\ '1.-~-o Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg). ~::. '\~¥! ~·ut'l:l. '\- ~l.al1li:J1lltl ( ~~~ 1tf~H '!,!~~ ~ct) '1.-o-o ~;j, '\~'t~ ~·ut~. ,I. ~,. A-e· \ (.· ' ' 1957 Published by the Ismaili Society, BOMBAY. First publ~shed in 1946 NOTICE. ·' The aim of the "Ismaili Society••, founded in Bom bay on the 16th February 1946, is the promotion of independent and critical study of all matters connected with Ism;tilisrn, that is to say, of all branches of the Ismaili movement in Islam, their literature, history, philosophy, and so forth. The Society entirely excludes from its prpgramme any religious or political propa. 1 ganda or controversy, and does not intend to vindicate the viewpoint of any particular school in Ismailism. The ~'Ismaili Society" propose to publish monographs on subjects connected with such studies, critical edi tions of the original texts of early Isrnaili works, their translations, and also collections of shorter papers and notes.
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