ICHAJ 13 13th International Conference on the History and of (21st – 26th May, 2016)


Opening Ceremony at 6:00 pm Saturday 21st May 2016 Venue: Jordan Museum , Amman

Open Registration after Reception

Sunday Venue: Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Amman 22nd May 2016

8:30 Registration

Hall (1) (The Friendship Auditorium) Keynote Speakers

9:30- 11:00 (HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, Dr. Mounir Bushnaki, and Prof. Gary Rollefson)

Introducer : Dr. Monther Jamhawi

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ICHAJ 13 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (21st – 26th May, 2016)

11:00- 12:00 Opening of the Posters Gallery and Coffee Break

Hall (1) Hall (2) Hall (3) SESSION (1) (The Friendship Auditorium) (Training Hall- RSS) (Luai Shammout Auditorium)

22/5/2016 History and Archaeology (Jarash) Museums and Private Collections Islamic Studies 12:00 – 1:00 pm. Chair: Prof. Ziad Al-Saad Chair: Dr. Frauke Kenkel Chair: Dr. Ghazi Bisheh

Louise Blanke Koji Oyama Bethany Walker

12:00 – 12:20 Private Lives and Public Means: New Heritage Trail along The King’s Highway: Understanding the Contours of Rural Life in Evidence for Urban Development in Networking Museums and Heritage Sites the Middle and Late Islamic Period Late Antique Jarash, Jordan

Dorothea Csitneki Zeidan Kafafi Ian Jones

12:20 – 12:40 Jerash Bowls, Chronology, Typology Who Owns the Past: Jordanian Miner Sins: Archaeological Evidence for and Iconography Archaeological Masterpieces at the Gambling at Khirbat Nuqayb Al-Asaymir, A International Museums Copper Mining Village in Faynan, Southern Jordan

Thomas Lepaon Rebecca Banks Reem Al- Shqour

12:40 – 1:00 The Great Eastern Baths of Left off the Map: The Forgotten Sites of Aqaba Castle, Origin, Development and Jerash/Gerasa: Balance of Knowledge Sir Aurel Stein Evolution of Khans in Jordan: An and Ongoing Research Archaeological Approach

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ICHAJ 13 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (21st – 26th May, 2016)

1:00- 2:00 Light Lunch

Hall (1) Hall (2) Hall (3) SESSION (2) (The Friendship Auditorium) (Training Hall- RSS) (Luai Shammout Auditorium) 22/5/2016 History and Archaeology (Jarash) Museums and Private Collections Islamic Studies 2:00 – 3:40 pm. Chair: Dr. Barbara Porter Chair: Prof. Lutfi Khalil Chair: Prof. Bethany Walker

David Boyer Marta D’Andrea, A. Polcaro, S. Vanessa Guéno Richard, D. Clark, G. Batocchioni, 2:00 – 2:20 and L. Romagnoli Gerasa of the Decapolis: The Third Mills in ‘Ajlun Sanjaq and Qadâ' Du Hawrân Field Season of the Jarash Water A New Model for Regional Museums: The During the Ottoman Period : Historical, Project Archaeological Museum of Madaba Archeological and Architectural Approach

Pierre-Louis Gatier Abdelrahim Al-Dwikat Basem Al Mahamid

نتائج أعمال التنقيب في قرية جلول اإلسالمية مبادرة دائرة اآلثار العامة لتنظيم المجموعات اآلثرية Jerash Epigraphy: Eighty Years after الخاصة (المتاحف والمجموعات الخاصة) Welles 2:40 – 2:20 The Initiative of The Department of Results of the Excavation Project at the Antiquities in Organizing Private Islamic Village of Jalul (in Arabic) Archaeological Collections (Museums and Private Collections). (in Arabic)

Georg Kalaitzoglou Samia Khoury and Arwa Massadeh Zakariya Na’imat

The Regional Context of Early Islamic Site إدارة المقتنيات المتحفية The Northwest Quarter of Gerasa: A 3:00 – 2:40 New Established Urban Quarter Museum’s Collection Management. of Shuqayra Al-Gharbiyya, Karak (in Arabic)

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ICHAJ 13 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (21st – 26th May, 2016)

Ina Kehrberg-Ostrasz Jihad Kafafi Norig Neveu

3:00 – 3:20 Pottery and Lamps from The The Jordan Museum Role in Pilgrimage and Sanctuaries in Late Foundation Trenches and Wall Safeguarding Jordanian Heritage Case Ottoman Southern Bilâd Al-Shâm Constructions of the Gerasa Study: Hejaz Railway Wagon from Hippodrome. Excavations 1984-1996 Sheideyeh Station

Cathrin Pogoda Balsam Shaban Michele Nucciotti and Lorenzo Fragai

3:20 – 3:40 Necropoleis and Tombs of Jerash The Jordan Museum Documentation Ayyubid Reception Halls in Southern System Jordan: A Light Archaeology

3:40 – 4:00 Coffee Break

Hall (1) Hall (2) Hall (3) SESSION (3) (The Friendship Auditorium) (Training Hall- RSS) (Luai Shammout Auditorium) History and Archaeology 22/5/2016 Museums and Private Collections Islamic Studies (Bronze – Iron Age) 4:00 – 5:20 pm. Chair: Eng. Ihab Amarin Chair: Dr. Ismaeel Mellhem Chair: Prof. Douglas Clark

Denyse Homes -Fredericq and Fabio Parenti Elisa Pruno and Raffaele Ranieri Ingrid Moriah Swinnen

4:00 – 4:20 Architectural Features and Settlement Zarqa Valley Paleoanthropological Project Medieval Pottery in South Jordan (The Planning at Al-Lahun in the Early 2015 Preliminary Report Case Study of HMPW in Shawbak Castle) II-III

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ICHAJ 13 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (21st – 26th May, 2016)

P.M. Michele Daviau and Stanley Yosha Alamri Alex Peterson Klassen Ayyubid- Mamluk Evidence from the 4:20 – 4:40 Linking Iron I Sites on the Madaba Plain Collection Management Policies Danish-German Northwest Quarter Project Ceramics in Context

Lucas Petit and Zeidan Kafafi Lisa Yeomans Elodie Vigouroux and René Elter 4:40 – 5:00 Tell Damiyah. A Late Iron Age Analysis of the Faunal Remains from Khirbat Al-Dusaq: A Palatial Complex from Sanctuary for Traders and Travellers? Shubayqa 1 the Middle Ages in Shawbak Hinterland

Luisa Goldammer-Brill Davide Bianchi Micaela Sinibaldi 5:00 – 5:20 Trade and Cultural Exchange: Late New Archaeological Discoveries in the The Late Petra Project: Ceramics and Bronze Age Cypriot Imports from Tall Basilica of the Memorial of Moses, Mount Settlement in the Petra Region During the Zirāʿa Nebo Islamic Period.

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ICHAJ 13 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (21st – 26th May, 2016)

Monday Venue: Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Amman 23rd May 2016

Hall (1) Hall (2) Hall (3) SESSION (4) (The Friendship Auditorium) (Training Hall- RSS) (Luai Shammout Auditorium)

23/5/2016 Conservation and Site Management History and Archaeology History and Archaeology (Petra and Nabataeans) 9:30 – 10:50 am. Chair: Prof. Peter Akkermans Chair: Prof. Bill Finlayson Chair: Dr. Khairieh Amr

9:30 – 9:50 Ulrich Bellwald Jutta Häser Björn Anderson

Wadi Al Jarra Dam Rehabilitation Project Monasteries in Northern Jordan with The Sculptural and Architectural Special Regard to New Finds from Tall Programme of Petra’s Tomb 70 Zar‘a

Lutfi Khalil Ditte Maria Damsgaard Hiort Leigh-Ann Bedal

9:50 – 10:10 Conservation and Restoration of two The Power of an Archaeology of Altars – The Cave Woman of the Petra Garden Churches and two Winepresses at Khirbat Quantity, Locality, Visibility and and Pool Complex Yajuz Expressivity”

Gaetano Palumbo, Jehad Haroun, Hanadi Al-Taher Will Kennedy, Zbigniew Fiema 10:10 – 10:30 Angela Atzori Stephan Schmid, Bernhard Kolb Interpretation of Archaeological Sites Managing World Heritage Sites in Jordan: through the Name The Northeastern Petra Project – An From Practical Experience to Operational Assessment Guidelines

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ICHAJ 13 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (21st – 26th May, 2016)

Stephanie Brown and Benjamin Megan Perry Ahmad Lash Porter 10:30 – 10:50 Ethics and the Research of Human Nabataeans and Petra in the Arabic Integrating Archaeological Research and Skeletal Remains in Jordan Sources Site Management Responsibilities at Busayra

10:50 – 11:20 Coffee Break

Hall (1) Hall (2) Hall (3) SESSION (5) (The Friendship Auditorium) (Training Hall- RSS) (Luai Shammout Auditorium) 23/5/2016 Recent Discoveries History and Archaeology Conservation and Site Management (Petra and Nabataeans) 11:20 am. – 1:00 pm. Chair: Prof. Zeidan Kafafi Chair: Dr. Gaetano Palumbo Chair: Dr. Suleiman Farajat

Rémy Crassard Ruba Seiseh Robert Wenning

The Globalkites Project in Harrat Al- Management of Heritage Sites in Jordan: Sculpture and religion. Approaches to 11:20 – 11:40 Shaam Case Study- Tell Hisban Nabataean religion

Peter Akkermans Dieter Vieweger Laurent Tholbecq, Caroline Durand, Thibaud Fournet, Nicolas Paridaens Landscapes of Survival: New Research in 11:40 – 12:00 the Jebel Qurma Region, North-East Sites after Excavation. National Parks The Nabataeo-Roman Site of Wādī Jordan and Public Education Sabrā: A New Topographical Survey

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ICHAJ 13 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (21st – 26th May, 2016)

Romel Gharib Győző Vörös Thibaud Fournet

12:00 – 12:20 Primary Report of the Results of the The New and Authentic Monument- Bathing in the Nabataean world: New Archaeological Survey of Harrat Uweined: Presentation in Machaerus results from the field Description of the Project

Lorraine Abu Azizeh, Julie Bonnéric, Abdel –Rahman Serogy Renel Francois Barbara Couturaud, Aurélien Stavy The so-called "B Building" at Petra: An إعادة ترميم وصيانة وعرض هيكل عظمي الخرانة )أقدم Official building in connection with the هيكل عظمي باألردن) :Azraq Ayn Sawda Reservoir Project 12:40 – 12:20 Results Of The 2013-2016 seasons Restoration, Maintenance and Display temple of Qasr al-Bint Kheranh Skeleton (The Oldest Skeleton in Jordan). (in Arabic)

Stephen Bourke Raouf Abujaber S. Thomas Parker

The 2015 Field Season at Pella in Jordan: Conservation and Management - Three Nabataean and Late Roman Domestic

Exploring Urban Settlements of the Third Historic Sites Completely Destroyed in as Life on Petra's North Ridge 12:40 – 1:00 Through First Millennia BC Salt

1:00 – 2:00 Light Lunch

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ICHAJ 13 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (21st – 26th May, 2016)

Hall (1) Hall (2) Hall (3) SESSION (6) (The Friendship Auditorium) (Training Hall- RSS) (Luai Shammout Auditorium)

23/5/2016 History and Archaeology Conservation and Site Management History and Archaeology (Epigraphy) (Classical Period) 2:00 – 3:40 pm. Chair: Prof. Pierre – Louis Gatier Chair: Rebecca Banks Chair: Prof. Guido Vannini

Marie- Jeanne Roche Mohammad El- Khalili, Monther Frauke Kenkel

Jamhawi, Abeer Al- Bawab, On graffiti and IIIrd Legio Cyrenaica Ramadan Abd-Allah, Yahya Al The Ceramic Inventory of an Extensive Shawabkeh, Nizar Al Adarbeh Early Roman Villa in Northern Jordan 2:00 – 2:20 Conservation and Restoration Works of The Roman Nymphaeum in Amman: Phase 1-2015

Jean-Baptiste Yon and Nabil Bader Franco Sciorilli Signe Bruun Kristensen

New Data on the Epigraphy of the Restoration and Rehabilitation of Production Patterns of Late Roman – 2:20 – 2:40 Northern Decapolis "Northwestern Byzantine Basilica of Moses Memorial at Byzantine Locally Produced Reddish Jordan" Mt. Nebo, Jordan. Mosaics and Ware (Danish-German Jerash North West Architectures Quarter Project

David F. Graf Alaa Al- Saif Heike Möller and Annette Højen Sørensen Central Jordan Epigraphic Survey Ethics in Conservation (Assessment in 2:40 – 3:00 the Conservation Process in Rubble Roman and Early Byzantine Ceramic Fortification Walls) Finds– New Results on Micro- and Macro Regional Patterns in Jerash’s Northwest Quarter

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ICHAJ 13 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (21st – 26th May, 2016)

Julien Aliquot and Abdel Qader Al- Bert de Vries and Muaffaq Hazza John Tidmarsh Husan Towards a Conservation and Site Filling The Gaps: Revealing Early 3:00 – 3:20 New Greek Inscriptions from Dafyana in Management Strategy at Umm El-Jimal Hellenistic and Early Roman Pella North-East Jordan

Omar Al- Ghul and Nida'a al-Khazali M. Barbara Reeves Zeena as -Sultan

New Late Aramaic Inscriptions from Ghor The Nabataean and Roman Towns at The Rites (duties) of Worshipping among 3:20 – 3:40 Al-Safi Humayma: An Archaeological Overview the Nabataeans

3:40 – 4:00 Coffee Break

Hall (1) Hall (2) Hall (3) SESSION (7) (The Friendship Auditorium) (Training Hall- RSS) (Luai Shammout Auditorium)

23/5/2016 Science and Technology in Islamic Studies History and Archaeology Archaeology 4:00 – 5:20 pm. Chair: Dr. Yahya Al-Shawabkeh Chair: Dr. Ahmad Al-Amaireh Chair: Dr. Nizar Al-Turshan

Monther Jamhawi and Zain Hajahjah Mohammad Al-Marahleh John Oleson

The Trajanic Auxiliary Fort at Hauarra مقام أبو سليمان الداراني IT Innovation and Technologies Transfer 4:00 – 4:20 to Heritage Sites: The Case of Madaba (Modern Humayma), Jordan The Shrine of Abu Suleiman Al-Darani (in Arabic)

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ICHAJ 13 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (21st – 26th May, 2016)

Giuseppe Delmonaco, Luca Maria Abdel Qader Al-Husan Noor Mulder-Hymans Puzzilli, Francesco Traversa /Water Management at The Nabataean نقوش عربية إسالمية مؤرخة من البادية الشمالية الشرقية 4:40 – 4:20 Engineering Geological Investigation for Arab Islamic Inscriptions from the South- Roman Settlement of Khirbat Al Mudayna Conservation of the Temple of Winged eastern Desert. (in Arabic) at Wadi ath-Thamad Lions in Petra

Giovanna De Palma, Gaetano Sulieman Al-Farajat Atef Al-Shiyab Palumbo, Asma Shhaltoug التنقيبات األثرية في موقع أم قيس األثري "جدارا 2015" األنباط في الموروث والمصادر اإلسالمية 4:40 – 5:00 Qusayr ‘Amra World Heritage Site: The Nabataeans in heritage and Islamic Conservation Activities, 2013-2015 Sources. (in Arabic) The Archaeological Excavations at Umm Qais "Gadara 2015". )in Arabic)

Mamoon Allan and Wesam Guido Vannini Bruce Routledge Moubaideen The Archaeological Missions: A New The Reusable Landscapes of Tall Dhiban: 5:00 – 5:20 Internet of Things (IOT) Potential in the Cultural Approach, Beyond the Crisis. Finding Simple Stories for Complex Sites Context of Archeological Sites The 'Future' Experience of the Italian- European Archaeological Mission 'Medieval Petra' of the University of Florence

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ICHAJ 13 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (21st – 26th May, 2016)

Tuesday Venue: Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Amman 24th May 2016

Hall (1) Hall (2) Hall (3) SESSION (8) (The Friendship Auditorium) (Training Hall- RSS) (Luai Shammout Auditorium)

24/5/2016 History and Archaeology Recent Discoveries History and Archaeology (Bronze – Iron Age) 9:30 – 10:50 am. Chair: Prof. Moawiyah Ibrahim Chair: Prof. Lorenzo Nigro Chair: Prof. Gary Rollefson

Mohammad Waheeb Suzanne Richard and Marta Mohammad Najjar and Thomas Levy D'Andrea Bead Production as a Form of Craft 9:30 – 9:50 Where is Aenon Near to Salem (New Discovery East of Jordan River In EB III at Khirbat Iskandar, Jordan: A Specialization and Social Complexity: A Southern Levant Near Site of Jesus Reappraisal in the Light of Recent Case Study from PPNB Tellet-Ifdan / Baptism ) Excavations Southern Jordan

Amaia Arranz- Otaegui, Tobias Katja Soennecken Claudia Bührig Richter Between Collapse and Continuity: Late Sanctuaries and the Integration of Plant Exploitation During the Early Bronze Age to Iron Age Transition on Tall Landscape. Gadara/Umm Qays and its 9:50 – 10:10 Natufian in North-Eastern Jordan: Zirāʿa Hinterland Preliminary Results from Shubayqa1

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ICHAJ 13 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (21st – 26th May, 2016)

Husam Hjazeen Paul J. Ray Zeyad Al-Salameen

) ِرقِ ْم= الرقيم( في المصادر التاريخية والنقشية A Series of Iron Age Domestic Buildings إكتشاف درج معبد هرقل في جبل القلعة 10:30 – 10:10 in Field C at Tall Jalul (Reqm = Al-Raqeem) in Inscriptions and Discovery of the Hercules Temple Stairs Historical Sources. (in Arabic) in Amman Citadel (in Arabic)

Margreet Steiner Andrea Polcaro and Juan Muniz Karin Bartl

10:30 – 10:50 The Excavations at Tell Abu Sarbut 2012 Preliminary Results of the 2014-2015 Qasr Mushash: Site and Setting -2015: Three Seasons of Excavations Spanish-Italian Excavation Campaigns at the Early Bronze Age I Settlement of Jebel Al-Mutawwaq, Middle Wadi Az- Zarqa, Area C

10:50 – 11:20 Coffee Break

Hall (1) Hall (2) Hall (3) SESSION (9) (the Friendship Auditorium) (Training Hall- RSS) (Luai Shammout Auditorium)

24/5/2016 Islamic Studies History and Archaeology History and Archaeology (Bronze – Iron Age) (Pre - History) 11:20 am. – 1:00 pm. Chair: Prof. Karin Bartl Chair: Prof. Randall Younker Chair: Prof. Hans Gebel

11:20 – 11:40 Gul Sen Bernd Müller- Neuhof Dörte Rokitta-Krumnow

The Transition Period in Jordan: The EBA Colonization of the NE-Badia: Re-Evaluation of the Settlement Rethinking the Early Ottoman Period with Fixing the Chronological Framework Eh-Sayyeh Reference to Tall Hisban

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ICHAJ 13 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (21st – 26th May, 2016)

11:40 – 12:00 Achim Lichtenberger and Rubina Robert Chadwick Gary Rollefson Raja New Evidence for Byzantine and Islamic The Building History of North Gate 100 at Late Neolithic Variability in Lithic Jerash in the Light of Research of the Khirbat al-Mudayna on the Wadi ath- Technology and Typology from Two Areas Danish-German Jerash Northwest Thamad of the Black Desert of Jordan Quarter Project

12:00 – 12:20 Robert Schick Thomas Levy, Mohammad Najjar, Yorke M. Rowan, Gary O. Rollefson, Matthew Howland, Brady Liss, Craig Alexander Wasse, A.C. Hill, Morag Smitheram Kersel

The Decline of Christianity in Southern After the Late Bronze Age Collapse – Investigations of Prehistoric Exploitation in Jordan Economic Opportunism in the Faynan Jordan's Black Desert Copper Ore District, Jordan

12:20 – 12:40 Andrea Vanni- Desideri, Silvia Jérôme Norris Elizabeth Henton, Louise Martin, Leporatti, Dario Rose, Guido Vannini Andrew Garrard

Before the Crusaders, Light Archaeology Epipalaeolithic Gazelle Hunting in the The Ancient North Arabian Inscription at the Site of Al- Wu'ayra (Petra) Azraq Basin: The Contribution of J.14202 (AMJ 2) in the Amman Museum: Combined Zooarchaeology, Dental Signature of a Woman in the Wādī Ramm Isotope and Microwear Research Desert

12:40 – 1:00 Ignacio Arce Maysoon Al- Nahar

Al-Qastal Reconsidered Tell Abu Suwwan : Neolithic Ritual Practices

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ICHAJ 13 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (21st – 26th May, 2016)

1:00- 2:00 Light Lunch

Hall (1) Hall (2) Hall (3) SESSION (10) (the Friendship Auditorium) (Training Hall- RSS) (Luai Shammout Auditorium) 24/5/2016 Illicit Trafficking and Heritage Local Community Engagement Science and Technology in Protection Archaeology 2:00 – 3:40 pm. Chair: Dr. Angela Atzori Chair: Dr. Omar Al-Ghul Chair: Prof. Talal Al-Akasheh

Robert Bewley Valentina Gamba, Konstantinos Yahya Al- Shawabkeh Politis, Mohammed Al-Qinna Approaches to Endangered Archaeology 3D Digital Documentation of Heritage in the Middle East and North Africa Reviving the Ancient Indigo Cultivation Sites Using Photogrammetry and Laser 2:00 – 2:20 (EAMENA) and Industry in Southern Jordan as a Scanning Techniques Source of Income for the Local Community: From Historical and Archaeological Evidence to a Modern Trial

Morag Kersel Oystein LaBianca Khaled Al- Bashaireh 2:20 – 2:40 Archaeology Engaging the Anthropocene Getting Rich Quick?? Looting, Myth, and Production Technology of Glass Bracelet the Destruction of Archaeological from the West Cemetery of Umm El-Jimal Landscapes in Jordan in Northeastern Jordan

Ismaeel Mellhem Maria Elena Ronza and Glenn Hala Al- syoof 2:40 – 3:00 Corbett حفظ وأرشفة الصور القديمة منهجية العمل األثري في التصدي للتزييف Methodology of Archaeological Work in From Workers to Partners: How Petra’s Documentation and Preservation of Old

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ICHAJ 13 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (21st – 26th May, 2016)

Addressing Falsification. (in Arabic) Host Communities are Now Taking the Photos. (in Arabic) Lead in the TWLCRM Initiative

Andrea Zerbini Andrew Smith Ala′a Alshwaiter

3:00 – 3:20 Documenting and Protecting Jordan’s The Rural Economy of Petra: Usability of Dense Image Matching Endangered Archaeology: The First Year Archaeology, Heritage, and Community Technique in Cultural Heritage of EAMENA in Jordan Engagement at Bir Madhkur Documentation; Examples from Jordan

Douglas Clark and Kent Bramlett Eman Abdassalam Oroub El Abed

3:20 – 3:40 Who Owns this Part of the Past? Community Engagement at the Temple of The Deep Past as a Social Asset in the Protecting Tall Al-Umayri's Cultural the Winged Lions Levant Heritage

3:40 – 4:00 Coffee Break

Hall (1) Hall (2) Hall (3) SESSION (11) (The Friendship Auditorium) (Training Hall- RSS) (Luai Shammout Auditorium) 24/5/2016 History and Archaeology Local Community Engagement Recent Discoveries 4:00 – 5:20 pm. Chair: Prof. Oystein Labianca Chair: Dr. Carol Palmer Chair: Prof. Mohammad Waheeb

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ICHAJ 13 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (21st – 26th May, 2016)

Riham Miqdadi and Fatma Marii Angela Atzori Tobias Richter, Amaia Arranz- Otaegui, Lisa Yeomans

4:00 – 4:20 The Line Between Antiquities and Local Communities’ Engagement in Umm The Last Hunters and First Farmers in Heritage El Jimal: A Case Study on Rural Women’s North-East Jordan? Five Seasons of Empowerment Through the Management Fieldwork in the Qa' Shubayqa and Presentation of Cultural Assets in the North of Jordan

Bilal Khrisat Paul Christians Fawzi Abudanah

The Late Quaternary Landscape Integrating Community, Archaeology, and The Legend of the King's Highway and 4:20 – 4:40 Evolution of the Jordan Rift Valley Education at Umm El-Jimal’s Site Via Nova Traiana in Arabia Petraea: New Through Geotectonic and Museum: Developing an Ethical Evidence Geomorphologic Changes as a Major Foundation for an Ancient Stone Paleoclimatic and Paleoenvironmental Superstructure Proxy in Central and Southern Jordan

4:40 – 5:00 Elizabeth Osinga Debra Foran Robert Darby and Erin Darby

The Umm El-Jimal Project: Stratigraphy Engaging the People of Nebo: The Recent Discoveries from the Roman Fort and Ceramics from the House XVII-XVIII Khirbat Al-Mukhayyat Community at ‘Ayn Gharandal (Arieldela) Complex Archaeology Program

5:00 – 5:20 Younis Al-Shdaifat Hans Georg Gebel and Talal Hamd Al-Amareen حارثة الرابع ) سياسته واستراتيجيته( Haritha the Fourth (His Policy and Towards an Eastern Perspective on Strategy). (in Arabic) Heritage Awareness and Education

7:00 pm. Reception at The Italian Residency - Jabal Al-Waibdeh

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ICHAJ 13 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (21st – 26th May, 2016)

Wednesday Workshops and Trips 25th May 2016

Venue: Hall (1) (The Friendship Auditorium) Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Amman

The World Science Forum (WSF) 2017 – The Inter Disciplinary Relationship between Archaeology and Workshop the Sciences

(1) Moderator: HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan

9:30 – 11:30 am. (Dr .Giuseppe Delmonaco, Prof. Talal Akasheh, Prof. Nizar Abu Jaber)

11:30 – 12:00 Coffee Break

Illicit Trafficking

Workshop Moderator: Dr. Morag Kersel (2) (DOA Representative, Customs Representative, Interpol "Jordan Representative", Anti - Corruption Commission, Anti – 12:00 – 2:00 pm. Drug and Counterfeiting Representative, Tourism Police Representative)

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ICHAJ 13 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (21st – 26th May, 2016)

2:00 – 3:00 Light Lunch

Workshop Education and Heritage: The Role of Jordanian Universities and NGO's (3) Moderator: Dr. Mohammad Najjar

3:00 – 5:00 (HRH Princess Dana Firas, HE Dr. Emad Hijazin, Representatives of The Jordanian Universities, PNT) Trips and Tours

10:00 – 4:00 Amman , Jarash , Madaba

Thursday Venue: Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Amman 26th May 2016

Hall (1) Hall (2) Hall (3) SESSION (12) (The Friendship Auditorium) (Training Hall- RSS) (Luai Shammout Auditorium) 26/5/2016 History and Archaeology History and Archaeology Recent Discoveries 9:30 – 10:50 am. (Madaba) Chair: Prof. Thomas Weber Chair: Prof. Sultan Al-Ma'ani Chair: Prof. Susanne Kerner

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ICHAJ 13 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (21st – 26th May, 2016)

9:30 – 9:50 Randall Younker and Constance Harmen Huigens Craig Harvey Gane Pastoral Nomads of the 1st Millennium The Heating System of the ‘Ayn Gharandal Tall Jalul Excavation Results: Phase I CE - An Archaeological Perspective from Bathhouse: A Preliminary Report on its Jordan's Black Desert Construction and Design

9:50 – 10:10 Elisabeth Lesnes Abdullah Nabulsi Mechthild Ladurner and Fawzi Abudanah The Shrine of the Beheading of Saint Cremation Burials in Jordan: A Regional John the Baptist and the Origins of Perspective Nabataean-Roman Farmsteads in the Jabal Madaba Ash-Sharah Region. The Survey Seasons 2014 and 2015

10:10 – 10:30 Paul Gregor Fawzi Zayadine Moritz Kinzel

Gadora, Tal al-Jadour and the Poet Life and Death at Shkārat Msaied – News Water System at Tell Jalul Maleaser of Gadora from the 2014 and 2015 Seasons

10:30 – 10:50 Chang-Ho Ji Konstantinos Politis Saad Twaissi

'Ataruz and the Ancient Road System The Discovery, Excavation, Study and New Issue on Ethics and Authenticity of Conservation of Khirbet Qazone in Jordan CRM in Petra and the Case of Some Dated Medieval Graffiti

10:50 – 11:10 David Vila Wael Abu-Azizeh, M. Tarawneh, J.A. Sanchez Priego, R. Crassard, M.-L. Between Here and There: Locating Abila Chambrade of the Decapolis in the Past, Present, and Future Desert Kites and Neolithic Hunter's

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ICHAJ 13 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (21st – 26th May, 2016)

Campsites in Jibal Al-Khashabiyeh Area: New Results of the South Eastern Badia Archaeological Project

11:10 – 11:30 Coffee Break

Hall (1) Hall (2) Hall (3) (The Friendship Auditorium) (Training Hall- RSS) (Luai Shammout Auditorium) SESSION (13) History and Archaeology Awareness and Education Recent Discoveries 26/5/2016 (Pre- History) 11:30 am. – 1:10 pm. Chair: Dr. Maysoon Al-Nahar Chair: Prof. Abd Al-Hakim Al-Husban Chair: Dr. Mohammad Najjar

11:30 – 11:50 Juan José Ibáñez, Juan Muñiz, Giorgia Cesaro, Giuseppe Annlee Dolan, Steven Edwards, Debra Eneko Iriarte, Luis Teira, Jonathan Delmonaco, Bilal Khrisat Foran Santana, Martin Monik Managing Public Awareness and Ritual Immersion: Evidence for a The Pre-Pottery Neolithic Site of Community Engagement on Landslide Hasmonean Presence at Khirbat Al- Kharaysin (Quneya, Zarqa): Fieldwork Risk at The Petra Archaeological Park Mukhayyat in 2014 and 2015

11:50 – 12:10 Lisa Maher and Danielle Mocdonald Bill Finlayson Susanne Kerner

Neolithic Cultural Heritage as a The Ritual Landscape of Murayghat Organization of Domestic Space at Community Asset Kharaneh IV

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ICHAJ 13 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (21st – 26th May, 2016)

12:10 – 12:30 Hamzeh Mahasneh Youssef Hilo Cecilie Lelek Tvetmarken

The Jordanian Tour Guides are Potential Recent Excavations at the Late The Substantial Architectural Remains Efficient Rangers in Protecting and PPNA/EPPNB Site of Mushash 163 in of the ceramic Neolithic Site of Es-Sifiya Safeguarding Our Cultural Heritage North-Eastern Jordan Compared with those of the Contemporary Mega Sites in Southern Jordan

12:30 – 12:50 Lorenzo Nigro Nizar Abu- Jaber Mark Driessen and Fawzi Abudanah

Khirbet Al-Batrawy – A City and its The Role of the Center for the Study of Udhruh Archaeological Project Palace in 3rd Millennium BC Jordan Natural and Cultural Heritage at the German Jordanian University in Linking Science with the Needs of Jordanian Society


Chair: Dr. Monther Jamhawi 1:00 – 1:30

1:30 – 2:30 Light Lunch

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