Lorenzo Nigro Lorenzo Nigro Rome “La Sapienza” University Department of Historical, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences of Antiquity-Sec- tion Near East Via Palestro, 63, 00185 Rome e-mail:
[email protected] Khirbat al-Batråwπ: a Case Study of third Millennium BC Early Urbanism in North-Central Jordan Premise 3- The levels and trajectories of interaction and The rise of urbanization in Transjordan during the exchange between communities and regions, third millennium BC, which was a development through the Jordan valley, Palestine, southern of the Early Bronze Age culture that emerged in Syria and the coastal Levant (Esse 1991). the region during the last centuries of the fourth 4- The physical remains of these early settlements, millennium BC (Kenyon 1957: 93-102; Esse 1989: in which meaningful public architecture – na- 82-85; Nigro 2005: 1-6, 109-110, 197-202, 2007a: mely, massive fortification works – first appear 36-38), is a distinct historic-archaeological pheno- (Kempinski 1992; Herzog 1997: 42-97; Nigro menon which has attracted the attention of scho- 2006b). There is general consensus that these lars aiming to produce a reliable definition of early fortifications, often referred to in the context urbanism, if indeed it existed, in this fringe area of “walled towns” or “fortified settlements” of the Levant. After coping with terminological is- (Schaub 1982; Schaub and Chesson 2007), are sues, derived mainly from the fact that ‘urbanism’ the most meaningful witnesses of early southern in this region of the ancient