Issue 9, Page 2
HISTORIC BRASS SOCIETY NEWSLETTER - - - News, Views, Notes and Comments for Members and Friends of the Historic Brass Society - - - -+ Issue Number 9 ISSN - 1045-4594 Summer, 1996 HBS Publications: Stewart Carter, Journal Executive Editor; Karen Snowberg, Newsletter bcutive Editor; Jeffrey Nussbaum, Managing Editor; Bany Bauguess,Journal Production; Martha Bixler, Anne Bonn, Sandra Coffin,Michael Collver, Peter Ecklund, Douglas Kirk, Jeremy Montagu, Steven Plank, Richard Seraphinoff,Jefiey Snedeker and Chris Whitehead, Associate Editors. Historic Brass Society: Executive Committee:Jeffrey Nussbaum, President; Jefiey Snedeker, Treasurer; Karen Snowberg, Secretary; Thomas Huener, Membership Secretary, Tom Reicher, Counsel. Board of Directors: Stephen C. Anderson, Bany Bauguess, Stewart Carter, Trevor Herbert, Jeffky Nussbaum, Keith Polk, Jeffky Snedeker, Karen Snowberg. Board of Advisors: Michael Collver, Allan Dean, Bruce Dickey, Ralph T. Dudgeon, Stephen Escher, Douglas Hedwig, Fred Holmgren, Douglas Kirk, Craig Kridel, William G. Mathews, Viola Roth, Richard Seraphinoff, Crispian Steele-Perkins, Robert Stibler, Franz Streitwieser and Edward H. Tam. O Copyright 1996. The Historic Brass Society Newsletter is published annually by The Historic Brass Society, Inc. CONTENTS Page HBS Financial Report .................................................................................................................................................................2 Historic Brass Society Hosts International Historic Brass Symposium-- Jeffrey Nussbaum
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