306®Petrozzello E M Mrs SO2-7063 310 Donlon Frank M Jr S02-1759

306®Petrozzello E M Mrs SO2-7063 310 Donlon Frank M Jr S02-1759

ORANGES DIRECTORY - 1963 889 TICHENOR AV ( c o n t in u e d ) 417® Jondreau Marie R OR3-8887 375 Robson Henry OR5-3669 489 Siegel Arthur A 419©Funicelli Alexander T ©Albert Dorothy L OR7-0476 ®Yasko JohnS OR6-6554 306®Petrozzello E M Mrs SO2-7063 OR2 4642 376 TREMONT PL begins 490 Tremont apts 310 Donlon Frank M Jr S02-1759 ■7633 381®Stickney R H OR3-3468 (Bl)Lafferty James J OR7-2636 315®Takacs Ralph A S03-1115 422® Nankivell Charles S OR2 423 Giordano Adam J Hedinger George J (B2)Skinner Arnold V OR2-2708 316®Finn Jerry M 762-4706 385® Merritt Mary E OR3-8668 319 Rigas Alexander G S03-4329 Giordano Joseph A (10) McGovernern Mary A 425®Novaco C P OR3 9057 385r Eddie's Automotive Service OR4-5712 320 DeDomenico Dante A S02-8374 ■7214 323® Mackinson D H 426®Dowd Mary A Mrs OR4 OR4-3563 (11) Schanzenbach Milton ■4728 386® Iannacone Nicholas OR4-8007 324®Schwartz Daniel J S03-4237 429 Curto Thomas OR6 OR4-5166 327 Pistol Charles S03-5743 430 Vacant 391®Ehrlich Milton OR4-9122 (12) Fredericks Aubrey 432 Vacant 392® Murphy Walter A OR4-7840 OR5-6957 330 COUDERT PL begins 433 Pateman Robert V OR3 -8950 Kenny J J MD OR4-4858 (13) Heller Benjamin S 331®HandilmanE L SO3-0885 436 SE N Box Co OR4 •4554 343®Wentworth H T SO3-0169 395 Thierolf J L OR7-1687 OR6-0032 445 All Saints Parish House 398®Belden Donald L OR3-8317 (14)Trappan Ruth OR5-4057 345 Kelly Edward D S02-0022 (15) Sentman William 347®Hunt Walter G SO2-0593 399© Livshitz Gertrude Mrs (16) Bromberg Lawrence 348® Abell Elizabeth F SO2-0593 TOMPKINS PL 349® York Edward S02-4768 OR4-3101 OR3-2552 352®Smith E B SO3-1097 (Orange) 403®DeStefano William J 673-5822 (17) Masi Louis OR2-3293 Fr SE of Tompkins NW to 416 do 409®Daniello Victor J OR4-5519 357®Schrieber Louis E S02-8758 (20) Reeves M A Mrs OR6-4962 464 Bruce Warren E 675-2824 412© Lagravenis Joseph OR2-2698 (21) Wyman Douglas COR5-2929 466® Castignino Joseph OR3-0602 Lagravenis Frank P OR4-8071 (22) Koeck Charles H OR4-0277 TIFFANY PL 417©Farese V C elec eng 672-7904 (23) Wilson Everett R OR2-7288 (Maplewood) 420 Dolan Frank A OR5-2559 (24) Baumbach E A Mrs Ft Irvington line W to 34 Meadow- TOWER DR 423 Namislovsky Robert A OR6-2532 brook rd (Right even) (Maplewood) OR3-1438 (25) DeZao Timothy 84 Maher Dennis F SO3-0963 Fr 7 Crestwood dr NE to 8 Lewis dr ©Trojan Edith M OR7-0317 Maher F E SO2-1470 (26) Dreyfus R R OR3-2462 (Right odd) 428 TREMONT PL ends (27) Toner Louis Ohaus E M Mrs SO2-7130 1®Spies Jack O S02-9532 429©Portenstein Thomas W McCarthy James E 762-5075 (30) DeZao Gary 2®Levine William M SO3-5055 677-4519 (31) Damanio Frank 88 Fehmel George S02-2215 3®Reinfelder H G S02-8664 438 Travers Alfred J 675-4519 ©Thieme Mabel C SO2-5204 (32) Fricke George OR5-4512 4®Kolker Charles H SO3-2096 Vacant (33) Specht Jean 92 Henry Otis Jr S03-5814 5®Kapelsohn Sol D S02-8461 446 Vacant Cecere Anthony L 763-6387 (34) Quinn Stephen J OR3-5461 6®Greene Richard SO2-6067 451 LINCOLN AV crosses (35) McGrath Mary Mrs Moretti Alfred C S02-3374 7®Davis Richard H 762-7269 471 Lindsay Hunter Corp builders 94®Nittolo Ralph SO3-4033 OR5-1480 (36) DeRosa Anthony 8®Brundage Lyle E (37) Vacant Nittolo R Jr bdg contr 9®Herz James C S02-7416 (1) Davis M K Mrs OR7-0245 SO3-4033 (2) Bolen Charles W Jr 493® Lindquist Chester E OR3-2895 10®Simonson Herbert M SO3-6380 Rafferty Helen OR3-3225 95©Kant Herman C S02-6365 12® Partenheimer Joseph E (3) Melroy Harry C OR4-6090 96@Washburn Philip S02-2219 (4) Gmeiner John A OR7-1415 Adams John J OR6-8707 SO2-0238 495®Barbato Pasquale H Murn Anthony S02-2219 13®Devine Elizabeth MrsS02-9298 (5) Dow Myrtle OR2-0008 98@Acone Dominic SO2-7810 Scola Anna Mrs OR3 - 6219 14®Israeloff Howard A S02-5363 (5S)Venturi William L 497® Pennucci Dominick OR3-8440 99 Schneider Donald J S03-4559 15® Hazeltine Alan S03-2359 OR2-1194 Taylor Francis M S03-4559 Vacant 16©Grotta Harold E SO2-0149 (6) Hoar Peter J Pennucci Nicholas OR4-5780 101 Dutter Fred J SO3-1306 18® Krupnick Alexander S03-2783 (6S)Sylvester Donald A Tratnyek Frank B 499 Picchiello Emma Mrs 20® Roseman Morton A S03-2114 674- 2138 Picchiello M J mason (7) Liebmann Eugene R OR4-4687 OR2-7997 502 Murray William C OR2-2832 TILLOU RD TREMONT AV (7S)Pleune Jennie Mrs (l)Ramsey Jean (South Orange) (Orange) 676- 0331 <2)Quidas Albert OR6-1661 Fr 87 Ridgewood rd North N and Fr E Orange line NW to W Orange (8) Brintzinghoffer A Mrs (3) Phillips Joseph NW bey Harding dr to dead end line (Right odd) OR6-2867 (4) Mennicucci A J OR6-9720 (Right odd) 111 Tennaro Alphonse OR7-0375 (8S)Serino Emil J OR2-3687 507 SCOTLAND RD crosses 210®LaMorgese James S02-3115 Lovich George 673-6271 (9) Michaels John E Jr 531 E-LRR crosses 220®Herz Gene ©Pappalardo Dominick S 675- 3591 535 Peloubet C B OR7-1533 227® Besser Albert B S02-6242 OR4-3095 (9S)Santoro Salvatore R 537© Mihalik Walter OR2-5808 235®Wheeler B W S02-8475 129 CENTRE ST crosses 672- 4136 539©Bonkoski Joseph J OR2-3639 236 Spohr Joseph C Jr S03-4639 139® Berg G F Mrs OR4-3419 (10) Simpson Frank 540 Edwards Vernice Mrs 247®Silverbach A M S02-8247 140®Craig Jason F 673-4010 (l0S)Ginsberg Donald 674-8556 OR2-7993 250@Rieben Louis S02-6921 143 Ashley Wilfred 672-5464 (11) Hall F M Mrs OR2-5580 Braxton Robert E Jr OR2-5042 255 Danish Robert E S03-5958 147 Leber Charles H OR7-0141 (11) Bonner James P Jr 541®Guazzo Luigi 260 Anspach Eugene J Jr S03-5121 148®Ross William J OR3-8016 674-6442 263®Gray C W Jr dentist S03-2121 542 BERG PL begins 150©Skrotsky Joseph OR2-7617 (llS)Stevenson Robert J 543®Nittolo Domenick OR6-8658 270® Wiss Aaron SO2-0642 152 TREMONT CT begins OR6-7830 271©Kaplow Arthur S02-9243 544® Gill Arminta 674-0542 153 Champi Frank M OR4-6253 (12) Stewart Harry J OR7-1271 545®Soden Lester R OR5-8894 276®Ward Thomas E SO2-4140 157®Dougherty Thomas F OR4-0786 (13) Frey Robert A OR7-0157 279®Resnick Mitchell SO2-5015 546 Zafarano Thomas 163©Cipriano Joseph OR2-9426 (14) Guttilla Paul OR4-7817 Sylvester Charles R 286©Wulach Arthur S S02-2468 167 Klein Rose Mrs OR3-6464 (14S)Magee Albert E OR3-2782 287®Kapp Albert S02-7711 548©Milano Joseph J OR5-0109 171®Guarino Nicholas A OR3-2802 (15) Walsh James T 549 Letizia Ronald L OR5-6638 292® Berkelhammer Albert 179®EngelW dentist OR5-0367 (16) Caroli John A 295 Vacant 551@Egidio Joseph H 184®Hulett A G MD OR5-6545 (17) Harringer John 552®Granato James M OR4-7602 300® Lerner Joseph H S02-0030 188® Stanziale Adolph P OR2-7763 (18)Cracco Louis B 672-7273 305®Dahl-Lowe Thor A 762-0626 555®Valente J M Mrs OR3-4759 189®Eisenberg Frederick OR3-1795 (19) Keith Chandler 557 Vacant store 308®Burling Herbert S S02-7858 196®Strumolo Alfonse OR4-3321 (20) Kettell R F 315©Goldsmith Henry M S02-6914 558 Kelley Peter E OR2-4561 200® Vanderhoof Frederick (2 l)Cardillo Donald OR5-1697 Hiney Charles E OR6-2975 320®Pilchik Ely E S03-3228 OR4-5485 (22) Sloan Kenneth H Jr 560®Cucciniello Samuel OR5-5788 325®Schapiro Charles S02-6461 Vacant OR3-5363 Verducci Alexander JOR5-5788 328©Asa M Maxim S02-5294 201©Lampariello Anna Mrs (23) Palolas Harold O 562 Vacant 329®Green Julius S02-7211 OR4-4175 (24) Rawnsley Harry R 674-8757 Young James J OR7-0837 333® Janulis Konstantinos S02-7144 203®Emery Michael J 676-0958 (25) Higgins Malcolm W 563 LANGDON ST crosses 334® Laufer Edward B S02-6593 204@Repetti Eleanor M Mrs OR5-3428 569 Glazauskas Gustave OR2-9125 340 McCann Frank C SO2-7056 OR4-9084 (26) Goldner David 570® Acquadro Felix F 343®Williams C S A SO2-1705 206® Carolla William P (27) Stokes Noel P OR4-6654 Gaipa Theresa Mrs OR5-4551 350® Paskow Seymour S03-3121 210®Scrocco D J archt OR3-5493 (28) Benjak T J OR4-1868 Preziosi Antonio 381 WYOMING AV crosses 215 Ryan W F J OR4-4729 (29) Ciavatta Anthony 673-1838 575® Geraltowski Frank OR3-5173 411® Aron Asher H SO3-2073 216 HAXTUN AV begins (29S)Dierking Hannah OR7-1961 Gallagher Ella Mrs OR3-1575 416©Katz Alan S03-4919 219@Strauss Sidney OR2-5155 (30) Gmeiner Mary A Mrs 577 DiGisi Joseph C 676-9435 418®McCarthy Raymond SO2-8605 228®DeFilippis Ralph L OR4-3775 OR5-1232 Leonardo Alfred 419®Binder Charles A S03-2628 DeFilippis C A MD OR4-3775 (30S)DellaSala Florence J 579 Richardson J M 425®Bogart Charles A S02-6724 229 Garfinkel Frank 674-1083 OR6-5476 580 McGrath Margaret Mrs 426 Frieman Herbert F S02-7254 234®Strumolo Vincenzo OR5-2974 474®Mahoney W F OR5-1048 ® Buccella Maria Mrs OR7-1998 430®Silver Frederick S02-0202 239 Vacant Flynn Richard J 677-0219 583 Jackson O S contr OR6-4130 435 MAYHEW DR crosses 240 Murray Wendell C 675-1257 478 (l)Cronin Leslie A OR2-3429 Vacant 453©Kazin Bernard S02-3475 243® Cifaldi Matthew OR6-4451 (2 (Monahan Eugene J OR2-7178 584©Dyer John J OR2-4876 454®Applebaum Nathan S02-4983 247®Salles John OR2-8608 (3) Schimpf Charles J OR3-1359 456® Partridge Warren Jr S02-3642 Lowe Florence L Mrs 674-1097 248 Williams Eric S 674-6193 (4) Zielinski Lawrence J Ihnat John F 457®Samuelson George SO3-1950 256©Carolonza Alfred F OR5-3399 677- 2846 463© Pilz Carl R S02-4769 McLaughlin Charles G 261® Morrow T A Jr OR5-4835 (5) 01iviero Leonard M OR6-3272 467®Harrison Shirley V SO3-5705 267 SYLVAN WAY begins 673- 0806 468®Grazian John B S02-3727 589® Tully Clarissa E OR4-2174 270©Bilancia Michael OR3-8568 (6) Kelly William C 596®Rimback J A OR2-2619 469 HARDING DR crosses 273 Binert Russell C 675-4155 (7) DeRogatis Louis A OR5-2894 500 Kerman M L Quarry S02-5500 Vacant 276 MOSSWOOD AV begins (8) Foley Bertrand J 597 Tarney T C exterminator 284 Freda Nicholas L OR5-2745 (9) Drylie David A OR2-6478 OR2-1616 287©Cocoziello Peter 676-7477 (10) DeBellis John OR6-9881 TOMPKINS Vacant 295® Parker Kennedy B OR4-1295 (11) KapnerW M OR3-0713

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