American Journal of Botany 98(9): 1389–1414. 2011.



Allison J. Miller2,4 and Briana L. Gross3

2 Department of Biology, Saint Louis University, 3507 Laclede Avenue, Saint Louis, Missouri 63103 USA; and 3 USDA-ARS, National Center for Genetic Resource Preservation, 1111 S. Mason Street, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 USA

• Premise of the study: Archaeological and genetic analyses of -propagated annual crops have greatly advanced our under- standing of plant domestication and evolution. Comparatively little is known about perennial plant domestication, a relevant topic for understanding how genes and genomes evolve in long-lived species, and how perennials respond to selection pres- sures operating on a relatively short time scale. Here, we focus on long-lived perennial crops (mainly trees and other woody plants) grown for their fruits. • Key results: We reviewed (1) the basic biology of long-lived perennials, setting the stage for perennial domestication by con- sidering how these species evolve in nature; (2) the suite of morphological features associated with perennial fruit crops under- going domestication; (3) the origins and evolution of domesticated perennials grown for their fruits; and (4) the genetic basis of domestication in perennial fruit crops. • Conclusions: Long-lived perennials have lengthy juvenile phases, extensive outcrossing, widespread hybridization, and limited population structure. Under domestication, these features, combined with clonal propagation, multiple origins, and ongoing crop – wild gene fl ow, contribute to mild domestication bottlenecks in perennial fruit crops. Morphological changes under do- mestication have many parallels to annual crops, but with key differences for mating system evolution and mode of reproduc- tion. Quantitative trait loci associated with domestication traits in perennials are mainly of minor effect and may not be stable across years. Future studies that take advantage of genomic approaches and consider demographic history will elucidate the genetics of agriculturally and ecologically important traits in perennial fruit crops and their wild relatives.

Key words: artifi cial selection; clonal propagation; crop evolution; domestication; genetic bottleneck; perennial plants.

For over 150 years, evolutionary biologists have used do- artifi cial selection causes cultivated populations to diverge mestication as a way to study selection under controlled condi- morphologically and genetically from their wild progenitors tions (Darwin, 1859, 1899 ; de Candolle, 1886); accordingly, (Clement, 1999; Emshwiller, 2006; Pickersgill, 2007). The do- domesticated systems have occupied a critical role in the devel- mestication process produces a continuum of plant populations, opment and testing of evolutionary theory (Ross-Ibarra et al., ranging from exploited wild plants to incipient domesticates to 2007; Pickersgill, 2009; Purugganan and Fuller, 2009). Recent cultivated populations that cannot survive without human inter- archaeological, genetic, and genomic analyses of annual crops, vention (Clement, 1999; Pickersgill, 2007; Clement et al., such as maize (Zea mays L.), rice (Oryza sativa L.), sunfl ower 2010). Here, we consider cultivated plant species that are evolv- ( Helianthus annuus L.), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), ing in response to artifi cial selection pressures to be undergoing and wheat ( Triticum L. spp.), have greatly advanced our under- domestication. This inclusive approach requires that cultivated standing of plant domestication (Doebley et al., 2006; Zeder populations exhibiting any morphological or genetic divergence et al., 2006; Bai and Lindhout, 2007; Burke et al., 2007; Burger from their wild ancestors be treated as part of the domestication et al., 2008; Gl é min and Bataillon, 2009). However, compara- continuum. tively little is known about the way in which perennial plants Perennial species include herbaceous plants as well as woody respond to artifi cial selection (Zohary and Spiegel-Roy, 1975; shrubs and trees that live for more than 2 years. They are gener- Zohary, 2004 ; Clement et al., 2010 ; McKey et al., 2010 ), a rel- ally divided into two groups: short-lived perennials, which live evant topic for understanding how genes and genomes evolve for 3 – 5 years, and long-lived perennials, which live for more in long-lived species, and how perennial populations respond to than 5 years. In addition to living longer than annual plants, the other selection pressures operating on a relatively short time reproductive biology of perennials differs from that of annuals scale, such as contemporary climate change ( Hamrick, 2004 ; in that many perennials have long juvenile phases, are obligate Reusch and Wood, 2007 ). outcrossers, experience high rates of intra- and interspecifi c Plant domestication is an evolutionary process operating un- gene fl ow, and frequently reproduce both sexually and asexu- der the infl uence of human activities ( Harlan, 1992 ). Over time, ally ( Petit and Hampe, 2006 ; Savolainen et al., 2007 ; Smith and Donoghue, 2008 ; Vallejo-Mar í n et al., 2010 ). Under domesti- cation, perennial plants are often propagated clonally, which, in 1 Manuscript received 22 December 2010; revision accepted 31 May 2011. addition to long juvenile phases, further decreases the number The authors thank G. K. Croft, J. H. Knouft, D. M. Spooner, J. L. Strasburg, members of the Miller laboratory group, and two anonymous of sexual cycles separating domesticated individuals from their reviewers for valuable comments on previous versions of the manuscript. wild progenitors ( Zohary and Spiegel-Roy, 1975 ; McKey et al., 4 Author for correspondence (e-mail: [email protected]) 2010 , in press ). On the basis of life history characteristics and mode of reproduction, slow rates of evolution in perennial crops doi:10.3732/ajb.1000522 might be expected ( Zeder et al., 2006 ; Olsen and Schaal, 2007 ;

American Journal of Botany 98(9): 1389–1414, 2011; © 2011 Botanical Society of America 1389 1390 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 98

Pickersgill, 2007 ); however, numerous perennial crops exhibit mestication by considering what is known about how trees substantial morphological and genetic divergence from their evolve under natural selection pressures, (2) defi ne the suite of wild progenitors. morphological features commonly associated with the evolu- Domesticated perennials are an important component of ag- tion of perennial fruit crops under domestication, (3) summa- ricultural economies around the globe ( Schreckenberg et al., rize present understanding of the origins and evolution of 2006 ). Perennial crops produce an abundance of useful prod- domesticated perennials grown for their fruits, and (4) describe ucts including fl eshy roots and other belowground materials the genetic basis of domestication in perennial fruit crops. (e.g., cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz; horseradish, Armora- cia rusticana G. Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb.; potato, Solanum tuberosum L.; oca, Oxalis tuberosa Molina), woody stems [e.g., EVOLUTIONARY PROCESSES IN NATURAL Populus L. spp.; Douglas fi r Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) TREE POPULATIONS Franco], fl eshy fruits [e.g., apples, Malus × domestica Borkh.; avocados, Persea americana Mill.; sweet cherries, Prunus avium Although many important advances in evolutionary biology L.; oranges, sinensis (L.) Osbeck], and dry fruits [e.g., were made fi rst in crops and later tested in wild populations, it almonds, Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb; pecans, Carya il- appears that the opposite may be true for long-lived perennials, linoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch; walnuts, Juglans regia L.], where recent progress has occurred primarily in natural (undo- and interest in perennial grains is on the rise (Glover et al., mesticated) tree populations. At neutral or nearly neutral genetic 2010 ). How perennial species respond to artifi cial selection de- loci (see Van Oosterhout et al., 2004), natural populations of pends in part on the lifespan of the individual (short-lived or long-lived species exhibit high levels of within population vari- long-lived perennial) and whether the target of selection is a ation and weak population structure ( Loveless and Hamrick, vegetative part of the plant (root, underground stem, above- 1984; Hamrick et al., 1992; Duminil et al., 2007, 2009 ). Despite ground stem, leaf base, fl eshy leaf) or reproductive component this, these populations appear locally adapted, with multiple (fruit, seed). loci of small effect underlying adaptive traits (Petit and Hampe, The majority of domesticated perennials are long-lived, woody 2006 ). Below, we provide a brief summary of recent evolutionary species cultivated for their edible fruits (Van Tassel et al., analyses of natural tree populations and discuss their relevance 2010 ). Botanically, a fruit is a mature ovary; here, the term for understanding human-mediated evolutionary processes in “ fruit crops ” refers to cultivated plant species in which some long-lived species. component of the fruit is used by humans (e.g., mature ovary, On the basis of neutral marker data for natural populations, seed, additional fl ower parts attached to the mature ovary). limited population structure is correlated with lifespan: annu- Long-lived, perennial fruit crops were domesticated in all als are more structured than short-lived perennials, which are major agricultural centers including eastern Asia (Citrus L.), more structured than long-lived perennials. Other factors cor- Mesoamerica [avocado; papaya, Carica papaya L.; white sapote, related with population structure include breeding system, fl oral Casimiroa edulis La Llave], the Near East (date palm, Phoenix morphology, mode of reproduction, mechanisms of pollination dactylifera L.; fi g, Ficus carica L.; grape, Vitus vinifera L.; and seed dispersal, successional stage, and geographic range, olive, Olea europaea L. subsp. europaea; pistachio, Pistacia among others ( Loveless and Hamrick, 1984 ; Hamrick and Godt, vera L.; pomegranate, Punica granatum L.), South America 1990 ). Differences in lifespan may account for variable degrees ( Annona L. spp.; cashew, Anacardium occidentale L.; guava, of population structure exhibited by annual and perennial spe- Psidium guajava L.), and western Asia [almond; apple; peach, cies, and mutation rates likely play a role as well. Although Prunus persica (L.) Batsch; pear, Pyrus communis L.]. Some long-lived perennial plants accumulate more somatic mutations fruit crops were domesticated from perennial wild progenitors than annuals (Klekowski, 1997), annual plants exhibit 2.7– 10 but are grown primarily as annuals (e.g., chile, Capsicum L. times the mutation rates observed in perennials ( Savolainen and spp.; eggplant, Solanum melongena L.; and tomato ( Janick and Pyh ä j ä rvi, 2007 ; Smith and Donoghue, 2008 ). Another impor- Paull, 2008). Because these crops are functionally annuals and tant aspect of long-lived perennials is the extended juvenile share several similarities with domesticated annuals, they will phase; this prolonged nonreproductive period may dilute or not be treated as perennial fruit crops here. minimize the impact of founder effects because until trees reach This review focuses on long-lived perennials, primarily trees maturity, newly established populations will grow only through and a few woody vines and shrubs, that are cultivated for their the arrival of new migrants ( Austerlitz et al., 2000 ). edible reproductive structures. Historically, perennial plants were It is possible that patterns of limited population structure in considered intractable systems for studying evolution due to perennials might not refl ect lifespan alone, but also variables long generation times and low rates of selfi ng. However, emerg- that are strongly correlated with perenniality, primarily mating ing technologies (e.g., transcriptome sequencing) and analyt- system (e.g., outcrossing) and sexual type (e.g., unisexual fl ow- ical techniques (e.g., association mapping), in conjunction with ers, monoecious, gynodioecious, dioecious taxa; Duminil et al., mature breeding collections housed in common gardens, are 2007 , 2009 ). In perennial species, benefi ts of reproductive as- now facilitating detailed evolutionary analyses in perennial surance gained through selfi ng appear to be outweighed by the species. These advances, along with a steadily increasing body cumulative, deleterious effects of inbreeding that may accrue of literature dealing with previously ignored domesticated spe- over the life of the organism ( Barrett, 1998 ; Petit and Hampe, cies mean that perennial fruit crops present excellent study sys- 2006 ). Accordingly, long-lived species are generally outcrossers, a tems to investigate the tempo and mode of evolutionary system maintained through the physical and temporal separation processes in species that live for multiple years. Do perennial of the sexes via (hetero)dichogamy, dioecy, or self-incompatibility fruit crops evolve under artifi cial selection just like annuals, ( Barrett, 1998 ; Renner, 2001 ; Vamosi et al., 2003 ; Ward et al., only more slowly? What are the hallmarks of domestication in 2005; Petit and Hampe, 2006; Scofi eld and Schultz, 2006). perennial plants? In this review, we (1) revisit the basic biology Although many annual crops were domesticated from self-com- of natural tree populations and set the stage for perennial do- patible wild ancestors, including barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.), September 2011] Miller and Gross — Perennial fruit crop domestication 1391 chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), eggplant, lentils ( Lens culinaris built. Plant domestication has resulted in a suite of morphologi- Medik.), maize, pea ( Pisum sativum L.), chile (Capsium an- cal changes in cultivated populations relative to their wild pro- nuum L.), tomatoes, and wheat (Zohary and Hopf, 2000; Bai genitors called a “ domestication syndrome ” ( Harlan et al., and Lindhout, 2007 ; Janick and Paull, 2008 ), it appears relatively 1973; Harlan, 1992; Zohary and Hopf, 2000; Careau et al., few perennial crops were derived from selfi ng wild populations 2010 ). A large body of work quantifying morphological differ- (see A domestication syndrome for perennial fruit crops later). ences between cultivated annuals and their wild progenitors has The same mechanisms that allow perennial plants to avoid accumulated. Recent studies have described aspects of the do- selfi ng also facilitate extensive intra- and interspecifi c gene mestication history of individual perennial crops, and a few fl ow in trees across short and long distances, and one conse- studies have considered general patterns associated with evolu- quence of this is that interspecifi c hybridization is fairly com- tionary processes in these long-lived crop species (Zohary and mon in trees (e.g., Hamrick et al., 1992 ; Ellstrand et al., 1996 , Spiegel-Roy, 1975; Zohary 2004; McKey et al., 2010, in press). Petit et al., 2003, Latouche-Hall é et al., 2004, Dutech et al., Using analyses of annual crops as a basis of comparison, we 2005, Ward et al., 2005, Gerard et al., 2006, Hardy et al., 2006; describe the evolution of reproductive and vegetative traits in Curtu et al., 2007 , Dick et al., 2007 ; Ahmed et al., 2009 ; Du perennial fruit crops under domestication ( Table 1 ). et al., 2009 ; LePais et al., 2009 ; Ashley, 2010 ). Interspecifi c hybridization in natural tree populations has implications for Evolution of reproductive traits— Two of the primary differ- species coherence and adaptive evolution in the wild and can ences between annual and perennial crops are breeding system also play a role in the process of plant domestication. The im- and mode of reproduction (Zohary and Spiegel-Roy, 1975; portance of hybridization in domesticated species was noted by Zohary 2004 ; McKey et al., 2010 ). In terms of breeding system, Stebbins (1950, p. 292) , particularly in clonally propagated do- natural populations of annual and perennial crop relatives differ mesticates, where “ any single valuable hybrid individual, once with regards to self-compatibility and dioecy. As noted already, obtained, can immediately become the progenitor of a new va- many cereals and pulses were domesticated from self-compatible, riety and can be perpetuated indefi nitely.” Indeed, it appears wild progenitors, but self-compatible, wild ancestors of perennial hybridization has been a potent force in the evolution of domes- crops are less common (Zohary and Hopf, 2000). Dioecy, how- ticated perennials (see Hybridization in domesticated perennial ever, is weakly correlated with woody growth and fl eshy fruit pro- fruit crop lineages later). duction ( Muenchow, 1987 ; Renner and Ricklefs, 1995 ; Vamosi Despite low levels of among-population structure based on et al., 2003 ); consequently, several dioecious perennials have neutral markers, common garden analyses of populations origi- been domesticated while few (if any) dioecious annuals have nating from geographically distinct areas indicate that natural been selectively cultivated for food. Under domestication, the tree populations are locally adapted (Howe et al., 2003; re- breeding systems of dioecious perennials have evolved to gyno- viewed in Gonz á lez-Mart í nez et al., 2006b ; Neale, 2007 ; Neale dioecy, andromonoecy, or hermaphroditism (e.g., papaya, grape, and Ingvarsson, 2008 ; Neale and Kremer, 2011 ). Current un- carob [Ceratonia siliqua L.]). On the other hand, annual and pe- derstanding of the genetic basis of adaptation in long-lived rennial crops are similar in that many were domesticated from populations is based largely on temperate forest trees that have allogamous wild populations, which, under domestication, have been evolving in response to selection pressures such as dis- switched to an autogamous breeding system; for example, the ease, drought, and cold; examples include Picea A. Dietr. annual crops rice and faba bean (Vicia faba L.), and the perennial (Namroud et al., 2008), Pinus L. (Savolainen et al., 2004; crops almond, grape, and plum (Prunus domestica L.; Table 1 ). Gonz á lez-Mart í nez et al., 2006a ; Notivol et al., 2007 ; Palm é The vast majority of annual crops are grown from seed. In et al., 2008 ; Wachowiak et al., 2009 ), Populus L. ( Chen et al., contrast, more than 75% of perennial fruit crops are clonally 2002 ; Jansson and Douglas, 2007 ; Rae et al., 2007 ), and propagated ( Table 2 ). This is not necessarily the case for peren- Pseudotsuga Carriè re (Palm é et al., 2008; Eckert et al., 2009a, nial species that are grown as annuals; those grown for their b ). Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analyses and association stud- belowground vegetative components are generally clonally ies have demonstrated that these traits are generally associated propagated (e.g., horseradish, oca, potato), and those grown for with variation at multiple loci of small effect (Jermstad et al., their fruits (e.g., tomato, chile, eggplant) are grown from seed. 2001a , b , 2003 ; Howe et al., 2003 ; Wheeler et al., 2005 ; Long juvenile phases in perennial species place severe limits on Gonz á lez-Mart í nez et al., 2006a ; Heuertz et al., 2006 ; Rae traditional breeding efforts because farmers are required to wait et al., 2007 ; Neale, 2007 ; Eckert et al., 2009a , b , 2010 ). In con- multiple years (in some cases, decades) before fruits can be trast, recent studies characterizing the genetic basis of domesti- evaluated, selected, and cultivated. Early farmers sidestepped cation traits (traits that evolved under cultivation in response to challenges associated with juvenile phase length by adopting artifi cial selection) in annual crops demonstrate that many do- clonal propagation, the primary form of reproduction in peren- mestication traits are the result few loci of large effects ( Gepts, nial fruit crops and a key component of the domestication syn- 2004 ; Purugganan and Fuller, 2009 ). Similar studies in long- drome in long-lived plants (Zohary and Spiegel-Roy, 1975). lived crops indicate that some traits parallel natural tree popula- The shift from sexual to clonal reproduction allowed for the tions in genetic architecture, while others more closely resemble faithful reproduction of individuals with superior features by the genetic architecture detected in annual crops (see Genetic eliminating uncertainty associated with sexual reproduction basis of perennial fruit crop domestication later). ( Bhojwani and Razdan, 1996 ). Clonal reproduction can result in rapid rates of change in domesticated systems because indi- viduals with favored traits, once identifi ed, can be reproduced A DOMESTICATION SYNDROME FOR exactly and extensively. The shift from sexual to clonal repro- LONG-LIVED, PERENNIAL FRUIT CROPS duction has also led to concomitant changes in reproductive biology (discussed below), some of which are the most striking The evolution of plant morphology in response to human se- changes associated with perennial fruit crop domestication lection pressure is the foundation upon which agriculture is ( Zohary and Spiegel-Roy, 1975 ; McKey et al., 2010 ; Table 1 ). 1392 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 98 g ( Kislev et al., Kislev g ( spp. ( Moore, 2001 ; Rao et al., 2008 ) Rao et al., 2008 ; Moore, 2001 spp. ( Polaskia ( Otero-Arnaiz et al., 2003 ) Otero-Arnaiz et al., 2003 Polaskia ( Clove ( Wit, 1976 ) 1976 Wit, ( Clove Almond ( L ó pez et Zohary and Hopf, al., ); grape ( 2006 ; et al., 2007 S á nchez-P é rez ); 2008 Janick and Paull, ); papaya ( 2000 ) Zohary and Hopf, 2000 plum ( ); grape, carob 1974 Zeven, Black pepper ( ) Zohary and Hopf, 2000 ( ); fi 2007 Schwarzacher, ); pistachio Juliano, 1932 ); jocote ( 2006a Zohary and Hopf, ); pears ( Polito, 1999 ( 2000 ) Citrus 2 Table perennials; see ~75% of cultivated Almond ( Lyle, 2006 ; S á nchez-P é rez et 2010 ) al., Olive, date, grape, pomegranate, apples, date, grape, pomegranate, Olive, ) Zohary and Hopf 2000 plums ( Apples ( Lyle, 2006 ); jocote ( Miller, 2008 ) 2008 Miller, ); jocote ( 2006 Lyle, Apples ( ed into two character states: the ancestral state, which is ed into two fi nd citations are listed for each trait when available, but are not but nd citations are listed for each trait when available, owers, pulses ( Zohary pulses ( owers, * spp. ( Janick and Paull, Janick and Paull, * spp. ( ower, corn, sorghum, millet corn, sorghum, ower, ower ( Putt, 1997 ) Putt, 1997 ( ower rice ( Cai and Morishima, 2000 ) Cai and Morishima, 2000 rice ( sunfl 1971 ); faba bean ( Zohary bean ( ); faba 1971 ) and Hopf, 2000 ( Harlan, 1992 ); tomato ( Bai and ); tomato ( Harlan, 1992 ( ) Lindhout, 2007 Cucurbita 2008 ) tomato ( Bai and Lindhout, 2007 ) Bai and Lindhout, 2007 tomato ( and Hopf, 2000 ) and Hopf, 2000 ) Hopf, 2000 ) and Hopf, 2000 Chickpeas ( Zohary and Hopf, 2000 ); Zohary and Hopf, 2000 Chickpeas ( ); Bai and Lindhout 2007 tomato ( ) 1997 Pickersgill, chile peppers ( become fertileowers Zohary ; Harlan, 1992 Cereals ( hermaphroditic (e.g., grafting, layering, cuttings) Increased variation in color, size, in color, Increased variation and shape owersfl Sterile High dormancy dormancy Low ); Zohary and Hopf, 2000 Pulses ( DioeciousSexual Gynodioecious, andromonoecious, Sexual via nucellar embryony Asexual via propagation by humans Asexual Low oil contentLow High oil content); Zohary and Hopf, 2000 Flax ( Low oil contentLow Dehiscent High oil content Indehiscent)Zohary and Hopf, 2000 Pulses ( ) Dick et al., 2007 Kapok ( ) Zohary and Hopf 2000 ( Olives Lower seed setLower More toxic Higher seed set Less toxic ) Zohary and Hopf, 2000 Flax ( Smaller size size Larger ); Zohary and Hopf 2000 Pulses ( fruit FewShattering Nonshattering Many Cereals, sunfl Zohary and rice ( Wheat, barley, Allogamous Autogamous, Oka and Morishima 1967 Rice ( a, b Sterile fl Sterile c Relatively homogeneous Relatively Smaller size size Larger Sunfl c a, c orescence orescence Fruit Mode of reproduction SexualInfl via parthenocarpy Asexual Heslop-Harrison and Banana ( Shell thickness Thick Thin) and Zohary 1996 Browicz Pecan, almond ( 1. traits are classi and reproductive Vegetative Morphological traits associated with domesticated annual and perennial crops. found in the wild relatives of the crop, and the derived state, the state exhibited by the domesticated populations. Examples a state, the state exhibited of the crop, and derived found in the wild relatives case. list in every meant to represent an exhaustive Table CategoryReproductive Breeding system Trait (ancestral) state Wild state Domesticated (derived) Examples in annuals Examples in perennials September 2011] Miller and Gross — Perennial fruit crop domestication 1393

When one or just a few clones (cultivars) are planted across a geographic region, clonal propagation can result in mate limi- tation (McKey et al., 2010). In nature, tree populations are almost exclusively outcrossers (see previous section); mate limitation resulting from clonal propagation in agricultural en- vironments has resulted in the evolution of alternative strate- gies to ensure fruit production. For example, clonally propagated perennials undergoing domestication have shifted from unisex- ual fl owers to bisexual fl owers (e.g., carob, grape) and from dioecy to monoecy (e.g., black pepper [Piper nigrum L.]). Papaya includes dioecious, gynodioecious, and andromonoecious cultivars, but it is unclear if variation in reproductive biology evolved as a result of human selection or if it was present in the kapok ( Dick et al., 2007 ) Dick et al., 2007 kapok ( ( Singh, 1976 ); coconut ( Janick and Paull, Janick and Paull, ); coconut ( Singh, 1976 ( ); 2007 Niklas and Marler, ); papaya ( 2008 plum, citrus peach, pear, apple, cherry, ( Tukey 1964 ) ); breadfruit Atkinson et al., 1997 Kiwi ( Tavaud ); sour cherry ( et al., 2004 Zerega ( ) et al., 2004 wild ancestors ( Storey, 1976a ; Niklas and Marler, 2007 ). Some cultivated perennials have evolved from producing fruit through sexual reproduction in the wild to parthenocarpic fruit produc- tion in cultivation (e.g., banana [ Musa L. spp.], fi g, jocote [ Spondias purpurea L.], pear, pistachio). Other perennial spe- cies have evolved self-compatibility under domestication (e.g., almond, grape, plum; Table 2 ). Domesticated perennials and their wild relatives provide outstanding model systems for un-

owers ( Zohary and Hopf, ( owers derstanding the evolution of plant mating systems when clonal reproduction is common (Vallejo-Mar í n et al., 2010), although to date few comparative analyses have been conducted (Otero- Arnaiz et al., 2003 ). ( Janick and Paull, 2008 ) 2008 Janick and Paull, ( ) et al., 2010 Tian ( ); soybean 2000 peanut ( Kochert et al., 1996 ) et al., 1996 Kochert peanut ( In addition to changes in breeding system and mode of repro- duction, the domestication of perennials has resulted in changes in infl orescence, seed, and fruit characteristics (Table 1). In many ways, evolutionary changes in domesticated perennials mirror features that have evolved during the domestication of annual crops ( Harlan et al., 1973 ; Zeven and deWet, 1982 ; Hammer, 1984 ; Harlan, 1992 ; Hancock, 2004 ; Gl é min and Bataillon, 2009; Purugganan and Fuller, 2009). For example, relative to their wild progenitors, both annuals and perennials have less toxic seeds with higher oil content and lower rates of dormancy. In addition, domesticated annuals and perennials ex- hibit larger fruits that are more variable in color, taste, and other traits related to human preferences ( Table 1 ). Despite these similarities, some morphological features tra- ditionally associated with the domestication syndrome of an- nual plants either do not occur in perennials or have not (to our knowledge) been recorded for perennials ( Table 1 ). For exam- ple, the number of infl orescences in annual crops is greater in cultivated populations than in wild, and under domestication, sterile fl owers found in wild populations have become fertile. Further, the infl orescences of many domesticated annuals re-

Indeterminate growthLarge Determinate growth Cereals, sunfl Dwarfmain intact, while those of their wild ancestors); castor 2002 and Lavi, Lahav ( Avocado shatter when ripe. Although plausible, it is unclear whether similar changes

Spines No spines) and Bohs, 2010 Weese Eggplant ( ); Zohary and Hopf 2000 have plum ( Olive, occurred in domesticated perennials. Conversely, some a perennial crops have reproductive features that are not found in annual crops; notably, domesticated perennials have higher oil content in nonseed parts of the fruit and thinner shells than do their wild progenitors.

Evolution of vegetative traits— Although the primary focus of Growth formGrowth Perennial as annuals Grown chile peppers, eggplant Tomato, Ploidy level Diploidselection Polyploid in fruit crops has been); Zohary and Hopf, 2000 Wheat ( reproductive structures, changes in vegetative traits have occurred during the domestication pro- cess as well ( Table 1 ). Like some annual crops, domesticated perennials exhibit a reduction in their defensive structures rela- tive to their wild progenitors. A common vegetative feature of

1. Continued. domesticated perennials is dwarfi sm, which has been documented Described by Zohary and Spiegel-Roy (1975) and Zohary (2004) . Zohary (2004) and (1975) Zohary and Spiegel-Roy Described by Described by Hancock (2004) Hancock (2004) Described by Harlan (1992) Described by a b c

in avocado (Persea americana Mill.), castor (Ricinus communis

Table CategoryVegetative structures Defensive Trait (ancestral) state Wild state Domesticated (derived) L.), Examples in annuals coconut (Cocos Examples in perennials nucifera L.), and numerous Rosaceae crops; 1394 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 98 ed in cultivated ed in cultivated Manos and Stone, et al., Grauke ; 2001 2011 Lyle, 2006 ; Janick 2008 and Paull, Zerega et al., Zerega 2004 , 2006 ; personal N. Zerega, communication and Paull, 2008 and Paull, Atkinson et al., 1997 ; Atkinson et al., 1997 Lyle, 2006 Lyle, Lyle, 2006 ; Janick 2008 and Paull, Mitchell, 1987 ; Janick and Paull, ; S. Pell and 2008 J. Mitchell, personal communication 2004 ; Lyle, 2006 ; Janick and Paull, 2008 Storey, Storey, 1976a ; Lyle, 2006 ; Janick and Ming ; 2008 Paull, et al., 2008 Lyle, Lyle, 2006 ; personal N. Zerega, communication = 32 = ~84; = 56 = 18 = 56 x x x x 2x , the methods of propagation are pops. References = 2 = = 3 = 164 = 22 or 24 = 24, 30, = 2 = 2 Ploidy of cultivated cultivated n n n n n n n n 2 2 2 ? Lyle, 2006 ; Janick 6 2 2 40, 42 ? Perfectti and Pascual, 2 ? Lyle, 2006 2 (secondary) cult) ld and cultivated populations (where known), method(s) populations (where known), ld and cultivated Propagation: primary Seed; (clonal: grafting onto three-year old seedlings) cuttings; (seed: outcrossed) Seed: outcrossed; (clonal: rooted or grafted cuttings, or air layering) Clonal: budding, Clonal: budding, grafting; (seed) cuttings, grafting; (seed) (seed, outcrossed) cutting; (seed) Seed: outcrossed; (clonal propagation diffi Seed: outcrossed; (clonal: rooted cuttings) grafting; (seed) Clonal: grafting, (clonal: rooted or grafted cuttings) iations in breeding system have been identifi iations in breeding system have h clonal and seed propagation methods are listed. Methods of ilization or self-fertilization. The most commonly used method ilization or self-fertilization. owers owers owers, strongly owers, owers; fl owers; owers Breeding system (breeding different from native pops.) from native different system in cultivated pops., if system in cultivated functionally unisexual, functionally unisexual, self-incompatible (some self-compatible cvs.) Monoecious (parthenocarpic cvs.) protogynous, self- incompatible (self- compatible cvs.) Dioecious Clonal: rooted dichogamous, generally self-incompatible dioecious (parthenocarpy); dioecious (parthenocarpy); or monoecious with fl bisexual Bisexual fl Bisexual Monoecious, heterodichogamous; generally self-incompatible Monoecious Seed: outcrossed;


ow with ow ? L. ×

Planch. Merr. (F. Michx.) (F. relatives : domesticated C. cordiformis A. camansi A. mariannensis Hybridization, origin, ongoing gene fl A. altilis from Blanco, hybridized with in Micronesia A. chinensis A. chinensis A. squamosa Hybridizes with aquatica Nutt., K. (Wangenh.) and Koch, C. laciniosa (F. Michx.) Loudon (F. crossed with A. integer No. of origins At least 2 ? ? (self-compatible); Bisexual ? Hybridizes with (no. of origins) Region of origin Region Micronesia Southeast AsiaSoutheast ? ? heterostylous Bisexual, Clonal: grafting; American lowlands South America (Peru, Ecuador) rst; less common methods follow in parentheses. In cases where there are multiple methods of propagation but none predominates in parentheses. In cases where there are multiple methods of propagation but rst; less common methods follow Breadfruit Melanesia/ Polynesia; White Sapote Mesoamerica ? ? sometimes Bisexual, Pawpaw North America ? ? Bisexual fl Kiwifruit China 1 Allopolyploid origin, Starfruit, Carambola Cashew Central Brazil ? ? Andromonoecious Clonal: grafting, Papaya Eastern Central Custard apple, cherimoya AtemoyaAmerica South ? Hybrid origin self-compatible Bisexual; Clonal: cuttings, Pecan North America Multiple Jackfruit Ghats, India Western ? been Cvs. have


× L.

(A. Miller L. A. A. altilis

La Llave La Llave é cul Tr × (L.) Dunal Miller L. spp. ( A. altilis 2. breeding systems in wi of origin(s), hybridization history, regions Some domesticated perennial fruit crops, their putative listed alphabetically. Here, cultivars are abbreviated as “cvs.” are abbreviated Here, cultivars listed alphabetically. of propagation (clonal, seed), and ploidy level. For breeding systems, the system(s) found in nature is listed; if var For of propagation (clonal, seed), and ploidy level. populations, those are listed in parentheses following the natural breeding system of each species. For propagation method, bot the natural breeding system of each species. For populations, those are listed in parentheses following Seed production can result from cross-fert clonal reproduction includes air layering, cuttings, grafting, or nucellar embryony. of propagation is listed fi (Parkinson) Fosberg) (Parkinson) and mariannensis (Moraceae) (Rutaceae) (Annonaceae) Chev.) C. F. Liang C. F. Chev.) & A. R. Ferguson (Actinidiaceae) (Oxalidacaeae) (Anacardiaceae) (Caricaceae) (Annonaceae) A. cherimola (Annonaceae) (Wangenh.) K. Koch. K. Koch. (Wangenh.) (Juglandaceae) Lam. (Moraceae) Table Species (Family) Common name Casimiroa edulis Casimiroa Asimina triloba Actinidia deliciosa Averrhoa carambola Averrhoa Anacardium occidentale Anacardium Carica papaya Annona cherimola Annona squamosa Carya illinoinensis Artocarpus heterophyllus Artocarpus September 2011] Miller and Gross — Perennial fruit crop domestication 1395 2006 ; Janick and 2008 Paull, 2006 ; Janick and 2008 Paull, 2006 ; Janick and 2008 Paull, 2006 ; Janick and 2008 Paull, and Paull, 2008 and Paull, and Paull, 2008 and Paull, 2006 ; Janick and 2008 Paull, Mattioni et al., 2008 ; Mattioni et al., 2008 Conedera et al., Lang et al., ; 2004 2007 ; Ivanova and 2007 Vladimirov, 2000 ; Lyle 2006 ; Janick and Paull, 2008 Janick and Paull, Janick and Paull, 2008 = 24 x pops. References = 2 Ploidy of cultivated cultivated n ? Moore, 2001 ; Lyle, ? Moore, 2001 ; Lyle ? Moore, 2001 ; Lyle, ? Moore, 2001 ; Lyle, ? Moore, 2001 ; Janick ? Moore, 2001 ; Janick ? Moore, 2001 ; Lyle, 2 ?Zohary and Hopf, ? Bret ó et al., 2001 ; (secondary) Propagation: primary Clonal: budding, Clonal: budding, layering, grafting, (seed: top-working; cross-pollinated, nucellar embryony) layering, grafting, (seed: top-working; cross-pollinated, nucellar embryony) Clonal: budding, Clonal: budding, layering, grafting, (seed: top-working; cross-pollinated, nucellar embryony) layering, grafting, (seed: top-working; cross-pollinated, nucellar embryony) Clonal: budding, Clonal: budding, layering, grafting, (seed: top-working; cross-pollinated, nucellar embryony) layering, grafting, (seed: top-working; cross-pollinated, nucellar embryony) Clonal: budding, Clonal: budding, layering, grafting, (seed: top-working; cross-pollinated, nucellar embryony) grafting) or cuttings; budding, (seed: outcrossed) Clonal: budding, Clonal: budding, layering, grafting, (seed: top-working; cross-pollinated, nucellar embryony) ng Breeding system (breeding different from native pops.) from native different system in cultivated pops., if system in cultivated Bisexual (self-compatible); Bisexual monoembryonic and polyembronic clones; parthenocarpic clones Bisexual, self-compatibleBisexual, Clonal: budding, Bisexual, some Bisexual, andromonoecious Bisexual (self-compatible)Bisexual Clonal: budding, outcrossing, some selfi clones Clonal: budding, Bisexual, self-compatible Bisexual, and (nucellar embryony polyembryony) Monoembryonic;

ow with ow and

× L.,

× spp.?

(L.) × (L.)

L. C. grandis Microcitrus

C. grandis (L.) Osbeck relatives × × × Hybridization, origin, ongoing gene fl C. grandis parent of C. aurantium C. sinensis C. sinensis Osbeck parent of C. aurantiifolia C. limon C. medica Microcitrus uncontrolled, cross unknown C. reticulata Blanco C. medica C. grandis Osbeck Swingle spp. with congeners No. of origins ? Hybrid origin: ? Hybridize readily Monecious, dichogamous Seed; (clonal: (no. of origins) Region of origin Region West Indies West Northeast Turkey Northeast Turkey and Caucauses? Mandarin Asia ? Hybridizes readily; Grapefruit Southeast Asia or Citron ? ? Hybridizes readily; Lemon, limeAsia Southeast ? Hybrid origin: Clementine Algerian orphanage 1 Product of Sour oranges ? ? Hybrid origin: European Chestnut Carob limeMexican Middle East ? ? ? ? Hybrid origin: cvs.) Dioecious (bisexual Clonal: scion grafting, Pummelo Southeast Asia ? Hybridizes regularly

Hort. L. L. Blanco Mill. Macfad. (L.) L. (L.) Osbeck 2. Continued. (Rutaceae) (Rutaceae) (Rutaceae) (Rutaceae) Ex Tan (Rutaceae) Ex Tan (Rutaceae) (Fagaceae) (Fabaceae) (Christm.) Swingle Osbeck (Rutaceae) Table Citrus reticulata Citrus paradisi Citrus medica Citrus limon Species (Family) Common name Citrus clementina Citrus aurantium Castanea sativa siliqua Ceratonia Citrus aurantiifolia Citrus grandis 1396 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 98 Zohary and Hopf, 2000 ; Manos and Gunn ; Stone 2001 et al., 2010 Tamura et al., 1998 ; et al., 1998 Tamura Lyle, 2006 ; Janick 2008 and Paull, Lyle, 2006 Hardon, 1976 Storey, 1976b ; Zohary ; and Hopf, 2000 ; et al., 2006a Kislev Lyle, 2006 Pomper et al., 1998 ; Pomper et al., 1998 é Palm and ; 2002 Vendramin, ; Persson et al., 2004 Lyle, 2006 ; Boccacci and Botta, 2009 Hughes et al., ; C. Romero- 2007 Hernandez, personal communication and Paull, 2008 and Paull, Whitehead, 1976 ; Gunn, 2004 ; K. Olsen, personal communication Ferwerda, 1976; et al., Anthony Maurin et al., ; 2002 2007 = 32 = 90 = 90 = 32 = 26 = 32 = 44 x x x x x x x pops. References = 2 = 6 = 2 = 2 = 6 = 22 = 2 = 4 Ploidy of cultivated cultivated n n n n n n n n 2 2 2 2 2 ? Lyle, 2006 2 ? Moore, 2001 ; Janick 2 Allotetraploid; 2 (secondary) Propagation: primary (clonal: grafting) suckers Clonal: cuttings or grafting; (seed) Seed; (clonal: grafting) ?Clonal: grafting; (seed) 2006 Lyle, (clonal: layering) Clonal: rhizomes, layering, or grafting; (seed: outcrossed primarily) Clonal: budding, Clonal: budding, layering, grafting, (seed: top-working; cross-pollinated, nucellar embryony) Seed Seed; (clonal: cuttings, grafting) owers, owers, owers, male owers, owers, owers, ng) Breeding system (breeding different from native pops.) from native different system in cultivated pops., if system in cultivated (parthenocarpic fruit owers; Monoecious, dichogamous Seed: outcrossed; MonoeciousGynodioecious; parthenocarpic in native fruit development populations and cultivated Seed: outcrossed fl development) polygamomonoecious (hermaphroditic fl parthenocarpic fruit production) Bisexual Seed Variable Zarat é , 2005; Monoecious, heterodichogamous; generally self-incompatible (some self-compatible cvs.) Bisexual, self-compatible; Bisexual, nucellar embryony (selfi fl Bisexual self-compatible ow with ow L. Mill.

Pierre ×

c c

Dode relatives C. colurna C. maxima Hybridization, origin, ongoing gene fl hybridization for crop improvement wild ancestors in the Mediterranean region hybridization with sigillata J. Several cultivated cultivated Several allopolyploid species C. reticulata C. grandis C. canephora A. Froehner and ex C. eugenioides S. Moore with and

No. of origins origins of L. leuco- cephala 1 Hybridization with (Lam.) de Wit. 2 None known3 Monoecious, outcrossing populations, In native c Ocean Basin, (no. of origins) Region of origin Region Mesoamerica Multiple North AmericaNorth ?Jordan Valley ? Dioecious Clonal: cuttings or ? ? Hybrid origin: Turkey, Iran Turkey, Indian Ocean Basin North American Persimmon Oil palmFigAfrica West Walnut 1 Middle East, Lower Southwest Asia Interspecifi ? Interspecifi Black sapote MesoamericaPersimmon ? China ? ? ? fl Bisexual Monoecious, dioecious, Lychee Southern China ? ? Monoecious, dichogamous Seed: outcrossed; Sweet orange (common/ blond, acidless, blood, navel) Coconut Pacifi Coffee EthiopiaHazelnut Mediterranean, ? Hybrid origin from L. Jacq. Jacq. L. Sonn. L. L. Thunb. Osbeck L. (Moraceae) spp. Benth. 2. Continued. (Fabaceae) (Ebenaceae) (Arecaceae) (Juglandaceae) (Ebenaceae) (Ebenaceae) (Sapindaceae) (Rutaceae) (Arecaceae) (Rubiaceae) (Betulaceae) Leucaena Table Species (Family) Common name Diospyros virginiana Diospyros Elaeis guineensis carica Ficus regia Juglans Diospyros digyna Diospyros kaki Diospyros Litchi chinensis Litchi Citrus sinensis Cocos nucifera Coffea arabica Coffea Corylus avellana September 2011] Miller and Gross — Perennial fruit crop domestication 1397 al., Zohary and Hopf, 2000 ; Chao and ; 2007 Krueger, Gonz á lez-P é rez et al., 2004 Golan-Goldhirsh et Yi ; et al., 2004 Shanjani et al., ; 2008 2009 Lahav and Lavi, 2002 ; 2002 and Lavi, Lahav Lyle, 2006 Besnard and Bervill é , Baldoni et al., ; 2000 Breton et al., ; 2006 2006 Watkins, 1976b ; ; et al., 2004 Tavaud Cottrell et al., 2009 Watkins, 1976b ; ; et al., 2004 Tavaud Lyle, 2006 Simmonds, 1976 ; Heslop-Harrison and Schwarzacher, 2007 Otero-Arnaiz et al., 2003 , 2005a , b Darwin, 1899 ; Watkins, 1976b ; Singh, 2003 ; et al., Zhebentyayeva Maghuly et al., ; 2003 Khadari et al., ; 2005 2006 ; Lyle, 2006 ; ; He et al., 2007 Singh, 1976 ; Mukherjee, 1997 ; Iyer and Degani, 1997 ; Janick and 2008 Paull, 2008 Paull, Watkins, Watkins, 1976a ; ; Harris et al., 2002 ; Coart et al., 2006 Kron and Husband, 2009 cvs. = 36 = 30 = 22; = 46 = 16 = 32 = 33 = 40 = 34; x x x x x x x x x x pops. References = 2 = 2 = 2 = 3 = 24 = 4 = 2 = 16 = 2 = 2 = 2 Ploidy of cultivated cultivated n n n n n n n n n n n 2 2 2 most cvs. 2 2 2 2 2 2 ? Lyle, 2006 ; Janick and 2 some 3 2 (secondary) Propagation: primary Clonal: grafting; (seed: outcrossed) Clonal: suckers (seed: Clonal: suckers outcrossed) Clonal: corm cuttings species Wild Clonal: grafting; (seed: outcrossed) Clonal: grafting; (seed) Clonal: cuttings or grafting Clonal: planted branches; seed Clonal: grafting (seed: selfed or outcrossed) Clonal: grafting onto wild rootstocks; (seed: outcrossed) Clonal: layering or grafting; seed: outcrossing Seed: nucellar (clonal: embryony; grafting) Clonal: grafting since 3800 BC; (seed: outcrossed) owers; owers; owers, owers, owers, owers, owers, owers, owers, owers, owers, owers, Breeding system (breeding different from native pops.) from native different system in cultivated pops., if system in cultivated owers) fruit development) Dioecious; (hermaphroditic fl Monoecious; (sterile, fruit production via parthenocarpy) Bisexual fl Bisexual heterodichogamous self-incompatible (self-compatible) self-compatible or self-incompatible Andromonoecious, self-compatible or self-incompatible outcrossing Bisexual, (self-compatible) self-incompatible self-incompatible self-incompatible; monoembryonic and polyembryonic Bisexual fl Bisexual self-incompatible


ow with ow Hort. Colla Coll. Nees. Mill. (L.) Roxb. Jacq., P. chichipe P. Malus relatives P. parvifl ora parvifl P. Hybridization, origin, ongoing gene fl With wild With P. canariensis P. Ex Chabaud, reclinata P. sylvestris P. Spreng. P. schiedeana P. and olives (oleasters) olives ? fl Bisexual populations M. acuminata M. balbisiana M. sylvestris and other species No. of origins 2 Hybridization with wild China, western Asia) ≥ ? No fl Bisexual Multiple Hybrid origin: (no. of origins) Region of origin Region Mediterranean Basin Africa Mesoamerica ?(Malay Penn.) ? fl Bisexual PistachioAsia South Central Chichipe ? Mesoamerica ? Dioecious (parthenocarpic Date palmAfrica? Northern ? Ongoing with Avocado Mesoamerica ? Hybridization with Sour cherry Eurasia ? No fl Bisexual Olive Near East, western Apricot Northeastern China 2 (western Sweet Cherry Europe, northern Sapodilla, Chicozapote Banana Southeast Asia Mango Northeastern India ? ? Andromonoecious; Apple Central Asia Unknown Ongoing with

L. Borkh. L. Mill. (L.) P. (L.) P.

L. europaea L. L. subsp. (L.) L. L. var. var. domestica

× 2. Continued.

L. spp. (Musaceae) (Anacardiaceae) (Rol.-Goss.) Backeb. (Cactaceae) (Arecaceae) (Lauraceae) (Rosaceae) europaea (Rosaceae) (Rosaceae) (Oleaceae) Royen (Sapotaceae) Royen (Anacardiaceae) (Rosaceae) Pistacia vera chichipe Polaskia Table Species (Family) Common name Phoenix dactylifera Persea americana Persea Prunus cerasus Olea europaea Prunus armeniaca Prunus avium Manilkara zapota Manilkara Musa Mangifera indica Mangifera Malus 1398 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 98 Watkins, Watkins, 1976b ; Tao Abbott ; et al., 2007 et al., 2008 Miller and Schaal, 2005 , 2006 Cope, 1976 ; Motamayor et al., 2002 , 2003 ; Mullins et al., 1992 í a Arroyo-Garc This ; et al., 2006 Myles ; et al., 2006 et al., 2011 Keep, Keep, 1976 2006 Watkins, Watkins, 1976a ; Zohary and Hopf 2000 Gradziel et al., 2000 ; Gradziel et al., 2000 L ó pez et al., 2006 ; Ladizinsky, 1999 ; Browicz and 1996 Zohary, 2006 Watkins, Watkins, 1976b ; Lyle, 2006 ; Tao et al., 2007 2008 and Paull, Lyle, 2006 ; Sheikh, 2006 Watkins, Watkins, 1976b ; Singh, 2003 ; Lyle, 2006 ; Janick and 2008 Paull, cvs. = 20 = 38 = 16 = 34; = 16, = 48 x x x x x x x pops. References = 16 = 15 = 2 = 2 = 2 = 2 = 16? = 2 = 6 Ploidy of cultivated cultivated n n n n n n n n n 2 2 2 2 2 2 some 3 2 ? Watkins, 1976b ; ?2 18 Lyle, 2006 ; Janick 2 (secondary) Propagation: primary Clonal: grafting; seed: self- or cross pollinated Clonal: grafting; seed: outcrossed or selfed Clonal: cuttings Clonal in commercial seed cultivation; Clonal: cuttings or grafting; (seed) Clonal: cuttings; (seed) Variable Lyle, ; Jennings, 1976 Clonal: cuttings; (seed) Clonal: grafting; (seed) Clonal: grafting; (seed: outcrossed or selfed) Clonal: cuttings; (seed) Variable Lyle, ; Jennings, 1976 Clonal: grafting; seed (variable) Clonal: cuttings; (seed) Clonal: grafting; (seed: selfed, outcrossed) owers in owers owers, mostly owers, owers, mostly owers, owers; owers; owers, owers, owers, mostly owers, owers; owers; owers, self-fertile owers, owers, owers, Breeding system (breeding different from native pops.) from native different system in cultivated pops., if system in cultivated Bisexual fl Bisexual self-compatible Bisexual fl Bisexual self-compatible (pollen- sterile cvs.) Dioecious (parthenocarpic fruit production) self-incompatible near center of origin, self- from origin compatible away Dioecious in the wild (bisexual, self-compatible fl cultivation) Outcrossing (self-compatible cvs.) self-incompatible Bisexual, (some self-compatible cvs.) Bisexual fl Bisexual self-compatible or self-incompatible populations Bisexual fl Bisexual self-incompatible Bisexual fl Bisexual self-incompatible (some self-compatible cvs.) (some parthenocarpic cvs. cvs.) cross-incompatibility, cross-incompatibility, some self-compatibility Bisexual fl Bisexual self-compatible and self-incompatible

c c c c ow with ow L. P. mira P. Vierh.. Fed.) P. pyraster P. (Lam.)

P. persica, P. P. persica, P. Schneider, relatives P. bucharica P. S. mombin P. webbii P. Hybridization, origin, ongoing gene fl in subgenus Amygdalus hybridization for crop improvement hybridization for crop improvement hybridization for crop improvement Extensive interspecifi Extensive hybridization for crop improvement in subgenus Amygdalus with congeners ( (L.) Du Roi, caucasica P. P. argentea P. Rehder, Hand.-Mazz., Koehne, scoparia and and are used in common breeding programs No. of origins One NoOne interspecifi Extensive fl Bisexual 33 interspecifi Extensive interspecifi Extensive 8 cultivated 8 cultivated species in 2 groups (red, black currants) ? ? some self- and Bisexual, ? Interfertile with (no. of origins) Region of origin Region Northern South America? Black Sea and Caspian Sea (1), North America (1), North (2) North America, North Western America domesticated in areas different Mesoamerica At least 2 Ongoing hybridization South America Mediterranean NectarineAsia China, western 2 Hybridizes with species Cacao, chocolate Mesoamerica, Grape Near East between Red raspberry Northern Europe/Asia Blackberry Europe/Asia, Eastern Currants species Different PeachAsia? Central ? Hybridizes with species Jocote, purple mombin, hogplum GuavaPomegranate Mesoamerica, Middle EastPear ?Asia Western ? 2 Ongoing with several fl Bisexual Almond Eastern European plum Eurasia ? All plums are interfertile L. L. L. L. L. L. var. (L.) Batsch (Suckow) (Mill.) L. L. subsp. (Vitaceae) 2. Continued. L. spp. L. spp. nucipersica Dippel (Rosaceae) (Sterculiaceae) vinifera (Rosaceae) (Rosaceae) (Grossulariaceae) (Rosaceae) (Anacardiaceae) (Myrtaceae) (Punicaceae) (Rosaceae) D. A. Webb D. A. (Rosaceae) Webb (Rosaceae) Prunus persica Theobroma cacao Theobroma vinifera Vitis Rubus idaeus Rubus Rubus Ribes Prunus persica Table Species (Family) Common name Spondias purpurea Psidium guajava Punica granatum Pyrus communis Prunus dulcis Prunus domestica September 2011] Miller and Gross — Perennial fruit crop domestication 1399 this is similar in some ways to determinant growth, which has 2008 ; apple: Coart et al., 2003 ; pistachio: Shanjani et al., 2009 ; accompanied the domestication of many annuals. Finally, poly- jocote: Miller and Schaal, 2006 ). In summary, these studies ploid crops have evolved from diploid progenitors in both an- show that perennial fruit crops maintain a greater proportion of nual and perennial plant species. total genetic variation in cultivation than annual crops ( Table 3 ; Fig. 1). In the cases of some more recently domesticated peren- nial fruit crops, the reduction in genetic variation is likely due ORIGINS AND EVOLUTION OF PERENNIAL to selective propagation of some individuals in a cultivated set- FRUIT CROPS ting, rather than to many generations of selective breeding that could more appropriately be termed a “ domestication bottle- Understanding the ways in which tree populations respond to neck ” . The conclusions are similar, however, if we restrict our artifi cial selection may shed light on how long-lived species survey to the older perennial fruit crops such as apple, olive, evolve in response to short-term evolutionary pressures in gen- grapevine, and pistachio— these crops have retained an average eral. Slow rates of evolution under domestication are expected of 94.6% of the genetic diversity present in their wild relatives in perennial crops relative to annuals due to fewer sexual cycles ( Coart et al., 2003 ; Lumaret et al., 2004 ; Aradhya et al., 2003 ; per unit time, the result of long juvenile phases and clonal prop- Shanjani et al., 2009 ). agation (Zeder et al., 2006). Relative rates of evolution of In some cases, elevated levels of genetic variation were re- annual fruit crops vs. perennial fruit crops are diffi cult to char- corded for crops relative to their wild ancestors. This may be an acterize; however, it is clear that some perennial fruit crops artifact of insuffi cient sampling of wild populations, or it may have been responding to artifi cial selection pressures for as long refl ect loss of wild plants following the establishment of culti- as annuals (e.g., fi g; Kislev et al., 2006a , but see Lev-Yadun et al., vated populations due to habitat destruction or extinction for 2006 and Kislev et al., 2006b ), and in many aspects, they have other reasons. Another possible explanation is that cultivated evolved under domestication in comparable ways (see discus- populations represent the descendants of controlled crosses be- sion above; Table 1 ). In this section, we examine the effect of tween geographically and genetically distinct individuals, domestication on genetic variation in cultivated populations. which may have yielded new variants carrying novel combina- We quantify domestication bottlenecks in perennial crops by tions of alleles not found in the wild. Similar patterns have been comparing levels of genetic variation in cultivated and wild observed in introduced lizard populations where genetic varia- populations. We then consider how changes in reproductive biol- tion exceeds variability observed in native (source) populations ogy, evolutionary history of cultivated populations, and hybridi- (Kolbe et al., 2004). Alternatively (or in addition), somatic mu- zation infl uence the extent of genetic variation housed in cultivated tations in clonally propagated cultivars may contribute to ele- populations of perennial fruit crops. vated levels of genetic variation in cultivated perennial fruit crops relative to their wild progenitors. Domestication bottlenecks in perennial fruit crops— Current Note that comparisons between perennial and annual fruit research on domestication bottlenecks conducted in annual fruit crop domestication bottlenecks are complicated by the fact that crops suggests that only a subset of the total number of indi- most data for annual crop domestication bottlenecks comes viduals in a wild species is initially brought into cultivation from cereals [barley; maize; pearl millet, Pennisetum glaucum (Doebley et al., 2006). This limited sampling results in a ge- (L.) R. Br.; rice; sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench; netic bottleneck (a reduction in genetic variation across the ge- wheat]. Additional information comes from Phaseolus L. species, nome, including neutral variation) in cultivated populations soybean (Glycine soja Siebold & Zucc.), sunfl ower, and chile relative to their wild progenitors ( Olsen and Gross, 2008 ). Over ( Table 3 ). While it would be interesting to compare studies of time, the genetic base of cultivated populations narrows as su- long-lived, perennial fruit crops with domestication bottlenecks perior individuals are selectively propagated, to the point where in more equivalent annual domesticates [e.g., eggplant, melon as a group, elite cultivars can be genetically depauperate (e.g., ( Cucumis melo L.), squash ( Cucurbita pepo L.), tomato], com- Yamasaki et al., 2005 ; Hyten et al., 2006 ). Genetic bottlenecks parable studies quantifying reductions in diversity associated in annual fruit crops result in cultivated populations that retain with domestication are not, to our knowledge, available in the an average of 59.9% (ranging from 5.5 to 119.5%) of the neu- literature. The apparent lack of information results in some tral variation found in wild populations ( Table 3 ). cases from ambiguity concerning the identity of the wild Do perennial fruit crops exhibit the same type of genetic progenitors of the cultivated populations or because the wild bottleneck observed in annual plants? Comparative analyses of ancestors were only recently identifi ed. For some species, pop- perennial fruit crops and their wild progenitors demonstrate ulation genetics analyses have not yet been completed— this that cultivated perennial fruit crops retain an average of 94.8% is true in cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L.; Sebastian et al., 2010), of the neutral variation found in wild populations. Data derived eggplant ( Weese and Bohs, 2010 ; T ü mbilen et al., 2011 ), melon from codominant markers (allozymes, microsatellites) reveal ( Luan et al., 2008 ; Sebastian et al., 2010 ), tomato ( Bai and that cultivated perennial populations retain at least 64.8% and Lindhout, 2007 ; Peralta and Spooner, 2007 ; Labate et al., 2009 ; up to 126.9% of the variation found in wild populations [pecan: but see Nesbitt and Tanksley, 2002 for a candidate locus R ü ter et al., 1999 ; Inga edulis Mart.: Hollingsworth et al., 2005; analysis), and squashes, pumpkins, and gourds ( Sanjur et al., red guaje, Leucaena esculenta (Moc. & Sess é ex DC.) Benth.: 2002 ; Paris et al., 2003 ; Sikdar et al., 2010 ). Comparative analyses Z á rate et al., 2005; apple: Coart et al., 2003; olive: Lumaret of genetic variation housed in cultivated populations of these et al., 2004 ; Polaskia chichipe (Gosselin) Backeb.: Otero- species and their wild progenitors represent promising areas of Arnaiz et al., 2005a; sweet cherry: Mariette et al., 2010; grape: future research. Aradhya et al., 2003 ]. Similarly, in studies using dominant Overall, even with the aforementioned caveats, perennial marker data (AFLPs, ISSRs) cultivated perennials retained at crops retain a greater proportion of the genetic variation present least 62.5% and at most 117.8% of the variation found in wild in their wild progenitors than annual crops ( Table 3 , Fig. 1 ). A populations (chestnut, Castanea sativa Mill.: Mattioni et al., number of factors likely contribute to differences in the width 1400 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 98 % 90.650.0 and Gepts, 2009 Kwak 89.5 and Gepts, 2003 Papa 62.5 and Gepts, 2009 Kwak 63.6 and Gepts, 2003 Papa and Gepts, 2003 Papa 86.4Casa et al., 2005 78.3Li et al., 2010 78.1 and Knapp, 2003 Tang 59.9 91.6 R ü ter et al., 1999 64.8Lumaret et al., 2004 79.4Oyama et al., 2006 110.0Spataro et al., 2011 126.9107.5 Z á rate et al., 2005 Coart et al., 2003 117.8 Coart et al., 2003 Retained Reference 62.0 et al., 2004 Tenaillon 41.5 52.4Motta-Aldana et al., 2010 Motta-Aldana et al., 2010 91.0 é ndez Aguilar-Mel et al., 2009 111.3Li et al., 2010 34.9Caldwell et al., 2006 57.5 66.7Wright et al., 2005 23.8 1993 Gaut and Clegg, 57.0Li et al., 2011 42.7Caicedo et al., 2007 24.5Caicedo et al., 2007 33.2Zhu et al., 2007 12.3Caicedo et al., 2007 Zhu et al., 2007 48.9Hyten et al., 2006 50.0 2006 Liu and Burke, 73.4 et al., 2007 Kolkman 5.5 Caldwell et al., 2004 71.0 Kilian et al., 2007 119.5 Kilian et al., 2007 35.5 14.8Haudry et al., 2007 Haudry et al., 2007

total total total total

total total total total total total total total total total total total total total total total total


SSRs SSRs SSRs SSRs SSRs SSRs SSRs θ θ θ θ θ θ θ θ θ θ θ θ θ θ θ θ θ π π π π π e e e e e e e



allozymes allozymes allozymes H H H H H H H H H H

t e e

H H in our calculations whenever they were reported in they in our calculations whenever H e

graphic designation (e.g., “ Andean ” ), the values are ), the values ” Andean “ graphic designation (e.g., H H Annual mean H or race and elite domesticated (Dom.) varieties were reported, race and elite domesticated (Dom.) varieties total

Dom. θ 0.291 0.0029 0.0014 0.0024 0.0025 0.00130.0005 0.0025 0.0012 0.0023 0.0012 0.00210.00160.0020 0.0012 0.0010 0.34400.0072 0.638 0.0094 0.153 0.335 0.775 0.265 0.480 0.050 0.510 0.150 0.140 0.550 0.131 0.0005 0.510 0.682 0.0050 0.0063 0.0131 diversity Measure


S. Kato vulgare S. Kato dicoccum durum aestivum europaea

bicolor annuum annuum lunatus lunatus L. subsp. subsp.

indica indica japonica japonica mays

Andean Andean Mesoamerica Mesoamerica Mexico landrace elite var. var. var. var. Borkh. var. var. var. var. subsp. subsp. subsp. Steud. L. subsp. mays subsp. Eastern L. subsp.

L. subsp. subsp. subsp. subsp. (L.) Merr. landrace (L.) Merr. landrace landrace subsp. L. subsp. domestica domestica × × europaea

Olea europaea Olea europaea var. Phaseolus lunatus glaucum Pennisetum turgidum Triticum turgidum Triticum Mesoamerican monococcum Triticum monococcum Phaseolus lunatus turgidum Triticum (D genome) monococcum Triticum monococcum Capsicum annuum Glycine max Carya illinoinensis Malus Malus Phaseolus vulgaris Phaseolus vulgaris Phaseolus vulgaris Phaseolus vulgaris Phaseolus vulgaris Oryza glaberrima Oryza sativa Oryza sativa Oryza sativa Oryza sativa Oryza sativa bicolor Sorghum (all landraces) Glycine max Helianthus annuus Helianthus annuus Helianthus annuus Leucaena esculenta Phaseolus coccineus Capsicum annuum Glycine max landrace Hordeum vulgare Hordeum Zea mays Zea mays Wild Wild 0.449 0.0069 0.0036 0.0035 0.0035 0.0035 0.0028 0.0211 0.0021 0.0026 0.0024 0.167 0.721 0.225 0.530 0.100 0.570 0.240 0.220 0.0021 0.0037 0.0037 0.0082 0.0037 0.0082 0.590 0.3090 0.0144 0.817 0.0128 0.264 0.500 0.165 0.871 0.0144 0.0109 0.0211 diversity Domesticated species

) β


sylvestris (Boiss.) C. Yen (Boiss.) C. (race

verticillifl orum verticillifl (K ö rn.) Thell. monodii var. var. Baudet Andean

Mesoamerican boeticum boeticum

H. H. Iltis & Doebley & H. Iltis spontaneum glabriusculum silvester tauschii dicoccoides dicoccoides europaea glabriusculum silvester subsp. subsp. L. R. Br. subsp. R. Br. (Moc. & Sess é ex DC.) Benth. ex é Sess & (Moc. (Wangenh.) K. Koch. (Wangenh.) Andean Mesoamerica Mesoamerica Mexico L. Andean L.

L. var. L. var. var. var. L. var. L. var. var. var. subsp. subsp. subsp. L. subsp. subsp. parviglumis parviglumis (L.) Moench subsp. Griff Mill. A. Chev. Siebold & Zucc.

subsp. subsp. Heiser & Pickersgill Phaseolus vulgaris Phaseolus vulgaris Phaseolus vulgaris Phaseolus vulgaris Phaseolus lunatus Capsicum annuum Glycine soja Helianthus annuus Helianthus annuus Carya illinoinensis Leucaena esculenta Malus sylvestris Malus sylvestris L. Olea europaea Phaseolus vulgaris glaucum Pennisetum Oryza barthii pogon Oryza rufi pogon Oryza rufi pogon Oryza rufi pogon Oryza rufi pogon Oryza rufi bicolor Sorghum J. Dahlb. & Wiersema ex Wet (Steud.) de Glycine soja Helianthus annuus turgidum Triticum monococcum Triticum monococcum Triticum turgidum Triticum turgidum Triticum Phaseolus lunatus Phaseolus coccineus Capsicum annuum Glycine soja Hordeum vulgare Hordeum Graebn. & Asch. (K. Koch) Zea mays Zea mays ower ower ower 3. measures for both land When diversity Genetic bottlenecks resulting form domestication in annual and perennial fruit crops. the paper and otherwise used whatever measure of diversity was available in the paper. When species names are followed by a geo When species names are followed in the paper. available was measure of diversity the paper and otherwise used whatever of one multiple domestication events. representative we included only the landrace value, to more accurately represent the initial domestication event. For consistency, we used consistency, For to more accurately represent the initial domestication event. we included only the landrace value, bean) Bean (common bean) Bean (common bean) Bean (common bean) Bean (common bean) Bean (lima bean) Chile Soybean Sunfl Sunfl Perennial fruit crops Pecan Red guaje Apple Apple Olive Bean (common bean) Pearl millet Rice (African) Rice (Asian) Rice (Asian) Rice (Asian) Rice (Asian) Rice (Asian) Sorghum Soybean Sunfl Wheat (bread wheat) Wheat (einkorn wheat) Wheat (einkorn wheat) Wheat (emmer wheat) Wheat (emmer wheat) Table Common name Bean (lima bean) species Wild Bean (scarlet runner Chile Soybean Annual fruit crops Barley Maize Maize September 2011] Miller and Gross — Perennial fruit crop domestication 1401

of the genetic bottleneck accompanying annual and perennial domestication. For example, a principal difference between do- mesticated annual and domesticated perennial fruit crops is ju- venile phase length. Differences in juvenile phase length mean that over similar time periods, domesticated perennials have fewer sexual cycles on which selection can act relative to annu- als. Three additional factors likely play critical roles in shaping the amount and structure of neutral genetic variation in culti- vated tree populations: (1) mating system and mode of repro- duction, (2) geographic origins of cultivated individuals, and (3) intra- and interspecifi c hybridization. Recent studies addressing % 86.4Shanjani et al., 2009 62.5Mattioni et al., 2008 96.6Otero-Arnaiz et al., 2005b 94.1Mariette et al., 2010 71.9Lumaret et al., 2004 90.7Miller and Schaal, 2006 these topics in domesticated systems provide insights into their 119.4Aradhya et al., 2003 102.4 et al., 2005 Hollingsworth

Retained Reference impact on neutral genetic variation, as discussed below. Mating system and mode of reproduction — Mating system

SSRs SSRs SSRs SSRs and mode of reproduction have been identifi ed as primary de-

e e e e

ISSRs AFLPs AFLPs allozymes H H H H H H H

t terminants shaping the amount and structure of genetic varia- H tion in natural tree populations ( Loveless and Hamrick, 1984 ; Hamrick and Godt, 1990 ; Hamrick et al., 1992 ; Duminil et al., Perennial mean 94.8 2007 , 2009 ). Perennial fruit crops and the natural populations Dom. 0.190 0.640 0.814 0.140 0.660 0.323 0.673 0.169 diversity Measure from which they were derived represent nearly the entire range of plant reproductive systems and include species with bisexual fl owers, unisexual fl owers, or a combination of the two (e.g., cashew, citron: Citrus medica L.; black sapote, Diospyros dig- yna Jacq.; mango, Mangifera indica L.). Species with bisexual fl owers include plants that are self-compatible [e.g., atemoya,

europa Anona squamosa L. × A. cherimola Miller; white sapote; lime,

Citrus aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle; coffee, Coffea arabica

subsp. L.; plum; peach; pomegranate; cacao, Theobroma cacao L.;

Western Iran

grape], self-incompatible (e.g., custard apple: Annona cheri- mola Miller; apple, olive, sweet cherry, almond, pear), europa dichogamous [e.g., paw paw, Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal], het- erodichogamous (avocado), or heterostylous (carambola: Aver- Pistacia vera Vitis vinifera Vitis Castanea sativa Prunus avium Polaskia chichipe Polaskia Olea europaea var. var. Spondias purpurea Inga edulis rhoa carambola L.). Other domesticated perennials grown for their fruits have unisexual fl owers and are monoecious (e.g., breadfruit/jackfruit: Artocarpus J. R. Forst. & G. Forst. spp.; Wild Wild 0.220 0.682 0.223 0.680 0.683 0.449 0.187 0.657 diversity Domesticated species pecan, chestnut, coconut, hazelnut: Corylus avellana L., oil palm: Elais guinnensis Jacq., fi g, lychee: Litchi chinensis Sonn., banana, pistachio), or dioecious (e.g., carob, date palm, grape, jocote, persimmon: Diospyros L. spp.). More examples of each reproductive system are listed in Table 2. In addition, perennial

fruit crops exhibit a range of pollination syndromes, including pollination by insects, birds, bats, and wind.

sylvestris Mating system and pollination syndrome are important de- terminants of variation in natural populations; in cultivated var. var. populations, mode of reproduction also plays a critical role. An- nual crops are mainly grown from seed; however, only a frac- sylvestris europa tion of perennial fruit crops are primarily seed-propagated (e.g., L.

(Gosselin) Backeb. black sapote, oil palm, Leucaena Benth., walnut; Table 2). Ap- Mill.

subsp. proximately 75% of domesticated trees are propagated primarily L. L. L. subsp.

Mart. clonally through cuttings, layering, grafting, or nucellar embry- ony (seeds are genetically identical to the parent; Table 2 ). Clonal propagation restricts the number of sexual cycles sep- arating domesticated populations from their wild ancestors Spondias purpurea Pistacia vera Vitis vinifera Vitis Castanea sativa Prunus avium Polaskia chichipe Polaskia Olea europaea Inga edulis ( Zohary and Spiegel-Roy, 1975 ; Zohary and Hopf, 2000 ; McKey et al., 2010). In the simplest domestication scenario, seeds or cuttings of one or a few individuals are taken from wild popula- tions and transferred to a cultivated habitat, where they are maintained through clonal propagation. In this case, selection has occurred only once on a single sexual cycle, effectively iso-

3. Continued. lating a favored variant that will increase in frequency with clonal reproduction. Many perennial species are highly heterozygous Table Jocote Pistachio Grape Chestnut Sweet cherry Common name species Wild Columnar cactus Olive ( Petit and Hampe, 2006 ); clonal propagation functions to maintain 1402 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 98

Fig. 1. Percentage of variation in retained in domesticated annual and perennial fruit crop populations compared to their wild relatives (c.f. Table 3 ).

heterozygosity at the individual level ( Zohary and Spiegel-Roy, of crop evolution, roughly half of the 22 annual fruit crops 1975 ), but promotes genetic homogeneity at the population for which geographical/genetic origins had been explicitly level. studied had either confirmed or potential multiple origins In a more realistic scenario, domestication of perennials ap- (see Table 1 of Burger et al., 2008). Examples of such crops pears to have been a spatially and temporally dynamic process, include barley (Willcox, 2005; Fuller, 2007; Morrell and Clegg, where seeds and/or cuttings are removed from geographically 2007), Asian rice (Londo et al., 2006), common bean (Gepts distinct wild populations over the course of many hundreds or et al., 1986; Sonnante et al., 1994; Chac ó n et al., 2005), and thousands of years. Once in cultivated settings, these individu- potentially one of the species of domesticated chile (Aguilar- als contribute to the domesticated pool either through directed Mel é ndez et al., 2009 ). The number of crops with multiple breeding efforts characteristic of modern agriculture, or through origins would be larger when considering multiple domestica- inadvertent gene fl ow with other cultivated individuals. Culti- tion events that occur within the same genus but result in differ- vated individuals are still highly heterozygous under this sce- ent domesticated species; examples of these include the two nario, but in this case clonal reproduction results in cultivated species of domesticated cotton (Gossypium hirsutum and G. populations that are genetically heterogeneous because clones barbadense L.; Brubaker and Wendel, 1994; Westengen et al., represent a broader sample of variation than is found in any one 2005 ), domesticated Asian and African rice (Oryza sativa and natural population ( Fig. 2 ). O. glaberrima Steud.; Semon et al., 2005 ; Londo et al., 2006 ), multiple domesticated species of chiles (Capsicum ; Pickersgill, Evolutionary origins of domesticated tree populations— The 1997 ), chenopods (Chenopodium L.; Ruas et al., 1999 ; Smith, geographic origins of crop plants have fascinated botanists for 2006), squashes and gourds (Cucurbita L.; Decker-Walters over a century (e.g., de Candolle, 1886 ; Harlan, 1971 ; Smith, et al., 2002 ; Sanjur et al., 2002 ), and beans (Phaseolus L.; 1995 ). Vavilov (1992) identifi ed seven global centers of do- Guti é rrez Salgado et al., 1995; Chac ó n et al., 2005). Overall, mestication where crop populations originated from native our current understanding of annual crop domestication indicates plant species, based on the geographic distributions of extant that multiple origins are at least as likely as single origins. crops. Subsequent studies used archaeological and genetic data The apparent number of domestication events has been ad- to pinpoint from fi ve to 24 regions of origin (e.g., Gepts, 2004; dressed as part of a larger debate about the tempo of domestica- Purugganan and Fuller, 2009). Early studies suggested that tion (Tanno and Willcox, 2006; Allaby et al., 2008; Olsen and crops evolved once from native populations growing in a single Gross, 2008; Ross-Ibarra and Gaut, 2008; Honne and Heun, geographic region ( Vavilov, 1992), and several seed-propagated, 2009 ; Purugganan and Fuller, 2011 ). The rapid-transition model annual crops conform to this expectation, including maize of domestication posits that domestication happens quickly and (Matsuoka et al., 2002), einkorn wheat ( Triticum monococcum that most crop populations consist of individuals derived from L.; Heun et al., 1997), soybean (Li et al., 2010), sunfl ower one or two narrow geographic ranges. In contrast, the protracted (Harter et al., 2004), and upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum model of domestication suggests that domestication takes place L.; Brubaker and Wendel, 1994 ). However, in a recent review over an extended timeframe and that cultivated populations September 2011] Miller and Gross — Perennial fruit crop domestication 1403

Fig. 2. Origin and evolution of perennial fruit crops. All crops are derived from native plant populations; consequently, “ crop species ” generally in- clude two types of populations: 1) domesticated populations, trees that are evolving under artifi cial selection, and 2) native populations, the wild ancestors of the cultivated populations. Within native populations, some populations are the direct ancestors of cultivated populations ( “ ancestors ” ) and others did not contribute directly to the cultivated pools (“ non-ancestors ” ). Recent molecular studies indicate that domesticated populations of perennial fruit crops maintain a large portion of the total genetic variation of the species. The broad genetic bottleneck that accompanied the domestication of many perennial fruit crops is likely the result of a combination of factors, including: a) relatively few sexual cycles separate domesticated populations from their wild progenitors; b) multiple geographically and genetically distinct ancestral populations; c) hybridization (including hybrid origin of cultivated species, hu- man-mediated gene fl ow, and accidental gene fl ow with native populations (both ancestors and nonancestors) and sympatric congeners (not shown). consist of individuals from diverse geographic origins that un- cultivation more recently. Pecan, for example, is a recently do- dergo signifi cant gene fl ow during the domestication process. mesticated tree with a well-documented history that offers an Understanding the geographic origins of perennial fruit crops opportunity to consider evolutionary processes during the early may shed light on the early stages of domestication because stages of tree domestication. Pecan is native to the river fl ood- fewer sexual cycles have occurred between domesticated pe- plains of the central United States, with isolated populations rennials and their wild progenitors than in annual crops. found in northeastern and central Mexico ( Stone, 1997 ; Sparks, The geographic origins of perennial fruit crops have been ex- 2005). This species has been domesticated over the last 150 amined by numerous authors ( de Candolle, 1886 ; MacNeish, years ( Manaster, 2008 ), and breeding records indicate that cul- 1992 ; Zohary and Hopf 2000 ). In a trend that matches or ex- tivated pecan populations were derived from numerous, geo- ceeds what is seen in annual crops, it appears that domesticated graphically distinct ancestral populations, as well as from fruit tree populations often have diffuse origins, with cultivated seedlings resulting from accidental and intentional crosses be- populations consisting of individuals derived from multiple, tween cultivars and native or cultivated individuals. Pecan geographically distinct areas ( Fig. 2 ). For 18 species with avail- clones and seeds were transported widely; transplants have ex- able data (not including the multiple species of currants [Ribes changed genes serendipitously with other cultivars and with L. spp.] or blackberries [Rubus L. spp.]), only fi ve perennial sympatric native populations (L. Grauke, U. S. Department of fruit crops have been confi rmed as having a single origin, while Agriculture, personal observation). On occasion, resulting off- 12 have multiple origins (Table 2). There are six genera with spring were incorporated into cultivated populations as seed- multiple domesticates (Annona , Artocarpus , Citrus , Diospyros , ling selections. In addition, cultivars from different geographic Prunus, and Rubus), some with more than fi ve domesticated regions were crossed as part of controlled breeding programs. species. One example of a perennial fruit crop with multiple Over this short time span, active breeding has led to domesti- origins is the olive, one of the oldest and most well-studied do- cated individuals with larger fruits and a greater percentage of mesticated tree lineages. Wild olive trees are native to the Med- kernels relative to wild populations ( Rice, 2005 ). Despite mor- iterranean Basin ( Zohary and Spiegel-Roy, 1975 ; Terral et al., phological differences, comparative analyses of allozyme vari- 2004 ), but pinpointing the precise geographic origins of culti- ation in cultivated and native populations failed to detect vated populations has proven diffi cult. Some researchers have reductions in variation associated with a domestication bottle- suggested a western Mediterranean origin (Terral et al., 2004); neck ( R ü ter et al., 1999 ). Recently domesticated perennials like and that olives in the eastern Mediterranean represent feral pecan offer ideal study systems for understanding the early forms (Bronzini de Caraffa et al., 2002). Native olive (oleaster) stages of domestication. populations exhibit substantial geographic differentiation be- tween the western and eastern parts of their range (Besnard and Hybridization in perennial fruit crop lineages— Hybridization Bervill é , 2000 ; Besnard et al., 2002 ; Bronzini de Caraffa et al., has long been recognized as an important force in domestication 2002 ; Lumaret et al., 2004 ; Terral et al., 2004 ; Breton et al., (Darwin, 1899; Stebbins, 1950). Extensive human-mediated 2006). Molecular genetic data have provided evidence for at gene fl ow related to breeding efforts sparked a reconsideration least two geographic origins of cultivated olives, one from each of the meaning of species boundaries in crop systems (Harlan of these general areas (western and eastern Mediterranean re- and deWet, 1971). At the time, the dominant species concept gions; Besnard and Bervillé , 2000), and one study identifi ed was based on the idea that geographic isolation led to reproduc- seven geographic origins ( Breton et al., 2006 ). tive isolation, which resulted in speciation (Mayr, 1940). Ob- Although most commercially viable fruit trees were domesti- serving that cultivated populations often have the capacity to cated thousands of years ago, making many aspects of the pro- exchange genes with related species, and that the product of cess opaque, there are species that have been brought into those crosses often yielded fertile offspring, Harlan and deWet 1404 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 98

(1971) proposed the gene pool system. This system describes the most part, crosses between domesticated perennials and pools of genes available to crops, regardless of taxonomic their wild relatives have been used to identify genes contribut- boundaries, and includes (1a) cultivated (domesticated) popula- ing to resistance to abiotic stress, fungal and bacterial diseases, tions, (1b) ancestral (undomesticated) pool from which the do- or pests such as nematodes and insects (Dirlewanger et al., mesticated populations were derived, and (2) related but distinct 1996; Luby et al., 2001; Foulongne et al., 2003; Bus et al., species capable of exchanging genes with cultivated popula- 2005 ). tions. Recent molecular analyses shed light on the extent of hy- Although most crop progenitors are, indeed, inferior to culti- bridization among gene pools of domesticated perennials crops vars for agronomic traits, QTL mapping in annual crops has cultivated for their fruits, including (1) hybrid origins of peren- revealed the existence of cryptic variation for domestication nial fruit crops, (2) deliberate, human-mediated gene fl ow be- traits in wild progenitors, i.e., alleles in wild species that can tween perennial fruit crops and their wild relatives, and (3) have a positive effect on agronomic traits in crops (Weller et al., accidental gene fl ow between perennial fruit crops and their 1988 ; Xiao et al., 1996 ; Tanksley and McCouch, 1997 ; Jiang wild relatives. et al., 1998; Burke et al., 2002). This same pattern has also been observed in an advanced backcross between peach and its wild Hybrid origins of perennial fruit crops— Clonal reproduction relative Prunus davidiana (Carri è re) Franch., with several of many perennial fruit crops makes it possible to permanently QTLs in the wild species contributing favorably to peach fruit capture hybrid genotypes, even F1 hybrids, and any associated size and sugar concentration ( Quilot et al., 2004 ). Thus, it is traits, such as lack of seeds (in sterile hybrids) or general hybrid possible that MAS could be applied to exploit cryptic variation vigor ( Stebbins, 1950 ). Many prominent fruit crops are the re- to improve fruit crops in the future. Other uses of hybrids in- sult of interspecifi c hybridization events (sometimes with as- clude the deliberate production of sterile hybrids, such as the sociated genome doubling) and reproduce or are propagated intergeneric hybrids between Vitis and the North American ge- through clonal mechanisms, especially in Citrus ( Moore, 2001 ). nus Muscadinia (Planch.) Small, which have been used as root- Other permanent interspecifi c hybrids include Annona squa- stocks (Mullins et al., 1992). While these sterile hybrids do not mosa × A. cherimola , Artocarpos altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg × contribute to long-term gene fl ow, they do represent a unique A. mariannensis Tré cul, and the many banana cultivars result- genotypic class made available through hybridization. ing from crosses between Musa acuminata Colla and M. balbi- siana Colla (Lyle, 2006; Zerega et al., 2006; Heslop-Harrison Accidental gene fl ow between perennial fruit crops and their and Schwarzacher, 2007). The role of early-generation hybrids wild relatives — Unintentional gene fl ow between cultivated is quite different in annual crops; while F1 hybrids play a very populations and their wild relatives is common (Ellstrand et al., important role in modern breeding and production practices 1999 ) and occurs both in regions where cultivated and wild spe- (e.g., hybrid maize; Troyer, 1999), they must be recreated every cies overlap naturally and where domesticated species have year rather than being maintained and propagated over time as been brought into contact with previously allopatric relatives. is possible for perennial crops. Numerous studies have documented crop– wild gene fl ow in Some domesticated perennials that result from hybridization seed-propagated annuals such as beet (Beta vulgaris L.), com- form independent lineages capable of sexual reproduction mon bean, radish (Raphanus sativus L.), and sunfl ower ( Beebe rather than persisting solely through clonal reproduction (al- et al., 1997 ; Linder et al., 1998 ; Snow et al., 2001 ; Viard et al., though on a practical level they may be propagated in a variety 2004 ) and in the clonally propagated belowground crops cas- of ways); these hybrid lineages are the result of polyploid or sava and potato ( Duputi é et al., 2007 , Scurrah et al., 2008 ). In- homoploid hybrid speciation events like those observed in nat- terspecifi c gene fl ow between cultivated populations and wild ural populations ( Rieseberg 1997 ; Soltis and Soltis 1999 ). One relatives has also been observed in perennial food plants. In a example of the hybrid origin of a fruit tree is in the genus Leu- study of two cultivated walnut species growing in sympatry in caena, for which sympatric cultivation of previously allopatric several small villages in Yunnan, China, genetic variation species resulted in multiple formations of the allotetraploid L. derived from microsatellite data were consistent with interspe- leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit, now the most widely cultivated cifi c hybridization between domesticated Juglans regia L. and species in the genus ( Hughes et al., 2007 ). In this way, hybrid native J. sigillata Dode ( Gunn et al., 2010 ). Similar patterns have origins of perennial crops are similar to those of annual crops, been identifi ed among species of cultivated and wild hazelnut where allopolyploidy is also an important mechanism for the ( Corylus avellana and C. maxima Mill.; Palm é and Vendramin, origin of new domesticates; the most familiar examples are the 2002) as well as cultivated and wild date palm ( P. dactylifera polyploid wheat series (allotetraploid Triticum turgidum L. and and P. canariensis Hort. Ex Chabaud; Gonz á lez-P é rez et al., allohexaploid T. aestivum L.) as well as the domesticated pea- 2004). In a different approach, Kron and Husband (2009) nut (Arachis hypogaea L.), a tetraploid resulting from hybrid- showed that interspecifi c pollination was occurring at a high ization between wild diploid species ( Kochert et al., 1996 ). rate between wild Malus coronaria (L.) Mill. and the introduced domesticated apple, although no living hybrids were detected. Deliberate, human-mediated gene fl ow between perennial In contrast to these examples of interspecifi c hybridization, fruit crops and their wild relatives— The potential contribution we know relatively little about hybridization between perennial of wild relatives for crop improvement has long been recog- fruit crops and their direct wild progenitors. Undoubtedly, this nized and today forms an important component of breeding and is due in part to the relatively small reductions in genetic varia- conservation programs for most cultivated species (Darwin, tion associated with perennial crop domestication, which makes 1899; Kovach and McCouch, 2008). Using wild species in a the task of distinguishing shared ancestral variation from recent breeding program requires that the undesirable traits of wild hybridization even more diffi cult than in traditional domestica- species be separated from the desirable ones in order for them tion study systems. Molecular evidence for crop – wild hybrid- to be used; this is usually accomplished via marker-assisted se- ization has now been presented for two iconic Mediterranean lection (MAS) ( Gygax et al., 2004 ; Patocchi et al., 2009 ). For crops, grape and olive (Breton et al., 2006; Lopes et al., 2009). September 2011] Miller and Gross — Perennial fruit crop domestication 1405

In the case of grape, genetic evidence indicates gene fl ow from hybrid population between two genetically and phenotypically the cultivated species to wild populations and also reveals that divergent parents; in the case of plant domestication, the rele- several cultivars display a high percentage of wild ancestry (Di vant cross would be between individuals from domesticated Vecchi-Staraz et al., 2009; Lopes et al., 2009; Myles et al., plants and their closest wild relatives or potentially between a 2011). This latter fi nding emphasizes the role that wild progeni- landrace and an elite cultivar. While not precise, QTL mapping tors have played in the development of new varieties of domes- allows the detection of genomic regions associated with domes- ticated crops. In these cases, although the hybridization event tication traits and can answer the question of whether changes itself is unlikely to be human-mediated, the selection and main- under domestication are due to many changes of small effect or tenance of admixed lines is the product of human choice (Jarvis a few changes of large effect. This approach has been applied and Hodgkin, 1999), and so the process is more controlled than extensively to annual crops and has shown that many domesti- is the case for gene fl ow from the crop into the wild. The possi- cation traits seem to be caused by relatively few changes of bility for hybridization between feral (Olea europaea L. subsp. large effect (i.e., the traits are controlled by QTLs that contrib- europaea ) and wild olives [ Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata ute a minimum of 20% of the phenotypic variance in the map- (Wall ex. G. Don) Cif.], both invasive in eastern Australia, has ping population; reviewed in Burger et al., 2008 ). recently been documented (Besnard et al., 2007). Although this Neither the development nor the maintenance of a mapping information is based on a limited data set, it raises the intriguing population are trivial undertakings for a long-lived organism, possibility that crop– wild hybridization may play a role in gen- but QTL studies have been conducted in many fruit tree genera, erating weedy trees, similar to what has been shown for conspe- including Castanea (Casasoli et al., 2004), Citrus ( Garc í a et al., cifi c crop weeds in annual species (Barnaud et al., 2009; Gross 2000 ), Coffea ( Amidou et al., 2007 ), Cocos ( Baudouin et al., and Olsen, 2009 ). 2006 ), Malus (Kenis et al., 2008), Prunus (Quilot et al., 2004; In the New World, gene fl ow between traditional and modern Zhang et al., 2010), Persea (Sharon et al., 1998), Theobroma cultivars has been documented in avocado (Birnbaum et al., ( Crouzillat et al., 1996 ; Crouzillat et al., 2000 ), and Vitis 2003). This study suggested a low rate of gene fl ow from mod- ( Cabezas et al., 2006 ). Because the goal of most of these studies ern to traditional types of avocado (< 20% of seedlings had a has been crop improvement, crosses have mainly been within the modern or “ grafted ” parent)— a hopeful outcome for the pros- domesticated species (e.g., apple cultivars Telamon × Braeburn; pect of preserving traditional and wild diversity in the presence Kenis et al., 2008 ), but also include some wide crosses between of improved cultivars, at least in this species. Although cer- two domesticated species (e.g., almond × peach; Illa et al., tainly possible, we know of no documented cases of gene fl ow 2010 ) or between a domesticated species and a wild species that from cultivated accessions to wild avocados or from wild avo- is not a progenitor of the crop [e.g., Citrus limon (L.) Osbeck cados into modern (or traditional) cultivars. Future studies em- × Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.; Garc í a et al., 2000]. These phasizing population-level sampling of both domesticated crosses do not lend themselves easily to answering questions species and their wild relatives will shed light on the extent to about domestication genetics, but some conclusions can be which genes move between wild and domesticated perennial drawn from them. One clear pattern is the instability of the crops. majority of QTLs across years, which requires measurement of the traits of interest across multiple seasons (e.g., Sharon et al., 1998 ; Garc í a et al., 2000 ; Casasoli et al., 2004 ; Quilot et al., 2004 ; GENETIC BASIS OF PERENNIAL FRUIT CROP Cabezas et al., 2006 ; Kenis et al., 2008 ; Zhang et al., 2010 ). DOMESTICATION One extreme example of this pattern is from a 15-yr mapping project in cacao, where only two of 10 QTLs contributing to What is the genetic basis of perennial fruit crop domestica- yield were detected in more than 3 years ( Crouzillat et al., tion? The answer to this question is likely to be complex in pe- 2000). The other pattern seems to be that, while QTLs that ex- rennial crops, due to the diversity of modes of propagation for plain over 20% of the phenotypic variation have been docu- different species. For example, we might expect that the domes- mented, the majority of the QTLs detected have a smaller ef- tication genetics of outcrossing, seed-propagated fruit trees will fect. Whether this is due to the nature of these crosses (i.e., two resemble the patterns seen in outcrossing, seed-propagated an- apple cultivars might not harbor highly divergent alleles for nual plants, i.e., genes of large effect with regulatory changes fruit size) or due to a real difference in the nature of tree domes- dominating ( Doebley et al., 2006 ; Gross and Olsen 2010 ). The tication compared to annual plant domestication remains to be predictions for clonally propagated crops are less clear. Under seen. Overall, in spite of their limited utility for answering the simplest scenario, a favorable mutation of major effect questions about domestication, these existing studies show that could be preserved through continuous clonal propagation, but QTL mapping is a viable approach to understanding the genetic realistic domestication scenarios are likely to be more complex basis of traits of interest in perennial crops. (see previous section Mating system and mode of reproduc- To our knowledge, there are very few QTL mapping studies tion). It is also unclear how easily favorable traits could spread that involve a cross between a cultivated tree and a wild relative through domesticated populations with little sexual reproduc- or a cross between a classical and modern cultivar. The studies tion; this spread of domestication genes through a species is a involving crop × wild crosses were both conducted in Prunus , hallmark of annual crop domestication genetics (e.g., Sweeney one utilizing an F1 cross in sweet cherry ( Zhang et al., 2010 ) × et al., 2007 ). Our understanding of perennial crop domestica- and one utilizing a BC 2 cross in peach (P. persica P. davidi- tion genetics is still nascent, but recent advances promise inter- ana ; Quilot et al., 2004 ). Interestingly, the BC2 cross was origi- esting results. nally developed for the evaluation of disease resistance characters, and only later co-opted for the evaluation of fruit Genetic mapping — QTL mapping has served as a major av- traits, suggesting that mapping-ready populations might exist enue for understanding the genetic basis of domestication in for other crops as well. The results were strikingly different: the plants. QTL mapping requires the generation of a recombinant majority of QTLs detected in the cherry study were of major 1406 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 98 effect, while the majority detected in the peach study were of environmental impacts. Long-lived perennials share several minor effect. The cross between a classical and modern cultivar features that distinguish them from annual plants and infl uence was conducted in grape and was specifi cally aimed at identify- the way in which they evolve in nature and under domestica- ing the genetic basis of seedlessness ( Cabezas et al., 2006 ). This tion, including long juvenile phases, mechanisms to avoid self- study was similar to the cherry study in that it identifi ed many ing, high rates of inter- and intraspecifi c hybridization, extensive QTLs of major effect, potentially an example of the identifi ca- population genetic variation, and limited population structure. tion and preservation of a major mutation in a clonal crop, but Perennial fruit crops have been domesticated in every major this observation should be tempered by the fact that only three agricultural center and, in some ways have responded to artifi - traits were measured. cial selection just like annuals (e.g., novel fruit features, larger Admixture mapping is another approach to mapping the loci fruit size, indehiscent fruit, larger seeds that are less toxic, fewer underlying traits of interest, with the major difference being defensive structures). However, unlike annuals, perennial fruit that admixture mapping takes advantage of a naturally occur- crops are often clonally propagated, which has resulted in con- ring recombinant population (Buerkle and Lexer, 2008). An comitant changes in reproductive biology. Domestication of admixed population could be an interspecifi c hybrid zone or a perennial fruit crops is characterized by a relatively broad ge- more subtle mixture of genetically differentiated populations netic bottleneck resulting from a combination of factors includ- within the same species. This technique has been applied in ing mating system, mode of reproduction, multiple geographic cacao, using cultivated varieties that are admixtures of the Criollo origins of cultivated populations, and hybridization. Studies of and Forastero cacao cultivars, that are estimated to have under- the genetic basis of domestication traits in perennial fruit crops gone about six or seven generations of recombination ( Marcano are in their infancy, but indicate that QTL underlying traits of et al., 2007 , 2009 ). Admixture mapping in this system recov- interest can be of major or minor effect, and may not be stable ered many QTLs that were documented in artifi cial mapping across years. Future studies that take advantage of developing populations, indicating its reliability. This technique has not yet genomic approaches and consider demographic history (e.g., been applied to answer questions about domestication genetics Siol et al., 2010) will shed light on the genetic basis of agricul- in perennial fruit crops, but it would be a very powerful technique turally and ecologically important traits in perennial fruit crops if the appropriate crop × wild admixed populations exist. and their wild relatives.

Domestication genes— QTL and admixture mapping studies are often seen as the fi rst steps toward map-based (or positional) LITERATURE CITED cloning, and the majority of domestication genes examined in Abbott , A. G. , P. Ar ú s , and R. Scorza . 2008 . Genetic engineering annual plants have been cloned using this technique ( Doebley and genomics. In D. R. Layne and D. Bassi [ed.], The peach: Botany, et al., 2006 ). However, map-based cloning requires large popu- production, and uses, 85– 105. CAB International, Cambridge, lations (> 1000) to narrow the region of interest to a reasonable size, Massachusetts, USA. which is not a viable possibility in many perennials (Gonz á lez- Aguilar-Mel é ndez , A., P. L. Morrell, M. L. Roose, and S.-C. Kim . Martí nez et al., 2006b). Instead, candidate genes, either those 2009 . Genetic diversity and structure in semiwild and domesticated cloned in other species or those predicted to control relevant chiles ( Capsicum annuum; Solanaceae) from Mexico. American traits based on nucleotide sequence, may be called on to play an Journal of Botany 96 : 1190 – 1202 . important role in understanding the genetic basis of domestica- Ahmed , S. , S. G. Compton , R. K. Butlin , and P. M. Gilmartin . 2009 . tion. For example, a study of candidate genes for anthocyanin Wind-borne insects mediate directional pollen transfer between desert fi g trees 160 kilometers apart. Proceedings of the National Academy production using functional and population genetics led to the of Sciences, USA 106 : 20342 – 20347 . discovery that the clustered genes VvMYBA1 and VvMYBA2 are Allaby , R. G. , D. Q. Fuller , and T. A. Brown . 2008 . The genetic inactivated, via a variety of mechanisms, in white grapes expectations of a protracted model for the origins of domesticated ( Kobayashi et al., 2004 ; Walker et al., 2006 , 2007 ; Yakushiji et al., crops. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 105 : 2006 ; Azuma et al., 2009 ; Pelsy, 2010 ). Similarly, MdMADS2.1 13982 – 13986 . (similar to the Arabidopsis gene FRUITFULL ) is associated Amidou , N. D. , N. Michel , H. Serge , and P. Val é rie . 2007 . Genetic with apple fruit fi rmness within domesticated apples ( Cevik et al., basis of species differentiation between Coffea liberica Hiern and 2010); this type of analysis could be extended to elucidate the C. canephora Pierre: Analysis of an interspecifi c cross. Genetic differences between wild and domesticated apples as well. Resources and Crop Evolution 54 : 1011 – 1021 . Anthony , F. , M. C. Combes , C. Astorga , B. Bertrand , G. Graziosi , It is possible that perennial fruit crops will mainly skip the and P. Lashermes . 2002 . The origin of cultivated Coffea arabica laborious map-based cloning phase of identifying domestica- L. varieties revealed by AFLP and SSR markers. Theoretical and tion genes. Genome sequencing projects for fruit trees are in- Applied Genetics 104 : 894 – 900 . creasing in number (e.g., Velasco et al., 2010), and publically Aradhya , M. K. , G. S. Dangl , B. H. Prins , J.-M. Boursiquot , M. A. available candidate gene maps (e.g., Illa et al., 2010) will also Walker , C. P. Meredith , and C. J. Simon . 2003 . Genetic struc- provide resources for linking genes to phenotypes, especially in ture and differentiation in cultivated grape, Vitis vinifera L. Genetical combination with genome-wide scans for selection and associa- Research 81 : 179 – 192 . tion mapping techniques similar to those used in forest trees. Arroyo-Garc í a , R. , L. Ruiz-Garc í a , L. Bolling , R. Ocete , M. A. These candidate gene approaches are necessary, but will likely L ó pez , C. Arnold , A. Ergul , et al . 2006 . Multiple origins of cul- face some stumbling blocks, as the domestication genes se- tivated grapevine ( Vitis vinifera L. ssp. sativa) based on chloroplast DNA polymorphisms. Molecular Ecology 15 : 3707 – 3714 . quenced to date have generally proven to be uniquely important Ashley , M. V. 2010 . Plant parentage, pollination, and dispersal: How in each species ( Gross and Olsen, 2010 ). DNA microsatellites have altered the landscape. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 29 : 148 – 161 . Conclusions— Perennial crops are attracting increasing at- Atkinson , R. G. , G. Cipriani , D. J. Whittaker , and R. C. Gardner . tention as important components of sustainable agriculture, of- 1997 . The allopolyploid origin of kiwifruit, Actinidia deliciosa fering promising options for food sources while lowering (Actinidiaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 205 : 111 – 124 . September 2011] Miller and Gross — Perennial fruit crop domestication 1407

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