Coxc+Ressional Record-Senate. 563
1~~~ 1. COXC+RESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 563 ENATE. lution 133, directing the Federal Trade Commission to investi gate the conditions affecting the demand for foreign disposition, TuE DAY Decem.ber 20, 19E1. movement, and use of American exported grain, which were referred to the Committee on .Agriculture and Forestry. The Chaplain, ReY. J. J. ::\Iuir, D. D., offered the following 1\Ir. CALDER presented six petitions of 6,224 citizens of the prayer: State of New York, praying for the recognition of the Irish Our Father, Thou art the author and giver of every. goocl and republic by the Government of the United States, which were perfect gift, and at thi season of the year we especially think referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. of Thine unspeakable gift in the person and ministry of Thy Son, Mr. McLEAN presented resolutions· adopted by the boa1·d of our Savior. In His name we humbly beseech Thy blessing upon directors of the Waterbury Chamber of Commerce, of 'Vater our daily tasks. Help us so to walk in the ways of Thine own bury, and the Derby Business l\Ien's Association, of Derby, both appointment that we shall fulfill our duty in Thy fear and to in the State of Connecticut, favoring the retention of the Amer Thy glory. In Christ's name we ask it. Amen. ican valuation plan in the pending tariff bill, which were re ferred to the Committee on Finance. FRANK B. l;lRANDEGEE, a Senator from the State of Connecti He also presented resolutions adopted by members of Mary c:ut, appeared in his seat to-day.
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