Coxc+Ressional Record-Senate. 563

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Coxc+Ressional Record-Senate. 563 1~~~ 1. COXC+RESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 563 ENATE. lution 133, directing the Federal Trade Commission to investi­ gate the conditions affecting the demand for foreign disposition, TuE DAY Decem.ber 20, 19E1. movement, and use of American exported grain, which were referred to the Committee on .Agriculture and Forestry. The Chaplain, ReY. J. J. ::\Iuir, D. D., offered the following 1\Ir. CALDER presented six petitions of 6,224 citizens of the prayer: State of New York, praying for the recognition of the Irish Our Father, Thou art the author and giver of every. goocl and republic by the Government of the United States, which were perfect gift, and at thi season of the year we especially think referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. of Thine unspeakable gift in the person and ministry of Thy Son, Mr. McLEAN presented resolutions· adopted by the boa1·d of our Savior. In His name we humbly beseech Thy blessing upon directors of the Waterbury Chamber of Commerce, of 'Vater­ our daily tasks. Help us so to walk in the ways of Thine own bury, and the Derby Business l\Ien's Association, of Derby, both appointment that we shall fulfill our duty in Thy fear and to in the State of Connecticut, favoring the retention of the Amer­ Thy glory. In Christ's name we ask it. Amen. ican valuation plan in the pending tariff bill, which were re­ ferred to the Committee on Finance. FRANK B. l;lRANDEGEE, a Senator from the State of Connecti­ He also presented resolutions adopted by members of Mary c:ut, appeared in his seat to-day. Clapp Wooster Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, NAMING A PRESIDI::-i"G OFFICEr.. of New Haven, and of Roger Sherman Chapter, Daughters of The Secretary, George A. Sanderson, read the following com­ the American Revolution, of New l\Iilforcl, both in the State munication: of Connecticut, favoring the passage of ·Senate bill 1967, de­ UNITED STATES SE~ATE, claring the battle field of Yorktown a national military park Wasliington, D. C., December 20, 1921. upon the acquisition of the site at a co t not exceeding $100,000, To the SEXATE: which were referred to the Committee on Appropriations . .Heing temporarily absent from the Senate, I appoint Ron. SELDEN P. SrENCER, a Senator from the State of Missouri, to perform the He also presented a petition of the Woman's Christian Tem­ duties of the Chair this legislative day. perance Union of Stafford Springs, Conn., praying for the pas­ ALBERT B. CUMMINS, sage of the so-called Lehlbach-Sterling civil-service reclassi­ P1·esident pt·o tempore. fication bill, which was referred to the Committee on Civil Mr. SPE..~CER thereupon took the chair as Presiding Officer. Service. The reading clerk proceeded to read the Journal of yester­ He also presented a resolution adopted by a meeting at day·...: proceedings, when, on request of l\Ir. CURTIS and by unani­ Waterbury, Conn., November 27, 1921, of about 2,000 citizens mous consent, the further reading was dispensed with and the of Lithuanian birth or descent, protesting against alleged inhu­ Journal was approved. man and barbaric acts of Poles in Vilna, and the support MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. afforded Poland by the French Republic, and requesting that restitution be mane for damages to Lithuania caused by the A mes ·age from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Over­ Poles; that the guilty Polish leaders be punished ; that the hue, its enrolling clerk, announced that the Honse had passed French withdraw from l\lemel and vicinity, etc., which was the bill ( S. 2780) to amend section 9 of an act entitled "An act referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. to define, regulate, and punish trading with the enemy, and for other purposes," approved October 6, 1917, as amended. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. The message also announced that the House had passed the :Mr. KENYO);", from the Committee on Agriculture and For­ bill ( s. 2591) to provide for the construction of a public bridge estry, to which was referred the joint resolution ( S. J. Res. aero s the Niagara River, with an amendment, in which it re­ 146) authorizing the President to extend inYitation · to foreign quested the concurrence of the Senate. Governments to send delegates to a world's dairy congress in The message further announced that the House had passed 1923, reported it without amendment. bills of the following titles, in which it reque ted· the concur­ 1\Ir. LADD, from the Committee -on Agriculture and Fore try, rence of the Senate: to which was referred the resolution ( S. Res. 133) directing H. R.1577. An act to provide a p~·eliminary survey of Co\vlitz the Federal Trade Oommi ·sion to investigate the conditions River, Wash., with a view to the control of its floods; affecting the demand for foreign disposition, movement, and H. R. 1578. An act to provide a preliminary survey of the use of American exported grain, reported it ·without amend­ Puyallup River, 'Va ·h., with a view to the control of its floods; ment. and Mr. NEW, from the Committee on Territories and Insular H. R. 8344. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior Possessions, to which was referred the bill (H. R. 6557) to to grant extensions of time under oil and gas permiL and for authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to repair and rebuild other purposes. customs buildings in Porto Rico, and to pay for same out of PETITION A. D MEMORIALS. duties collected in Porto Rico, reported it without amendment l\lr. ROBIKSON presented a telegram ill the nature of a peti­ and submitted a report (No. 368) thereon. tion from the Arkadelphia Milling Co., of Little Rock, .Ark., Mr. CAPPER, from the Committee on Agriculture and For­ praying that corn flour, grits, and cream meal, rather than estry, to which was referred the bill (S. 2023) defining the corn, be exported to relieve distress in Ru sia, which was re­ crop failure in the production of wheat, rye, or oats by those ferred to the Committee on Appropriations. who borrowed money from the Government of the United States He also presented a letter in the nature of a petition from for the purchase of wheat, rye, or oats for seed, and for other R. E. Lee 'Vilson, of Wilson, Ark., praying that adequate appro­ purposes, reported it without amendment and submitted a 369) priation be made for tbe continuance of expe_riment work ~l report (No. thereon. animal bu.sbandry in Arkansas, which was referred to the Com­ l\Ir. :PAGE, from the Committee on Naval .Affairs, to which mittee on Agriculture and Forestry. were referred the following bills, submitted adverse reports He also pre ented a resolution adopted by the Clewland thereon, which were agreed to, and the bills were indefinitely (Ohio) com·ention of the National Federation of Business and postponed: Profe ~. ·ional Women'· Clubs, commending the President of tile H. R. 2558. An act for the relief of Richard P. 1\!cCullough United States for calling the Conference ou Limitation of Arma­ (Rept. No. 370) ; and ment, which ·was referred to the Committee on Foreign Rela- H. R. 'iS'iO. An act for the relief of I. C. Johnson, jr. (Rept. tions. · Ko. 3Tl). BILLS INTRODUCED. ~ 1\lr. PAGE presented resolutions adopted b~- the annual meet­ ing of tbe Orange County (Yt.) District of the Ne\\ England Bi11 were introduced, read the first time, and, by unanimous Milk Producers' A.· ·ociation, favoring the enactment of the so­ consent. the second time, and referred as follows: ca.lied Voigt bill prohibiting interstate commerce in the product BY 1\Ir. TR.AJ\11\lELL: known as "filled milk,"' tbe enactment of the so-called Capper­ A.' bill ( S. 2889) to provide additional funds for loans to Yolstead bill giYing farmers the right to pool their products for farmers through the Federal land banks; to the Committee , marketing purposes, etc.. and inclusion in the permanent tariff on Bankino- and Currency. bill of rates requested by the New England Dairy Tariff Com­ A bill (S. 2890) authorizing the War Finance Corporation t.o mittee which were referred to the Committee on Agriculture make advances and to purchase securities to provide relief for and Forestry. producers of and dealers in agricultural products un.til July 1, Mr. LADD presented petitions of sundry citizen..; of Corinth, 1923, under the provisions of sections 21, 22, 23, and 24 of the Cooperstown, Hope, Larimore, Willow City, Rolette, Benedict, War Finance Corporation act, approved April 5, 1918, as Bisbee, Hatton, Foxholm, Van Hook. Rettinger, Thompson. amended by an act approYed .August 24, 1921. Lan~ford, NortonYille, Adrian. Rnso. and Buxton, all in the The YICE PRESIDENT. The bill will be referred to the State of North Dakota, praying for the passage of Senate reso- Committee on Finance. 564 CO ·GR.ESSIONAL R.EOORD- SENATE. DJ~CB:ThiBER. 20, :\I.r. TRA... Ml\.IELL. I suggest that the bill be referred to the Whereas the S~nate desires information upon the question of whcthel' Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. I think that com­ or not there ~s ~uch n~mber of cases constant~y pending in said court as to make It Impossible for the court to diSpose of cases without mittee handled the measure when it was up before. long delay and hardship upon litigants because of their inability to Mr. SMOOT. The legislation creating the War Finance Cor­ ~!\frompt action in this the highest court in the land: Therefore poration was considered by the Finance Committee.
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