Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections http://archives.dickinson.edu/ Civil War Resources Title: "Civil War Times in Carlisle," by Merkel Landis Date: February 12, 1931 Location: DC 1896 L257c Contact: Archives & Special Collections Waidner-Spahr Library Dickinson College P.O. Box 1773 Carlisle, PA 17013 717-245-1399
[email protected] Civil War Times In Carlisle Addre ss Delivered at Hamilton Library, Carl isle, Pa. February 12th, 1931 By MERKEL LANDIS This is a simple recital or until Lincoln was nominated be evPnls, as they appeared in the lo fore announcing him as its candi tal papers during the days _of t~e date; and then stood on the plat rivil War, and is offered with llt form of Free Homes for free men, tle comment by the compiler. A Protective Tariff, an hone;.;t and In 1860 Carlisle had a population economical administration of the of 5600. It supported 4 weekly pa government; and Union and Lib pers: The Carlisle American, Geo. erty-Now and Forever-One and Zinn, editor; the Carlisle Herald, inseparable. The Volunteer sup w. M. Porter, editor, Republican; ported Douglas, the Northern Dem and the American Democrat, ocrat and declared in bold type Jflphraim Cornman, editor; and that they gave "No Approval to the American Volunteer, John B. Black Republicanism and the doc Bratton, editor, Democratic. trines of Lincoln." It advised all 'rhe Hon. James H. Graham was to "Rush to the rescue of the im County Judge; John Noble, Chief verill d Union. Save your Coun Burgess, and Andrew Blair, Presi try and maintain the Constitution dent of the School Board.