AROOSTOOK TIMES WISE TfWN OF April 13, 1860 AROOSTOOK COUNTY To Cary Library TIMES December 27, 1916 HOULTON, MAINE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1918 VOL. LVJII No. 30 AROOSTOOK BANKS PROMINENT CANADIAN STAKE RACES RECEIVE INSTRUCTIONS COMMUNITY OFFICER IN TOWN FAST TIME MADE AT HOULTON FAIR HOME SERVICE Major C. G. Pincombe of the Cana­ At the meeting of the Banking in­ HOULTON. July 12-The list of en­ dian Army who has been acting Pro­ terests of Eastern Maine, held in Ban­ CHAUTAUQUA tries and nominations for the stake vost Marshal with headquarters in AT HOULTON SECTION AMERI­ gor last week, Charles A. Morss re­ races at the Houlton Agricultural So­ St. John, has resigned from this ‘work j t r a c k presenting the Federal Reserve Bank IN HOULTON N RECORD EQUALLED BY ciety Fair. August 27, 28, 29 and 20, is CAN RED CROSS in Boston, many matters of vital in- ESTING PROGRAMS FOR and taken a leave of absence, arriving THOMAS EARL as follows: EACH DAY in Houlton where he will be for a ■ terest to the people of this section 2.25 TROT, PURSE $400 couple of weeks, working in the in­ INTERESTING MEETING HELD ON were discussed. Sam .McKinin-y, bg.. by Bingara, f\ H. terests of the Red Cross. G. W . Reed, Fort Fairfield. SUNDAY Mr. Morss made it very plain to Extra Heats Before Decision Commencing Tuesday, July Maj. Pincombe was in Houlton in Kalium, brn.. bv Kavoli, 1>. H. & c;, those present that if The banks ex­ M . Reed, Fort Fairfield. May when he spoke in behalf of tilt1 pected the Federal Reserve Bank to 30, Ending August 3 j Bavins, bg.. by Bingara, R. H. Ed- Address By Major C. G. Pin- stand behind them, that it was ab­ Second Red Cress War fund. wards, H; lifa:x, X. s. | Merlyn, solutely necessary for the Aroostook In an interview with the TIMES. Tile f tlho track: record. bin. bv San Francisco, (; w. For the third season Houlton peo- I iadndder Jr. Major Pincombe said that in his work'2.12% by T1 Eai■le, and the best . Rockland. combe banks to curtail their loans as much | * >ld GIo- iple will have an opportunity of hear- as A. P. M. he had never yet had the ! racing ever on the local track, y* i•g-. by Bingara, l>e\V ’ i 11 & ' 'as possible, to take care of loans Higgins, I’restpm Isle i entered bv j ing some of the best entertainments J. A. A largely attended meeting in the , whJch were nceded for the essentials, necessary office accommodation pro were the feature of the firsT day's 1 1 'e\Vit (.) ever given to the public, at a price Interests of the Home Service section Jn thege timeg of heavy demands, that vided, which was necessary to insure J racing at th ■uit racing her*' on ! Kilwa, 2rul, bg.. by Bingara. P. I >oh- within the reach of all. 1 erty, Sydne y, of the Red Cross was held at the M. i ry loan shoul(1 be carefully inves- him carrying on the work with effi-1 Thursday an lay of last week. It G. B., (nom. bought Of J The winning of the war is the su- W. Me Mu nem<> n.) E. Church on Sunday afternoon. H an(1 it the money was to be , „ , . . ciency; neither had any deputy been fook five heats to decide the 2.20 class M o w r> r Pinpnmhp nf thp Cana- a11 , preme task of the people of America. Rosetta McKinney, bm., by McKinney, Major C. G. Pincombe or tne cana | l|ged for the increase of food produc- appointed to assist him in his ardu­ after Bravas was put hack to second Eldon B. Taylor, 1’resque Isle. We owe it to the men in the trenches, dian Army was the principal speaker | ^ QV carrying on work essential to ous duties. This, together with con- for running on the back stretch in the Bradford Man, by The Northern Man, on the ships, and in the sky to strain j si(lerabk, (iifficulty in getting suitable G. M. Golbath, Presque Isle., (nom. and said in part [winning the war, to loan the mini- third heat. Grey Bobbie won the first every nerve and sinew, to put aside bought of J. <\ Feeley.) The thorough and businesslike I mum amount possible but if it was for men for the military police force, has heat of this class, but could not stand Kentucky Jean, bm. by Kentucky manner in which every selfish wish, to forego any un­ the American Na­ made his difficulties all the greater. the hot pace set by Bravas. Todd, ,J. W. Gallagher, Woodstock. N. B. tion Is now working to hasten both non-essentials that the Federal Re­ necessary indulgence, that the sacri- Out of an establishment of only fortv- In the 2.11 Sirlain was the winner Prince < onstance, bs. by Oakland men and material across to Europe, serve Bank could not accept such fiee of those devoted Americans "h°|tbree he has already been forced tojof the first heat, but Sir Patrick Doh- Baron, H. W. Kasler. Easton, (nom. together with the magnificent fight­ paper. bought of A. J. Saunders.) ing qualities displayed by her troops have crossed the sea may not be in get rid of eight men, and is still erty, the veteran Canadian owner and While, as Mr. Morss explained, this Eleanor Watts, bm., by General already on the firing line, have vain. called twelve under strength. driver, took the next three heats, ne- Watts, O'. M. Hoyt, I'resque Isle. forth the admiration of comes from the Government as a re­ the world, and To this task the entile Chautauqua! .-pbe AI i litary Service Act, he said, j gotiating the second heat in 2.12%, Bnmios, bs., by Bingara, B. I». Tingley acted as an inspiration to the whole quest. it is like many other requests organization is devoted in twenty )bas revealed some astonishing facts ] equalling the track record held by Dan and ] ’. If. Reed. Houlton. of the allied troops. of a like nature, in that, if the request Splan, brg., E. E. Fuller, Newport. Vt., The way in states and in its ceaseless search for S. In the first heat of this class which the minds of the is not granted, it will be made as a in New Brunswick. It would surprist 'm*m. bought of A. J. Saunders.) people of the talent some of the greatest war-lec­ U. S. have been sudden­ many to know the number who can Vanza led to the three quarters pole, 2.20 TROT AND PACE STAKE, PURSE ly diverted from peaceable pursuits, demand. turers of the day and some of the most neither read nor write. In manv but Sirlain. the Nova Scotia horse, $400 to prepare for, and take part in a war Those who desire to do business inspiring musical programs have been | ()f thfl (.oumry (listri(.ts newspapers Alice Homeland, bm., by Homeland, of unparalleled magnitude is simply led at the wire. along these lines with the banks R- D R....1 and G. W. Re.-d, Ft. Fairfield marvelous. secured for our Chautauqua. are seldom read even when they are In the second heat of the 2.20 the should bear this in mind, and under­ Arum Todd, Jr., big., by Arion Todd, To think that within a year or so, In the midst of their great war sac­ received and yet people are expected j finish was dost1, Bravas finally win- I’. H. (J. W. Reed, Fort Fairfield. this mighty change has taken place, stand when details of a loan are ask­ rifices, many hundreds of towns in to know -the current events of the day jning after being forced to go the long Brage, bs. by Baring. R H. Edwards, and that now America understands as ed for that the banks are obliged to go Canada. Australia and the United aml to t,xt,rt.iso lhfl fran(.his( Halifax, N. S. never before, that she has to fight intelli- mile. She was cleverly handled by Into details regarding same, under Geo. Braden, bg.. by Brown Braden, Prussians to a . finish now in Europe, States have within the past year se- Rent]y. In tht. (.(,untrv districts es- Mont Gerow. Miss Agnes won the orders from the Federal Reserve Geo. w. Baehelder. Jr., Rockland. or later on to fight it on her own ter­ eured their first Chautauqua, and have 1KH.iallv appaivntlv the ]aw has n0Ver 2.20. but was bard pushed by Lucky Peggie Hal. Imi., by Walter Hal. I >e- ritory and possibly without an ally Bank. found in it a better understanding of , be,,n t,nfon.0(l wilh reference to the Strike. Witt iv Higgins, I'resque Isle, (entered is a great stimulation to the remain “The war program is enormous said the progress and needs of the war and j workings of the M. S. A., and people by J. A. I'eWitt.) der of the allies. Mr. Morss, but it cannot be evaded or Friday's card included the 2.12, 2.10 This mighty country with its untold an inspiration for making the heroic1^ allmved to g() an(1 (.0me as thev 2.18 and 2.20 trot. Lady Belmar. bm.. by Belmar. J. W. shirked. You may not like some Gallagher, Woodstock, X. B. wealth ana unlimited resources, is effort and sacrifices necessary to win J pleaS(1 without proper (.he(.k without proper check being Summary of Thursday's races: Eearl Milton, chm.. by Jersey great temptation to such a piratical things, and may criticise the admin­ Milton, lt- | made. Higgins it <'rouse, i'resque Isl« people as the Huns undoubtedly are istration at Washington—and there When the vital statistics have 2.11 TROT ANT) PACE fen- At the Chautauqua you will see tered by J. A. HeWitt.) «nd therefore it is the duty of every been seriously neglected in some1 has been much criticism of the admin­ $2 no. Wendell S. ehg., by Bi’omson, American citizen to stand forth, and audiences of your neighbors sent parts, no trouble has been taken to J. B. istration—but it must be supported, Thos. Earle, bs., by the Earle, Williams, Fort Fairfield. defend his country against all ene away with a smile or a tear, with no matter what is done. We must register either births, marriages or ( Doherty) o ( tide Lew. clim.. by Wapanee, Perry mies. more altruistic sentiments, with great- death wWch has ,.au.;)M| seriolls 1 1 1 The man who is not prepared to have the money to go on. What we Sir Lain Rog (C. Dewitt' 1 3 3 Nelson, I’resque Isle, (nom. bought of er hope for humanity and with a lar­ 4 A. J. Saunders.) sacrifice a great deal to preserve for do we believe is for the best interests convenience, expense and delay. Ruth W. Cham. (Nelson) 4 2 2 2 hit family, and posterity the priceless ger outlook. You will realize then Maj. Pincombe states that his plans Try fast, bs., by Trarmifast, W. B. of the banks, and therefore of the Vanza Bm. (Ireland) 2 4 4 0 Lint, Fredericton, N. B. heritage of freedom handed down to that some values cannot be measured for the future are uncertain. He has him. as the result of the poured-out country.” in terms of dollars. A banker recent­ Time—2.15, 2.12%, 2.U >4, 2.15% Lady Farr, cbm., by ( barley Hoyt, been invited to address several meet­ Jerry Smith. < \aribou. blood and treasure of his forefathers ly said, “I would rather write my 2.20 TROT ANT) PACE — Is absolutely unworthy to enjoy Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Fitzmaurice of ings in the on behalf of •Irving Hartt, clis., by Great Hartt, cheek for $100 every year, thai lose $250. J. W. Gallagher, Woodstock, N. B. them. Lewiston are in town for a week and the Red Cross Society, and hopes to Advhnced education, with the ad our annual Chautauqua.” I Miss Agness, by Nutwood Wilkes. Maliel Kay, 1dm., by Ess Kay, E W. are receiving a glad hand from their | take a trip west, as he he has had no McBurnie. Presque Isle. vance o f the sciences and arts, to The Chautauqua rosls a little more leave sfm-e Jolnlns up in Julie. ]9;5 J Jr., (Ireland) 1 1 gether with the great facilities for many friends. Major I ),ls. by Coas-man. E. W. in personal effort than the wandering j Maj r>lm.omhp has ,)Pen )n miIitary I Peggie Hal, bm, . D. TIMES office. Tingles'. ) SERVICE i Belmont Miller, bg., (Boutilier) THE POSITION SERIOUS Among the many attractions will DUE TO SHORTAGE OF Toddnioi'e, bg., by T oddmaek, J. G. La- Mr. I. H. Davis, Pres, of the I. H. j 2 4 2 look, ^'ohurn. Mass., The position in Europe this year Is be M A N PO W E R (nom. bought of serious, and humanly speaking we Davis Co., last week laid down the iTrytast, bs., (Lint) 2 4 2 Wrvin Yosc.) The Famous Kilties Band The shortage of man power due to Lucky Strikt*. sn. in order to assist the government of branches of the service. with pros­ When Rain Stops Racing M* • lit ife11*.. to with great pride, and one that *J imn! y the day to successfully grapple with ago and for 8 years carried on a suc- Program Friday HiekiA bg l.y .loe Kirk. Han- Chautauqua patrons will remember pects of an equally large number to s**n iV- 1 'e the problems of the times. cessful contracting business, seeing Witt, I ’resq: le 1:sle. follow as the demand requires. After Blanche II.. owned bv Merle •Tillie■ '1 the need of an up-to-date Wood Work­ with pleasure for years to come. ’ipton, in­m.. by Ozone. I le - ORGANIZATION OF RED CROSS The Kilties Band has a notable re- The fact is being driven home forei- ' Hoyt of Presque Isle, had taken two Witt iV Iiigginis. 1TeSqU. Isle, (nom. ing Mill he fitted up the old Keaton l)i eight of J. A. 1 'ewitt.) ’ SOCIETY cord of travel and musical achieve- j 1)1>' as evidenced by the large mini-j heats of the 2.12 class in the record Mill on North St., and for 10 years he ban J'a iiif, bs., b Fra itk Be Sure. A. But, thank God, the advance scien­ ment. In 1904 they had the distin- ,l)er 01 .v<)”Rg women who are taking track time of 2.ll3i in each heat; carried on business there. Nason. M* mt icello. (n* *m. bought of J. ces have also been brought to bear guished honor of playing twice before I11!1 work formerly done hy men. ; Zom Q. two heats in the 2.10 class in \Y. Call ag her.) with ever increasing efficiency to suc­ 15 years ago having an opportunity King Edward VII, hy royal command I In Houlton, especially in certain j 2.12v4 and 2.12P, ; and WalterBrooks J ennit• 1'risi-i >, bin.. by San Francisco. cor the sick and wounded in war, and to purchase the fine plant on the B. I'olle --the first time at Balmoral Castle, ! lmos of business, young women are one heat in the 2.18 in 2.14%, rain rt \'. SobIney, G. B.,, (nom. bought other national calamities. Cressy brook he did so, and adding <'f A. E. M*dd. t by Todd. T. ter his several parcels of town pro­ ten days at sea, traveling eighty-six! Hathewav Drug Store. ML casualties in war, but also, those | who holds the track record. 2.121 .j,. JI b >\ t , I ’t'e.-q i ■ b- 11' • ! I 1 . b*.light of afflicted by fire, flood pestilence, or perty. thousand miles and penetrating to 1 hompson. Marion, was the favorite in this class, hut j i r Tingley. ) earthquake. many remote corners of the earth. 1 Leighton A- Feeley, Miss •Andy X J.. b Bellman. T. XL During that time they visited , i Tuber. rami' in 4 and 2. |Ibyvt, I’resque 1> 1 THE HOME SERVICE DEPT. HOULTON MAN ELECTED England. Ireland, Scotland. Wales.! Dalnier's Kandy Kitchen. Mi •ms ffel Bangor, the favorite in the 2.18.' •Time a!l"\vatic claimed. Today it has again broadened to Italy, Australia. New Zealand, India, !l>n Hanev and Opal Peabody. nu t his Waterloo in tin first heat O'',2'13 TROT AND PACE STAKE PURSE meet new conditions brought about by _ DIRECTOR OF B. & A. $400 J. E. Robinson A: Son, Mis Edith the 2.1s. Walter Brook eloselv the war so that we are now advocat­ At a meeting of the stockholders of Sicily, Ceylon, Hawaii, Spain, Mexico \V* I* ulrlitY*' Kinir. Its.. by Ashland ing the claims of the “Home Service the B. & A. R. R. held in Bangor last and Egypt. Colson and Grace Can’. pushed by Hayward Wilke winning j xViJk,.s Jr Hans*.n x n.-Witt, Ftvsque Claims,” of this splendid organization. J. A. Millar & Son, Mist Katli- the only heat run off in this class. Isle. Thursday, Ora Gilpatrick of this town Fisher Shipp Concert Co. This department will take care of erino Nason and Mildred Hagerman. Zom Q., after loafing for three 1 b * y Volo, i • 1 > s., l.y Xity W B. a man’s wife, or other dependents, was elected a director of the B. & A. A better selection could not have quarters of a mile in the first heat of L int. Fr.'(bTietqii. X. B. when he is called out for service R. R. * been made for the opening number of Illtfl* isbet*. Jr., by., by Inglosbot J. A. which ensures their being looked af­ th*’ 2.1(1, shot hy Jennie Frisco, like The vacancy which Mr. Gilpatrick the Chautauqua than the Fisher Shipp CHILD WELFARE WEEK 1 b'Witt. I Tcsquc Islo. ter financially, and socially while he an express train, winning the heat. Bob Mao. by.. by <'oinnnxlor Led van!. filled was made by the resignation of Concert Company, one of the best “Child Welfare" week in Houlton is away. Harry Nevers has a fast one in Zom Simps*,n Bros., Amhorst, X. S. Therefore a man going to the front Mr. Todd, who on acount of his con­ known and most popular companies in will he held Aug. 4 to 10 inclusive. Koval MoKinnoy. bs , by M.'Kinney, Q., and his performance indicates that has no heart pang that his wife, or nection with the Federal control of the Chautauqua world. This is the The High School building will he W. \V. Molhirnio. Br.-sqm- Islo. lie can beat anything on the Aroos­ others, are likely to be thrown on the the railroads could not hold an office. twelfth season in which Miss Shipp thoroughly fumigated and made safe I *an S . Jr., bh . by ban S.. .lorry human scrap heap because he is out took circuit. Smith, (’aribom In the election of Mr. Gilpatrick and her company have been giving for babies and everyone. The board of on his country’s service. This is a Summarv of Friday's races: Ruth W., ohm., by Nutwood Wilkes, great relief—for if a man is worried the stockholders could not have made successful concerts. In that length of health and physicians assure that the Jorrv Smith, i’arib*>u. respecting home ties while away his a better selection for Mr. Gilpatrick time they have appeared in nearly J danger from smallpox will, he prae- • 2.12 TROT AND RAGE < \v l’aul, obs., by Iian Q. G, M. Col- strength and courage are both im­ is a man of large experience in busi­ every state in the union including tit-ally over hy that time, as it is get- ( Unfinished > bath. l’rosqtio Islo. (nom. bought uf J. paired, and efficiency is lost where W. Gallagher.) ness as a banker, farmer and manu­ Purse. $25u. otherwise lt is increased, and the four tours from coast to coast. They ting well under control now. Kleet. grg.. by Lavak, E. E. Fuller, best results accrue. facturer, a man of keen intellect, have traveled over (ioo.OtM) miles and I Governor Milliken expects to lie Blanche M. bm (Willard) Newport, Vt., (nom. bought of A. J. conservative and most excellent jud­ have given over 4,000 concerts hun- here Sunday evening, Aug. 4, to speak (Royal McKenney gg (Stewart Saunders.) PREVENTIVE MEASURES gement, and his advice and council in dreds of these being return engage-jin Monument Park. Dr. Bristol, will | Roy Volo, chs Lint) Blanche H , Inn., by <’om. Bingen. T. The advance In knowledge respect­ M. Hoyt, I’resque Islo. matters pertaining to the business af­ Dan S., Jr., bs. (Nelson) ing the manipulation of drugs, and ments. lecture Monday evening. The big last of Entries "t Mid-Summer ('’los­ ifiodern surgery has had a marvelous fairs of the Bangor and Aroostook Miss Shipp, the head of the company children's parade will take place Mon- Kleet, grg. (Fuller) ing (’kisses, Houlton Agricultural So­ result in prevention of disease, and railroad will be very valuable to that is famous for her charac ter readings , day at 2 P. M. Time..2.11%. 2.11%. ciety Fair. Houlton, Maine, August 27, the healing of wounds. corporation. and songs. Her voice is a lyric sop- A splendid program will be carried 2S, L”.t and 3"th, ISIS. Men are now Inoculated as a pre­ 2.Ik TROT AND PACE 2.30 TROT AND PACE, PURSE $300.00 ventive against typhus, dysentery and rano of remarkable range and flexi- out through the week, t Unfinished) Jim Tranhy, bh. by Will Tranby, W. other evils, and rheumaticis is re­ RECONSIDERS HIS bility. Mr. Loar has an international J Weighing and measuring of child- Purse, $250. M. Tompkins, I’resque Isle. duced to a minimum. Miss Agnes, bm., by Nutwood Wilkes, reputation as a mandolinist, and also ren mornings. Fuller account of pro­ Zom (Nevers) 1 1 Then the sanitary arrangements are RESIGNATION makes use of an instrument known as j gram in next week s paper, llanson & DeWitt, I’resque Isle. well nigh perfect—arrangements are At a meeting of the members of Jennie Frisco, bm. (Boutillier) Lady Grey, bin., by Alfotidley, James now made for men to have baths, the mandoviola, a ten string tenor ------Grey, Monticello. the Congregational church held last Jimmy Hicks, bg. (<’. DeWitt changes of clean linen, and clothes instrument of the mandolin family Garry A, bg. (Nason) 4 (tenoral Todd , bg., bv T edd, R. 11 1 eed disinfected, on a scale never consider­ week at which Rev. T. P. Williams, ! A Son, Ft. Fa rfield. made especially to his order. Miss E. G. B RYSO N W IL L R U N FOR Tillie Tipton (R. DeWitt) t)r. ed possible until the past three years. the pastor was present and the mat­ Grey Ghost. gg-. by Bertinin. R. H. Swarthout with her beautiful contral­ Time—2.12.%, 2.12%. BR A V E R Y OF*STRETCHER ter of his resignation was taken up. SHERIFF Reed iY Stoll, I-’t. Fa rfield, Me. to voice and Miss Major, violinist, Elmer G. Bryson ex-sheriff of Aroos­ Reggie Hal., inn. W W alter Hal. De- BEARERS Upon hearing the opinions and 2.18 TROT AND PACE complete a most versatile company. took County has secured the requir­ Witt X- IIiggin s. Rr. sque Lie. views of those present Mr. Williams (Unfinished) Walter Bn.olc. by Walt er Hal. M. L. The way In which the wounded are Features of the afternoon program ed number of signatures so that his promptly picked up on the field by the decided to continue as pastor and he Purse, $250 Grouse, 1resqu > isle will he patriotic music and songs, a Douglas. Ji rry brave stretcher bearers Is worthy of name, will appear on the September 1 Maggie D. g- tn. b>• Dr. will return In September to -resume burlesque on Grand Opera and the Walter Brooks, bg. (L. DeWitt) praise. I have seen these bearers ballot as an Independent candidate o Smith, 1 irihou his pastorate much to the gratifica­ Hayward Wilkes, bg. (Nevers) L H. following up the first line, picking up “Movies,” a group of 18th Century for Sheriff of Aroostook County. Belmont Mill *r, lie , by Aquiri, R. and caring for a man, then hurrying tion of not only the members of his songs in costume, and a mandolin Brage, bs. (Boutillier) Ed wards, Halif ix. N. s. His name will appear on each bal­ by Kentu ky off to the advanced dressing station congregation but to the citizens of story entitled “John Henry's Adven­ Peter Pan, bg. (Ireland) 4 Kent m l y J.■an, bill.. where he was soon made as comfort­ Houlton who regard both Mr. and lot and he has received assurances Bangor, bs. (Tingley) 5 Todd. J. W. Ga Hugh*. r. W >odstock, N. B. ture” in which the strings do the elmar bm. by Belmar, J. W. able as possible, then sent by motor from a large number of his acquain­ Time—2.14%. Lady B Mrs. Williams most highly in this talking—so the story can be under­ < Jallagher, WoO Istock . N. B. ambulance to a hospital. tances in the Republican and Demo­ The manner in which the heroic community where they have lived for stood. Kilwa. Lid., bm., .y. B ngara. R. 'ii- doctors and the no less heroic nurses the past 11 years. cratic parties, that they would glad­ The Houlton Water Co., have re­ liertv. Sydney, G. B. The evening program will he given work continually Is touching In the ex­ ------1— ..... ly support him for this office. moved from many of the main streetss Vavius, bm., by Bi ngara, R. II. Ed- treme, the promptness, efficiency, and W . J. Griffin of the Berry & Benn over to the Music of Our Allies and a the unsightly poles on which the wards, Halifax, N. S. syhupathy shown to each of the thou­ cycle of National Reminiscences in The following Class did not fill and is auto concern, returned Thursday from Miss Mabel Megguire, of Philadel­ Merritt system wires were strung, sand* of cases brought in results in costume by Miss Shipp. hereby declared off: Auhurii, Me., where he went to drive phia, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. which improves very much the at­ TWO YEAR OLD TROT Continued on page 4 home a car. tractiveness of the town. Glass Races will be announced later. Continued on page 4 F. O. Orcutt for the summer. I" HOULTON TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1918

A, I, thoueht that the In- serve at the will of the trusted gen- tl» “ Az«'es from .Newfoundland, Established April 13, I860 the arrests for ntoxieation (luring the dlans could be used as laborers, hut I t ' eralissimo. The British and French That transatlantic flight is a certain calendar year of 1917 were reduced MYSTERIOUS PAINS is found that many of these are jet in are calling up all their remaining men G of t,le next months, no reas- to 15«)2. while during the 12 months We have onable person doubts. A N D ACHES HOULTON TIMES a primitive state of civilization and from IS years of age to 55. ended May 31. ISIS, the total was re­ ALL THE HOME NEWS no cause to imitate, but much cause British authorities have expressed not qualified for service along modern duced to 1122, a decrease, as conipar Make Life Hard to Bear for Many to hasten the completion of an army th(' belief that it will soon be possi­ cd with 191t;. of 77 per cent. The sher- Published every Wednesday Morning lines. Naturally, the labor problem Houlton Women commensurate alike with our task and ble to go from London to Paris and iit did not make these arrests. What by the Tines Publishing Co. I will be more or less acute, for un­ our resources. The European forces return in one day, or from London In* did was to see that the law pro­ numbered ranches in the West have loo many women mistake their of freedom look to the United States to Bagdad in a day and a half: to hibiting the importation of intoxi­ CHA3. H. FOGG, Pres. & Mgr. | lost men by the draft and through en- paiim and a< hes tor troubles peculiar as the reservoir of man-power from New York in two days, and to Ceylon cants into tin' county was enforced. j listment, while many others have gone to the sex. More often disordered Subscription in U. S. $1.50 per year which the stream of strength must in two and three-quarters days. Air j into lines of employment which have Uith the restriction of the stile of kidneys are causing the advance, $200 in arrears; in Cana­ How to carry democracy to victory routes to India, with air currents and aching back, ! offered alluring wages. But it is hdunr in Fumiterhind County, intoxi­ dizz> spells, headaches da $2.00 in advance, $2.50 in arrears. possible landing stages are even now ‘s and irregular {hoped to work out the labor question and the world to peace. cation deere.a,-isi and the total of ar­ urination. Kidney Single copies five cents. being mapped. weakness 1 > eeo m e s so that the plan may lie developed rests lor intoxication was lowered, as dangerous if No Subscription cancelled until all Every obstacle of nature has l>“en neglected. Use a time- | along the gigantic lines outlined. La­ THE NEW REVENUE BILL coma red with 1 P Ik 7 7 per rent. tried kidney arrearages are paid overcome by the airman deserts, seas lemedy Doan's Kidney bor is the big stumbling block now. What could more t P arly establish Fills. Hosts This country i> now moving on a and mountains. The attainment of an Of pe )ple testify to their Advertising rates based upon circula-' and will be at harvesting time. As $2-1,one, basis. It cannot to Km lact that it m net the prohibition merit. Read a Houlton ease: altitude of four miles is now almost law which faiK to pm an end to till tion and very reasonable. I proposed between ir>o.oon and ad v antagi lave Libert v loan drives commonplace, and the Alps have been Mrs. Margaret Colton. 122 Military ______— 'acres of land will In' cultivated to oftener than twice a year, particu- inloxieat ion and to all am-us for in­ conquered on numerous occasions. toxication, blit ill c< ;||| pe t ell ee (||- nil- j St . says: "I was suffering from weak Entered at the post office at Houlten ! vheat amj it- successful it will yield larly if it is to raise as much as Admiral i’eary advises us not to and disordered kidneys for some time. for circulation at second-class I ainount that will add materially to Us,ooo,non,omi at a time . This is the faithfulness in its enforcement? The' wait supinely for peace to be de­ My back was weak and when I lifted postal rates. j the wheat supply of the Nation and sum which the administration contem­ apologists for liquor still insist, here | clared before we make our prepara­ anything, sharp, shooting pains dart- of the Allies. plates asking for in the autumn, or and there, that "prohibition does not j Le«|il Newspaper Decisions tions and our experiments for th< ' d through it. Some days I could nearly double the amount which it ak'“ prohibit," and that it really should not I 1. —Any person who takes a paper re­ of the airplane. The establishment be ep'dited with the reduction the 1 hardly get through with my work. The i THE EAGLE BOATS raised in the spring. Shall you. Mr. in gularly from the Post O f f i c e — whether i of recent aerial mail routes and other number of arnsts for disorderlim-ss *" Knn ot my kidm*ys was irregular directed to his address or another, or They are about to launch the first Average Reader, be so situated as to activities in this Countries indicate and other offenses chargeable to! and 1 also sintered from dizzy head­ ■whether he has subscribed or not, Is of the Eagle boats, the unique sub­ subscribe for double the amount that his views are now shared in of- drunkenne ss. Yet ben' is the Cum ; aches. I began using Doan's Kidney responsible for the pay. marine-chasing craft of a standard­ which you did then? And shall you 2. —If any person orders his paper dis­ (ieial headquarters. Fills and was soon relieved. I still ized type of which Henry Ford has be abb* to come again with a similar herlnnd County exhibit, backed by sim- j continued, he roust pay all arrearges or ilur reports from till parts of the conn- j take them occasionally as a prevent­ the publisher may continue to send It promised to have 2<>o float before the subscription in the spring? And shall PROHIBITION PROMOTES ORDER try where anti-liquor laws are honest- 1 ative and they keep my kidneys nor­ until payment Is made and collect the end of the year. Do not make the you he able to do tbs in the face of Recent st riet art's upon com ion - mal." whole amount, whether It is taken from mistake of thinking that the Eagle paying a schedule of taxes which will ly enforced to confront and confuse; the office or not. drawn from figures relating to ar­ sicdi per.-ons, I yield $S.him(,(hhHmhi a year? For that Friee due, at all dealers. Don't . —The Courts have decided that re­boats are to be maritime flivvers. The 3 rests in New Hampshire, before and There is Imt one moi y told, thmugh- simply ask for a kidney remedy—get fusing to take newspapers and periodi­ Germans, who have doubtless heard is the quest oil which the ways and after the enforcement of prohibitory out the Nation in this rvspoct. Con cals from the post office, or removing and more about them than most of us have, means committee have set out. do Doan's Kidney Fills—the same that liquor laws, have been dealt with. It dunsed ami ery.-t a ii/.iM. leaving them uncalled for, Is prima facia are not failing to take them serious­ aid them Mr. MeAdoo submits a list this is to the Mrs. Colton had. Foster-Milburn Co, evidence of fraud. has been shown conclusively that, in effect that prohibition is one of tlie ly. They are not little craft, to begin of taxes. Mt'grs., Buffalo. N. Y. If you want to stop your paper, write proportion as the stile of liquor is in­ most effective agents with. They are more than 200 feet We saw no article in the schedule for the ini- to the publisher yourself, and don’t leave terdicted. the duties of constmbit's, po­ provement of moral now within tic It to the post-master. long—in fact, they are destroyers with­ on which the manufacturer or ven­ licemen and sheriffs are lightened and reach of the Nation and its staff's and out torpedo tubes. They an1 flat bot­ dor thereof, or the person who buys HOULTON PEOPLE SHOULD For Advertising Rates apply to the Pres- the population of correctional and pe- eommunitit tomed, square at the stern, sharp as a it, would welcome such a tax as Mr. EAT PIE DAILY Ident and Manager mil institutions is decreased. New razor at the bow and draw only eight MeAdoo recommends. Neither the Fie is wholesome, combining both Hampshire is no exception to this feet of water. They are departures housekeeper nor her domestic ser­ fruit and grain. Those who have rub', Massachusetts affords an even T H E BIG CROPS from the accepted cannons and tenets vants will enjoy a tax. according to . GUARD I whites! trouble digesting pie should take ONE more striking example of the moral Present crop prospects, particu of naval architecture, hut the model their number, running from W to Km \\ Y O U R i GOLDEN! SPOONFUL simple buckthorn bark, influence of a saloon-closing policy. TONIC ! larly of corn and wheat, are as good stood every test and no one doubts per cent, of their wages. It is, how-j * glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka. 1And noma since New England states J PfrtPARAT-On fO* , as a battle w’on. We rarely realize that they will deliver the goods in the ever, easy to see what Mr. MeAdoo is : This flushes the ENTIRE bowel tract, are under discussion, it is inteiesting our dependence, in time of peace, on war zone. aiming at. He believes that such aj removes foul matter which poisoned to glance at Maine. big harvests. Our boom periods fol- They are an improvement in speed, draconic code would accomplish two : your stomach for months and relieves For more than a generation, the op­ low’ the big harvests and our spells power and seaworthiness over the purposes; it would raise revenue and ANY CASE sour stomach, gas or con­ ponent of restrictive liquor legisla­ Wit: Xt it OIldAJI of depression usually run hack into smaller "chasers” that have figured so it would divert man-power from indi- J stipation and prevents appendicitis. diminished returns from the land, prominently in the fight against the vidual uses to those of the govern-j tion, who desired to clinch his argu­ Leaves stomach in condition to digest And, curiously enough, corn is more submarine menace. The remarkable ment. Take gasoline as an example. ! ment wound up by saying, "Just look W H I T E ’S ^ ANYTHING. O. F. French & Son. at Maine!" If he were honest in the (UtMiifiru t, fa. Important to us than even wheat, be­ thing is the speed with which the great For some months public authorities ( opinion that the Maine prohibition GOLDEN cause basic to all the meat-raising plant to build them in has been put have been giving out hints to the ef- ; law was a proper subject of derision Industries; and we must send beef up and put in operation in Detroit feet that we ought to use a little more TONIC and contempt, and as likely as no* and bacon since the plan was first talked over sparingly. The 10 cents a gallon tax Stands between your horse and the abroad quite as much as ailments that sap his strength and re­ flour. The corn crop promises to be last winter. That plant is so vast that which Mr. MeAdoo proposes would this was the cast', he was but one of tens of thousands deceived with regard sistance to disease. This liquid non- ><• the largest in our history and the 24 of these 200-foot ships are being give that hint real vitality. i freezing tonic purifies the blood, stimu­ 11'■•i to the matter. The liquor infereUs wheat crop distanced only once or put together under its roof at once — There is a curious interrelation of lates the organs of assimilation and • i of tht' Country had long mad"' it their twice. and it takes a minute to walk from taxes and loans. When the new digestion and keeps the horse always fit business to do everything in their for work. This does not mean that we shall one of them . to another at that! schedule of income and excess prof- j have cheap food, because the diver­ “Put together" is just the term to use its taxes becomes known, rich men j jiower to bring the Maine law. ob­ Use White’s Golden Tonic for horses suf­ tained after a mighty struggle by fering with Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, sion to the other side will have to be by the way, for standardized steel and successful corporations will have Neal Dow and his spporters into dis­ Yellow Water, Swelled Legs and Dis­ so heavy. And It takes a great deal sheets are delivered at the back of the to accumulate whatever money they, temper. An unfailing preventive of dis­ more food to supply a million Ameri- plant and the finished ships are can in anticipation of these levies. repute. They did this by promoting ease if used as directed. REST AT THE cans in France than the same million launched through the front door, They will not be aide to buy so many i violations of the law at every oppor­ Sold by druggists and general stores at tunity. They conspired to have li­ 60c per bottle, or we will mail full size Americans living at their homes. J ready for a voyage down the lake's, Liberty bonds as they did before. It i bottle postpaid on receipt of price. CHATEAU There is more wastage in the process, ‘through the Erie canal and across the is probable that the sources from ■ quor shipped into the State. They con­ Money back if not satisfied. The meat element in the ration is 1 Atlantic. which such taxes regularly come have ; spired lo leave it distributed and < on- Kimball Bros & Co., lac., Enosbarf Falls, VL LAKE LOUISE naturally much larger than it would J There is not a forging or a rolled already begun to dwindle, and that : sinned. They planned that those con­ Where the windows frame be if these men were living beside keel, frame, floors, beams, angles and imposts on food and apparel will have suming it should make spectacles ef million dollar pictures of t hem-ad • . To a great degree they their own farms and gardens and j all—is pressed from sheet metal, cold to take their p ace. 'Phis will disar- ( 7C1 J i IT l peaks, lakes and glaciers. dairies. So we shall have a food ' by machinery that cuts every piece range industry inevitably. It will'j a-a omplishe ! their purpose of ecu vineing the nation that prohibition in "In the Lake, ever chang­ problem and a serious one, but one to an exact pattern, punches the riv- throw many wotkers in manufacturing i r. e Pain. immeasurably milder than though let holes and bends every part to its plants into government operations failed only ing. is Beauty herself, as ■ o : id 1 • ■' nearly visible to the mortal there had been anything approaching precise final shape. Building a ship and that is what Mr. MeAdoo also i i' : a r t u‘ flesh eyes as she may ever be.” a crop failure. Even moderate crops that way means mearly taking the wants.Fongress has hesitated to rai.-c ' r -i s- '!'>•. .1 l! -C t WO it Hltore>‘- In the heart of the would have been a calamity. numbered parts and riveting them the draft age because of the danger drop? -It" end presto' the eora- n - t y oft< n -’b V' u can perl the fast. Mow that the great plant is to industry of taking so many oper­ v;t v.iur linirer and i . i : i • coin !':-,-e and happy, with THREE AMERICAN PRINCIPLES fairly started, the Eagle boats will be atives away from their customary oth and corn-i fee as your CANADIAN should have i-» ’He wjilv saf<- wav in America has advanced two princi­ turned out at the rate of one a day. work, but. if Mr. MeAdoo can by bis , h- 1“ t lie great hod v PACIFIC ples which have had an important I Henry Ford, with the experience of taxes lessen the demand for what ot Main" tek t Hut the bearing upon the politics of the world i making 4000 standardized automobiles those men an1 making he will be play­ ROCKIES was wUe and ju-t. ami The first was the Declaration of Inde­ a day as his background, has organ ing into tin' hands of the military. to it I hrough evil :i ; Alpine climbing with Swiss pendence, which pointed out the way ized this wonderful achievement. A And we are at war and might as well t hrough good report. Toda guides - trails to Lakes in for liberty and equality to every na­ man like that is needed right on the adjust ourselves to its stern necessi­ tlm sat i - la dion of seein.t the Clouds — metropolitan tion in the world. The second was the job more than in the United States ties. distressing as they are in their nation i■ the road to cuisine. Monroe doctrine, set forth in 1823, Senate. immediate and personal appli< ations. t hrough tiie adoption of and declaring this continent to be for­ Get to know Canada better method of dealing with the liquor evil ever dedicated to democracy. Now RESERVOIR OF MAN-POWER FUTURE AIR PROGRAM and the state has even greater satis­ Communicate with the United States comes forward with The phrase, a war of attrition, Rear Admiral Peary has with great faction in the knowledge that the Neal another principle, promulgated by which was overworked for a time by N. R. DesBRISAY accurateness and foresight called the Dow law is being faithfully enforced President Wilson and destined to be military writers, has gone out of District Passenger Agt. turn on a number of things pertaining at home, with results as welcome an 1 as far reaching and even more influ­ fashion, but the fact which ii ex­ to the war, has warned us of events as profitable as any that New Hamp­ St. John, N. B. ential in shaping the political destin­ pressed remains. To wear down and that would surely come to pass and shire, or Massachusetts, or any other ies of the world than either of the wear out, weaken and cripple, muti­ which we should have taken meas­ state in the union can report. It’s V, cnd3t-"uI to see “ G e ts -lt" Peel rff other two. This principle, in sub­ late and finally annihilate the armies Corns ures to meet. Now he believes that For instance taking one county alone stance, states that this war is to de­ of the enemy, are still the steps and V: » , tj-nit n corn or call u p . It's 1 the young men of our aviation service as a sample and for illustration: In termine, for all time, whether autoc­ the object of the command on the tlie sure way the way that never failfc will after the war play important Cumberland County, in which the City Ii is tried and true used bv millions racy or democracy shall dominate the one side ad the other. We all think every year. It always works. "(Jets-ItT PROFESSIONAL CARDS parts in the commercial, industrial of Portland is situated the total ar­ in i k >; ".POing and. ''igUrg a’ a corn fUn’i | world, and in the conflict America of ideals beyond the military opera­ f using with barul.mos, salves or any­ and scientific growth of that compar- rests for intoxication for the year 191*> stands prepared to make any sacri­ tions, which are no more than de­ thing else entirely unnecessary. D R CASSIDY tion. Evidently Admiral Peary does under what has been termed lax on- '< Jets-It," the guaranteed, money-back fices which may be necessary for plorable means to ends but the busi­ enrn-romover. the only sure way, costs not believe that it will be possible for , f()rcement, were 4SS3; under the ad- but a (rifle at any drug store. M'f'd Dentist cleaning military autocracy from the ness of the generals is simply to de­ us entirely to abandon our arms an F Lawrence & Co.. Chioago, HI. Office in Perks Bleck earth. stroy the opposing forces. And the a : 1 •; 1’oul‘on and recommended as devote ourselves to breeding doves ing his duty to the best of his ability, • ke ' ' best c >rn remedy by O. F. Hours 8 to 12 and 1 to 5.. Evening* Here in America the importance of 'all-important question in regard to French & Son. Leighton & Fe-eley. of peace and playing lawn tennis. On and Sundays by Appointment this declaration is not fully appreci- j each force is, How long can it last? th*1 contrary he thinks the airplane Tel. 308-1 ... Heultea, Maine ated. Unreservedly the President de- For, of course, the victory will be with will be in great demand for patrol- dared in his Mount Vernon speech' the one that lasts the longer. Imag- lice duty. Thousands of men and f ^ E F O R E NEW DENTAL PARLORS that there could be no thought of a | ine the process of attrition to contin- thousands of plain's will be required Corner Pleasant Street and peace which did not mean the de-jue until there was but one survivor also, he thinks, for the mail service Highland Ave. struction of military autocracy or its anq the victory would be his. of the future, for exploration ami for reduction to virtual impotence. This ] There has arisen a small school of the rapid transit of passengers and DR. L. P. HUGHES means, of course, that the Monroe doc-1 theorists who speak of the winning freight. Hansford W. Shaw Seth S. Thornton trine, which made one hemisphere for- J 0f the war by machine power. All An aerial mail service has already B r e a k f a s t ever freed from autocracy, has been j will agree that airplanes, tanks, heavy SHAW & THORNTON been outlined tentatively in Europe Tim best t ime to get, t ho full benefit of a laxnt i ve or cat hart ie medicine widened and extended to embrace the 1 ordinance, machine guns and high ex­ ATTORNEYS by both till' Entente Allies and the t hat, a Iso st i mu la! t he d igesf i ve organs, as t h is one will - aspoonful a a hour bob>n< breakfast, and drink a glass doctrine the United States has pledged deciding the issue. But without the Houlton, Mains land have had committees at work water at. the same time. The stomach is then cut ire! v herself, her people and her wealth. ’ men to use them they would be inert. Probate matters have Special for nearly 12 months on phi ns for i !eansing act ion of 1 ’his good lmme remed v, the There can be no compromise and no alKj futile. There is no getting away Attention utilizing their air fleets and air per­ cine \\ . 1 give ymi fin ■ appet ite. Take a nut hi t s" : * ! half way decision, as the President from the fundamental truth that man- sonnel after the war: Bavaria has • mro v,:i’ r if y-c; fe.-J the Heed of gr'Sib r a ' a, . v has said. The Wilson doctrine must power is the prime essential. And the C. E. W ILLIA M S, M D proposed tin aerial trallie service for ■::: ■ a cons' 'gated condition of the 1 i.w ids, ]': ev: f , be accepted by the Central Powers if losses of man power in the sanguin- OFFICE AT RESIDENCE central Europe, and Frussia is said to •v w’: h tcD money-saving riv-ed , j the world is to know peace or America ary struggle have already been so be perfecting arrangements for a ' "id bv t lie L. F, Med'.cjne 1'■ >., ! 1 129 Main St. Houlton, Me. must admit herself beaten to her knees heavy that we may be nearing a point peace-time Hamburg ■ to-(’onst ant'ino- and powerless to accomplish her mis- at which the war might be appro;)ri Tel. 239-3 ple mail tend passenger service. TEETH FILLED WITHOUT PAIN sion. ately called the war of the reset '-s. How extensive will prove this nft - On which side are they; or, in other BY THE NEW ANALGESIC er-the-war aviation service may be METHOD, ABSOLUTELY SAFE. WHEAT RAISING PLAN words, on which side do they ;>re- surmised from the fait that already KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT One of the plans to be adopted as a ponderate, that of the democratic nu- airplanes have been perfected which DR. F. 0. 0RCUTT means of giving a big stimulus to the tions or that of the autocratic enomy? l are cajjable of carrying aloft 25 pas­ DENTIST production of food, particularly for Numerical superiority is becoming | sengers; other machines have devel­ the purpose of supplying the Allies, is more and more important. Gen. 1 oped a speed ef 17c g;'!'- an hour, DR. J. F. PA LM E R that of a corporation organized to un- Maurice seems to have been right in j while the record r on-Mop flight to DENTIST dertake the cultivation of wheat on hinting that fhe armies of the allies date is 1, () < 11 miles, only 191 miles Office over French’s Drug Store unused arable land included In four in France were outnumbered on March ! short of the longest water gap in the Office Hours: 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Indian reservations in and 21. when the Germans began the fierce America-to Europe air course, by way Others by appointment . This work is undertaken thrust toward their present line, j Telephone 164-2 in co-operation with the Department Forces from the Russian front had j When in need of a purga­ of the Interior and is capitalized at turned the scale. Then it was that ! VIOLET RAY INSTITUTE $2,000,000. Some of the largest finan- the calls from Paris and London to I tive, do not resort to vio­ clal Interests of New York are lend- Washfngton became so ''pressing that i Specialists in the use of High lent cathartics, but take the Frequency Electricity lng their aid, and connected with the our young soldiers were hurried over i WHITE W h i t e WHITE Paralysis. Goitre, Neurasthenia, Wo­ project are men of note in banking by hundreds of thousands as reserves { gentle, natural laxative— manly Troubles. Sciatica, Rheuma­ and finance. The work is to be con­ that might be thrown into the fight, if tism, Eczema, Diseases of the stom­ ducted along lines of scientific agri­ necessary, completing their training ach, Kidneys and Bowels. A special department where Massage, culture and up-to-date business meth­ by experience in battle. They have hand, vibratory and electrical Is ods. been needed, and they have acted so Bccchdins given under the direction of a train­ The land will be devoted to the cul- that America is proud of them. It D r e s s i n g ed expert. Women attendants. tlvatlon of wheat on an enlarged has now become our duty to send Consultation free. FOR MENS. WOMENS AND CHILDRENS SHOES Office hourrs: 9 a. rn. to 9 p. m. scale and the plan Is to Increase the more, and still more, until they form Sunday 2 to 4 p. m. area as the labor and other facilities a strong American army, ready to do P i l l s Th, F r DAl.llEY corporation;.. 1,1 mi ted. buffalo n y Office hi Dunn Furniture Block V|N t Sale of Any Medicine in th* World. make this possible and practicable, their full share in battle line or re- Sold ererjrwhero. In Boner, 10c., 25c. Telephone 80 i HOULTON TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1918

Bureau of Navigation. Navy D cart-I CHURCH SERVICES And they did get into condition and BETTER SHIP LOADING THE VICE OF LOAFING harvest the wheat! The business HELPS OUR ALLIES “We have known our share of ment Washington. 1). C. Care wi!! fa and professional men. town residents drunkards and dope fiends,” <• n ton 'll ft: re * urn safeiy the photograph G ra y H a ir Congregational Economies of approximately 20 per generally, did it all over Kansa-v losses the Saturday Evening Cost. f ; >-ia ; e:: l w h n d • i. -d, to g e th e r Her. T. P- Williams, Pastor. cent in shipping weight and 5U per By the way! Other crops are to be “We have seen those who seem fairly with one of the copies made of it. Preaching service 16.30 A. M. cent in shipping space have resulted harvested. This Kansas City Loyal hopeless shake off their vice and n ? M < k k Sunday School following A. M. ser­ from improved methods of packing . . x very mmtoriua prerantioo forre* Physical Fitness Club” gets results. emerge useful, honor-worthy men. A WOMAN’S SALUTE ■taring natural color to gray or faded nair. for remor* vice. merchandise for overseas practiced by Why not start one in every town? According to our observation, how­ (Ca pi tola M'Collum) ing dandruff and aa a nair drearing. la not a dye. Evening Song Service 7.30 P. M. the Army Quartermaster Corps. This Generous aaed bottles at all dealers, ready to naa Why not start one in your town? In ever, a man once really sunk in the Oh, when the flag is passing by when you get it. PHILO HAY CO. Newark, n ! j. Weekly Prayer Meeting Tuesday is equivalent to about 2,500 tons space fact why don't you start it? All you vice of laziness seldom gets out—but I watch with animated eye, evening at 7.30. per month. need is a lot of “pep” and a big back remains the nearest to absolute zero j men are cheering with salute, For the shipping of clothing and yard or vacant lot and a leader who in human character.” While I should stand then* calmly First Baptist equipage, including such items as knows the “setting up" or other phy­ mute, Court St. blankets, barrack bags, towels, shel­ It comes with somewhat of a shock sical exercises. They move their hats with stately Rev. Henry C. Speed, pastor- ter tent halves, bedding, and other this view that laziness is worse than Be ready to do effective farm work pride 10.30 morning worship with sermon dry goods, in addition to wearing ap­ drink or dope; but when you think it WS.S. if vhen the call comes for patriotic But I in stillness must abide; VAR SAVINGS STAMPS 12.00 Bible School with classes for parel baling has been substituted for over, isn’t the Post right about it? Ia iU ID BY THE vorkers from your town. And then I play a woman's part UNITED STATE* men and women. boxing, and the weight of the lumber The drunkard or dope fiend may, GOVERNMENT AND PLACE MY HAND UPON MY mm 7.00 gospel song service and sermon. has been saved. The bait's average even while under the handicap of his HEART. 8.00 Aftermeeting. OUR VICTORIES ;’, training station where lb* br­ Tear Out— Fill In— Hand Letter-Carrier— or Mail to Post Office choir master. jabled the Allies to hold the offensive. and naval brokers. In our regular 1 gan i,js raiVer in the service. At ra< h TO THE LOCAL POSTMASTER: — Kindly have letter-carrier deliver Prayer meeting at 7.30 T u e s d a y ' and the program of advancement is untiling circular of January s. 1 BIN. 1 SII(.j, sfafj()ns a memorial gallery of to on...... for which I will pay on delivery: evening. j stopped in its initial movement. We we expressed the hope that ‘manufae-honor or a hero's corner is to be es- (certainly have cause for deep thank- turers who have not availed them-. tablishod so that for all time the face ...... $5. U. S. WAR-SAVINGS STAMPS at $...... each rm.ted; (S.e price, below) selves of the opportunity to buy direct ()f 11 i*• man of the Navy who has mad" Church of the Good Shepherd ) fulness that so much has been done, ...... 25c. U. S. THRIFT STAMPS at 25c. each. will do so. as it will prove of advan- , supreme sacrifice mav in* honored v&ntcu; Rev. H. Scott Smith, Rector in land we may confidently expect the mpn tag*1 to them in bringing them in more Charge. future to show equally good results. by the you'll of the future sent to the intimate tomb with tin* Navy and Nam e Sundays J The disposition to take counsel of station for training. 'our hopes and to choose to believe thereby make a reputation for the ma­ Holy Communion at 8 A. M. also All pictures, loaned or contributed, Address ; that the success of the Allies up to terials which they manufacture.1 after Morning Prayer on the 1st Sun­ should he securely wrapped for mail f t day In the month. ! this point in this battle is tin* be­ “The fact is the responsibility of ing after they have been marked with w. s. S. COST DURING 1918 ginning of the end of the war is a dan- contractors was never so thoroughly April $4.15 July $4.! 8 Oct. $4.21 Morning Prayer and sermon 10.30. liie mime, branch of service, and train­ WS.S. M«*y 4.16 Aug. 4.19 Nov. 4.22 ; gerous one. While we may properly WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Evening Prayer and sermon 7 30. investigated and they were never held ing station tiie young man entered af­ ISSUED BY THB June 4.17 Sept. 4.20 Dec. 4 23 UNITED STATES V/. S. S. WORTH $5.00 JANUARY 1, 1923 Sunday School after morning ser­ ■exalt in such success as the Allied ar­ to it stricter accountability than they ter enlistment. They should be ad GOVERNMENT vice. mies have in stopping this (banian have been since this eountrv <-nt"n o dressed to Dm Recruiting Divi-mm. Holy Days drive, we should remember that they the w;ir. The number of responsible Holy Communion at 8.00 A. M. are not easily defeated, and it will direct bidders has increased greatly take more than one splendid victory and the number of agents and inter­ to bring peace within sight. So that mediaries 1ms been reduced to ;t min WHAT KANSAS DID , public duty to stand behind our Gov- imuin. The safeguards against pro!' One of the war necessities this eminent and our Allies in every pos- Peering have been strengthened, not THE GREATEST year has been for able-bodied town sible way will not be lessened for many relaxed." men to volunteer for farm work in many months to come, Then* are over 14,non mimes on the their counties or communities during ------bidders' list of the Navy Buraii of the harvests or other periods when TO TRAIN SOME BOYS Supplies and Accounts representing P r o g r a m emergency supplies of farm help are FOR TRACTOR DRIVERS every section of the country. These needed. For months the United States The officials of the United States manufacturers and dealers furnish Department of Agriculture has been Boys’ Working Reserve which has over tiii.uimi classes of articles used by EVER ASSEMBLED urging this program in every part of the Navy. supplied the farmers of Maine with Do you want to know something about our boys in France? the United States. hundreds of boys to assist with the About the vast scale of Uncle Sam’s preparation across the waters? About what it This plan was put into effect in eve- work on their farms, during the short­ SIZE OF ARMY CAMPS AND ly town and city in Kansas, in order age of men caused by the war, have means to go through the hell of the trenches? Something authentic about Russia? Do that sufficient harvest hands might be noticed that an opportunity existed i CANTONMENTS INCREASED you want to have your soul stirred by the strains of martial music? I More than 822,non,non have been ex­ secured for the war-winning wheat for boys to run tractors on the farms Then Hear These Great Numbers at the Chautauqua. crop. It was suggested that the town and it has been suggested that boys pended during the past six months mi­ men, being unaccustomed to hard fie trained for that occupation, at lder the direction of the Const ruction physical work, would not be of real the Mobilization Camps at Winthrop 'Division of the Army in making addi- First Day---Liberty Day assistance in the harvest until they1 Center, jtions and improvements to camps and had been on the farm long enough to ! Arthur A. Heald, the assistant Fed-1. cantonments. This sum does not in­ DR. JOSEPH CLARE, of Petrograd "get the kinks out of their muscles.” eral State director, says that the de- j clude the cost of additions to the hos­ An eminent English orator, five years a resident of Petrograd. He lived through the Russian Revolution and brings his lecture extraordinary, ‘‘The Riddle of the Rus­ “That’s a good point," somebody at maiul comes from men who believe pital equipments mad*' at other Army sian Revolution,” the Kansas City Athletic Club said 'that owing to the draft we shall need stations. “Let’s start a training-class movement, j a lot of mechanical help in the fall Til*' improvement work consisted and get the kinks out of every town ' plowing and harvesting and that trac- of additional buildings for housing Second Day---National Service Day volunteer’s muscles before he gets to ! tors will be purchased by many farm- tho men and providing for their com­ the farm. Then he can go right tojers. Director Heald has written forts and needs. Among buildings ALBERT EDWARD WIGGAM work—bing! as soon as he lands in .'many farmers in various sections ask- erected were quarters for officers and Distinguished American Publicist and Scientist the field!’’ ing them as to the need of boys th u s; nurses, repair shops, additional So the Kansas City Athletic Club trained, saying; racks, coffee-roasting plants, kitchens, just returned from a special mission to the Western Front. He was in Paris when organized a “Loyal Physical Fitness "The camp is equipped and is in and bakeries, and theaters. New the Gormans began their great offensive. His subject will be "Under the Stars and Class,’’ for the purpose of hardening j Position where it can easily train 4n roads wore laid and sanitation works Stripes in France.” city men for work in the harvest or 50 young men for this work in tin improved and extended. fields. Under the direction of profes­ last two weeks of August, but we do Many additional buildings are con­ Fourth Day—-Band Day sional instructors this early morning not care to make plans for such a templated, and general construction outdoor class was attended regularly course unless we are sure it would work will be rushed to completion THE FAMOUS KILTIES BAND by many business and professional render a real service to the fanners during the summer and fall. In some the most popular band in Canada, and the most unique and spectacular band in the men of the city for some weeks prior of the State either in furnishing an instances the camp work has been ex­ world. It will appear in full concerts both afternoon and evening. The members to the wheat harvest. Flabby muscles available labor supply for men who tended to drainage of an entire dis­ will wear the full regimental costume. ALFRED E. ZEALLEY, the director of the Kil­ became firm. Fat was sweated away. wish to hire tractor drivers or in trict surrounding the camp to remove ties, was Bandmaster in the Canadian Overseas forces. He spent ten months in the Office men got themselves fit. This training the sons of these farmers danger of disease arising from the trenches and went "over the top” four times. He will relate some of his experiences physical-training plan was taken up who are thinking of purchasing a proximity of swamps. at the front. tractor.” by many towns and cities of Kansas. Liberty theatres have been erected Director Heald encloses an en­ Not only were town men asked to at all national Army cantonments. velope for a reply. He also encloses Fifth Day—-Community Day volunteer for work in the harvest Each of these theatres has an average the following interesting information fields; they were expected, after vol­ inclosed seating capacity of 2,000. about the Junior Volunteers: WALLACE BRUCE AMSBARY, Dramatist and Poet unteering, to fit themselves for effect­ Theatres and amusement halls have “You will, I am sure, be interested who will present a lecture-recital on Kipling, the master interpreter of the war spirit, ive work by faithfully training in one been erected also in tin* National to know that we have enrolled 185] and the favorite poet of the boys in the trenches. of the physical classes. Guard camps and at other points boys in the United States Boys’ Work­ Other patriotic features will be two unique programs of music and character Various organizations of business where troops are in training. ing Reserve. All of these boys are sketches by the FISHER SHIPP CONCERT CO., monologs and bird mimicry by ME. and professional men in Kansas en­ now at work on the farms, but*we can & MRS. EMERSON WINTERS, a cartoon entertainment by J. FRANKLIN CAVENY. tered whole-heartedly into the spirit call in about another 100 boys who will FOR CONSTIPATION AND BILIOUS- two concerts by the RO YAL H A W A IIA N SINGERS AND PLAYERS, the most talked of the farm-volunteer movement and weigh from 100 to 115 pounds and NESS of attraction in America, and two concerts by the WEBER MALE QUARTET, known conducted, among their memberships, range from 14 to 15 years. These boys (>o. Jenncr, 416 Labor St., San An­ everywhere as the best male quartet in America. vigorous and successful campaigns tonie, Tex., writes: "Felev Cathartic can drive a horse rake, pick up pota­ Tablets have proven the best laxative I for farm workers. For instance, the have taken and T recommend them to toes, weed and help with the farm sufferers from constipation or bilious­ Heard separately in large cities, the above program would cost in ex­ Kansas City Bar Association sent to ness. They should be in everv travel­ each member a folder urging him to chores. If you are interested in se­ ing man's grin." Relieve sick headache, cess o f ...... $10.00 curing any of these, please place your bloating or other condition caused bv “Join the Loyal Physical Fitness Class bad digestion. Heard separately at the Chautauqua, paying single admissions, it would at the Kansas City Athletic Club from order with the nearest local agent." THE HATHEWAY DRUG POMPAXV cost ...... ‘ ...... 4.90 now to harvest time so you will be­ But you can hear it all for the ridiculous sum o f...... • • • • 2*20 come physically fit. No initiation (Including war tax) if you buy a season ticket from your local Chau- fees. No dues. Just to win the war.” "ITS A WHOLE MEDICINE CHEST’’ atuqua committee. Submitting an estimate of the crop That’s what they to be harvested the folder asked: sav about Ballard’s Golden Oil “If this were in Germany would a Good for all ailments of Lungs, Community Chautauqua bushel be lost? Men can save this Throat and Muscles wbeat here. Are you a man? All FOR PATRIOTIC SERVICE leyal city people are asked to help in An Old Family Doctor’s Favorite Prescription the fields. It Is time for you to get in condition. Remove that bustle from N b Alcohol No Dope your front, eo you can harvest wheat.” All Druggists and General Stores Houlton, July 30, 31, August 1, 2 and 3 HOULTON TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1918

CLASSI FI ED ADS CLASSIFIED ADS CLASSIFIED ADS CHAUTAUQUA For Sale, a Three-Year Old Colt, Found—-A Sum of Money; inquire at Furnished Rooms to Let...Home Con- ! J. Franklin Caveny Patchen stock, bay color, sound, TLMES Offi lJOp vemenees. Corner of Highland Ave. OF LOCAL INTEREST J. Franklin Caveny is recognized as good driver. For particulars apply and Pleasant Sts. to John Patten. 2:11> Wanted at the Aroostook Hospital, a tin* leading platform cartoonist in this second girl. Apply at once to Miss For Rent— 5 Rooms and Bath, Steam Bolstridge, Matron. (country. He also has achieved tame Furnished Rooms— A Suite of Three heated, all modern improvements. las a painter of many famous pictures, rooms with running water; also Inquir*.- of Hamilton & Grant Co. days in Bangor last week. For Sale— 1 Single and 1 Double to Bangor Thursday. I the most recent of which is “The single rooms, at Elmcroft, Court 18tf Kidder and Shanks who have been rubber-tired wagon. 1 pung and har­ Special line of classy school suits Dream of an American Soldier." St., Mrs. Nevers, Prop. 23i>p nesses. Inquire at S Elm St. ;»2Sp A Furnished Room to Let, heated and for boys* made to measure, two prices doing Vulcanizing and Battery work Mr. Caveny’s crayon sketches art* lighted. Opp. Monument Park. In­ C. B. Esters, the in the Lawlis buildmg on Kendall St., CAUTION Lost Saturday Night, Wallet Contain­ quire of Mrs. Mary E. Stuart, Mili­ only, $22 and $27. masterpieces of humor and beauty. have rented the entire building on Whereas, my wife, Ida Waston, hav­ ing sum of money. Finder leave tary St. 28tf Main St. Tailor* account of the demand for more room His productions range from the most ing left my bed and board without at TIMES Office and receive re- Miss Edith Shea returned last week wa rd. l.-iop Before you purchase a Farm or House and will occupy the ground Moor to­ artistic canvas* to the most striking just cause, 1 hereby warn all persons from a two weeks trip with friends in caricatures and cartoons, He will against trusting her on my account, he sure to call on C. O. Grant. Real gether with up-stairs, on Aug. 1st. Comfortably Furnished Rooms For Estate Agency, Market Sq„ and ex­ Bangor. as 1 shall pay no bills of her contract­ also do rapid clay modeling, produc- ing after this date. rent, only two minutes walk to amine his fine list of desirable pro­ C. W . Starkey has just installed a ings busts of Lincoln, Washington, Market Square. Apply to (\ (; perties. Ludlow, Me.. Julv 10th, 1918. Lunt. TIMES Office. motor in his market for grinding bone, “ AN EXPENSIVE BLUNDER” and many other well known men. A 3,29 M. (). WATSON. hamburg steak, etc. feature of his program that never fails House and Stable for Sale, house has Farm For Sale— 160 Acres, 43 Acres Under the above heading the Com­ CAUTION hardwood floors, furnace, bath and tillage, excellent potato land, good A. E. Mann of Griswold was in to arouse the greatest interest is the mercial goes on to severely criticize This is to give notice that I will pay lights. For particulars apply to B wood lot. good buildings, miles town several days last week on busi­ the State Highway Dept., for, as it sketching of some prominent person no bills contracted on my account af­ Hagerman, 27 Elm St. ?,:h)p to village and railroad. Price only $2500. a rare bargain, for sale by ness. says, inefficiency in tin* engineering in tin* audience. ter this date. Moulton. Maim*. .June 2!*, 1918. Wanted: A Capable Girl For General L. H. Brooks. Real Est. Agent, South The man on the Water Wagon is dept., which is under the direct su­ Junior Chautauqua .‘127p WILLIAM LEWIS. housework in a small family. No Paris, Me. satisfied if he is drinking Maple Spring pervision of Paul 1). Sargent. Uncle Sam has designated this yea r children. Applv with references to water. The criticism follows: as “Children’s Year” and tin* boys; and TIMES Office. Hotel Help Wanted 50 Women and Owing to the great expense incurred Girls for best year round hotels, all Harry O. Stevens and party of “The Commercial learns that a \erv girls are going to have a large part in presenting the wonderful spectacle Boys Wanted. We need the services kinds of work for best summer Caribou, were in town Friday to wit­ serious blunder has been made by the in the Chautauqua. In fact, they a n * State Highway department, Paul D. of the Bln** Bird at tin* Dream there of a number of Grammar School hotels, waitresses, chamber maids, ness the races. to have a Chautauqua all their own. hoys for permanent part-time work. kitchen, dish and laundry, chef Sargent, chief engineer, in tin* draft­ will be a slight advance in prices, ing of the plans for the new bridge In the first place there is going to Tie* hoys we select will be well pastry and all round cooks, ball boys Auto and Driving Glasses at Os­ Adults 25c. while the price for chil­ at Trenton, leading from the main­ be a big children's PATRIOTIC paid and given an opportunity to and kitchen men. For hotel posi­ good’s. dren will remain at the regular fig­ earn, lean) and advance. Apply to tions apply always to Maine Hotel land to the island of Mt. Desert. PARADE with drums and flags and Mrs. John Watson returned last The contract for this bridge was ure, viz lbc. For further particulars Leighton Feeley. 2,29 Agency, 90 Main St. Established red, white and blue costumes, and boy 38 rears, Bangor. Me. Inclose stamp week from a visit with her daughter awarded to J. F. Spellman & Son and see advt. in another column. Otto Nelson Co., of Bangor, the money scouts in uniform, and everything For S?le— Ivers and Pond Piano, good for reply. in New York City. for its construction being apportioned that’s patriotic. Begin right now to On tilt* last day of the Chautauqua condition, only used .5 years, cash Have Osgood remake your Rings or on£-half, or $60,000, to a bridge dis­ or good paper takes it, a bargain. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE plan for it. It's going to be great. tlie Weber Male Quartet, which has Gall at Alexander Buhar's or write other Jewelry to suit your idea. trict. comprising the four towns on \Vh**r**as (’hristoph**r G. French, Mt. Desert island, and the county of Then at tin* close of the Chautau­ justly earned tin* title of “One of the Howard D. Mellroy. 61.5 Forest Miss Pauline Bull, of McAdam Jet. Harriet French and Viola M. French, Hancock, the other half to the state, qua there will be a grand spectacular Ave., Wood fords Station. Portland, all of Weston, in the County of Aroos­ best male quartets in America.” will Me. 294 is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. through the Highway department, PAGEANT OF OUR ALLIES. How took, Stati* of Main**, bv their mort­ Margaret E. Bull, Weeks Ave. j The engineering and plans for this give a program full of interesting nov­ gage deed dale*! February 19th. 19(>6, (bridge, on which tin* contract A was would-you like to dress up like Lind** Men Wanted— If you are unemployed Lieut. Geo. A. Wilson Jr. writes elties, a special feature being a group and recorded in the Aroostook Regis­ i let, have been discovered to be ser- Sam or the Coddess of Liberty or or noi working on Government try Vol. 212. Bag** 579. convoyed to from “over there’’ that ht arrived j iousiy defective as the engineers have Miss Belgium or Johnnie Bull or .Joan of negro melodies. The members of work your services art* required to V illiam It. Foss, his heirs and assigns make ammunition for tin* U. S. ' f() safely making an uneventful trip. now found that the height of the of Arc? Maybe you can when you be­ irever a certain lot or parcel of land bridge must be increased tv.o feet this quartet are all well know church Government, hv the United State Every slice cut just right by Star- come a member of tin* .Junior Chau­ y „ ,T situated in said town of Weston, from the bridge, on which the contract and concert soloists in New York city ( artndg** (ompany. Lowell, Mass. rounty of Aroostook, bounded and key’s automatic meat slicer. was let. and on which a large* part of tauqua. Then Uncle Sam and Miss Gall or writ** the above address or (i(,S(Tji)(.(i Us follows, to w if First- and have been associated for several Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Carter and Mrs. the work has been already done. This Belgium and Johnnie Bull and all the our Maine Representative. Mr. L. , Tht, south half of lot numbered Five serious error in engineering breaks rest will take part in the great pageant years in successful concert and phono­ U. ( hurch. ini Mam Street. Bangor. jn second division in said town of Edblad left last week for an automo­ the contract and will occasion an ad­ on the platform in tin* big tent on the graph work. Their (dosing concert Alain>' ______^ Weston, being all that part of said lot bile trip to the southern part of the ditional cost of several thousands of 'which lies Southerly of a straight line state. dollars, and also cause a very mater­ last day of the Chautauqua. Guess will I)** an event never to lx* forgotten. Farm—125 A. cuts 50 T hay, 9 A grain drawn across said lot equidistant from ial delay in having the bridge ready that’s the real thing! well watered and fenced, pasture the North and South lines of said lot Starkey’s meat slicer just puts the for traffic. On the morning of the last day of the for IS head, plenty of wood. $BMin.- together with all buildings thereon— And don’t forget the games and finishing touch on smoked beef, bacon The taxpayers nor only of the four Chautauqua at 11 o'clock on the plat­ mi of crating stumpage. milk and This said lot conveved is bounded on etc. towns on Mt. Desert island and the races of all kinds, and running and cream gathered at door, telephone the xorth by the North part of said county of Hancock, but those of the form of the big tent the Juniors dres­ R. I*. D. few rods to State Road, 2 ]()t numbered Five now owned and oc- Messrs. Frank Thompson, Walter jumping and a real breakfast cooked state as well now have an opportu­ in the woods over a real camp fir**, sed in costumes will give a pageant miles to shire town with 2 railways, (Upied by E. L. Heal; on the East by Stone and W. B. Belyea of Woodstock nity to see that the engineering de­ corn and starch factories, manufac- , land of th** heirs of Ellis McAllister; were in town Friday to attend the partment of the State Highway Com­ Indian fashion! O-o-o-oh! ! of Our Allies. ( tnries, schools, churches, library. on the South bv land of D. J. Barker; races. mission, under Chief Engineer Paul And the STORY HOUR you'll miss and Academy instruction for High and on the West by land of A. S. D. Sargent, is expensive and this ap­ it if you are not on hand with your School pupils, good markets, 4c A Springer, containing ninety acres more This season of the year is vfhen one plies to other jobs as well as this one NOTICE TO machine worked fields suitable for or ie^s enjoys drinking Maple Spring Water. at Trenton. season ticket every afternoon at three dairy crops or potatoes, two barns, j Second: One lot or parcel of land Its good for the health. Leave your The Commercial has often stated o’clock. The Story Lady will take BRIDGE CONTRACTORS silo, hen house, sheds, etc. Com- j situated in said Weston being the that Chief Engineer Sargent and fortable house with furnace: run- Southeast part of lot numbered One, orders at the TIMES Office. you upon wonderful journeys into the State Highway Bridge Construction Chairman Deering of the Highway land of Fairies and Goblins and Ilob- ning water, and splendid shade, j containing about fifteen acres. Also ------Louis Ginsberg------„ returned Thursday Commission, — have---_ ...... been too...... dominat-...... Sealed proposals addressed to tilt* orchard. A money making farm for : onf, lot or parcel of landsituated in from Bangor, bringing home his voting inS over a department of the state of,K<>biins. Mie win take you into ’ Kn‘at arul overj ; the town of Bingham. Somerset Goun- fault. Dover, Maine. -29 same conveyed to S. J. Foster by of new patters to select from at C. B. proper matter fora full investigation child with a season ticket can enjoy ifV, the Hale Stream bridge in tin* ------[John Springer by deed dated Decem­ by the next legislature." lit all. (town of Norridgewock, Somerset Uoun- ber 31st. A. I). 1849. Esters. It may hardly seem fitting that a tv, tin* Mark Longfellow bridge in the ( Third: A lot or parcel of land situ- Mrs. Triffette, of Machias, has re­ small country newspaper like the town of Marshfield, Washington Coun­ iated in Munroe Gore being the same turned to her home after spending a Houlton TIMES should attempt to NEW PRINCIPAL FOR HOULTON, ty, and the bridge over Hunter Brook All Water Bates | conveyed to S. J. Foster by N. P. in the town of New Limerick, Aroos­ Haskell by deed dated October 23rd, few weeks with her niece, Mrs. G. W. “come back” at the editor of a paper GRAMMAR SCHOOL took County Maine, will lx* received A. I). 1849. and containing fifty acres Van Tassel. like the Commercial, but it seems very- Tin* Houlton School Board, lias j by the Commission at its office in tin* mere or b*ss. said deed being recorded Miss Ernestine Davis, cashier at the unfair for the Commercial to circu- elected Austin Ham as principal 0f Btate Hons**. Augusta, Maine, until Are Now Due in th** Aroostook Registry of Deeds Vol. 9. Page 161. Houlton Savings Bank, is enjoying her late such an unjust criticism, when it 11 Jin A. M. Wednesday, July 31, 191,x. tin* Grammar School to till th and at that time and place publicly Fourth: A lot or parcel of land sit- annual* vacation with friends at St.'is founded on two things, which when vacancy caused by the resignation of i opened an* read. 'uated in said Munroe Gore-sold and Andrews, N. B. they are known to the readers of the R. A. McTntire. Each proposal must be made upon and must be paid conveyed to S. J. Foster by William a blank form provided by the Com­ i Gilpatriek-being South of and adjoin­ Start right. Buy an Osgood Hand- article, they can see why such a crit­ Mr. Ham has had considerable ex icism is made. mission. for copy of which one dollar ing th** last described lot containing Made wedding ring. perience as a teacher and will niak* will he required, and must lx* aecom about forty aen*s-all above described In the first place, some six years ja pood man for t h * * pine* on or before July Mrs. Nelson Latineau and children panied by a certified cheek for in per i land being a part or parts of lots or ago, when meetings were held all over j parrels of land conveyed to John Wel- of Old Town are visiting at the home <<*nt. of the amount hid, payable to tin* the state in regard to the location of Treasurer of State of .Maine. The l**r by John DeMerritt and Thomas of Mrs. Latineau’s parents, Mr. and Tlier** will he no Sabbath service 31, at the office of the Trunk Lines, the one held in Ban- certified cheek will he returned to th** . How*', both of Boston, in the Common- Mrs. R. A. Palmer, Kelleran St. in th** Presbyterian church in the town unsuccessful bidder unless forfeited | wealth of Massachusetts, by deed gor was conducted in the same man- jdatod October 29th, A. D. 1868, also Christian Science services held each until the first Sabbath in September, under th** conditions stipulated. ! A surety company bond satisfae- t h e j the same conveyed to E. L. Heal and Sunday at 11 A. M. Sincock Hall, July ------' | tory to th** Commission, of one-half i Michael Condon by Ransom Norton, ception, that the man above referred i 28th, Subject: “Truth.” All are wel­ to attempted to monopolize the limit- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE j of the amount of the contract, will lx- (assignee of said Weller, by deed dat­ ed October 9th. A. D. 1870, recorded come. led time allotted to the hearing, and Whereas William B. Brown of Mars i required. Blaus may lx* examined and Hill, in the county of Aroostook and ( copy of specifications and contract in Aroostook Registry of Deeds Vol. Mr. and Mrs. M. M Clark and W. ^Ir. Deering who was the chairman State of Maine, by his mortgage deed may he obtained at the office of tin* Houlton Water Co. 37. Page 149. being the same prem­ B. Clark and family are spending a of the meeting, after giving him as dated April .5, 19.12, recorded in the j Commission. Augusta, Maine. ises conveyed to Horace A. Bennett few weeks at their cottage at Nicker­ much time as he had at his disposal, Aroostook Registry of Deeds in Vol. I Th** right is reserved to reject any by Leo. H. Tuck by deed dated Octo­ Mechanic Street ber 24th. A. I). 1891, excepting and re­ son Lake. • “shut him off,” the result being a 259, Page 429, conveyed to Houlton or all proposals. . . , TT, , .Trust Company, a certain piece or i PHILIP J. DEERING, Chairman, serving from above described prem­ Permanent Muscular Strength can­ tirade against the Highway Commis- parcel of real estate situate in Mars , WILLIAM M. AYER, ises all lands conveyed to Weston not exist where there is not blood sion in general and Mr. Deering in Hill aforesaid, bounded and described j FRANK A. PEABODY, Brannen by said Bennett and Tuck Opposite the Am erican and fully described in a certain mort­ strength. Young men giving atten-1 particular, in the issue of the Com- as follows, to wit: Beginning at an j State Highway Uommission. hub in the center of the highway . PAUL I). SARGENT, Chief Engineer, gage signed, sealed and executed by tion to muscular development should mercial following the hearing, leading from Houlton to Presque Isle ( Dated at Augusta, Me., July 17, Express Company said Brannen, recorded in said Reg­ bear this In mind. Hood’s Sarsapa- j In the second place the same gentle- at a point where the south line of the 1918. 130 istry Vol. 106. Page 618 to which deed rilla gives blood strength and builds . man referred to, interested personal- said town of Mars Hill intersects the reference is hereby made for a bet­ said Highway; thence west along said ter description. Premises hereby up the whole system. I ly in the road from Bangor to Bar conveyed being the same conveyed Harbor, attempted to secure an im- south line of said Mars Hill to the southwest corner of lot numbered to said Christopher C. French by said Continued frrfin page 1 proved highway between these two eightv-five (85); thence north along Horace A. Bennett by deed dated places, at the expense of other towns! the west line of said lot eighty-five November 1st. A. D. 1893, recorded in HOME SERVICE COMMITTEE which needed good roads for business I (851 and lot numbered eightv-six (S6> said Aroostook County Registry of Deeds Vol 141, Page 14. PUBLIC MEETING purposes much more than Penobscot !to Center of said highway; thence DREAM THEATRE Fifth. A certain lot or parcel of ,, j southeasterly along said highway to the saving of many lives, which other­ County needed a “Scenic Boulevard j to the point of beginning; containing ------WEDNESDAY, JULY 24------land situated In said town of Weston wise would be lost. for the use of the millionaire tourists, [one hundred (100) acres more or less bounded and described as follows to and those with money to burn at the Now, therefore, the condition of wit: Beginning at a point on the MARVELOUS CURES East side of th** Houlton and Baring Rome "o^the^cures ^reported are fashionable summer resorts, and who |sai(1 mortgage is broken, by reason some or me cures reported are ! T. _ whereof said Houlton I rust ( ompany Road, sooalled. where the center line marvelous— a man was shot through , ‘eft no money in Bangor except the claims a foreclosure, of the same, and of lot numbered Five cuts or crosses the heart, who by a special treatment price of a meal, while the farming gives this notice for that purpose. ! the East line of said road, thence made a complete recovery. Another dlstrk,ts am, evell Bangor Usalf ha(, Houlton, Main**, Julv 17. 191X. A SUPER-PARAMOUNT PRODUCTION — South by said road to the North line was shot through the brain, and as a ._____ ... , , HOULTON TRUST (’OMPANY, , of the I). J. Barker lot sooalled; result of an experimental operation / 0 g0 "III1011/ as evidenced by the (thence East by the I). J. Barker lot By its Attorneys. Archibalds Adolph Zukor presents was also restored to health and;“sl°ugh hole" which one finds a few 32,11 ' North line aforesaid to the Northeast strength— a third man was brought in j miles out on Hammond street h ad- ! corner of the said I). J. Barker lot; as a heap of blood and mud. with head lng out of H a n g e r . This same gentle, Maeterlinck’s thence Souih by the East, line of said arm and leg Injuries, to day he is well „ , , . ,, . > D. J. Barker land aforesaid to South­ and in a good position with only a man succeeded in getting all ot east corner ef said I). J. Barker land; partially paralized left arm as a re-1 Penobscot county's bond money on j thence East by South line of said Bar­ suit of the wonderful, and prompt the road to Bar Harbor except 2, miles ! Do Not Forget ker land extended East to land of surgical treatment afforded him. out of 27—and bore is where another “The Blue McAllister heirs; thence North by West line of said McAllister land to WHAT HAPPENS TO A WOUNDED grouch comes against the Highway E. B fba! homestead: thence by MAN Commissioner, he couldn’t get th**m to Pay your South line ef said E. L. Heal home­ When a man Is wounded two things to build this 3 miles because they Bird” stead. which line is th** aforesaid cen- happen. thought other parts of the country t,■ r lint* of lot numbered Five afore­ His system suffers from shock. said, West to th** place of beginning, He then feels that he is probably needed it more, and the Governor of containing eighty acres more or less disabled for life. the State after riding over the road, IRreeled l>v together with th** buildings thereon The first is dealt with medically— Instructed the Commission to discon­ M aurice Tourneur and being the same premise.; convey­ the second by artificial limbs and tinue building on that road Thus the ed to said Harriet French by Weston vocation schools. ELECTRIC LIGHT Brannen by deed dated April 29th A. In England for some time there has other reason for the tirade against Scenario by D. ]X96. and recorded in Aroostook Mr. Sargent and Mr. Deering. been a proposal on foot for the es­ Charles Mai;gue Registry of Deeds Vol. 152. Page 590. tablishment of a national factory for Facts of the Case * Maeterlinck? This last named lot is th** exception the manufacture of artificial limbs. The contract referred to, as going mentioned in first named entire par­ These have to be made so light, and THE BUIE BIRD "The I hue Rird” is the cel of real estate or the exception capable of the greatest flexibility and to cost the state, county and town so BILL named in paragraph four. adjustment that the wearer can walk much money was broken by the con­ AoABTCKAfT Adur» symbol of Happiness Sixth: Also a certain lot being the without assitance, and work at a tractors, in not having the bridge satin* included in above first descrip­ suitable trade— and therby earn his completed by June 1, 1918, as agreed tions to paragraph Five, conveyed to said Christopher (’. French by Hor­ livelihood, in part at any rate, in­ upon. stead of becoming disheartened, and ace A. Bennett, above named, by deed a permanent burden upon his country The state inspector found that the Before Saturday II of conveyance dated February 14t l, A. and friends. I have seen blind men cement being used on the bridge was 1). 1906.' reading, writing, and typing with not up to the standard and held up 3 TODAY Maeterlinck’s stirring play is the >pecta:ular diama And Whereas the said William R Foss, by his deed of assignment dat­ facility. carloads until it could be properly Aug. 10 I have again seen a man with arti­ of the ages-old sti uggle for Happiness. Kvery age and ed June 15th. 1918, and recorded in ficial legs, engage in a handicap race tested. every class will thrill with delight with it. the Aroostook Registry Vol. 308. Page and win. I have also seen men with The writer of the above article 126. sold, assigned and conveyed to artificial limbs working at various evidently does not know that each and Henry H. Putnam, the undersigned, SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS DAY ONLY — the said mortgage, the debt thereby trades— and all the while advances every contract let by the Highway are being made in these respects. Children under 12 years 10c secured and all the right, title and in­ Your recent generous response for Commission Is made on the basis of and save 12 1-2 per ct. Adults 25c terest he had in the premises therein the Red Cross proves that your hearts “price per yard” for the concrete and Hours of Performance described, referring expressly to a are in the right place. Now we ask stone work, and all contracts are sub­ Afternoon 2 and 3.30 Evening 7 and 8.30 certain release deed given to Robert H. McCready and a certain other deed tor the people’s support in every town ject to change by the commission, at Houlton W ater Co. and village through the local agen­ given Stewart S. Lee of another por­ cies, for the Home Service branch, the price made in the contract for tion of said premises. because it is to benefit both your own more or less work, based on the num And whereas the condition of said boys in service, and those they have her of yards at a specified price. mortgage has been broken. toft behind. Now, therefore, by reason of the From these facts the reader can W e appeal with the greater con­ EVERYBODY FROM EVERYWHERE IS GOING r o breach of the condition thereof, the fidence on the grounds that the sup­ easily see how unjust are the charges undersigned, the said Henry H. Put­ port asked tor is a practical form of against Mr. Sargent and Mr. Deering, nam, claims a foreclosure of said Christianity, for those who are risk- as well as the bridge engineer, Mr. L. H O U L T O N ’S B IG F A IR mortgage. tug life and limb, for the preserva­ Dated this Eleventh day of July, B. Jones, who is one of tne best in tion of all we hold most dear In the u s t 2 7 , Q S , 8 9 , S O , 1 9 1 8 1918. homeland. this country. 329 H H NRT H. PUTNA M . HOULTON TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1918

Miss Donnell returned The Free Baptist Society will hold MCLEOD-SPAIN a series of Christian Patriotic ser­ Sunday from a two weeks trip to HOULTON SAVINGS BANK Davidson bv auto. On Wednesday, July 17th, occurred vices during the summer months, with the wedding of Miss Katherine C. ELECT OFFICERS OF LOCAL INTEREST some good speakers in attendance Spain, daughter of Mrs. Nettie C. At th** annual meeting of the cor- Hon. Ira G. Hersey will be the speak­ MUSICALE Spain, of New Limerick and Mr. Hart- poia.tors of the' Houlton Savings er Sunday evening, July 28th. The A musicale for the benefit of the low I. McLeod of Crystal. Bank, held at its banking rooms on i & T - t dy returned Thurs-! Miss Claire Brown eturned home public is cordially invited. local Bed Cross Chapter will be held Tuesday afternoon, JuJly 16, the fol­ Jflfwhat The ceremony was performed by ss trip to Augusta. I Monday from a three weeks' visit with Thursday afternoon, at three o'clock, Rev, Tims. Whiteside, at the Meth­ lowing officers were elected for the J friends in Rockland, Me. at the home of .Miss Mary Burpee. ensuing year: Mr. U n Mrs. Fred Doyle of Carl HEAVY ELECTRICAL STORM odist Parsonage, in this town, and the | Miss Margaret Connelly, saleslady Court street. President E. L. Cleveland bou, were hi town by auto, a few days I The most violent thunder storm that couple were unattended. at Richards’, is enjoying her vacation \n excellent, program of instrument­ \ ice Pres. S. Friedman last week. has visited this section in years struck Mr. and Mrs. McLeod are most in Nova Scotia with relatives. Sec. <£ Treas. L. O. Ludwig H. F. ?,unt, Supt. Buffalo Fertilizer Houltcn and vicinity about 6.20 P. M. al and vof al m"*u‘ has beou arrang,,(l- |popular among their many friends*who Henry Beek, who has been working i Among those who are to takt Trustees: James Archibald, E. L. Works, was in Millinocket Saturday Monday lasting about an hour, doing part are showering them with congratula­ in Bath, Me. for the past two months are: Mrs. Frank Pearson, Mrs. Cha ( leveland, Chas. E. Dunn, Simon on business. considerable damage. tions. arrived home Monday evening. Davenport, Miss Louise Buzz,ell, Miss Friedman. Chas. H. Fogg. Jas. H. Kid­ Miss Anah Champeon returned last 1 Gen’l Manager Black of the. Aroos­ Miss Avis Welts, the popular book­ Whiteside, Miss Margaret Hogan, der, L. O. Ludwig, N. Tompkins. week from a two weeks vacation trip took Tel. tele- AUTO TURNS TURTLE keeper at C. W. Starkey’s market is Miss Chadwick, Miss McKay. Mrs. H. spent in Boston. ! phones put out of order by the storm Hollis Savage who is employed at enjoying her annual vacation. IT. Dyer. Mrs. O. A. Hodgins, Miss Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dugan of So. 1 Several buildings in town were the Moulton Steam Laundry, had a CANNING DEMONSTRATION Mr. Geo. Vincent arid family of Marion Cleveland. Miss Shaw, Miss Gardiner, are in town by auto the 'struck by lightning and reports from narrow escape from serious injury A canning and drying demonstra­ Stockholm, were the week-end guests lackett. Miss Dickison, Miss Lucv guests of relatives. last week when a Ford truck which tion will be held at 2 P. M. on Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kerr, North St. surrounding town also ropori damage. c hall,,„,rlai„. Ml, Hrvs,m Mr. John S. Murray, head salesman a set of buildings belonging to Quincy Mrs 1>m.y Ui(](,out he was driving skidded and went into July 26th, at Methodist Church din­ Max Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Admission will for B. S. Green, is enjoying his an­ Lycette of Cary being destroyed. the ditch turning completeh over ing room. Geo. Russell, left Tuesday for Bos- be cents. nual vacation of two weeks. MeCluskey Bros, farm buildings on He was pinned under the car and Miss Eunice Niles The Emergency Dr. Geo. Monahan and family of ton to enter upon his duties in the U 1 the Ludlow road were struck killing had it not been for the standards Home Demonstration Agent for this Caribou, were in town last week the S. Navy. i LITTLETON CAMP MEETING one horse. Their farm buildings on which held the top up, would prob­ district will give the demonstration. Dr. Sarah Randall and Miss Dosha The date of tin1 Littleton Camp guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mona­ ably have been crushed to death. She is a member of the Extension Brown went to Prsque Isle, Monday, the North road were also struck. Meeting this year will be August I l ­ han. Outside of several bad bruises Division of the College of Agriculture, where they will spend their annual ls. The Rev. James H. Gray of Ban­ Many of the Merchants closed their which will lay him up for a few days University of Maine. vacation. j gor, the new District Superintendent places of business Friday afternoon HOULTON CELEBRATES he escaped further injury. It is hoped that every woman will Miss Margaret .Maloney, who is so that their employees might attend will preside. make a special effort to be present, training as a nurse in Massachusetts, I The Rev. Felix Powell, the evange­ the races. News of Americans’ Success and Geo. A. Hall Jr., and wife have n and it is requested that she bring pen- Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Swett left is spending her vacation at home with list of the Maine Conference, will turned home after enjoying a three- ei lied Victory Causes Outburst and note hook. Saturday for Boston, where Mr. Swett her sister. conduct the evening services. The weeks honeymoon trip to the Thou­ (Signed I will be employed at his trade during F. W. Fleming arrived home Mon­ Rev. Dr. Moss, a returned missionary sand Isles and other points of inter­ The cheering news of allied succes­ Mrs. Charles P. Barnes, the summer. day from Bangor, where he haS been will give two addresses on The est in Canada. ses in France and especially the won­ Committee in Charge. Leonard A. Pierce and Ora Gilpat- spending a couple of weeks at his Drive for World Democracy and derful showing of tin' American troops rick were in Bangor last week to at­ mother’s home. Methodism's World Parish. The Rev. received in Houlton was fittingly cele­ tend a meeting of the Banking inter­ Nathaniel Tompkins has purchased R. A. Colpitts of Somerville, Mass., brated hero Monday, nearly ('very ests of the state. the Ludwig house on Court street now will preach. The Rev. G. B. Dean. I). | The Circuit races of last week occupied by Mrs. Chits. Boulier, and l101*(,n ^u' 'kinit> joining in and d w}10 js aj j]1(> Read of the evang< brought many visitors most of whom will occupy it on Aug. 1. j adding enthusiasm to the occasion. listic department of the Board of came by auto, Market Sq.. was a busy Miss Rilla Wakem a student nurse Both sections of the demonstration Home Missions and Church Extension, place Friday evening. in a Massachusetts hospital, is the were impromptu, but for a genuine will contribute powerfully to tin' in- Geo. Haskell, head clerk at the guest of her sisters, Mrs. Vincent Me-J and spontaneous outburst of enthus- forest and profit of the molding. Boston Shoe Store is enjoying his an­ Nutt and Mrs. Charlotte Burtt. iasm neither could be out don*1. About a dozen ministers of the East nual vacation, a portion of which he Delmont Emerson, S. R. Crabtree 9 A. M was th(‘ time of the first Maim* Conference are ('xpected to be * is spending at his old home in Hodg- and Seth Campbell of Island Falls outburst., which lastedlasted 15 minutes •present and assist In fact this will don. were in town Tuesday morning by ' when bellsIs werewen rung and whistles be one of tin* finest and best programs Lawrence Weiler, U. S. N., station­ auto enroute to Fort Fairfield. | wen ni. joined by the firemen ever given at this noted ('amp ed at Commonwealth Pier, Boston, A number of Houlton’s automobile who with ihe lh( motoi’ tin■ tru< k, gaily Ground. arrived in town Friday on a short drivers were before Judge Carroll decorated, tracers;ed the prin- leave, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Saturday for operating a ear without cipal streets with such a terrific rac Hebron Academ y THESE BIG LETTERS John S. Weiler. a license. They were fined and dis- jket. that none were left unaware .that HEBRON, MAINE charged. [something important had happened. Mrs. A. G. Walker left last week for 'T’HE future holds countless opportunities Medley Billings and wife were in Buildings and dormitories are of the most #So. Carolina, where she will visit her I Tin1 ('veiling celebration consisted for the wide-awake boys and far-sighted beautiful type in New England. Its location Houlton. Sunday, enroute for their | of a th(, Iian(1, a bon.fir„ in girls of today. How can your boy or gir! husband, Capt. A. G. Walker of the in a hamlet having no resorts or distract­ home in Fort Kent, after a two weeks' i tll(, Sqlla,.(. n para.,(, anrt g(.n(,ral meet the needs and responsibilities of that ing entertainments, affords conditions most Medical Corps w’ho is stationed in one great time ? ideal for study, yet homelike atmosphere is honeymoon trip in the southern pari; KO„(l ltlm, an<, ,ll|rlnK thl, ,.VP]|!]1S o f the training camps. Hebron, through its proper environment, maintained. of the state close contact with students from many parts fully 5000 people joined in the festivi­ B.F.A. Practical courses in Sewing, Home Eco­ of the country, courses of study and plan of Miss Catherine Cary who since Miss Edith Nevers nomics, and Domestic Chemistry will be who has been ties, every foot of space in .Market Leave just room enough to say that play, is moulding body, mind and soul for completing her school year at W elles- , training in Commonwealth Hospital, added studies for girls in the coming year. Sq. being utilized. the tasks of this golden future. Wholesome rivalry in all sports. ley has been visiting a school friend Hias accepted a government position, you might wear your shoes out trying It is an ideal school for college prepa­ In Pittsburg Penn., has returned as resldent nur8e in the War deI)art. Just before the torch was applied ration and also offers practical courses for For catalog and particulars, address home for the summer. ment Boston to the big pile, it was announced from ' and not Bet s0 B°od a cigar ,or SIX those not preparing for college. WM. E. SARGENT, littD ^ Principal* the balcony of the Snell House that CENTS, The dance at Lakewood last Thurs- Every one should remember that the burning of the “Kaiser" was about ■day was one of the most successful of [next week is Chautauqua week, and the season and a large number took should plan to attend all the sessions!!? ,take pla(‘e’ and an efflgy of the NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE advantage of the opportunity to cool [which will he held in the large grand- vaiser was S()1(Mnnly carried on a Whereas, Alexander M. Skinner of TEN BUILDINGS FORTY ACRES off at this pleasant resort. stand at the park. bier, headed by the hand for a Ashland, Aroostook County, Maine In­ march through Market Sq., and the mortgage deed dated November A swarm of bees on one of the trees A large number of Republicans from effigy was placed upon the pile and 1, 1910, and recorded in Aroostook -on the Court House lawn attracted all parts of the county attended a ,, , . , . Registry of Deeds, at Houlton in Yol- much attention one day last week,) meeting which was held in Fort Fair- he torch applied amid the deafening um(, 292, Page 118, conveyed to James cheers and the din of automobile R. Hopkins and Eben S. Hopkins both they were active all the afternoon and field on Tuesday and was largely at- horns of assembled thousands. of Fort Fairfield, Aroostook County, then left for parts unknown. tended by the Houlton members. . _ ., . „ , Maine, Lot numbered Seventy-six (76i The splendid band connected with, many friends of Lieut. FI J. i s uas said before the program jn th,., town of Ashland aforesaid and the DeRue Bros. Minstrels, gave a bidder, who graduated from Annapo- was an impromptu one and one num- being the same property now occupied her which was the hit of the evening by him and the same conveyed to him dellghtful concert on Main St. \Ved-iIis ln June> 191". will be glad to know bv Jonathan M. Garland by deed dat- Summer Time nesday noon which was listened to by that he has recently been promoted t o [" as a ' 0(a^ selection by Mrs. Hazel ('(1 August 12th, 1887, recorded in Vol­ Cox Brannigan, a guest at the Snell a large and appreciative crowd. [Senior Lieutenant, but he has not yet ume 101, Page 122. Aroostook Regis- [received his new assignment, House, who sung the “Star Spangled t.rv of Deeds, and by deed of Galvin The open air concert by the Houl­ is Kodak Time j Mrs. Mattie Townshend and daugh­ Banner” accompanied by the band. W. Ellis dated March 15th, 1905, re­ ton band last Thursday was one. of corded in said Registry Volume 209, ter of Portland were in town- last Mrs. Brannigan possesses a splendid the best of the season and was great­ Rage 569. [week calling on friends. Mrs. Towns- voiqe which could be heard the en­ And whereas, the conditions of said ly enjoyed by the large number who jhend was on her way to Westfield for tire length of the square, and her ren­ mortage are broken, now, therefore, Put a, Kodak, in your pocket had gathered from far and near. |a shoit visit with her mother, Mrs. dition of the National Anthem was by reason of the breach of said con­ J. L. Dyer who recently resigned as Aaron Kinney received with a great demonstration. ditions thereof we, the undersigned (we have them to lit) when claim a foreclosure of said mortgage Principal of Ricker ClassicaUnstttute, | Mr. and Mrs. Lynwood Ross and The success of the celebration i and give this notice for the pm pose has accepted a position as principal of |Children of Needham, Mass., are vis- due to the efforts of Messrs. FTank of foreclosing same. you go on a fishing trip or the Castine High School, one of the[iting h|8 parents> in Littleton> mak. McNair, Geo. Paul, G. T. Sawtelle, and Dated at Fort Fairfield Maine this largest and best schools ln the state. jlng the trlp by auto Mr Ross was 12th dav of July, A. D. 191S. outing and snap a fewjshots— the co-operation of the Houlton Band JAMES R. HOPKINS, A letter received from Mrs. Wm.|in town Monday calling on his old and the Merchants’ Association. ! EBEN S. HOPKINS, 2,29 bring the films to us and we will develop B. Weed reports her son, Clayton, im- [acquaintances. m Everything proving from his recent operation and j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hall accom- in Kodaks unless some unlooked-for compllca- [ panied by Rev. and Mrs. T. P. Wil- and Supplier and print them for you. The satisfaction tlon arises, he will soon be convales- Rams left Friday by auto for the (southern part of the state. Rev. and D r e’a m T h e a t r e—-S p e c i a 1 of a lasting record of the trip is supreme Wendall Hull and Geo. Stevens of Mrs. Williams will spend their vaca------DON’T MISS SEEING THE N E W ------this town left Friday for St. Johns, [tlon in Freedom. 'Quebec, having enlisted in a Cana- [ Mrs. A. B. Monson who has been the dian railway unit and will take their guest of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Skil- Mack Sennett Comedies llnal examination for overseas ser-,lln during the past two weeks, star- vice, j ted Thursday for her home In Port------(EVERY SATURDAY AT THE DREAM ------James C. Madlgan Esq., returned land accompanied by Mrs. Skillin, Friday from Boston, while away he making the trip by auto, enlisted In the U. S. Navy, and pas-1 Houlton Lodge B. P. O. E. initiated aed his examination as an apprentice a large class from Danforth, Me., at J. D. Perry seaman and is now awaiting his call thelr regular meeting last week fol- for service. [lowed by a fine salmon supper. The Keep Warm Next Winter With j Jeweler and Optometrist Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McPherson 1 alfalr was much elW e‘> >»■ a large Market Square Houlton, Maine and two children, of Canterbury, N. attendance of members. I Mrs. John Q. Adams arrived home J3., accompanied by Miss Mary Me K Pberson of the same town, have been Saturday evening from a four we« * s visit with her son in Wellsley, Mass. the recent guests of Mrs. Margaret E. L. Ernest Thornton, asst, secretary Bull and family. Noira Scotia Coal - of State, and wife, arrived in town Announcement was made at the of- „ „ . A . , „ ,, „ Saturday to spend a few weeks here flee of the provost marshal Friday of . » , T . . , . . - , (the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. the appointment of Jason Hassell as i Thornton. one of the employment service agents | A number of auto accidents, with­ in connection with the administration A soft coal suitable for household out serious results happened Sunday. 1 o f the “work or fight” provisions of i On Riverside street a front wheel gjtelslf the selective service law, for the u s e 'came off and struck for the river j counties of Aroostook, Somerset and ' where it was recovered. A car on tin' Waldo. These agents will assist local Bangor road went into a telephone draft boards in placing men now in . ,, pole, breaking it as well as the front non-productive occupations according . . „ .. . . ,, . Leave your order with .* . , & wheel of the car. A car in Cary went to Instructions of the employment ., , , . , . . over the end of Tr culvert but no one service reserve. . . Seasonable Flowers was hurt. H. L . Chadwick o / E v e v y K i n d F lo r is t P h o n e 443 GREAT WOOD VALUES

Millar is Still Making Home Your orders promptly Made Candies By tlfie way, IVWIIar’s is a geod filled and FULL mea­ ------place to buy Coffee ------sure positively guar­ 3 lb Genuine Mocha aid We Have the Best S w eet and W holesom e Java Coffee $1.00 in the Floral Line anteed- « 3 Ifc Maleber.ry 1.00 4% lb Paa-American 1.00 1 lh Fancy Blend .95 Chad wick--Florist Try Some cf our Conservatories 16 High Street, Houlton J* F. Jackins Co Specialties Phene 1M-W . . Hamilton-Burnham Block Main Street. S a tu rd a y HOULTON TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1918

TUI? PA R T TH AT p i VII IANS ability to show much in little that j DESCRIBES FLEET ABROAD REVENUE TOTAL (INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIP read the lines and seemed to accept. IIW T A R I l ™ 1 Y J t UU W A « counts with the resent sewing c i.clo.! RalphD Paine, author of “The A French girl felt the beauty of the them as a personal message from PLAY IN I HE WAK And so it’s conservation, thaf is be Fighting Fleets", who spent five EXCEEDS HOPES friendship of two great countries for feliow-pupil. Separated by 3,000 miles of ocean jng dwelt upon; the person who can montjls with the allied naval forces in The grand total of collections under each other. She wrote about it, and everyone who read the quotation and protected by our navy, our civil- show a new way to make 50 (cuts do p^ur0j)oan waters, cruising in destroy- the internal revenue laws is announced wor(is found their way into a Red was touched. The warqpdb Gross bulletin and finally lan population can during this war a new and practical use for something jers suf)marjnes trawlers, seaplanes by Internal Revenue Commissioner a transla­ of a more intima^T^hft^® "Snal continue to live in the same security the work of a dollar; who can devise amj battleships, tells tin1 story of tion of them was posted in a eon- Roper to be or $272,- friendliness spread throTiffh. the V.orfd, aa in peace times. The Hun invad- which under old regime was discaid- , America’s contribution to the sea pow­ spieuous place in a public librarv. OOO.Oni) in excess of the estimates too. Great oceans can no longer sep­ ers are not in ourmidst. We are ed; and who can make people believe ;er of the aujes giving the British This is the translation: "There is spared the agony that came to the that she is excelling the record 011 j admiral’s opinion of the aid thus ren- made by committees of Go/igress when n river in France so narrow that yarn arate nations that love justice and her; women and children and old men o f; saving or on re-constructing, that per- j (lered: “To command you is an honor; they were preparing the war revenue

■M* zm vr way. «very of the merchants’ merchants’ the and gradings all with rt pie, eln a no at selling prices, erate sugar. or state Federal Food Food Federal state or price price they and etc., customers the benefit benefit the customers on to down fi pie ad rcie; hy agree they practices; and prices •fair ae basis. same ucts. The The ucts. fny flours. “fancy” riig rcs n pois eliminat­ profits; and pricesardizing cent per 50 unreasonable charges charges unreasonable 18 who will take action action take will who 0 . ht s the is 20.. What businesses? been successfully successfully been conservation? food n wse eliminating duplication waste; of ing urged use of of use urged ecat n te ways?merchant other the in help housewife the can How 19 ? ence en u in cut been eve shortening hours. storeservee; ant men, dealers dealers men, ant 17 support. loyal their pledged and tion ice cream, flour flour cream, ice saving? to upon called rcs even. prices o ae hr sok g a fr s pos­ as far as go stocks short make to 16 in el with? dealt tion il ad o ep upy tay and steady supply keep to and sible ae ofre wt te administra­ the with conferred have 5 ht s copihd y confer­ by accomplished is What 15 distribu­ of problem the Is How 14 cooperate. middleman 13 W hat have have hat W 13 od mrhniig n h country the in merchandising food, hee hn in than cheese es f foodstuffs? of lers the cooperation cooperation the 12 id ya ago. year a riod butter and and butter icl er 1916-17? yearfiscal 1918,, nrae eprs hc mre the marked which exports increased , 0 0 0 ons f hs et o the to went5,000000 this of pounds Allies. 1 ae e et p h immensely the up kept we Have 11 esnbe rft bv cs t us.” to cost above profit reasonable we export export we n the same period?in 10 Allies. the to went et o h Allies. the towent 1. 1916? 1915. 1. July July from to Europe to and honey in place sugar, of and when rdcs Butit contains products.sugar, which substitutes. sugar use home, always at itmaking fes n xeln wy f sn milk using of excellent way an offers s n o te od w ws t save. to wish we foods the of oneis r butter.or arnz daes h ue on syrup corn usePatronize who dealers oe hl ml; y atn n milk no wasting by wholemore milk; ir.ost wisely? y usingby more skim and sour milk and ar industry?dairy n muchin agriculture. our of fundamental is dairying because and ae a hrae f ik n butter; and milk shortage of a world faces the because butter; and milk "W e pledge pledge e "W f shipping limited has the amount of of h “ahadcry pa; stand plan; “cash-and-carry” The 6 to down cut Confectioners were 5 3 limited sales. Butchers have 2 By patronizing patronizing By In conserved have men Hotel 4 rad r nw agl ct f, and bring off, provided to cannotshipping be cut largely now are erland 1 od rm utai ad e fromAustralia New and Grocers, Grocers, rm Scandinavia.from Holland Switz­ and f ao hs eue fde ad help reduced and fodder has labor of ar products?dairy Hw uh hee i w export we did much cheese How 9 eesr fr h hrs andshortage thenecessary herds; for h mmes f tae ge on agree trade a of members The imported fodder. y ofrne n b licensing. by and conference By Hw uh utr i w export we did butter much How 8 many Representatives Representatives Yes; every one one every Yes; My e s ie ra freely? cream ice use we May 7 No; from July July from No; n Europe diminishing?in bread have have bread meat.

Hw a w ue ar products dairy use we can How 6 ge value and' and' value attractive fat be om butter form,ible nutritionper nearly the right proporIn 99,541,098 oa All opt nbou* pounds. f ik butter milkof Wy hud e norg our encourage we should Why 5 e s u a c cream, etc. 8 2 1 4 0 ons ms o which 38,221,450 of most pounds, which of 6,622,073 most pounds, Wy o h Ale tr t u for us to turn Allies the do Why 4 y h Uie Sae Fo Adminis Food States United The By OOD QETOS THE KAI I EIR H S R E IS A K E H ,T D E R E W S N A QUESTIONS D O FO Ice cream cream Ice Why Is the number 3dairyof cattle y sn bte ol o te table; the on only butter using By butter, cheese, cream, ”Milk, What What eas cide ne pet of plenty need children Because How have have How a ae the are hat W What -are the o eas sple rahn them reaching supplies Because 1 eas Europe Because os the Does Flour millers millers Flour Bakers Bakers Grocers Grocers s tib le , , le tib s ik is Milk What the are dairy products How How f ra ls ta 5 pr cent. 50 per than less bread of we sent sent we dairyanimals; It rwr ai. hy have They basis. prowar ehd o economyhave methods of rto—Mie Division Maine tration— butchers hotel restaur­ and uh odne ml did milk condensed much s n i a t n o c rcs f h ingredients the of prices n h sm period? same thein f their normalof amount of o osmr s se to asked is consumer to hee a f guished anything for c reditable1. Nothin tin f ias cheese substitutes. aremaking Victory prod­ ald pret ot n possible chance anv Hohenzollern the tin. by won beenwhen battles have foot perfect called a ae a pois kept profits had have ae iie sls and sales limited have ac bed, pastries, breads, fancy s a is Food Administration ask DEALERS 3 0 0 0 0 ons less13,000,000 pounds Dairy Products ie 150risen cent, but per those helped classes in s hatfl od and food healthful a is usle t gv our give toourselves er h but f food bruntof the bear hy l ml o the on mill all They 20,000,000 less pounds millers. od merchantsfood done? lde b reporting by pledge, and in h correspondingthe pe­ n i t nrntPin sixsons the emperor'the of distiii- is And the only Pthing that seems tto stand and is f elr ad hand­ and dealers of stores which display n confectioneryin and 1, 1917, to January 1, merchants’ pledge? n ces? his place to Kood-for-nothing dan-[place progeny to and cheese? rcie i these inpracticed i tae ta are that tradessix f l bace of branches all of rm rdcr and producerfrom l h ot ‘ ie hud eoe xase God exhausted become than better brains men should and blood of line ‘ allthe * foot n od substitute for good ae oe away done have s rpry j o pras n pt o i, o one not it, perhaps spite or of in j. ^ is proper y distinctive qualities been very careful not to expose any ffi andmod­fairof oe wy withdone away ne te law. theunder o e county her to a hd o ^at. to xess hadcr0\V(l has ofkizy louts (lermany must Administrator, because shortage ■ rulerhave its chosen edict the of by t t o e thanmore . °h te id f education himselt received, make ofthey kind to the right" "divine ’upon t n.l°\h n ol dsr Gray Bcue f e Andthis isthe man who he. Becausedepends of Germany. desert would on


o l b te rpr re fr the at city thecrown into ride prince for to order proper the bewould h wr. u i ws confidently was But it be­ work.the a d T b sr h hd ite o o s hs long-range this As bombardment is be sure To he had do little tomand. ivd ht hs rv wud eie airmen th* deliver would drive this thatlieved headquarters”, generals his while did his drinking time “grand the in wine matters, the spentwith and of most

ai t te emn, n te it then Germans, and the to Paris

ea te rw pic ws n com- attack in prince crownbegan was launched, the is ditions Picardy th** battle of the When troops are stabfailure.

rw pic t b ascae wt dy r y ih. ne tee con- these Under night. by or day associated with be tocrown prince odium shall fall upon someone else. It ol nvr o o cus, o te is. hr i n sitae no is There first. the course, for of do, never would great military undertaking is launched ivd f epniiiy s ta the responsibility, that so lieved of down, the crown prince is once at re­ theundertaking breaking If shows signs of command". “high and given this simpering young sent for, is fool es f h fteln. hn any When fatherland. the of iers humble sold­ the committeddeds by ages“congratulation”of to the son for d with medalsed and upon possi- every l ocso te asr sends mess- Kaiser occasion linesble the are subjected by the British to a Prussian regiment, has been load­ he en ae omne o te finest the commander madebeen of m rs te emn epe H has Heimpress German the people. inorder to invest him oven with rail, are dignity of special types otherand e n ie eey distinction everybeen given possible oc. j dozen half a sections the straight. on force. triumphant the head of the invading | troublemore destruction than the of dered hault to until this precious or-1curves was German army pair the destruction thatof a railroadandi of The important. moreare, however, much could means catch curve up and into ride Paris at a I on section of, rail a The to prince difficult targetwereboth a far in the is rear: it o h fc that fact the emperor theto and the 1914into Paris in of the fall was due and believed many in places that the failureofthe German legions to march hs noty pi. t s reported is It this unworthy sprig. rd n vr psil wy o exalt to possible way every in ored the war began the Kaiser has sine** endeav­ Ever leadership.qualified for| capable, the least manly and the least Perhapstemptous. all the of con- Kaiser’s and insolent is bearing thht a n “a fcd Wt a hfy y ado ls all-important of element and faced” “rat With shifty a and|or l^so eye eeae I bd h i tall, stooped body is In he generate. o s h con rne s h least the is prince crownsons the s weak,is egotistical ambitious and de­ 6 throne is Frederick William, born May n hc te is Hohenzollern first sprung thewhich not send Hohen­ Allies do the theor olr ce hc t te ld from clods the hack to zollern crew many does not repudiate the wholedivine That lot is, right. ofcourse ifGer­ n itlrbe Ad rm hs wit this from And intolerable. and ot f hm r stupid, dissipated are them of Most j Hohenzollern the sent caste shall be hasone evinced arms, talent any for j ancy is the tact that the Allies are de- o saerf, r o administration. for statecraft, orfor ; termined that everything smacking ot e o the dynastic onger theory that if along shambles. But the Kaiser has responsibility always So this for failure. heit man lads who have been sent into the* the face to hisand generals left are ln wt te millionsalong the with other Ger- of 'princehas increasingbeen fliM.ooOnon. ever theofcommand" by involved 1882., character In this young man serve h con rne o course, has! prince, ofwhen crown The f nrae efcec o ca a opttr o e feared, be to competitor a coal of efficiency increased of and this fact is recognized by every intelligent owner of of owner intelligent every by recognized is fact this and possibilities plants, theinsteam have over development for electricity. by houses heat to order insought et ten Ppr o pany Com Paper rthern o N reat G accomplished. etd eeaos o pit xedn 9 pr et f pos­ of cent 90 per exceeding point a to generators fected tt it te xedtr o ukon ilos f dollars of millions unknown of expenditure the into State et ne ms mdr eupet sd o pwr pur­ power for used equipment modern most under cent oes n niiain f hs ogdfr discovery. longed-for this of anticipation in powers oe e mto b wih hs eie ed a be may end desired this which bv method new some il efcec. hs rvs ocuiey ht oe other some that conclusively proves This efficiency.sible of cent 90 per exceeding point a to wheels water of iency of actual tests of heating houses by electricity proving utter actualhousesof tests heating proving of electricity by poses. 20 per of extent the to only developed been lias coal in ed dream.utopian mfr Fls oe Cmpany Com Power Falls ford um R mrciaiiy n con o hg cs; hs advocates these that cost;assert high of account on impracticability on impracticable issteam,or power water by either power, no Eeti Pwe Cmpany Com er Pow Electric Union ehd hn h dvlpet f ae pwr ms 1><* must powers water of development the than method per­ have engineers electrical and power, possible their con f h ecsie ot ad n pt o te evidence the of spite in and cost, excessive the of account nrl ie o r o pany Com er Pow aine M pany entral C Com Reservoir Androscoggin water powers. water statement that heating by electricity from any source of of source any from electricity by heating that statement ihu crfl n truh investigation? through and careful without etn purposes. heating possible ad­ the than to adhered persistently more is none no Wat Pwe Cmpany Com er Pow r te a W Union pany Com Paper Oxford t Cox ue Cmpany Com Puper Croix St. vantage to be obtained by the application of electricity for for electricity of application the by obtained be to vantage The heir presumptive to the German State ownership of water powers to bolster up their claims,upbolstertheirto powers water of ownershipState Williamof Germanyhas enough sons h t e el ih sae fw onw have no that to'now might well immediate he spare few a hopes gain- of ,n ,l state n**i\ous ot tension, the eas- melted down for the purpos Rc t Hn Mdl O. j On. Medals Hang to Rack A otepol fte tt fMie ih o lne the plunge to wishMaine of Statethe peopletheDo of On the other hand the utilization of the power contain­ On power thetheother handutilization the of this of way the in barrier impassable an is there But hs avcts ol hv te tt dvlp water develop State the have would advocates These yrui egnes led hv pretd tin* effic­ perfected have already engineers Hydraulic in ae pwr, wn t te uh rae iiil cost initial greater much the to owing powers, Water the in concur scientists all that fact the of spite In fte aiu mtos mlyd y h avcts of advocates the by employed methods variousthe Of W A TER POW ERS ERS POW TER A W some practical ing military way Sge) m M Pnel Pbiiy Agent Publicity Pennell, M. Wm. (Signed) somehow, sometime sometime somehow, A DEGENERATE DEGENERATE A N MAINE IN

1 f ue o mlin o hs elw men. fellow his millionsof ruler of of for by j of'to of'to j OLO TMS WDEDY JL 2, 1918 24, JULY WEDNESDAY, TIMES, HOULTON -1 ey ie y a ad ih; whilst night; and day by fire lery j I n h ar B the By superiority in the air. their of predominant which is side that with otold hel b airplane obser­ bycontrolled chiefly ain n nros datg lies enormous advantage an vation nm’ ra wt concentrated withenemy’s rear artil­ tlm railways roads in and all sweep amount morale-shaking of experiences affected area. bombs the bursting shells in or out ros ant b mse fr n at- an cannot,troops massed for be ditions and not; an hour passes with­ tration against the rail centers is that ried out under the most harassing con­ ie ta al repairs thatvised car­ lie all have to om f tm bombardment" de­ so "time of form ltl dly rfi fr ay hours. many traffic for delay pletely center com­ may vital a done at age Such rail-centers behind German the where there are points, junctions, and more important than curves, dam­ for ! j ay straightnary par- not railway is line tieularlv Being vulnerable. so narrow the railroads the back in areas. t the scrap to heap. n airplanes, concentrateding are upon considerable proportion bomb­ his of enemy’s a range long fire, as well as sa l ae. o ti rao th reason this For area.assault normal demands troops the the in of ways overburdened the already with d rs nufcurng Company g rin factu u an M ards Edw agl uo te klfl s o rail­ skillful of use upon largely the ae Ma at i Company g rin factu u an M Bates I Ma at i Company g rin factu u an M HIM surprise lost, is and rapidity depends eprl Ma at i Company g rin factu u an M Pepperell Lew iston Bleachery Bleachery iston Lew plished. cern to prevent such a movement Irom docgl Elcrc Company lectric E Adroscoggln ills M Androscoggin en successfullybeing accom­ easily and naturally isit the enemy's con­ chief j front is hv no means western an easy one, the for on battle modern a for 'plaudits his countrymen. of GANTI OF K S A T IC T N A IG G nt natonal ae Company Paper l a n tio a rn te In a n lr b tkn oe commands taking over by launched glorygain against the enemy. the head his of troops and receive lar&e the squadrons bombing of airplanes i revolution is the most conspicuous ob- n importantAn result this concen­ of Sidings, railway stations an 1 places n e normalUnder conditions, ordi­ the a i concentrationsRapid essential. are h ts o concent task ofThe rating divisions h srs sg ta te Germans the surest that sign The inventors German autocracy runs NG OUR O G IN T A R T N E C N O C 1 there network is a rails, ot and Paris 1 a o this traditional of way ascend- OCS H FONT FRO THE T A FORCES eivd f Command of Relieved Allied to armies able are is ------1 the waiting chances tor to may may

- at ht the thatfact ------& y Works W Dye *1 discover o them by for 1 before tin

t b u fo nl Dvsos ulr n lost* their and Divisions; sutlerabout monds nil. from trom a cloud beaten of gold, un-

crown 1 1 1 ss ie mcie us uig tin* during machine guns fired ists n ’tord fo wih h Royal­ the which I’etrograd, fromin rzd possession.prized n jse. Th jasper.and h Vri o te o i is most its is Don the of Virgin the oe . t a a aeet f agate pavement of a has It domes. u cain wt is ay golden many its withnunciation, vasion and afterwards restored. concealed French in­ previous the to precious most itsbut Measures wwi alone being said worth be to $250,udo. r valued $l,25e.oou,are at on tons silver of and 50ii pounds gold; of i o Vladimir,gin of said be painted to by aoen ok rm h church five the from Napoleon took t Ik. h' ees which Th*' jewels adorn it St. Imkc. most sacred picture Russia, of the Vir­ iutd nie th insidesituated n e f ocw rm h Fec. It Moscow French.ance the from of ok it yas o build, years totook fiftv andcost its ins hn ofrn fr h deliver­ thetion’s for thank offering a be etmtd at estimated been has ey oty Ti cuc i te na­ the church is This costly. very inter­ Its thickness. inchin anhalf polas covered are with pure gold one- cent Its church live in the world. a dcrto a* magnificent and an* decoration nal Moscow probably is th C HURCH CH W SCO O M al t ati is bet s little is object its attain to fails better than real defeat a motn: o eprec ge to arrested offensiveshow an that that goes experience important: for be s o te ie thus the timeable use of gained. Phases battle big a is of evenmore it alas ad eeal mk valu­ light make generally andrailways, and reinforce­ roads up construct ments, bring positions, en Allies, who can prepare and strength­ utmost the the valuetration to of is er, which alone can suspend the Brit­ hamper observation. and de­ day's activity Every aerial French and ish and more dependent upon til difficult accomplishment of more and a i peetn a German concen­ preventing a in lay o ae h Gra concentrations German the make to being continuously tin delayed hung andname of ,l,ltl,'s a1'' hl'av>' ami the work extra , tal cost this ot cathedra] estimated is eptal udr ie | no gold, pure with copper, overlaid perpetually under fire. iu te las o tin to leadstieulties keepthe German rest areas and is covered It billets in ject the with capital. i t gtn vle ihu ee big -r hc a* oi sle doors silver solid d-*r an* being which ever without value ighting I h dom The i it!- ery s til** isNearby An­ cathedral the of r.;- n th**In cathedral the Assumption, of Th 'When tli< l thes*' together conspire thingsAll Thus the German being soldiers $1,000,000 l-cept are than gold less of *1 Cathedral the of Holy Savior in *1 f t Isaac's St. Cathedral, of 1 delay occurs between the OFD TH GOLD H IT W ROOFED wf & opn, . . A, S. U. Company, & Swift means deterioration in the meat and and meat the in deterioration means os o h packer. the to loss *1 h aeaeo sls s ihn ie days. five within is sales of average the be sold during the week of arrival, and arrival, of week the during sold be nlaee- and n an on uting hou uting maintained, maintained, car, wncre wncre car, little abov little at the the at the packer, packer, the twenty-four ant e trd for stored be cannot eertd cn of icon celebrated a period of about two weeks. Although i Although meat this chilled, weeks. two about of period a *1 rmi, s the is Kremlin, Q -•Q A n y delay along the above journey journey above the along delay y n A *1 Upon Upon st A 1 most magnifi­ concentration the Kazan Cathedral the the In of J $1

*1 i oa Bac, 4 agrS. Hutn Me. Houlton, St., 74 Eangor Branch, Local ; emerald *_Lw v u dockyards *1 . ft U: Company requires all beef to to beef all requires U:ft Company ihmi weath­ ' n 1 !'■c , uiio cu­ 1 . Manages-, Maine. Bangor, in a b otie a ticket offices. obtained at betion may 2 3 p m—Fo Bno, Greenville. Bangor,12.39 m.— p.From 12.49 11.13 St. Francis, Ashand, Ft.. m.— For ­ a. X E E R A S IN A R T H IC H W T A E IM T O ARRI T R A P E D D N A E IV R R A TO D E T C E P and too frequent bladder action are symp­ os f kidney trouble. oftoms eiaigy ht f l I ae used"hesitatingly have I all of they that ai pis sr msls sif joints, stiff muscles, sore pains, matic Raekuehe, tin1where rheu­ failed," rest great bargain. I sd oe Kde Fls n sy un­ say Fills and Kidney Foley used "I secured its contents In* would tim Housefor til** make of a Synod Holy and 4.19 Buren, Limestone, Van From p. m,— h t f pro ofrd $ person offered a if that has never been divulged, but is it said o dn rses f ae workmanship.golden rare crosiers of . 7 . . rm Bangor.7.47 m.— From p. oiii o d . uis n eead; also emeralds; and rubies monds. studded miters dia­than seven with .5 p. 5.15 mriee i pal, siae to pearls, estimatedembroidered in Creed, Nicene the embellished with 9.24 7.52 Fairfield, Ft. Sleep­ p. m.— For Buren. Buffet Van Bangor. For4.27 m.— p. i wrh nwee between anywhere worthfie uated inside th erof pur ander Nevski is statue a ;h<* of found­ 9.28 a. a. 9.28 etet o fblu vle Oe isvestments One fabulous of value. 3250 pounds. r. n h Mnsey f t Alex­ St. Monastery of the In ary. .0 a.S.30 high,feet leading the to inner sanctu­ rival at the branch distrib- distrib- branch the at rival e faot i days. six about cf ;e F . 3J.GFO. HOUGHTON. Pass’r Traffics ie als iig complete informa­ giving tables Time and is in transit to market market to transit in is and tis nodd no a “cooler”, into i it s unloaded U HATUFWAY DU ColIl'AXV DRUG Y A W F U T A H TUB . I Hill, 1’. II. J. Detroit. W. 'Fox., writes: te et ad ae oe h work the done have and best, the e h eat au o these treasures value exact of The , rr i " at a temperature a temperature a at " ,rr i s rse uuly within usually drissed is ROM A CE OF E C A E P E H T F O E IC T S U J A M O FR In th ) aio, t Fairfield. Ft.Paribou, i . qa Pan.via. Squa a Brn Wsbr, rsu Isle, Presque Washburn, Buren. Van ton. tield, h be s ed n cooler a in held is beef The ai ceue t lae Houlton leave to scheduled s in ra T uft leig a Bso t Houl­ to Boston Sleeping Buffet Par Boston. to Houlton *'aring smlr eprtr is temperature similar a and a Buren. Van ue. i Su Pn n Mapleton. and Pan Squa via Buren. l Tr ns Dal ecp Sunday except aily D s in ra T All et Wsbr, rsu Il, Van Isle, Presque Washburn, Kent, hours after purchase by by purchase after hours p. a. a. leaded into a refrigerator refrigerator a into leaded RIS C HOULTON DCF TRAINS N 0 1918 20, Y A M T C E F F E IN m.— Bangor.For . o F. Fairfield, Ft.m.— For Limestone, . rm t Facs F. Kent, Francis, Ft. St.m.— From . o Crbu Fr Fairfield. Caribou, Fortm.— For *1 . rm a Brn F. Fair- Ft. Buren, Van m.— From House the of Holy Synod, sit­ 8 *1 1 .liuoiHiu. Then silver, weighing no less than 1 Almighty *1 Kremlin, may be seen blazes 1 are no fewer e Te to- The se. 2 ) ) U , u o o , u n o

$T.* n dia-in

hmi 2



13b og Jms rhbl. Chas.Dunn, Archibald. Nathaniel James Tompkins. Fogg. Chas. Kidder, H. JamesLudwig, . . ai, s’ Treas. Ass’t Friedman, L. Cleveland,E. L. S. Treas. & Sec’y President Davis, E.S. President Vice O. Ludwig,L. Simon !• Hodman Cleveland. L. E. T AVI BANK N A B S G IN V SA N LTO U O H it f Officers ofList and Corporators tet L.Attest: Charles Barnes P. Nathaniel Tompkins Doherty V.T. G. Richards W. ae H KidderJames H. Leonard Pierce A. . E. AstleA. Beecher Putnam . . PlummerJ. K. . FriedmanS. . . Buzzell F. W. George S. Gentle . . Cleveland L.E. . . Ludwig O.L. James Archibald . . Smart B.A. ere Dunn B George . . Black S.L. B. Archibald PutnamFred McGary H.W. Warren Skillin Jaimes Madigan . . Putnam P. T. Gorham A.George . . Fierce H.C. Charles E. Dunn . . Heughes P.L. Peabody A.F. h re H FoggCharles H. G. \V. Wilkins . . Bowers S.E. . M. ClarkM. . . Grinnell W.H. Sidney Graves Saunders J.A. BrowneJ. A. George Q. Nickerson . 1*.A. Bennett Samuel Lam* . . HathewayH. J. Frederick Powers A. days. OLO, MAINE HOULTON, Annual Meeting Meeting Annual July 16th 1918 Corporators elected at T T rustees Officers . UWG Clerk LUDWIG, O. of

•Ifiq :|!• U ti i ti i Si i H. O. E. HOULTON TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1918

making it much larger than any pre­ siblo should be provided for. 150,(i(io orphans. LUDLOW vious volume. The big feature of this 1 Therefore ‘'The Fatherless Child­ This worthy necessary cause has Mrs. Alonzo Clark who is seriously year's book is the map section, con­ ren of Franct1" is asking for rip- not before been brought to the atten­ ill is no better at this writing. taining 82 pages of the finest detail tions ot $86.50 a year. tion ot the people of Houlton, hut we SURROUNDING TOWNS Farmers in this section are anxi­ maps of Maine and the White Moun­ S.le keeps a child day in it- hope for a cordial and generous re­ ously awaiting good weather for hay­ tains that have been issued. • These mother's home1. sponse to tin* call now made. Other ing maps are on a large scale and are erat i HI. But to be able to obtain Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Duff were the COM MERCIA I het ter than through such a superb perfume at day afternoon in the brook near Dan­ (’lark, returne 1 home last week. It was found that the stip. IK the any other Wet* \Iy papei , and that too guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Knowl- a low price is a delightful iel Stewart’s. Fren h Governilient could ill< W for at a very small cost, it you take ad- ton Sunday. surprise. This surprise Corey Bubar, Roy Bither, Del Bu- Mrs. William Crane of Ludlow was icach child was not enough to ensure vantage of this offer now. bar and Foy Logie autoed to Dyer MAINE ROAD BOOK nourishing food and needed clothing, aw aits you in the Talc the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Smith In ease you are already a subscriber perfumed with Jonteel— Brook, Monday. part of last week. The Maine Automobile Hoad Book so enabling the mother to keep her to the WEEKLY or DAILY COMMER­ for 1918 has been issued by the Tour­[little ones with her. and it was care­ the New Odor of Twenty- William Jordan of Golden Ridge Mrs. Weldon Gildard of Ludlow CIAL, send it to some friend in the six Flowers. spent last week with Mr. Willie spent last Thursday with her daugh­ ing Bureau of tin* Maim* Automobile fully computed that the additional ten country as a gift during the campaign. Adams and family. ter, Mrs. Dora Smith. Association, Portland, and will take cents a day for each child was re­ It will lx* a welcome visitor wher- HATHEWAY DRUG COMPANY quired to supplement this. This Mr. John Stewart and family of Mrs. Annie Lincoln has been visit­ rank with the best publications of its ■ver it g(HO kind in the country. amount was math* as small as pos- S. L. White, Mgr. Houlton spent last week with Mr. and ing her daughter, Mrs. Leland Adams J. P. Bass Pub. Co., This year's issue contains 512 pages, sible so that as many orphans as nos- “THE REXALL STORE” Mrs. James H. Ruth. in Smyrna recently. Bangor. Maine Mrs. Tweedell of Fredericton, N. The Campfire Girls met with Miss B., has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Pena McKeen last Wednesday after­ Elias Eagers the past week. noon. Refreshments were served. Mrs. Winfield Scott has been the Mr. and Mrs. Sid C. Shea and son guest of her sister, Lillian, and father. of Houlton were in town Sunday to Mr. Perry Brown the past week. attend meetings at Linneus Corner. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Brown and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hazeltine and and Mrs. Todd of Westfield were the Mr. and Mrs. Claude Ruth spent Sun­ guests of Mr. Perry Brown Sunday. day in Mars Hill with Mr and Mrs. Mr. and M rs. Perley Atchison and Wilson. Mr. Albert White of Mars Hill wore Mrs. Byron Weirs and baby boy of the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bar­ Haynesville are spending the week ton Sunday. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steph­ The friends of Mrs. Robert Hender­ en Buber. son who has been at the Aroostook Mr. and Mrs. Edd Bliss and Mr. and Hospital will he glad to know that Mrs. Harry Stimson of Houlton attend­ she is gaining. ed the M. E. Church services here The thunder storm did quite a lot Sunday. of damage in this place last Friday afternoon, the lightning struck the Mr. and Mrs. Day and Mr. and Mrs. Cook of Upper Brighton, N. B., spent houses of Mr. Guy Turney, Thomas Callnan, Maggie Finnegan, and Frank Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Steph­ McAtee. en Bubar and family. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lyons and Mr. What Will Be Your Answer? daughter, Dorothy, of Houlton, spent 0AKFIELD Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Guy Crosby who has been ill and Mrs. Garfield Burton. for some time is gaining. Mrs. Geo. Holyoke of Houlton and Mrs. Edith White is spending a few days in Hodgdon and Houlton. Mrs. Ada Lovett of Auburn are visit­ Thousands of our ]boys are going down into the trenches today— ing their mother, Mrs. Cornelius Ker- Mrs. Helen Smith of Houlton has been a recent guest of Mrs. Irvin vin and other relatives here. clean-faced, determ ined, splendid young men—going there to Allen. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Tuell and Misses Miss Bamford and friend of Houlton battle for you. Marloh French and Winnie Logie are visiting at the home of James were Sunday evening guests of Mr. Holden. and Mrs. Harry Stimson, Houlton. Mrs. Stanley Shields and Miss You can at least go down in your pockets for them. Mrs. Henry Quint of Hodgdon and Adams of Linneus were guests of Mrs. Jane Dickinson of McAdam, N. Mrs. N. C. Martin on Thursday. B., spent Sunday with Mrs. Drusilla Mr. Harry Adams and family have There’s an arm y. Yes, a dozen arm ies—of stalwart, wind-bron­ Outhouse at the home of James G. moved to Waterville where he has zed young men standing between you and the grizzly Hun. Bither. employment with the Maine Central Mrs. James H. Ruth, Miss Marion R. R. These young fellows are giving their ease, their comfort, their French, Mrs. Geo. W. Stewart, Mr. and It is one instance where you can friends and homes, their bodies, the hope of life—giving for you Mrs. H. Edw. Kimball spent last Fri­ look over new dress creations while day with Mr. and Mrs. Ira E. Ruth in your husband sits beside you and en­ — f o r y o u . Smyrna Mills. joys the play itself. ,Mrs. Melvin Adams and children, J^t Martin’s Theatre on Thursday Mrs. Stanley Shields, Miss Laura evening July 25th, William Fox, will You can at least lend yourjm oney for them? Prove your Adams and Mrs. Harold Brittain of [ present Virginia Pearson in “Stolen patriotism w ith dollars. New Limerick autoed to Oakfleld and Honor,” a society drama of love and Smyrna last Friday. intrigue. You will get some ideas for your Mr. and Mrs. Day of Hodgdon at-1 „ . . A TJ ^ .winter gowns from Miss Pearson, and tended the meetings at Linneus Cor-'.,.- ...... ^ ’ besides, see a stirring society drama ■ ner Church Sunday afternoon and i - . „ , . , . . . , A A .of love and intrigue among clever .m>lDg. and .ang a duet with auto-- the ufe o( Washington. t*n> accompaniment. j please remember that this is not National War Savings Committee • V f v i Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. McGinley and , a fashion play but some stunning gSf UKD BY THU daughter Miss Eva, of Houlton at-' gowns are shown. It is a play for UNITED STATES* tended services at the M. E. Church ' men as well as women. It Is stirring GOVERNMENT Sunday afternoon, Miss Eva helped with action and made beautiful in set-1 with the music by playing the violin, tings and scenes. 1 AROOSTOOK TIMES SHIRE TOWN OF April 13, 1860 AROOSTOOK COUNTY To December 27, 1916 HOULTONCsrjr Library TIMES HOULTON, MAINE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1918 No. 31 VOL. LVIll THIS MAN SETS FOR BENEFIT OF FOURTH LOAN DRIVE THE RED CROSS SPECIAL SERVICE PEOPLE TALKING BUSINESS MEN’S TO OPEN SEPT. 28 ROUSING SEND-OFF Parlette, who is to appear in Houl­ A number of Houlton people took The treasury virtually has derided advantage of “The Canteen” at Dav­ AT M. E. CHURCH ton Thursday evening at the Park in LUNCHEON HELD to hold the fourth Liberty loan cam­ TO W A F T MEN idson Sunday, where lunches were the Chautauqua course always sets paign in the three week' period be­ served from 12 to 4 P. M. under the tin1 people to talking about his lec­ tween Saturday, Sept. 2S, and Satur­ direction of Mrs. Ora Gilpatrick for Address By Member of Cana­ ture the next day. "How did you like In The Interests of Y. M. C. day, Oct. 9. Groat Demonstration as 125 the lecture?" "Best thing 1 ever the benefit of the Red Cross. An announcement is expected this A very attractive menu has been dian Ex. Forces heard." “I didn't know a lecture A. War Work week in order to permit Liberty loan Leave For Camp Devens ------.could be mad*1 so interesting!" prepared for Sunday afternoons dur­ On Wednesday noon a business- I workers and business interests to ar­ The pulpit of the M. E. Church was Many say, "1 have thought that way range for the campaign. A great demonstration was given ing the summer, consisting of Salads, men’s lunch was given at Watson i occupied on Sunday morning hy Maj- au niy life, but I couldn't say it so f he length of the drive will be re- the 125 boys from this district, as Sandwiches, Hot Biscuit, Tea. Coffee, Hall by tin1 ladies of tin1 Red Cross1 or C. E. Pineombe, C. E. F. who is in ! well." "You get that man back and dured from the usual four weeks, as they departed for Camp Devens last Cocoa, Ice Cream and Cake, the qual­ at which time I)r. (leu. (i. Wilson, j town working in the interests ot the , pn an(* buried beneath the accumu- ' roslim(. her nursing duti, although discussion of political issues regular, which together with the in a Mas- ration Army and other agencies of a that one is helping Red Cross work. la ted debris of the ages. Here and sachusetts Hospital. ' will not he tolerated. large contingent from the up-country there an excavated pillar or a wall, like nature. district made a train of 8 cars filled bear desolate witness to the glory of He spoke of the need at once from FOCH’S ACTION ELATES ALLIES CHAUTAUQUA WEEK with as fine a lot of men as Aroos­ by-gone days, but Corinth as a city New England of loon men for this SUGAR RATION IS CUT Nothing since the war has put the Tuesday of this week saw the open­ took can produce, who go to make up is sealed up as an unknown grave. work, and that whoever took up this j TO TWO POUNDS allied Europe in such fine spirits as ing of Chautauqua for the third sea­ a new division, taking the place of Behind the site of the city is an em­ work could be assured of hours Gen. Foch’s reappearance in his own son in Houlton. j The American public was asked by the 76th division that trained at inence 2,000 feet high and from this, work a day. in one of the most inter­ proper role. He has been "lying The program which has been laid the* Food Administration to go on a Camp Devens and have now gone one tries to realize the conditions un­ esting and necessary adjuncts of the doggo" all these mouths awaiting a out for this week each afternoon at sugar ration of two pounds per capita across to take up the work with the der which the little company of be­ war work. Speaking of this work he good opening and the arrival of Amer­ 2.20 and each evening at S, and which J monthly beginning August 1, to meet a other Yankee troops. lievers had to live the consecrated reported (Ion. Pershing as saying that The procession forming at the En­ ican reiniforcements, but he has nev­ has been published in the TIMES, is j world shortage and to care1 for the ini- life. one Y. M. C. A. hut equaled inn men. gine house was under the direction er drifted a minute. most attractive and if one wen1 to at­ 'mediate1 demands of the Allies and of They had to fight the Christian war­ and ilie Italian government claim that To Foch, the student, philosopher tend silt h entertainments in the large | American military forces. The Amer- Capt. O. M. Smith, and was made up fare amid the soft luxuriousness of men having a Y. M. C. A. hut to go to and master-strategist, the Kaiser’s bat­ cities tin1 price of admission for a : ican public at present is on a three of the Houlton and Hodgdon bands, Corinth, a luxi.riousness, which re­ save 2 weeks in returning to the front. tle has been a wonderful opportunity. single afternoon or evening would be | pound per capita ration monthly un- Fire company and G. A. R. veterans, laxed the moral fiber and made the There were SA men present practi­ In the darkest hours he has never been as much as a course ticket. jder a request issued by the Food Ad* followed by the newly made mem­ Corinthians conspicuous for their de­ cally all of whom were1 from ?.2 to iiO bers of the National Army— in charge depressed. There is never the slight­ Even if a season ticket is bought on : ministration a month ago. pravity, even amid the years of age1, the age that includes est hustle around his headquarters. dt pi ax id \\T(jues(j;iv for (h,, balance of tin* en­ j Household rationing will he1 volun­ of Joseph Deasy who had been ap­ cities of a dying heathenism. Corinth men who are eligible for this class of pointed acting Captain, Messrs. Win One of our American generals called tertainments quite a sum will be saved. work. tary as at present, hut the public eat- was a city of abysmal depravity and While these entertainments are a jing place's will be inquired to observe C. Donnell and C. F. Daggett of the there one day when the action was at, . J. Dal Luther who has been con­ ^ A ^ „ . , j profligacy the "Vanity Fair ot the distinct advantage to any community, j ne> w regulations elective August 1, local draft board, marching at their a critical stage. After offering salu- 1 • nected with the E. E. Wentworth , tations, he was about to leave, but the |^'°j'nian Empire " a. om-e th,- Paris an(| ^ hav„ ,)lU head. and London of the ancient world. It Corp.. volunteered to go across in the I * ^ e use of two pounds of All of the men were presented with generalissimo insisted on his staying,8" 1 'onl?!'. ° ' amUn ionized them quite generously, there was on this plane before us that V. II. A. work will .loubih-ss 1 ™Kar ,or " V,'1T “ ‘"'O' meals servedi comfort kits by the girls from the the whole afternoon, during which l ''as on . 18 h ane « ' ort‘ 8 is a question whether or not they will these untired recruits had to fight Ii*av<» about S.'pt 1. for this work, j Inslt'a{1 1)1 three pounds under existing Red Cross rooms. they discussed general matters. I,hese un" re,i re‘ r'ms ha<1 to " Kht he continued in the future. The or* .. , ., . | regulations. Lnless the consumption the good fight of faith. The late Lord Mr. Luther has a fine* baritone voice, | y . 1 1U“ Among the Houlton boys and those On Gen. Foch’s table the whole bat- | ganization that is behind the move­ n , • . , . (>f sugar is reduced both hy house- Roberts even strove to impress upon as well as being an entertainer, ai, ,, 3 B from this Immediate vicinity, were tie is laid out, and while his generals j ment this season has been rather de­ holders and the public generally, the all recruits the need of practising self- good business man, and he will make t tike following, Roland Hovey, Ellery are fighting one action he is preparing i moralized and the work has fallen nit­ Food Administration warns in an ap­ ,, „ .. . 'Control, and self-respect on all oc­ a valuable acquisition for the work, j H. Watson, Forest M. Royal, David A. another. He ean figure pretty close | ...... on those who did not wish to assume peal made, supplies for Belgium, the casions. “YOU MUST COME ACROSS" j Abernethy, Manford G. Betts, Maurice what Ludendorff will do in given cir- j it, but rather than see the course of Red Cross, Y. M. C. A., Knights of Now let us picture to ourselves the With this slang as a slogan tho Y. ! McGary, Joseph Deasy, Fred Deasy, sumstances. The matching up of J entertainments run at a loss, have Columbus, Salvation Army and other little church in which they found AI. (’. A. is seeking its three thousand i A. Ham Varney, Albert T. Slater, Geo. brains’ between these two opposing ! . been obliged to take hold and do tin1 organizations working for the welfare . . , .. | their fellowship:- j men in tin1 country at large and one B. Cordrey, J. Kearney Bates, Paul leaders has become a feature of the . work. of American military forces in Europe, It was continually besieged by Jew­ ! thousand in New York City. The Daigle, Grover Cleveland Wllliette, war, now that the forces are about Each year there has been a slight cannot he maintained. The sugar ish foes who strove hard to over­ drive is for middle-aged men to go to I W alter D. Cogan, Geo. Adrian Victory. equal and the Germans have ceased deficit, and this season the prospects situation confronting the United States throw the Christian religion at its in­ France and stand by their sons and] Benj. S. Barton, Walter S. Brown, to monopolize the offensive. for meeting the expense incurred tire | is described by the Food Administra­ ception. It was in consequence torn younger brothers. Any one who won- j Ronald Fitzpatrick, Richard Owens. Foch has one clear advantage over not very bright, and if there is a short­ tion as follows: by internal divisions, and a house ders about his own fitness should j his rival—he has no Kaiser nosing age it will have to lie met by the com­ "The sugar supplies throughout the divided against itself cannot long sus­ scan this table, issued by tilt1 Y. AI. about. Correspondents who were for­ mittee of guarantors. country. in homes, stores, factories and tain its being. C. A. News Service to see if he is UNIVERSAL MILEAGE BOOKS merly attached to the German head­ The holding of those entertainments bakeries are at low ebb; the produc­ It was honeycombed by deadly classified here: Gen’l Pass. Agent Houghton, in­ quarters tell me the Kaiser made him­ in many of tlm towns has of eourst tion from the American beet and forms the TIM ES that universal mile­ hearsays, and defiled by sensuality. ".About six hundred secretaries, self an awful nuisance, and Ludendorff drawn away from Houlton. which tin , Louisiana crops have been disappoint- age books will soon be issued and that Nearly all the members were of ob­ whose duties would lit* to take charge and Ilindenburg resorted to all sorts first t-ea son had a large attendants jing: Porro Rico's crop has likewise they will be received by the public scure origin and standing, and some of tlm lints or small hotels, stores, of subterfuges to mitigate the incon­ from tho other towns in the county. been smaller; and the inability of the with much pleasure goes without were slaves. It was to this little canteen .-crvicc, and to mingle with venience and injury of his constant | The result from this season's <■ t- | l nited States and tin1 Allies to secure saying. Not that they will appreci company of Christian recruits that the our American boys, tending to their interference with military matters, j tertainmonts from a financial stai d-j sugar ivom Java and other distant ably decrease the cost of travel, but apostle Paul sends the challenging wants and gmmrnlly helping to meet Foch had his difficulties at the outset, I point will determine to a greater or I sources on account of the imperative that they afford a traveler the oppor­ letter containing the bugle call of our their needs and keep up their spirits. but his grip has steadily tightened, I less degree wlndlnu' this will lie tilt1 j call for ships for the movement of tunity of boarding any train under text. The text rings in our oars now "About one hundred nnm to act as and after May 27 he perfected the or- j last season for Chautauqua in Houlton j troop* and their sujiplies has material­ Government control without buying a like a clarion call through the ages, athletic directors, play-leaders. gen-I ganization and assumed more control. 1 and those who wish to have the Chau­ ly reduced the supply from such quar­ ticket. The rata will be three cents for we. too, have to wage our warfare erally taking charge of entertain- ! Though he is a great disciplinarian, | tauqua in Houlton another year should ters. .Added to this already difficult, a mile. upon a most exacting field. We have meats. J Gen. Foch is an excellent diplomat and i do all in their power in boo-d on the situation the quantity needed by the The mileage books may also he used fallen on troublous times, we arc* now "About one hundred as clerks and I gets along with all his associates. Such j attendance this week. army and navy greatly exceeds earlier In payment of Pullman, excess bag­ j witnessing a resurgance of deviltry as Ltants in the routine work at thej a man could have ironed all the diffi­ estimates. We must send a large gage and other traveling charges and j which is appalling, where tin1 baser various headquarters, warehouses,} culties inevitably attendant upon put­ CHILD WELFARE WEEK amount to France and Italy to take the will thereby save much trouble. Once j passions have become aggressive and j and supply-depot >. ting a generalissimo in charge. Aug. 4—10 High School Building > place of the great volume lost thr "gh In possession of the book, the travel I amid it all we have to live the i "About one hundred men who are tin1 German and Austrian invasions From now on our unity should work Sunday, 7. D> P. M. Mass meeting in aide to act as chauffeurs in trans­ er will have In that simple form a ! Christian life. I during which beet land was overrun more smoothlv than Ludendorff’s. Monument Park, addressed by Cov­ portation of supplies.” legal tender for all charges on the But it is not. only the fightings witli- and many factories destroyed; we have Foch has gained the full confidence of |ont that trouble1 us, hut also the1 fears entor Carl E. Milliken, music by Houl­ To those who are willing to volun- journey. to supply certain quantities to neutral America, and all the allied govern­ ton Band and rhoriis Silver collec­ teor for service overseas in any of the within. nations under agreements; and finally ments will back him up to the limit. tion to defray expense ot ( liild \\ el- above capacities tin following facts Many of our old assumptions We1 over fifty million pounds were lost MAJOR PINCOMBE LOSES A Fortunately he is not a man to abuse ; hel(1 d'ear ary n() longer te„al,le. fare Week. -will be of interest : Our recently through submarine sinkings his power. He has as much tact as spiiritual world has suffered an Monday 9 A. M. Ringing of bells "1. No one should volunteer who i BROTHER IN THE WAR up- off our Atlantic coast." firmness. With all his lemaikable heaval as jf j)y an earthquake so that and blowing of whistles. Boy Scouts wit bin tl draft age. whether or not I Major C. G. Pineombe, C. E. F. re­ ! 1 In asking the public voluntarily to ceived the sad news on Thursday last, vision his feet are always on the | Inaily art. confused in thought and deliver window cards and programs rejected liy the military authorities. to homes where there are children nn reduce their consumption, to a level that his youngest brother, surgeon ground. He is as plain as an old shoe ; tI7>llbl(,d in (.ons(.quen<’<>. j "2. The only necessary qualhation (bn- six years of age. more nearly equal to the compulsory Frank Pineombe, R. A. M. O. had been entirely without military airs, and de-1 What (hen sha], W(1 d() in (hjs (rv. ■ is that men should bo honest, cleat], restrictions in effect in France-Eng killed by a shell splinter while at­ lightfully free from egotism. Thor- -nf< what ,)ath can we safelv 2 P. M. Big "Children's Parade" land wholesome in thought and habit. forming at High School grounds land and Italy, it has become an essen­ tending a wounded man under fire in ough preparedness and quick action ' tak(,? What pl.m of offort wiil b(> "2. Tho poriod for which volunteers J tial element for the success of the war Italy, on June 15. He leaves a young are the combination he believes. To ' slu.(,,ssfll]? H(nv (.an ,,ull nur.. s P. AI. .Address in High School ar«' sought is preferably one year, hut among the nations of Europe, that the widow, and large circle of friends to quote one of his expressions, The seivc;s together, and brace up for the Auditorium by Dr. Levrett (’. Bristol, I six months' service will he aerepted. people of America do their share victory always goes to those who liter- 1 (-0riflict ‘> head of State Department of Public mourn their loss. "4. After volunteers tire accepted volunta rilv. By the same mail he also received it by superior force of intelligence! Tho answer is out text: Health at Augusta. j tt short period of training is given in the news that his second brother, and will." Such are the comments b Watch ye.-- Keep wide awake, Beginning Tuesday at 9 A. AI and ‘ this country to equip them for their Howard, had also been seriously one hears everywhere in London. think calmly, and act discreetly- continuing morning's throughout the , work. HE WHO LAUGHS LAST ' w eek, weighing ami measuring of wounded in action at the same place, Not even Paris rejoices more | some may consider such counsel mi- I An allowance is made to each chldren hy doctors and nurses, free of LAUGHS BEST and on the same day. Major Pin- heartily in the success of this realjnecessary, as the great difficulty is to | volunteer sufficient to cover till gen­ j charge tit High School building. Any A rather amusing incident occurred combe’s eldest son was seriously soldier, whose motto might be the go to sleep securely, eral living expenses while abroad, to­ mother who wishes to have her baby last week ar the Red Cross rooms wounded, and invalided to Canada words graven on the gate of an an- \ But it is not only wakefulness, but gether with transportation over and j measured tit home may leave a re­ which resulted in a tangle that re­ some time ago, and two sons are still cient city: j watchfulness which is here enjoined. hack. quired some fine diplomacy to straight­ in the artillery at the front. cord blank hy application to Airs. Be bold. Ever be more bold. Be j The soldier of Christ is to be both U’harles B Barnes I 'Where volunteers are now sup- en things out. not too bold." ; wakeful and watchful in his keen- I Each afternoon then* will he health . 'n^ ibeir families at home a rea- During an afternoon meeting, when ______J ness of perception at all times. He IMPORTANT NOTICE FROM ’ talks hy the physicians and demons- sona,,1,‘ hut limited allowance will be both tin1 down stairs and up stairs (rations bv nurses on food, hygiene, made for the support of such a fam­ workers were busily engaged one of U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE LIMITED SERVICE MEN OFF i"'"8*ligeritly, 1'll,clf" watching ;ek.hta" evervy el' amlart suspicious first aid. etc. ily, if necessary. the ladies down stairs conceived the The U. S. Employment Service FOR SYRACUSE, N. Y. CAMP j movement, and amid the horrors of Tuesday evening. Father Silke will "7. Volunteers will be furnished idea of buying a treat of ice cream, want at once every carpenter, brick Eight limited service men from Dis- j his surroundings keep his eye upon lecture on "Teaching Obedience to with regular uniforms, similar to that and carrying the idea into effect she layer and plasterer they can possibly trict No. 1, left here Monday for the | the enemy of the Kingdom of Christ. Lawful Authority" On Wednesday worn bv the Army, and a cup desig­ ordered enough by telephone to sup­ get for work on Government housing Syracuse Recruiting Camp, Syracuse, Not only is his vigilance to he nating Y. AT. C. A. service. ply all of those who were in the big at Bath, Me., at the following wages: N. Y. keenly exercised upon the lurking <'v,'n,nK- Xlrs' Broderick Abbott of room down stairs. "S. The War Department regula­ Carpenter, 8 hours, 70c per hour. None were from this town but sev­ enemy, but also see the happenings L 8™ ’ 11 nl ***« an a'W «‘ss Thursday In the course of time a man ap­ tions now permit the wearing of the Brick layers, 8 hours, 75c per hour. eral are well known here, the list is favorable to the Kingdom of Christ,1" 111 ll‘‘ "Have Education Day," and peared with the order and noticing an Miss Theresa Stuart of Augusta will same service stripes to show the Plasterers, 8 hours, 80c per hour. as follows: and distinguish between friend, and open door leading up stairs he pro­ lecture on “Chidren’s Reading," and length of foreign service in the Y. M. Laborers, 8 hours, 40c per hour. Waldo W. Brown, Bridgewater foe. ceeded to deliver the goods, and soon Mrs. Seth Thornton of Houlton will C. A. and Red Cross as in the regular Those wishing for further informa John Webber, Harvey Look at the- thousands of discip­ all of the up stairs ladies were en­ talk on the "Value of Play as an Armv. tlon, may apply to Jason Hassell at Hugh J. Powers, Sherman Station lined disciples of our Lord and Mas­ gaged in a pleasant “indoor sport,” Educator.” Friday, Miss Edith Knight, John Watson ft Co., where applies Win. M. Astle, New Limerick ter realizing as never before that the wondering who was so good and lib­ County nurse, will talk to the child­ tlon should be made. Advtg Ransford B. Morehouse, Island Falls world needs the vital redeeming LIGHTNING KILLS RACE HORSE eral on a hot day. ren, and the play. “The Theft of Burnham H. Orcutt, Ashland grace of the Lord Jesus without which During the heavy electrical storm In the mean time the down stairs Thistledown" will be given by the Justin Asher Rowe, Island Falls human brotherhood Is a phantom and which hit Aroostook so hard last workers were patiently waiting and, BIG CROWD ENJOYS children. Everett D. Junkins, Ashland a dream. The wakeful watchman be­ week, lightning struck a stable at the patience no longer being a virtue, an Music will be furnished at every BAND CONCERT holds the nightmares of the night— race track at Presque Isle, killing the investigation was started and it was program by local talent including the The weekly open air concert Thurs­ Miss Jean Murray has returned to yes, but he also watches for the brown gelding Morion Todd, owned hy found that the goods had been deliv­ school children. day evening by Houlton’s crack band her nursing duties in Massachusetts norning sunrise. The moslein Priest Fred Sylvester of Ashland. ered and devoured. A hurried con­ Let every one help to make Baby drew one of the largest crowds of the where she Is training, after a two from the mosque tower calls the peo Harry Nevers driver and trainer ference was held and rather than put Week a grand success. season and the traffic cops were kept weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and pie to prayers half an hour before was knocked down and stunned. the man "in bad." who had mixed Watch the store windows for post­ busy keeping teams and autos lined Mrs. J. S. Murray. sunrise, and sunset. Let us look for things up, the up stairs ladies gra­ ers and exhibits. See the exhibits in up so that moving cars could get the jewels of hope on the dark robe Aliss Geneva Astle returned Sun­ ciously "dug down" and a new supply Miss Addle McBride of Richmond, High School building. through. N. B. who recently returned from of night. day from a two weeks visit with rela­ xvas ordered. More than 200 cars were counted 2. Stand fast In the faith! Try to tives and friends in South Bancroft, The error caused quite a lot of mer­ France where she was a member of a B. B. McIntyre of Houlton, super­ all loaded down with passengers be­ realize this bracing counsel coming Me. riment for a time, but "all’s well that nursing unit during the past 3 years, intendent of the Houlton Water Co., sides the large crowd In the park who to these recruits In the city of Cor­ ends well" and the old adage "he who is in town the guest of her sister, and Leonard A. Pierce were in Fort Clayton Bamford who has been em­ thoroughly enjoyed one of the best Mrs, Alva Atherton. inth. When the soft enervating air ployed with (). F. French & Son. left laughs last laughs best" had been programs yet given. of Corinthian luxuriousness steals Fairfield Friday to look over the Miss Effle Coffey, who has been in Monday for Portsmouth, N. IL where vindicated. over you like the mild air of lotus work of the Aroostook Falls Company, the employ of the Aroostook Tel. and he has employment. land—Stand fast In the faith. and to try to find out why rather Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Ross and family Tel. Co., in this town for a number of Mrs. H. F. Mansfield and daughter, The musicale at the home of Miss When the cold wind of persecution more satisfactory electric service is o f Needham, Mass., were the week years, has been transferred to the Frances, returned home last week Mary Burpee, last week, was a great assails you like a blast from the not given to Houlton patrons than end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Presque Isle office where she has ac­ they have received the past year or from a visit with Rev. C. T. Clark and success, and $21.d() was realized for WHm at their camp at B Lake. cepted the position of Supervisor. Continued on page four two. wife at Hawkshaw, N. B. the benefit of the local Red Cross. HOULTON TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1918

wheat flour, and yet becoming dearer great German offensive in Flanders, Established April 13, I860 taken, even though it proved to he on her previous trip, and her captain ho told in th** glow of splendors yet* in the Amiens, sector, must be only temporarily, from the G erm ans than the flour, by leaping up 142 per o; i had vivid memories of having gone B) he thrown upon it by victories :cent. from about 2 cents a pound to modified. Every mile' of allied ad- HOULTON TIMES into our hands. down himself with her sister ship, sure to come rite tab* of how Amer­ But the American people arc apt over 7. Lard is not far behind, jump- van**' between Soissons and Chateau Hu* Arabic. Besides all this. the ica’s men came from their war-hating ALL THE HOME NEWS Thierry adds to the peril of the Ger­ to jump at the conclusion that the ing U)9 per cent, from nearly 16 cents langours of inoculations and seasick­ homeland, across an ocean shot to more than 22. Sugar follows close­ man armies in the Manic salient. Published every Wednesday Morning beginning of the1 end is at -*:u:.i ness made "th** irregular verbs of the through with fiendish desperation, ly. rising from 5 cents to between 9 Every mil** of allied gain there means by the Tines Publishing Co. There would be no harm in that con­ Cren* h language seem peculiarly that they might take their stand and In. Milk goes from less than 9 the cutting of additional lines of com clusion. if it were not for the* prob­ elusive and unimportant." Yet boat with treedom s friends and so save CHAS. H. FOGG, Pres. & Mgr. ability that having arrived at it our c('nts a quart to more than Id. Bacon munieation and retreat. Euless the drills and French lessons were dili­ mankind. efforts to win the war may be slack­ at an cents a pound seems dear after rush can be stayed the Crown gently maintained. Ot; June 7. three Subscription in U. S. $1.50 per year ened. That is where the danger lies. the 1914 price of 27 cents, and ham Prince's forces thrust across the l . S destroyers had come out from in advance, $2 00 in arrears; in Cana­ HOULTON EVIDENCE And that is what tin.1 Kaiser hope's may blush at being pushed from this Mann- will have to fall hael< in haste th*' other side to meet th** expected da $2.00 in advance, $2.50 in arrears. for. If lie could get it into the minds latter price up to 47. Butter docs if they would not he cut off and * I * ■ - ship a mej-c passenger liner so fair FOR HOULTON PEOPLE Single copies five cents. of the American people that sacrifice' not melt more sweetly in the mouth .gloved or captured. a- th*- world km-w. he it remembered No Subscription cancelled until all The Statements of Houlton Residents was no longer necessary, that the* at 51 cents than it did at dd, nor arc Whatever happens now, we ha\e and at sight thereof tin* Baltic's arrearages are paid Are Surely More Reliable Than German people are starving, ragged, pork chops more invitingat d6 than won a striking and brilliant success. decks blossomed suddenly with they were only four years ago at 22. We need not dwell on tlm work ( f Those of Utter Strangers Advertising rates based upon circula- and on the verge of revolution, that American army uniforms: Tin* whole run of prices tells the our own troops. The dispatch0-' r tion and very reasonable. the morale of the German army is As the Baltic sailed in through th** Home testimony js real proof, same story, and wehave to make tin' speak for themselves. Let us eon low, and that it is almost all over zone of greatest danger. He- wireless Public statements of Houlton peo­ best of it sider the feat of Hie master strategist. Entered at the post office at Houlton except the shouting, it would he* a (lashed her word that 1 u ,imn .iiun ple carry real weight. The professor has once more applied for circulation at second-class greater victory than any lie* lias ye; young Americans had quietly en­ What a friend or neighbor says com­ the theory which has upheld so postal rates. accomplished. W H A T FRANCE DID rolled under the selective draft bade pels respect. long in lectures and in writings. The We do not know what is the con- The phrase "our debt to Franc*' horn**. On June x America ami the The weed o fun** whose home is far * |_tgal Newspaper Decisions defensive is till very well, hut every dition in Germany and Austria, Hut moans far more than most ot us world learned with a thrill that away invites your doubts. _Any person who takes a paper re­ commander must lx* on the alert for 1 we do know that the German high think whs*n we use it. Our histories Pershing and his small vanguard Here's a Houlton man's statement. gularly from the Post Office whether a chance to "pass to tlm offensive." another, or command is staking its very life upon have touched on the matter in such were in Liverpool! Then rami' ac­ And it s tor Houlton people's bene­ directed to his address or The defensive never won anything. or not, Is the result of this war, that it com- general terms, or so inadequately it counts of their jubilant welcome in fit. whether he has subscribed The present exhibit of Gen. Corh responsible for the pay. mauds some1 of the* very best military they mentioned details, that few England, soon in Franc*'. When Such evidence is convincing. will rank with his greatest, which is 2.__If any person orders his paper dis­ talent in tin1 world, and that its sol­ Americans realize the nature or the Baris had poured forth her joy at That's th** kin*] of proof that hacks continued. he must pay all arrearges or saying much. lit one way it marks diers are fighting as eagerly and as extent of the help that France ex­ the grave of America's great French Doan's Kidney Pills. the publisher may continue to send it 'an epoch in the war. He has taken efficiently as they have' fought since' tended in our struggle for independ­ friend of long ago Pershing uttered until payment Is made and collect the th*‘ Germans as completely by sun Geo. L. Hammond, fanner, says: whole amount, whether it is taken from the war began. It is splendid that ence. Now that we an* finally squar­ the nobly simple words: "Lafayette. prise as th*' Germans took the Rus­ "1 blame hard work on the farm in my the office or not. tin* tide has turned. Koch's offensive ing that account in such splendid Imre we are'" And the next morn- —The Courts have decided that re­ sians on the line of tin* Dunajee in younger days for my kidney trouble. 3 is a great thing. But if is a very fashion it is desirable to know more inc. that is to say. on June 14, a line fusing to take newspapers and periodi­ the spring of 1915. This alone is a Whenever I caught cold my hack long, hard road from tin' Mann1 to of tin* early items. ,Ju-» what did ot transports weighed anchor in the cals from the post office, or removing and great feat. We have never doubted bothered me considerably. I had a leaving them uncalled for, is prlma facia Berlin, and the' last vestige of the Franc** do? North river. N**w York. hearing tile superiority of tin* human ma­ dull, nagging pain just over my kid­ evidence of fraud. power of the* military party in Ger­ To begin at the end. rather than la.nun soldiers, the first contingent If you want to stop your paper, write terial at the disposal of til*' entente. neys and they acted irregularly. I many must l)e destroyed, in order to at the beginning, the fore*' that com­ of Americans bound for France to To the publisher yourself, and don t leave Now that our men are in tin* field saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised safeguard the1 world in the future. pelled the surrender of Cornwallis at make good that avowal. it to the post-master. , w** doubt it less than ever. Similar­ and got a supply at O. F. French & That means long continued hostilities, Yorkfown consisted ot 7cmi Ameri­ A year has gone by since then a ly of tin1 individual entente com­ Son s Drug Store. After using three For Advertising Rates apply to the Pres­ even though victory was piled upon cans, (jniM) French soldiers under year of many difficulties, much blun- ident and Manager manders. But we did credit our Ger­ boxes, I was rid of the trouble.” victory on the soil of France, or even Rochambeau and Count sailors landed dering on thi> side till* sea, distress- man adversaries with something like in the German territory itself. That from tin* French fleet. tin* whole ing fail tin s and delays. But through Price (hie, at all dealers, Don’t perfection in til** mechaneial part of FAIR SAILING means absolutely no let up in our 16,non men being under command of all, hosts of Americans have fol­ simply ask tor a kidney remedy—get tin* business of war. They would is easy to get a wrong impres­ efforts at home. Our soldiers must Washington. In manpower those lowed Pershing across 2iino miles of Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that It 'make no mistake that painstaking sion of business in the United States continue to go to Europe in ever in­ figures represent virtually all that demon-haunted seas, and stupendous Mr. Hammond had. Foster-Milburn attention to detail could enable them Co.. Mfgrs.. Buffalo, N\ Y. Almost every business cocern, from creasing numbers. Those* of us who Franc** contributed and if tin* fore*' preparations have been achieved in to avoid. With ample man power railroad and steel corporation to the cannot go into the thick of the fray looks small in eomparision to tin* France to* their welfare and effec­ they would leave no positions in­ HOULTON PEOPLE SHOULD village grocery, feels wars restric­ must stay at home* and pay the more than a hundred times as many tiveness. Hie very day that market adequately held. An iron discipline tions. Some supplies are cut off. tremendous costs involved in the war. that this country lias sent to France the first anniversary of Pershing's EAT PIE DAILY 'would insure precautions against stir- others are under government regula­ There positively must he no slacking in the past year, let tin* relative tugboat departure was celebrated by Pie is wholesome, combining both ■prise. Nevertheless, our American tion, employees are concripted. of American effort. The day will forces engaged and tin* other circum­ Hie battle of fantigny. the small but fruit and grain. Those who have j troops caught German officers asleep Scarcely any business concern es­ come when we may return again to stances be sonsidered. ever memorable beginning of Amer­ trouble digesting pie should take ONE jand German sodiers at work in the capes; and there is much uncertain­ the normal ways of living in the If the 90u0 French soldiers and ica's victorious warfare overseas. SPOONFUL simple buckthorn bark, fields. It is significant. ty as to where and how war's restric­ pleasant paths of peace. But it is a sailors were on hand in 17x2 to help Now more than a million Americans glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka. Gen. Fecit allowed his clumsy tions will fall next. mistake to suppose that that day is in giving the knock-out blow, only are in France with Pershing, and This flushes the ENTIRE bowel tract, ; young adversary to push blindly for But in spite of all that it is prob­ near, or that we may yet begin in French money and munitions had en­ myriads more are thronging the sea removes foul matter which poisoned : ward over the Marne much as tin ably easier on the whole to do busi­ any degree to lessen the sacrifices abled fin* Americans to keep the or ready to sail. To crown all our your stomach for months and relieves : German higher command lured th*-. ness in the United States than it ever we are called upon to make*. struggle going from 1776 to that vast hi nndand is filled with workers ANY CASE sour stomach, gas or con­ Grand Duke lieholas into rite Car­ was before. In the five months end­ time. After the war our government for the welfare of these hosts. re­ stipation and prevents appendicitis. pathians in 1915. Then th** French Leaves stomach in condition to digest ing with May the number of business TWO SETS OF WAR PRICES officially stated that tin* loans and ports abound of tin* staunch manli­ commander massed his French and failures In the country was only half supplies received from France dur- ness maintained "over there." and at ANYTHING. O. F. French & Son. In July of 1S64 paper money reached America troops with absolute se­ that for the corresponding period in the revolution amounted to 52.- word ha- coni" that cur men such a depreciation that it took $2,9o in^ crecy a much more difficult 1915, and the liabilities of failed con in legal tender greenbacks to buy on** non.ouu francs. That was a far larger achievement than that of Von Mack- cerns were much less than half. Few­ dollar in gold. Today we are oper­ sum than tin* figures indicat*' today, est failures in proportion to the num­ ating on the gold basis, although with hut it does not include the many ber of concerns and the volume of some inflation creeping in. This dis­ millions of francs that the French business must mean, on the whole, tinction between civil war conditions King gave from his private purse fair sailing—brisk trade, good collec­ and those of the present is funda­ outright gifts through the appeals tions, easy credit. mental to any discussion of prices of Franklin, or the precious supjdi Nobody knows what is ahead. then and now. and munitions that Beaumarehai Everybody hut an idiot knows it will Bearing it in mind, we get a new contributed. not always he fair sailing. At least, glimpse of the seriousness of tin' How little most of us know restrictions will increase, taxes will struggle in which we an* now en­ Beaumarchais! Tin* glamor of mutiply. Always it is only a ques­ gaged. Prices tell the story, by and j chivalrous Lafayette has perhap tion of time when the barometer falls. large, of commodity shortages, meas- secured S(‘('ur*‘d tin1the lame faint' otof thetin nth Merely as a matter of the most sel­ ured in the world’s demand. Beef the colonies would have nun fish prudence the greatest possible cattle, for example, rose from $2.28 pitiful showing indeed hat amount of present profits should go per hundredweight in 1861 to $6.07 been for the dozen shipload into reserve, and the reserve should in 1S62- not more than tin* difference supplies that he sent curly go into government securities. All in the monetary standard. In our st niggle, muskets and ammunition past expericene proves that there is present war the same article, selling for 25,i m n men, 2uu brass cannon, surely coming a time when every at $9.22 in July, 1914, became $14.6S clothing, hoots, etc. All that was at present subsription to a Liberty Bond in October of 1917. And we should his own expense, and lie even fitted or a War Savings Certificate will look remember that tin* 1914 figure was out a f hip of war to ad a- convoy like a life preserver to the* man who high by comparison with a decade for his supply shins. lie did it all has fallen overhead. earlier. The war abroad had lifted because the new world struggle for prices here. They had. besides, been freedom appealed to the romantic THE SHOE PINCHES going up for twenty years, making nature of the man who rose from a The United States has not yet been the “high cost of living” a burning humble watchmaker to great wealth tried. All that it has so far done to issue in our politics. and power. His only reward was a meet the war has been easily within In the main, prices in 1864 were letter of thanks from our Congress, Its powers. Considering our resources about half those of 1918, and when hut after his death, when his family and our achievements in fifteen to that we appraise the currency of was in poverty. Congress sent it months we have much tb brag about. the earlier period, we can see how $16 11.0 0 0 a sum, in the estimation of The test is coming. In various re­ greatly our momentary standards have Hamilton, less than one seventh of spects we can look forward to it with changed. Cotton was. of course, an what wtis due. confidence. Our sodiers will not fail. exception, because the great produc­ Tile country lias put so much In spite of submarines and scant ship­ ing areas of the world were shut off. stress on tin* help of Lafayette. a ping we shall get them across in That commodity sold in 1SG4 at $1.08 major-general in our army before he steadily Increasing numbers, and a pound, whereas it readied only was twenty, and who gave his wealth they will give a good account of 40 cents last spring. But commodi­ as freely as lie did himself, that the themselves. The Government’s war ties out in tin* open, so to speak, ex­ other items have had too little prom-1 program is well under way and will hibited no such experience. Hog inence. Nor is it to he forgotten that , show increasing efficiency. prices, for example, stood at $8.44 in Holland's loan of 10,mid,nun francs at But there is a coming test for the 1864 and $16.84 in 1918. Salt m e s s jo particularly critical time was on whole civilian population. In this fis­ pork reached $22.75 in 1864 in |)ar- j the personal endorsement of cal year the Government proposes to rel lots. It is now quoted tit $52.86 King of France. And if it is to he spend about as much as the richest In 1914 our wheat price of 9n considered that what th** French nation at war spent in three years. cents was almost identical with that government did officially was largely Roughly, for every dollar that tin* of 1861, when the civil war began. inspired by jealousy of England, it NEW DENTAL PARLORS Corner Pleasant Street and people of the United States contribu­ That struggle lifted the price to 81.1s was nevertheless [Hire friendship for Highland Ave. ted to war purposes in the old year in 1864, while we have gone to $2.17, America and its cause that 'ml they will he called upon for two dol­ Corn was $1.07 per bushel in lxtiP A Lafayette and Beaumarchais end G ood stom ach DR. L. P. HUGHES lars In the new year. That means, year ago it touched $2.05. their associates to contribute the Hansford \V. Shaw Seth S. Thornton for all and sundry, producing and sav­ Turning to retail prices of the prin­ help that counted most. Did you know th; person with a C< >1 >D stomach rarCy tak* ■old or gets & ing on a new scale or failure to meet cipal articles of food, it may be of sick! It is true, and al'ii it's a fact that by oarefai eat eg a; keeping the SHAW THORNTON j FOCH’S MASTER STROKE the situation adequately. interest to not.** a number of the bowels naturally artiv* ■ every day, a badly disordered stomad. ATTORNEYS The Individual everywhere, in ('ve­ Prompt attention to all business changes that have taken place during J How far the .American and Fr may be gotten. into jim ■ condition. Tim old, original, “ L.F." At- ry station, must take that home with the present war. say, from April 15, | counter attack is de.-igam! to Houlton, Main* g<> wood Medicine IS a >’ una< ll a ml 1 1OV1 •tin oil him and chew on jt. Aggregate in­ 1914. to April 15, 1918. The figures j have no means of know inn. It •1 sp Prohat** matters have Special it at; on*'*', i’eilowing a ! di­ 'etui Handing 1: come of all the people of the country we give represent the average prices : hardly to he hoped that Gen Attention digest mu we n la-art pro acn l; t ■ had ■ath, in 1912 was estimated round thirty in the United States, as ascertained h:t; yet at his dispo a! th billion dollars—out of which came by the bureau of labor statistics. New necessary tor oomph and decisive stupor, lieadacli ■om C. E. WILLIAMS, M. D. the whole subsistence of the popula­ England purchasers will find that \ ietory. Fhe (lertnan 1 ommanders Appel it energy am : m OFFICE AT RESIDENCE tion and whatever might have been they have paid higher or lower prices will hurry their reserves; ft om ( t her IIIe T11. 11 v. Ask v a 1 ci' lor t in t la 129 Main St. Houlton, Me. saved. The Government is asking for some of the articles in local mar­ parts of the line. The\ have an L. F. M Heine < '*>., I’ort land, Me four-fifths of that this year for war. kets, hut it is desirable that th** aver-' abundance of these, and as si h >n Tel. 239-3 It is a staggering demand. ages for file whole country should he they have brought them up in si TEETH FILLED WITHOUT PAIN It can be met—not easily, not by quoted, as in the cast* of the win le- eient strength tiny may able BYTHE NEW ANALGESIC a mere one less cigar a day, not on sale prices. Cornmeal is the cham­ stem the rush. METHOD, ABSOLUTELY SAFE. any business about as usual and pion jumper, named a substitute for In the meanwhile, the plans for a j DR. F. 0 . 0RCUTT spending about as usual plan. It DENTIST means the kind of effort you make when you want to catch the two- fifteen Saturday afternoon train or DR. J. F. PALMER when the hay is out and it looks like DENTIST rain. That kind of effort will do it. Office over French’s Drug Store Go at your budget now! Office Hours: S A. M. to 5 P. M. Ot iters by appointment BEWARE OF OPTIMISM How often has an attack of indigestion interfered Telephone 164-2 There Is danger that too much op­ with your work or spoiled your pleasure? Good health timism will be indulged by the Amer­ r s H O i VIOLET RAY INSTITUTE is mostly a matter of sound digestion. Whenever you ican people on account of the recent I Specialists in the use of High marked successes of the Allied troops are troubled by dyspepsia, flatulence, sour eructations, Frequency Flee tricity Paralysis, Goitre, Neurasthenia, Wo­ in France. Far be it from us to at sick headache, biliousness or constipation, take Beech- POLISHES manly Troubles, Sciatica, Rheuma­ tempt to minimize the importance of am*s Pills. T hey quickly and effectively correct digestive KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT tism. Eczema, Diseases of the stom* General Foch’s offensive, or to cast LIQUIDS AND PASTES. ach. Kidi eys and Bowels. any unneccessary gloom over the sit disturbances, stimulate the supply of gastric juice and FOR BLACK, WHITE, A special department where Massage, TAN, DARK BROWN hand, vibratory and electrical uatlon. Our men, as well as th** OR OX-BLOOD SHOES. la PRESERVE THE given under the direction of a train­ French soldiers, have been fighting LEATHER. ed expert. Women attendants. splendidly, have been giving a good Tone the Stomach Consultation free. Office hourrs: 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. account of themselves, as we all Direction* of Special Value to Women are with Every Box. [ TL.P P nAl l ET CORPORATIONS. LIMITED, BUFFALO. N T. j knew that they would. And it is im­ Sold by druggist* throughout the world. In boxes, 10c., 25c. Sunday 2 to 4 p. m. Office in Dunn Furniture Block portant that the Initiative should be Telephone 80 J HOULTON TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1918

‘In truth, our boys looked a 'of the American army—and, beyond If it is, then food conservation is ANCIENTS USED METAL By the use of these methods it has CHURCH SERVICES little tired, but they all looked it, the great people from whom it was worth while; for the program of the very proud that such an effort recruited. In other words, when yon been estimated that serviceable films FOR MIRRORS can be made at a cost for material not Congregational United States Food Administration had been asked of them and salute officer and what he stands for saving scud in American kitchens - - *---*U- • ma:; a ..] ...e qui ! poo) exceeding a few cents per square foot Rev. T. P- Williams, Pastor. all were bearing it cheerfully.” for, you do it on behalf of the people for his mirror, and highly polished met­ of surface. Preaching service 10.30 A. M. is the only way to save the lives of The cavalry corps stood in support of the United States toward the rep- al mirrors have been found in most of Sunday School following A. M. ser­ millions of people in Europe who of the British for 10 days in April, resentative of their President. When the ancient ruins. For many genera­ might otherwise die of starvation. after the enemy had forced the line the officer returns it he does it on be­ vice. tions mirrors have been made of glass, Evening Song Service 7.30 P. M. Isn’t this reason enough to put held by the Portugese division. It half of the President of the United Weekly Prayer Meeting Tuesday | aside everything else we are doing^ at maintained communications between States, from whom he derives his au- mercury or quicksilver films being the favored substances for the reflecting evening at 7.30. (present, if it is necessary, rather two British armies and organized the thoritv, toward a representative of the ...... _ follow the medium. ws.s. SAYINGS SUMPS ______I than to say, “No, ! can t ground from Mont Cassel to Mont people of the United States—which ! MSVED me TKS First Baptist !1 program of the Food Administration The oulder process is fully deserih- j UNITED STATES Kemmel, while the French moved up you most assuredly are." GOVERNMENT for the conservation of food 1 m too ed in many places. It was attended Court St. behind it. As the French infantry That, for me*, remutved all of the by uncertainty and was objectionable ( Rev. Henry C. Speed, pastor- busy." took over, the calvary was drawn off “master-and-man" impression from Just half million more people have 10.30 morning worship with sermon to the left in the Mont Kemmel reg­ the* saluting process. It put it etn a for several reasons. J died in the European countries from 12.00 Bible School with classes for ion, and for five days the horsemen, basis of democracy which I could The more modern method is that of, starvation and famine in this war men and women. fighting afoot within two infantry div­ "get." and with which 1 was pretud depositing metalie silver itself upon : Throw Away Your Trumpet. 7.00 gospel song service and sermon. than have been killed on the field ot isions. withstood the terrific assaults and glad te> cennply. M> vote* is its tin* glass, which must he clean if an 8.00 Aftermeeting. battle. Is food saving worth while? of tin1 Germans, who sought to ham­ good as the next man's in helping 1(),even. homogeneous film is to he the’ Have you, Mrs. Housewife, time to Tuesday evening at 7.30 mid-week mer a way through behind Yyres at elect a President of the United States.,s result. Silver in certain solutions is prayer service. help win the war?" ' V< *i onti ctirA denfnr-M ard head n«um*§ at any cost. The* United State's is ruled by the will easily displaced by other substances. * home by fo.r inv mM o Vied j, - 1\ C failrd. 11* 11 a **nr« At They endured steady bombardment of the majority, by the democratic and. being no longer held in solution ; K* "d » he!;, t.\v », 1-r.s cb»M* to the church. Do not keep on dropping the second drum* -ro pain or aidb’utF c VVnnt to for days and when the infantry was principle, in which I acquiesce. it is thrown down upon all available: hear perfect- Then w • i:e for to K illK t x, tM) W oaa, Aw., Newark, N J, and third lump of sugar into your tea hemmed on top of Mont Kemmel. the surfaces. i Flrat Preabyterian and coffee. You will soon find that cavalry drove forward in counter-at­ The problem is to have it deposited j Cor. High and Military Sts. one lump will do just as well. tacks and held off the shock divisions WAR HAS PUT AN at a raft* that may be controlled and Rev. A- M. Thompson, pastor. Do not shake the whole spoonful of of the enemy while the French gun­ in a manner to give a uniform, eon- | CHIGHESTER SPILLS granulated sugar over your fruit or END TO GROUCHERS Morning service at 10.30. ners got their pieces away. tinuous film fret-* from defects. A cereal just because you absent mind­ Time was when the traveler grum­ BRAND S. S. at 11.45. Later, at the battle of Loere, the large percentage of the silver must he Junior C. E. Society at 2.30 P. M. ed Iv took a spoonful out of the bowl. bled at little things and the stay-at- cavalry also shared fully with the in­ home person was a good second to deposited from tin* solution if losses ! Senior C. E. Society at 6.30 P- M. Check yourself and put the rest back fantry, blocking gaps in the line, and are to lx* avoided. ! Evening service last Sabbath of each when you have taken enough for your him. A slightly late train, not quit** the final definite occupation of the enough heat, lack of something on the Some recent work at the Universi- I month at 7.30. actual need. town for the allies was accomplished LADIES t Prayer meetings Tuesday evening Do not use the customary amount menu that the hungry man wished for ty of Pittsburgh has shown that alco- 1 A* It j«ur lirug^it for CHI-CHES-TBR S by a cavalry battalion. A sergeant all these things were sure to mark hoi added to the solution increases , DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Red and, at 7.46. of sugar if you have condensed milk and a handful of dragoons drove 40 Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue Service at Foxcroft Church each tho beginning of a grouch. The tax the efficiency of the process and that} Ribbon. Taks no other. Bay of yoar in the preparation of any food, as that Germans out of town, and at another Driigglit and a* It for CUI-C11ES.TCK 9 Sabbath at 3 P. M. alone will furnish almost enough collector's call, the failure of an ex­ sugar is an excellent retarding agent, j DIAMOND BII A N II PIUS, for twentv-fi*e point the cavalry officer and 20 men. pected letter to arrive on time be­ making it possible to control the rate; years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliablt. sugar. hacked up by the infantry at a critical Free Baptist Why put the sugar bo wl on the table cause of a missed connection, tin* of deposition. Formaldehyde is used | SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS moment, the officer waving a pistol TIM K Rev. Mr. Jenkins, Pastor. every meal if there is no need for grocer's inability to supply consider­ as the reducing solution. j TRIED EVERYWHERE in one hand and a shovel in the other able quantities of certain commodi­ Morning service at 10.30 A. M. sweetening? Remove tin1 suggestion as he led the dash which restored the Sunday school at 12.00 M. and help establish the habit of using ties on short order -these things situation. made folks say harsh things harshly. Young People’s meeting 6.00 P. M. less. A few days later, tin* same cavalry, But the war has changed things. It Evening service at 7.00 P. M. Unless the home sugar bowl is after another long ride, met the en­ Special music by choir. carefully watched for the next few has made inconveniences so many and CLARIONS BRING FREEDOM emy advance* against Yillers-Uotterets so large that the smaller and less fre­ Choir practice Monday nights. months the great American sugar bar­ woods in the* Aisne* sector where the All are cordially invited to come and quent inconveniences of peace are for­ from drudgery, from unnecessary rel will be empty before new stocks fighting today is waging fiercely. hear the Rev. Mr. Jenkins. gotten. Tin* man who worked up a arrive. The losses of vessels carrying When the Gormans elrove forward in kitchen work — they simplify Tuesday night church prayer and grouch over little things in other days sugar from by German submar­ their effort to ge*t arounel the* forest praise Service. now even pays his war taxes wiih housekeeping. There is a reg­ ines and inadequate shipping facili­ te> Uompiegm*. the horsemen 1 ilexkee] ties, combined to bring about a r- a jest. The big sacrifices which, war ularity, a smoothness about the* roael between the wooden region entails make tin* happenings which Methodist Episcopal ious sugar shortage. and the river Dump produced grouches in the old days Clarion operation ihit you con Military St. Continue To Save Wheat In view of this re*eorel for swift Rev. Thomas Whiteside, Pastor. It is imperative that there be no seem so infinitesmal that no man with ie4y upon. You know just how movement and dashing attack afoot, a sense of humor could for a moment Public worship at 10.30 a. m. slackening up in the wheat saving much time to allow for each the cavalry appears to have* establish permit himself to frown over them The Sunday School at noon has or­ program the Maine Division of the ed a new place* for itself in modern now cooking process because Clarion ganized classes for men and women Food Administration has announced warfare. They are* the light re- lb* knows that a great war is not a Junior League meeting and class for in answer to a wide-spread erroneous (serves; the men whet are* always hurl-. results ore uniform. Let a Clar­ . . e , . I picnic and rcallv se*es the big (litter preparatory members at 3.00 p. m. idea that with the new crop the pre­ ed first mte) the point of danger to]* ion begin now to lift your burden. sent restrictions would be largely [once between the terrible sacrifices Epworth League meeting at 6.45 hold until the sleiw moving infantry (many men have made and will make p. m abolished. arrives. Gen. Foch is making use of I for their country and the absurdly WOOD ® BISHOP CO. , -y .,3,i h*4 Bangor, Maine Praise and Preaching at 7.30. The Food Administration will exert them in a way that insures the*ni a (little things which used to “put one Prof. J. H. Lindsday, organist and every effort to build up a great wheat glorious e'hanee when the day comes (out so." It is a healthy sign. If HAMILTON & GRANT, DEALERS, HOULTON choir master. reserve from the estimated crop of for the allies to drive bae'k the Ger­ 1,000,000,000 bushels for the 1918 i Americans were proportionately as Prayer meeting at 7.30 Tuesday mans all along the line. evening. yield, and thus avert a possible short­ g'O'P hy ovi*r war taxes and war sac- age next year, with the calling into riliccS. sug;ir shortage S l\md Church of the Good Shepherd the army of men now engaged in MILITARY SALUTE in-ailless da.ys. wheat less day s, and tin* Rev. H. Scott Smith, Rector in farming, and to care for unforseen de­ AND WHAT IT MEANS like ;is thry1 used to be nvei• petty in- mands or crop failures in the Allied (•(111 Vi■: 1 i r n r t ■s, what a grand

he took over control of the allied or, if they get caught at it. handing April $4.15 I July $4.18 | Oct. $421 n j.-.] rr il.-y' -■ 1 1 a ti 1 • v and Tn r and felt WS.S. to County Food Administrators in WAR SAVINGS STAMPS May 4.16 | Aug. 4.19 Nov. 4.22 V i v ! m - armies as supreme commander, ac­ him one of these eye-wiping tiff airs L! I <'.( t ' \ed. 1 rm,|!'tinu!id 1A.lev's ISSUED BV THE June 4.17 1 Sept. 4.20 1 Dec. 4 23 every section of the State, hereafter m i ' : k* e p Ibm.w bar and w 1 i -.1 an UNITED STATES \V. S. S. WORTH $5.00 JANUARY 1. cording to information reaching mili­ that is neither a salute nor a mock ’ < i ! V ; I H ! 1923 must be on certificate issued by Fed­ band 1 Yt- tr.mi iav I ever, GOVERNMENT tary circles. The horsemen have* play­ jery; just neutral, and "unfriendly . i s T 11 ma .aid bran, r.m; eral Food Administrator Leon S. Mer­ Tin •; HAT iiL;way ntu ’ G <•( ( M l ' A N Y ed an important role* in the* whole* bat­ ; neutml" at tIn t. I rill and such sugar will be accredited tle of 1918, as the* struggle* which be­ | Fortunately for mo, I was "<;iugh» against the allotment of sugar of the gan March 21 with tin* first German I voung" bv a top sergeant whose inex- ■ :****■ ■; v - ' - s ****** section into which it is shipped. The I drive has come to be known. orable sterness and "stickler" quali-j _ . . .*At regulations will not permit any job­ B E S T IN ^ The employment of tin* swift-mov­ ties were mixed with a largo amount THE LONG ber in this State to ship into another of intelligence*, thereby making him a [ state unless certificates have been is­ ing mounted columns in the present veritable jewel. He not only told us* sued covering shipment by the Food counterstroke from the Aisne-Marne what, when, when* and how to salute; i Administration in the State into line has been noted in the* dispatches. Y he told us the reasons for it. After, which they desire to ship. Again, Gen. Foch took advantage* of listening to him. I never had tin** Those regulations issued by Feder­ the great mobility of the mounted arm slightest trouble iti getting adjusted. al Food Administrator Merrill, and to throw them in wherever his advane*- How The Bayonet Perhaps his words tire worth pass­ based upon instructions from Wash­ ing infantry units threatened to lose ing on. Hero they are. as near as 1 ington, are directed mainly at the touch with each other in the heat and Lost a G reat Battle catalogue and chain store concerns. confusion of the contest. Xo gaps ran remember them: j "The military salute is the high Uv A similar restriction applies to every have been left where* the* enemy might A'Y CNETS, first made at Bayonne, France, sign' of tin* oldest and most honor­ delivery of sugar by refiners and strike back, for always the* horsemen B whence they F t their name, to begin, were manufacturers to the operators of came* up to fill the hole until the* in­ able fraternity in the world. "When you almost as dangerous to the army with them as chain stores and mail order houses. fantry line could he rectified and con­ give it to a superior, you tire thereby to its foe. nected in a solid fremt. announcing t hat you. too. belong to The United States Food Administra­ A\V><\iiv8t Fashioned with a solid butt, to be jammed into tion has informed Administrator Mer­ The fame tactics marked the first [that frate*rnity. It' you give it correct- the muzzle, it rendered a gun useless for firing. use of French cavalry in the battle of J ly and snappily, you prove that you rill that the allotment of sugar for all 1 he butt was soon changed to a socket, but not states is figured on the basis of three Pie'ardv, when the* French took over are proud to belong to the brother- 88 kilometres of front from the* Brit- J hood of arms. If you give it clumsily before the new fangled bayonet brought the English pounds per capita, per month and army to grief at Killiekrankie. there is no apparent way by which an ish to permit the latter to mass re­ half-heartedly, you prove that you equitable distribution for all the serves at seriously threatened points don't think much of tin* organization The English soldier found the bayonet a poor fit, states can be assured except that this of the line farther north. you have joint'd. And none of you foe] hard to get into his gun; and when he got it in, hard basis be adhered to in all transac A French cavalry corps, complete that way about it. to get out. When he had to bayonet, he couldn’t tions. It should be distinctly under­ with light artillery, armored cars and “When you salute an officer, you are bayonet; when he had to shoot, he couldn’t shoot. Id stood that the Food Administration cyclists, arrived first on the scene in not saluting that particular man alone. Picardy and relieved the British. They You are saluting him as the represen­ has given permission for dealers to 1620, sell three pounds of sugar per person fought it out afoot until the heavy tative of tho commander in chief of per month providing the dealer has French infantry arrived and took over the army of tin* United States the ^673 the sugar. This regulation is not an the task. President —-from whom the officer de­ order for a dealer to sell three pounds Three days later the horsemen were rives his authority, in his commission. 1540 on the move again, this time hurrying What is more, you are saluting out* of GOODRICH of sugar per person per month and it 1720. may be necessary on account of sup­ to the front where the enemy was hit­ those in authority in an army which ply to sell less than this amount. ting hard at the Lys line. The cavalry has tin* proudest record of any army The sugar situation is so acute that rode hard as the advance guard of the on earth. As you know, America has r it will be necessary that all consumer French infantry columns marching never gone to war save on behalf of customers fully realize that they must toward St. Omar. In the first 24 hours freedom; and in none of its wars has despite the long strain of fighting in it been defeated. hod their domestic consumption of The bayonet experiment gave the Scots the battle. sugar down to as much less than Picardy, they covered 125 kilometers "When an officer returns your salute three pounds per person as possible. without losing a man or a horse on -—a thing he ’s hound to do he is not To safeguard tire users against the chance of It is realized that the sugar situation the way. In 66 hours they had trans­ acknowledging a personal compliment. experiment, Goodrich Test Car Elects put the road test to Goodrich Tire, to make them in word and is causing Inconvenience, but the war ferred their whole corps more than He is saluting the whole rank and file deed SERVICE VALUE TIRES. 11661 Is the reason, and not the Food Ad­ 200 kilometers and arrived east of ministration. Mont Cassel. FOR CONSTIPATION AND BILIOUS­ Goodrichsees but one tire value, s e r v ic e v a l u e — “It was a wonderful sight,” NESS It This Worth While? writes the chief of staff of a di­ (fen. .Fenner, 416 Labor St., San A n­ That is, what a tire proves it i.; worth to the tonio. Tex., writex: "Foley Cathartic motorist on his car and on the road, in comfort, “Too busy,” Is the excuse today of vision. “The horses were in fine Tablets have proven tlie best laxative I those women who are letting their have taken and I recommend them to economy, dependability, and durability. condition; the men were cheer­ sufferers from constipation or bilious­ households run amuck. ful and went singing, in spite ness. They should bo in every travel­ All Goodrich skill and sincerity build up Never before in ing man's grip.” Relieve sick headache, history have there of the sufferings and privations bloating or other condition caused by SERVICE VALUE, whether you get been so many compelling forces draw­ bad digestion. they had to endure. TI-IU HATII14WAY DRUG COMPANY SULVESITOWN CORD TfiRES, *... ^ ing the women outside their homes. or ELACK SAFETY TREADS, " So much Red Cross work to he done. you get SERVICE VALUE TIRES. So many committees on which to serve. So many hundreds of kinds “ ITS A WHOLE MKDICINR CHKST” Gain mileage, and the security of of war work calling dally for their That’s what they knowing your tires will not fail, by demanding SERVICE VALUE TIRES. brains and hands. sav about Ballard’s Golden Oil One of the first questions facing a Good for all ailments of Lungs, THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER CO. Lactcd E.frywtMr, woman who Is running a home Is, “Is Bangor Branch: 37 Franklin St., Bangor, Me. Throat and Muscles food conservation worth while?” Before giving the answer let it be A n Old Family Doctor’s Favorite Prescription asked, “Is the saving of human lives *776' worth while?”— “Is winning the war No Alcohol No Dope All Druggists and General Stores worth while?” t h e CITY OF GOODRICH • AKRON, .§ : s M M HOULTON TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1918

sufficient money to The original invesment in this lat- rover their ex- CLASSIFIED ADS ! ter concern is understood to have been Iienses. CLASSIFIED ADS j in excess of one million dollars, the All together, the* people of Van Girl Wanted For General House Work Mrs. Oscar Grant. River St. Furnished Rooms to Let...Home Con­ : object being the manufacture of sul- Buren have reason to congratulate veniences. Corner of Highland Ave. and Pleasant Sts. OF LOCAL INTEREST Iphate, a Swedish process on'.y intvo- themselves upon the condition.- For Sale a New Milch Cow.. Apply isting in their town. to -yman Webb. Tel. S43-5. A d vtf. .1 jduced in this country a few years ago, i::ip Wanted at the Aroostook Hospital, a sacrifice If j This mill which is built of concrete For Sale, a Three-Year Old Colt, second girl. Apply at once to Miss R. M. Lawlis Esq., was in Bangor ! even to the point of blocks manufactured by the Bangor An Old Resident Bolstridge, Matron. there is a devil about us—Let us sur­ Patchen stock, bay color, sound, last week on business. Cast Stone Products Co., was designed Tommy, four, was taking His visit­ good driver, For particulars apply prise him by our strength of charac­ to .Joint Batten. For Rent— 5 Rooms and Bath, Steam Special line of classy school suits to manufacture sixty tons of sulphate* ing aunt for a walk, pile was a little 230 heated, all modern improvements. ter. for boys, made to measure, two prices dubious as to where Tommy was Inquire of Hamilton & Grant Co. Let the day of calamity be our per day but while it was only put in An Open Face Gold Waltham Watch, only, $22 and $27. C. B. Esters, the leading her. so finally she questioned: 18tf great day of opportunity for service. operation last January, the average* with initials 11. S. was lost, between Main St. Tailor. daily production last we*t*k was fit) tons Tommy, an* you sure you know where Houlton and (’ary on Sunday. Re­ Let us transfigure the hour of dis­ A Furnished Room to Let, heated and B. S. Green left Thursday last, for per day and on one day n ache'd the you are going?” Tommy replied, ward for return to TIMES Office. lighted. Opp. Monument Park. In­ aster into one of deeper consecration. 23 lp E. Stuart, New York on a business trip. maximum of 76 tons. scornfully: “Do you think I've lived quire of Mrs. Mary Let us go on in the new ways of tary st, kit C. W. Starkey has just installed a four years in this city and don't For Sale— a Mansfield Cabinet Grand eliivalrv for the Lion of Judah shall: is eum*nt o! the* possi- motor in his market for grinding bone, paper mill to know my wav about vet?" Piano. with a double veneered Furnished Rooms— A Suite of Three l.roak cv.'rv ,-haln and « l.v ... ilu -! hl" of “ mi" "* lhis mahagony ease 4ft. f*1- high. 5ft. 1 hamburg steak, etc. company's plant. rooms with running water; also Miss Rhoda Hanlin is spending her victory again and again. wide and 2ft. 3 dee]). Brice $35u. single rooms, at Elmcroft, Court As a commentary upon the labor Apply to (,eO. A. Ilagennan. 13lp St.. Mrs. Nevers, Prop. 230p vacation with relatives in Lewiston. The Lord is not dead - but is alive* Notice of First Meeting of Creditors conditions at the present time, a re­ In tin* Pistrirf Court of the I'nited States The man on the Water Wagon is again and for evermore*. Then stand Lost Thursday evening July 25th, Comfortably Furnished Rooms For markable sight may be seen every day 1»r the Ihstii.’t of Maine. In l-!;i nkruptry somewhere between drove St. and satisfied if he is drinking Maple Spring fast in the faith, quit you like men In Ihe matter .n' rent, only two minutes walk to at this < ompany’s mill; namely, tin* Monument Bark, a' child’s gold Market Square. Apply to C. G. water. be strong. Stillman W'liit.' In I la n kru] 't' T chain with heart pendant. Will large number of automobiles parked Bankrupt, I.unt. TIMES Office. Mrs. W. J. McKenna of Bangor is outside tin* mill, owned by the labor­ finder kindly leave at TIMES Of­ Tn th.- . rail 11. .)•> . ■)' -:a i.l Stillman fice. 131 the guest of friends in town for a W'liit i' i t' House and Stable for Sale, house has ONE OF AROOSTOOK'S ing men, who ride to and from their Wash luirn in tin- * ■ ■ ■ i j t , t y . .t hardwood floors, furnace, hath and short visit. roust i H if and I list rim af. irsa id. I.;tnk- work largely in their own machines. A Experienced Lady Wanted to Clerk in lights. For particulars apply to 13 Auto and Driving Glasses at Os­ PROSPEROUS TOWNS runt. Ston* Only someone who has had The interchange of traffic between Not in- tohy t;i\ Hagerman, 27 Elm St. 330p good’s. The growth of Van Buren of recent h. hat actual experience in selling (’oats. the Bangor M Aroostook rairload and J.3nl ikiy of July. A. 1'. 1'.' 1 s Mrs. Rex Gilpatriek and two child­ years is far and away above that of Suits, and Ladies garments in gen­ Before you purchase a Farm or House tin* Canadian government railway sys­ Stillimm White w;is duly it . d ren of Davidson, are spending a few any other town in Aroostook county; eral. need apply, Good wages to be sure to call on C. O. Grant. Real tem has already assumed unexpected­ bankrupt and that tin* fit t n. ■ i * 11 n ■' right party. Joe Bernstein. weeks in Houlton. ten years ago th * populaton was about of his creditors will ho held at tie* oitice of Estate Agency, Market Sq., and ex­ ly large proport ions, as many as ‘Jno Kd w in 1, \’a il. in Houlton, on tin- 17 th amine his fine list of desirable pro­ Have Osgood remake your Rings or 1500, at the present time it is esti­ Notice— Bank Book No. 475 of the empty ears in a single day having day of August. A. I >. 1J1G at ...... ,', ■ l ■ A perties. other Jewelry to suit your idea. mated to be between 5,000 and o'nloek in the forenoon, at which time Savings Dept, of the Houlton Trust been delivered to the Canadian sys­ Go., is reported lost, and applica­ Mrs. Geo. Lavigne and two daugh­ and still growing. tin* said creditors may attend, prove Farm For Sale— 160 Acres, 43 Acres tem for the return loads and these hit­ tion has been made their claims, appoint a trustee, examine ide for a duplicate j tillage, excellent potato land, good ters spent a few days last week with This very desirable condition is to be issued. Hi ter are averaging very dost* to a the bankrupt, amt transact such other nulton Trust Go., | wood lot, good buildings, 2l/2 miles relatives at Crystal. largely due to the enterprise of men Houlton, thousand ears a month, all of which business as may properly conn he fori to village and railroad. Price only Every slice cut just right by Star­ like Allen Hammond, the Hon. Peter furnishes not only additional traffic said lm-eting. $3500. A rare bargain, for sale by key’s automatic meat sheer. Charles Keegan, Arthur Brown of the Mated at ! f on Itt*m. July pat h. |;il s L. H. Brooks. Real Est. Agent, South and earnings for the railroad but al­ Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Putnam have re- St. John Lumber Co., and other lead­ F.PWIX L. VAIL, Paris. Me. so more employment for the men. • ceived word from their son. Donald, ing citizens, and is also due to the Referee in Bankrupti. which is greatly desired during the of his safe arrival in France. vigorous management of the Bangor For Sale— Ivers and Pond Piano, good summer mouths, during which period condition, only used 5 years, cash Starkey’s meat slicer just puts the <£■ Aroostook railroad in recent years | NOTICE TO in previous years freight traffic has or good paper takes it, a bargain. finishing touch on smoked beet, bacon in the construction of the Ban Buren Call at Alexander Bubar’s or write been so light that it lias been difficult I BRIDGE CONTRACTORS etc. international railway bridge, thus i Howard I). Mcllroy, 615 Forest for all of the railroad employees State Highway Bridge Construction Mr .and Mrs. S. A. Fairbanks return connecting this American railroad Ave., Woodfords Station, Portland, who are paid by the trip to earn Sealed proposals addressed to the Me. 294 this week from an auto trip to Port­ system with both divisions of the State Highway Commission. Augusta, land and the White Mountains. Canadian government railway system, Maine, for building the following re­ Boys Wanted. We need the services This season,of the year is when one the great National. Transcontinental CAUTION inforced concrete bridge: of a number of Grammar School The Reynolds and Collins bridges in enjoys drinking Maple Spring Water. railway, extending from the Pacific Whereas, my wife. Ida Wasfon. hav­ boys for permanent part-time work. the town of Bingham. Somerset Coun­ The boys we select will be well Its good for the health. Leave your|(0ast to Moncton. N. B.. and a branch ing left my bed and board without just cause. I hereby warn all persons ty, the Hale Stream bridge in the paid and given an opportunity to orders at the TIMES Office. of tile international railway; this in- against trusting her on my account, town of Norridgewock, Somerset Coun­ earn, learn and advance. Apply to Phil McIntyre left Saturday for j put into operation three years ago Hut as I shall pay no bills of her contract­ ty, the Mark Longfellow bridge in the Leighton Feeley. 329 MlUinocket where he will he employ­ the great development of traffic shows ing after this date. town of Marshfield, Washington (’min­ ty, and the bridge over Hunter Brook Men Wanted—If you are unemployed ed until fall when he will enter col­ that the necessity for it had existed Ludlow, Me., Julv loth, 1 f>JS. T TALC 329 M. O. WATSON. in the town of New Limerick. Aroos­ or not working on Government lege. for many years. took County Maine, will be received work your services are required to Stylish custom made shirts big line As a result of the construction of by Hie Commission at its office in the make ammunition for the U. S. of new patters to select from at C. B. this railroad bridge, Allen Hammond, NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE State House. Augusta. Maine, until onteel Government, by the United States A. M. Wednesday, July .31, 191s, upon the completion of this connec­ Whereas Alfred Somerville, of Cartridge Company, Lowell. Mass. Esters. ! and at that time and place publicly Call or write the above address or Donald Murray of Portland spent tion with Canada, built a magnificent Houlton, in the county of Aroostook and State of Maine, by his mortgage opened and read. our Maine Representative, Mr. L. several days in town last week with'new modern sawmill at Allamlale, a deed dated January 2(>, 1914, and re­ Each proposal must be made upon P. Church. 9b Main Street, Bangor, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John S.'suburb of this town, and obtained all corded in the Aroostook Registry of a blank form provided by the Com­ Maim*. 828 mission. for copy of which one dollat Murray, coming by auto. 1 of his logs by rail from Canada, the Deeds n Vol". 271 Page 3.S5, conveyed will be required, and must be aecom Hotel Help Wanted 50 Women and Start right. Buy an Osgood Hand-! shipments aggregating sometimes as to James S. Peabody the following described real estate, situated in the panied by a certified cheek for lb per Girls for best year round hotels, all Made wedding ring. high as 2,OiM) carloads in a season. South Division of said Houlton, and cent, of tin* amount bid. payable to tin T O expect to p,ay a h kinds of work for best summer Christian Science Services held each j Unfortunately this mill which gave being a part of that part of lot num­ Treasurer of State of Maine. ’Fin 1 pries for The DorfurreJ hotels, waitresses, chamber maids, certified check will be returned to tie Sunday at 11 A. M. Sincoek Hall, Aug. , employment to a large number of bered sixty Hint lying north and with an odor that cost kitchen, dish and laundry, chef unsuccessful bidder unless forfeited pastry and all rouad cooks, bell boys hands, was burned about two weeks easterly of tin* West Branch of tin*; thousands of dollars ts 4th, Subject; “Love.” All are wel­ Meduxnekeag Stream, viz. Beginning , under the conditions stipulated. and kitchen men. For hotel posi­ come. j ago but it is understood it is tlu* on the east line of said lot numbered j A surety company bond satisfac­ produce wocid be naturaA tions apply always to Maine Hotel tory to the Commission, of one-half Agency. 90 Main St. Established Loss of Vitality is loss of the prin­ intention of Mr. Hamrond and his sixty Min) at a point leu ( Lo rods i But to be able to obtain partners to immedately reconstruct it northerly from the north side of said j of the amount of the contract, will be such a superb perfurre at 3S years, Bangor, Me. Inclose stamp ciple of life, and is early indicated by West Branch: thence following said i ,v,l'hret specifioations and contract a lew price is a delightful strength and endurance. Hood’s Sar­ is such a favorable location for an |5R.) rods; 1 hence westerly at light may be obtained at the offici of tin surprise. This surprise CARD OF THANKS Commission. Augusta, Maim-. saparilla is the greatest vitalizer— ! enterprise of this character, angles with said east line twenty (2d) aw aits you in the Talc We wish to thank all of the neigh­ rods; thence southerly parallel with, The right is reserved to reject bors and friends for their kindness it acts on all organs and functions, j The mills of the Van Buren Lumber perfumed with Jonteel— j(’o. have been enlarged and the capac­ said east line five and one half (5R>t i,,r :,h proposal the New Odor of Twenty- and assistance to us. and for the and builds up the whole system. rods; thence easterly to the platre Of: PHILIP J I) E EKING, ('hairman. dowers sent during the sickness and ity nearly doubled: these mills an* al- beginning. And whereas the said WILLIAM M. AVER. six Flowers. death of our father. FRANK A. PEABODY. Continued from page 1 1 so operated at the present time by James S. Peabody by his assignment HATHEWAY DRUG COMPANY MR. and MRS. A. O. BRIGGS (Mr. Hammond. dated January 2*1, 1914. and recorded Slate Highway Commission At R. and MRS. W. S. BRIGGS PA CL I). SARGENT. Chief Engi j The St. John Lumber Co., the larg­ in tHr* said Registry in Vol. is.3 Page S. L. White, Mgr. AIR. and AIRS, T. S. BRIGGS SPECIAL SERVICE AT M. E. 41N assigned said mortgage and (be Dated at Augusta. Me.. July “THE REXALL STORE” MR. and AIRS. W (’. CUSHMAN. est concern of its kind in Eastern debt thereby secured to Houlton 191 s 121p CHURCH territory is doing the greatest busi­ Trust Company, a corporation existing ness of its history and the location by law and having its place of busi­ north, Stand fast in the faith! If here, through the efforts of the indus­ ness at said Houlton. some supercilious philosopher comes Now, therefore, fin* condition of said trial Department of the Bangor u to at toad - -not A n what I in yet out ofVt U, Don’t desert Him, above all don’t sell Were the people of the State ever abb hut lor what you ran yet out of M K I shall not Him. waters in any different manner? not a cent more or le*-s whether ton near me or 3. Quit you like men—play the man —Don’t finish duty. Here we have a I also notice that while the communications nTcrivb 1 1 u *t. The good committeemen of your own town good strong English word which ex­ state that the people have lost or had taken away from them run t L\eeum and Chautauqua, contract to p .y me in full, presses the Apostles' counsels to these valuable rights and privileges, they do not state just what even if thee have to ;o down in their own pockets. Christian recruits of Corinth. Some­ these rights and privileges are that have been taken away. times we hear people talking as The public is interested in this question, and will watch BUT I WANT YOU TO UK TH HR hi ! KYKRY though the Lord was dead—the game the progress of the campaign for and against Star*' owner­ tc’.u- I lecture I hear people afterward saw ’' I do wish every was up, and the Kingdom of Christ in ; ship with discriminating judgment. The public desires all pei-'on in tite omimutiuv orndd have heard it ’’ “ Oh, I ‘ruiijs. the progress and benefits that can be had from our natural Let us all resolve to play the man i resources, blit the public will not accept mere statements '*'-' *u d yivc anvtniny to have my bo vs and girls It ear that !’’ In religious life. Don’t be ashamed of without proof. I a 1 yetting so tire! nt hearing that A FT HR WARD. I the Christian uniform—Some people v ant ‘v yet the word to everv person BK FOR h H A X D. are almost ashamed of themselves Both political conventions have concurred in demanding when they see a real soldier—■ Ilis that the power developed in Maine shall be used in Maine, readiness for the front- His laugh a* thereby expressing what both parties believe to be the de­ I W W T THK PKOPI.K WHO U K K LK( ’TURKS, sacrifices—singing in the mid t of sire of the people of the State. Both parties also demand and the people who "don’t like lectures.'’ I want you danger and pain—ready to endure un­ a thorough investigation of all the facts concerning the A !h- fown town in the evening. You folks in the barber- to death—We sing “Onward Christ­ Water Power question. - m ; veil :u the pool pat lot s, in the holels. in the “ movies” . ian Soldiers Marching as to War,” and That is what the people want. In urging the question I want v::ow, a: >t a- helpful as a sermon. 4. Quit you like men—Be strong in for the Lord and the power of his might. Rumford Fall# Power Company Androscoggin Mills I F Y O U WILL COME AXI) T H K N WILL Let us be strong and sincere in our Oxford Paper Company International Paper Company vone to me and say you don’t think you got your monev’s prayers—When they prayed the placi Great Northern Paper Company Adroscoggin Electric Company was shaken— Can we shell the gates Untan Water Power Company Hill Manufacturing Company wotth, I shah see that your money is refunded. Union Electric Power Company Lewiston Bleachery <£. Dye W ork# of hell, and command God’s blessing ? Androscoggin Rosorvolr Company Peppered Manufacturing Company L e t os be strong in our moral and St. Croix Paper Company Bates Manufacturing Company Ralph Parleite spiritual ambitions— Strong in our Contra! Maine Power Company Edwards Manufacturing Company visions and hopes— Strong in our gifts, HOULTON TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1918

completed. With this understanding, to rouse all the Methodists of Ameri- 'dramatic picture ul of theu.e siaiusstatus orof tion not only of the Boards of Home he said, the SJrd National Army (Maj. ca to a consciousness of what their .Methodist missions all ov Gen. E. F. Glenn) ;S9th National Army •er the world, and Foreign Missions of the Church, church is already doing in the field of I' The most prominent- missionaries and but the cooperation of both branches (Brig. Gen. John S. Winn), 37th Na­ home and foreign missions. OF LOCAL INTEREST It is not i speakers in the Methodist. Church will of the Methodist Church in America tional Guard (Maj. Gen. William S. a money-raising campaign. gather to toll of their work, has been secured. The Methodist Farnsworth). 29th National Guard Roused by the world's tragic need ( The celebration will receive addi- Episcopal Church South and the Louis S. Esters who is connected (Maj. Gen. Charles G. Morton), 90th D. D. Webber of Ft. Fairfit Id was a for a large scale constructivi program tonal impetus from the fact that it is Methodist Episcopal Church will hold with the U. S Immigration office in National Army (Maj. Gen. Henry B. «caller In town Thursday. to counterbalance in some small de- a joint celebration in more senses common celebration for the first time St. John, N. B., is spending a week in Allen), 92nd (Negro) National Army Mrs. Thos. P. Dobbins spent the gree tin1 waste and destruction of the than one It represents a combina- since their separation in 1847. week-end in Patten with friends. town with his parents. lie is accom­ (Maj. Gen. C. C. Ballou) have been war, and to carry on const met ively ' Miss Germaine Wilson is spending panied by his wife. assigned to the fourth corps. this process of making the world sab* j her vacation with relatives in Boston. Jas. Madigan Esq., wife and child. The fifth army corps includes the for democracy, the Joint Centenary Chief of Police Lyons of Presque Mr. and Mrs. James Pierce, Miss Vir sixth regular division (Maj. Gen. Geo. Commission of the* Methodist Epis-( Isle, was in town Tuesday calling on ginia Donnell, Mrs. H. M. Briggs, Le It. Irwin). 3f>th National Guard copal Church plans to pledge friends. Houlton, Me., and Mrs. W. L. Waterall (Maj. Gen. William R. Smith): 79th cen during the next five* years io put Mrs. A. A. Hussey and children of Philadelphia. Pa., were in Fred­ National army (.Maj. Gen. Joseph E. the work of its foreign and home mis­ have returned home after an absence ericton, Saturday by auto, returning Kuhn), Mith National Army (Maj. Gen. sions on an efficiency basis. of some weeks. Sunday. C. W. Kennedy), 91st National Army This figure of eighty millions is not Miss Julia Givren of Bangor, is the The August calls for drafted men (Brig. Gen. Frederick S. Foltz, tem­ a rough guess of the amount needed, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lawlis from Maim* will be as large as tin' porarily in command) and 7(>th Na­ but has been reached as tin* result of and family this week. July calls, according to advices re­ tional Army (.Maj. Gen. Henry C. most scientifically prepared estimates S. c. Shea has accepted a position ceived by Adjt.-Gen. Presson trom Hodges, Jr., largely compost d of New of the minimum amount which would with John Watson & Co., and assum­ Provost Marshal General Crowder. England troops). meet the pressing needs in each field. Going Fishing ed his duties last week. Approximately 24nn white men and General March also announced tlm Several years ago. in preparation for Miss Iva Jackins left Tuesday for a proportionate number of .colored composition of tho first four regular the Centenary, detailed quesiion- ORIENT IS THE PLACE E. Orange, N. J. where she will visit men will be called. army divisions, among the first to be aires were sent out to the financial her sister, for a few weeks. James II. Kidder of Houlton, regis­ sent to France. They follow: committees in charge of each mission Miss Katherine McGillicuddy. of j O. S. M axell’s motor boat is at your service, Drop him ter of deeds, and Michael M. ('lark First..ldth, l.'sth. 2fith and 2Sth in­ area, Those questionnaires wen* hil­ Bangor, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. j a card to meet you at the bridge any day. Lake or of that town, clerk of courts, who fantry; fifth, sixth and seventh field led in by the men on the spot, and Chas. McCluskey, Smyrna St. | jwere at the Republican get-to-gether artillery. wore subject to review and the O. I\. brook fishing. Charges reasonable...... C. received a cablegram H. Berry |j Tuesday, were welcome callers upon of the Bishop in charge of each area. from his son, Ralph, Saturday, re- Second—mb and (ith murine regi­ J| the editor. There are not two more They were then sent hack to a cen­ porting Ms safe arrival in England. ments; 9th and 23rd infantry: 12th. j! pleasant gentlemen or more efficient tral financial committee who went O. S. M axell, Orient, Maine Messrs. E. P. Fisher and Benj. F. ; ir>th and 17th field artillery. officers anywhere than these two, over them very carefully, comparing Good of Ft. Fairfield, were in town Third--4th, 7th, 13th and 3Sth in I the only fault they have, so far as them, and making any cuts or changes Thursday with automobile parties, j fantry; loth, 18th and 2oth field artil­ j we are able to find out. being that that seemed possible. The net re­ Or. F. W. Mitchell and M H. Pea- I lery. .they are Republicans. However, as sult of till tins careful and expert pre­ body returned Monday by auto from * they are bright young men of good Fourth--39th, 17th and :>9!h infan­ paration has been tin* decision to Portland where they have been on ijudgment., we do not doubt that even try; and 13th. ldth and 77th field ur- pledge eighty millions. business. tillerv. I this defect will be cured by the time The Centenary will culminate in a Miss Katherine Cushing of Ham­ they reach maturity. -F. F. Review. week's celem at ion in Columbus, Ohio, den, who has been visiting Mr. and , Officer Ernest Lyons, who had been in June 1919. A pageant will give a Mrs. Parker P. Burleigh, returned FOR LITTLETON notified from headquarters to be on home Monday. CAMPMEETING the look-out for a fellow who had Mrs. J. A. Tenney Jr. of Brooklyn, Reverend A. B. .Moss, missionary 'skipped away from Camp Devons, had X. Y. arrived in town last week for a from Bengal, India, where he made a so clear an idea from the description visit and is receiving a hearty wel­ particular study of the India Mass W inners, given of the identitv of the man, that come from friends here. I Movement, will speak on the World he was readily able to gather him J. H. Shields, yard engineer at the Centenary Program of the Methodist in when he showed up here one day Every Tim e Hebron Academy B. & A., accompanied by his wife left Episcopal Church at Littleton. Maine, Saturday fbr Vermont, where they will last week. On notification from Of­ August 11 14. spend a couple of weeks. ficer Lyons, an officer from Camp HEBRON, MAINE Devons arrived here Monday, and World wide plans for world wide The Yankees The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. took the stray soldier boy back with .Methodism is the slogan of this (Vn- OUR boy or your girl—his future or her future— depends upon the training of today. Victor Gilpatrick of Davidson will be him. It was a neatly executed job j ternary program, whch will present to Y Interested to learn of the arrival of a ' the .Methodists of America a bird’s in France At Hebron, students—girls and boys—receive the advantages on the part of our wide-awake police of a school national in reputation and national in scope. Here the son at their home last week. iofficer, and does credit to his effi­ eye view of the spiending responsibi­ environment, the close contact with students from many parts of lities of Methodism for the next one the country, the course of studies, the plan of play, make for better H. E. Calhoun, chief clerk in Supt. ' ciency.— Presque Isle Star-Herald. The B F A Cigar bodies and broader minds. McMann’s office will leave this week i hundred years. Hebron Academy is ideal for college preparation and also offers practical courses for those not preparing for college. Its location, with his family for Portage where he A nation wide campaign is on foot in the 6c Field without resorts or distracting entertainments, affords an excellent SHIPMENT OF U. S. opportunity for study, and conditions are most home-like. will spend his vacation in camp. 1 ■up !T Of ten buildings two are dormitories, one for girls and one for The many friends in Houlton of Mr. TROOPS ABROAD boys. Both are of the most spacious and most beautiful type in and Mrs. Fred D. Goud of Van Buren With 50,000 troops sent last, week, New England. Wholesome rivalry in all sports. Practical courses in Sewing, Home Economies and Domestic will be very glad to know of the re- the number of American soldiers trans Chemistry will be added studies for girls in the coining year. • cent arrival of a son at their home. 1 ported overseas during Juiy is cx- For catalog and further information, address f o r t l x © WM. E SARGENT, Litt.D., Principal Miss Gertrude Sharp returned to'pected to reach a record of 30(»,(mm), her duties in New York Friday, after Secretary Baker and General March, a visit here with her sisters, Mrs. J'hief of staff, Saturday told members **‘M*->^ Frank Dunn and Mrs. B. M. Ward. ,of tlie Senate military committee. Mrs. B. S. Foye of Portland arrived | Mith the shipment of men last week here Wednesday for a month's v i s i t . total number ot American troops RACES with her brother, James Nason of embarking for France was 1.2;>().i)ih). To be held at this town and her parents at Debec, , The most striking advance since last N. B. j Wednesday, which General March not- Miss Claire O’Brien, operator in the e

Millar is Still Making H om e Your orders promptly Made Candies By the way, Millar's is a geod filled and FULL mea­ ----- place to buy Coffee------3 Hi Genuine Mocha and We Have the Best sure positively guar­ Sweet and Wholesome Java Coffee $1.00 in the Floral Line anteed...... 3 1* Maleberry 1.00 4% lb Pai-American 1.00 3 lb Fancy Blend .95 Chad wick--Florist Try Seme cf our Conservatories 16 High Street, Houlton J* F. Jackins Co. Specialties Mm m 1H-W Hamilton-Bumham Block Main 8treet. Saturday HOULTON TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1918

referred to in Article 83, include'much as a 5-5-50 and would cost $22.26 diers, than in the whole previous war price from time to time. f The taking over of the station was GOVERNMENT BUSINESS special assessment districts so c re a t-W gallons for the ingredients. Both period. While this mood is perhaps All wool is being controlled by the accompanied by a brief ceremony, at ---- - — - I ✓ .ofY.v an excess of Insect!- somewhat savage, it may be n^fni DOMINATES INDUSTRY e(j such as road, water, sewer, ga of these carry an useful I government, and local dealers now which the American machines lined By R. W. McNeel light, reclamation, tlrainagw. irrig cide if used so as to make a fungicide for practical purposes in beating the 'send their product to a receiving up on the field and the British and barbarians in the last stand. The industrial situation continues tjon> ieves, school, harbor, port inl­ of the strength of a home made 5-5-50 j depot in Boston, from which it is al- American airmen stood at salute while to be dominated by government needs. pr0vement and similar distr: ts and Bordeaux mixture. Probably in large | lotted to suit government needs. The the American flag wa? run up. packages either of these commercial Though labor unsettlement is growing divisions of a state, GOOD PROFIT NOW j surplus is that distributed to other to an alarming extent it is inspiring DANIEL (\ ROPER, preparations could be bought at a less manufacturers, and in this wav, the price per pound than paid by tin* in­ to find in various directions new high c*omniiHSj0ner of International FOR SHEEP RAISING government comes first and what is records are being established in in­ Revenue. spector. “If the farmers in Maim1 who are left goes for purposes which are not To test the commercial product for rajsjnK sheep don't get rich it will be war essential. In'* some cases, the dustrial output, and in effliciency. Approved May 20th, 1918. The long list of strikes, at various its power of suspension, put a small their own fault," said R. G. Bowlby. government will give special permis- of the manufacturing plants of late, makes a L. S. Rowe, Acting Sec'y. amount in a deep tumbler, stir vigor­ manager of the S. A. Maxfield Go., s>on r° a manufacturer to order di­ Treasury. sad and discouraging chapter in tht ously until it is thoroughly mixed and wool pullers, of Bangor. In discus- j reetly from a dealer, eliminating the SUMMER COLDS history of industry during the war note the time that elapses before the sing the recent action of the govern-1ros^ shipment to Boston and back rapidly reduce human strength again. But that is offset in some measure by HOME MADE AND COMMERCIAL settling out is clearly noted. At the ment in taking over the wool indus­ and illness is easily contracted, the evidence of enthusiasm and loyal end of 3 minutes with properly made try throughout the country. but Scoff's Emulsion will ty at other plants. The reports of BORDEAUX MIXTURES Bordeaux mixture no settling can be "The government," he continued, promptly relieve the cold and noticed. At the end of S minutes a BRITISH G IV E U. S. enthusiasm among shipyard workers Their- Comparative Cost and "has placed a maximum price of To upbuild your strength to slight separation will be seen at the FLIERS A STATION over the results they are attaining Efficiency emits a pound for wool fleece and this prevent sickness. _____ top. It will take a long time for it to cents, American aviators have taken over are inspiring. The same conditions price compart'd with 21 which S c o t t & B o w n s prevail among the steel plants. Chair It was not until the fall of 1996 that j completely settle to the bottom, was paid before the tear. together from the British one of the most im­ BLOOMFIELD. N, J. man E. H. Gary of the United States the Maine Agricultural Experiment . Compare the commercial Bordeaux with the high price being paid for portant seaplane stations on the Eng­ Steel Corporation said after the Station had the services of a trained mixture with these. If it remains well pelts, makes the sheep industry an un­ lish coast from which they will do meeting of the finance committee this plant pathologist. In the years that, jn suspension its mechanical condi- usually good proposition for tin1 continuous patrol duty over a large FO R MIDDLE-AGED MEN AND WOMEN had preceded that the work on plant tion is good. If it settles out much Maine farmer. Tin1 average Maim1 art'a of the sea. week, that ingot production had risen The kidneys ivurk day and night to to 96 per cent, of capacity. Ten days diseases was variously handled. The | faster than the above its use is doubt- sheep will produce about six pounds The American aviators stationed on tilter and east out from the blood stream impurities that cause aches and pains ago, it was 95 per cent. The advance first published reference to the use of . ful. For it will take a powerful agi- of wool which at To cents a pound the English coast have heretofore been when permitted to remain. It is only Bordeaux mixture by this Station was tator to hold it in suspension so that means $1 .2 0 ; then the pelt is worth, if natural these important organs should may look slight, but when it is con­ winking as part of the1 British squad­ slow up and require aid in middle age. sidered that 95 per cent, is deemed in a short bulletin by the botanist and j it can be evenly applied, and its it is of good size, about $2.25; and the rons and this is the first purely Amer­ Golev Kidney Bills help overworked, tired and diseased kidnevs and bladder. top notch by furnace men, an increase entomologist in 1889. It was not tin- power of adhesion would probably be meat is worth anywhere from $lo to ican station in England. THK HATHFAYAY DRUG COMPANY represents unusual exertions by the til 1896 that tests of Bordeaux mix- sight. $15 depending on age and weight." workers. ture as a control of the late blight of Any reader who may care to learn Thus, it will be seen that the sheep potatoes were made at this station, the number of pounds required of a raiser gets around $1S and $2o for his W ar Increases Business And not until 1900 that the large certain brand to make the equivalent produet, which is a big increase over Reports from manufacturing dis series of experiments, which resulted of a 5-5-50 mixture can have his ques- that received a few years ago and a 1- tricts tell of steadily increasing per­ in Aroostook County adopting spray-1 tion answered by addressing the Maim1 ]ows ()f a profit that should make the centage of machinery at work on war ing with Bordeaux mixture as a fun-1 Agricultural Experiment Station, Oro- enterprise an attractive one for the business, and of necessity a decrease Electric Bond & damental in potato culture, were car- no. Maine. farmer. in the output of goods for the civilian ried out. | The United States Department of Mr. Bowlby is also of tin* opinion population. That is well exemplified Bordeaux mixture was an accidental Agriculture has issued a valuable that drastic measures should be Sh are Company in the census of the woolen industry discovery in connection with control j Farmers’ Bulletin (No. 994) on "How taken to revive the cattle industry and Just issued, by the National Associa­ 0% 1'referred Stock of grape diseases. Its application to i to Calculate the Value of Commercial sheep raising in Maine and agrees tion of Wool Manufacturers. It shows potato blight was logical. But the j Bordeaux Mixtures. One can obtain with the TIMES that to exempt a very substantial increase in the To yield (>U preparation of the material was, and la copy by addressing his Congress- all cattle and sheep from taxation machinery deyoted to warorders the still is, more or less arbitrary. Six man, or the Division of Publications would serve to stimulate the industry. last month. In the case of worsted pounds of copper sulphate and 4 of the1 United State's Department of spindles for instance, 748,220 were de He says that he looks for an increase pounds of quick lime about balance Agriculture1 at Washington. D. C. this year in the number of native pelts voted to American war orders July 1 each other chemically. And this was (’HAS. I). WOODS, handled by his concern on account of compared with only 661.149 June 1, the proportion, with 50 gallons of the high prices but thinks that some­ and 535,444 Oct. 1, 1917. That means Director. water, that was for a long time used. Details on request that 50.9 per cent, of the active ma­ thing permanent should he offered tile But if the lime carried much sand, it chinery of that class is now devoted farmer as an inducement to embark would not neutralize the copper sul­ FOCH ON EVERY to war orders, compared with 44 per in the business on a large scab1. Bonbright & Company phate and the tops would be injured. BRITISH TONGUE cent, a month ago, and 36.5 per cent. When the S. A. Maxfield Go. was es­ Incorporated Also paris green, which was used as Everywhere in London I he people Oct. 1, 1917. It is the same story with tablished a dozen or so years ago it R. A. & K. L. Manning, Managers the insecticide, carried free arsenious There is no the woolen spindles. A total of 731.- are talking about Foch. was equipped to do a large slaughter acid and that also burned the tops. because all know- Shawmut Bank Building, Boston 852 are now employed on war orders light-heart edme business bir the decadence of sheep Hence a formula carrying less copper successful counter-attack New York Philadelphia Chicago Detroit or 549 per cent, of the total in opera­ that ont raising in this station made it neces­ and more lime came into general use. tion compared with 673,941 or 49.7 does not mean a decision, and that sary to develop the1 plant along differ­ Harold P. Marsh, Representative, 15 State St., Bangor The spraying outfits first used in per cent. June 1. Last October only the pendulum will swing back and ent lim*s and now its principal busi­ Maine on potatoes consisted of an oil 33.2 per cent, were so employed. forth many times before the hour of ness is wool pulling, from 1.2eii to barrel with a pump. An oil barrel victory strikes. l,5nti pelts being handled a day. **' Labor Troubles holds about 50 gallons. For ease of But Foeh's move marks the raising These art1 now shipped according to The labor problem seems to grow memory and convenience of measure, of allied strength to a new level. At government order and the quarter­ worse instead of better. Strikes grow this Station recommended the 5-5-50 last we are free from the restraints master's department is having them more frequent, and apparently many formula which is now used by potato of inferior numbers and unfavorable math1 into linings for officers' and avi- of the demands of labor are based, not growers in this State. Experiments position. Sine*1 assuming the leader- ! ators' coats. double breast ed and high ______on justice, but merely on the strategic- with much weaker solutions have not, ship, the greatest offensive general | cut ,n it is to offer the he^t protection position of the worker, owing to the in bad blight years given sufficient produced in this war has been obliged! to tin (-oldicrs dining tlm eoid months great demands on the productive ca­ control to warrant recommending by circumstances to maintain the de- : in rh t P 'll dies. pacity of the country, and the with­ their general use. Stronger mixtures tensive. His strong arm is now loos-' -j-],, ]»r i <•, ■ of , c rents a pound foi­ drawal or millions of men for the have not given better results. So ed and London is confident the Gcr-JWO()] ls set by tlm government, is for army. Whether that phase of the this formula, somewhat accidentally mans will feel its power again and g ■st quality and in setting tlm situation can be improved is proble­ proposed, seems to fit the case. again. I price the government figured that it matical. But the government ex­ The value of Bordeaux mixture de­ Share Pride of French would allow a reasonable profit to the pects to help in some degree by elim­ pends upon the copper it contains, With characteristically generous fanner and dealer and it is probable Driving Genius. The first year of war inating so far as possible the difficul­ the chemical form it is in, and its spirit, the British share the French that this figure will prevail through attests that the unparalled dgmands of tremendous ties experienced by manufacturers mechanical condition. A properly pride in the allied generalissimo. The 191s. The result of fixing one price is energy have been met in a manner to justify our and others in securing proper amount made Bordeaux mixture has tin1 cop­ British have a right to view the re­ t hat t be market has been made stable faith in the driving genius of America, Consider of both skilled and unskilled labor, by per present as hydroxide, will stay sult with satisfaction, for it was their and raisers and dealers do not have to how much can be accomplished if each dots his just preventing competition among indus­ in suspension and only settle out sinking of all narrow considerations fear fluctuations. In this way specu­ tries in securing special inducements, slowly. A commercial Bordeaux mix­ for the good of the common cause that lation is curtailed and both farmers share. We are at the peoples’ service in banking, and more money to all classes of labor ture to be satisfactory must have the Jj made unity of command possible. It and dealers are aide to make esti­ affording everv safeguard, convenience and facilitv. have induced men to quit work in above properties. No commercial |I is worth recalling now that Lloyd- mates without fear of a change in which they were engaged, and enter article as now placed upon the market j George, ably seconded by Gen. Bliss other employment. This practice and used in accordance with the j and Lord Milner. brought about caused much of the labor shortage in directions will carry as much copper Foeh's appointment in the face of the A SUCCESSFUL all classes of work, and its discontinu­ as a 5-5-50 formula. Freshly made most formidable opposition. What­ MEDICINAL COMBINATION ance will help the situation. After properly prepared Bordeaux mixture ever may be the premier's weakness­ And one that had long boon needed Aug. 1, distribution of unskilled labor is in a gelatinous form. This remains es, under factional and political pres and had not seemed to he possible, is will be made exclusively through K o u n o n in suspension and adheres wadi to i sure at home, he showed splendid Hood's Sarsaparilla taken before United States employment service, foliage. Gradually it undergoes chemi­ ! strength in his insistence, on putting eating and Peptiron after eating. which is making a scientific study of cal and physical changes. It becomes a foreign general in command ot the These two great medicines supple­ the question. crystaline and settles out faster and ment each other in purifying and en­ British forces. Foeh's success will riching the blood, strengthening and does not (ding to foliage as well. make a historic act, and even now tin1 None of the eommerieal Bordeaux toning the nerves, putting life intq “POLITICAL SUB DIVISION” British public is properly taking share the body and color info the fact1. mixtures that this Station has tried in the credit. Taken in conjunction, they are the DEFINED stay in suspension as well as freshly The Income Tax Regulations have It is difficult for the Americans in ideal remedy for the blood and prepared Bordeaux mixture, and some nerves. If a laxative is needed take been revised by the Treasury Deci­ London to restrain their emotions. of them settle out almost immediately. They would like to do a little shout­ Hood’s Pills. All dru ggisf 3. sion (No. 2715 just approved so as to The Bordeaux preparations register­ clear up any doubt as to the mean­ ing but have a horror of doing it pre­ ed for sale in Maim1 carry as required -ECKAANS _ ing of the term ‘‘political subdivi­ maturely. The spectacle ot American by law, the statement of tin* per cent (forces stepping right into the furnace sion" as used in the Income Tax Laws of copper contained in them. This .alongside the French veterans, and (alcerb? Before making an investment or loaning money, see that, in connection with the exemption varies from 2 to 12 per cent. To make j from taxation of interest upon the holding their own, naturally gratifies a mixture equal in copper content to 1, and reassures, every man wearing an FOR COUCHS AND COLDS your funds are amply protected. obligations of a “State of any poli­ a 5-5-50 Bordeaux mixture it takes | American uniform. It is a proud day A htunh- Calcium compound that saf»- tical sub-division thereof." The1 rul­ 63.6 pounds of a commercial mixture I ruanls against chronic lung and throat P ccMi1 1 h >\v tor safety. ing, which follows the lines proposed I for tin1 million and more who have trouM. s. A tonic-restora.tivo prepared carrying 2 per cent copper. 28.2 ! without harmful or habit-forming drugs. by counsel for the “Investment Bank­ Come across the seas to serve, and 1 ry them today. BANK WITH US pounds of a 4G per cent, IT pounds IJ their fighting spirit is raised to high ers Association of America "reads as of a 71-. per cent. 14.1 pounds of a 9 I 50 cents a box, including war tax follows :- i pitch at seeing their fellow Yanks Tor sale b.v nil DniRglAl* per cent and lu.6 pounds of a 12 per!! picked by Foch for storming strong IX'kinaa Laboratory, LhiludeJpbia Treasury Department, cent commercial article. j Office of Commissioner ol I positions. The ingredients to make 5o gallons j As our men get deeper into the bat­ Internal Revenue, REASON FOR REFUSING OTHERS of home made 5-5-50 cost at present tle, ' stronger grows their desire to go Washington, D. C. IVmmis wlm ham ,,n.o used !-',,]cy Kid­ prices from 55 to T5 cents. From the j through with it. Their eyes are turned To Collectors of Internal Revenue claimed per cent of copper on tin1 I ney I’liK prefer them to any other and Others Concerned toward the Rhine. And imbu'd the medicine. Tlmy give relict' from kidney label of the commercial Bordeaux ; and bladder troubles, backache, sharp Section 4 of the Income Tax Act | same sentiment is growing in till mixture it is planned to use and from !'quarters. 1 have heard more talk in shooting pains, rheumatism, stiff swollen of September 8th, 1918, as amended Joints’. sore muscles. puffness under the preceding paragraph the number tile past week, along the line of leav­ by theAct of October 3rd, 1917, pro­ of pounds that will be needed to make1 eyes, nervous, "always tired" fe-ding and ing nothing German west of the sleep -11 is; u rt i i ng bladder ailments. vides that the following income shall a barrel of proper strength is readily Rhine except the bones of dead sol- THE IT ATIIU W A Y I'RGB COMPANY be exempt from the income tax:- found. Multiply the cost per pound , IIK spirit ot war-time economy is shown not only “ Incomes Upon the Obligations of a by that figure and its cost is had. If | in the saving of money and food, but also in the 8tage or Any Political Subdivision it contains an insecticide its value i conservation of time and work in the home. It Thereof” must also be taken into consideration. J T is the duty of every American housewife to aid In order more clearly to define this At present prices the insecticide used in local war activities, but many are unable to do so exemption, Articles 83 and 84 of the with 50 gallons of water will cost Income Tax Regulations, as revised, from 25 to 60 cents. Hence, a barrel You Cannot Afford because of the great amount of time required for .ordinary are hereby amended to read as fol­ (50 gallons) of home made Bordeaux to let your buildings go un­ household cares. lows mixture with the insecticide will cost painted when you can buy Article 83.—Obligations of a State.— from 80 cents to $1.35 for the ingred­ JClectricity solves this problem by doing the tasks that paint, of this quality for Among income exempt from the in­ ients. In most of the commercial ordinarily take the best part of a day in a few hours, come tax is interest upon the obliga­ Bordeaux mixtures there is relatively giving more leisure time and accomplishing the work in a tions of a state or any political sub­ a high amount of insecticide. Hence, far more efficient manner. division thereof. if they are used in sufficient quantity $1.50 a Gallon Obligations issued for a public pur­ to supply the needed copper to make We find that we are over­ pose by or on behalf of the State or the equivalent of a 5-5-50 mixture an stocked, and in order to re- duly organized political sub-division unnecessary amount of insecticide is duet1 this we will for a limited UNIVERSAL acting by constituted authorities duly used. empowered to issue such obligations One of the best of the commercial time Dt i are the obligations of a state or poli­ Bordeaux mixtures and insecticides Electric Iron tical sub-division thereof. registered in Maine carries 12 per Article 84.—Political Sub-Divisions. - cent copper. The samples purchased Shawmut Paint The term “political subdivisions" by the inspector cost at the rate of 25 makes tiie hardest of all household tasks one of the easiest. denotes any division of the State cents a pound. It would take 10.6 ■ f i:.< ;il)ove price Does the week's ironing in a few hour- in a cool, comfort­ made by the proper authorities there­ pounds of this mixture to make 50 Come early if you wish to able kitchen and saves you counties^ steps. of acting within their constitutional gallons of a mixture carrying as much take advantage of this offer. powers for the purpose of carrying copper as a 5-5-50 Bordeaux at a cost out a portion of those functions of the Of $2.65 for the materials. Another State which by long usage and inher­ registered preparation carried 2 per Houlton Water Company ent necessities of government have cent copper. This was sold to the James S. Peabody always been regarded as public. inspector at the rate of 35 cents per Mechanic Street Political Lab-divisions of a State, pound. It would take 63.6 pounds of Bangor Street, Houlton within the meaning of the exempHon this to make 50 gallons carrying as HOULTON TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1918

Article 83, include 1 much as a 5-5-50 and would cost $22.26 diers, than in the whole previous war price from time to time. ( The taking over of the station was GOVERNMENT BUSINESS, ^ . L L e n t dlstr,c9 e™.- per gallons for the ingredients. Both . period. While this mood is perhaps All wool is being controlled by the accompanied by a brief ceremony, at of these carry an excess of Insect!- J somewhat savage, it may be useful DOMINATES INDUSTRY e(j such as road, water, sewer, ga-. government, and local dealers now , which the American machines lined By R. W. McNeel light, reclamation, dram age, irrig - cide if used so as to make a fungicide for practical purposes in beating the send their product to a receiving up on the field and the British and The industrial situation continues tjon, leves, school, harbor, port, im- of the strength of a home made 5-5-50 barbarians in the last stand. j depot in Boston, from which it is al- American airmen stood at salute while to be dominated by government needs. pr0vement and similar distr: ts and Bordeaux mixture. Probably in large ______: lotted to suit government needs. The the American flag wa? run up. Though labor unsettlement is growing divisions of a state, packages either of these commercial I pi-w-xpi pprkEIT NOW | surplus is that distributed to other preparations could be bought at a less m u m nUW to an alarming extent it is inspiring DANIEL (\ ROPER, manufacturers, and in this way, the to find in various directions new high (poinnijssioner of International price per pound than paid by the in- j FOR SHEEP RAISING government comes first and what is records are being established in in­ Revenue. specter. ' “If the farmers in Maine who arc left goes for purposes which are not dustrial output, and in effiiciency. To test the commercial product for rising sheep don't get rich it will be war essential. In* some eases, the Approved May 20th, 1918. The long list of strikes, at various its power of suspension, put a small their own fault," said R. (1. Bowlby. government will give special permis­ of the manufacturing plants of late, makes a L. S. Rowe, Acting Sec'v amount in a deep tumbler, stir vigor- nlanager of the S. A. Maxfield Co.. sion to a manufacturer to order di­ Treasury. sad and discouraging chapter in the ously until it is thoroughly mixed and wool pullers, of Bangor. In discus­ rectly from a dealer, eliminating the SUMMER COLDS history of industry during the war. note the time that elapses before the sing the recent action of the govern­ cost of shipment to Boston and hack rapidly redace human strength But that is offset in some measure by HOME MADE AND COMMERCIAL settling out is clearly noted. At the ment in taking over the wool indus­ again. and illness is easily contracted, the evidence of enthusiasm and loyal­ end of 3 minutes with properly made try throughout the country. but Scott’s Emulsion will ty at other plants. The reports of BORDEAUX MIXTURES | Bordeaux mixture no settling can be "The government," he continued, B RITISH G IV E U. S. promptly relieve the cold and enthusiasm among shipyard workers noticed. At the end of 8 minutes a “has placed a maximum price of To Their* * Comparative Cost and upbuild your strength to over the results they are attaining I slight separation will be seen at the cents a pound for wool fleece and this FLIERS A STATION E ffic ie n c y pftyent sickness. are inspiring. The same conditions ______j top. It will take a long time for it to American aviators have taken over price compared with 21 cent'--, which S c o t t a B o w n b prevail among the steel plants. Chair­ It was not until the fall of 1906 that j completely settle to the bottom, was paid before the war, together from the British one of the most im­ BLOOMFIELD. N, J. man E. H. Gary of the United States the Maine Agricultural Experiment , Compare the commercial Bordeaux with the high price being paid for portant seaplane stations on the Eng­ Steel Corporation said after the Station had the services of a trained mixture with these. If it remains well pelfs, makes the sheep industry an un­ lish coast from which they will do meeting of the finance committee this plant pathologist. In the years that. | in suspension its mechanical condi- usually good proposition for the continuous patrol duty over a large I FOR m i d d l e - a g e d m e n a n d WOMEN week, that ingot had preceded that the work on plant J tion is good. If it settles out much area of the sea. production had risen Maine farmer. The average Maine Thf* kidneys work day and night to to 96 per cent, of capacity. Ten days diseases was variously handled. The faster than the above its use is doubt-1 sh(,(,p wi]1 j)n),iurt about six pounds The American aviators stationed on j tilter and cast out Hern (he blood stream impurities that cause aches and pains ago, it was 95 per cent. The advance first published reference to the use of ful. For it will take a powerful agi- of wool which at To cents a pound the English coast have heretofore been I when permitted to remain. It is only may look slight, but when it is con Bordeaux mixture by this Station was tator to hold it in suspension sothat means $4.20; then the pelt is worth, if : natural these important organs should working as part of the British squad­ slow up and require aid in middle age. sidered that 95 per cent, is deemed in a short bulletin by the botanist and j it can be evenly applied, and its it is of good size, about $2.25; and the rons and this is the first purely Amer­ i Foley Kidney Fills help overworked, tired and diseased kidnevs and bladder. top notch by furnace men, an increase entomologist in 1889. It was not un- j power of adhesion would probably meat be is worth anywhere from Slo to ican station in England. ( THF HATHFWAY DRUG COMPANY represents unusual exertions by the til 1896 that tests of Bordeaux mix- sight. $15 depending on age and weight." workers. ture as a control of the late blight of Any reader who may care to learn Thus, it will be semi that the sheep potatoes were made at this station. the number of pounds required of a War Increases Business raiser gets around $18 and $20 for his And not until 1900 that the large certain brand to make the equivalent . *t. which is a big increase over Reports from manufacturing dis­ series of experiments, which resulted of a ;>-:>-;><• mixture can have his q,lf‘s';that received a few years ago and al- tricts tell of steadily increasing per in Aroostook County adopting spray­ tion answered by addressing the Maine ]0VVS ot- a profit that should make the centage of machinery at work on war ing with Bordeaux mixture as a fun­ Agricultural Experiment Station, Oro- 1 enterprise an attractive one for the business, and of necessity a decrease damental in potato culture, were car­ no. Maine. J farmer. Electric Bond & in the output of goods for the civilian ried out. The United Sfates Depaitment ot j yjr. Bowlby is also of the opinion population. That is well exemplified Bordeaux mixture was an accidental Agriculture has issued a valuable ,}]a( drastic measures should be Sh are Company in the census of the woolen industry discovery in connection with control Farmers’ Bulletin (No. 994) on “How Just issued, by the National Associa­ taken to revive the cattle industry and of grape diseases. Its application to to Calculate the Value of Commercial Preferred e'tock tion of Wool Manufacturers. It shows sheep raising in Maim* and agrees potato blight was logical. But the j Bordeaux Mixtures." One can obtain a very substantial increase in the with the TIMES that to exempt To yield <>}x c preparation of the material was, and j a copy by addressing bis Congress- machinery deyoted to warorders the all cattle and sheep from taxation still is, more or less arbitrary. Six j man, or the Division of Publications last month. In the case of worsted would serve to stimulate the industry, pounds of copper sulphate and 4 J of the United States Department of spindles for instance, 748,220 were de­ ih* says that he looks for an increase pounds of quick lime about balance Agriculture at Washington, I). C. voted to American war orders July 1. this year in the number of native pelts each other chemically. And this was (MIAS. 1). WOODS. compared with only 661.149 June 1, handled by his concern on account of the proportion, with 50 gallons of and 535,444 Oct. 1, 1917. That means Director. the high prices hut thinks that some­ water, that was for a long time used. Details on request that 50.9 per cent, of the active ma­ thing permanent should he offered tin* But if the lime carried much sand, it chinery of that class is now devoted farmer as an inducement to embark would not neutralize the copper sul­ FOCH ON EVERY to war orders, compared with 44 per in the business on a large scale. Bonbright & Company phate and the tops would be injured. cent, a month ago, and 36.5 per cent. BRITISH TONGUE When the S. A. Maxfield Go. was es­ Incorporated Also paris green, which was used as Every when.* ’n London the people* Oct. 1, 1917. It is the same story with tablished a dozen or so years ago it the insecticide, carried free arsenious R. A. & K. L. Manning, Managers the woolen spindles. A total of 731,- are talking about Foch. There is no was equipped to do a large slaughter acid and that also burned the tops. light-heartedness, because all know Shawmut Bank Building, Boston 852 are now employed on war orders business hut the decadence of sheep Hence a formula carrying less copper that one successful counter-attack New York Philadelphia Chicago Detroit or 549 per cent, of the total in opera­ raising in this section made it neces­ and more lime came into general use. does not mean a decision, and that tion compared with 673,941 or 49.7 sary to develop the plant along differ­ Harold P. Marsh, Representative, 15 State St., Bangor The spraying outfits first used in per cent. June 1. Last October only the pendulum will swing back and ent lines and now its principal busi­ Maine on potatoes consisted of an oil forth many times before the hour of 33.2 per cent, were so employed. ness is wool pulling, from 1.2't(i to barrel with a pump. An oil barrel victory strikes. 1,5'in pelts being handled a day. y-' Labor Troubles holds about 50 gallons. For ease of But Fcch's move marks the raising IThese are now shipped according to The labor problem seems to grow memory and convenience of measure, of allied strength to a new level. At j^ov rnimuit order and the quarter­ worse instead of better. Strikes grow this Station recommended the 5-5-50 last we are free from the restraint:- master's department is having them more frequent, and apparently many formula which is now used by potato of inferior numbers and unfavorahh made into linings for officers' and avi- of the demands of labor are based, not growers in this State. Experiments position. Since assuming the leader a to it coats, double breasted and high on justice, but merely on the strategic with much weaker solutions have not, & ship, the greatest offensive general ! cut a it is to offer (he best protection % S S S ^ S S i n S S position of the worker, owing to the in bad blight years given sufficient produced in this war has been obliged !t<> th soldi-*rs dui ing tin* . oid months great demands on the productive ca control to warrant recommending by circumstances to maintain the de- m »} t p*indies. mm '—* pacity of the country, and the with­ their general use. Stronger mixtures tensive. His strong arm is now loos- : -|-|, prie. of Te rent- a pound for drawal or millions of men for the have not given better results. So ed and London is confident the Ger­ W O O s set by (lie government, is for army. Whether that phase of the this formula, somewhat accidentally % 70H# mans will feel its power again and the > st qualify ami in sen inn. the situation can be improved is proble­ proposed, seems to fit the ease. again. prh * tin* government linun-d that it matical. But the government ex­ The value of Bordeaux mixture de­ Share Pride of F re n c h uoull allow a reasonable profit to tin* pects to help in some degree by elim­ pends upon the copper it contains, With characteristically generous farmer and dealer and it is probable Driving Genius. The ors y^r ot war inating so far as possible the difficul­ the chemical form it is in, and its spirit, the British share the French that this figure -.'ill prevail through attests that the ttnparalled dgtnands of tremendous ties experienced by manufacturers mechanical condition A properly pride in the allied generalissimo. Tim 191s. The result of fixing on** price is energy have been met in a manner to justify our and others in securing proper amount made Bordeaux mixture has the cop­ British have a light to \ iew tie* re­ that (he marlo'l li.e been made st a hit- of both skilled and unskilled labor, by per present as hydroxide, will stay faith in the driving genius of America, Consider sult with satisfaction, for it was their and raisers and dealers do not have to preventing competition among indus­ how much can he accomplished if each due.* his just in suspension and only settle out sinking of all narrow considerations fear tluetuation s. In (his way sprru- tries in securing special inducements, 1 1 slowly. A commercial Bordeaux mix­ for tin* good of the common cause that lation is mirtai 1 * < 1 and both farmers share. We are at the peoples’ service in hanking, and more money to all classes of labor ture to be satisfactory must have the j made unity of command possible. It and dealers an ■ able to make rsti- affording everv safeguard, convenience and facility. have induced men to quit work in above properties. No commercial I is worth recalling now that Lloyd- males without fear of a chance in which they were engaged, and enter article as now placed upon the market George, ably seconded by Gen. Bliss other employment. This practice and used in accordance with the and Lord M iln* r. hrouglil about caused much of the labor shortage in A SUCCESSFUL directions will carry as much copper Foeh’s appoint imuit in (In* face of tin* all classes of work, and its discontinu­ as a 5-5-50 formula. Freshly made most formidable opposition. \\ hat- MEDICINAL COMBINATION ance will help the situation. After properly prepared Bordeaux mixture over may be the premiers weakness- And oik* that had long boon needed Aug. 1, distribution of unskilled labor is in a gelatinous form. This remains os, undei* factional and political pres­ and had not seemed to be possible, is will be made exclusively through lio u l ton,M aine in suspension and adheres well to sure at home, he showed splendid Hood's Sarsaparilla taken before United States employment service, foliage. Gradually it undergoes chemi­ strength in his insistence, on putting eating and Pep t iron after eating. which is making a scientific study of These two great medieines supple­ cal and physical changes. It becomes a foreign general in conn land of tin* ment each other in purifying and en­ the question. crystaline and settles out faster and Foch’s success will British forces, riching the blood, strengthening and does not cling to foliage as well. act. and e ven now the make a historii toning the nerves, putting life intq None of the commerical Bordeaux “POLITICAL SUB-DIVISION” British public i properly taking share the holy and color into the face. mixtures that this Station has tried DEFINED in the credit. Taken in conjunction, they are the stay in suspension as well as freshly It is difficult for the Americans in ideal remedy for the blood and The Income Tax Regulations have prepared Bordeaux mixture, and some London to restrain their emotions. nerves. If a laxative is needed take been revised by the Treasury Deci­ of them settle out almost immediately. They would like to do a little shout­ Hood’s Pills. All druggists. sion (No. 2715 just approved so as to The Bordeaux preparations register­ clear up any doubt as to the mean­ ing but have a horror of doing it pre­ ed for sale in Maine carry as required maturely. Tin* spectacle ot American m ECte/HANS - ing of the term “political subdivi­ by law, the statement, of the per cent forces stepping right into the furnace sion” as used In the Income Tax Laws of copper contained in them. This alongside the French veterans, and Calcerb? Before making an investment or loaning money, see that in connection with the exemption varies from 2 to 12 per cent. To mala holding their own. naturally gratifies from taxation of interest upon the a mixture equal in copper content to j"ml nreassures, >assn n .Ss „VM.yevery ma,mao wearing an your funds are amply protected. obligations of a “State of any poli­ FOR COUGHS AN0 COLDS a n-a-aO Bordeaux mixture it takes j A m (,ri(.an ,mj|(),-m. p js a proud day tical sub-division thereof.” The rul­ A. h an fly Calcium compound that safe­ 63.6 pounds „r (I comiiH-rcial inixtim- fm. (h(, mjl|jml and more who have guards against chronic lung: and throat Decide now for safety. ing, which follows the lines proposed - trouM.-s. A tonic-restorative prepared carrying 2 pci...... it copper. 28.2 s, S(.rv,.. am! yithowt harmful or habit-fonnintf drugs. by counsel for the “Investment Bank­ I Try them today. BANK WITH US pounds of a 41/:? per cent, 17 pounds their fighting spirit is raised to high ers Association of America "reads as 50 cents a box, including war tax of a 7Vs Per cent. 14.1 pounds of a 9 Yanks follows: - pitch at seeing their tellow For sale by all DniRKista per c(‘nt and lu.6 pounds of a 12 per I picked by Foch for storming strong Jjckmaa Laboratory, Philadelphia Treasury Department, cent commercial article. Office of Commissioner of ! positions. The ingredients to make an gallons j As our men get deeper into the bat- Internal Revenue. REASON FOR REFUSING OTHERS of home made 5-5-50 cost at present j! tie, stronger grows tln*ir desire to go Washington, D. C. I'ersniis who have i.m-e used Foley Kid­ prices from 55 to 75 cents. From the |’through with it. Their eyes are turned To Collectors of Internal Revenue claimed per cent of copper on the I ney Fills prefer them to any other and Others Concerned :- toward tin* Rhine. And indeed the medicine. They give relief from kidney label of the commercial Bordeaux j and bladder troubles. backache. sharp Section 4 of the Income Tax Act j same sentiment is growing in all mixture it is planned to use and from i quarters. I have heard more talk in slioofinur pains, rheumatism, stiff swollen of September 8th, 1918, as amended joints-, si-ii- muscles, puffness under the preceding paragraph the number the past week, along tin* line of leav­ by theAct of October 3rd, 1917, pro­ of pounds that will he needed to make • -yes. nervous, “always tired" feeling and ing nothing German west of the sleep-disturbing bladder ailments. vides that the following income shall a barrel of proper strength is readily Rhine except the hones of dead sol- TUG HATH 10 W A Y FliGG roMPAXY be exempt from the Income tax:- found. Multiply the cost per pound | HK spirit of war-time economy is shown not only “Incomes Upon the Obligations of a by that figure and its cost, is had. if j in the saving of money and food, but also in the Stage or Any Political Subdivision it contains an insecticide its value conservation of time and work 111 the home. It Thereof” must also be taken into consideration. is the duty of every American housewife to aid In order more clearly to define this At present prices the insecticide used T in local war, hut many are unable to do so exemption, Articles 83 and 84 of the with 50 gallons of water will cost Income Tax Regulations, as revised, from 25 to 60 cents. Hence, a barrel You Cannot Afford because of the great amount of time required for ^ordinary are hereby amended to read as fol­ (50 gallons) of home made Bordeaux to let your buildings go un­ household cares. lows : - mixture with the insecticide will cost painted when you can buy Article 83.— Obligations of a State.— from 80 cents to $1.35 for the ingred­ Electricity solves this problem by doing the tasks that paint of Hi is quality for Among income exempt from the in­ ients. In most of the commercial ordinal ily take the best part of a day in a few hours, come tax is interest upon the obliga­ Bordeaux mixtures there is relatively giving more leisure time and accomplishing the work in a tions of a state or any political sub­ a high amount of insecticide. Hence, $1.50 a Gallon far mure etficiemt manner. division thereof. if they are used in sufficient quantity Obligations Issued for a public pur­ to supply the needed copper to make We find that we are over­ pose by or on behalf of the State or the equivalent of a 5-5-50 mixture an stocked, and in order to re­ duly organized political subdivision unnecessary amount, of insecticide is duce this we will for a limited UNIVERSAL acting by constituted authorities duly used. empowered to issue such obligations One of the best of the commercial time s=«. i are the obligations of a state or poli­ Bordeaux mixtures and insecticides Electric Iron tical sub-division thereof. registered in Maine carries 12 pm* Article 84.—Political Sub-Divisions. — cent copper. The samples purchased Shawmut Paint The term “political subdivisions” by the inspector cost at the rate of 25 makes the hardest of all household tasks one of the easiest. denotes any division of the State cents a pound. It would take 10.6 1 ' < above price Does the week’s ironing in a few hours in a cool, eomfoif- made by the proper authorities there­ pounds of this mixture to make 50 Come early if you wish to able kitchen and saves you countless steps of acting within their constitutional gallons of a mixture carrying as much take advantage of this offer. powers for the purpose of carrying copper as a 5-5-50 Bordeaux at a cost out a portion of those functions of the of $2.65 for the materials. Another State which by long usage and Inher­ registered preparation carried 2 per Houlton Water Company ent necessities of government have cent copper. This was sold to the James S. Peabody always been regarded as public. inspector at the rate of 35 cents per Mechanic Street Political sub-dlvislons of a State, pound. It would take 63.6 pounds of Bangor Street, Houlton within the meaning of the e x e rr^ o n this to make 50 gallons carrying as HOULTON TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1918

1 teaspoon salt lighting customer has no use for cur­ lines an increase in fares. they wrote, mailing the duplicate about'any vessels t does show that the WAR TIME RECIPES 1 y2 cup corn flour (6 oz.) rent, could be filling in the •hollow’ “Some of the railroads have cut a w «k after the original was posted,chance for a safe vovage to and from Prepared by Prof. Frances R. Free­ 1-3 cup buckwheat (2 oz.) places in the utility company’s busi­ out a number of trips and in this way | “The logic of the plan appealed to Europe is verygood” man, Home Economics Director, ness by using large amounts of cur­ reduced expenses. A few have in-1 me, and I began to do the same thine- 1 ______Combination Substitute Muffins: * United States Food Administration, rent, the average householder would creased fares without serious objec- but at the same time began to observe 1 ------| Barley flour 50 per cent Orojio, Maine. obtain his electricity at a price tion upon the part of their patrons, incoming mail to see whether letters NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE I Corn flour 50 per cent which would tend to change his The Bangor Railway Electric ^ from these firms failed to be followed Whereas William B. Brown of Mars COTTAGE CHEESE DISHES Hill, in the county of Aroostook and 1 cup milk present conviction that he is each ( ompany was permitted to increase by duplicates and whether duplicates Baked Bread and Cheese: ' 1 tablespoon fat State of Maine, by his mortgage deed 4 medium slices of bread, or 2 cups month paying an amount nearly the far*1 between Bangor and Orono ever came without having been preoed dated April 5, 1912. recorded in the i 2 tablespoons syrup trom 15 to 20 cents, the distance be- e*l by originals. Aroostook Registry of Deeds in Vol. cold cooked rice (dry) equal to the national debt. I 2 eggs “Of conns*1 then1 is another side to ing approximately 15 miles, resulting j “I have observed closely 2;)9, Page 429, conveyed to Houlton 1 3gg 4 teaspoons baking powder for several I rust Company, a certain piece or the matter. To immediately electrify in an average fare of about one cent months, and no letter has 1 egg yolk or an egg white 1 teaspoon salt been lost. parcel of real estate situate in Mars each steam railroad would involve an a mile prior to the increase. “When I write either to London or Hill aforesaid, hounded and described 2 cups milk 1V> cups barley (4 oz.) almost imposible sum. It is claimed "The Lewiston, Augusta A: Water- Baris and the letter calls for an an­ as follows, to wit: Beginning at an *4 teaspoon salt 1 cup corn flour (4 oz.) hub in th*1 center of the highway that tin1 expenditure necessary to ac­ swer. 1 have followed th*1 practice of Cayenne pepper ville Street Railway increased its leading from Houlton to Presque Isle BISCUIT complish this result would nearly Butter fare between Lewiston and Bath marking our office carbon copy to at a point where the south line of the 1 cup cottage cheese Using No Wheat double the present capitalization of from 35 to 50 cents, the distance be­ com*1 back to me in 00 days, to make said town of Mars Hill Intersects the each railroad. As illustrative of the ing approximately 3n miles. It •sure of delivery of mail both ways, said Highway; thence west along said Vi teaspoon soda Barley Biscuit: south line of said Mars Hill to the expense, tin electrical locomotive and I have never failed to get tho V£ teaspoon onion juice 1 Vi cups liquid sought to make this increase by add­ southwest corner of lot numbered costs around $50.0)111; to bear the Parsley and pimiento, or piccalilli 4 cups barley flour ing to th*1 seven far** zones already letter over and receive th*1 answer ho­ eighty-five (85); thence north along weight of increased tonnage to be or chili sauce; nuts if desired. 3 tablespoons fat existing three others, making 10 in tt 11 j f )rt my office carbon is returned in the west line of said lot eighty-five <>'5i and lot numbered eighty-six (86) Butter the bread and cut the slices 6 teaspoons baking powder hauled all existing rails would have under th*1 new arrangement and ab-|^1P do davs. to be replaced with much heavier to th*1 center of said highway; thence in squares or diamonds. Place a lay­ 1 teaspoon salt solutely changing the limits of each | “I receive three British advertising southeasterly along said highw’ay to er, buttered side down, on the bot­ Appearance- light, well risen, good ones, for the reason that each train of the existing zones. TI1*1 form of the 1 journals, on*1 of which I taking jto Hie point of beginning; containing would consist of practically double tom of a large shallow buttered bak­ shape chang*1 brought forth a storm of pro-j before th*1 war, and in all that time I one hundred ilOoi acmes more or less. Now, therefore, the condition of ing dish. Dissolve the soda in a Texture good the number of cars now hauled; and test all along tae line and wo re-! have not missed a single issue of any complete electrification would eat up said mortgage is broken, by reason little of the milk, and with it mix the C o lo r— somewhat dark, but typical ceived two complaints, one relating'of these publication- whereof said Houlton Trust Company an additional large sum of money. to the zones and far*1.- from Lewi 1 cheese to a soft cream. Add parsley of barley “While this experience does not in­ claims a foreclosure of the same, and This dream will probably not he im­ gives this notice for that purpose. and pimiento or sauce if desired. Flavor- typical of barley...good ton towards Brunswick and the other dicate that th*1 Huns are not sinking Spread a thick layer of the cheese Comment These biscuits do not mediately realized. But with tin1 to zones and fares from Brunswick Houlton, Maine, July 17, 1918. lightly over the bread, and cover with get light and fiuffffy as wheat biscuits present and probable future almost towards Lewiston. TI1*1 protest was HOULTON TRUST COMPANY, prohibitive price of coal the activities By its Attorneys. Archibalds. the rest of the bread, seasonings, and but are still a desirable and edible not so much against a reasonable in- 55a2e 579, conveyed to Texture -very dry and close al­ i M illiam R Foss, his heirs and assigns Variations:- Corn muffins, barley the time when any such increase for many years and any increase l)*1 forever a certain lot or parcel of land though not heavy or oatmeal bread may be used in­ could be reasonably be expected. equally applied within each limit, to situated in said town of Weston, Color—white on or before July stead of white bread. This dish may War conditions have entered into and th*1 end that the burden should be County of Aroostook, bounded and Flavor- slight corn flavor described as follows, to wit: First: be made into a hearty sweet pudding, materially affected the home and born*1 by each passenger rath*1!’ than Comment---most nearly the appear­ The South half of lot numbered Five by omitting the onion juice and other business of each citizen. The rail­ having it all born*1 bv some. 31, at the office of ance of wheat biscuit of any of the in the second division in said town of seasonings, and substituting 2 to 3 roads have been peculiarly influ­ Weston, being all that part of said lot substitutes used. tablespoons of sugar, or an equiva­ enced, for while the gross business t h e which lies Southerly of a straight line Suggestion: U-BOAT TEST j drawn across said lot equidistant from lent sugar substitute, and raisins or and consequent gross revenue has the North and South lines of said lot !’■ i ads and relatives of men in the j dates, nutmegs or cinnamon, with If I 1* cups liquid are used the tex­ largely increased, and expense of together with all buildings thereon— service abroad will be interested in j other spices if desired. ture will be better, but it will have to operation have shown an unexpected, This said lot conveyed is bounded on th*1 experience of an Indianapolis ad-! Supper or Luncheon Menu: Baked be made as a drop biscuit. an unavoidable advance. This lat­ the North by the North part of said vertising man who has proved to his j Houlton Water Co. lot numbered Five now owned and oc­ bread and cheese, green salad or crisp Buckwheat:-Corn Flour Biscuit: ter increase has been due to several own satisfaction that the German U-j cupied by E. L. Heal; on the East by fresh vegetable, toasted corn muffins, 50 per cent Buckwheat causes, among them being the ad­ land of the heirs of Ellis McAllister; Boats are sinking extremely few ships! Mechanic Street coffee or Russian tea, fresh or can­ 50 per cent Corn Flour vance in wages under the Adamson on the South by land of D. J. Barker; plying between the United States and ! and on the West by land of A. S. ned fruit. For a heartier meal, add 1 cup liquid law; increase in wages of employes England or Franc*1. j Springer, containing ninety acres more baked or hashed brown potatoes. 1V4 cups buckwheat not affected by this law; an un­ or less. “For some time,” he said, “1 oh-: POTATO DISHES 1 1-3 cups corn flour precedented advance in the price of Opposite the Am erican Second: One lot or parcel of land Cheese and Potato Croquettes:- 3 tablespoons fat materials due in part at least to the served that a number of people with | situated in said Weston being the Southeast part of lot numbered One, 1 cup cottage cheese f> teaspoons baking powder demands of the federal government, whom we correspond regularly in Eng- j Express Company land, followed the practice of making | containing about fifteen acres. Also 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 1 teaspoon salt for war supplies: an enormous in­ one lot or parcel of land situated in 1 rounding teaspoon chopped green Appearance—dark, but good shape crease in fuel prices, due in part to an extra carbon copy of every letter Munroe Gore (Said Gore being now a FROM A JUSTICE OF THE PEACE pepper. Texture—good,similar to wheat the withdrawal of water carriage and part of said Weston), containing W. H. Hill, J. P. Detroit, Tex., writes: twenty-five acres more or less, the % teaspoon soda Color—light chocolate color the inability to get coal in accord­ “I used Foley Kidney Pills and say un­ last two parcels of land being the hesitatingly that of all I have used they Vfc teaspoon salt Flavor— typical buckwheat ance with existing cnntrac's. Fven an- the best, and have done the work same conveyed to S. J. Foster by t Dash of cayenne Comment—dough very soft—almost if additions, extensions or other new where the rest failed,” Backache, rheu­ John Springer by deed dated Decem­ Do Not Forget matic pains, sore muscles, stiff joints, Dash of paprika consistency of a drop biscuit construction had been actually ber 31st, A. D. 1849. and too frequent bladder action are symp­ Third: A lot or parcel of land situ­ Mix these ingredients very thor­ planned, the scarcity of labor would toms of kidney trouble. Corn Flour— Rolled Oat Biscuit: THE HATH UW AY DRUG COMPANY ated in Munroe Gore being the same oughly and form into small rolls. 50 per cent Ground rolled oats have interposed ati effectual liar, conveyed to S. J. Foster by N. P. every railroad in tin Slate ha vi,lu­ to Pay your Haskell by deed dated October 23rd, Then imbed the rolls in mashed po­ 50 per cent Corn flour tatoes which have been seasoned with been unable to seeur* men enough to A. I). 1849. and containing fifty acres 1 cup liquid more or less, said deed being recorded even carry on nece <■- conveyed to S. J. Foster by William hot fat or brush with melted fat and 1 teaspoon salt trie railrods advise 11- that tie1 in­ ELECTRIC LIGHT TIME AT WHICH TRAINS ARE EX­ Gilpatrick-being South of and adjoin­ PECTED TO ARRIVE AND DEPART brown in a hot oven. Appearance-rough, but appetizing crease in cost of material^ and sun ing the last described lot containing IN E F F E C T M A Y 20, 1918 about forty aeres-all above described Hashed Brown Potatoes With Cottage Texture- light plies, in electric current for operating ! Trains scheduled to leave Houlton land being a part or parts of lots or Cheese: Color—slightly dark- attractive1 purposes and the wages of a 1 classes J All Trains Daily except Sunday parcels of land conveyed to John Wel­ Chop cold boiled potatoes fine and of employes litis so far outrun any ler by John DeMerritt and Thomas Flavor—very good BILL | ! 6.30 a. m.—For Caribou, Fort Fairfield. season them well with salt, pepper, increase in business ns to make ne !j 9.28 a. m.— For Bangor. Howe, both of Boston, in the Common­ Corn Flour and Buckwheat Bread: I 11.15 a. m.—For Ashand, St. Francis, Ft. wealth of Massachusetts, by deed and onion juice. Mix with them eessary the most rigid economies, tin- | 50 per cent Corn Flour i Kent. Washburn, Presque Isle, Van dated October 29th, zY. D. 1868, also enough milk to help them brown when cutting down of maintenance to ab­ | Buren, via Squa Pan and Mapleton. 50 per cent Buckwheat M2.49 p. m.—For Ft. Fairfield, Limestone, the same conveyed to E. L. Heal and turned upon a hot frying pan lightly solute necessities and upon some Van Buren. Michael Condon by Ransom Norton, 1 cup liquid 4.27 p. m.— For Bangor. Buffet Sieep- greased with savory fat, and cook the i assignee of said Weller, by deed dat­ 4 tablespoons fat Before Saturday jI ing Car Houlton to Boston. potatoes slowly without stirring till 7.52 p. m.—For Ft. Fairfield, Van Buren. ed October 9th. A. D, 1870, recorded 4 tablespoons syrup in Aroostook Registry of Deeds Vol. they are browned next the pan. TRAINS DUE HOULTON 2 eggs orse rnnves 37, Page 149, being the same prem­ Meanwhile Soften a generous 9.24 a. m.—From Van Buren, Ft. Fair- ises conveyed to Horace A. Bennett 6 teaspoons baking powder Aug. 10 | field. amount of cottage cheese with cream n Natures 12.39 p. m.— From Bangor, Greenville. by Leo. H. Tuck by deed dated Octo­ 1 teaspoon salt Buffet Sleeping Car Boston to Houl­ ber 24th, A. D. 1891, excepting and re­ or milk till it will spread easily. Mix ton. 1 1-3 cups corn flour serving from above described prem­ with it any desired seasoning such as T o o d 5.15 p. m.—From St. Francis, Ft. Kent, 1 cup buckwheat Van Buren, Washburn, Presque Isle, ises all lands conveyed to Weston chopped parsley or pimientos, a little via Squa Pan. Brannen by said Bennett and Tuck 4.19 p. m.—From Van Buren, Limestone, leftover ham or bacon, chili sauce or Barley and Oat Bread: Caribou, Ft. Fairfield. and fully described in a certain mort­ 50 per cent Barley Flour and save 12 1-2 per ct. 7.47 p. m.—From Bangor. gage signed, sealed and executed by piccalilli, and spread it over the po­ said Brannen, recorded in said Reg­ 50 per cent Ground Rolled Oats Time tables giving complete Informa­ tatoes. Let the mixture stand long tion may be obtained at ticket offices. istry Vol. 106, Page 618 to which deed enough to warm up the cheese and 1 cup liquid reference is hereby made for a bet­ Houlton W ater Co. GEO. M. HOUGHTON, Pass’r Trafflo soften it; the fold over the potatoes, 4 tablespoons fat If your horse 19 “off Manager, Bangor, Maine. ter description. Premises hereby 4 tablespoons syrup conveyed being the same conveyed like an omlet, turn it upon a hot plat­ his feed” you cannot act to said Christopher C. French by said ter and serve at once. 2 eggs too quickly to prevent more Horace A. Bennett by deed dated Many persons enjoy the slight acid 6 teaspoons baking powder •eriou9 trouble. November 1st, A. D. 1893, recorded in flavor of the cheese with this dish. If 1 teaspoon salt said Aroostook County Registry of 2 cups barley flour Deeds Vol. 141, Page 14. desired, however the acid of the WHITE'S Fifth: A certain lot or parcel of cheese may be neutralized by adding 1 cup ground rolled oats land situated in said town of Weston (4 teaspoon or more of soda for each GOLDEN bounded and described as follows to cup of cheese. wit: Beginning at a point on the A DREAM THAT MAY SOON BE TONIC East side of the Houlton and Baring Suggested Supper Menu: Road, socalled, where the center line A little cold meat thinly sliced; REALJZED fs intended primarily to keep the system of lot numbered Five cuts or crosses in such prime working order that the hashed brown potatoes with* cottage “Of course the dream of all rail­ the East line of said road, thence road men, all owners of electric | horse will thrive on his regular food. South by said road to the North line cheese; salad; tea or coffee; warmed So-called condition powders do not reach V of the I). J. Barker lot socalled: up corn muffins; apple or berry pie. power (potential or actual) and all the real cause of the trouble. White’s T thence East by the D. J. Barker lot 'Creamed Potatoes and Cottage Cheese our citizens who are well Informed, Golden Tonic is a real scientific medi­ North line aforesaid to the Northeast Reheat cold diced or sliced potatoes is that some day all our trains will cine that acts on the liver, urinary and D GD corner of the said I). J. Barker lot; be moved by electricity,’’ says the an­ digestive organs and gives the power ID cia thence South by the East line of said in medium white sauce with cottage to throw off disease. I). J. Barker land aforesaid to South­ cheese. The best seasoing for this nual report of the members of the east corner of said I). J. Barker land; Golden Tonic is especially valuable in ZD gTl sauce is a slice of onion added to the Public Utilities Commission, Benja­ treating Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, thence East by South line of said Bar­ milk while heating and chopped pars­ min F. Cleaves of Biddeford, William Swelled Legs, Yellow ker land extended East to land of B. Skelton of Lewiston and John E. Water, Horse Distemper McAllister heirs; thence North by ley and pimientos; 2-3 cup of potatoes West line of said .McAllister land to and 1-3 cup of sauce make a generous Bunker of Bar Harbor, which has and the numerous dis­ E. L. Heal homestead; thence by been filed with the Governor and eases that result from South liu*1 of said E. L. Heal home­ serving. run-down condition. Boiled new potatoes may be served Council. stead. which line is th*1 aforesaid cen­ “Within our great State are water Sixty cents per bottle at ter lin*1 of lot numbered Five afore­ whole with this sauce. druggists or general said. West to the place of beginning, powers, either developed or easily containing eighty acres more or less COMBINATION MUFFINS stores, or sent postpaid if susceptible of development, from dealer is out of stock. together with the buildings thereon Using No Wheat which could be obtained .sufficient Money back if not sat­ j and being the same \ emises convey­ electrical energy to turn every wheel isfied. THEY MAKE GOOD ed to said Harriet French by Weston Combination Substitute Muffins; Brannen by deed dated April 29th .Y. Buckwheat 25 per cent in .Maine steam railroad cars, elec­ Kimball Bros & Co.,Inc. WHEREVER THEY GO 1). 1896. ami recorded in Aroostook. Corn flour 75 per cent tric cars, manufacturing or mechani­ Registry of Deeds Vol. 152, Fag*1 59". 1 cup milk cal establishments, farm machinery Enosburg Falls, Vermont Just as the red-blood quality of America’s men This last named l<*t i< th*1 exception mentioned in first named entire par­ 1 tablespoon fat for pumping water, sawing wood, means triumph over foe, so does the true-blue quality of these E x tra *■ T ested Tires mean service cel of real estate or the exception 2 tablespoons syrup cutting silage, etc., light every build­ named in paragraph four. 2 eggs ing and even then not use much NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE triumphf or users. Sixth: Also a certain lot being the 4 teaspoons baking powder more than half of the amount of en­ Whereas, Alexander M. Skinner of same included in above first descrip­ ergy available,” continues the re­ Ashland, Aroostook County, .Main*1 by RACINE tions to paragraph Five, conveyed to 1 teaspoon salt said Christopher U. French by Hor­ port. bis mortgage deed dated November 1-3 cup buckwheat (2 oz.) 1, 1916, and recorded in Aroostook Country Road ace zY. Bennett, above named, by deed 1V£ cup corn flour (6 oz.) “ From the standpoint of th*1 elec­ Registry of Deeds, at Houlton in Vol­ and of conveyance dated February 14th. A. tric power companies, this would he ume 292, Page 14S. conveyed to James D. 1906.* Combination Substitute Muffins: the ideal condition, and they can sc*1 R. Hopkins and Ebon S. Hopkins both Multi-Mile Cord And Whereas the said William R Buckwheat 25 per cent. Foss, by his deed of assignment dat­ no reason why a pound of coal should of Fort Fairfield, Aroostook County. Ground Rolled Oats 75 per cent Main*1, Lot numbered Seventy-six (76) TIRES ed June 15t.h. 191N. and recorded in ever he turned into power. And the it.he Aroostook Registry Y'ol. 3"8. Cage 1 cup milk in th*1 town of Ashland aforesaid and Each Extra Test adds definite fighting strength. For instance: average citizen says, ‘Speed the day being th*> sain*1 property now occupied 126, sold, assigned and conveyed to 1 tablespoon fat the extra test tor carcass smoothness does away with all internal when the ideal situation becomes by him and th*1 sum*1 conveyed to him ridges by a “feather-edge” process of joining all fabric used. Henry H. Putnam, the undersigned. 2 tablespoons syrup I the said mortgage, the debt thereby real. The reason for this dream and by Jonathan M. Garland by deed dat­ Weans many extra miles. 2 eggs ed August 13th, 1S87, recorded in Vol­ secured and all the right, title and in­ desire grows out of the fact that if j Racine Country Road yields service far beyond the 5000 terest he had in the premises therein 4 teaspoons baking powder ume loi, Pag*1 422, Aroostook Regis Mile Guarantee. Racine Multi-Mile Cord Tire is in every way each electrical company could sell described, referring expressly to a 1 teaspoon salt try of Deeds, and by deed of Calvin worthy the name Racine Rubber Company. during substantially each hour all W. Ellis dated March 15th, 1905, re­ certain release deed given to Robert 13 cup buckwheat (2 oz.) H. MeUready and a certain other deed the energy it could produce, a very corded in said Registry Volume 209, 1% cups ground rolled oats (6 oz.) Page 569. given Stewart S. la1*.* of another por­ small margin of profit per horse And whereas, the conditions of said G. W. Richards & Co. tion of said premises. Combination Substitute Muffins: power or kilowatt hour would yield a mortage are broken, now, therefore, And whereas the condition of said Corn flour 75 per cent by reason of the breach of said con­ mortgage has been broken. handsome gross return and the price Houlton, Maine Now, therefore, by reason of tbe Buckwheat 25 per cent to the consumer could be made very ditions thereof we, the undersigned claim a foreclosure of said mortgage breach of the condition thereof, th** 1 cup milk low. If each railroad was electrified undersigned, the said Henry H. Put­ and give this notice for the purpose For your own protection be certain every Racine Tire you buy 1 tablespoon fat and was using a large amount of of foreclosing same. nam, claims a foreclosure of said beare the name mortgage. 2 tablespoons syrup power during each hour of the day; Dated at Fort Fairfield, Maine this RACINE RUBBER COMPANY, RACINE, WISCONSIN 2 eggs 12th day of July, A. D. 1918. Dated this Eleventh day of July, If each manufacturing establishment 1918. 4 teaspoons baking powder JAMES R. HOPKINS, during the daylight hours when the EBEN S. HOPKINS, 329 329 HENRY H. PUTNAM. HOULTON TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1918

LITTLETON LUDLOW and much enjoyed by all. It was a | Part of Eve’s Costume J. H. Watson who has been ill with Miss Grace Weiler spent last week play of more than usual interest. | Bessie came running to her grand- pneumonia is much better. in Houlton with relatives. 1 mother holding a dry pressed leaf. PIRATES! obviously the rdic of a day long gone ""Mrs. Harriet Fowler of Madison, Mrs. (’hales Beatty of Houlton is Remember how that word SURROUNDING TOWNS I first by. “I lound it in the big Bible, Me., is visitng her daughter, Mrs. Fred spending a few days with her daugh­ thrilled von , Hen* are those ol:-•- can be if you scatter tri.-t of -Maine. In Bankruptcy. completely overcome the mother, floral offerings were many and beau­ treatment, is expected home this there is much work to be done in the In tiie matter .>f whose condition is now extremely tiful. Mrs. (’lark leaves to mourn for week much improved in health. near future. il'-nry K.* Tin a pi In rw i- 1 as < - U serious. her, a husband, one son, Miles, two Mrs. .Margaret Pennington and son, The relatives and friends of Donald K.-nnani George was a bright, lovable boy, brothers, Henry and Will Clark of In Bankrupt. George, of Houlton, were visitors at Weld) Watson of Waterville. will be , Bankrupt. a friend and a of maker friends. The Ludlow and an aged mother. the home of Mrs. Pennington’s cous­ interested to know that he has been j t'1’“ •11 . ■ < 1, i., r.: i,f said Hfiiry K. :i- profusion of beautiful flowers from in, Mrs. James Stone Jr on Wednes- transferred from Newport, R. I. to nani as a f< >r-sa id . .f Wasld.nrn in fa.* friends in Fort Fairfield, Houlton. .•minty id' .d'a-Ouk. and District uf -... LINNEUS day. New London. Conn. Private Watson said, bankrupt. Hodgdon, Smyrna, Island Falls and A baby girl born to Mr. and Mrs. The Red Cross met at the Grange has been in the Hospital with a | Xoti.-.- i - ! >■!>-by yi\ .-n that, mi the Sherman, bore mute testimoney to Richard Coyle, Thursday, July 25th. Hall Thursday afternoon. Sweater sprained leg but has since fully re­ *t!i day «d July. A [.. 1:ms tin* said the respect in which he and his fam­ Henry K.-nnard as aforesaid was duly Mr. Byron Stewart and family of yarn and yarn for service socks have covered. ily were held. adjudicated bankrupt: and that the tirst Houlton spent Sunday here with rela­ been received hut we have no sewing A reception was held at the home He was to have entered High 'meeting of creditors will be held at the tives. at present. of Mrs. Edith Hand on Tuesday even- office of Edwin L. Vail, in Houlton. an School this coming Sept, having grad­ No need to send them to an elabor- the 17th day of August A D. i:u at Mr. and Mrs. Ansil Hatfield of The Red Cross Society aeknow- inK in ,1()nor of her son, Byron, who uated from Sherman Grammar School ate storage warehouse either; just lay i ; in the f<.renoun at w kwh Houlton, spent Sunday here with rela­ a nice patchwork h*ft on I hursday tor Camp Devens. ledges the gift of them in a bureau drawer or wrap them tim.* tin* tid <*r«*dit>.rs may attend, last spring with honor. While at tives. school during the last year he lived quilt from the Ross school auxiliary, A Ho u t one hundred triends and rela in fiacking paper; the refreshing odor pn>v*‘ Thai’ •laim-. appoint a tru< *■**•». Mr. and Mrs. E. W. French of Lo also a gift of .50 from tin* McBride tives gathered there and a very en­ of Red Cedar combined with other t-xamint* t i bankrupt am! transact such with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs- well, Mass., are visiting Miss Marion . .t h.-r I,... :,i -s as may properly come be- Auxiliary. joyable evening was spent with music proven moth preventatives insures Frank Porter, to whom his passing safety. Ravaging moths simply can't l.*r.* s.ii.i i -. ■ t i;; k French. games and other amusements. Re­ is as that of an own son. L. 1). Barrows, Asst. Engineer of com.* within inhaling distance. Monitor). July L'fUli, 1'.‘18 Mr. Herb Savage and family of freshments of ice cream and cake There remains to mourn their loss State Highways, passed through town Red Cedar Flakes save you the EDWIN L. VAIL. Houlton spent Sunday here with Mr were served. price of costly as well as bulky cedar Referee .n Bankrupt, y. beside his parents, two younger on Tuesday on a tour of inspection of Sam Ruth and family. chests, which at their best, protect brothers, Lloyd and Glenn, Mr. and the highways. He was accompanied The community was saddened to Mrs. Marion Glidden was obliged to only the exposed surfaces, while Red BANKRUPT’S PETITION FOR Mrs. Geo. Mooers, of Houlton, and by O. V. Jenkins, State Highway Su­ hear ot the death ol Mrs. Alonzo j (vdar Flakes can be scattered enter the Hospital in Houlton last DISCHARGE Mrs. Annie Porter of Sherman, grad­ pervisor. Clark which occurred at her home. . throughout each crevice. Saturday for treatment. Wednesday morning, after a long ill- j *n <‘°nvenient and generous pack­ In the matter of uates, and a host of other relatives Mrs. Oscar Porter of Mount Chase The Ladies' Aid of the F. B. Church ages 15c. ciift.m U. Ireland In Bankruptcy ness. Mrs. Clark was a woman loved and friends, whose sympathy goes out is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. will meet at the Grange Hall next Sold only by Bankrupt. to the bereaved family in their hour Thursday afternoon. Business of im­ by a great many friends, and her To the Hon. Clarence Hale. Judge of the L. O. Sawyer this week. District Court of the United States for of sorrow. death will he an occasion of sorrow L. A. BARKER Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Byrenton of portance to be transacted and those the District of Maine. for all who knew her. She leaves to OAK FIELD. MAINE Funeral services were held at the Smyrna Mills were Sunday guests of interested in the work of the church Clifton l'. Ireland of Caswell Plantation mourn their loss, her husband. Alonzo home on Golden Ridge, Monday after­ Mr. and Mrs. Firman Poppin. should be present. in the County of Aroostook, and noon, July 22, Rev. H. W. Thompson Clark, and one son, Miles, two broth­ Notice of First Meeting of Creditors State of Maine, in said District respect­ Miss Dora Bickford of Hodgdon A number of buildings were struck fully represents, that on the lf.tli day officiating. The Boy Scouts, of which ers, William and Henry Clark, of In the District Court of the United States spent two days last week with Mr. by lightning during the storm of last for the Northern Division of the Dis­ of June,last past, he was duly organization the deceased was a mem­ Ludlow, and one sister, Mrs. Helen Hamilton J. Ruth and family. week, James MeSheffrey's house was trict of Maine. In Bankruptcy. adjudged bankrupt under the Acts of ber, attended in a body, four of their Henderson of N. B. Funeral services Congress relatingto Bankruptcy; that Mrs. E. Parker Craig and daughter, quite badly damaged, Robert (’raw­ In the matter of number acting as pall bearers. In­ were held at her late residence. ?>i- I’linTnii H. Eraser in Bankruptcy he has duly surrendered all his property Mary, of Augusta, are spending a few ford s barn was slightlv damaged, al- , . . , , , , . and rights of property, and has fully- terment was at the Ridge cemetery. * day morning at lo o'clock, Rev. Mr. Bankrupt. | days with Mrs. Sarah E. Bither. so the house of Emery Lee. complied with all the requirements of Speed of Houlton, conducting the ser­ T<> tie* creditors of said Clinton H. Mrs. Roy Jackins and children of Fraser of Township 10 R f> in the county said Acts and of the orders of Court Samuel R. Briggs vice. touching his bankruptcy. Houlton spent Sunday with her sister, <>f Aroostook, and District aforesaid, HODGDON Mr. Samuel R. Briggs was born in bankrupt. Wherefore he prays, That he may be Mrs. Vincent Bither and family. Mrs. Williams of Mlllinocket, is St. John, N. II, Feb. IS, 1838, and OAKFIELD Notice is herein- given that .m tli decreed by the Court to have a full dls- Mr. and Mrs. David T. Sawyer •Tth (lav of July \ 1) RH8 the said charge from all debts provable against visitng here. came to Monticello with his parents spent Sunday forenoon in Houlton Mrs. Ruth Crandall and children Clinton 'll. Fraser was dulv adjudicated his estate under said bankruptcy Acts, Mr. Summers of Ottawa, was the when a small boy, residing there un­ with Mr. Horace Ke’so and family. are visiting in town. bankrupt; and that the first meetinf of excePt puch debts as are excepted oy week end guest of G. H. Benn. til 40 years ago, when he removed to creditors will be held at the office of law from such discharge. Miss Nancy London returned Sat­ Mr. George F. White is visiting in Dated this 2"th day of July, A. 1>. Mrs. Della Royal of New- York is Littleton. He was married April 30, S(_ Joh N> R for a fpw wtH;ks. Edwin L. Vail, in Houlton, on the 17th the guest of relatives and friends urday from a month’s visit with her day of August, A. D. Ik 18, at HUH) o’clock ' 1918. 1864, to Sarah L. Bean of Monticello. (’LiFToN I*. IRELAND here. mother, Mrs. Oscar Porter, in Mount F. A. Anthony and family arc* spend­ in the forenooa at which time the said To this union were horn six children, creditors may attend, prove their claims, Bankrupt Chase. ing the week at their camp at Hill­ I ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON Mr. and Mrs. Alston Royal are re­ one daughter died in infancy, Anna, appoint a trustee, examine the bank­ ceiving congratulations on the birth Rev. B. C. Bubar is spending the man. rupt and trans-act such other business as District of Maine, Northern Division, ss wife of John L. Allen, died 20 years < m this 27th day of July, A. D. of a son. first of the week in Danforth and w ill Mr. Oscar I'outilier and party auto- may properly come before said meeting. 1918, on reading the foregoing petition, return Thursday night for meetings ago, and Mrs. W. (’. Cushman who re­ Dated at Houlton. July 29th, RMS . A great many from this town at­ ed to Fort Fairfield and Rresque Sun­ it is— the remainder of the week. day. HD WIN L. VAIL. tended the Baptism at Linneus Sun­ sides in Medford, Mass. Tlu* sons are Referee in Bankruptcy. Ordered by the Court, That a hearing day afternoon. Little Glen, 2 year old son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. A. (). Holden autoed j be had upon the same tin* creditors <>f said Prudent dence, R. I. are guests of relatives Joe Mitchell of Ludlow were here sons in interest, may appear at the said Mr. Briggs dic'd July 2. 191 v He Mrs. Nittie Tidd who lias been:u ’orbin of Fort K>nt in tin* county of time and place, and show cause, if any and friends here. Sunday to attend the Bubar meetings. Aroostook and District aforesaid, a bank- leav(*s beside his children, 2 brothers, clerking for the Oaktield Clothing | they have, why the prayer of said peti­ Rev. Fletcher, State Missionary of Corey Bubar, Andrew- Henderson, | rupt. igned and will nr- \ tioner should not. he granted. James of Littleton, and G. W. Briggs Company, has n ! Xoiji',* is hereby given that >ui tin* the U. B. Society is spending a few Wallace Malone, Maurice McGary. And it is Further Ordered by the Court, eept a position with the L. A. Barker!; A: * 11! day of J Illy. A. I1. 1918 the said weeks in town and will preach at the of Ellsworth, Me., !.", grandchildren That, the Deputy (Jerk shall send by Karney Bates. Ben Courdroy, left last ; I 1 rud>*nt ('orbit) was dulv adjudicated A Co. j mail to all known creditors copies of said U. B. Church on Sunday. Thursday for Camp Devens, Ayer, I and 2 great grandchildren. bankrupt; and that the first meeting Among the out of-town people at- i petition and this order, addressed to A reception for the boys of this of his creditors will be held at the office of Mass. In faith he was a Methodist, being them at their places of residence as town who left for Camp Devens, was tending the play here on Friday night ' Eduiri !,. Vail, in Houlton, on the 17th, MS stated. Mr. J. B. Shields is building a fine a Christian for years, his life was day of August, A. D. 1918, at Puhi o’clock given at the Corner Church Grove on were, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Tarbell of ' Witness the Honorable Clarence Hale, new barn. Jud Brewer of Houlton, j o’clock in the forenoon, at which time an exemplary one and he will be Bangor, Azial Roach and family of Judge of the said Court, and the seal last Tuesday evening. Rev. Fletcher, the said creditors may attend, prove contractor, and Mr. William Howard I j thereof, at Bangor in the Northern Divi­ of Waterville, Me., gave an address, greatly missed not only in the home Merrill, and Mis. Dr. Bigelow of Is- their claims, appoint a trustee, examine has a fine wall laid by James Sulli­ sion of said District, on the 27th day ot land Falls. |the bankrupt, and transact such other excellent music was furnished by the circle hut by many friends who fami­ July A. D. !!MV van of Houlton, for a new barn. business as may properly come before band. Refreshments were served. A The* play given at Martin's Theatre | fL. S.) WILLIAM M. WARREN, liarly called him "Cncle Rehard." said meeting. Miss Eunice Niles will give a Can­ Deputy Ulerk. large crow-d was present and enjoyed on Friday evening, by the Smyrna Dat.-d at Houlton, July 29th. RMS . ning and drying demonstration next “To li”e in hearts we leave behind A true copy of petition and order thereon the evening. Mills Dramatic club, for benefit of EDWIN L. VAIL, Friday, at 2 P. M. at K. O. T. M. Hall. is not to die." Attest: W ILLIAN M. WARREN, One of the best comedy dramas of the Red Cross, was largely attended Referee in Bankruptcy. Deputy Ulerk. the season was given by the local tal­ It is hoped that every woman will make a special effort to be present. ent of Oakfleld, at the Town Hall on July 17th. A large crowd attended A large gathering attended the and were well pleased with the play, Baptismal services on Sunday after which was given for the benefit of noon, when M4 persons were baptised the Red Cross. by Rev. B. C. Bubar, and in the even­ ------m ing at the church MS persons united Obituary with the church. Mr. Leslie Nickerson, who has been sick for some time with heart trouble, EAST HODGDON passed away at his home on the Rev. Kir. Whiteside will preach in Calais Road, July 16th. the Union Church next Sunday. Mr. Nickerson was 58 years of age, Quite a number from here attend­ and the son of the late Mr. and Kirs ed the baptism in Linneus, Sunday. Hiram Nickerson, of New Limerick. Kirs. James Lloyd returned home £arly in life he married Miss Leona from the Hospital Saturday much im­ Sherman, who passed away many proved. years ago. A son and daughter were born to them. Later in life he mar­ Kirs. Earl Kelley and Miss Clara ried Miss Ethel Sherman, and with Henderson are spending a week at his son, Chester, they mourn the loss the lake. of a kind husband and father. He has Benj. Barton and Cecil London, al­ one brother, Frank, of Boston, Mass. so Allie Slater, left here Thursday The funeral services were held at for camp. his home on Thursday P. M. Rev. What Will Be Yoar Answer? Mr. and Kirs. Truman Stairs of H. H. Marr spoke words of comfort Houlton, spent Sunday with Mrs. to the bereaved family. Mr. Nicker­ Herbert Crane. son has always been a respected Mr. and Mrs. Elias Eagers were citizen, and for many years a mem­ the guests of her sister, Mrs. Tweed- ber of the United Baptist Church. ell In Fredericton, N. B. recently. Thousands of our boys are going down into the trenches today— His many friends sympathize with the clean-faced, determ ined, splendid young men—going there to family In their bereavement. Miss Mack of Canterbury, N. B. has • been visiting at the home of Mr. and battle for you. Mrs. Thomas Callnan Sr., the past LETTER B week. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Haggerty of Mrs. Patrick Colton, son, daughter You can at least go down in your pockets for them. Houlton spent Sunday with relatives and Mr. Charles Elliott of Johnsville, here. N. B. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fitzpatrick Joseph Aucoin, the week end. were visiting relatives in Woodstock There’s an arm y. Yes, a dozen arm ies—of stalwart, wind-bron­ Benj. Barton will be greatly mis­ on Sunday. sed here, for he was a great worker zed young men standing between you and the grizzly Hun. Charles Noonan of Boston returned home last week, after spending a few In the Sunday School work, he has These young fellow s are giving their ease, their comfort, their been our Secretary and Treasurer for days In this town. friends and homes, their bodies, the hope of life—giving for you a number of years. Miss Elizabeth Fitzpatrick of Lit­ tleton Is visiting at the home of her — f o r y o u . ancle, Frank Fitzpatrick. MONTICELLO . A large number of people from this A young son arrived at the home of You can at least lend yourjm eney for them? Prove your town were in Linneus Sunday to at­ Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Good on Wednes­ tend the baptismaj service, conducted day last. patriotism w ith dollars. by Rev. B. C. Bubar. Summer has arrived and it has been Mrs. John Watson, Mrs. Mary Dav- 90 degrees in the shade a good deal of ldson and Mrs. H. J. Carpenter of the time the past week. Houlton, were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Carpenter on Donald, the little two-year-old son Saturday evening. of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miller, died Ronald Fitzpatrick of this town left Saturday. Funeral services were held Thursday morning for the training Monday. National War Savings Committee V A R SAVINGS STAMPS -camp at Ayer. This makes the sev­ Many of our town people went to {•9UED0YTK*. enth boy from this town to enter the Houlton, Thursday morning, to see our UNITED STATES 'service of Uncle Sam, which speaks boys off for Camp Devens. It makes GOVERNMENT well for a Plantation of not more us realize that we are in the war to than seventy Inhabitants. The other see so many of our young men going.